Andrew L Chaikin,Victoria Kohl | 224 pages | 26 Aug 2009 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780670020782 | English | New York, NY, United States Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences - collectSPACE: Messages Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences ExperiencesAndrew Chaikin SpaceRef Review: As we descend upon the 40th anniversary of the first humans to stand on the moon, the books, and movies, and DVDs, and websites all seem hell bent on a collision — each one trying to best encapsulate the Apollo experience. While was the first mission to put people on the moon — other missions followed. And while the experience of walking on the Moon was shared by a precious few, the opinions of the moonwalkers are remarkably diverse so as to allow everyone to identify with Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences it must have been like to be there. Indeed, if there is anyone who has lived and breathed Apollo for the past 40 years, it has been Andy. Now, suddenly, it is new again. Andy did not write this book in the traditional sense. The words are virtually all from the Apollo crews. Nor did he take the pictures — they were also taken by others. He weaved their words and pictures into a narrative about what it was like to go, to live, and then to return from this amazing place. Many of the images are familiar but many more are not. Often, the images chosen for this book were not what people wanted to see in Life Magazine inso they were never seen by more than a Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences few. I am not certain if it was taken on approach or on return from the Moon. That said, it shows a small grey orb, partially lit in the distance — again it is either a destination or a memory. Across from the image is a quote from astronaut Fred Haise which captures the moment when the crew simultaneously knew that their dreams were crushed — and their lives were very much at risk. We seem to have forgotten just how awe- inspiring a place the Moon truly is. It is good that these voices were brought back together, perhaps one last time. A decade hence, that number will be much smaller. Soon there will only be words and pictures. This book will be at the top of the pile. Skip to content Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar ExperiencesAndrew Chaikin SpaceRef Review: As we descend upon the 40th anniversary of the first humans to stand on the moon, the books, and movies, and DVDs, and websites all seem hell bent on a collision — each one trying to best encapsulate the Apollo experience. [Voices from the Moon] |

Now, using never-before-published quotes taken from his in-depth interviews with twenty-three of the twenty-four Apollo lunar astronauts, Chaikin and his collaborator, Victoria Kohl, have created an extraordinary account of the lunar missions. In Voices from the Moon the astronauts vividly recount their experiences in intimate detail; their distinct personalities and remarkably varied perspectives emerge from their candid and deeply personal reflections. Carefully assembled into a narrative that reflects the entire arc of the lunar journey, Voices from the Moon captures the magnificence of the like no other book. Paired with their own words are images taken from NASA's new high-resolution scans of the photos the astronauts took during the missions. Many of the photos, which are reproduced with stunning and unprecedented detail, have rarely -- if ever -- been seen by the general public. Voices from the Moon is an utterly unique chronicle of these defining moments in human history. First impressions are that this is a must have if your an Apollo fanatic. The photos are excellent. There are some I have not seen in print in some time. Very well Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences. The narrative by the crew members is really well done. This is from a fast scan of this volume. Chaikin has another winner. There are an number of Apollo related books coming out this year. Hope they're all this good. I really highly recommend this one! I will be doing a thorough read Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences weekend. I can't get enough of the Apollo program. Some pretty obscure pictures, and even the familiar ones have an interesting crop and have been milked for detail. The quotes photos and layout work beautifully. Andy and his wife have done a great job on this book, and I highly recommend it. The writing is as good as the photos, a must have for Apollo enthusiasts. I envy Mr. Chaikin in what was obviously a labor love. How many of us have had the oppurtunity to meet with an Apollo astronaut or even still a moon walker. And then to collect their remembrances! Thanks for sharing the results of your work. The photos are excellent and there were some that even I had never seen before. But the most interesting part to me are the numerous quotes from interviews that Chaikin had with the Apollo astronauts. There are some moving observations there Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences I can never get enough of these men sharing their adventures. This is a must for every Apollo-fan. Reading it allows you to get a better feel for the way the astronauts speak and what they think of participating in the program. I will never ask Dave Scott how it feels? A wonderful guy! We shared our experiences of seeing the launch of Apollo 17 as two 16 year old kids. I find myself inevitably comparing it to "Full Moon. Thanks again to Andy for this beautiful book and for finding another way to mine the gold from his interviews with our lunar explorers! I just knew I wouldn't be disappointed; also great pictures. I love the picture of McDivitt and Cernan having a good laugh. If you are celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11 with the purchase of a space book, then this is THE one to buy. Andy Chaikin has done it again and may even have surpassed himself in relation to his earlier stunning volumes. Andrew Chaikin has done a brilliant job marrying the astronauts observations with images, some rarely heard or seen in print. The first of two standout parts, for me, are on page when Fred Haise describes his disappointment at the 'failure' of Apollo 13's primary mission. The two images of him during the flight which accompany the text are very poignant, portraying his feelings, sadly, very well. Also, as we know, Buzz has gone on record stating how difficult he found events post A11, including the 'world tour. I have borrowed it from my local public library as my current economic situation does not allow me the luxury of owning it. Having read the book I must state that I have very mixed feelings about it. On the positive side: Clearly this book is very well researched, written, and illustrated. Many of the photographs are ones that I have never seen before. The astronauts own words and sentiments seem quite genuine, thoughtful, and refreshingly candid. As one who has never met an astronaut not for lack of wanting I found that by linking a given astronauts words on various subjects over the different pages I could discern a somewhat better measure of each man than I had in the past from reading their bios, books, etc. I think that is what this book is trying to do and in that regard it does it well. Clearly the passage of time between when the astronauts made their space journeys and when they were interviewed for this book has given them a deep sense of perspective and distance figuratively that makes it easier for the non-space traveler me to better grasp their experiences. That was a very positive thing that I came away from this book with. On the negative side: On the very first page of the book the author dedicates the book 'to the four hundred thousand individuals - the men and women of Apollo - who worked to turn a science fiction dream into reality. Without them, the words and images on these pages would not exist. Belying its title the book is clearly about more than the moon for it encompasses aspects of the entire Apollo program and those men's voices were a part of that. On page 61 speaks of irony. Well I found it overtly ironic, and more than a bit saddening for me, to see that the book was published in China. And it was done so for one reason - to reduce its cost so that those that made it and published it can Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences their profits. It's Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences simple. And the irony Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences the fact that so many in the space community - including many of these same astronauts - say that the next flag planted on the moon will be the Chinese flag. And it will be paid for by our ridiculously obese trade imbalance with them that is driven by greed. So sad that one of Americas greatest achievements has to be 'published in China'. That soured my whole take on the book. And on a neutral note: I found it somewhat ironic - and perhaps a bit bemusing - to overlay two quotes from Dave Scott: "I cannot count the number of times somebody has said to me, 'What does it feel like to be on the moon? I don't want to try and figure that out anymore. I've done my best. I said, "Hey Al, what's it really like? And all he had to do was look me in the eye, and I could read it. And he said, "It's spectacular. Oh come on. The fact that the book was manufactured in China just means that it was too expensive to be done in the US and even with a Chinese-production, some, like you, couldn't afford it. And it wasn't published, just manufactured. And what about Dennis Jenkins' authoritative book on the shuttle? It was also manufactured in China and printed in Hong Kong because it was the only way to bring costs down - and on a sidenote no US publishers was interested in his book in the first place. Should we throw it away too? I'd rather have this book coming out of China then no book at all. But of course, from a jobs perspective, I can understand. Posts: From: Co. I understand what you're trying to say Paul, but in Dave's defense, he asked Shepard what it was like just after - but Scott said he was sick of answering the question in I think it was a interview with Andrew Chaikin, which was 16 years Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences he had walked on the moon. I think there's a difference being asked what it feels like just after the event, and being asked for the zillionth time 16 years later! By the way, I think the book is fantastic. I bought it a few months ago in a bookstore and the unique images, combined with the astronaut's descriptions make this a must-read for those interested in the Apollo-era. I liked the book so much, I brought it to Autographica last month, and had Fred Haise and Gerry Griffin sign it for me in person. Highly Recommended! Space News space history and artifacts articles Messages space history discussion forums Sightings worldwide astronaut appearances Resources selected space history documents. Monaghan, Republic of Ireland Registered: Mar Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences by Andrew Chaikin

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Voices from the Moon by Andrew Chaikin. Victoria Kohl. The epic of the Apollo missions told in the astronauts' own words and gorgeously illustrated with their photographs Andrew Chaikin's A Man on the Moon is considered the definitive history of the Apollo moon missions-arguably the pinnacle of human experience. Now, using never-before-published quotes taken from his in-depth interviews with twenty-three of the twenty-four Apol The epic of the Apollo missions told in the astronauts' own words and gorgeously illustrated with their photographs Andrew Chaikin's A Man on the Moon is considered the definitive history of the Apollo moon missions-arguably the pinnacle of human experience. Now, using never-before-published quotes taken from his in-depth interviews with twenty-three of the twenty-four Apollo lunar astronauts, Chaikin and his collaborator, Victoria Kohl, have created an extraordinary account of the lunar missions. In Voices from the Moon the astronauts vividly recount their experiences in intimate detail; their distinct personalities and remarkably varied perspectives emerge from their candid and Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences personal reflections. Carefully assembled into a narrative that reflects the entire arc of the lunar journey, Voices from the Moon captures the magnificence of the Apollo program like no other book. Paired with their own words are images taken from NASA's new high-resolution scans of the photos the astronauts took during the missions. Many of the photos, which are reproduced with stunning Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences unprecedented detail, have rarely-if ever-been seen by the general public. Voices from the Moon is an utterly unique chronicle of these defining moments in human history. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Voices from the Moonplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Apr 09, Lorenzo rated it liked it. Nov 08, Joan rated it it was amazing. The Apollo lunar flights are arguably the greatest adventure in human history. Here astronauts who have traveled to the moon describe their experiences. Quotes from interviews with twenty-three Apollo astronauts create a unique account of their lunar experiences and shape a spectacular narrative that speaks to the entire arc of the lunar journey. The book offers readers an extraordinary first-person chronicle of their lunar adventures. Highly recommended. Jun 27, Sherri rated it it was amazing. For those of us obsessed by the lunar space program, it is a book to lazily ready through, looking at all the pictures and flipping back and forth, matching up astronauts with Apollo programs. I think I will have to own this! Dec 02, Kim Early rated it it was amazing. This is a lovely, Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences book of photographs of the manned lunar explorations and quotes from the men who made those longest of long-distance flights. Sep 07, Ricki Ward rated it it was amazing Shelves: sciencenon-fictionspacehistoryphotography5-star-favorites. Voices from the Moon is an amazing collection of stunning NASA photographs combined with the Apollo astronauts' candid and intimately detailed personal recollections of their lunar voyages. I loved every word and every frame. Nov 12, Heather rated it it was amazing. The stuff you really always wanted to know about going to the moon I least I always did : what does weightlessness feel like? Wonderful, beautiful book! Nov 24, Rod Pyle added it. A fun read as told by those who were there, as channeled through Andy Chaikin and his wife. Oct 26, Katie rated it it was amazing. Very good. Nicely put together. As good of a description you can get of what it's like to travel Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences space and go to the moon. Very neat. Chris rated it liked it Nov 27, Jim Laymon rated it really liked it May 19, Jessica Harrison rated it it was amazing Sep 23, Fergal rated it really liked it Apr 20, Richard Weston rated it it was amazing May 25, Steven Kent rated it really liked it Aug 20, Bob rated it it was amazing Nov 29, Rochelle rated it liked it Jun 06, Keelin rated it really liked it Jul 10, Rory Braybrook rated it liked it Jan 08, Keith Haviland rated it really liked it Oct 23, Duncan rated it really liked it Jul 07, Sharon rated it really liked it Jun 09, Brian rated it really liked it Sep 26, Richard Gemperline rated it really liked it Aug 20, John Paddock rated it really Voices from the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences it Dec 11, Blaine rated it it was amazing Oct 07, Brenna rated it liked it Jan 13, Dave rated it it was amazing Dec 19, Jennifer rated it it was amazing Feb 27, Chris Johnston rated it it was amazing Dec 24, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Andrew Chaikin. Andrew Chaikin. Award-winning science journalist and space historian Andrew Chaikin has authored books and articles about space exploration and astronomy for more than 25 years. First published inthis acclaimed work was the main basis for ' part HBO miniseries, From the Earth to the Moon, which won the Emmy for best miniseries in Chaikin spent eight years writing and researching A Man on the Moon, including over hours of personal interviews with 23 of the 24 lunar astronauts Apollo 13's was already deceased. Apollo moonwalker Gene Cernan said of the book, "I've been there. Chaikin took me back. He co-authored the text for the highly successful collection of Apollo photography, Full Moon, which was published by Knopf in He also co-edited The New Solar System, a compendium of writings by planetary scientists, now in its fourth edition. He has been an advisor to NASA on space policy and public communications. He is an amateur musician and songwriter; he has also been an occasional space artist, and is one of the founders of the International Association of Astronomical Artists. Books by Andrew Chaikin. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't