New Modernities: Reimagining Science, Technology and Development SHEILA JASANOFF John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT ‘Development’ operates as an allegedly value-neutral concept in the policy world. This essay describes four mechanisms that have helped to strip develop- ment of its subjective and meaning-laden elements: persistent misreading of technology as simply material and inanimate; uncritical acceptance of models, including economic ones, as adequate representations of complex systems; failure to recognize routine practices as repositories of power; and erasing history and time as relevant factors in producing scenarios for the future. Failure to take these elements into account has led to inequality, injustice and unintended consequences in many development projects. Interpretive analysis of develop- ment tools and concepts is a much-needed corrective. KEY WORDS Development, progress, technological determinism, capacity building, science and technology studies PROLOGUE: THE PATCHWORK OF MODERNITY Item: In July 1999, the British biotechnology company Zeneca Limited reports that vandals have destroyed an experimental plot of 150 genetically modified trees at its agricultural research station in Berkshire. The episode reflects rising concern about the introduction of genetically modified crops and foods in Europe. The company says the trees were being grown as part of a study Environmental Values 11 (2002): 253–76 © 2002 The White Horse Press, Cambridge, UK. 254 SHEILA JASANOFF to reduce pollution in the paper industry and adds that it is a sad day for both science and environmentalism. Item: On November 30, 1999, the World Trade Organization begins its Third Ministerial Meeting in Seattle, Washington.