B-293871,B-293871.2 Specialty Marine, Inc
Comptroller General of the United States United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 Decision Matter of: Specialty Marine, Inc. File: B-293871; B-293871.2 Date: June 17, 2004 Robert E. Korroch, Esq., Williams Mullen, for the protester. David D. Bach, Esq., Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, for the agency. Edward Goldstein, Esq., and Christine S. Melody, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, GAO, participated in the preparation of the decision. DIGEST Protest that agency improperly obtained services outside scope of multiple-award indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contracts is denied where services were reasonably encompassed by the contracts at issue. DECISION Specialty Marine, Inc. protests the decision of the Department of the Navy, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, USN, Portsmouth, VA (SUPSHIP) to obtain maintenance and repair services for the USNS MOHAWK (T-ATF 170) and the USNS APACHE (T-ATF 172) 1 under certain multiple-award, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (ID/IQ) task order contracts. Specialty Marine principally maintains that these services are outside the scope of the ID/IQ contracts, and that by acquiring them under the contracts, the agency has engaged in improper bundling. We deny the protest. 1 The Navy explains that the designation “ATF” is an acronym for “Fleet Ocean Tug” and the prefix “T” signifies that the ship is assigned to the Commander, Military Sealift Command (MSC). Contracting Officer (CO) Statement at 1 n.2. In 2000, SUPSHIP issued a solicitation contemplating the award of multiple ID/IQ contracts for “ship repair and shipalt installation.”2 Request for Proposals (RFP) No.
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