A veteran in the Middle Eastern cuisine, Chef Michel brings more than 25 years of experience in . His colorful gastronomy is a delight for the senses; colors, aromas, flavors, presentations and garnishes that come alive in his kitchen. Leaving in 1984, Michel made it his mission to capture the essence of the Lebanese Cuisine and make it live in Al Dabke.

Fun Lebanese Cuisine Facts

A fried ball made from ground chickpeas or fava beans. Falafel is usually Falafel served in a with tehineh.

A traditional Lebanese stew based of yogurt, fried pita bread, can be made Fatta with chicken, lamb, veal knuckles, lamb brain, egg plants, flavoured with , garnished with pine nuts and sumac.

Salad made with toasted or fried pieces of pita bread mixed greens and mixed vegetables.

Haloumi Artisan goat's and sheep milk cheese. Cheese

Chick peas purée with sesame paste, lime juice. Houmous Served as part of a mezzeh or as an accompaniment to grilled meats, and .

Fried minced lamb and (crushed wheat), stuffed with pine nut Kebbeh minced lamb, flavoured with Lebanese seven spices.

Labneh Dip of creamy yoghurt, garnish with dried mint, , serve with bread.

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

Lamb Kofta Grill minced lamb with fresh mint, parsley, onion, flavoured with cinnamon.

Makdous Stuffed pickled baby eggplant with red pepper, walnut and galic.

Meat Fried dough stuffed with ground lamb and pine nut. Sambousek

A selection of small dishes served in the Mediterranean and as Mezzeh lunch or dinner. In Lebanese cuisines and in the Caucasus region, mezzeh is served at the beginning of all meals.

A dip made with grilled eggplant and tehina, lime juice, garnish with chopped Moutabel tomato and parsley.

Rahib el A dip made with grilled eggplant with chopped onion, tomato, parsley, mint Jabal and olive oil.

Sun dried cheese flavoured with thyme served with chopped parsley, onion Shankalish tomato and olive oil.

Shish Cubes of chicken marinated garlic, lime juice, thyme, skewered and grilled. Tawouk

Spinach Baked dough stuffed with a mix of spinach, onions, pine nuts, sumac lime juice and olive oil.

A Middle Eastern spice with a citrus, lemon flaoured used as condiments or as a Sumac garnish on mezzeh, appetizer, salad, entrée.

A salad made of parsley, lime juice, olive oil, crushed wheat, tomatoes Tabouleh it is usually served as part of the mezzeh and is served with lettuce.

Toumieh means garlic in – Toumieh is a garlic dip made with sun flower oil, salt, white egg and olive oil.

Stuffed vine leaves rice, chopped tomato, onions, parsley, mint seasoned with Warak Enab lemon juice and olive oil, served cold.

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

الحساء Soup

حساء العدس Lentil 65 عدس، بصل، ثوم، كمون Lentils, onions, garlic, cumin

لسان عصفور بالدجاج Lesan Asfour with Chicken 70 مكعبات الدجاج، جزر، بصل، كرات Chicken cubes, carrots, onions, leek

شوربة كوارع البتلو Veal Knukles Soup 115 كوارع، ثوم، بصل و عصير ليمون Knukles, garlic, onion and lemon juice

حساء فواكه البحر Seafood 215 جمبرى، كالمارى، سمك، بصل، كزبرة Shrimp, calamari, sea bass, onion خضراء، زعفران fresh coriander, saffron

حساء القيما Eema Soup 85 لحم الغنم المفروم، بصل، طماطم، أرز Minced lamb meat, onion, tomato, rice

المزات الباردة Cold Mezzeh Traditional Lebanese Appetizers

محمرة Mohamara 55 بصل، طماطم، فلفل، خبز، زيت زيتون، عين Chopped onions, tomatoes, pepper جمل bread crumbs, olive oil, walnuts

سالطة الجرجير Arugula Salad 60 جرجير، عصير ليمون، زيت زيتون، بصل، Arugula, lemon juice, olive oil سماق onion, sumac

حمص Houmous 55 حمص مطحون، طحينة، عصير ليمون Chickpea purée, sesame paste, lime juice

متبل Moutabel 55 باذنجان مشوي، طحينة، عصير ليمون Grilled eggplant, sesame paste, lime juice

تبولة Tabouleh 65 بقدونس، عصير ليمون، زيت زيتون، برغل، Chopped parsley, lime juice, olive oil طماطم crushed wheat, tomatoes

فتوش Fattoush 65 طماطم، خيار، خس، فلفل، خس، خبز، زيت Fresh tomatoes, cucumber, pepper زيتون، عصير ليمون lettuce, fried bread, olive oil, lime juice

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

المزات البارد Cold Mezzeh

لبنة بالثوم Garlic Labneh 55 زبادى، ثوم Creamy yoghurt, garlic

ثومية Tomeyah 55 ثوم، زيت زيتون، عصير ليمون Garlic, olive oil, lime juice

ورق عنب Warak Enab 65 ورق عنب محشو مع البصل، بقدونس، نعناع، Vine leaves stuffed with onion, parsley طماطم، أرز mint, tomato, rice

راهب الجبل Rahib El Jabal 55 باذنجان مدخن، عصير ليمون، زيت زيتون، Smoked eggplant, lime juice, olive oil, pepper فلفل

طحينة Tarator (Tehineh) 55 طحينة، عصير الليمون، ثوم، البقدونس Sesame paste, lime juice, garlic, parsley

مسقعة لبنانى Lebanese Mosakaa 55 باذنجان، حمص، طماطم، بصل Eggplant, chickpea, tomato and onion

شنكليش Shanklish 60 جبنه قديمه، زعتر، بصل، طماطم Old cheese, thyme, onion and tomatoes

مكدوس Makdous 85 باذنجان محشو بعين الجمل، ثوم، ,Baby eggplant stuffed with walnuts, garlic فلفل احمر و خل red pepper, pickles and vinegar

بامية بالزيت Okra with Olive Oil 60 بامية، طماطم، بص، ثوم وزيت ,Cooked okra with tomato, onion, garlic and زيتون olive oil حمص بيروتي Houmous Beirut Style 55 حمص مطحون، طحينة، ثوم، بقدونس وعصير Chickpea purée, sesame paste, garlic, parsley and ليمون، زيت زيتون و ثوم lime juice

جبنة مجدولة بالزعتر Majdouleh Cheese with Thyme 75 جبنة البقر المجدولة مع الزعتر و زيت الزيتون Rolled cow cheese with thyme and olive oil

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

المزات الساخنة Hot Mezzeh

فالفل Falafel 60 حمص، كزبره، كمون Chickpea, coriander, cumin

كبة Kebbeh 90 لحم ضأن مفروم، برغل، قرفة Fried minced lamb, crushed wheat cinnamon

نقانق Nakanek 95 لحم ضأن مفروم محشو بالتوابل اللبنانية Sautéed minced lamb, Lebanese spices مع دبس الرمان shank filling with pomegranate syrup

جبن حلوم مشوي Haloumi Cheese 90 جبن مشوى Grilled haloumi cheese

كبد دجاج Chicken Liver 90 كبدة دجاج، ثوم، عصير ليمون، دبس رمان ,Sautéed chicken liver, garlic, lime juice pomegranate syrup

حمص باللحمة Houmous with Lamb 115 حمص مطحون، طحينة، لحم ضأن، صنوبر Chickpea purée and sesame paste topped with sautéed lamb, pine nuts

مرقوق عرائس لحم الضأن Markouk Lamb Arrays 135 خبز المرقوق المشوي والمحشو بالحم المفروم، Grilled markouk bread, stuffed minced lamb بقدونس، بصل parsley, onion

مسبحة الحمص Mesabaha Chickpea 70 حمص مسلوق مع الثوم وعصير الليمون وزيت Boiled chickpea, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil الزيتون

بطاطا حارة Chili Potato 60 بطاطس، كزبره، شطه Potato, coriander and chili

عجائن مملحة Savory Pastry

رقاق بالجبن Rokak Cheese 60 رقائق مقلية ومحشوة بالجبن الحلوم والزعتر Fried pastry filled with halloumi cheese and thyme

سمبوسك باللحم Meat Sambousek 70 سمبوسك، لحم ضأن، بصل، توابل لبنانية Pastry filled with lamb, onions, oriental spices

مناقيش بالزعتر Manakiesh with Thyme 70 خبز صاج، زعتر، زيت زيتون Savory topping with thyme and olive oil

كالج بالجبنة الحلوم Kellaj Haloum Cheese 70 خبز صاج، جبنة، طماطم نعناع Savory topping with cheese, tomato and mint

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

المشويات From the Mastic Scented Charcoal Grill

شيش طاووك Shish Tawouk 215 دجاج، ثوم، عصير ليمون، زعتر Chicken, garlic, lime juice, thyme

كباب ضانى Lamb Kebab 330 لحم ضأن، زيت زيتون، سبع بهارات Lamb, olive oil;, seven spices

كباب بتلو Veal Kebab 315 لحم بتلو، زيت زيتون، توابل لبنانية Veal, olive oil, Lebanese spices

ريش ضأن Lamb Cutlets 585 ريش ضأن، بصل، توابل شرقية Lamb cutlet, onion, oriental spices

كفتة لبناني Lebanese Kofta 225 لحم ضأن، بقدونس، نعناع، بصل Minced lamb, parsley, mint, onion

ريش بتلو Veal Cutlets 595 ريش بتلو، بصل، توابل شرقي 400 جرام Veal cutlet, onion, oriental spices 400 gram

مشويات مشكلة Mixed Grill 370 كفتة ضأن، دجاج، لحم بتلو، ريش ضانى Lamb kofta, shish tawouk veal kabab, lamb chops

دجاج مشوى Grilled Chicken 220 دجاج مشوى متبل بالثوم، عصير الليمون و Grilled chicken marinated with garlic, lime juice زيت الزيتون olive oil

All Grilled Dishes are Served with Baked Potatoes or Oriental Rice and Grilled Seasonal Vegetables

جميع األصناف المشوية تقدم مع بطاطس مشوية أو أرز شرقي وخضروات الموسم

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

ركن األسماك المشوية Where Tradition Meets Modernization Seafood

جمبري مشوي )قريدس( Grilled Shrimp 495 جمبرى، زيت زيتون، عصير ليمون، كزبرة، King shrimp, olive oil, lime juice ثوم coriander, garlic

مشويات البحر المشكلة Mixed Seafood Grilled 585 جمبرى، سمك فليه Shrimp, sea bass fillet

بحريات الدبكة Al Dabké Seafood 765 إستاكوزا و جمبرى زيت الزيتون، عصير Grilled lobster and shrimp, olive oil, lime juice الليمون الكزبرة، الثوم coriander, garlic

جمبرى مقلى Fried Shrimp 495 جمبرى، بهارات لبناني، عصير ليمون Shrimp, Lebanese herbs, lemon juice

Seabass Fillet Catch of the Day (Beirut or Traboulsy Style) سمك القاروص الطازج

سمك القاروص المطهو على الطريقة البيروتية Baked seabass fillet served with مع طماطم، بصل، فلفل، كزبرة، صنوبر، ثوم، beirut sauce(tomato, onions, green pepper, 510 فلفل حار ( coriander, pine nut, garlic, chili

سمك القاروص المطهو على الطريقة ,Traboulsy sauce (onion, coriander, green pepper الطرابلسية مع بصل، كزبرة، فلفل اخضر، (chili, pine seeds, sesame paste صنوبر، طحينة

The Grilled Seafood Dishes are served with Baked Potatoes or Seafood Rice and Grilled Vegetables األسماك تقدم مع بطاطس مشوية أو أرز سمك و خضروات الموسم

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

ركن طواجن الفتة Fatta Corner

فتة دجاج Chicken Fatta 205 دجاج مسلوق، حمص، خبز لبنانى محمص، Boiled chicken, chickpeas, roasted Lebanese زبادى، زبدة، ثوم، صنوبر bread, yogurt, butter, garlic, pine nuts

فتة غنم Ghanam Fatta 275 ضانى مسلوق، خبز لبنانى محمص، زبادى، Boiled lamb, roasted Lebanese bread زبدة، ثوم، صنوبر yogurt, butter, garlic, pine nuts

فتة كوارع Knuckles Fatta 265 كوارع ضانى مسلوقة، خبز لبنانى محمص، ,Steamed lamb knuckles, roasted Lebanese bread زبادى، ثوم، صنوبر yogurt, butter, garlic, pine nuts

فتة ملوخية مع الدجاج Molokhia with Chicken 245 ملوخية، دجاج مسلوق خبز لبنانى محمص، Molokhia, sautéed chicken أرز، زبدة، ثوم، صنوبر تقدم مع البصل و خل roasted Lebanese bread, rice, butter, garlic pine العنب األحمر و عصير الليمون nuts, served with chopped onions with red grape vinegar and lemon

فتة ملوخية مع اللحمة الضاني Molokhia with Lamb 270 ملوخية، ضانى محمر خبز لبنانى محمص، Molokhia, sautéed lamb أرز، زبدة، ثوم، صنوبر تقدم مع البصل و خل roasted Lebanese bread, rice, butter, garlic pine العنب األحمر و عصير الليمون nuts, served with chopped onions with red grape vinegar and lemon

فتة حمص Chickpea Fatta 170 حمص، خبز محمص تقدم مع صوص الزبادى Hummus, crispy bread served with yoghurt sauce

فتة سبانخ Spinach Fatta 150 سبانخ، خبز محمص تقدم مع صوص الزبادى Spinach, crispy bread served with yoghurt sauce

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

AL Dabké Plate De Jour

االثنين Monday يخنة الخضار Seasonal Fresh Vegetable 255 (Green Peas with Carrot, Beans, Spinach, Okra) يخنة الخضار الطازجة حسب الموسم Fresh vegetable stew with meat served with rice )فاصولياء، بسلة بالجزر، سبانخ او بامية( مع اللحمة و تقدم مع ارز

الثالثاء Tuesday محشى كوسة و ورق عنب بالكوارع Stuffed Zucchini & Vine Leaves 275 and Knuckles محشى كوسة و ورق عنب باللحمة المفرومة Stuffed with rice, minced lamb served with يقدم مع الزبادى yogurt

االربعاء Wednesday كفتة بالطحينة Kofta with Tahina 240 كفته مشوية مع الكزبرة تقدم مع األرز األبيض ,Grilled kofta, fresh coriander served with white rice

الخميس Thursday كرنب محشى بالكوارع Stuffed Cabbage with Knuckles 290 كرنب محشى مع االرز و اللحمة الضانى ,Stuffed cabbage with rice, minced lamb, mint served with knuckles المفرومة و النعناع تقدم مع الكوارع

الجمعة Friday قلقاس بالحم البتلو Taro with Veal 255 يخنة القلقاس باللحم البتلو بصلصة النعناع Taro stew with veal, mint and coriander flavors والكزبرة، تقدم مع االرز sauce, served with rice

السبت Saturday مقلوبة باذنجان Maklouba Eggplant 275 مكعبات اللحم ،أرز، باذنجان يقدم مع الزبادي Meat cubes, rice, eggplant served with yogurt

االحد Sunday كبة باللبن Kebbah Bel Laban 195 لحم الغنم المفروم، صوص زبادي، ,Minced lamb meat with yogurt sauce, garlic ثوم، نعناع تقدم مع األرز األبيض mint served with white rice

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

Lebanese Style Menu

Set Menu 1 Set Menu 2 Mezzah Mezzah Selection of Hot and Cold Mezzeh Selection of Hot and Cold Mezzeh

Main Course Main Course Mixed Grill Mixed Sea Food Shish Tawouk, Chicken, Garlic, Lime, Thyme Shrimp, Sea-Bass Fillet Veal kebab, Seven Spices, Olive Oil Garlic, Lime Juice, Olive Oil Lamb Kofta, Parsley, Mint, Cinnamon Served with Lebanese Seafood Rice Lamb Chops, Nutmeg, Olive Oil and Sautéed Vegetables Served with Oriental Rice and Grilled vegetables

Dessert Dessert Dessert of the Day Dessert of the Day L.E 485++ L.E 675++

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

Weekend Special Ask the Chef for the Special Dish of the Weekend

دجاجة صغيرة محشوة ومخبوزة Baked stuffed Baby Chicken 225 مخبوزة ومحشية باالرز والحم المفروم ومتبل Filled and baked with rice minced meat and بسبع انواع من التوابل ويقدم مع صوص عين seven spices served with walnut sauce الجمل

فيليه البقر المحشو والمخبوز Roasted Beef fillet 295 محشوة ومخبوزة بالكزبرة والثوم Roasted and stuffed with coriander, garlic and والصنوبرتقدم مع األرز الشرقي وصوص pine nut served with oriental rice and coriander الكزبرة sauce

فخذ العجل المخبوز والملفوف Roll & Bake veal leg 325 Baked veal leg rolled and seasoned served with فخذ البتلو المخبوز والمتبل يقدم مع الشعيرية vermicelli and garlic & onion sauce وصوص البصل والثوم

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge

Nutritious meals designed around select dietary needs and diet-dependent requirements.

Created using fresh and nutritionally balanced ingredients, Healthy Cuisine dishes contribute to optimal health & wellness.


Vegan & Vegetarian

Selection of Cold & Hot Mezzeh Fatouch, hummus, stuffed vine leaves, mutable Grilled halloumi cheese & cheese samboussek 150

Dash Diet & Diabetic

Sea bass Beirut style Fillet of sea bass: tomato, onion, fresh coriander, green pepper served with seafood rice 495

Gluten Free & Macrobiotic

Lebanese Mastic Grill Char grilled chicken “Shish Tawouk”, veal kebab, Served with grilled vegetables 355

Healthy Cuisine Dishes Contribute to Optimal Health and Wellness Vegetarian Dish Dear Guest, should you have special dietary requirements, allergies, or may wish to know about the ingredients used, please ask a member of the staff Kindly note that in order to guarantee the quality of the dishes, there are no other food items served in this outlet other than listed on this menu All prices are quoted in Egyptian Pound (LE) and are subject to applicable fees and taxes as well as 12% service charge