ANNIVERSARIES - JANUARY: Nick & Mary Budzak (20)  Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity JANUARY BIRTHDAYS: Jerry Oleksyn (01), Alexa Smyrnov (01), Vladyslav Drozdovskyy (02), Tetiana Mandrykina (03), Jean Zaleschuk (04), Marina Ko- January 2017 Monthly Bulletin dak (04), Lissa Kindrachuk (05), Tatiana Iatsiuk (05), Gloria Fornier  (Ksiondzyna) (06), Inna Zhukov (06), Serhiy Koroliuk (06), Sonia Kodak (08), Olena Malko (10), Glen Paziuk (10), Kelly Helmke (11), Riley Bohle (12), Vitalii Dzhura (12), Zenia Kalyn (14), Oksana Oleksandrenko (14), Dobr. Joanne Makowsky (15), Anna Mandrykina (16), Dennis Zlipko (16), Alice Sopatyk (17), Yaroslav Dobushevsky (19), Vesper Kowalsky (19), Dmytro Odintsov (19), Ron Skwarchuk (19), Stephanie Kindrachuk (22), Kyleigh Skoretz (22), Oleksander Aleksandrenko (23), Christina Rybalka (23), Marcie Braun (24), Volodymyr Kurnosov (25), Mark Scriviner (25), Connie Demkiw (26), Ivanka Prystupa (26), Syl Syrnick (27), Diane Doktor (29), Volodymyr Pohrebniak (29), Doreen Petrow (31), Anfisa Rudnitsky (31) David Trischuk (31)

Thank You  Dobr. Joanne and myself wish to thank the Cathedral Council and the faithful, for the beautiful evening commemorating our service in God’s vineyard. Thank you to Fr.’s Demczuk and Wasylenko for serving the Thanksgiving Moleben, our cantors and Altar Tropar, Tone 4 Servers. It was a memorable evening in our lives. God Bless you all. An exquisite meal of delicious appetizers were prepared by our ladies. Thank you again. Your Nativity, O Christ our God, has shone the Light of Knowledge upon the world. For by it those who worshiped the stars were taught by a star to worship You, the Sun of CHURCH DIRECTORY Righteousness, and to know You as the Orient from on High. O Lord, glory to You Parish Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274  Parish Council President – Antonichuk - 306-374-5919  Sunday Church School - Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595  Parish Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452  TYC/UOMA President – Ron Trischuk – 306-244-1867 V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky UWAC President—Carol Cisecki—306-343-9987 CYMK President – Reece Smith [email protected] Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452 Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595  Sunday: Hours—9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. 18 січня - Православна церква відзначає день Навечір’я Хрещення ON THE HOLY WATER (The Great Blessing of Waters) By touching the water of the Господнього або Водохресний Святвечір. Jordan River in which He was baptized, our Lord Jesus Christ blessed not only the water of 18 січня Православна церква відзначає день Навечір’я Хрещення the Jordan River, but the nature of water in general, and the waters of everywhere, thus Господнього або Водохресний Святвечір. making water a cleansing and blessing factor thanks to the divine energy imparted to the Водохресний святвечір – це вечір – приготування перед великим Jordan water, as sung in the relevant troparion: “Today the waters are blessed... .” That is православним святом, яке називається Богоявлення Господнє або why, the water blessed on the Holy Theophany of our Lord possesses healing and blessing Водохреща. Це свято православної церкви належить до числа powers. This is the reason why the water blessed on the Holy Theophany of our Lord during двунадесятих. У цей день згадується хрещення Ісуса Христа Іоанном the Great Blessing of Waters remains fresh for a long time; it remains just as fresh, clean Предтечею (Хрестителем) в річці Йордан. . . . . and tasty as if it were taken right from the spring, which was noticed by the Holy Fathers Святитель Іоанн Золотоуст так говорить про це свято: „Чому long ago. The members of the congregation must all participate in the Holy Theophany ser- Богоявленням називається не той день, в який народився Христос, а vice so that they can cleanse themselves through the holy water. The holy water they take той, в який Він хрестився? Цей день є той самий, в який Він home is kept in a place of honor, in clean vessels, and is drunk on an empty stomach, on хрестився і освятив водне єство, Він явив Себе світу. Саме тому в це свято опівночі, всі почерпнувши води, приносять її додому, і regular fasting days and one-day fasting days or on great holidays. In case of illness, the sick зберігають весь рік; і відбувається явне знамення: ця вода у своїй drink a little holy water or sprinkle it on the body’s affected parts to help the healing pro- сутності не псується на протязі довгого часу, а залишається свіжою, cess. In order to emphasize the importance of the holy water blessed during the Great начебто тільки що взятою з джерела”. . . . Blessing of Waters, the Church has kept the tradition of “going with the baptism.” On the Чудодійних дій святої води сподобляються лише ті, хто days before and after the Holy Theophany until the Leave-taking of Theophany, the priests споживає її з живою вірою в обітниці Божі і силу молитви Святої go and sprinkle the houses and the believers with holy water while singing the troparion: Церкви, ті, які мають чисте і щире бажання змінити життя, покаятися When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan… .” The effects of the holy water blessed і спастися through the rite of the Great Blessing of Waters are indicated by the very ritual of the ser- Хрещенська вода – це святиня, яка має бути в домі кожного vice where the priest prays: “And give it the grace of redemption, the blessing of Jordan. православного християнина. ЇЇ бережно зберігають біля святих ікон. Make it a fountain of incorruption, a gift of sanctification, a remission of sins, a protection Хрещенська вода, як і Святе Причастя, приймається віруючими against diseases, a destruction of demons, inaccessible to hostile powers, filled with angelic тільки натщесерце. might. And may it be to all those who draw of it and partake of it unto the cleansing of Освячуюча і животворча дія святої води розповсюджується як на souls and bodies, unto the healing of passions, unto the sanctification of homes and unto тіло і душу людини, так і на всі предмети, які служать для її every expedient purpose.” Let us cleanse our souls by partaking in the miracle of blessing of духовного і тілесного життя. Свята вода гасить полум’я пристрастей. the nature of waters and by drinking the holy water blessed through the rite of the Great Відганяє злих духів – ось чому окроплюють святою водою домівки і Blessing of Waters, for us and our homes. AMEN. всяку річ, яку освячують. Таку силу вода отримує через молитовне призивання на неї Божого благословення. (   Annual General Meeting   Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Sunday, January 29, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! We are all part of the puzzle. Come help put it together! Come hear reports, th The evening of January 18 , 2017 is the eve of Theophany. At 5:00p.m., the Great Blessing participate in electing your new executive and committee members and help formulate plans & of water service shall be served, followed by the Holy Theophany Congregational supper in Projects for 2017. the Auditorium. To assist is preparing for the Holy Supper please pur- Річні Загальні Збори Катедральної Громади chase your ticket from Carol Shinkewski or Alicia Klopoushak so they Збори відудуться в адиторії У неділю, 29-го січня, 2016 р. У год. 1:00 по обіді Просимо всіх know how much to prepare for. членів прибути на ці важливі збори Почути звіти, вибрати новий заряд Та рішити проекти на Adults and children 7 years and up are $5.00 слідуючий рік. Children 6 and under free.

 Вечеря Вареників: Слідуюча вечеря вареників       відбудиться у п'ятницю, 24-го лютого - Просимо всіх від год. 5:00 – 7:00 вечором.  Ціна за вечерю з десертом є $12.00.   Ковбаса та голубці окремо продаються. Theophany Divine Liturgy Next All-You-Can-Eat Varenyky Supper: Thursday, January 19, 2017, the Divine Liturgy commemorating The next all you can eat Varenyky Supper will held at the the Feast day of Theophany- The Baptism of our Lord, shall be Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium on Friday, February 24nd from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. served at 9:30 a.m. in the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral. The Cost is $12.00 (includes dessert) Extras priced separately. Bring your family and friends Great Blessing of water for the Feast day shall follow. Very Rev. Fr. Taras will make his way to the Ilarion Residence for 12:30 noon The Eve of the Holy Nativity. to start visiting the faithful with Blessed water. Please refer to On the evening of January 06, 2017, the Nativity Complines commence at 10:00 p.m. The Nativity Divine the proposed schedule to know when Fr. Taras may be in your Liturgy commences at 11:00 p.m. area.    Theophany/Epiphany, the miracle of the River Jordan, and Хрещення Господнє, Богоявлення “ 

the Great Prophet John the Baptist Свято Хрещення Господнього розкриває нам велику таємницю благочестя і справу Божої любові до Teachings by St. John Maximovitch усього людства. Бог приходить до Свого творіння й приймає гріхи світу через води хрещенської купелі. Увесь всесвіт долучається до Божого плану спасіння, зцілення, прощення та оновлення у Today the nature of the waters is sanctified. Today the Son of God is baptized in the водах ріки Йордан. waters of the Jordan, having no need Himself of cleansing, but in order to cleanse Саме хрещення в Йордані Христа Спасителя стало прообразом християнського Таїнства Хрещення, в якому кожна віруюча людина одержує прощення гріхів (навіть первородного гріха), має реальну the sinful human race from defilement...... можливість нового, духовного життя в єдності з Богом і з Його Святою Церквою. У Таїнстві Хрещення The waters of the Jordan are sanctified, and together with them all the waters of людина вмирає для гріха і воскресає для святості й цілісного, повноцінного буття з Творцем. creation, the very nature of water. Water is given power to cleanse not only the Хрещення Господнє також називається Богоявленням, тому що при Хрещенні Христа Спасителя body, but also man’s whole soul, and to regenerate the whole man unto a new life усьому людству з’явився Бог. Відбулося Богоявлення Пресвятої Трійці всьому світові. . . . . through Baptism. При освяченні Хрещенської води священик молиться Богові: «Сам і нині, Владико, освяти воду цю Through water all of nature is cleansed, for out of water the world was made, and Духом Твоїм Святим. І дай усім, що доторкаються до неї, і споживають, і помазуються нею — moisture penetrates everywhere, giving life to everything else in nature. Without освячення, здоров’я, очищення і благословення». Свята вода має особливу животворну і очищаючу moisture neither animals nor plants can live; moisture penetrates into rocks, into силу. Православні християни повинні освячувати нею все своє буття, дякуючи Богові за цю велику every place in the world. ласку і милість. Через краплі освяченої води християнин долучається до благодаті Творця, Який The waters are sanctified and through them the whole world, in preparation for renewal and regeneration for God’s eternal Kingdom which is to come. Do not be afraid because of your Orthodoxy; Every year on this day the glory of God is revealed, renewing and confirming what Do not be afraid because, as an Orthodox in the West, you will be often isolated and always in a small minority. was accomplished at Christ’s Baptism. Again the heavens are opened; again the Ho- Do not make compromises but do not attack other Christians; ly Spirit descends. We do not see this with our bodily eyes, but we sense its power. Do not be either defensive or aggressive; At the rite of blessing, the waters which are thereby sanctified are transformed; the Simply be yourself." become incorruptible and retain their freshness for many years. Elder Amphilochios Everyone can see this- both believers and unbelievers, both the wise and the ignorant. Не бійтеся тому, що ви Православні; Whence do the water acquire this property? Не бійтеся тому, що як Православні на заході, ви часто будете ізольовані і завжди будете в It is the action of the Holy Spirit. . . . . незначній меншості; Не йдіть на компроміси, але не будьте агресивними до інших Християн; Не обороняйтеся, але і не атакуйте; Просто будьте самі собою.

Старець Амфілохіс Макріс Tropar, Tone 1: From Orthodox Pathway: The Orthodox Church is one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in which resides the fullness of Christian truth. It is holy because its head, the Lord Jesus Christ, is holy and made When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the it the unique vehicle of sanctification; it is Catholic because it knows no limitation of time or place and Trinity was made manifest. For the voice of the Father bore witness encompasses within itself the entirety of Christ’s Church, and it is Apostolic because it alone has main- unto You and called You the Beloved Son. And the Spirit in the form of tained, with unbroken continuity and without any alteration, the faith of the apostles through the ages. a dove confirmed the truth of His word. O Christ our God Who has You will find the deeper, authentic spiritual life you are looking for in the splendid and moving worship appeared and enlightened the world, glory be to You. of the Orthodox Church.  Від равославного Шляху: Православна Церква - це Свята, Всесвітня і Апостольська ерква. Вона    Свята, тому що голова цієї еркви - Ісус Христос, Cвята і має унікальній засіб освячення; вона - є  Всесвітня, тому що вона не має обмеження в часі або місці і охоплює в собі всю повноту Христової  Церкви, і вона - є Апостольською, тому що тільки вона зберегла, з безперервною спадкоємностю без будь-яких змін, віру апостолів крізь століття. Ви знайдете більш глибоке, справжнє духовне життя, яке ви шукаєте в прекрасній і зворушливій молитві Православної Церкви.

2016 Income Tax Receipts 13th Annual Field and Stream Supper Income tax receipts for the calendar year 2016 will be issued to all donors by the end of January Friday January 27, 2017 -  2017. Tickets are $30.00 each (advance tickets only) Those members who have their email address recorded with the church will be receiving their receipt via email. If we do not have your email address recorded with the church, receipts will be Ticket sales will begin December 15 from the following people: mailed out to you. Nestor Kowalsky Julain Makowsky Rod Antonichuk

V. Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky Gordan Kochan Andriy Hawrysh All out of town donors will receive their receipt by mail unless we have your email address. If you do not have your email address recorded with the church and want your receipt sent to you via Clark Remenda email, or if you have changed your email address, please notify the church by sending email address to [email protected] or calling Gord at 306-955-1452. Important Dates for UWAC for the Month of January Молитви Для Вірних – Prayers for our Faithful Mary Budzak Nadia Demkiw Lily Herman Nick Budzak Feast of Jordan Supper - January 18 ( buy tickets $5.00 from Carol or Alicia) Paul Kodak Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Kay Kostyk Elaine Maksymiuk Mary Maksuta Ann Michayluk Ernie Wasylciw UWCA general meeting - January 22 after Divine Liturgy Michael Sorochka Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Elsie Stefanuk Myron Petrow Emily Pihach Elsie Powalinsky Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda Varenyky Bee Prep January 25 - 8:00 am. Susan Senko Alexandra Shewchuk Joe Horechuk Toni Horechuk Vera Webster Walter Fedusiak Evelyn Fedusiak Joanne Zazalenchuk Varenyky Bee January 26 - 9:00 am Zone #1 Zone #2 Zone #3

Pleasant Hill Silverspring City Park; Brunskill The Blessing of Homes Meadow Green Erindale Unviersity; Holliston The Great Blessing of Water on Theophany Fairhaven Arbor Creek Grovenor Park Sutherland Buena Vista; Our homes, our dwellings, our yards, our gardens, our fields are all an extension of our Parkridge Church which we attend, and partake of in the Holy Mysteries. Montgomery Forest Grove Haultain; Nutana Willowgrove Churchill In our homes we learn to pray as a family unit, we communicate with our loved ones, we

Evergreen Clarence South try to live according to the teachings of our Savior with order and decency as is taught in Corinthians 14:34-40. Therefore, our homes are more than just a house to live in, but a spirited dwelling blessed by God trough the priest by the sprinkling of Holy Water. It is the Zone #4 Zone #5 Zone #6 practice of Ukrainian Orthodox Christians to bless our homes when we move in, and then Westmount; Caswell annually following the Theophany service. Mount Royal Eastview Mayfair Westview Brevoort Park The Feast of Theophany commemorates the Baptism of our Lord in the Jordan River. On Hudson Bay Park this Holy Day God revealed to us the Holy Trinity – The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Dundonald Nutana Suburban Stonebridge Riversdale Tropar Massey Place When in the Jordan Thou was baptized, O Lord, the worship of the Trinity was made mani- Pacific Heights Confederation fest: for the voice of the Parent bear witness unto Thee, calling Thee His beloved Son, and Hampton Village the Spirit, in the vision of a dove, confirmed the certainty of the word. Thou that hast ap- Kingston peared, O Christ our God, and dost enlighten the world, glory to Thee.   Zone #7 Zone #8 Zone 9  Silverwood Heights Greystone  Lawson Heights College Park Pinehouse Village Following the Great Blessing of Water, we take the Blessed water home to have our homes River Heights East College sprinkled by the priest. Through this sprinkling of blessed water our homes are renewed Richmond Briarwood; Wildwood through prayers, sanctified by the grace of God. This annual visit by the parish priest main- North Park Lakeview; Lakewood tains a spiritual association between the family Church, and the church proper. A truly Lakeridge beautiful way to begin every New Year. Rosewood Blessing of Homes January 2017 Remember . . . These Dates are only a guide line Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 15 16 17 18 Great Blessing 19 12:00 noon 20 21 of water and Holy Ilarion Residence Zone #1 Zone #1 Supper 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Zone #2 Zone #2 Zone #2 Zone #3 Zone #3 Field and Stream Supper 29 Cathedral 30 31 AGM Zone #4 Zone #4

 February 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Zone #5 Zone #5 Zone #6 WARMAN

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Rosthern, St. Julien, Wakaw Zone #6 Zone #7 Zone #7 Zone #8 Zone #8 Martensville

12 13 14   16 17 18 “Meeting of the Osler Zone #9 Zone #9 Lord”

Group 1 Altar Servers E. Stefanuk & Greeters S. Hawryliw Sunday, January 01 J. Demkiw January 2017 K. Helmke Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat G. Trischuk Epistle Readers J. Werezak 1 2 3 4 5 6 10:00 pm. 7 Tania Maximiuk Eve of the Nativity Sunday, January 01 Heb. 1:9,10,17-23,32- Sunday, January 08 40 All servers and Michael Gregory Oleh Drozdovvskyy Mt. 1:1-25 greeters to assist. Michael Dwernychuk 14 10:00 am J. Didula 8 9 10 11 12 13 Larry Balion

Ilarion Res. Radu Stefureac

Sunday, January 08 St. Basil Gal. 1:11-19 New Years Sunday, January 15 Yuriy Kirushok Mt. 2:13-23 Jim Powalinsky Stan Hawryliw 15 16 17 18 5:30 pm 19 9:30 am Feast 20 21 Rod Antonichuk Eve of Feast of Jordan of Jordan Great Gordan Kochan

Sunday, January 15 and Congregational Blessing of water Holy supper Group 1 Robert Hrycuik

Wasyl Rybalka II Tim. 4:5-8 Blessing of suites in Mk. 1:1-8 Ilarion Blessing of Homes Sunday, January 22 Julian Makowsky 22 23 24 25 26 27 5:30 pm. 28 Yuriy Kirushok Field and Zane Skoretz James Werezak Sunday, January 22 Stream supper Robert Hrycuik Vesper Kowalsky Eph. 4:7-3 Blessing of Homes Mt. 4:12-17 Vera Webster 29 30 31 Sunday, January 29 Victor Turyk Sunday, January 29 Gill Allen Ron Skwarchuk Alexander Akulov I Tim. 4:9-15 Blessing of Homes Zenovie Kindrachuk Lk. 19:1-10 Dennis Zlipko January 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 10:00 pm. All servers 7 and greeters to assist. Nativity  11:00 Nativity Divine Lit- urgy

8 9 10:00 am Ilarion 10 11 12 13 14 10:00 am Ilarion Res Residence Church Board meeting St. Basil - Protomartyr Stepan 7:00 pm New Years 

15 16 17 18 5:30 pm 19 9:30 am Feast of Jor- 20 21 blessing of water dan Great Blessing of water Eve of Feast of Jordan and Group 1 Congregational supper follow- Blessing of suites in Ilarion ing Blessing of Homes 22 23 24 25 8:00 am 26 9:00 am 27 28 UWAC general Varenyky prep Varenyky making 5:30 pm. meeting Field and Stream supper Blessing of Homes 29 30 31 TYC meeting to

Annual General be announced Meeting 1:00 pm Blessing of Homes ANNIVERSARIES - FEBRUARY: Dara (Hrytzak) & Michael Lieffers (04), Ihor & Lilla Yushyshyn  (17), Oleksander & Luba Malko (16), Olexander & Maryana Brovko (21) Carmen & Johanna Koch (27) Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity B’DAYS - FEBRUARY: Alice Kripki (01), Gil Allen (02), Elizabeth Hallborg (02) Oleksandr Dzhura (03), John Hnatiuk (03), James Hryciuk (03), Sophia Laderieva (03), Tatiana Mandrykina (03), Pavlo Isak February 2017 Monthly Bulletin (04), Kateryna Hrycuik (04), Jason Walton (05), Tatiana Iatsiuk (05), Mark Trischuk (06), Olga Stefaniuk (07), Jean Tomyn (07), Alina Valorko (07), Helen Wasylciw (08), Jessica Felzer (09), Heidi Helmke (09),  Irahli Pasikashvili (09), Oksana Sukmaniuk (09), Selina Ghebremedhin (10), Arlene Uhryn (10), Michael Wiwchar (10), Audrey Slowski (11), Ethan Werezak (12), Bohdan Danyliw (12), Tatiana Makowsky (12), Mary Uhryn (12), Volodymyr Drachuk (12), Alyssa Hyshka (14), Uliana Pilchenko (14), Zenon Zuzak (14), Max Kindrachuk (16), Ihor Yschyshyn (17), Olya Pilchenko (18), Sarah Skwarchuk (18), Anna Druzhyna (19), Nicholas Danyliuk (20), Oleksander Harbuz (20), Catherine Herman (20), Matvij Dobushevsky (22), Serhij Harbuz (22), Parker Remenda (22) Ella Remenda (22), Wasyl Rybalka (24), Artem Shmatov (24), Alice Chometa (26), Barry Slowski (26), Alanna Hawrysh (27), William (B. J.) Maskal (27), Dobr. Halia Zuzak (28), Jonathan Kochan (29),

2016 Income Tax Receipts Income tax receipts for the calendar year 2016 will be issued to all donors by the end of January 2017. Those members who have their email address recorded with the church will be receiving their receipt via email. If we do not have your email address recorded with the church, receipts will be mailed out to you. All out of town donors will receive their receipt by mail unless we have your email address. If you do not have your email address recorded with the church and want your receipt sent to you via email, or if you have changed your email address, please notify the church by sending email address to [email protected] or calling Gord at 306- 955-1452. Troparion (tone 1) Thank You to all who have donated so generously in the past year. Gord Trischuk, Administrator Ukrainian Orthodox Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos, Full of Grace: for from You the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God Cathedral of the Holy Trinity has shown forth, enlightening those in darkness. Rejoice also, O righteous elder, for you received in your arms the Redeemer of our soul, Who bestows upon us Resurrection. CHURCH DIRECTORY  Parish Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274 - Parish Council President – Rod Antonichuk - 306-374-5919   Sunday Church School - Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595  Parish Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452 TYC/UOMA President – Ron Trischuk – 306-244-1867 V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky

UWAC President—Carol Cisecki—306-343-9987 [email protected] CYMK President – Reece Smith Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452  Sunday: Hours—9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. Important Dates for UWAC for the Month of February Вечеря Вареників: Слідуюча вечеря вареників Membership Tea - March 05, 2017 відбудиться у п'ятницю, 24-го лютого - Просимо всіх від год. 5:00 – 7:00 вечором. Varenyky Bee Prep February 08 - 8:00 am. Ціна за вечерю з десертом є $12.00. Varenyky Bee February 09 - 9:00 am Ковбаса та голубці окремо продаються. Paska Bee - February 07, 14, and 21, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. Next All-You-Can-Eat Varenyky Supper: Frozen Sales of Varenyky & Cabbage Rolls - February 25, from 10:00 - 12:00 noon The next all you can eat Varenyky Supper will held at the at Auditorium Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium on Friday, February 24nd from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Cost is $12.00 (includes dessert) Extras priced separately. Bring your family and friends Молитви Для Вірних – Prayers for our Faithful Mary Budzak Nadia Demkiw Lily Herman Nick Budzak Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp Paul Kodak Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Kay Kostyk Religious Education Elaine Maksymiuk Mary Maksuta Ann Michayluk Ernie Wasylciw  Michael Sorochka Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Elsie Stefanuk Myron Petrow Saturday, March 04, 2017 Green Grove-Zeleniy Hai- , Emily Pihach Elsie Powalinsky Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Susan Senko Alexandra Shewchuk Joe Horechuk Toni Horechuk Wakaw, SK. Vera Webster Walter Fedusiak Evelyn Fedusiak Joanne Zazalenchuk Presenter: Ivan Savyak Youth Camp - July 09-23, 2017 Teen Camp - August 10-27, 2017 Baptisms CYMK Brunch Fundraiser Our congregation and Alice Kripki’s family would like to acknowledge and pass on Nicholas Calderin parents Manuel Calderin and Sunday, February 05, 2017 Yuliya Kozachola best wishes on a milestone birthday. Mrs. Kripki will be 100 years young on Febru- Following Divine Liturgy ary 1st. Alice has been an active and dedicated member of our parish as well as May God Bless your child with health. In the Auditorium Meacham’s for her entire life. She has been blessed with four children, fourteen grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 7 great-great-grandchildren. May we all Paschalion 2017 keep her in our prayers.

       CYMK Tobogganing Party at Smith’s home in Warman. Year   Ascension Pentecost Beginning Of Orthodox Latin February 4, 2017 - 1:00 a short meeting to start with then Great Fast Pascha Pascha tobogganing. 2017 February 27 April 16 April 16 May 25 June 4 Group 1 E. Stefanuk S. Hawryliw Altar Servers & Greeters J. Demkiw February 2017 Epistle Readers Sunday, February 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Yuriy Kirushok Radu Stefureac Sunday, February 05 Julian Makowksy Ivan Savyak 1 2 3 4 Ron Skwarchuk Robert Rudy Sunday, February 12 Zane Skoretz Sunday, February 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Gordon Kochan Ethan Fedorchuk Ivan Savyak Jim Hrycuik Alexander Akulov 12 13 14 15  16 17 18 Sunday, February 19 Sunday, February 19 Group 1 Rod Antonichuk Larissa Cipiwnyk Robert Hrycuik Gord Trischuk Gordon Trischuk Ivan Savyak Oleh Drozdovvskyy Michael Dwernychuk 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Sunday, February 26 Sunday, February 26 WasyL Rybalka Fr. Bohdan shall step in for Fr. Taras. Fr. Taras is on Holidays from February 19 - February 26. Larry Balion 26 27 28 Victor Turyk Vesper Kowalsky Kelly Helmke Michael Gregory February 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 King of Kyb Cymk Tobogganing & meeting 1:o0 Smith’s House

5 6 7 Paska baking 8 9 10 11 CYMK Brunch 8:00 am 9:00 am Varenyky making Church Council Varenyky prep 7:00 pm 12 13 14 15  16 17 18 Paska baking 10:00 am. Cathedral TYC meeting 5:30 pm.

19 20 21 22 23 24 Varenyky 25 Paska baking Supper Selling Frozen Product 10:00-12: noon at

Fr. Bohdan shall step in for Fr. Taras. Fr. Taras is on Holidays from February 19 - February 26. Auditorium 26 27 28

Start of Great Lent /   ANNIVERSARIES - MARCH: Pavlo & Svitlana Marchak (02), Andrew & Catherine Her- man (05) Marinel & Diana Manzuc (08) Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity March 2017 Monthly Bulletin B’DAYS - MARCH: Gordon Kochan (01), Svitlana Makarchuk (01), Quinn Werezak (01), Terry  Shinkewski (03), Sophia Fayfruk (04), Diana Pashkov (04), Melanie Hawrysh (05), (05), Ksenia Hryciuk (05), Wasyl Isak 07), Uliana Sosnyk (07), Valerij Kizka (08), Johanna Koch (09), Tania Maximiuk (09), Oksana Stepanenko (09), Myron Petrow (09), Ulyana Tetera (09), Sofiia Marchak (10), Vitalij Nosach (10), Nadia Rybalka (10), Artur Haimov (10), Dennis Webster (10), Robert Hryciuk (11), Bonita Werezak (11), Sylvia Sorochka (12), Zenovie Kindrachuk (13), Alice Hnatiuk (14), Natalia Homa (14), Svitlana Marchak (14), Andriy Prokopchuk (14), Allan Kochan (15), Marnie Howlett (17), Svitlana Fayfruk (18), Volodymyr Nestorenko (19), Andriy Falkowskyy (20), Patrusia Rudy (20), Olena Kosynsky (22), Dobra. Erica Olesiuk (22), Tatiana Pashkov (22), Reece Smith (22), Oleg Synychych (22), Mykyta Kurnosov (24), Diana Kurtseba (24) Alexandra Shewchuk (25), Larise Skoretz (25), Luidmyla Rynhach-Drozdovska (26), Elsie Olexsyn (26), Vera Webster (27), Ilaria Powalinsky (28), Murry Wiederhold (28), Nestor Kowalsky (29), Janet Stefanuk (29), Mike Sunday of Orthodoxy Kerelchuk (30), Pearl Chorney (31), Janet Hawrysh (31), Alanna Paulsen (31), Bernie Werezak (31) Troparion (tone 2) We venerate Your most pure image, O Good One, asking your forgiveness of our transgressions, O Christ ORTHODOXY God. In Your good will it pleased You to ascend the Cross in the flesh, to deliver from enslavement to the enemy those whom You had fashioned. Therefore, we cry unto You in thanksgiving: You have filled all things CHURCH DIRECTORY Our Faith, Our Life with joy, O Savior, for You have come to save the world. Parish Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or    306-222-0274 Parish Council President – Rod Antonichuk - 306-374-5919           Sunday Church School - Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595                  Parish Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452             

TYC/UOMA President – Ron Trischuk – 306-244-1867 4 OUT OF 5 V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky UWAC President—Carol Cisecki—306-343-9987 Original Patriarchal Sees [email protected] CYMK President – Reece Smith Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452 Agree! Constantinople, Jerusalem,            Sunday: Hours—9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. Antioch, Alexandria Feast Days: Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. or as announced (Rome) Historical Background to Sunday of Orthodoxy. From Orthodox Pathway: The Orthodox Church is one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in which resides the fullness of Christian truth. It is holy because its head, the Lord Jesus Christ, is holy and made it the unique The Seventh Ecumenical Council dealt predominantly with the controversy regarding icons and their place in vehicle of sanctification; it is Catholic because it knows no limitation of time or place and encompasses within Orthodox worship. It was convened in Nicaea in 787 by Empress Irene at the request of Tarasios, Patriarch of itself the entirety of Christ’s Church, and it is Apostolic because it alone has maintained, with unbroken conti- Constantinople. The Council was attended by 367 bishops. nuity and without any alteration, the faith of the apostles through the ages. You will find the deeper, authen- At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, a service is conducted in commemoration of the affirmations of the tic spiritual life you are looking for in the splendid and moving worship of the Orthodox Church. Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787 and the restoration of the use of icons in 843. Orthodox faithful carry icons in a procession, while the clergy offer petitions for the people, civil authorities, and those who have reposed Від равославного Шляху: Православна Церква - це Свята, Всесвітня і Апостольська ерква. Вона— in the faith. Following is a reading of excerpts from the Affirmation of Faith of the Seventh Ecumenical Council є Свята, тому що голова цієї еркви - Ісус Христос, Cвята і має унікальній засіб освячення; вона - and the singing of the Great Prokeimenon. It is becoming a common practice that the Procession of the Icons є Всесвітня, тому що вона не має обмеження в часі або місці і охоплює в собі всю повноту Христової is conducted as part of a Pan-Orthodox Vespers service on the evening of the Sunday of Orthodoxy. This is a Церкви, і вона - є Апостольською, тому що тільки вона зберегла, з безперервною спадкоємностю без service when Orthodox Christians of the various jurisdictions in Canada come together for worship and in a будь-яких змін, віру апостолів крізь століття. Ви знайдете більш глибоке, справжнє духовне життя, яке united affirmation of the Truth of the Orthodox Faith. ви шукаєте в прекрасній і зворушливій молитві Православної Церкви.

Memorial Saturdays in Great Lent Lenten Prayers for the Reposed -  Our Church Calendar provides many occasions when we are asked to face up to the fact of death, and at this During lent we have special memorial services (“Sorokousty” or “Forty-day prayers”) every time of year there are “Saturdays of the Souls”. We pray for the dead especially on Saturdays because it was on the week for our reposed loved ones. We invite all parishioners to give their memorial booklets Sabbath day (Saturday) that Christ lay dead in the tomb, “resting from all His works and trampling down death by death.” or a list of the names of their departed loved ones to Father for commemoration at these services. The requiem services will be held on March 11, 18 and 25 during the Liturgy. We Praying for the dead is an expression of love. We ask God to remember our departed loved ones because we love them. The relationship of love survives, and even transcends, death. There is an inner need to continue to also invite parishioners who can come for the services to offer the Kolachi (bread) or express our relationship with a loved one even after death, often even more so after a loved one has died since Kolyva (boiled wheat with honey) for one of these memorial services and make a donation physical communication is no longer possible. The Church encourages us to express our love for our departed to the Church in memory of their reposed loved ones. Thank you and may God Bless you. brethren through memorial services and prayers.

The Orthodox Church prays for the dead to express her faith that all who have fallen asleep in the Lord, Молитви Для Вірних – Prayers for our Faithful live in the Lord; their lives are ”hidden with Christ in God” (COL. 3.3). Whether on earth or in heaven, the Church is Mary Budzak Nadia Demkiw Lily Herman Nick Budzak one family, one body in Christ. Death changes the location but it cannot sever the bond of love. Paul Kodak Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Kay Kostyk Just as we pray for the dead, so we believe they continue to love us, remember us and pray for us now Elaine Maksymiuk Mary Maksuta Ann Michayluk Ernie Wasylciw that they are closer to God. Death can only be properly understood in the light of Christ’s Resurrection from the Michael Sorochka Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Elsie Stefanuk Myron Petrow dead. Everything that we have in our possessions is a gift of God and it is anticipated that we treat it as such, by Emily Pihach Elsie Powalinsky Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda giving some part of what we have to those in need, to charities, to the church to support its ministries. Susan Senko Alexandra Shewchuk Joe Horachek Toni Horachek Vera Webster Walter Fedusiak Evelyn Fedusiak Joanne Zazalenchuk “ Trampling down Death by Death, and upon those in the Tombs Bestowing Life” HOLD ON TO OUR FAITH WHICH IS Prayers for the Departed ETERNAL AND DEFINITE Remember Lord, the souls of Your departed servants, my parents and all my relatives (names), and * ...the spiritual world cannot be investigated using the all those reposed in the hope of the resurrection and eternal life, our departed fathers, mothers, same methods as the material world. Those methods brothers and sisters, the Orthodox resting here and throughout the world. Forgive all their sins, both are completely unsuitable for investigating the spiritual voluntary and involuntary, grant them rest in Your Heavenly Kingdom and the communion of Your world... There are phenomena that science will never be able to explain because it does not use the appro- eternal and divine blessings. priate methods...  Can scientific study tell us how the great prophet Isai-             ah foretold the most important events in Christ's life 700 years before His birth? Can it explain the saints'                gift of clairvoyance and tell us through which natural             methods they acquired this grace and how they were                able, as soon as they saw someone, to understand their heart and read their mind? Without waiting for a question from their visitor,       they would give them an answer to what was troubling them. Let them explain to us how the saints foretold great historical events that later took place exactly the way        they had prophesied...                  ...Do not be scandalized when you hear what is said against our faith, since the ones             that say these things do not comprehend its essence... Always remember the funda-               mental principle that the first Christians knew well. They considered miserable the               man who had knowledge of all the sciences but had no knowledge of God. Contrarily,               they considered the one who knew God blessed, even if he knew nothing of what per-               tains to man. 

Guard over this truth as if it were the greatest of your heart's treasures. Proceed for-                ward and do not look to the right or to the left. Let not what is heard against our faith       **       make us loose our way. Let us keep our faith which is an eternal and definite truth.             Amen.         

Teachings of Saint Luke of Crimea  Edition 'Orthodoxos Kypseli' Thessaloniki                                Orthodoxy is active and not passive. It’s the only church where you are required to adapt to it, rather               than it adapting to you. The longer you are in it, the more you realize it demands of you. The “sheer           physicality of Orthodox worship” is part of the appeal. Regular days of fasting from meat and dairy, “standing for hours on end, performing prostrations, going without food and water [before commun- ion]…When you get to the end you feel that you’ve faced down a challenge Important Dates for UWAC for the Month of March ТРИМАЙТЕСЯ НАШОЇ (СВОЄЇ) ВІРИ - ВОНА ВІЧНА І Є ІСТИНА

Membership Tea - March 05, Group Photo wear Ukrainian blouses “...духовний світ не може бути досліджений з використанням тих же методів, що і матеріальний світ. Ці методи абсолютно Varenyky Bee Prep March 08 - 8:00 am. непридатні для дослідження духовного світу… Є явища, які наука Varenyky Bee March 09 - 9:00 am ніколи не зможе пояснити, тому що вона не використовує відповідні методи... Paska Bee - March 2, 7, 14, 21, 23 & 28 at 10:00 a.m. Чи може наукове дослідження розповісти нам, як великий пророк Cabbage Roll Bee - March 16 - 9:00 am. Ісая передбачив найважливіші події в житті Христа за 700 років до Frozen Sales of Varenyky & Cabbage Rolls - April 1 from 10:00 - 12:00 noon його народження? Чи може воно пояснити дар ясновидіння святих і at Auditorium розповісти нам, через які природні методи вони придбали цю благодать, і як вони могли ввійти в стан щоб, як тільки вони побачили когось, зрозуміти їх серце і прочитати їх розум? Не чекаючи питання від їх відвідувачів, вони давали їм відповідь на те,  що їх турбує. Нехай вони пояснять нам, як святі передбачали   великі історичні події, які пізніше відбувалися саме так, як вони пророкували ... Що цього літа роблять ваші діти? Може б ви хотіли їх записати до літнього табору? Реєстразійні аплікації можна взяти у отця Тараса. Якщо вам ...Не будьте шоковані, коли ви чуєте те, що говорять проти нашої потрібна допомога звертайтеся до отця Тараса він з великим віри, так як ті, які кажуть ці речі, але не розуміють його суть ... Завжди пам'ятайте, фундаментальний принцип, що перші задоволенням допоможе вам. До зустрічі!!! християни добре знали. Вони вважали нещасною людиною того, який мав знання всіх наук, але не мав ніякого знання про Бога. Are your children wishing to attend Zeleniy Hai Church Camp this summer. We en- Навпаки, вони вважали того, хто знав, що Бог благословив, навіть courage our parents to enroll your children, an opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy 2 weeks of cultural and religious education and fun at Wakaw Lake. якщо він нічого не знав про те, що має відношення до людини.

Оберігайте цю істину, так ніби вона є найбільшою зі всіх скарбів Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp вашого серця. Ідіть вперед і не дивіться вправо або вліво. Нехай те, що ви чуєте проти нашої віри не змусить вас втратити ваш     шлях. Давайте збережемо нашу віру, яка є вічною і вона є істина. Амінь Green Grove-Zeleniy Hai-   , Wakaw, SK.

Youth Camp - July 09-23, 2017 Навчання Святого Луки із Криму (Кримського) Видання 'Orthodoxos Kypseli' Teen Camp - August 10-27, 2017 Салоніки Group 1 Altar Servers E. Stefanuk & Greeters S. Hawryliw L. Klopoushak Sunday, March 5 Larissa Cipiwnyk March 2017 K. Helmke John Didula John Demkiw Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Z. Skoretz Feb. 27 Feb. 28 1 2 3 4 Ron Skwarchuk J. Hrycuik Epistle Readers Group 1 Group 1 Group 1 Group 1      Canons of St. Andrew of Crete --7:00 p.m. Sunday, March 12 R. Antonichuk Sunday, March 05 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Soul Saturday V. Turyk 10:00 am. J. Werezak 10:00 a.m. Ernie/Stan Robert Rudy R. Hrycuik J. Makowksy G. Trischuk Yurij Kirushok Akafist 5:00pm. Sunday, March 19 Sunday, March 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Soul Saturday L. Balion 10:00 am. M. Gregory 10:00 a.m. Stan/Dobr. Joanne Alexander A R. Hrycuik R. Hrycuik J. Hrycuik G. Trischuk Wasyl R. Akafist 5:00pm. 19 20 21 22    23 24 25 Soul Saturday Sunday, March 26 Sunday, March 19 Pre-Sanctified Gifts 10:00 am. Gordan Kochan 10:00 a.m. service - 10:00 am. Stan/Larry K. Radu Steureac Ivan S. M. Dwernychuk Group 1 M. Gregory K. Helmke R. Hrycuik Akafist 5:00pm. Caleb A G. Danyliuk M. Hrycuik 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sunday, March 26 10:00 a.m. Vesper K. Passion Service Saskatoon 5:00 pm Andrij H. Group 1 March 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Feb. 27 Feb. 28 1 Dibrova Rehearsal 2 3 4 1:00-3:00 pm.

     Canons of St. Andrew of Crete --7:00 p.m. 5     6 7 8 9 10 11 Sun. 1 of Great Lent Paska Bee Potatoe Prep- 8:00 am. Varenyky Bee - 9:00       10:00 am. am. 1st Soul Saturday Triumph of Orthodoxy Div. Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Div. Liturgy 10:00am. UWAC Membership Tea Cathedral Choir practice Dibrova Rehearsal 1:00- 1:00pm. 6:00pm. 3:00 pm.   Sun of Orthodoxy Akathist/Confession

12     13 14 15 16 17 18 Sun. 2 of Great Fast Paska Bee Cabbage Roll       2nd Soul Saturday St. Gregory of Palamas 10:00 am. Dibrova Rehearsal 1:00- Bee 3:00 pm. Div. Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Div. Liturgy 10:00 am. Parish Council Mtg.   Passion/ - 5:00pm. 7:00pm. TYC Supper Meeting Prince Albert Akathist/Confession Cathedral Choir practice 5:30 pm. 5:00 pm. 6:00 pm 19     20 21 22 23 24 25 Sun. 3 of Great Fast Paska Bee    Paska Bee     Pre-Sanctified Gifts 3rd Soul Saturday Holy Cross Veneration 10:00 am. 10:00 am. Div. Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Div. Liturgy 10:00 am. service - 10:00 am. Dibrova Rehearsal 1:00-   Passion/ - 5:00 pm. Cathedral Choir practice North Battleford 3:00 pm. Akathist/Confession 6:00pm. 5:00 pm. 26     27 28 29 30 31 Sun. 4 of Great Fast Paska Bee    Varenyky Supper John Climacus of Ladder 10:00 am. Dibrova Rehearsal 1:00- Passion/ - 5:00 pm. 3:00 pm. Saskatoon Cathedral Choir practice 5:00 - 7:00 6:00pm. Team 2 Вечеря Вареників: Слідуюча вечеря вареників HOW SHALL WE KEEP THE GREAT FAST? From the lips of our Lord Himself we have, in відбудиться у п'ятницю, 31-го  - Просимо всіх від год. 5:00 – 7:00 вечором. the Gospel lesson for the day, three important points for the keeping of this sacred season. First of Ціна за вечерю з десертом є $12.00. all, Christ teaches the necessity to forgive. He points out the dual nature of forgiveness: if we seek Ковбаса та голубці окремо продаються. the forgiveness of God for our sins, we must also forgive others their sins again us. And if we do not Next All-You-Can-Eat Varenyky Supper: forgive those who have wronged us in any way, neither will God forgive us. In other words, as we The next all you can eat Varenyky Supper will held at the treat others, so will God treat us. Of course, this great truth is also contained in Lord's Prayer. “ For-

Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium on Friday, March 31st from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. give us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us” It is clear from this how im- Cost is $12.00 (includes dessert) Extras priced separately. Bring your family and friends portant it is to make our peace with others before attempting any spiritual growth. Secondly, Christ speaks about fasting, a spiritual discipline often neglected in our times. Not only is abstaining from meat and its by-products involved, but the volume, the amount of food consumed, is vital; as is the Практичні Поради на Великий піст abstaining from all evil deeds. Thirdly, Christ says we must “ store up for ourselves treasure in heav- en.” The Lord bids us to be millionaires, not in the riches of this world, but in the treasures of God. Пропонуємо конкретні поради, що робити протягом особливих тижнів Великого посту: It is clear from the Scriptures that Prayer and Almsgiving (Charity) are two of the great means to gather this treasure in eternity. Both are hallmarks of the true follower of Christ. а цілий час Великого пoстy вимкнути телевізор, радіо, фонограф, програвач, комп’ютерні ігри тощо, бо це не просто час на «дозвілля» чи безглузду Parish Council for 2017 розвагу... хіба що в разі це щось серйозного і духовно надихаючого змісту. Great Fast Religious Education Saturday, March 4, 2017 President: Rod Antonichuk Ради цього не наносіть візитів або не переїжджайте з місця на місце. Past Presdient: Larry Balion Стримуйтеся до мінімуму з непотрібними розмовами. Виконуйте лише at the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of 1st Vice President: Larry Klopoushak необхідні справи, сумлінно працюйте і чиніть християнські вчинки. Holy Trinity 2nd Vice President: Robert Rudy Presenter: Ivan Savyak 3rd Vice President: Cindy Didula У світлі життя і вчення Ісуса Христа проекзаменуйте своє життя у всіх його 4th Vice President: Bohdan Danyliw “Our Faith in our Journey” аспектах: родинному, діловому, суспільному, економічному, смисловому, Treasurer: Ilaria Powalinsky 10:00 a.m. Moleben in Cathedral пристрасному... Secretary: Carol Shinkewski Session 1 : Church Basement Members at Large: Zenovie Kindrachuk Поставте перед собою запитання щодо любові, правди, чесності, чистоти, 12:00 noon Lunch Zane Skoretz смиренності, спокою, прощення, справедливості, милосердя, голоду і Session 2 & 3 Elaine Maksymiuk 5:00 p.m. Vespers and Confessions Linda Balon-Smith спраглості Божої правди, мудрості і знання. This is your new Cathedral Council for this 2017 Великопісні Молитви за усопших—“Сорокоусти” Під час великого посту підносимо особливіші Dating of Easter (Pascha) In The Orthodox Church молитви за спокій душ спочилих рідних та друзів наших. Якщо бажаєте, щоби отець згадав Ваших покійних рідних та знайомих під час Літургій та поминальних богослужень, просимо вас передати One of the most frequent questions asked by and to Orthodox Christians is “Why does the Orthodox Вашу  чи список імен отцеві при першій нагоді. Будемо мати Поминальні служби кожної Church celebrate Pascha/Easter on a different day than other Christians?” This difference has a long суботи Посту, а також під час Ранішосвячених Дарів. history related to Christianity itself, the complex nature of calendars, and the use of astronomical data. . . . (This year the Christian world celebrates together) Lenten Prayers for the Dead—“Sorokousty”. It is customary during Great Lent to offer special prayers for the reposed members of our families and our friends. If you wish that Father commemorate your departed In response to this ongoing problem, the First Ecumenical Council, convened at Nicaea in 325 A.D., took up loved ones during these services during the Liturgies and memorial services please give him your family the issue. It determined that Pascha should be celebrated on the Sunday that follows the first full moon commemoration booklet or a list of their names at your earliest opportunity. Panakhydas (Requiem ser- after the vernal equinox – the actual beginning of spring. If the full moon happens to fall on a Sunday, vices) will be offered after the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, and at the Memorial Divine Liturgies every Pascha is observed the following Sunday. The day taken to be the invariable date of the vernal equinox is Saturday during the Lent. March 21. Hence, the determination of the date of Pascha is governed by a process dependent on the vernal equinox and the phase of the moon. Another factor that figures prominently in determining the Що приносити з собою на Поминальне Богослуження. На це пит ання не мож на відповіст и date of Pascha is the date of the Jewish Passover. Originally, Passover was celebrated on the first full moon однозначно, оскільки кожна місцевість має свої традиції і ми просимо Вас відчуватись зучно і after the vernal equinox. Christians, therefore, celebrated Pascha according to the same calculation - that приносити з собою те, що Ви звикли приносити вдома. Наступний список речей, які Ви можете is, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox. The correlation between the принести з собою є тільки рекомендацією — вино для причастя, оливкову олію, коливо, Калач чи date of Pascha and the date of Passover is clear. Our Lord’s death and resurrection coincided with хлібину, фрукти, солодоші, цукерки, .... Passover, thereby assuring a secure point of reference in time. . . .

What to bring with you to the Memorial Service: There is no simple answer to this question, as every place The adoption by the Western Church of the Gregorian Calendar in 1582 to replace the Julian Calendar. This where you come from has its own tradition that you grew up with. We are asking you, if possible, to bring took place in order to adjust the discrepancy, then observed between the paschal cycle approach to the items that you are accustomed to bringing at your home parish. The following list is just a calculating Pascha and the available astronomical data. The Orthodox Church continues to base its calcula- recommendation what you can bring to the Memorial Service: Communion Wine, Olive oil, Kalach or a tions for the date of Pascha on the Julian Calendar, which was in use at the time of the First Ecumenical loaf of Bread, fruits, kolyvo, sweets, etc… Council. As such, it does not take into account the thirteen-day difference between the Julian and Gregorian Calendars. Practically speaking, this means that Pascha may not be celebrated before April 3, Services During the Lenten Period which was March 21, the date of the vernal equinox, at the time of the First Ecumenical Council. In other words, a difference of thirteen days exists between the accepted date for the vernal equinox then and now. Consequently, it is the combination of these variables that accounts for the different dates of Pascha Passion Services: observed by the Orthodox Church and other Christian Churches. March 5 U. O.C. of All Saints Sunday of Orthodoxy 5:00 p.m. March 12 Prince Albert 5:00 p.m. Dr. Lewis J. Patsavos, Professor of Canon Law, Holy Cross School of Theology March 19 North Battleford 5:00 p.m. First published, October 2001 Edited, March 2009 March 26 Cathedral 5:00 p.m. April 02 Melfort 5:00 p.m. All faithful are welcome to attend and participate in any or all services. Saskatchewan Orthodox Women's Retreat ST. XENIA OF PETERSBURG May 26, 27, & 28, 2017 FEB 06 /                   Queens House Saskatoon                            Theme: Prayer & Stillness of the Heart      Guest Speaker: Mother Gabriella, Abbess Those who turn to St. Ksenia in prayer receive healing from illness and deliver- ance from their afflictions. She is known also for helping people who seek em- Dormition of the Mother of God ployment. TROPARION, TONE 4 Orthodox Monastery Having renounced the vanity of the earthly world, / Thou didst take up the cross of a homeless life of wandering; / Thou didst not fear grief, privation, nor the mockery of men, / And didst know the love of Christ. / Now taking sweet delight of this love in UWAC Olha Kobylianska Branch Membership Tea heaven, / O Xenia, the blessed and divinely wise, // Pray for the salvation of our souls.

March 5th Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Молитва про допомогу у всілякій сімейній та побутовій потребі Group Photo - Please wear your Ukrainian Blouse. О препроста способом життя свого, безпритульна на землі, насліднице ж обителей Отця Небесного, блаженна мандрівнице Please consider joining our Ukrainian Women's Ксеніє! Як раніше до надгробку твого недужі і скорботні Association. припадали і утіхою наповнювалися, так нині і ми, обтяжені скорботами й потребами, до тебе прибігаючи, з надією просимо: помолися, блага небожителько, щоб направилися стопи наші за Attend our tea as a guest and listen to what we do словом Господнім до виконання заповідей Його, і хай зникне across Canada. богоборне безбожжя, що заполонило країну нашу, що вкидає нас, багатогрішних, у смертельне братоненависництво, горде самопіднесення і хульний розпач. О блаженна Христа ради, що Guest Speaker: Lesia Perritt посоромила брежливу мудрість віку цього, випроси у Творця і (UWAC National President) Подателя всіляких благ дарувати нам смирення, стриманість і любов у скарбницю серця нашого, віри для укріплення молитви, надії в покаянні, кріпості у важкому житті, милосердного зцілення душі і тіла нашого, стриманості у подружжі і дбання про ближніх і рідних своїх, всього життя нашого обновлення в очистительній бані покаяння, щоб всехвально оспівуючи пам'ять твою, прославляли у тобі чудодіючого Бога Отця, і Сина, і Святого Духа, Тройцю одноістотну і Нероздільну на віки віків. Амінь. Катедральна Членська Вкаладка (Мінімальна пожертвa) Tithing – Membership – Pledge Cathedral Membership (Minimal donation) Десятина – Членство – Обов’язок Пан Богдан Трійщук зараз приймають членську вкладку на 2017 року. Вони просять всім запам'ятати заплатити цю вкладку як най скорше. “Tithing is a Christian ideal worth striving towards. It is important to learn that our own Пропануємо Членська вкладка на 2017 рік є: generosity is a commitment in maintaining our own Church building and various program- Від особи (18 роки і старшi): $200.00, a за Родину: $400.00 ming that we wish to present throughout the year. It would be great and humbling, not to Студенти: $30.00 rely on non Orthodox Christians, or guests to support us. As the Cathedral Dean, I humbly Якщо ви не бачите свій шлях у оплачувати повноправне членство в одній компенсації, ask, please help us to meet our yearly budget, by giving joyfully your 2017 membership будь ласка, переконайтеся, домовленості з Гордоном Трійщука організувати план виплат. and tithe as soon as possible. Так що ваше членство повністю оплачений до кінця березня Thank you and God bless.” Gordon Trischuk is now accepting minimum donations for the year 2017. Десятина – це є християнський ідеал до якого варто прагнути. Важливо знати, Please pay these membership dues at your earliest convenience. що наша щедрість є власним зобов'язанням у підтримці нашої церковної будівлі та Tithe/Membership/Pledge dues for 2017 are as follows: різних програм, які ми хотіли б представити протягом усього року. Це було б Individuals (18 years & over): $200.00, and for a family: $400.00 прекрасно і смиренно, щоб ми не розраховували на не-православних християн, або Students: $30.00 гостей підтримувати нас. Як (Правління Церкви), смиренно If you cannot see your way in paying a full membership/Pledge in one payment, please прошу вас, будь ласка, допоможіть нам задовольнити наш річний бюджет, make arrangements with Gordon Trischuk to arrange a payment plan. сердечно внесіть членські внески за 2017  та вашу десятину як можна Minimum donations should be paid up by the end of March швидше.  Orthodox Christian Stewardship Church/Auditorium Equipment “Orthodox Christian Stewardship is way of life, which acknowledges accountability, On behalf of the Church Council, we ask our faithful not to adjust any of the reverence and responsibility before God. A primary goal of Stewardship is to pro- mote spiritual growth and strengthen faith. Becoming a Steward begins when we controls to the furnace or air conditioning. If you feel that adjustments are necessary, believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs. please contacct pani Remma, pani Luidmilla or Gord Trischuk for assistance, rather As Stewards, we affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him. than adjusting yourself. Stewardship calls on the faithful to cheerfully offer back to God a portion of the Thank you for your cooperation. gifts with which they have been blessed.” "Православне християнське управління (керівництво, піклування) є способом життя, який визнає підзвітність, повагу і відповідальність перед Богом. Основне Anna Papish CYMK is currently planning an excursion to Edmonton to завдання управління (піклування) є сприяття духовному зростанню і зміцненню віри. Піклування (управління) починається тоді, коли ми віримо в Бога, якому ми visit the Ukrainian Village and make new friends with CYMKivtsi from даємо нашу любов, лояльне ставлення і довіру, а також ми діємо на основі наших th Edmonton! This trip will take place June 23-25 . CYMK will be hosting переконань. Як розпорядники ми стверджуємо, що кожен аспект нашого життя monthly fundraising lunches after church. Please come out and support приходить як подарунок від Нього. Стратегічне управління закликає вірних вернути назад до Бога частину подарунків, які ми одержали з Божого our CYMKivtsi! благословіння."  ANNIVERSARIES - APRIL: Tesform & Bisirat Ghebremedhin (18) Tom & Nadine Potts (29), Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Ernie and Helen Wasylciw (30)

B’DAYS - APRIL: Semen Pilchenko (01, Jason Uhyrn (01), Alexia Gerasymenko (01), Kim Benoit April 2017 Monthly Bulletin (03), Mariann Kindrachuk (03), Ashley Smyrnov (03), Wally Wachniak (03), Maksym Kosynsky  (04), Artem Pshenyshny (04), Orest Woroniuk (04), Oleh Antonov (05), Danylo Pastukh (05), Maksym Pastukh (05), Richard Bolbas (05), Sophia Volos (05), Oleksiy Shmatov (05), Oleksandr Pashko (06), Yuriy Pasikashvili (06), Mariya Pastukh (06), Yevhen Odinstov (06), Nadine Potts (06), Ihor Valorko (06), Yaroslava Kurnosov (07), Clint Smith (07), Larry Balion (08), Andriana Homa (08), Vitaly Kizka (08), Sergey Paturov (09), Tolia Prystupa (09), Yulia Yaremenko (09), Terry Lynn Kochan (10), Dmytro Hab (11), Rose Chuhaniuk (12), Lesya Doushevska (12), Yurij Makarchuk (12), Yuliya Valorko (12), Dr. Evan Howlett (13), Diana Kurnosov (13), Evhen Uhryn (15), Yaroslaw Kramerenko (15), Molly Pertryshyn (15), Volodymyr Saviak (15), Iryna Dzhura (16), Carl Lynn (16), Lillianne Manziuk (16), Serhiy Ischuk (17), Vitliy Kosynksy (17), Tammi Trischuk (17), Volodya Horivchuk (18), Julia Marko (18), Vladyslav Pavlovsky (18), Daniel Ivanin (18), Adeline Kochan (19), Nick Karnauch (20), Critina Popa (20), Mark Skoretz (20), Anastasia Statsenko (20), Evgeniy Mayechev (21), Nebay Mehari (21), Yulia Perlyna (21), Vickie Rak (21), Lori Braun (22), Olena Kolchuk (22), Olga Satzewich (22), Corinne Wachniak (22), Joshua Fedusiak (23), Joel Howlett (23), Andrij Odintsov (23), Halyna Pasikashvili (23), Elizabeth Ripak (23), Liliya Vitkowska (24), Luba Malko (25), Kyle Stasiuk, (25), Colby Yuzik (25), Maksym Sadovskyy (26), Tristan Walton (26), Vladyk Shatokin (26), Mykola Federov (27), Tatiana Manziuk (27), Anton Kurtseba (28), Olga Palm Sunday Luciuk (28), Elsie Stefanuk (28), Fr. Patrick Powalinsky (29), Larissa Cipiwnyk (29), Yurij Troparion (tone 4)

Yaremenko (30), Christ our God, we have been buried with You through Baptism. Therefore, we have become worthy of im- mortal Life through Your Resurrection. We cry out to You chanting a hymn of praise: Hosanna in the highest. CHURCH DIRECTORY Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord. Parish Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or  306-222-0274 Parish Council President – Rod Antonichuk - 306-374-5919  Sunday Church School - Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595  

Parish Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452 V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky TYC/UOMA President – Ron Trischuk – 306-244-1867 [email protected] UWAC President—Carol Cisecki—306-343-9987 Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 CYMK President – Reece Smith            Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452 Sunday: Hours—9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. Feast Days: Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. or as announced CYMK Important Dates: Ukrainian Orthodox Church Important Dates for UWAC for the Month of April Pancake Brunch on April 2, 2017 and Camp UWAC monthly meeting - April 02, No Sunday School CYMK helping in church Tea and Bake Sale - Saturday, April 8 - 1:00 - 3:00   May - Excursion to Pike Lake.   Varenyky Bee Prep April 19- 8:00 am. June 23-25, 2017 excursion to Edmonton. Varenyky Bee April 20 - 9:00 am Green Grove-Zeleniy Hai- Varenyky Supper April 28 - 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Saskatchewan Orthodox   , Wakaw, SK. Women's Retreat Frozen Sales of Varenyky & Cabbage Rolls - April 1 & 29 from 10:00 - 12:00 noon at Auditorium May 26, 27, & 28, 2017 Queens House Saskatoon Youth Camp - July 09-23, 2017 Вечеря Вареників: Слідуюча вечеря вареників Theme: Prayer & Stillness of the Teen Camp - August 20-27, 2017 відбудиться у п'ятницю, 28-го - Просимо всіх . Heart від год. 5:00 – 7:00 вечором     Ціна за вечерю з десертом є $12.00. Guest Speaker: Mother Gabriella,     Abbess Ковбаса та голубці окремо продаються.        Next All-You-Can-Eat Varenyky Supper: Dormition of the Mother of God   The next all you can eat Varenyky Supper will held at the Orthodox Monastery [email protected] Rives Junction, Michigan Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium on Friday, April 28 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Cost is $12.00 (includes dessert) Extras priced separately. Bring your family and friends

     Holy Resurrection of Our Lord.   April 16—5:30 a.m. Paschal Matins — 7:00 a.m. Resurrection of Our Lord Divine Liturgy— Blessing of Baskets to follow. Що цього літа роблять ваші діти? Може б ви хотіли їх записати до літнього табору? Реєстразійні аплікації можна взяти у отця Тараса. Якщо вам потрібна допомога  —5:30 am         звертайтеся до отця Тараса він з великим задоволенням допоможе вам. До зустрічі!!!  Blessing of Baskets to follow in the courtyard of the Church. If the weather does not co- Are your children wishing to attend Zeleniy Hai Church Camp this summer. We en- operate Blessing of Baskets will take place in the Auditorium on both levels. courage our parents to enroll your children, an opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy 2 weeks of cultural and religious education and fun at Wakaw Lake.    Paschal—Congregational Dinner Молитви Для Вірних – Prayers for our Faithful                               Mary Budzak Nadia Demkiw Lily Herman Nick Budzak            Paul Kodak Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Kay Kostyk           Elaine Maksymiuk Mary Maksuta Ann Michayluk Ernie Wasylciw            Michael Sorochka Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Elsie Stefanuk Myron Petrow Dear Faithful! Come and Celebrate! On Sunday April 23 following the Divine Liturgy we invite Emily Pihach Elsie Powalinsky Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda everyone to come to the Auditorium. On this, the Thomas Sunday we will gather for the Congrega- Susan Senko Alexandra Shewchuk Joe Horachek Toni Horachek tional Holy Communal Dinner. This feast shall be potluck, so please bring your favorite Paschal Vera Webster Walter Fedusiak Evelyn Fedusiak Joanne Zazalenchuk- entrée to share with everyone. The UWAC will provide the paska and babka and butter lambs. Domain Skoretz Adam Skoretz

Молитва від імені наших священиків - Святого Іоанна Кронштадтського “Господи, нехай Священники Твої зодягнуться в правду, нехай вони завжди пам'ятають велич свого покликання, нехай не заплутаються в тенетах світу і диявола, нехай вони будуть врятовані від турбот світу, радості в багатстві, і бажання Youth Camp & Teen Program  - Graveside Services інших речей, що входять в їхні серця.” Job Positions available St. Julien Sunday April 30, 2017 A prayer on behalf of our priests -St John Kronstadt st Deadline for applications is May 1 , 2017 Hafford Sunday, May 04 O Lord, let thy priests be clothed with righteousness, let them always remember the greatness POSITIONS AVAILABLE ARE: Hill Crest Memorial Saturday May 20 of their calling, let them not be entangled in the snares of the world and the devil, let them be Assistant Director, Counsellors, Assistant Smuts Saturday May 20 - 3:00 pm. saved from the cares of the world, the delight in the riches, and the desire for other things en- cooks Woodlawn Saskatoon Sunday, May 21 - 2:00 pm. tering into their hearts. Camper / Teen Program Registration and Job Applications can be found on our Ukrainian Museum of Canada website Weddings : You are invited to visit the "Expressions of Spirituality" display now on at the Ukrainian Museum of Cana- Zenon Holinaty & Taneil Sawatsky parents Matt & For more information: da (UWAC). This special display of icons and spiritual artifacts is part of the permanent collection of the Caroline Holinaty Museum. Some were created by professionally trained artists and iconographers who combined prayer Lesia Sorokan 1-306-222-3829 Baptisms: with learned traditional techniques, like the beautifully written icons of Vera Senchuk. Others were done Emily Chiperi - Ion & Eugenia Chiperi more in a folk style, as a spontaneous expression of faith. This Lenten and Easter season is a beautiful time [email protected] to visit this outstanding display which will be featured until May 14. Nazar Ovsiienko - Serhii & Victoria Ovsiienko Danylo Diachenko - Denys & Zoriana Diachenko The Museum is now open Sundays until the end of August, as well as Tuesdays to Saturdays. The Muse- um will be open until 7:00 pm on Holy Thursday, and then will be closed on Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Funerals: Pascha Sunday and Bright Monday. Edward Ksiondzyna Be sure to visit the Museum Gift Shop for any needed Easter items. Visit us at

MEMBERSHIP UPDATE INFORMATION Катедральна Членська Вкаладка (Мінімальна пожертвa) Cathedral Membership (Minimal donation) We are updating our parish information documents and ask for your co- Пан Богдан Трійщук зараз приймають членську вкладку на 2017 року. operation. Вони просять всім запам'ятати заплатити цю вкладку як най скорше. If you have changed your mailing address; your email address or your tel- Пропануємо Членська вкладка на 2017 рік є: ephone (cell phone) number, PLEASE send that new information to us Від особи (18 роки і старшi): $200.00, a за Родину: $400.00 ASAP. [email protected] Студенти: $30.00 Якщо ви не бачите свій шлях у оплачувати повноправне членство в одній компенсації, THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION будь ласка, переконайтеся, домовленості з Гордоном Трійщука організувати план виплат.

    Flowers for Golgotha and Pascha. The sister- Так що ваше членство повністю оплачений до кінця березня hood is now taking donations to beautify the Church for Holy Friday, Holy Gordon Trischuk is now accepting minimum donations for the year 2017.

Saturday and Pascha. Please pay these membership dues at your earliest convenience.           Tithe/Membership/Pledge dues for 2017 are as follows:       Individuals (18 years & over): $200.00, and for a family: $400.00 Alice Sopatyk 306-933-2572 Students: $30.00 Fr. Taras Makowsky 306-931-8595 Services During the Lenten Period THANK YOU LADIES ! ( and gentlemen) Passion Services: A very big thank you to all the ladies that have helped to prepare for our April 02 Melfort 5:00 p.m. Easter Bake Sale. Our bakers of Paskas and Babku, the prep people for All faithful are welcome to attend and participate in any or all services. vareynyk , our pinchers and holobtsi makers. Thank you for all of your Come Help clean the Church for Pascha hard work and time.

4th Annual St. Petro Mohyla Institute Golf Tournament at the Church Friday, June 2, 2017 Monday, April 10, 2017 9:00 am. We need many volunteers (both ladies and gentlemen) Contact: To come & help clean & prepare the church for Easter. Group 1 Altar Servers Sunday, April 02 & Greeters E. Stefanuk G. Trischuk S. Hawryliw K. Helmke Sunday, April 09 L. Klopoushak J. Werezak Larissa Cipiwnyk R. Antonichuk April 2017 R. Hrycuik V. Turyk John Didula John Demkiw R. Skwarchuk Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Z. Kindrachuk Epistle Readers Sunday, April 16 Sunday, April 02 1 I. Savyak M. Gregory O. Drozdovvskyy Z. Skoretz J. DIdula R. Antonichuk 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10:00 G. Trischuk V. Turyk Sunday, April 09 M. Gregory J. Hrycuik I. Prystupa R. Hrycuik G. Danyliuk B.J. Maskal B.J. Maskal J. Makowsky 9 10 11 12 Group 1 13 Group 1 14 Choir 15 Group 1 R. Stefureac

Sunday, April 16 10:00 G. Trischuk V. Turyk L. Balion M. Dwernychuk R. Antonichuk M. Dwernychuk G. Trischuk G. Kochan Y. Kirushok Z. Skortez G. Trischuk L. Balion Group 1 7:00 pm. L. Balion J. Werezak I. Savyak G. Kochan I. Savyak J. Hrycuik R. Skwarchuk Sunday, April 23 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 L. Balion Sunday, April 23 I. Savyak J. Werezak R. Rudy R. Stefureac W. Rybalka 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Sunday, April 30 Sunday, April 30 G. Kochan M. Dwernychuk J. Demkiw J. Makowsky 30 S. Hawryliw M. Hrycuik April 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 UWAC Frozen Products Sale 10 -12:00 noon 5:00 Akafist

2 10:00 Mary of Egypt 3 4 5 6 7 10:00 Ilarion Resid. 8 10:00 Cathedral Annunciation Lazarus Saturday     UWAC Bake Sale 1:00- UWAC General Meeting 3:00pm.

9 10:00 Palm Sunday - 10 11 Passover 12 Great Holy Wednes- 13 10:00 am. Great Holy 14 Great Holy Friday 15 day Unction Service Thursday   begins Good Friday 10:00 am. Great Holy    Pm. Saturday Holy Shroud Passions 7:00 pm 5:30 pm. 16 Resurrection of Our 17 10:00 am. Ilarion 18 Passover Ends. 19 20 21 22 Lord - Pascha Chapel 7:00pm. Church Council Potatoe Prep- 8:00 am Varenyky Bee - 9:00   Bright Monday Meeting am.  -  TYC Meeting 5:30 am. 23 Apos. Thomas Sun. 24 25 26 27 28 29    Varenyky Supper UWAC Frozen Products Sale 10 -12:00 noon   5:00- 7:00 pm.

30 10:00 Myrrh-bearing Women    ANNIVERSARIES- MAY: Dennis & Vera Webster (06), Petro & Nadiya Volos (06),  Kelly & Roberta Helmke (16), Sally & Wasyl Rybalka (16), ),Mihail & Critina Popa (18), Jim & Ilaria Powalinsky (19), Peter & Zenia Kalyn (27) Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity B’DAYS - MAY: Carol Cisecki (04), Linda Balon-Smith (05), Bridgette Koch (05), Kataryna Sovyn (05), Kevin Drinkwater (05), Gabriella Helmke (06), Vasyl Risnyk (06), Joan Dietz May 2017 Monthly Bulletin (08), Paul Kodak (08), Gordon Danyliuk (09), Vitaliy Grymaylo (09), Voldymyr Pastukh (10),  Serhiy Druzhyna (10), Michael Kindrachuk (11), Roberta Helmke (12), Roman Babiy (12), Michael Kochan (13), Dr. Alexandre Yatsina (13), Darlene Danyliw (15), Svetlana Kra- merenko (15), Mark Klopoushak (16), Emily Missura (16), Myron Kindrachuk (17), Oksana Makowsky (17), David Zohun (17), Danika Rudy (17), Oleh Statsenko (18), Jill Howlett (19), Victoria Falkovskay (19), Benjamin Lieffers (19), Sally Rybalka (19), Andrij Marko (20), Da- sha Aleksandrenko (20), Oleh Perlyan (20), Olia Paturova (21), Victoria Chunik (22), Peter Kalyn (23), Elaine Mazier Maksymiuk (23),Angela Kizka (24), Anastasiya Nestorov (24), Ro- man Nosach (24), Matthew Hryciuk (26), Alexander Pryma (26), Alex Malko (27), Tetyana Tetera (27), Oleksiy Yatsiuk (27), Viktoriya Danyuk (27), Anton Kurtseba (28), Carmen Koch (29), Cara Drinkwater (29), Konstantyn Sosnyk (30), Oleg Sukmaniuk (30), Anthony Hyshka (31), Vickie Balon (31), Melvena Dzialo (31), Iuliia Manashynski (30).

Молитви Для Вірних – Prayers for our Faithful               

Mary Budzak Nadia Demkiw Lily Herman Nick Budzak Paul Kodak Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Kay Kostyk Elaine Maksymiuk Mary Maksuta Ann Michayluk Ernie Wasylciw Michael Sorochka Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Elsie Stefanuk Myron Petrow Emily Pihach Elsie Powalinsky Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda    Susan Senko Alexandra Shewchuk Joe Horachek Toni Horachek            Vera Webster Walter Fedusiak Evelyn Fedusiak Joanne Zazalenchuk-           Domain Skoretz Adam Skoretz Ksenia Hrycuik Sylvia Sorochka   Tropar: Tone 4 CHURCH DIRECTORY You have ascended in glory, O Christ our God, having gladdened Your disciples by the Parish Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274 promise of the Holy Spirit. They were assured by the blessing that You are the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world. Parish Council President – Rod Antonichuk - 306-374-5919

Sunday Church School - Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595 V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky Parish Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452 [email protected] TYC/UOMA President – Ron Trischuk – 306-244-1867 Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 UWAC President—Carol Cisecki—306-343-9987            CYMK President – Reese Smith Sunday: Hours—9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452 Feast Days: Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. or as announced Проводи – Provody Молитва любові ніколи не буває даремною

Woodlawn Cemetery Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 2:00 pm Чому в Провідну неділю слід згадувати померлих? Hillcrest Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. or if you are unable to attend on the above dates phone Fr. Taras Після Великодня настають Проводи – день, коли вся родина особливо згадує померлих. У народі збереглося кілька назв цьому    Patron Saint Feast Day дню: Гробки, Провідна неділя, Радониця, Томина (Хомина) неділя… Як потрібно поминати родичів, що відійшли у вічність, із Saturday, June 03, 2017 5:00 p.m.     чим йти до церкви, на кладовище? Про це – розмова зі Greater Vespers and Lesser Blessing of Water священиком Андрієм Хромяком, викладачем Волинської

православної богословської академії. Sunday, June 04, 2017 9:00 am.   Confession 10:00 am.   Проводи символізують… радість Divine Liturgy – Поминальну неділю в народі часто називають Радоницею – від древнього слова Honoring of Graduates during BBQ luncheon after Divine Liturgy «радість», – розповідає священик. – Вона згадується ще в древньоруських літописах. Grade 12, Post Secondary—Siast/ University students Радониця закликає православного християнина згадати про вічне життя. Бо молитва за померлих людей – це підтвердження того, що їхні душі безсмертні й наша любов From Orthodox Pathway: The Orthodox Church is one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in which resides до них не закінчується. Свідчимо, що всезагальне воскресіння відбудеться: оскільки the fullness of Christian truth. It is holy because its head, the Lord Jesus Christ, is holy and made it the unique Спаситель подолав смерть, і ми колись усі повстанемо – під час другого пришестя vehicle of sanctification; it is Catholic because it knows no limitation of time or place and encompasses within Христового. Проте не кожен знає, що саме свято Проводи припадає на вівторок, на itself the entirety of Christ’s Church, and it is Apostolic because it alone has maintained, with unbroken conti- десятий день після Пасхи. nuity and without any alteration, the faith of the apostles through the ages. You will find the deeper, authen- tic spiritual life you are looking for in the splendid and moving worship of the Orthodox Church. Provody is an opportunity to visit our reposed loved ones who are resting in the ceme- Від равославного Шляху: Православна Церква - це Свята, Всесвітня і Апостольська ерква. Вона є teries. Provody is our duty to attend yearly memorial services following Pascha and Свята, тому що голова цієї еркви - Ісус Христос, Cвята і має унікальній засіб освячення; вона є offer prayers for our reposed family members, bringing comfort not only to our loved Всесвітня, тому що вона не має обмеження в часі або місці і охоплює в собі всю повноту Христової ones , but comfort to us. Following the Paschal celebrations and through to the Holy Церкви, і вона - є Апостольською, тому що тільки вона зберегла, з безперервною спадкоємностю без Day of Ascension we visit the graves, where we shall clean and plant new flowers. For будь-яких змін, віру апостолів крізь століття. Ви знайдете більш глибоке, справжнє духовне життя, the memorial service we cover the grave with an embroidered towel. Upon the towel we яке ви шукаєте в прекрасній і зворушливій молитві Православної Церкви. place a Paska or kolach or large round home baked loaf of bread with a candle on top and fruit around the bread. We provide the priest with a memorial book of the names of A thank you to All the people who donated this year for the Flowers at Pascha. Also to the sister- our reposed family members and patiently wait for the priest to come and bless the hood who purchased them. Thank you to Gord and Adele for getting the pussy willows for Palm grave(s) with blessed water. Sunday. The Sisterhood would like to thank the people who came out to clean the church and get it Saturday, May 20, 2017 - - 3:00 pm. Smuts ready for Pascha this year as well: Fr. Taras, Gordon Danyliuk, Jim Hrycuik, Larry Balion, Maryna Kortunova, Remma Chaganova, Vicky Andronyk, Liz Wachniak, Carol Cisicki, Tom Potts, Nestor Sunday , May 21, 2017 - 2:00 pm. Woodlawn cemetery Kowalski, Vivian Lundgren, Olga Dwernychuk, Vera Webster, Alice Sopatyk. Nadine Potts. Group 1 E. Stefanuk S. Hawryliw L. Klopoushak May 2017 Altar Servers Larissa Cipywnyk & Greeters John Didula Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat John Demkiw 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sunday, May 07 Epistle Readers K. Helmke R. Stefureac Sunday, May 07 R. Skwarchuk G. Allan Tanner Prychak 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Larissa Cipywnyk Sunday, May 14 L. Balion Sunday, May 14 G. Trischuk Y. Kirushok Robert Rudy 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 J. Werezak Alexander Akulov 3:00pm. Smuts  Sunday, May 21 Sunday, May 21 - graveside R. Antonichuk V. Turyk Vesper Kowalsky 21 2:00pm. 22 23 24 25 10:00 am. 26 27 J. Hrycuik R. Symchuk John Demkiw  -  Graveside Woodlawn (group 1) Sunday, May 28 Sunday, May 28 28 29 30 31 Z. Skorets Wasyl Rybalka J. Makowsky M. Gregory Ihor Prystupa J. Powalinsky May 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 UWAC monthly meeting Church Council Meet- Potatoe Prep 8:00 am. Varenyky Bee 9:00 am. CYMK Excursion to Pike CYMK Meeting ing 7:00 pm. Lake

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TYC Meeting 2:00 p.m. Hillcrest 5:30 pm 3:00pm. Smuts  - graveside 21 22 23 24 25 Cathedral 10:00 26 27 2:00pm. am.  Varenyky Supper Frozen Off Sales 10: 00 5-7:00pm. am. -noon.  - Graveside (group 1) Team 3 Woodlawn Taras Shevchenko Concert 7:00 pm. Spon- 7:00 pm. Zeleniy Hai sored by Shevchenko Steak Night Foundation 28 29 30 31 Steak Fundraising Dinner     CYMK Important Dates: In Support of Green Grove Camp            May 7, 2017 Meeting Saturday, May 27, 2017             May 7, 2017 No Sunday School Travelodge Hotel               CYMK and children helping in church  106 Circle Drive West     May 13 - Excursion to Pike Lake. Saskatoon                June 23-25, 2017 excursion to              Edmonton. Cocktails 5:30 pm              Dinner 6:00 pm

               4th Annual St. Petro Mohyla             Cash Bar 50/50 Silent Auction         Institute Golf Tournament Entertainment TICKETS $20.00 each                    Friday, June 2, 2017              Contact:              Contact: Andrew Kasowski @ 306-955-0631                           Maurice Werezak @ 306-230-8957                     The Ordination Prayers of a Priest Prayers “laying on of hands “ by a Bishop Baptisms: Saskatchewan Orthodox . . . The Grace Divine, which always healeth, that which is infirm, and completeth that which is Nikola Harmovska parents Ivan & Ruslana wanting elevateth, through the laying on of hands, (name), the most devout Deacon to be a Priest. Harmavoskyi Women's Retreat Wherefore, let us pray for him, that the Grace of the All-Holy Spirit may come upon him. Angelina Prystupa parents Ihor & Ivanna May 26, 27, & 28, 2017 . . . O God, who hast no beginning and no ending, who art older than every created thing, who Prystupa crownest with the name of Priest those whom thou deemest worthy to serve the world of thy truth Queens House Saskatoon in the divine ministry of this degree: Do thou, the same Lord of all, deign to preserve in pureness of Mackenzie Derbowka parents Michael life and in unswerving faith this man, also, upon whom, through me, thou hast graciously been Derbowka and Ashlay Andrew Theme: Prayer & Stillness of the pleased to lay hands. Be favorably pleased to grant unto him the great grace of thy Holy Spirit, and make him wholly thy servant, in all things acceptable unto thee, and worthily exercising the great Funerals: Heart honors of the priesthood which thou hast conferred upon him by thy prescient power. For thine is Donald Hrycuik the might and thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father and of the Son and Guest Speaker: Mother Gabriella, of the Holy Spirit, and every, and unto ages of ages, Amen. Jessie Kinar Abbess Dormition of the Mother of God Important Dates for UWAC for the Month of May Молитва на благословення садів і полів UWAC monthly meeting - May 7, 2017 Всемогутній, предвічний Боже, Отче милосердя! Поглянь, благаємо Тебе, на наші Varenyky Bee Prep Wednesday, May 10, 2017 щоденні потреби й для нашого пожитку рясно подай нам добрий урожай. Возвелич над нами Ім’я Твоє святе та на поля і на сади наші вилий прещедре Твоє благословення, Varenyky Bee Thursday, May 11, 2017 щоб усі труди слуг Твоїх, садові дерева і польові посіви наші, приносили щедрі плоди. Varenyky Supper May 26, 2017 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Team 3 Відверни, Милосердний, від нашого краю несприятливе поліття, невчасний мороз, руйнівний град, надмірну зливу, затоплення посівів і всілякого лиха, що може Frozen Sales of Varenyky & Cabbage Rolls - May 27, 2017 10:00 - 12:00 noon пошкодити людському майнові. Бо Ти є Бог наш, ми Тобі славу віддаємо, Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові, сьогодні, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь. Lastiwka Ukrainian Orthodox Choir and Orchestra A Prayer over A Sowing (of Seed) Presents Let us prayers to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. The Music of Maestro Anatoliy T. Avdievs'ky Artistic Director and O Lord our God, we offer the seed that lies before Thine eyes which is a donation from Chief Conductor of Thy most-pure and most-rich hands, O Master, and handing this unto Thee, we pray, for we dare not to enclose this into the bosom of the soulless earth,if we did not heed the command- VERYOVKA Ukrainian National Song and Dance Ensemble ment of Thy Majesty, bidding the earth to germinate and sprout, and to render seed for sow- A Tribute Concert on the first anniversary of his death ing and bread for food. And now we pray Thee, O our God: Hearken unto us that are beseech- ing Thee, and open unto us Thy great, and good, and heavenly storehouse; and pour out Thy Larry Klopoushak Director blessing, that we may be abundantly satisfied, according to Thy true promise. And do Thou Sunday, April 30, 2017, 7:00 p.m. drive away from us every thing that devours our earthly fruit, and every chastisement justly brought upon us for the sake of our sins. And send down upon all Thy people, and riches of Third Avenue United Church Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Thy compassions, through the grace and love for mankind of Thine Only-begotten Son, with Whom Thou art blessed, together with Thy Most-holy, Good, and Lifegiving Spirit, now and Adults: $20.00 Under 12: $10.00 ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Tickets: McNally Robinson, Werezaks Pharmacy, Молитва за добрий урожай Lastiwka members, or at the door Всемогутній Боже, Сотворителю світу й Владико життя, Ти підтримуєш усе, що існує, Своєю Силою, Ти — наш Отець і знаєш найкраще, чого нам потрібно для життя. Дозволь земним плодам добре зростати й дай нам добрий урожай. Нехай урожайною землю зроблять Твої дощі і сонце. Бережи наші поля й луки, городи й ліси від негоди, Orthodoxy is active and not passive. It’s the only church where you are required to adapt to it, rather надмірних дощів, граду, засухи. Благослови працю наших рук і розуму, щоб ласка Твоя нас духовно збагачувала. Нехай нас не турбують клопоти й тривоги, а наші серця than it adapting to you. The longer you are in it, the more you realize it demands of you. The “sheer нехай збирають скарби у Бога. Нехай на нас, на нашу працю зійде Благословення physicality of Orthodox worship” is part of the appeal. Regular days of fasting from meat and dairy, Всемогутнього Бога Отця, і Сина, і Святого Духа, і залишається з нами назавжди. “standing for hours on end, performing prostrations, going without food and water [before commun- Амінь. ion]…When you get to the end you feel that you’ve faced down a challenge  On behalf of the Hrycuik Family, we thank all of our faithful Cathedral family for their Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity prayers during the funeral of our mother, baba, pra-baba and wife Ksenia. June 2017 Monthly Bulletin Dobr. Joanne and Fr. Taras Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp  Ukrainian Orthodox Cultural Teen Program     THEME: The Arts. Green Grove-Zeleniy Hai-  Wakaw, SK. August 21-27, 2017 Youth Camp - July 09-23, 2017 Youth grades 9-12 Teen Camp - August 20-27, 2017 At Green Grove Camp       Registration forms are available at            [email protected] Due by June 30, 2017 Baptisms: All Saint Feast Day June 11, 2017 Natalia Semyboroda parents Sergiy & Olga We are all asked to attend the Feast day of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of All Saints on Louise Funerals: Ksenia Hrycuik Street.  Please attend with Fr. Taras. There shall be no Ron Shipowich Divine liturgy in the Cathedral that Sunday. Olga Satzewich                    Emily Missura Tropar: Tone 8:    Patron Saint Feast Day Blessed are You, O Christ our God, Who has revealed the fishermen to be most wise, by sending down Saturday, June 03, 2017 5:00 p.m.     upon them the Holy Spirit and through them drew the universe into Your net. O Lover-of-Mankind, glory Greater Vespers and Lesser Blessing of Water to You. Sunday, June 04, 2017 9:00 am.   Confession V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky 10:00 am.   [email protected] Divine Liturgy Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 Honoring of Graduates during BBQ luncheon after Divine Liturgy            Sunday: Hours—9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. Feast Days: Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. or as announced ANNIVERSARIES - JUNE: John & Connie Demkiw (05), Vitaliy & Natalia Chayka (06), Paul & Alice Anto- June 2017 nichuk (15), Oleksiy & Viktoria Kutsenko (17), Glen & Mariann Paziuk (27), Gennadiy & Olena Shatokhin Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat (27), Evan & Doreen Howlett (28), Robert & Patrusia Rudy (28), 1 2 3 B’DAYS - JUNE: Dmytro Drushynin (01), Joe Horachek 5:00 pm. Great (01), Jonathan Skwarchuk (01), Alexa Smyrnov (01), Vespers Lesser Guilnar Kalyton (02), Eric Lynn (02), Rahel Okubay Blessing of Water (02), Emma Uhryn (04), Yulia Shovkun (04), Micah   Powalinsky (05), Taisa Rudy (05), Gordon Trischuk (06), Emelia Isak (06), Nazar Yaremenko (06), Sasha 4 10:00 am. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pavlovsky (07), Peter Powalinsky (08), Tracy   8:00 am. 9:00 am. Symchyck (08), Danielle Shatokina (09), Olya Babiy Khram (09), Nikita Macheyevskiy (11), Diana Manzuc (11), Varenyky Prep Varenyky Bee Green Holidays Mary Zazelenchuk (11), Marsha Hryciuk (12),   Maurice Werezak (12), Anastasia Pryma (13), Karma Bohle (14), Petro Volos (14), Don Sovyn (15), Artyum Pentecost Kramerenko (15), Halyna Valorko (15), Dean Yuzik 11 All Saints 12 13 14 15 16 17 (15), Alice Kindrachuk (16) Lorentia Yakhnovich (16), Dima Pilchenko (17), Andriy Danyuk (18), Stan Feast Day Beginning of 9:00 am 7:00 pm. Hawryliw (18), Nancy Kucey (19), Alexandr Shovkun Apostles Fast No service at Cabbage Roll Church Council (19), Toni Horachek (20), Petro Dobushevskyy (20), Cathedral   Bee meeting Anastasiya Danyuk (21), Andrew Herman (21), Cindy Didula (22), Andriy Hawrysh (22), Olesia Kowalsky 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (22), Veronica Pavlowska (22), Olena Trokhymchuk 10:00 am 5:00-7:00 (22), Diana Nosach (23), Olexander Paturov (23), Divine Liturgy Varenyky Cole Benoit (24), Michael Sorochka (24), Ashley Supper Werezak (24), Margaryta Solodenko (25), Diane Werezak (25), Helen Hrycan (26), Alena Yschyshyn 25 26 27 5:30 pm. 28 29 30 (26), Serhij Pashkov (27), Ben Trischuk (27), Artur 10:00 am. UWAC General Fayfruk (29), Petro Kalmikov (29), Natalia Yatsina (29), Yulia Druzhyna (30), Divine Liturgy meeting & Social Ukr. Museum  ANNIVERSARIES - JULY: Fr. Taras and Dobr. Joanne Makowsky (02), Gordon & Donna Kochan (10), Murray & Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Olga Hallborg (08), Myron & Doreen Petro (11), Terry & Carol Shinkewski (12), Joe & Toni Horachek (13), Ernie & Jan Stefanuk (15), Mark & Kyleigh Skoretz (16), Alexandr & Yulia Shovkun (16), Mike & Vi Huculiak (17), July and August 2017 Monthly Bulletin Jason & Oksana Uhryn (17), Orest & Audrey Woroniuk (18), Gil & Tammy Allen (22), Ivan & Mariya Paliy (23),  James & Marsha Hryciuk (27), Vyacheslav & Katerina Smyrnov (28), Jason & Donna Walton (29), Andriy & Janet Hawrysh (30), Clinton & Linda Smith (30), Oleg & Tatiana Mandrykin (30), Andriy & Liliya Vitkovskyy (30), Wally & Liz Wachniak (30), Mike & Emily Dwernychuk (31), Pavlo & Svitlana Marchak (31).

B’DAYS - JULY: Donna Kochan (02), Valia Perlyna (02), Sofia Zhukov (02) Clark Remenda (03) Alice Antonichuk (04), Liudmyla Druzhyna (05), Olga Hallborg (05), Nastia Kramerenko (05), Ivan Dobushovsky (06), Bogdan Kovalenko (06), Dara Hrytzak (07), Ivan Kalmikov (07), Derek Kindrachuk (07), Alexa Danyuk (08), Julia Harbuz (08), Carissa Klopoushak (10), Pat Bodnar-Slowski (10), Ivanna Kindrachuk (11), Myron Kowalsky (11), Bisirat Gehbremedhin (11), Paul Antonichuk (12), Olga Dwernychuk (12), Connie Symchyck (12), Yuriy Dzhura (13) Peter Kindrachuk (13), Alana Hyshka (14), Esrom Mehari (14), Valentyna Pshenyshna (15), Orville Zaleschuk (17), Yan Sadovkayy (18), Volodymyr Kurtseba (19), Olena Shlyama (20), Halyna Drachuk (21), Julia Kindrachuk (23), Natalia Pavlovska (23), Vladyk Sukmaniuk (23), Sofija Federov (24), Kostantyn Maishiev (24), Zhennia Panasiuk (24), Ihor Trokhymchuk (25), Anthony Hawrysh (26),Olya Kalyton (26), Orest Danyliuk (28), Bailee Symchyck (28), Yan Voronin (29), Vitia Pohrebniak (30)

ANNIVERSARIES - AUGUST: Mike & Rose Kerelchuk (02), Zane & Larise Skoretz (02), Mykola & Svitlana Fayfruk (03), Ed & Mary Maksuta (03), Donny & Darby Sovyn (03), Dave & Louise Wiwchar (05), Colby & Camille Yuzik (08), Oleksandr & Iryna Dzhura (11), Michael & Sylvia Sorochka (11), Dave & Anna Hawrysh (12), Larry & Alicia  Klopoushak (12), Michael & Marianela Manzuik (12), Patricia Yuzik & Kevin Carswell (14) Bohdan & Darlene Danyliw (15), Myron & Olesia Kowalsky (15), Zenovie & Irene Kindrachuk (17), Joe & Tammi Bohle (18), John &  Cindy Didula (24)   B’DAYS - AUGUST: Liliyaa Yuschyshyn (02), Alicia Klopoushak (03), Irene Kindrachuk (04), Yuriy Kirushok (04), John Didula (05), Ihor Garmasar (05), Jordan Welbourne (06), Julia Kizka (08), Maryan Sosnyk (08), Julia Skryp- Nativity of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist of the Lord, John (July 7) nyk (09), Sophia Bather (10), Victoria Nosach (10), Bohdan Federov (12), Nathan Ghebremedhin (12), David Tropar, Tone 4: Manziuk (13), Marinel Manzuc (13) Alisa Legkostup (14), Nicole Kaftan (15), Mary Maksuta (15), Beverly Peatz O Prophet and Forerunner of the coming of Christ, all we who honour you with love are at a loss to (15), Lilliyan Manziuk (16), Stephan Kodak (17), Charlene Remenda (17), Volodymyr Antonov (07), Mariana praise you worthily. For the barrenness of your mother and the silence of your father have been ended by Falkovska (18), Svitlana Fayfruk (18), Anna-Marie Yuzik-Grinde (18), Oksana Dobushevska (19), Oksana your glorious and honourable nativity, and the incarnation of the Son of God is preached to the world Kalmikova (19), Yulia Statsenko (19), Yaroslav Kalmikov (21), Vivian Lundgren (21), Anatoliy Paliy (21), James Werezak (21), Alexis Kolodziejski (22), Olga Bokshowan (24), Melissa Popa (24), Lesia Rybalka (24), Viktoria V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky Vlasenko (25), Liuda Chayka (27), Kelly Braun (27), Vladyslav Pohrebniak (28), Vyacheslaw Smyrnov (28), [email protected] Yaroslav Dobushevskyy (29), Julian Makowsky (29) Oksana Marko (30), Myhaylo Tetera (30), Vitaliy Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 Kalishnikov (31), Amber Werezak (31)  Sunday: Hours—9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. Feast Days: Divine Liturgy—10:00 a.m. or as announced The Three Saviours (Spasy) FOLKFEST 2017 UKRAINIAN KARPATY PAVILION In the month of August there are three holidays related to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, DATES: THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, FRIDAY AUGUST 18 AND SATURDAY AUGUST 19 which in church Ustav are called the First Saviour (Spas), the Second Saviour (Spas) and the WHERE: PRAIRIELAND HALL D Third Saviour (Spas) . All three feasts of the Saviour connect between them the days of the Dormition Fast, which lasts from August 14th to the 28th. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Set-up on Tuesday, August 15 and Wednesday, August 16 Pavilion workers Aug. 17-19: kitchen workers, food servers, housekeeping, bar attendants, hosts, The First Saviour (Spas) is the feast of the Presentation of the Holy passport stampers, attendance monitors, delivery drivers and Life-giving Cross, celebrated on August 14th. The presentation Shifts are four hours in length and a meal and beverage ticket is included. took the form of a ceremonious procession, in which the Lord’s

Cross was carried out on this day August 14th. In Ukrainian tradi- Молитви Для Вірних – Prayers for our Faithful tion the feast of the First Saviour (Spas) is associated with the cus- Nadia Demkiw Lily Herman Nick Budzak Olga Belik tom of eating freshly gathered honey and poppy seed which is Paul Kodak Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Kay Kostyk blessed in Church. Elaine Maksymiuk Mary Maksuta Ann Michayluk Ernie Wasylciw Michael Sorochka Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Elsie Stefanuk Myron Petrow August 14 - “ Emily Pihach Elsie Powalinsky Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda  Susan Senko Alexandra Shewchuk Joe Horechuk Toni Horechuk Vera Webster   From Orthodox Pathway: The Orthodox Church is one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in which  resides the fullness of Christian truth. It is holy because its head, the Lord Jesus Christ, is holy and made On August 19th the Second Saviour (Spas) - the Transfiguration of it the unique vehicle of sanctification; it is Catholic because it knows no limitation of time or place and Our Lord is celebrated. This important event in Christ’s life on encompasses within itself the entirety of Christ’s Church, and it is Apostolic because it alone has main- tained, with unbroken continuity and without any alteration, the faith of the apostles through the ages. earth occurred not long before His Crucifixion. In order to sustain You will find the deeper, authentic spiritual life you are looking for in the splendid and moving worship of His disciples faith when they would see Him suffering, the Lord the Orthodox Church. first showed them His divine glory. In Ukrainian tradition the feast of the Second Saviour (Spas) is associated with the custom of Від равославного Шляху: Православна Церква - це Свята, Всесвітня і Апостольська ерква. Вона - eating apples and other fruits and vegetables that are blessed in є Свята, тому що голова цієї еркви - Ісус Христос, Cвята і має унікальній засіб освячення; вона - є Church. Всесвітня, тому що вона не має обмеження в часі або місці і охоплює в собі всю повноту Христової Церкви, і вона - є Апостольською, тому що тільки вона зберегла, з безперервною  спадкоємностю без будь-яких змін, віру апостолів крізь століття. Ви знайдете більш глибоке,  справжнє духовне життя, яке ви шукаєте в прекрасній і зворушливій молитві Православної Церкви.   The Third Saviour is the commemoration of the Image Holy, Glorious Prophet Elijah of Our Lord Not-made-by-hands, celebrated on August 29th. Icon written without hands. In Ukrainian tradi- July20/August 2 tion the Third Saviour is popularly called Khlibniy The Holy Prophet Elijah is one of the greatest of the proph- (bread) Spas because it is associated with the harvest ets and the first dedicated to virginity in the Old Testament. of crops. He was born in Tishba of Gilead into the Levite tribe 900 years before the Incarnation of the Word of God.According to  the Tradition of Holy Church, the Prophet Elijah will be the  Forerunner of the Dread Second Coming of Christ. He will  proclaim the truth of Christ, urge all to repentance, and will  be slain by the Antichrist. This will be a sign of the end of the world.   The life of the holy Prophet Elijah is recorded in the Old Tes-  tament books (3 Kings; 4 Kings; Sirach/Ecclesiastes 48: 1-15;  1 Maccabees 2: 58). At the time of the Transfiguration, the Prophet Elijah conversed with the Savior upon Mount Tabor  (Mt. 17: 3; Mark 9: 4; Luke. 9: 30). Orthodox Christians of all times, and in all places,  have venerated the Prophet Elijah for centuries. The first church in Ukraine, built at Kiev  under Prince Ihor, was named for the Prophet Elijah. After her Baptism Saint Olga (July Baptisms: We welcome to our Cathedral family 11) built a temple of the holy Prophet Elijah in her native region, at the village of Vibuta. Seraphina Regal parents Kinberly Sopatyk & Fredrick Regal In iconography the Prophet Elijah is depicted ascending to Heaven in a fiery chariot, Sophia Dushenko Volodymyr Dushenko & Tetiana Shut surrounded with flames, and harnessed to four winged horses. We pray to him for deliv- erance from drought, and to ask for seasonable weather. Olexandr Myronuk Dmytro Myronuk & Inna Kolmiyets  Samira Zhalezhnikova Dmytro Zhalezhnikov & Taisiia Yureyevna  Funerals: Our deepest sympathies to the families of;  - Memory Eternal  Emily Missura Rosemarie Tratch  Mary Budzak Luba Tanchiy Tropar, Tone 4: Olga Satzewich Joseph Kucey An angel incarnate, the foundation of prophets and second forerunner of the coming of Christ, glorious Elias sent grace from on high to Elisha to cast out sickness and Marriages: God Grant You Many Happy Years! cleanse lepers. Therefore he pours forth healing for all who honour him. Michael & Christine Popa Merlin & Elaine Chouinard Tithing – Membership – Pledge Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp Десятина – Членство – Обов’язок  “Tithing is a Christian ideal worth striving towards. It is important to learn that our own generosity is a commitment in maintaining our own Church building and various program- Green Grove-Zeleniy Hai- , Wakaw, SK. ming that we wish to present throughout the year. It would be great and humbling, not to rely on non Orthodox Christians, or guests to support us. As the Cathedral Dean, I humbly Youth Camp - July 09-23, 2017 ask, please help us to meet our yearly budget, by giving joyfully your 2017 membership and tithe as soon as possible. Teen Camp - August 20-27, 2017 Thank you and God bless.”  Десятина – це є християнський ідеал до якого варто прагнути. Важливо знати,  що наша щедрість є власним зобов'язанням у підтримці нашої церковної будівлі та [email protected]  різних програм, які ми хотіли б представити протягом усього року. Це було б прекрасно і смиренно, щоб ми не розраховували на не-православних християн, або гостей підтримувати нас. Як (Правління Церкви), смиренно The Orthodox Church is evangelical, but not Protestant. прошу вас, будь ласка, допоможіть нам задовольнити наш річний бюджет, сердечно внесіть членські внески за 2017  та вашу десятину як можна It is orthodox, but not Jewish. швидше.  It is catholic, but not Roman. Orthodox Christian Stewardship It isn't non-denominational - it is pre-denominational. “Orthodox Christian Stewardship is way of life, which acknowledges accountability, reverence and responsibility before God. A primary goal of Stewardship is to pro- It has believed, taught, preserved, defended and died for the Faith mote spiritual growth and strengthen faith. Becoming a Steward begins when we of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost 2000 years ago. believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs. As Stewards, we affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him. Stewardship calls on the faithful to cheerfully offer back to God a portion of the CHURCH DIRECTORY gifts with which they have been blessed.” Parish Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274 "Православне християнське управління (керівництво, піклування) є способом Parish Council President – Rod Antonichuk - 306-374-5919 життя, який визнає підзвітність, повагу і відповідальність перед Богом. Основне Sunday Church School - Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595 завдання управління (піклування) є сприяття духовному зростанню і зміцненню Parish Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452 віри. Піклування (управління) починається тоді, коли ми віримо в Бога, якому ми TYC/UOMA President – Ron Trischuk – 306-244-1867 даємо нашу любов, лояльне ставлення і довіру, а також ми діємо на основі наших UWAC President—Carol Cisecki—306-343-9987 переконань. Як розпорядники ми стверджуємо, що кожен аспект нашого життя CYMK President – Reese Smith приходить як подарунок від Нього. Стратегічне управління закликає вірних Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452 вернути назад до Бога частину подарунків, які ми одержали з Божого благословіння." Altar Servers & Greeters

Epistle Readers July 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sunday, July 02 K. Helmke 1 G. Trischuk J. Werezak Sunday, July 02 J. Hrycuik Stan Hawryliw 2 Divine liturgy 3 4 5 6 7 Divine liturgy 8 10:00 am. Sunday, July 9 J. Demkiw 10:00 am. Ilarion Chapel Nativity of John the Z. Skoretz Baptist R. Antonichuk Sunday, July 9I 9 Divine liturgy 10 11 12 13 14 15 B.J. Maskal Prystupa 10:00 am. G. Allen V. Kowalsky

Sunday, July 16 Sunday, July 16 16 Divine liturgy 17 18 19 20 21 22 L. Balion O. Drosdovskyy 10:00 am. V. Turyk Fr. Taras July 17 - 31 Holidays I. Saviak V. Webster

23 Church Camp 24 25 26 27 28 29

Green Grove Final Con- cert & Divine Liturgy Fr. Taras July 17 - 31 Holidays Sunday, July 30 Sunday, July 30 M. Gregory 30 Divine Liturgy 31 V. Turyk R. Rudy Fr. Demczuk serving B.J. Maskal A. Paliy I. Saviak Group 1 E. Stefanuk S. Hawryliw L. Klopoushak August 2017 Altar Servers Larissa Cipywnyk John Didula & Greeters John Demkiw Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 Epistle Readers Sunday, August 6 K. Helmke I. Savyak 6 10:00 am. 7 Civic Holiday 8 9 10 11 12 Sunday, August 06 R. Skwarchuk Divine Liturgy Stan Hawryliw G. Allan  CYC Convention - August 9 - 12 in Winnipeg , MB. J. Demkiw Sun. 9 af Pentecost 13 10:00 am. 14 10:00 am. 15 16 17 18 19  Sunday, August 13 L. Balion Sunday, August 13 Divine Liturgy Divine Liturgy / Transfig. Of  G. Trischuk  Our Lord. Blessing of Sun. 10 af Pentecost Y. Kirushok Robert Rudy Procession first fruits. J. Werezak of the Cross Bless- Alexander Akulov 10:00 Divine Liturgy ing of Honey and Poppy seed Ilarion Folkfest Weekend August 17- 19 Sunday, August 20 Sunday, August 20 20 10:00 am. 21 22 23 Potato Prep 24 Varenyky 25 26 R. Antonichuk Y. Kirushok Divine Liturgy TBA Bee TBA V. Turyk  J. Hrycuik I. Savyak Sun. 11 af Pentecost R. Symchuk

27 10:00 am. 28 10:00 am. 29 30 31 Sunday, August 27 Divine Liturgy Divine Liturgy  Sunday, August 27   Z. Skorets Wasyl Rybalka Sun. 12 af Pentecost Dormi- I. Savyak tion of Most Holy M. Gregory Theotokos Blessing Ihor Prystupa J. Powalinsky of Herbs  ANNIVERSARIES - SEPTEMBER: Roman & Olya Babiy (06), Oleksandr & Heather Paturov (12), Petro & Oksana Dobushevskyy (18), Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Ron & Suzanne Skwarchuk (18), Laura & Kevin Drinkwater (21), Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin Andriy & Svitlana Danyuk (30), Yaroslaw & Svetlana Kramarenko (30), вересень– 2017 – September  Bernie & Bonita Werezak (30)

SEPTEMBER: David Hawrysh (01), Jacob Powalinsky (01), V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky Andrij Falkovskay (02), Olha Horivchuk (02), Nadia Kodak (03), Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 [email protected] Tetiana Smyrnov (03), Laura Drinkwater (03), Volodymyr Drachuk Jr. (04),           Rose Jarman (05), Ernie Uhryn (05), Viktoria Kutsenko (05), Andrie Smolyakov (06), Ed Maksuta (06), Diana Pashkov (06), Uliana Sosnyk (07), Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00 /Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced Dominica Babiy (09), Dmytro Marko (09), Zane Skoretz (09), Pavlo Marchak (12), Serhiy Kalyton (14), Marissa Evans (14), Anna Hawrysh (14) , Kyrylo Vitkovskyy (15), Beheading of St John the Baptist - Усікновення Чесної Глави Св.Івана Хрестителя Tammi Bohle (17), Darcia Evans (17), Leanna Kowalsky (18), Trinity Walton (19), Tropar, Tone 2 Laryssa Yaremenko (19), Andriy Falkowskay (20), Tesfom Ghebremedhin (20), The memory of the righteous is praised, but you, O Forerunner, are well Owen Trischuk (20), Sophia Ivanov (21), Elsie Powalinsky (21), Ernie Stefanuk (21), pleased with the testimony of the Lord. For you have truly been revealed as Larry Klopoushak (23), Boris Felzer (24), Oleksandr Trokhymchuk (24), Anne Kohut (25), more honourable than the prophets since you were deemed worthy to baptize in Sasha Trokhymchuk (25), Nataliya Skrypnyk (27), Elmer Wachniak (27), the river the One of whom they foretold. Therefore, having fought and suffered Jonathan Ghebremedhin (28), Ivan Paliy (28), Maryan Sosnyk (28), Rychel Smith (28), for the Truth, you have also joyfully preached to those in hades the good tidings of God revealed in the flesh, Who takes away the sins of the world and grants us Sophia Hrycuik (29), Olga Wachniak (29), Lavina Bukurak (30), Kathryn Drinkwater (30) great mercy.

            CHURCH DIRECTORY                    Parish Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274                   Parish Council President – Rod Antonichuk - 306-374-5919   Sunday Church School - Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595 Parish Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452 Exaltation of the Cross - Воздвиження Чесного Хреста TYC/UOMA President – Ron Trischuk – 306-244-1867 Tropar, Tone 1 UWAC President—Carol Cisecki—306-343-9987 O Lord, save Your People and bless Your inheritance! Grant victory CYMK President – Reese Smith to Orthodox Christians over their adversaries, and by Your Cross Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452 preserve your Commonwealth.                       

Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God - Різдво Пресвятої Богородиці U.W.A.C. – Olha Kobylianska Branch: will hold their monthly meeting on Tropar, Tone 4 Sunday, September 10th at 1:00 p.m. We invite all members to attend.

Your nativity, O Theotokos, has brought you to the whole universe. The Sun of Righteousness, Christ Збори Союзу Українок Канади – Відділь Ім. Ольги Кобилянської: our God, has shone forth from You, annulling the Слідуючі загальні збори Сoюзу відбудуться у неділю, 10-го Вересня о год. 1:00 . по обіді. Запрошуємо всіx членкинь curse and giving a blessing. He has abolished death

and granted us eternal life. September Work Bees    Sept. 13th - Varenyky Potatoe Prep. 8:00 A.M.    о            Sept. 14th - Varenyky Bee 9:00 A.M.        Sept. 21st - Cabbage Roll Bee 9:00 A.M.          Prayers for the Faithful - Молитви Для Вірних The Church New Year - Початок Нового Церковного Року                Tropar, Tone 2 O maker of all creation, Who have established the times and seasons by your own power, bless the Nick Budzak Nadia Demkiw Lily Herman Joe Horechuk crown of this year with Your goodness, preserving in peace Your city and people by the prayers of the Toni Horechuk David Hawrysh Paul Kodak Kay Kostyk Theotokos, and save us. Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Mary Maksuta Elaine Maksymiuk

Ann Michayluk Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Myron Petrow Elsie Powalinsky   2 Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda Susan Senko Michael Sorochka Творче всього творіння! Ти часи й доби встановив Своєю владою. Благослови вінець Alexandra Shewchuk Elsie Stefanuk Ernie Wasylciw Vera Webster року благості Твоєї, Господи, охороняючи в мирі людей і місто Твоє молитвами Богородиці, і спаси нас. Funerals: The Feast of the Church New Year is an opportunity outside of the observances of Holy Our deepest sympathies, , Memory Eternal to the families of: Week to celebrate the full significance of the victory of the Cross over the powers of the world, and the triumph of the wisdom of God through the Cross over the wisdom of this Michael Danyliuk - husband of Adele Danyliuk world. This Feast also gives the Church an opportunity to relish the full glory of the Cross Jim Yaciw - husband of Julia Yaciw as a source of light, hope and victory for Christ's people. It is also a time to celebrate the Lanna Kotelko universality of the work of redemption accomplished through the Cross: the entire universe is seen through the light of the Cross, the new Tree of Life which provides nourishment for Wayne Kotyk those who have been redeemed in Christ.

Baptisms: We welcome - Вітаємо to our Cathedral family Dibrova Choir Alexandr Myronynk - Dmytro & Inna Myronuk Dibrova Ukrainian Folk Ensemble Samira Zheleznikova - Dmytro & Taisiia Zheleznikov will be resuming Fall rehearsals Anton Karpets - Stanislav & Aliesia Karpets on Wednesday, Sept 06, 2017 Micah Klopoushak - Mark & Catherine Klopoushak Kirill Godzinevskyy -Andriy & Yelyzaveta Godzinevskyy New members are welcomed! Veronika Bodnar - Andriy & Marina Bondar AGM – September 13, 2017 Beckett Smart - Kyle & Jessica Smart Mira Dzhura - Oleksandr & Iryna Dzhura

Оголошення для всіх батьків! 10 вересня, після Служби Божої отець Тарас всіх дітей буде благословляти на новий навчальний рік. Можна приносити Wisdom of the Fathers шкільні рюкзаки. Будемо раді бачити всіх дітей! До зустрічі!!!

Notice to all Parents “Do not be afraid because of your Orthodoxy; Fr. Taras will bless all the children for the upcoming new school th Do not be afraid because, as an Orthodox in the West, you year on Sunday, September 10 Children are welcome to bring their backpacks for will be often isolated and always in a small minority. blessing as well. We look forward to seeing all the children! Do not make compromises but do not attack other Christians; Do not be either defensive or aggressive; Sunday School program will commence on Sunday, September 10, 2017. Simply be yourself.” Dear Parents, Elder Amphilochios Markis As in the past we are always encouraging all of our children to attend. However, we would like you to help our Sunday school coordinators and teachers. If your children are Не бійтеся тому, що ви Православні; under the age of 6 years, it is important that you stay to assist your child with various Не бійтеся тому, що як Православні на заході, projects during classes. We are also praying that perhaps two or three parents would like ви часто будете ізольовані і завжди будете в незначній меншості; to help Dobr. Joanne with the teaching. The role of the Church, and the duty of the par- Не йдіть на компроміси, але не будьте агресивними до інших Християн; ent is to give an opportunity for our children to receive religious instruction early, in the Не обороняйтеся, але і не атакуйте; formative years. Then as they grow, they shall become firm in their Orthodox faith. Any Просто будьте самі собою. Старець Амфілохіс Макріс one who is interested in teaching Sunday School please contact Dobr. Joanne at big- [email protected] See you all soon!

Holy Trinity Icon Windows : Teachers and Defenders of the Faith FolkFest

Thank you to all the members of this parish who came and Martyr Athanasius the Abbot of Bretsk Commemorated on September 5 supported the Ukrainian Karpaty Pavilion at Folkfest. You were part of the almost 35,000 people who entered this pavilion during The Hieromartyr Athansius of Bretsk was Belorussian and the three days and we hope you had fun!! was born in about the year 1597 into a pious Christian Thank you very much to the hard-working volunteers from our family named Philippovich. He received a serious church family. Because of your dedication and perseverance, our pavilion was a very popular place to be! upbringing, and he knew the theological and historical Volunteers,: Please remember to register for the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on literature, as is evidenced in the diary of the saint, which Sunday, September 24 at Smiley’s starting at 5 pm. Call Carol Shinkewski at 306 373- has been preserved. 0479, text 306 291-0805 or email [email protected]. Space is limited so please act before the deadline of Sept. 11. In his youth, Saint Athanasius for a while was a teacher Carol Shinkewski, FolkFest Volunteer Coordinator in the houses of Polish merchants. In the year 1627, he

accepted tonsure under Igumen Joseph at the Vilensk monastery of the Holy Spirit. Saint Athanasius was News in and Around the Parish. . . . . ordained hieromonk in the year 1632, and made head of the Duboisk [Dubovsk] monastery near Pinsk.  Saskatoon Parishes will be hosting the Extra Ordinary Sobor of the UOCC August 2018 & celebrating the Saint Athanasius, with a special blessing of the Theotokos, re-established Orthodoxy 100th Anniversary of UOCC within the boundaries of the ancient Russian territories that had been seized by the Polish There will be more details in the upcoming Bulletins.

Reche. Between the years 1638-1648 Saint Athanasius fulfilled his obedience as igumen of  Anna Papish CYMK members went on a road trip & were hosted by the Alberta- the Bretsk-Simeonov monastery. The monk endured much abuse from the Uniates and CYMK. They visited the Ukrainian Heritage Village. Members of the branch also took part in the USRL Convention in Winnipeg. illegal persecution from the civil authorities. Three times he endured being locked up in prison.  Anna Papish Branch of CYMK has their AGM Sunday, September 10th. The saint was sent to the authorities at Kiev to appear before a religious tribunal, but he  Ukrainian Museum - September 9, 2017 AGM was acquitted, and returned to his own monastery. For ten years Saint Athanasius, finding  Congratulations to Larry Balion who was elected National TYC President, and to Ron Trischuk elected as Treasurer himself among persons maliciously disposed towards him, led a constant struggle for Holy  First Varenyky/Perogy Supper of the New Year : September 29th Orthodoxy, his faithfulness to which is evidenced by his sufferings. Group 1 working with John & Cindy Didula as co-chairs organizing

Attempts to wear down the spiritual endurance of the saint were to no avail. He again went  A number of Delegates attended the URSL Convention in Winnipeg. We look for- to trial, after which the monk was sentenced to death by execution, for his cursing of the ward to reports and updates on the convention

Unia. Saint Athanasius died as a martyr on the night of September 4-5, 1648 (the Uncovering of Relics was on July 20, 1679). Group 1: E. Stefanuk S. Hawryliw Altar Servers L. Klopoushak J. Demkiw September 2017 & L. Cipywnyk Greeters Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Epistle Readers 1 2 Sunday, Sept 3 G. Trischuk R. Antonichuk Sunday, Sept 3 G. Kochan 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J. Hrycuik L. Cipywnyk Sunday 13 after Pentecost / Нед. 13-а по П’ятдес.

A. Akoulov Divine liturgy Sunday, Sept 10 10:00 am. V. Turyk 11 Beheading of St. 12 Sunday, Sept 10 10 Sunday 14 John the Baptist 13 14 15 16 K. Helmke

after Pentecost / M. Hrycuik R. Rudy Нед. 14-а по П’ятдес. Усікновення Св. G. Allen Івана Хрестителя Ecclesiastical New Year/ E. Fedorchuk Divine liturgy Ilarion Chapel 10:00 am. 10:00am Церковний новий рік Sunday, Sept 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10:00 am. M. Gregory Sunday, Sept 17 Sunday 15 after Pentecost / Ilarion Chapel Нед. 15-та по П’ятдес I. Savyak W. Rybalka Nativity of Theotokos Y. Kirushok Divine liturgy 10:00 am. Рождество Пресвятої R. Hrycuik O. Drozdovvskyy Богородиці 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sunday, Sept 24 Sunday, Sept 24 Cathedral 10:00 J. Demkiw Sunday 16 after Pentecost / Z. Skoretz Нед.16-та по П’ятдес. Exaltation of Holy Cross L. Balion I. Prystupa Divine liturgy Воздвиження Чесного Хреста 10:00 am. J. Werezak R.Hrycuik G. Trischuk Group 1

September 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dibrova Choir Ukrainian Museum of Canada of the UWAC 1:00 p.m. AGM 1:00 p.m. at UMC Spadina Cres 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 UWAC Meeting 1:00 p.m. Church Council Potato Prep 8:00 am. Varenyky Bee 9:00 am. CYMK AGM 1:00 p.m. Meeting 7:00 pm. Dibrova Choir Sunday School Begins 1:00 p.m. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Cabbage Roll Bee Dibrova Choir 9:00 a.m.

1:00 p.m. TYC Meeting 5:30 pm 10:00 am. Ilarion Chapel Nativity of Theotokos 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Cathedral 10:00 Ex- Varenyky/Perogy altation of Holy Cross UWAC Frozen Off Sales Supper 5 -7:00pm.

Dibrova Choir Team 1– John & 10: 00 am. -noon. 1:00 p.m. Cindy Didula

October Anniversaries: Nestor & Vesper Kowalsky (01), Святкування100-річчя праці на Божій ниві Myhaylo & Tetyana Tetera (06), Bob & Malvena Dzialo (08), Української Православної Церкви в Канаді Metodiy & Yulia Georgier (09), Peter & Elsie Powalinsky (10), Gordon & Adele Trischuk (10), Oleksander & Tetiana Smyrnov (12), Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of labouring in God's Holy Vineyard Ernie & Arlene Uhryn (14), Dmytro & Iryna Hab (17), of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada Serhiy & Guilnar Kalyton (18), Rod & Peggy Antonichuk (27), August 09-12 Saskatoon - 2018 - 9-12 серпня Vladyslav & Natalia Pavlovsky (27), Sergey & Anna Paturov (31)

October Birthdays: Mike Huculiak (01), Kataryna Altiparmakova (02),  Nicholas Kindrachuk (02), Oleksiy Semybroda (02), Carol Shinkewski (02), Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Dr. Oksana Yatsina (02), Maryna Petruk (04), Svitlana Pryma (04), Danylo Iatsiuk (06), Dennis Kosynsky (06), Joe Bohle (09), Volodymyr Pshenyshny (09), Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin Nazar Fayfruk (10), Vi Huculiak (10), Dayna Stasiuk (10), Victor Turyk (10), жовтень– 2017 – October  Tammy Allen (11), Aliesia Karpets (11), Liudmyla Nestorov (12), Tom Potts (12), Vitaliy Chayka (13), Maria Marchak (12), Ruslan Shlyama (13), Olena Pavlovska (14), Elsie Marshall (15), Iryna Hab (16), Michael Manzuik, Jr. (16), Denis Yuschyshyn (16), Protection of the Theotokos October 14 - Tropar, Tone 4 Valya Drozdovska (17), Yefat Ghebremedhin (17), Dennis Hab (19), Anna Malko (17), Ihor Prystupa (17), Holly Stasiuk (19), Lily Herman (21), Nicholas Manziuk (22), Today, we Orthodox people joyfully celebrate, enlightened Merab Pasikashvili (22), Michelle Skoretz (22), Bob Dzialo (24), David Prokopchuk (25), by Your coming among us O Mother of God, and gazing Olena Synychych (26), Volodymyr Yatsina (27), Caleb Allen (28), Iaroslava Federov,(29) upon Your most-pure image, we say with compunction: Katarina Smyrnov (28), Tasia Makarchuk (29), Nastya Shlyama (29), Stan Klopoushak (30), “Shelter us with Your most pure Protection and deliver us Veronica Babiy (30), Ernie Wasylciw (31) from all evil, praying to Your Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.”

CHURCH DIRECTORY Cathedral Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274 Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці 14 жовтня - Тропар, голос 4: Cathedral Council President – Rod Antonichuk - 306-374-5919 Сьогодні, ми, православні люди, радісно святкуємо, осяяні Твоїм, Богомати, Sunday Church School - Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595 пришустям, і, споглядаючи на Твій пречистий образ, покірно мовимо: “Покрий нас Cathedral Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452 чесним Твоїм покровом і визволи нас від усякого зла , молячи Сина Твого, Христа TYC/USRA President – Ron Trischuk – 306-241-2046 Бона нашого, спасти душі наші”. UWAC President—Carol Cisecki—306-343-9987 CYMK President – Reese Smith V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452 Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 [email protected]           Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00 /Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced

Prayers for the Faithful - Молитви Для Вірних Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association (TYC) - Steppe Branch Saskatoon                Who we are: TYC is a long serving organization composed of dedicated members utilizing their diversity of talents to serve our CYC family, Ukrainians, Canadians and to sup- port the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. We strive to continue the pioneering Nick Budzak Nadia Demkiw Lily Herman Joe Horechuk spirit of our forefathers to perpetuate and enhance the religious, moral, cultural and Toni Horechuk David Hawrysh Paul Kodak Kay Kostyk national values in Canada as Ukrainians and Canadians.

Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Mary Maksuta Elaine Maksymiuk We value Vision, Integrity, Commitment, Service, Collaboration and Achievement.

Ann Michayluk Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Myron Petrow Elsie Powalinsky What we do

In order to financially support our member organizations as well as various charities and individuals, Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda Susan Senko Michael Sorochka we raise funds with the help of our TYC members and dedicated volunteers. One way that we fund- nd Alexandra Shewchuk Elsie Stefanuk Ernie Wasylciw Vera Webster raise is by staffing bingo at City Centre Bingo Hall (310 – 22 St W). Our membership is aging, and we have fewer and fewer members and volunteers to carry the workload.

We urgently need your help as volunteers so that we can continue this lucrative form of fundraising. Baptisms: We welcome - Вітаємо to our Cathedral family If we cannot continue, due to lack of staffing, then we will be forced to give up our bingo fundraising which will eliminate our available funds for distribution to the churches and cultural groups. Ethan Samotoi - parents Serhiy & Olha Samotoi Over the past 6 years alone TYC has contributed over a quarter of a million dollars ($246,900.00) to Arina Trokhymchuk- parents Oleksandr & Olena Trokhymchuk our member organizations and various local charities. One of our major beneficiaries is the parish at Holy Trinity Cathedral. Over the past 7 years, $ 104,000.00 has been donated to the parish. Marysia Pavlova- parents Roman Pavlov & Maria Melenchuk Volunteers please call or text any of the following TYC members: Myron Kowalsky, 1-306-980- Vitaliy Kosynskiy and Jordan Kosynskiy parents Maksym & Elena Kosynskiy 7802; Maurice Werezak, 306-230-8957; Ron Trischuk, 306-241-2046. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. BINGO DATES : Sept. 28: 11:30 am to 5:30 pm Nov 23: 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm Oct. 10: 11:30am to 5:30 pm Nov 23: 9:30 pm to 1:30 am U.W.A.C. – Olha Kobylianska Branch: will hold their monthly meeting on Oct 26: 11:30am to 5:30 pm Sunday, 22nd at 1:00 p.m. We invite all members to attend. Nov.07: 11:30am to 5:30 pm Submitted by Ron Trischuk Збори Союзу Українок Канади – Відділь Ім. Ольги Кобилянської: Слідуючі загальні збори Сoюзу відбудуться у неділю, 22-го жовтня о год. 1:00 по обіді. Запрошуємо всіx членкинь The Pavlychenko Folklorique Ensemble (PFE)

October Work Bees PFE is celebrating it’s 50th Anniversary The celebration will be October 11th - Varenyky Potatoe Prep. 8:00 a.m. held on October 7th, 2017 at TCU Place. A performance featuring October 12th - Varenyky Bee 9:00 a.m. PFE and guest performer violin virtuoso Vasyl Popadiuk begins at October 24th - Kolachi Bee 10:00 a.m. 7:30 pm with a social to follow. ( Cabbage Roll Bee: To Be Announced if needed) Tickets are available at TCU Place box office or at Visit for more information. Heritage Committee Grants CYMK - Anna Papish Branch Deadline for applications is October 30, 2017

We started the convention off with a barrage of ice breakers and team The Charity can provide funds to members of the Ukrain- games as well as a pool party for all of the CYMKivtsi from all across ian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity for: Canada to meet and mingle with one another. Then the next few days were made up of a variety of fun and informative activities. Intriguing a) The advancement of Education

talks by a multitude of speakers on building a community, conflict resolu- b) Moral and Religious guidance and instruction tion, as well as support and mentoring kicked off the first full day of the convention. The youth was then split into two different groups to either take part in a service project at the c) Fostering & perpetuating cultural traditions of Ukrainian people local food bank or a tour of the human rights museum. Next, all of the youth went on a field trip to Fort Whyte Alive, where the senior CYMKivtsi took part in an orienteering workshop Application forms with guidelines can be picked up at the back of the Church or on the and scavenger hunt, and the juniors made icons and talked with members of the clergy. bulletin board in the hall, or contact Fr. Taras Round-Table discussions with the youth of CYMK and members of CYC and the USRL to discuss how the organization could improve. Another highlight was the Faith-on-Tap Q&A Note: Members of Holy Trinity means you must be paid member for the past 2 years activity with 5 priests. The next day was the CYMK-UOY AGM where 3 new resolutions were drafted.

1. CYMK from across Canada will convene at the Sobor in Saskatoon for a reunion. Sunday/ неділя October 15-го жовтня 2. . At least one delegate from each local will be sent to Ukraine to do a service project to help (most likely at an orphanage).

3. . CYMK will increase their presence on all platforms of social media in order to increase our networking and communication. Then finally the night ended with a zabava and church service in the morning where CYMK acted as the choir. In the Auditorium following the Diving Liturgy/ після служби Submitted by Reece Smith

All Members are welcome! Вітаємо всіx! News in and Around the Parish. . . . . Please bring your favorite dish to share with everyone Будь ласка, принесіть ваше улюблену стравуоділитися з yсіма  Saskatoon Parishes will be hosting the Extra Ordinary Sobor (There is no charge for dinner/oбід без коштовно) of the UOCC August 2018 & celebrating the 100th Anniversary of UOCC There will be more details in the upcoming Bulletins. Volunteer Appreciation Dinner/Supper October 1 at 4:30 p.m. Cathedral Hall  Anna Papish CYMK will meet Sunday Oct 22nd The Cathedral council would like to extend an invitation to all members who have volunteered for  Thank You Reece Smith for your report to UWAC on CYMK participation at the any church event during the past year to come and enjoy a meal and allow us to say thank you for USRL Convention. Your enthusiasm will be sure to bring new CYMKivtsi! See his your hard work and dedication to our church. . If you would like to join us you must RSVP by report elsewhere in the bulletin. Sunday September 24th to Cindy Didula at (306) 222-6523 or [email protected]

 Varenyky/Perogy Supper : October 27th Thank you to all who have taken time to help with the various church events over the years. We recognize that not all will be able to attend but want to ensure that you realize that your help Group 3 working with Vesper & Nestor Kowalsky as co-chairs organizing is appreciated. Holy Trinity Icon Windows : Teachers and Defenders of the Faith Митрополит Михаїл Київський St. Michael, Metropolitan of Kiev “Those who were not a people are now the people of God, a holy „Ті, що не були народом, зараз – народом Божим , народом святим” (Тропар) На 28-го nation” (Troparion) On June 28 or Sept 30 we celebrate the memory of червня або 30-го вересня ми святкуємо пам’ять першого Митрополита Київського, Св. the first Metropolitan of Kyiv, St. Michael, who reposed in the Lord Михаїла, який на той на день упокоївся в Бозі у 992 р. Дуже мало знаємо про його on that day in 992. Very little is known about his origins. He is said to походження. Кажуть, що він був сирійцем, або болгарином або сербом. Патріярх have been a Syrian, Bulgarian or Serbian. The Patriarch of Constantin- Константинопольский призначив його в Україну в р. 988, скоро після Хрещення Русі, щоб ople sent him to Ukraine in 988, shortly after the Baptism of Rus’, to очолити працю Великого Князя Св. Володимира Великого для утвердження його народу в lead the work of the Great Knyaz’ t. Volodymyr the Great in establish- Православній Вірі. ing his people in the Orthodox Faith. Св. Михаїл дуже поважно взявся за своє завдання. За чотири роки свого первоієраршества St. Michael took his work very seriously. During the four years of his primacy he accomplished an він зробив надзвичайно багато. Побудовано дуже багато церков і монастирів. А при нихбули enormous amount of work. Scores of Churches and monasteries were built. Alongside them were й школи щоб учити людей, а особливо молодь, письменності, щоб їхня віра зростала в парі schools to teach the people, especially the young, how to read so that their faith would be accompa- зі знанням та мудрістю. nied by knowledge and wisdom. Крім праці в столиці, Києві, Св. Михаїл також відвідував Переяслав та Чернігів в Україні, як Besides his work in the capital, Kyiv, St. Michael also made archpastoral visitations to Pereyaslav також Білгород, Новгород та Великий Ростов у країні, що зараз називається Російською and Chernihiv in Ukraine, as well as Belgorod, Novgorod and Great Rostov in what is today the Федерацією (Російська Церква була в юрисдикції Київської Митрополії до 1448 р., коли Russian Federation (the Russian Church was under the jurisdiction of the Metropolia of Kyiv until вона стала сама вибирати своїх Митрополитів для Москви, стаючи таким чином де факто 1448, when it began to elect its own Metropolitans for Moscow, thereby assuming de facto auto- автокефальною, що затвердив Патріярх Константинопольський де юре у 1589 р.). Св. cephaly, which was confirmed by the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1589). Михаїла також уважають засновником Свято-Михайлівського Золотоверхого Монастиря на St. Michael is also held to be the founder of St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery on the banks березі річки Дніпро в Києві. Це ім’я надали йому на честь Архангела, що скинув Сатану з of the Dnipro River in Kyiv. The name was chosen to honour the Archangel who cast Satan down Небесних осель після його відступлення, тому що навернення народу Русі від темряви from the Heavenly places after his apostasy, since the turning of the people of Rus’ from the dark- забобонів та ідолопоклонства до Світла Христового мало значення подібне до згаданої ness of superstition and idolatry to the Light of Christ held a significance similar to that cosmic космічної події. І від того часу Св. Архистратиг Михаїл уважається Покровителем Києва. event. From that time on, St. Michael the Archangel is considered to be the Protector of Kyiv. Св. Михаїл упокоївся в Господі 15-го червня 992 р. Його тіло похоронили у Десятинній Церкві, яку побудував Св. Володимир Великий своєю десятиною підчас єпископства Св. St. Michael reposed in the Lord on June 15 and his body was interred in the Church of the Tithes Михаїла. Тіло Митрополита знайшли нетлінним і перенесли його до Близьких (Антонієвих) (Desyatynna), which was funded by the tithes of St. Volodymyr the Great during the episcopacy of Печер Києво-Печерської Лаври 30-го вересня, приблизно в 1103 р. Це правдоподібно St. Michael. The Metropolitan’s body was found to be incorrupt and was brought to the Near Caves співпадає з його канонізацією. Століттями поминали Св. Михаїла разом з Преподобними (St. Anthony’s) of the Kyivan Cave Lavra on September 30 about 1103. This was most likely the Отцями Антонієм і Феодосієм, засновниками Києво-Печерської Лаври, 2-говересня. А 1-го date of his canonization as well. жовтня 1730 р. його тіло перенесли до Успенського Собору Києво-Печерської Лаври і там воно пробувало в спокої аж до знищення Собору в 1941 р. (бомбами радянської влади під For centuries St. Michael was commemorated together with the Venerable Fathers Anthony and час займання Києва нацистами), коли воно мабуть зникло. Theodosius, the Founders of the Kyivan Lavra, on September 2. On October 1, 1730, his body was brought to the Dormition Cathedral of the Lavra and remained there in peace until the destruction У 1893 р. побудували Церкву в честь Св. Михаїла в Києві. Її знищили комуністи одного of the Cathedral in 1941 (by the bombs of the Soviet government during the Nazi occupation of Великодня у 30-их роках. У 1995 р., коли до нововідродженої парафії призначили Kyiv) when it was apparently lost. настоятелем о. Романа Барановського, лавреата музичного фестивалю „Червона рута”, що In 1893 a Church was built in honour of St. Michael in Kyiv. It was destroyed by the Communists відбувся в Чернівцях в 1990 р., з Церкви залишився тільки цоколь, якого захищали високі one Easter Sunday in the 1930’s. In 1995, when Fr. Roman Baranovsky, a laureate of the дерева, що виросли впродовж десятиліть занедбання. Відправи почали служити в іншому “Chervona Ruta” music festival held in Chernivtsi in 1990, was assigned to the newly reorganized близькому будинкові, та розкопки та відбудова дали змогу досить швидко відновити Храм, parish, all that remained of the Church were its foundations, guarded by trees that had grown high навколо якого виросла живуща Громада. Він знаходиться близько головної лікарні в центрі in the decades of abandonment. Services were begun in an adjacent building and soon excavations Києва, отож і стала ця Церква осередком молитви для тих, що приходять до лікарні по and reconstruction made it possible to rebuild the Church into a vibrant community. Its location, фізичне видужання, а до Храму по сцілення душі та тіла. Літургії та Молебні відправляють near the main hospital in the centre of KKyiv, makes it a haven of prayer for those who come to the щодня. Також щосереди служать Акафист Святим Кипріянові та Юстині за тих, що hospital for physical healing and to the Church for the healing of body and soul. Liturgies as well видужують від духовного пригноблення внаслідок колишньої участі в окультизмі. as Molebens’ are served daily. There is also an Akathist each Wednesday to Sts. Cyprian and Justina for those recovering from spiritual oppression due to their participation in occultism. Віра, яку проповідував Св. Михаїл, перший Митрополит Київський, відограла поважну роль у перетворенні слов’янських племен, яким він служив, на народи – України, Білорусі та The Faith preached by St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kyiv, has played an important role in Росії. За його заступництвом, як і за заступництвом тих незлічимих чоловіків і жінок, що transforming the Slavic tribes to which he ministered into nations – Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. наслідували його в відданості Господу, Богу і Спасу Ісусові Христові, нехай знаходять ці Through his intercessions and those of the countless men and women who have followed him along народи можливість жити в спокої та в обопільній пошані та дружності. Амінь. о. Ігор Куташ the path of dedication to our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ, may these nations find the way to live in peace, mutual respect and friendship. By Fr. Ihor Kutash - Group 1: E. Stefanuk S. Hawryliw L. Klopoushak Altar Servers/ J. Demkiw October 2017 L. Cipywnyk Старші Брати & Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Greeters Epistle Readers Sunday, Oct 1

Дяки 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 G. Trischuk Sunday 17 after Pentecost / K. Helmke Нед.17-а по П’ятдес R. Skwarchuk Sunday, Oct 1 Divine liturgy R. Hrycuik 10:00 am. J. Didula 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Protection Sunday, Oct 8 D. Zlipko Sunday18 after Thanksgiving of the Theotokos V. Turyk Pentecost / Нед. 18 Day Покрова Пресятої I. Savyak -та по П’ятдес Богородиці День Подяки Sunday, Oct 8 Div Lit 10:00 am Group 1 J. Hrycuik Divine liturgy 10:00 am. R. Hrycuik G. Danyliuk R. Antonichuk R. Rudy 17 19 Y. Kirushok 15 Sunday 19 after 16 18 20 21 Sunday, Oct 15 Pentecost / M. Gregory Нед. 19-та по П’ятдес R. Antonichuk Sunday, Oct 15 Divine liturgy 10:00 am. R. Evans Thanksgiving Potluck M. Hrycuik E. Fedorchuk Fund Raiser 12:00 pm Y. Kirushok S. Hawryliw 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sunday, Oct 22 Sunday 20 after Pentecost / Нед.20-ти по L. Balion Sunday, Oct 22 ’ятдес. G. Kochan G. Allen V. Kowalsky Divine liturgy 10:00 am. T. Maximiuk V. Webster 29 30 31 Sunday, Oct 29

Sunday 21 after Pente- Z. Skoretz Sunday, Oct 29 cost / Нед.21-ша по Y. Kirushok П’ятдес. J. Demkiw K. Helmke Divine liturgy J. Werezak I. Prystupa 10:00 am. October 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Volunteer Appreiciation Supper 4:30 p.m. Protection 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 of the Theotokos Покрова Пресятої Potato Prep 8:00 am. Varenyky Bee 9:00 am. Богородиці

Div Lit 10:00 am Dibrova Choir 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Thanksgiving Dibrova Choir TYC Supper Potluck 1:00 p.m. Meeting 5:30 pm Fund Raiser 12:00 pm Central Eparchy Meetings Oct 19-22nd Regina

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 UWAC Meeting 1:00 p.m. Kolachi Bee Dibrova Choir Varenyky/Perogy UWAC Frozen Off Sales CYMK AGM 1:00 p.m. Supper 5 - 7:00pm. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 10: 00 am. -noon Team 3– Vesper & Nestor Kowalsky 29 30 31

Святкування100 -річчя праці на Божій ниві Української Православної Церкви в Канаді

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of labouring in God's Holy Vineyard of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada August 09-12 Saskatoon - 2018 - 9-12 серпня

 я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin Листопад – 2017 – November 

Archangel Michael November 21 Tropar, Tone 4 Supreme Commanders of the heavenly hosts, we, the unworthy, Ever entreat that through your prayers you surround us with the protection of the wings of your immaterial glory. Preserve us who earnestly fall down before you and cry aloud: eliver us from misfortunes, for you are the leaders of the powers on high. 

  Архистратига Михаїла 21 листопада   Тропар, голос 4:     

V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931 -8595 [email protected]   Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00 /Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced

Сердечно Вітаємо! We extend a warm, cheerful, hearty Welcome To all our Parishioners & Visitors Worshipping with us today!

Слава Ісусу Христу! На Віки Слава! Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the Divine Liturgy and after Vespers. Проба Катедрального Хору / Cathedral Choir Rehearsal: Monday – 6:00 p.m. Проба Хору Діброва / Dibrova Ukr. Folk Ensemble Rehearsal: Wednesday – 1:00 p.m. Робочі дні Союз Українок / U.W.A.C. Work Bees – Watch for information

November/ Листопад - Schedule of Services

Sun. Nov 5 Sunday 22 after Pentecost/Нед. 22 -га по П’ятдес Holy Apostle James, Brother of the Lord / Апостола Якова, брата Господня по плоті Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone/Голос 5 - Gal. 6:11-18 Luke. 16:19-31 / Гал. 6:11-18; Лк. 16:19-31

Wed. Nov 8 Holy and Glorious Great-martyr Demetrius /Вмч. Димитрія Солунського Service at Ilarion Residence Chapel 10:00 am Tone/Голос 5 Great-martyr: 2 Tim. 2:1-10; Jn. 15:17–16:22 /Тим. 2:1-10; Ін. 15:17–16:2

Sun. Nov 12 Sunday 23 after Pentecost/Нед. 23 -тя по П’ятдес Hieromartyr Zenobius and his sister Zenobia /Сщмч. Зиновія, і сестри його Зиновії Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:0 0 a.m. Tone/Голос 6 - Eph. 2:4-10 ; Luk e. 8:26-39/ Еф. 2:4-10; Лк. 8:26-39

Sun. Nov 19 Sunday 24 after Pentecost / Нед.24 -та по П’ятдес. St. Paul the Confessor, archbishop of Constantinople / Свт. Павла, патріарха Константинопольського, спов Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:0 0 a.m. Tone/Голос 7 - Eph. 2:14-22 ; Luke. 8:41-56 / Еф. 2:14-22; Лк. 8:41-56 Tues. Nov 21 Synax. Archangel Michael / Собор Архи. Михаїла Cathedral of Holy Trinity Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone/Голос 4 - Hebrews 2:2-10 - Luke 10:16-21 Sun. Nov.26 Sunday25 after Pentecost / Нед. 25 - та по П’ятдес St. John Chrysostom / Свт. Іоана Золотоустого Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія - 10:0 0 a.m. Tone/Голос 8 - Eph. 4:1-6 Lk. 10:25 -37 (Ord) / Еф. 4:1-6 Лк. 10:25-37 Heb. 7:26–8:2; Jn. 10:9-16 (To Saint) / Свт.: Євр. 7:26–8:2; Ін. 10:9-16

Prayers for the Faithful - Молитви Для Вірних  Nick Budzak Nadia Demkiw Lily Herman Joe Horechuk Toni Horechuk David Hawrysh Paul Kodak Kay Kostyk Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Mary Maksuta Elaine Maksymiuk Ann Michayluk Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Myron Petrow Elsie Powalinsky Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda Susan Senko Michael Sorochka

AlexandraPlease let FatherShewchuk Taras or Elsie Nadine Stefanuk Potts know of othersErnie whom Wasylciw we should rememberVera Webster in our prayers or when you feel your name could be taken off the list.


Збори Парафіяльної Управи Катедри: Слідуючі збори управи Катедри відбудуться 14-го лисиопад а, год. 7:00 вечором. Як маєте щось на увазі, яке відноситься до нашої парафії, прошу подайтеся до когось на управі.

Cathedral Parish Council Meeting: The next meeting will be held on th Tuesday, November 14 at 7:00 pm in the Church basement. If your have concerns or observations, concerning our parish, please call one of the council members & express your thoughts. Note: There will be a Quarterly Meeting Sunday November 19th, 2017 after Divine Liturgy

Note Special Meeting Sunday November 5th Under the By-laws of the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity section 11 subsection B (f) you are hereby informed:

 A special meeting to be held on Sunday November 5, 2017 at 12:30 in the church basement.

 Reason for the special meeting: Parish Council will present a request for approval for the purchase of a new freezer box for the church hall. As the purchase is over $5,000 the parish council needs the approval of the membership. Early approval will facilitate ordering and a timely installation of the freezer

. . . . . From the Desk of the Cathedral Chair

In an effort to better inform our membership of parish council discussions it is our intention to have a short note in each

months newsletter highlighting some of the issues that the Parish Council dealt with at the monthly meeting.

This month two important items that a significant amount of time was spent on were a discussion on the requirements for our church in terms of preparing for the 100th anniversary celebrations in August and the long standing issue regarding the lack of dedicated bingo volunteers and the associated financial issues regarding the loss of bingo revenues.

In regards to the 100th anniversary celebration the parish council is looking at ensuring that our church and hall have an appearance that will make all of our members proud when we host our guests from around Canada and indeed the world. We are considering the possibility of replacing the flooring in the church and making the necessary improvements to the front of the hall so that our facilities look well maintained. A decision regarding these projects will likely be made in the New Year.

On a related note the parish council also discussed the lack of dedicated bingo volunteers and how long we can continue to run the church bingo and how much longer we can depend upon a significant yearly contribution from the TYC group. These scenarios are real and so your parish council is looking at what we will have to do once these very very important pieces of revenue no longer exist.

As always if you have any questions about these or other issues please contact myself or any member of the parish council.

Submitted by Rod Antonichuk, President Holy Trinity Cathedral

Reports Reports Submit Annual Reports Reports are needed from: Fr. Taras, UWAC, TYC, CYMK, Heritage, Mohlya Institute, Central Eparchy, Church Elders, Sunday School, Choirs, Bingo, & Finance th Please submit reports to Gord Trischuk by December15 Please send in your reports so the Annual Meeting Booklet can be distributed prior to the AGM

- Fundraising Dinner was successful. If you were unable to attend, donations would still be thankfully received.

- Bingo Committee is still looking for more volunteers for Bingo. If you are not already working, consider committing to one night per month. - Icon project is nearing completion th th - Otets Taras will be taking holidays Feb 18 -25 , 2018 - Elders/Старші Брати are needed, call Otets Taras to volunteer - Heating Elements in water heaters replaced, have lots of hot water now - Some other projects that need to be considered: new carpet for the Church,

shingles for the manse, shingles on the church, refurbishing auditorium foyer, flooring in the kitchen, front windows on the auditorium - Parish members are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings, although they are not able to make motions, so if you want to hear what’s happening, welcome to attend - Parish Council members welcome phone calls or discussion on issues

Heritage Committee Grants Deadline for applications is October 30, 2017 The Charity can provide funds to members of the Ukrainian

Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity for:

a) The advancement of Education

b) Moral and Religious guidance and instruction

c) Fostering & perpetuating cultural traditions of Ukrainian people

Application forms with guidelines can be picked up at the back of the Church or on the bulletin board in the hall, or contact Fr. Taras

Note: To be eligible for the grant, a paid member for the past 2 years is requested

Congratulations to Lucas Makowsky! Our Otets Taras is a proud Uncle as his nephew Lucas is inducted into the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame. Lucas is known for his excellence in Speed Skating, for Olympic & other medals and his work mentoring athletes. Pictured L–R: Otets Taras, Lucas, and cousin Gene Makowsky a former Rider who has also been inducted in the Sports Hall of Fame. Otets Taras, will you be next? Збори Союзу Українок Канади – Відділь Ім. Ольги Кобилянської: Слідуючі загальні збори Сoюзу відбудуться у неділю, 26-го листопада о год. 1:00 . по обіді. Запрошуємо всіx членкинь

U.W.A.C. – Olha Kobylianska Branch: will hold their AGM th meeting on Sunday, November 26 at 1:00 p.m. We invite all members to attend this meeting

Note these dates and events:

 Work Bee dates – preparing for Christmas Bake Sale – see schedule  Annual Meeting November 26th  Varenyky November supper is Nov. 24nd  Annual Christmas Bake Sale December 14th

Schedule of Work BeeS

Varenyky/ Perohy Prep: 8:00 am th Wednesday: November 8

Varenyky/Perohy Pinching: 9:00 am

Thursday: November 9th

Cabbage Roll Bee: 9:00 am

th Tuesday: November 14

Kolachi Bees: 10:00 pm

th st th Tuesdays: November 7 , 21 & 28 (as per calendar, Pat Hawryliw to call to confirm)

Товариство Українців Самостійників

Загальні Збори відбудутьса у четвер, 16-го лисиопада Панихида і вечеря о год. 5:30 – збори після вечері

USRA/TYC - Saskatoon ‘Steppe’ Branch: Will hold their next general supper meeting on Thursday November 16th: Memorial Service & Supper 5:30. Meeting to follow

nd Bingo dates for our TYC club at City Centre Bingo, ( 310 – 22 St. West ). Bingo Dates : Nov 23: 5:30 - 9:30 pm - Nov 23: 9:30 - 1:30 pm - Nov 07: 11:30am - 5:30 pm

As stated in the Church bulletin last month, we urgently request your participation as volunteers at these bingos so we can contin ue our fundraising projects.

Volunteers please call or text any of the following TYC members: Myron Kowalsky; 980-7802; Maurice Werezak: 230-8957; Ron Trischuk: 241-2046. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

TYC Grey Cup Party - Auditorium lower level November 26

 Come watch the game, enjoy snacks, & beverages & good company  Raffle ticket winners will be announced

 For information call Ron Trischuk 241-2046/ Larry Balion 371-9001/Maurice Werezak 389-5413/Myron Kowalsky 980-7802/Larry Klopoushak 222-9856 or Randy Evans 242-6928

Emergency services at 911 has advised us that there was another instance of a call made from Holy Trinity that was not an emergency. They suggested that the call was most likely made by a child or children.

We would ask that children be supervised when in the Church basement and that the following information be shared with your children:

 Prank calls may take the 9-1-1 call-taker away from a real emergency call.  Prank calls are a serious abuse of the system.  There may be a delay in responding to a REAL emergency & someone’s life may be at


 Prank calls are traceable, and will be investigated.

Extra Ordinary Sobor Celebrating

th the 100 Anniversary of UOCC

 The Extra Ordinary Sobor 2018 will be hosted by Saskatoon on Aug 9-12, 2018. With

the Metropolitan Yuriy’s blessing this will be a Celebratory Sobor with only a short

business session.  Plans are well under way to make this a true celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the formation of our Church.  There will be several concurrent activities for delegates to choose from and ample opportunity for fellowship. Stay tuned for details.  Committee members: Co-chair(s) = Larry Balion; Fr. Cornell Zubritsky Secretary = Mary Humen; Dobr. Joanne Makowsk y Treasurer = Ilaria Powalinsky Programming/Entertainment = Larry Klopoushak Facilities/Transportation = Gord Trischuk Food services = Cecilia Kachkowski; Cindy Didula Communications = Ivan Savyak

Sponsorship/Advertising = Rod Antonichuk; Fr. Taras Makowsky Youth Programming = Fr. Patrick Powalinsky; Tammi Bohle Registration/Welcoming/ Hospitality = Tania Maximiuk; Elaine Maksymiuk Larry Balion, Co-Chair

Synaxsis of Archangel Michael November 21 In Hebrew, Michael means "who is like God?". Michael is mentioned three times in the Book of Daniel, once as a "great prince who stands up for the children of your people".

In the New Testament Michael leads God's armies against Satan's forces in the Book of Revelation, where during the war in heaven he defeats Satan. In the Epistle of Jude Michael is specifically referred to as an "archangel". In the 4th century, he was first seen as a healing angel, and then over time as a protector and the leader of the army of God against the forces of evil. By the 6th century, devotions to Archangel Michael were widespread both in the Eastern & Western Churches.

Вечеря Вареників : Слідуюча вечеря вареників відбудиться у п'ятницю, 24-го листопада - Просимо всіх від год. 5:00 – 7:00 вечором. Ціна за вечерю з десертом є $12.00. Ковбаса та голубці окремо продаються. Next All-You-Can-Eat Varenyky Supper: The next all you can eat Varenyky Supper will held at the Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium on Friday, November 24th from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Cost is $12.00 (includes dessert) Extras priced separately. Bring your family and friends

Verenyky Supper Work Crew

h Verenyky Supper Friday November 24 Group 3 - Co-ordinator s – Stan & Pat Hawryliw

Maurice Werezak Carol Cisecki Remma Chaganova Bohdan Larionyk Lily Herman Bohdan & Darlene Danyliw Tania Maximiuk Emilia Samcoe Barry Slowski & Pat Bodnar Radu Stefureac Liz Wachniak Glen & Mariann Paziuk Doreen Howlett Corinne Wachniak Ihor Prystupa

Bernie & Bonita Werezak Tom & Nadine Potts Fr Taras & Dob Joanne Makowsky

If you are unable to work your shift call one of the spares below: Spares: Adele Akoulov, Randy Evans, Hawrysh Andriy & Janet, Yuriy Kirushok, Olga Wachniak, Anna-Marie Yuzik

If you have any questions, call 306 -652-3178 or cell 229-9041

To Team 1 workers and co-ordinators John & Cindy Didula for serving up a delicious Varenyky/Perogie supper in September.

280 customers were served plus 30 workers! Well done!

What is Stewardship? Pledging? Donating?

Over the past number of years, there has been much discussion on ‘how much should I donate or pledge to the Church?’ Or, what does it take, what is required to maintain the Church, the Priest, the Auditorium. Or even better, let the Bingos look after the budget.

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the time is coming that we return to the teachings of our forefathers when the Church was established in Canada, in 1918. We must become responsible in maintaining our Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. Our forefathers did not canvass non Orthodox Christians for funds to maintain their Church budget. They looked after their own homes, farms, businesses and their beloved Church. In the following newsletters, there will be a number of articles concerning stewardship, and how we may start to approach this in our own lives.

Respectfully, Fr. Taras Makowsky

Tithes and Firstfruits (from an article by Fr. Dmitri Cozby) “Honor the Lord with your substance, and with the firstfruits of all your produce” (Proverbs 3:9). Our basic understanding as Orthodox Christians, derived from the Old Testament, is that everything comes from God. All that we have or hope to possess, beginning with life itself, is His gift. We acknowledge this fact in our spiritual life through prayer and fasting and through our struggle to follow His commandments. With regard to our material blessings, we confess that He is their true source by returning a portion to Him, to be used for His purposes in this world. These works include the maintenance of worship, the support of those called to His special service, and aid for the poor. By thus giving a portion of our wealth for His purposes, we sanctify the remainder. Through offering a part, we bring the whole of our lives into harmony with God’s will.

Likewise, one of the earliest witnesses to Holy Tradition, The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (sometimes called The Didache), applies the firstfruits to the Church. “Every firstfruit of the produce of the wine-vat and of the threshing-floor, of cattle and flocks, you will take and give as the firstfruit to your prophets; for they are your chief priests . . . . if you prepare food, take and give the firstfruit according to the commandment. Likewise, when you open a jar of wine or oil, take and give the firstfruit to the prophets. Take also the firstfruit of money and clothing and every possession, as it may seem right to you, and give according to the commandment.” St Irenaeus, writing toward the end of the second century, notes that Christ Himself “gave directions to His disciples to offer the firstfruits of His own created things not as if He stood in need of them, but that they might be themselves neither unfruitful nor ungrateful.” St John Chrysostom contends that the tithe is more binding on us than on the Jews. In one of his (Continued)

What is Stewardship? Pledging? Donating?

Tithes and Firstfruits (con’t)

St John Chrysostom contends that the tithe is more binding on us than on the Jews. In one of his sermons, he notes that under the Old Testament tithing was the norm. Among Christians, however, it has become a cause for amazement; we exclaim in wonder, “Why, so-and-so tithes!” St John finds this a sad reflection on our piety and ends with the warning, “if it was a danger to neglect the tithe then, imagine how serious it must be now!” Copyright © January 1995 by Fr. Dmitri Cozby. Printed with permission. To read the whole article,

A few reasons why we should give….. It’s an act of worship.

Whether you’re referencing the Old Testament or New Testament, giving to God with a pure heart is an act of worship. By giving a portion to God, you’re trusting in Him to use it to further His Kingdom. You’re also acknowledging that everything comes from Him and that He’ll continue to provide for you.

To further God’s Kingdom. How can we expect the Gospel to be spread if we don’t support ministries financially? We’re instructed in Matthew 28:19 to ”Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.“ The reality is that working in the ministry requires supplies and if we don’t give, who will? To Bless others!

The book of Acts tells us that Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

We’re instructed in 2 Corinthians 8:7 to “Excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.”

Christian Stewardship Is….(from St. Demetrios

…learning how to be a responsible and …our active commitment to use all our concerned caretaker of Christ’s Church; time , talent and treasure for the benefit of it is learning how to enjoy Church life humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ’s and be happy in Church work., for in Her redeeming love. dwells the fullness of the Spirit of God. …caring for the needs of others.

… what a person does after saying ―I …devotion and service to God and His believe…‖, as proof of that belief. Church as persons, as families, as

… offering one’s self to God as He offered diocese/metropolis, as national Church and as Himself to us. Church universal. from Williams & McKibben in Oriented Leadership

Christmas Bake Sale Saturday December 17th

UWAC Holy Trinity Cathedral

Stream of Hopes Потічок Надій Fundraiser Gala

th Friday November 17 at LB Distillers Proceeds for children in Ukraine

visit for details or contact Doreen Howlett [email protected]

National Builder’s Community Recognition Awards

Prince Albert Sunday November 5th , 2017 Contact Ukrainian Canadian Congress phone: 652.5850 for details/ tickets

Project Liubov Ukraine Tour 2018

Prof. Roman Yereniuk is hosting a tour of Ukraine in 2018 See poster s at Church/Hall or contact Elaine Maksymiuk 653-1148

You are invited to participate in the Centennial of UOCC

Stories/Narratives/Reflections on the life of the Church are being collected by St. Andrew’s College.

Contact the College for further information check the poster in the Church/Hall for details or St. Andrew’s College

14th Annual Field & Stream Supper

Friday, January 26st, 2018

Holy Trinity Cathedral Auditorium

Holy Trinity Icon Windows : Teachers and Defenders of the Faith

St. llarion of the Kyiv Caves Metropol itan of Kyiv - November 3

There are a number of IIarions commemorated in November 3 One of them is the Venerable Ilarion ofthe Kyiv Caves, who is usually identified with the first Ukrainian Metropolitan Of Kyiv (all the previous ones since the Baptism of Rus' in 988 had been Greeks) who was enthroned in 1051 in the splendid new Cathedral of Holy Wisdom (Sophia) and most likely reposed in 1053.

He had been a priest in the village of Berestove near Kyiv and a spiritual advisor and friend of Kniaz' Yaroslav the Wise. His election marked an important step in the maturity of the Church of Kyiv, which had nurtured within less than a century its own indigenous hierarchs capable of leading their flock to salvation.

St. Ilarion eulogized the Baptizer of Rus', the Holy Equal-to•the-Apostles Kniaz' Volodymyr the Great with the above words in his monumental work which survives to this day: "Discourse concerning Law and Grace".

From this work we can see the saint as a man of profound faith and joy in the Lord. The name "Ilarion", having the same root as "hilarious", signifies the delight, joy and gladness that are typical of one who is in close communion with God. The adjective is found in the Vesperal Hymn "0 gladsome Light" (phosilaron). With this hymn the Church celebrates the beginning of a new day, which actually begins liturgically when the sun has gone down-but we await and proclaim with joyful certainty the coming of the light. This hope is fulfilled figuratively in the ri sing of the sun which, as we sing is still long hours away, and theologically in the Resurrection of the Lord, the true Sun of Righteousness which the rising of the sun revealed to the Myrrh-bearing Women.

Troparion Tone 1

In truth you were worthily called Ilarion according to your name you possessed a meek and gentle blessedness, by which you were well-pleasing unto our gentle Lord Jesus, pray unto Him for us your servants.

Kondakion Tone 2

Having received the great angelic image of the monast ic life-the holy scheme "and made a second denial of the vanity of this world" you endeavored by all means, 0 Venerable Ilarion" to fulfill our promise in deed and live a holy life in all worthiness for this we do honour and bless you.

The Ukrainian Famine-Genocide 1932-33 - the Holodomor - was a deliberate act to eliminate a nation. Fr. Ihor Kutash talks about the Holodomor in his article on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada / Українська Православна Церква в Канаді website. It is titled “The Beauty Of The People Of God The Martyrs Of The Holodomor / Раса Народу Божого Мученики Голодомору “

He starts by saying: “If you do not hope, you will never discover what lies beyond hope” (Clement of Alexandria) On the fourth Saturday of November Ukrainians throughout the world remember the millions of

people who died in what has been called the greatest crime the world has ever known, the Holodomor of 1932-33 in the breadbasket of Europe, Ukraine.

He goes on to say: “Those who, blinded by the deceptive passion of lust for power, organized and carried out the horrible crime of mass murder of the people of Ukraine and Kuban’, thought that in this way they would destroy this freedomloving, rebellious nation, as was noted by Raphael Lemkin, who was the first to used the word “genocide” in reference to this very Holodomor. It turned out to have the opposite effect: this act of hatred and unbelievable cruelty calls the attention of the whole world to this nation – and what has been inflicted upon it, and elicits compassion and respect for it. Malice, hatred, cruelty can never have the final victory in this world for its Creator and Source is the Triune God. And His Being is justice, mercy, generosity – in a word, LOVE. As we proclaim in the Nicene Creed: “I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come”. This age is ever approaching by the prayers, the sacrifices, the repentance and the righteous thoughts, words and actions of all who open their hearts to the God of Hope. We remember these dead not as victims, but as Martyrs – witnesses to the Age of the Messiah which has already dawned and which, in spite of all the raging of the vanquished powers of Hades, shall one day be fully manifest upon this planet and in all the cosmos. Amen. dawns forevermore! Amen.”

The article is written in both Ukrainian and English. To read the entire article, go to

A prayer on behalf of our priests -St John Kronstadt O Lord, let thy priests be clothed with righteousness, let them always

remember the greatness of their calling, let them not be entangled in the snares of the world and the devil, let them be saved from the cares of the world, the delight in the riches, and the desire for other things entering into their hearts.

Молитва від імені наших священиків - Святого Іоанна Кронштадтського “Господи, нехай Священники Твої зодягнуться в правду, нехай вони завжди пам'ятають велич свого покликання, нехай не заплутаються в тенетах світу і диявола, нехай вони будуть врятовані від турбот світу, радості в багатстві, і бажання інших речей, що входять в їхні серця.”

The Orthodox Church is one Holy, Catholic and From Orthodox Pathway: Apostolic Church in which resides the fullness of Christian truth. It is holy because its head, the Lord Jesus Christ, is holy and made it the unique vehicle of sanctification; it is Catholic because it knows no limitation of time or place and encompasses within itself the entirety of Christ’s Church, and it is Apostolic because it alone has maintained, with unbroken continuity and without any alteration, the faith of the apostles through the ages. You will find the deeper, authentic spiritual life you are looking for in the splendid and moving worship of the Orthodox Church.

Від равославного Шляху: Православна Церква - це Свята, Всесвітня і Апостольська ерква. Вона - є Свята, тому що голова цієї еркви - Ісус Христос, Cвята і має унікальній засіб освячення; вона - є Всесвітня, тому що вона не має обмеження в часі або місці і охоплює в собі всю повноту Христової Церкви, і вона - є Апостольською, тому що тільки вона зберегла, з безперервною спадкоємностю без будь-яких змін, віру апостолів крізь століття. Ви знайдете більш глибоке, справжнє духовне життя, яке ви шукаєте в прекрасній і зворушливій молитві Православної Церкви.

November Anniversaries:

November Anniversaries: Volodymyr & Mariya Pastukh (05), Oleh & Nataliya Sryphyk (05), Mykola & Iaroslava Federov (17), Stan & Pat Hawryliw (19), Serhiy & Liudmyla Dryzhyna (20)

November Birthdays: Svitlana Danyuk (01), Altiparmakov (01), Paulina Maisiev (02), Rachelle Wiwchar (02), Paulina Maishev (02), Suzanne Skwarchuk (03), Rose Kerelchuk (04), Dennis Iatsiuk (05), Valentyn Zhukov (06), Mykaela Helmke (08), Maxsim Helmke (08), Doreen Howlett (10), Houston Koch (11), Melania Frankova (11), Larysa Sadovska (11),

Bohdan Petruk (12), Lucius Bather (13), Oleh Drozdovskay (12), Emily Dwernychuk (12), Mariya Paliy (12), Oleksandr Trokhymchuk (13), Olena Pilchenko (14), Jim Powalinsky (14), Max Herman (16), Michael Manzuik, Sr. (16),Janna Kowalsky (17), Don Hrytzak (19), Daniel Petrow (20), Mykhailo Perlyna (21), Elizabeth Wachniak (21), Olga Miazga (22), Alexander & Vesna Altiparmakov (24), Olha Semybroda (26), Michael Dwernychuk (27), Yuriy Skrypnyk (27), Nicholas Ponamaryov (28), Maddy Yuzik (28), Mariann Paziuk (28), Pylyp Marchak (28), Logan Bohle (29), Marianela Manzuik (29), Rob Symchyck (30)

На Многая і Благая Літа! May God Grant you Many Years!

Any announcements pertaining to our Parish Community are welcomed.


Cathedral Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274

Cathedral Council President – Rod Antonichuk – 306- 881-0008

Sunday Church School – Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595 Cathedral Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452 TYC/USRA President – Ron Trischuk – 306-241-2046

UWAC President—Carol Cisecki—306-343-9987 CYMK President – Reese Smith Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452

Святкування100 -річчя праці на Божій ниві Української Православної Церкви в Канаді

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of labouring in God's Holy Vineyard of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada August 09-12 Saskatoon - 2018 - 9-12 серпня

 я Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin Грудень – 2017 – December 

St Andrew December 13 Грудня Св. Андрія     Tropar, Tone 4:

As the First Called of the Apostles, and brother of their leader O Andrew entreat the Master of all, that He grant peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.

   

V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931 -8595 [email protected]   Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00 /Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced

Сердечно Вітаємо! We extend a warm, cheerful, hearty Welcome To all our Parishioners & Visitors Worshipping with us today!

Слава Ісусу Христу! На Віки Слава! Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the Divine Liturgy and after Vespers. Проба Катедрального Хору / Cathedral Choir Rehearsal: Monday – 6:00 p.m. Проба Хору Діброва / Dibrova Ukr. Folk Ensemble Rehearsal: Wednesday – 1:00 p.m. Робочі дні Союз Українок / U.W.A.C. Work Bees – Watch for information

December / Грудень - Schedule of Services

Sun. Dec 3 Sunday 26 after Pentecost/Нед. 26 -та по П’ятдес. Ven. Gregory Decapolites / Прп. Григорія Декаполіта Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone/Голос 1: Eph. / Еф. 5:8-19 ; Lk./ Лк. 12:16-21

Mon. Dec 4 Entry Of Most Holy Theotokos Into The Temple /Введення В Храм Пресвятої Богородиці Service at Cathedral of Holy Trinity 10:00 am Tone/Голос 1 : Heb/ Євр.. 9:1-7; Luke/ Лк. 10:38-42

Sun. Dec 10 Sunday 27 after Pentecost/Нед. 2 7-ма по П’ятдес. Great-martyr James the Persian / Вмч. Якова Персіянина Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:0 0 a.m. Tone/Голос 2: Ephes. / Еф. 6:10-17 ; Luke/Лк. 13:10-17

Sun. Dec 17 Sunday 28 after Pentecost / Нед. 2 8-ма по П’ятдес. St. Great-martyr Barbara / Вмц. Варвари Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:0 0 a.m. Tone/Голос 3 : Col. /Кол. 1:12-18 ; Luke/Лк.. 17:12-19 Gr-martyr: Вмц.:Gal/ Гал. 3:23 -29 ; Mark/Мр. 5:24-34

Tues. Dec 19 St. Nicholas the Wonderworker / Святителя Миколая чудотворця Service at Ilarion Residence Chapel Divine Liturgy / Св.Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone/Голос 3 : Col./ Кол. 3:4-11 ; Luke/ Лк. 14:16-24 Sun. Dec. 24 Sunday29 after Pentecost / Нед. 29-та по П’ятдес.

Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, Ven. Nicon of Kyiv Caves / Неділя Святих Праотців,/ Прп. Никона Сухого, Печерського Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія - 10:0 0 a.m. Tone/Голос 4- Col/ Кол. 3:4-11; Luke/Лк. 14:16-24

Sun. Dec.31 Sunday 30 after Pentecost / Нед. 30-та по П’ятдес. Sunday before Nativity, of the Holy Fathers, Martyr Sebastian/ Неділя перед Різдвом, святих Отців Мчч. Севастіана Tone/Голос 5- Heb./Євр. 11:9-10, 17-23, 32-40 Matthew/Мт. 1:1-25 Prayers for the Faithful - Молитви Для Вірних  Nick Budzak Nadia Demkiw Lily Herman Joe Horache k Toni Horachek David Hawrysh Paul Kodak Kay Kostyk Michael Kerelchuk Rose Kerelchuk Mary Maksuta Elaine Maksymiuk Ann Michayluk Dobr. Erika Olesiuk Myron Petrow Elsie Powalinsky Peter Powalinsky Clark Remenda Susan Senko Michael Sorochka Alexandra Shewchuk Elsie Stefanuk Ernie Wasylciw Vera Webster

Please let Father Taras or Nadine Potts know of others whom we should remember in our prayers or when you feel your name could be taken off the list.

Хрещення  Baptisms

We welcome the following to our

Church family - Вітаємо

 Victoria Cheberda parents Vitalii Cheberda and Maryna Makieieva  Lyla Shiplack Jacy and Katrina Shiplack  Oaklyn Shiplack Jacy and Katrina Shiplack  Nikita Gavrylin Andrii Gavrylin and Tania Pesotska  Sutton Fisher Justine and Christine Fisher  Roman Solodenko Vyacheslav and Anastasia Pavlushenko


Збори Парафіяльної Управи Катедри: Слідуючі збори управи Катедри відбудуться 12-го грудня , год. 7:00 вечором. Як маєте щось на увазі, яке відноситься до нашої катедри, прошу подайтеся до когось на управі.

Cathedral Parish Council Meeting: The next meeting will be held on th Tuesday, December 12 at 7:00 pm in the Church basement. If your have concerns or observations, concerning our cathedral parish,

please call one of the council members & express your thoughts.

Annual General Meeting January 21st Січня

. . . . . From the Desk of the Cathedral Chair

The parish council discussed a large number of items at the November meeting. Of note was a discussion regarding the presentation by Kindrachuk/Agrey architects on suggested improvements to the interior of our hall. The council has determined that there are numerous suggestions and while they are all interesting in the case of financial prudence they will be looked at on a case by case basis and improvement will occur gradually (yearly).

The set up of the Heritage Fund was discussed with the thought being that some changes need to occur in order to make the Fund more usable for our membership. Changes will be instituted for the 2018 year.

A presentation was given to the council on possible additions to our bingo. The ideas that were brought forward were of interest and the council is exploring whether those ideas will benefit the bingo and the church. The council is also looking towards the AGM in January and has started the budget development process for the 2017-18 fiscal year. Jordan supper was finalized with tickets being priced at $10/person for 13 years of age and up, $5 for ages 6-12 and those under 6 free but a ticket would still be required. The deadline for ticket purchases is January 14, 2018. Call Carol Shinkewski 373-0479, Alicia Klopoushak 242-2753, or Carol Cisecki 343-9987 Any questions or concerns please contact any of the Parish council members. Submitted by Rod Antonichuk, President Holy Trinity Cathedral

Schedule of Work BeeS

Varenyky/ Perohy Prep: 8:00 am Wednesday: December 6th

Varenyky/Perohy Pinching: 9:00 am

Thursday: December 7th

kolachi Bee: 10:00 pm

Tuesday: December 5th

- A motion was made at the special meeting granting approval for the Parish Council to go ahead with replacing the walk in Freezer/Cooler in the Auditorium - Fundraising donations can still be made. You can specifically direct your funds towards the

cost of this project

- Icon project: Vera Senchuk has been commissioned to write an icon of the Canadian Theotokos which will be placed on the front of the choir loft wall

- Jordan Supper is January 18th, 2018. See note in Rod’s report - Elders/Старші Брати are needed, call Otets Taras to volunteer

- Holy Trinity Cathedral AGM is Sunday January 21, 2018 - Nominating Committee will be calling individuals for positions on Parish Council. -Consider letting your name stand for election. This is one way to give Alms, that is, by giving of your time to the parish

- the elevator is in need of some major repair/replacement work. Options for repair or replacement are being explored and quotes being requested

- Parish Council members welcome phone calls or discussion on issues President: Rod Antonichuk 881-0008 Vice-Pres: Larry Klopoushak 242-2753

Reports Reports Submit Annual Reports

Reports are needed from: Fr. Taras, UWAC, TYC, CYMK, Heritage, Mohlya Institute, Central Eparchy, Church Elders, Sunday School, Choirs, Bingo, & Finance Please submit reports to Gord Trischuk by December15th

Please send in your reports so the Annual Meeting Booklet can be distributed prior to the AGM

Coffee & Fellowship Everyone is welcome for coffee, and fellowship downstairs following the Divine Liturgy. A chance to connect with fellow parishoners.


Після Божественної Літургії в Авдиторії: Усіх ласкаво просимо на каву для спілкування з своїми знайомими прихожанами!

Alms for the Nativity fast & Outreach The local FOCUS (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve) has had an urgent request for Relief Kits from the MCC (Mennonite Central Committee). The MCC works and assists where there is the greatest need.

CYMK and UWAC are planning to make a contribution and collect funds as part of their Outreach and a way to offer alms during the Nativity lenten period You can see by the chart below that Ukraine has been a large focus for assistance. MCC is in great need for Relief kits (cost, approx $50), but Hygiene Kits are needed as well ($5.00). You can either gather a Kit, or make a donation towards completing a Kit. Contact Linda Balon-Smith or Reece Smith for further information and/or to make a donation. [email protected] or phone 306-260-3385 or Reece 306-371-3325

(Such as comforters, hygiene kits, relief kits, canned meat, etc.) $1.82 Shipped between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017 calculated by Million

Canadian dollar value of goods. $640,000

Relief Kit Hygiene Kit Relief kits provide valuable supplies to Keeping clean is an important part of remaining healthy, but families who have fled their homes because of disaster families whose lives have been disrupted by or war often struggle to afford these necessary supplies. war or disaster Hygiene kits also are given through schools or orphanages to encourage healthy habits for children. . NEW items only) Contents ( Contents:  4 large bars bath soap, in wrapper  1 Adult toothbrush  1 plastic bottle shampoo (380–710 ml; place in  1 Large bar of bath soap re-sealable plastic bag)  1 Fingernail clipper  4 large bars laundry soap (Sunlight ® brand  1 hand towel (dark 15 x 25”) preferred)  4 adult-size toothbrushes (leave in pkg) Thank you for limiting your generosity to the items listed. Due to strict regulations some  4 new bath towels (medium weight, dark or countries have on the expiration date of bright colours 75 x 150 cm  2 wide-tooth combs (15 cm–20 cm) toothpaste, MCC no longer asks for toothpaste to be donated with the kit. Instead, we will provide  1 fingernail clipper (good quality) toothpaste with the kits when they ship from our  1 box adhesive bandages (minimum 40 count, assorted) warehouse. Hygiene kits are distributed in a useful,  1 package sanitary pads (18–24 thin maxi)

double-drawstring cloth bag (30 cm x 43 cm/11¾ Thank you for limiting your generosity to the items listed. in x 16¾ in). You may: Due to strict regulations some countries have on the Sew the bag yourself or request bags from an expiration date of toothpaste, MCC no longer asks for MCC material resources centre or donate contents toothpaste to be donated with the kit. Instead, we will that we will place in a bag. provide toothpaste with the kits when they ship from our warehouse. Bring completed kits to MCC drop-off Place contents in a box or bag and deliver to an location. Relief kits provide valuable supplies to MCC drop-off location. The kit will be re-packed in a new families whose lives have been disrupted by war 20-litre plastic pail with lid. or disaster.

It's that time of the year again,

Концерт присвячений святу Святого Миколая відбудеться 17 грудня

St. Nicholas Concert December 17, 2017

Dear Parents Дорогі Родичі,

We would like to invite all the children that participate in the Sunday School program to join us in the St. Nicholas Concert. Our concert will consist of a couple of Ukrainian songs, an

English poem, an interactive, narrative folk song, English carols, guest performance from Bishop Filevich Choir, and then, of course, a visit from St. Nicholas!

Our program will be held on Sunday, December 17th in the hall basement, immediately following church and lunch. Please note that the children will be singing Otche Nash/Отче Наш during the church service.

Please note that we are asking all children to wear their Ukrainian shirts and dark skirts/pants.

Some children will have lines that they need to memorize and others will have actions and participate in a little poem narration. We would love to have ALL children participate but we need you to work with your child/children to learn the songs and memorize their lines. If you have any questions or require help, please feel free to

contact Dobr. Joanne at [email protected] or Patrusia at [email protected].

For us to be able to help the children learn their parts, we would like the children to be in church by 10:00 so we can get in as much practice as possible. We only have one hour on Sundays. Thank you, Щеро дякуємо, Dobr. Joanne and Pani Patrusia

The Orthodox Church is evangelical, but not Protestant. It is orthodox, but not Jewish. It is catholic, but not Roman. The Orthodox Church has believed, taught, preserved, defended and died for the Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost 2000 years ago.

Православна Церква є євангельською, не є протестантською. Вона є ортодоксальною, але не єврейською. Вона католицька, але не римська. Вона не є конфесійною - вона є деномінаційною. Вона вірила, навчала, зберігала, захищала і гинула за віру апостолів з дня П'ятдесятниці 2000 років тому.

for St. Nicholas /св. Миколай or Christmas/Різдво Are you looking for something special for your child, grandchild, wife, husband or friend? Check out our Kiosk which has been restocked with icons, crosses, prayer books, rushnyky, chotke, ‘My Icon Book’, ‘Orthodox Study Bible’, and much, much more

Якщо Ви шукаєте подарунки до Свята Святого Миколая чи Різдва, то

Вам варто зупинитися біля нашої парафіяльної лавки:

Ікони, срібні та золоті хрестики, молитвенники, рушники, чотки,

Біблії, та ін.

Це чудова нагода подарувати своїм дітям, внукам, чоловікові чи жінці

або просто друзям щось дійсно значуще і важливе.

Contact Stan Hawryliw or Fr. Taras for assistance

Вечеря Вареників : Слідуюча вечеря вареників відбудиться у п'ятницю, 23-го лутого - Просимо всіх від год. 5:00 – 7:00 вечором. Ціна за вечерю з десертом є $12.00. Ковбаса та голубці окремо продаються. Next All-You-Can-Eat Varenyky Supper : The next all you can eat Varenyky Supper will held at the th Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium on Friday, February 23 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Cost is $12.00 (includes dessert) Extras priced separately. Bring your family and friends

Frozen Varenyky/Perogies & Cabbage Roll sales: Saturday, February 24th 10am – 12:00

Збори Союзу Українок Канади – Відділь Ім. Ольги Кобилянської:

Слідуючі загальні збори Сoюзу відбудуться у неділю, 26-го листопада о год. 1:00 по обіді. Запрошуємо всіx членкинь

U.W.A.C. – Olha Kobylianska Branch: will hold their AGM th meeting on Sunday, November 26 at 1:00 p.m. We invite all members to attend this meeting

Note these dates and events:

 Work Bee dates – preparing for Christmas Bake Sale – see schedule  Annual Meeting November 26th  Next Varenyky supper is February 23 nd, 2018  Annual Christmas Bake Sale December 16th

 Last date for Pre-Orders December 8th. Call Pat Hawryliw 306-652-3178

Note:  UWAC is limiting quantities, for pre -orders and at the Bake Sale:

Kolachi – limit of 6 Varenyky/Perogies – 4 bags

Cabbage Rolls - 2 bags

Товариство Українців Самості йників

Загальні Збори відбудутьса у четвер, 14-го грудня

о год. 5:30, гостинніст – о год. 6:00, вечеря і збори

USRA/TYC - Saskatoon ‘Steppe’ Branch: Will hold their next general supper meeting on Thursday Dec 14th Social 5:30 – Supper – 6:00 - Meeting to follow

Bingo dates for our TYC club at City Centre Bingo , ( 310 – 22nd St. West ). Dec 14: 11:30am - 5:30 pm Dec 26: 11:30am - 5:30

th rd Jan 11 : 11:30 - 5:30 pm Jan 23 : 11:30 – 5:30 pm

Volunteers please call or text any of the following TYC members: Myron Kowalsky; 980-7802; Maurice Werezak: 230-8957; Ron Trischuk: 241-2046. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Congratulations Elsie Stefanuk on being presented with one of UCC – Saskatoon’s 2017 Community Recognition Awards

UCC: “These individuals have poured their hearts and souls into making our community a better place and are most deserving of this award!!”

Congratulations to

Pat & Stan Hawryliw on celebrating your th th 40 Wedding Anniversary on November 19

Happy Birthday to a Centurion Многая Літа to Kay Kostyk who will be celebrating her 100th birthday on December 9th

14th Annual Field & Stream Supper st Friday, January 26 , 2018

Holy Trinity Cathedral Auditorium

Tickets: $30.00

Christmas Bake Sale

Saturday December 16th

UWAC Holy Trinity Cathedral

Holy Trinity Icon Windows : Teachers and Defenders of the Faith

Great Martyr Barbara – Вмц. Варвари Dec 17

This glorious follow er of Christ was betrothed to Christ from early childhood. Her father Dioscorus was a pagan and was renowned for his position and wealth in the city of Heliopolis in Egypt. Dioscorus locked up his only daughter Barbara, brilliant in

mind and of beautiful countenance, in a high tower. He surrounded her with every comfort, gave her female servants, erected idols for

worship, & built her a bathing room with two windows. Looking

through the window at the earth below & the starry heavens above,

Barbara’s mind was opened by the grace of God. She recognized the One True God, the Creator despite the fact that she did not have a human teacher to bring her to this knowledge. Once, while her father was away from the city, she came down from the tower &, according to God’s providence, met some Christian women who revealed the true Faith of Christ to her. Barbara’s heart became inflamed with love for Christ the Lord. She ordered that a third window be cut open in the bath so that the three windows would represent the Holy Trinity. On one wall she traced a Cross with her finger, and the Cross etched itself deep in the stone as if cut by a chisel. A pool of water sprang forth from her footprints on the floor of the bath, which later gave healing of diseases to many. Learning of his daughter’s faith, Dioscorus beat her severely and drove her from the tower. He pursued her in order to kill her, but a cliff opened up and hid Barbara from her brutal father. When she appeared again, her father brought her to Martianus, the magistrate, who handed her over for torture. They stripped the innocent Barbara and flogged her until her entire body was covered with blood & wounds, but the lord Himself appeared to her in prison with His angels & healed her. A certain woman, Juliana, upon seeing this, desired martyrdom for herself. Both women were severely tortured &with mockery were led through the city. Their breasts were cut off and much blood flowed from them. They were finally led to the place of execution, where Dioscorus himself slaughtered his daughter, & Juliana was slain by the soldiers. That same day, lightning struck the house of Dioscorus, killing him & Martianus. St. Barbara suffered in the year 306. Her miracle-working relics rest in Kiev. Glorified in the Kingdom of Christ, she appeared many times even in our own day, sometimes alone & sometimes in the company of the Most-holy Theotokos. Молитва до святої великомучениці Варвари

Свята славна і всехвальна великомученице Христова Варваро! Через страждання твої мученицькі прославляємо Самого Страстополо жника Христа, Який дав тобі не тільки в Нього вірувати, але й страждати за Нього. Молимо тебе, відома за бажання наші заступнице: моли з нами і за нас прихильного зі Свого милосердя до благань Бога, щоб милостиво почув нас, що просимо Його благість, i не відкинув від нас усі потрібні для спасіння й життя прохання, i дарував християнську кончину життя нашого, безболісну, бездоганну і мирну, Божественних Таїн причасну; і всім, хто на всякому місці, в усякій скорботі й напастях потребує Його милосердя й допомоги, велику Свою подав милість, щоб благодаттю Божою i твоїм теплим заступництвом, душею й тілом завжди у здоров’ї перебуваючи, славили дивного у святих Своїх Бога Ізраїлевого, Який не віддаляє допомоги Своєї від нас, завжди, нині, і повсякчас, i на віки віків.Амінь.

December Anniversaries: Kostantyn & Oksana Maisiev (30)

December Birthdays: Jessica Radin (01), Eugene Kucey (01), Linda Kindrachuk (02), Mikhail Miazga (04), Darby Sovyn (04), Oleksander Smyrnov (04), Audrey Woroniuk (04), Hanna Allen (05), Oleh Skrypnyk (05), Larissa Fedusiak (06), Nataliya Chayka (08), Anna Paturova (08), Fr. Bohdan Demczuk (09), Kay Kostyk (09), Eric Allen (10), Michael Gregory (10), Robert Rudy (10), Mykola Fayfruk (11), Amanda Hyshka (11), Mariya Malko (11), Ihor Kodak (11), William Greschuk (11), Andrij Krachun (11), Oleg Mandrykin (11), Pat Hawryliw (12), Karina Shovkun (13), Randy Evans (14), Olena Kalishnikov (14), Kyrylo Mandrykin (15), Valentyna Tetera (16), Remma Chaganova (17), Andrij Homa (17), Andriy Vitkovskyy (18), Nick Budzak (19), Khrystyna Paliy (19), Oksana Maichiev (18), Eveline Voronin (19),Cheryl Fedusiak (20), Larissa Trischuk (20), Olexander Horivchuk (21), Donna Walton (22), Erin Buck (25), Natalia Pshenyshna (24), Rodney Antonichuk (25), John Demkiw (25), Russel Trischuk (25), Michael Lieffers (26), Vyacheslav Solodenko (27), Ethan Samotoi (27), Luka Herman (28), Samuel Herman (28), Adele Trischuk (28), William Greschuk (30), Bohdan Larionyk (30), Fr. Taras Makowsky (30), Liliya Frankova (31), Gerald Kochan (31), Nadiya Volos (31),

На Многая і Благая Літа! May God Grant you Many Years!

Any announcements pertaining to our Parish Community are welcomed.


Cathedral Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274 Cathedral Council President – Rod Antonichuk – 306- 881-0008 Sunday Church School – Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595 Cathedral Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-955-1452

TYC/USRA President – Ron Trischuk – 306-241-2046 UWAC President—Carol Cisecki—306-343-9987 CYMK President – Reese Smith 306-371-3325 Bulletin Editor – Nadine Potts 249-1519 Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-955-1452