The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2Nd February, 1943
1940-41-42-43. THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 01? THE CANBERRA, 2ND FEBRUARY, 1943. Presented fursuant to Statute ; ordered to be printed, Qth March, 1943. I Cott of Paper.-—Preparation, not given ; 700 copies ; approximate cost of printing and publishing, £33.] Printed and Published for the GOVEENMEKT of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA by L. F. JOHNSTON, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra. (Printed in Australia.) No. 93. [GROUP H.]~U.814.—PBIOE IS. 4D. MEMBERS OF THE PAELIAMENTAEY STANDING COMMITTEE ON BROADCASTING, (Appointed 3rd September, 1942.) Chairman: ARTHUR AUGUSTUS CALWELL, M.H.E. Vice-Chairman : The Honorable SIK CHARLES WILLIAM CLANAN MARK, K.C.V.O., D.S.O., M.C., V.D., M.H.R. Senate. House of Representatives. Senator STANLEY KEKIN AMOUR. HERBERT CLAUDE BARNARD, M.H.R. Senator WALTER JACKSON COOPER, M.B.E. HERBERT VICTOR JOHNSON, M.H.R. Senator the Honorable HERBERT HAYS, ARCHIBALD GEENFELL PRICE, C.M.G., D.Litt., M.H.R. WILLIAM JAMES FREDERICK RIOKDAN, M.H.R. FIRST REPORT OF THE PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON BROADCASTING. CONTENTS, P.AGB, Religions Broadcasts— The National Service . , , , ,., . , . , , , ,, , , , , g The Commercial Service . ., . , , ., ,, 7 Recordings and Studio Productions . .. .. ., , . g Australian Music Composers and Artiste . , . , ., , . $ Copyright- Authors' Performing Bight Fees . , . , ., . , . , , . , , . , l\ Registration and Filing of Lists of Works .. ,. .. , , . ., ,. ,. , , 13 Performances for Religious, Educational or Charitable Objects , , . , . , , . , . 13 Record Manufacturers' Performing Right Fees . , . .. , , 13 The A.B.G. WeeHy ., ., .. .. .. ., .. ., .. ,, ., 14 Political Broadcasts— The National Service . , . , , . , . , . , , , , . , , , X4 The Commercial Service . , , 16 National Broadcasting Accounts— Budgets of Programme Expenditure . • . , . .. , .. 18 Technical Service Accounts . , . .. .. , ,. ,. 16 Programme Accounts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,, , . 16 Composite Programme and Technical Service Accounts .
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