DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1802. VOL. 13.__PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3 1875. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN . THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS The The REAL ESTATE. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS entertainments. Eastern Trouble. first settler io Waterford was Davis Me Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _WANTS. THE PRESS. The Herzegovina (Turkish equivalent for Waiu, who was born in Bolton, Mass, Deo] NAIjE-Tlie Brick House No. 21, 1752. In the PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO, Agents Wanted. 11 FOR 1875. duchy), the tract of country In which a for- spring of 1775, with a com- Deering Street, Portland, belonging to tbe TAXES Temperance Camp Meeting FRIDAY MORNING. SEPT. 3, 1875 midable the Ottoman panion, be started for the wilderness of Water- dr '09 exchange St., Portland. every city and town where gas is used, lor the estate of tbe late Cant. William Ross. rebellion against power ®F»R — IN sale of tbe ELLIS PATENT GAS NATHAN Executor. —at ford. At Dover, N H., thev were BURNER, CLEAVES, CITY OF PORTLAND. has broken out, is the very south-western por- arrested as Terms. Dollars a Tear 1r Very liberal terms 10 Enquire of Sept. 1, 1875. se2dtf F'ght advance. To Agents. deserters and sent back to Bolton. Me Wain’s mall subscribers Seven Dollars a Year If ELECTION MONDAY, SEPT. 13. tion of Bosnia. Its area is about six thous- paid in ad- C. li. tlAK^TON* Treasurer’s 1 SEBAGO duce FO R SAIjK—House for sale on Chestnut Office, BAKE, companior became discouraged and sold his liS Exchange Mircet. 1875. and square miles, and its inhabitants num- Street. Call at 31 Chestnut Street. September 1, f share to aug31dlm w]j;l Commencing Thursday, Sept. 2d, FOR Me Wain. Me Wain again started ao THE JaUL se2dlw is hereby given that the Tax bills for tbe GOVERNOR, ber 254,000. Of these two-thirds are Chris- MAINE STATE PRESS NOTICEve;ir 1875, have been committed to me with a compar.ied by only his dog, and came to Wat- Wanted, and CONTINUING FOUR DAYS in the of Mosta s published every Thursday For Sale. warrant for ihe collection of the same. In accor- tians, living chiefly provinces erford by the of Morning at $2.50 a of way Portland, Sebago Lake year, if paid In at CONVENIENT TENEMENT of five or six dance with an ordinance the City, a GEN. SELDEN CONNOR. and of advance, $2.00 a year. niO STORY W®o.len House, So. 12 I Tile Taschlydscha. The Province Tre- and Pond. At Stevens’ A rooms for a small family. Mammoth Tabernacle, capable of accommo- Long brook, now A 1 Newbury Street, luq uire nt the Discount ot Five Per Rates of Address P. O. BOX <’ent, 5000 person3, used at Salt Lake City ami acro>s bigne is inhabited the Turks. The Her- Advertising: One inch of Bpace. the 1518, City, llouKe. theyatmg by Bridgton Center, he laid in a stock sf provisions length of aug30iilw* will be allowed on all taxes paid within sixty days Plains to Califrrnia, will be used tor this occasion. column, constitutes a “souare.” aug31dlvv For to are a a from the date of the commitment thereof Mrs. Clark, the renowned Mrs. Helen E. Representative Congress, zegovinians war-like race, bitterly hat- for month and boldly struck out into the wil- $1.50 per square daily first 75 cents Vocalist, week; per week Brick House for sale. H. W the Mr. & Mrs. John three or Wanted a or Silent HEKSEY, Brown, distinguished speaker, 4th the Osmanli and stirred to rebellion derness. He travelled Bear airrr; insertions, less, $1.00: continuing Partner, son and District—U AB BIS 31. PLAISTED. ing by up brook till he every j sei2dtd Treasurer and Collector. Mrs. the Brooklyn Crusaders, have othei day after Srst week, 50 cents. Pleasant Street, near Park Street Church. been Han,.of reached his Halt PARTY of good standing, showing a first class engaged and will lend their aid durin* the entire political oppression and religious fanaticism. range line, and under the canopy of square, thiee insertions, or less, 75 cents; one ON Contains ten room, Sebago water ami gas. A Manufacturing business, requires pome more meeting. Hem I>rapl Washburn, Francis Murphy, heaven week, $1 00; 5U cents per week after. Pr ce $5250. Apply to WM. H. JEKHIS, Heal Es- For Senators. have for years been robbed the Tur- spent the night. He built a hat ott capital to worn on a scale, wi'l bear a STAT E OF ?l AI % E. Hon. H. M. J. K. They by log Special Notices, me third addi ional. large thorough tate Sidney Peiham, Bryant, Ossooa, investigation, business safe, and sales made to Agent. aug20il3w* ben. Neal How, and other Tem- Androscoggin..BENJAMIN F STURGIS. kish whose missions have been to one corner of bis lot, and supposed he was the Under head of “Amusements.” and “Auction only many distinguished Agas, gath- Sales.” $2.00 responsible parties sold as fast as manufactured, perance Reformers and speakers will be p esent. The CHARLES B. JORDAN. ooly settler between and per square per weea; three insertions and to if Cumberland.. er enormous taxes for the and to Bridgton Canada unti r profits equal not surpassing any business meeting will be opened Thursday, at 2 o’clock P. M., HUMPHREY Sultan, lers $1.50. COUSINS, one he in Maine; only principals and TO THE ELECTORS with au Address from some able whose PHILANDER day came npon a party of Canada Indi- Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State responsible parties speaker, I'OLVIaN, make themselves rich by the treated with. Address care name will be Reformed men david w. plundering peo- Press has a “Manufacturer,” Mat announced hereafter. mf.rrill, ans. With them he (which large circulation in every are hunted and fished. Sell- part REAL — — tocks & Portland. Maine. ESTATE urgently invited to be and aid in the JAMES HAILEY. The in mountain State) f*r $1.00 for first Fox, aug2deodif OF THE present ple. country, abounding 0,he per square luserti n, furtherance of this work. will be held Franklin E. S KEYES. ing his peltries at Stevens' Brook, he spent the and 50 cents per square tor each Meetings is well calculated for subsequent nse^tion. morning, afternoon and Individuals desir- Hancock. JOSEPH T. HINCKLEY. fastnesses, defensive winters of Address all communications to Wanted. of eveniDg. ’75 and ’76 in Boston, returning to City Portland. ing to tent out will find this a charming place Tent WILLIAM W BRAGDON. warfare. The insurrection PORTLAND PUBLISHING Co a however, might in bv young man with good sro»n Z.. ON trip Orphan Asylum Picnic, Nos 187, 185 and 183 Fore street. Senators shall be eiecte I by a plurality of the votes P0RLMD& 0CDE1BIIRG Asaph Brown, Europe Hamlin and America a Lady’s JET CROSS PIN, set in Pearls. The tin E P. RICHARDSON. ing to their assistance. and Monte- Offices. Also the wooden store with the lot on passage way given in by qualified electors. Bulgaria »11 der wil be rewarded by leaving the same at Casco York.IVORY LORD. Hamlin, Revolutionary soldiers, with their leadiug lr< m Central wbaif to Moulton street, Sections four and five of Article four, Part seccond, are for revolt. These 108 WALNUT EDWARD H. COLEMAN. being RAILROAD. URANUS O. negro ripe provinces families commenced STREET, Brewery the store and lot m w occupied by rfryant & Burns, of tlic i-onstiiution, are amended, by stiiking out the BRACKETT, to clear lots of land. The Portland, Me., Sept. 1, 1875 word i' USHER B. THOVfPSON. have little cause now to of PHILADELPHIA. sep2d3t Pump and B1 ck Makers. “majority,” wherever occurs in said sections, complain oppres- proprietors of the town offered to For those who fct>8 dly Also stores and lot on the southeast side of Fore and inserting instead theieof the word -plurality. County Commissioners. for are but _ sion, 'hey semi-independent, they would clear 30 acres of land build a house six- Lost street, occupied by A. Huntiugton and by J. H. RELATING TO SPECIAL LEGISLATION AND CORPOR- Androscrggin. .LUTHER PERKINS. Bond & Co. SUNDAYTRAINS Cumberland.. JOHN L. are all actuated by wbat is known as the teen feet a S. c. TN TUTS Citv. August 31st. an Ametbvst ST.EEVE ATIONS. SWIFT. square, right in the lands. They ANDREWS. JL BUI ION. The tinder will be Also the three-story brick dwelling bouse, occupied Franklin.ORIN HALL. suitably re- Amend Article Part of the Constitu- Pansclavouic that is the of piumucu mo ur»v uoru in by the subscriber. No. 77 State street, with laud and four, third, Hancock.LEMUEL!'. idea, autonomy uuy watertord warded by leaving the same at JORDAN & WAR- tion, thereto the sections: DORR. stable, \c. The lot is say 80 feet on State by adding following BurifatiBUtt Kennebec.ELBRIDGE G. the Sclavic race. 50 acres of land. Counsellor at Law, REN’S Junction Middle and Federal Streets. street, 'Secuon 13. The shall from time to 4>cn, i»7o. HODGDON. Ephraim Hapgood was the ajid extends back say 150 leet. Legislature Knox.W. H TITCOMB. sep2 dlw* time, provide as far as practic tile, by general The Sclavic race lucky tnaD. In 1785 Mr. Howe 88 MIDDLE Abo four bouse lots on Anderson street, and two laws, Lincoln.DAVID CHAMBERLAIN. comprises the Russians, Philip moved STREET, lor all matters to or For Twin leave Portland at house lots on Oxford street usually apDertaining special mountain, 630 Oxford.JOSEPH L. bis a wife and six a. m. CHAPMAN. Poles, Bohemians, and the inhabitants of the family, children, Into town. (In Canal Bonk tsullliug,) Diary Lost. I’utiui ibgirtauuui Penobscot. HIRAM STEVEN'S. ‘Sectirn 14. orporations shall be formed under For Mrs. H jwe was the first white woman who near the Grand Trunk Elevator, a Two-thirds of purchase money can remain on mort- Temperance Cnnp Heeling at Mebn. Piscataquis. ...LEONARD HILTON. Tnrkish Principalities,and numbers diary. general laws, and shall not be created by special acts l.ahe. 78,000,000 PORTLAND, MAINE. The finder of the -arae will be rewar led gage at 7 per cent interest per annum. go leave Portland 6 30 a. in., and 9 00 a m. Sagadahoc.ROBERT P CARR. was a permanent settler in Waterford. The LOST suitably of the Legislature, except f«*r municipal purposes, of It has been the dream of by it-at tie American House. Address the subscriber through Post-office BOX the last trains of Somerset.GEORGE FLINT. people. long Will practice in and Oxford leaving sep2d3t* a«ui in cases where the objects oi the corporation can- CCS^Probably Sunday the season. growth of Waterford was very rapid from this Androscoggin Oouni- 983 for information. Washington. ...LEONARD J. FISHER. Russia4o found a Sclavonic 8* not otLerwis be a'tained; and however they J. HAMILTON, empire, and to ower, order. Livery Stable Keeper. that the incu ubrn’s IVVEB Ac ARNOLD Congress »pnf however, pie up with counting room and tables. The best lighted To Lei with Board j augO_dtf un a figure factory. “Figures won’t lie.” Democrat who is compelled coming frightened sound COEN'IRY DUCE, room in the city. Suitable for jobbing oi .uanutac- broke down 'he of the fence to ^R« furnished or unfinished rooms. two make four to spell out all the words of two portion which turiug, or w II be let tor either, with plenty of stor- Two and when added. Ten sylables. 9 Monllcn head of Wharf A t 62 FREE STREET. he was fastened, and taking it with him ran Street, Long age room, over ’•HGCHKRii Whole- PLEASANT in a the Boston & Maine R. R. figures newspaper line, by accepted We a PORTLAND, I?IU. sale Fancy Goods Store, Nos. 121—123 Middle Street my22tf give large amount of space to the re- through the street and made for the pavilion, below the Post Office Inquire of H. E. THOMP- system of notation, make a billion. There is of the most successful where a EBEN N. PERRY. MAYHEW C. FOSS. No. Emerv on the Spring Street Board. port meeting at Old qaite number of people were collected SON, 32J street, no mistake about this. “I can car CHEAP EXCURSIONS. horse route. ian20d&wtf Gentlememor a Gentleman and bis Wite can figure through Orchard Beach It was A young girl named Locke, of had for & yesterday. undoubt- Norway, 53P*Agent8 Cbipman Ayer’s “Surprise 11WUbe accommodated with first class Board ami this says the distracted editor as Veast” the in tbe world campaign,” one of the her broken at the knee. Mr. Andrew Wood- best yeast To Rooms at No. 20 Brown Street. myl9dtf edly largest political meetings ever leg T AY IT. Kent. his brew to clear at the myl7dtf begins happy thougth. held in the and bury of Sweden, a man well advanced in to rent at No. 1 Fore street, six PORTLAND state, was a success in every years head shall become an ant-hill of TENEMENTrooms, gas, &c. on the “My creep- had bis leg broken in two places. Mrs. Hob- sebaga water, Inquire — G. CLARK, Iff. D. TO — respect. premises. aus24-tf ing, squirming, writhing figures, and from son of North Waterford, was braised. 74 FREE STRF. ET. badly Summer Board. every book in my sanctum which contains WATER This served to disturb the and Opposite head of Brown St. TO I.ET. HARBOR tORD’S CENTENNIAL. peace tranqnility Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M. CENTRE AND RETURN which amount to billions and of things for a while, hat soon all was About two miles from figures millions, quiet. al6 dtf At the close of YACH T~A T, A R M. FOR trillions, I will use to confound the enemy. a hehobable occasio tr. the dinner the audience again OLD ORCHARD I will show his wickedness and waste in bold assembled in the pavilion and the exercises 6} o Tons, thoroughly equipped and furnished. W. €. CLARK, were resumed. The band a O Has superior accommodations. Will be let and a few minutes walk from the famed $3.00 ! ! black figures which shall make his heart Th» Larjeu AsicmUaie ever in Town— played selection, by the day or week to responsible parties. Apply to of the and then Mr Kimball offered the toasts: with fear.” He turns to his subordi- “Balls Mona and Daughters’’—Tbc 103 FEDERAL STREET, CASCADE AND MINER SPRCNG Passengers can leave Portland at 9.00 a. m.. con- quake F. C. ALLEN. Exercises and Decorations- The Town necting at Alton Bay, with the magnificent Steamer nates and iu decided words them in- First—“The Fathers anti Mothers of Water- 5 I>oori» Warn ef The road from the house to Old Orchard is a most gives ’’ Temple St., IVo 8 Market Mi reel, or til Hoard. History, Evening Amnaements, Merlons ford Responded to by Rev. Wm beautiful one shaded the whole distance Warren, nearly by structions: “We shall only use such figures Accident, etc., etc. D D., of who referred to the old iy29dtf trees. The house ie new and fitted iTVonnt Gorham, large nearly up Washington, families of GAS AND WATER last season for a few countr; boarders. Good stables as will serve to enforce the we desire to Greens, Plummers, Stones, Browns, To Let. for Wolf boro and Center Harbor, making a point for horses and Pleasaut walks and drives. of Wednesday the of the town of Wa- Hales, Houghtons, Horrs, Kilgores, carriages. delightful trip sixty miles over the entire length of impress which is that the are people Longleys, to famished or No. 4 A team will be in readiness lor Old Orchard Beach Sew Republicans Hamlins and Rices. let, unfurnished, Haven, C©n A., the beautiful l^oke Wiiinipiseosce with its terford celebrated the one hundredth anniver- Famrs, ROOMSCotton at all times. Address MRS. C. M. dreadful PIPING. St., second door from Free Street BANK>, Saco, or three hundred and sixtv-fiv9 island, and corrupt.” Secoud—“Our children bv birth now residents aprlft dtf “S’* Press Office. returning, sary of the settlement of their town a ,„2> tf my2f>dtf leave Alton Bay at 4.00 p. m., at Portland by of other countries.” Responded to in an able ^ .FOrt THE arriving An unwonted fire lights up the eye of the at 8.( 0 p. m. grand celebration at that part of the town manner by Rev. Cyrus Hamlin, D. D., Presi- To Lei. Excellent dinners served on board the steamer at veteran tuitor. With a firm step he mounts dent of Robert Boarders Wanted. rea>onable rates. known as Waterford Flat. College, Constantinople. R,chardson & February first the Stores and Chambers the stairs to the sanctum. There the attend- Third—“Toe Clergy of Waterford.” Re- Boynton’s on A was erected on the ABOUTtni'o st., now occupied hy Caldwell Oi Tickets for the Round Trip—good until large pavilion common sponded to by Rev. Dr. Perry of Waterford. HodRdon, and & October 1st, $3 00 ants stand about to do his Snatch Whitney Thomas. Apply to MATHEWS has taken the well known bidding. opposite the Waterford House. A stage was Dr Warren then read a abort record of all in ■ « ■ jalldtf ST. JOHN SMITH. MercantileTraining Take train House, at 21 Brown and is leaving Portland at 9.00 a. m. a book from the he seats himself in boro and oat of MRS.Boarding street, — OF-— ing case, erected which yas very tastefully decorated clergymen gone Waterford. A now prepared io furnish likewise table board, letter of board, J. T. FUKBER. Gen. his chair. The is with union and regret was read from Rev. T T. Stone 'Bo Be Let. rooms to let. furnished or unfurnished with board. Sup’t. figure inspiration upon flags hunting Over the top of of iron S. H. STEVENS. Gen. Agent, Portland. Bolton, \1ass. Rev. John A. Douglass, the in There is a desirable rent for a small family to let. at him. me me the decorations was wrougni chamber jeona story on the corner of aug2t dtf “Bring paper; bring ink; bring the motto “God and Our oldest sett'ed minister in the then made the same state, THKCross and Middlfcsts. to place. aug27dtf YOUNG Apply MEN. me he shouts. He bis Country,” and in a on one a brief address. HENKT pens,” dips pen into square uuderneath, PEEKING, «ir)a wild tlia inoppirofison “177*1 TIriliaL f' Fourth—"The Medical Profession.” Re- my°lt‘ No. 65 Exchange St. CHARLES R. the ink and opens the book of and S* U ill iflER BOA B I». WELLS, President. WINTHROP figures, Bethel. The oc!2 that, bring with flage and mottos. Seats were erected ir. ^3 States. band then played “Tbe Star Banner” book here but Spangled having seven figures in a line the pavilion capable of about twelve lud the choir sang “America." ■ IP SUMMER seatiug _ RESORTS. —that’s what I want 10 me loasi ioe rroiessionai Tanners was © know,” shouted the hundred people. GOOD rents at Woodford’s Corner. Possession The right kind of Educa- affe' ed and responded to by Dr. N. T. True of © ot the irate editor-in-chief. “This book” tim- At an hour in the ol all C3 4 given immediate!}. Inquire early morning,teams Bethel. Capt. Thomas Swan then J. H. REED, in a very ocean remarked the as he it to arrive from all of manner recited auCd2w*ftf Woodford’s Comer. house:, idly boy picked up, “is descriptions began parts juaint some of his early recot © tion for ections of the old families of fA’« El Young Wen. a geometry and the table found was a ta- the surrounding country, bringing o'd men and the town. Dea. © IZABETII, MAINE. you Samuel Warren of m To Lei. men and to attend Waterford then made a Magnificent granite with fitted ble of logarithms.” “Burn it!” shouted the women, young maidens, the ihort address m cout rooms with Se- known, and summer building elegantly TENEMENT ining eight rg jh rm rehl8 popular vi W1 ot amt furnished for exercises. The toast A bago. Applv to JOHN W. LOW, corne' of fruULil ofTfc °i'ei,‘ d for the accomodation apartments the application of and ragine editor, “no book of figures should be "Our Next Centennial" was then Middle and Deer Streets. au4dtf ^ puoJic on and efter June 3,1875. carrying out of our novel and methods of For the past few days the sons of old Water- offered, and voluntary were called u J systematic published in these times in whicn every sura responses ford have been home in t)r Dr. Hamlin, Mr. James Dr. John eg JT. f. C SI Am BK flocking great num- Shaw, RIjA IN, do*s not reach bullions.” He picked \ Douglass, and Dr. Horr made 1 BU IN up so that when the time for ar- jr., (Orrin) T« B.Ct. _ Proprietor. ESS TRAINING. bers, commencing irief rs another, took a fresh sheet of paper and be- addresses. Our Next CeDteDnial—May es rived a crowd greater than ever before seen in ve all it Front Koouin. pass in heaven” was responded to by ® H men who a business *nd gan: “The of the S>E Young contemplate life, expenditures present im- Waterford were collected the ilr. H p. SVarren with a rs FITIMNIIED520 1-^ STREET. n:x HOi'SE. upon grounds short poem. parents sons to aro re- jy22 dtf having educate, particularly becile, corrupt, swindling, and About two thousand are plundering people thought to have Dr. Wm. Warren a vote of ® LEW:stONi MB., quested to send for documents relating to the college, then moved that To thieving administration the past year was been in attendance. haufca *5 Lot. which give full inform tion as to terms, conditions of be extended to the President of the Corner Pine He it to At half A. S. BRICK HOUSE No. 74 Danforth Street, a,d *ark stl.fet9j entrance, ©*e. Address. $125,796,452,091.” passed his as- past ten, Kimball, Esq., the lay, A. S. Kimball, Esq., and also to the This furnace is without exaggeration, containing all the modern improvements. En- the THE H B. WIM sistant, who observed that the figures the President of day, called the assembly to mmmittee, Messrs. Samuel Warren, John B. the mO‘t heating furnace ever quire at No. 10, CENTRAL WHARF, Proprietor powerful CHARLES R. WELLS, chief was was order and called upon tl e brass band President, — taken from that of Bridgton itud and A. J. for the able manner made I has the best Urate and Sifter jnel6dtf FOR SALE BY — using part Smith, in ~ who were 21 are the “seventh census” the of present, strong, uuder the leader- vhich have tbout and conducted ever put in a furnace. The raf the UNEQUALLED. _V\. Juno TO ECONOMICAL. BEST. FOR SALE BY those figures in type a foot and as wide which we are able to an ubstract. t isbed the ju3dt.t Monday, 2ist, 18.# All long give music, which was excellent. te GROCERS. SAFE. BPiST. TorfChler, pringfirld, New ECONOMICAL. as can it the Boarders wil be taken by the day or wee. Hartford, you get into paper; this Grant THE HISTORICAL ADDRESS. At the l’iue Grove in Bros. rea_ Work, nod For sale Honse Sooth Waterford Nutter & Co., soiiable terms. Tbe House * ill be tlrst-v,Li Philadelphia, by jn *iinKton al a reduction. administration has to he February the General Court of Mas lessrs. For Sale. and the table will be furnish©* got figured out. It 24,1774, Dudley Brothers fitted up their large every respect, i, ««AS. Ale I. AUG HI. IN A Brig 336 tons, coppered. Wei the best the Portland and Boston markets aflo' M V<“ CO., is resource.” The foreman lachusetts passed a vo'e granting a tract of i avilion and a Torrent, « my only meekly gave very pleasant dance. The loupd in sails, ringing, chains, an Excursion and fishing parties accommodated « EN l itAL TICKETS rorlland. 2ft market square, _aulCeod&wGm_ that the and seven miles square, providing that the j aviliou was chors Ac. Could be sent to sea inline furnished w ith boats, fibbing tackle, guides etc. Lewlstou.Au,. suggested type of the Argus had neatly trimmed with evergreen ,e a,l< less t!ian not MA,WE to Bal>g)r rcSular fare. FOR SALE, 1 irautees settled families within six a PORT»AHP diaielv. For further information applj Island will be open any parties desiring to cab., «OWIa been selected for He would thirty years nd lighted with Chinese lanterns, which looked oeoaem to J. S. WINSLOW & Co. aulSif expressly posters. ailg2 out. BOAT TICKETS. md laid out one-sixty fourth part for the use of a Band The beautiful barge, Island Belle, will run direc use the largest and blackest in the oflice. ery prettily. Five pieces of the Norway he first settled New. to tbe Island, making two trips a day. Tbe net minister, one-sixty fourth part f uroishcd some fine music for the dance. Nouictliiiii: Physician's Practice, & ADAMS, Steam Engine and Boiler And so the work roes on at the very steamer Henrietta will touch at tbe island t ice 1 Figure , or the schools and one fourth to 61500 a can lie had wiihout bonui N„R°«cna0“I!f« sixty part for Aud so closed the centennial celebra- send addreib ?*•» year th^ Boston irains or steani grand your J* sPr|"* .a"|J day. Parties coming on iv3 Street, Portland. Factory. It will cease 13. Mttle tbe of the ladies Easy Cutting and WORTHby purchase of team and small lot ol lurui ENGINE an of about six Sept. Very iarvard In the same LADIEShave agent era can connect w itb tuese boats for the Island, **---— dtf upright horse College. May year an of Waterford. Save tbe accident at noon, of'the work &c A dress Dr. and an d ioq Work Table rail and show ibis gem ture, J. S. BURNS, Bryant’ of «▼«■>-- rHEpowei. Upright Tubular Boiler of about splay type will be required the morning of mtline ol I or E. Priming lonbe the map the township was left and Patterns cut free to test the system Pond, Me., Dr. C. A. 413 Congress Street 1 J, Jcncka, Proprietor. Job power of the to VVIL- with the he day has been most delightfully spent, room. Tuesday RING, nt *n*» engine. Apply the 14th of 11 I Maine. 1 dtt l’j execute eiipiion ueol 1AM 36 Union or September to set forth Democratic ; of which mar 16 Portland, sepld2w* jne28 LOWET.L, street W. H. PEN- Secretary State, is now on file at Bos- dl has gone off as merry as a marriage bell, SELL At CO., 38 Union street. jne28dtf. triumphs. on. Inqalls. *

* -*■ ... ./.. X Canadien, and vowing they would never let the Milwaukee, September 2.—Flour is quiet and Ar at Windsor, NS. Aug 31. sch Bertha J Fellas, bones be interred in cooseorated ground. firmly. Wheat firm; No 1 Milwaukee at 1 21$: No 2 from East port. (and sailed 1st for New Vork.) SPECIAL NOTICES. COPARTN EKSHI P. l MTSCELI^NEOUS. EDUCATION Al. the Milwaukee 1 18; seller for Septemoer at 16; seller Aral Si --- BY TELEGRAPH. On the of procession a rush John, NB, 2d scasch pn — approach October 1 15. Corn is dull and lower; No 2 at 6lc. El!a K was made by the mob, who barred the Portland. Clifton, mtall, gates, Oats in active demand; >o 2 iu store 35; seller Sep- Ten Thousand Notice. an and Superior Quality Copartnership refusing entrance, pouring insults ou tember at 34c. Bariev is firmer; No 2 Spring caedi SCHOOL. [Latest by European cabargas Cigars. UNDERSIGNED have formed a copartner- the procession and filling their pockets with 1 09 @ 110; seller September at 1 06. Rye quiet and steamers 1 NEW NAVIGATION^ MATTERS IN MAINE. Arat received direct from and for sale at THEship (dallug from August 1st) under tie firm The stones. A hearse was driven from the steady; No 1 at8ic. Provisions and unsettled Liverpool Aug 21st, Johnan Pc, ... just Havana, School will be opened away quiet Patten, Wyman, name of DKNISOft A 1* KICKIN'*, and will entrance to the Mr. Do.irkee mess pork at 20 50 for prime. Lard dull at 13 (a} 13$. Elsinore. wholesale and letail by noitnty, graveyard. Cld Fred N continue the manufacture of Jewelry and Drug- nkptemkku 6)Ii, a Lake Freights—Wheat to Buttalo 19th, Carlon, Carlon i!!„ i_• W. W. WHIPPLE <3k despatched bailiff to notify the guardians of 2$ @ 2$; Oswego danrero; .Oth CO., Importer*, gists* Paper Boxes at their on the fal1 aa'l where will at 5$. Harm nla. Small, Bombay. factory j*‘ld ?/.!?* winter, Cmap Meeting*.—ttnuxirokc. the cemetery that the hearse wanted admission, market Square. JEctlrral Street, Hiuuiiwiek. ITIc. Receipts—3,000 bbls flour. 89.000 bush wheat, 0,000 Sid 20th. Ma. terbium. A‘rey. Coquiml)ri nug28smitf_ _ill and Tngonome.ry Sept. 2.—The Methodist and also seut a communication to the city Ar at London K I.. D MMUM. Machias, camp bush corn, 00,000 bush 0000 bush 0000 19th, Carnndeiet, Stetson st r„, NaviSatlon?lXe&' oats, barley, STEINER EXPRESS. CHAM. J PERKIN. at East Machias, under authorities commanding the police and militar y bush rye. Sid fm Peuarth IS h, North Star Timm1 Jolin,;. «'. II. FAKI.EY, meeting direction of Th°“ipson, Rro aug31 d2w DRY GOODS aid. Some 2000 were this Janeiro. No. 4 El. hange or Elder people present by Shipments—1,000 bbls flonr.125,000 busb wheat,00,- Street,, at the School, No. 9T Presiding Plummer, opened yesteiday. At made a 000 bush 0000 busb Ar at Bristol 19tb. Lizzie H Babson v,,-. Franklin time. half-past 2 o’clock the mob corn, barley, uuOO bush oats. The 7. a. m. and 7 15 of the augSl Street. d3w* is 10lb’ “ * p. m. trips Steamer Dassolmiou of The weather favorable and the attendance is rush for the hearse, crying: “Curse him! curse Detroit 2. -Flour dul and unchanged Copartnership. September Dern arar a!reenoc8 UiHsfuTeJor^for Express will bo discontinued ou and after him!” and stoned it off the ground. The at 6 50 @ 6 90 v\ beat is in good demand at $ (gb f Monday, MI'S ANNIE E. large. Slngap0re Ju,i' ,5> September 6th. for hrretofore betweeen GREEEY, driver was the aud lower; extra at 1 42; No 1 White Michigan at 1 32$; Cyclone, for Arrangements evening trips copartnership existing Horace C. of injured by stones, many Marshall, firm Hall, died No 2 White Fall at 1 Amber at l 29.— Padang1 that date can THE0- II. Leighton and S F. under the STORE I Jonesboro, yester- were bruised and trampled by the horses. 38$; Michigan 1Stl1- alter be made with Hunt, Corn dull; No 1 Mixed 73c. Oat* easier; White Wes- Ad°:ph name of Leighton & Hunt, is this dissolved by Teacher of the Piano Forte ! day. He had a sunstroke last while At 4.15 that it was EDgIer- S'rout. from CAPTAIN day Sunday, Dunkee decided impossi- tern 45e: No 1 Mixed at 36 NcAw aLrr°a DEINE. mutual consent. C H. will continue the bailiff Michigan @36$e. Barley Ar at Gibraltar the Leighton driving in a wagon. ble to get admission and as the reported is inactive Canada at 2 20 State 2 25 12th, Shasla, Brown Koat. business at the old and i* authorized to collect TERMS $13.00. ; per cental; per cld r°wn, New York, eep2dot_At stand, it would take some time to get cental. Mess Pork 22 00 22 25. ket- (and for Genoa). all debts due the late tir^ and will all demands Fire in volunteers, @ Lard—prime Ar at PERSONAL NOTICK.—Notice is pay Eaaipori. the amid the derisive cheers tle Cadiz Aug 13. R F Hart. Coombs hereby it. C. H. LEIGHTON. hearse moved off 132c. given that all officers, sailors and against Residence Street. 2.—A barn owned A. of After the hearse off bbls flour, 23.000 bush 0000 °P°rt° A“8 °'ara soldiers, aug28dlw* S F. HUNT 810jCongress Eastpobt, Sept, by the multitude drove ReceiptF—1000 wheat, Denku” Jeukil:s. Coomb” for wounded, ruptured or injured in the late Rebellion, bush corn,4000 bush oats, 2000 bush W. F. Mr. Mr. Ira the crowd to Several barley. however are to a Reference— Kotzschmar, Stockbridge. was burned last with ten began disperse. fights Ar at: Havre ■ slightly, entitled ami Harrington night 2000 bbls ouan 00 Aug 17, Northampton rpr. pension, the but tho Shipments flour, 23,000 wheat, thousands of are entitled to an Dissolution of Stadley, au3) daw took pensioners increased tons of Insured for place duriDg afternoon, injur- do t'opuriiH rsliijt. bay. $200, character. It bush coru, 5,000 oats. L"nion‘ rate. Apply immediately Dr. E. B. JACK- ies done were ot slight is not New“8rfefn?CarEOn,Free“an,and o%^L through heretofore F. Deceased. Cincinnati, September 2.—Pork is at 20 753)21 00. SON. Late Surgeon U. S. No. 4 New Cham- copartnership existing between known whether an attempt will be made to- A“8 ° * Navy, T Meaher and Isaac Lard quiet; steam 13c; kettle 13$3) 14c. Bulk Meats D«i.,Koop. bers St.. New York. THE Giikey under the firm T HE WILLOWS, Sept. Richard Mc- morrow to the body or not. mAur,Cana0oUWer6baTCn oc29snly name of F. T. Meaher & Co is this Bbcnswick, 2.—Capt. bury -shoulders at 8$c; clear rib sit 12c; clear sides at day dissolved ,2' G M mutual consent. F. T, Meaher will the Manus, a well-known ship owner, and a highly Foreign Notes. 113 @ 12$c. Bacon—shoulders 9$c; clear rib sides at tucker, Pink- by continue FARMINGTON. MAINE* ham8Nedw%rri?etfiS8 business at the old ana is authorized 13c;clear sides I3$c. Hogs—demand active and firm; stand, ts collect respected citizen of died this after- The reported failure of tho Credit Foncier is '5’ Gi'eS all debts firm and will Brunswick, good grades higher; receipts 1221 head; sales Stock- Loting- Anderson, fin Clothing for Men! due the late pav all demands 218 Middle Tbl« splendid establishment will be open to Sum- not coufirmed. NeAwr?orSsettinAU8 it. Street, mer Boarders tbe noon. He was 80 years of age. ers 6 50 @ 7 00; good light 7 85 @ 8 10; good to extra against during Summer Vacation, from Heavy raips in the Barooch district of India A”g 15th’ Ea'Ph M ISAAC GILKKY. June 20 to 18. Accomodations The I.ire Oak* Again Victorious. butchers 8 25 (g 8 60 Whiskey is iu good demand at 1!^™d, Sept. strictly tirst- will necesssitate a replanting of a large part of 119. D^ot™!^ Clothing for Youthst augl8lf F. T. MEAHER. class. Address, 2.—The Live Oaks of Lynn the cotton juJdtd \ ( .GOODIXMV. Lewiston, Sept. crop. St Louis, September 2 —Flour dull and unsettled SPOKEN, won the of base ball with the Andros- The general news from is unfa- and weak with a local trade at 5 game Herzegovina only 50 @ 5 80;Fam- ,0n for vorable to the 6 00 7 25 8 00. Wheat ^ bar<|He Metia' «ew Clothing PROPOSALS. Score 9 to 5. insurgents. ily @6 75; Fancy @ higher and Yo^UVe^e8: Boys! MRS. ADA II. coggins, to-day. little doue; No 2 Red Winter at 1 42 1 43 for II1ER F1LM01TH HOTEL. EMERSON^ Admiral Collins was buried at Calloa with @ cash; Aug 17. lat 49 N, Ion 12 W, Lewiston Troting Park. 1 41 @ 1 43 seller tor 1 seller ship Crescentnt City,Cite fromi,»m BALANCE OF OCR military honors. September; 46$ October; Havre for New Orleans. Will receive a limited number of puplla upon the No 3 do 1 26 Corn \o 2 Lewiston, Me., Sept. 2.—The 2.38 race eu firmer; Mixed at 61 @ 61 $c 28, no sch A L To Clc seiler Aug lat, &c, Palmer. Lewis fromirom Contractors, cash; for September; 57c for seller October. for uewts, this was MINOR TELEGRAMS. Anx Cayes New York. the Lewiston trotting park p. m., won Oat* higher; No 2 Mixed at 35c for cash; 343 (g 35c PIANO FORTE. are invit'd for of a by Grey Ned in 2.38. Copper Bottom 2d., Little Congress Hall and the Sulphur Springs bath- seller for September: 36J @ 37c do October. Rye is MEN’S, YOUTHS’ AND BOAS’ the erection Hotel dull and TENDERSat Old Oicharil fur the Orchard Bench 30 FREE ST. ing house at Sharon Springs were burned Wed- lower to sell; No 2 at 75c bid. Whiskey is The Philosophy of Beach, Grand RESIDENCE, Fred Black Pilot 4th The stallion race Disease. Association. The and be 31., Loss dull and unchanged at 1 21. plans specifications may References. nesday uight. 8100,000. of seen at the office of F. H. Fassett & Opening MR. H. KOTZSCHMAR. was won by Maine Slasher in three Receipts—5.000 bbls flour, 48,000 bush wheat, 9,000 The philosophy disease is a subject which is Son, Architect, straight The Freedmeu of Washington made a bush 9 191 Middle Strtet. The tenders to he delivered to the MB. J. W. fUFTS, Boston. quite com, 18,000 busb oats, 1,000 bush barley, 0000 well worthy the attention of aul3 2 2 mankind, hut un- carried ever from last now on or before on isdeodtf heats. Time 35, 33£, 2.34i. Second money run upor. that broken institution yesterdav bush rye, 000 1431 cattle. is, Spring, offering at very Architects, twelve o’clo-k, Thursday, hogs, more the 9th that a fortunately, generally neglected than other low prices, thus affording in want ot of September next. The lowest, or to Knox, 3d to Buchanan. morning, understanding dividend of 25 2.—Flour at 6 25 8 00. any everybody day any Messenger Young Indian*polis, September @ under heaven. the tender will not necessarily be COMMENCING ceDt. was to be didn’t get it. Wheat—Red new 75 1 old 1 25 1 30. Decidedly most fact accepted. 4th to Sheridan. William was per paid. They @ 10; @ Corn- important Portland, August 30, 1875. King injured that an examination of it aug30dtd The Planters’ National Bank of Louisville Ear 62e; Shelled 63 @ 64c. Oats 30 @ 40c. Seeds are discloses is that, in nine READY MADE CLOTHING BOYS’ SCHOOL.. and was withdrawn by collision in scoring unchanged. cases out of the was robbed of $100,000 yesterday morning. ten, originating causes of disease is first heat. A crowd of 3000 2.—Cotton nn opportunity to purchase that seldom offers. before the witness- Charleston,September quiet;Middling debility, either general or local, and The preliminary examination ot Theodore at that the earli- M. C. MITCHELL'S ed these races. uplands 13fc. est or excitiog \V. Brown, charged with being implicated in manifestations its approach aro identical with Savannah, September 1.—Cotton steady;Middling WEN’S SUITS, 2nd. Maine Central of from the United those which evidence a Yearly Meeting. tbe robbery $47,000 Spates lack of vital power. Such Thursday, Sept. Family School for mi., ic_:_n_*i _i__ uplands 13£c. •"YOUTHS’ SUITS, Boyg, Treasury was commenced yesterday afternoon. being the case, it is nerfivllv pioar New Orleans, September 2.—Cotton Mid- ItoYs’ quiet; nient is what is in the SUITS. WEST session here The creditors of tbe Calvert Sugar Refinery dling upland? at 14|c. required first instance. As an T1SBFR1, to-day. invigorant, Hostettei’s Stomach Bitters CIIIUHREN’S SUITS ! at Baltimore have asked for an assignment. 2. has received The Home Mission Society elected Rey. L. Mobile, September Cotton nominal; Middling the most posiiive endorsement from AN ELEGANT STOCK OF Martha's Mass. at 14c. eminent physi- all styles and prices, of our own and Vineyard, Tho Fall River weavers passed a resolution uplands cians, and has long occupied a manufacture, F Rey. Charles 8. foremost rank among not to be excelled in make or Ramsey, Pres., Perkins, VE"\TT V/\T> IT Confnmlinr O PaJ + aot UTM standard material, fit. oenu tor circular 10 yesterday not to resume work until tbe manu- proprietary remedies. Its properties as an R. Treas. alterative of Secy., Denning, facturers are willing to pay 27 ceuts per cut. dling uplands at i4gc. disordered conditions of the stomach, liver and and a Be sure M. C. The a resolve and bowels, preventive of mal ri^l dis- and give us a call and save MITCHELL, Principal. yearly meeting passed Several counterfeiters have been arrested in are no less eases, renowned, and have been accorded Time and Joel® Iltr elected a committee to consolidation of S*. Louis. European markets. prefepsional recommendation Money. Great Reduction arrange equally emphatic. Western and Central and to Elisha Merritt, 55 under arrest London. September 2.—12.30 P M—U. S. 10-20s meetings, looking aged years, IN’ FRANK A. BLACK committed suicide at 105; Erie 14$; preferred 31. STONE, a state conveniion. for forgery Springfield Fire. yesterday. LiVkrpool, September 2—12.30 P. M. -Cotton SPECIAL NOTICES. Onn « 1-3 DOW STREET, steadier; vtuidiwig up'ands at do Orleans at 7 Hawkes & Co., The British war ship was sunk in 7$d: A small bouse and barn owned hy the Little Vanguard 7-lGd; sales 12,000 bales, including 3000 for specula- the British channel collision. — is — Water Power was Wednesday by tion am export. 482 & 484 PRICES I Teacher of the Androscoggin Co., damaged No lives lost. Please tell the people that you saw their Congress St., Piano Forte. fira Loss Insured. In order to cur men we eli ill for by $400. advertisement in the PRESS, the circula OPPOSITE PREBLE HOUSE, keep employed the Term! $13 for n coins** of 'I wrnty Leu What can the sufferings from bladder, glandular dlw Iona. tion of exceeds se2_ FINANCIAL AND COM TIEKCIAL. and Bright’s disease of the kidneys, e more which, per month, 109.000. requi l^^Refers by permission to Hermans Kotzscbmar. WASHINGTON. than prompt relief and a speedy cure. This is posi- Diseases of the Feet NEXT SIXTY DAYS EVERY DEPARTMENT. tively accomplished by partaking of Hunt's Remedy, Ju22___dtf Portland Wholesale Markets. which also attacks and subdues pain in the side, LA sell all kinds of Eaton Family School For Thursday, September 2—Tbe market are not very SPECIALTY! Boys, Financial Policy of President Grant. loins aud back, gravel, diabetes, dropsy, female ir- stock consists o! active to-day; granulated sugar is still quite steady My all the New York. Sept. 2.— The Herald’s Wash- regularities and complaints of the urino-genital or- —AT- at 11 |c and Coffee A sells lor 10Jc. Flour is firm ington correspondent says it is the desire of|the gans in either sex. Family pbpsicians regularly pre- and tbe sales are small. Pork and lard show no CORNS President that the work of preparation for scribe it in preference to all other medicines. FURNITURE NORHIDCEWOCK, MA!\H. should be far Molasses is dull and there i9 but little call. OUR ANNUAL SALE ! specie resumptions so advanced change. sel eod&wlw Bunions, Bad Nails & during his administration that, whatever the Chilblains, LATEST A T STYLES For Circular Addre.* II. F. Prin. or fioaucial views of his Treated without Pain. RETAIL Eaton, political successor Foreign Imports. be will to it a MARRIED. augl9-tf may be constrained to Khali — be, carry We ofler during the present week AT — of HALIFAX, NS. Steamer Falmouth—2 bdls bags successful termination,—provided course the — to J F Liscomb, 25 casks oil to J Conley & Son, 83 IN law remains as it is. no plan ha some DR. WELCH and Though empty casks to do. 587 boxes canned lobsters to In this Aug 13, by Rev. Mr Southworth. Geo. WIFE, been the city, definitely agreed npoo, following Portland Packing Company, 5 packages skins to W. Roberts aud Miss Sarah A. Dinsmore. both of of Boston, Prices ! is unders'ood tn be the one most favored and Hart & Co, 1 package merchandise to Eastern Ex- Portland. Wholesale^ least to disturb the in L. B of Great likely money market, while press Co, Hath, Sept. 1, Chaney Nevada City, Cal Special Bargain s We have special bargains in it will allow an accumulation of that will Foreign Exports. and Miss Isadora M. Card ot Bath, Surgeon Chiropodists, Bargains gold in bring the day of resumption nearer at hand: HAVANA. Bark Florence Peters—1370 sliooks In Bath. Sept. 1, Geo W. Kich of Bath and Miss Have taken Rooms at — Fall ot Bath. — Dress Affie E Richardson Goods First The syndicate is to be allowed to and heads. IN OUR _ In East Hebron, Aug. 20. Mr. Oti9 Gilman and Miss No, 419 Street. the cent, loan on Congress Portland, purchase 4J per the same Emma Baker. PARLOR SUITS terms as the S per cent, at par in coin, with Dally Domestic Receipts. In Canton, Aug. 18, Samuel Russell and Miss Ella Where they may be consulted on all diseases of the CLOSING SA.X.E human aud tor the one half of one percent water bush G Holland. feet, special benefit of those who —AND— Silks, Shawls, FURNITURE cornmeal to W commission,—thesyn- By conveyance—1000 wish of their dicate to pay all expenses,—and to pav for the Tue & Co. to partake operations. People who are _ afflicted wi h Corns, bad nails or chilblains, bonds either in gold or coupons of bunions, A.T gold bearing — — should not fill t consult them as bonds. DIED. OF consultations and Boston Stock List* examinations are free to all, and all operations per- BLM W1LNOTI1IBER Woolens, Flannels, Second. The national banks are to exchange formed with ihe least and SETS [Sales at the Brokers’ Board, Sept. 2. possible pain, satisfaction their gold dividends received on bonds for tbe In this city, September 2d, John Collins, aged 38 is guarameed. Manv patients in diffpreut parts of Boston & Maine SUMMER DUESS new bonds, releasing the same amount of 6 Railroad.116| years. GOODS ! the country, speak of Dr. Welch’s operations as reing Buy now and Save Money, DEANE Eastern Railroad...— per cent, bonds held for the security of their @50 (Boston papers please copy. of the most permanent and beneficial character, and Cottons, Domestics BROS’, Eastern Railroad. @ 49A in Canton, Aug. 15, Mrs. Melvina Delano, aged 25 the boot or shoe may be worm with circulation. Eastern Railroad..... immediately @ 49jj years. great comfort. Third. The 4J per cent, bonds are to bo sold Eastern Railroad..... @ 48} In Bath, Aug. 30, Mr. John Clarke, aged 88 years 1 Geo. & Co. —AND— at their par value in authorized Eastern Railroad .48 EASTMAN SPECIAL ATTENTION TO LADIES. A.Whitney 51 St. coin,a privilege month. BROS., by law. Eastern Railroad.... 49 In 24. Horace child of Exchange Auburn, Aug. Sumner, only Operations performed by Eastern Railrood.49| Sunnier. Jr., ana Helen L. Wood, aged 5 months We will for the 534 NO. 46 EXCHANGE ST., In Acton, Aug. 5, Sally Earle, aged 84 years and CONGRESS STREET. MRS. DR. WELCH. Rouse Goods THE CALIFORNIA ELECTION. 3 months. nu30 Keeping New York Stock and entf Don’t fall to a box Money Market. In Buxton, Mr. Jos. W. 57 get of Dr. Welch’s Aug. 24, Goodwin, aged Bullion Ointment. Manufacturers of anti Dealers in all kinds NEXT SIXTY DAYS New York, September 2-Evening.—This was a years G months. of f &c. day of comparative quiet in Wall street, and on the treated at tlieir residence order. urniture, Feathers, &c., Choice of the Democratic ([^“Parties per Stale Ticket. Stock Exchange there was a general improvement in sell our stock of all kinds of DEPARTURE €IF au°28d3w Also, as well selected stock of San Francisco, Sept. 2.—The election re- prices, were no rumors or disquieting elements. STEAMSHIPS. was the afternoon with of- Geo. A. Whitney A Co. turns to date are very meagre, but indicate that Money easy during large Name. From For J>ate. on call at I cent, for Government and tbe Democrats have elected the state ticket ferings per City of New York. .New York Havana.Sept 2 jylO d2m by @ 2 per cent, tor miscellaneous collaterals. Moravian a To-day .Quebec.Liverpool_Sept 4 large majority. some was a money placed for four and half months China.Boston.Liverpool.... Sept 4 GUNs,” FURNITURE Houghton and Luttrell are on (Rep.) (Dem.) Governments as low as 2 per cent. City of Richmond New York. Liverpool... .Sept 4 Breech and Muzzle Loading, Rifles, Re- probably re-elected to Congress in the third and Gold opened at 114, fell to 113| and advanced to Ville de Paris.-.New York .Havre.Sept 4 volver*, Fishing T«ckle for Trout, FANCY at which it the rales tor borrow- GOODS fourth districts. 114J, closed; paid Republic.. .New York. .Liverpool... .Sept 4 Pickerel, and Mmelt, ^porting and wore 3,1-32, flat, 2, 6 and 1-64 Fonder at No returns have yet been.received from the ing t-64, 3-64, finally California.New York. .Glasgow .... Sept 4 Blasting Wholesale city nreciuct. per cent. The clearings at the Gold Exchaage Bank Russia. New York. .Liverpool... .Sept 8 and Retail, and ammunition were The Assistant Treasurer ou of In the second congressional district the fight $27,780,000. paid Frisia.New York Hamburg Sept 9 all kinds. AS CAN BE FOUND IN TELE C1TI to-day $137,000 on account of interest and $751,000 Atlas.New York..Hayti, &c.Sept 10 7 Shot Revolver and loO GREAT SACRIFICE is between Page (Rep.) and Larkin (Dem.) in of bonds. Customs Cartridges §5. redemption receipts $518,000. Prussian.Quebec— Liverpool. ..Sept 11 Repairing of all kinds. Tuttle, the Independent candidate, is much State bonds nominal. Railroad bonds strong and The Victoria. New York. .Glasgow.Sept 11 T. B. ilAVIS, Portland, fie., undersigned have formed a behind his ticket. higher, the features being Union Pacific Sinking City of .New York 11 STEAM COOKER We Brooklyn.. Liverpool... .Sept apr26sneod6m Cor. Federal and won’t be Undersold Funds and & Northwestern consolidated Temple Sts. copartnership and leased the Store All to be by Piper, the Democratic candidate for Con- Chicago Bricanic.New York..Liverpool ... Sept 11 sold at bonds. The former advanced to gress in the first district, is probably ahead, but coupod gold 93$, and the latter to 87. Schlotterbeck’s Moth and freckle Lotion. all as to the result in this are any House in the State. specult'ious city Foreign Exchange dull and steady at 485 for prime ffimairtre Almauut.,.September 3. No. 96 Exchange Street, THE WKlifll’S useless at this hour. 60 days and -188 for demand. Stocks were stroug and Sun rises...5.27 High water 1.45 PM A safe and sure remedy for removing Tan,Pimples, j-ue wijr ciBUHuu reiurus luuiuau; a Close and the were attended with more higher dealings Sun spt3.6.31 1 Moon sqjs.. 8.05 PM Moth, Blotches, Freckles and Eruptions from the NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST COMBINATION ! VERT LOW *or between and confidence. The tansactions OFFICE, PRICES fight Mayor Ciayton Bryant aggregated 115,000 Skin, rendering it soft and fresh and imparting to it GREAT BARGAINS It may require official returns to decide Tne shares, including Lake Shore 49,400 shares, Western a MAEBLE PUEirY. Patented in Canada I4tb July 1874. Union 30.500 Pacific Mail 9100 shares. North Where will Patented in United Mmtea liih state is conceded to Irwin, and the Democratic shares, they keep constantly Dec 1874. — IM — western Erie 5200 shares, St Paul 3400 MAlRUNTE NEWS, PRICE ententeil in Unites States at state ticket a large plurality. 6,000 shares, FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. on hand Goods ot all 1 .June, 1873 by shares, do preferred 3200 shares, Ohios 2150 kinds for Later indications are that Wigginton leads shares, MT MOTTO Rock Island 1350 shares, Union Pacific 800 shares. Prepared only by A. G. SCHLOTTERBEUK & men’s and boys’ wear, which will Houghton for Congress in the fourth district. PORT OF PORTLAND, Advantages of the Steam Cooker ever The following were the closing quotations ot liov- Co., Apothecaries add Chemists, 303 Congress street. is to be ahead in the first dis- be made in tlrs.-class at — — Piper thought ernment securities: One door above Brotvn, Portland. Me. ma27sndtf up style any other Cooking Apparatus ever BEING trict, with a close fight between Swift and Parlor United States to coupon 6’s, 1881, coup.. J22 Friday] Mcpt, 2. very moderate prices. We hope, offered the Public. Suits, Parkin. Luttrell is probably elected in the United States 5-2u’s 1864, coup.116* T<» BUILDERS. third district. On the United States ARRIVED. by strict attention to business, and legislative ticket the 5-20’s, 1865, old.117$ One quart ot Water is suficient to cook all the and all kinds ot Democrats will United States 5-20’s, new Steamer Falmouth, N undoubtedly have a plurality 1865, ex-coup. 117$ Colby, Halifax, S—passen- Proposals for building the hotel on fair dealing, to receive a fair share Vegetables require! for a Linuer, and they QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. United States 5 20’s, 1S67 do...120 and mdse to John Porteous. Long Island, in both houses, if not a gers are invited by the subscriber until the loth, instant. never get dry, you can cook all kinds of Vegetables sepl dlw majority. Uoited States 5-20’s, 1868 Stffamer ot St John. of business. do...120* City Portland, Pike, NB, via Plans and specifications can he seen at the office of all to aether, in Thirty Minutes d ing away with the United States new 5’s.116$ Eastport tor Boston. Charles H. Architect uecessiiy ot having your stove covered w ith kettles. Kimball, Boyd’s Block The CALL AND EXAMINE Uuited States 10-40 coupon...116$ Sell City of Ellsworth, Grant, Ellsworth. bo left at the 5g^“PLEASE OUR The Steam Cooker is an of will Iml proposals may office of the subscribe!, apparatus itself; AUTOMATIC FURNACE REGULATOR Chamber Mrs. thinks Sets! Mosher about Currency 6’s ex. Sch Taglioni. Bristol. sit on Charley 122$ Gainage, corner of Exchange and Middle streets, or with Mr GOODS AND PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. any stove; is made oi Tin and Copper and is Sch & Claiissa. Ball, Ross, The are the of Polly Boothbay—superphos- Kimhad, The house must he the 13th easily washed. It cooks entirely by Steam, therefore following closing quotations to Cumberlaud Bone Co. completed by Stocks: phate of 1876. E. PONCE. Ucnietuber the W*. your vegetables are not soaked in and require ■A-ISTD Partlbs to will And it to- their Hew York, Sept. 2.—A reporter had an in- B May, Water, intending purchase Western Unic \ Co—ex Sch Geo McLellan, Keen, Bremen. no draining. It is used not only for cooking at terview last with Mrs. wife of Telegraph div.. 78$ 80P2 sndlw vegeta- advantage by calling .night Mosher, Pacific Mail. Sch Queen of the West, Barbour, cruise—160 bbls bles, but also for cooking all kinds ot meats and pud- the Mosher who abducted 37$ 96 EXCHANGE ST. Charley Ross. In N \T Central and Hudson R. consolidated.104 mackerel. dings. tbe course of the conversation she CLEARED. Costiveness the most Prolific The Patent Steam HEAT tacitly ad E-ie.16$ M. H. REDDY. P, O. DONNELL. Cooker is something GOVERNOR. mitted that the boy is she denied Erie ore terred. New every family should have. It comes in use alive, though ..25 Steamship Eleanora, Johnson, York—Henry Source of ill codfim every ever seen the child. A few Michigan Central. Fox. Health. day, and will pay for itself in a month, in tested for DEME having minutes retaining Throughly the last four and is BROS 62* the flavor of years, ., the asked Union Pacific Stock.,.73 Barque Florence Peters, Mountfort, Havana—Is- your vege ables, and saving the waste offered with confidence, as a perfect for the after, reporter her,—“Mrs. Mosher, X> li. and to remedy .ake .. aac HARRISO N’S breaking pieces which cannot Le avoided now tell me is tne or Shore. 58* Emery. inconveniences, dangers and annoyances, candidly, boy living when are bailed and soaked in arising St. Paul Railroad... 36$ Sch E G Willard, Forbes, Philadelphia—E G Wil- the* water. fiooi Hot Air Furnaces as ordinalily man It is dead ?” for sale the < tged. St Paul preferred. lard. PERISTALTIC Territory by State. ounty or Town- a sure remedy tor the of gas or smoke 51 St. The “I do not but immedi 63$ WATER PIPE escape through Exchange replied, know,” llinols Jessie ship Apply to Wn. fir AH BUTT. the Central, ex-div.97* Sch Wiiliamson, Jr, Seward, New Bedford— house. It saves coal. It nreven s clinkers aud Jy28 atelv afterward “I am sure he is luventoiN’ •exchange, • 9 federal

4 —————■■

senator except Andrew Johnson. Not only in tiong to be distributed under Democratic re- I forth as Spain drove forth the Moor. tell The Late THE They ('apt. Walden. T'he that PRESS. Ci ogress but tnrougbou the it was Tbev figured up boudred, and tbe you ChroDicle says Tuesday evening, G. country gime. eight enough has been done for the negro i tell A veteran of the Revenue Marine w. AUCTION SALES tnai- tamed ed ibai to this count a'l Service, Parkman, station agent at Clinton, found a The Great by tbe Democratic party tbat 'he speaker sueges according you you cau do for the next fifty years will much that not Green Walden who died on at tramp under the platform, and just to FRIDAY MORMKG, SEPT. goverumeot had no power o coerce a s ate there wasn’t to be expected from atone for the W'ong and oppression of two Capt. Sunday, ready 3, 1875 Rally! sprii'gupon him while he was for his The part? proclaiming this doctrine was a party in the way of civil service reform. In hundred years. The Hebrews took the age of 78 years, was of more than caring i jewels deserving lamp for the Mr. P. chased the AUCTION SALES-" great party in the north. The souibern De regard 10 the great financial he said awa trom Russia lands to her night. tramp question, Egypt; gave a passing notice, from his long and active ser- et* shot after succeeded in THE mocracy thought that that Could there was no ready relief from the commercial serfs But the of slaves had a-D>j- ,a him, which PRESS party paralyze four mdiious no him of MORGAN & be the the is The re- vice in the revenue cutters on this station. ridding his presence for that night at DOW, May obtained at the Periodical Depots of Fes- government. Had they known what they prostration country suffering jewels and no land. They were turned loose least. senden Bras., Marqnis, Brunei & Co., Andrews, dow know they would never have attempted covery must necessarily be slow. There had among a peo >le which hated them. The old John Walden, the father, Cime from Salem at Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, Wentworth the au A rather carious Moses, N. B. Kendrick, and Chisholm rebellion. Not ODly is tbat party as a par- been a time when adjustment might have master has “let them die.” And did about the commencement of the divorce case occurred at said, they present cen- Ruth Hale,room No. IS Exchange at. .J’hSS.®!1 Ir,yMK that run out ot tno city. ty absolutely responsible for begining this war, been made between the value of goods pur- die, thousands of them. But despite neglect Augusta. A. Currier of HallowctI brought At of tury, and purchased House Island. The son Biddefmd, PhiUsbory. NUMBERS AND but it was it at leas' on promises to and their and a suit for divorce, her husband's adul- A. M. k ENTHUSIASM. responsible for continuing chased paper pay destitution they have increased. We ne- alleging MORGAN. M. G. DOW. * Ho Green was then a The lgrion, two years. It was followed ibe belief on ibo worth in g Id. That time was at the close of groes are a of the small boy; there were otter tery. husband brought a like suit against Water ville, of J. S. Carter. by permaueut part country of the if and as for the financial em- Who his wife. The fun of the is that tho Regular of At Bath, of J. o. Shaw. part souibern Democncy that the the war, present are the b'ack people who ask your pro- sons, and the whole family were engaged in thing Sales Furniture. Groceries and Genera Democratic he held that of it was truth of both libels was sustained. Wh re Merchandise Salesroom No. At Lewiston, of French Bros., and Stevens & Co. party came iuto power the war barrassment the secret tection. They were the on'v loval people to he and in Casco every SATURDAY, at farming fishing Bay. this of both 13 Exchange a. woo'd cease. in the ex ravaganee of ihe annual exo- found in aud Dixou’s line By adultery parties is proven there can be street, commencing at 104 o'clock m. people, Snuih of Mas during Consignments And the employment Geeu became familiar with no divorce; so, to order to solicited and prompt return* made. my friend", after the war and after the dus 'O Europe, crowded summer resorts, luxury war. Affliction taught us appreciation every get unhitched, the Portland. rock and shoal in the busbaDd withdrew his May i5th. mylftdtf ~CITY AND V1C1NIT\ rule of reconstruction were c Deluded wha' was in dress. These facts were enough to account when ihe frout of the loyal army was melting bay. This kind ot edu- libel, and thus the knot their action?. Our ot The houses of this are wa.< untied. principle reconstruction for it banking country away like the snow in early summer, when the cation eminently fitted him for the service of legally The First the District to was to give equal rights to all men without filled out in a manner to put to shame recruiting sergeant was marching up and George G. Howard, a student' of Monmouth New A.veriiumenu i o.Day, enforcing the revenue laws and assisting mer- Government Sale. regard to color or previous condition of servi- greatest and richest houses of Europe down your streets foot sore aud weary, calling Academy, committed suicide, Tuesday, by Iu was as lor chantmen in trade shall sell at tude. 18G8 the Democratic party resolved A high tribute paid to Gov. Tilden young men and strong men to go to the engaged legitimate here. shooting himself in the most deliberate man- public auction on Thursday the that the amendment this was the true reformed man in ihe Democratic fronn and rebel In 1808 the WE 9lb day of at 10 o’clock A. M. at MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. guaranteeing only fill gaps made by powder, when government purchased of Mr. ner. He took off a portion of his clotbiug aud September, void and with a ref- No. 18 Commercial Wharf, the fol- the Front. unconstitutional. People have a ranks. He eloquently concluded every village in the north was draped in weeds Walden the southern of the hung it upon a tree, JayiDg aside also bis knife Portland, Me., A very tine Lounge. part island, and lowing articles of government properly, via.: Crock- right to disobey an unconstitutional law, and erence to the sacrifice required of Abraham, of mouruiug for y.air sons. When the late of and waller. Across two largo stones almost NEW ADVERTISEMENTS will the commenced the building ofFort Scammel and ery Ware, Stoves and Cooking Utensils Tables, tbe Democratic party instructed the southern saying we know what answer the country country trembled in the balance you called breast high, he had laid a stick, on which to Chains, Cultivation of it is Anchors, Bedding, Scales, Cock. Medicine Voice—Mr. Walter R. Fobes Democracy that this law was make when asked to send to the war those upon this class. Abraham Liucolu—Father yet unfinished. rest the in the stick to Hand Blocks and Lost un?oostitutional, gun, cutting notches Chest. Cults, Saws, Rigging, Awn- -Physicians’ Pocket Case. and the is in the came Democratic party responsible for the soldiers who fought front. Abraham—called, and we full two hun- The first public service of him whose death preveut the gun from slipping, aud confining ing. Stanchion and Tent Foies. Sails, Rigging, Com- Wanted—Situation. has followd this in the dred with Small and Water ami bloodshed whiuh instruction. She would place Gen. Connor guberna- thousand stroDg, and our strong iron calls for each end of the stick upon it rocks pass, Large Casks, Buckets, Nobby Cheap-0 *en & Moore. this notice, was as coxwain of a guard by placing Sails, &c. Complaint is made of that grievous burden, torial chair aud bury every man who dares make arms and clutched the musket, and for a weight. into shreds he Dauchy’s Advertisements—2. fingers boat in the harbor By tearing cloth the Th at debt was a so that tall side marched ram- during the war of for formed a To Let—L. J. Additon national debt. the prbe of such proposition, deep every pine by side with you upon he 1812, string which he attached to the trig- MORGAN A DOW, Aacti.Beero, a Union a sacred debt to the which in shall be a head- parts of the enemy and to the Re- which he drew a After ger of the AUCTION COLUMN. pre erved, pay- grows your Jforvsts gave victory pension. the close of gun, and from thence carried it over wave that Sept. 3. se3dtd ment of which tbe natiim is pledged. For that stone to mark lhat grave, aud every publican oart.v. We are now exposed to the the war was the stick as a Portjand, Government Sale—Morgan & Dow. he employed in the coasting trade purchase, designing evidently to enormous burden the Democratic is re dashes your shore will souud their hate generated that this it after he had seated party against by chagrin people several In March pull himself against a Had it not been caused We en- years. 1830, he received the HOUSE AND LOT AT sponsible. for their dogma of everlasting requiem. the defeat of the Confederacy. huge boulder, with the muzzle of the gun in AUCTION^ Brief the treat in the world appointment of Second Lieutenant in his mouth. Jotting*. state sovereignty rebellion would not have Loud calls were made for Douglass, but that you who kuow something the reve- But the striug broke, and he then A Had it uot dearer or to nue the THURSDAY, September at 12 on large uumber of the teachers in the been possible. been for their en than questions of currency party, service aad in December of the same discharged gun by pushing igainst the 9th, M., the public that Judge Hoar would trig- we shall otter at the rebellion would not have bsen gentleman explained stand by and save ns a few tears more, until ger with the ramrod. The ot his ON premise*, Public Auction, schools tare very much to couragement year he was promoted to be First top head was No. 99 opposed keeping be the next Before Hoar the a to Lieutenant. House, Danforth street. The bouse in a one undertaken. Had it not been for their treason- speaker. Judge spoke, old rebels die out and we have chance fairly blown off. and pieces of his skull were school all day And in story, with an ell and a large valuable lot about 52 Wednesdays, and not having able aid the rebellion would uot have been of Ban- present ourselves to hauds unstained trea- finally 1838, while his fr.end of John tound several rods from the pro the following letter from Judge Kent by terrible scene. feet front by 112 feet it is a fine in ex- session son. Anderson was deep; location; any Saturdays. longed. This heresy of state Collector of he With his he left a on cellent dangerous rights gor was read: Customs, was clothing paper collar, neighborhood; high,healthy and commanding; at horn of the resolutions even now men- a which bad a desirable ot Ml S. E. 1! made he written these words: very is i, of'98, At the Mr. and was “X have piece Teague about ready to launch conclusion of Douglass’ speech Captain, ordered to the com property. pie aces the Union. It has never been disavowed Gentlemen: lived and so here X 11IOKOAN Ac DOW, Auctioneer*, new long enough, goes. have two ships from the ip East Your uote of the 2ith inst. did not retch me Capt. Burbank called for three cheers for Gen. mand of the Morris at this station, in which ship yard tne Democracy. believe as he in a sepl d9t by They to-day, will got mighty charge.” Deering, one of 1G00 and the other of 800 did in in the until this moruing. I much regret that it which were with a will. had served as Lieutenant. On the tons they IStiO, sovereignty of the Conner, given commence- OXFORD COUNTY. not be In my power to meet with the I V. ac burden. states, in the paramount of Kepubli ment of hostilities on uAILtil I II., allegience every THE BREAKING UP. by Mexico the Rio A citizen to his state. The Southern cans of the First District aud enjoy wiih them Porter correspondent writes that Levi Day A man Unionists At the the audi- urauue, me morris was oruereu to the young by the name of Stoker robbed a devoted to the consideration of conclusion of the speeches gulf. committed suicide Auctioneers and Commission Merchants led away by this heresy, thought it their duty day political Wednesday afternoon, by a Mrs. in duties and responsibilities. ence and Some of the officers of the schooner himself. From he loa .- Gray, living Dolan’s block, of §100 in to go with their states. The doctrine is a per- slowly reluctantly dispersed. Many resigned, shooting appearances Salesroom 176 Fore Street, A ed a tied a money, which he took Fitting Prelude to the menace against the life of the nation. 1 joined the Republican party at its birth; were anxious to but the lateness but Walden fitted his gun, striug to the trigger aud round from her pocket while petual hear more, Capt. promptly vessel the (once 13 Exchange Street.) We shall never be and now, after all its mistakes, errors, short- bedpost, lying down on t«e bed with the she was safe so long as it is enter- of the hour with their and sailed as ordered. The I Morris was F. O. BAILEY. ALLEIt. asleep Wednesday Dight, and left aud individual I -till ad- forbade compliance en- DQUZZlo of the Pll ll nmnfnri tn thu riolif. hroaar C. W. tained by any considerable mass of men Tbe comings malfeasances, town. here it I wishes. The enthusiasm which Mr. gaged with the fleet in the shoal he pulled the gun of 1876. national idea is our only salvation It is suici- to with unshaken fidelity. For see, greeted “Musquito towards him with his right Regular sale of Furniture and General Merchan- A Canpaign all these that it has of the hand. The entered the drunken woman created quite a disturb- dal to elevate to power the party which is the through imperfections, Douglass and the affectionate regard which his waters gulf during the war, and re- charge right breast, dise every Saturday at salesroom, 176 Fore street, or the flllCfi Xr Mainn rlunnf PQctni»,I.T- done a great work, uever losing sight of passed through heart and came out commencing at 9 o’clock a. m. fit t.hfl Tffiatftn special champion of this monstrous idea of hearers evinced as crowded about him at turned to Portland, and was finally blown through the of its creation. they up the left shoulder blade, him Consignments solicited. oc3dtf state sovereignty. The people must be per- abandoning leading purpose the killing instantly. noon. She struck one of the passengers who It resist-d the extension of conclusion of his speech, were something bj the rebel pirates during the war of the re- He was rising sixty and had meated with the belief that they are a nation, effectually slavery years old, been into in arms and bellion. unable to work for a or attempted to converse with her, in the face, not a confederacy ot states. free territory, it met treason remarkable. His plea for his race, his stern year more. He came saved the Union and the ordeal of here from Aroostook county about two weeks Rustic Work and a policeman was called to quiet the mat- I now refer to the party of liberal tendencies, country by condemnation of the wrongs done by the white Capt. Walden retired from active service in of noble of th» battle. It dared to be just to all men aud se- ago. tar. Fifteen Thousand Par- instincts, lofty principles, party mau, aud his for the and a larm in Persons cured bold and iostant measures tbe passionate appeal support 1857, bought Cape Elizabeth PENOBSCOT COUNTY. to which it is an honor to belong, the Republi- by equal BY The Charles will of all man. It defended American citi- of the North in the between the overlookiug “Maiden Cove” aud the AXJCTION. Houghton make two trips can party. That party was formed to sustain rights struggle negro entrance The Whig savs that the committee of direc- before uis uiu maaici tors of a day, viz., at 10 30 a. m., and 2.15 p. m. take of the Great Clambake. the equality of all men under the laws. When zenship,never clearly declared,and spread nuu tuc ucai la ui ma uuui- to the harbor, where ho watched the coming the E. & N. A. Railway have asked ihe it came iuto a rebellion menaced over all tbusdefi ned protection and security It stockholders for a sufficient amount of stock F. 0. BAILET & TheVinal Haveu firemen passed through power gigantic ence, and their sympathy was direct and out- and going of the many aud kept a can- to CO., AUCTIONEERS. tbe nation. The incorporated into tbe coDstitutiuu the declara vessels; control the road. The association uf Republican party put down non the con- here ou their return home last uuu Women were moved to tears and on his lawn to salute that eveuing. that rebellion and saved the Union in of uuu me fact mat uuuiuu slavery uu longer spoken. any he recog- tractors held a in New Wednes- spite meeting York, TUESDAY, September 7th, at 10 o’clock A. the Democratic as an r exist within the limits of the Union, and ihns men to righteous wrath at bis recital of the nized, and many a was in ac- when this was The Centennial party rgaoizatiou. Thou- flag “dipped” day, proposition considered, and ON M at Salesroom, No. 176 Fore street, we shall Exhibition.—The interest made it a national act the reach of in all sands of Democrats lay down their lives for the beyond wrongs doue to the black man. All, men and knowledgement of the compliment. To show probability was accepted. sell a general assortment of Rustic Work, consisting in the Centennial Exhibition is on Union, it is but did it in defiance <>f state action. It declared us a nation, not a A in part of Settees, Arm Chairs, Oblong and Roam evidently true, they womeB, clustered about him, shaking his hand the promptness with which he bis Whig correspondent says that strong sus- the their The was mer: confederation of states. It made the performed Vases, &c., <£c., Ac. sep2d6t increase throughout the state. Ths mills Eloquent Addresses Senator oarty. Republican party a unit picion is cast upon a good looking chap, well by Morton, in defence ot the the world understand our place. And still it and pledging themselves that right should be duty in all weather, I will give an instance in in all ot the UDion, Democratic party known in Winn and as the nearly manufacturing places have seem< to me that it has work to do in Mattawamkeag UiU wi U(/irUdLU IU 4UCXVF|1UU>I\/IIU plain done to that race which for two centuries has point, from recollection. The cutter was Lincoln Centre He Administrator’s Sale. for for their lying burglar. already has a applied space products A build- did with and carried maintaining in faith and in acts, all these great to a license from the Judge Hoar, Frederick Gen. patty away slavery, fully under the of the in the harbor during a severe north-east blow criminal reputation, and his conduct and Probate Court is Douglass, ideas aud Its mission will uot groaned grevious oppression pres- of of ing now in process of erection devoted ex out the immortal priuciples of the Declaration principles. ence about that time were PURSUANTthe County Cumberland, the subscriber cease until white or native free white men of America. in October—a storm was very suspicious. a9 Administrator with the will annexed of M. to of Impendence for the first time in our his every man, black, hourly expected. John clusively manufactured articles produced Chas. a man at the late ot in said by or naturalized, is secured permanently aud un- The was the aud most The coasters and vessels like Sweeney, employed dam Wood, Portland, County, will odor for Swift, and Representative tory. The great centennial at Philadelphia rally certainly largest fishing frightened at women, and which will be under their Burleigh. or Bangor, was sunstrurk fore- “ale at nubile auction, on 15th of super- next will a without doubt qualification, in Wednesday Wednesday, day year be celebration of a union aod questionably, enthusiastic ever held in and doves were seeking shelter from the 187 at 11 o’clock In the full and of his Maine, perhaps coming coon, and for several hours was unconscious. Septemb r, *, next, the forenoon, intendence. The ladies in this stats do not freedom made by the perfect enjoyment constitu- all the possible Republican storm It was aud a His ight, title and interest which said Wood had tion il as defined in the amended con iu Kf w England. It was, in point of numbers Sunday large crowd was recovery is considered very doubtful. intend to be outdone, and are hard to party. Alter the war it undertook toguarautee rights, at the date of his desease in and io that valuable striving — on to man in the South and stitution ot the United States of Araerea aud zeal, an unqualified success. The standing “Lazy Hill” opposite the custom Winn laments that John ot lot- parcel of land situated on the south side of Middle make a flue every life, liberty the people Twombly, display. Machigonne Encamp- of and all under the and house on tery has no one knows Street, the site ot the late known pursuit happiness. With this view it recoa attempts, guise pretence present were estimated at from seventeen to Fore stiee;, watching the vessels as notoriety, disappeared, Portland, bnildlng I. O. have chosen a committee of state to or where. So that as Wood’s extending from Silver Street to the ment, O. F., to strucied the South. That work is not yet com- sovereignty avoid, qualify nullify thirty days was an indefinite Hotel, twenty thousand. The larger number is they came in, showing only one sail and that late line of Willow Street, now widened and form confer W'th other committees The great Republican rally at Old Orchard it is a task for the these pro active provisions, are abandoned. proba- postponement. ing from each plete. Republican party to a of Pearl Street as with I nearest for was reefed. was at his in the part extended, together all was a to the finish. do not forget the other great -issues of the bly the correct, the great field Capt. Moody post ob- SAGADAHOC COUNTY. Encampment in the state with reference to a yesterday worthy prelude cam the rights, title and in erest which the subscriber relating 10 and the need of the and soon hoisted of There are other great reforms to be carried day, fiuance, literally covered, and thousands were gathered servatory a pennant at half The Times says that the Sagadahoc Demo- iu bis individual capacity has in the same premises. attendance of these bodies at paign 1876. The vast numbers gathered on men general Philadel- and the of the aud the doctrines of the ocratic The has about feet tront on out, party reform, party which Republican party on the about the station. The Re- staff as a signal that a vessel was the conveution was held at Perkius’ parcel (95) ninety-five the noble beach conclusive to aud our among Hall, phia next July. The is to affdMed proof that boasts of out all the place keep currency on a sure and beachjand on Middle Street by about (194) one hundred plan proposed justly carrying great breakers outside. There Copsham, Tuesday, the 31st ult. The lol- ninety- safe basis. Rut I confess that to me these pub ican voters of the First District were pres- a well under- four feet about (19,000) nineteen charter a steamer from Portland to run to General Apathy has been finally deposed from achievements of the last sixteen years, is the w^s lowmg nominations were made: For depth—containing stood Senator, thousand square feet, with an of about to whom are to look lor further re questions, although imminently important ent in force. If only turn out as well at code of signals agreed upon by Wildes P. Walker of aggregate a on his high rank in the and or- partv you they Capt. Topsham; Coumy Com five hundred Philadelph that occasion for their ex- Republican party when compared with those I have before (575) seventy-five feet front. torm. the and a Moody and Lieut. Walden. As soon as the missioner, Calvin S. Cotton of All the foundation ami now and dered to the rear. It is safe to that no polls, they undoubtedly will, Repub- Richmond; materials on the lot clusive benefit, during their stay to eat and say po- The Democratic is for named anpear something temporary and Clerk of Geo. E. Newman will be sold the party struggling the will be rolled was seen all eyes were turned to the Courts, of Bath; (except present board fence around litical in of The and t fear for a lican majority up iu Maine signal on board, thus the rush at hotels meeting, point numbers and enthu- and what do offer If changing. coming years, County Treasurer, Samuel M. Donnell of Bath. the same) with the land—most of the basement walls sleep avoiding ascendency, they you? as she are long series will require the continuing a1 d con- which will astonish the most sauguine. cutter, only could render assistance, and are iu order for rebuilding. and other aces of siasm, has been held in Maine since the zeal- they successful what do they propose to do? WALDO complete pi entertainment. TheGrand stant firmness and COUNTY. Sale on the Terms cash on Have a new in Maine instead vigilance, faithfulness, One notable of the was the she was but a schooner. Lieut. Walden premises. delivery of ous of the war which can with they got policy of aspect meeting sailing deed. Lodge is to meet at Philadelphia at that days compare the through good report and evil report, of the Mrs. E. I. Doe of Burnham mistook a bottle JOSEPH IL8LEY, time, one you are now enforcing? Dave they uniiorm The best of order did aot wait for orders from the Administrator ot the gathering at Old Orchard on the 21 of in and courtesy. prevailed Capt, Howard, of croton oil for essence of and took the estate of J. M. Wood, de- and invitations have been extended to all a new ooiicy in the United States? What is Republican party, defending enforcing peppermint ceased with the will past to commander of the who was on a annexed. came from all and saving the great doctrines of and Each man studied so couduct himself as to cutter, shore, teaspoonful of the violent poi»on. She is not Grand Sires and all the Grand officers in the September. People parts of the this policy? In the first plaoe they pretend to equality V. O. BAILEY Sc CO*, Auctioneers. the of man—of man, out of but the be more honest than we are. rights every best contribute to his own and his he mauned his capstan and “hove short”— danger, physician thinks she Portland August Utb. 1875. United States to be state, and it seemed as if every voter in York They sav the neighbor’s will auglldtd present is These great interests cauuot afford to lose the recover. and Cumberland Republican party corrupt. They tell us how which he fouud, as men generally the sails were cut looae and the rakish little counties had made it a point care and protection of this party created to enjoyment, The capab e, how honest they would he if put into Belfast Age says that a woman named Schenck’s Base Ball.—Efforts are made to se to be maintain them. I intend to stand with do when they are good-tempered, to be identi- schooner tripped her anchor and under a double Pulmonic Syrup, for the Cure of being present. office, but when you compare the Democratic by it, Pendleton, alias Baltimore and so Clipper, Jerry enre a base ball in all its faults, long as it stands them—as cal. Credit is due to the officers of reefed mainsail and jib, to creep sea- were bound over Coughs and Colds. ground Lang’s pasture, just Betweeu nine aud ten o’clock in the morning pjliticiau and the Republicau, would you gain by certainly began Fogg, for setting the Monroe Consumption, the former its guiding star. for their almost in the ‘‘wind’s When she place on fire. The woman the across Deering’s Bridge. The friends of the fifty-one cars rolled up to the station anything by putting into power? the law present untiring efforts, but ward, eye says man did The great virtue of this medicine is that it ripens bringing All the ol rery truly, the national intend to preteutions superior ability, of supe- more credit is due to the who conducted had reach d Stanford’s where the firing. the matter and throws game procure the grounds 3000 cars came in over Your fellow people nearly ledge, it out ot the system, purities passengers. Bight the rior houes y, are fal e. I am no here 10 defend citizen, aud a3 breakwater now the sea wa3 the and thus effects a cure. tbis season if aed have them fenced Maine over the Edward Kent. themselves decorously soberly becomes is, breaking blood, possible, Central,six the Portland & Ogdens- Republican party of all the charges brought New Goods.—O’Donnell & mer- white on and the commander Reddy, off and graded for next season, when a and twelve over againsi it. There are bad men in it, but I JUDGE HOAR’S SPEECH. American freemen. it, found Schenck’s Sea Weed Tonic, for the Cube of paid burg, the Grand Trunk to chant tailors, No. 96 Exchange street, have claim lhat it is the of Gen. Grant’s ad mas that he could not weather the nine will be put into the field. This is a good Portland and thence to the beach. policy Judge Hoar was thv-n introduced to the audi- The b present. Chandler’s of this city, buoy, and Dyspepsia, Indigestion, &c. These ministrasion to to just received, from New York a fine stock of drag light official malefac- vessel had lost her move, as the present grounds are too far from swelled the 1500 ence, and his appearance was greeted with the Dirigo of Saco, the Gray aud the Kenne" the nearly headway. He The Tonic produces a healthy action ot the stom- assemblage by more. The tors. [know it is a fact that many peop e fashionable fall which are to not goods, they ready the city. consider that there is more applause. He by reference to Frederick bunk, added much to the enjoyment of those could tack for the passing inward bound ach, creating au appetite, forming chyle and curing morning trains from the West brought about corruption than began make up;in the latest styles. The formerly. But now thei* is no crime the the discourse of fine music but he was to the the most obstinate cases of Indigestion. Live Oaks were suc.essful at Lewiston 4000 people. All the morning trains came hardly Douglass. Though speaker lud been a present by which vessels, equal emergency; which is committed in the Uoited States that yesterday and beat the Androscoggins a iu from the member of the Republican party since its they gave. The promptitude of the Boston & the topsail wat cut loose, hoisted up, sheeted F. O. Bailey & Co., are fine Hartz Schenck’s Mandrake Pills, fob the cube of by pouring country and by eleven is not read the next morning That wasu’t selling score of 9 to 5. The first he that Maine In trains was home, the sail filled,the mast Mountain canaries Liver Complaint, &c. part of the game was o’clock, the time set for the opening address, the ease years ago. The world, f contend, is formation, recognized Mr. Douglass furnishing commendable. creaking sprung very cheap at their office, but the latter getting better. 1 believe that the fir a race which owes to the When the vastness of the was use a wuip, uut n sloou me strain, anu ice No. 15 street—call These pills are alterative, and a very excitiDg, part showed that at least twelve thousand people were gathered American speaks Republican assemblage Exchange and see the produce healthy are forward of the Live Oaks had the and the interest in and peoDle moving morally aud politi that the relation of master and slave seen, extra trains, not were little black craft almost showed her keel as birds. action the liver without the least danger, as they game about the great tent. caltv. I party advertised, put sbe believe that as a people we are better are free irom and more efficacious in fell off. has ceased to exist on these Mr. Hoar on, so that all were accommodated and enabled gathered head way. The spar buoy came out calomel, yet Bands from Kennebunk and than We are a shores. Messrs. Owen Portland, Saco, fifty years ago. progressive & Moore, make an an- restoring a action of the liver. Tbis afterDoou the said he intended to no set to take under their roof-trees at a under ber stern, that the dan- healthy Live Oaks aud Resolutes uraj were uu me grouuu at an Dour sta- people. I am glad to believe that we are get- make speech, but he shelter] insight showing early nouncement of interest to all the ladiei this These remedies are a certain cure for better and was Consump- try auotber game ou Park. If tioned in stand and tent. At niue o’clock ting morally physically. Let us came to beseech the Republicans of Maine to seasonable hour. ger passed, a wild shoot went up from the Presumpscot fires morning. tion, as the Pulmonic Syrup ripens the matter and suppose hat the Democratic party are on the weather is favorable there will be a were built over tbe coming stand by their guns. He held no he had The day was as beautiful as the dream of a multitude the bill and the brave Lieutenant large great bed of the clam-bak9, into what do offer us? office, purifies the blood. The Mandrake Pills act upon the Dower, policy they On no interest A Very crowd in attendance. beyoud what every man should have The skies were blue and and a bore away on his errand of mercy. fine lounge may be seen in the and people for a time amused themselves the subject of finance the Democratic poet. cloudless, liver, create a healthy bile, and remove all diseases by par ty in good government. The window of can be said to have no Republican party floe, cool breeze came iu from the sea. The Before steam tugs came into use the cutte Mr. A. Evans, No. 1 Free street. the listening to the music or about the policy. stands as of liver, often a cause of Consumption. The Accidents—Two sons of Mr. Hill parading the representative of good govern of Cape The Democracy of Ohio are now the was on the was moored below fire iu search of appetit“s. fighting ment It is made up from the best of the old great tent pitched long lawn ex- during very cold weather to School Sea Weed Tonic gives tone and strength to the Elizabelh were thrown out of a campaigu in principles directlv aoverse to Books.—New and second-hand old carriage in men who believe iu the ruius frozen on makes a and all were beut ou a parties, the equality o tending from of the Old Orchard prevent being in; but one occasion stomach, good digestion, enables the front Though good time the those which the D, mocracy of Maine, of Hew books booght, sold or at S. H. of Dana & Co.’s store, on Commercia1 human rights, aud of men before the law. The exchanged organs to form and thus creates a York are ou House to the railway station, and the bike was sbe was caught in the ice in the inner harbor. good blood; healthy whole great audinece appeared to ba ia espouse. They divided the tariff. bulk the 92 and deeply of thiuking. reputable, sober citizens Colesworthy, Jr., Exchange street. circulation of The street, yesterday morning, narrowly es- Here your Democratic are to iu the foot of the field. The scene was A vessel was as healthy blood. combined action terested in the discussion of political topics. party oppused of Maine formed themselves into that at certain- signalized needing assistance, instant death. A train fiation. In Ohio are on party. aug315t of these medicines, as thus will cure caped backing up Cen- they fighting precisely one. and Lieut. Walden explained, They were certainly enthusiastic and What has occurred to iuduce them to seek new !y a pretty The wide beach upon which dragged his boats over the listeners, that are on the cam- LUCV VI it laacu IU tral wharf, the and as the ground. They carrying affiliations? There are but School Books of all vvuouuipuvu, UUIC, auu frightened horse, lavish three topics really the waves broke their silver the ice to the opeu water, launched and kinds, stationery, etc., of applause. Tbe concourse seemed an paign in Ohio on Commun Stic priucioles. great walls, them, the use of the medicines in. was one of them was before the people, and on these the can persevered carriage overturned, This is a of Republican in went to the relief of the be had at T. P. McGowan’s book 422 imated of sigu the decadence of the Dem fringe of pines the background, the white disabled vessel. An- store, Schenck iVirmrn inat. in front of tlio /Irivinrr nrlionl of + V.r, by thatspirit deep earnestuess and party occupies the only true There is Dr. is professionally at his office oeratio are to position. principal party They appealing the poor much talk of canvas on the turfed the crowds of meu other well the Congress street, opposite High School. patrio ic zeai which marked the great reconciliation, of shakiug hands lawn, act, remembered, showing Cap- corner Sixth and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, every but was out but gather- against the rich, the laboring m in against the annOn/lf f locomotive, dragged little across a bloody chasm I do not believe in attire was relieved tains kindness of was in of the when the man of The whose sober by the bright heart, performed 1841. MQnday, where all letters for advice must be ad- The other ings war, Republican parly properly. Democratic party of that. I the hand injured. boy escaped uninjured. Ohio clasp by every man who dresses of the and the flames The from dressed. Schenck’s rallied as one man to the dereuce of the Union are advancing the Commuuistic docti mes women, from the ship Astracan, Capt Webster, Havre It is best to buy your of B. Adam medicines for sale by all Drug- Mr. Rufus of this was crosses the chasm and takes bis stand on the Carpetings Leighton city serious- of Paris and Berlin. In the In-xt house an at the side. man who uaae iu iru;n, uuiieu to lurui a with her flag half mast,came in and achored & 140 gists. Those present realized that another great dan- numoneitin .n.'ll t.rjA /'I_C.. .1 ... right Every accepts the results picturesque Sod, Exchange, corner of Federal. ly injured while riding in Yarmouth jyl4 seleod3di>«£wlmsn recently. menaced ot the war I welcome, but I do uot believe iu sight. The locality was well chosen, the day near the cutter. A Portland) sea captain, a ger the country, aud that Maine in officers, but the tell us we aug 7-d&wtf His horse and him out Democracy th\t the to __ slipped fell, throwing intrusting governmeut men who labored was fortunate the and relative to the had died in 1875 as in 1863 should with no uncertain must forget all about the war, that it makes no heyond expectation, crowd passenger, writer, and bis bead lift, 10 destroy it. The Republicans saved the Economical New Food.—25 cents will injuring severely. difference whether a man was a Union ora was the sneakers were and the two before the arrival of the On buy her voice for the While u ion. on jear 10 entrust mem large, eloquent, days ship. a of Mr. I\ had bis sound, right. waiting >uu with its package See Moss Fartne.made from pure GAS CONSUMERS. Henry Larrabee ancle sprained Confederate soldier. But in the south, a man was unbounded. the circumscances for the maintenance? This of reconciliation enthusiasm The Republicans learning Capt. Walden sent Irish moss, wliicn w II make 50 kinds of speakers the great audience entertained to be elected to th smallest office must party dishes, by thrown from a have in Wednesday being carriage have Texas abolished the fres school system of Maine have certainly every reason to be his barge to the ship in of a Lieut, with such as cakes, pies, puddings, etc., or 10 itself by cheering enthusiastically for the Re- been in the Confederate army, or if at home charge quarts on Kennebec street. because it educated the colored In of custar s, Charlotte must have actively the rebelliou. youth. gratified at the proceedings and the result. his compliments, tendering to Capt. Webster jellies, creams, Russe, THE ELLIS PATENT publican party and everything Republican. supported much the same course has been blanc etc. Sold all These are Georgia pur- mange, by Druggists and the men who are to legislate for the Meeting iu Saco and Hiddeford. and the relatives of the the use of his Temperance Camp Meeting at Sebago The immense tent, capable of accommodat- sued. The party which cannot accept the diseased, Cr ccrs.aprlOeod loyal men of the north. Tne soldier boys of the Associated dawly political equality of the which denies to [To Fress.l boats, which were thankfully accepted and Lake.—The temperance can p meeting at Sbba- ing eight thousand people, was gaily decorated the North were black, hardly imagined they fighting him and a common 2.—The GAS REGULATOR 11 for this eud. equal rights scho d educa Biddefobd, Sept. Republicans held Capt. Walden the BURNER, go lake, opened afternoon at half with bannerets and while tbe five personally superintended yesterday past pennons, tion, has not accepted the results of the war, in this NEW Mr. Morton contended as in his other large meetings city and Saco this even- transfer of the coffin from the to the ADVERTISEMENTS two. Hon, E. C. Farringington of Fryeburg, centre poles were wreathed ia bunting, and and is not fit to be entrusted with power. The ship speeches in this state, that the Southern Dsm ing. In this city remarks were made by Hon. wharf. delivered tbe address as Hon. only way to secure these results is to continue SHADE opening Neal national flags shadowed the platform. ocrats if given power would rebel UOHED pension the in J. H. Burleigh, Hou.James H. McMullen and Such was the character of the man; he was Dow did not arrive till after three o’clock. soldiers and the South Republican party power. Please tell the people that saw their Mr Among those seated upon the platform were pav lor their slaves, aud On you is decided to be ‘.the best Gas Light ever produced— the subject of state rights, also, the De- Hon. Fred Douglass and Horace Much, always an to assist some J. R. and Hon. Neal Dow closed with a discussion of the financial Piper. seeking opportunity Advertisement in the PRESS, the circula quite as steady as the Argan-I, which varies as the McKelvey followed Hon. J. H. Burleigh, this ques mocracy is at fault. I am much of a 6tate R^psesentativejfrom ti on. enthusiasm was manifested. Mr. McMullen one. Capt. Walden leaves a widow and two pressure varies, and needs to be constantly watched, Mr. Farrington. Short addresses were also Ron. Geo. T Davis of rights man. I r> cognize that we live under a tion of which, per month, exceeds as all besides the congressional district, A VIEW PROM THE FIRKT DISTRICT. children. A 100,000, know, great annoyance from the double of In made a ringing speech, in which ha predicted a daughter who is the wife of heat caused made by Mrs. Hartt aud Eli Johnson of Brook- Portland, Hon. Charles Rounds of system government the days of by the style of the shade ami chimney. Minot,Hon. At the conclusion of Senator Morton’s of our Shade the is and so lyn. the fugitive slave law I learned the value of continuance of the Republicans in power with George W. Boyd Esq. New York, and a son By light deflected, being con- Joab Palmer oi Bangor, Capt. C. A. Boutelle state But the structed as to allow the heat to pass upward.*, after speech the band struck up and the people pre rights. Democracy never clamois an increased and a who is a Lieutenant in the revenue Tomorrow Mr. J. R. and majority, paid high compli- George, being properly adjusted is always with an McKelvey Oapt. of Bangor, Hon. Joshua Nye of tor state rights when it can use the national regulated, Augusta, pared for another speech. The noon trains ment to Mr. actual saving of from 15 to 40 cent, in the con- StnrdivauDt will power lor ihe of the Dooglass. G, per speak. Gen. of Hon. S. P. protection South. But service._W. and over Murray Augusta, Benson of ga9 any other burner. which came in, Deluding a special over the there is Mr. scouted the idea of centraliza- sumption The regular services are to be held at 8 and always much clamor when the general Douglass Cape Elizabeth Lectures.—We "Nobby Cheap.” Yarmouth, and many district and local poli recently Eastern, brought about two thousand people. gov-rnment undertakes to act for liberty an t tion so long as the ballot and asked We oflVr lot of Ladies’ pare Silk 10o’clock a. m., 2.30 and 7 30 p. m. ticiaus. remains, briefly referred to a course of lectures to be C. L. The forenoon closed with equality before the law. I advise Maine to Pocket Ha ad kerchiefs with the MARSTON, meeting remarks for a continuance of Republican power that the for the benefit of the popular o’clock the was called to stand up for her legitimate rights, hut never to given Cape Elizabeth Cardiaal Cumberland Baptist Association.—Tbe At^eleven meeting from the Hon. John H. member of his aod Navy Blue borders at 4Jc. PROPRIETOR FOR MAINE, Burleigh, trust hose rights to the When it protection to people might be reserved. School. The first entertainment order by the Hon. John member ot the Democracy. High will be AU» an assortment of Sash and Cumberland Baptist Association which held Hall, from '.he first district of Maine. Mr. is a of human all Saco Mr. and elegant Congress question liberty, the powers In Douglass Jno. L. Swift next at the new Town 108 Exchange Nltcef. State committee given Tuesday Hall. On Plain Ribbons in all the new shades at un- Us at East Brunswick, Tuesday and Republican from York the of government, state and federal, should be meetiDg Burleigh spoke briefly, traversing position- spoke to a good audience. The Democrats lis- this occasion Rev. W. He introduced as the exercised on the right side. George Bicknell will de- usually low prices. AGENT WANTED. Wednesday, of this week, reports tbe County. chairman, taken the Democratic iu this cam with close following by party Th» third tened attention, especially to Mr. liver a Hon. James H. McMullan of Biddeford. question is whether the United lecture on “Enthusiasm,” and J. L. ang31dlm statistics: Baptisms 170; added by letter and aud with no uncertain Senator Morton and paigu, proclaiming States is :o issue an unlimited amouut of paper Douglass. E. R. Hoar Shaw and wife will furnish music. Mr. McMullan the position in a few Lectures exderience, 50; d'smissed, 40; excluded.19; accepted sound the doctrines of foremost- to constitute the currency or whether we are were but were unable to be 50 Doz. Silk Republicanism, expected present. will .also be by Hon. I. Ties, remarks, reminding his bearers that to return to nt. I -ould not fail given Washburn, Jr., died 39. Total membership of 18 churcbea, twenty among which be placed a speedy return to specie paytn t > be a Rev. Dr. Darius Full length and all the new years ago the Republican camp fires were first hard money a ivocate with my ideas as The Reception.—E. H. Hill, Ingraham, Esq., W. W. shades at A. f>. 2494, a gain of 90 over last year. Benevolent specie payments. He closed with a felicitous Knowlton, Esq., MaM> 0 the coustitutiou. I do not that be- and E. H. kindled, and that to-day they burn with all suppose secret try of the Worcester Board of Thomas, Jr., Elwell. Select read 33 cents. Manufacturer of contributions wore §1058.61 for Mis allusion to the clam-bake. fore the war there were Trade, Foreign any considerable num- will be British Censul their old flame. Republicans are met at Old ber writes that the Worcester are iugs given by Murray. 100 piece new and elegant pattern* of siODs; §720.82 for State Convention; §135 40 At the couclusion of Mr. brief of persons who bplie»ed or thought that people very much Burleigh’s The lecture will be flue at Orchard, not because of fear of but t would have been consistent iu the with the made for their remaiuing by some gentle- Hamburg* price* from 40 to 04 1-1 for Educational Society; and §737.82 for other defeat, remarks the immense audience to govern- p'eased arrangements adjourned ment to issue aud make it current man of known and cents per yard. from interchange of and to listen paper be- in this on the 8th and that acknowledged ability. The a total of §2,651.15. Ten of the confidences, the clam-bake. tween reception city inst., objects; man and man No man has de’eoded course Examination of ab*re solicited. VARNISHES to discussious of issues of national attendance be proceeds of the will be expended in the churches are without some too interest. THE CLAMBAKE. that i-sue on the of a large may expected. Ho states pastors, being except ground necessity, ol AUD For the last sixteen years the ihe result of war. But teu have that interest in the visit is felt the cit- purchase philosophical apparatus for the use feeble to sustain one. Republican party The "clam-bake was an immense years now great by certainly and more of the school. The for has itself well in and elapsed, what right has the govern- izens of our sister and that the high price the course is Rev. Dr. S'aailer was Moderator, Rev. G. B. acquitted administration, affair, worthy ot the crowd in It city, occasion attendance. ment to continue this than it has to continue but one dollar and it will OWEN &T to the for a fail to doubtless be well MOORE, Clerk and J. B. Mathews confidently appeals people continu- was the cannot promote the mutual advantage Illsley Treasurer compounded under tie supervision of othe-practices of the war. The coutiuu MPM ance of trust. Mr. McMullan then introduced ance of this of both communities. patronized. Tbe annual sermon was Rev. J. B. R. M. S-evens of a paper without provision for its re- Congress corner preached by Capt. Biddeford, gentleman street, brown. And Dealer in as tbe first the Seuator demption is a national dishonor and The committee on Illsley, theme—“Christ, God’s and Man’s Coun speakerof day, Morton, who is successful iu all he undertakes, and Repub- the reception held a meet Portland Illustrated.—This morning the jan!4_ dtf licans propose to make a distinct issue on of Indiana. Loud cheers Mr, and Boston Globe an sellor.” The doctrinal sermon was greeted Morton, who knows how to a clam-bake bet- iug yesterday afternoon, finished the ar- will contain illustrated preached’ engineer this question A Ddy the other day gave me history MACHINERY, as be took his place the stand rangements. As has been the of Portland. The by Rev. W. T. Sargent on the Personality of upon speaker’s ter than any man this side of Rhode Island. wo oue dollar billson a bauk in the Dominion already stated, illustrations will consist of Cultivation of Voice. of a and began his address. He spoke sitting. The bake was Canada, dependency of Great and visitors will be met on the train by the a general view of the and the Satan. An able paper was read by Rev. W. eighty feet in length and ten Britaiu, City city harbor, City LAWYERS and others who have SPERM, LARD, 1 received on them §2 2j iu the bills of the SENATOR MORTON’S SPEECH. Government, aud a collation served. On the Custom to should also be able to it T. Wbitmarsh on the endowment of demies. feet wide. Into its composition there National in Building, post office, House, observa. CLERGYMEN,something say say banks, the premises to pay of the in an eltecdve without AND Mr. President, and Ladies and Gentlemen: arrival of the train in this the lory, Portland Maiine attractive, manner, apparent BURNING, WOOL Rev. E. Nugent preached an impressive ser- entered five huudred bushels of clams, one Uuited States. Is this a creditable to cily city govern- Light, Hospital, etc. effort. Mr. W ILTIR It. o Maine from the com spectacle FOBFS, graduate Coming Northwest, to the ments of Nashua and There will also be a sketch of the theusaud lobsters, twelve thousand ears present nations of the earth when wo Worcester, Portland of the Maeouic, Bo-ton University School of Oratory, will re- mon. ing a stranger, I have been made to feel that I of have icvifid them over here to our Centennial will become the of the Odd ceive a limited number of pupils to ins ruct in the was friends who corn and three huudred dozen guests Portland Board Fellows, Grand Army, Knights of Pyth- coming amoug sympathized eggs cel--bratiou? Both righ- use of voice. In Portlaud every Saturday. political parties have as Accident to Steamer Sebago.—The ste int- rv HU IUO |UIU' IJJIC3 Ul IUO V/UUSC IU W LI U LI of Trade, and such will be taken to the Is- fire and etc. The Address P. 0. Box 830. t w The fires were lighted at nine o’clock iu the themselves on this issue. ias, police departments, etc., e3deodl l pledged er Sebago bad some difficulty with her steam have given the most valuable portion of my lands, where a clam bake will be served. news dealers will all have a OILS. morning, the clans put on at 11, and the bake In the first year of Gen. Gram’s administra- fhe supply. life. I shall speak of matters of inter To Let, chest some time since which was not properly general tion a Republican Congress passed the act to parly will return to the city about six est. I have but little to uncovered at one. Fifty men were to o’clock, AN UPPER No. corner say of your State poli- required the and Slim Jim Arrested.—“Slim Jim” was RENT, 335, of Congress 208 FORE on her down the strengthen public credit, the Demo when will become the of the and STREET. repaired. Yesterday trip ties. The Eepublican party of Maine is a part prepare it, and one hundred waiters to serve it they guests Port- A Quincy streets, nlcel frescoed and in per- cratie National Convention of 1872 declared arrested at Old Orchard afternoon fect would jn.24_ d6m packing became loosened and fell out of its of the great organization. This is land Government. On their arrival in yesterday repair, sell carpets and part o* furniture po government to the multitude. five mam- that a ot specie is Cily a hungry Twenty speedy resumption paymeuts for to swindle some at bargain, If wanted. Apply to gition so that she could not make her a government of paities. Every free govern- demauded the will be escorted to the attempting uuregenerate regular moth cheeses and barrels of hard by every consideration of morality. city they City Build- L. J. ADDITON, JAMES L. WILLEY ment is controlled by parties. These parties twentj-five Democrats, .whom he had into bet- on the afte'noon trip, and the passengers obliged to And there are undoubtedly many of the Demo- ing. which will be decorated with flowers aud inveigled premises, sep3tf are made up cbiedy of the same ai d bread were also served out. The way the fam elements, cratic party who stand by that faith, aod we ting in the sintnl little game of three card- wait till the arrival of the Mount Pleasant to aud will a Formerly of the firm of Jonee A Willey, they differ mainly in the principles by which ished voters went for that bake was are bunting present very attractive ap- Wanted. a' wonder going to have the same that we mon'.o. was to are question He tak-n Saco, and will be convey them to Bridgton. There will be no they governed. Assuming that these par- had the The main hall will be thrown a American ful sight. The Assyrians never came down on during war, whether or not they will pearance. open respectablo Woman, a situation ties are honest in the material winch arraigned before the court of that as steamer to connect with the train this tnorn equally come over to us. for the to municipal BY Nurse or Housekeeper o* any other honor- Fashionable Boot and the fold with more guests enjoy themselves, while Re- Shoe Compose them, they differ in their principles vehemence, nor did the Can this able employment. Good references. Address Maker, you trust the Republican party as an Hall will be city morning. iDg. L’artics change. Standard hearers plague of locusts ever a ception u-ed for refreshments sc3ii3t*P. L., Post Office, Portland, Me. |never may sweep green country honest party? Can you trust yourselves and N'o. 16 pass away, but the principles of the party re than There will he no formal supper but the Allen Mission.—Mrs. Clark of New Temple Street, The Single Scull Regatta.—The cleaner the yeomaury of Maiue with their be majority of the people iu the stab- of served, York, Lost. prospect main the same. It is not the success o f Geo. Maine? A wives, and sweethearts down Democratic fiiend of mine in Wash-' committor pledge themselves to make the the cruside lady who has furnished such de- last n glit for tin Davis-Plaisted race to-dav Connor or Gen. Eooerts that you are cont-nd- daughters swept POIKET CASE of Instruments. OPPOSITE ADAMS HOUSE. iogton made a most remarkable comparison. for the iug for iu but of the or Ee- on those clams and devoured them. evening pleasant visitors. Chandler’s vocal music at the at PHYSICIANS’l'he tinder will confer a favor leaving the was not to say the and the Muiue, Democratic Baskets Said I am iu lightful camp meetings by encouraging, least, be, favor of the good old Demo- same at 133 Street. se3d3t* puhiicao party. Parties are constituted sub hats and Band will give a concert in the hall the first of Old Orchard and will be at the Cong-ess Mr. Willey has resumed business »g above, and it meu were of tbe that the carpet bags, bandkerctrefs were cratic doctriue of the greatest to the great- Fryburg, Allen boating opinion of the same and good ready to serve bis old customers, and would be stantially material, yet they est 1 mean the At the dose of the festivities into and the modest bi- numb-r, by which that while a evening. the Mission this evening, and will and with WHEREVER IT HAS BEEN to meet new ones. weather would uot permit it to take place. diff-r. Tbe Democratic m brought requisition, party sing, TRIED. pleased many essentially pany .y n in power it is its to make the most of will valve was toted far duty guests be escorted to the Rochester depot will also address the tu and was lie said to be ot t»o the away from the scene of its others, people. The pub- Mr. Both meu sold well the pools there composed wings, it. I do not consider this the Republican idea. Willey pays personal attention to the manu- Northern and Sou hern The Great to take a special train for home. There will be lic are invited. facture of Endive’ and Gewtl< mva>« to be seen. If tbe weather Democracy. martyrdom. pyramids of clams, pyra- It is our and our it we find men cordially . Pine but little d fference duty privilege JURUBEBA Booim and sthovw, undat Southern Democracy is composed of those en- mids which will m the no invitations issued for the entertain- prices LOWER than any ba siarted at about puzzle tbe Maine Historical Republican party trying to gain power eveaing has established itself as a and other maker tor the same is suitable the boats will gaged in tbe Confederate cause. Tie Northern Personal. perfect regulator quality of workmanship. by corrupt mean to that we will have none and no one will he sure remedy for S iciet.v in the years to coma, were scattered all say ment, admitted to the hall disorders of the system arisiug done in 2 o’clock in tbe afternoon. Democracy sympathized with the rebellion,and of them. I Hon. Samuel from It Repairing the neatest manner at think that we are going to have without a Mayall, formerly member of improper action of the Liver and Bowels. the doctrine of S ate over Old and the debris ticket,* excepting representatives of satisfactory prices Ju2dtf rsnoused, Eights—that Orchard, of tho bake a pretty severe coutest with the that it ■ T I* WOT A PHI SIC, but by enemy, the Congress from the 2d district in this state, and stimulating doctrine which made the rebellion to be found is press. the stcretive organs, and removes State Fair.— Hon. Samuel Warren, Sec- possible. was many rods from tbe heated to be of far reaching consequence, and I gently gradually There are certain tendencies and now the wealthiest man in Minnesota, returns all impurities, and regulates the entire proclivities How the rust that in for that contest we system. DRAINAGE. of the M3iue Society, stones. “Antiquarians ol the future” musteriug Shooting son of James ■ 1 18 NOT A retary Agricultural which tend to draw into the Democratic parly Accident.—Elwin, to his state after several weeks so- DOCTORED HITTERS, shall tell the camp followers and the sutlers adopted but is writes: of not In- the worst in all It will bother their brains about these shell Lombard of a “Tbe number stock entries, classes tbe larger cities heaps, rud the bummers Lo ma ch to ihn re.ir West Baldwin, about lj years of journ in his native state. persons interested in will find it to to cannot be deuied that the worst elemeut of tne and to trace the connection between was drainage cluding horses, for tbe State Fair, ud Aug, try tbe mr. douglass’s age severely wounded by the accidental ALLtheir advantage to call on the large cit'es beloug to the Democratic party. speech. 31st, was 182. Most of tbe cattle entries are great Bepublican victory ot 187(i and the sue discharge ol his gun The VEGETABLE TONIC There is iu every State of the Union a large el- Frederick Douglass, the foremost*and most Wednesday. gun culent clam! The was Business Notes. Pierce So far tbe lead. Sev- ement great assemblage, now swell loaded with shot which he which assists and tints stimulates the Manufacturing Company thoroughbreds. Jerseys opposed to tlie commou school system, eloqueutmau of that race tojwhicb the heavily attemp- digestion, ap- ed to swallowed Repub- The new woolen mill of Jesse Dormau & Son petite lor food necessary to invigorate the weakened eral entries ol mules, and several for the mow which bas beeu regarded as the palladium ot twenty thousand, the five hun- ed to draw. He removed the wad from over of cement pipes. Also contractors for lic has done so tardy justice, followed. His or inactive organs, and gives strength to all the vital constructing our liberties. The of this element of Corinna is nearly completed. Two sets of sewers, etc. offered D. M. and lor argest part dred bushels of shell fish, and cracked the the his left haud over the muzz'e of forces. digging wells, cementing cellars, Pipe er, by Dunham, BaDgor, D musical diction and inexorable shot, put Works. Corner Fox Me. belongs to the motratic parly. voice, splendid cards are Tunning. Considerable is ir CARRIES ITS OWN and Cove Sts., Portland, tbe steel offered J. J. Port- shells of the thousand lobsters, and the his aud the building RecO.1l. Send all to plow, by Frye, Tbe elements of violence to tbe pickerf lent au adventitious gun raising breech aud struck MEN as the orders J. L. SMITH. belongs logic interest to a theme iu on MATSON, large and rapidly increas- twelve th ausand corn cobs and it goi og there. U, S. Hotel. land.’’ Democratic party. In California tbe Demo- clean, devoured against tha ceiling over head to out the ing sales testify. Price One Dollar a bottle. Ask aprtOdtf_ __ itself of the Ameri- jar surpassing importance |to The General the w»ur for it. GEO. cratic is the party which is opposing the immi- the innumerable dozens of eggs, and then be- shot. He struck it Surveyor reports lumber druggist C. GOODWIN SCO., can A tremendous burst of with such force as to ignite Wholesale Real Estate Transfers.—The gration of the Chioese Th's same party, people. cheering in from 1 to Boston, Mass., Agents. se3dlw* LADIES’ BELTS. following gan to yearn for more speeches. So at a few the cap, the contents surveyed Bangor, January Sept. those who opposed the emancipation ot the greeted his appearance. He said: I came here discharging through the are tbe real estate transfers] recorded in this minutes before three tbe 1, as compared with the corresponding months FORTUNE IN IT. it. Ac to the same I 10 emhusiastic multitude of his hand and several Every family buys G. B. BROAD CO., negro belong paity, reier not so much to make a as to be seen of palm shots passed Sold U. speech ol the two to be as A by Agents. Address, S. WALKEB county yesterday. these facts to show the and in and about the tent to hear from the preceding years, follows: Ha. general tendency gathered men. I have been through one of his feet lodging in the sole of Erie- se3t4w TITRKRM of I allies’ Belts, Belt Cape Elizabeth—Lot of laud from Patrick out of the of that assured that it was necessa- 1873. 1874. 1873. rift growing principles eminent who were announced to ad his shoe. ao I Buckle In Nickel. Silver, Horn speakers to have at least one Green Pine.12,391,401 MANCtMCClasps McNamara to Job a Carr. Consideration §300. ry negro at this show. I 11,448,735 9,840,007 and Hard Kubbrr. party. dress them. Dry Pino. 4,658.954 3,708.342 3,261,787 TTTTR Heenng—Lot of laud from Henry and Sa.ah It is said that a man can never escape his kuow nothing of the great financial M. question. Sodden Death of a Portland Man.—A Spruce.77,884,046 89,241,061 72.038,5>0 BROAD’S Pal.al Nhnwl Mira pa. Bridges to Eunice Murcb. Consideration life, so parties can never escape their GEN. JOHN L. SWIFT'S SPEECH. past What can I tell you of an economical adminis letter from Hemlock, &c. 9,078,887 10,128,992 6,858,473 §1300. fundamental When its principles Gee. John L. Swift of said he could California announces the death of Fancy Leather Work of all kinds, principles. Boston, nation? What do I kuow of Portland—Lot of laud from Ruth Cornish to or the party must national honor? Mr. James P. PORTLAND SAFE DEPOSIT FOKft, COR. become odious, over j Thompson of heat Total.104,013,288 114,527,130 94,998,807 l«il 1-2 iSABKRT kT. Thomas Pike. inapplicable only say, lookiug the vast assemblage here, disease, July CO., Consideration §1. pass away. The Democratic party is what it Not only a negro, but formerly a slave, never at Chartered by au act of the jne25ood3m he believed there were “millions in it.” He 31, Yuma, Cal. When a little over 14 years Legislature was twenty five it was during of VIaiue years ago—wbat having bad a day’s schooling, it is a wonder of lie Representative Nominations. 1875, Sunday Train.—As will be seen elsewhere of its leaders that it then financial statistics from age enlisted in the 17th Maine aud was the war. It is the boast quoted the record — I — of that can say anythiug to you. I know noth twice FOR THE the OgoeDsburg road will ruu trains to lias not changed. I concede the just'co that of tho since it took the wounded, aud nine months in Anderson- Suuday Bepublican party reins about If it had a bad character twenty years mg banking, though once the president ville the Twin Mountain and Lake The boast. of government in 1861. Within that time prison. His age was years. He had WAnDO COtTNTV. Safe-keeping of Valuables and the Renta) Sebago are tne ag- 28£ ago, it has the same now. What prin- of a bank. 1 know nothing of currency, though been of train here at 0 run ricultural interest living in California about seven Belmont—Gideon Richards. Safes, first leaving 30, will to the of the Democratic it was the had increased from four bil- years ciples party? one thing I know—that this i3 no a Searsmont—E. K. Packard. -IN ITS- Ammunition and while the 9 o’clock it re- lions to longer Sporting Goods, Mountains, train stops >t pro-slavery party of tbe nation. In 1854 nine billions, the miles of railroad from Police was slave country, that no slave can be seen in this Notes.—Officers Bell and Lawton Wholesale and Ketall. Lake to accommodate those to pealed the Missouri Compromise, which thousand to anil Sebago wishing thirty seventy thousand, annual arrested Thomas Fire-proof Burglar-proof to the extension of human laud from the rising of the sun to the Boyer last night for an assault STATE NEWS. O. I.. BAILEV, tbe This adopted prevent additions of one linudred and going otteud Temperance Camp Meeting and 33'. fifty millions to a VAULTS. slavery mirlh of the parallel of 30° down thereof. The of war is now upon young man. '4V..I, Agent for I)u Font's Fow- be tbe last train the bloody stress derMllls. will probably Sunday of tbe This was almost the of the war It exportations. The army wasimore than and the U.volv.r. Ill M. P. On and after June A bride, I fancy. Upon bent ltyan, living Arother revolution is immineut in ~ Vonday, 21st, 1875 forage Uruguay, Wliarf, Boston, 3 M.), connecting at Fall River with one of the above from the or at were shot dead p.m will leave (Crumos cloth, ground-worm timely Hopkinton,Mass,, Sunday by owing to dissatisfaction with the administra- Street Wharf, Phila- Steamers. HallCel*- brnird B a ml* engaged Passenger Trains Station, Corumeiclal.toot sent). m of State accidental of a with which their a. m. for the season. “Only Forty-nine iVIilo by Street, He makes incessant raids around the discharge gun tion. 0 house. one half the rate of Rail. Just at this with his brother was to shoot a cat. The Portland for Portsmouth and Bouton at moment, shrewd bead eye endeaving boy The Carlists meet with ill success every Is Tickets. State-rooms and Berths secured at the Cocked at my he watch on me— *2.00 A. t9.00 a. and $2.35 P. M, Re- window, keeps and another sister were also not office of the line. No. 3 Old Slate House, corner o! M.,6.!5, Firm-seated on his shot, though where, and it is thought that Don Carlos will for the West the Penn. K. R.,and Soutn le.,ve green bough, prancing high, Freight by Washington and State streets, and at Old Colony turning In his boots to the knee by connecting Hues forwarded free of Commission. Boston for roi'loineuih and Portland at G«r lop- reaching dangerously. withdraw from Spain. ♦•pot, Boston, and in Portland at depots of Pc«ton And bis fresh THE GREAT t8.30 A. f 12.30 P M„ $6.00 and *8.00 P. M uniform’s resplendent dye— Seventeen were arrested in PASSAGE TEA DOLLARS. & Maine and Eastern railroads, and at Rollms Sc M., colonel of tramp3 Bahway, The difficulty between this country and Leave Portland for Cap* Hitiabeih. Wear- My Jaunty artillery! or 22 St., and W. D. Little Sc Co., N. and last For Freight Passage apply to Adams, Exchange Mid —Harper's Magazine for September. J., locked up Friday. They swore Tripoli has been settled. St. borough, Wen Mcnrb«*rough,»aco. « E. B. NAUI'NON. Abh»i, 49J Exchange M ell* North Her- and on three barns J. R. KENDRICK Supt. O. C. R. R. deford, lieuuebouK, revenge, Sunday were Dr. Hayes, the Arctic a n23-i? 70 Wbarf, Boston. Wien Juncliou, Con- explorer, publishes Cons GEO. L. CONNOR, G. P. A. O. C. S. B. Co. outb ISeroicb and two lumber yards were set on Pilot and Kittery at From the Maine State Press of Sept. 2, 1873. burned, fire call for aid to the suffering Icelanders. He L. H. PALMER, Ticket Agt., 3 Old State House way jjiuftion, t6.15, 19.00 A. M., 2.35 P M. but the latter were extinguished. The total will on Boston. ju30d3m says starvation surely be them this win- HOSTON steamers. Steamers Eleanora and Franconia Lo-r iaco. Kiddeforri. Kennebunb, Well*, of Seven loss is $5000. ter unless assistance is No* tb Month Berwick Junc- History Days. rendered. One third of Will until further notice leave Franklin Berwick, Wharf, Grand Trunk R. R. of Canada. tion, Co way + liol and Kil- Albert Sooy, state treasurer of New MONDAY and 6 Junction, Jersey, the whole island has been rendered uninhabita- English SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Portland, every THURSDAY, at te* at 16 tO.OO A. M Remedy! y and P. M. 15, $2.35 P. 1V1 and leave Pier 38 Fast New Yor'rf. ev- is a defaulter to the amount of He has ble the recent volcanic River, ALTKSAlloiTIN TRAINS. For Waco, Biddeford Kc» tit-bun k. ('on* $50,000. by eruption. ery MONDAY and THURSDAY at 4 P. M. The News far the week ending Wednesday The Superior Sea Going Steamers way Junction, Kittery and Port-mouth been arrested. The Russians have taken the field The Eleanora is a new built for this against steamer, Just SUMMER AEKANGEMENU at *2.00 6.15, 10.00 A. M., and $2.35 p. M. (. route, and both she and the Franconia are fitted Night, Sept. A man named Henry Wilsou is held in New Kbokaad. The rebellion is up For Cape b lizabefh, wcarbo ougb. Wed spreading. with tine accommodations lor passengers making York The Cordial Balm ■grmajyiggM On ami alter June 21st, 1875. Ncnrbornnub. waro. an Hind-ford at for the assassination of Mr. Noe. Another revolution has broken out in San ofSyri- this the mo>t convenient and comfortable route for Monday, trains will run as follows: 5.20 P. M at 8 00 A. M. travellers between New York and Maine. The-e Returning Cattle stealing and murder are still rife on and ex-President Baez has been train G.30 a.*m. for Auburn and Lewiston. The 9.00 A VI Train from Portland connects at Dominigo, pro- steamers will touch at Vineyard Haven the Express THE NATONAL CAPITAL. during train tor Island Montreal and Conway Jun tlou with tin 8 00 A. M. train Irom the Mexican border. claimed President. summer months on their to and from New Express Pond, Que- cum and Tonic passage bec at 7 a. m. Mo-ton tor North Conway Eumors Pills. York. The Attorney General having given an ad- of another marPal poisoniDg, this The wife of Garibaldi is dead. train at 1.10 m for Auburn and Lew- Train-Unv Porl-niouib for l»over at 7.15, Passage in State Room $5, meals extra. Express p. ston Mail train tor Island Pond, stopping at 9.00, 10.20 A. M 3.00. 5.40, <’.00 P M Returning verse decision on the points presented to him time the husband being the victim, are rife in News lias been received from Goods forwarded to and from Mon- the English Philadelphia, all stations to island connecting with night at 0.40. 7.50, 10 15. I0.C5 A M., 4.10, 6 20 P. M. treal, Quebec. St. and all of Maine. Pond,)* in the Cborpenning case, that persistent clai- Canada, N. H. The body of the deceased is to Amlin pTnpdiiinn rriao \ tnvf _ John, parts mail train for Montreal ami the West at Tne 2 (*0, 6.15 A. M., 9.00 A. M. and 2.35 P. VI. TraiDS 83T-Freights taken at the low est rates. Qutbec. l. 31' m. from Portland make clo*e connections for New mant has gone to the court of claims for relief be disinterred. have arrived at Drisca have been Shippers are requested to s mi their to the p. Preparations Nervous FORKiNT Cl TV AIVD JOHN BROOKS, freight train for Auburn and Lewiston at 5.10 York by one or other of th- routes from Boston, Steamers as as 4 P. M Express on mail contracts to S. A. of the Boston firm of Debility. early ,«n the days they leave ticketed amounting 8163,000. Cragin, Cragin, made for on as far north as until as in. Raasnniierg through pushing po-sib'a in will, further notice, run alternately follows. Portland. For further iuforiu ition to p. app'lv m. The 8.30 A. M. Train from Boston arrives in Port- xiuu n Accommodation for South Par*s at C p. jluo AJiuvpvuu auu aiuiiu axuiciivau uj & Co., died suddenly at the Continental the Leaving HENRY General Hay Alert, and for sledge expeditions beyond to FOX, Agent, Portland. land in season for of .J F Trains will arrive as follows: passengers to take the cars a St. while AMES, Ag*t. Pier 38, E. New York. will get lift by tbe payment of tbe Maine and Hotel, John, Friday, reading a news the the FRANKLIN Portland. R., from Quebec, Montreal and We6t at 8.30. the Portland <& Ogdensbuig Kailroon and on MON- The Secretary of tbe has directed An will be held and a PUT UP ONLY IN BUIE BOXES. 74 EXCHANGE ST , ; Treasury physician. inquest post for sale at low Nervous Sound Lines, very rates. — AND — f;uNfa,EYS. WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS with tTKIEDASO SURE Prostration. -- — the destruction of $509,400 of legal tenders,being mortem examination made. RE.VEDI. Freight taken as usual. AND the steamer for Rantporf and Ml. Jo*n. A Sold by Druggists generallF, and J. B. COVEE, JR„General Agent. octl874 Puhmnn Pari r l/'»r is run wito the train 80 per cent of the national bank notes issued in The towboat Smoky City, with a tow ot 12 GEO. C. GOODWIN & GO.. Boston, ulass. EXPRESS, DEPOT AT FOOT OF SNDIA SI, leaving Boston 8.30 A.M.. Portland l.io p. M. and 6 boats of the August. barges coal, struck bar at au'-'O_il4wt £' A n» a »t through to Bangor: also witn t ain leaving Bos- The Secretary of the Treasury has decided Island No. 10, in the Mississippi, Thursday, MT. DESERT St MACHIAS. ton 12.30 P. M. and Portland 5.20 P. M through On Tickets sold at Reduced Rates J to Augusta. Returning, leave Augusta 6.00 A. that hewn known the whole WATERS’CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS It is of the highest importance, then, that iudivid auil after Thursday, July 1st, pine timber, commercially sinking tow with the exception of uttmtiud iDDiwrumiiwNi M Portland 9 00 A M.. Bangor 8.00 A. M. aud uals should be able to judge for themselves tbeir will run as To iTIilwai are the most benmlfnl in sijlr anil ptrft-ct by follows:—Leaving the end of Custom Canada, Detroit, Chicago, and Portland 2.35 P. M for Boston as square or side, is subject to duty at the rate one boat. Lost not given. own if and to what extent they are attacked House Wharf excelled. kee, Cincinnati, Mt. Omaha. in tone ever made The COAPER • u feelings, daily (Sunday Coni*, •Pullman Sleeping Car Express Train. AT. /?.— cent R. by this in-odious enemy to ill-health, comfort, and Ml Mall Cake City of 1 cent per cubic foot and not 20 per Abby and Susie A aged 15 and is the bem ever t.laced iu n■■ y Or- FARES AND FREIGHT REDUCED. Steamer azelle will leave for and Miigiuaw, Paul, This train runs but not on Rolloff, even life itselr if left to run its course Evergreen Man Fran i>eo. Sunday Monday. gan It is an extra net of unchecked, by Joueb* at 9 and 10.30 a. in.. 2 and 3 30 m. Denver. advalorem as heretofore held be the were drowned in the Palmer Reho- prodnced bi/ reed., the and of curative Landing p. tAceommodation Traiu. depart- 13, river, roicis.flc EFF Mir early prompt application reme- leave Landing at 9.30 and 11 peculiarly of which is dies. TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. Returning, Evergreen 3C and all points In the tFasi Express. ment. bath, Mass., Thursday, while bathing 80 a. m., 2.30 and 5 p. m. and Jones’ Landing at 9.45, CHARLES F. HATCH, Geu’l Man. KINO while ila DHI а. m. J. M. Thatcher Commissioner of Patents has William S. Carson, ex-superintendent ol J. IIOV of the e m., 2.45, and 5 30 p. Wesi aisd sonlhww GFORUE BACH ELDER. Sup’t. nmUt V.«l< K 18 8UPEKR W \ i» fate Steamer LEWIS- Steaniei Express will leave for Cushings’ Island June 21, 1875. P. house in * jne21tf resigned. Ex-Congressman Duell will be ap- Squires’ packing Cambridge,Mass TFK«> SFWORI IIFSI KAI; VrSPEK. f| KTON, Capi. Charles and Jones’Landing at 8 45 and 10 a. m.. 1J5 and J C. FURNIVA1 Agt RRASIO nud VIA test ft- 3 pointed to fill the vacancy. is beld in 8150,000 for embezzling that amount. urgaa«, in Deering, will leave hail- p.m. Retuining, leave Cushings’Island at 9.15 Unique rre eh Uaaea, combine PURITY road Wharf, foot of State and 11.30 a. m., and 2.15 and 5 aud Jones’ St., p m., THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Is in splendid Nearly a year ago the jury in the safe bur. Col. Edward W. Longstreet, a well kuown of VOii’IiiG with grem volume of (one; T V K 8 D A V Landing 9.30 and 11 45 a m and 2.30 p. m. every Is weu with tirst-class roll mi- auimble/or PAKLUK or UHURCH. The Steame Express will make an condition, equipped case of Harrington and others failed to leather merchant of Syracuse, N. Y., commit- and F Ml IV A Y EVENI1VG8. 4T IO early trip daily, stook, and is the best connections and Boston & llaine glary leaving at 7 a. m. leave Jon'e5* 7 15 and making quick* i O’CLOCK. For Rockland, Castine, Deer Isle, Returning, est time of route from Portland U. the West. agree. There will be another trial, important ted suicide Saturday n ight. Financial embar- WATERS’ NEW SCALE PIANOS Cushings’ 7.30 and an after Julv any Sedgwick, So. W. and Bar Harbors, ny Wednesday and Friday mornings at 6 o’clock, touch- at 6.15 A. M. and R «Ih at 8 A. For Roche-ler, Knrmiuglon aud Alton tian coast. Crew saved. necessary ditterence to be followed in the treatment M., and the dertook to build the Palace Hotel in San at the above named in Port- duriug evening augl2dtf in Rockland at10.15 A. at 9.00 a. 2.35 m. of any case where disease has its in ing landings, arriving Driving Baf (via Dover) 6.15, m., p. Fires—Six stores in New loss origin physical land at 5 o'clock P. M. For Scarborough Beach. Old Orchard which will cost aad be Rochelle,N.Y., injury; the same remedies being alike to Francisco, $5,000,000 Condition applicable Steamer of Richmond” connects with Mirant? leave* Rockland on arrival train M-eo aud at Pills. “City stages of Beacb, Biddeford 6.15, 850,000, insurance small. of- the weak as to the strong; to the sturdy as to the 8.45, tbe most hotel on the continent. A Brooklyn Argus at Rockland, and other for M Ki)l< AI Tuesdays*. and at Bar 9 00 a. 1.45 2 35. m. Bplendid sickly, varied only in degree of and dura- landings, neignboiing Thursdays Saturdays, arriving m., 6.00, p. #2000. Robertson and A quantity* towns. Connect-* at Rockland with the Knox & Harbor at 4 P. M Returning leave Mullivnn For Blue Point at a. 6.00 m. short time before the failure of his fice; damage building little more lban a year ago Dr QUAIN’S tion in the use of them in order 6.15,8.45 m., 1.45, p. bank he to overcome the Lincoln R. at and Central MAGIC CONDITION PILLS were K., Beitast with B. & M. R. R.. Ban- Mondays, Wednesdays Friday at 5 A. M. Bar For K cnnrbnnli at 6.15,9.00 a m 2 35, 6.00 p.m. House, Quincy, Mass.; loss #15,000, in' brought bttore disease. Nervous Debility, or what is generally i transferred his interest in the hotel to Mr. the American for tbe gor with E. & N. A. and other Railroads. otlgli* ('ol4a.Rr«ll’ Harbor at 6 A. M Rockland daily at 1.30 P. M., ar- For the accommodation of Old Orchard travel, ad public first time by an adver regarded as such, is as protean in its peculiari- surance #18,000. wood in a typed Fare to Rockland rhitis, Sore Throat, 'iving in Portland at 6 P. M., and Boston at 10 ditional at all stations, will leave eo that the latter is now sole owner. Memphis, Tenn., works; tisement single newspaper puolitlied in this ties as are the of $1.00, Camden.$1.50 trains, stopping Sharon, dreams the shipwrecked mariner ■ ?1. luoa city. The medicine i« Bellas Searsport and Sandy Point.... 2.00 fluerzn, Cronp. P. Keaiiebunu for Old Orchard and Port- ij-i,uw, iusuiiiuuu «j?n,uuu. oueuts UI purely vegetable -nd enrirely who, in lii? strug les for safety, lies ‘town exhausted The failure of his bank is attributed to various harmless but its ver Buckspori. Winterport, Hampden and IVhooping ough, ToiinectionM made at Rath, with morning land at 7.20 a. m.; Ridd» funl for Old Or- magical power all diseases to tor a moment’s sleep upon the wreck u on which he Fitchburg railroad at Charlestown. con- which flesh is heir is Bangor. 2.50 lloars«‘ii«'MN, Liver and evening trains, trom and to Lewiston and chard nud Hor.land at ll.:{0 a. m.; Bidde- causes, of which bad luck in mining specula Mass., truly wonderful, if the result floats, with all the elemen»s of destruction in road from bad C v RUS STURDIVANT, Complaint, Pain* or Augusta. ford for Old «i»chanl at 11.30 a. 2.35 taining lnmber.Jcoal; loss 815,000, Entire bus- blood, Biliousness. Dyspeosia, Neuralgia, commotion around when the first instincts of Gen’l Ag’t, m., p. m.; tion, and the antagonism of a rival concern, i Bbeumatism him, Railroad Wharf, foot of State St., Portland. 'ormetnO' the Chettl Fare* a* l©tv «* by anv oilier route Old Orchard for Maco Biddeford and Ken- Nervousness, Headache. Heaviness, his nature are a for a solid I iness of Pa. longing something upon »r at can be at 10 00 the Bank of are the ones portion Reynoldville, Heartburn, all flee before it. Talk is Facts which he Portland, April 17ib <875 dtf Slide, Blc»inw\n.-< ■ a ___ local mani estation of it more in ler G. has been since No marks frequently apparent Henrietta, Capt. of cieve about 80 cent, of their missing Wednesday. the __ Wistar’s Balsam per deposits, but facial nerves it may bi in other ELL, will leave Hnrp«- Eastern Railroad. Leave Portland for Ronton at 3.00 m. were though any part wild Chi kry w -ich does not dry up a and p. of violence discovered. twenty-live years. i of the such as the abdomen or at 6 a. in. at C’he- cough Bilious, Sore —— the stockholders will meet with a heavy loss. bpdy, thorax, limbs, touching leave the cause hetrnd, as in the ca-e with most rem- with p-dn-- of a character. For b iigne. Little and t»lau2tl Democracy in the South. My Doubled me in the least sin^e mors, Eruptious, Piracies, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, wreck is cleared away and the present excite- I commenced taking Dr. Quain’s Condition Pills; «tos a nato» umi*. Liver Complaints, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dropsy, The reports from the west are much more neither am I trouble i with Biliousne-s; the nam Female Ac. ment subsides tbe state of California will sail FOB NEW Complaints, dyspepsia, &c., and inflammation in my Kidneys have and mv YORK, Persons from encouraging than a few weeks since. The left; convalescing Fevers, Diphtheria, &c., as as ever. bowels are very regular. Indeed, I mus* all the will find this a jowerlul along prosperously give THE AU1SAU OF A>.1 OXHEK8. auxiliary. Maine CerJ ] crop were not nearly so injured as as praise to Dr. Quain’s Condition Pills, for have GREAT Persons tro.u the above will The failure of the Baltimore sugar badly they suffering complaints On and after import- serted done more for me than all the medicine I ever used. please call at the office, 3 I'nhuon Cl lock, where Monday, Au?. 9,18To, firm is also a notable one. The concern Therefore, I take in Dr. I'his is tlio inside route Avoid- can obtain a of the treatise on ing pleasure recommending only they copy I'S and until further notice, Passenger Trains wPl leave The Marsh Indian Commissioners have re- Quain’s Condition Pills to all who may need Point Judith. ACTION AND lt£*Ui free Where was the house of its kind in the coun- them; ing RAILROAD. Eastern and Maine Central Railroad Station, Port- largest also I thantc you, Mr. Lane, for tlielr introduction. rdso he seen a number of testimonials from turned from the Indian country. They will may large land, foot of State Street, as follows: try. its annual business footing np Ido not intend to be without them if money wilt ►Steamboat trains leaves Boston from Bos- residents of this $40,000,000. Express city. For Lnke meet at to take the tes- purchase them. Please send me another ton & 1 Office hours from 9 to 12 a. 2 Sebngo Frwburg, No. Conway The liabilities of the firm are at Washington Sept. 9, package rovidence R. 11. Denot dairy, except Sunday m„ to 5 p. m estimated MRS. ('raw ord’n, Fabrnn’n nn<) all in ter mo timony of Prof. Marsh and THOMAS H. JONES. at, 5.30 P. M. connecting at Stonington with the en- dtt while its if man- Secretary Delano, P. S. Please _angll_ •time Station* at 7.1o a. m and 2 10 p m. $2,000,000, assets, judiciously direct to Amoskeag, N. H. ENGLISH RE HEDY tirely new and superb Steamer Rhode Island, ever others and then make their Train- will lewve at the entire indebtedneas. report. A second Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and with the eleg- Returning Fabyan’N aged, may pay De SCIENCE OF 7.30 a n and 2 00 p. m.; \o. Conwny at 9.10 a. investigation is made. and ant aDd popular Steamer Stonington every Tuesday. LIFE ; in is as its being Neuralgia *ndigistion for nine i*.. and 3 45 p m.; •* burg at 9.35 a. m and pression business assigned cause. Thursday and Saturday, driving in New York al- Or SELF PRESERVATION. ry The of a year* cured eidil ol 4.15 Kahlwin at to 20 a m and 4.56 The failure of Lee & took the prospect Republican success in by Dr, wajn in advance of all other lines. Baggag p.m.; p. Shepard gen- by the Chief Consulting Physician of m.; -rbago l.nkc at 10.55 a. m. and 5.30 October is more Quain’s Condi* ion Pills. Dyspep- checked through. p. eral those becoming daily encouraging. I WRITTENthe Peabody Medical author of a m.. arriving; in Portland at 11.40 a. ra. and public by surprise though intimate sia so bad lisat he could not Tickets procured at depots of Boston & Maine ana Institute, BRIEF MENTION. b*ar Treatise on Diseases ot the Throat and Lungs, 6.15 p. m with the affairs of tbe concern were Eastern Railroads and at Rollins & Adams 22 Ex- Phy- CHANGE OF TIME. prepared the smell of food, to a The Cordial Halm of siology ot Woman and her a Treatise on A reunion of the New changed Syri- change St., and W. D. Little & Co., 49* St Diseases, STAGE CONNECTIONS. for it. The firm lost the Hampshire veterans relish. Exchange Nervous and Mental Diseases, late Surgeon U. S. A., very heavily by great L. W. FILE iNS. D. S. BABCoClf. At White Rock daily for North Windham. will he held at Manchester on the 7th and Montpelier. etc., etc. It treats upon MANHOOD, how lost.how Commercing June 21. 1875. fire in Boston and by the Sud- 6th, Vt., July 26,1874. Gen. Pasenaer Ag’t New York. President. At Sebago l ake »or Standish Corner. subsequently Mr. Thomas 'V. Lane.—Dear Sir: regained and bo\v perpetuated, cause and cure of •'oilman Trn*u trom Hoitlnn dally 8th of October.-The Jefferson Borden muti- For nine dly Night leaves At Baldwin f -r Porter, Jvezar Falls street and have a I ! (£xl>»*UMt <1 Vitality. Iiup- Premature daily Cornish, bury fire, experienced long years have been trouble with Neuralgia and indi cum and teucy. Portland 12.35 a. m. for Bangor. Cilais, St. JoLn, and Fieedom. neers have been committed at Lotlirop’s Decline in Man, or Seminal Losses ef Boston for trial. gestion, and have taken every remedy that I could Spermatorrhoea, Moulton, St Stephens and Halifax. At term business depression. Their liabilities ami Nervous and Brownfield daily for Denmaik and Bri.lgton. — hear of for the »eliet of no PORT LAND (nocturnal diurnal). Physical De- Train cave* Portland a. At the races Seusation won my complaints, to per •*a«»enger 6.15 At for Stowe and Chatham. are estimated at while their assets Hampden park manent bility, Hypochondria, Gloomy Forebodings, Menial m for fc’ryeburg daily Lovell, $650,000, relief, until I received a package of your Brutswick, Lisbon, Bath, Rockland and Au- At Glen Station for Glen House. in the 2.22 class. The race Depression, Loss of Energy, are not it is that open-to-all was won Condition Pills, for which 1 thank God and you, Tonic Haggard Countenance, gusta. known, though expected they for I feel Pills, Confusion of Mind and Loss of STEAMBOAT CONNECTION American Go'dsmith ma'd not as well as [ ever did in my life, and have Memory, Impure Pa*Mcngcr Train leave* Portland 7.00 a. will on a by G'r', appear. PQILAdELPIllA. State of the and all diseases ari>in from the pay 50 cents dollar. Lee, Shepard & only taken tight of the Pill I could not even bear Blood, m. for Lewiston via Danville Junction with 7 10 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. from Portland at Se- ing-An is male to the •< ror* of iudiscretions or excesses liabilities are and attempt being throw smell of any kind of food, it would turn my Voiittijorthe iicave Portland 1.05 p. m. for Danville Junc- bago Lake for Naples, Bridgton, No. Har- Dillingham’s $150,000, with of mature 3 ears. Bridgton, Sherman & Co. into stomach; but now l can eat anything tba anyone Iron tine of Steamers tion, Auburn, Lewiston, Farmington, rison, Wateiford and Mount Pleasant. Duncan, bankruptcy.- Clyde’s “The untold miseries that result from Waterville, proper management it is thought they can pay can eat. and it relishes, God bless the inventor of Medicines unrivalled for their wonderful indiscretion Bangor &e. Ida properties in eat be Lewis, the Newport -aved one of the Condition Pills and ail remarkable ly life, may alleviated and cuied. Tho^e ■i< a«e Portland 1.10 m. for Lis- their debts in full. heroine, their agents over the cures of all Nervous Complaints. p. Brunswick, Trains arrive in Portland in season f*>r and. Running between Providence who doubt this assertiou should the new trains to the of a world. S. J. Wiieeler. Their is in treatment purchase bon, Bath. Rockland, Waterville. Skowbe- occupants sail boat crpsized at Lim® eflhacy equally great the and and WED- Work Augusta, Boston leaving Pori land at 2.35 and 6 00 p. m. and Tbe mercantile agency of Barstow & cure of Philadelphia every Medical published by the Pfabody Medi- and A Dunn, Cancers, Nodes, Pustules. gan, Belfast. Dexter Bangor Pullman tor Steamers m Rock last Ulcerg, Pimples, NESDAY and SATURDAY gives cal Boston, entit’ed The Science leaving at 7 p in the' to the new lighthouse week.-Twenty-five Tetter, Fever Scald- Institute, of Parlor I ar is mn with this train to Bangor. Co., preface September book, Neuralgia and Liver Sores, Ringworm, Erysipelas. direct communication to anu or Freight trains will run between Portland and hundred crates of Rheumatism, Head, Barbers’ Salt Life, Self PreservationPrice $1.00. Vitality- Iacovc Portland 5.15 p. m tor Danville Junc- peaches were to Itch, Scurvy, Rheum, Copper rora Portland and all other in with Fabyau’s daily, leaving Portland at 8 30 a.m. Re- refers to the business prospect as follows: shipped and for twen- Colored points Maine, impaired by tbe error* of youth or a too ctese appli- Auburn and Lewiston. Kidney Complaint Blotches, Glandular Worms and tion. leave ban’s at 7.50 a. m. one last Swelling, Philadelphia and beyond. Torougb rates are given to cation to business, De restored and re- turning, Fay “Whether the Liverpool day week.-There was a ty-live cured Ur black Spots in the Ulcers in the may manhood Ijcavc Portland 5.20 p. m. for Lis- expectations which have been years by Quaiu’s flesb, Discolorations, and all points reached jy the Penn, oaioeit. The institute also Brunswick, J HAMILTON, Superintendent. frost on Mouth and Philadelphia pi.biisbcs ‘77/e Physio- Hath and Long Island com- Condition Pill*. Throat, Nose, Sore Legs, and sores cl central and tin Phil. & R. and to a bon, Augusta. Portland. 1875. entertained of an condition of trade Monday night-A Reading R’s., of Woman and her Diseases Price t Aug 9, jy3dtr improved every character, because these medicines are the logy $2.00. RMMcuaeer Train* will arrive from Lewis- mittee of the stockholders have been Danvers, Mass., July 19. 1875. :ae principal cities in the South and Southwest. No I he best book of tbe kind extant. Als» another for the year are to be realized or English Mr. very best ton, Bath and Augusta at 8.45 aud 8.50 a ra. present not, Lane,—Dear Sir: For the last twenty-five Wharfage. No Commission lor forwarding. valuable medical worn on Men- inspecting the Erie railroad.-A I treating exclusively Freni Bangor. Dext r, Belfast, Skowhegan. the next 90 will determine. With Blooming- years have suffered terribly with Neuralgia and Fill imtormation given by D. D. C. MINK tal and Nervous more than Construction of days the ex- Diseases; two hundred Farmington. Lewiston, Rockland, Ac., at 2.20 and Houses of Refuge ton, the corn was Rheumatism, also Liver and Kidney Complaints, Agent, 2t> Devonshire St., or J. B. COYLE, octavo 20 of a few localities the 111., dispatch says crop not Boston, royal pages, elegant engravings, bound iu 2.25 p m A Pullman Parlor C*»r is run with ception important agri- causing severe ain in the back and often un- Portland. substantial niu>bn. in the least the hips, •Tr., Price only $2.00. Barely this train from PROPOSALS will bo injured by frost last week.- able for months to to small article WM. P. CLYDE & Gen’l Bangor. received at this cultural productions have been unusually stoop pick up any CO„ Managers. enough to pav tor printing London Lancet. From until 12 large from the flo r. 1 have had tuguda, Rockland, Bath, and Lewis- SEALEDDepartment o’clock, noon, of .Monday, State treasurer Raines of New York favors an several doctors, spent a •.nil lv 12 So. Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. “The Book lor and middle men to and the favorable that for sev- Blood Medicine young aged read ton. at 6 16 p. in. the 20th of for the construction prices prevail great deal for medicine, whi h did no and final- is the Scien of day September, 1875, immediate reduction of canal tolls good, just now, e Life, or Self Prer-ervatton. *ight Train from «t. &(.. at ot Houses of Refuge at the named localities to because of ly concluded I must sutler the rest of life. I The John, Bangor, following eral leading products ought stimulate an my author has returned fr^m in excellent a on one Baltimore & Europe 1.45 tn the coast of Florida, to wit: One on the l»each the combination of the elevator associations at happened day to see your advertisement in the Norfolk, Washington health, and is the Chief Physician realization. Tbe mo vement of is T MT KAJYJMHI P L.INJR again Consulting Through Freight Train* daily to all points about thirteen miles north of India River Inlet, early crops Ccugregationalist. thought the medicine was just of the Peabody Medical ln-titute. No. 4 Bultiuch Buffalo-The pacing match at Park what l befor on Maim- Central. Knox & Lincoln, aud European at the trial from Bethel Creek; one on the beach tbe old fashioned and legitimate manner Mystic needed, and l sent to you last April for a Every placed the people, and are warranted Street, Boston. Mass.—Republican Journal. by of Pills o be the most Powerful Pour itajcm a week. & North American railroads. about one and cne half miles north of Gilbert’s Monday for the championship of America, was package Before I had taken eight I felt Alterative ever original**! by “Hope nestled in the bottom of Pandora’* and which to into circulation and thus like a new man. box, PAYSON TUCKER. Superintendent. Bar at a place known as Saiut Lucie get money person. Can sleep well eat They impart. her wings anew Rocks; won by Sleepy four entries. On nights, well, hope plumes time the issuing of dLi one at Grove (so called) on the beach Georg?. Only and have no can a3 well as First Class Steamship jul9 Orange about increasing the purchasing and debt paying Neuralgia pain, stoop these valu ble works, published bv the of the same ever. friends are Peabody thirty miles north New River Inlet »one near Fort park failed to My astonished at the change in JOHNS HOPKINS. WM. CRANE. Medical which a^e of the in tural Saturday, Smuggler Institute, teaching thousands Laududaie, on the beach ajout six miles north of power people, especially agricu me, and think it will not last. My sister has suffered WM. LAWRENCE. GEORGE APPOLD. liow to avoid the maladies that beat his former time of 2.20 making the mile from sap tbe citadel of Hie.” Portland & New River Inlet; and one on the beach opposite the localities. This will be a vital towards Inflammation of the Bowels, and Constipa- —Phila. Enq. Rochester ft. R. step in 2.21.-The and wishes to Prom RomIoii direct every TUESDAY head ot Biscaynu Bay, about ten miles north of Atlantic mills iu Lawrence have tion, try your medicines. 1 intend “It should be read the the middle improvement in trade, and a few weeks will still to take to the and MAT UR DAY. by young, aged Cape Florida. them, and would not he without them Strength and even the old.” New York a Body Tribune of resumed work with — — Bidders must state tbe in good prospect for steady ii money would them. I think must AND Arrangement Trains, commencing time which they will ucvciuiiuo nuciuct tuis win ut3 me eueut ui au buy they prove “Let all get this great work on disease* of tlie ner- to for a to thousands who WM. KENNEDY BLACKSTONK. 3, 1875. con'ract complete the houses. Each bid must be employment 1,000 operatives.-Agent blessing will be induced to try vous system, just publi-lied Medical In- May immense increase in tbe wealth of a vast them. Enclosed will find and rJcCLELLAN. by Peabotly accompanied with a bon*I in tbe sum of One thousand you $1.00; please send A>'D stitute. It is as readable as*a Honard of the Spotted Tail agency says there romance.”—Bangor dollar.-, with two good aud sufficient sureties, con- class. There now a two packages. Youts PASSENGER TRAINS FROM producing exists very un- respectfully, Prom Providence every WEDNENOA1 Daily Commercial, Jan. 12 1874. PORTLAND; ditioned that the bidder shall is no truth in the that Tad Mrs. B. T. LANE. enter into contract certain and feverish condition report Spotted or and MATl RDAV. “1 Ills hook will put hosts of people on ibeir I?I for KocbcHter. IYa»hua aud without if his bid be of things.” The same writes again delay accepted. All proposals of his are on war lady July 30,1875:—“Your from Norfolk to ana guard against the terrible consequences of habits Worcester connects at Rochester with down must bo any people the path.-Capt. Pills are l Freight forwarded Washington endorsed “Proposals for construction ot Later.—It is announced that the doing wonders here, am taking the second wldcb are calculated to make a trains on Eistern and Boston & Roads officially Alexandria by steamer Lady of the Lake and Jane directly wreck of Maine, Houses of Reruge,” and addressed to the I Barney Hull, proprietor of the Sherman package. My son wishes vou to send him a package. human nature.”—Maine Standard Jan at fta*h»a w tli Train tor Lowell Secretary bank of California will pay all liabilities and House, Mosel y 9, 1874. Uxpr**** of »bc Washington, i> C. Enclosed find fifty cents,” etc Vigor to the Mind “It otters alleviation to the it shows and in Boston at 130 P. Treasury, is dead. His is bow Boston, arriving Boston, estate valued at A Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Petersburg and afflicted, M.; Specifications and plans, and forms ot can resume business. A guarantee fund of $350,- package cent by mail, postage paid, to any misfortune may bear be how it« and connecting at Junction with l>onds, $5,000,- 000.-Dr. Richmond, and Va. and Tenn. K. R. to all places in borne, physical Aye Fxprc** be obtain**! at the Otfii-a nf th»* n. Patterson, Superintendent of the address, on receipt of 50 cents. Address, moral consequences may have ibeir forces turned Train for Fitchburg and Uoomoc Tun 0C0 has been subscribed by D. E. Mills. James the South, W. M. C’ark, Agent, 240 Washington St„ ai Portland, Boston, Fernaudina, Jocksonville anu where Mrs. Lincoln is Boston. aside and be rendered comparatively harmless.”— nel l*i esi cam more ,v $1.00. by mail, parts ot the cwtbrook Junction with trains of Maine der certain circumstances it would he safe for Governor of New Hampshire, ol the cashiers of the Cordial Balm contains nn« box nt Hip Tnnic. Pil!s. poimp oy unto wrorid,closely (Signed.) B. H. BRISIOW, Politics are getting lively in this state, and of R. C. A. 219 sealed, postage paid, on receipt of price. Central Road from Bangor, Lewiston, any the banks of Manchester. wuich may also be had separately at 50 cents per box. R., chipley, Agent, Wasnington 6treet, Rockland, Secretary of the Treasury. her to visit her sister in lie Boston. §3r*Cataloguo sent on receipt of 3 cent postage «&«.J at Koche**cr with down trains on has- everything promises the usual Republican suc- Springfield. denies P. S. These Pills are not for sale at Washington, D. C., August 26, 1875. any drug bills ot the above named stamp. ten) ami Boston Ar Maine Roads; at Fpping that she is locked up.-There was stoie. One t>erson will be as REi'ENT Through lading given by aug.30 deoddt cess. A few weeks since the was another aopoiuted exclusive TESTIMONIALS. Address the PFABODY MEDIC At. INKTITTTTC for Manchester :md flnnerml nt Vnthun f,,r ! _ Democracy in each town in the Agents. crowd at the ag^nt United States with less No. 4 Bultineh St.. Revere Lowell and Boston: at %Yoicenter with but in most localities the lead- large Twin Mountain House Sun- than Passage $15.00. Excursion Tickets $25. Boston, Mass,, opp. Nigh quite hopeful, , 10,000 inhabitants. The first person House. train for Now Haven applying, For or passage to Baltimore, Wash- Springfield, and New York era to have retired from day to hear Beicher.-Ground has been brok- male or female, recommended tbe po tmaster of freight Norfolk, N. B.—The author and appear the field. The by Nov 1874. or other intormaiion to ran be consulted on the above- goes through to New London with h Brick Machine. the town as and will Frewsburgh, 12, ington, apply Gregg for a respectable trustworthy, receive named as well as all of contest on their Dart has been of a char- en new Court House in I have used the Cordial Balm and Syricum and Lo- E. diseases, diseases requiring skill, Image cam, connecting with Mteaiuern quiet Chicago.-Pres- the appointment. SAMPSON, Agent, and of au31d4wt throp f» Tonic Pills as a and cure for the 53 Central secrecy experience. Office hours, 9 A M. 1o 3 the Norwich l*ine lor New ar- OFFICE OF ISAAC GREGG, JR., & acter. The ident Grant will be the guest of Senator Cock- preventive Wharf, Boston, York, CO., Republicans began public speak- use of ardent spirits and habitual intoxication, and E. H. ROCKWELL, Agent, P-M. nov2deodly riving there early tho next morning in time for ing in this city last and since ling at the meeting of the army of the Cumber- find hem actually specific in such cases, I regard no2dtt Providence. R. the morning trains South and West. 108 South Foubth St., Philadelphia. week, that.time <1.00 P *• for Koehenter nml land at N. Y..-The them as most invaluable medicines, and nothing Way Mtn- and Utica, Western Lilian 0 lioiiN at The undersigned are now very large enthusiastic meetings have been could induce me to be without them. INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. connects Kochenter with trains for manufacturing, and have g Alton and for sale, their Universal Brick Machine, oi the held in Bath and Telegraph company has come to an agreement JACOB MESERVE. FOB TH K Bay Wolfboro. vari- Bangor, Augusta, Lewiston, ISLANDS. 6 *0 P. JW. tor Gorham, ous as follows:— to the lines of the o Calaiii and St. capacities, many other The purchase Atlantic and Paci- ^ Eastport, John, Digby team boat •« places. great clambake at eng- Windsor and Halifax. xprenn Train leaTCnlVew I ou- Size No. 1, capat ity 6,000 Bricks per day, Price 91,000 Tipton, Dec. 3,1874. *• Orchard occurs fic Company.-It is now ascertained that the THE clou troui Norwich Line Steamer ats !i A ug Size No. 2, 10,100 Price Old (to-day) Thursday. We take great pleasure n informing you of the $1,500 Vt- and from Worceiner at » A. HI., Size No. 3. Oj results from use connecting 20,000 Price 552,000 Last week was a Chicago gauger supposed to have been shot surprisingly beneficial the ol your SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. *• «* most favorable oue fo by at WeMibrook J auction with afternoon Size No. 4, 30.000 Price cr English Remedy, The Cordial Balm of Syricum and $2,500 the whiskey ring, shot himself.-A match for »-4 YAiHT RIVAL trains going East over toe Maine Central Koad camp meetings, which weie in progress a Lothrop’s Tonic Pills in a case of great Nervous De- THREE TRIPs”PER WEEK ! P* and arriving in Portland at 1.18 P. M. Still clay of or weak is $2,000 a side has been made between Johnson o O bility and Prostration, by a member of our family tempered strong qualities Fryeburg, Nortbport, Poland and at several On and after June Expreos Train eare« %Y center at worked by it, and the Bricks are o Q who nad been under treatment by different doctors MONDAY, A is now ready to take private parties to 4.35 P. hacaed up for dry- Unusual (English) and Trants (American) to swim five 14, the Steamer New York, Capt. Ifls, connec'ing with Express trains leaving ing ''irectP from the machine other points. interest is reported. co W for near.y three y ^ars past without any apparent ben- Ax Diamond or I’lt-nsnul derp E. B. City ot Port- Albany at 10 A M., and New YTork at 10 00 This machine is very ot construction miles from efit therefrom ; bu*. your medicines have a Winchester, ^*n pr to any of the Pleasure simple It Crop reports in Marne are starting Long Branch.-Jlr. and produced t4'i'**|inai, A M. in Portland at be as generally favor- O land, Capt. S. H. Pike, and New arriving 10.45 P. M. can managed easily as a the (-4 most wonderful change for the better, and t lie ua- Resorts in''a^eo Bay. W ill accommodate hand-press, moulds Mrs. Satoris sailed lor last D. S. Hall, Through tickets are sold in Portland and an« ble. In some localities potatoes are rusting England Saturday. tient now enjoys comparatively excellent health. Brunswick, Capt. people comfortably Has baggage be'PS,f.ei‘.8.e.Va‘atelv h> haul labor. It produces *§ will leave Railroad Wharl foot ol State St., every Croquet checked through to Nashua,Manchester C ncoitl a,“* PAVING BRICKS to was hurt -The contract for the check MRS. HARRIET STURG1SS. arid other amusements aboard. Is also fitted with STRETCHERS equal any and wheat by rust week before printing stamps and at G.00 p. l owed, Worcester, New York manu 1actu re tJ andean be adjusted last, P. S.—We tell ail with whom we are acquainted Monday, Wednesday Friday m.,for Dishes for Chowder or Cunner by Norwich line! by hand, to mould has Sh John. Fry. and and FRONT but not The is been awarded to the Graphic of are similarly afflicted to Eastport and St Springfield Route, to all important BRICKS lor repressing. Circulars generally. probability that Company c w who try your luedieinea. A thoroughly competent man provided to take points >outh and giving will leave St. John and Eastport on the West. full particulars will be forwarded to any address Maine will harvest its New York.-Wendell Phillips has Returning charge of the Yacht, Apply tor terms to by largest grain crop for published 6ame days. BE^Tickets can be procured ot BARNES BROS., application as above. Orders are solicited ami all a letter in WHOLESALE AGENTS made at for 28 Exchange and at macnines to many years. favor of legal tender notes.-$50,- |® Connections Eastport Robbinston, GEO. W. RICH & CO/S STORE, Street, the Depot. warranted perform as represented. St. Andrews and Calais. J. M. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. 000 worth of and ribbons in New LUNT, Supt. crapes seized Connections made at St. John for n.l FORK STREET. my h Digby, Annap 3_dtf jy7eod21t Henry McLaughlin, a N. Y. ring politician, York for undervaluation, were sold in New olis. Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, N. S., Shediac, Amherst, Pictou, Frederickton, Charlottetown and jy19_dtf was stabbed night and will York cn ^ Wednesday probably Saturday.-Judge Wylie has refused eag GEORGE C. GOODWIN O., REST BROTHERS Summerside, P. E. I. Pleasant and Profitable Employment. were order » Portland & Worcester die. He and his companions drunk as an to the property of Ottmau the ft* 2 {^“Freight received on days of sailing untH 4 “Beautiful!” how alleged BI SMITH. DOOLirrLE 'a'J?*0r^r i® F m § b stump confidential circular. Ad- NEW YORK, U aDd qnotation prices of all stocks Robert a work on the of dress F. GLEArON & 738 dealt in at 4 Coulter, Protestaut, both of Cincinna- enlargment the Champlain ca- With ronnectionN to Prince Edward Is* CO., Washington Street, arriving there early the next morning in am Die time John*. Boston, au31d4wt ti, quarrelled about their now was let to Inin!, Cope Kreton and Nt. IV. Mass.__ for morning traius South and West. religions, and Coulter nal goiug on, contractors before For Sale shot Dunn tov Druggists generally PATENT BEJr’No change of ears between Portland and New Vewr York fatally. the of the survey had been The favorite ‘*Fx\L- INTERLOCKING Stock Exchange, maps made.-The p O' t Steamship London. 5 8 m O i^ak MOUTH” fo it he the of U S. no v sf * 0 (built expressly Faro from Portland or Westbrook Junction to mailed to Vaodover> negro pas or of amount currency outstanding is everywhere. * free those ties!, to Address route) A. Colbr Commander New % orb nml Kf I I Dolinin ing speculate. the Shiloh church, was run 8 GRATE turn, ALEX. FROTH INGHAM & CO., over and killed bv a Tucson, Arizona, merchant z will leave Railroad foot oi BARS, Seats >n Drawing Room Ca s and State $115,938,227.-A s Wharf, Rooms on •3 ~ and Brokers. MANUFACTURED BY TIIE Hankers railroad train Dr. may be consulted State St., every SATURDAY at lbe Steamers ol -T Monday. has been arrested in Sonora with fur- * Lnthrop professionally elegant City Boston and of Opp. N. Y. 12 Wall St. N. Y charged s mail free of Address connec- NALAIIANDER GRATE City Stock Exchange The trial of § charge, 5 30 p.m. for HALIFAX, direct*, making HARCO.TI’V. ! New Yoik. can be secured in advance, at BARNES ma26 Westervelt, charged with kid- arms to the and with the Intercolonial toT These Bars 28 deodly nishing insurgents compelled * a, M tions Railway, Windsor, have been used and approved in upwards BROS’., Exchange street, from 9 a. m to 1 p Charlie Ross is in New Glasgow and Pictou, and steamers of A.OOO m., and at the from 2 m napping progress in Phila- to or be shot. Truro, different Furnaces, in Factories, Steamers Depot, p. until train lime pay $20,000 or Edward Is also at New and ami of the Conductor on Notice. delphia. Prince and; Glasgow, Locomotives, ami are superio* to all otlieis in the train. FOREIGN. N. w th for Cape Bre.on, and Steamers leave New York Agents Wanted S., Lindsey’s Stages Durability and L'couoiuy iu the use ctf fuel. from Pier 40, North informs A small boat two lorGtM£h’s G- EDGAR LOTHROP, M. D„ will) steamers for St. Johns. N. F. River, foot of-Caual undersigned respectfully the Public containing men was has as- NIGHT M1ENFS IN TUE at Halifax Satisfaction guaranteed.Refe enccsin ah parts ot U.S. St., at 5 p. m connecting at New cap The Sclavic revolt against Turkey BIBLE, Halifax on THEthat he has in office for the sale or t rans- nd a NEW BOOK will leave TUES- 4w Office 192 N. Y. P. O Box 1809. London with Steamboat train at 5 openetl sized at Norfolk aud one man drowned magnificent just from Press. jgp-RETURNING BROADWAY, leaving a m and fer ot Real and ull kinds of merchandise I The sumed All Bosnia is in at 8.30 m. in Po-tl md at 1.18 m. Estate, proportions. Address J. V. flcCUKDY & CO «*hiln> E. PONCE. the world. NATIONAL €1*ROIK<» Jr., Franklin WTbarf, or and family sewing, dress-mak^g, copying, embroid- 28 and at save himself. CO., BOSTON HASS Exchange Street, the Dew;' Boyd Cor. Middle aud marched an army into the Pa. oct28dt! JOHN PORTEOUS, Agent, ing and fancy-work u wools, Ac., &c» oc29tf myltt J. M. Block, Exchange. Herzegovinian capi- Philadelphia, aug3ldlwt n&rli EUNT. Sunt. P. & It. K, B. apri3 dCmlwia