Edited by Ronald H. Limbaugh and Kirsten E. Lewis

Published by Chadwyck-Healey Inc. 1986 Pro uesf

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Edited by Ronald H. Limbaugh and Kirsten E. Lewis

Published by Chadwyck-Healey Inc. 1986 The Guide and Index to the Microform Edition of the John Muir Papers 1858-1957 Copyright c 1986 by the University of the Pacific All rights reserved

I.S.B.N. 0-89887-050-X TABLE OF CONTENTS







VI. ERRATA------32



Series I: Correspondence and related documents (Reels 1-22)--- 33 Series II: Journals and Sketchbooks (Reels 23-30)------34 Series III: Manuscripts and published works (Reels 31-51) Series IIIA: Notebooks (Reels 31-33)------39 Series IIIB,C,D: Published and precursor works, unpublished works, and miscellaneous notes(Reels 33-51)------40 Series V: Related papers (Reel 51)------62


Series IV: Pictorial Works (Fiche 1-53) Series IVA: Drawings (Fiche 1-7)------66 Series IVB: Photographs (Fiche 8-53)------68





Although he has been dead for over seventy years, John Muir has a larger international following today than during his own lifetime. Few naturalists since the Civil War have attained Muir's stature. As intellectual precursor of the modern environmental movement, he perhaps above all others led the nation toward an understanding and appreciation of the natural environment and its value as both material and spiritual resource.

More than just a naturalist, Muir was a discerning observer of the natural world, challenging conventional scientific theories and helping rewrite textbooks on glaciation and other geologic phenomena. He was also a gifted writer, awakening public interest in wilderness values through a prolific outpouring of articles and essays over a forty-year period.

His most important national contribution grew out of his political activism. Recognized as one of the Founding Fathers of the National Park system, he was instrumental in the establishment of Yosemite, Sequoia, Grand Canyon, Mt. Rainier and other parks and monuments. As founder and first president of the Sierra Club he helped set in motion what was to become the most influential organization in the conservation field. By the turn of the 20th century Muir's mystical reverence for wilderness brought him into conflict with management-oriented conservationists, including , who veered away from what they considered unproductive primitivism. His long and bitter battle over Retch Hetchy brought fundamental questions of wilderness preservation to national attention for the first time, and his leadership in the preservation movement was probably the most important catalyst in the creation of the National Park Service.

The need for a new, complete and uncut edition of John Muir's works has been apparent since the rebirth of environmentalism in the 1960s. Since that time a new generation of scholars has turned attention to Muir, but they have been limited primarily to the study of his published works--nearly 500 books, articles and reprints as of 1975, according to the definitive bibliography by William and Maymie Kimes. This output represents perhaps the majority of Muir's extant writings, yet they are widely diffused, span a period of 75 years, often are difficult to locate- and use, and--most important--are selective and fragmentary. For example, shortly after Muir's death in 1914 Frederick William Bade published a two-volume Life and Letters of John Muir which was made up primarily of heavily-edited selections from letters written by Muir to relatives and friends. A ten-volume collected edition of his works, compiled largely from previous publications, was made available in the early Twenties. Over the next two decades Linnie Marsh Wolfe published two books. The first, John of the Mountains (1938), contained excerpts from his journals; and the second:'" Son of the Wilderness (1945), was a Pulitzer prize-winning but uncritical biography-.~~~-

Wolfe was the only scholar between 1945 and the late 1970s who had full and open access to Muir's personal papers. Both the physical and literary property rights to those papers that were part of the Muir estate have remained with the Muir-Hanna families, who stored part of them briefly as a closed collection at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley. Later they were transferred to Bancroft

l Library under the same restricted terms. In 1970 the heirs placed the bulk of the papers on indefinite loan with the Holt-Atherton Center for Western Studies at the University of the Pacific. Over a period of several years they have added several smaller collections, including papers loaned between 1938 and 1945 to the Yosemite Research Library in . Perhaps 75% of Muir's extant works now reside at the Holt-Atherton Center. The remainder--mostly letters Muir wrote to relatives, friends and associates--are scattered among some 40 repositories and individual collections throughout the United States. Outside the Holt-Atherton Center, the major Muir repositories are the Bancroft Library, the Huntington Library, and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.


With major funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, and through the cooperation of the Muir-Hanna families, the University of the Pacific in 1981 launched the John Muir Papers Microform Project. Its major objective was to gather, arrange and publish, for the first time, virtually all of Muir's correspondence, journals, unpublished manuscripts and collected illustrations.

Locating and gathering facsimile copies of Muir material in other repositories was the project staff's first task. The search procedure was built upon the foundation established by two previous Muir editors, Frederick Bade and Linnie Marsh Wolfe. Bade, literary executor and editor of the Muir papers from 1915 until his death in 1936, solicited nearly all of Muir's family members, friends and acquaintances. He acquired hundreds of Muir items and made transcriptions of all original material he did not have permission to keep. After Bade's death the Muir family appointed Wolfe to carry on with the work of organizing and publishing what remained. Although a careful scholar, Wolfe was an untrained editor, and her one-volume documentary edition (John of the Mountains) was highly selective and heavily emended. Fortunately, both the Bade and Wolfe papers have been preserved, so that current project staff can reconstruct both the search procedure and the editorial policies of these early Muir publication directors.

Rather than replicate earlier efforts, Muir project staff developed a search procedure that emphasized institutional rather than individual solicitation. A form letter explaining the project and asking for help in locating Muir material was sent to all major and likely repositories across the country. Outside of , major archival and historical publications received a press release describing the project and its goals. Within California the news release was sent to historical societies, libraries, and newspapers throughout the State, as well as to likely individual collectors and their organizational journals. To search federal repositories, in 1981 project staff hired a professional researcher who covered all likely collections and record groups in the National Archives and in the Library of Congress. Search letters and notices also were sent to principal repositories throughout the English-speaking world. Although a few minor items may have eluded our search, presumably all the major sources of Muir documents have been located and solicited.


During his lifetime John Muir was unable to devise an effective archival system for his own papers. Aside from depositing newspaper clippings and photos into small envelopes which he labeled with a terse word or two, generally he let manuscripts, letters and journals accumulate in disorderly piles on the floor of his study. Excessively thrifty but at the same time self-effacing, he saved every scrap of manuscript but usually did not bother to date or identify early drafts or notebook entries. A frustrated perfectionist as author, he prepared draft after draft in laborious longhand, tossing old versions in heaping mounds rather than discarding paper whose blank backsides could be used later. The accumulated disarray over a lifetime of writing was complicated by the dissemination of part of his papers after he died. Since 1914 the family collection has passed through several hands and has undergone many changes in arrangement and organization.

The Muir project staff have reorganized the original family collection at the University of the Pacific into seven major series, incorporating loaned copies of Muir letters and manuscripts into the UOP collection as appropriate to prepare the material for filming. A summary inventory of the reorganized collection follows:

NUMBER OF ITEMS I. Correspondence and Related Documents

A. Letters and other papers sent and received 6,800

B. Related letters and other papers sent and received 200

C. Business and legal documents 30

II. Journals and Sketchbooks 84 v.

III. Manuscripts and Published Works

A. Notebooks 27 v.

*B. Published and precursor works 295

c. Unpublished works 150

D. Misc. notes 40

IV. Pictorial Works

A. Drawings 300

B. Photographs 2,980

3 v. Related Papers

* A. Bade 825

* B. Wolfe 1,400

* c. Family 30

* D. Sierra Club 20

* E. Others 20

*VI. Related Articles and Scraps

A. Articles 100

B. Scraps 2,000

c. After 1914 50

*VII. Muir Library Collection

A. Books and maps 800

B. Memorabilia 350

c. Scrapbooks 2 v.

16,500 items * Selectively filmed or excluded

4 Because the Muir family papers at the University of the Pacific contain some 7,000 published items, including a large clipping file and many papers added after Muir died, some selectivity was necessary in appraising material to be filmed. From Series III (Manuscripts and Published Works) only two kinds of material were included: holograph or typescript articles that have not been published previously, and holographs of draft manuscripts that differ significantly from published versions. Excluded from this series are published works, typescripts of published works, and revised holograph versions of published works. In the latter category are author's copies of published articles, most of which contain holograph corrections and revisions in soft pencil. These tear copies have been badly treated over the years; most of the holograph information cannot be deciphered without painstaking care and infinite patience. Transcribing these problematic documents did not seem warranted under the circumstances; hence the decision was made reluctantly to exclude them. Below is one sample of 51 such items.


WISH to say a word for the great that they are cro.;t.;:; ! ~er Ycisem­ I central plain of California in gener­ ~than that to which they ate goJng. al, and for Twenty Hill Hollow, in Mer­ The whole State of California, from ced. County, in particular; because, in Siskiyou to San Diego, is one block of reading descriptions of California scene­ beauty, one matchless valley; and our ry, by the literary racers who annually great plain, with its mountain-walls, is make a trial of their speed here, one is the true California Yosemite-~ led to fancy, that, outside the touristical corresponding in its physical character seesaw of Yosemite, Geysers, and Big and proportions to that of the Meri:ed. Trees, our State contains little else wor­ -Me =erer, as. Yosemite,the-ie~out. thy of note, excepting, perhaps, certain lined.. in .the.less_~-~ :of Indian wine-cellars and vineyards, and that our Caf'lon, Glacier Canon, Illilouette, and great plain is a sort of Sahara, whose Pohono, s~~gi:eat by the narrowest and least dusty crossings they Yosemites of King's River, Fresno, Mer­ benevolently light- house. But to the ced, and Tuolumne. The only impor­ few travelers who are in earnest-true tant difference between the great central lovers of the truth and beauty of wild­ Yosemite-bottomed by the plain of the ness-we would say, Heed nothing you Sacramento and San Joaquin, and wall­ have heard; put no question~ to "agent," ed.~by the Sierras and mountains of the or guide- book, or dearest friend; cast coast-and the Merced Yosemite-bot­ away your watches and almanacs, and tomed by a glacier meadow, and walled go at once to our garden - wilds - the by glacier rocks- is, that the former is more planless and ignorant the better. double-two Yosemites in one, each pro- Drift away confidingly into the broad ceeding from a tangle of glacier canons, t, gulf-streams of Nature, helmed only by meeting opposite Suisun Bay, and send­ Instinct. No harsh storm, no bear, no ing their united waters to the sea by the : .. snake, will harm you. Those who sub­ Golden Gate. missively allow themselves to be pack­ Were we to cross-cut the Sierras into .. -'."";. ed anQ. brinecL

\ '1 ~"\ • ' ...., - o4 ~.· ! y, .o I '.•) (. \..'"-.., "'.{.-J ,0-.,J' ~_,,.. ~r~.{i:: \ Series V (Related Papers) contains Retch Hetchy materials collected but not authored by Muir; these are included in the microform edition. Also included are holograph and typescript reminiscences by Muir's contemporaries that have a direct bearing on Muir's life and career. Excluded from this edition are manuscripts and correspondence collected by family members or friends that are not within the time frame or the subject-matter limits of the microform project.

Series VI (Related Articles and Scraps) was ruled out entirely from this edition, since most of this material has appeared in print, none is by Muir, and much of it is undated and of dubious research value. Although many books in Series VII (Muir Library Collection) contain holograph notes and indices, the bulk of this series contains printed matter and was therefore excluded.

Some alteration of the series arrangement above was necessary in order to chronologize the collection for filming. In Series I, sub-series I A (Letters Sent and Received) and I B (Related Letters) have been combined and integrated chronologically, while I C (Business and Legal Documents) was kept separate. Series III A (Notebooks) was filmed separately, but all material in Series Ill B (Published and Precursor Works), Ill C (Unpublished Works), and III D (Miscellaneous Notes) have been integrated and arranged by date, with subordinate arrangement under title. All other series were filmed in the archival order as indicated.

In order to expedite the filming, as well as to provide the highest technical quality of reproduction for documents and illustrations that vary widely in physical condition and tonal range, two sub-contractors were selected. The Mark Larwood Company of Sacramento, California, prepared a master 35 mm. negative of all material in Series I, II, III, and V. Commercial Microfilm Service, Inc •• of Bellevue, , prepared a master fiche negative of all photographs and drawings in Series IV. The publisher, Chadwyck-Healey. Inc., of Alexandria, Virginia, coordinated the filming and prepared duplicate copies of microfilm for distribution. Each series, filmed as a separate unit, was numbered sequentially by a line counter located at the bottom of each frame.

Full access to the 11,000 items selected for filming in this microform edition will open a new chapter in the study of American environmental history. The 111 journals and notebooks in the collection show Muir's skill both as scientific observer and artist. These volumes contain unpublished descriptive narratives and pen and pencil sketches never before studied by scholars. The manuscript drafts, many of which differ significantly from the final published versions, demonstrate Muir's importance not only as educator and publicizer, but as one of the most gifted writers of his generation. The 3,300 photographs and illustrations in the collection are an untapped resource' that will greatly enhance the study of 19th and early 20th century wilderness landscape. Finally, the 7,000 items of correspondence, still largely unused as a scholarly resource, reveal Muir's influence and the extent of his contact and communication with leading scientists, writers, businessmen, journalists, artists and politicians of his day, including Richard A. Ballinger, John Burroughs, George Gray, Edward Harriman, Joseph Hooker, Helen Hunt Jackson, Robert Underwood Johnson, William Keith, c. Hart Merriam, Henry Fairfield Osborne, Walter Hines Page, Theodore Roosevelt, Charles S. Sargent, and William Howard Taft.


To facilitate identification and indexing, each item was filmed with an editor's control card which is visible in each frame. Following a standardized format, the control card includes author, recipient (or title), place of origin, date, form, collation, dimensions, collection identification, repository, and accession number. A bibliographical reference and a descriptive note are also included on some entries.

Notes at the bottom of the control cards are staff references which indicate the original location and accession number of items now in the Muir collection, the corresponding number of the items identified in the Kimes bibliography (see Section S of this introduction), and the availability of a typed transcript, indicated by the note "TCL enclosed," which more accurately might have read "TCL available." These transcripts were prepared by previous editors in the period 1915-1944, using editoral standards of that era. They are useful reference tools for deciphering difficult handwriting, but must be used with caution. If a transcript was available, Muir project staff included it in the microform edition only if the holograph original was illegible, hard to read, damaged, or if written in more than one direction on the page. No effort was made to correct errors or otherwise bring transcripts up to modern editorial standards. All originals were filmed first, with a special target card added to the frame, if appropriate, indicating a transcription follows. If no transcript was available for holographs oriented more than one way, the item was filmed twice for reader convenience. The first frame of a multiple-oriented holograph includes a target alerting the reader to expect a different orientation on the next frame.

A sample control card, with boxes showing contents, is reproduced below.

Collection ID Collation Repository Au thor Place of Origin Dimensions

T itle (or recipient if "- Sierra Journa IL Summer of [J MJ 1869 Vo ilume 3 correspondence) n artinez, Calif. ?J 1869 [ca. 188 7J Date Form - ,... AtiS (notebook) 141 [l 9Jp on 59 1. 24.5 x 20 cm JM1P Series III A CStoC-WA ( deLiEkau Collection II) Early draft of My First Summer in the Sierra. Third of 3 volumes prepared ca. 1887 from missing original 1869 jour- nal Jul 28-Sep 20. Drawings prepared earlier and pasted on" pp. 122. 123. 125. 129. 13a: others removed from pp. 1. 97. ~".,B ibliographic and 08507 /Descriptive Notes 99 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 131, 133, 135, 137, / / 13 l. Drawings once removed from pp. 11 D ' 121, 140 and 141 ; ha e been located and photocopied; see JMP Series II & IV A or originals. Extensive holograph r~visions made ca. 19 0. Portions of text missing. For mi >sing portions see TC "MS (05384). Ki ~es 299

Accession Number SubJect Heading (Illustrations Only)

7 Control card abbreviations, symbols and codes follow Anglo-American and Library of Congress standards. Document form is indicated by the following abbreviations and symbols, used singularly or in combination:

A Autograph

c Copy

cc Carbon copy

Df Draft

Hw Handwritten

I Initialed

MS Manuscript

p Printed

s Signed

Sr Signature represented

T Typed

T Telegram (always preceded by Hw or T)


Control cards for published or precursor works contain bibliographic notes and a reference to earlier versions of the same work, if known. See the index in this Guide for a table converting accession numbers referred to in the notes to frame numbers.

The standard reference to published works by John Muir is William and Maymie Kimes, John Muir: ~Reading Bibliography (Palo Alto, California: William P. Wreden,---r9'77). Control cards for all manuscripts identified as published or precursor works refer to a numbered entry in this comprehensive bibliography, which the editors found an indispensable reference tool. All references to numbered Kimes entries are listed numerically in the index to this Guide. In addition to Muir's published works, other publications used in compiling Muir bio-bibliographical information include:

Bade, William F. Life and Letters of John Muir. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1923': 2V.--

Cohen, Michael P- The Pathless Way: John Muir and American Wilderness. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1984.

Fox, Stephen R. John Muir and His Legacy: The American Conservation Movement. Boston: Little, Brown, 1981.

Jones, Holway R. John Muir and the Sierra Club: The Battle for

8 Yosemite. San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1965.

Lynch, Ann T. "Bibliography of Works By and About John Muir, 1869- 1978," Bulletin~ Bibliography, 36 (1979), 71-80.

Turner, Frederick. Rediscovering America: John Muir in His Time and Ours. New York: Viking Penquin, 1985-.~--~----~~~~-

Wolfe, Linnie M. Son of the Wilderness: The Life of John Muir. New York: Knopf; 1945.


The John Muir Papers, 1858-1957 Copyright c 1984 by the Muir-Hanna Trust. All rights reserved.

The unpublished works of John Muir, including but not limited to correspondence, manuscripts and drawings, remain the literary property of the Muir-Hanna Trust and are protected by copyright. The Muir-Hanna Trust also has legal title to the physical property of all the Muir papers on deposit at the University of the Pacific. Anyone seeking to publish any portion of the unpublished, copyrighted works of John Muir, or any portion of the Muir Papers at the University of the Pacific, must obtain permission to publish from an authorized representative of the Muir-Hanna Trust. For further information write to the Director, Holt-Atherton Center for Western Studies, University of the Pacific, Stockton, California 95211.

The Houghton Mifflin Company granted permission to use facsimiles of John Muir manuscripts that may be precursor works to books published by the Houghton Mifflin Company and still under copyright. No part of any facsimile manuscript material later published by the Houghton Mifflin Company may be reproduced in any form by any means without written permission from the Houghton Mifflin Company.

Permission of the following literary heirs or assigns is gratefully acknowledged for the inclusion of letters, papers, and photographs sent to or collected by John Muir and contained in the John Muir Papers at the University of the Pacific and in other repositories. No part of any work published in this edition may be reproduced in any form by any means without written permission from the literary heirs or assigns.

The American Alpine Club, Inc., for letters of Henry G. Bryant, Howard Palmer, and Harrington Putnam

Gracella R. Anderson, for letters of Melville Best Anderson

William G. Bade, for letters of William F. Bade

Roger Denio Baker, for letters of

Jonathan L. Birge, for letters of Julius C. Birge

California Academy of Sciences, for letters of Alice Eastwood and Albert Kellogg

Heather C. Conover, for photographs of Herbert w. Gleason

Doubleday and Company, Inc., for letters of Walter H. Page

Gladys M. Dwiggins, for letters of Bailey Millard

John E. Fletcher, for narrative by Alice Cotton Fletcher

Rosamond Gilder, for letters of Helena de Kay Gilder, Joseph B. Gilder, and Richard Watson Gilder

10 Williams. Jackson, Jr., for letters of Helen Hunt Jackson

Alice C. Kent, for letters of William Ken·t

Enda Mills Kiley, for letters of Enos A. Mills

Barton H. Lippincott, for letters of J.B. Lippincott

Walter Muir, for letters of Helen Muir Funk

Ramona Newman, for letters of Mary Muir Hand

Pacific School of Religion, for letters of William F. Bade and John W. Buckham

Annette S. Page and Samuel Sailor III, for letters of Liberty Hyde Bailey

Margaret Swett Plummer, for letters of Helen Swett, John Swett, Mary L. Swett, and Myrta Wallace Swett

Jennie S. Renner, for letters of Hattie Trout, Mary Trout, Peter L. Trout, William H. Trout

Santa Fe Industries, Inc., for letters of W.R. Simpson

Southern Pacific Transportation Company, for letters of Edward H. Harriman, William F. Herrin, James Horsburgh, Jr., William H. Mills, and Paul Shoup

Southwest Museum, for letters of Charles F. Lummis

Union Pacific Corporation, for letters of Edward H. Harriman and Thomas Price

Margaret L. Watkins, for letters of W.R. Watkins

Edith M. Wheeler, for letters of Benjamin Ide Wheeler

The following individuals and repositories holding John Muir papers have kindly given permission to publish facsimile copies or transcriptions of manuscript material in their possession. No part of any work published in this edition may be reproduced in any form by any means without written permission from the property owners.

American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters

Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

Rosamond c. Bacon and Harold M. Bacon

The Bancroft Library,

The California Historical Society

11 The California State Library

The Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago

The Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University

The John M. Olin Library. Cornell University

Ross deLipkau

The William R. Perkins Library, Duke University

John E. Fletcher

Ralph B. Grunauer, Jr.

Sherry Hanna

The Gray Herbarium, Harvard University

The Houghton Library. Harvard University

Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery

Indiana Historical Society Library

Linderman Library, Lehigh University

Abernethy Library, Middlebury College

Missouri Botanical Garden

Hullihen Williams Moore

John Muir National Historic Site

The Newberry Library

The New York Public Library

Oakland Public Library

University of Oregon Library

Princeton University

Jennie S. Renner

Archibald Stevens Alexander Library, Rutgers University

William E. Colby Memorial Library, Sierra Club

The Southwest Museum

Stanford University Libraries

12 The Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library, St. John's Seminary

Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin

Tulare County Free Library

Tulane University Library

University of Southern California Library

Vassar College Library

Clifton Waller Barrett Library, University of Virginia

Margaret Leon Watkins

The State Historical Society of Wisconsin

Yale University Library

Full citations for contributing repositories are listed below, along with their Library of Congress identification symbol and specific collection information. The full citation should be given when referring to the location of original items.

c California State Library

CCamarSJ The Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library, Saint John's Seminary The Estelle Doheny Collection

CHi California Historical Society Library Anne Martin, w. c. Hendricks, John Muir Collections

CLSM Southwest Museum Charles F. Lummis Papers

CMart-NPS The John Muir National Historic Site

co Oakland History Room, Oakland Public Library

CSfSC William E. Colby Memorial Library, Sierra Club

CSmH The Huntington Library Ralph Arnold, Charles A. Keeler; Theodore P. Lukens, Grace Nicholson Collections

CSt Stanford University Library Melville B. Anderson, Irene Hardy Papers

13 CtY Yale University Library Kent Family Papers

CU-B The Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley The John Muir Collection; Robert Underwood Johnson Papers Phoebe A. Hearst Papers; Overland Monthly Collection; George Pardee Papers

CViCL Annie Mitchell Room, Tulare County Free Library George William Stewart Collection

DLC Library of Congress

DNA National Archives

InHi Indiana Historical Society Library

ICN The Newberry Library Francis Fisher Browne Papers

ICU The University of Chicago Library, Department of Special Collections Robert Herrick Papers

LNHT Tulane University Library, Manuscripts Department, Special Collections Division George w. Cable Collection

MB Trustees of the Boston Public Library

MH The Houghton Library. Harvard University

MH-G Gray Herbarium Archives, Harvard University

Mo SB Missouri Botanical Garden Library George Engelman; David A. P. Watt Papers

NcD William R. Perkins Library, Duke University, Manuscript Department James Thomas Williams, Jr. Papers

NIC Cornell University Libraries, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives William Trelease Papers

NjP Princeton University Library

NjR Rutgers University Library, Department of Special Collections and Archives

NN New York Public Library The Century Collection; The w. Gilder Papers; Misc. Papers

14 NNAL American Academy and Institute of Art and Letters, Manuscript Collection

NNC Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library Robert Underwood Johnson Papers

NPV Vassar College Library

OrU University of Oregon Library, Special Collections

PBL Linderman Library, Lehigh University

PPAN The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Library

TxU Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin

ViU Clifton Waller Barrett Library, University of Virginia John Muir Collection

VtMiM Abernethy Library, Middlebury College

Whi State Historical Society of Wisconsin


Publishing John Muir's collected works in a microform edition would not have been possible without the help of the Muir-Hanna families, whose full cooperation and encouragement are gratefully acknowledged. The editors especially wish to thank Ross deLipkau, Richard Hanna, Walter Muir and Sherry Hanna for their advice and assistance in locating and identifying Muir documents.

The Muir Project Staff also wishes to acknowledge the following institutions and individuals, whose direct and indirect monetary support over a five-year period made this microform edition possible:

Mary Louise Brown Irving Stone The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation The National Endowment for the Humanities The National Historical Publications and Records Commission The L.J. and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation The University of the Pacific

The editors wish to express their thanks to the following individuals whose cooperation, assistance and patience contributed substantially to the success of the project: George Vogt, Roger Bruns and Mary Giunta of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission; Jack Gyer and Craig Bates of the Yosemite Natural History Library. Yosemite National Park; Estelle Rebec of Bancroft Library; Virginia Rust of the Huntington Library; Ruth M. Christensen of the Southwest Museum; Josephine L. Harper of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin; Judith A. Schiff of Yale University Library; Barbara Callahan of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University; Barbara Begley of Stanford University Library; Peter Palmquist of Rumbolt State University; Richard Orsi of Hayward State University; Linda Stumpff and Peg Plummer of the John Muir National Historic Site; Steve Stocking of San Joaquin Delta College; and Bill and Maymie Kimes.

To the faculty and staff of the University of the Pacific, the editors express their heartfelt thanks for the unflagging support, assistance and encouragement in good times and bad. A special salute goes to Walter Payne and Erling Erickson of the History Department; Robert McMaster of the Finance Center; Reuben Smith of the Graduate School; the late Clifford Hand, Academic Vice President; and Charlotte Frye and Blaine Lamb of the Holt-Atherton Center for Western Studies.

Finally. the Project editors wish to acknowledge the hardworking efforts of many U.O.P. students, whose assistance over the years was indispensable. Special tribute is due Rosemary Bernal, Joanne Tashima, Vicki Fortuni, Kate McPherson, and Janet Tate.


The third of eight children born in Scotland to Daniel and Anne (Gilrye) Muir, John Muir was eleven when his family emigrated to central Wisconsin in 1849. His father, a stern Calvinist, kept his sons busy clearing land and farming until John left home in 1860, intending first to pursue a career as inventor of mechanical devices, then taking interest in the medical profession. He attended the University of Wisconsin (1861-1863), taught school (winter 1861-1862) and worked on his brother-in-law's farm while awaiting a draft call (June 1863-February 1864), then left for Canada (March 1864). After a lengthy botany expedition (March-September 1864) he worked as a mill hand at the Trout broom factory in Meaford, Canada, until the plant burned in March, 1866. Returning to the States, he took a job in an Indianapolis carriage factory (May 1866-March 1867). An eye accident temporarily blinded him (March-April 1867) and directed his thoughts to fulltime nature study. Striking out for South America, he walked to the Gulf of Mexico (September 1867-January 1868), but a long illness in Florida changed his plans and turned his interests westward.

Muir arrived by ship· in San Francisco (March, 1868), walked to the mountains, and began a five-year wilderness sojourn (1868-1873) during which he made his year-round home in . Working as sheepherder and lumberman when he needed money for supplies, he investigated the length and breadth of the Sierra range. Although overgrazing and imprudent lumbering already began to stir latent conservation instincts, in this period most of his attention focused on glaciation and its impact on mountain topography. His early correspondence and newspaper articles earned him the respect of Eastern intellectuals and scientists such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Asa Gray, both of whom sought him out during their visits to California.

Encouraged by his friend Jeanne Carr, the wife of a botany professor, in the early 1870s he took up nature writing as a profession. Late in 1873 he set up winter quarters in Oakland, beginning a pattern of wintering in the Bay Area to prepare manuscripts based on journal entries made during his summer excursions. With but few exceptions he continued this cycle until 1880. His treks took him to Mount Shasta (fall 1874, spring 1875, fall 1877), the Great Basin (fall 1876, summer 1877, summer and fall 1878), the mountains of southern California and the Coast Range (late summer 1877) and southern Alaska (June-December 1879). Interspaced with these far-ranging trips were numerous shorter expeditions to the Sierra and its river systems. A talented writer, he financed his travels and modest bachelor lifestyle with revenue from contributions published in the San Francisco Bulletin, Overland Monthly, Scribners, and other newspapers and magazines. His published articles and his lectures in the Bay Area and Sacramento attracted the attention of scientists and naturalists across the land. In this period he also inaugurated the first lobby effort to protect Sierra forests from wasteful lumbering practices (January-February 1876).

In the 1880s, family matters ended these annual expeditions. On April 14, 1880 he married Louisa "Louie" Strentzel, daughter of a prominent physician and horticulturalist in the Alhambra Valley, near Martinez, California. Quickly learning the fruit business, Muir soon found himself caught up in the fulltime management of his father-in-law's vast orchards and properties. After two trips to Alaska (July-September 1880, May-October 1881), he settled down uneasily to home life. Two daughters (Annie Wanda, born March 25, 1881 and Helen Lillian, born January 23, 1886) added to his domestic responsibilities. His writing

17 diminished both in quantity and quality during the decade, with only one lengthy project completed (Picturesque California, 1887-1888).

Muir's reputation as conservation leader and "father" of National Parks dates from the late 1880s. Prompted by the persistent urging of Robert Underwood Johnson, associate editor of Century Magazine, and freed from domestic chores by his wife, who sold part of the Strentzel estate after her father died and turned over the rest to relatives to manage, Muir launched a major writing and lobbying campaign which culminated with the creation of Yosemite, Sequoia and National Parks (October 1890). He also helped stimulate interest in the creation of Mount Rainier National Park in 1899. An attempt to add Kings Canyon to Sequoia Park failed, but to coordinate conservation efforts in California he helped found the Sierra Club in June, 1892 and used its collective influence to prevent a serious threat to Yosemite Park boundaries (Caminetti Bill defeated in Congress, March 1895). In the meantime he revived both his travels (Alaska, June-August 1890; Europe, June-September 1893) and his literary output. In addition to numerous articles in national magazines, he completed his first major book in 1894 (Mountains of California), but it took nine more years to produce the second (Our Nati'Onal Parks, 1903).

As conservation leader he was advisor to the federal Forestry Commission, organized in 1896 to survey the nation's forest resources. Although not an official member, he was a close friend of Commission chairman C. S. Sargent, and he joined the Commission on a Northwest forest inspection. He left the tour for a brief Alaska trip with Henry Fairfield Osborn (August 1896), but rejoined the Commission in Oregon and continued with them into California and Arizona. Over the next two years he traveled with Sargent and William Canby in a wide-ranging study of forest resources in Canada and Alaska (August-September 1897), the South Atlantic, the Midwest and New England (July-November 1898). His seventh and last trip to Alaska came in 1899 as a member of the Harriman Alaska Expedition.

During the Progressive Era Muir led the preservationist wing away from utilitarian conservationists headed by Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot, although Muir welcomed the opportunity to personally escort Roosevelt on a three-day camping trip to Yosemite (May 1893). He left soon after for a year's tour around the world which took him to the hinterlands of at least sixteen countries in Europe, Asia, North Africa and the South Pacific. When he returned in the spring of 1904 a series of family health problems and a rising concern over conservation issues sidetracked his writing career. A long series of respiratory problems invalided his youngest daughter Helen and forced her to seek the healthier air of the high desert regions in Arizona and southern California (1905-1908). A dutiful, perhaps overindulgent father, especially after his wife died (August 1905), Muir made frequent trips to visit and comfort Helen. Out of this southwest travel came his efforts to protect the Petrified Forest and Grand Canyon.

In between family trips Muir led a successful campaign (1905) to return Yosemite Valley to federal jurisdiction as part of the National Park. He also took up the battle against progressives, encouraged by Pinchot, who wanted to convert Retch Hetchy Valley in the Yosemite Park into a reservoir for the bustling City of San Francisco. The Retch Hetchy fight, Muir's biggest and longest wilderness preservation effort, took most of his time and energy after 1907. He and his preservationist allies succeeded in delaying dam authorization for five years (1908-1913).

18 During the long Retch Hetchy struggle, Muir managed to complete the manuscripts of four popular books: Stickeen (1909), ~First Summer in the Sierra (1911), The Yosemite (1912), and The Story of~ Boyhood and Youth (1913). While the latter two were still at the printers, he broke away for an eight-month tour to the last major portions of the globe he had not yet seen. Beginning with the Amazon River (August-September 1911), he spent the remainder of 1911 in South America, then crossed the Atlantic to visit the Baobab forests along the Zambeze River and Lake Victoria (January-February 1912).

Retch Hetchy was still broiling when he returned, and he carried on a vigorous fight until President Wilson signed the Raker Act, allowing San Francisco to build the dam (December 1913). Accepting the loss stoically, he took up his writing schedule in earnest once again, determined to complete a major Alaska manuscript. He worked until failing health forced him into a hospital late in 1914, where he died December 24 with an unfinished Alaska chapter at his side.


1838 April 21 Born in Dunbar, Scotland to Daniel Muir & Ann Gilrye Muir.

1841 Begins school in Dunbar.

1849 Spring Leaves Scotland & arrives at Fountain Lake [now Ennis Lake] Wisconsin with brother, sister & father. Remainder of family arrives later that year.

1853 Develops interest in mechanical invention.

1855-1856 Daniel Muir, Sr. purchases Hickory Hill tract; sells Fountain Lake tract to David Galloway.

1857 Helps family construct house, barn & well at Hickory Hill.

1860 September Leaves home; exhibits inventions at State Agr. Fair, Madison, Wisc. Meets Mrs. Jeanne C. Carr, wife of Univ. of Wisconsin professor, and James Davie Butler, another faculty member.

1860 Oct-Dec In Prairie du Chien working with Mr. Williard on ice boat construction.

1861 January Enrolls at University of Wisconsin, Madison.

1861 Winter-'62 Spr Teaches public school in McKeebey Dist. near Madison.

1862 March Continues studies at the University.

1863 June Leaves University, intending to enter medical school; returns to Fountain Lake farm to await a draft call and to work for sister Sarah and husband David Galloway.

1863 July Geo-biological walking tour into Iowa with two friends.

1863 Jul-Feb 1864 Works for brother-in-law on Fountain Lake farm.

1864 Mar-Sep Botany expedition through lower Canada.

1864 September Begins work as mechanic at sawmill & rake & broom factory operated by Wm. Trout near Meaford, Canada; lives with Trout family.

1866 March Factory burns; destroys JM field journals & puts him out of work.

1866 May Returns to US; finds job at carriage plant in Indianapolis.

20 1867 March Eye accident at carriage plant causes temporary blindness.

1867 April Eyesight recovers; commits life to nature study.

1867 September Begins 1,000 mile walk to Gulf of Mexico.

1867 Fall Long illness in Florida; convalesces near Cedar Keys.

1868 January Arrives in Havana, Cu~a, where he spent four weeks.

1868 early March Brief stay in New York City en route to West Coast.

1868 late March Arrives in San Francisco via Isthmus of Panama.

1868 Apr-Jun First visit to Yosemite via Pacheco Pass, Snelling and Crane Flat.

1868 Summer-Spr '69 Begins job as sheepherder for John Connel, alias Smokey Jack; takes up serious study of Sierra geology & botany.

1869 Jun-Sep Herds sheep for Pat Delany in Tuolumne Meadow region.

1869 November Begins part-time job sawing fallen timber for J.M. Hutchings in Yosemite Valley.

1869 Nov-1870 Oct Hikes, climbs, & studies Sierra Nevada range.

1870 July Tours upper Yosemite with S.S. McClure and J. B. McChesney.

1870 August Meets Prof. Joseph Leconte; joins ten day expedition to Yosemite high country, Bloody Canyon and Mono Lake.

1870 Summer Teresa Yelverton in Yosemite, interviews Muir.

1870 ca. Oct-Dec Returns to work for Pat Delaney along the Tuolumne River near La Grange.

1871 January Resumes work as sawyer for Hutchings in Yosemite.

1871 May Emerson visits Muir in Yosemite Valley.

1871 July Unhappy with Hutchings' treatment; quits his job.

1871 July-August Exploring expedition to Mono Lake and High Sierra back of Yosemite.

1871 August Begins intensive glacier study as preparation for book proposed for Boston Academy of Sciences.

1871 September First article on glaciers sent to New York Tribune.

1871 Fall Numerous short trips to study glacial evidence in Yosemite high country, including trip to Mt. Lyell and head of

21 Merced River.

1871 November First trip down Tuolumne River to Retch Hetchy.

1871 Winter-Spr '72 Rooms at Black's Hotel; works on manuscript drafts.

1872 March Eyewitness to major earthquake in Yosemite Valley.

1872 March Muir family sells Hickory Hill farm & moves to Portage, Wisconsin.

1872 April Builds log cabin in Yosemite Valley.

1872 July Merrill Moores arrives to spend a few months with Muir.

1872 July Meets Asa Gray in Yosemite Valley.

1872 Summer Decides upon career as professional writer.

1872 Aug-Sep Fifteen day trip to Illilouette Basin.

1872 September Nine day trip with Merrill Moores to Retch Hetchy.

1872 September Ten day trip through upper half of Tuolumne Canyon.

1872 October Meets William Keith; joins him in excursion to Mt. Ritter.

1872 November Keith takes Muir to Bay Area; Muir meets Ina Coolbrith, Charles Warren Stoddard, other notables. Has first California photograph taken by Rulofson.

1872 December Returns to Yosemite Valley; winter excursions to Glacier Pt., Tenaya Canyon; works on glacier articles.

1873 ca. April Father Daniel leaves family to join a religious group at Hamilton, Canada.

1873 Spring Works on articles for The Overland Monthly.

1873 June Receives visitors in Yosemite: Jeanne Carr, Emily Pelton, Albert Kellogg, William Keith; Muir & Keith become close friends.

1873 Jun-Jul Six week trip to High Sierra, Tuolumne Canyon with Mrs. Carr, William Keith and Albert Kellogg.

1873 Jul-Aug Five week trip to explore entire Sierra range.

1873 September Trip with Galen Clark, Billy Simms, Albert Kellogg through Mariposa Grove, N. Fork San Joaquin.

1873 Sep-Oct Sixteen day trip to Canyon & through Kearsarge Pass.

1873 Oct-Nov Climbs Mt. Whitney from East; visits Mono Lake.

22 1873 Nov-Aug 1874 Moves to Oakland to write; lives at home of J.B. Mcchesney; meets John Swett; works on "Sierra Studies."

1874 July Meets Dr. John Strentzel, wife and daughter Louie.

1874 August Returns to Yosemite; accompanies J.J. Reilly on photo trip to high Sierra.

1874 September Resumes residence at Black's Hotel.

1874 Oct-Nov Trip to Lake Tahoe & Mt. Shasta; climbs Shasta; spends week in snowstorm at 9,000 ft. elevation.

1874 December Completes Shasta trip; crosses divide between Yuba & Feather Rivers.

1875 February Returns to Bay Area; resides with Swett Family in San Francisco.

1875 Apr-May Trip to Shasta; climbs summit with Jerome Fay.

1875 May-June Trip to Yosemite high country & Owens River with Keith, John Swett & J.B. McChesney.

1875 July Trip to southern Sierra with George Bayley & Charles Washburn climbs Whitney July 20.

1875 August Follows Merced River.

1875 Sep-Nov Three month trip with mule "Brownie" through southern Sierra.

1875 Winter-Spr '76 Returns to San Francisco; lives with Swett family; works on articles; meets Henry George.

1876 Jan-Feb Joins Keith in first systematic Sierra forest conservation effort; writes newspaper articles; lobbies Sacramento lawmakers.

1876 January First public lecture in Sacramento at Literary Institute.

1876 Jul-Sep As newspaper correspondent, tours central Sierra; writes series of dispatches for San Francisco Bulletin.

1876 Oct-Nov Excursion with Coast & Geodetic Survey in Nevada & Utah.

1876 Dec-Spr '77 Returns to Swett residence to work on articles.

1877 May-Jul Excursion in Utah as Bulletin correspondent.

1877 Aug-Sep Excursion through San Gabriel Mountains; returns to Northern Calif.; tours Santa Cruz Big Trees; climbs Mt. Hamilton lectures to State Normal School faculty (later San Jose State University)

23 1877 September Conducts Shasta excursion with Asa Gray, Sir Joseph Hooker, Bidwell party.

1877 October Six day boat trip from Bidwell Ranch to Sacramento; returns to San Francisco by steamboat.

1877 Oct-Nov Leaves Martinez via railroad to Visalia; walks to Kings River: South Fork, Middle Fork, Converse Basin; returns to Visalia; takes railroad to Merced; builds boat at Hopetown; returns via Merced & San Joaquin Rivers to Martinez.

1877-8 Winter Returns to San Francisco; lives with Swett family; writes & lectures.

1878 Spring Many trips to Martinez; trip to headwaters of North and Middle Forks American River.

1878 Jul-Nov As Bulletin correspondent, joins Coast & Geodetic Survey reconnaissance of 39th parallel in Utah & Nevada.

1878 Winter-Spr '79 Establishes residence with Isaac Upham in San Francisco; begins work on bee pasture article, others for Scribners.

1879 June Lectures on glaciers at sunday school convention in Yosemite Valley.

1879 June Announces engagement to Louie Strentzel.

1879 Jun-Jan 1880 First Alaska trip; Bulletin correspondent; itinerary includes Portland, Seattle, Victoria. Meets S. Hall Young at Ft. Wrangel; travel together to Sitka, Stickeen River, Fairweather Mountains, Glacier Bay. Returns to Portland January 1880.

1880 January En route home from Alaska; trip up Columbia River; visits The Dalles; lectures in Portland.

1880 February Returns to San Francisco; works on bee pasture article.

1880 February Trip to Lake Tahoe with Thomas Magee; visits Bidwell ranch; returns to Martinez for stay with Strentzels.

1880 March Takes room in San Francisco to work on articles.

1880 April Marries Louie Wanda Strentzel, April 14.

1880 Apr-Jul Rents part of Strentzel ranch; lives in Coleman house on ranch; works in orchards and vineyards to learn fruit business.

1880 Jul-Sep Second Alaska trip as Bulletin Correspondent. Travels with Thomas Magee to Victoria, Ft. Wrangel. Joins S. Hall Young and Indians on canoe trip to Glacier Bay;

24 adventure with dog "Stickeen" August 29-30. Returns to Portland via mail steamer.

1880 Fall-Spr '81 At home in Martinez.

1881 March Annie Wanda Muir born in Martinez March 25.

1881 May-Oct Third Alaska trip as Bulletin correspondent. Joins Arctic expedition aboard USS Corwin to search for lost steamer Jeannette; itinerary includes Behring St., Siberian coast. Corwin party claims discovery of Wrangel Land; takes possession for U.S.

1881 Fall Returns to Martinez in time for grape harvest.

1881 Fall-Nov 1882 At home in Martinez.

1882 Nov-Mar 1883 Sisters Margaret & Sarah spend winter with Muir family at Martinez.

1883 ,April Complains of being "lost & choked in agricultural needs" on the Strentzel ranch.

1884 July First and only trip to Yosemite Valley with wife Louie.

1884 October Robert Underwood Johnson writes to urge JM to take up his pen again.

1884 December Sister Annie Muir arrives in Martinez for lengthy stay to recover health.

1885 August Two week trip in Yellowstone Park; meets and travels with Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Sellers.

1885 Aug-Oct Premonition father is dying; speeds to Portage to gather family; proceeds to Kansas City in time to see Daniel Muir the last time alive.

1886 January Helen Lillian Muir born in Martinez January 23.

1887 Spring Accepts offer to edit and contribute to Picturesque California.

1888 June Trip to Lake Tahoe with c.c. Parry.

1888 Jul-Sep Trip with Keith to Shasta & Puget Sound; climbs Mt. Rainier August 14.

1888 August Louie Muir decides to sell or lease large portions of Strentzel estate, hoping to free JM from management responsibilities and revitalize his study & writing.

1888 Winter­ Takes room sporadically in San Francisco to concentrate Summer 1889 on writing for Picturesque California.

25 1889 June Trip to Yosemite Valley, Tuolumne Meadows, Tuolumne Canyon with R.U. Johnson. Decision to stimulate public interest in creation of Yosemite National Park through articles and lobby efforts.

1889 Winter-Spr '90 Works on Yosemite articles for Century Magazine.

1890 Jun-Aug Fourth trip to Alaska; sled trip across Muir Glacier.

1890 September Returns to Martinez; intensive work on Yosemite campaign.

1890 Sep-Oct Sequoia & General Grant Parks created without Kings Canyon.

1890 October Yosemite National Park bill passes Congress & signed.

1890 October Dr. John Strentzel dies; Muir family moves in to "Big House."

1890 November Begins campaign to include Kings Canyon into Sequoia National Park bill.

1891 Spring John and Margaret (Muir) Reid arrive to take over management of remaining Strentzel-Muir properties.

1891 June Two week trip with Charles D. Robinson to .

1892 Mar-Apr Trip to Wisconsin to help brother David with business & finances; David & family move to Alhambra Valley.

1892 June Helps organize Sierra Club to unite West Coast conservationists.

1892-1893 Intensive lobbying efforts to fight Caminetti Bill in Congress which proposes to reduce Yosemite Park boundaries by half.

1892 Aug-Sep Portions of Muir-Strentzel estate sold.

1893 May-Jun Trip East en route to Europe; visits Chicago World's Fair, Boston, New York; introduced to literati & social elite.

1893 Jun-Sep Three month trip to Europe; visits Edinburgh, Dunbar, Norway, London, Switzerland, France, Italy, Ireland.

1893 September Visits Washington D.C. with RU Johnson upon return from Europe; discusses forestry matters with Interior Dept.

1893 October Returns to Martinez via Chicago & Portage.

1893 December Active in campaign to create Mt. Rainier National Park.

1894 Jan-Oct Works on chapters of Mountains of California & articles.

26 1895 January Begins revising Alaska journal notes.

1895 February Completes "Glacier Bay" article.

1895 March Caminetti bill defeated in Congress.

1895 Jul-Sep Five week trip from Tahoe to Tuolumne Canyon & Yosemite Valley; meets Theodore P. Lukens in Retch Hetchy; expresses growing indignation against Yosemite Valley mismanagement by State Park Commission.

1895 Nov-Dec Trip to southern California; visits Lukens; lectures at Throop Institute & Pasadena High School.

1896 June Premonition of mother's illness; visits Portage in time to see his mother for the last time; travels East to receive honorary degree from Harvard; old friends in Milwaukee (Trouts) and Indianapolis (Moores, Merrill).

1896 July Joins Forestry Commission in Chicago; accompanies members on inspection of Black Hills, Yellowstone, Idaho, Oregon & Washington forests.

1896 August Fifth trip to Alaska; three weeks with Henry Fairfield Osborn.

1896 Aug-Sep Returns to Oregon; rejoins Forestry Commission at Crater Lake; inspects southern Cascades, Santa Lucia coast range, southern California mountains, Grand Canyon, southern Sierra.

1897 April Receives honorary degree from Univ. of Wisconsin.

1897 Aug-Sep Sixth trip to to Alaska; five weeks with C.S. Sargent & William Canby via Banff, Alberta, Selkirk Mountains, Canadian Rockies.

1897 Fall-Spr '98 In Martinez working on Yellowstone Park & other articles.

1898 May Four day trip to Truckee-Tahoe area for tree study.

1898 June Trip to Shasta and Mt. Scott, looking for specimens for C.S. Sargent.

1898 Jul-Nov Five month trip East via Portland, Spokane, Duluth, Great Lakes, Buffalo. At Boston joins c.s. Sargent & William Canby on forest inspection tour; travels through North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, Delaware. Alone, JM tours Montreal, Lake Champlain, St. Lawrence River, Maine & Vermont mountains. Rejoins Sargent & tours Florida. Returns to Martinez via Mobile, New Orleans.

1899 May-Aug Seventh trip to Alaska; ten weeks with Harriman Alaska Expedition. Joins Harriman at Portland; boards ship in Seattle. Itinerary includes Victoria, Ft. Wrangel,

27 Juneau, Glacier Bay, Sitka, Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Unalaska & St. Lawrence Island. Returns to Martinez August 3. 1900 Feb-Jun Extended illness due to "La Grippe" (flu) and bronchitis.

1900 Aug-Sep Trip with C.H. Merriam & Vernon Bailey family; visits Lake Tahoe, Mono Lake, Bloody Canyon, Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite Valley.

1901 June Trip to Portland with daughters aboard steamship.

1901 Jun-Jul Four week trip with daughters to southern Sierras.

1901 Jul-Aug Three week trip with daughters & Sierra Club to Tuolumne Meadows, Lake Tenaya.

1902 January Ten day trip to Arizona.

1902 Jul-Aug Five week trip to & southern Sierra with daughters & party including C.H. Merriam, T.P. Lukens, Keith, Henry Gannett; joins Sierra Club party en route.

1903 May Three day trip with Pres. Roosevelt in Yosemite Park.

1903 May-May,1904 Twelve month trip around the world. Joins C.S. Sargent & son in Boston. Visits London, Paris, Holland, Berlin (June, 1903); Russia, Korea, Japan, China (July-Sept). Sargents return & JM continues alone to India (Sep-Oct); Egypt (Oct- Nov); Ceylon (Nov-Dec); Australia (Dec); New Zealand (Jan-Feb 1904); Malasia, Philippines, Japan (Feb-April). Arrives in San Francisco from Hong Kong via Hawaii May 27, 1904.

1905 Jan-Mar Yosemite Recession campaign. JM active lobbiest in Sacramento.

1905 June Daughter Helen's health poor; JM takes both daughters to Adamana, Arizona for high desert air. Wife's health worsens while they are away; JM & Wanda rush home late June.

1905 Aug Louie Muir dies in Martinez August 6.

1905 Aug-Sep JM and Wanda return to Adamana to rejoin Helen.

1905 October JM returns briefly to Martinez to settle estate; leaves again for Adamana; studies petrified forest.

1905 Nov-Spr '06 JM returns to Martinez; engages in fossil study at UC Berkeley.

1906 March JM replaces Wanda in Adamana; Wanda returns to Martinez to make wedding plans.

1906 May Wanda replaces JM at Adamana; JM returns to Martinez to

28 assess earthquake damage to property; continues fossil study at Berkeley and Stanford.

1906 June Wanda returns; marries Thomas Rae Hanna at Martinez; moves into adobe home on ranch property; JM rejoins Helen at Adamana.

1906 August Brings Helen back to Martinez.

1906 October Two day trip with Helen to Calistoga & Geyserville.

1907 May-Jun Trip to Los Angeles; visits Luken's Hemminger Flat reforestation project.

1907 Jun-Jul One month trip with Sierra Club to Yosemite high country & Retch Hetchy.

1907 October Two week trip with Keith to Retch Hetchy.

1907 December Tours Mojave desert in search of suitable location for Helen, who has recurring bouts of pneumonia; brings her to Daggett December 21; builds cottage for her and companion on ranch of T.S. Van Dyke.

1908 January Returns to Martinez to conduct ranch business; takes brief trip to Pasadena.

1908 February Recurring attacks of "La Grippe"; unable to write "for months."

1908 March Five day trip to Yosemite.

1908 Mar-Apr Two week trip to southern California; visits Helen at Daggett, Sellers family in Pasadena.

1908 June Prepares revision of Stickeen story for book publication.

1908 Jun-Jul Three week trip with Sierra Club to southern Sierra.

1908 August Brief visit to Daggett.

1908 Aug-Sep Three week stay at Pelican Bay, Oregon, as guest of E.H. Harriman; dictates autobiography.

1908 September Trip to Muir Woods with Keith.

1908 September Brief trip to Daggett.

1908 December Begins work on Yosemite guidebook; spends Christmas with Helen in Daggett.

1909 January Two week trip to Daggett and Pasadena.

1909 Feb-Mar Six week trip to Arizona & southern California. Joined by John Burroughs at Grand Canyon; together visit Helen in

29 Daggett; JM alone joins E.H. Harriman for special trip to lower Colorado River to study flood control problems.

1909 April Returns to L.A. from Colorado River to care for Helen who spends five weeks in hospital with typhoid fever. Takes Helen back to Daggett for recuperation.

1909 Apr-May Rejoins John Burroughs in Yosemite for one week visit.

1909 June Brief visit to Daggett.

1909 July Three week trip with Sierra Club to Yosemite & Retch Hetchy.

1909 August Three day trip to Lake Tahoe; two day trip to Daggett.

1909 September Three day trip to Daggett.

1909 October Tours Yosemite with Pres. Taft; guides Secretary of Interior Ballinger through Retch Hetchy.

1909 October Helen marries Buel A. Funk.

1910 Jan-Feb Two week trip to L.A., Pasadena and Daggett.

1910 March Yosemite trip with Henry F. Osborn & family; trip to L.A. for luncheon in honor of Andrew Carnegie.

1910 Mar-Apr Stays with Hooker family in L.A., working on manuscript of !!!. First Summer in the Sierra.

1910 April Completes Summer manuscript; works on Yosemite guidebook and a proposed book on animals.

1910 May Five day trip with Hookers to Grand Canyon.

1910 June Returns to Martinez to be with sister Margaret, who dies June 22.

1910 July Five day trip to Shasta Springs with William Herrin.

1910 Jul-Aug Returns to Los Angeles to work on book manuscript.

1910 August Weekend trip to Wm. Herrin's summer home near Shasta.

1910 Aug-Oct In Martinez, tending to ranch matters & writing.

1910 Oct-Nov Returns to Hooker home in Los Angeles to write.

1910 \)ecember Brief trip to Palo Alto to visit Kellogg family.

1910 Dec-Feb 1911 Returns to L.A. to continue work on Yosemite manuscript.

1911 January Proposed trip to Mexico with Wm. Herrin.

30 1911 Feb-Mar In Martinez on family & ranch business.

1911 March In Los Angeles; attends Roosevelt party in Pasadena.

1911 Apr-Jun Three month trip East on Retch Hetchy and personal business; visits New York, Washington, Boston, New Haven (receives Yale honorary degree).

1911 Jun-Aug Stays with New York friends, preparing South America trip.

1911 Aug-Mar 1912 Trip to South America & Africa. Itinerary includes Amazon River (Aug-Sept); Rio De Janeiro (Sept-Oct); Buenos Aires, Chile (November); Uruguay (December). Reaches Capetown South Africa (January); Zambeze River, Baobab forests (January); Lake Victoria, Egypt (February). Returns to New York March 26.

1912 Mar-Apr In New York, proofing Yosemite book & autobiography.

1912 April Returns to Martinez via Los Angeles.

1912 May In Martinez, suffering from a cold.

1912 June Returns to L.A. to begin work on Amazon River notes.

1912 July Trip by auto to Martinez via Santa Barbara, Paso Robles, Sequoia National Park and Yosemite.

1912 July Weekend trip to Wm. Herrin's summer home near Shasta.

1912 October Seven day trip to Hollywood to visit Helen & family.

1912 October Two week trip to Yosemite Valley to attend National Parks Convention.

1912 Nov-Spr 1913 Hires Mrs. Marion Randall Parsons as typist; begins work on Alaska journals for proposed book.

1913 May JM and John Swett receive honorary degrees from Univ. of California at Berkeley.

1913 August Two week trip to Island Park, Idaho as guests of Harrimans.

1913 Fall-Winter Returns to Martinez [Los Angeles?] to work on Alaska ms.

1914 January Suffers from severe bout of "la Grippe."

1914 May Weekend trip to Wm. Herrin's summer home near Shasta.

1914 August Brief trip to Shasta pine woods.

1914 September Three day trip to Herrin summer home near Shasta.

1914 December Trip to Daggett to visit Helen.

1914 December Dies at California Hospital, Los Angeles, 10 A.M., Dec. 24.


Frame Number Incorrect Entry Correct Entry

I A/03/01452 AL lp on 1 leaf AL 2p on 1 leaf I A/03/01576 00741 10092 I A/03/01633 AdfLS AL( tracing) I A/03/01649 00757 10093 I A/03/01720 00781 10094 I A/05/02899 01229 10095 I A/05/03092 10301 10100 I A/06/03356 01386 10096 I A/06/03562 01469 10097 I A/07/04021 Note entry explanation HwCL, dated 1893 Jan 18, NOT filmed

I /07/04227 08641 ,.., 10101 I A/08/04542 01816 10090 I /08/04775 JM holograph notes JM holograph notes on verso I A/11/06454 01793 10098 I A/14/08095 For ALS, see JM to J.E. Calkins, 1904 Jul 18 (09194) I A/14/08075 I A/22/13084 George Warton James George Wharton James II/24/00779 Item (09239) should end with frame # 00778 Ill A/32/00994 1879 [ca. Oct-Dec; 1878 [ca. Oct-Dec]; 1879 Aug-Dec] 1879 [Aug-Dec] Ill C/38/05881 [ca. 1872-1874] [ca. 1872-1876] Ill B/39/06784 [1881 Jan l] [1884 Jan 1]

IV A/01/00040 Wrangel Land, Alaska Wrangel Island, USSR IV A/01/00041 Wrangel Land, Alaska Wrangel Island, USSR IV A/01/00042 Wrangel Land, Alaska Wrangel Island, USSR IV A/01/00043 Herald Island, Alaska Herald Island, USSR IV A/01/00044 Wrangel Land, Alaska Wrangel Island, USSR IV A/01/00045 Wrangel Land, Alaska Wrangel Island, USSR IV A/01/00046 Dease Lake, Alaska Dease Lake, B.C., Canada IV A/07/00331 00122 10099 IV B/09/00413 Alaska - Cities & Towns Siberia - Whalen IV B/09/00418 Alaska - Eskimos Siberia - Cape Wankarem IV B/09/00419 Alaska - Eskimos Siberia - Cape Chaplin IV B/09/00423 Alaska - Eskimos Siberia - Plover Bay IV B/09/00424 Alaska - Eskimos Siberia - Plover Bay IV B/09/00425 Alaska - Eskimos Siberia - Plover Bay IV B/21/01119 Kings Canyon - Minarets Sierra Nevada - Minaret Area IV B/22/01189 Kings Canyon National Park Sequoia National Park IV B/22/01190 Kings Canyon National Park Sequoia National Park IV B/22/01191 Kings Canyon National Park Sequoia National Park IV B/22/01192 Kings Canyon National Park Sequoia National Park IV B/30/02022 Sequoia National Park Kings Canyon National Park IV B/34/01946 [Columbia River] [Willamette Falls on Willamette River]


Unless otherwise indicated, all frame numbers list only the beginning frame number for the item.



Series IA (correspondence to and from John Muir) and IB (third party correspondence) have been combined into one chronological sequence for this edition. IC (business and legal documents) was filmed separately at the end of the series.

REEL 1: 1856-1868

REEL 2: 1869-1873

REEL 3: 1874-1879

REEL 4: 1880-1883

REEL 5: 1884-1888

REEL 6: 1889-1890

REEL 7: 1891-1893

REEL 8: 1894-1895

REEL 9: 1896-1897

REEL 10: 1898-1899

REEL 11: 1900-1901

REEL 12: 1902

REEL 13: 1903

REEL 14: 1904

REEL 15: 1905

REEL 16: 1906-1907

REEL 17: 1908

REEL 18: 1909

REEL 19: 1910

REEL 20: 1911-1912

33 REEL 21 : l 913

REEL 22:

1. SERIES I A & B: CORRESPONDENCE 1914 12612-13058

2. SERIES I A & B: LETTERBOOKS 1865-1909 13084-13456




1. AMSS journal Florida and Cuba Trip Sep 1867-Feb 1868 00020

2. AMS journal Crossing the Panama Isthmus ca. Mar 1868 00147

3. AMSS journal 20 Hill Hollow Jan-May 1869 00152

4. AMS journal Yosemite Year Book Nov 1869-ca. Aug 00197 1870

5. HwCMS journal Yosemite Valley Apr-May [1871?] 00237

6. AMS journal Yosemite Creek, etc. Aug-Oct 1872 00244

7. AMS journal Illilouette Basin Trip Aug-Sep 1872 00310

8. AMS journal Tuolumne Sep-Oct 1872 00357

9. AMSS journal Study Sections and Illustrations: Tenaya Falls Dec 1872 00473

10. AMS journal Wind Storm, Pine Trees, Feeding, etc. Dec 1872-Jun 1873 00508

11. AMS journal Yosemite Fall, Ice Cone, etc. Jan-May 1873 00541

12. AMS journal Yosemite Fall, Rainbows, Avalanches May-Jun 1873 00600

13. AMS journal Indian Canon, North Dome; Big Tuolumne Canon May-Jul 1873 00625


1. AMS journal Mt. Lyell Studies, Glacier Canon Erosion Jun 1873 00677

2. AMS journal Alps and Little Yosemite Jul-Aug 1873 00717 3. AMSS journal Yosemite, Kings Canyon Mono Trip Sep-Nov 1873 00779

4. AMS journal Torreya; Merced Canon Summer 1874? 00877

5. AMS journal First Trip to Mount Shasta Oct-Nov 1874 00891

6. AMS journal Shasta; Yosemite; Dead Rivers Oct-Dec 1874 00953

AMS journal Redwood; Yosemite; Shasta Oct 1874-ca. Kings River, etc. 1875 Feb-Jul 01069

8. AMS journal Glaciers; Dead Rivers; Sketches; Shasta Storms Apr 1875 01117

9. AMSS journal Owens Valley, Yosemite Middle Fork San Joaquin Jun-Sep 1875 01135

10. AMS journal Sequoia Studies From Yosemite South End of Belt at Aug-Nov 1875 01187


1. AMS journal South Dome Ridge, etc. May-Aug 1876 01238

2. AMSS journal Travels in Utah, etc. May-Jul 1877 01303

3. AMS journal Cinder Cone Sketches, etc. Aug-Sep 1877 01375

4. AMS journal Trip with Hooker and Gray Bidwells, etc. Sep-Nov 1877 01409

5. AMS journal • • • Geodetic Survey From Sacramento to Wahsatch Mtns ••• Jun-Aug 1878 01450

6. AMS journal Notes of Travel on the East Side of Sierra Sep-Oct 1878 01503

7. AMS journal Expedition to Alaska Jun-Sep 1879 01559

8. AMSS journal Alaska Trip Jul-Aug 1879 01617

9. AMSS journal Cassiar Trip Jul-Aug 1879 01773

35 10. AMS journal From Wrangell Up Stickeen 2d Trip to Cassiar Mines Aug 1879 01778


1 • AMS journal 1st Alaska Trip with s. Hall Young Oct-Dec 1879 01935

2. TC journal Transcript of 1st Alaska Trip with S. Hall Young 02059

3. AMS journal From Wrangell Up Coast Sum Dum Takou, etc. Aug 1880 02114

4. AMS journal 2d Expedition 1880 Aug-Sep 1880 02242

5. AMSS journal Cruise of the Corwin May 1881 02259


1. AMS sketchbook Corwin Cruise Sketches & Notes May-Sep 1881 02370

2. AMMS journal Cruise of the Corwin Jun-Oct 1881 02441

3. TC journal Crusie of the Corwin 02664

4. AMS journal Yellowstone Park, Columbia River, etc. Aug 1885 02778

5. AMSS journal Trip with Parry to Lake Tahoe Jun-Sep 1888 02805

6. AMS journal Excursion to Rainier and Notes of Puget Sound Aug 1888 02854

7. AMS journal Yosemite Trip Jun 1889 02877

8. AMSS journal Trips to Alaska and Norway Jun-Jul 1890; Jul-Aug 1893 02882


1. AMS sketchbook ••• Sketches of Glaciers Made Around Muir Glacier Jun-Jul 1890 02984

2. AMSS journal Alaskan Sled Trip Jul 1890 03015

3. AMS sketchbook Glacier Sled Trip Sketches and Notes Jul 1890 03079

4. ACMS journal Alaskan Sled Trip Jul 1890 03109

36 5. AMSS sketchbook From Front of Glacier to Point of Tree Mountains Aug 1890 03118

6. AMS journal Trip to Kings River May-Jun 1891 03146

7. AMS journal Trip to Europe Aug 1893 03198

8. AMS journal Ranch Life Jan-Jul 1895 03222

9. AMSS journal Trip Down Tuolumne Canyon, etc. Jul-Sep 1895 03266

10. TC journal Trip Down Tuolumne Canyon, etc. 1895 03327

11. AMS journal Ranch Life Jan-May 1896 03376

12. AMSS journal Travels with the Forest Commission Jun-Jul 1896 03407

13. AMSS journal From S.F. to Alaska & Return • • • The Osborn Trip Aug 1896 03430

14. AMSS journal Forest Field Studies Aug-Sep 1896 03460

15. AMS sketchbook Washington Notes & Sketchbook & Few of Cal Sierra [1896?] 03496

16. AMSS journal Botany Trip with Sargent and Canby Jul-Nov 1897 03506


1. AMSS journal Sargent and Canby Trip to Alaska Aug-Sep 1897 03598 2. AMSS journal Harriman Expedition • . . From S.F. to the Harriman Fiord May-Jun 1899 03621 3. AMSS journal Harriman Trip • . • Part 2 Jun-Jul 1899 03701 4. AMS journal Harriman Trip • . • Part 3 Jul-Aug 1899 03795 5. AMS journal Trips to Boulder Creek • and Giant Forest Jun-Jul 1901 03824

6. AMS journal Tuolumne Meadows Trip with Sierra Club Jul-Aug 1901 03844

7. AMSS journal Arizona Trip Jan 1902 03861

8. AMS journal Kern River, etc. for Auto[biography?] Jul-Aug 1902 03878

9. AMSS journal World Tour Part I Jun-Jul 1903 03924

10. AMS journal World Tour Part II Jul-Aug 1903 03976 ll. AMS journal World Tour Part III Aug-Nov 1903 04021

12. AMSS journal World Tour Part IV Nov 1903-Jan 1904 04075


1. AMS journal World Tour Part V Jan-May 1904 04175

2. AMS journal Tree Notes on Petrified Jul-Sep 1905- Forest Feb 1906 04347

3. AMS journal Tree Studies Jul-Oct 1906 04359

4. AMS journal Yosemite Trip with Sierra Club Jun-Jul 1907 04373

5. AMSS journal Arizona Trip Feb-Apr 1909 04392

6. AMSS journal Sierra Club Outing Jul 1909 04416

7. AMSS journal South American Trip Part I Aug-Oct 19ll 04428

8. AMS journal South American Trip Part II Oct-Nov 19ll 04051

38 9. AMS journal South American Trip Part III Nov 1911-Mar 1912 04535

10. TMS South American Trip 1912 04636

11. AMS journal Island Park Trip Aug 1913 04799



AMS notebook Religious Essays; Log 1856' 1860 School etc. [ca. 1887] 00023

2. AMSS notebook Principles of Physics or Natural Philosophy 1861 00036

3. AMS notebook [Book Notes on Scotch Geology] [ca. 1863] 00080

4. AMS notebook Wisconsin Prairies, etc. [ca. 1863] 00109

5. AMS notebook Sierra Journal, 1869 Summer of 1869, v. 1 [ca. 1887] 00120

6. TCCMS Sierra Journal, 1869 typescript Summer of 1869, v. 1 [ca. 1910] 00209

7. AMS notebook Sierra Journal, 1869 Summer of 1869. v. 2 [ca. 1887] 00300

8. TCCMS Sierra Journal, 1869 typescript Summer of 1869, v. 2 [ca. 1910] 00382

9. AMS notebook Sierra Journal, 1869 Summer of 1869. v. 3 [ca. 1887] 00469

10. TCCMS Sierra Journal, 1869 typescript Summer of 1869, v. 3 [1910] 00537

11. AMS notebook Yosemite, etc. [Part l] 1871-74 [ca. 1887] 00643


1. AMS notebook Yosemite, etc. [Part II] 1872-1874, 1879 [ca. 1887] 00758

2. HwMS notebook Studies Yosemite, etc. 1873 [ca. 1887] 00823

3. AMS notebook Sequoia Notes 1873-1877 [ca. 1900] 00879

4. HwMS notebook Shasta, Yosemite, Dead Rivers 1874 [ca. 1887] 00892

39 5. HwMS notebook [Yosemite Studies, etc.] 1875 [ca. 1887] 00915

6. AMSS notebook [Nevada and Alaska essays] 1878; 1879 00994

7. AMS notebook Alaska Notes, Summer of 1880 1880 [ca. 1895] 01120

8. AMSS notebook [Northwest Geography and History] [1881] 01175


1. AMS notebook [ Stickeen, etc.] [ca.1887] 01331

2. AMS notebook Alaska Notes Summer of 1890 1890 [1895;1912?] 01394

3. AMS notebook [Stickeen] [ca. 1895] 01410

4. AMS notebook Some Unused Notes on Camps, Walks, Death [ca. 1899] 01535

5. AMSS notebook Yosemite and Alaska [ca. 1901] 01643

6. AMS notebook [Sargent's Silva] [ca. 1903] 01701

7- AMSS notebook Sketches of Fossil Flora • . . [ca. 1906] 01772 8. AMS notebook [Book Notes] [ca. 1906] 01849

9. AMS notebook Amazon Notes, etc. [ca. 1911-1912] 01887

SERIES III B (published and precursor works), C (unpublished works), and D (miscellaneous notes). These sub-series have been integrated and arranged chronoligically for this edition.


1. AMS poem Adventures of Three Naturalists • 1864 Feb 27 01951***

2. AMS poem A Breakfast Dedicated to the Patrons 1864 Feb 27 01953***

3. AMS poem Noon Rest, Evening, etc. 1864 Feb 27 01955***

4. AMS poem The Sabbath 1864 Feb 27 01957***

s. TCMS 200 Plants Collected in Walking 200 Yards • [ca. 1865] 01959

***For full text, see I/1/00341 40 6. AMS Anemone Nuttalliana 1867 Aug 01961

7. AMSI Anemone Nuttalliana 1867 Aug 01966

8. AMS In The Trunk [ca. 1867 Aug] 01971

9. TCMS Havana [ca. 1868 Fall] 01973

10. AMS From Florida to Cuba; Storm, etc. 1869 Jan 18 01975

11. AMS Recollections of the Winds [ca. 1869) 01978

12. AMS [The Midsummer Glories] [1870?] Aug 27 01983

13. AMS Glacial Fleas [etc.] [ca. 1870) 01985

14. AMS [Philosophy and Religion] [ca. 1870) 01989

15. AMS Squirrel [ca. 1870) 01992

16. AMS [Sierra Indian Summer] [ca. 1871] Apr 21 01994

17. AMS Lower Yosemite Fall [1872?] Jan 13 01997

18. AMS poem The Valley is Tranquil [1872 Dec 20?] 02001

19. AMS The Alps [ca. 1872) 02003

20. AMS [Animal Notes] [ca. 1872) 02006

21. AMS [Arizona Notes] [ca. 1872) 02012

22. AMS [Avalanches] [ca. 1872) 02014

23. AMS [Bears] [ca. 1872) 02018

24. AMS Beginning of Sculpture [ca. 1872) 02024

25. AMS Birds [ca. 1872) 02058

26. AMS Choosing Camp [ca. 1872) 02069

27. AMS Climate [etc.] [ca. 1872) 02072

28. AMS Clouds Rest [ca. 1872) 02075

29. AMS The Coyote [ca. 1872) 02078

30. AMS Distribution of Plants [ca. 1872) 02080

31. AMS [Forest Soils] [ca. 1872) 02085 41 32. AMS [Glacier Notes] [ca. 1872] 02087

33. AMS [Glaciers] [ca. 1872] 02090

34. AMS God Inventor [ca. 1872] 02107

3S. AMS Headlands [ca. 1872] 02110

36. AMS [Himalaya Notes] [ca. 1872] 02113

37. AMS Illilouette [ca. 1872] 02115

38. AMS Life for Every Death [ca. 1872] 02126

39. AMS Mosquitoes [etc.] [ca. 1872] 02129

40. AMS Mountainanity [ca. 1872] 02131

41. AMS [Sierra Slate and Denudation] [ca. 1872] 02133

42. AMS [South American Notes] [ca. 1872] 02138

43. AMS [Storms] [ca. 1872) 02141

44. AMS [Tree Studies] [ca. 1872) 0214S

4S. AMS Tuolumne Canon [ca. 1872) 02187

46. AMS Water Music [ca. 1872) 0219S

47. AMS Wind Storm [ca. 1872) 02197

48. AMS Yosemite Book [Outline] [ca. 1872) 02201

49. AMS Yosemite Meadows [ca. 1872] 02207 so. AMS [Yosemite Valley in Flood] [ca. 1872] 02209

Sl. AMS Love of Beauty in Animals [ca. 1873) 02214

S2. AMS Yosemite [ca. 1873) 02216

S3. HwCMS [High Sierra Trip Narrative] 1874 Sep 29 02241

S4. AMS [Shasta In Winter] 1874 Nov 8 0224S

SS. AMS [Ancient Glaciers and Their Pathways] [ca. 1874) 02247

S6. AMS Formation of Passes [ca. 1874) 022S7

S7. AMS [Formation of Soils] [ca. 1874] 02260

S8. AMS Geology Notes [ca. 1874) 02272

42 59. AMS [Glacial Denudation ?] [ca. 1874] 02273

60. AMS Glacial Denudation [ca. 1874] 02275

61. AMS Introductory No. 2 [ca. 18 74] 02342

62. AMS Light [ca. 1874] 02392

63. AMS [Mc Cloud River] [ca. 1874] 02397

64. AMS Mountain Building [ca. 1874] 02399

65. AMS [Mountain Passes] [ca. 1874] 02415

66. AMS Mountain Sculpture [ca. 1874] 02417

67. AMS Mountain Structure and Sculpture [ca. 1874] 02567

68. AMS [Shadows] [ca. 1874] 02660


1. AMS [Sierra Studies] [ca. 1874] 03714

2. AMS The Alps [ca. 1874] 03725

3. AMS The Glaciers [ca. 1874] 03738

4. AMS Ancient Glaciers [ca. 1874] 03769

5. AMS The Passes of the California Alps • [ca. 1874] 03805

6. AMS Alpine Alps [ca. 1874] 03815

7. AMS Meadows [ca. 1874] 03883

8. AMS [Gardens] [ca. 1874] 03934

9. AMS Alpine Forests [ca. 1874] 04011

10. AMS Sequoia in Two Sections [ca. 1874] 04061

11. AMS The New Agriculture [ca. 1874] 04232

12. AMS The Coniferous Forests of the Sierra [ca. 1874] 04251

13. AMS Wind Storm in the Woods [ca. 1874] 04310

14. AMS Snow Banners of the Alps [ca. 1874] 04331

43 15. AMS Alpine Waterfalls [ca. 1874] 04347

16. AMS Ouzel [ca. 1874] 04390

17. AMS Tami as [ca. 1874] 04413


1. AMS [Soil Building] [ca. 1874) 04442

2. HwMSS Studies in the Formation of Mountains • [ca. 1874] 04455

3. AMS Studies in the Sierra: Ancient Glaciers [ca. 1874] 04510

4. AMS [Studies in the Sierra: Glaciers] [ca. 1874] 04584

5. AMS Studies in the Sierra 5: Formation and Sculpture of Mountains [ca. 1874] 04588

6. AMS Studies in the Sierra No. 1: Mountain Sculpture [ca. 1874] 04654

7. AMS Studies in the Sierra No. 2: Mountain Sculpture [ca. 1874] 04699

8. AMS Studies in the Sierra No. 2: Mountain Sculpture [ca. 1874) 04747

9. AMS Studies in the Sierra No. 4: Glacial Denudation [ca. 1874] 04795

10. AMS [Studies in the Sierra No. 5: Glacial Denudation [ca. 1874] 04851

11. AMS [Studies in the Sierra No. 6: Formation of Soils [ca. 1874] 04878

12. AMS [Studies in the Sierra No. 7: Mountain Building [ca. 1874] 04892

13. AMS Yosemite and the High Sierra [ca. 1874) 04897

14. AMS Death [ca. 1875] 04899

15. AMS Excursion to Minnarets: Melting of the Ice Sheet [etc.] [ca. 1875) 04900

16. AMS [Explorers, etc.] [ca. 1875] 04934

17. AMS [Influence of Nature] [ca. 1875) 04938

44 18. AMS Landscapes [ca. 1875) 04942

19. AMS Landscapes Architecture [ca. 1875) 04946

20. AMS Man [ca. 1875) 04948

21. AMS poem Shasta [ca. 1875) 04952

22. AMS [Snow Storm on Mt. Shasta] [ca. 1875) 04954

23. AMS Squirrel [Notes] [ca. 1875) 04959

24. AMS [Unity of Nature] [ca. 1875) 04962

25. AMS Floods [ca. 1876 Spring] 04965

26. AMS Flood-storm on the Yuba [ca. 1876 Spring] 04997

27. AMS The Glaciers [ca. 1876 Spring] 05009

28. AMS [The Glaciers] [ca. 1876 Spring] 05057

29. AMS Shasta Bees [ca. 1876 Spring] 05062


1. AMS Shasta Bees [ca. 1876 Spring] 05125

2. AMS [Wild Sheep] [ca. 1876 Spring] 05149

3. AMS Wild Wool [ca. 1876 Spring] 05167

4. AMS Wild Wool [ca. 1876 Spring] 05170

5. AMS [Wild Wool] [ca. 1876 Spring] 05198

6. AMSS On the Post-Glacial History of the Sequoia Gigantea 1876 Jun 15 05208

7. AMS On the Post-Glacial History of the Sequoia Gigantea [ 1876 Jun] 05252

8. AMSS On the Post-Glacial History of the Sequoia Gigantea [1876 Jun] 05309

9. AMS [A Summer Day] [ 1876 Aug] 05358

10. AMS Autobiography • Introductory [No. 1) [ca. 1876] 05361

11. AMS The California Mountains [ca. 1876] 05409

12. AMS Climate [ca. 1876] 05412

45 13. AMS [The Douglass Squirrel of California] [ca. 1876] 05415

14. AMS [Flood Storm in the Sierra] [ca. 1876] 05444

15. AMS [Flood Storm on the Yuba] [ca. 1876] 05455

16. AMS Floods and Boulders [ca. 1876] 05458

17. AMS [The Glacial Meadows of the Sierra] [ca. 1876] 05484

18. AMS [God's First Temples] [ca. 1876] 05510

19. AMS [In the Heart of the California Alps] [ca. 1876] 05512

20. AMS [In the Heart of the California Alps] [ca. 1876] 05566

21. AMS Introductory No. 3: Mountaineering [ca. 1876] 05572

22. AMS Lecture on Glaciers [ca. 1876] 05627

23. AMS Modoc War [ca. 1876] 05665

24. AMS [Mountaineering] [ca. 1876] 05673

25. AMS [On the Post-Glacial History of Sequoia Gigantea] [ca. 1876] 05688

26. AMS The Passes [ca. 1876] 05698

27. AMS Shadows [ca. 1876] 05730

28. AMS Tamias Quadrivittatus [ca. 1876] 05733

29. AMS [Wild Sheep] [ca. 1876] 05737

30. AMS Wild Wool [ca. 1876] 05743

31. AMS Wind and Campfire [ca. 1876] 05769

32. AMS A Wind Storm in the Forests of the Yuba [ca. 1876] 05772


1. AMS [A Wind Storm in the Forests of the Yuba] [ca. 1876] 05833

2. AMS Lake Merced [ca. 1872-1876] 05842

46 3. AMS [Sierra Studies] [ca. 1872-1876] 05845

4. AMS [Waterfalls, etc.] [ca. 1872-1876] 05881

5. AMS [In the San Gabriel] [After 1877 Sep] 05893

6. AMS Impressions [ca. 1877] 05900

7. AMS Sheep [ca. 1877] 05904

8. AMS [Snow Banners] [ca. 1877] 05908

9. AMSS Snow Banners [ca. 1877] 05914

10. AMS Snow Banners [ca. 1877] 05932

11. AMS [Snow Banners] [ca. 1877] 05948

12. AMS [Snow Storm on Mt. Shasta] [ca. 1877] 05960

13. AMS [Snow Storm on Mt. Shasta] [ca. 1877] 05989

14. AMS [Snow Storm on Mt. Shasta] [ca. 1877] 06022

15. AMS [Storms, etc.] [ca. 1877] 06061

16. AMS [Topical Outline of Sierra Trips] [ca. 1877] 06064

17. AMS [Water Ouzel] [ca. 1877] 06066

18. AMS [Water Ouzel] [ca. 1877] 06085

19. TC CMS Water-Ouzel [ca. 1877] 06087

20. AMS Bee-Lands of California [ca. 1878] 06112

21. AMS The Bee-Lands of California [ca. 1878] 06134

22. AMS Great Basin [ca. 1878] 06146

23. AMS [The Mountain Lakes of California] [ca. 1878] 06170

24. AMS [Nevada's Dead Towns] [ca. 1878] 06213

25. AMS [Nevada's Dead Towns] [ca. 1878] 06221

26. AMS [The New Sequoia Forests of California] [ca. 1878] 06225

27. AMS [The New Sequoia Forests of California] [ca. 1878] 06260

47 28. AMS Wild Sheep [ca. 1878] 06334

29. AMS Death [ca. 1876-1878] 06378

30. AMS [Notes of a Naturalist JM on Puget Sound] [1879 Jun] 06380

31. AMSS [Notes of a Naturalist Wrangel Island] [1879 Aug] 06384

32. AMS Excursion to One of the Great Glaciers of Alaska [1879 Sep 7] 06388

33. AMSS [Alaska Coast Scenery] [1879 Sep 25] 06402

34. AMS [Alaska Glaciers] [ca. 1879 Sep] 06417

35. AMS Excursion to One of the Deserted Indian Villages ••• [1879 Oct 12] 06429

36. AMSS Climate of South Eastern Alaska [1879 Oct 16] 06439

37. AMS [Alaska Trip Itinerary] 1879 [1914] 06457

38. AMS [Alaska Trip Outline] [ca. 1879] 06459

39. AMS [Alaska Draft Fragments] [ca. 1879-1880] 06463

40. AMS [Misc. Fragments] [ca. 1870-1879] 06476

41. AMS Trees of the Valley [ca. 1870s] 06502

42. AMS [Bee-Pastures of California] [ca. 1880 Jan] 06505

43. AMS [Alaska Land: A Perfect Day ••• ] [1880 Aug 24] 06508

44. AMS [Alaska Birds, etc.] [ca. 18801 06519

45. AMS [Alaska Weather at Taku Fiord] [ca. 1880] 06521


1. AMS The Ancient Glaciers of the Sierra [ca. 1880] 06556

2. AMS [The Ancient Glaciers of the Sierra] [ca. 1880] 06620

3. AMS The Bee-Pastures of California [ca. 1880] 06623

4. AMS The Bee-Pastures of California [ca. 1880] 06644

48 5. AMS California Agriculture [ca. 1880] 06670

6. AMS California Agriculture [ca. 1880) 06679

7. AMS [The Coniferous Forests of the Sierra Nevada] [ca. 1880] 06698

8. AMS [The Coniferous Forests of the Sierra Nevada] [ca. 1880] 06758

9. AMS Forests: Tuberculata [ca. 1880] 06774

10. AMS [Lake Tenaya Trip] [ca. 1880] 06777

ll. AMS Waterfalls, etc. [ca. 1880] 06782

12. AMS [On the Glaciation of Arctic and Subarctic Regions ••• ] [ 1884 Jan ll] 06784

13. AMS [On Wrangel Land] 1881 Aug 15 06801

14. AMS [Wrangel Land: Conflict with the Ice] 1881 Aug 16 06805

15. AMS [On Wrangel Land] 1881 Aug 17 06814

16. AMS [Out of the Arctic: The Most Northernly Coal Mine] [ca. 1881 Aug 25) 06827

17. AMS [Perils of Whaling] [1881 Aug] 06836

18. AMS [Our New Arctic Territory] 1881 Oct 3 06839

19. AMS [Our New Arctic Territory] [ca. 1881 Oct 3] 06873

20. AMSS Our New Arctic Territory 1881 Oct 3 06884

21. AMS Botanical Notes [ca. 1882] 06909

22. AMS [Botanical Notes on Alaska] [ca. 1882) 06937

23. TMSI poem Comspiracy to Eat a Baldheaded Scotchman • • • 1882 [ca. 1910] 06945

24. AMS Sr On the Glaciation of the Arctic and Subarctic Regions • 1884 Jan 11 06949

25. AMS [Mountaineering, etc.] [ca. 1885) 07018

26. AMS [Alaska] [ca. 1887) 07026

27. AMS poem [Hunting] [1887] 07028

28. TCMS [Introductory No. 3: Mountaineering] [ca. 1887) 07031

49 29. AMS [Sierra Journals Summer of 1869 Indices] [ca. 1887) 07065

30. AMS [Animals] [ca. 1888] 07068

31. AMS [Missouri River] [ca. 1888) 07072

32. AMS [Mono Lake] [ca. 1888] 07085

33. AMS [Mount Shasta] [ca. 1888) 07092

34. AMS [Mount Shasta] [ca. 1888] 07148

35. AMS Mount Shasta [ca. 1888] 07191

36. AMS [Mount Shasta) [ca. 1888) 07218



1. AMS Oregon [ca. 1888) 07258

2. AMS Oregon [ca. 1888) 07366

3. AMS Passes [ca. 1888) 07410

4. AMS [Rainier) [ca. 1888] 07434

5. AMS Soft and Voluptuous People • [ca. 1888] 07471

6. AMS Tuolumne Canyon, etc. [ca. 1888] 07473

7. AMS [Washington, Puget Sound) [ca. 1888] 07478

8. AMS [The Yosemite Valley) [ca. 1888] 07555

9. AMS [Forests of the Sierra) [ca. 1889 Jun 29] 07600

10. AMS [Forest Conservation) [ca. 1889] 07604

11. AMS [The Snow] [ca. 1889] 07606

12. AMS [The Treasures of the [ca. 1889] 07613 Yosemite]

13. AMS [Yosemite Valley] [ca. 1889] 07616

50 14. AMS [Indian Notes] [ca. 1888-1889] 07624

15. AMS [Yosemite] [ca. 1888-1889] 07630

16. AMS [Yosemite etc., Notebook [ca. 1888-1889] 07662 Indices]

17. AMS [Yosemite Valley] [ca. 1888-1889] 07669

18. AMS [Yosemite Valley] [ca. 1888-1889] 07677

19. AMS [Misc. Fragments] [ca. 1880-1889] 07690

20. AMS [Alaska Iceberg Notes] [ 1890?] June 30 07708

21. AMS Autobiography: Alaska, My 1890 Jul 11 07711 Trip Across Muir Glacier

22. AMS List of the Published 1890 Dec 9 07718 Writings of John Muir

23. AMS [Alaska, etc] [ca. 1890] 07734

24. AMS [Alaska Fragments] [ca. 1890] 07743

25. AMS Ascent of Rainier for Camping [ca. 1890] 07778 and Mountaineering Book

26. TCMS California Agriculture [ca. 1890] 07785

27. AMS [Features of the Proposed [ca. 1890] 07806 Yosemite National Park

28. AMS [The Forests] [ca. 1890] 07821

29. AMS Life in the Canons [ca. 1890] 07827

30. AMS [Life in the Canyons] [ca. 1890] 07833

31. AMS On the Mountain Top [ca. 1890] 07847

32. AMS [The River Floods] [ca. 1890] 07849

33. AMS [River Sources] [ca. 1890] 07851

34. AMS [The Sierra Nevada] [ca. 1890] 07854

35. AMS [Sierra Nevada Mountains] [ca. 1890] 07856


1. AMS [Travels in Alaska] [ca. 1890] 07898

2. AMS [The Treasures of the

51 Yosemite] [ca. 1890] 08045

3. AMS [The Treasures of the Yosemite] [ca. 1890] 08086

4. AMS The Treasures of the Yosemite [ca. 1890] 08095

5. AMS [The Treasures of the Yosemite] [ca. 1890] 08212

6. AMS [The Treasures of the Yosemite] [ca. 1890] 08222

7. AMS [Whitney's Yosemite Guidebook Notes] [ca. 1890] 08308

8. AMS Yosemite [ca. 1890] 08313

9. AMS Yosemite in Flood [ca. 1890] 08316

10. AMS [Yosemite Waterfalls] [ca. 1890] 08331

11. AMS [Alaska] [ca. 1891] 08334

12. AMS! [Alaska] [ca. 1891] 08359

13. AMS [Alaska] [ca. 1891] 08432

14. AMS [Kings River Canyon, etc.] [ca. 1891] 08442

15. AMS [Kings River Canyon, etc.] [ca. 1891) 08471

16. AMS [A Rival of the Yosemite] [ca. 1891] 08488

17. AMS [A Rival of the Yosemite] [ca. 1891] 08563


1. TMS A Rival of the Yosemite [ca. 1891] 08610

2. AMS [Sierra Trip Elevation Tables] [ca. 1891] 08655

3. AMS [Mountain Passes, etc.] [ca. 1891] 08659

4. AMS George Bailey [Tribute] [1894] 08662

5. AMS [The Yellowstone National Park] [ca. 1894) 08671

6. AMS [The Mountains of California] [ca. 1894] 08680

7. AMS [The Mountains of California [ca. 1894] 08726 Outline]

52 8. AMS [The Passes] [ca. 1894] 08729

9. AMSS [The Discovery of Glacier Bay] [1895 Jan] 08733

10. AMS [The Alaska Trip] [ca. 1895] 08785

11. AMS [The Alaska Trip] [ca. 1895] 08792

12. AMS [The Discovery of Glacier Bay] [ca. 1895] 08799

13. AMS Glacier Bay [ca. 1895] 08811

14. AMS [Origins of Yosemite National Park] [1895] 08826

15. AMSS [Origins of Yosemite National Park] [1895] 08829

16. AMS [Pacific Northwest Travels] [ca. 1895] 08860

17. AMS [Sierra Garden Meadows] [ca. 1895] 08865

18. AMS The Last Entry in Mothers Diary [ca. 1896 Jun] 08867

19. AMS [Linnaeus] [ca. 1896] 08872

20. AMSS [Linnaeus] [ca. 1896] 08888

21. AMS poem Nature Loves Fun and the Number Five 1897 May 15 08906

22. AMS [Trails of the Gold Hunters and Pathless Treasure Fields] [ca. 1897 Sep] 08910

23. AMS [Trails of the Gold Hunters • • . ] [ca. 1897 Sep] 08980

24. AMS [An Adventure with a Dog and a Glacier] [ca. 1897] 09011

25. AMS [An Adventure with a Dog and a Glacier] [ca. 1897] 09018

26. AMSS [An Adventure with a Dog and a Glacier] [ca. 1897] 09029

27. AMS [The Alaska Trip] [ 1897] 09056

28. AMS [The Alaska Trip] [ca. 1897] 09107

29. AMS! [The American Forests] [ca. 1897] 09148

30. AMS [The American Forests] [ca. 1897] 09192

53 31. AMS [The American Forests] [ca. 1897] 09224

32. AMS! [The American Forests] [ca. 1897] 09238

33. AMS Complaints [ca. 1897] 09252

34. AMS [Forest Reserves, etc.] [ca. 1897] 09256

35. AMS The Gold Mines of Alaska [ca. 1897] 09261

36. AMS [The National Parks and Forest Reservations] [ca. 1897] 09264

37. AMS [The National Parks and Forest Reservations] [ca. 1897] 09273

38. AMS [The National Parks and Forest Reservations] [ca. 1897] 09291


1. AMS [The Scenery of California] [ca. 1897] 09351

2. AMS [The Scenery of California] [ca. 1897] 09371

3. AMS Stickeen [ca. 1897] 09374

4. AMS Stickeen [ca. 1897] 09449

5. AMS [The Wild Parks and Forest Reservations of the West] [ca. 1897] 09506

6. AMS [The Wild Parks and Forest Reservations of the West] [ca. 1897] 09524

7. AMS [The Wild Parks and Forest Reservations of the West] [ca. 1897] 09548

8. AMS [The Wild Parks and Forest Reservations of the West] [ca. 1897] 09550

9. AMS [Among the Animals and Birds of the Yosemite] [ca. 1898] 09569

10. AMS [Among the Animals of the Yosemite] [ca. 1898] 09667

11. AMS [Among the Birds of the Yosemite] [ca. 1898] 06493

12. AMS Bear Hunters [ca. 1898] 09691

54 13. AMS [The Yellowstone National Park] [ca. 1898] 09695

14. AMS [The Yellowstone National Park] [ca. 1898] 09704

15. AMS [The Yellowstone National Park] [ca. 1898] 09746

16. AMS [The Yellowstone National Park] [ca. 1898] 09790

17- AMS [The Yellowstone National Park] [ca. 1898] 09809

18. AMS The Yellowstone National Park [ca. 1898] 09820

19. AMS [Sequoia Preservation] [ 1899 Summer ?] 09871

20. AMS poem A Choking Blanket of Fog [ca. 1899] 09880

21. AMS Days of Gold: Old Miners [ca. 1899] 09882

22. AMS [Forest Management] [ca. 1899] 09885

23. AMS [Harriman Expedition] [ca. 1899] 09887

24. AMS [Tuolumne Meadows] [ca. 1899] 09889

25. AMS The Yosemite National Park [ca. 1899] 09903

26. AMS [The Yosemite National Park] [ca. 1899] 09937

27. AMS [Misc. Fragments] [ca. 1880-1899] 09946

28. AMS Big Tree [ca. 1900] 09979

29. AMS! Emerson [ca. 1900] 09985

30. AMS [Forests] [ca. 1900] 09993

31. AMS [The Forests of the Yosemite Park] [ca. 1900] 09995

32. AMS [The Forests of the Yosemite Park] [ca. 1900] 10041


1. AMS [The Forests of the Yosemite Park] [ca. 1900] 10102

2. AMS The Forests of the Yosemite Park [ca. 1900] 10148

55 3. AMS [Indians. etc.] [ca. 1900] 10158

4. AMSS Lake Tahoe in Winter [ca. 1900] 10160

5. AMS Nature's Funerals [etc.] [ca. 1900] 10177

6. AMS Notes on the Pacific Coast Glaciers [ca. 1900] 10180

7. AMS [Notes on the Pacific Coast Glaciers] [ca. 1900] 10207

8. AMS [Sequoia, etc.] [ca. 1900] 10212

9. AMS [Storms, etc.] [ca. 1900] 10250

10. AMS Tree Measurements [ca. 1900] 10252

11. AMS [Trees] [ca. 1900] 10260

12. AMS Trees Book Review [ca. 1900] 10262

13. AMS [Walking] [ca. 1900] 10265

14. AMS The Wild Gardens of the Yosemite Park [ca. 1900] 10267

15. AMS The Wild Gardens of the Yosemite Park [ca. 1900] 10321

16. AMS [Fountains and Streams of the Yosemite National Park] [ca. 1901] 10326

17. AMS [Fountains and Streams of the Yosemite National Park] [ca. 1901] 10338

18. AMS [Hunting Big Redwoods] [ca. 1901] 10341

19. AMS [Hunting Big Redwoods] [ca. 19011 10399

20. AMS [Hunting Big Redwoods] [ca. 1901] 10491

21. AMSS [Reminiscences of Joseph Leconte] [ca. 1901] 10555

22. AMS The Streams and Canons of the Yosemite National Park [ca. 1901] 10569

23. AMS [The Grand Canyon of the Colorado] [ca. 1902] 10613

24. AMS [The Grand Canyon of the Colorado] [ca. 1902] 10688

25. AMS [Notebook Index Fragment] [ca. 1902] 10691

56 26. AMS [Words from an Old Friend] [ca. 1902] 10693

27. AMS Yosemite in Flood [ca. 1902] 10708

28. AMS Yosemite Vistors • [ca. 1902] 10715

29. AMS [Sargent's Silva] [1903] 10723


1. AMS [Sargent's Silva] [1903] 10829

2. AMS [Glaciers] [ca. 1904] 10925

3. AMS [Mount Everest] [1904] 10927

4. TCMS [World Trip: The Chinese] [1904] 10931

5. TCMS [World Trip Retrospect] [1904] 10933

6. AMS [Arizona] [ca. 1905] 10936

7. AMS Camping [ca. 1905] 10941

8. AMS [Hunting, etc.] [ca. 1905] 10945

9. AMS! [Tribute to Robert Burns] 1907 Jan 22 10949

10. AMS [Henry Clay Hooker Tribute] [ca. 1907 Dec] 10967

11. A & TMS Camping, Walking, etc. [ca. 1907] 10971

12. AMS [Tribute to Robert Burns] [ca. 1907] 10979

13. TMS [Tribute to Robert Burns] [ca. 1907] 10987

14. AMS [The Tuolumne Yosemite in Danger] [ca. 1907] 10995

15. AMS [The Tuolumne Yosemite in Danger] [ca. 1907] 11003

16. AMS Indian Summer, Sunrise 1908 Sep 4 11008

17. TC CMS Autobiographical Sketches: From Leaving University to About 1906 [ca. 1908] 11013

18. TCCMS [Autobiography] [ca. 1908] 11233


1. AMS [Coleridge Quotation] [ca. 1908] 11581

2. TC CMS First Draft Autobiography [ca. 1908] 11583

3. AMS [Retch Hetchy] [ca. 1908] 12049

4. AMS [Park Conservation Statement] [ca. 1908] 12051

5. AMS [ Stickeen] [ca. 1908] 12054

6. AMS [Retch Hetchy Fragments] [ca. 1909] 12064 1. TMSS . . .The Retch Hetchy Valley • . . [ca. 1909] 12075 8. AMS poem Under Many Quilts on a Foggy Morning [ca. 1909] 12077

9. TCMS [Hooker Tribute] 1910 May 1 12080

10. TC CMS Animals [ca. 1910] 12082

11. TMS Animals [ca. 1910] 12110

12. TMS [Animals, etc.] [ca. 1910) 12118


1. TMS [As a Boy] [ca. 1910) 12213

2. AMSI [Autobiographical Fragments] [ca. 1910) 12479

3. AMS [Autobiographical Notes] [ca. 1910] 12487

4. TC CMS Birds [ca. 1910) 12492

5. TC CMS [ Chilwell Incident] [ca. 1910) 12502

6. AMS [Drawing] [ca. 1910) 12513

7. TCMS [La Brea Tar Pits ?] [ca. 1910) 12515

8. AMS Lecture Calls, etc. [ca. 1910) 12517

9. AMS [Mountaineering Book] [ca. 1897-1908, 1910) 12538

10. TMS Snow Banners [ca. 1910) 12700

11. TC CMS Trips [ca. 1910) 12709

12. AMS Yosemite Book [ca. 1910) 12719

58 13. AMS [Flowers] [ca. 1880-1910] 12721

14. AMS [List of Book Sales and Royalty Payments] [ca. 1911 Feb] 12731

15. AMS [First Summer in the Sierra Book Recipients] [ 1911 Jun 29] 12733

16. AMS [Address Book Fragment] [ca. 1911] 12736

17. TCCMS [Edward Henry Harriman] [1911] 12743

18. AMSS Nature is Ever at Work • 1912 Aug 14 12767

19. TCCMS On Board the Dakota [ca. 1912 Nov] 12769

20. TCCMS Trip from Portland to Fort Wrangel [ca. 1912 Nov] 12792

21. AMS [Auroras] [ca. 1912] 12867

22. AMS [Sequoia] [ca. 1912] 12875

23. AMS [South American Note Fragment] [1912 ?] 12877

24. AMS [Travels in Alaska Outlines] [ca. 1912] 12878


1. TMS Glacier Bay [1913 May] 12917

2. TCCMS • • • Glacier Bay • • • [1913 Jun] 13056

3. A &TMS [Alaska Travel Fragments] [ca. 1913] 13195

4. A &TMS [Alaska Travel Notes] [ca. 1913] 13211

5. TMS Berrying Trip • [ca. 1913] 13215

6. TCCMS Berrying Trip • [ca. 1913] 13222

7. AMS [Retch Hetchy] [ca. 1913] 13229

8. AMS [Hetch Hetchy] [1913] 13231

9. TCMS [Hetch Hetchy Fragment] [ca. 1913] 13235

10. TCCMS The Home I Found in Alaska [ca. 1913] 13237

11. T & TCCMS Indians [ca. 1913] 13248

12. TMS Indians and Missionaries [ca. 1913] 13251

59 13. TMS Second Trip Up the Stickeen River ••• [ca. 1913] 13259

14. TC CMS Second Trip Up the Stickeen River • • • [ca. 1913] 13343

15. Galley [The Story of My Boyhood and Youth] [1913] 13405

16. TMS The [ca. 1913] 13408

17. AMS [The Yosemite Errata] [1913] 13411

18. TMS [Autobiography] [ca. 1910-1913] 13414

19. TCCMS [Autobiography] [ca. 1910-1913] 13455

20. TMS First Alaska Trip 1914 May 15, Jun 12 13487


1. TMS [Glacier Bay] [1914 May] 13601

2. TCCMS Second Trip Up Stickeen [ca. 1914 Jun] 13699

3. TMS Second Trip Up Stickeen and to Cassiar Mines [1914 Jun] 13705

4. TMS Second Trip Up Stickeen and to Cassiar Mines [1914 Jun] 13712

5. TMS [Trip From Wrangell to Taku] [1914 Jun] 13754

6. T & TCCMS First Alaska Trip • [1914 Sep] 13835

7. TMS [Adventure with Mr. Young] [ca. 1914] 14061

8. TCCMS Adventure with Mr. Young [ca. 1914] 14069

9. TMS [Autobiographical Fragment] [ca. 1914] 14077

10. TMS Chilcat Trip and Notes on Stickeen River Trip, etc. [ca. 1914] 14089

11. TMS Dances, Entertainment [ca. 1914] 14126

12. TCCMS Dances, Great Entertainment [ca. 1914] 14131

13. TMS First Visit to Muir Glacier [ca. 1914] 14138

14. TMS Glacier Bay [ca. 1914] 14147

15. TMS The Home I Found in Alaska [ca. 1914] 14155

60 16. TMS The Home I Found in Alaska [ca. 1914] 14167

17. TCCMS Osborne Trip to Alaska [ca. 1914] 14176

18. TMS Second [First] Trip Up Stickeen [ca. 1914] 14199

19. TC CMS Second [First] Trip Up Stickeen [ca. 1914] 14204

20. A &TMS [Second Trip Up Stickeen River] [ca. 1914] 14213


1. TC CMS Travels in Alaska in 1880 [ca. 1914] 14303

2. TMS Travels in Alaska in 1880 [ca. 1914] 14370

3. TMS Wrangell to End of Taku [ca. 1914] 14512

4. TMS [Autobiography] [ca. 1913-1914] 14560

5. TC CMS [Autobiography] [ca. 1913-1914] 14721

6. AMS [Misc. Fragments] [ca. 1900-1914] 14874

7. TMS [Travels in Alaska] [ca. 1915] 14906

8. TCMS [Autobiographical Fragment] [date unknown] 14962




1. TCL Emily Bell [Reminiscence] 1915 00003

2. TCMS Sarah J. Mcchesney Reminiscence of John Muir 1916 00004

3. TL Elmer E. Gilmore [Reminiscence] 1916 00007

4. TC CMS Annie K. Bidwell Reminiscences of John Muir 1917 00009

5. TLS James Whitehead [Reminiscence] 1917 00015

6. TLS Milton s. Griswold [Reminiscence] 1917 00017

7. ALS Alfred B. Brown [Reminiscence] 1917 00023

8. TLS Merrill Moores [Reminiscence] 1919 00032

9. ALS Kittie Hodgson [Reminiscence] 1920 00033

10. ALS Gertrude Hutchings Mills [Reminiscence] 1923 00035 ll. ALS Anna Galloway Eastman [Reminiscence] 1923 00043


12. TMS Helen Swett Artieda "John Muir in Our House" [Reminiscence] (1940 ?] 00047

13. ALS J.E. Calkins [Reminiscence] 1942 00050

14. ALS Ellen D. Graydon [Reminiscence] (1942 ? ] 00090

62 15. TLS Helen Muir [Reminiscence] 1943 00106

16. AMS Celcelia Galloway [Reminiscence] 1944 00133


17. HwMSS Daniel Muir [Declaration of Intent for Citizenship] 1849 00158

18. TCMS Wanda Muir (poem) Oh We Love This World • 1886 00159

19. HwMS [Strentzel Estate Probate Document] 1890 00160

20. HwMSS Methodist Episcopal Church [Statement of Appreciation] 1897 00162

21. AMS Margaret H. Lunam [Gilrye Family Genealogy] 1900 00163

22. TCMS Helen Muir Five Weeks in Khaki [1902) 00165

23. AMS Sarah M. Galloway [Reminiscence of John Muir's Trip to South America] [ca. 1912) 00180

24. AMS Helen Muir Desired Information on Muir Manor 1957 00181


25. TCMS John Muir [Cascade Forest Reservation Resolution] 1896 00192

26. TMS Sierra Club Toll Roads Yosemite [ca. 1900) 00193

27. TMS Sierra Club [Outing List] 1908 00198

28. TCL William F. Bade Transcripts of Correspondence re: Retch Hetchy (1908-1913) 00203


29. AMS Jeanne C. Carr [Yosemite Trip with Muir & Keith] [ca. 1873) 00234

30. AMSS Margaret R. Lunam (poems) Gilderoy [ca. 1890) 00240

31. AMS Jeanne c. Carr John Muir [ca. 1891] 00244

32. AMS Edward R. Taylor (poem) To the Pine 1892 00246

33. TCCMSS Edward R. Taylor (poem) To Burns 1893 00247

34. AMS S. Hall Young [Sermon Notes] 1894 00249

35. TCCMSS Edward R. Taylor (poem) On a Picture Painted by • • • Keith ••• 1896 00254

36. AMS S. Hall Young The Veritable History of Stickine [ca. 1896-1897) 00256

37 - TMSS Edward R. Taylor (three poems) 1897-1898 00261

38. AMSS Peter L. Trout A Trip to Glacierland [ca. 1898) 00272

39. AMSS Peter L. Trout The Great American Continent [ca. 1898) 00320

40. AMSS Edward R. Taylor (two poems) 1899 00326

41. TCMS Mary Harriman et al. (poems) The Harriman Alaska Expedition Poems [1899] 00329

42. Drawing J.H. Mellichamp [Flowers and Pine Needles] [ca. 1900] 00366

43. AMMS Edward R. Taylor (poem) The Sport of Killing 1902 00367

64 44. Printed Bailey Millard poem Muir of the Mountains [ca. 1903] 00368

45. TCCMSS Edward R. Taylor (4 poems) In Arizona 1904 00369

46. TMSS Ellen B. Sherman (poem) To a Sequoia [ca. 1910] 00373

47. AMSS Henry Mead Bland (poem) The Man of the Trail [ca. 1910] 00374

48. TMS August Drahms (poem) On Re-reading . . • Muir [ca. 1910] 00376 49. TMS Olive T. Miller A Pilgrimage [ca. 1910] 00377 so. HwCMS National Institute of Arts and Letters [John Muir Tribute] [ca. 1911] 00380

51. TC CMS August Drahms (poem) On Seeing a Water Ousel 1912 00381

52. TMS Middletown State Hospital Patients Retch Hetchy Petition [ca. 1913] 00382

53. AMS Edmond S. Meany (poem) When the Wind Played a Harp at My Bed 1914 00383

54. TCCMS Merrill Moores Recollections of John Muir As a Young Man [ca. 1928] 00384

55. TCMS Greta A. Variel Wanda Muir Hanna [Reminiscence] [ca. 1942] 00401

56. AMS Elizabeth w. Burbank [Reminiscence] [n.d.] 00404

57. TCMS Alice C. Fletcher Along the Way I Met John Muir [Reminiscence] [n.d.] 00405

58. TC CMS [Edward R. Taylor] (poem) To the Grand Canyon [n.d.] 00415



Drawings and photographs, in contrast to written works, are arranged by subject, with subordinate arrangement by photographer and date. Subject headings are adapted from Library £!._Congress Subject Headings (8th edition, 1975). Since most of the subjects in this series pertain to certain specific geographic areas, location is the lead subject entry, with generic subject headings following location where appropriate. Each fiche card contains a separate contents frame.

FICHE 1: DRAWINGS FRAMES Alaska - Glaciers 17-26 Alaska - Glaciers - Muir 27-36 Alaska - Glaciers - Pacific 37-39 Alaska - Islands 40-45 Alaska - Lakes 46 Alaska - Mountains 47-48 Animals 49-54 California, Eastern - Lakes 55 California, Northern - Mountains - Shasta 56-58 California, Northern - Rocks 59 California, Northern - Trees 60


Canada 63-64 Factory management 65 Kings Canyon National Park - Canyons - 66-68 Kings Canyon National Park - Canyons - 69-71 Kings Canyon National Park - Canyons - South Fork Kings River 72-81 Kings Canyon National Park - Lakes 82 Kings Canyon National Park - Mountains 83-87 Machinery - Design 88-102 Plants 103-104 Scotland 105


Sierra Nevada - Canyons 123-125 Sierra Nevada - Geology - Charts, diagrams, etc. 126-141 Sierra Nevada - Glaciers 142

66 Sierra Nevada - Lakes 143 Sierra Nevada - Landforms 144 Sierra Nevada - Meadows 145-146 Sierra Nevada - Mountains 147-155 Sierra Nevada - Mountains - Ritter 156-158 Sierra Nevada - Mountains - San Joaquin River Headwaters 159-167 Sierra Nevada - Passes 168 Sierra Nevada - Rocks 169 Sierra Nevada - Trees 170-171 Southwest, New 172-173 Trees 174-175 Utah - Landforms 176-179


Wisconsin - Historic houses, etc. 183-184 Yosmite National Park - Camps and camping 185 Yosmite National Park - Canyons 186-190 Yosmite National Park - Canyons - Merced 191-198 Yosmite National Park - Canyons - Nevada 199-202 Yosmite National Park - Canyons - Tenaya 203-208 Yosmite National Park - Canyons - Tuolumne 209-232 Yosmite National Park - Geology - Charts, diagrams, etc. 233-240


Yosemite National Park - Glaciers 243 Yosemite National Park - Historic houses, etc. 244 Yosemite National Park - Meadows 245 Yosemite National Park - Meadows - Tuolumne 246-252 Yosemite National Park - Mountains 253-265 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Cathedral Peak 266-267 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Half Dome 268-270 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Hoffman 271-272 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Lyell 273-274 Yosemite National Park - Rocks 275-276 Yosemite National Park - Rocks - Sentinel 277-278 Yosemite National Park - Trees 279-284 Yosemite National Park - Trees - Redwood 285-288 Yosemite National Park - Valleys - Retch Hetchy 289-291 Yosemite National Park - Valleys - Little Yosemite 292-293 Yosemite National Park - Valleys - Yosemite 294-298


Yosemite National Park - Waterfalls 303-308 Yosemite National Park - Waterfalls - Merced River 309-313 Yosemite National Park - Waterfalls - Tuolumne River 314-323 Yosemite National Park - Waterfalls - Yosemite Falls 324-326


Canada 329 Factory management 330 Machinery - Design 331-335


Africa - Animals 338-342 Africa - Boats 343-344 Africa - Caves 345-346 Africa - Hotels and taverns 347 Africa - Lakes 348 Africa - Monuments 349 Africa - Native races 350-356 Africa - Pack transportation 357 Africa - Passes 358-359 Africa - Plants 360 Africa - Railroads 361 Africa - Rivers 362-366 Africa - Rocks 367 Africa - Travelers 368 Africa - Trees 369-374 Africa - Villages 375-379 Africa - Waterfalls 380-382


Africa - Waterfalls - Victoria 398-403 Alaska - Animals 404-406 Alaska - Boats and boating 407 Alaska - Canyons 408 Alaska - Cities and towns 409-413 Alaska - Coasts 414-417 Alaska - Eskimos 418-427 Alaska - Glaciers 428-453


Alaska - Glaciers - Columbia 458-466 Alaska - Glaciers - Dalton 467-469 Alaska - Glaciers - Grewingk 470-472 Alaska - Glaciers - Hidden 473-479 Alaska - Glaciers - Hubbard 480-483 Alaska - Glaciers - Muir 484-497 Alaska - Icebergs 498 Alaska - Islands 499-500 Alaska - Islands - King 501-505 Alaska - Mountains 506-508 Alaska - Mountains - Fairweather 509-512


Alaska - Plants 518-523 Alaska - Rivers 524 Animals 525-529 Arizona - Deserts 530 Arizona - Indians 531-533 Arizona - Mountains 534-535 Arizona - Natural Monuments - Grand Canyon 536 Arizona - Natural Monuments - Petrified Forest 537-558 Asia - Icons 559-561 Asia - Pack transportation 562 Australia 563-565 Buildings 566 California - Gardens 567 California, Eastern - Indians 568-570 California, Eastern - Lakes - Mono 571-575


California, Eastern - Landforms 578-584 California, Eastern - Valleys 585-586 California, Northern - Agriculture 587 California, Northern - Animals 588 California, Northern - Bays - Monterey 589 California, Northern - Bays - San Francisco 590-594 California, Northern - Camps and Camping 595-596 California, Northern - Canyons 597 California, Northern - Cemetaries 598-599 California, Northern - Cities and Towns 600 California, Northern - Coasts 601-602

69 California, Northern - Flowers 603-604 California, Northern - Geysers 605 California, Northern - Historic houses, etc. 606-610 California, Northern - Historic houses, etc. - Alhambra Gardens 611-614 California, Northern - Historic houses, etc. - Mccloud River 615-623


California, Northern - Historic houses, etc. - Strentzel-Muir 638-652 California, Northern - Lakes 653 California, Northern - Lumbering and logging 654 California, Northern - Meadows 655 California, Northern - Mountaineers and mountaineering 656 California, Northern - Mountains 657-661 California, Northern - Mountains - Shasta 662-674 California, Northern - Natural Monuments - Pinnacles 675-684 California, Northern - Parks - Big Basin 685-691


California, Northern - Rivers 698-705 California, Northern - Roads 706-709 California, Northern - Trail riding 710 California, Northern - Trees 711-720 California, Northern - Trees - Cypress 721-728 California, Northern - Tress - Oak 729-737 California, Northern - Trees - Pine 738-749 California, Northern - Valleys 750-752 California, Northern - Valleys - Alhambra 753-755


California, Southern - Agriculture 758-767 California, Southern - Animals 768 California, Southern - Camps and camping 769-772 California, Southern - Canyons 773-781 California, Southern - Canyons - Bear 782-785 California, Southern - Cities and towns 786-787 California, Southern - Flowers 788-789 California, Southern - Historic houses, etc. 790-803 California, Southern - Hotels and taverns, etc. 804-807 California, Southern - House furnishings 808-809 California, Southern - Lakes - Bear 810-811


California, Southern - Landforms 818-822 California, Southern - Lumber trade 823-824 California, Southern - Meadows 825 California, Southern - Missions 826-828 California, Southern - Monuments - Muir Lodge 829-838 California, Southern - Mountaineers 839 California, Southern - Mountains 840-844 California, Southern - Mountains - San Bernardino 845-850 California, Southern - Mountains - San Gabriel 851-861 California, Southern - Mountains - San Jacinto 862-863 California, Southern - Plants 864-871 California, Southern - Railroads 872


California, Southern - Rivers, streams, etc. 878-888 California, Southern - Roads 889-890 California, Southern - Rocks 891-897 California, Southern - Searchlights 898 California, Southern - Transportation 899-901 California, Southern - Travelers 902-903 California, Southern - Trees 904-920 California, Southern - Trees - Alder 921-923 California, Southern - Trees - Auricaria 924-925 California, Southern - Trees - Fir 926-930


California, Southern - Trees - Oak 938-944 California, Southern - Trees - Palm 945-947 California, Southern - Trees - Pine 948-967 California, Southern - Trees - Spruce 968-972 California, Southern - Trees - Sycamore 973-974 California, Southern - Valleys 975-978 California, Southern - Valleys - Bear 979-982 California, Southern - Waterfalls 983 Canada - Camps and camping 984 Canada - Mines 985-986 Canada - Monuments 987


Canada - Mountains 998-1007 Canada - Railroads 1008 Canada - Trees 1009 Canada - Waterways 1010 China 1011 Colorado - Animals 1012 Colorado - Deserts 1013 England 1014-1015 Florida 1016-1020 Flowers 1021-1025 House furnishings 1026-1027 Idaho 1028-1033 Illinois - Trees 1034 India 1035 Indiana - Trees 1036-1041 Indians of North America 1042-1045 Japan 1046


Kings Canyon National Park - Alpine regions 1058-1059 Kings Canyon National Park - Animals 1060 Kings Canyon National Park - Camps and camping 1061-1062 Kings Canyon National Park - Canyons 1063 Kings Canyon National Park - Canyons - Kings 1064-1079 Kings Canyon National Park - Canyons - Tehipite 1080-1083 Kings Canyon National Park - Flowers 1084-1085 Kings Canyon National Park - Historic houses, etc. 1086-1088 Kings Canyon National Park - Lakes 1089-1093 Kings Canyon National Park - Lakes - Bullfrog 1094-1101 Kings Canyon National Park - Lumbering and logging 1102 Kings Canyon National Park - Meadows 1103 Kings Canyon National Park - Mountaineers and mountaineering 1104-1106


Kings Canyon National Park - Mountains 1118-1127 Kings Canyon National Park - Mountains - 1128-1133 Kings Canyon National Park - Mountains - Sphinx 1134-1138 Kings Canyon National Park - Pack transportion 1139 Kings Canyon National Park - Passes 1140-1142 Kings Canyon National Park - Rivers 1143-1145 Kings Canyon National Park - Rivers - Kings 1146-1165

72 Kings Canyon National Park - Rocks 1166-1173


Kings Canyon National Park - Trees 1178-1182 Kings Canyon National Park - Trees - Redwood 1183-1192 Kings Canyon National Park - Valleys 1193-1195 Kings Canyon National Park - Waterfalls 1196-1198 Latin America - Canyons 1199-1200 Latin America - Mountains 1201-1207 Latin America - Plants 1208 Latin America - Ranch Life 1209 Lighthouses 1210-1211 Massachusetts 1212 Mountaineers and mountaineering 1213 Mountains 1214-1215


Muir, John - Monuments, etc. 1238-1245 Muir, John - Portraits 1246-1271 Muir, John - On location (1895-1905) 1272-1288


Muir, John - On location (1906-1913) 1298-1340 Muir, John - With family 1341-1354


Muir, John - With others (1888-1909) 1358-1405


Muir, John - With others (1910-1914) 1418-1457 Muir family (A - L) 1458-1470


Muir family (M - Z) 1478-1505


Muir family - Helen and family 1538-1556 Muir family - Wanda and family 1557-1570 Muir family - Wanda and Helen 1571-1578


Muir friends (A - F) 1598-1651


Muir friends (G - K) 1658-1707


Muir friends (L - R) 1718-1770


Muir friends (S - Z) 1778-1807 Muir friends - Unidentified (1863-1901) 1808-1835


Muir friends - Unidentified (1902-1913) 1838-1880


Nevada - Historic houses, etc. 1898-1899 Nevada - Lakes 1900-1902 New Hampshire - Railroads 1903 New Mexico 1904 New Zealand - Geysers 1905-1908 New Zealand - Mountains 1909-1912 Ocean Travel 1913 Oregon - Animals 1914 Oregon - Boats and boating 1915 Oregon - Canyons 1916 Oregon - Coasts 1917-1918 Oregon - Historic houses, etc. 1919-1921 Oregon - Lakes 1922-1924 Oregon - Lakes - Crater 1925-1932 Oregon - Lumbering and logging 1933-1935 Oregon - Mountains - Hood 1936-1940 Oregon - Rivers 1941 Oregon - Trees, etc. 1942-1944 Oregon - Waterfalls 1945-1946 Parks 1947-1948 Plants 1949-1952 Railroads 1953 Rivers, etc. 1954


Scotland - Boats and boating 1958-1959 Scotland - Churches 1960-1962 Scotland - Cities and towns 1963-1969 Scotland - Coasts 1970-1975 Scotland - Harbors 1976-1978 Scotland - Historic houses, etc. 1979-1988 Scotland - Historic houses, etc. - Muir's birthplace 1989-1991 Scotland - Trees 1992


Sequoia National Park - Alpine regions 2018-2021 Sequoia National Park - Canyons 2022-2026 Sequoia National Park - Canyons - Kern 2027-2038 Sequoia National Park - Flowers 2039 Sequoia National Park - Historic houses, etc. 2040-2041 Sequoia National Park - Lakes 2042-2047

75 Sequoia National Park - Lakes - Kern 2048-2058 Sequoia National Park - Meadows 2059-2074 Sequoia National Park - Mines 2075


Sequoia National Park - Mountaineers and mountaineering 2078-2079 Sequoia National Park - Mountains 2080-2087 Sequoia National Park - Mountains - Kaweah 2088-2092 Sequoia National Park - Mountains - 2093-2101 Sequoia National Park - Mountains - Whitney 2102-2117 Sequoia National Park - Passes 2118-2123 Sequoia National Park - Rivers 2124-2130 Sequoia National Park - Roads 2131


Sequoia National Park - Rocks 2138-2145 Sequo~a National Park - Trees 2146 Sequoia National Park - Trees - Redwood 2147-2155 Sequoia National Park - Trees - Redwood - General Sherman 2156-2163 Sequoia National Park - Trees - Redwood - Giant Forest 2164-2170 Sequoia National Park - Valleys 2171 Sequoia National Park - Waterfalls 2172-2174


Sierra Nevada - Alpine regions 2198-2201 Sierra Nevada - Animals 2202-2211 Sierra Nevada - Camps and camping 2212 Sierra Nevada - Flowers 2213-2214 Sierra Nevada - Lakes 2215-2226 Sierra Nevada - Lakes - Eleanor 2227-2230 Sierra Nevada - Lumbering and logging 2231-2233 Sierra Nevada - Lumbering and logging - Converse Basin 2234-2238 Sierra Nevada - Meadows 2239-2246 Sierra Nevada - Mines 2247 Sierra Nevada - Mountaineers and mountaineering 2248 Sierra Nevada - Mountains 2249-2251 Sierra Nevada - Natural monuments - Devils Post Pile 2252-2254


Sierra Nevada - Passes 2258-2259 Sierra Nevada - Plants 2260-2261

76 Sierra Nevada - Rivers 2262-2263 Sierra Nevada - Roads 2264 Sierra Nevada - Rocks 2265-2268 Sierra Nevada - Sawmills 2269 Sierra Nevada - Trees 2270-2283 Sierra Nevada - Trees - Fir 2284-2287 Sierra Nevada - Trees - Hemlock 2288-2293 Sierra Nevada - Trees - Juniper 2294-2303 Sierra Nevada - Trees - Pine 2304-2313


Sierra Nevada - Trees - Pine - Foxtail 2318-2327 Sierra Nevada - Trees - Pine - Sugar 2328-2340 Sierra Nevada - Trees - Redwood 2341-2365 Sierra Nevada - Trees - Redwood - Calaveras Grove 2366-2373


Sierra Nevada - Trees - Redwood - Converse Basin 2378-2387 Sierra Nevada - Valleys 2388-2392 Sierra Nevada - Waterfalls 2393 South Pacific 2394-2402 Trees 2403-2415 Trees - Fir 2416-2422 Trees - Oak 2423-2433


Trees - Pine 2438-2452 Trees - Spruce 2453-2455 Utah 2456-2457 Utah - Indians 2458-2459 Washington 2460-2465 Washington - Glaciers 2466-2469 Washington - Mountains - Olympics 2470-2472 Washington - Mountains - Rainier 2473-2481 Washington - Trees 2482-2488 Washington - Waterfalls 2489-2492


Weeds 2498 Wisconsin 2499-2509 Yellowstone National Park 2510-2518 Yellowstone National Park - Geysers 2519-2524


Yosemite National Park - Animals 2558-2563 Yosemite National Park - Camps and camping 2564-2571 Yosemite National Park - Flowers 2572-2574 Yosemite National Park - Glaciers 2575-2576 Yosemite National Park - Historic houses, etc. 2577-2585 Yosemite National Park - Indians 2586-2593 Yosemite National Park - Lakes 2594-2603 Yosemite National Park - Lakes - Tenaya 2604-2612 Yosemite National Park - Lumbering and logging 2613


Yosemite National Park - Meadows 2618-2621 Yosemite National Park - Meadows - Tuolumne 2622-2640 Yosemite National Park - Mountaineers and mountaineering 2641-2657


Yosemite National Park - Mountains 2678-2699 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Cathedral Peak 2700-2709 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Clouds Rest 2710-2712 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Conness 2713-2717 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Dana 2718-2719 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - El Capitan 2720-2731 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Glacier Point 2732-2733


Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Half Dome 2738-2760 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Lyell 2761-2762 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - North Dome 2763-2767 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Sugar Loaf 2768 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Tenaya 2769-2770 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Tuolumne 2771-2776 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Unicorn Peak 2777-2784 Yosemite National Park - Mountains - Watkins 2785-2788 Yosemite National Park - Passes 2789


Yosemite National Park - Rivers 2798-2807 Yosemite National Park - Rivers - Merced 2808-2828

78 Yosemite National Park - Rivers - Tuolumne 2829-2834 Yosemite National Park - Roads 2835-2841 Yosemite National Park - Roads - Madera 2842-2844 Yosemite National Park - Rocks 2845 Yosemite National Park - Rocks - Cathedral 2846-2851 Yosemite National Park - Rocks - Liberty Cap 2852-2853


Yosemite National Park - Rocks - Sentinel 2858-2863 Yosemite National Park - Trees 2864-2892 Yosemite National Park - Trees - Cedar 2893-2900 Yosemite National Park - Trees - Hemlock 2901-2902 Yosemite National Park - Trees - Juniper 2903-2906 Yosemite National Park - Trees - Oak 2907-2908


Yosemite National Park - Trees - Pine 2918-2925 Yosemite National Park - Trees - Redwood 2926-2935 Yosemite National Park - Valleys - Retch Hetchy 2936-2966


Yosemite National Park - Valleys - Yosemite 2978-3010


Yosemite National Park - Waterfalls 3038-3042 Yosemite National Park - Waterfalls - Bridal Veil 3043-3051 Yosemite National Park - Waterfalls - Nevada 3052-3060 Yosemite National Park - Waterfalls - Tuolumne River 3061-3071 Yosemite National Park - Waterfalls - Vernal 3072-3077 Yosemite National Park - Waterfalls - Yosemite 3078-3085




This selective index to the Muir Microform Edition contains nearly 19,000 entries coded from the control cards, processed on a Burroughs 6700 computer, and converted into a three-column format by a laser printer. The index includes surname entries for all correspondence; short title entries to manuscripts, journals, notebooks, and poetry under the name of the author; and surname entries for all photographers. Portrait photographs are also indexed by the name of the photo subject or subjects, if identified. In addition, photographs by Marian Delany, Marian Hooker, Charles H. Sawyer, William F. Herrin, Herbert w. Gleason, George R. King, Carleton E. Watkins, George Fiske, G. K. Gilbert, Theodore P. Lukens and C. Hart Merriam are further divided into subject categories under each photographer's name. Key to photo abbreviations:

KCNP - Kings Canyon National Park SNP - Sequoia National Park YNP - Yosemite National Park SN - Sierra Nevada Mountains

See the reel/fiche contents (Section 7) of the Guide for a complete list of photograph subject entries.

Because of the extent of John Muir's writings, the index includes an alpha-list of short titles which can be compared to a chronological list in the reel/fiche contents. For ease of identification and computer sorting, some titles have been emended in this index. Complete and unemended title entries can be found on the control cards filmed with each item.

For reader convenience all correspondence has been indexed both by author and recipient. Author entries are sorted by date; recipient entries by frame number. For example, a letter from Helen Muir to her father John Muir is listed two ways:


Muir, Helen (author) Correspondence To Muir, John (recipient) 1893 Aug 30 I A/07/04302 (date series/reel or fiche/frame#)


Muir, John Correspondence From Muir, Helen I A/07/04302

80 Limitations of time, staff and money prevented the development of a comprehensive name glossary to accompany this index. Names are listed by surname, first name and middle initial in that order if readily available. Where known, married women are listed by married surname, first name and initial of maiden name. No attempt was made to cross reference women by maiden and married names, nor was it possible to reconcile conflicting spellings of obscure names or to complete name entries where only partial information existed.


Some control card notes refer to related manuscripts by accession number. Below is a list of cross references identifying the beginning frame number of each manuscript itemized by accession number.

Accession Number Frame Reference

00005 II/23/00310

00006 II/23/00357

00008 II/23/00600

00009 II/23/00625

00012 II/24/00891

00013 II/24/00953

00016 II/24/01135

00020 II/25/01409

00024 II/25/01773

00026 II/25/01559

00027 II/25/01778

00028 II/25/01617

00029 II/26/01936

00030 II/26/02113

00037 II/27/02882

00039 II/28/03015

00044 II/28/03266

81 00047 11/28/03430

00067 II/30/04392

00069 11/3/04428

00070 11/30/04501

00075 llIA/31/00120

00076 IIIA/31/00300

00077 II/23/00541

00078 IIIA/ 32 /00823

00079 IIIA/32/00915

00080 IIIA/31/00643

00081 llIA/32/00758

00082 llIA/31/00023

00188 11/24/00779

00195 I A/02/01232

00296 I A/13/07624

00314 I A/03/01633

00424 I A/01/00579

00572 I A/12/07283

00644 I A/02/01234

00754 I A/03/01640

00848 I A/03/01880

00849 I B/03/01882

01053 I A/12/07282

01483 I B/06/03615

01507 I B/07/03702

01621 I A/07/04021

01693 I A/07/04219

02455 II/23/00473

82 02455 IIIA/31/00036

03098 I A/12/07281

03098 I A/13/07442

03098 I A/13/07481

03098 I A/14/08241

03101 I A/ 12/07285

03204 IIIA/32/00892

03236 I A/13/07626

03410 I A/14/08060

03536 I A/14/08040

03788 I A/16/08991

03819 I A/16/09046

03826 I A/16/09062

04057 I A/17/09527

04620 I A/18/10509

05753 I A/22/12770

06199 I B/11/06816

06339 I A/21/12317

06404 I A/07/04218

06552 I A/16/09050

06887 I A/14/08041

07952 IIIC/34/01966

08442 IIIC/46/12082

08498 I A/17/09924

08507 IIIA/31/00469

08535 IIID/44/10252

08536 IIID/43/09979

08618 IIID/44/10212

83 08633 l A/14/08056

08643 l A/17/09668

09112 lVA/04/00194

09124 lVA/04/00205

09126 lVA/05/00286

09127 lVA/05/00285

09222 l A/18/10588

09239 II/24/00716

09323 IllA/33/01849

09324 lllA/33/01535

09326 llIB/48/13343

09327 II/28/03327

09329 llIC/49/14176

09331 11/30/04636

09605 lVB/29/01625

09651 lVB/30/01683

09945 l A/14/08242

09946 l A/13/07485

09966 l A/16/09065

09969 l A/13/07424

10059 l A/17/09525

10088 l A/18/10518


Ellison, Olaf F. A/14/08239 1899 Jan 13 I All 0/06039 A/15/08489 A/22/13377 Adams, James B. Abbe, Cleveland Correspondence To Allen, B. L. Correspondence To Johnson, Robert U. Correspondence To Muir. John 1906 Aug 11 I B/16/08939 Mu1r, John 1914 Jun 23 I A/22/12818 1892 Dec 12 I A/07/04006 Adams, Samuel Abbot, Edwin H. Correspondence To Allen, Charles E. Correspondence To Bade, William F. Correspondence To Muir, John 1911 Feb 20 I B/20/11590 Muir, John 1896 Sep 19 I A/09/05293 San Francisco, City of 1899 Oct 14 I A/10/06245 Oct 24 I A/09/05321 1912 Oct I I B/20/11850 1897 Jan 29 I A/09/05425 Oct 16 I B/20/11860 Allen, Charles H. Correspondence To Abbot, Henry K. Adams, William Congden, Dr. Correspondence To Correspondence To 1877 Sep 5 B/03/01626 Muir, John Muir, John Gatch, T. M. 1896 Nov 4 I A/09/05327 1882 Nov 18 I A/04/02433 1877 Sep 5 B/03/01627 Dec 16 I A/09/05360 Morris, Bishop Agnew, J. B. 1877 Sep 5 B/03/01628 Abbot, Henry L. Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence To Muir, John 1877 Sep 5 A/03/01629 Muir, John 1906 Jan 17 I A/16/08789 1894 Oct 7 A/08/04619 1910 Jan 9 I A/19/10668 1897 Jan 24 I A/09/0S415 Mar 13 I A/19/10752 Correspondence From 1901 Dec 12 I A/11/06783 May I I A/19/10805 Muir, John 1903 May 4 I A/13/07610 A/12/07303 Abbou, D. F. A/15/08465 Correspondence From Correspondence To A/22/13340 Muir, John Muir, John A/22/13355 A/12/07280 1903 Dec I A/13/07815 A/22/13297 1904 Jul 7 I A/14/08033 Ahern, George P. A/22/13345 1907 Jan 29 I Ail6/09068 Correspondence To Muir. John Allen. Edward W. Correspondence From 1905 Mar 22 I A/15/08461 Correspondence To Muir, John Jun 14 I A/I 5/08567 Muir, John A/22/13459 1913 Jun 18 I A/21/12255 1913 Sep 10 I A/21/12365 Sep 14 I A/21/12385 Abboll, Lyman Allen, Francis H. Correspondence To Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John 1904 Dec 7 I A/14/08213 A/I 5/08488 1899 I A/10/06275 1905 Jan 24 I A/I 5/08345 A/22/13379 1912 Dec 4 I A/20/11904 1913 Feb 25 I A/21/12079 Correspondence From Aimers May 14 I A/21/12201 Muir, John Correspondence From 1914 Mar 17 I A/22/12727 A/15/08336 Muir, John A/15/08371 A/20/11707 Allen, Hallie E. A/15/08460 Correspondence To A/15/08470 Alexander, Julius M. Mu1r, John I A/16/08846 Correspondence To 1886 Jan 18 I A/05/02862 I A/22/13301 Muir, John I A/22/13313 1914 Aug 20 A/22/12896 Allen, Jessica G. I A/22/13350 Correspondence To I A/22/13362 Correspondence From Muir, John llIA/33/01874 Muir, John 1879 May 31 I A/03/01875 A/22/12943 Ackinson, Augusta Allio!, Hector Correspondence To Alexander, Sallie K. Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence To Muir, John 1911 Mar 27 I A/20/11277 Muir, John 1910 Dec I A/19/11124 1913 I A/21/12558 1895 Jan 20 I A/08/04781 May 15 I A/21/12204 1900 Apr 23 I A/11/06400 Allis, T. F. 1914 Jan 10 I A./22/12628 May 24 I A/11/06411 Correspondence From Jan 26 I A/22/12657 1902 Feb 2 I A/12/06977 Muir, John Mar 8 I A/22/12715 A/15/08499 Correspondence From A/22/13391 Adams Family Muir, John Correspondence From A/22/12752 Allsop, Herbert H. Muir, John Correspondence To I A/12/06949 Allan, Mrs. Muir, John I A/12/07070 Correspondence From 1912 Jul 25 I A/20/11733 I A/22/13268 Muir, John Oct 29 I A/20/11867 A/22/13295 Adams, Charles K. Amalitzky, Madame Correspondence To Allen, Abbigail A. Correspondence From Muir, John Correspondence To Manson, Marsden 1892 Jan 4 I A/07/03865 Muir, John B/13/07613 1897 Jun 26 I A/09/05561 1878 May 4 I A/03/01742 Sep 28 I A/09/05629 1880 Apr 27 I A/04/02028 Amalitzky, Professor 1902 Jan 4 I A/12/06900 1897 I A/09/05703 Correspondence From 1901 Dec 7 I A/11/06779 Manson, Marsden Correspondence From 1905 Oct 9 I A/I 5/08703 B/13/07613 Muir, John 1914 I A/22/13031 I A/09/05629 American Civic Assoc. Correspondence From Correspondence From Adams, G. M. Muir, John McFarland, J. H. Correspondence To A/14/08201 I B/17/09815 85 Ames, Pelham W. Atlantic Monthly editor Correspondence To Correspondence From Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John 1892 Feb 12 I A/07/03877 A/15/08495 A/22/13287 Mar 3 I A/07 /03879 A/22/13389 Mar 14 I A/07 /03887 Augustine, Greta Armes, William D. Photograph By Anderson, Alden Correspondence To IV B/13/00653 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John 1891 May 15 I A/07/03717 Austin, A.P. 1904 Jul 15 I A/14/08051 1892 May 25 I A/07/03939 Correspondence To Jul 22 I A/07/03952 Muir, John Correspondence From Sep 13 I A/07/03975 1904 Dec 19 I A/14/08223 Muir, John Sep 18 I A/07 /03976 A/14/08040 Sep 19 I A/07/03979 Averell, Betty A/14/08041 Sep 25 I A/07/03981 Correspondence To Sep 29 I A/07/03988 Muir, John Anderson, J. R. Dec 31 I A/07/04015 1899 Aug 5 I A/10/06171 Correspondence To 1893 Feb 13 I A/07/04046 1900 Sep 8 I A/11/06468 Muir, John May 15 I A/07/04130 Sep 26 I A/11/06476 1897 Oct 21 I A/09/05646 1894 Oct 11 I A/08/04621 1910 Nov 13 I A/19/11114 1904 Aug 18 I A/14/08106 1911 I A/20/11558 Correspondence From I A/20/J 1559 Anderson, Malcolm P. Muir, John Feb 24 I A/20/11242 Correspondence From A/07/03729 Mar 27 I A/20/11279 Muir, John Jul 10 I A/20/11423 A/13/07435 Armstrong, Mary 1912 Jul 7 I A/20/ 11724 A/22/13280 Correspondence To Aug 19 I A/20/11782 Muir, John 1913 Jan 21 I A/21/12029 Anderson, Melville B. 1908 Apr 6 I A/17/09644 Sep 27 I A/21/12404 Correspondence To Apr 28 I A/17/09690 Nov I A/21/12507 Muir, John Dec 8 I A/21/12520 1895 May 30 I A/08/04911 Arnold, Elsa U. 1914 Apr 7 I A/22/12738 Jun 25 I A/08/04938 Correspondence To 1901 May 18 I A/11/06651 Muir, Helen Correspondence From 1902 Sep 3 I A/12/07169 1905 Aug JO A/15/08642 Muir, John Sep 6 I A/12/07176 Muir, John A/20/11251 Sep 19 I A/12/07209 1905 Aug JO A/15/08642 A/21/12413 Nov 21 I A/12/07290 Muir, Wanda 1903 May 4 I A/13/07611 1905 Aug JO A/15/08642 Photograph 1905 Jul 26 I A/15/08608 IV B/25/01401 Aug 9 I A/J 5/08637 Arnold, Mary J. IV B/25/01402 1906 Dec 11 I A/16/08981 Correspondence To 1909 May 11 I A/18/10307 Muir, John Averell, Blossom 1913 Feb I I A/21/12050 1902 I A/12/07339 Correspondence To Jun 4 I A/21/12241 Mar 9 I A/12/07007 Muir, John 1914 Jan 7 I A/22/12623 Mar 24 I A/12/07036 1908 Feb 7 I A/17/09530 Feb 19 I A/22/ 12698 1907 Jan 14 I A/16/09040 1913 Oct 31 I A/21/12470 Mar 6 I A/22/12713 1908 Feb 28 I A/17/09563 Apr 12 I A/22/12740 Apr 6 I A/17/09645 Correspondence From Jun 2 I A/22/12783 1914 Jul 28 I A/22/12852 Muir, John Jun 9 I A/22/12791 A/14/08202 Jun 20 I A/22/12817 Correspondence From Jul 9 I A/22/12835 Muir, John Averell, M. B. A/12/07026 Correspondence To Correspondence From A/12/07133 Muir, John Muir, John A/16/08947 1909 Aug 23 I A/18/10434 A/07/03995 A/17/09674 A/08/04934 A/18/10266 Averell, Mrs. W. H. A/08/04949 A/22/12854 Correspondence From A/09/05557 A/22/12910 Muir, John A/11/06734 A/22/13266 A/22/13295 A/11/06754 A/11/06801 Arnot, Raymond H. Avery, Benjamin P. A/12/07172 Correspondence To Correspondence To A/12/07177 Muir, John Muir, John A/12/07214 1899 Sep 6 I A/I 0/06209 1874 Mar 4 A/03/01359 A/12/07228 Apr 25 A/03/01375 A/12/07276 Artieda, Helen Swell A/13/07630 Manuscripts Ayer, Harriet A/15/08630 John Muir in Our House Correspondence To A/16/09006 V A/51/00047 Muir, John A/18/10071 1909 I A/18/10589 I A/18/10313 Ashley, Harriell M. I A/18/10360 Correspondence To Photograph By I A/18/10367 Muir, John IV B/22/01212 I A/18/10386 1911 Jun 28 I A/20/11394 I A/21/12194 Aylesworth, Barton 0. I A/21/12515 Correspondence From Correspondence To I A/22/12702 Muir, John Muir, John I A/22/12770 A/20/11358 1898 Jan 12 I A/10/05748 I A/22/12773 A/20/11392 I A/22/12838 Babcocl:, Earl J. Muir, Louie S. Atlantic Monthly Correspondence From B/10/06022 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John A/18/10132 An1rews, H. V. 1901 Jun 13 I A/11/06657 A/22/13446 Correspondence To 1903 Mar 19 I A/13/07 522 Muir, John Young, S. Hall Bacon, Thomas R. 1905 Apr 19 I A/15/08483 1910 Jul 25 I A/19/10958 Correspondence To

86 Muir. John Kehr, George W. A/16/08811 1894 Aug 16 J A/08/04S87 B/19/10961 A/16/09101 Kletzsch, Alvin P. A/17/09603 Bade, Elizabeth J Bl19/10988 A/21/12110 Photograph McDonald, Henry M. Unknown JV B/28/01 S64 J B/21/12495 A/12/07325 McFarland, J. H. Bade, William F. J B/17/09807 Bailey, Liberly H. Correspondence To J B/18/10090 Correspondence To Chamberlain, Allen J B/19/10967 Muir, John J Bl22/13450 J B/19/11063 1901 Jul 10 J A/I J /06677 1909 Feb 7 J Al18/10137 J B/19/11088 Aug 23 J A/11/06713 DcSchweinilz. Paul J B/20/ 11262 Sep 10 J A/11/06724 J B/22/13448 Mills, Genrude H. Nov 15 J A/11/06761 Feb i J A/18/10142 V A/Sl/00035 Fisher, Walter L. Moores, Merril I Bailey, Vernon 1912 Feb 13 1 B/20/11588 V A/51/00032 Correspondence To Hark, J. M. Muir. John Muir, John J Al22/13448 A/20/11665 1900 Nov 3 J A/11 /06505 1909 Feb 7 J A/18/10149 Pierce, Frank 1908 Dec 17 J A/17/09987 McFarland, J. H. B/19/10951 1909 Jan 10 J A/18/10091 J B/22/13450 B/19/11014 Feb 7 J B/18/10184 Reid, W. T. Correspondence From Muir, John Bl22/12933 Muir, John 1909 Apr 30 J All8/10297 Sampson, Alden A/l 1/06821 1913 Apr 23 J A/21/12170 B/18/10392 Jul 28 J Al21/12312 S1evens, M. T. Baker, B. N. Parsons, Edward T. B/20/11840 Correspondence To J Al22113447 Ward, Edwin D. Muir, John 1909 Feb 7 I B/18/10185 J B/20/11854 1910 Jul 25 I A/19/10957 Roosevelt, Theodore Wa 1rous, Richard B. Aug 4 J A/19/10984 1912 Jun J B/20/11612 I A/19/10944 Sampson, Alden J B/19/10952 Baker, Frank I B/22/13450 J B/19/10962 Correspondence To 1909 Feb 7 J A/18/10174 J B/19/10968 Muir, John Feb 7 J B/18/10186 J B/19/10971 1902 Jul 2 J A/12107128 Feb 7 I B/22/13446 J B/19/11029 Schultze, Augustus J B/19/11085 Baker, Page M. J B/22/13448 J Bl19/11099 Correspondence From Feb 7 I A/18l1017S J Bl20/11281 Muir, John Stewardson, L. C. Whilehead, James AllB/10133 I B/22/13447 V Al51IOOOIS Al22113446 Feb 7 I A/18110177 Whitman, Edmund A. Whitman J B/19/10976 Baker, Ray S. J B/22/13450 J Bl19111032 Correspondence To Feb 7 J A/18110181 Muir, John Manuscrip1s 1901 Aug 21 J A/11/06712 Correspondence From He1ch Hetchy Correspondence 1902 Jan 24 J A/12/06944 Adams, Samuel V Dl51/00203 Apr 30 J A/12/07084 B/20/J 1590 1909 Jun 23 I A/18/J037S Ballinger, Richard A. Photograph J B/19/10982 JV B/28/01564 Correspondence From I B/I 9111047 JV B/29/01598 Muir, John Beck, James M. A/12/06950 B/19/10966 Bagnall, John Brown, Alfred B. Correspondence To Baldwin, Henry V Al51/00023 Muir, John Correspondence To Chamberlain, Allen 1878 Oct 20 1 A/03/01814 Muir, John I Al1911 J076 1882 Nov 6 I A/04/02426 1902 May 28 J A/12/07107 Colby, William E. 1883 Oc1 23 J A/04102Sl7 I B/19/10980 1900 Jan 13 J A/11/06311 Baldwin, Mrs. Orville D. J Bl19/10983 Correspondence To J B/19/11013 Bailey Family Muir, John Eas1man, Anna G. Correspondence From 1901 Mar 28 I A/11/06623 V A/51/00043 Muir, John Edwards, George A/11106543 Balfour, Bayley B/19/11048 J A/14/07876 Correspondence To Elliol, Helen L. J A/I 5/08675 Douglas Bl21/12433 J A/17/09998 1908 May 30 J B/17/09766 Ferris, Scou Muir, John J B/21/12268 Bailey, F. Manson 1912 Nov 6 J A/20111877 Fisher, Walter L. Correspondence To J Bl20/ 1 I S77 Muir, John Ball, Thomas W. J B/20/11685 1904 Aug 22 J A/14/08110 Correspondence To Gilmore, Elmer E. Muir, John V A/51/00007 Bailey, Florence M. 1897 Apr 28 I A/09/05519 Gove, George Correspondence To I B/20/11819 Muir, John Ballinger, Richard A. Griswold, M. S. 1900 Nov 4 J All 1 /06508 Correspondence To V Al5ll00017 1901 Jan 16 J A/11/06583 Bade, William F. Hall, Edward H. 1903 Jan 14 J A/13/07404 1910 Aug 2 J B/19/10982 J B/21/12491 1905 Aug 23 J A/15/08656 Sep 3 J B/19/11047 Hodgson, Katherine 1907 Feb 17 J A/16/09089 Johnson, Rober! U. V A/51100033 1910 J A/19/11152 1909 Jun 11 J Bil 8/10359 Hoh, Hamilton Jan 26 J A/19/10693 Jun 19 J B/18/10368 J B/17/09717 1913 Jan 23 J A/21/12031 Muir, John J B/19/11028 1914 Feb 8 I Al22/12681 1909 Apr 28 J A/18/10295 Johnson, Roben U. Dec 27 J A/18/10585 J A/19/11065 Correspondence From 1910 Jan 14 J A/19/10677 J B/19/10991 Muir, John

87 Correspondence From Nov 6 l A/04/02428 Bell, Laura Muir, John 1899 Jan 7 I A/10/06026 Correspondence To A/18/10282 Muir, Helen A/18/10539 Bashford, Herbert 1904 Sep 5 J B/14/08132 A/18/10574 Correspondence From Muir, John A/19/10662 Muir, John 1903 Dec 5 I A/13/07816 A/19/10781 A/09/05311 1904 Ocl 12 I A/14/08172 A/19/10814 1905 Sep 28 l A/15/08687 A/20/11887 Baucher, J. B. 1909 Nov 7 I A/18/10529 Correspondence To Bal naves Muir, John Bell, Mary Correspondence From 1912 Allf 17 l A/20/11778 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John A/11/06774 Baxley, Carrie F. 1897 A/09/05706 Correspondence To Bankhead, John H. Muir, John Correspondence From Correspondence From 1912 Dec 29 I A/20/11948 Unknown Muir, John B/09/05709 A/18/10187 Bayley, George B. A/22/13455 Correspondence To Belshaw, C. M. Muir, John Correspondence To Barber, Fred A. 1894 Jan 27 l A/08/04445 Muir, John Correspondence To 1905 Feb 23 I Ail 5/08403 Muir, John Beal, Junius E. 1907 Sep 18 I A/16/09278 Correspondence To Correspondence From Oct 16 I A/16/09313 Muir, John Muir, John 1908 May 1 l A/17/09699 1913 Sep 10 l A/21/12368 A/15/08421 A/15/08422 Barbezal, L. Beal, Mary A/22/13326 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Benjamin, Marcus 1912 Aug 4 I A/20/11753 1910 Mar 3 I A/19/10737 Correspondence To 1913 l A/21/12562 Mar 14 J A/19/10756 Muir, John Aug 20 l A/21/12337 1905 Jun 19 I A/15/08573 1914 AW! 15 I A/22/12889 Beard, Daniel Oci 24 J A/22/12967 Correspondence To Correspondence From 1916 Feb 19 J A/22/13046 Muir, John Muir, John 1905 May 24 I A/15/08543 A/15/08472 Barrows, Albert L. 1907 Apr 2 J A/16/09120 Correspondence To Dec 19 l A/16/09411 Bennetl, Charles E. Muir, John Correspondence To 1914 Jul 20 J A/22/12844 Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John 1913 Sep 28 I A/21/12410 Barrus, Clara A/16/09133 Correspondence To Benl, Allen H. Muir, John Beardsley, Eugenia Correspondence To 1909 Mar 10 I A/18/10235 Correspondence To Muir, John Mar 14 I A/18/10242 Muir, John 1913 Nov JI J A/21/12488 May 26 I A/18/10339 1914 Jan 23 J A/22/12652 Jul 1 J A/18/10391 Benton, John E. Jul 10 I A/18/10396 Beck, James M. Photograph Sep 6 J A/18/10446 Correspondence To IV B/29/01600 1910 Mar 24 I A/19/10769 Bade, William F. May 14 J A/19/10815 1910 Jul 27 I B/19/10966 Benton, Mary F. 1912 Jun 31 I A/20/1 J 607 Correspondence To Sep 9 J A/20/ 11822 Beckwith, Edward Blanchard Dec 23 I A/20/11932 Photograph 1877 Jul 26 J B/03/01617 1913 May 25 J A/21/12221 IV B/29/01599 Muir, John Jul 30 l A/21/12315 1883 Nov 3 J A/04/02525 1914 Nov II I A/22/12992 Beecher, Henry W. 1885 Oct 31 I A/05/02832 Correspondence To 1886 Oct 21 I A/05/02928 Correspondence From LeConle, Joseph 1894 I A/08/04740 Muir, John 1883 Sep 8 J B/04/02511 1902 I A/12/07341 A/18/10420 Correspondence From Photograph Barry, Dorothy LeConle, Joseph IV B/29/01602 Correspondence To B/04/02513 IV B/29/01603 Muir, John 1904 Jul 17 J A/14/08087 Beers, Mary M. Bernay, P. S. Dec 6 I A/14/08209 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Bartlen, Louie D. 1907 May 14 J A/16/09142 1914 Jul 31 I A/22/12855 Correspondence To Muir, John Belfrage, William F. Bertola, Mariana 1892 Aug 19 I A/07/03964 Photograph By Correspondence To JV B/24/01308 Muir, John Bartlell, Mary JV B/25/01379 1895 Oct 14 I A/08/05029 Correspondence To JV B/39/02248 Muir, John Bertram, Joshua 1914 Jan 23 I A/22/12651 Bell, C. M. Correspondence To Photograph By Muir, John Barllell, Washington JV B/30/01704 1910 Nov 8 I A/19/11110 Correspondence To Muir, John Bell, Emily Bickford, E. L. 1887 Aug 12 I A/05/02999 Correspondence To Correspondence From Houghton Mifflin Co. Muir, John Bartlell, William C. 1915 Oct 13 V A/51/00003 A/17/09984 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John 1904 Sep 3 J A/14/08129 Bicknell, Thomas W. 1882 Jun 25 J A/04/02397 1906 May 5 J A/16/08873 Correspondence To

88 Muir, John A/12/07304 Bliss, D. L. 1896 Jul 9 I A/09/05238 A/22/13341 Correspondence To Muir, John Bidwell Family Bielawski, C. 1899 Aug 29 I A/10/06192 Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Bliss, Roberi W. A/03/01886 1892 Apr 25 I A/07/03916 Correspondence To 1894 Nov 29 I A/08/04681 Muir, John Bidwell, Annie K. 1911 Nov 29 I A/20/11527 Correspondence To Bigelow, H. S. Kewcastle Photograph By Bodlker, J. F. 1877 Oct 10 I A/03/01633 JV B/32/01782 Photograph By Muir, John IV B/29/01625 1877 Oct 13 I A/03/01647 Biggart, Mabelle Dec 17 I A/03/01671 Correspondence To Boise, J. R. 1878 Jan 21 I A/03/01679 Muir, John Correspondence From Feb 9 I A/03/01697 1908 Dec 24 I A/17/10002 Johnson, J. E. Sep 14 I A/03/01790 B/01/00300 1879 Feb II I A/03/01841 Bingenheimer, Penelope H. May 17 I A/03/01872 Correspondence To Bolle, Carl 1880 Apr I A/04/02032 Muir, John Correspondence To Apr 18 I A/04/02023 1912 Dec I A/20/11962 Muir, John Dec 4 I A/04/02147 1904 Oct 4 I A/14108162 1881 Apr 8 I A/04/02202 Bird, Arthur Dec 21 I A/04/02337 Correspondence To Bond, Frank N. 1894 Nov 27 I A/08/04674 Muir, John Correspondence To 1902 Apr 17 I A/12/07067 1913 I A/21/12564 Donohue, James 1905 Mar 3 I A/15/08432 1907 Jan 25 I B/16/09061 May 4 I A/15/08502 Birge, Julius C. Muir, John May 15 I All 5/08520 Correspondence To 1906 Dec 28 A/16/09002 Aug 6 I All 5/08620 Muir, John 1907 Mar 18 I A/16/09109 1913 Dec I I A/21/12509 Correspondence From 1911 Dec 29 I A/20/11554 1914 Feb 26 I A/22/12703 Muir, John A/16/09046 Correspondence From Bishop A/16/09050 Muir, John Correspondence From A/03/01633 Hutchins, Samuel Booth, William S. A/03/01640 B/03/01561 Correspondence To A/03/01689 Muir, John A/03/01703 Bisset, Thomas T. 1905 Jan 6 I A/15/08306 A/03/01779 Correspondence To Feb 21 I A/15/08401 A/03/01847 Muir, John 1906 Feb 28 I A/16/08824 A/03/01871 1914 Jan 5 I A/22/12621 1907 Aug 30 I A/16/09236 A/03/01905 Jun 7 I A/22/12788 A/04/01998 Aug 31 I A/22/12906 Border, George C. A/04/02198 Oct 4 I A/22/12955 Correspondence To A/04/02346 Muir, John A/05/02993 Black, A. G. 1905 Feb 28 I A/15/08425 A/06/03425 Correspondence To A/11/06415 Muir, John Borland, W. A/11/06794 1880 Jun 25 I A/04/02074 Correspondence To A/13/07477 Muir, John I A/14/07980 Photograph 1914 Nov I A/22/12982 I A/15/08676 JV B/29/01604 I A/16/09117 Bourne I A/16/09412 Black, Joseph Photograph By I A/20/11239 Correspondence To IV B/19/01035 I A/20/11640 Muir, John 1908 Aug 21 A/17/09874 Boyd, T. H. Manuscripts Dec 31 A/17/10022 Photograph By Reminiscences of John Muir IV B/23/01251 V A/51/00009 Blake, J. A. Correspondence To Boyes, John H. Bidwell, John Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence To 1863 Nov 24 I A/01/00317 Muir, John Muir, John 1877 Jan 22 I A/03/01589 1877 Nov 29 I A/03/01658 Blanchard 1881 May 3 I A/04/02221 1880 Jun 21 I A/04102071 Correspondence From 1888 Jan 19 I A/05/03036 1881 Apr 8 I A/04/02205 Benton, Mary F. 1889 Jun 19 I A/06/03257 B/03/01617 Photograph 1896 Apr 20 I A/09/051S4 IV B/29/01605 Bland, Henry M. Correspondence From Correspondence To Boyle, Gertrude F. Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence From A/03/01633 1909 Feb 15 I A/18/10207 Muir, John A/03/01640 A/15/08347 A/03/01660 Correspondence From A/22/13304 I A/03/01787 Muir, John I A/06/03252 I A/20/11222 Boyle, James T. I A/06/03255 I A/20/11491 Correspondence To I A/06/0342 5 Muir, John I A/09/05152 Poems 1910 May 26 I A/19/10835 I A/09/05173 The Man of the Trail V E/51/00374 Boyle, Stella Biedenbach, Charles L. Correspondence To Correspondence From Bliss, Cornelius N. Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence To 1910 May 3 I A/19/10807 I A/12/07281 Pinchot, Gifford I A/12/07282 1897 Jun 19 I B/09/05552 Boysen, Amy E. I A/12/07297 Photograph

89 JV B/29/01606 1904 Jan 14 A/14/07884 1903 Jul 18 J A/13/07731

Brace, Bi lie W. Bridgman, Herbert L. Correspondence From Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John A/IS/08393 1909 Mar 18 I A/ 18/102S2 1908 Oct 13 I A/17/09910 A/22/13318 1909 Jul 20 J A/18/10401 Bradford, Annie R. Brown, Joanna M. Correspondence From Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Galloway, Sarah M. A/11/06836 A/18/1013S 188S Jul 27 I B/05/02733 A/22/13448 Hand, Mary M. Bradley 1882 Apr 2S J B/04/02373 Photograph By Bridgman, S. E. Jun 7 J B/04/02393 JV B/23/01248 Correspondence To 1883 Jun 1 J B/04/02499 IV B/28/01SS8 Muir, John 1884 Jan 30 I B/OS/02S81 IV B/28/0IS72 189S Feb 2S I A/08/04831 Apr 22 I B/05/02601 IV B/29/01599 188S Feb 22 I B/OS/02667 JV B/29/01604 Briggs, Elizabeth A. May 28 I B/OS/02698 IV B/29/016Sl Correspondence To Nov 7 I B/OS/02836 IV B/30/016S8 Muir. John Nov IS I B/OS/02841 IV B/31/01746 1912 Jun 29 I A/20/11712 Hand, Will is IV B/31/01747 1883 Jun 1 I B/04/02499 IV B/32/01819 Briggs, Octavine C. 1884 Apr 22 I B/05/0260 I Correspondence To Muir, Ann G. Bradley, Cornelius B. Muir, John 188S Jul 27 I B/OS/02733 Correspondence To 1900 Jul 4 I A/11/06429 Muir, Annie L. Muir, Helen 1881 Dec S I B/04/02330 1905 Dec 25 A/15/08737 Brigman, Annie W. 1885 Jul 27 I B/05/027 33 Muir, John Photograph By Muir, John 1897 Aug 28 I A/09/05622 IV B/23/01242 1880 Oct 25 J A/04/02130 Nov 22 J A/09/05671 1881 May 4 I A/04/02224 Dec 10 I A/09/05684 Brodeck, H. H. 1882 Mar 24 I A/04/02367 1902 Aug 21 I A/12/071Sl Photograph By Apr 22 I A/04/02371 Oct 17 I A/12/07247 IV B/09/00428 May 30 I A/04/02387 1904 Jun 27 I A/14/08001 IV B/09/00429 1883 Nov 16 I A/04/0253S 1905 Oct 19 I A/15/08712 1884 Jan 26 I A/05/02S79 Dec 25 I A/IS/08737 Brooks, Ada 1885 Apr 12 I A/05/02685 1907 Mar 21 I A/16/09112 Correspondence From Nov 7 I A/05/02840 1909 Jun 9 I A/18/103S7 Carr, Jeanne C. 1888 Nov 13 J A/05/03176 1912 Nov 5 I A/20/11874 B/01/00594 1889 Jun 23 J A/06/03261 Muir, Wanda 1890 Dec 19 J A/06/03589 190S Dec 2S I A/IS/08737 Brown, Alfred B. 1891 Jan 25 J A/07/03656 Correspondence To 1893 Mar 26 I A/07/04095 Bradley, E. A. Bade, William F. 1894 Mar 4 I A/08/04479 Correspondence To 1917 Apr 9 V A/51/00023 Jul 28 I A/08/04S74 Roosevelt, Theodore Muir, John Dec 9 I A/08/04706 1907 Nov 22 I B/16/09371 1858 I A/01/00041 189S Jan 3 I A/08/04751 1859 Mar 18 I A/01 /00044 Mar 2 I A/08/04838 Bradley, Mary C. 1862 Oct 22 I A/01/00229 Jul 23 I A/08/04950 Correspondence To Nov 27 I A/01/00246 1896 Oct 1 I A/09/0S308 Muir, John 1908 Apr 19 I A/17/09659 1897 Jan 13 I A/09/05402 1910 A/19/11154 May 7 I A/17/09714 1898 Jan 17 I A/10/0S749 1902 Jan 9 I A/12/06915 Brandis, Dietrich Correspondence From 1903 Jan 22 I A/13/07416 Correspondence From Muir, John Feb 1 I A/13/074S2 Pinchot, Gifford A/01/00020 190S I A/15/08744 B/07/04202 A/01/00333 Aug 7 I A/15/08623 A/IS/08404 1907 Jan 11 I A/16/09037 Branson, J. R. A/17/09S24 Mar 8 I A/16/09102 Correspondence To A/17/09675 Jul 2 I A/16/09170 Muir, John A/17/09798 1908 Jul 17 I A/17 /09828 1909 May 2S I A/18/10333 Oct 30 I A/17/09931 Brown, Bernice 1909 I A/18/10S92 Brant, C. A. Correspondence To Sep 27 I A/18/10476 Correspondence To Muir, John Oct IS I A/18/10498 Muir, John 1909 Oct 11 I A/18/10494 1910 Jan 6 I A/19/106SS 1911 Jan 6 I A/20/11197 Jun 18 I A/19/10899 Brown, Bolton A. Aug 24 I A/19/11017 Brant, Olga F. Correspondence To Sep 16 I A/19/11066 Correspondence To Muir, John Oct 2 I A/19/11079 Muir, John 1896 Nov 21 I A/09/05335 1913 Jan 4 I A/21/12011 1909 Apr 11 I A/18/10279 Feb 4 I A/21/12054 1910 Jun II I A/19/10879 Brown, C. E. Apr 2 I A/21/12133 Correspondence To Oct 7 I A/21/12426 Breck, Belle Muir, John Dec IS I A/21/12S29 Correspondence To 1913 Aug IS A/21/12333 1914 I A/22/13032 Muir, John Jan 12 I A/22/12635 1909 I A/18/10590 Correspondence From Jul 8 I A/22/12832 1914 Aug 12 I A/22/12878 Muir, John Muir, Louie S. A/22/12909 1880 Oct 2S I A/04/02130 Breckinridge, Clifton R. 1881 May 4 I A/04/02224 Correspondence From Brown, Edmond L. 1883 Nov 16 J B/04/02S3S Muir, John Correspondence To 1888 Nov 13 J B/OS/03176 A/18/10134 Muir, John Reid, Margaret M. A/22/13446 1902 Oct 28 I A/12/07259 1907 Nov 2 I B/16/09343

Breit, George Brown, Elon R. Correspondence From Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John A/12/06988

90 I A/13/07618 A/19/10702 Reminiscence I A/14/08203 A/19/10857 V E/51/00404 I A/16/08810 A/20/11275 1 A/16/09092 A/21112220 Burbank, Lu1her 1 A/19/10908 A/21/12228 Correspondence To I A/19/11051 Muir, John I A/19/11055 Pholograph 1910 Jan 7 I A/19/10659 I A/19/11073 IV B/25/01391 1 A/22/13295 IV B/25/01396 Correspondence From Muir, John Brown, John H. Browne, Waldo R. A/19/10652 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Pho1ograph 1895 May 25 I A/08/04906 1913 Jun 3 I A/21/12238 IV B/29/01607 IV B/29/01612 Brown, John N. Brunning, John H. JV B/29/01613 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, Louie S. Burdeue, Rober! J. 1890 Sep 3 I A/06/03526 1902 Aug 13 J B/12/07147 Correspondence To Muir, John Brown, Mr. Bryant, Henry G. 1909 Mar 31 I A/18/10258 Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Burks, Frances A/22/13320 1903 Ocl 13 J A/13/07794 Correspondence To 1904 Feb 15 J A/14/07897 Muir, John Brown, S. M. 1905 Feb 9 I A/15/08376 1901 Dec 20 J A/Jl/06811 Correspondence To 1906 Jan 12 1 A/16/08779 Muir, John Feb J A/16/08828 Burks, Jesse 1910 Mar 8 I A/19/10748 Feb 16 I A/16/08813 Correspondence To Jul 4 J Ail9/1094J 1907 Nov 23 J A/16/09373 Muir, John 1908 J A/17/10035 1901 Dec 20 1 A/11/06811 Brown, Therese Y. Jan 13 1 A/17/09483 Correspondence To Nov 7 J A/17/09943 Burnell Family Muir, John Dec 14 J A/17/09982 Pholograph 1870 Oc1 J A/02/00877 1909 Nov 8 1 A/18/10532 IV B/29/01608 1910 Apr 13 J A/19/10792 Brown, W. H. Burnell, Pe1er H. Correspondence To Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Loeb, William Muir, Louie S. 1862 Nov 9 J A/01/00238 B/16/08827 1880 May 28 I B/04/02053 Muir, John 1882 Oc1 23 I B/04/02422 Brown, Waller A/17/09948 Correspondence To A/17/09994 Burroughs, John Muir, Annie L. A/17/09996 Correspondence To 1881 Nov 6 I B/04/02323 A/18/10136 Johnson, Rober! U. Muir, John A/18/10267 1894 Ocl 11 I A/08/04657 1885 Jul 15 I A/05/02729 A/18/10528 Muir, John Nov 16 1 A/05/02850 A/18/10570 1899 Sep 24 I A/ I 0/06223 1886 Jan 7 I A/05/02861 A/22/13447 1909 Sep 3 I A/18/10443 Feb 3 I A/05/02875 1910 Mar 31 I A/19/10783 Mar 6 I A/05/02884 Bryce, James Dec 28 1 A/19/11146 Mar 10 J A/05/02886 Correspondence To 1911 Jan 18 I A/20/11213 Apr 2 J A/05/02894 Johnson, Rober! U. Apr 20 J A/05/02895 1895 Nov 9 J B/08/05044 Correspondence From Apr 27 J A/05/02898 LeConle, Joseph Le Muir, John Jun 24 1 A/05/02905 1881 Oc1 26 I B/04/02320 A/18/10276 Jul 12 I A/05/02909 Muir, John A/18/10475 Jul 29 1 A/05/02910 1881 Oc1 I A/04/02317 A/18/10534 Aug 5 I A/05/02911 A/18/10552 Sep 10 I A/05/02914 Correspondence From A/18/10568 Oct II I A/05/02926 Johnson, Rober1 U. J A/20/11209 Nov 19 I A/05/02933 J B/07/04157 J A/20/11429 Dec 8 I A/05/02936 Dec 24 I A/05/02940 Buckham, John W. Pho1ograph 1887 Jan II J A/05/02953 Correspondence To IV B/25/01360 Jan 24 J A/05/02957 Muir, John IV B/25/01390 1889 Dec 10 1 A/06/03362 1909 May 26 J A/18/10341 IV B/25/01391 1891 May 20 J A/07/03721 Sep 10 I A/18/10456 IV B/25/01396 May 27 J A/07/03730 IV B/26/01435 Jun 5 I A/07/03736 Budd, James H. IV B/29/01609 Jul 7 1 A/07/03746 Correspondence To IV B/29/01610 Muir, Louie S. Muir, John IV B/29/01611 1885 Jul 15 1 B/05/02729 1895 Jan 9 I A/08/04762 IV B/29/01612 JV B/29/01613 Correspondence From Buel, Clarence C. Cary, R. W. Correspondence To Burl, Mary E. J B/07/03733 Muir, John Correspondence To I B/07/03754 1892 Mar 9 1 A/07/03885 Muir, John 1894 Dec 20 I A/08/04728 1907 Nov 27 I A/16/09380 Browne, Francis F. Correspondence To Bufford Bush, A. Muir, John Pho1ograph Correspondence To 1909 May 21 J A/18/10326 IV B/29/01626 Muir, John 1910 Jan 20 1 A/19/10682 1886 Mar 19 I A/05/02889 1911 Mar 19 J A/20/11269 Bunnell Pholograpb Buller, Agnes C. Correspondence From IV B/25/01367 Pho1ograph Muir, John IV B/29/01614 I A/18/10308 Burbank, Elizabeth W. IV B/29/01615 I A/18/10351 Manuscripts IV B/29/01616

91 IV B/29/01617 Muir, John Correspondence From IV B/29/01621 I A/02/00745 Mackey, G. S. B/03/01882 Butler, Anna B. Byrne, John J. Photograph Correspondence From Campbell, William W. IV B/29/01619 Muir, John Correspondence To IV B/29/01620 A/16/08945 Muir, John IV B/29/01621 1914 Jun 9 I A/22/12792 IV B/29/01622 Cable, George W. Dec 2 I A/22/13007 IV B/29/01623 Correspondence To Muir, John Canby, William M. Butler, Henry S. 1893 Dec 18 A/07/04360 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Butler, James D. Correspondence From 1897 Oct 24 I A/09/05649 1873 Mar 21 I B/02/01249 Muir, John 1898 Jul 11 I A/10/05859 Butler, Mrs. A/08/04413 1872 Dec 5 I A/02/01199 Correspondence From Butler, Mrs. James D. California Press Sargent, Charles S. 1870 Apr 25 I B/02/00810 Correspondence From I B/12/07119 Muir, John Sierra Club 1866 Apr 28 A/01/00429 B/07/04321 Caparn, Harold A. 1867 Feb 24 A/01/00490 Correspondence To Calkins, J. E. Muir, John Correspondence From Correspondence To 1912 Apr 4 I A/20/11614 Muir, John Muir, John A/01/00426 1904 Mar 29 I A/14/07923 Capps, M. Aug 23 I A/14/08113 Correspondence To Photograph 1906 Mar 12 I A/16/08834 Muir, John IV B/29/01624 1907 Jan I A/16/09076 1910 Sep 12 I A/19/11061 IV B/29/01625 Jan 2 I A/lo/09034 Aug 18 I A/16/09229 Carnegie, Andrew Butler, James D. Sep 6 1 A/16/09255 Correspondence To Correspondence To Oct 31 I A/16/09337 Muir, John Merri II, Catharine Nov 29 I A/16/09381 1903 Jun 8 I A/l 3/07689 l 866 Apr 26 I B/OJ /00428 1908 Nov 18 I A/17/09952 1913 Nov 6 I A/21/12477 Muir, John Dec 30 I A/17/10016 1867 Mar 20 I A/01/00500 1909 Jan 21 I A/18/10106 Correspondence From 1873 Jan 15 I A/02/01236 Apr 26 I A/18/10291 Muir, John 1886 Mar 15 I A/05/02887 1910 Nov 2 I A/19/11097 A/22/12648 Dec 2 5 I A/05/02946 Nov 12 I A/19/11112 1888 Feb I 0 I A/05/03066 1913 Apr 16 I A/21/12158 Photograph Dec 8 I A/05/03180 Sellers, Alfred H. IV B/26/01418 1889 Jul 30 I A/06/03314 1908 Mar 23 1 B/17/09632 IV B/26/01419 Sep 20 I A/06/03336 Wolfe, Linnie M. IV B/26/01420 1891 Feb 1 I A/07/03660 1942 Sep 5 V B/ 5 J /00050 May 25 I A/07/03724 Carpenter, Edmund N. 1892 Apr 21 I A/07/03907 Correspondence From Correspondence To 1893 Apr 15 I A/07/04106 Dawson, Albert F. Muir. John Nov 6 I A/07/04348 I B/16/09393 1911 Nov 26 I A/20111523 1894 Jul 30 I A/08/0457 5 Ficke, C. A. 1895 Jan 8 I A/08/04760 B/16/09329 Photograph By Apr 23 I A/08/04881 MacBride, Thomas H. IV B/22/01199 1897 Jun 1 I A/09/05539 I B/16/09349 IV B/22/01200 1900 Jul 9 I A/11/06432 Muir, John IV B/22/01201 1903 Mar 28 I A/13/07542 A/14/08075 Apr 3 I A/13/07569 A/14/08095 Carpenter, Fredenc W. 1905 Mar 13 I A/15/08452 A/16/08840 Correspondence To Unknown I A/16/09067 Muir, John 1888 Oct 31 I B/05/03173 I A/16/09230 1909 Sep 6 I A/18/10449 I A/16/09263 Correspondence From I A/16/09332 Correspondence From Butler, Henry S. I A/16/09364 Muir, John B/02/01249 I A/16/09384 A/18/10483 Mackay, John I A/17/09485 B/05/03057 I A/17/09552 Carr Family Muir, John I A/17/09561 Correspondence From A/01/00544 I A/17/09586 Muir, John A/02/00814 I A/ 17/09 588 A/22/13154 A/05/03071 I A/17/09887 A/22/13160 A/06/03322 I A/17/09967 A/11/06547 I A/17110012 Photograph A/13/07632 I A/18/10083 IV B/33/01852 A/14/08079 I A/18/10310 A/15/08491 I A/19/11105 Carr, Allie I A/19/11117 Photograph Photograph I A/20111190 IV B/29/01630 IV B/29/01626 I A/20/11702 IV B/29/01627 I A/21/12240 Carr, E. M. IV B/29/01628 I A/22/12985 Correspondence To IV B/29/01629 Putnam, Edward K. Muir, John I B/16/09328 1903 Dec 18 I A/13/07830 Butler, Mrs. Vollmer, Henry Correspondence From B/16/09320 Carr, Ezra S. Butler, Henry S. Correspondence To A/02/01199 Calvin, E. E. Muir, John Correspondence To 1868 Aug 31 I A/01/00647 Butler, Mrs. James D. Muir, John 1869 Oct I A/02/00761 Correspondence From 1909 Oct 5 I A/18/10486 Strentzel, Louie Butler, Henry S. 1873 Oct 29 I B/02/01312 B/02/00810 Cambie

92 Correspondence From A/01/00463 A/05/03035 Carr, Jeanne C. A/01/00~11 A/05/03047 B/02/01284 A/01/00517 A/06/03229 Muir, John A/01/00549 A/08/04647 A/02/00767 A/01/00560 A/08/04759 A/02/01315 A/01/00571 A/08/05047 A/01/00587 A/22/13097 Pho1ograph A/01/00591 A/22/13099 IV B/29/01631 A/01/00598 A/22/13100 IV B/29/01632 A/01/00637 A/22/13103 IV B/29/01633 A/01/00659 A/22/13105 IV B/29/01634 A/02/00694 A/22113106 A/02/00723 A/22/13108 Carr, Jeanne C. A/02/00727 A/22113112 Correspondence To A/02/00730 A/22/13116 Brooks. Ada A/02/00734 A/22113117 1867 Sep 14 I B/01/00594 A/02/00755 A/22/13118 Carr, Ezra S. I A/02100767 A/22113120 1873 Jul 11 I B/02/01284 I A/02/00778 A/22/13123 McChesney, J. B. I A/02/00804 A/22/13126 1877 Apr 25 I B/03/01610 I A/02/00823 A/22/13128 McChesney, Mrs. J. B. I A/02/00826 A/22/13129 1895 I B/08/05076 I A/02/00858 A/22/13130 Moores, Merrill I A/02/00862 A/22113133 1868 May 10 I B/01 /00624 I A/02/00863 A/22/13136 Muir, John I A/02/00878 A/22/13140 1865 Sep 24 I A/01 /00382 I A/02/00881 A/22/13142 1866 Oc1 12 I A/01/00461 I A/02/00883 A/22/13143 Dec 16 I A/01/00473 I A/02/00898 A/22/13145 1867 Mar IS I A/01/00496 I A/02/00906 A/22/13147 Apr I A/01/00546 I A/02/00912 A/22/13148 Apr 6 I A/01/00S19 I A/02/00917 A/22/13152 Apr 15 I A/01 /00535 I A/02100936 A/22/131SS Aug 14 I A/01/00582 I A/02/00950 A/22/13158 1868 May 2S I A/01/00626 I A/02/00958 A/22/13161 Aug 31 I A/01/00647 I A/02/00981 A/22/13164 1869 Mar 28 I A/02/00711 I A/02/01008 A/22/13166 Jul 30 I A/02/00739 I A/02/01008 A/22/13171 Sep 28 I A/02/00754 I A/02/01018 A/22/13174 Oc1 I A/02/00761 I A/02/01048 A/22/13176 1870 Jan 22 I A/02/00783 I A/02/01065 A/22/13178 May 28 I A/02/00825 I A/02/01096 A/22/13180 Jul 10 I A/02/00856 I A/02/0lllS A/22/13182 Oc1 2 I A/02/00876 I A/02/01120 I A/22/13183 1871 May I I A/02100923 I A/02/01122 I A/22/13186 May 16 I A/02/00926 I A/02/01126 I A/22/13192 May 24 I A/02/00927 I A/02/01129 I A/22/13195 Jun 30 I A/02/00939 I A/02/01132 I A/22/13197 Dec 31 I A/02/01017 I A/02/01139 I A/22/13202 1872 Feb 3 I A/02/01237 I A/02/01143 I A/22/13203 Feb 14 I A/02/01040 I A/02/01148 I A/22113206 Mar 3 I A/02/01062 I A/02/01176 I A/22/13208 Apr 9 I A/02/01091 I A/02/01190 I A/22/13210 Jul I A/02/01138 I A/02/01192 I A/22/13212 Sep I A/02/01171 I A/02/01221 I A/22113215 Sep 24 I A/02/01163 I A/02/01254 I A/22/13223 Oct I A/02/01198 I A/02/01256 I A/22/13224 Oct 2 I A/02/01172 I A/02101264 I A/22/13229 1874 Nov I A/03/01452 I A/02/01268 I A/22113230 1880 Jun 3 I A/04/02057 I A/02101272 I A/22/13231 1889 Jul 16 I A/06/03304 I A/02/01281 I A/22/13235 1890 I A/06103621 I A/02/01298 I A/22/13237 1894 Dec 18 I A/08/04719 I A/02/01300 I A/22/13242 1895 I A/08/05072 I A/02/01302 I A/22/13244 Muir, Louie S. I A/02/01305 I A/22/13245 1881 Jun 12 I B/04/02262 I A/02/01306 I A/22/13246 S1ren1zel Family I A/02/01315 I A/22/13247 1876 May 20 I B/03/01557 I A/03/01428 I A/22/13249 1877 Sep 16 I B/03/01630 I A/03/01431 I A/22/13255 S1ren1zel, John I A/03/01445 I A/22/13256 1883 Feb I I B/04/02472 I A/03/01447 I A/22/13258 1885 Jun 11 I B/05/02705 I A/03/01456 I A/22/13260 Stren1zel, Louie I A/03101461 I A/22/13262 1873 Oct 29 I B/02/01312 I A/03/01475 I A/22/13265 1875 Apr 19 I B/03101492 I A/03/01489 Parkhurst, Emilie T. 1876 Feb 16 I B/03/0153S I A/03/01493 I B/07/03847 Jun 12 I B/03/01560 I A/03/01498 Strentzel, Louie Strentzel, Louisiana E. I A/03/01502 B/03/01482 1880 May I B/04/02054 I A/03/01514 Waterston, C. L. 1883 Feb I I B/04/02472 I A/03/01524 B/02101128 Feb I I B/04/02472 I A/03/01545 Wa1ers1on, C. L. I A/03/01615 Manuscripts 1870 Jul 10 I B/02/00587 I A/03/01620 John Muir I A/03/01624 v E/Sl/00244 Correspondence From I A/03/01762 Yosemile Trip Clark, Galen I A/03/01849 v E/51/00234 B/08/04683 I A/03/01866 Muir, John I A/03/01869 Pho1ograpb I A/01 /00376 I A/03/01887 IV B/29101633 I A/01100407 I A/05/03010 JV B/29/01634

93 JV B/29/01635 Chandler, Elwyn F. Muir, John JV B/29/01636 Correspondence From 1914 Jan 21 J A/22/12643 Muir, John Carring1on, W. T. A/18/10138 Clark, Clarence D. Corresponde nee To A/22/13446 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John 1898 I A/10/06019 Chandler, George 1909 Feb 8 A/18/10188 Correspondence To Carrithers, Kate G. Johnson, Robert U. Correspondence From Correspondence To 1891 Aug 4 I B/07/03770 Muir, John Muir, John A/18/10188 1902 May 21 I A/12/07098 Chapman, Charles E. A/22/13454 Correspondence To Carruth, Charles W. Muir, John Clark, D. R. Correspondence To 1908 Jan 27 I A/l 7/09Sl I Pholograph By Muir, John JV B/29/01630 1893 Jun 19 I A/07/04197 Chapman, I. Dec 19 I A/07/04364 Correspondence To Clark, Douglis W. 1894 Jan 9 I A/08/0442S Muir, John Correspondence To Jan 17 I A/08/04430 1904 Jun 20 A/14/07997 Muir, John Feb 12 I A/08/0446S 1907 Nov I A/16/09342 Feb 18 I A/08/04468 Chapman, William G. Oct 30 I A/08/04639 Correspondence To Clark, E. W. 1911 Mar 4 I A/20/l 125S Muir, John Correspondence To Apr I A/20/11317 1909 Apr S A/18/10273 Muir, John 1912 May 31 I A/20/11686 1883 Oct 25 I A/04/02519 1914 Oct 20 I A/22/1296S Chase, Josephine A. Dec I I A/04/02540 Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Clark, Galen Muir, John 1910 Jan 12 I A/19/10673 Correspondence To A/20/11666 Carr, Jeanne C. Chauvenet, William ·1. 1894 Dec 3 I B/08/04683 Carruthers Correspondence To Muir, John Photograph By Muir, John 1885 Mar 11 I A/05/02673 IV B/33/01848 1909 Dec 28 I A/18/10586 1900 Oct 30 I A/1 l /06501 1904 Oc1 21 I A/14/08181 Caner, C. W. Cheney, Anne W. Photograph By Correspondence To Photograph JV B/43/02458 Muir, John JV B/29/01638 1873 Apr 9 I A/02/012S8 IV B/29/01639 Carter, Fannie P. 1874 Mar IS I A/03/01361 JV B/29/01640 Correspondence To May 14 I A/03/01379 JV B/29/01641 Muir, John May 18 I A/03/01379 JV B/29/01642 1913 Oct 25 I A/21/12458 Jun 28 I A/03/01392 1914 Nov 24 I A/22/13001 Aug 9 I A/03/01407 Clark, George A. 187S Jan I I A/03/01468 Correspondence To Car1er, Thomas H. Oct 18 I A/03/01 SOS Muir, John Correspondence To 1876 Apr 30 I A/03/01550 1903 Jan 3 I A/13/07389 Nobel, Johnson W. 1877 Apr 4 I A/03/01602 1907 Nov 18 I A/16/09363 1891 Jul 8 I B/07/03753 1878 Oct 20 I A/03/01816 1881 Feb 13 I A/04/02181 Correspondence From Cary, R. W. May 31 I A/04/02252 Muir, John Correspondence To A/I 3/0739S Brown, Waller Cheney, John V. 1891 Jun 3 I B/07/037 33 Correspondence To Clark, Jean H. Jul 9 I B/07/03754 Muir, John Photograph Muir, John 1891 Dec 12 A/07/03852 IV B/28/01570 1891 Jul 23 I A/07/03762 Correspondence From Clark, Katharine J. Catlin, Mary Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence To A/08/04615 Muir, John Muir, John 1914 Jan 23 I A/22/12653 1903 Mar 2 I A/13/07486 Photograph IV B/29/01637 Clark, W. I. Catlin, Robert Correspondence From Correspondence To Chichester, Charles F. Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence From A/16/09394 1903 Mar 2 I A/13/07486 Muir, John A/12/07306 Clark, W. W. Chalmers, John B. A/22/13339 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Chichester, W. J. 1903 Mar 20 I A/13/07524 1910 Mar 2 I A/19/10733 Correspondence To Muir, John Coast, Oscar R. Chamberlain, Allen 1902 Nov 17 I A/12/07279 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Bade, William F. Child, H. P. 1912 I A/20/11966 1910 Sep 24 I B/19/11076 Correspondence To 1913 May 16 I A/21/12208 Muir, John Muir, John 1914 Sep 12 I A/22/12925 1909 Aug A/18/10438 1897 Nov 27 I A/09/05673 1904 Jan 14 J A/14/07885 Photograph By Correspondence From JV B/28/01 554 Bade, William F. Chiuenden, Hiram M. IV B/28/01555 I A/18/10137 Correspondence To IV B/28/01556 I B/22/13450 Muir, John Muir, John 1903 Feb 15 I A/13/07466 Cobb, Richard I A/18/10137 1904 Jul 2 I A/14/08020 Correspondence To I A/22/13450 Muir, John Parsons, Edward T. Clark, Angus 1896 Sep 18 I A/09/05290 J B/17/10006 Correspondence To

94 Coffin, Isaac T. A/17/09549 Correspondence From Photograph By A/17/09662 Muir, John JV B/29/01600 A/17109733 A/11/06523 A/17/09750 Colby Family A/17/09938 Coleman, H. L. Correspondence From A/17/09950 Correspondence To Muir, John A/17/09970 Muir, John A/20/11191 A/17/09988 1905 Jun 26 I A/15/08581 A/17/09999 Colby, Mrs. William E. A/17/10010 Coleman, Norman F. Correspondence From A/17/10014 Correspondence To Muir, John A/17/10020 Muir, John J Ail 8/ 10577 A/18/10077 1909 Dec 24 J A/18/10582 A/18/10103 1910 Jan 6 J A/19/10657 Colby, Rachel V. A/18/10110 Photograph A/18/10114 Coif, Mabel IV B/25/01382 A/18/10125 Correspondence To A/18/10461 Muir, John Colby, William E. A/18/10482 1904 Mar 22 A/14/07910 A/19/10957 A/18/10504 A/19/11126 A/18/10513 Correspondence From A/18/10526 Muir, John Correspondence To A/18/10527 A/14/08056 Bade, Wilham F. A/18/10553 1910 Jul 30 J B/19/10980 A/18/10559 Collier, Robert J. Aug 2 I B/19/10983 A/19/10663 Correspondence From Aug 20 I B/19/11013 A/19/10708 Osborn, Henry F. Muir, John A/19/10729 I B/19/10788 1896 I A/09/05377 A/19/10742 1902 May 21 I A/12/07100 A/19/10799 Collier's Weekly 1904 Dec 19 I A/14/08224 A/19/10812 Correspondence From 1905 Jan 7 I A/15/08310 A/19/10829 Parsons, Edward T. Jan 13 I A/15/08322 A/19/10854 I B/17/09718 Feb 24 I A/I 5/08408 A/19/10888 1906 Mar 5 I A/16/08831 A/19/10984 Colver, Anne H. Apr 12 I A/16/08845 A/19/11052 Correspondence To Apr 16 I A/16/08851 A/19/11089 Muir, John May 23 I A/16/08891 A/19111100 1899 Aug 25 J A/10/06187 1907 Jan 19 J A/16/09056 A/19/11107 Apr 16 J A/16/09127 A/19/11132 Conard, P. A. Nov 22 J A/16/09368 A/19/11141 Correspondence To 1908 Jan 9 J A/17/09477 A/20/11196 Muir, John Feb 11 I A/17/09537 A/20/11204 1911 Dec 9 I A/20/11547 Apr 16 I A/17/09654 A/20/11210 1912 Nov 9 I A/20/11882 May 5 I A/17/09710 A/20/11223 1909 Jan 6 I A/18/10079 A/20/11226 Congden, Dr. May 25 I A/18/10333 A/20/11227 Correspondence From 1910 Jun 17 I A/19/10895 A/20/11235 Allen, Charles H. Nov 9 I A/19/11111 A/20/11276 I B/03/01626 1914 May 25 I A/22/12768 A/20/11282 San Francisco Call A/20/11286 Conger, L. T. W. 1907 Nov 26 I B/17/09378 A/20/11296 Correspondence To San Francisco Commercial News A/20/11323 Muir, John 1907 Dec 16 I B/16/09401 A/20/11342 1902 Feb 11 I A/12/06989 A/20/11353 Correspondence From A/20/11362 Conger, Lulu N. Fosler, S. L. A/20/11388 Correspondence To B/20/11842 A/20/11405 Muir, John Funk, Helen M. A/20/11492 1910 Mar 13 I A/19/10733 B/22/13048 A/20/11582 McAdie, Alexander G. A/20/11641 Conger, 0. H. I B/19/11149 "A/20/11698 Correspondence To Mcfarland, J. H. A/20/11711 Muir, John J B/17/09708 A/20/11788 1887 Dec I A/05/03020 Muir, John A/21/12024 A/11/06549 A/21/12196 Conklin and Co. A/11/06550 A/22/12670 Photograph By A/13/07838 A/22/12764 JV B/11/00567 A/14/08199 A/22/13296 A/15/08354 A/22/13306 Conness, Harri el N. A/15/08355 A/22/13308 Correspondence To A/15/08383 A/22/13313 Muir, John A/16/08847 J A/22/13453 1895 Mar 18 J A/08/04852 A/16/08980 IJIA/33/01876 1896 Dec 16 J A/09/05362 I A/16/08983 Parsons, Edward T. I A/16/09052 J A/21/12363 Conness, John I A/16/09096 Correspondence To I A/16/09235 Photograph Muir, John I A/16/09274 JV B/29/01643 1895 Aug J A/08/04964 I A/16/09290 I A/16/09301 Cole, Timothy Cook, Lilian G. I A/16/09310 Correspondence From Correspondence From I A/16/09314 Muir, John Muir, John I A/16/09350 A/21/12464 A/20/11216 J A/16/09356 I A/16/09366 Coleman, Arthur B. Coolbrith, Ina D. J A/16/09372 Correspondence To Correspondence To J A/16/09413 Muir, John Muir, John I A/17/09480 1905 Jun 27 J Ail 5/08582 1876 A/03/01579 I A/17/09535 1880 A/04/02162

95 1881 Jun 24 I A/04/02276 Crocker, William H. D'Evelyn, F. W. 1886 Jun 8 I A/05/02901 Photograph Correspondence From 1894 Nov 19 I A/08/04668 IV B/25/01385 Muir, John 1895 Apr 29 I A/08/04890 A/15/08370 1902 Apr 6 I A/12/07049 Cronise, Adelbert A/22/13311 1905 Aug 24 I A/15/08660 Correspondence From 1906 I A/16/09030 Parsons, Edward T. Daggett, F. S. 1910 Jun 7 I A/19/10868 I B/20/1181 8 Photograph By Jun 29 I A/19/10925 IV B/18/00938 Au~ 19 I A/19/11007 Crosett, J. F. Muir, Louie S. Correspondence To Daggett, J. H. 1880 A/04/02162 Muir, John Pholograph By 1887 Nov 16 I A/05/03015 IV B/18/00939 Correspondence From Muir, John Cross, James Daggett, Kale N. A/16/08984 Correspondence To Correspondence To A/19/10878 Muir, John Muir, John I A/19/10977 1872 Mar A!02/01078 1873 Apr 19 I A/02/01270 I A/21/12124 Aug 17 I A/02/01292 Correspondence From Corey, Francis E. Muir, John Correspondence From Correspondence To A/02/01005 Muir, John Muir, John A/02/01099 A/02/01228 1910 Aug !9 I A/19/11010 Cross, Moses S. Dale, Frank Cornelius, S. Correspondence To Correspondence From Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Johnson, J. E. 1907 Mar 7 I A/16/09099 A/18/10140 B/01/00301 A/22/13449 Crow Family Cornish, Frank V. Pholograph Dall, William H. Correspondence To 1V B/29/01646 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John 1904 Jun I A/14/07958 Crow, Cora C. 1880 Dec 9 I A/04/02149 Aug 5 I A/14/08101 Correspondence To 1905 Feb 28 I A/15/08426 Muir, John Dames 1895 Sep I A/08/05010 Phowgraph By Correspondence From Sep 24 I A/08/05002 IV B/28/01539 Muir, John JV B/32/01822 A/15/08429 Crowe, A. A/15/08485 Pholograph By Dargie, William E. A/22/13328 JV B/35/01979 Correspondence From A/22/13376 JV B/35/01980 Muir, John I A/06/03529 Coulinho and Sons Cummins PhoLOgraph By PholOgraph Darlinglon, Wayne JV B/08/00380 JV B/31/01768 Correspondence To IV B/08/00381 Muir, John JV B/08/00382 Cummins, Ella S. 1906 Mar 9 I A/16/08833 Correspondence To Craig, Oscar J. Muir, John Dassonville, William E. Correspondence From 1891 Aug 26 I A/07/03778 Pholograph By Muir, John 1893 Jul 28 I A/07/04258 IV B/23/01266 A/18/10139 JV B/23/01267 Curtis, Asahel IV B/23/01268 Crandall, C. J. Correspondence To IV B/30/01699 Pholograph By Muir, John JV B/29/01636 1909 Sep 15 l A/18/10462 Davidson, Anstruther Photograph Crandall, Esther Correspondence From IV B/26/01418 Correspondence To Parsons, Edward T. IV B/26/01419 Muir, John I B/18/10075 JV B/26/01420 1910 May 26 I A/19/10835 Curlis, Edward S. Davidson, C. F. Crane, Roman A. Photograph By Correspondence To Correspondence To IV B/09/00404 Parsons, Edward T. Muir, John IV B/09/00405 1912 Sep 26 I B/20/11846 1901 Dec 12 I A/11/06784 IV B/09/00409 IV B/09/00410 Davidson, George Crawford Brothers IV B/09/00414 Correspondence From Photograph By IV B/09/00415 Muir, John IV B/34/01917 IV B/09/00423 A/07/03997 IV B/34/01918 IV B/09/00424 A/11/06474 IV B/34/01936 IV B/09/00425 A/11/06475 IV B/34/01937 IV B/09/00426 IV B/34/01941 IV B/10/00492 Davidson, Helen F. IV B/34/01945 IV B/10/00499 Correspondence To IV B/34/01946 IV B/11/00518 Muir, John IV B/43/02489 IV B/11/00519 1911 Mar 18 I A/20/11267 IV B/11/00520 Crichlon, J. E. IV B/11/00521 Davis Correspondence To IV B/11/00522 Photograph By Parsons, Edward T. IV B/25/01360 IV B/32/01821 1912 Aug 26 I B/20/11794 Curliss, E. R. Davis, Bettie K. Crocker, Henry R. Photograph By Correspondence To Pholograph IV B/29/01618 Muir, John IV B/29/01644 IV B/29/01629 1892 Apr 21 I A/07/03909 IV B/29/01645 VI B/32/01809 Davis, Florence B.

96 Correspondence To IV B/21/01136 Dickenson, Hester A. Muir, John IV B/21/01137 Correspondence To 1914 Jul 22 I A/22/12846 Muir friends Muir, John Aug 10 I A/22/12876 IV B/30/01679 1914 Mar A/22/12709 IV B/30/01698 Apr A/22/12734 Davis, Mrs. Albert Pack transportation Correspondence To IV B/21/01139 Dic~ey, Anna R. Muir, John Passe.s Correspondence To 1910 Jun 26 I A/19/10920 IV B/21/01140 Muir, John IV B/21/01141 1902 Oct 3 I A/12/07231 Davis, Thomas E. Rivers - KCNP 1903 Mar 29 I A/13/07547 Correspondence From IV B/21/01148 Apr 19 I A/13/07590 Muir, John IV B/21/01149 1911 Nov J A/20/11535 A/18/10141 IV B/21/01150 1912 I A/20/11968 A/22/13446 JV B/21/011 SI May I A/20/11688 JV B/21/01152 Jun I A/20/11716 Davis, W. W. JV B/21/01153 Aug J A/20/11808 Correspondence From Rocks - KCNP Aug 10 J A/20/11762 Muir, John IV B/21/01166 Sep 1 I A/20/11810 A/15/08477 IV B/21/01167 Oct 28 I A/20/11865 A/22/13365 Trees KCNP 1913 J A/21/12566 IV B/22/01178 Mar 10 I A/21/12091 Dawson, Albert F. IV B/22/01179 Mar 30 I A/21/12120 Correspondence To IV B/22/01180 Apr I A/21/12182 Calkins, J. E. Trees - SNP Redwood Jul 16 I A/21/12289 1907 Dec 9 I B/16/09393 JV B/22/01189 Aug 1 J A/21/12321 Ficke, C. A. IV B/22/01190 Sep I A/21/12416 1907 Oct 31 I B/16/09339 JV B/22/01191 Sep 24 I A/21/12399 IV B/22101192 Oct I A/21/12472 Dawson, George M. Waterfalls KCNP 1914 Sep I A/22/12947 Correspondence To IV B/22/01196 Muir, John IV B/22/01197 Correspondence From 1888 Jan 19 I A/05/03038 Hooker, Katharine Feb 21 I A/05/03074 Demond, Earle I A/21/12416 Apr 25 I A/05/0309 I Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John A/12/07245 Dayson, A. H. 1910 May 26 A/19/10835 A/13/07620 Correspondence From A/20/11642 Muir, John Denman, Helen L. A/20/11853 A/22/13298 Correspondence From A/20/11868 Muir, John A/21/12330 Dean, Anna A/22/12782 A/21/12402 Correspondence To A/21/12500 Muir, John Dennison, Keith A/22/12626 1907 Nov 11 I A/16/09359 Photograph By IV B/13/00652 Dickey, Mrs. Ernest M. Deane, Ruthven Correspondence From Correspondence To Dennison, W. E. Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence To IA/13/07383 1878 Mar 24 I A/03/01718 Muir, John 1914 Jun 9 I A/22/12795 I 885 Jul 17 I A/05/02730 Dickey, Ronald Aug I A/05/02774 Correspondence From Delany, Marion Muir, John Correspondence To Dewing, M. S. A/13/07620 Muir, John Correspondence To 1902 Aug 22 I A/12/07154 Muir, John Dickinson Sep 8 I A/12/07188 1887 Sep 3 I A/05/03008 Photograph By Oct 2 I A/12107229 JV B/31/01736 Oct 9 I A/!2/07243 DeGroffs, Edward Photograph By Diller, J. S. Correspondence From IV B/09/00411 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John A/12/07167 DeHauk, Hugh R. 1909 Jul 29 I A/18/10405 A/12/07240 Correspondence To Muir, John Dimers, D. W. Photograph By 1913 Apr 23 I A/21/12171 Correspondence To Canyons - KCNP Muir, John IV B/20/01067 DeKirwan, M. 1912 Aug 6 I A/20/11754 IV B/20/01068 Correspondence To IV B/20101069 Muir, John Dinney, G. IV B/20/01070 1883 Nov 10 I A/04/02529 Photograph By IV B/20/01071 1895 Jul 3 I A/08/04943 IV B/34101913 IV B/20/01072 IV B/20/01073 DeLainre, John Dixon, Joseph M. Historic houses, etc Correspondence To Correspondence From IV B/20/01086 Muir, John Muir, John Lakes - KCNP 1910 Jan 10 I A/19/10671 A/18/10189 IV B/20/01091 A/22/13453 IV B/20/01092 DeRerivan, N. Lumber trade Photograph Dodge, J. D. IV B/39/02231 IV B/29/01647 Correspondence To Mountaineers Muir, John IV B/20/01124 DeSchweinitz, Paul 1862 Oct I I A/01/00225 Mountains - KCNP Correspondence From Nov 2 I A/01/00233 IV B/21/01121 Bade, William F. IV B/21/01122 A/18/10142 Dodson, S. M. IV B/21/01123 B/22/13448 Correspondence To IV B/21/01124 Muir, John Muir, John IV B/21/01128 A/18/10142 1909 May 29 I A/18/10345 IV B/21/01129 A/22/13448

97 Dohrmann, F. W. Pholograph By A/15/08372 Correspondence To IV B/14/00720 A/22/13312 Muir, John 1909 May 15 I A/18/10318 Douglas. Taylor W. Duncil Correspondence From Correspondence From Donald, Robert W. Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence To A/12/06951 A/15/08466 Muir, John 1906 Dec 28 I A/16109005 Douglas, William Durrell, Mr. Correspondence To Correspondence From Donohue, James Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence From 1895 Sep 9 I A/08/04987 A/22/13356 Bond, Frank N. 1902 Nov 20 I A/12/07288 A/16/09061 Duuon Downer, J. E. Correspondence From Doran, P. A. Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence T" S1ren1zel, Louisiana E. A/15/08337 Muir, John 1895 Feb 2 l B/08/04815 1899 Sep l A/10106212 Duuon, Mr. 1901 Dec 21 I A/11/06814 Drahms, August Correspondence From 1905 Sep 28 I All 5/08690 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John A/22/13338 Dorn, Winfield H. 1912 Mar 27 A/20/11602 Correspondence To 1913 Mar 27 A/21/12115 Dwighl, E. C. Muir, John Pho1ograph By 1901 Jul 29 I A/11/06688 Manuscripts IV B/31/01764 On Re-reading Muir Correspondence From V E/51/00376 Dwinell, !. E. Muir, John On Seeing A Water Ousel Correspondence To A/11/06484 V E/51/00381 Muir, John 1880 Apr 9 I A/04/02017 Dornuf. W. J. Drake, Alexander W. Apr 17 I A/04/02021 Correspondence To Correspondence To Dec 27 I A/04/02161 Muir, John Muir, John 1907 Dec 5 A/16/09389 1877 Aug 16 A/03/01622 Dyer, Walter A. 1880 Nov 22 A/04/02144 Correspondence To Correspondence From Dec 24 I A/04/02160 Muir, John Muir, John 1895 Jan 4 I A/08/04753 1909 May 20 I A/18/10325 A/11/06663 Feb 4 l A/08/04816 Feb 14 I A/08/04822 Earle, Alice M. Dorsey, George D. Feb 18 I A/08/04828 Correspondence To Correspondence To Mar 7 I A/08/04842 Muir, John Muir, John Muir, Louie S. 1909 A/18/10594 1909 May 17 I A/18/10319 1895 Jan 17 I B/08/04773 Correspondence From Doubleday Page Co. Drake, J. H. Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence To A/22/13267 Muir, John Muir, John 1907 Apr 13 I A/16/09126 1906 Dec 4 I A/16/08977 Eas1man, Anna G. Correspondence To Douglas Draper, Dorothea Bade, William F. Correspondence From Correspondence To 1923 Aug 17 V A/51/00043 Belfour, Bayley Muir, John Muir, John B/17109766 1899 Ocl 28 I A/10/06249 1894 Jan 26 I A/08/04443 Muir, John 1895 Jan 28 I A/08104790 A/12/07065 Correspondence From 1903 Jan 27 IA/13/07431 A/12/07083 Muir, John 1906 Dec 31 I A/16/09008 A/10/06232 1908 Jan 23 I A/17/09504 Douglas, Charles P. Dec 10 I A/17/09976 Correspondence From Dudley, Wilham R. 1909 Jun 27 I A/18/10379 Muir, John Correspondence To A/18/10143 Muir, John Pho1ograph A/22113447 1895 Jun IO I A/08/04920 IV B/26/01458 Jul 8 l A/08/04946 Douglas, David 1900 Nov 5 l A/11/06511 Eastman, Hiram Correspondence To 1902 Jun 16 I A/12/07116 Pho1ograph Muir, John 1906 Sep 24 l A/16/08951 IV B/26/01459 1893 A/07/04379 Unknown 1894 Apr 27 A/08/04515 1898 B/10/06020 Eas1man, Kenneth Dec 14 I A/08/04715 Photograph 1904 Dec 5 I A/14/08207 Correspondence From IV B/26/01460 1905 Oct 23 I A/15/08716 Muir, John Dec 28 I A/15/08739 I A/11/06512 Eas1man, Marjorie 1907 May 11 I A/16/09138 Sargent, Charles S. Photograph 1908 Mar 16 I A/17/09615 I B/09/05469 IV B/26/01460 Jun l I A/17 /09775 Dunann, C. D. Eastwood, Alice Correspondence From Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John A/07/04319 1907 Feb 5 I A/16/09082 1896 Dec 21 I A/09/05367 A/08/04485 1898 Sep 19 I A/I 0/05880 A/09/05386 Duncan, Frances Correspondence To Photograph By Douglas, Mr. Muir, John IV B/51/02924 Correspondence From 1904 Dec 22 l A/14/08232 Muir, John 1905 Jan 6 I A/15/08307 Edwards, Arthur M. A/22/13267 Feb 7 l A/15/08374 Correspondence To A/22/13270 Muir, John Correspondence From 1894 Jul 8 I A/08/04565 Douglas, Mrs. W. T. Muir, John

98 Edwards, Florence H. Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence To 1905 Feb 17 I All 5/08388 Muir, John Muir, John 1905 Mar All 5108428 Apr 7 I A/22/13053 Ely Photograph By Correspondence From Edwards, George IV Bl27/01480 Muir, John Correspondence To A/15/08424 Bade, William F. Ely, Lydia Al22/13327 1910 Sep 5 I B/19111048 Correspondence To Muir, John Evans, Helen Edwards, Henry 1897 Dec 10 I A/09/05685 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Emerson Family 1910 Jun II I A/19/10881 1871 Aug 25 I A/02100956 Pho1ograph 1880 Nov 4 I A/04102136 IV B/33/01877 Evans, Nelson F. Correspondence To Eells, Alex G. Emerson, Ella T. Funk, Helen M. Correspondence To Correspondence To 1914 Dec 28 I B/22/13025 Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John 1904 Sep 29 I A/14/08153 1914 Jul 7 I A/22112831 1914 Mar JO I Al22/J2719 Jun 13 I Al22/12803 Elder, Paul Emerson, Ralph W. Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John 1907 Jan 16 I A/16/09054 1872 Feb 5 A/02101043 A/22/12719 Feb 4 I A/16109081 Al22/12737 Feb 27 I Al16/09093 Correspondence From Apr 6 I AIJ6/09124 Muir, John Explorers' Club A/02/00924 Correspondence To Eldredge, Zoe1h S. A/02/00940 Muir, John Correspondence To A/02/01028 1904 May 12 I Al14107938 Muir, John A/02101029 1904 Nov 23 I Al14I08200 A/02/01068 Fain, J. M. A/02/01074 Correspondence To Elio!, Charles W. Al02/01087 Muir, John Correspondence From A/03/01377 1902 Nov 8 A/12/07272 Muir, John A/21112413 Pho1ograph Fairchild, Benjamin L. IV B/29/01648 Correspondence From Elio!, John A. IV B/29/01649 Muir, John Pho1ograph A/18/10145 IV B/29101601 Emerson, W. 0. A/22/13448 Correspondence To Elliol, Charles N. Muir. John Falk Correspondence To 1901 Apr 30 A/11/06647 Pho1ograph By Hollis, Sena1or IV Bl31/01737 1913 Nov 7 I A/21/12480 Encyclopedia Bri1annica editor Muir, John Correspondence To Farnam, Susan M. 1912 I Al20/l 1970 Muir, John Correspondence To May 17 I Al20/l J675 1902 May 20 I A/12/07097 Muir, John Jun 15 I A/20/ 11703 1903 Jun 14 A/13/07702 Jul 9 I Al20/11726 Enders, Margarel Aug 9 I A/20/11761 Photograph Farring1on, Edward S. Dec 30 I A/20/11950 IV B/29/01618 Correspondence From 1913 Jan 15 I A/21/12021 Muir, John Nov 7 I A/21/12480 Engelmann, George A/18/10146 Correspondence To A/22/13449 Ellio1, George T. Muir, John Correspondence To 1881 Apr 11 I A/04/02214 Fay, Charles E. Muir, John Sirenlzel, John Correspondence To 1902 Ocl 17 I A/12/07249 1880 Nov 15 B/04/02138 Muir, John 1908 Sep 29 I A/17/09898 Elliol, Helen L. Correspondence From 1910 Mar 28 I A/19/10777 Correspondence To Muir, John Bade, William F. A/04/02219 Correspondence From 1913 Oct 13 I B/21/12433 Muir, John Englebrighl, W. F. A/17/09905 Correspondence From Pho1ograph By I A/18/10147 Olmslead, Frederick L. IV B/24/01326 I A/22/13448 I B/21/12432 IV B/51/02947 IV B/51/02948 Fay, Jerome Ellison, Olaf F. IV B/51/02949 Pho1ograph Correspondence From IV B/51/02950 IV B/29/01650 Adams, G. M. IV B/51/02951 A/10/06039 IV B/51/02952 Feci1, H. F. R. Muir, John IV B/51 /02953 Pho1ograph By A/12/06952 IV B/51/02954 IV B/09100430 IV Bl51/02955 IV B/10100489 Ellsworth, William W. Correspondence To Erwin, S. L. Fenhagen, Mildred P. Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence To 1913 Nov II I A/21/12489 Muir, John Muir, John 1890 Nov I A/06/03566 1912 Nov 27 I A/20/11899 El rad, Morion J. Correspondence From Esterly, G. W. Fergason, Mara L. Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence To A/18/10144 Muir, John Muir, John 1910 Apr 20 I A/19/10793 1903 Apr 15 I A/13107583 Elston, Arthur Correspondence To Estudillo, Miguel Ferris, Scou

99 Correspondence To IV B/12/00591 IV B/14/00711 Bade, William F. IV B/12/00592 Trees - Oak 1913 Jun 25 I B/21/12268 IV B/12/00593 JV B/14/00729 Muir, John Camps & camping JV 8/42/02423 1913 Jun 24 A/21/12265 IV B/45/02569 Trees - YNP IV 8/45/02570 IV B/50/02864 Ficke, C. A. Coasts JV B/50/02865 Correspondence To JV B/12/00601 JV B/50/02866 Calkins, J. E. IV B/12/00602 JV 8/50/02867 1907 Oct 25 I B/16/09329 Historic houses, etc. IV B/50/02868 IV B/12/00606 JV B/50/02869 Correspondence From IV 8/45/02579 JV 8/50/02870 Dawson, Albert F. JV 8/45/02580 JV 8/50/02871 I B/16/09339 IV B/45/02581 JV B/50/02872 Indians JV B/50/02873 Field, Rachel L. IV B/45/02588 JV B/50/02874 Correspondence To IV B/45/02589 JV B/50/02875 Muir, John IV B/45/02590 JV B/50/02876 1912 Mar 6 l A/20/11591 Lakes - YNP JV B/50/02877 IV B/45/02604 JV B/50/02878 Fields, Annie JV B/45/02605 IV B/50/02879 Correspondence To JV B/45/02606 IV B/50/02880 Muir, John Lumber trade JV 8/50/02881 1894 Dec I A/08/047 39 IV 8/45/02613 IV 8/50/02882 Meadows Trees - YNP Cedar Finck, Henry T. JV B/46/02618 IV B/50/02894 Correspondence To IV B/46/02623 IV 8/50/02895 Johnson, Robert U. Mountains - YNP JV B/50/02896 I A/08/04644 IV B/47/02681 JV 8/50/02897 Muir, John IV B/47/02710 JV 8/50/02898 1890 I A/06/03623 JV 8/47/02711 JV 8/50/02899 1894 Dec 8 I A/08/04701 JV B/47/02712 JV 8/50/02900 1902 Apr 15 I A/12/07064 IV B/47/02722 Trees YNP - Juniper 1909 Sep 20 J A/18/10464 IV B/47/02723 JV B/50/02903 1910 Feb 15 I A/19/10710 IV B/47/02724 IV 8/50/02904 IV B/47/02725 Trees YNP - Oak Correspondence From IV B/47/02726 JV B/50/02907 Muir, John IV B/47/02727 JV 8/50/02908 A/15/08496 JV 8/47/02728 Trees YNP - Pine A/22/13388 IV B/47/02729 JV B/51/02918 JV B/47/02732 JV 8/51/02919 Photograph JV B/48/02739 JV B/51/02920 IV B/29/01612 JV 8/48/02740 JV 8/51/02921 JV B/29/01613 IV 8/48/02741 Trees - YNP Redwood JV 8/48/02742 JV B/51/02929 Fisher, Irving IV B/48/02743 JV 8/51/02930 Correspondence To JV 8/48/02744 JV 8/51/02935 Muir, John IV 8/48/02745 Valleys 1905 AU£ 8 1 A/15/08634 JV B/48/02746 IV B/14/00750 Oct 10 I A/15/08717 IV 8/48/02765 JV B/14/00751 JV B/48/02766 JV 8/14/00752 Fisher, Reginald IV 8/48/02767 Valleys - YNP Correspondence To JV B/48/02768 IV B/52/02987 Muir, John IV 8/48/02769 IV 8/52/02988 1910 May 26 I A/19/10835 Muir friends IV 8152/02989 IV B/29/01639 IV 8/52/02990 Fisher, Waller L. Rivers IV B/52/02991 Correspondence To IV B/14/00698 JV 8152/02992 Bade, William F. IV 8/14/00699 IV 8152/02993 1912 Feb 1 I B/20/11577 JV B/14/00700 IV B/52/02994 May 29 I 8/20/11685 IV B/14/00701 JV B/52/02995 Ralph, James Jr. Rivers YNP IV B/52102996 1912 May 28 I B/20/11680 JV B/49/02798 IV B/52102997 IV B/49/02813 IV B/52/02998 Correspondence From IV B/49/02814 JV B/52/02999 Bade, William F. JV B/49/02815 IV 8152/03000 I B/20/11588 IV B/49/02816 IV 8152/03001 Harrison, Francis B. JV 8/49/02817 JV B/52/03002 I B/20/11903 JV B/49/02818 JV B/52/03003 Long, Percy V. IV B/49/02819 JV B/52/03004 I B/20/11569 IV B/49/02820 IV B/52/03005 Tafl, William H. JV B/49/02821 IV 8152/03006 I B/20/11291 Roads - YNP JV 8152/03007 JV B/49/02835 IV B/52/03008 Fisk, Marie A. JV B/49/02836 Waterfalls - YNP Correspondence To IV B/49/02837 JV 8153/03043 Muir, John JV B/49/02842 JV 8153/03044 1912 Nov 16 A/20/11888 JV B/49/02843 JV 8/53/03045 IV B/49/02844 IV 8/53/03046 Fiske, George Rocks - YNP JV B/53/03047 Correspondence From JV B/48/02852 IV B/53/03048 Muir, John JV B/49/02849 JV B/53/03053 A/15/08445 JV 8/49/02850 JV B/53/03054 A/22/13333 JV B/49/02851 JV B/53/03055 IV B/49/2848 JV B/53/03056 Photograph By JV B/50/02859 IV B/53/03072 Bays - Monterey JV B/50/02860 JV B/53/03073 JV B/12/00589 JV 8/50/02861 JV 8/53/03074 Bays - San Francisco IV 8/50/02862 IV B/53/03075 JV B/12/00590 Trees JV B/53/03081

100 IV B/S3/03082 Fox, Charles J. Correspondence To IV B/S3/03083 Correspondence To Colby, William E. IV B/53/03084 Muir, John 19S8 Mar 27 I B/22/13048 IV B/S3/0308S 1913 Sep 17 I A/21/12394 Funk, John M. 1963 Jul 26 I B/22/13049 Fitzgerald, R. A. Fraser Muir, John Correspondence To Pholograph By 1911 Apr 6 I A/20/11289 Muir, John JV B/32/01827 Apr 11 I A/20/11294 I 89 S Sep 22 I A/08/05000 Apr 17 I A/20/11298 Frear Apr 29 I A/20/11314 Flanders, A. C. Photograph May 26 I A/20/11 344 Correspondence To IV B/29/01651 May 27 I A/20/11345 Muir, John May 29 I A/20/11346 1880 A/04/02163 Freeman, Katherine Jun I I A/20/11350 Correspondence To Jun 5 I A/20/11354 Correspondence From Keith, William Jun 7 I A/20/11355 Muir. John 1902 Nov 23 I B/12/07294 Jun 10 I A/20/11357 A/11/06660 Muir, John Jun 17 I A/20/11367 1902 Dec I I B/12/07313 Jun 21 I A/20/11376 Flanner, Mrs. A. A. Muir, Louie S. Jul 8 I A/20/11419 Correspondence From 1902 Dec I I B/12/07313 Jul 28 I A/20/11454 Muir, John Aug 2 I A/20/11458 A/01/00SSI Fremon!, Jessie B. Aug 3 I A/20/11459 Pholograph Aug 31 I A/20/11483 Fleckens1ein IV B/31/01770 1914 Jun II I A/20/11361 Photograph By Oc1 2 I A/22/12952 IV B/30/01667 French, Harold Oct 15 I A/22/12962 Correspondence To Oc1 24 I A/22/12969 Fleming, Arthur H. Muir. John Nov 6 I A/22/12991 Correspondence To 1904 Apr 5 I A/14/07930 Muir, John 1914 Jul 29 I A/22/12853 Correspondence From 1911 Feb 8 I A/20111232 Evans, Nelson F. Correspondence From B/22/13025 Fletcher, Alice C. Muir, John Muir, John Manuscripts A/20/11643 A/18/10500 Along the Way Mel John Muir A/18/10517 V E/Sl/00405 French, J. D. W. A/18/10537 Correspondence To A/18/10549 Fletcher, Henry P. Muir, John A/18/10554 Correspondence To 1893 Jun 19 I A/07/04199 A/18/10560 Jenkins A/18/10565 1911 Nov 14 I B/20/11519 Friedlander, T. C. A/18/10580 Correspondence From A/19/10646 Flinl, Frank P. Muir, John A/19/10679 Correspondence To A/11/06777 A/19/10693 Muir, John A/19/10701 1911 Mar I A/20/11245 Fries, Anna E. A/19/10776 Correspondence To I A/19/10782 Flint, William C. Muir, John I A/19/10790 Correspondence To 1914 Feb 26 I A/22/12704 I A/19/10800 Muir, John Mar 4 I A/22/12711 I A/19/10813 1890 Jan 28 I A/06/03382 I A/19/10824 Fuller I A/19/10909 Flugel, Ewald Photograph By I A/19/10942 Correspondence To IV B/30/01664 I A/19/10979 Muir, John JV B/32/01795 I A/19/11045 1902 Jan 10 I A/12/06927 JV B/32/01811 I A/19/11071 I A/19/11081 Foley, D. J. Fulton, Charles W. I A/19/11084 Correspondence To Correspondence From I A/19/11087 Muir, John Muir, John I A/19/11108 1899 I A/10/06277 A/18/10190 I A/19111129 A/22/13455 I A/19/11142 Forbes, S. S. I A/20/11283 Correspondence To Fullz, F. M. I A/20/11288 Muir, John Correspondence To I A/20/11293 1872 I A/02/01080 Muir, John I A/20/J I 297 Apr 29 I A/02/01I12 1907 Dec 18 I A/16/09405 I A/20/1I300 1908 Mar 5 I A/17/09579 I A/20/11322 Foshay, M. A. I A/20/11324 Correspondence To Funk, Buel A. I A/20/11330 Muir, John Correspondence To I A/20/11335 1904 Sep 16 I A/14/08136 Lunam, Margaret H. I A/20/11339 1910 Oct 31 1 A/19/11090 1911 Nov 17 1 B/20/11521 I A/20/11347 Muir, John I A/20/11359 Foss 1912 Jul 26 1 A/20/11735 I A/20/11363 Pholograph By I A/20/11379 IV B/29/01602 Correspondence From I A/20/11393 IV B/29/01603 Lunam, Margaret H. I A/20/11401 I B/20/11539 I A/20/11430 Foster, Anna M. Muir, John I A/20/11452 Correspondence To I A/20/J 1662 I A/20/11473 Muir, Annie L. I A/20/11731 I A/20/11477 l 89S Mar 18 I B/08/04855 I A/20/11748 I A/20/11489 I A/20/11750 I A/20/11503 Foster, S. L. I A/20/11873 I A/20111512 Correspondence To I A/20/J 1881 I A/20/11514 Colby, William E. I A/20/11915 I A/20/J 1524 1912 Sep 25 I B/20/11842 I A/20/11534 Funk, Helen M. I A/20/J I 546

101 I A/20/11567 Correspondence From A/01/00186 I A/20/11573 Muir, John A/01/002SO I A/20/11597 A/IS/08384 A/01/00290 I A/20/11626 A/22/1331S A/01/00292 I A/20/11662 A/01/00296 I A/20/11730 Photograph By A/01/00306 I A/20/11731 IV B/19/0IOlS A/01/00386 I A/20/11759 A/OJ/OOS27 I A/20/11769 Gage, Henry T. A/01/00S59 I A/20/11770 Correspondence From A/02/00962 I A/20/11787 Muir, John A/02/01102 I A/20/11807 A/11/06SS1 I A/20/11873 Photograph I A/20/11897 Gage, Mabel C. IV B/26/01463 I A/20/11902 Correspondence To I A/20/11915 Muir, John Galloway, George I A/21/12026 1910 Feb 22 I A/19/10724 Correspondence To I A/21/12060 Muir, John I A/21/12075 Gagen 1871 Jan I 5 I A/02/0089S I A/21/12088 Photograph By I A/21/12111 IV B/32/01827 Correspondence From I A/21/12154 Muir, John I A/21/12203 Gair, J. W. B. A/01/00486 I A/21/12233 Correspondence To A/02/00690 I A/21/12244 Muir, Louie S. A/02/00707 I A/21/12272 1903 Aug 28 I B/13/07772 A/02/01101 I A/21 /12283 A/03/01478 I A/21/12351 Galbraith, D. C. I A/21/12374 Correspondence To Photograph 1 A/21/12396 Mun, John IV B/26/1461 I A/21/12420 1913 Apr 19 I A/21/12163 I A/21/12456 Galloway, Grace I A/21/12492 Galloway Family Correspondence To I A/21/12498 Photograph Muir, John I A/21/12528 IV B/26/01467 1895 Jan 17 I A/08/04775 I A/21/12539 I A/21/12547 Galloway, Anna G. Galloway, Sarah M. I A/22/12634 Correspondence To Correspondence To I A/22/126S6 Muir, Daniel H. Hand, Mary M. I A/22/12683 1867 Aug 9 I A/01/00577 1903 Dec 16 I B/13/07825 I A/22/12708 Muir, John Muir, Annie L. I A/22/1274S 1870 May 8 1 A/02/00812 1874 Jan 11 I B/03/01351 I A/22/12774 May 17 I A/02/00812 Muir, Daniel I A/22/12823 1871 Jan 15 I A/02/00893 1865 Dec 31 I B/01/00396 I A/22/12827 1872 Apr 1 I A/02/01083 Muir, Daniel H. I A/22/12834 1885 Mar 16 I A/05/02679 1863 May 15 I B/01/00285 I A/22/12839 Muir, Louie S. 1866 May 16 I B/01/00440 I A/22/12842 1883 Jan 8 I B/04/02470 1867 Aug 8 I B/01/00575 I A/22/12843 1868 Jul 12 I B/01/00630 I A/22/12851 Correspondence From 1869 Oct 3 1 B/02/00759 I Al22/128S8 Muir, John 1870 Sep 4 I B/02/00865 I A/22/128S9 A/01/00484 1885 Oct 13 I B/05/02820 I A/22/1287S A/02/00886 1899 Jun 26 I B/10/06154 I A/22i12895 1900 Feb 21 I B/11/06346 I A/22/12902 Photograph Dec 14 I B/11 /06535 I A/22/1290S IV B/26/01461 Muir, Emma I A/22/12929 IV B/26/01462 1896 Nov 4 I B/09/0S329 I A/22/12937 1898 Oct 26 I B/10/0S926 I A/22/12942 Galloway, Cecelia J. 1900 Feb 21 I B/11 /06346 I A/22/12963 Correspondence To Dec 14 I B/l 1 /0653S I A/22/12978 Muir, John 1901 Jul 29 I B/11/06694 I A/22/12994 1871 Jan 15 I A/02/00893 1904 Dec 26 I B/14/08236 I A/22/13009 1894 Jan 18 I A/08/04432 1906 Dec 21 I B/16/08995 1903 Jan I I A/13/07384 Muir, Helen Funk, Muir 190S Jan 3 I A/I S/08301 1905 Aug 7 I A/15/08625 Photograph 1909 Jan 7 I A/18/10084 Muir, John IV B/28/01554 1914 Dec 4 I A/22/13013 1860 Dec I A/01/00080 IV B/28/015SS Wolfe, Linnie M. Dec 8 I A/01/00074 IV B/28/015S6 1944 Mar 23 V B/51/00133 1861 Mar 14 I A/01/00107 1862 Jan 15 I A/01/00182 Funk, Stanley Correspondence From May 18 I A/01/00208 Photograph Muir, John 1863 Jan 4 I A/01/00255 IV B/28/0IS54 A/03/01478 Mar 2 I A/01/00268 IV B/28/01 SSS Apr 29 I A/01/00279 IV B/28/1 SS6 Notes 1868 Mar 17 I A/01/00621 IV A/01 /00026 Aug 21 I A/01/00645 Furhew, A. K. 1870 May 17 I A/02/00812 Correspondence To Galloway, David M. 1871 Jan 15 I A/02/00895 Muir, John Correspondence To May 30 I A/02/00928 1910 Jun 3 I A/19/10862 Muir, John Nov I9 I A/02/00997 1860 Dec 21 I A/01/00076 1872 Oct 27 I A/02/01196 Furse, E. R. 1862 May 18 I A/01 /00208 1874 Aug 30 I A/03/01413 Correspondence To May 23 I A/OJ/00208 1879 I A/03/01943 Muir, John 1863 Mar 2 I A/01/00268 Feb 16 I A/03/01845 1905 Jan 16 I A/IS/08324 Apr 29 I A/01/00279 1880 Apr 3 I A/04/02014 Mar 21 I A/IS/084S8 Jun 13 I A/01 /00298 May 23 I A/04/02049 1906 Apr 18 I A/16/088S7 May 23 I A/04/02051 1908 Feb 25 I A/17/09S58 Correspondence From Dec 3 I A/04/02145 1910 Mar 2 I A/19/10735 Muir, John 1881 Sep 14 I A/04/02310 A/01/00146 1882 Sep 26 I A/04/02414

102 Ocl I A/04/02424 A/04/02447 Muir, John 1883 Mar 28 I A/04/02484 A/22/12970 A/12/06897 Jun 26 I A/04/02SOI Muir, Ann G. A/12/069S3 Ocl 19 I A/04/02SIS B/04/02437 A/14/07964 Dec 17 I A/04/02S48 Muir, Annie L. 1884 Feb 10 I A/0S/02S90 I A/04/02429 Pho1ograpb Dec 20 I A/OS/02646 Muir, David G. IV B/23/01282 1885 Mar IS I A/05/0267S B/09/0S216 IV B/25/01364 Nov 20 I A/OS/02842 Muir, John IV B/2S/Ol 365 1886 Feb I I A/05/02869 A/01/00048 IV B/25/01367 1887 May 8 I A/OS/02983 A/01/00063 IV B/30/016S9 1888 I A/OS/03194 A/01/00072 IV B/30/01660 Feb 3 I A/OS/03049 A/01/00113 IV B/30/01661 Oc1 18 I A/05/03169 A/01/00146 Dec 17 I A/OS/03187 A/01/00186 Garfield, James R. 1889 Apr s I A/06/03236 A/01/00250 11/30/04392 Jul 19 I A/06/03310 I A/01 /00290 1890 Dec 22 I A/06/03590 I A/01/00296 Correspondence To 1891 Feb 10 I A/07/03675 I A/01/00306 Keeler, Charles A. Feb 24 I A/07/03690 I A/01/00386 1907 Oct 31 I B/16/09340 Jun 13 I A/07/03738 I A/01/00442 Muir, John 1892 Dec 16 I A/07/04010 I A/01/00527 1908 May 12 I A/17/09725 1893 Mar 28 I A/07/04098 I A/0J/OOSS9 Dec IS I A/07 /043S8 I A/02/00697 Correspondence From 1894 Dec 18 I A/08/04721 I A/02/00699 Gannetl, Henry 1895 Jan 9 I A/08/04763 I A/02/00701 B/16/09399 Feb 15 I A/08/04824 I A/02/00703 Hall, William H. May 27 I A/08/04907 I A/02/00705 I B/16/09201 Oc1 4 I A/08/0S023 I A/02/00742 McFarland, J. H. Dec 26 I A/08/05067 I A/02/00795 I B/17/09739 1896 Jul 2S I A/09/0S268 I A/02/00904 Muir, John 1897 Jan 6 I A/09/05391 I A/02/00916 I A/16/09246 Mar 18 I A/09/05491 I A/02/01031 I A/16/09286 Jun 30 I A/09/0SS63 I A/02/01102 I A/16/0942S 1898 Jan II I A/10/05744 I A/02/01117 I A/17/09Sl6 Apr 21 I A/10/05800 I A/02/01131 I A/17 /09698 1899 Feb 11 I A/10/06056 I A/02/01184 I A/17/09769 1900 Jan 30 I A/11/06317 I A/02/01211 I A/17/09771 1902 Dec 3 I A/12/07315 I A/02/01279 Parsons, Edward T. 1903 Jan 12 I A/13/07 398 I A/02/01294 I B/16/09244 Jan IS I A/13/07409 I A/02/01318 I B/17/09614 Jan 26 I A/13/07428 I A/03/01416 Sholes, C. H. Feb 19 I A/13/07469 I A/03/01473 I B/16/09271 Apr 21 I A/I 3/07S95 I A/03/01510 1904 Dec 28 I A/14/08250 I A/03/01 S47 Garland, Hamlin 1905 Jul 4 I A/I 5/08593 I A/03/01582 Correspondence To Aug 7 I A/I S/08625 I A/03/01607 Muir, John 1906 Jan 3 I A/16/08776 I A/03/016S4 1898 Apr 12 I A/10/05793 1908 Jan 4 I A/17/09464 I A/09/0S702 1913 Nov 6 I A/21/12479 Apr 21 I A/17/09670 I A/10/05977 Sep 15 I A/17/09890 I All 3/07436 Garoulle, Endora Dec 24 I A/17/10003 I All 3/07839 Correspondence To 1909 Jan 2 I A/18/10073 I A/14/08240 Muir, John Jan 16 I A/18/10102 I A/20/116S3 1906 May 22 I A/16/08890 Sep 27 I A/18/10479 I A/22/13280 Sep 12 I A/16/08946 1910 Jun II I A/19/10882 I A/22/13298 1909 Jan 27 I A/18/1011 S Sep 9 I A/19/l IOS6 1911 Jul 3 I A/20/11409 Manuscri pis Garrison, Francis J. 1912 May 3 I A/20/11647 Reminiscence of Muir Trip Correspondence To Ocl 31 I A/20/ 11871 V C/51/00180 Muir, John Dec 9 I A/20/11906 1901 Jul 29 I A/I I /06689 1913 Feb 4 I A/21/120S6 Pho1ograph 1905 Feb 27 I A/I 5/08420 Mar 11 I A/21/12096 JV B/26/01464 1908 Aug 28 I A/17/09878 Apr 9 I A/21/12152 IV B/26/01465 1909 Jan 25 I A/18/10113 May 26 I A/21 /1222S JV B/26/01466 Feb 20 I A/18/10218 Sep 6 I A/21/12354 May 14 I A/18/10315 Dec 31 I A/21/12549 Gamble, Rober1 J. May 22 I A/18/10329 1914 Feb 7 I A/22/ 126 79 Correspondence From Jun 25 I A/18/10377 May 26 I A/22/12775 Muir, John Jul 12 I A/18/10399 Aug 7 I A/22112873 A/18/10191 Jul 31 I A/18/10411 Oct 27 I A/22/12970 A/22/134S4 Aug 31 I A/18/10437 Muir, Louie S. 1910 Jun 20 I A/19/10903 1883 Mar 28 I B/04/02484 Gam~u. Professor 1911 Jan 11 I A/20/11206 Jun 26 I B/04/02501 Photograph Apr 27 I A/20/11313 Oc1 19 I B/04/02515 JV B/30/016S8 1912 Dec II I A/20/11910 Dec 17 I B/04/02548 1886 Feb I I B/05/02869 Ganneu, Henry Gatch, T. M. 1888 Dec 17 I B/OS/03187 Correspondence To Correspondence From 1890 Dec 22 I B/06/03590 Garfield, James R. Allen, Charles H. 1892 Der 16 I A/07/04010 1907 Dec 14 I B/16/09399 I B/03/01627 1893 Dec 15 I A/07/04358 Muir, John 1894 Dec 18 I A/08/04721 1899 Sep 25 I A/10/06226 Gates, P. G. Muir, Wanda 1900 Feb 17 I A/I 1/06338 Correspondence To 1888 Feb 3 I B/05/03053 1902 Jan 13 I A/12/06936 Muir, John 190S Aug 7 I A/I 5/08625 Aug 23 I A/12/071S6 1913 May 27 I A/21/12227 Oct 16 I A/12/07246 Correspondence From 1904 Jul 7 I A/14/08035 Gaulding, J. M. Brown, Joanna M. 1907 Dec 16 I A/16/09400 Correspondence To I B/05/02733 Muir, John Hand, Mary M. Correspondence From 1908 Mar 12 I A/17/09606

103 Gault, A. B. 1900 Apr 5 I A/11/06393 1903 Jan 28 IA/13/07432 Correspondence To Muir, John Gilbert, G. K. Gilder, Helena D. 1909 Apr 21 I A/18/10285 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Gaut, Charlolle 1899 Sep 3 I A/10/06208 1911 Mar 20 J A/20/11273 Correspondence To 1905 Apr 7 I All 5/08469 Muir. John Gilder. Joseph B. 1910 May 23 I A/19/10832 Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Muir. John Gaul, Helen L. A/15/08478 1904 Dec All4/08206 Correspondence To A/221l3366 1909 Dec 29 A/18/10587 Muu, John 1909 Dec 15 I A/18/10571 Photograph By Gilder, Richard W. Dec 21 J All8/10576 Alpine regions - KCNP Correspondence To IV B/20/01059 Muir. John Gaut, James H. Canyons - KCNP 1894 Oc1 12 I A/08/04622 Correspondence To IV B/20/01076 Nov 9 I A/08/04656 Muir, John IV B/20/01077 1899 Nov 2 J All 0/06253 1905 Sep 4 I A/15/08680 IV B/20/01078 1902 Apr 19 J A/12/07071 IV B/20/01079 1906 May 12 I All 6/08878 Geikie, James JV B/20/01081 1908 May 7 I All7/09715 Correspondence To JV B/20/01082 1909 Feb IS I All 8110208 Muir, John Coasls - Alaska 1879 Mar I A/03/01854 IV B/09/00416 Correspondence From JV B/09/00417 Muir, John Geithman, Harriet Glaciers Alaska A/10/06080 Correspondence To IV B/09/00439 A/10/06265 Muir, John JV B/09/00440 All2/07080 1913 Apr 17 I A/21112161 JV B/09100441 A/14/08091 JV B/09/00442 A/14/08216 George, Francis IV B/09/00443 All6/08889 Correspondence To JV B/09/00444 Muu, John JV B/09/00445 Gillis, Jame~ L. 1895 Dec 30 I Ai08/05069 JV B/09/00446 Correspondence To 1897 Feb 18 I A/09/05465 IV B/09/00447 Muir, John 1905 Aug 9 1 All 5/08640 IV B/09/00448 1913 Apr 1 A/211l2132 IV B/09/00449 Correspondence From IV B/09/00450 Gilman. Win1hrop S. Muir, John Glaciers Alaska Columbia Correspondence To A/15/08348 IV B/10100458 Muir, John A/22/13303 IV B/10/00459 1903 Mar 20 I A/13/07526 JV Bll0/00460 Gibbons. William P. JV B/10/00461 Gilmore, Elmer E. Correspondence To JV B/10/00462 Correspondence To Muir, John IV B/10/00463 Bade, William F. 1883 Nov 4 I A/04/02527 IV B/10/00464 1916 Sep 24 V A/51/00007 1884 Dec 20 I A/05/02648 JV B/10/00465 Muir, John 1887 May 23 I A/05/02987 JV B/10/00466 1910 Feb 8 A/19/10706 1894 Nov 9 I A/08/04654 Glaciers Alaska - Dalton 1896 Jan 3 I A/09/05103 JV B/10/00467 Correspondence From Apr 7 I A/09/05149 JV B/10/00468 Muir. John 1897 Apr I A/09/05520 JV B/10/00469 A/18/10202 Glaciers Alaska Grewi ngk Gibson, Hugh S. JV B/10/00470 Gilmore, N. Correspondence To IV B/10/00471 Correspondence From Muir, John IV B/10/00472 Olney, Warren 1902 Sep 26 I A/12/07220 Glaciers - Alaska Hidden B/09/05633 JV B/10/00473 Photograph By JV Bll0/00474 Gilove, F. H. IV B/20/01060 IV Bll0/00475 Correspondence To IV B/20/01061 JV B/10/00476 Muir, John JV B/20/01102 IV B/10/00477 1914 Jul 7 I A/22/12828 IV B/20/01103 JV B/10/00478 Aug 22 I A/22/12897 IV B/20/01125 JV B/10/00479 IV B/21/01130 Glaciers - Alaska - Hubbard Gilroy, Susan M. IV B/21/01144 IV B/10/00480 Correspondence To IV B/21/01145 IV B/10/00481 Muir, John IV B/21/01154 IV B/10/00482 1893 Oct 19 I A/07 /04344 IV B/21/01155 IV B/10/00483 1894 I A/08/04743 IV B/21/01156 Glaciers - Alaska Muir Jun 7 I A/08/04547 IV B/21/01157 IV B/10/00493 Nov 14 I A/08/04665 IV B/21/01158 IV B/10/00494 Dec 6 I A/08/04697 IV B/21/01159 IV B/10/00495 1895 Oct 19 I A/08/05037 IV B/21/01160 IV B/10/00496 IV B/21/01161 Islands Gio, Francis JV B/21/01168 IV B/10/00500 Correspondence From IV B/21/01169 Mountains Alaska Muir, John JV B/21/01170 IV B/10/00506 A/15/08509 IV B/25/01367 IV B/10/00507 A/22/13392 JV B/38/02158 IV B/10/00508 IV B/10/00510 Gleason Family Gidun, Erling IV B/10/00511 Correspondence From Correspondence To IV B/10/00512 Muir, John Muir, John Valleys - KCNP A/20/11224 1904 Oct 24 I A/14/08185 IV B/22/01195 Gleason, Herbert W. Gifford, R. S. Gilbert, W. B. Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muu, John Muir, John 1907 Aug 14 I A/16/09223

104 Aug 25 I A/16/09231 Muir, John Correspondence To Dec 18 I A/16/09406 I910 Jun 29 I A/19/10927 LeConle, John 1908 Dec 19 I A/17/09991 1881 Jul 26 I B/04/02304 1912 Jun 20 I A/20/11710 Goding, Frederic W. Le Con le, Joseph Le Oct 21 I A/20/11861 Correspondence To 1881 Jul 26 I B/04/02304 19I4 Jun 23 I A/22/I2820 Muir, John Muir, John 1912 Aug 8 A/20/11760 I A/02/01208 Correspondence From Dec 7 A/20/11908 1872 Jan 4 I A/02/01020 Muir, John Sep II I A/02/01154 A/17/09482 Goel el Sep 21 I A/02/01158 A/22/126I2 Correspondence From Dec 27 I A/02/01225 A/22/12755 Muir, John 1873 Apr 9 I A/02/01261 A/22/12800 A/18/10349 1874 Jul 8 I A/03/01398 1876 Jul 14 I A/03/01566 Photograph By Goetze, 0. D. 1878 Feb 5 I A/03/01694 Historic houses, etc Photograph By Sep 12 I A/03/01798 IV B/13/00650 JV B/32/01790 Dec 27 I A/03/01824 JV B/13/00685 1880 Mar 31 I A/04/02011 Lakes - Mono Goler, George W. Jun 28 I A/04/02077 IV B/11/00573 Correspondence To 1881 Nov 9 I A/04/02325 Landforms Parsons, Edward T. IV B/12/00582 1912 Sep 11 1 B/20/11828 Correspondence From Meadows Muir, John IV B/46/02627 Gomes, H. C. A/02/01186 Moun lams - YNP Photograph By A/02/01238 IV B/47/02688 IV B/08/00350 A/02/01244 Muir family IV B/08/00371 A/02/01296 IV B/27/01499 A/02/01322 Muir friends Goodal, Charles A/04/02002 IV B/31/01762 Correspondence To A/04/02067 Muir monuments, etc. Muir, John A/04/02321 IV B/23/01239 1892 Mar 10 I A/07 /03886 A/04/02350 Muir on location IV B/24/01306 Goodhue, E. S. Gray, Jesse IV B/24/01307 Correspondence To Correspondence To IV B/24/01309 Muir, John Mun, John IV B/24/01310 1901 Sep 21 I A/11/06730 1910 May 26 I A/19/10835 IV B/24/01311 1902 I A/12/07343 IV B/24/01312 Apr 8 I A/12/07053 Gray, John S. IV B/24/01313 1914 Feb 5 I A/22/126 7 5 Correspondence To IV B/24/01314 Feb 20 I A/22/12699 Muir, John IV B/24/01315 I 887 Mar 28 I A/05/02974 Muir portraits Correspondence From 1902 Nov 21 I A/12/07292 IV B/23/01262 Muir, John 1903 Jul 26 I A/13/07739 IV B/23/01263 A/11/06837 Muir with family Graydon, El lcn D. IV B/24/01353 Gorrill, Katharine B. Correspondence To Muir with others Correspondence To Wolfe, Linnie M. JV B/25/01380 Muir, John 1942 Nov 14 V B/51/00090 IV B/25/01381 1910 I A/I9/11156 IV B/25/01397 Dec I A/I9/11150 Graydon, Katharine M. IV B/26/01441 1913 Feb I A/21/12083 Correspondence To Passes Muir, John IV B/40/02259 Photograph 1872 Aug 20 I A/02/01144 San Francisco Bay JV B/30/01662 1879 Dec 12 I A/03/01938 IV B/12/00594 1880 Mar 28 I A/04/02005 Trees - Pine Gorrill, Marion H. 1891 Aug 5 I A/07/03765 IV B/43/02442 Photograph 1892 I A/07/04016 IV B/43/02443 IV B/30/01662 Aug 15 1 A/07 /03960 IV B/43/02444 1894 May 2 1 A/08/04525 IV B/43/02445 Gollinger, Augusta May 19 I A/08/04539 Trees Redwood Correspondence To Oct 17 I A/08/04623 IV B/13/00686 Muir, John Dec 29 I A/08/04737 IV B/13/00687 1907 May 21 I A/16/09145 1895 Jan 4 I A/08/04756 IV B/13/00688 Apr 23 I A/08/04884 IV B/13/00689 Gould, Edward B. Aug 4 I A/08/04960 IV B/13/00690 Correspondence To Oct 17 I A/08/05034 IV B/13/00691 Muir, John 1896 Jul 27 I A/09/05269 Wisconsin 1908 Dec I Ail 7/10024 Sep 10 I A/09/05286 IV B/44/02499 Sep 18 I A/09/05291 IV B/44/02500 Photograph By Nov 23 I A/09/05339 IV B/44/02501 IV B/36/02039 1898 Jul 28 I A/10/05867 IV B/44/02502 1900 Dec 14 I A/11 /06534 IV B/44/02503 Gove, George 1903 Feb 15 I A/13/07467 IV B/44/02504 Correspondence To Dec 22 I A/13/07833 IV B/44/02505 Bade, William F. 1904 Dec 15 I A/14/08217 IV B/44/02506 1912 Sep 6 I B/20/11819 1905 Aug 25 I A/15/08654 IV B/44/02507 1906 Nov 3 I A/16/08967 Graham 1912 Aug 29 I A/20/11800 Gleason, Mrs. Herbert W. Photograph By Muir, Wanda Photograph IV B/26/01418 1892 Jul 8 I B/07 /03945 IV B/26/01441 IV B/26/01419 Aug 21 I B/07/03967 IV B/26/01420 Gleason, Nellie M. Correspondence From Correspondence To Graitz, Jo Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence To A/04/01976 1897 Aug 9 I A/09/05595 Muir, John A/04/02020 1912 Aug 24 I A/20/11790 A/08/04620 Glick, Margaret E. A/08/04861 Correspondence To Gray, Asa A/11/06373

105 A/11/06492 A/19/10709 Muir, John A/14/08083 A/19/10762 1903 Dec 11 I A/13/07820 A/14/08248 A/19/10791 1904 Jun 29 I A/14/08007 A/15/08553 A/19/10892 Sep 18 I A/14/08139 I A/16/08985 I A/16/09119 Gregory, H. K. Hale, Earl N. I A/16/09178 Correspondence To Correspondence To I A/20/11667 Muir, John Muir, John I A/20/11827 1909 Oct 6 I A/18/10490 1905 May 15 I Ail 5/08524 I A/21/12435 Correspondence From Hale, George E. Photograph Photograph Simpson, W. H. IV B/25/01418 IV B/30/01663 B/18/10251 IV B/26/01419 Graydon, Mary M. Gregory, Warren Hall, Bolton Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence To Mulf, John Muir, John Muir, John 1891 Sep 13 I A/07/03789 1900 Mar 18 I A/11/06376 1910 Jan 29 I A/19110699 1892 Apr 18 I A/07/03902 Mar 23 I A/11/06378 1893 Feb 18 I A/07/04053 Hall, Edward H. Mar 16 1 A/07104082 Griffin, Eva Apr 24 I A/07/04114 Photograph Correspondence To 1894 Sep 25 1 A/08/04607 IV B/30/01664 Bade, William F. 1913 Nov 14 I B/21/12491 1895 Jan 22 I A/08/04783 1896 Jun 14 I A/09/05195 Griffin, Flora 1898 Jul 1 I A/10/05848 Correspondence To Correspondence From 1901 I A/11 /06851 Muir, John Muir, John Apr 26 I A/11/06640 1863 Nov 8 I A/01100312 A/18/10148 1902 Jan 15 I A/12/06938 Griffin, Ida M. Hall, Robert Correspondence From Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John A/07/04067 1863 Nov 8 A/01/00314 1890 Nov I A/06/03567 A/12106954 1865 Mar A/01/00367 Hall, William H. Graydon, Miss Griffin, Libby Correspondence To Correspondence From Phoiograph Garfield, James R. Muir, John IV B/30/01664 I 907 Aug 3 I B/16/09201 A/22/13428 Muir, John Griffin, S. M. I 907 Sep 30 I A/16/09296 Greame, Helen D. Correspondence To 1908 Feb 5 I A/17/09523 Correspondence To Muir, John Turlock CA. Board of Directors Muir, John 1908 May 15 I A/17/09734 1907 Aug 3 I B/16/09198 1902 Sep 7 I A/12/07179 Oct 28 I A/12/07261 Griffithe, Lasuhams Halsey 1903 May 9 I A/13/07627 Correspondence To Photograph By Muir, John IV B/29101602 Greene, Edward L. 1913 May 12 I A/21112200 IV B/29/01603 Correspondence To Muir, John Griffiths, D. E. Halsey, Francis W. 1894 A pr 6 I A/08/0449 3 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Greene, H. A. I 880 Apr 9 1 A/04/02018 1902 Jan 4 I A/12/06901 Correspondence To Muir, John Grinnell, Fordyce Correspondence From 1914 Nov 26 A/22/13005 Correspondence To Muir. John Dec 4 A/22/J 3016 Muir, John A/12106955 1912 Apr 23 I A/20/11631 Greene, J. E. B. Hamilton, William Photograph By Griswold, M. S. Photograph By IV B/23/01264 Correspondence To IV B/09/00413 IV B/23/01265 Bade, William F. JV B/09/00427 1917 Mar 30 \' A/51/00017 IV B/10/00502 Greenslet, Ferris Muir, John IV B/10/00503 Correspondence To 1900 I A/I 1/06557 IV B/10/00504 Muir, John 1909 Feb 17 I A/18/10210 IV B/10/00505 1906 Jul 30 I A/16/08938 1913 May 14 I A/21/12202 1908 Apr 9 I A/17/09648 Hand, Mary M. Sep 30 I All 7 /09900 Grosvenor, Gilbert H. Correspondence To 1909 May 25 I A/I 8/10334 Correspondence To Galloway, Sarah M. Jun 28 I A/18/10380 Muir, John 1882 Dec 19 I A/04/02447 1910 Jan 5 I A/19/10647 1900 Jun A/I 1/06416 1914 Oct 27 I A/22/12970 Feb 19 I A/19110717 Muir, John Feb 26 I A/19/10730 Gunn, J. 0. 1880 Apr 19 I A/04/02025 Mar 23 I A/19110768 Correspondence To Dec 12 I A/04/021 SO Apr 22 I A/19/10795 Muir, John 1881 I A/04/02340 Apr 27 I A/19/10798 1902 Oct 27 I A/12/07258 1882 Dec 24 1 A/04/02454 Jun 9 I A/19/10875 1884 Feb 3 I A/05/02583 Jun 23 I A/19/10911 Hague, Arnold Dec 21 I A/05/02650 Aug 24 I A/19/11019 Correspondence To 1886 Jan 31 I A/05/02866 1911 Jul 18 I A/20/11442 Johnson, Robert U. Jun I A/05/02908 Aug 31 I A/20/11485 1900 Jan 31 I Bil 1/06319 Sep 13 I A/05/02920 1912 May 8 I A/20/11663 McAllister, Ellioll 1889 Sep 9 I A/06/03326 1913 Aug 26 I A/21/12343 I 897 Feb 6 I A/09/05439 1892 Mar 6 I A/07/03881 1914 Apr 3 I A/22/12736 Muir, John 1893 Apr 30 I A/07/04124 Jun 4 I A/22/12784 1896 Dec 15 I A/09/05358 1894 Feb 4 I A/08/04456 Jun 23 I A/22/12821 1897 Mar 9 I A/09/05483 Dec 16 I A/08/04718 1896 Dec 20 I A/09/05365 Correspondence From Hain, S. C. 1897 Jun 3 I A/09/05541 Muir, John Correspondence To 1899 Sep 21 I A/10/06219

106 1902 Jan 9 I A/12/06917 IV B/24/01352 Correspondence From 1903 Mar 4 I A/13/07488 IV B/24/01353 Muir, John 1904 Jun 5 I A/14/07968 A/12/07307 1909 Jan 31 I A/18/10121 Hanna, Sirenizel A/13/07672 Jun 22 I A/18/10369 Photograph A/22/13340 1910 Jul 29 I A/19/10972 IV B/24/01352 1913 Dec 29 I A/21/12543 I\' B/24/01354 Hansen, Linda Muir, Louie S. Correspondence To 1882 Dec 24 B/04/02454 Hanna, Thomas R. Muir, Helen 1886 Jun B/05/02908 Correspondence To 1905 Nov I B/15/08727 Sep 13 B/05/02920 Muir, John Muir, John 1893 Apr 30 A/07/04124 1909 Jul 20 I A/18/10402 1904 Jan 13 I A/14/07883 Reid, Marµrel M. May 2 I A/14/07933 1882 Dec 19 I A/04/02447 Correspondence From 1906 I A/16/09012 Muir. John Correspondence From A/19/1083! Hansen, Robin Brown, Joanna M. A/20/11263 Correspondence To I B/04/02373 A/20/11432 Muir, Helen I B/04/02393 1905 Nov I B/15/08727 I B/04/02499 Pholograph Muir, John I B/05/02581 I\' B/28/01563 1904 Jan 13 I A/14/07883 I B/05/02601 JV B/28/01564 May 2 I A/14/07933 I B/05/02667 IV B/28/01566 I B/05/02698 IV B/28/01569 Hansen, Roland I B/05/02836 Correspondence To I B/05/02841 Hanna, Wanda M. Muir, John Galloway, Sarah M. Correspondence To 1906 A/16/09012 I B/13/07825 Johnson, Robert U. Dec 24 A/16/09000 Muir, Alice 1915 Jan 28 I B/22/13040 B/22/13046 Muir, John Harbour, Jefferson L. Muir, Ann G. 1908 May 30 I A/17/09765 Correspondence To B/03/01862 1911 Dec 30 I A/20/11555 Muir. John Muir, Daniel H. Sellers, Fay H. 1903 Aug 7 A/13/07752 B/03/01825 1916 Mar 10 B/22/13044 B/03/01916 Hardy, Irene Muir, Joanna G. Correspondence From Correspondence From B/03/01864 Muir, Helen Muir, John Muir, John B/17/09818 A/03/01464 A/04/02156 Muir, John A/04/02352 A/17/09757 Hark, J. M. A/04/02461 A/20/11432 Correspondence From A/05/02658 A/20/11479 Bade, William F. A/05/02934 A/20/11517 I A/18/10149 A/06/03351 A/20/11529 I A/22/13448 A/07/04362 A/20/11581 Muir, John A/07/04371 A/18/10149 A/09/05375 Photograph A/22/13448 A/09/05398 IV B/24/01353 A/09/05532 Hark, Mary A/09/05537 Hansen, George Correspondence To A/09/05676 Correspondence To Muir, John A/10/06231 Muir Family 1867 Apr 3 I A/01/00513 A/13/07523 1904 Dec 27 I A/14/08245 A/13/07565 Muir, Helen Harkness, Mary A/13/07605 1905 Nov I B/15/08727 Photograph A/13/07622 Muir, John IV B/30/01665 A/14/07993 1896 Sep 28 I A/09/05301 A/14/08249 Oct 16 I A/09/05313 Harper, John P. A/18/10314 Ocl 23 I A/09/05319 Correspondence To A/19/10985 1897 Jan 15 I A/09/05407 Muir, John A/19/11140 1902 Sep 17 I A/12/07203 1912 Jul 29 A/20/11740 A/20/11315 Sep 20 I A/12/07212 A/20/11864 Sep 25 I A/12/07218 Harriman, Edward H. I A/22/12618 Oct 22 I A/12/0725 5 Correspondence To I A/22/12979 Nov 25 I A/12/07298 Muir, John 1903 Apr 3 I A/13/07570 1899 May 12 I All 0/06120 Hand, Willis Oc1 9 I A/13/07792 1903 Jun 5 I A/13/07682 Correspondence To 1904 Jan 13 I A/14/07883 1904 Apr 28 I A/14/07932 Muir, John Jun 3 I A/14/07961 Dec 30 I A/14/08254 1880 Apr 19 I A/04/02025 Jun 28 I A/14/08005 1905 Jan I A/15/08366 1890 1 A/06/03624 Dec 16 I A/14/08219 Jan 12 I A/15/08319 Dec 20 I A/14/08229 Mar 13 I A/15/08454 Correspondence From Dec 27 I A/14/08245 1906 Apr 16 I A/16/08853 Brown, Joanna M. 1905 Jul 22 I A/15/08604 1907 Feb 20 I A/16/09091 I B/04/02499 Aug 7 I A/15/08627 Aug 8 I A/16/09214 I B/05/02601 Aug 10 I A/15/08644 Aug 15 I A/16/09227 Muir, John 1906 I A/16/09012 1908 Jul 31 I A/17/09848 I A/04/02461 Jan 12 I A/16/08780 Apr I A/16/08868 Correspondence From Hanna Family Dec 24 I A/16/09000 Muir, John Correspondence From 1907 I A/16/09434 A/11/06527 Muir, John I A/16/09435 A/11/06838 A/20/11406 Nov 22 I A/16/09369 A/14/08009 Muir, Louie S. A/15/08305 Hanoa, John 1904 May 4 I B/14/07935 A/16/08842 Pho1ograph May 4 I B/14/07935 A/16/09074 IV B/24/01352 1905 Apr 18 I Bl 15/08482 I A/22/13299 Muir, Wanda JIJA/33/01872 Hanoa, Richard 1903 Jun 24 I B/13/07712 Vroman, A. C. Photograph I B/17110043

107 Harwood, Miss IV B/44/02519 Photograph Correspondence From IV B/44/02520 IV B/25/01386 Muir, John JV B/44/02521 IV B/25/01387 A/21/12548 IV B/44/02522 IV B/25/01401 IV B/44/02523 IV B/25/01402 Haslell, 0. C. IV B/25/01403 Correspondence To Hays IV B/30/01666 Muir, John Photograph By 1907 Oct 18 I A/16/09316 IV B/32/01822 Harriman, Mary A. Nov 7 I A/16/09353 Correspondence To Hazeltine, Martin M. Muir. John Correspondence From Photograph By 1900 Apr 3 A/11/06390 Muir, John IV B/47102703 1910 Aug 16 A/19/10998 A/16/09344 JV B/48/02771 1911 Apr 25 A/20/11309 Jun 18 A/20/11368 Hausborough, Henry C. Hazelton, Mary T. Jun 26 I A/20/11386 Correspondence From Correspondence To Jul 18 I A/20111444 Muir, John Muir, John 1913 Jan 1 I A/21/12006 A/18/10192 1895 May 18 I A/08/04904 Jun 9 I A/21112247 A/22/13454 Aug 7 I A/21112324 Head, Anna 1914 Jul 11 I A/22112840 Haussler, Frederick 0. Correspondence To Sep 4 I A/22112912 Photograph By Muir. Louie S. IV B/32/01826 1900 Oct 29 I B/11/06498 Correspondence From Muir, John Hawes, Austin F. Heard, William W. A/10/06195 Correspondence To Correspondence From A/20/11955 Muir, John Muir, John A/21112262 1913 Sep 29 I A/21/12411 A/18/10150 A/22/13446 Photograph Hawkins, E. C. JV B/25/01388 Correspondence To Hearst, William R. IV B/25/01401 Muir, John Correspondence To JV B/25101402 1910 Aug 20 I A/19/11011 Muir, John JV B/25/01403 1894 Jan 23 I A/08/04441 IV B/30/01667 Hawley, Emily C. Correspondence To Heigh, J. L. Poems Muir, John Correspondence To Harriman Expediton Poems 1903 Mar A/13/07483 Muir, John V E/51/00329 1863 Nov 14 I A/01/00315 Correspondence From Harrington, M. W. Muir, John Heilprin, Angelo Correspondence To A/13/07556 Correspondence To Muir, John A/13107557 Muir, John 1871 Oct 16 I A/02/00983 A/22/13290 1901 May 3 I All 1/06649 1902 Jul 22 I A/12107134 Harrington, William B. Hay, Annie Correspondence To Correspondence To Helder, J. Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence To 1894 Mar 27 I A/08/04486 1896 Feb 12 I A/09105122 Muir, John 1910 Aug 24 I A/19/11020 1906 Jun 18 A/16/08915 Harris, I. L. 1913 Aug 18 I A/21/12334 Correspondence To Oct 15 I A/21/12437 Henderson, Charles H. Muir, John 1914 Jul 10 I A/22112836 Correspondence To 1902 Jan 3 I A/12/06899 Muir, John Dec 18 I A/12/07326 Correspondence From 1908 Apr 2 I A/17109643 Muir, John Apr 25 I A/17/09682 Harrison, Francis B. A/08/04534 Correspondence To A/08/04664 Henderson, Victor Fisher, Walter L. A/10/05772 Correspondence To 1912 Dec 3 I B/20/11903 Muir, John Hay. James M. 1903 Apr I A/13/07576 Harrison, Russell B. Correspondence To Correspondence From Lunam, Margaret H. Henderson, Victor H. Muir, John 1893 Jul 9 I B/07/04244 Correspondence To A/07/03884 Muir, John Muir, John 1893 Sep 28 I A/07/04333 1903 Mar 31 A/13/07554 Hart, Alfred A. 1894 Apr 27 I A/08/04518 Photograph By Dec 4 I A/08/04685 Correspondence From JV B/45/02586 1901 Oct I A/11/06747 Muir, John A/13/07566 Hart, Mary E. Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Hendricks, Eliza S. Muir, John A/07/04317 Correspondence To 1913 Oct 21 I A/21/12453 A/07/04353 Muir, John A/08/04582 1880 Mar 22 I A/04/02003 Hartley, Eliza M. A/11/06840 1891 Oct 7 I A/07/03805 Correspondence To 1894 Mar I I A/08/04477 Muir, John Photograph Apr 23 I A/08/04510 1881 Jan 10 I A/04/02172 IV B/26/01468 Nov 28 I A/08/04679 JV B/26/01469 1895 Feb 11 I A/08/04820 Correspondence From Apr 8 I A/08/04869 Muir, John Haynes, F. Jay 1900 Feb I I A/11/06321 A/11/06839 Photograph By IV B/44/02510 Hendricks, Jennie T. Harvey, Mrs. E. B. IV B/44/02511 Correspondence To Correspondence To JV B/44/02512 Muir, John Muir, John IV B/44/02513 1902 May A/12/07108 1914 Jan 17 I A/22/12640 IV B/44/02514 IV B/44/02515 Hendricks, Mrs. W. S.

108 Correspondence To Nov 4 I A/16/09348 Heyburn, Weldon B. Muir, John Nov 14 I A/16/09360 Correspondence From 1914 Jun 18 A/22/12810 1908 Apr 28 I A/17109691 Muir, John 1910 Jul 10 I A/19/10949 A/18/10193 Hendricks, William C. Aug 10 I A/19/10992 A/22/13453 Correspondence From 1911 Jan 26 I A/20/11218 Muir, John 1912 Jul 29 I A/20/11743 Hill, Andrew P. I A/03/01515 1913 Aug 7 I A/21/12326 Correspondence To I A/03/01525 1914 May 22 I A/22/12762 Muir, John I A/03/01533 Aug 17 I A/22/12894 1908 Mar 18 I A/17/09621 I A/03/01539 Sep 7 I A/22/12920 I A/06/03444 Oct 18 I A/22/12964 Photograph By IV B/15/00769 Hennessy, Harry P. Correspondence From IV B/1 5/00786 Correspondence To Muir, John IV B/15/00788 Muir, John A/15/08412 IV B/15/00796 1914 Sep 28 J A/22/12940 A/15/08413 IV B/15/00804 I A/15/08526 IV B/16/00819 Henry, Aurelia S. I A/22/12770 IV B/16/00820 Correspondence To I A/22/13323 IV B/16/00851 Muir, John I A/22/13406 IV B/16/00852 1907 Jun I A/16/09168 IV B/16/00865 Photograph IV B/16/00872 Henshall, James A. JV B/25/01385 JV B/17/00889 Correspondence From JV B/25/01387 IV B/17/00890 Muir, John IV B/26/01447 IV B/17/00898 I A/18/10151 IV B/26/01453 IV B/18/00983 IV B/26/01454 IV B/29/01633 Hepburn, B. B. JV B/26/01455 IV B/29/01634 Correspondence To JV B/30/01670 IV B/31/01725 Muir, John JV B/30/01671 1878 Apr 6 I A/03/01728 IV B/30/01672 Hill, Thomas IV B/30/01673 Correspondence To Hercus, Eldred J. IV B/30/01674 Muir, John Correspondence To JV B/30/01675 1888 Mar 4 I A/05/0307 5 Muir, John IV B/30/01676 1895 Sep 24 I A/08/05004 1904 Dec 24 J A/14/08234 1905 Jun 10 I A/15/08564 Photograph By Hill, V. W. Flowers Photograph Correspondence From JV B/12/00604 IV B/24/01385 Muir, John Historic houses, etc JV B/30/01677 A/14/08194 JV B/12/00615 IV B/33/01854 A/15/08385 JV B/12/00616 A/22/13314 IV B/12/00617 Hitchcock, Ripley IV B/12/00618 Correspondence To Hercus, Eldred J. D. IV B/12/00619 Muir, John Correspondence From JV B/12/00620 1893 Feb 21 I A/07/04061 Muir. John JV B/12/00621 Mar 8 I A/07/04070 I A/22/13294 JV B/12/00622 IV B/12/00623 Hittell, Catherine H. Hermann, Binger Mountains Correspondence To Correspondence From JV B/13/00674 Muir, John Olney, Warren Muir friends 1895 Dec 25 I A/08/05064 B/10/06078 JV B/30/01670 1904 Oct 25 I A/14/08188 JV B/30/01671 Muir, Wanda Herreid, Charles N. IV B/30/01672 1903 Jul 13 I B/13/07725 Correspondence From IV B/30/01673 Muir, John IV B/30/01674 Correspondence From A/18/10152 IV B/30/01675 Muir, John IV B/30/01676 I A/17/09474 Herrick, Robert IV B/31/01744 Correspondence To IV B/33/01878 Photograph Muir, John IV B/33/01879 JV B/30/01678 1896 Oct 8 I A/09/05310 JV B/33/01880 Nov 21 I A/09/05337 Muir with others Hittell, John S. JV B/26/01442 Correspondence To Correspondence From IV B/26/01443 Muir, John Muir, John JV B/26/01445 1893 Apr 19 I A/07/04108 A/09/05312 JV B/26/01446 JV B/26/01447 Hittell, Theodore H. Herrin, Alice V. IV B/26/01448 Correspondence From Correspondence To JV B/26/01449 Muir, John Muir, John JV B/26/01450 A/10/06092 1914 Sep 24 I A/22/12935 IV B/26/01451 JV B/26/01452 Photograph Herrin, Katharine IV B/26/01453 IV B/21/01122 Correspondence To IV B/26/01454 IV B/2.5/01367 Muir, John IV B/26/01455 JV B/30/01679 1914 Dec I A/22/13026 IV B/26/01456 Rivers Hobart, Sarah D. Photograph JV B/14/00705 Correspondence To IV B/30/01668 IV B/14/00708 Muir, John JV B/30/01669 Roads 1882 Dec 19 I A/04/02451 IV B/14/00706 Herrin, William F. IV B/14/00707 Hoby, Arthur Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Hertz, Lyell B. Kiri:, H.B. 1905 Mar 2 I A/15/08431 Correspondence To 1904 Feb 13 I B/14/07896 May 13 I A/15/08518 Muir, John 1907 Oct 17 I A/16/09315 Jul 16 I A/22/13056 Hodgson, Caspar W.

109 Correspondence To A/20/11360 May 13 I A/20/11327 Muir, John A/20/11598 Jul 14 I A/20/11439 1903 Jan 12 IA/13/07400 A/22/12927 Aug 7 I A/20/11460 Oc1 4 I A/20/11508 Hodgson, Katherine Hooker, Henry C. Nov 30 I A/20/1 I 530 Correspondence To Correspondence To 1912 J A/20/11972 Bade, William F. Muir, John Mar 29 J A/20/11603 1920 May 17 V A/51/00033 I905 Jul 10 I A/15/08598 May I A/20/11692 Muir, John May 4 I A/20/11650 1907 May 10 J A/16/09136 Correspondence From May 7 I A/20/I 1657 Muir, John May 17 I A/20/11676 Hodgson, Sarah A. A/15/08590 May 29 I A/20/11683 Correspondence To A/22/13443 Jul 10 I A/20/1I727 Muir, John Aug 31 I A/20/1 I 803 1869 Apr 10 I A/02/00716 Hooker, John D. Sep 2 I A/20/11816 Correspondence To Sep 26 I A/20/11848 Hoffman, Charloue Muir, John Nov 18 I A/20/11890 Correspondence To 1905 Jun 20 I A/15/08577 1913 Jan 28 I A/21/12039 Muir, John Aug I A/15/08672 Mar 21 I A/21/12103 1903 Jul 18 J A/13/07732 1909 Nov 23 I A/18/10550 Apr 14 I A/21/12155 1905 Jan I I A/15/08296 1910 Mar 6 I A/19/10744 Apr 30 I A/21/12179 1906 I A/16109016 Mar 16 I A/19/10763 Ocl 22 J A/21/12454 1907 I A/16109428 Jun 11 1 A/19/10885 Dec 5 I A/21/12518 Jun 20 I A/16/09162 Jun 20 I A/19/10904 1914 Feb 4 I A/22/12671 Oct 28 J B/16/09330 Jun 27 I A/19/10919 Aug 14 I A/22/ 12883 1911 Apr 24 I A/20/11303 Sep 3 I A/22/12911 Correspondence From Dec 19 I A/22/13021 Muir, John Correspondence From A/17/09687 Jones, Alice S. Correspondence From B/19/10876 Mosgrove, Ellie Hoffman, Malvina C. Muir, John A/21/12416 Photograph A/19/10866 Muir, John IV B/23/01243 A/18/10293 Photograph A/18/10311 Hogg, J. JV B/26/01418 A/18/10354 Photograph By IV B/26/01419 A/18/10423 JV B/29/01605 A/18/10433 Hooker, Joseph D. A/18/10467 Holabie Correspondence To A/18/10481 Photograph Muir, John A/18/10501 JV B/33/01853 1886 Mar 19 I A/05/02891 A/18/10512 IV B/33/01854 1895 Feb I I A/08/04801 A/18/10538 1902 Feb 2 I A/12/06979 J A/18/10581 Holabird, William H. J A/19/10666 Correspondence To Correspondence From J A/19/10666 Muir, John Muir, John I A/19/10722 1908 Oct 14 A/17/09913 A/12/07072 J A/19/10741 A/14/08010 J A/19/10758 Photograph J A/19/10848 IV B/25/01385 Hooker, Katharine J A/19/10893 IV B/25/01387 Correspondence To I A/19/10910 Dickey, Anna R. I A/19/10943 Holden, E. S. 1913 Sep I A/21/12416 I A/19110994 Correspondence To Muir, John I A/19/11006 Muir, John 1907 Aug 3 I A/16109194 J A/19111064 1892 Dec I 5 I A/07 /04009 Dec 2 I A/16109385 I A/19/11072 Dec 6 J A/16/09390 J A/19/11122 Holden, Frank H. 1908 Jan 3 I A/17/09462 J A/19/11135 Correspondence From Apr 23 J A/17/09677 I A/20/11240 Muir, John 1909 May I A/18/10347 J A/20111287 A/20/11205 Jul 30 J A/18/10407 J A/20/11337 Aug 19 J A/18/10431 J A/20/11348 Holder, Charles F. Sep 2 I A/18/10440 I A/20/11384 Correspondence To Sep 16 J A/18/10463 I A/20111475 Muir, John Sep 22 I A/18/10468 J A/20/11481 1914 Jul 3I A/22/12856 Oct I A/18/10525 I A/20/11486 Oc1 22 I A/18/10506 I A/20/11495 Holder, Professor Nov I A/18/10557 I A/20/11542 Photograph Nov 17 I A/18/10545 J A/20/11579 IV B/31/01730 Dec 9 I A/18/10562 I A/20/11637 Dec 12 J A/18/10566 I A/20/11645 Hollis, Senator Dec 17 I A/18/10572 I A/20/11652 Correspondence From 1910 Jan 7 I A/19/10660 I A/20/11718 Elliot, Charles N. Jan 20 I A/19/10683 I A/20/11745 J A/21/12480 Feb 18 I A/19/10716 I A/20/11869 Feb 28 I A/19/10731 I A/20/11892 Holt, Hamilton Jun I A/19/10934 J A/20/11942 Correspondence To Jun 11 J A/19/10886 I A/21/12136 Bade, William F. Jun 18 J A/19/10901 I A/21/12169 1908 May 7 J B/17/09717 Jun 21 J A/19/10905 I A/21/12554 1910 Aug 29 I B/19/11028 Jun 24 J A/19/10912 I A/22/12980 Jul 3 I A/19/10939 Hood, William Sep I J A/19/11039 Hooker, Marian Photograph Sep 9 J A/19/11059 Correspondence To IV B/25/01387 Sep 17 I A/19/11068 Muir, John Sep 23 J A/19/11074 1902 Sep 7 J A/12/07183 Hooker Family Sep 30 J A/19/11078 Sep 15 J A/12/07199 Correspondence From Dec I8 J A/19/11136 Ocl 28 I A/12/07263 Muir, John 1911 Mar 9 I A/20/11258 1903 Jan 20 I A/13/07413 A/18/10436 Apr 24 J A/20/11305 1905 Jul 8 I A/I 5/08596

110 Aug 13 I All 5/08647 IV B/30/01680 A/22/12678 1906 Jan 21 I A/16/08790 A/22/12802 Jan 25 I A/16/08798 Hoppings, Guy A/22/13339 1909 Mar 31 I A/18/10256 Pho1ograph May 22 I A/18/10330 IV B/38/02168 Housepian, M. Oc1 29 I All 8/10515 Correspondence To 1910 Jan 20 I A/19/10687 Hoppings, Ralph Muir, John Jun 24 I A/19/10914 Photograph 1911 Dec 6 I A/20/11544 1911 Jan 2 I A/20/ 11 194 IV B/38/02168 Aug 7 I A/20/11462 Howard, Charles W. 1913 May 18 I A/21/12215 Horner, Maures Correspondence From Oc1 22 I A/21/12454 Correspondence To Muir, John LeConte, Joseph A/11/06842 Correspondence From 1890 Sep 18 I B/06/03531 Muir, John Howard, Emma S. A/13/07437 Horsburgh, James Correspondence To A/18/10481 Correspondence To Muir, John A/18/10501 Muir, John 1900 Sep 13 I A/11/06471 A/18/10512 1900 Mar 9 I A/11/06371 1910 Jun 17 I A/19/10896 A/18/10538 1907 Feb 5 I A/16/09083 I A/18/10581 Howard, Harold I A/19/10666 Hor1on, Allray Correspondence To I A/19/10691 Correspondence To Muir, John I A/19/10758 Muir, John 1908 Feb 7 I A/17 /09532 I A/19/10848 1892 May 20 I A/07/03933 I A/19/10893 Howard, Karl I A/19/10910 Hor1on, William Correspondence To I A/19/10943 Correspondence To Muir, John I A/22/13286 Muir, John 1901 I A/11/06856 1892 May 20 I A/07/03933 Photograph By Howin, John Alpine regions SNP Hosmer, Ralph S. Correspondence To IV B/36/02019 Correspondence To Muir, John IV B/36/02020 Muir, John 1893 I A/07 /04381 Animals 1904 May 19 A/14/07940 1894 Sep 30 I A/09/05305 IV B/08/00342 1896 Jun 16 I A/09/05199 Canyons KCNP Hotchkins, Caroline W. 1897 May 20 I A/09/05527 IV B/30/02022 Correspondence To 1902 Jan 2 I A/12/06898 Canyons - SNP Muir, John 1904 Feb 2 I A/14/07891 IV B/36/02023 1908 Aug 12 A/17/09862 1905 Feb 11 I A/ 15/08377 IV B/36/02028 1908 Jan 24 I A/17/09505 IV B/36/02029 Houghton Mifflin Co. 1909 Jan 27 I A/18/10116 IV B/36/02030 Correspondence To IV B/36/02031 Muir, John Howland IV B/36/02032 1901 Nov 4 I A/11/06750 Photograph By Lakes - SNP 1902 Jan 1 I A/12/06893 IV B/31/01733 IV B/36/02042 1903 Feb 28 I A/13/07480 IV B/36/02043 1905 Nov 24 I A/15/08721 Howland, Henry E. Meadows 1908 Jul 7 I A/17/09811 Correspondence To IV B/36/02060 1909 Feb 4 I A/18/10127 Muir, John IV B/36/02061 Mar 16 I A/18/10248 1897 Jan 2 I A/09/05381 Mountains - SNP Aug 10 J A/18/10419 IV B/37/02089 1911 Feb 8 I A/20/11233 Hoy!, Franklin S. IV B/37/02090 Jun 28 I A/20/11396 Correspondence To IV B/37/02091 Jul 7 I A/20/11416 Muir, John JV B/37/02102 Dec 30 I A/20/11557 1913 Oc1 11 I A/21/12430 JV B/37/02103 1912 Dec 28 J A/20/ 11943 Oct 24 I A/21/12457 JV B/37/02104 1913 Feb 24 I A/21/12077 1914 Jan 31 I A/22/12669 JV B/37/02105 Mar 7 I A/21/12090 Rocks Mar 31 I A/21/12125 Hoyl, John W. IV B/38/02139 Aug 9 I A/21/12329 Correspondence To JV B/38/02140 Dec 31 I A/21/12551 Muir, John IV B/38/02141 1914 Dec 15 J A/22/13020 1875 Mar 22 I A/03/01487 Trees JV B/14/00721 Correspondence From Hubbard, Gardiner G. IV B/14/00722 Bell, Emily Correspondence To JV B/14/00723 V A/51/00003 Muir, John IV B/14/00724 Muir, John 1894 Jun 27 A/08/04562 IV B/14/00725 I A/09/05410 JV B/14/00726 J A/11/06841 Huber, W. L. JV B/14/00727 I A/15/08338 Photograph By IV B/14/00728 I A/18/10153 IV B/51/02956 Waterfalls - SNP I A/18/10203 IV B/53/03049 JV B/38/02172 I A/18/10356 IV B/53/03077 I A/18/10388 Hooker, Mr. I A/18/10421 Hughes Correspondence From I A/19/10997 Photograph Muir, John I A/20/11380 IV B/30/01682 I A/22/13440 I A/20/11402 I A/20/11412 Hughes, Edward Hooper, Calvin L. I A/20/11415 Correspondence To Correspondence To I A/20/11434 Muir, John Muir, John I A/20/11455 1903 Feb 9 I A/13/07459 1881 Dec 7 I A/04/02332 I A/20/11699 1905 May 30 I A/15/08549 1882 May 22 J A/04/02383 J A/20/11918 1883 Dec 20 I A/04/02553 I A/21 /12089 Correspondence From 1884 Feb 7 I A/05/02588 I A/21/12107 Muir, John Jun 8 I A/05/02608 I A/21/12348 A/12/07277 I A/21/12388 A/22/13277 Photograph I A/21/12441

111 Photograph By I A/12/06956 1861 Feb 25 I A/01/00099 IV B/13/00670 IV B/24/01321 Irish, John P. Jeter, William T. IV B/32/01320 Correspondence To Correspondence To IV B/39/02207 Muir, John Muir, John IV B/39/02208 1890 Sep I A/06/03525 1900 Nov 5 I A/11/06511 IV B/39/02209 IV B/39/02210 Irwin, Eleanor Johnson, Fred F. IV B/39/02211 Correspondence To Correspondence From IV B/39/02240 Muir, John Muir, John JV B/39/02241 1914 Jan 21 I A/22/12644 A/18/10155 IV B/40/02260 IV B/40/02262 Ives, E. B. Johnson, J. E. IV B/40/02278 Photograph By Correspondence To IV B/40/02279 IV B/27/01485 Boise, J. R. IV B/41/02343 1863 Jun 24 B/01/00300 IV B/42/02393 Jackson, Helen H. Corne Ii us, S. Correspondence To 1863 Jun 24 B/01/00301 Hughes, Walter R. Muir, John Photograph 1885 Jun 8 I A/05/02702 Johnson, Lydia M. IV B/30/01681 Jun 20 I A/05/02718 Correspondence To Muir, John Hunt, T. Correspondence From 1894 Aug 10 I A/08/04583 Correspondence To Muir, John Sep 9 I A/08/04598 Muir, John A/05/02713 189 5 Sep 17 I A/08/04996 Johnson, Mrs. Jaggard, Miss Correspondence From Hunter, Juan D. Photograph Muir, John Correspondence To IV B/25/01383 A/22/13297 Muir, John IV B/25/01384 1912 Aug 24 A/20/11791 Johnson, Robert U. James, Clitheroc Correspondence To Huntington, Mrs. J. P. Correspondence To Bade, William F. Correspondence To Muir, John 1910 Aug 9 I B/19/10991 Muir, John 1909 Dec 20 I A/18/10575 Sep 15 I B/19/11065 1914 Feb 15 A/22/12692 Bryce, James James, George W. 1893 Jun B/07/04157 Huse, Helen C. Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence To Muir, John I A/06/03451 Muir, John 1904 Oct 10 I A/14/08171 I A/07 /04000 1889 Nov I A/06/03345 1908 Jul 16 I A/17/09826 1877 Sep 28 I A/03/01631 Dec 13 I A/03/01669 Husted, M. S. Correspondence From 1878 Apr 24 I A/03/01735 Correspondence To Muir, John 1879 Feb 19 I A/03/01851 Muir, John A/15/08532 1880 May 20 I A/04/02047 1905 Sep 29 I A/15/08691 A/22/13410 1881 May 21 I A/04/02247 1906 Jul 12 I A/16/08931 1884 Oct 28 I A/05/02636 Nov 1 1 A/16/08965 Jamieson, Marion E. 1889 Jun 22 I A/06/03258 Dec 17 I A/16/08991 Correspondence To Jun 27 I A/06/03265 1907 Jan 14 I A/16/09042 Muir, John Jul 18 I A/06/03308 1905 Jan 20 I A/15/08330 Aug 1 I A/06/03316 Photograph Aug 21 I A/06/03318 JV B/30/01683 Correspondence From Sep 23 I A/06/03339 Muir, John Nov 21 I A/06/03350 Huston, Paul G. A/15/08356 Dec 19 I A/06/03369 Correspondence To A/22/13307 1890 Feb 20 I A/06/03388 Muir, John Mar 4 I A/06/03410 1906 Nov 9 I A/16/08969 Jarrell, Fred Mar 24 I A/06103413 1907 Jan 28 I A/16/09066 Photograph Apr 14 I A/06/03418 JV B/39/02235 Apr 25 I A/06/03436 Hutchings, Elvira Apr 29 I A/06103441 Photograph Jay Family May 14 I A/06/03450 IV B/30/01684 Correspondence From May 26 I A/06/03453 Muir, John May 28 I A/06/03456 Hutchins, Samuel 1871 Nov 28 A/02/00999 Jun 3 I A/06/03460 Correspondence To Aug 28 I A/06/03521 Bishop Jelks, William D. Sep 5 I A/06/03528 1876 Jul S I B/03/01561 Correspondence From Sep 20 I A/06/03534 Muir, John Sep 30 I A/06/03536 Hutchinson, Mary L. A/18/10154 Oct 3 I A/06/03537 Correspondence To A/22/13447 Oct 15 I A/06/03539 Muir, John Oct 24 I A/06/03559 1909 I A/18/10599 Jenkins Nov 6 I A/06/03571 Correspondence From Dec 29 I A/06/03613 Huxley, Thomas H. Fletcher, Henry P. 1891 Apr 24 I A/07 /03704 Photograph I B/20/11519 Apr 30 I A/07/03706 JV B/30/01685 May 1 I A/07/03708 Jenney, Charles E. May 12 I A/07/03714 Hyatt, Edward Correspondence To May 25 I A/07 /03727 Correspondence To Muir, John Jul 7 I A/07/03748 Muir, John 1911 Mar 17 I A/20/11266 Jul 22 I A/07 /03760 1909 Jul 29 I A/18/10406 Aug 6 I A/07 /03769 Jenyes, Eva S. Aug 29 I A/07 /03780 Ingraham Correspondence To Nov 5 I A/07 /03821 Photograph By Muir, John Nov 18 I A/07 /03826 IV B/31/01752 1909 I A/18/10601 Nov 25 I A/07/03830 1893 Feb 3 I A/07 /04039 lnkersley, Arthur Jerome, N. Feb 10 I A/07 /04042 Correspondence From Correspondence To Feb 21 I A/07/04063 Muir, John Muir, John Mar 1 I A/07 /04068

112 Mar 9 I A/07/04074 Jun 26 I A/12/07 I 24 1893 B/07/04384 Mar 20 I A/07/04088 Jul 29 I A/12/07 J 39 Mar 23 I A/07 /04094 Aug 19 I A/12/07148 Correspondence From Jun 5 I A/07/04164 Sep 3 I A/12/07171 Adams, James B. Nov 6 I A/07/04350 Ser 4 I A/12/07174 B/16/08939 1894 Feb 9 I A/08/04460 Sep 8 I A/12/07189 Ballinger, Richard A. May 17 I A/08/04536 Sep 15 I A/12/07201 I Bil 8/10359 Jun 7 I A/08/04551 Oct 23 I A/12/07257 I B/18/10368 Jun 13 I A/08/04555 1903 Apr 25 I A/13/07599 Bryce, James Jun 30 I A/08/04563 May 18 I A/I 3/07645 B/08/05044 Jul 18 I A/08/04571 1904 Jul 23 I A/14/0808 5 Burroughs, John Aug 3 I A/08/04577 Aug 4 I A/14/08100 A/08/04657 Aug 29 I A/08/04588 Oct 20 I A/14/08180 Chandler, George Oct 20 I A/08/04627 Dec 31 I A/14/08255 B/07/03770 Oct 31 I A/08/04644 1905 Jan 4 I A/15/08304 Fincl, Henry T. Nov II I A/08/04657 Jan 19 I A/15/08326 A/08/04644 Dec 4 I A/08/04687 Feb 8 I A/I 5/08375 Hague, Arnold Dec 18 I A/08/04725 Feb 24 I A/15/08410 I B/I 1/06319 1895 Jan 2 I A/08/04749 Mar 8 I A/15/08440 Hanna, Wanda M. Mar II I A/08/04843 May I I A/15/08500 I B/22/13040 Mar 14 I A/08/04847 Jun 27 I A/I 5/08583 Loeb, William Mar 15 I A/08/04848 Jul 31 I A/15/08612 A/12/07324 Mar 26 I A/08/04862 Oct 19 I A/15/08715 Mackenzie, George G. Mar 30 I A/08/04863 Dec 28 I A/15/08740 I A/06/03514 Apr 2 I A/08/04867 1906 Jun 3 I A/16/08900 I B/06/03575 Apr 23 I A/08/04886 Jul 5 I A/16/08920 I B/06/0358 I Apr 27 I A/08/04887 Oct 8 I A/16/08954 I B/06/03593 May 14 I A/08/04902 Oct 31 I A/I 6/08963 I B/06/03604 Jun JO I A/08/04921 1907 Feb 28 I A/16/09095 I B/06/03606 Jul 25 I A/08/04953 Mar 23 I A/16/09113 1 B/07 /03669 Oct 12 I A/08/05026 Apr 2 I A/16/09122 I B/07/03695 1896 Jan 9 I A/09/05105 Jun 5 I A/16/09153 I B/07/03750 Mar 6 I A/09/05131 Jun 25 I A/16/09165 I B/07 /03759 Mar 26 I A/09/05142 Aug 5 I A/16/09204 I B/07 /03797 May 4 I A/09/05171 Aug 8 I A/16/09215 I B/07 /03832 May 27 I A/09/05176 Ser 12 I A/16/09265 I B/07 /03837 Jul 11 I A/09/05248 Sep 25 I A/16/09293 I B/07 /03849 Sep 7 I A/09/05285 Oct 3 I A/16/09307 I B/07 /03854 Nov 14 I A/09/05332 Oct 31 I A/16/09338 I B/07 /03989 Nov 19 I A/09/05334 Nov 26 I A/16/09377 I B/07 /04003 Dec 16 I A/09/05363 1908 Jan 17 I A/I 7/09499 I B/07 /04027 1897 Jan 17 I A/09/05408 May 9 I A/17/09722 I B/07 /04033 Feb 6 I A/09/05437 May 23 I A/17/09751 I B/07 /04034 Feb II 1 A/09/05447 Jul I I A/17/09805 I B/07/04047 Feb 18 I A/09/05466 Aug 14 I A/17/09865 1 B/07/04078 Mar 8 I A/09/05481 1909 Feb 4 I A/18/10128 Mann, James R. Apr 12 I A/09/05507 Feb 12 I A/18/10204 A/21/12344 May 3 I A/09/05521 Feb 19 I A/18/10214 McAllister, Elliott Jul 9 I A/09/05576 Feb 19 I A/18/10215 I B/07/04044 Jul 27 I A/09/05584 Feb 22 I A/I 8/10219 I B/07/04133 Aug 3 I A/09/05587 Feb 24 I A/18/10223 I B/07/04312 Nov 16 I A/09/05668 Mar 17 I A/18/10250 McGill, Anna B. Dec I I A/09/05675 Sep 7 I A/18/10450 B/08/04744 Dec 14 I A/09/05688 Sep 22 I A/18/10470 McRae, Thomas C. 1898 Jan 24 I A/10/05756 Sep 22 I A/18/10474 I B/07/04346 Mar 17 I A/10/05783 Oct 22 I A/18/10508 Millard, Bailey May 6 I A/10/0581 I Oct 23 I A/18/10511 I B/07/04119 May 15 I A/10/05781 1910 Jun JO I A/19/10877 Mills, William H. Jun 14 I A/10/05826 Nov 30 I A/19/11123 I B/07/04018 Jun 27 I A/10/05841 1911 Jan 18 I A/20/11215 Muir, John Aug 16 I A/I 0/05874 Feb 21 I A/20/11241 A/06/03268 Oct 22 I A/I 0/05920 1912 Jul 6 I A/20/11720 A/06/03306 Nov 4 I A/10/05948 Jul 23 I A/20/11732 A/06/03329 Nov 28 I A/10/05987 Jul 26 I A/20/1 1737 A/06/03341 1899 Feb 11 I A/10/06060 Aug 10 I A/20/11764 A/06/03342 Mar 9 I A/10/06070 Dec 31 I A/20/11953 A/06/03353 Mar 13 I A/10/06074 1913 Jan 6 I A/22/12622 A/06/03373 Mar 17 I A/10/06077 May 2 I A/21/12191 A/06/03377 May II I A/10/06119 Jul I A/21/12317 A/06/03397 Jul 28 I A/10/06166 Jul 22 I A/21/12302 A/06/03399 Sep 21 I A/10/06222 Jul 28 I A/21/12313 A/06/03400 Nov 9 I A/10/06262 Jul 30 I A/21/12316 A/06/03417 Nov 29 I A/10/06272 1914 Feb 5 I A/22/12676 A/06/03420 1900 Jan 29 I A/11/06315 Mar 26 I A/22/12729 A/06/03427 Feb 7 I A/ 1 I /06327 Apr 19 I A/22/12748 A/06/03431 Mar 13 I A/11/06374 May 18 I A/22/12758 A/06/03445 Jun 20 I A/11/06426 Jul 22 I A/22/12848 A/06/03452 Oct 30 I A/l I /06503 Sep 6 I A/22/12918 A/06/03455 1901 Jan 12 I A/I 1/06579 Oct I I A/22/12949 A/06/03461 Jun 19 I All I /06658 Nov 18 I A/22/12996 A/06/03530 Nov 8 I A/I 1/06752 Dec 12 I A/22/13017 A/06/03538 Nov 14 I A/I 1/06759 Muir, Louie S. I A/06/03546 Nov 26 I A/11/06772 1890 Jul 15 I B/06/03496 I A/06/03552 Dec 13 I A/11/06786 1896 May I I B/09/05168 I A/06/03572 1902 Jan 20 I A/12/06943 1898 Jul II I B/10/05862 I A/06/03588 Feb 8 I A/12/06987 Roosevelt, Theodore I A/06/03619 Apr 8 I A/12/07055 1908 Apr 28 I B/17/09693 I A/07/03715 Apr 17 I A/12/07069 Sargent, Charles S. I A/07/03720 May 2 I A/12/07087 1896 Sep 30 I B/09/05307 I A/07/03740 May 21 I A/12/07102 Sierra Club I A/07/03756

113 A/07/03764 A/10/06082 I A/17/10015 A/07/03771 A/10/06125 I A/17/10021 A/07/03775 A/10/06163 1 A/17/10025 A/07/03816 A/10/06174 1 A/18/10129 A/07/03845 A/10/06233 I A/18/10156 A/07/03998 A/10/06267 I A/18/10157 A/07/04021 A/11/06325 I A/18/10268 A/07/04030 A/11/06367 I A/18/10289 A/07/04038 A/11/06417 I A/18/10387 A/07/04051 A/11/06541 I A/18/10458 A/07/04060 A/11/06609 I A/18/10514 I A/07 /04066 A/11/06633 I A/18/10518 I A/07 /04077 A/11/06762 I A/18/10519 I A/07 /04080 A/11/06763 I A/18/10520 I A/07 /04090 A/11/06771 1 A/18/10541 I A/07 /041 02 A/11/06822 I A/19/10930 I A/07/04120 A/12/06935 I A/19/11046 I A/07/04218 A/12/06946 I A/19/11053 I A/07/04367 A/12/07062 I A/20/11217 I A/08/04428 A/12/07076 I A/20/11254 I A/08/04440 A/12/07078 I A/20/11284 I A/08/04459 A/12/07089 I A/20/11308 I A/08/04471 A/12/07095 I A/20/11584 I A/08/04473 A/12/07131 I A/20/11700 I A/08/04484 A/12/07161 I A/20/11751 I A/08/04492 A/12/07193 I A/20/11789 I A/08/04535 A/12/07197 I A/20/11799 I A/08/04557 A/12/07215 I A/21/12025 I A/08/04572 A/12/07271 I A/21/12106 I A/08/04573 A/13/07606 I A/21/12197 I A/08/04600 A/13/07623 I A/21/12251 I A/08/04637 A/13/07745 I A/21/12254 I A/08/04650 A/14/07994 I A/21/12269 I A/08/04662 A/14/08003 I A/21/12273 I A/08/04692 A/14/08092 I A/21/12286 I A/08/04699 A/14/08157 I A/21/12303 I A/08/04713 A/14/08190 I A/21/12320 I A/08/04767 A/14/08241 I A/21/12328 I A/08/04786 A/14/08242 I A/21/12345 I A/08/04800 A/15/08318 I A/21/12349 I A/08/04817 A/15/08329 I A/21112352 I A/08/04829 A/15/08339 I A/21/12371 I A/08/04830 A/15/08340 I A/21/12375 I A/08/04860 A/15/08346 I A/21/12384 I A/08/04868 A/15/08361 I A/21/12389 I A/08/04874 A/15/08362 I A/21/12403 I A/08/04892 A/15/08363 I A/21/12412 I A/08/04895 A/15/08364 I A/21/12421 I A/08/04932 A/15/08386 I A/21/12429 I A/08/04989 A/15/08387 I A/21/12442 I A/08/05016 A/15/08402 I A/21/12445 I A/08/05041 A/15/08405 I A/21/12452 I A/08/05053 A/15/08406 I A/21/12460 I A/08/05071 A/15/08416 I A/21/12463 I A/09/05112 A/15/08417 I A/21/12468 I A/09/05113 A/15/08434 I A/21/12475 I A/09/05118 A/15/08435 I A/21/12476 I A/09/05129 A/15/08463 I A/21/12484 I A/09/05147 A/15/08464 I A/21/12493 I A/09/05164 A/15/08474 I A/21/12499 I A/09/05182 A/15/08497 I A/22/12613 I A/09/05222 A/15/08511 I A/22/12666 I A/09/05233 A/15/08591 I A/22/12751 I A/09/05270 A/15/08592 I A/22/12860 I A/09/05274 A/15/08611 I A/22/12932 I A/09/05283 A/15/08631 I A/22/13011 I A/09/05323 A/15/08683 I A/22/13269 I A/09/05396 A/15/08731 I A/22/13301 I A/09/05411 A/16/08907 I A/22/13310 1 A/09/05433 A/16/08937 I A/22/13311 I A/09/05436 A/16/08986 I A/22/13316 I A/09/05470 A/16/09106 I A/22/13320 I A/09/05472 A/16/09174 I A/22/13324 I A/09/05480 A/16/09184 I A/22/13352 I A/09/05515 A/16/09241 I A/22/13364 I A/09/05551 A/16/09275 I A/22/13400 I A/09/05581 A/16/09281 I A/22/13442 I A/09/05677 A/16/09291 I A/22/13448 A/10/05739 A/16/09352 Muir, Louie S. A/10/05768 A/17/08960 A/06/03519 A/10/05780 A/17/09601 B/09/05180 A/10/05787 A/17/09729 B/09/05602 A/10/05806 A/17/09778 B/14/07909 A/10/05822 A/17/09852 Noble, John W. A/10/05858 A/17/09897 A/06/03561 A/10/05869 A/17/09922 B/06/03580 A/10/05875 A/17/09964 B/07/03694 I A/10/05913 A/17/09971 B/07/03701 I A/10/05990 A/17/09989 B/07/03719 I A/10/06041 A/17/10000 B/07/03792

114 B/07/03796 IV B/31/01722 A/10/06270 B/07103829 IV B/31/01723 A/12/07057 B/07/03982 IV B/31/01724 A/16/09213 B/07/03985 A/18/10555 B/07/03992 Jones, Gertrude F. Muir, Louie S. B/07/03993 Correspondence To B/10/05895 B/07/03996 Muir, John B/07/03999 1878 May 4 I A/03/01745 Jump, Carrie B. B/07/04008 Correspondence To B/07/04031 Jones, Helen L. Muir, John B/07/04069 Correspondence To 1914 Feb 15 I A/22/12694 Olney, Warren Muir, John Mar 28 I A/22/12733 I A/07/04066 I A/22/13057 Apr 14 I A/22/12742 Parsons, Edward T. 1901 Mar 8 I A/11/06610 I B/17 /09965 Kadd1c, A. W. Pinchot, Gifford Correspondence From Correspondence From B/15/08546 Muir, John Towne, A. N. Raymond, W. H. A/11/06604 B/03/01562 B/08/04470 A/11/06717 Sargent, Mary A/12/06957 Kanno, Gertrude B. J B/08/04703 A/13/07840 Photograph Shinn, Charles H. A/14/08192 IV B/23/01244 I B/11/06544 A/15/08398 Swett, John A/15/08510 Karpinsky, A. B/07/03658 A/15/08519 Correspondence From Whitlock, Brand Manson, Marsden B/20/11920 Photograph B/13/07614 JV B/30/01688 Johnson, Willard JV B/30/01689 Kaufman, Helen S. Correspondence To IV B/30/01690 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John 1892 Jun 29 I A/07 /03942 Photograph By 1900 I A/11/06561 IV B/20/01093 Johnstone, E. M. IV B/20/01095 Keck, Dr. K. Correspondence To IV B/20/01096 Correspondence To Muir, John IV B/20/01097 Muir, John 1887 Jul 26 I A/05/02995 IV B/20/01098 1875 Dec 15 I A/03/01520 1893 Jan 26 I A/07/04032 IV B/21/01162 1876 May 18 I A/03/01555 May 3 I A/07/04128 IV B/21/01163 1894 Nov 20 I A/08/04669 IV B/21/01164 Keeler IV B/21/01171 Correspondence From Jolley IV B/22/01194 Muir, John Photograph By IV B/22/01198 A/11/06310 IV B/26/01459 IV B/23/01283 IV B/26/01462 IV B/23/01284 Keeler Family IV B/27/01481 IV B/23/01285 Correspondence From IV B/27/01488 IV B/24/01345 Muir, John A/12/07045 Jones Jones, Mrs. Photograph By Correspondence From Keeler, Charles A. IV B/29/01627 Muir, John Correspondence To A/22/13294 Muir, John Jones, Alice S. A/22/13319 1899 Sep 26 I A/10/06228 Correspondence To A/22/13393 Nov 8 I A/10/06259 Hooker, John D. A/22/13405 1900 Aug II I A/11/06445 1910 Jun 9 B/19/10876 1901 Feb 23 I A/11/06606 Muir, John Jones, N. P. Dec 19 I A/11/06799 1910 Jan 9 I A/19/10669 Photograph By 1902 Apr 12 I A/12/07059 Jun 30 I A/19/10931 IV B/27/01494 1903 Aug 16 I A/13/07765 Aug 20 I A/19/11012 IV B/29/01614 1906 Jul 6 I A/16/08924 Sep 2 I A/19/11041 IV B/29/01619 1907 Aug 13 I A/16/09219 Sep 8 I A/19/11054 IV B/29/01620 Oct 23 I A/16/09321 Dec 6 I A/19/11127 IV B/29/01621 1909 Jan 5 I A/19/10648 1911 Mar 8 I A/20/11257 Nov 16 I A/18/10542 Apr 25 I A/20/11311 Jones, Ralph 1910 Dec 23 I A/19/11143 May 1 I A/20/11319 Photograph 1912 Jan 31 I A/20/11576 1912 Dec 21 I A/20/11922 IV B/30/01691 Roosevelt. Theodore 1913 May 16 I A/21/12212 IV B/30/01692 1907 Oct 23 I B/16/09325 Aug 14 I A/21/12331 IV B/31/01722 1914 Jun 18 I A/22/12811 IV B/31/01723 Correspondence From Garfield, James R. Correspondence From Jordan, David S. I B/16/09340 Robertson, M. A. Correspondence To Muir, John I B/19/11034 Muir, John I A/10/06062 1896 Feb 25 I A/09/05128 I A/10/06124 Jones, C. J. K. 1899 Nov 14 I A/10/06266 I A/10/06167 Correspondence To 1901 Dec 20 I A/11/06812 I A/10/06217 Muir, John 1903 Feb 10 I A/13/07460 I A/10/06241 1880 I A/04/02165 1907 Jun 18 I A/16/09155 I A/11/06388 Aug 12 I A/16/09218 I A/11/06483 Correspondence From 1909 Dec 9 I A/18/10564 I A/11/06494 Muir, John Olney, Warren I A/12/07039 I A/04/02069 1896 Dec 9 B/09/05355 I A/12/07063 I A/11/06790 I A/12/07090 Correspondence From I A/12/07112 Jones, Charlotte Lindgren, Waldemar I A/12/07334 Photograph I B/09/05474 I A/14/08149 IV B/30/01686 Muir, John I A/16/08929 IV B/30/01687 A/09/05130 I A/16/08974 IV B/30/01691 A/10/06252 I A/16/09207

115 A/16/09283 IV B/30/01694 1913 Apr I A/21/12184 A/16/09336 IV B/30/01695 Jun 13 I A/21/12252 A/16/09357 JV B/30/01696 Aug I A/21/12346 A/16/09361 IV B/30/01697 Oct 18 I A/21/!2446 A/16/09423 IV B/30/01698 A/18/10343 IV B/30/01699 Kellogg, Martin A/20/11192 IV B/30/01700 Correspondence To JV B/30/01701 Muir, John Photograph 1899 Apr 30 I A/10/06114 IV B/25/01392 Photograph By IV B/25/01393 IV B/12/00609 Kellogg, Mary F. IV B/25/01394 Correspondence To IV B/25/01395 Keller Muir, John JV B/25/01396 Photograph 1909 Apr 17 I A/18/10280 IV B/29/01609 IV B/25/01367 1911 Dec 23 I A/20/11 549 IV B/29/01610 1912 Jun 3 I A/20/11694 IV B/29/01611 Kellogg Jun 18 I A/20/ 11705 IV B/29/01612 Correspondence From Aug 18 I A/20/11780 Muir, John Sep 21 I A/20/11836 Keezel, Clara C. A/20/11332 Oct 2 I A/20/11851 Correspondence To A/20/11457 1913 I A/21/12576 Muir, John Jan 25 I A/21/12035 1914 Feb 17 I A/22/12697 Kellogg Family Feb 18 I A/21/12072 Correspondence From Apr 30 I A/21/12180 Kehr, George W. Muir, John Jul 23 I A/21/12306 Correspondence To A/19/10727 Oct 19 I A/21/12448 Bade, William F. A/20/11930 Oct 27 I A/21/12461 1910 Jul 25 1 B/19/10961 A/21/12178 1914 Apr 14 I A/22/12743 A/21/12390 May I A/22/12780 Keighley, Fred C. A/21/12542 Jul 5 I A/22/12825 Correspondence To Aug 6 I A/22/12871 Muir, John Kellogg, A. Aug 14 I A/22/12885 1906 Mar 19 I A/16/08835 Correspondence To Muir, John Kellogg, Rufus B. Keith 1882 Jan 10 I A/04/02356 Correspondence To Photograph By Feb 12 I A/04/02360 Muir, John IV B/28/01551 1884 Nov 14 I A/05/02640 1873 May 24 I A/02/01275 IV B/28/01560 Kellogg, Charles Kellogg, Vernon L. Keith, Mary M. Photograph Correspondence To Correspondence To IV B/26/01436 Muir, John Muir, Louie S. 1911 Jan 9 I A/20/11201 1893 Apr 19 1 B/07/04110 Kellogg, Charlone H. Jan 17 I A/20111211 1904 Oct 24 I B/14/08186 Correspondence To Feb 17 I A/20/11238 Muir, John Keith, Sydney 1909 Feb I A/18/10227 Correspondence From Correspondence To Feb I A/18/10229 Muir, John Muir, John Dec 22 I A/18/10578 A/19/11133 1895 Aug 20 I A/08/04972 1910 I A/19/11158 A/20/11301 I A/19/11159 Keith, William Apr 3 I A/19/10786 Kelly, Agnes Correspondence To Nov 5 I A/19/11101 Correspondence To Muir, John Dec 21 I A/19/11138 Muir, John 1903 I A/13/07561 1911 I A/20/11561 1894 Jan 29 I A/08/04447 1904 Dec I A/14/08264 Jan 6 I A/20/11199 Apr 24 I A/08/04512 1908 I A/14/10039 Jan 9 I A/20/11201 Dec 11 I A/08/04709 1909 I A/18/10603 Jan 17 I A/20/11211 1895 Jan 30 I A/08/04792 I A/18/10604 May 25 I A/20/ 11340 Mar 12 I A/08/04844 I A/18/10605 Dec 24 I A/20/11552 I A/18/10607 1912 I A/20/11973 Kelsey, Harlan P. Jan I A/20111565 Correspondence From Correspondence From Mar 12 I A/20/11592 Muir, John Freeman, Katherine Dec I A/20/11959 A/11/06843 I B/12/07294 Dec I A/20/11961 Muir, Helen 1913 I A/21/12568 Kendall, B. 0. B/17/09762 I A/21/12570 Correspondence From Muir, John I A/21/12572 Muir, John A/02/01214 I A/21/12574 A/12/06958 A/07/04272 Jan 7 I A/21/12014 A/12/06959 A/11/06818 1914 I A/22/13034 A/13/07646 Kendall, Eve la P. A/13/07804 Correspondence From Correspondence To A/14107900 Muir, John Muir, John A/14/07919 A/20/11228 1914 Jun 4 I A/22/12785 A/15/08446 A/20/11234 A/15/08447 A/20/11390 Kendall, Isabelle C. A/16/09108 A/22/12627 Correspondence To A/16/09147 A/22/12650 Muir, John A/16/09309 A/22/12721 1912 Sep 7 I A/20/11821 A/20/11316 Photograph Kennedy, Sallie J. Photograph IV B/30/01702 Correspondence To JV B/13/00691 IV B/30/01702 Muir, John IV B/21/01122 IV B/30/01703 1877 Oct 12 I A/03/01645 IV B/25/01358 1878 Jan 24 I A/03/01685 JV B/25/01365 Kellogg, Florence S. Jan 31 I A/03/01837 IV B/25/01367 Correspondence To Mar 5 I A/03/01708 IV B/25/01396 Muir, John May 8 I A/03/01752 JV B/25/1387 1912 Feb 6 I A/20/11585 Jun 21 I A/03/01767 IV B/30/01693 Aug 15 I A/20/ 11776 Sep 15 I A/03/01802

116 JV A/03/00131 IIIB/35/03714 Correspondence From IV A/03/00132 III B/ 36/04910 Muir, John JV A/03/00134 IIIB/36/05014 A/03/01633 JV A/03/00135 IIIB/36/05062 A/03/01640 JV A/05/00243 IV A/05/00269 Kimes 055 Photograph JV A/05/00275 IIIB/37/05510 IV B/30/01704 IV A/05/00276 JV A/05/00293 Kimes 058 Kent, Elizabeth T. IIIB/37/05358 Correspondence To Kimes 026 Muir, John IIIB/34/02216 Kimes 063 1909 May 17 I A/18/10320 IIIB/34/02567 III B/ 37 /05208 Ill B/ 36/04699 IIIB/37 /05252 Kent, William IIIB/36/04749 IIIB/37/05309 Correspondence To IIIC/34/02090 IIIB/37 /05688 Muir, John IIIC/34/02417 1908 Jan 16 I A/17/09495 IV A/05/00268 Kimes 068 Jan 17 I A/17/09500 IIIB/35/03714 Feb 10 I A/17/09536 Kimes 028 IIIB/38/05908 Oct 16 I A/17/09918 IIIB/34/02247 IIIB/38/05914 Oct 27 I A/17/09927 IIIB/36/04509 I I IB/38/05932 Nov 3 I A/I 7/09940 IIIC/34/02090 IIIB/38/05948 1911 Apr 20 I A/20/11302 IIIC/34/02417 IIIC/37/05665 IV A/04/00240 Correspondence From IV A/05/00257 Kimes 070 Muir, John IV A/05/00270 III B/ 36/04910 I A/17/09487 I llB/36/04960 I A/17/09525 Kimes 029 IIIB/38/05960 I A/17/09527 IIIB/34/02273 I I IB/38/05989 I A/17/09550 IIIB/36/04799 IJIB/38/06022 I A/20/11285 IIIC/34/02090 I A/21/12270 IIIC/34/02417 Kimes 072 IV A/03/00127 IllB/38/05893 Kepley, Ada H. JV A/03/00130 Correspondence To IV A/03/00133 Kimes 074 Muir, John IV A/04/00236 IIIB/35/03714 1912 Jul 28 I A/20/11738 IIIB/38/06066 Kimes 031 IJIB/38/06085 Kerckhoff, William G. II IC/34/02397 I I IB/38/06087 Correspondence To Knight, William H. Kimes 032 Kimes 079 1899 Apr 28 I B/10/06106 IJIB/34/02275 IJIA/32/00994 IJIB/36/04855 Kernaban, J. B. IIIC/34/02090 Kimes 080 Correspondence To IIIC/34/02417 IIIB/35/03714 Muir, John IV A/03/00169 IJIB/38/06225 1889 May 19 I A/06/03246 IllB/38/06260 1890 Oct 15 I A/06/03541 Kimes 033 IIIB/34/02260 Kimes 081 Kerr, Mark B. IJIB/36/04884 IJIB/37/05772 Correspondence To IIIC/34/02090 IllB/38/05833 Muir, John IIIC/34/02417 1891 Nov 7 I A/07/03822 Kimes 082 Nov 16 I A/07/03824 Kimes 034 IJIA/32/00994 1892 Mar 24 I A/07/03893 llIB/34/02567 1894 Nov 26 I A/08/04672 IIIB/36/04455 Kimes 083 IIIB/36/04586 IJIB/37/05415 Kewcastle Correspondence From Kimes 036 Kimes 085 Bidwell, Annie K. llIB/34/02245 IJIB/35/03714 I A/03/01633 IIIB/38/06170 Kimes 039 Kibby II IB/36/04889 Kimes 086 Photograph IIIC/34/02090 III A/ 32 /00994 IV B/30/01705 IIIC/34/02417 IJIB/38/06213 JV A/03/00136 IJIB/38/06221 Kilburn Brothers IV A/03/00137 Photograph By JV A/03/00138 Kimes 087 IV B/34/01903 IV A/03/00139 IIIB/35/03714 IV A/04/00237 IIIB/37 /05484 Kimball, W. G. C. JV A/04/00238 Photograph By JV A/04/00239 Kimes 088 IV B/32/01802 IJIB/37 /05698 Kimes 040 IV A/03/00168 Kimes A I IIIB/36/05068 IIIC/37/05627 IIIB/37/05125 Kimes 089 IIIB/48/13487 Kimes 010 Kimes 041 IIIB/34/02209 IIIB/37/05167 Kimes 090 IIIB/37/05170 IIIB/38/06380 Kimes 023 IIIB/37/05198 IIIB/48/13487 lllB/34/02214 IIIB/38/06334 Kimes 043 Kimes 091 IllB/36/04972 IIIA/32/00994 Kimes 024 IIIB/36/05003 IIIB/38/06384 IIIB/34/02024 IIIB/37/05444 IIIB/48/13487 IIIB/36/04655 IIIB/37/0S455 IIIC/34/02090 Kimes 092 IIIC/34/02417 Kimes 052 IIIB/38/06417

117 IIIB/48/13487 IIIB/39/06623 IIIB/49/14138 IIIB/39/06644 IV A/01/00018 Kimes 093 IV A/01/00021 I I IB/38/06388 Kimes 146 IV A/01/00024 IIIB/48/13487 IIIB/38/06112 IV A/01/00027 IIIB/38/06134 I\' A/01/00028 Kimes 094 IIIB/39/06623 IV A/01/00029 IllB/38/06402 IIIB/39/06644 IV A/01/00030 IIIB/48/13487 IV A/01/00034 Kimes 160 IV A/01/00035 Kimes 095 IIIB/39/06909 IV A/01/00036 III A/ 32/00994 IIIB/39/06937 IV A/01/00037 IV A/01/00038 Kimes 096 Kimes 162 IV A/01/00039 I I IB/38/06429 IIIB/39/06784 IV A/01/00046 IIIB/48/13487 IIIB/39/06949 IV A/01/00047 IV A/01/00048 Kimes 097 Kimes 167 IIIB/38/06439 IIIB/39/07026 Kimes 201 IIIB/48/13487 IIIB/39/07085 JIIB/42/08872 III B/ 39/07092 IIIB/42/08888 Kimes 100 IIIB/39/07148 IIIB/37/05512 IIIB/39/07191 Kimes 203 IIIB/37 /05566 IIIB/39/07218 IIIB/42/08826 IIIC/37/05673 IIIB/40/07258 IIIB/42/08829 IIIC/37 /05730 IIIB/40/07366 IIIB/40/07410 Kimes 205 Kimes 102 I I IB/40/07434 IIIB/43/09351 IIIB/49/13754 IIIB/40/07478 IIIB/43/09371 IllB/40/07555 Kimes 103 IllB/40/07669 Kimes 208 IllB/49/13754 III B/40/076 77 I I IB/42/09252 IV A/03/00155 IIIB/42/09264 Kimes 105 IIIB/42/09273 IIIB/49/13754 Kimes 178 IIIB/42/09291 IIIB/40/07606 Kimes 106 Kimes 209 IIIB/49/137 54 Kimes 179 IIIB/42/09148 III B/40/07616 IIIB/42/09192 Kimes 107 IIIB/40/07677 IIIB/42/09224 IIIB/49/13754 IIIB/42/09238 Kimes 180 IIIC/43/09871 Kimes 108 IIIB/40/07600 IIIB/38/06508 IIID/40/07604 Kimes 210 I A/08/04822 Kimes 109 Kimes 181 IIIB/42/08785 IIIB/35/03714 IIIB/41 /08045 IIIB/42/08792 IIIB/39/06556 IIIB/41 /08086 IIIB/42/09056 IIIB/39/06620 IIIB/41/08095 IIIB/42/09107 llJB/49/13754 III B/4 I /08212 IllB/41/08222 Kimes 213 Kimes 110 IllB/41/08316 IIIA/33/01410 IIIB/37/05149 lIIB/44/ 10708 IIIB/42/09011 IIIB/37 /057 37 IllC/40/07630 IIIB/42/09018 IIIB/38/06334 II ID/40/07613 III B/42/09029 II IB/43/09374 Kimes Ill Kimes 182 IIIB/43/09449 11/26/02258 IllB/40/07806 lIID/40/07613 Kimes 214 Kimes 114 IV A/05/00267 IIIB/42/08910 11/27/02441 IV A/05/00290 IIIB/42/08980

Kimes 124 Kimes 184 Kimes 215 IIIB/35/03714 IIIB/41/08334 IIIB/42/0891 O IIIB/39/06698 lIIB/41/08359 IIIB/42/09261 IIIB/39/06758 IllB/41/08432 IIIC/39/06774 Kimes 217 Kimes 185 IIIB/43/09506 Kimes 126 lIIB/41/08442 IIIB/43/09524 IIIB/39/06805 lIIB/41/08471 IIIB/43/09548 lIIB/41/08488 I I IB/43/09550 Kimes 127 IIIB/41/08563 IllB/35/03714 IIIB/42/08610 Kimes 219 IllB/39/06698 III B/43/0969 5 IIIB/39/06758 Kimes 189 IIIB/43/09704 IIIB/40/07821 IIIB/43/09746 Kimes 128 IIIB/40/07849 III B/43/09790 IIIB/39/06801 I I IB/40/07854 IIIB/43/09809 IIIB/39/06814 IIIB/42/08680 IIIB/43/09820 IIIB/42/08729 Kimes 129 Kimes 222 IIIB/39/06836 Kimes 195 IIIB/43/09569 IIIB/40/07718 IIIB/43/09667 Kimes 130 I I IC/40/07743 IIIC/43/09691 IIIB/39/06827 Kimes 200 Kimes 223 Kimes 145 IIIB/42/08733 IIIB/43/09569 IIIB/38/06112 I I IB/42/08799 III B/43/09683 IIIB/38/06505 IIIB/42/08811 IIIB/39/06134 IIIB/49/14089 Kimes 224

118 III B/43/09903 Kimes 315 Correspondence To I I 18/43/09937 IIIB/47/12213 Muir, John IIIC/43/09889 IIIB/47/12479 1912 Apr 10 A/20/11617 IIIB/48/13405 Kimes 226 Correspondence From IIIB/43/09995 Kimes 327 Muir, John IIIB/43/10041 IIIB/48/13408 A/16/08971 IIIB/44/10102 A/20/11627 lllB/44/10148 Kimes 331 A/21/12422 I A/22/ 1 3084 Kimes 227 Photograph By IIIB/44/10160 Kimes 333 Flowers 11/25/01559 IV B/45/02573 Kimes 228 11125/01617 Indians 1118/44/10267 11/25/01778 IV B/45/02591 1118/44/10321 I I/26/01936 IV B/45/02592 11/26/02113 JV B/45/02593 Kimes 229 11/27/02882 Lakes - SNP IIIB/44/10180 11/28/03015 JV B/39/02224 IIIB/44/10207 lllA/32/00994 Lakes - YNP IIIA/32/01120 IV 8145/02598 Kimes 232 lllA/33/01394 Mountaineers III B/44/10326 IIIB/41/07898 JV B/46/02652 IIIB/44/10338 IIIB/47 /12769 IV B/46102653 1118/44/ 10569 IIIB/47/12792 IV B/46/02654 IIIB/47/12867 IV B/46102655 Kimes 234 IIIB/48/12917 IV 8146/02656 IIIB/44/10341 1118148/13056 Mouniains YNP III B/44/ 10399 1118/48/13215 IV B/47/02690 IIIB/44/10491 IIIB/48/13222 IV B/47/02691 IIIB/48/13237 IV B/47102692 Kimes 236 III B/48/ 13248 IV B/47/02693 1118/44/10555 III B/48/ 132 51 IV B/47/02731 III B/48/ 13259 IV 8147/02733 Kimes 240 1118148/13343 IV 8148/02756 1118/44/10693 IIIB/48/13487 IV B/48102757 IIIB/49/13601 IV B/48/02758 Kimes 245 IIIB/49/13699 IV B/48/02781 1118/44/10613 1118/49/13705 Muir friends 1118/44/10688 IIIB/49/13712 IV B/29/01642 IIIB/49/13754 IV 8/33/01855 Kimes 248 1118/49/13835 Muir on location IIIA/33/01701 IIIB/49/14061 IV B/24101338 1118/44/10723 IIIB/49/14069 Muir with others IIIB/45/10829 IIIB/49/14089 IV B/25/01404 IIIB/49/14126 Rivers - YNP Kimes 249 IIIB/49/14131 IV B/49/02801 lllA/33/01701 IIIB/49/14138 IV 8149102802 lllB/45/ 10925 IIIB/49/14147 IV 8/49/02824 IIIB/49/14155 IV B/49/02825 Kimes 254 IIIB/49/14167 JV B/49/02830 I A/03/01431 IIIB/49/14199 IV B/49/02831 IIIB/49/14204 Rocks - YNP Kimes 256 1118/49/14213 IV B/49/02845 IIIB/45/10949 IIIB/50/14303 Valleys YNP IIIB/45/10979 IIIB/50/14370 IV 8151102957 lllB/45/10987 IIIB/50/14512 IV B/53/03010 IIIB/50/14906 Watefalls - YNP Kimes 258 IV B/53/03065 lllB/45/10995 Kimes 339 Waterfalls - YNP IIIB/45/11003 JllB/34/01978 IV B/53/03041 IV B/53/03042 Kimes 281 Kimes 341 IV B/53/03059 IIIB/46/12054 I A/01/00337 IV B/53/03064 IIIB/37/05743 Kimes 284 IIIB/39/06839 King, Mr. IIIB/46/12075 JllB/39/06873 Correspondence From 1118/39/06884 Muir, John Kimes 299 JllB/47/12502 I A/21/12505 lllA/31/00120 IV B/23/01246 lllA/31/00209 King, Robert IIIA/31/00300 Kimes 345 Correspondence To IIIA/31/00382 I A/07/03929 Muir, John lllA/31 /00469 1881 Sep 27 I A/04/02312 IIIA/31/00537 Kimes 347 lllD/39/07065 IV A/01/00040 King, Siarr IV A/01/00042 Photograph Kimes 302 IV A/01/00043 IV B/30/01706 IIIB/47/12743 Kimes 379 Kip, George G. Kimes 308 IIIA/31/00643 Correspondence To IIIA/33/01643 IIIB/34/02001 Muir, John IIIB/38/06502 IIIB/34/02018 1897 Aug 10 I A/09/05597 IIIB/44/10708 IIIB/34/02058 1898 Dec 19 I A/10/06000 IIIB/47/12492 IIIB/34/02195 1907 Oct 1 I A/16/09302 IIIB/47/12700 IIIB/40/07734 lllB/47/12709 IIIB/44/10260 Correspondence From IIID/47/12719 I 118/48/13231 Muir, John IIID/48113411 A/09/05572 King, George R. A/09/05590

119 A/09/0S632 Correspondence To Correspondence To A/10/0S992 U.S. Consular Office Muir, John A/10/06083 1911 Jul 8 I B/20/11422 1901 Sep 18 I A/11/06728 A/12/06908 U.S. Diplomatic Office 1903 Mar 9 I A/13/07497 1911 Jul 8 I B/20/11422 Kip, William I. Correspondence From Photograph Kuhn, Harry P. Muir, John JV B/30/01707 Correspondence To All 3/07SS8 Muir, John A/22/13292 Kipps, A. K. 1900 I A/ll/06S62 Photograph By Lee, Gerald S. JV B/29/01632 Kung, Gus F. Correspondence To JV B/32/01814 Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John I 90S Dec 30 I A/I S/08742 Kirk, H.B. A/22/13449 Correspondence From Leggett, Joseph Hoby, Arthur Kuns, George F. Correspondence To B/14/07896 Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John 1895 Oct 14 I A/08/0S03 I Kitagawa, Masai A/18/IOIS8 Dec 20 I A/08/05058 Correspondence To Muir, John Kurtz. W. Lehmer, 0. W. 1910 May 26 I A/19/1083S Photograph By Correspondence To IV B/23/012S8 Muir, John Kitchell, Joseph G. 1911 Jan 9 I A/20/11203 Photograph By Lake, G. M. IV B/30/01663 Correspondence To Lemmon, John G. IV B/31/01745 Muir, John Correspondence To 1891 Dec I A/07/03861 Muir, John Kletzsch, Alvin P. 1880 Jun 4 I A/04/02059 Correspondence To Lamb, Frank H. Bade, William F. Correspondence To Photograph 1910 Aug S I B/19/10988 Muir, John JV B/25/01367 1898 Apr 7 I A/I O/OS792 Kling, David Photograph By Correspondence To Lamon. James C. IV B/14/00712 Muir, John Photograph JV B/14/00713 1905 Feb 12 I A/I 5/08378 JV B/31/01718 JV B/14/00738 1912 Apr 12 I A/20/11624 IV B/31/01719 IV B/18/00948 JV B/18/00949 Correspondence From Landsbonah, David IV B/24/01341 Muir, John Correspondence To IV B/42/02403 A/I 5/08394 Muir, John JV B/42/02416 1887 Nov IS I A/05/03017 JV B/43/02438 Knapp, Adeline Dec 16 I A/05/03026 IV B/43/02439 Correspondence To 1888 Feb 8 I A/05/03063 Muir, John Lemmon, Mrs. John G. 1899 Aug 27 I A/10/06191 Lanier, Charles D. Photograph Correspondence To JV B/30/01679 Knerr, Harry 0. Muir, John JV B/31/01721 Correspondence To 1901 Aug 19 I A/11/06710 Muir, John Lenroot, Clara C. 1909 Mar 15 I A/18/10246 Lapsley, Arthur A. Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Knickerbocker Pub I ishing Co. Muir, John 1905 May 10 I A/15/0851S Correspondence From 1903 Feb 23 I A/13/07475 May 26 I A/15/08545 Muir, John A/15/08341 Larned, William T. Lenroot, Mrs. lrvme L. A/15/08486 Correspondence To Correspondence From A/22/13300 Muir, John Muir, John A/22/13373 1912 Aug 24 I A/20/11793 A/15/0SS27

Knight, George H. Lassan, A. B. LeConte, Helen M. Photograph By Correspondence To Correspondence To JV B/12/00611 Muir, John Muir, John JV B/12/00612 1908 Apr I A/17/09642 1912 Dec 31 I A/20/11954

Knight, William H. Lawrence, Roswell B. Leconte, John Correspondence To Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John 1908 Mar 13 A/17/09610 A/18/10159 1881 Jan 18 I A/04/02175 A/22/13447 Feb 9 I A/04/021 80 Correspondence From Kerckhoff, William G. LaRoche, Frank Correspondence From I B/10/06106 Photograph By Gray, Asa JV B/09/00431 B/04/02304 Knop, William B. JV B/09/00436 Correspondence To JV B/09/00437 LeConte, Joseph Muir, John JV B/09/00451 Correspondence To 1913 Jan 16 J A/21/12022 JV B/09/004S2 Beecher, Henry W. IV B/19/01010 1883 Sep I B/04/02S 13 Kohler, E. R. JV B/23/01273 Muir, John Photograph By 1872 Sep 7 A/02/01149 JV B/30/01686 Leahy, M. A. 1880 Oct 6 A/04/02124 Correspondence To 1894 Oct 17 I A/08/04626 Kruttschmitt, Julius Muir, John Oct 20 I A/08/04628 Photograph 1913 Apr 24 I A/21/12172 IV B/2S/01387 Jul 27 I A/21/12310 Correspondence From Beecher, Henry W. Krux, P. W. Leavitt, Bradford I B/04/02Sl I

120 Horner, Maures Lochner, L. P. Nov 8 I A/16/09354 B/06/03531 Correspondence To Nov 9 I A/16/09358 Muir, John Muir, John 1908 Jan 9 I A/17109478 A/02/00871 1909 Sep 7 I A/18/10454 1910 Apr 29 I A/19/10801 A/02/00944 1913 Sep 16 I A/21/12392 A/02/01013 Loeb, William A/02/01092 Correspondence To Correspondence From A/02/01108 Bryant, Henry G. Muir, John A/02/01204 1906 Feb 28 J B/16/08827 I A/08/05035 A/04/02134 Johnson, Robert u. I A/08/05052 A/11/06620 1902 Dec 10 J A/12/07324 I A/09/05148 Muir, John I A/09/05170 Photograph 1907 Sep 19 I A/16/09285 J A/09/05298 IV B/31/01720 I A/09/05341 Logan. Josephine H. I A/09/05371 Photograph By Correspondence To I A/09/05428 JV B/51/02959 Muir, John I A/09/05460 1910 Aug 4 I A/19/10987 I A/09/05488 LeConle, Joseph Le I A/09/05504 Correspondence From London Times I A/09/05516 Bryce, James Correspondence To I A/09/05524 B/04/02320 Muir, John I A/09/05547 Gray, Asa 1902 May 20 I A/12/07097 I A/09/05567 B/04/02304 I A/09/05582 Lonergan I A/09/05585 Liddell Family Pho1ograph By I A/09/05586 Correspondence From JV B/31/01733 I A/09/05641 Muir, John I A/09/05651 A/22/13308 Long, Percy V. J A/09/05657 Correspondence To I A/10/05770 Liddell, Charles E. Fisher, Walter L. I A/10/05779 Correspondence To 1912 Jan 20 I B/20/11569 I A/10/05807 Muir, John I A/10/05854 1904 Aug 28 A/14/08122 Loomis J A/10/05856 Photograph By J A/10/05876 Correspondence From IV B/27/01478 J A/10/06011 Muir, John IV B/27/01491 I A/10/06035 A/15/08357 JV B/27/01500 I A/10/06065 I A/10/06069 Lindgren, Waldemar Los Angeles Produce Co. I A/10/06122 Correspondence To Correspondence From I A/10/06126 Jordan, David S. Muir, John I A/10/06218 1897 Feb 25 I B/09/05474 I A/I 5/08533 I A/10/06273 Perkins, George C. I A/22/13412 I A/11/06326 1897 Feb 25 I A/09/05475 I A/11/06402 Love, E. C. I A/11/06407 Lindt, J. W. Correspondence To I A/11/06533 Correspondence To Muir, Daniel I A/11/06539 Muir, John 1900 Feb 27 B/11/06355 I A/11/06582 1908 Jul 24 I A/17/09841 Muir, Emma I A/11/06588 1900 Feb 27 B/11/06355 I A/11/06621 Liplus, E. P. I A/11/06661 Correspondence To Lovewell, Joseph T. J A/11/06665 Muir, John Correspondence To I A/11/06705 1910 Jul 9 I A/19/10948 Muir, John I A/11/06756 1910 Jun 29 I A/19/10929 I A/11/06792 Lippincoll Co. I A/12/06960 Correspondence To Lukens, Charlolle D. I A/12/07061 Muir, John Photograph I A/12/07265 1910 Nov 8 I A/19/11110 IV B/31/01722 I A/13/07612 IV B/31/01723 I A/14/07996 Lippincou, J. B. IV B/31/01724 I A/15/08399 Correspondence To I A/15/08400 Muir, John Lukens, Mrs. Theodore P. I A/15/08562 1902 Dec 20 A/12/07327 Correspondence From I A/15/08594 Muir, John I A/15/08707 Correspondence From I A/09/05148 I A/16/08936 Muir, John I A/16/09001 A/13/07438 Lukens, Theodore P. I A/16/09039 A/22/13284 Correspondence To I A/16/09058 Muir, John I A/16/09160 Little, Eleanor H. 1896 May 28 I A/09/05178 I A/16/09345 Correspondence To Dec 22 I A/09/05370 I A/16/09351 Muir, John 1897 Jan 4 I A/09/05387 I A/16/09398 1913 Feb 25 I A/21/12081 Feb 15 I A/09/05462 I A/17/09468 Mar 22 I A/09/05496 I A/17/09602 Lillie, John W. Apr 12 I A/09/05509 I A/17/09888 Correspondence To Jun I2 I A/09/05548 I A/17/10007 Muir, John Jun 29 I A/09/05562 I A/I8/I0201 1913 Feb 25 I A/2I/12081 Jun 30 I A/09/05565 I A/18/10584 1901 Jan 12 I A/11/06580 I A/19/10806 Lloyd, Henry D. 1902 Feb 19 I A/12/06997 I A/20/11193 Correspondence To 1903 Dec 17 I A/13/07829 I A/20/11749 Muir, John 1905 Feb 17 I A/15/08391 I A/21/12019 1895 May 30 I A/08/04913 Jul 10 I A/15/08599 I A/21/12190 Aug 29 I A/15/08665 I A/21/12395 Correspondence From Oct 7 I Ail 5/08699 I A/21/12556 Muir, John I906 Jan 12 I A/16/08782 I A/22/12735 A/08/04787 1907 J A/16/09427 Jun I A/16/09169 Pholograph

121 JV B/25/01377 IV B/36/02057 Muir portraits IV B/31/01725 Lakes YNP IV B/23/01257 IV B/31/01726 JV B/45/02597 Muir with family IV B/31/01727 IV B/45/02607 JV B/24/01347 JV B/31/01728 Landforms Muir with others IV B/31/01730 JV B/16/00818 IV B/25/01361 IV B/16/00821 Passes Photograph By IV B/16/00822 IV B/37/02118 Agriculture Lumber trade JV B/37/02121 IV B/15/00765 JV B/16/00823 JV B/37 /02122 JV B/15/00766 IV B/16/00824 Plants IV B/15/00767 Meadows IV B/16/00866 Alpine regions - KCNP IV B/16/00825 IV B/16/00867 IV B/20/01058 IV B/36/02059 JV B/16/00868 Alpine regions - SN JV B/36/02069 IV B/16/00871 IV B/39/02198 IV B/36/02070 Rivers KCNP JV B/39/02199 IV B/39/02239 JV B/21/01146 Alpine regions - SNP JV B/46/02619 IV Bi2li01147 IV B/36/02018 Mines Rivers - So. Calif. Animals IV B/36/02075 JV Bi17/00878 JV Bil 5i00768 Mountaineers IV B/17i00879 IV Bi39i02204 IV Bi16i00839 IV B/17/00880 IV Bi39i02205 Mountains IV Bil 7/00881 IV Bi39i02206 IV B/16i00840 IV B/17/00882 Camps & camping IV B/16/00841 JV B/17/00883 IV Bi12i00596 Mountains KCNP JV B/17/00884 IV Bi15i00770 IV B/21/01118 JV B/l 7i00885 IV Bil5i00771 IV B/21/01133 IV B/17i00886 IV Bi15i00772 IV B/21/01135 IV Bi17i00887 Canyons KCNP Mounta10s San Bcrnard100 JV Bil7i00888 IV Bi20i01063 IV Bil6i00845 Rivers SNP IV Bi20i01064 IV Bil6i00846 IV Bi37/02124 IV Bi20i01065 IV B/16i00847 IV Bi37i02125 IV Bi20i01066 IV Bil6i00848 IV Bi37/02126 Canyons - San Gabriel Mts. IV Bi16i00849 IV B/37/02127 IV Bi15i00775 Mountains San Gabriel JV Bi37i02128 IV Bi15/00776 JV Bil6i00853 IV Bi37i02129 IV Bi15i00782 IV Bil6i00854 Rivers - YNP IV Bi15/00783 IV B/16/00855 JV Bi49i02800 IV B/15i00784 IV Bi16i00856 JV Bi49i02806 IV B/1Si00785 IV Bi16i00857 JV B/49/02822 Canyons - San Jacinto Mts. IV Bil 6i00858 Roads - YNP IV Bi15i00773 IV Bil6i00859 JV Bi49i02838 IV Bi15i00774 IV B/16/00860 JV 8149/02839 IV Bi15i00777 IV Bil6i00861 Rock painting.< IV Bi15/00778 Mountains - San Jacinto JV Bil li00568 IV Bi15i00779 IV Bil6i00862 IV Bil li00569 IV Bi15i00780 IV B/16i00863 JV Bil li00570 IV Bi15/00781 Mountains - SNP Rocks Canyons - SNP IV Bi37i02080 IV Bil7/00891 IV B/36i02026 JV B/37i02088 IV B/17/00892 IV B/36i02027 IV B/37/02093 IV B/17/00893 IV B/36i02036 IV B/37i02094 IV B/17/00894 IV Bi36i02037 JV B/37i02101 I\' B/17i00895 Deserts IV 8137102112 JV Bil 7i00896 IV Bil9/01013 IV B/37i02113 IV B/17i00897 Flowers JV Bi37i02114 IV Bi38i02138 IV B/15/00789 IV Bi37i02115 IV B/38/02142 Historic houses, etc. IV B/37/02116 I\' Bi38/02143 IV Bil5i00800 JV B/37/02117 JV B/40/02265 JV B/12/00802 Mountains - YNP JV Bi40i02266 JV B/15i00792 IV B/47i02684 JV Bi40/02267 IV Bil5i00793 IV Bi47i02695 Rocks - SN IV Bil 5/00794 IV B/47i02696 IV B/39i02252 IV Bil5/00795 IV B/47/02706 JV Bi39i02253 IV Bil5i00798 JV Bi48i02750 JV B/39i02254 IV B/15i00799 IV Bi48i02751 Transportation JV Bil 5i00801 IV Bi48i02772 IV B/17/00899 IV Bi36i02040 Muir friends IV B/17/00900 Hotels & taverns, etc. IV 8/30/01687 IV B/17100901 IV Bil5/00805 IV B/30/01688 Travelers JV B/15/00806 IV B/30/01689 IV B/17/00902 IV B/15i00807 IV B/30/01690 IV Bil 7/00903 House furnishings IV B/30/01691 Trees JV B/ I 5/00808 IV B/30/01692 JV B/17/00905 Lakes KCNP IV B/30/01705 IV B/17/00906 IV B/20/01089 JV B/31/01722 JV B/17/00907 IV B/20/01090 IV B/31/01723 JV B/17/00908 IV B/20/01094 IV B/31/01724 JV B/17/00909 Lakes - So. Calif. IV B/3! /01726 JV B/17/00910 IV B/15/00810 IV B/31/01727 IV B/17/00911 IV B/15/00811 IV B/31/01728 IV B/17/00912 Lakes SN JV B/31/01730 IV B/17/00913 JV B/39/02220 IV B/32/01829 IV B/17/00914 Lakes - SNP IV B/32/01830 IV B/17/00915 IV Bi36i02044 IV B/33/01846 IV B/17/00916 IV B/36i02045 IV B/33/01863 IV B/17/00917 JV Bi36/02046 Muir on location JV B/17/00918 IV Bi36i02048 IV B/23/01272 IV B/17/00919 IV B/36/02049 IV B/24/01322 IV B/17/00920

122 Trees - Alder JV B/50/02901 A/13/07589 JV B/17/00921 JV B/50/02902 A/13/07674 JV B/17/00922 JV B/51/02941 A/14/07998 JV B/17/00923 Trees - YNP - Oak A/15/08471 Trees - Fir JV B/51/02942 A/15/08539 JV B/17/00926 JV B/51/02943 A/15/08551 JV B/17/00927 Trees YNP - Pine A/15/08565 JV B/17/00928 JV B/51102922 A/15/08595 JV B/17/00929 Trees YNP Redwood A/15/08632 IV B/42/02420 JV B/51/02933 I A/16/09172 Trees - Oak JV B/51/02934 I A/16/09346 IV B/14/00732 Valleys I A/16/09383 IV B/14/00733 IV B/42102389 J A/17/09562 IV B/18/00940 Valleys - KCNP J A/17/09637 IV B/18100941 IV B/22/01193 I A/18/10521 IV B/18/00942 Valleys - Owens I A/19/10654 JV B/18/00943 IV B/12/00585 J A/19/10743 IV B/18/00944 Valleys - So. Calif. J A/19111109 Trees Palm IV B/18/00975 J A/20111265 IV B/18/00945 IV B/18/00976 I A/2011I701 JV B/18/00946 IV B/18/00977 J A/21/12016 IV B/18/00947 JV B/18100978 I A/21/12038 Trees Pine IV B/18/00979 J A/21/12237 IV B/14/00742 IV B/18/00980 I A/22/ 13269 JV B/14/00743 IV B/18/00981 J A/22113418 IV B/14/00744 IV B/18100982 JV B/14/00745 Valleys - YNP Photograph JV B/14/00746 JV B/51/02937 JV B/25/01368 JV B/14/00747 JV B/51/02938 JV B/31/01731 JV B/18/00950 JV B/51/02939 JV B/31/01732 IV B/18/00951 IV B/51/02940 JV B/18/00952 JV B/51/02944 Photograph By IV B/18/00953 JV B/51/02960 JV B/13100649 JV B/18/00954 IV B/51/02961 JV B/23/01259 IV B/18/00955 JV B/51/02962 IV B/23/01260 JV B/18/00956 JV B/52/03009 JV B/23/01261 JV B/18/00961 Waterfalls SNP JV B/23/01281 JV B/18/00962 JV B/38/02173 IV B/24/01342 IV B/18/00963 JV B/38/02174 IV B/26101421 IV B/18/00964 Waterfalls - YNP IV B/26/01422 JV B/18/00965 JV B/53/03076 IV B/31/01731 IV B/18/00966 JV B/31/01732 JV B/18/00967 Lummis, Charles F. JV B/43/02440 Correspondence To Lunam Family JV B/43/02441 Muir, John Correspondence From Trees - Spruce 1895 Jun 14 I A/08/04924 Muir, John IV B/18/00968 Sep 20 I A/08/04998 A/22/13029 JV B/18/00969 1900 Feb 20 I A/11/06341 JV B/18/00970 Mar 28 J A/11/06385 Lunam, Margaret H. JV B/18/00971 1902 Mar 21 I A/12/07028 Correspondence To IV B/18/00972 Apr 23 I A/12/07074 Funk, Buel A. Trees - Sycamore May I I A/12/07085 1911 Dec 2 J B/20/11539 JV B/18/00973 May 8 I A/12/07091 Muir, John IV B/18/00974 1903 Mar 25 I A/13/07538 1893 Dec 9 I A/07/04355 Trees - SN Apr 2 I A/13/07563 1894 Jan 30 J A/08/04451 IV B/40/02271 Apr 10 I A/13/07580 Apr 9 I A/08104499 JV B/40/02272 Apr 25 I A/13/07600 May 15 I A/08104529 IV B/40/02273 May II I A/13/07643 Sep 22 I A/08/04602 IV B/40/02274 1905 Apr 11 I A/15/08475 1895 Feb I I A/08/04804 JV B/40102275 Jun 15 I A/15/08568 1898 Feb 25 I A/10/05776 IV B/40/02276 Jul 10 J A/15/08601 1903 Jan 23 I A/13/07419 Trees - SN - Hemlock Aug 3 I A/15/08618 Mar 13 I A/13/07504 JV B/40/02288 Aug II J A/15/08646 1904 Oct 16 I A/14/08175 JV B/40/02289 Aug 29 I A/15/08667 Nov 8 I A/14/08196 Trees - SN - Juniper Sep 6 I A/15/08681 1906 Feb 3 I A/16/08805 JV B/40/02294 1906 Apr 29 I A/16/08867 1907 Jun 1 I A/16/09150 JV B/40/02296 May 12 J A/16/08879 Jun 18 I A/16/09157 IV B/40/02297 1907 Jul 10 I A/16/09179 1908 Mar 5 I A/17/09580 Trees SN - Pine Aug 26 I A/16/09232 1909 Nov 11 I A/18110535 JV B/40/02305 1908 Jan 16 I A/17/09497 1910 May 5 I A/19/10810 JV B/40/02306 Feb 28 I A/17/09564 Aug 6 J A/19/10989 IV B/40/02307 Mar 28 I A/17/09639 Dec 7 J A/19111130 JV B/40/02308 1910 Jan 8 J A/19/10664 191I Jan II J A/20/11207 IV B/41/02318 Feb 4 J A/19/10704 1912 Aug 21 J A/20/11785 IV B/41/02329 1912 Apr 23 I A/20/11632 Dec 16 I A/20111916 Trees SN - Redwood 1913 Oct 6 I A/21/12424 IV B/41/02341 Correspondence From Dec 23 I A/21/12540 JV B/41/02373 Muir, John 1914 May 23 I A/22/12766 JV B/42/02387 A/08/04923 Trees - SNP - Redwood A/11/06352 Correspondence From IV B/38/02170 A/11/06379 Funk, Buel A. Trees - YNP A/11/06524 B/20111521 JV B/50/02883 A/11/06629 Hay, James M. IV B/50/02884 A/11/06630 I B/07/04244 IV B/50/02885 A/11/06646 Muir, John IV B/50/02886 A/12/07020 I A/07 /04318 JV B/50/02887 A/12/07079 I A/08/04581 JV B/50/02888 A/12/07081 I A/08/04682 IV B/50/02889 A/13/07551 I A/08/04771 JV B/50/02890 A/13/07575 I A/08/04788

123 I A/08/04937 Feb 13 I B/07/04047 1903 May 5 I B/13/07613 I A/08/05014 Mar 13 I B/07 /04078 Amali1zky, Professor I A/09/05352 1903 May 5 I B/13/07613 I A/09/05568 Mackey, G. S. Karpinsky, A. I A/09/05642 Correspondence To 1903 May 5 I B/13/07614 I A/10/05788 Cambie Muir, John I Ail 0/05994 1879 Jun 2 B/03/01882 1907 Jul 29 I A/16109190 I A/I 0/06053 Mutr, John Aug 9 I A/16109216 I A/1 I /06485 1879 Jun 2 A/03/01880 Nikilkin, S. I A/12/07207 1903 May 5 B/13107615 I A/13/07387 Macnabb Pavlow, A. P. I A/13/07425 Photograph By 1903 May 5 B/13/07616 I A/13/07697 IV B/32/01804 Woeikov, A. I A/14/07999 1903 May 5 B/13107617 I A/14/08175 Macphail, Carr I A/14/08204 Correspondence To Correspondence From I A/15/08480 Muir, John Muir, John I A/15/08709 1904 Sep 18 I A/14/08140 A/15/08373 I A/15/08732 A/22/13312 I A/16/08881 Macphail, D. S. Pincho1, Gifford I A/16/08993 Correspondence To B/16/08895 I A/16/09176 Muir, John B/16/08972 I A/16/09388 1904 Sep 19 A/14/08144 I A/18/10556 Manuel, John G. I A/19/10855 MacBride, Thomas H. Correspondence To I A/19/10918 Correspondence To Muir, John I A/20/11898 Calkins, J. E. 1913 Apr 8 I A/21/12140 I A/21/12381 1907 Nov 4 1 B/16/09349 May 19 I A/21/12218 I A/21/12517 I A/22/13012 Magee, Freddie Manuel, Mrs. James I A/22/13368 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Manuscripts 1913 May 7 I A/21/12192 1914 Jan 2 I A/21/12615 Gilderoy V E/51/00240 Magee, Frederic E. Marble, Earl Gilrye Family Genealogy Correspondence To Correspondence To V C/51/00163 Mutr, John Muir, John 1897 Aug 7 I A/09/05591 1895 Dec 19 A/08/05057 Pholograph IV B/26/01470 Magee, J. T. Marceau, Theodore C. Correspondence To Pholograph By Lyell, Leonard Muir, John IV B/31/01755 Correspondence To 1880 Jul I A/04/02079 Muir, John Marshall, Myra C. 1910 Apr 30 I A/19/10803 Magee, Mrs. Thomas Correspondence To May 19 I A/19/10828 Photograph Muir, John May 29 I A/19/10850 IV B/31/01733 1905 Jan 23 I A/15108343 1910 I A/19/11162 Lyon, Earl Magee, Thomas Nov I A/19/11095 I A/19/10807 Correspondence To 191::! Nov 25 I A/20/11893 Johnson, Robert U. 1913 Jan 23 I A/21/12033 Lyon, Mrs. William 1900 Feb 26 I A/11/06354 May 8 I A/21112198 Correspondence To Muir, Helen Muir, John 1907 Jul 17 B/16/09182 Marshall, Robert B. 1913 Mar 27 I A/21/12116 Muir, John Correspondence To 1880 Jul 15 I A/04/02086 Muir, John Mackay, John 1898 Jan II I A/10/05746 1905 Jan 27 I A/I 5/08351 Correspondence To 1905 I A/I 5/08746 1907 Sep 3 I A/16/09243 Buller, James D. Mar 10 I A/15/08442 Sep 28 I A/16/09294 1888 Feb 6 I B/05/03057 1908 Nov 20 I A/17/09955 1908 Apr 21 I A/17/09671 1909 Mar 13 I A/18/10241 1909 May 25 I A/18/10335 Mackenzie, A. D. 1910 Jan 21 I A/19/10689 Correspondence To Correspondence From 1911 Jun 28 I A/20/11397 Muir, John Muir, John 1912 Apr 19 I A/20/11629 1902 Aug 19 I A/12/07150 A/15/08448 1913 Jan 27 I A/21/12037 A/22/13334 Apr 28 I A/21112174 Mackenzie, George G. Jul 19 I A/21/12297 Correspondence To Manley, William L. Johnson, Rober! u. Correspondence From Correspondence From 1890 Aug 3 I B/06/03514 Muir, John Muir, John Nov 15 I B/06/03575 A/12/07308 I A/I 5/08365 Nov 18 I B/06/03575 I A/16/09242 Dec 9 I B/06/03581 Mann, James R. I A/16/09264 Dec 22 I B/06/03593 Correspondence To I A/17/09609 Dec 25 I B/06/03604 Johnson, Rober! U. I A/20/11356 Dec 28 I B/06/03606 1913 Aug 28 I A/21/12344 I A/20/11436 1891 Feb I B/07 /0369 5 I A/20/11654 Feb 4 I B/07/03669 Manning, Warren H. I A/22/13310 Jul 7 I B/07/03750 Correspondence To Jul 20 I B/07/13759 Muir, John Marston, George W. Sep 27 I B/07 /03797 1907 Oct 2 I A/16/09306 Correspondence From Dec I I B/07/03832 Unknown Dec 3 I B/07/03837 Manson B/17/09995 Dec 7 I B/07 /03849 Correspondence From Dec 12 I B/07/03854 Muir, John Martin, Anna H. 1892 Oct 4 I B/07 /03989 A/11/06844 Correspondence To Dec 11 I B/07/04003 Muir, John 1893 Jan 16 I B/07/04027 Manson, Marsden 1907 Dec 28 A/16/09416 Jan 27 I B/07 /04033 Correspondence To Jan 30 I B/07/04034 Amalilzky, Madame Correspondence From

124 Muir, John 1900 Apr I A/1 I /06404 Muir, John I A/11/06815 1907 Dec 7 I A/16/09392 1895 Nov I2 I A/08/05048

Martin, Anne Correspondence From McCormick, J.H. Photograph Hague, Arnold Correspondence To IV B/31/01734 A/09/05439 Muir, John Muir, John 1904 May 28 I A/14/07943 Martin, Lawrence A/07/03951 Correspondence To McDonald, Henry M. Muir, John McBride, James H. Correspondence To 1910 Aug 17 I A/19/11002 Correspondence To Bade, William F. Sep 28 I A/19/11077 Muir, John 1913 Nov 19 I B/21/12495 1912 Dec 21 I A/20/11929 1913 Sep 24 A/21/12401 McEvery, Samuel D. Photograph By Photograph Correspondence From IV B/32/01806 IV B/26/01418 Muir, John IV B/26/01419 A/18/10194 Mather, Jane A/22/13454 Correspondence To McChesney Family Muir, John Correspondence From McFarland, J. H. 1895 Jan I I A/08/04747 Muir, John Correspondence To AUf 27 I A/08/04977 A/03/01889 American Civic Assoc. 1908 Jul 8 I B/17/09815 Mather, Steven T. McChesney, Alice Bade, William F. Correspondence From Correspondence From 1908 Jul I I B/17/09807 Muir, John Muir, John 1909 Jan 8 I B/18/10090 A/18/10160 A/03/01449 1910 Jul 27 I B/19/10967 A/22/13447 A/03/01463 Sep 13 I B/19/11063 A/03/01495 Oct 24 I B/19/11088 Matheson, Alex R. A/10/05866 1911 Mar 13 I B/20/11262 Correspondence To Colby, William E. Muir, John McChesney, Clara J. 1908 May 4 I B/17/09708 1901 Dec 23 I A/I I /06819 Photograph Garfield, James R. 1902 I A/12/07346 IV B/31/01737 1908 May 19 I B/17/09739 Mar 22 I A/12/07032 IV B/31/01738 Roosevelt, Theodore 1906 Apr 20 I A/16/08864 1908 May 19 I B/17/09743 1908 Aug 17 I A/17/09868 McChesney, George 1911 Jun 21 I A/20/11377 Photograph Correspondence From IV B/31/01739 Bade, Wilham F. Mathews, A. E. I B/18/10184 Photograph McChesney, J. B. I B/22/13450 IV B/31/01735 Correspondence From Muir, John Carr, Jeanne C. A/22/13450 Mathewson, J. E. B/03/01610 Unknown Correspondence To Muir, John B/17/09641 Muir, John I A/02/00935 1894 Aug 29 I A/08/04590 I A/02/00935 McGee, W. J. Oct 20 I A/08/04630 I A/02/00946 Correspondence To 1895 Mar S I A/08/04841 I A/02/00964 Muir, John Dec IS I A/08/05055 I A/02/00967 1904 May 20 A/14/07942 1904 Dec 19 I A/14/08227 I A/02/01203 I A/02/01218 Correspondence From Photograph I A/02/01232 Muir, John IV B/31/01736 I A/02/01234 A/14/07966 I A/03/01522 Mayers, Edward A. McGill, Anna B. Photograph McChesney, Mrs. J. B. Correspondence To IV B/26/01427 Correspondence From Johnson, Robert U. Carr, Jeanne C. 1894 I B/08/04744 Maynard, L. A. B/08/05076 Muir, John Correspondence To 1901 A/11/06858 Muir, John McChesney, Sarah J. 1900 Sep 26 I A/11/06479 Correspondence To McGilliway, James D. 1901 Nov 25 I A/11/06767 Muir, John Correspondence To 1880 Oct I A/04/02119 Muir, John Correspondence From 1893 Oct 14 I A/07/04341 Muir, John Correspondence From 1896 Sep 2 I A/09/05284 A/11/06486 Muir, John 1897 Jul 22 I A/09/05583 A/21/12175 Muir, Louie S. McAdie, Alexander G. 1893 Oct 14 I B/07/04343 Correspondence To Manuscripts Colby, William E. Reminiscences of John Muir McHenry, E. J. 1910 Dec 29 I B/19/11149 V A/51/00004 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John 1910 Mar 19 I A/19/10764 McChesney, T. J. 1907 Jul 24 I A/16/09183 Photograph Aug 2 I A/16/09192 McAllister, Ellion IV B/31/01739 Correspondence To Correspondence From Johnson, Robert U. McClay, Harriet L. Muir, John 1893 Feb 12 I B/07/04044 Correspondence To A/16/09209 May 22 I B/07/04133 Muir, John Sep 10 I B/07/04312 1914 Apr 18 I A/22/12746 Mcllhaney, Asa K. Muir, John Correspondence To 1892 Jul 20 I A/07 /039 SO McClure, S. S. Muir, John 1893 Dec 21 I A/07/04370 Correspondence To 1912 Dec 21 A/20/11924 1894 Mar 12 I A/08/04483 Muir, John May 24 I A/08/04546 1901 Apr 9 I A/11/06631 Correspondence From Dec 11 I A/08/04712 Muir, John Dec 21 I A/08/04730 McClurg, A. C. A/21/12017 Dec 28 I A/08/04736 Correspondence To A/22/12614

125 McKelvey Muir, John A/11/06622 Correspondence From 1913 Dec 16 I A/21/12533 A/11/06656 Muir, John A/11/06662 A/15/08531 Means, John H. A/11/06704 Correspondence To A/I 1/06757 Photograph Muir, John A/11/06758 IV B/31/01741 1893 Jun 5 I A/07/04166 A/11/06793 IV B/31/01743 A/11/06833 Meany, Edmond S. A/12/06961 McKelvey, John M. Correspondence To A/12/07058 Photograph Muir, John A/12/07096 IV B/31/01740 1912 Sep JO I A/20/11824 A/13/07552 1914 Jun 27 I A/22/12822 A/14/07925 McKelvey, Mr. A/14/07967 Correspondence From Poems A/15/08540 Muir, John When the Wind Played a Harp A/15/08733 A/22/13407 V E/51 /00383 A/16/08953 A/16/08989 McKelvey, Mrs. Mellichamp, J. H. A/16/08994 Photograph Correspondence To A/16/09036 IV B/31/01742 Muir, John A/16/09065 1889 Mar I I A/06/03230 A/16/09107 McKelvey, Muir 1902 Jun 6 I A/12/07110 A/17/09470 Correspondence To Jun 23 I A/12/07120 A/20/l 1857 Muir, John 1903 Jan 14 I A/13/07406 A/22/12684 1901 Jun 29 I A/I 1/06668 Aug 9 I A/13/07754 A/22/13422 1902 Feb 3 I A/12/06982 1905 Jun I I A/15/08557 Correspondence From Photograph Muir, John IV B/25/01367 McKenna, James A/11/06487 IV B/26/01457 Correspondence To A/11/06845 Muir, John A/11/06846 Photograph By 1897 Apr 25 I A/09/05518 IV B/l l /00537 Drawings Alpine regions SN McKenna, Joseph Flowers aud Needles of Pious IV B/39/02200 Correspondence From V E/51/00366 IV B/39/02201 Olney, Warren Animals B/09/05446 Men Of Nmeteen Fourteen IV B/34/01914 Correspondence To IV B/39/02202 Mcl.andburgh, John Muir, John IV B/39/02203 Correspondence To 1914 I A/22/13036 IV B/45/02558 Muir, John IV B/45/02559 1878 Feb 11 A/03/01700 Mercelis, Elizabeth IV B/45/02560 1879 Jun 18 A/03/01883 Correspondence To IV B/45/02561 Muir, John IV B/45/02562 McLaren, John 1913 Jul 3 I A/21/12275 Arizona Photograph IV B/11/00531 IV B/26/01442 Merriam Family IV B/11 /00538 IV B/26/01443 Correspondence From California, Northern IV B/31/01744 Muir, John IV B/12/00588 A/14/07876 Canyons - KCNP McLean, J. K. A/22/12922 IV B/20/01074 Correspondence To IV B/20/01075 Muir, John Merriam, C. Hart Canyons - SNP 1879 Mar 14 I A/03/01860 Correspondence To IV B/36/02024 Muir, John IV B/36/02025 McLean, John T. 1899 Apr I I A/10/06088 Flowers Correspondence To Apr 19 I A/10/06100 IV B/39/02213 Muir, John May 4 I A/10/06117 IV B/45/02574 1896 Feb 2 I A/09/05114 1900 Mar 26 I A/l l /06383 Glaciers Jun 28 I A/11/06427 IV B/45/02576 McLean, Mary H. Jul 30 I All J/06438 Historic houses, etc. Correspondence To 1901 Jan 24 I A/11/06589 IV B/20/01087 Muir, John Oct 28 I A/11/06744 IV B/36/02041 1904 May 31 I A/14/07955 1902 Jan 7 I A/12/06911 Lakes Sep 12 I A/12/07195 IV B/34/01900 McLeish, W. M. 1903 Mar 20 I A/13/07527 IV B/34/01901 Photograph By 1904 Jun 9 I A/14/07975 IV B/34/01902 JV B/26/01468 1905 Aug 8 I A/15/08636 Lakes KCNP 1907 Dec 28 I A/16/09418 IV B/20/01099 McLennan, Andrew 1909 Jan 21 I A/18/10108 IV B/20/01100 Correspondence To 1914 Sep 7 I A/22/12922 IV B/20/01101 Muir, John Lakes SN 1904 Jul 29 I A/14/08093 Correspondence From IV B/39/02221 1905 Nov I A/15/08726 Muir, John IV B/39/02222 1906 Apr 20 I A/16/08862 A/10/06098 IV B/39/02223 Dec 6 I A/16/08979 A/10/061 JO Lakes - SNP A/10/06118 IV B/36/02050 Correspondence From A/11/06304 IV B/36/02051 Muir, John A/11/06389 IV B/36/02052 I A/I 5/08358 A/11/06403 IV B/36/02053 I A/22/13309 A/11/06423 - YNP A/11/06425 IV B/45/02608 McRae, Thomas C. A/11/06430 Landforms Correspondence To A/11/06431 IV B/12/00581 Johnson, Robert U. A/11/06444 Meadows 1893 Nov 1 1 B/07/04346 A/11/06488 IV B/36/02062 A/11/06495 IV B/36/02063 Meane, W. A. A/11/06540 IV B/36/02064 Correspondence To A/11/06542 IV B/36/02065

126 IV B/36/02066 IV B/42102404 Merriam, Chn1on L. IV B/39/02242 IV B/42/02405 Correspondence From IV B/39/02243 Trees Fir Muir, John IV B/39/02244 IV B/42/02421 A/02/00952 Meadows - YNP Trees - Oak A/02/00968 IV B/46/02624 IV B/14/00735 A/02/00975 IV B/46/02626 IV B/14/00736 IV B/46102628 IV B/42/02131 Photograph IV B/46/02629 Trees - Pine JV B/25/01367 IV B/46/02630 IV B/14/00739 Mounlain~ IV B/14/00740 Merriam, James S. IV B/13100657 JV B/14/00741 Correspondence To IV B/16/00842 JV B/14/00749 Muir, John IV B/16100843 IV B/18/00957 1902 Jun 30 I A/12/07125 IV B/16/00844 IV B/18/00958 1903 Jan 5 IA/13/07390 IV B/22101214 IV B/18/00959 1906 Feb 24 I A/16/08819 Mountains - KCNP IV B/18/00960 1909 Jun 12 I A/18/10361 IV B/21/01125 Trees - SN IV B/21/01126 IV B/14/00716 Correspondence From IV B/21/01127 IV B/14/00717 Muir, John JV B/21/01131 JV B/40/02280 A/13/07587 IV B/21101132 Trees - SN - Fir A/15/08538 Mountains - SNP IV B/40/02284 B/22/13422 IV B/37/02081 IV B/40/02285 IV B/37/02082 IV B/40/02286 Merriam, John C. IV B/37/02095 Trees - SN - Hemlock Correspondence To JV B/37/02096 IV B/40/02290 Muir, John IV B/37/02097 Trees - SN - Juniper 1907 Jan 15 I A/16/09053 IV B/37/02098 IV B/40/02295 May 17 I A/16/09144 IV B/37/02099 IV B/40/02298 IV B/37/02100 Trees - SN - Pine Merriam, Thomas R. Mountains - YNP IV B/40/02310 Correspondence To IV B/47/02682 IV B/41/02319 Muir, John IV B/47/02683 IV B/41/02320 1909 Jun 12 I A/18/10361 IV B/47/02685 IV B/41/02321 IV B/47/02687 IV B/41/02322 Merrill Family IV B/47102694 IV B/41102323 Correspondence From JV B/47/02697 JV B/41/02324 Muir, John IV B/47/02704 IV B/41/02325 A/01/00492 IV B/47/02705 IV B/41/02326 A/01/00605 IV B/47/02707 IV B/41102327 A/01/00606 IV B/47/02708 IV B/41/02328 A/01/00610 IV B/47/02713 IV B/41/02330 IV B/47/02714 IV B/41/02331 Merrill, Catharine IV B/47/02715 IV B/41/02337 Correspondence To IV B/47/02718 Trees - SN Redwood Muir, John IV B/48/02752 IV B/41/02342 1895 Mar 16 A/08/04850 IV B/48/02753 IV B/41/02344 IV B/48/02761 IV B/41/02345 Correspondence From JV B/48/02762 IV B/41/02346 Butler, James D. JV B/48/02770 JV B/41/02347 B/01/00428 IV B/48/02773 IV B/41/02348 Muir, John IV B/48/02774 IV B/41/02349 A/01/00509 IV B/48/02775 IV B/41/02350 A/01/00579 IV B/48/02777 IV B/41/02351 A/01/00620 IV B/48/02782 IV B/41/02352 A/01/00635 IV B/48/02783 IV B/41/02353 A/01/00661 Muir friends JV B/41/02354 A/02/01123 IV B/30/01659 IV B/41/02355 A/02/01165 IV B/30/01660 IV B/41/02356 IV B/30/01661 IV B/41/02357 Photograph IV B/30/01697 IV B/41/02358 IV B/31/01745 IV B/33/01857 IV B/41/02359 Muir on location IV B/41/02360 Merrill, Elmer 0. IV B/23/01275 JV B/41/02361 Correspondence To IV B/23/01276 IV B/41/02362 Muir, John IV B/23/01277 IV B/41/02371 1904 Aug 16 I A/14/08105 IV B/23/01278 IV B/41/02372 Muir with others Trees - SNP - Redwood Merrill, Eveline IV B/25/01364 IV B/38/02148 Correspondence To IV B/25/01365 IV B/38/02149 Muir, John IV B/25/01366 IV B/38/02150 1861 Jan 21 A/01/00085 Passes IV B/38/02151 Jul 17 A/01/00219 IV B/37/02119 Trees - YNP IV B/37/02120 IV B/50/02891 Merrill, Mina IV B/40/02258 IV B/51/02923 Correspondence To Plants IV B/51/02925 Muir, John IV Bil 6/00869 Valleys 1901 Dec 29 I A/11/06830 IV B/16/00870 IV B/42/02388 1907 Dec 29 I A/16/09420 IV B/34/01950 IV B/42/02390 Rivers IV B/42/02391 Correspondence From IV B/14/00703 Valleys SNP Muir, John IV Bil 4/00704 IV B/38/02171 I A/01/00620 Rivers - YNP Valleys YNP I A/01/00635 IV B/49/02799 IV B/51/02945 I A/l 1 /06552 IV B/49/02832 IV B/51/02946 I A/12/06914 Trees IV B/51/02963 I A/12/06962 IV B/14/00714 Waterfalls - YNP I A/21/12235 IV B/14/00715 IV B/53/03040 IV B/22/01181 Metcalfe

127 Photograph By 1898 Jan 24 J A/10/05759 JV B/29/01622 Photograph Miller, Frank A. JV B/39/02235 Methodist Episcopal Church Correspondence To Manuscripts Muir, John Milton, John Muir Family Appreciation 1907 Jan 29 J A/J 6/09072 Photograph V C/51/00162 Apr 16 J A/16/09130 JV B/31/01748 1908 Feb 8 J A/J7/09534 Meyer, Nicolas B. 1909 Feb 24 I A/18/10224 Mitchell, C. H. L. Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence From Muir, John 1909 Dec 19 I A/18/10573 Muir, John 1912 Apr 4 I A/20/11616 I A/16/09148 Middletown Slate Hospital Mohr, Charles Manuscripts Miller, James Correspondence To Hetch Hetchy Petition Correspondence From Muir, John V E/51/00382 Muir, John 1898 Dec 22 I A/I 0/06007 A/18/10161 1899 Jan 27 I A/10/06047 Mifflin, George H. Correspondence To Miller, John F. Moir, John Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence To 1909 Jun 2 I A/18/10352 Muir, John Muir, John 1911 Jun 29 I A/20/ 11398 1882 Feb 28 I A/04/02366 1891 Feb 17 J A/07/03685 1912 Dec II J A/20/11911 Miller, Olive T. Monroe, Harriet Mi lche, Franz Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John 1894 Oct 22 J A/08/04632 1909 Feb 7 A/18/10162 1902 Jul 22 I A/12/07135 1895 May 7 I A/08/04899 1908 Apr 15 J A/17/09651 1914 Oct 2 I A/22/12953 Correspondence From Muir, John Millar, Alex Manuscripts A/18/10162 Correspondence To A Pilgrimage A/22/13448 Muir, John V E/51/00377 1906 May 10 J A/16/08876 Monroe, Kirk 1908 Dec 16 I A/17/09985 Mills, Cyrus T. Correspondence To Photograph Muir, John Millard, Bailey IV B/31/01746 1908 Jan J A/17/09521 Correspondence To Johnson, Robert U. Mills, Enos A. Moon, Karl 1893 Apr 26 I B/07/04119 Correspondence To Photograph By Muir, John Muir, John JV B/25101389 1902 I A/12/07348 1903 Jan 13 I A/13/07403 J A/12/07350 Jan 29 J A/13/07434 Moor, M. R. Jan I A/12/06973 1906 May 1 I A/16/08869 Correspondence To Mar 6 J A/12/07002 1907 Jul 30 I A/16/09191 Muir, John May I J A/12/07086 1913 Jan 31 J A/21/12049 1872 Aug 4 I A/02/01140 May 9 J A/12/07093 1914 Nov 24 I A/22/13003 1903 Mar 8 I A/13/07494 Moore, A. R. Apr 27 J A/13/07603 Correspondence From Photograph By 1905 Aug 7 I A/15/08628 Muir, John JV B/22/01183 Oct 2 I A/15/08697 A/12/07335 JV B/39/02234 1906 Jul 3 I A/16/08919 A/14/08000 JV B/39/02235 1909 Oct 20 I A/18/10502 A/16/09203 JV B/42/02379 Muir, Louie S. A/19/10721 1904 Jan 15 1 Bii 4/07887 A/20/11771 Moore, Eleanor A/21/12070 Correspondence To Correspondence From A/21/12112 Muir, John Muir, John 1910 Feb 16 I A/19/10711 I A/l l /06745 Photograph By J A/I l /06826 IV B/19/01012 Moore, Mary L. J A/11/06847 Correspondence To J A/12/06909 Mills, Gertrude H. Muir, John J A/12106963 Correspondence To 1902 Nov 27 J A/12/07300 J A/12/06985 Bade, William F. J A/12/07216 1923 Jan 23 V A/51/00035 Moores J A/ 13/07634 Muir, John Correspondence From J A/13/07776 1914 Sep 5 I A/22/12916 Muir, John I A/14/07981 A/20/11622 I A/15/08684 Mills, James J A/18/10502 Correspondence From Moores Family J A/18/10523 Muir, John Correspondence From A/22/13448 Muir, John Poems A/01/00492 Muir of the Mountains Mills, Susan L. A/01/00570 V E/51/00368 Correspondence To A/01/00605 Muir, John A/01/00606 Miller, Bernard 1907 Sep 23 I A/16/09292 A/01/00610 Photograph JV B/31/01766 Photograph Moores, Charles W. IV B/31/01747 Correspondence To Miller, Dewill Muir, John Correspondence To Mills, William H. 1870 Apr J I A/02/00801 Muir, John Correspondence To Apr 10 J A/02/00808 1895 Feb 16 J A/08/04826 Johnson, Robert U. 1905 Feb 2 I A/15/08369 1909 Apr I J A/18/10260 1893 Jan 5 J B/07/04018 1909 Feb 2 I A/18/10126 Muir, John Miller, E. G. 1897 Mar 17 I A/09/05490 Correspondence From Correspondence To Mar 22 I A/09/05498 Muir, John Muir, John Apr I J A/09/05499 A/01/00568

128 A/OJ/00662 Moores, Merrill J9JO Jun I A/19/10936 A/12/07190 Correspondence To 1911 Apr 12 I A/20/11295 A/J5/08395 Bade, William F. Ser 30 I A/20/11504 A/IS/10199 J9J9 Dec 2 V A/51/00032 1912 I A/20/11975 A/18/J0290 Muir, John 1914 Feb 4 I A/22/12673 A/2J/n526 1912 Apr JO I A/20/1 J620 Oct 9 I A/22/12958

Photograph Correspondence From Correspondence From IV B/31/01749 Carr, Jeanne C. Muir, John IV B/31/01750 B/01/00624 A/13/07637 Muir, John Moores, Elizabeth N. A/01/00623 Muir Cabin SNP Correspondence From A/21/12527 Photograph Muir, John IV B/45/02581 A/01/00562 Manuscripts JV B/45/02583 Recollections of John Muir Moores, Janet D. V E/51/00384 Muir Family Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Photograph Hansen, George 1867 Jul 5 I A/OJ/00567 IV B/3J/OJ754 I A/14/08245 J 878 Mar 5 I A/03/017J J Moores, Julia M. Nov 17 I A/03/0J822 Moran, Robert I A/04/02207 J 879 Dec 15 I A/03/0J 940 Correspondence To Muir, John 1880 May 5 1 A/04/02041 Muir, John I A/01/0012J J 887 Feb J 6 I A/OS/02959 J9J2 Oct 5 I A/20/Jl855 I A/13/0774J Mar J I A/05/02970 I A/13/07743 J 890 Jan 22 I A/06/03379 Morgan, May I A/13/07786 Feb J4 I A/06/03386 Correspondence To I A/13/07802 Mar 4 I A/06/03411 Muir, John I A/13/07809 1895 Aug 31 I A/08/04979 J903 Mar J4 A/13/07508 I A/14/07877 J 896 Jul 23 I A/09/05263 Apr J 5 A/13/07584 Dec 1 I A/09/05344 Muir Tombstone Correspondence From Photograph Correspondence From Muir, John IV B/J2/00599 John, Muir A/13/07559 A/07/03744 A/13/07635 Muir, Alice Muir, John Correspondence To A/01/00568 Morgan, William S. Hand, Mary M. A/01/00620 Correspondence To J9J7 Jan 27 I B/22/13046 A/05/02962 Muir, John A/05/02966 J914 Feb 26 I A/22/12706 Muir, Ann G. Correspondence To Photograph Morris, Bishop Galloway, Sarah M. IV B/31/01751 Correspondence From 1882 Nov 23 I B/04/02437 IV B/31/01752 Allen, Charles H. Hand, Mary M. I B/03/01628 J879 Apr 1 I B/03/0J 862 Moores, Julia M. Muir, Annie L. Correspondence To Morris, Watkins W. J886 Jan 21 B/05/02864 Muir Family Correspondence From Muir, Daniel 1881 Apr 8 I A/04/02207 Muir, John 1872 Sep 22 B/02/01 J61 Muir, John A/16/08973 1876 Sep 10 I B/03/01574 1867 Aug 25 I A/01 /00586 1878 Feb J I B/03/0J691 1870 I A/03/01946 Morrison, John T. Muir, Daniel H. 1872 Sep 9 1 A/02/0J152 Correspondence From 1865 Dec 31 I B/OJ /00398 1876 Feb 3 I A/03/01527 Muir, John J866 Apr 3 I B/01/00420 Aug 19 I A/03/0J 568 A/18/10163 Jul 2 I B/OJ/00447 1878 Feb 26 I A/03/01706 A/22/13447 Sep 18 I B/01 /00457 1880 Mar 10 1 A/04/01994 J867 Apr 15 I B/OJ /00533 Jun 6 I A/04/02061 Morrow, William W. 1868 Feb 16 I B/01/00613 1881 Jan 12 I A/04/02173 Correspondence To Sep 24 I B/01/00653 1886 Nov 15 I A/05/02930 Muir, John Oct J8 I B/01/00657 1887 Jan 18 I A/05/02955 1914 Oct 6 I A/22/12957 1869 Jun 29 I B/02/007 32 Mar 20 I A/05/02972 Dec J7 I B/02/00780 1891 Sep 6 I A/07 /03783 Morse, G. D. 1870 Jun 29 I B/02/00854 1895 Feb 2 I A/08/04809 Photograph By 1871 Jun 1 I B/02/00931 Feb 28 I A/08/04835 IV B/29/01601 Jul 22 I B/02/00948 1897 Oct 11 I A/09/05637 IV B/31/01756 Nov 2 I B/02/00991 1898 Jan 19 I A/10/05751 IV B/31/01757 1872 Feb 26 I B/02/01058 Apr 21 I Ail 0/05803 IV B/31/01758 Apr 4 I B/02/01089 Dec 20 I A/10/06004 IV B/31/01759 May 30 I B/02/01118 1900 Aug 22 I A/IJ/06451 IV B/32/01818 1873 Apr J8 I B/02/01266 1901 Feb 13 I A/l ! /06595 Jun 28 I B/02/01282 1905 Feb 14 I A/15/08381 Mosgrove, Ellie Oct 27 I B/02/013JO Mar 14 I A/15/08455 Correspondence To 1874 Jun 28 I B/03/0J 394 Jun 19 I A/15/08574 Hooker, Katharine Jun 29 I B/03/0J 396 Muir, Louie S. 1913 Sep I A/21/12416 Aug JO I B/03/0J409 1887 Mar 20 I B/05/02972 Muir, John Sep 25 I B/03/01426 Strentzel, John 1902 Sep 7 I All 2/07186 1875 Mar 17 I B/03/01480 1886 Dec 30 B/05/02948 Sep 28 I A/12/07225 Jun 29 I B/03/01499 J904 Jun I A/14/08017 Oct 16 I B/03/01503 Correspondence From Dec I A/14/08265 J877 Jun 18 I B/03/01611 Muir, John 1906 I A/16/09020 Aug 8 I B/03/01618 A/0!/00620 I A/16/09022 1878 Jul 21 I B/03/01773 A/01/00635 Jan 31 I A/!6/08801 1879 Mar 8 I B/03/01856 I A/l 1 /06435 Jun 18 I A/16/08917 1880 Dec 22 I B/04/02158 I A/12/06964 Dec I A/16/09010 J881 Apr 9 I B/04/02212 1907 I A/I 6/09431 Jun 29 I B/04/02277 Photograph Jan I A/16/09032 Nov 29 I B/04/02328 IV B/31/01753 Aug I A/I 6/09237 1882 May 16 I B/04/02381 1909 Apr I A/18/10299 Jun 29 I B/04/02399

129 1883 Jun 29 I B/04/02504 1892 Sep 27 I A/07/03983 Dec 25 I A/12/07328 Dec 17 I B/04/02551 1893 Mar 8 I A/07 /04072 Muir, Louie s. 1884 Jun 28 I B/05/02611 Apr 21 I A/07/04112 1883 Jan 4 I B/04/02466 1885 Jun 29 I B/05/02722 Jun 18 I A/07/04195 1888 Aug 6 I B/05/031 30 1886 Feb 18 I B/05/02879 Jun 24 I A/07/04232 Aug 22 I B/05/03146 Sep 22 I B/05/02923 1894 Jan 11 I A/08/04769 1890 I B/06/03626 Dec 22 I B/05/02938 Apr 21 I A/08/04508 1892 Apr 27 I B/07 /03917 1887 Apr 28 I B/05/02981 Oct 24 I A/08/04634 1903 I B/13/07844 1889 May 4 I B/06/03244 1895 Jul 9 1 A/08/04947 Muir, Margaret H. Sep 16 I B/06/03335 Oct 15 I A/08/05032 1882 Dec 29 I B/04/02456 Dec 17 I A/06/03367 Mu1r, Louie S. Muir, Sarah 1890 Apr 30 I B/06/03442 1885 Sep 30 I B/05/02803 1882 Dec 29 B/04/02456 Jun 28 I B/06/03481 1887 Nov 8 I B/05/03013 Muir, Wanda Oct 28 I B/06/03564 I 888 Sep 14 I B/05/03155 1888 Sep 28 I B/05/03160 1891 Aug 19 I B/07 /03776 1889 Dec 13 I B/06/03365 1895 May 30 I B/08/04916 1892 Jan l l 1 B/07/03867 1892 Apr 22 I B/07 /03911 Reid, Margaret M. Jul 28 I B/07/03955 Muir, Wanda 1882 Nov 10 I A/04/02429 1893 Jun 29 I B/Oi /04236 1888 Mar 19 I B/05/03080 1901 Apr 27 I B/11/06643 Aug 17 I B/07 /0429 3 1892 Apr 22 I B/07/03913 1894 Jul 9 I B/08/04566 1893 Aug 28 I A/07/04298 Correspondence From Mu1r, David G. Reid, Margaret M. Brown, Joanna M. 1861 Dec I I B/01/00140 1882 Nov 23 I B/04/02437 I B/04/02330 Muir, Emma I B/05/02733 1872 Sep 22 I B/02/01161 Correspondence From Brown, Walter 1876 Sep 10 I B/03/01574 Brown, Joanna M. B/04/02323 1878 Feb 1 I B/03/01691 I B/05/02733 Foster, Anna M. 1881 Nov 29 I B/04/02328 Muir, David G. I B/08/04855 1884 Dec 15 I B/05/02642 B/09/05104 Galloway, Sarah M. 1885 Nov 16 I B/05/02853 Muir, John I B/03/01351 1888 Apr 19 I B/05/03082 A/01/00lli Muir, Ann G. Dec 11 I B/05/03182 A/01/00493 B/05/02864 1889 Dec 17 I B/06/03367 A/01/00495 Muir, David G. 1890 Oct 28 I B/06/03564 A/02/00995 B/05/03096 Dec 10 I B/06/03 586 A/02/01166 Mu1r, John 1891 Dec 29 I B/07 /03859 A/03/01649 A/01/00070 Muir, John A/04/02192 A/01/00356 1860 Oct 21 I A/01/00059 A/04/02242 A/01/00393 1861 Jan I A/01 /00090 A/04/02283 A/01/00643 Mar 30 I A/01/00109 A/08/05005 A/09/05102 Apr 17 I A/01/00111 A/09/05126 I A/09/05380 Dec 1 I A/01/00142 Muir, Louie S. I A/09/05530 1862 Jan 10 I A/01 /00184 B/04/02313 I A/10/05977 Mar 1 I A/01/00188 B/05/02777 I A/13/07401 May 12 I A/01/00206 Muir, Louie S. 1863 May 16 I A/01/00287 Photograph I B/05/03166 1866 Apr 1 I A/01/00418 IV B/27/01478 Watson, Maude L. 1868 Jul 10 I A/01/00628 IV B/27/01479 I B/11/06636 1869 Nov 8 I A/02/00764 1870 Feb 26 I A/02/00790 Muir, Annie L. Photograph 1871 Jan 12 I A/02/00890 Correspondence To IV B/27/01480 Nov 9 I A/02/00993 Galloway, Sarah M. IV B/27/01481 1872 Feb 26 I A/02/01060 1882 Nov 10 I A/04/02429 IV B/27/01482 1874 Nov 21 I A/03/01450 Muir, Daniel H. IV B/27/01483 1876 Feb 28 I A/03/01541 1865 Sep 9 B/01/00374 1877 Feb 22 I A/03/01600 1870 Sep 10 B/02/00869 Muir, Daniel 1878 Mar 23 I A/03/01716 Muir, Emma Business and Legal Papers May 16 I A/03/01756 1896 Jun 18 B/09/05204 Citizenship Declaration Oct 20 I A/03/01819 Muir, Helen V C/51/00158 1879 Oct I A/03/01932 1888 Sep 28 I B/05/03 I 60 1880 Mar 31 I A/04/02012 1895 May 30 I B/08/049 I 6 Correspondence To May 2 I A/04/02035 Muir, John Muir, Daniel H. Sep 20 I A/04/02 I 16 1860 Oct 21 I A/01/00061 1865 I B/OJ/00402 Oct 6 I A/04/02128 1861 I A/01 /00175 1872 Jan 7 I B/02/01023 1881 Apr 5 I A/04/02200 Feb 19 I A/01/00096 1874 I B/03/01465 Apr 8 I A/04/02210 Nov 24 I A/01/00138 1880 I B/04/02166 Jul 23 I A/04/02297 1862 Mar I A/01/00192 1882 Apr 1 I B/04/02369 Nov 14 I A/04/02326 Jun I A/01/00210 Muir, David G. 1882 Feb 21 I A/04/02363 Nov 15 I A/01/00240 1861 Sep 7 I A/01/00126 May 7 I A/04/02377 1866 Jan 7 I A/01/00405 Muir, Emma Aug 16 I A/04/0241 0 1880 Apr 19 I A/04/02025 1882 Apr I B/04/02369 Nov 23 I A/04/02435 1882 May 9 I A/04/02379 Muir, John 1883 Jan 5 I A/04/02468 Nov 10 I A/04/02429 I 860 Oct 14 I A/01/00053 May 23 I A/04/02496 1883 Jan 4 I A/04/02466 1861 Jan 25 I A/01/00087 Dec 4 I A/04/02542 Nov 15 I A/04/02533 Feb 11 I A/01/00095 1884 Mar 6 I A/05/02594 1884 Feb 14 I A/05/02592 Apr 17 I A/01/00111 Apr 21 I A/05/02599 May 5 I A/05/02603 May 16 I A/01/00116 Dec 30 I A/05/02654 Jul 5 I A/05/02613 Jun 15 I A/01/00119 1885 Apr 21 I A/05/02689 Aug 30 I A/05/02628 Sep 7 I A/01/00126 Jun 15 I A/05/02707 Nov 13 I A/05/02638 Nov 24 I A/01/00132 1886 Feb 1 I A/05/02871 1885 Mar 5 I A/05/02671 1862 Jan 10 I A/01/00184 Apr 21 I A/05/02896 Jun 15 I A/05/02711 1865 Nov I A/01/00391 1887 Nov 8 I A/05/03013 1888 Oct 21 I A/05/03171 1866 Feb 24 I A/01/00411 1888 Apr 21 I A/05/03084 1890 Apr 8 I A/06/03415 1872 Jan 7 I A/02/01025 Nov 30 I A/05/03178 1893 Jun 1 I A/07 /041 58 1874 Mar 19 I A/03/01364 1889 Apr 23 I A/06/03243 1894 Feb 9 I A/08/04462 1878 Apr 9 I A/03/01732 Dec 13 I A/06/03365 Jul 12 I A/08/04568 1880 I A/04/02168 1890 Apr 21 I A/06/03434 1895 May 30 I A/08/04914 1891 May 1 I A/07/03712 1897 Jan II I A/09/05399 Correspondence From Oct 8 I A/07/03809 1898 Jan 19 I A/10/05754 Galloway, Sarah M. Dec 29 I A/07/03856 1902 Oct 18 I A/12/07251 I B/01/00396

130 Love, E. C. B/04/02551 1896 Jan 5 I B/09/05104 B/11/06355 B/05/02611 Muir, Annie L. Muir, Ann G. B/05/02722 1888 May 15 l B/05/03096 B/02/01161 B/05/02879 Muir, Daniel H. B/03/01574 B/05/02923 1869 Jul 29 I B/02/00737 B/03/01691 B/05/02938 I 871 Sep 16 I B/02/00965 Muir, Joanna G. B/05/02981 Ser 26 1 B/02/00980 B/02/01219 B/06/03244 I 881 Jun 11 l B/04/02261 Muir, Mary B/06/03335 1882 Jun 2 l B/04102391 B/01/00400 B/06/03367 1884 l B/05102659 Waterman, Anna R. B/06/03442 I B/05/0266 J I B/06/03312 B/06/03481 1885 Oc1 17 I B/05/02824 B/06/03564 Oct 31 I B/05102834 Pho1ograph B/07/03776 1886 Sep 25 I B/05/02925 IV B/27/01484 B/07/03867 Muir, John B/07/03955 1860 Oct 14 l A/01 /00053 Muir, Daniel H. B/07/04236 Nov 18 I A/01/00065 Correspondence To B/07/04293 1862 Mar 11 I A/01/00194 Hand, Mary M. B/08/04566 Jun 8 I A/01/00214 1878 Dec 29 I B/03/01825 Muir, Annie L. Nov 15 I A/01/00243 1879 Aug 16 I B/03/01916 B/01/00374 Dec 31 I A/01/00248 Muir, David G. B/02/00869 1863 Apr 11 I A/01/00276 I B/05/02661 B/02/0ll94 Jun 9 I A/01/00294 Muir, John Muir, Daniel 1867 Mar 25 I A/01/00504 1860 Oc1 14 I A/01/00053 B/01/00402 May 25 I A/01/00556 1861 I A/01 /00177 B/02/01023 1872 Apr 25 I A/02/01105 Sep 29 I A/01/00127 B/03/01465 1874 Dec 16 I A/03101457 1866 Aug 3 I A/01/00449 B/04/02166 1878 Apr 2 I A/03/01722 1867 May 19 I A/01/00553 B/04/02369 1880 Jun 26 I A/04/02075 1885 Dec 24 I A/05/02855 Muir, David G. 1882 Dec 17 I A/04/0244 J 1886 I A/05/02949 B/02/00737 1884 Feb 6 I A/05102585 1887 Apr 21 I A/05/02979 B/02/00965 Sep 28 I A/05/02632 1895 Sep 26 I A/08/05007 B/02/00980 1885 Mar 28 I A/05/02684 1905 Aug 6 I A/I 5/08622 B/04/02261 1886 Sep 10 I A/05/02916 Muir, Mary B/04/02391 1891 Mar 4 I A/Oi /03698 1878 Feb 11 I B/03/01701 B/05/02659 1892 Mar 19 I A/07 /03890 Racine, Wisc. Supervisors B/05/02824 May 5 I A/07103925 1872 Jan 11 I B/02/01030 B/05/02834 1893 Jun 21 I A/07104214 B/05/02925 1908 Mar 7 I A/17109590 Correspondence From Muir, Joanna G. 1909 Jan 7 I A/18/10087 Galloway, Anna G. B/01/00475 1913 Jan 3 I A/22/12619 I A/01/00577 B/02/01124 Sep 6 I A/21/12356 Galloway, Sarah M. B/02/01188 Muir, Louie S. I B/OJ /00285 B/03/01409 1885 Mar 28 B/05/02684 I B/01/00440 B/03101810 I BIO 1/00575 B/04102039 Correspondence From I B/02/007 59 Muir, John Muir, Ann G. I B/02/00865 A/01100323 B/01/00140 I B/05/02820 A/01/00431 Muir, Daniel I B/10/06154 A/01/00453 A/01/00126 I B/l 1 /06346 A/01/00459 Muir, Joanna G. I B/l 1/06535 A/01/00465 A/01/00129 Muir, Ann G. A/OJ/00477 Muir, John B/01/00398 A/01/00480 A/01/00414 B/01/00420 A/01/00577 A/01/00445 B/01/00447 A/01/00589 A/01/00455 B/01/00457 A/01100611 A/01/00595 B/01/00533 A/02100719 A/01/00600 B/01/00613 A/02/00769 A/01/00601 I B/01 /00653 A/02/00776 A/01/00617 I B/01/00657 A/02/00788 A/01/00632 I B/02/00732 A/02/00797 A/02100749 I B/02/00780 A/02100852 A/02/00751 I B/02/00854 A/02100933 A/02/00773 I B/02/00931 A/02/00989 A/02/00792 I B/02/00991 A/02/01054 A/02/00806 I B/02/01058 A/02/01063 A/02/00828 I B/02/01089 I A/03/01576 A/02/00920 I B/02/01118 I A/07/03654 A/02/01003 I B/02/01266 Muir, Mary A/02/01056 I B/02/01282 B/01/00372 A/02/01216 I B/02/01310 B/01/00525 I A/02/01245 I B/03/01394 B/02100948 I A/05/02652 I B/03/01396 B/02100948 I A/05/02687 I B/03/01409 I B/03/01537 I A/05/02829 I B/03/01426 I B/08/04559 I A/05/02951 I B/03/01480 I B/11/06831 I A/05/02997 I B/03/01499 Muir, Sarah G. I A/05/03028 I B/03/01503 I B/01100630 I A/05/03191 I B/03/01611 I A/06/03240 I B/03/01618 Photograph I A/06/03440 I B/03/01773 JV B/27101485 I A/07104274 I B/03/01856 IV B/27/01486 I A/12/06965 I B/04/02158 IV B/27/01487 I A/J 7/09553 I B/04/02212 I A/20/11325 I B/04/02277 Muir, David G. I A/20/11476 I B/04/02328 Correspondence To I A/20/11499 I B/04/02381 Galloway, Sarah M. I A/20111540 I B/04/02399 1896 Jun 23 I B/09/05216 Muir, Mary I B/04/02504 Muir, Ann G. B/01/00136

131 Reid, Margaret M. Jan 17 I AIJ7109502 Sep 14 I All 7/09886 I AIOJIOOJ29 Feb I A/17109568 Sep 18 I A/17/09892 I AIOJ/00179 Feb I A/17109570 Sep 20 I All7109894 Feb 6 I AIJ7109529 Oct 4 I All7109902 Photograph Feb 12 I A/17109540 Oct 11 I A/ I 7109909 IV Bl27/01488 Feb 16 I A/17109548 Oct 13 I All 7109911 IV Bl27101489 Feb 17 I All 7109551 Oct 17 I All7/09919 JV B/27101490 Feb 22 I A/17/09555 Oct 22 I All 7109921 Feb 25 I AIJ7/09559 Oct 29 I Al17109929 Muir, Emma Mar I I Al17109572 Nov 5 I Al17/09942 Correspondence To Mar 2 I Al17/09573 Nov 9 I A/17109946 Muir, Mary Mar 3 I AIJ71{1:J574 Nov 15 I A/17/09949 1874 Feb 4 l BI03I01355 Mar 4 I All 7109575 Nov 20 I All 7109956 1878 May 6 I B/03101750 Mar 5 I A/17109585 Nov 23 I Al17109959 Mar 6 l A/17109587 Nov 26 I A/17109961 Correspondence From Mar 7 I A/I 7109593 Dec 5 I All 7/09969 Galloway, Sarah M. Mar 9 l A/17109596 Dec 7 I A/17109973 l BI09105329 Mar 10 I A/17/09598 Dec JI I AIJ7109979 l Bl 10105926 Mar 10 I Al17/09599 Dec 24 I All 7/10005 l B/11106346 Mar 12 I Al17109608 Dec 27 I A/17110011 l Bil 1106535 Mar 13 I Al17109611 Dec 31 I AIJ7/J0023 I B/11106694 Mar 14 I All 7109613 1909 Jan 2 I All8/10074 l Bl14/08236 Mar 16 l Al17109617 Jan 7 I All 8/10088 I B/16108995 Mar 17 I AIJ7109619 Jan 13 l Al18110099 Love, E. C. Mar 18 l All7109622 Jan 15 I All8110100 B/11/06355 Mar 19 I All7/09623 Feb 15 I A/18/10209 Muir, Ann G. Mar 20 I A/17/09626 Feb 23 I A/18/10221 Bl02/0J 161 Mar 22 I A/17109628 Mar 9 I A/18110233 B/03101574 Mar 23 l All 7109631 Mar II I A/18110240 BI03I01691 Mar 24 l A/17109635 Apr I Al!8IJ0301 BI04102328 Apr 12 I Al17/09649 Apr 1 I AIJ8IJ0262 BI05/02642 Apr 15 I AIJ7/09650 Apr 2 I A/18110264 B/05/02853 Apr 16 I A/17109655 Apr 3 I A/18110270 B/05/03082 Apr 17 I A/17109657 Apr 5 I All811027.5 B/05/03182 Apr 18 I A/17/09658 Apr 27 I A/18110294 B/06/03367 Apr 20 I A/17/09661 May 17 I A/18/10323 B/06/03564 Apr 21 I A/17/09673 May 22 l A/18/10332 B/06/03586 Apr 24 l A/17/09679 Muir, Louie S. B/07/03859 Apr 25 I All7/09683 1901 Jul 20 I Bil 1106685 Muir, Annie L. Apr 26 l A/17/09685 1903 May I B/13107677 B/09105204 Apr 28 I A/17/09692 May 28 I Bil 3/07660 Muir, Daniel Apr 29 l A/17/09695 1904 Jul I l B/14/08019 A/04/02369 Apr 30 I Al17/09696 Jul 29 I B/14108086 Muir, Joanna G. May I l Al17109701 Muir, Wanda B/02/01219 May 3 l A/17/09704 1901 May I B/11/06654 B/03/01384 May 4 l AIJ7/09707 1903 I B/13/07846 Muir, Katie c. May 5 I A/17109711 1905 Jul 20 I B/J 5108603 B/05102663 May 6 l A/17/09712 Jul 22 I B/15/08606 Muir, Mary May 7 I A/17/09716 Jul 31 I B/15/08614 A/06/03253 May 8 l A/17109720 Wolfe, Linnie M. Reid, Margaret M. May 11 I A/17109723 1943 Feb 26 v B/51/00106 I B/13/07837 May 12 I A/17/09726 Waterman, Anna R. May 13 I A/17/09728 Correspondence From I B/06/03312 May 14 I A/17/09731 Arnold, Elsa U. May 16 I A/17/09735 A/15/08642 Muir, Hattie S. May 19 I A/17/09738 Bell, Laura Correspondence From May 22 I A/17/09748 Bl14/08132 Reid, Margaret M. May 24 I A/17/09755 Bradley, Cornelius B. I B/13/07837 May 26 I A/17/09758 I A/15108737 May 27 I A/17/09760 Galloway, Sarah M. Muir, Helen May 28 I All 7/09761 I All 5108625 Correspondence To Jun I I All7/09777 Hansen, George Hanna, Wanda M. Jun 2 I A/17/09780 Bl15/08727 1908 Jul 12 I B/17/09818 Jun 7 I Al17/09784 Hansen, Linda Keith, William Jun 9 I All 7 /09788 Bll5/08727 1908 May 28 I Bil 7/09762 Jun 11 I A/17/09791 Hansen, Robin Muir, John Jun 17 I A/17/09795 B/15108727 I Al07/04154 Jun 19 I A/17/09796 Magee, Thomas 1893 Aug 30 I A/07104302 Jun 20 I A/17/09797 B/16109182 Sep 18 I Al07/04320 Jun 26 I A/17/09802 Muir, Annie L. 1895 Aug 10 l Al08/04966 Jun 30 I A/17/09804 BI05103160 1896 Jun 29 I A/09/05224 Jul 12 I Al17/09817 BI08I049!6 Jul 10 I A/09/05240 Jul 15 I A/17/09825 Muir, John Jul 15 I A/09/05256 Jul 18 I A/17/09834 A/05103152 Aug 11 I A/09/05279 Jul 22 I A/17/09835 Al05I03!93 Sep 28 I A/09/05303 Jul 28 I A/17/09842 AI06103466 1898 Oct 7 I A/10/05902 Aug 1 I Al17/09850 A/06103488 Nov 2 I A/10/05939 Aug 2 l Al17/09853 A/06103511 1900 Sep 4 I A/I 1/06463 Aug 5 I Al17/09858 I Al06103524 Sep 6 l A/I I /06465 Aug 13 I A/17/09864 I A/07/03873 Oct 29 I A/11/06496 Aug 16 I Al17/09867 I A/07 /03898 1903 Oct 7 I A/13/07790 Aug 18 I All 7/09872 I A/07/04122 1904 Mar I I A/14/07905 Aug 21 I Al17109875 I A/07104142 1905 Oct 5 I A/15108698 Aug 25 I AIJ7/09876 I A/07/04154 Oct 8 I A/I 5108700 Aug 27 I Al17109877 I A/07/04162 1906 I A/16/09026 Aug 31 I A/17/09879 I A/07/04172 May 18 I A/16/08888 Sep I AIJ7109901 I A/07104186 1908 Jan 8 I A/17/09472 Sep 7 I A/l 7 /09880 I AI07104223 Jan 15 l A/17/09492 Sep 9 I A/17/09881 I Al07/04247 Jan 16 I A/17/09494 Sep 12 I A/17/09885 I Al07/04254

132 A/07/04261 A/17/09469 A/18/10234 A/07/04262 A/17/09471 A/18/10271 A/07/04276 A/17/09475 A/18/10272 A/07/04281 A/17/09489 A/18/10302 A/07/04291 A/17/09491 A/181l0324 A/07/04303 A/17/09498 A/18/10338 A/07/04310 A/17/09520 A/181l0344 A/07/04324 A/17/09522 A/18il0346 Ai07i04327 Ai17i09542 Ai18i!0358 A/07i04376 All 7i09595 A/18/10366 Ai07i04378 A/17i09604 Ail8/10389 Ai08/04958 Ail 7i09612 A/18i10394 I Ai09i05206 A/17/09620 I A/18/10397 Ai09i05213 Ail 7109627 Ail8i10412 Ai09i05226 Ai17/09634 Ail8i10416 Ai09/05229 Ai17/09636 Ail8i10424 A/09i05237 A/17i09638 A/18i10435 Ai09i05245 A/17i09653 Ail8il0455 A/09/05289 Ai17i09656 Ai18i10460 A/09/05296 Ai17i09660 Muir, Wanda Ai09i05299 Ail7/09663 Aill/0633~ Ai09i05309 Ail7i09676 Bil 1/06572 Ai09/05608 Ai17/09680 B/15/08603 A/09/05615 Ail7i09684 Ai09/05617 A/17i09689 Manuscripts Ai10i05877 Ai17i09697 Five Weeks in Khaki Ai!Oi05888 Ai17/09709 V Ci51i00165 I Ail0/05893 Ai17/09713 Strentzel-Muir House A/10/05896 A/17109721 V Ci51i00181 A/10/05907 A/17/09724 A/10i05916 A/17/09730 Photograph A/!Oi05934 A/17/09736 IV B/24/01343 Ail0i05946 A/17i09745 IV B/24/01344 A/10/05957 A/l 7i09753 JV B/24i01345 A/10/05964 A/17/09759 JV B/24/01346 A/10i05972 A/17/09764 JV B/24/01347 Ail0/05985 Ai17/09774 IV B/24/01348 A/!Oi06129 A/17i09782 IV B/24/01349 A/10/06133 A/17/09783 IV Bi25/01363 A/10/06139 A/17i09785 IV B/27i01504 A/10/06142 A/17/09787 A/10/06146 A/17/09789 Photograph By A/10i06149 A/17/09792 JV B/11/00530 I A/10/06150 Ai17/09793 IV Bil 1/00532 A/10i06151 A/17/09794 IV B/24/01298 A/10/06155 A/17/09799 IV B/24/01299 A/10/06164 A/17/09808 IV B/24/01300 A/lli06454 A/17i09810 JV B/24/01301 A/12/07142 Ail 7i09812 JV B/24/01302 A/13/07649 A/17/09822 JV B/24/01303 A/13i07658 Ail7/09831 IV B/24i01304 A/13i07684 Ail7/09838 IV B/24/01305 A/13i07694 Ail7/09847 JV B/25/01371 A/13i07704 A/17i09847 JV B/25/01372 All3i07723 A/17/09859 JV B/25/01373 A/13/07751 A/17i09861 J Ail3/07753 A/17/09873 Muir, Joanna G. I A/13/07777 Ail7/09882 Correspondence To I A/13i07796 All 7/09889 Hand, Mary M. J A/13i07812 I A/17i09895 1879 Apr 1 I B/03/01864 I A/13i07819 Ail7/09896 Muir, Daniel I Ail3/07831 A/17/09906 1872 Dec 22 B/02/01219 I Ail 3/07836 A/17i09907 Muir, Daniel H. I All 4/07920 A/17/09908 1866 Dec 25 B/01/00475 I Ail4/07926 A/17i09915 1872 Jun 19 B/02/01124 I Ail4/08049 A/17/09923 Oct 13 I B/02i01l88 I A/14/08078 A/17/09928 1874 Aug 10 I B/03/01409 I A/I 5i08587 Ai17/09930 1878 Oct 10 I Bi03/01810 I A/15/08607 Ai17/09939 1880 May 4 I B/04/02039 I A/l 5/08701 A/17/09945 Muir, David G. I A/15/08720 A/17/09947 1861 Oct 4 I A/01/00129 I A/15/08722 A/17/09951 Muir, Emma I A/15/08723 Ai17/09957 1872 Dec 22 I Bi02/01219 I Ai15/08729 A/17i09963 1874 May 16 I B/03i01384 I A/15i08741 I Ail7i09972 Muir, John I A/16i08774 Ail7i09974 1860 Oct 21 I A/01/00061 I A/16i08783 A/17/09978 Nov 29 I A/01/0006 7 I A/16i08785 A/17/09981 1861 Feb J AiOl/00100 I A/16i08787 A/17/10001 Oct 4 J A/01/00129 J A/16/08823 A/17/10008 1862 Mar 1 J A/01/00190 J A/16i08829 A/18/10072 Jun I A/01/00210 J A/16i08870 A/18/10098 Nov 15 J A/01/00240 J A/16/08883 J A/18/10111 1863 Feb I A/01/00262 J A/16/08894 A/18/10118 1866 Jan 7 I A/01/00405 I A/16/08898 A/18/10120 1868 I A/01/00663 J A/16/08904 Ai18/10130 1878 Mar 6 J A/03/01714 J A/16/08909 A/18/10198 1879 Jan 17 I A/03/01833 J A/16/08912 A/18/10206 May 31 I A/03i01878 J A/16/09311 A/18/10216 1880 Feb 12 J A/04/01979 I A/ 17 /09466 A/18/10232 May 2 J A/04/02037

133 Jul I A/04/02080 1912 Jun 20 I A/20/11707 1907 Mar 8 A/16/09101 Muir, Mary Alexander, Julius M. 1908 Mar 12 A/! 7109603 1873 Nov 16 I B/02/01320 1914 Sep I A/22/12943 1913 Mar 27 A/21/12110 Nov 30 I B/02/01325 Alexander, Sallie K. Bailey, Vernon 1874 Jan 25 I B/03/01353 1914 Apr I A/22/12752 1901 Dec 24 I A/11/06821 Apr 17 I B/03/01367 Allan, Mrs. Baker, Page M. Apr 18 I B/03/01371 1904 Nov A/22/13295 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10133 Jun 3 I B/03/01386 Allen, Abbigail A. Feb 7 I A/22/13446 Jun 23 I B/03/01390 I A/22/! 3377 Baker, Ray S. Jul 10 I B/03/01401 Nov I A/14/08201 1902 Jan I A/12/06950 Sep 8 I B/03/01421 Dec 27 I A/14/08239 Ballinger, Richard A. 1876 Jul 13 I B/03/01564 1905 Apr 25 I A/I 5/08489 1909 Apr 20 I A/18/10282 1877 Jan 30 I B/03/01598 Allen, Charles H. Nov 15 I A/18/10539 Unknown 1902 Nov 18 I A/12/07280 Dec 20 I A/18/10574 1874 Aug 18 B/03/01411 Nov 18 I A/22/13345 1910 Jan 8 I A/19/10662 1904 Dec 27 I A/22/13297 Mar 30 I A/19/10781 Correspondence From Allis, T. F. May 12 I A/19/10814 Muir, John I A/22/13391 1912 Nov 13 I A/20/11887 A/01/00117 1905 May I A/I 5/08499 Bal naves A/01/00393 Anderson, Alden 1901 Nov 28 I A/11/06774 1904 Jul 13 I A/14/08040 Bankhead, John H. Pho1ograpb Jul 13 I A/14/08041 I A/22/13455 IV B/27/01491 Anderson, Malcolm P. 1909 Feb 8 I A/18/10187 1903 Jan I A/13/07435 Barrus, Clara Muir, John Jan I A/22/13280 1909 Aug II I A/18/10420 Business and Legal Papers Anderson, Melville B. Bashford, Herberl Boat Construction Contract 1892 Oc1 30 I A/07/03995 1896 Oct 12 I A/09/05311 I C/22/13459 1895 Jun 23 I A/08/04934 Beard, Daniel Book Royalty Account Jul 23 I A/08/04949 1907 Apr I A/16/09133 1910 Aug I C/22/13487 1897 Jun 24 I A/09/05557 Belshaw, C. M. Boyhood & Youth Book Contract 1901 Oct 7 I A/11/06734 1905 Feb 28 I A/15/08421 1911 Jun 29 I C/22/13491 Nov 9 I A/11/06754 Feb 28 I A/15/08422 Certificate of Introduction Dec 20 I A/11/06801 Feb 28 I A/22/13326 1893 Jun I C/22/13464 1902 Sep 4 I A/12/07172 Benjamin, Marcus County Tax StatemenlS Sep 7 I A/12/07177 1905 Apr 9 I A/15/08472 1913 Oct 17 I C/22/13494 Sep 21 I A/12/07214 Bickford, E. L. List of Book Sales Oct 2 I A/12/07228 1908 Dec I 5 I A/17109984 IIID/47/12731 Nov 17 I A/12/07276 Bidwell Family Marriage Certificate 1903 May 10 I A/13/07630 J 879 Jun 19 I A/03/01886 1880 Apr 14 I C/22/13460 1905 Aug 8 I A/15/08630 Bidwell, Annie K. Mms. of Calif. Book Contract 1906 Dec 29 I A/16/09006 1877 Oct 10 I A/03/01633 1894 Apr 27 I C/22/13466 1909 Jan I I A/18/10071 Oct 10 I A/03/01640 My First Summer Book Contract May 14 I A/18/10313 1878 Feb I I A/03/01689 1910 Jun 3 I C/22/13484 Jun 12 I A/18/10360 Feb 13 I A/03/01703 Naturalization Application Jun 19 I A/18/10367 Aug 6 I A/03/01779 1903 Apr 15 I C/22/13471 Jun 29 I A/18/10386 Sep 11 I A/03/01794 Naturalization Certificate 1913 May 8 I A/21/12194 1879 Feb 17 I A/03/01847 1903 Apr 28 I C/22/13475 Dec 4 I A/21/12515 May 3 I A/03/01871 Passport 1914 Feb 21 I A/22/12702 Jul 16 I A/03/01905 1903 Jun 9 I C/22/13477 May 26 I A/22/12770 1880 Mar 16 I A/04/01998 Passport Lener May 26 I A/22/12773 1881 Mar 29 I A/04/02198 1903 Apr 22 I C/22/13474 Jul 11 I A/22/12838 1882 Jan 2 I A/04/02346 Promissory Note Andrews, H. V. 1887 Jul I I A/05/02993 1880 Aug 9 I C/22/13461 1905 Apr 25 I A/22/13389 1890 Apr 19 I A/06/03425 Receipt for Article Payment Apr 28 I A/15/08495 1900 May 29 I A/11/06415 1898 Nov 5 I C/22/13470 Armes, William D. 1901 Dec 19 I A/11/06794 Receipt From Daniel H. Muir 1891 May 26 I A/07/03729 1903 Feb 24 I A/13/07477 1885 Nov 17 I C/22/13462 Arnold, Mary J. 1904 Jun 16 I A/14/07980 Stickeen Book Contract 1902 Mar 21 I A/12/07026 1905 Sep 4 I A/I 5/08676 1908 Sep 15 I C/22/13481 Mar 21 I A/22/ 13266 1907 Mar 27 I A/16/09117 Yosemite Book Contract Jul 12 I A/12/07133 Dec 21 I A/16/09412 1911 May I C/22/13488 1906 Sep 13 I A/16/08947 1911 Feb 21 I A/20/11239 1908 Apr 22 I A/17/09674 1912 Apr 31 I A/20/11640 Correspondence To 1909 Apr 3 I A/18/10266 Bidwell, John Abbon, D. F. 1914 Jul 31 I A/22/12854 1877 Oct 10 I A/03/01633 1862 May 10 I A/22/13459 Sep 2 I A/22/12910 Oct 10 I A/03/01640 Abboll, Lyman Ashley, Harrien M. Dec 3 I A/03/01660 I A/22/13301 1911 Jun 12 I A/20/11358 1878 Aug 31 I A/03/01787 1905 Jan 22 I A/15/08336 Jun 28 I A/20/11392 1889 Jun 17 I A/06/03252 Feb 7 I A/15/08371 Atlantic Monthly editor Jun 18 I A/06/03255 Feb 7 I A/22/13313 1903 Mar 1 I A/22/13287 1890 Apr 19 I A/06/03425 Mar 22 I A/15/08460 Averell, Betty 1896 Apr 15 I A/09/05152 Mar 22 I A/22/13350 1911 Mar 2 I A/20/! 1251 May 7 I A/09/05173 Apr 8 I A/I 5/08470 1913 Sep I A/21/12413 Biedenbach, Charles L. Apr 8 I A/22/! 3362 Averell, Blossom 1902 Nov I A/12/07304 1906 Apr 15 I A/16/08846 1904 Nov I A/14/08202 Nov 18 I A/12/07281 Apr 15 IIIA/33/01874 Averell, Mrs. W. H. Nov 18 I A/! 2/07282 Adams Family 1904 Nov I A/22/13295 Nov 18 I A/22/13341 1902 Jan I A/12/06949 Babcock, Earl J. Nov 24 I A/12/07297 Apr 18 I A/! 2/07070 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10132 Bland, Henry M. Apr 18 I A/22/13268 Feb 7 I A/22/13446 1911 Jan 29 I A/20/11222 Agnew, J. B. Bade, William F. Sep 19 I A/20/11491 I A/22/13340 1912 May 10 I A/20/11665 Bond, Frank N. Nov I A/12/07303 Bailey Family 1907 Jan 15 I A/16/09046 1905 Mar 25 I All 5/08465 1900 Dec 29 I A/11/06543 Jan 15 I A/16/09050 Mar 25 I A/22/13355 1904 Jan I I A/14/07876 Boyle, Gertrude F. Ahern, George P. 1905 Sep 4 I A/15/08675 1905 Jan 27 I A/15/08347 1905 Apr 25 I A/15/08488 1908 Dec 24 I A/17109998 Jan 27 I A/22/! 3304 Apr 25 I A/22/13379 Bailey, Florence M. Bradford Aimers 1906 Feb 15 I A/16/08811 1901 I A/I I /06836

134 Breckinridge, Clifton R. Dec 2 I A/16/09384 Apr 15 I A/02/0091 7 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10134 1908 Jan 14 I A/17/09485 Apr 15 I A/22/13182 Feb 7 I A/22/13446 Feb 18 I A/17/09552 Jun 22 I A/02/00936 Bridgman, Herbert L. Feb 26 I A/17/09561 Aug 13 I A/02/009 50 I A/22/13448 Mar 6 I A/17/09586 Sep 8 I A/02/00958 Feb 7 I A/18/10135 Mar 7 I A/17/09588 Oct I A/02/00981 Brown, Alfred B. Sep 15 I A/17/09887 Oct I A/22/13192 1856 I A/01/00020 Dec 2 I A/17/09967 Dec II I A/02/01008 1864 Jan 17 I A/01/00333 Dec 28 I A/17/10012 1872 I A/02/01122 1905 Feb 24 I A/15/08404 1909 Jan 7 I A/18/10083 Jan 8 I A/02/01008 1908 Feb 6 I A/17/09524 May 12 I A/18/10310 Feb 13 I A/02/01048 Apr 22 I A/17/09675 1910 Nov 7 I A/19/11105 Feb 13 I A/22/13195 Jun 22 I A/17/09798 Nov 14 I A/19/11117 Mar 16 I A/02i01065 Brown, C. E. 1911 Jan 2 I A/20/11190 Apr I A/22/13140 1914 Sep 1 I A/22/12909 1912 Jun 12 I A/20/11702 Apr 23 I A/02/01096 Brown, Elon R. 1913 Jun 4 I A/21/12240 Apr 23 I A/22/13197 1905 Feb 18 I A/15/08393 Nov 4 I A/22/12985 May 12 I A/02/01115 Feb 18 I A/22/13318 Carnegie, Andrew May 31 I A/02/01120 Brown, Joanna M. 1914 Jan 22 I A/22/12648 May 31 I A/22/ 13202 1902 Feb 10 I A/12/06988 Carpenter, Frederic W. Jul 6 I A/02/01126 1903 May 6 I A/13/07618 1909 Sep I A/18/10483 Jul 6 I A/22/13206 1904 I A/22/13295 Carr Family Jul 14 I A/02/01129 Nov I A/14/08203 1869 Nov 15 A/22/13160 Jul 14 I A/22/ 13208 1906 Feb 14 I A/16/08810 1873 Nov 3 A/22/13154 Jul 27 I A/02/01132 1907 Feb 27 I A/16/09092 Carr, Ezra S. Jul 27 I A/22/13210 1910 Jun 22 I A/19/10908 1869 Nov 15 I A/02/00767 Aug 5 I A/02/01143 Sep 7 I A/19/11051 1873 Nov 3 I A/02/01315 Aug 5 I A/22/13212 Sep 9 I A/19/11055 Carr, Jeanne C. Aug II I A/02/01139 Sep 21 I A/19/11073 I A/22/13178 Aug 13 I A/22/13130 Brown, Mr. I A/22/13249 Aug 28 1 A/02/01148 Feb 27 I A/22/13320 1865 Sep 13 I A/01/00376 Aug 28 I A/22/13223 Brown, S. M. Sep 13 I A/22/13097 Sep 8 I A/22/ 13224 1910 Feb 17 I A/19/10713 1866 Jan 21 I A/01/00407 Sep 13 I A/02/01157 Brown, Walter Jan 21 I A/22/13148 Sep 13 I A/22/13229 I A/05/02894 Oct I A/01/00463 Oct 8 I A/02/01176 I A/06/03362 1867 Apr I A/22/13117 Oc1 8 I A/22/ 13231 I A/07/03736 Apr 3 I A/01/00511 Oct 14 I A/02/01190 Browne, Francis F. Apr 3 I A/22/13099 Oct 14 I A/22/13235 1909 May 12 I A/18/10308 Apr 6 I A/01/00517 Oc1 15 I A/02/01192 Jun 2 I A/18/10351 Apr 6 I A/22/13100 Dec 25 I A/02/01221 1910 Jan I A/19/10702 May 2 I A/01/00549 1873 Mar 30 1 A/02/01254 Jun 1 I A/19/10857 May 2 I A/22/13108 Mar 30 I A/22/13244 1911 Mar 23 I A/20/11275 Jun 9 I A/01/00560 Apr 1 I A/02/01256 1913 May 20 I A/21/12220 Jun 9 I A/22/13106 Apr I I A/22/ 13245 May 28 I A/21/12228 Aug I A/22/13112 Apr 13 I A/02/01264 Bryant, Henry G. Aug 1 I A/01/00571 Apr 13 I A/22/13246 I A/22/13447 Aug 30 I A/01/00587 Apr 19 I A/02/01268 1908 Nov 14 I A/17/09948 Aug 30 I A/22/13116 Apr 19 I A/22/13247 Dec 22 I A/17/09994 Sep 9 I A/01/00591 May 15 I A/02/01272 Dec 23 I A/17/09996 Sep 9 I A/22/13103 May 15 I A/22/13215 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10136 Nov 8 I A/01/00598 Jun 7 I A/02/01281 Apr 3 I A/18/10267 Nov 8 I A/22113105 Jun 7 I A/22/13128 Nov 7 I A/18/10528 1868 Jul 16 I A/01 /00637 Sep 13 I A/02/01298 Dec 15 I A/18/10570 Jul 26 I A/22/13237 Sep 15 I A/02/01300 Burbank, Luther Nov I I A/01 /00659 Sep 27 I A/02/01302 1910 Jan 6 I A/19/10652 Nov 1 I A/22/13120 Oct 2 I A/02/01305 Burroughs, John 1869 Feb 24 I A/02/00694 Oct 16 I A/02/01306 1909 Apr 6 I A/18/10276 Feb 24 I A/22/13133 Oct 16 I A/22/13176 Sep 23 I A/18/10475 Mar 3 I A/02/00755 Nov 3 I A/02/01315 Nov 9 I A/18/10534 Apr 24 I A/02/00723 1874 Sep I A/03/01431 Nov 26 I A/18/10552 May 16 I A/02/00727 Sep 12 I A/22/13260 Dec 14 I A/18/10568 May 16 I A/22/13136 Sep 27 I A/03/01428 1911 Jan 13 I A/20/ 11209 May 20 I A/02/00730 Oc1 7 I A/03/01445 Jul 14 I A/20/11429 May 20 I A/22/13118 Oct 7 I A/22/13255 Buller, Henry S. Ju! 11 I A/02/00734 Nov 1 I A/03/01447 1866 Apr 22 I A/01/00426 Jul II I A/22/13155 Nov 1 I A/22/13256 Buller, James D. Oct 3 I A/22/13183 Dec 9 I A/03/01456 1867 Apr 27 I A/01/00544 New 15 I A/02/00767 Dec 21 I A/03/01461 1870 May 15 I A/02/00814 Dec 6 I A/02/00778 Dec 21 I A/22/13258 1888 Feb 18 I A/05/03071 Dec 6 I A/22/13123 1875 Jan 12 I A/22/13265 1889 Sep 1 I A/06/03322 1870 I A/02/00883 Jan 19 I A/03/01475 1900 Dec I A/11/06547 Apr 5 I A/02/00804 Jan 19 I A/22/13129 1903 May 10 I A/13/07632 Apr 5 I A/22/13161 Apr 15 I A/03/01489 1904 Jul 20 I A/14/08079 May 17 I A/02/00823 May 4 I A/03/01493 1905 Apr 26 I A/15/08491 May 17 I A/22/13164 May 4 I A/22/13242 Buller, Mrs. James D. May 29 I A/02/00826 Jun 3 I A/03/01498 1869 Aug I A/02/00745 May 29 I A/22/13166 Jul 31 I A/03/01502 Byrne, John J. Jul 29 I A/02/00858 Nov 3 I A/03/01514 1906 Sep 12 I A/16/08945 Jul 29 I A/22/13171 Nov 3 I A/22/13147 Cable, George W. Aug 7 I A/02/00862 1876 Jan 12 I A/03/01524 1894 Jan 1 I A/08/04413 Aug 20 I A/02/00863 Apr 3 I A/03/01545 Calkins, J. E. Nov 4 I A/02/00878 Apr 3 I A/22/13262 1904 Jul I A/14/08095 Nov 4 I A/22/13180 1877 Jul 23 I A/03/01615 Jul 18 I A/14/08075 Dec 22 I A/02/00881 Jul 23 I A/22/13152 1906 Apr 8 I A/16/08840 1871 I A/02/01018 Aug 12 I A/03/01620 1907 Jan 29 I A/16/09067 Mar I A/02/00898 Aug 12 I A/22/13143 Aug 22 I A/16/09230 Apr I A/22/13186 Sep 3 I A/03/01624 Sep II I A/16/09263 Apr 3 I A/02/00906 Sep 3 I A/22/13145 Oct 29 I A/16/09332 Apr 3 I A/02/00912 1878 Jun s I A/03/01762 Nov 10 I A/16/09364 Apr 3 I A/22/ 13203 Jun 5 I A/22/13158

135 Aug 20 I A/22/13174 Oct 27 I A/18/10513 1905 Apr 11 I A/15/08477 1879 Feb 18 I A/03/01849 Nov I I A/18/10526 Dayson, A. H. Apr I A/22/13142 Nov 4 I A/18/10527 I A/22/13298 Apr 9 I A/03/01866 Nov 26 I A/18/10553 Delany, Marion Apr 9 I A/22/13126 Dec I I A/18/10559 1902 Sep 3 I A/12/07167 Apr 24 I A/03/01869 1910 Jan 8 I A/19/10668 Oct 7 I A/12/07240 Jun 19 I A/03/01887 Feb 10 I A/19/10708 Denman, Helen L. Jun 19 I A/22/13230 Feb 25 I A/19/10729 1914 Jun 2 I A/22/12782 1887 Oct 2:? I A/05/03010 Mar 5 I A/19/10742 DeSchweinitz, Paul 1888 Jan 12 I A/05/03035 Apr 29 I A/19/10799 I A/22/13448 Jan 30 I A/05/03047 May 7 I A/19/10812 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10142 1889 Feb 17 I A/06/03229 May 20 I A/19/10829 Dickey, Anna R. 1894 Nov 5 I A/08/04647 May 31 I A/19/10854 1902 Oc1 12 I A/12/07245 1895 Jan 7 I A/08/04759 Jun 13 I A/19/10888 1903 May 6 I A/13/07620 Nov 12 I A/08/05047 Aug 4 I A/19/10984 1912 May I I A/20/11642 Carruth, Charles w. Sep 7 I A/19/11052 Oct 4 I A/20/11853 1912 May 10 I A/20/11666 Oct 25 I A/19/11089 Oct 30 I A/20/11868 Chamberlain, Allen Nov 3 I A/19/11100 1913 Aug 13 I A/21/12330 I A/22/13450 Nov 7 I A/19/11107 Sep 25 I A/21/12402 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10137 Dec 13 I A/19/11132 Nov 26 I A/21/12500 Chandler, Elwyn F. Dec 23 I A/19/11141 1914 Jan 9 I A/22/ 12626 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10138 1911 Jan 3 I A/20/11196 Dickey, Mrs. Ernest M. Feb 7 I A/22/13446 Jan 11 I A/20/ 11204 1903 Jan I IA/13/07383 Cheney, John V. Jan 16 I A/20/11210 Dickey, Ronald 1894 Oc1 3 I A/08/04615 Jan 27 I A/20/11223 1903 May 6 I A/13/07620 Chichester, Charles F. Jan 30 I A/20/11226 Dixon, Joseph M. I A/22/13339 Feb 4 I A/20/11227 I A/22/13453 1902 Nov I A/12/07306 Feb 13 I A/20/11235 1909 Feb 8 I A/18/10189 Clark, Clarence D. Mar I A/20/11286 Dorn, Winfield H. I A/22/13454 Mar 23 I A/20/11276 1900 Oc1 21 I A/11/06484 Clark, George A. Mar 31 I A/20/11282 Dornuf, W. J. 1903 Jan 8 I A/13/07395 Apr 15 I A/20/11296 1901 Jun 25 I A/11/06663 Clark, W. I. May 8 I A/20/11323 Douglas 1907 Dec 10 A/16/09394 May 26 I A/20/11342 1902 Apr 17 I A/12/07065 Colby Family Jun 2 I A/20/11353 Apr 29 I A/12/07083 1911 Jan 2 I A/20/11191 Jun 15 I A/20/ 11362 Douglas, Charles P. Colby, Mrs. William E. Jun ::n I A/20/ 11388 I A/22/13447 1909 Dec 22 I A/18/10577 Jul I I A/20/11405 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10143 Colby, William E. Sep 19 I A/20/11492 Douglas, David I A/22/!3453 1912 Feb 4 I A/20/11582 1893 Sep 17 I A/07/04319 1900 I A/11/06549 May I A/20/11641 1894 Mar 22 I A/08/04485 I A/11/06550 Jun 10 I A/20/11698 1897 Jan 4 I A/09/05386 Jan 28 I A/22/13308 Jun 24 I A/20/11711 Douglas, Mr. 1903 I A/13/07838 Aug 24 I A/20/11788 1902 Apr 17 I A/22/13267 1904 Nov 18 I A/14/08199 1913 Jan 18 I A/21/12024 Apr 29 I A/22/13270 Nov 18 I A/22/13296 May 8 I A/21/12196 Douglas, Taylor W. 1905 Jan 28 I A/15/08354 1914 Jan I A/22/12670 1902 Jan I A/12/06951 Jan 28 I A/15/08355 May 23 I A/22/12764 Draper, Dorothea Jan 28 I A/22/13306 Cole, Timothy 1899 Oct 8 I A/10/06232 Feb 15 I A/15/08383 1913 Oct 29 I A/21/12464 Dudley, Wilham R. Feb 15 I A/22/13313 Coleman, Arthur B. 1900 Nov 9 I A/11/06512 1906 Apr 15 I A/16/08847 1900 Nov 25 I A/I I /06523 Duncan, Frances Apr 15 JIIA/33/01876 Coif, Mabel 1905 Feb 7 I A/15/08372 Dec 10 I A/16/08980 1904 Jul 17 I A/14/08056 Feb 7 I A/22/13312 Dec 15 I Ai 16/0898 3 Cook, Lilian G. Dunell 1907 Jan 15 I A/16/09052 1911 Jan 26 I A/20/11216 1905 Mar 31 A/15/08466 Mar 2 I A/16/09096 Coolbrith, Ina D. Durrell, Mr. Aug 29 I A/16/09235 1906 Dec 15 I A/16/08984 1905 Mar 31 A/22/13356 Sep 17 I A/16/09274 1910 Jun II I A/19/10878 Dutton Sep 23 I A/16/09290 Jul 30 I A/19/10977 1905 Jan 22 A/15/08337 Oct I I A/16/09301 1913 Mar 31 I A/21/12124 Duuon, Mr. Oct 16 I A/16/09310 Cornish, Frank V. 1905 Jan 22 A/22/13338 Oct 17 I A/16/09314 1905 Mar 2 I A/15/08429 Earle, Alice M. Nov 5 I A/16/09350 Mar 2 I A/22/13328 1902 Mar 22 I A/22/13267 Nov 9 I A/16/09356 Apr 22 I A/15/08485 Eliot, Charles W. Nov 19 I A/16/09366 Apr 22 I A/22/13376 1913 Sep I A/21/12413 Nov 23 I A/16/09372 Craig, Oscar J. Ellison, Olaf F. Dec 21 I A/16/09413 1909 Feb 7 A/18/10139 1902 Jan A/12/06952 1908 Jan 13 I A/17/09480 Cross, James Elrad, Morion Feb 10 I A/17/09535 1871 Dec 4 A/02/01005 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10144 Feb 17 I A/17/09549 1872 Apr 25 A/02/01099 Emerson, Ralph W. Apr 21 I A/17/09662 D'Evelyn, F. W. 1871 May 8 I A/02/00924 May 15 I A/17/09733 1905 Feb 4 I A/15/08370 Jul 6 I A/02/00940 May 23 I A/17/09750 Feb 4 I A/22/13311 1872 Jan 10 I A/02/01028 Nov 2 I A/17/09938 Da~ell, Kate N. Jan 10 I A/02/01029 Nov 16 I A/17109950 1872 Dec 30 I A/02/01228 Feb 26 I A/02/01074 Dec 7 I A/17/09970 Dale, Frank Mar 18 I A/02/01068 Dec 18 I A/17/09988 I A/22/13449 Apr 3 I A/02/01087 Dec 24 I A/17/09999 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10140 1874 May 9 I A/03/01377 Dec 27 I A/17/10010 Dargie, William E. Engelmann, George Dec 30 I A/17/10014 1890 Sep 11 I A/06/03529 1881 Apr 28 I A/04/02219 Dec 31 I A/17/10020 Davidson, George Esmdillo, Miguel 1909 Jan 5 I A/18/10077 1892 Nov 28 I A/07/03997 1905 Feb 28 I A/15/08424 Jan 18 I A/18/10103 1900 Sep 18 I A/11/06474 Feb 28 I A/22/13327 Jan 25 I A/18/10110 Sep 24 I A/ll /06475 Evans, Nelson F. Jan 27 I A/18/10114 Davis, Thomas E. 1914 Mar 10 I A/22/12719 Feb I I A/18/10125 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10141 Apr 4 I A/22/12737 Sep 15 I A/18/10461 Feb 7 I A/22/13446 Fairchild, Benjamin L. Sep 29 I A/18/10482 Davis, W. W. I A/22/13448 Oct 21 I A/18/10504 I A/22/13365 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10145

136 Farrington, Edward S. Jan 31 I A/20/11573 Feb 27 I A/02/00707 I A/22/13449 Mar 15 I A/20/ 11597 1872 Apr 25 I A/02/01101 Feb 7 I A/18/10146 Apr 15 I A/20/11626 1875 Feb 26 I A/03/01478 Fay, Charles E. May 8 I A/20/11662 Galloway, Sarah M. I A/22/13448 Jul 21 I A/20/11730 I A/22/13298 1908 Oct 6 I A/17/09905 Jul 23 I A/20/11731 1860 Sep I A/01/00048 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10147 Aug I A/20/ 11807 Oct I A/01 /00063 Finck, Henry T. Aug 7 I A/20/11759 Dec I A/OJ/00072 1905 Apr 25 I A/22/J 3388 Aug J3 I A/20/J J 769 J861 I A/OJ/OOJ46 Apr 28 I A/J 5/08496 Aug J4 I A/20/J J 770 May J2 I A/OJ/OOJ13 Fiske, George Aug 23 I A/20/11787 J862 I A/01 /00250 1905 Mar J3 I A/15/08445 Oct I A/20/11873 Feb 9 I A/01/00J86 Mar 13 I A/22/13333 Nov 26 I A/20/11897 1863 Jun J I A/01/00290 Flanders, A. C. Dec 2 I A/20/J J 902 Jun 12 I A/OJ/00296 J90J Jun 2J I A/1 J/06660 Dec J6 I A/20/!19J5 Jul I A/OJ/00306 Flanner, Mrs. A. A. 19J3 Jan 20 I A/21/12026 1865 Oct 23 I A/01/00386 J867 May J5 I A/OJ/0055J Feb J2 I A/2J/12060 1866 May I A/OJ/00442 French, Harold feb 2J I A/21/J2075 J867 Apr 12 I A/OJ/00527 1912 May J I A/20/11643 Mar 6 I A/21/12088 Jul 7 I A/01/00559 Friedlander, T. C. Mar 27 I A/21/12111 J869 Feb 27 I A/02/00697 J901 Nov I A/J 1 /06777 Apr JO I A/21/12J54 Feb 27 I A/02/00699 Fullon, Charles W. May 15 I A/2J/J2203 Feb 27 I A/02/00701 I A/22/13455 May 30 I A/21/J2233 Feb 27 I A/02/00703 1909 Feb 8 I A/J8/J0190 Jun I A/21/J2272 Feb 27 I A/02/00705 Funk, Buel A. Jun 6 1 A/21/J2244 Aug J I A/02/00742 19J2 May 8 I A/20/J 1662 Jul 8 I A/21/12283 1870 Mar 24 I A/02/00795 Jul 23 I A/20/1J73J Sep 2 I A/21/12351 J871 Mar I A/02/00904 Jul 3J I A/20/J 1748 Sep 12 I A/2 l/J 2374 Apr 5 I A/02/00916 Aug 2 I A/20/11750 Sep 21 I A/2J/12396 1872 Jan 17 I A/02/0103J Oct I A/20/l J 873 Oct J I A/21/12420 Apr 25 I A/02/01102 Nov 9 I A/20/J 1881 Oct 23 I A/21/12456 May J3 I a/02/01117 Dec J6 I A/20/11915 Nov 15 I A/21/12492 Jul 16 I A/02/01131 Funk, Helen M. Nov 20 I A/21/12498 Oct 8 I A/02/01184 1909 Oct 20 I A/18/10500 Dec 13 I A/21/12528 Dec 19 I A/02/01211 Oct 30 I A/18/10517 Dec 23 I A/21/12539 1873 May 26 I A/02/01279 Nov 13 I A/J 8/10537 Dec 31 I A/21/12547 Sep 3 I A/02/01294 Nov 18 I A/18/10549 1914 Jan J2 I A/22/12634 Nov 14 I A/02/01318 Nov 26 I A/18/10554 Jan 26 I A/22/12656 1875 Jan 16 I A/03/01473 Dec 3 I A/18/10560 Feb 11 I A/22/12683 Nov 2 I A/03/01510 Dec JO I A/18/10565 Feb 28 I A/22/J2708 1876 Apr 17 I A/03/01547 Dec 23 I A/18/10580 Apr 18 I A/22/12745 1877 Jan 12 I A/03/01582 1910 Jan 3 I A/19/10646 May 26 I A/22/12774 Apr 23 I A/03/01607 Jan 15 I A/19/10679 Jun I A/22/12823 Nov 29 I A/03/01654 Jan 26 I A/19/10693 Jul 7 I A/22/J 2827 1897 I A/09/05702 Jan 31 I A/19/10701 Jul 9 I A/22/J2834 1898 Nov 22 I A/10/05977 Mar 27 I A/19/J0776 Jul 11 I A/22/12839 1903 I A/13/07839 Mar 30 I A/19/10782 Jul IS I A/22/12842 Jan I A/13/07436 Apr 13 I A/19/10790 Jul 17 I A/22/12843 Jan I A/22/13280 Apr 29 I A/19/10800 Jul 23 I A/22/12851 1904 Dec 27 I A/14/08240 May 7 I A/19/10813 Aug 1 I A/22/J2858 1912 May 7 I A/20/11653 May 16 I A/19/10824 Aug 3 I A/22/12859 Gamble, Robert J. Jun 22 I A/J9/10909 Aug 10 I A/22/J 2875 1909 Feb 8 I A/18/10191 Jul 6 I A/19/10942 Aug 18 I A/22/12895 Feb 8 I A/22/13454 Jul 30 I A/19/10979 Aug 27 I A/22/12902 Gannell, Henry Sep 3 I A/19/11045 Aug 31 I A/22/12905 1902 Jan I A/J2/06953 Sep 20 I A/19/11071 Sep 15 I A/22/12929 Jan 2 I A/12/06897 Oct 6 I A/19/11081 Sep 25 I A/22/12937 1904 Jun 4 I A/14/07964 Oct 17 I A/19/11084 Sep 29 I A/22/12942 Garfield, James R. Oct 24 I A/19/11087 Ocl 16 I A/22/12963 1907 I A/16/09425 Nov 7 I A/19/11108 Oct 28 I A/22/12978 Sep 6 I A/16/09246 Dec 7 I A/19/11129 Nov 12 I A/22/12994 Sep 20 I A/16/09286 Dec 23 I A/19/11142 Dec 3 I A/22/ 13009 1908 Jan I A/17/09516 1911 Mar 31 I A/20/11283 Furse, E. R. May I A/17/09769 Apr 5 I A/20/J J288 1905 Feb JS I A/JS/08384 May I A/17/09771 Apr 7 I A/20/11293 Feb J5 I A/22/13315 May I A/17/09698 Apr 15 I A/20/11297 Gage, Henry T. George, Francis Apr 20 I A/20/11300 1900 I A/11/06551 1905 Jan 27 I A/J 5/08348 May 3 I A/20/l J 322 Galloway Sarah M. Jan 27 I A/22/J3303 May 9 I A/20/J 1324 J874 Sep 7 I A/03/01416 Gilbert, G. K. May 14 I A/20/11330 Galloway, Anna G. 1905 Apr 13 I A/J 5/08478 May 23 I A/20/11335 1867 Jan I A/OJ/00484 Apr J3 I A/22/J3366 May 25 I A/20/11339 1870 I A/02/00886 Gilder, Richard W. May 30 I A/20/11347 Galloway, Cecelia J. 1899 Mar 27 I A/10/06080 Jun 12 I A/20/JJ359 1875 Feb 26 I A/03/01478 Nov 14 I A/J0/06265 Jun 15 I A/20/11363 Gallowa)·, David M. J902 Apr 28 I A/12/07080 Jun 22 I A/20/!1379 1861 I A/01/00146 1904 Jul 28 I A/14/08091 Jun 28 I A/20/11393 1862 I A/01/00250 Dec 9 I A/14/08216 Jun 30 I A/20/11401 Feb 9 I A/01/00186 1906 May 20 I A/16/08889 Jul 14 I A/20/11430 1863 Jun I I A/01/00290 Gilmore, Elmer E. Jul 18 I A/20/11452 Jun 8 I A/01/00292 1909 Feb 12 I A/18/10202 Aug 10 I A/20/11473 Jun 12 I A/01/00296 Gio, Francis Aug 12 I A/20/11477 Jul I A/01/00306 1905 May 8 I A/15/08509 Sep 18 I A/20/11489 1865 Oct 23 I A/01/00386 May 8 I A/22/13392 Sep 26 I A/20/11503 1867 Apr 12 I A/01/00527 Gleason Family Oct 10 I A/20/11512 Jul 7 I A/01/00559 1911 Jan 27 I A/20/11224 Nov I A/20/11534 1871 Sep 8 I A/02/00962 Gleason, Herbert W. Nov 8 I A/20/11514 1872 Apr 25 I A/02/0JI 02 1908 Jan 13 I A/17/09482 Nov 29 I A/20/11524 Galloway, George 1914 Jan 1 I A/22/126J2 Dec 9 I A/20/ 11 546 1867 Jan I A/01/00486 May 7 I A/22/12755 1912 Jan J4 I A/20/11567 1869 Jan I I A/02/00690 Jun 10 I A/22/12800

137 Oct 12 I A/22/12960 I A/22/13340 Hooker, Henry C. Goelet 1902 Nov I A/12/07307 1905 Jul 3 I A/15/08590 1909 Jun I A/18/10349 1903 May I A/13/07672 Jul 3 I A/22/13443 Goodhue, E. S. Hardy, Irene Hooker, John D. 1901 I A/11/06837 1874 I A/03/01464 1910 Jun 6 I A/19/10866 Gray, Asa Hark, J. M. Hooker, Joseph D. 1872 Oct 10 I A/02/01186 I A/22/ 13448 1902 Apr 20 I A/12/07072 Dec 18 I A/02/01208 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10149 1904 Jun I A/14/08010 1873 Feb 22 I A/02/01238 Harriman, Edward H. Hooker, Katharine Feb 26 I A/02/01244 1900 Nov I A/11/06527 1909 Apr 27 I A/18/10293 Ser 10 I A/02/01296 1901 I A/1 I /06838 May 12 I A/18/10311 Nov 25 I A/02/01322 1904 Jun I A/14/08009 Jun 3 I A/18/10354 1880 Mar 16 I A/04/02002 1905 Jan 5 I A/15/08305 Aug 16 I A/18/10423 Jun 19 I A/04/02067 Jan 5 I A/22/13299 Aug 23 I A/18/10433 1881 Oct 31 I A/04/02321 1906 Apr 8 I A/16/08842 Sep 21 I A/18/10467 1882 Jan 2 I A/04/02350 Apr 8 lllA/33/01872 Sep 28 I A/18/10481 Graydon, Katharine M. 1907 Jan I A/16/09074 Oct 20 I A/18/10501 1880 Feb 5 I A/04/1976 Harriman, Mary A. Oct 25 I A/18/10512 Apr 12 I A/04/02020 1899 Aug 30 I A/10/06195 Nov 14 I A/18/10538 1894 Oct 8 I A/08/04620 1912 Dec I A/20/11955 Dec 23 I A/18/10581 1895 Mar 25 I A/08/0486 I 1913 Jun 21 I A/21112262 1910 Jan 9 I A/19/10666 1900 Mar 12 I A/11 /06373 Harrison, Russell B. Jan 9 I A/19/10666 Oct 22 I A/1 I /06492 1892 Mar 9 I A/07/03884 Feb 22 I A/19/10722 1904 Jul 21 I A/14/08083 Harlley, Eliza M. Mar 4 I A/19/10741 Dec 28 I A/14/08248 1901 I A/11/06839 Mar 15 I A/19/10758 1905 Jun 1 I A/15/08553 Harwood, Miss May 29 I A/19/10848 1906 Dec 15 I A/16/08985 1913 Dec 31 I A/21/12548 Jun 15 I A/19/10893 1907 Mar 27 I A/16/09119 Haslett, 0. C. Jun 22 I A/19/10910 Jul 8 I A/16/09178 1907 Nov 4 I A/16/09344 Jul 6 I A/19/10943 1912 May 10 I A/20/11667 Hausborough, Henry C. Aug 12 I A/19 II 0994 Sep 11 I A/20/11827 1909 Feb 8 I A/18/10192 Aug 19 I A/19/11006 1913 Oct 14 I A/21/12435 Feb 8 I A/22/13454 Sep 15 I A/19/11064 Graydon, Mary M. Hawley, Emily C. Sep 20 I A/19/J 1072 1893 Feb 28 I A/07/04067 1903 Mar I A/13/07556 Nov 27 I A/)9/11122 1902 Jan I A/12/06954 Mar I A/13/07557 Dec 17 I A/19/11135 Graydon, Miss Mar I A/22/13290 1911 Feb 21 I A/20/11240 I A/22/J 3428 Hay, Annie Mar I A/20111287 Greenslet, Ferris 1894 May 17 I A/08/04534 May I A/20/11348 1910 Feb II I A/19/10709 Nov 14 I A/08/04664 May 24 I A/20/11337 Mar 16 I A/19/10762 1898 Feb 22 I A/10/05772 Jun 26 I A/20/11384 Apr 13 I A/19/10791 Hay, James M. Aug I A/20/11486 Jun 15 I A/19/10892 1893 Sep 16 I A/07/04317 Aug 10 I A/20/J 1475 Hall, Edward H. Nov 18 I A/07/04353 Aug 29 I A/20/11481 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10148 1894 Aug 8 I A/08/04582 Sep 19 I A/20/11495 Halsey, Francis W. 1901 I A/I J/06840 Dec 6 I A/20/J 1542 1902 Jan I A/12/06955 Heard, William W. 1912 Feb 2 I A/20/ l I 579 Hand, Mary M. 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10150 Apr 28 I A/20/11637 1880 Dec 20 I A/04/02156 Feb 7 I A/22/13446 May 2 I A/20/11645 1882 Jan 3 I A/04/02352 Henderson, Victor H. May 6 I A/20/11652 1883 Jan I I A/04/02461 1903 Apr 3 I A/13/07566 Jul 2 I A/20/11718 1884 Dec 31 I A/05/02658 Hendricks, William C. Jul 30 I A/20/11745 1886 Dec 5 I A/05/02934 1875 Nov 20 I A/03/01515 Oct 30 I A/20/11869 1889 Nov 30 I A/06/03351 1876 Feb 1 I A/03/01525 Nov 20 I A/20/11892 1893 Dec 19 I A/07 /04362 Feb 13 I A/03/01533 Dec 28 I A/20/I 1942 Dec 31 I A/07/04371 Feb 21 I A/03/01539 1913 I A/21/12554 1896 Dec 26 I A/09/05375 1890 May I I A/06/03444 Apr 3 I A/21/12136 1897 Jan 8 I A/09/05398 Henshall, James A. Apr 22 I A/21/12169 May 23 I A/09/05532 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10151 1914 Oct I A/22/12980 May 31 I A/09/05537 Hercus, Eldred J. Hooker, Marian Dec 6 I A/09/05676 1904 Mar 3 I A/22/13294 1903 Jan I A/13/07437 1899 Oct 1 I A/J0/06231 Nov 3 I A/14/08194 Jan I A/22/13286 1903 Mar 20 I A/13/07523 1905 Feb 15 I A/15/08385 1909 Sep 28 I A/18/10481 Apr 3 I A/13/07565 Feb 15 I A/22/13314 Oct 20 I A/18/10501 Apr 29 I A/13/07605 Herreid, Charles N. Oct 25 I A/18/10512 May 7 I A/13/07622 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10152 Nov 14 I A/18/10538 1904 Jun 18 I A/14/07993 Herrick, Robert Dec 23 I A/18/10581 Dec 28 I A/14/08249 1896 Oct 13 I A/09/05312 1910 Jan 9 I A/19/10666 1909 May 14 I A/18/10314 Herrin, William F. Jan 25 I A/19/10691 1910 Aug 4 I A/19/10985 1905 Feb 26 I A/15/08412 Mar 15 I A/19/10758 Dec 22 I A/19/11140 Feb 26 I A/I 5/08413 May 29 I A/19/10848 1911 Apr 30 I A/20/11315 Feb 26 I A/22/13323 Jun 15 I A/19/10893 1912 Oct 25 I A/20/11864 May 16 I A/15/08526 Jun 22 I A/19/10910 1914 Jan 3 I A/22/12618 May 16 I A/22/13406 Jul 6 I A/19/10943 Oct 29 I A/22/ 12979 1914 May 26 I A/22/J 2770 Hooker, Mr. Hand, Willis Heyburn, Weldon B. 1905 Jul 3 I A/22/13440 1883 Jan 1 I A/04/02461 I A/22/13453 Houghton Mifflin Co. Hanna Family 1909 Feb 8 I A/18/10193 1897 Jan 18 I A/09/05410 1911 Jul I I A/20/11406 Hittell, Catherine H. 1901 I A/11/06841 Hanna, Thomas R. 1908 Jan 9 I A/17/09474 1905 Jan 22 I A/I 5/08338 1910 May 20 I A/19/10831 Hi tte II, Theodore H. Jan 22 I A/22/13339 1911 Jun 14 I A/20/11263 1899 Apr 7 I A/I 0/06092 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10153 Jul 14 I A/20/11432 Hoffman, Charlotte Feb 12 I A/18/10203 Hanna, Wanda M. 1908 Apr 28 I A/17/09687 Jun 4 I A/18/! 0356 1908 May 25 I A/17/09757 Holden, Frank H. Jul I I A/18/10388 1911 Jul 14 I A/20/11432 1911 Jan 11 I A/20/11205 Aug 12 I A/18/10421 Aug 29 I A/20/11479 Hooker Family 1910 Aug 15 I A/19/10997 Nov 14 I A/20/11517 1909 Aug 31 I A/18/10436 1911 Jun I A/20/11402 Nov 30 I A/20/11529 1911 Jun 13 I A/20/ 11360 Jun 25 I A/20/11380 1912 Feb 2 I A/20/1158 I 1912 Jun 15 I A/20/11598 Jul 4 I A/20/11412 Hansen, George 1914 Sep 14 I A/22/12927 Jul 6 I A/20/11415

138 Jul 14 I A/20/11434 Feb 7 I A/08/04459 May 6 I A/12/07089 Aug 2 I A/20/11455 Feb 23 I A/08/04471 May 10 I A/12/07095 1912 Jun 10 I A/20/11699 Feb 24 I A/08/04473 Jul 9 I A/12/07131 Dec 17 I A/20/11918 Mar 21 I A/08/04484 Aug 28 I A/12/07161 1913 Mar 7 I A/21/12087 Apr 3 I A/08/04492 Ser 12 I A/12/07193 Mar 25 I A/21/12107 May 17 I A/08/04535 Ser 15 I A/12/07197 Sep 1 I A/21/12348 Jun 15 I A/08/04557 Sep 21 I A/12/07215 Sep 15 I A/21/12388 Jul 21 I A/08/04572 Nov 8 I A/12/07271 Oct 16 I A/21/12441 Jul 21 I A/08/04573 1903 May 7 I A/13/07623 1914 Feb 7 I A/22/12678 Sep 14 I A/08/04600 May II I A/13/07606 Jun 12 I A/22/12802 Oct 29 I A/08/04637 Aug II I A/13/07745 Howard, Charles W. Nov 7 I A/08/04650 1904 Jun 18 I A/14/07994 1901 I a/11 /06842 Nov 13 I A/08/04662 Jun 28 I A/14/08003 Hugh es, Edward Dec 6 I A/08/04692 Jul 28 I A/14/08092 1902 Nov 17 I A/12/07277 Dec 7 I A/08/04699 Ser 30 I A/14/08157 Nov 17 I A/22/13277 Dec 13 I A/08/04713 Oct 26 I A/14/08190 Jnkersley, Arthur 1895 I A/08/04800 Dec 27 I A/14/08241 1902 Jan I A/12/06956 I A/08/05071 Dec 27 I A/14/08242 Jackson, Helen H. Jan 10 I A/08/04767 1905 Jan 10 I A/15/08318 1885 Jun 16 I A/05/02713 Jan 23 I A/08/04786 Jan 19 I A/15/08329 James, George W. Feb 7 I A/08/04817 Jan 22 I A/15/08339 1905 May 17 I A/15/08532 Feb 21 I A/08/04829 Jan 22 I A/15/08340 May 17 I A/22/13410 Feb 23 I A/08/04830 Jan 22 I A/22/13301 Jamieson, Marion E. Mar 23 I A/08/04860 Jan 26 I A/15/08346 1905 Jan 25 I A/22/13307 Apr 5 I A/08/04868 Jan 30 I A/15/08361 Jan 28 I A/I 5/08356 Apr 11 I A/08/04874 Jan 30 I A/15/08362 Jay Family Apr 30 I A/08/04892 Jan 30 I A/I 5/08363 1871 Nov 28 I A/02/00999 May 3 I A/08/04895 Jan 30 I A/15/08364 Jelks, Wilham D. Jun 18 I A/08/04932 Jan 30 I A/22/13310 I A/22/13447 Sep 12 I A/08/04989 Jan 30 I A/22/13311 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10154 Oct I I A/08/05016 Feb 16 I A/I 5/08386 Johnson, Fred F. Oct 29 I A/08/05041 Feb 16 I A/I 5/08387 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10155 Dec 13 I A/08/05053 Feb 16 I A/22/13316 Johnson, Mrs. 1896 Jan 14 I A/09/05112 Feb 23 I A/15/08402 1904 Dec 27 l A/22/ 13297 Jan 16 I A/09/051 i3 Feb 24 I A/I 5/08405 Johnson, Robert u. Feb 6. I A/09/05118 Feb 24 I A/15/08406 I A/22/13269 Feb 27 I A/09/05129 Feb 27 I A/15/08416 I A/22/13448 Apr 3 I A/09/05147 Feb 27 I A/15/08417 1889 I A/06/03373 Apr 24 I A/09/05164 Feb 27 I A/22/13320 Jun 28 I A/06/03268 Jun 3 I A/09/05182 Feb 27 I A/22/13324 Jul 18 I A/06/03306 Jun 28 I A/09/05222 Mar 6 I A/15/08434 Sep 13 I A/06/03329 Jul 5 I A/09/05233 Mar 6 I A/15/08435 Oct 8 I A/06/03341 Jul 30 I A/09/05270 Mar 23 I A/15/08463 Oct 29 I A/06/03342 Aug 5 I A/09/05274 Mar 23 I A/15/08464 Dec 6 I A/06/03353 Aug 26 I A/09/05283 Mar 23 I A/22/13352 1890 I A/06/03619 Oct 28 I A/09/05323 Apr II I A/15/08474 Jan 13 I A/06/03377 1897 Jan 7 I A/09/05396 Apr II I A/22/13364 Feb 25 I A/06/03397 Jan 18 I A/09/05411 Apr 28 I A/15/08497 Mar 3 I A/06/03399 Feb 4 I A/09/05433 May 9 I A/15/08511 Mar 4 I A/06/03400 Feb 5 I A/09/05436 May 9 I A/22/13400 Apr 9 I A/06/03417 Feb 21 I A/09/05470 Jul 4 I A/15/08591 Apr 16 I A/06/03420 Feb 24 I A/09/05472 Jul 4 I A/15/08592 Apr 19 I A/06/03427 Mar 6 I A/09/05480 Jul 4 I A/22/J 3442 Apr 20 I A/06/03431 Apr 17 I A/09/05515 Jul 29 I A/15/08611 May 8 I A/06/03445 Jun 18 I A/09/05551 Aug 8 I A/15/08631 May 20 I A/06/03451 Jul 16 I A/09/05581 Sep 23 I A/I 5/08683 May 21 I A/06/03452 Dec 6 I A/09/05677 Dec 21 I A/15/08731 May 27 I A/06/03455 1898 Jan 7 I A/10/05739 1906 Jun 10 I A/16/08907 Jun 9 I A/06/03461 Feb 15 I A/10/05768 Jul 16 I A/16/08937 Sep 12 I A/06/03530 Mar 5 I A/10/05780 Oct 19 I A/17/08960 Oct 8 I A/06/03538 Mar 27 I A/10/05787 Dec 15 I A/16/08986 Oct 16 I A/06/03546 Apr 25 I A/10/05806 1907 Mar 13 I A/16/09106 Oct 24 I A/06/03552 Jun 8 I A/10/05822 Jul 5 I A/16/09174 Nov 12 I A/06/03572 Jul 9 I A/10/05858 Jul 26 I A/16/09184 Dec 14 I A/06/03588 Aug 3 I A/10/05869 Sep 2 I A/16/09241 1891 May 13 I A/07/03715 Sep I I A/I 0/05875 Sep 18 I A/16/09275 May 18 I A/07/03720 Oct 17 I A/10/05913 Sep 19 I A/16/09281 Jul 2 I A/07103740 Dec 3 I A/10/05990 Sep 23 I A/16/09291 Jul 14 I A/07/03756 1899 Jan 23 I A/10/06041 Nov 7 I A/16/09352 Aug I I A/07 /03764 Mar 27 I A/10/06082 1908 I A/17/10025 Aug 15 I A/07/03771 May 25 I A/10/06125 Mar II I A/17109601 Aug 19 I A/07/03775 Jul 8 I A/10/06163 May 14 I A/17109729 Oct 24 I A/07/03816 Aug 16 I A/10/06174 Jun 2 I A/17/09778 Dec 5 I A/07/03845 Oct 8 I A/10/06233 Aug 2 I A/17/09852 1892 Nov 28 I A/07/03998 Nov 16 I All 0/0626 7 Sep 25 I A/17 /09897 1893 Jan 13 I A/07 /04021 1900 Feb 6 I A/l 1 /06325 Oct 24 I A/17/09922 Jan 23 I A/07104030 Mar 5 I A/11/06367 Dec I I A/17/09964 Feb 3 I A/07/04038 Jun 3 I A/11/06417 Dec 7 I A/17/09971 Feb 14 I A/07/04051 Dec 29 I A/11/06541 Dec 18 I A/17/09989 Feb 19 I A/07 /04060 1901 Feb 26 I A/11/06609 Dec 24 I A/17/10000 Feb 26 I A/07 /04066 Apr 15 I A/11/06633 Dec 30 I A/17/10015 Mar 12 I A/07 /04077 Nov 17 I A/11/06762 Dec 31 I A/17/10021 Mar 14 I A/07 /04080 Nov 17 I A/11/06763 1909 Feb 6 I A/18/10129 Mar 21 I A/07/04090 Nov 26 I A/11/06771 Feb 7 I A/18/10156 Mar 29 I A/07/04102 Dec 24 I A/ 11 /06822 Feb 7 I A/18/10157 Apr 28 I A/07/04120 1902 Jan 13 I A/12/06935 Apr 3 I A/18/10268 Jun 22 I A/07/04218 Jan 27 I A/12/06946 Apr 26 I A/18/10289 Dec 20 I A/07 /04367 Apr 15 I A/12/07062 Jun 29 I A/18/10387 1894 Jan 12 I A/08/04428 Apr 24 I A/12/07076 Sep 14 I A/18/10458 Jan 21 I A/08/04440 Apr 25 I A/12/07078 Oct 27 I A/18/10514

139 Oct 30 I A/18/10518 Oct 23 I A/11/06494 I A/22/13447 Oct 30 I A/18/10519 1902 Mar 25 I A/12/07039 Feb 7 I A/18/10159 Oct 30 I A/18/10520 Apr 15 I A/12/07063 Leavitt, Bradford Nov 16 I A/18/10541 May 8 I A/12/07090 1903 Mar I A/13/07558 1910 Jun 30 I A/19/10930 Jun 7 I A/12/07112 Mar I A/22/13292 Sep 3 I A/19/11046 Dec 31 I A/12/07334 Lenroot, Mrs. Irvine L. Sep 8 I A/19/11053 1904 Sep 24 I A/14/08149 1905 May 16 I A/15/08527 1911 Jan 26 I A/20/11217 1906 Jul 12 I A/16/08929 Leconte Mar 3 I A/20/11254 Nov 28 I A/16/08974 1901 Mar 27 I A/11/06620 Mar 31 I A/20/11284 1907 I A/16/09423 Leconte, Joseph Apr 25 I A/20/11308 Aug 7 I A/16/09207 1870 Sep 13 I A/02/00871 1912 Feb 4 1 A/20/ 11584 Sep 19 I A/I 6/09283 1871 Jul JO I A/02/00944 Jun JO I A/20/J 1700 Oct 31 I A/16/09336 Dec 17 I A/02/01013 Aug 2 I A/20/11751 Nov 9 I A/16/09357 1872 Apr 20 I A/02/0J 092 Aug 24 I A/20/11789 Nov 16 I A/16/09361 Apr 27 I A/02/01108 Aug 27 I A/20/1 I 799 1909 May 27 1 A/18/10343 Dec 17 I A/02/01204 1913 Jan 18 I A/21112025 1911 Jan 2 I A/20/11192 1880 Nov 2 I A/04/02134 Mar 23 I A/21/12106 Keith, William Liddell Family May 8 I A/21/12197 1872 Dec 19 I A/02/01214 I A/22/13308 Jun 13 I A/21/12251 1893 Aug 8 I A/07 /04272 Liddell, Charles E. Jun 17 I A/21/12254 1901 Dec 23 I A/11/06818 1905 Jan 28 I A/15/08357 Jun 26 I A/21/12269 1903 May 19 I A/13/07646 Lippincon, J. B. Jul I A/21112320 Oct I A/13/07804 1903 Jan 1 A/13/07438 Jul I I A/21/12273 1904 Feb 22 I A/14/07900 Jan I A/22/13284 Jul 15 I A/21/12286 Mar 28 I A/14/07919 Lloyd, Henry D. Jul 23 I A/21/12303 1905 Mar 13 I A/15/08446 1895 Jan 23 I A/08/04787 Aug I A/21/12345 Mar 13 I A/15/08447 Los Angeles Produce Co. Aug 8 I A/21/12328 1907 Mar 16 I A/16/09108 1905 May 17 I A/I 5/08533 Sep 1 I A/21/12349 May 29 I A/16/09147 May 17 I A/22/13412 Sep 3 I A/21/12352 Oct 7 1 A/16/09309 Lukens, Mrs. Theodore P. Sep 11 I A/21/12371 1911 Apr I A/20/11316 1896 Apr 4 I A/09/05148 Sep 12 1 A/21/12375 Kellogg Lukens, Theodore P. Sep 14 I A/21/12384 1911 May 14 I A/20/J I 332 1895 Oct 18 I A/08/05035 Sep 15 I A/21/12389 Aug 2 I A/20/11457 Dec 12 I A/08/05052 Sep 25 I A/21/12403 Kellogg Family 1896 Apr 4 I A/09105148 Sep 30 I A/21/12412 1910 Feb 23 I A/19/10727 May 4 I A/09/05170 Oct 1 I A/21/12421 1912 Dec 22 I A/20/11930 Sep 25 I A/09/05298 Oct 10 I A/21/12429 1913 Apr 30 I A/21/12178 Nov 27 I A/09/05341 Oct 16 I A/21/12442 Sep 15 I A/21/12390 Dec 25 I A/09/05371 Oct 17 I A/21/12445 Dec 27 I A/21/12542 1897 Jan 30 I A/09/05428 Oct 21 I A/21/12452 Kellogg, Charlotte H. Feb 14 I A/09/05460 Oct 27 I A/21/12460 1911 Feb 4 I A/20/11228 Mar 15 I A/09/05488 Oct 28 I A/21/12463 Feb 11 I A/20/11234 Apr 7 I A/09/05504 Oct 30 I A/21/12468 Jun 27 I A/20/J 1390 Apr 18 I A/09/05516 Nov 3 I A/21/12475 1914 Jan IO I A/22/12627 May 4 I A/09/05524 Nov 4 I A/21/12476 Jan 22 I A/22/12650 Jun 10 I A/09/05547 Nov 10 I A/21/12484 Mar 15 I A/22/12721 Jul 1 I A/09/05567 Nov 15 I A/21/12493 Kellogg, Vernon L. Jul 17 I A/09/05582 Nov 20 I A/21/12499 1910 Dec 13 I A/19/11133 Jul 29 I A/09/05585 1914 Jan 1 I A/22/12613 191 I Apr 20 1 A/20/J 1301 Aug 3 I A/09105586 Jan 31 I A/22/12666 Kelsey, Harlan P. Oct 14 I A/09/05641 Apr 24 I A/22/12751 1901 I A/11/06843 Oct 28 I A/09/05651 Aug 4 I A/22/12860 Kendall, B. 0. Nov 12 I A/09105657 Sep 17 I A/22/12932 1902 Jan I A/12/06958 1898 Feb 15 I A/10/05770 Dec 3 I A/22/I 3011 Jan I A/12/06959 Mar 1 I A/10/05779 Jones, C. J. K. Kennedy, Sall ic J. Apr 25 I A/l 0/05807 1880 Jun 20 I A/04/02069 1877 Oct 10 I A/03/01633 Jul 5 I A/10/05854 1901 Dec 18 I A/11/06790 Oct 10 I A/03/01640 Jul 8 I A/10/05856 Jones, Helen L. Kent, William Sep I I A/10/05876 1901 Feb 22 I A/11/06604 1908 Jan 14 I A/ l 7 /09487 Dec 28 I A/10/06011 Aug 30 I A/11/06717 Feb 6 I A/17/09525 1899 Jan 10 I A/10/06035 1902 Jan I A/12/06957 Feb 6 I A/17/09527 Feb 21 I All 0/06065 1903 I A/13/07840 Feb 17 I A/17/09550 Mar 9 I A/10/06069 1904 Nov 2 I A/14/08192 1911 Mar 31 I A/20/11285 May 14 I All0/06122 1905 Feb 21 I A/15/08398 1913 Jun 27 I A/21/12270 May 25 I A/10/06126 May 8 I A/15/08510 King, George R. Sep 18 I A/10/06218 May 15 I A/15/08519 1906 Nov 15 I A/16/08971 Dec 10 I All0/06273 Jones, Mrs. 1912 Apr 15 I A/20/11627 1900 Feb 6 I A/11/06326 1904 Nov 2 I A/22/13294 1913 Oct I I A/21/12422 Apr 28 I A/11/06402 1905 Feb 21 I A/22/13319 King, Mr. May 21 I A/11/06407 May 8 I A/22/13393 1913 Nov I A/21/12505 Dec II I A/11 /06533 May 15 I A/22/13405 Kip, George G. Dec 26 I A/11/06539 Jordan, David S. 1897 Jul 7 I A/09/05572 1901 Jan 16 I A/11/06582 1896 Feb 29 I A/09/05130 Aug 5 I A/09/05590 Jan 23 I A/11/06588 1899 Nov 2 I All 0/06252 Oct 6 I A/09/05632 Mar 27 I A/11/06621 Nov 16 I A/10/06270 1898 Dec 3 I A/10/05992 Jun 21 I A/11/06661 1902 Apr 10 I A/12/07057 1899 Mar 28 I A/10/06083 Jun 26 I A/11/06665 1907 Aug 8 I A/16/09213 1902 Jan 6 I All 2106908 Aug 16 I A/11/06705 1909 Nov 27 I A/18/10555 Kling, David Nov 13 I A/11/06756 Keeler Family 1905 Feb 18 I A/15/08394 Dec 18 I A/11/06792 1902 Apr I I A/12/07045 Knickerbocker Publishing Co. 1902 Jan I A/12/06960 Keeler, Cha,les A. 1905 Jan 22 I A/15/08341 Apr 13 I A/12/07061 1899 Feb 16 I A/10/06062 Jan 22 I A/22/13300 Nov 2 I A/12 /0726 5 May 19 I A/10/06124 Apr 22 I A/15/08486 1903 May 5 I A/13/07612 Jul I A/10/06167 Apr 22 I A/22/1337 3 1904 Jun 18 I A/14/07996 Sep 18 I All 0/0621 7 Kung, Gus F. 1905 Feb 21 I A/15/08399 Oct 8 I A/10/06241 I A/22/13449 Feb 21 I A/15/08400 1900 Jan 12 I A/11/06310 Kunz, George F. Jun 10 I A/15/08562 Mar 30 I A/l 1/06388 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10158 Jul 6 I A/15/08594 Oct 20 I A/11/06483 Lawrence, Roswell B. Aug 27 I A/15/08663

140 Oct 13 I A/15/08707 1907 Jul 7 I A/16109176 Jun 12 I A/11/06423 1906 Jul 14 I A/16/08936 Dec 5 I A/16109388 Jun 19 I All i/06425 Dec 27 I A/16109001 1909 Nov 27 I A/18/10556 Jul 8 I A/11/06430 1907 Jan 12 I A/16109039 1910 May 31 I A/19/10855 Jul 9 I A/11/06431 Jan 22 I A/16109058 Jun 25 I A/19/10918 Aug 4 I All l/06444 Jun 19 I A/16109160 1912 Nov 26 I A/20/11898 Oct 21 I A/11/06488 Nov 4 I A/16/09345 1913 Sep 13 I A/21/12381 Oct 23 I A/11106495 Nov 6 I A/16/09351 Dec 5 I A/21/12517 Dec 26 I A/11/06540 Dec 12 I A/16109398 1914 Dec 3 I A/22/13012 Dec 28 I A/11/06542 1908 Jan 7 I A/17/09468 Magee, Thomas 1901 Mar 28 I A/11/06622 Mar II I A/17109602 1905 Mar 13 I A/15108448 Jun 3 I A/11/06656 Sep 15 I A/17/09888 Mar 13 I A/22/13334 Jun 21 I A/11106662 Dec 26 I A/17110007 Manley, William L. Aug 15 I A/11106704 1909 Feb 11 I A/18/10201 1902 Nov I A/12/07308 Nov 13 I All 1/06757 Dec 27 I Al18/10584 Manson Nov 13 I A/11/06758 1910 May 3 I A/19/10806 1901 I A/11/06844 Dec 18 I A/11/06793 1911 Jan 2 I A/20/11193 Manson, Marsden Dec 31 I Alll/06833 1912 Aug I I A/20/11749 1905 Feb 7 I A/I 5/08373 1902 Jan I A/12/06961 1913 I A/21/12556 Feb 7 I A/22113312 Apr 11 I A/12/07058 Jan 11 I A/21/12019 Marshall, Robert B. May 16 I A/12/07096 May I I A/21/12190 1905 Jan 30 I A/15108365 1903 Mar 30 I All 3/07552 Sep 20 I A/21/12395 Jan 30 I A/22/13310 1904 Mar 30 I A/14/07925 1914 Apr 2 I A/22/12735 1907 Sep 2 I A/16/09242 Jun 4 I A/14107967 Lummis, Charles F. Sep 12 I A/16109264 1905 May 22 I All 5/08540 I A/22/13269 1908 Mar 13 I A/17/09609 May 22 I A/22113422 1895 Jun 11 I Al08/04923 1911 Jun 8 I A/20111356 Dec 21 I A/15/08733 1900 Feb 25 I A/11/06352 Jul 14 I A/20/11436 1906 Sep 29 I A/16/08953 Mar 24 I A/11/06379 1912 May 7 I Al20/l 1654 Dec 15 I A/16/08989 Nov 25 I A/11/06524 Martin, Anna H. Dec 20 I Al16/08994 1901 Apr 3 I A/11/06629 1901 Dec 22 I A/11106815 1907 Jan 5 I A/16/09036 Apr 9 I A/11/06630 Mather, Steven T. Jan 26 I A/16/09065 Apr 30 I A/11/06646 I A/22/13447 Mar 13 I A/16/09107 1902 Mar 18 I Al12/07020 1909 Feb 7 I Al18110160 1908 Jan 8 I A/17/09470 Apr 26 I A/12/07079 Maynard, L. A. 1912 Oct 8 I A/20111857 Apr 28 I A/12/07081 1900 Oct 21 I A/11106486 1914 Feb 11 I A/22/12684 1903 Mar 30 I A/13/07551 McAllister, Elliou Merriam, Clinton L. Apr 7 I A/13/07575 1892 Jul 22 I A/07/03951 1871 Aug 20 I A/02/00952 Apr 16 I A/13/07589 McChesney Family Sep 19 I A/02/00968 Ma)' I A/13/07674 1879 Jun 19 I A/03/01889 Sep 24 I A/02/00975 1904 Jun 22 I A/14/07998 McChesney, Alice Merriam, James S. Nov I A/16/09 383 1874 Nov 8 I A/03/01449 1903 Apr 16 I A/13/07587 1905 Apr 8 I A/I 5/08471 Dec 24 I A/03/01463 1905 May 22 I A/I 5108538 May 22 I A/15/08539 1875 May 5 I A/03/01495 May 22 I B/22/ 13422 May 22 I A/22/13418 1898 Jul IS I A/10105866 Merrill Family May 31 I Al15/08551 McChesney, J. B. 1867 Mar 4 I A/01 /00492 Jun 13 I A/15108565 1871 Jun 8 I A/02/00935 1868 Jan 1 I A/01/00605 Jul 7 I A/I 5/08595 Jun 9 I Al02100935 Jan 3 I A/01100606 Aug 8 I A/15/08632 Jul 11 I A/02/00946 Jan 6 I A/01/00610 1907 Jul 4 I A/16/09172 Sep 8 I A/02/00964 Merrill, Catharine Nov 4 I Al16109346 Sep 19 I A/02100967 1867 Mar I A/01/00509 1908 Feb 26 I A/17/09562 1872 Dec 10 I A/02/01203 Aug 12 I AIOl/00579 Mar 26 I A/17/09637 Dec 20 I A/02101218 1868 Mar 4 I A/01/00620 1909 Oct I A/18/10521 1873 Jan 9 I Al02/01232 Jul 19 I AIOl/00635 1910 Jan 6 I A/19/10654 Jan 10 I A/02/01234 Dec I I A/01/00661 Mar 5 I A/19/10743 1875 I A/03/0 I 522 1871 Jul 12 I A/02/00947 Nov 7 I A/19/11109 McChesney, Sarah J. 1872 Jun 9 I Al02/01123 1911 Mar 14 I A/20111265 1913 Apr 29 I A/21/12175 Sep 27 I A/02/01165 1912 Jun 10 I A/20/11701 McEvery, Samuel D. Merrill, Mina 1913 Jan 9 I A/21/12016 I Al22/13454 1868 Mar 4 I A/01/00620 Jan 28 I A/21/12038 1909 Feb 8 I A/18/10194 Jul 19 I AIOl/00635 Jun 3 I A/21/12237 McFarland, J. H. 1900 I A/11/06552 Lunam Family I A/22113450 1902 Jan I A/12/06962 1914 I A/22/13029 McGee, W. J. Jan 8 I A/12/06914 Lunam, Margaret H. 1904 Jun 4 I A/14/07966 1913 May 31 I A/21/12235 1893 Sep 16 I A/07/04318 McHenry, E. J. Millard, Bailey 1894 Aug 7 I A/08/04581 1907 Aug 7 I A/16/09209 1901 I A/11/06847 Nov 30 I A/08/04682 Mcllhaney, Asa K. Oct 30 I A/11106745 1895 Jan 17 I A/08/04771 1913 Jan 10 I A/21/12017 Dec 24 I A/11/06826 Jan 24 I A/08/04788 1914 Jan I I A/22/12614 1902 Jan I A/12/06963 Jun 24 I A/08/04937 McKelvey Jan 6 I A/12/06909 Oct I I A/08/05014 1905 May 16 I A/15/08531 Feb 7 I A/12/06985 1896 Dec 8 I A/09/05352 McKelvey, Mr. Sep 24 I A/12/07216 1897 Jul I I A/09105568 I A/22/13407 1903 May 10 I A/13/07634 Oct 15 I A/09/05642 McLennan, Andrew Sep 16 I A/13/07776 1898 Mar 27 I A/10/05788 1905 Jan 28 I A/I 5/08358 1904 Jun 16 I A/14/07981 Dec 9 I A/10105994 Jan 28 I A/22/13309 1905 Sep 25 I A/15/08684 1899 Feb 7 I A/10/06053 Mellichamp, J. H. 1909 Oct I A/18/10523 1900 Oct 21 I A/11106485 1900 Oct 21 I A/11/06487 Oct 20 I A/18/10502 1902 Sep 19 I A/12107207 1901 I A/11/06845 Miller, Frank A. 1903 Jan 2 I A/13/07387 I A/11/06846 1907 May I A/16/09148 Jan 26 I A/13/07425 Merriam Family Miller, James Jun 12 I A/13/07697 1904 Jan I I A/14/07876 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10161 1904 Jun 22 I A/14/07999 1914 Sep 7 I A/22/ 12922 Mills, Enos A. Dec 2 I A/14/08204 Merriam, C. Hart 1902 Dec 31 I A/12/07335 1905 Apr 17 I A/15/08480 1899 Apr 10 I A/10/06098 1904 Jun 22 I A/14/08000 Apr 17 I A/22/13368 Apr 30 I A/10/06110 1907 Aug 4 I A/16/09203 Oct 13 I A/15/08709 May 9 I A/10/06118 1910 Feb 21 I A/19/10721 Dec 21 I A/15/08732 1900 Jan I I A/11/06304 1912 Aug 14 I A/20/11771 1906 May 13 I A/16/08881 Mar 30 I A/11 /06389 1913 Feb 16 I A/21/12070 Dec 18 I A/16/08993 Apr 28 I A/l 1 /06403 Mar 27 I A/21/12112

141 Mills, James Nov 15 I A/02/00769 Aug 19 I A/09/05615 A/22/13448 Dec 5 I A/02/00776 Aug 22 I A/09/05617 Monroe, Harriet 1870 Feb 15 I A/02/00788 1898 Sep JO I A/I 0/05877 A/22/13448 Mar 24 I A/02/00797 Sep 26 I A/I 0/05888 Moores Jun 21 I A/02/00852 Oct 2 I A/10/05893 1912 Apr 12 I A/20111622 1871 Jun 4 I A/02/00933 Oct 5 I A/10/05896 Moores Family Nov I I A/02/00989 Oct 8 I A/10/05907 1867 Mar 4 I A/01 /00492 1872 Feb 20 I A/02/01054 Oct 18 I A/10/05916 1868 Jan l I A/01100605 Mar 5 I A/02101063 Oct 18 I A/10/05918 Jan 3 I A/01/00606 Oct 21 I B/02/01194 Nov I I A/l 0/05934 Jan 6 I A/01/00610 1876 Dec 7 I A/03/01 576 Nov 4 I Ail 0/05946 Moores, Charles W. 1886 Oct 13 I A/05/02927 Nov 10 I A/10/05957 I 864 Feb 27 I A/01/00568 1891 Jan 13 I A/07/03654 Nov 13 I A/10/05964 I 867 Jul 12 I A/01/00568 Muir, David G. Nov 17 I A/10105972 1868 Dec 21 I A/01/00662 1866 Feb 28 I A/01/00414 Nov 24 I A/10/05985 1902 Sep JO I A/12107190 Jun 9 I A/01/00445 1899 May 27 I A/10/06129 1905 Feb 18 I A/15/08395 Aug 12 I A/01/00455 May 31 I A/10/06133 1909 Feb 10 I A/18/10199 1867 Oct 15 I A/01/00595 Jun 1 I A/10/06139 Apr 26 I A/18/10290 Nov 8 I A/01/00600 Jun 5 I A/10/06142 1913 Dec 10 I A/21112526 Dec 13 I A/01/00601 Jun 14 I A/10/06146 Moores, Elizabeth N. 1868 Mar 3 I A/01/00617 Jun 16 I A/10/06149 1867 Jun 18 I A/01 /00562 Jul 14 I A/01 /00632 Jun 21 I A/10/06150 Moores, Family 1869 Sep 24 I A/02/00749 Jun 24 I A/10106151 1867 Jul I A/01100570 Sep 24 I A/02/00751 Jul 3 I A/10106155 Moores, Janet D. Nov 15 I A/02/0077 3 Jul 8 I A/10/06164 1867 Jul 12 I A/01 /00568 1870 Mar 20 I A/02/00792 1900 Aug 23 I A/l I /06454 1868 Mar 4 I A/01/00620 Apr 10 I A/02/00806 1902 Aug 2 I A/12/07142 1887 Feb 20 I A/05/02962 May I A/02/00828 1903 May 19 I A/13/07649 Feb 23 I A/05/02966 1871 Apr 19 I A/02/00920 May 25 I A/13/07658 1891 Jul 2 I A/07/03744 Dec I I A/02/01003 Jun 8 I A/13/07684 Moores, Julia M. 1872 Feb 20 I A/02/01056 Jun II I A/13/07694 1868 Mar 4 I A/01 /00620 Mar I I A/02/01245 Jun 17 I A/13/07704 Jul 19 I A/01/00635 Dec 19 I A/02/01216 Jul 10 I A/I 3/07723 1900 Jul 25 I A/11/06435 1884 Dec 30 1 A/05/02652 Aug 5 I A/13/0775 I 1902 Jan I A/12/06964 1885 Apr 20 I A/05/02687 Aug 9 I A/13/07753 Moores, Merrill Oct 30 1 A/05/02829 Ser 16 I A/I 3/07777 1868 Mar I A/01/00623 1887 Jan I I A/05/02951 Oct 17 I A/13/07796 1913 Dec II I A/21/12527 Aug 7 I A/05/02997 Nov 19 I A/13/07812 Morgan, May Dec 26 I A/05/03028 Dec I A/13/07836 1903 Mar I A/13/07559 1888 Dec 24 I A/05/03191 Dec 6 I A/13/07819 May 10 I A/13/07635 1889 Apr 20 I A/06/03240 Dec 21 I A/13/07831 Morrison, John T. 1890 Apr 29 I A/06/03440 1904 Mar 28 I A/14/07920 I A/22/13447 1893 Aug 8 I A/07/04274 Mar 30 I A/14/07926 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10163 1902 Jan I A/12/06965 Jul 14 I A/14/08049 Mosgrove, Ellie 1908 Feb 18 I A/I 7 /09553 Jul 19 I A/14/08078 1903 May JO I A/13/07637 1911 May 9 I A/20/1I325 1905 Jun I A/15/08587 Muir Family Aug 12 I A/20/J 1476 Jul 24 I A/15/08607 1861 Jun I A/01/00121 Sep 19 I A/20/11499 Oct 9 I A/I 5/08701 1903 Jul 30 I A/13/07741 Dec 5 I A/20/J I 540 Nov 21 I A/I 5/08720 Aug I I A/I 3/07743 Muir, Helen Nov 27 I A/15/08722 Oct 3 I A/13/07786 1888 I A/05/03193 Nov 27 I A/15/08723 Oct 23 I A/13/07802 Aug 28 I A/05/03152 Dec 2 I A/15/08729 Nov 19 I A/13/07809 1890 Jun 17 I A/06/03466 Dec 29 I A/15/08741 1904 Jan 1 I A/14/07877 Jul 8 I A/06/03488 1906 Jan 3 1 A/16/08774 Muir, Ann G. Aug I A/06/03524 Jan 15 I A/16/08783 I A/05/03084 Aug 3 I A/06/03511 Jan 16 I A/16/08785 1861 May I A/01/00117 1892 Feb 10 I A/07/03873 Jan 17 I Al 16/08787 1867 Mar 9 I A/01/00493 Apr 18 I A/07/03898 Feb 27 I A/16/08823 Mar 12 I A/01/00495 1893 I A/07/04376 Mar 5 I A/16/08829 1871 Nov 16 I A/02/00995 I A/07 /04378 May 2 I A/16/08870 1872 Sep 27 I A/02/01166 Apr 30 I A/07/04122 May 13 I A/16/08883 1877 Nov 2 I A/03/01649 May 26 I A/07/04142 May 27 I A/16/08894 1881 Mar 27 1 A/04/02192 Jun 3 I A/07/04162 Jun 3 I A/16/08898 May 19 I A/04/02242 Jun 9 I A/07/04172 Jun 4 1 A/16/08904 Jul 4 I A/04/02283 Jun 15 I A/07/04186 Jun 10 I A/16/08909 1895 Sep 25 I A/08/05005 Jun 23 1 A/07/04223 Jun 17 I A/16/08912 1896 Feb 24 I A/09/05126 Jul 12 I A/07/04247 1907 Oct 16 I A/16/09311 Muir, Annie L. Jul 23 I A/07/04254 1908 Jan I A/17/09520 1860 Nov I A/01 /00070 Jul 31 I A/07/04261 Jan 6 I A/17/09466 1864 Oct 23 I A/01 /00356 Aug I I A/07/04262 Jan 7 I A/I 7/09469 1865 Dec 24 I A/01 /00393 Aug 8 I A/07/04276 Jan 8 I A/17/09471 1867 Feb I I I A/01/00488 Aug 12 I A/07/04281 Jan 9 I A/I 7/09475 1868 Aug 15 I A/01/00643 Aug 17 I A/07/04291 Jan 14 I A/17/09489 1896 Jan I I A/09/05102 Aug 31 I A/07/04303 Jan 15 I A/17/09491 1897 Jan I I A/09/05380 Sep 7 I A/07/04310 Jan 17 I A/l 7 /09498 May 22 I A/09/05530 Sep 23 I A/07/04324 Feb I I A/17/09522 1898 Nov 22 I A/I 0/05977 Sep 26 I A/07/04327 Feb 14 I A/17/09542 1903 Jan 13 I A/I 3/07401 1895 Aug 2 I A/08/04958 Mar 9 I A/17/09595 Muir, Daniel H. 1896 Jun I A/09/05226 Mar 12 I A/I 7/09604 1863 Dec 20 I A/01/00323 Jun 19 I A/09/05206 Mar 14 I A/17/09612 1866 May 7 I A/01/00431 Jun 21 I A/09/05213 Mar 18 I A/I 7 /09620 Aug 12 I A/01/00453 Jul 3 I A/09/05229 Mar 21 I A/17/09627 Sep 27 I A/01 /00459 Jul 6 I A/09/05237 Mar 24 I A/17/09634 Nov 19 I A/01/00465 Jul I I I A/09/05243 Mar 25 I A/17/09636 Dec 31 I A/01/00477 Jul II I A/09/05245 Mar 26 I A/ I 7 /09638 1867 Jan 13 I A/01/00480 Sep 17 I A/09/05289 Apr 16 I A/ 17 /09653 Aug 9 I A/01 /00577 Sep 21 I A/09/05296 Apr 17 I A/l 7 /09656 Sep I I A/01/00589 Sep 25 I A/09/05299 Apr 20 I A/17/09660 7 1868 Jan I A/01/0061 I Oct 2 I A/09/05309 Apr 21 I A/17/09663 1869 Apr 17 I A/02/00719 1897 Aug 16 I A/09/05608 Apr 22 I A/17/09676

142 Apr 25 A/17/09680 1865 Dec 24 I A/01/00393 Jul 12 I A/07 /04249 Apr 26 A/17/09684 Muir, John D. Jul 22 I A/07/04252 Apr 28 A/17/09689 1883 May 24 I A/04/02498 Jul 29 I A/07 /04260 Apr 31 I A/17/09697 Muir, Louie S. Aug 8 I A/07/04279 May 5 I A/17/09709 1880 Mar 14 I A/04/021 04 Aug 13 I A/07/04282 May 7 I A/17/09713 Aug 2 I A/04/02094 Aug 15 I A/07/04285 May 9 I A/17/09721 Aug 3 I A/04/02096 Aug 16 I A/07/04288 May 12 I A/17/09724 Aug 4 I A/04/02099 Sep I I A/07/04305 May 14 I A/17/09730 Aug 5 I A/04/02101 Sep 28 I A/07/04331 May 18 I A/17/09736 Aug 10 I A/04/02103 Sep 30 I A/07/04336 May 21 I A/17/09745 1881 May 4 I A/04/02223 Sep 30 I A/07/04338 May 24 I A/17/09753 May 15 I A/04/02231 1895 Aug 17 I A/08/04968 May 27 I A/17/09759 May 15 I A/04/02237 Sep I I A/08/04982 May 29 I A/17/09764 May 16 I A/04/02235 1896 Jun 10 I A/09/05183 Jun I I A/17/09774 May 17 I A/04/02239 Jun II I A/09/05186 Jun 3 I A/17/09782 May 18 I A/04/02240 Jun 12 I A/09/05188 Jun 4 I A/17/09783 May 20 I A/04/02245 Jun 12 I A/09/05189 Jun 8 I A/17/09885 May 22 I A/04/02249 Jun 16 I A/09/05198 Jun 9 I A/17/09787 May 23 I A/04102250 Jun 17 I A/09/05200 Jun 11 I A/17/09789 Jun 14 I A/04/02268 Jun 28 I A/09/05223 Jun 13 I A/17/09792 Jun 16 I A/04/02270 Jul 5 I A/09105236 Jun 15 I A/17/09793 Jun 17 I A/04/02272 Jul 10 I A/09105239 Jun 17 I A/17/09794 Jun 21 I A/04/02274 Jul 13 I A/09/05250 Jun 22 I A/17/09799 Jul 2 I A/04/02279 Jul 15 I A/09/05251 Jul 2 I A/17/09808 Jul 4 I A/04/02287 Jul 15 I A/09/05252 Jul 6 I A/17/09810 Jul 9 I A/04/02288 Jul 15 I A/09/05255 Jul 8 I A/17/09812 Aug 16 I A/04/02306 Jul 21 I A/09105260 Jul 13 I A/I 7/09822 1885 Aug II I A/05/02742 Jul 22 I A/09/05262 Jul 18 I A/17/09831 Aug 12 I A/05/02745 Aug 5 I A/09/05275 Jul 24 I A/17/09838 Aug 14 I A/05/02746 Aug 16 I A/09/05281 Jul 29 I A/17/09847 Aug 15 I A/05/02751 Sep 17 I A/09/05289 Aug I I A/17109849 Aug 20 I A/05/02754 Sep 21 I A/09/05297 Aug 6 I A/17/09859 Aug 30 I A/05/02764 Sep 25 I A/09/05300 Aug I I I A/17/09861 Sep 10 I A/05/02784 Oct 2 I A/09/05309 Aug 21 I A/17/09873 Sep 19 I A/05/02794 1897 Aug II I A/09/05600 Sep 10 I A/17/09882 Sep 26 1 A/05/02799 Aug 16 I A/09/05605 Sep 15 I A/17/09889 Oct 3 I A/05/02 807 Aug 22 I A/09/05618 Sep 21 I A/17/09895 Oct 4 I A/05/02810 1898 Nov 6 I A/I0/0~949 Sep 23 1 A/17/09896 Oct 6 I A/05/02815 1899 May 27 I A/10/06129 Oct 7 I A/17/09906 Oct II I A/05/02819 May 29 I A/10/06131 Oct 9 I A/17/09907 1886 Jun 7 I A/05/02900 May 30 I A/10/06132 Oct IO I A/17/09908 1887 Jun 8 I A/05/02991 Jun I 1 A/10/06140 Oct 16 I A/17/09915 Aug 26 I A/05/03005 Jun 14 I A/10/06146 Oct 24 I A/17/09923 1888 Jul II I A/05/03098 Jun 16 I A/10/06149 Oct 29 I Ail 7 /09928 Jul 14 I A/05/03101 Jun 21 I A/10/06150 Oct 30 I A/17/09930 Jul 19 I A/05/03104 Jun 24 I A/10/06151 Nov 2 I A/17/09939 Jul 20 I A/05/03106 Jul 3 I A/10/06157 Nov 9 I A/17/09945 Jul 23 I A/05/03112 1900 Aug 16 I A/I I /06449 Nov 13 I A/17/09947 Aug 7 I A/05/03133 Aug 23 I A/I I /06454 Nov 16 I A/17/09951 Aug 9 I A/05/03136 1901 Jul 20 I A/1 I /06683 Nov 21 I A/17/09957 Aug 16 I A/05/03140 1902 Jan I A/12/06966 Nov 27 I A/17/09963 Aug 17 I A/05/03141 Aug 2 I A/12/07142 Dec 7 I A/17/09972 1889 I A/06/03375 1903 May 19 I A/13/07647 Dec 8 I A/17/09974 Jun 3 I A/06/03248 May 25 I A/13/07656 Dec II I A/17/09978 Jun 3 I A/06/03248 May 29 I A/13/07668 Dec 12 I A/17/09981 Jul 4 I A/06/03269 May 29 I A/13/07669 Dec 24 I A/17/10001 Jul 5 I A/06/03271 Jun 5 I A/ 13/07680 Dec 26 I A/17/10008 Jul 6 I A/06/03272 Jun 8 I A/13/07684 1909 Jan 2 I A/18/10072 Jul 7 I A/06/0327 3 Jun 12 I A/13/07699 Jan 13 I A/18/10098 Jul 8 I A/06/03274 Jun 22 I A/13/07708 Jan 25 I A/18/10111 Jul 9 I A/06/03280 Jun 29 I A/13/07714 Jan 29 I A/18/10118 Jul II I A/06/03281 Jul 6 I A/13/07719 Jan 29 I A/18/10120 Jul 12 I A/06/03284 Aug 14 I A/13/07761 Feb 6 I A/18/10130 Jul 12 I A/06/03286 Aug 19 I A/13/07768 Feb 9 I A/18/10198 Jul 13 I A/06/03294 Sep 7 I A/13/07774 Feb 13 I A/18/10206 Jul 14 I A/06/03299 Sep 16 I A/13/07777 Feb 20 I A/18/10216 1890 I A/06/03620 Oct 18 I A/13/07797 Mar I I A/18/10232 Jun 14 I A/06/03463 Dec 15 I A/13/07822 Mar 10 I A/18/10234 Jun 17 I A/06/03468 Dec 28 I A/13/07834 Apr 4 I A/18/10271 Jun 18 I A/06/03470 1904 Jan 11 I A/14/07880 Apr 5 I A/18/10272 Jul 7 I A/06/03487 Jan 15 I A/14/07886 May 2 I A/18/10302 Aug 7 I A/06/03516 Jan 27 I A/14/07888 May 18 I A/18/10324 Aug 29 I A/06/03523 Feb 21 I A/14/07899 May 26 I A/18/10338 1891 May 30 I A/07/03732 Feb 29 I A/14/07903 May 29 I A/18/10344 1892 Apr 14 I A/07/03896 Mar 28 I A/14/07920 May 30 I A/18/10346 Apr 18 I A/07/03900 1905 Jun I A/15/08587 Jun 10 I A/18/10358 Apr 20 I A/07/03905 Muir, Mary Jun 17 I A/18/10366 Apr 25 I A/07/03915 1860 Nov I A/01/00070 Jul I I A/18/10389 1893 May 24 I A/05/04137 1861 May I A/01/00117 Jul 12 I A/18/10397 May 26 I A/07/04145 1864 Oct 23 I A/01/00359 Aug 2 I A/18/10412 May 29 I A/07/04149 1865 Mar 5 I A/01/00365 Aug 9 I A/18/10394 Jun I I A/07/04155 Dec 24 I A/01/00393 Aug 9 I A/18/10416 Jun 12 I A/07/04176 1867 Feb 11. I A/01/00488 Aug 16 I A/18/10424 Jun 15 I A/07/04188 Apr 22 I A/01/00538 Aug 27 I A/18/10435 Jun 16 I A/07/04193 1869 May 2 I A/02/00724 Sep 10 I A/18/10455 Jun 21 I A/07/04212 1870 Mar 24 I A/02/00799 Sep 14 I A/18/10460 Jun 22 I A/07/04219 May 15 I A/02/00816 Muir, Joanna G. Jun 23 I A/07/04225 1874 Sep 11 I A/03/01423 I A/01/00190 Jul 2 I A/07/04238 Muir, Wanda 1861 May I A/Ol /00117 Jul 6 I A/07/04240 1884 Jul JO I A/05/02618

143 Jul 16 I A/05/02625 Jan 16 I A/16/08785 Jul 12 I A/20/11427 1885 Sep 9 I A/05/02780 Jan 17 I A/16/08787 Aug 12 I A/20/11478 1888 Jul 23 I A/05/03110 Feb 27 I A/16/08823 Aug 29 I A/20/11482 Aug I I A/05/03124 Mar 5 I A/16/08829 1913 Jul 3 I A/21/12274 1889 Jul 14 I A/06/03297 May 2 I A/16/08870 Dec I A/21/12552 1890 Jun 17 I A/06/03464 May 13 I A/16/08883 1914 Sep I A/22/12943 Jul 15 I A/06/03495 May 27 I A/16/08894 Osgood and Sm ilh 1892 Feb I I A/07/03869 Jun 3 I A/16/08898 1866 Oct I A/22/13111 Feb II I A/07/03874 Jun 4 I A/16/08904 Owen, Juliette A. Apr 18 I A/07/03897 Munro, Eliza 1905 Feb 27 I A/15/08418 1893 I A/07/04376 1900 Oct 2 I A/11/06480 Feb 27 I A/22/13319 Apr 30 I A/07/04122 Murdock, James Owen, Robert L. May 26 I A/07 /04139 1902 Mar 22 I A/12/07030 I A/22/13455 Jun 7 I A/07/04169 Nov 17 I A/12/07278 1909 Feb 8 I A/18/10196 Jun 14 I A/07/04183 1904 Jun 15 I A/14/07979 Page. Walter H. Jun 20 I A/07 /04206 Jul 29 I A/14/08084 1897 Mar 21 I A/09/05495 Jun 23 I A/07/04222 Dec 24 I Al J 4/08233 Apr 16 I A/09/05514 Jul 13 I A/07/04250 Dec 30 I A/14/08253 May 19 I A/09/05526 Jul 23 I A/07/04254 1905 May 19 I A/15/08536 May 22 I A/09/05531 Jul 31 I A/07/04261 May 19 I A/22/13416 Jun 23 I A/09/05556 Aug 8 I A/07/04273 Oct 13 I A/15/08711 1898 Jan 7 I A/I 0/05743 Aug II I A/07 /04280 1906 Feb 19 I A/16/08816 1899 Jan 27 I A/10/06046 Sep 26 I A/07/04327 Nelson, Knute 1900 Apr 13 I A/11/06399 1895 Aug 5 I A/08/04962 1909 Feb 8 A/18/10195 Jun 12 I A/11/06424 1896 Jun I A/09/05226 Newton, Ambrose 1902 Jan JO I A/12/06921 Jun 21 I A/09/05210 1863 Aug 2 I A/01/00308 Jan 10 I A/12/06923 Jul 5 I A/09/05234 1864 Feb 16 I A/01/00336 Nov 18 I A/12/07283 Jul 6 I A/09/05237 Newton, Mary E. Nov 18 I A/12/07285 Jul 11 I A/09/05245 1863 Dec I A/01/00331 1905 Jan 22 I A/15/08342 Sep 17 I A/09/05289 Newton, William Jan 22 I A/22/13302 Sep 21 I A/09/05296 1906 Jul 13 I A/16/08935 May 9 I A/15/08512 Sep 25 I A/09/05299 Nichols, Harry P. May 9 I A/15/08513 Sep 25 I A/09/05299 I A/22/13448 May 9 I A/22/13398 Oct 2 I A/09/05309 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10164 1906 Apr 15 I A/16/08849 Oct 2 I A/09/05309 Nicholson, George Apr 15 IllA/33/01875 1897 Aug 16 I A/09/05608 1904 Nov 2 I A/14/08193 1908 May I A/17/09773 1898 Sep 13 I A/10/05879 Nov 2 I A/22/13293 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10167 Sep 20 I A/I 0/05882 Nicholson, Grace 1911 Jun 15 I A/20/11364 Sep 22 I A/10/05884 1902 Jun 10 I A/12/07114 Palmer, Howard Sep 25 I A/10/05886 Noble, F. L. 1912 Dec 12 I A/20/11913 Sep 30 I A/10/05890 1908 I A/17/10033 Pardee, George C. Oct 2 I A/I 0/05893 Noble, John W. 1903 Jan I A/13/07439 Oct 6 I A/10/05897 I A/22/13448 Jan I A/22/13282 Oct 8 I A/10/05907 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10165 Parker, William B. Oct 17 I A/10/05915 Nonstebb, Miss 1900 Oct I A/11/06746 Oct 18 I A/10/05918 I A/22/13327 Nov I A/11/06528 Oct 28 I A/I 0/05930 Northrop, Cyrus 1902 Nov 18 I A/12/07286 Nov 3 I A/10/05942 I A/22/13448 Nov 18 I A/22/13344 Nov 6 I A/10/05951 Feb 7 I A/18/10166 Parsons Family Nov 10 I A/10/05956 Notman, Charles 1904 Jun I A/14/08012 Nov 12 I A/10/05962 1894 Nov 1 I A/08/04646 1908 Dec 26 I A/17/10009 Nov 13 I A/10/05964 1896 Nov I I A/09/05325 1912 Jun 24 I A/20/11711 Nov 14 I A/10/05966 Olney, Warren Dec JO I A/20/11909 Nov 17 I A/10/05972 1897 Jan 18 I A/09/05412 Dec 22 I A/20/11931 Nov 21 I A/I 0/05975 1902 Nov I A/12/07310 1913 Nov 18 I A/21/12494 Nov 24 I A/I 0/05985 Osborn Family Parsons, Edward T. 1899 May 27 I A/10/06129 1911 Sep 20 I A/20/11500 1907 Sep 13 I A/16/09267 May 31 I A/10/06133 1912 Jan 31 I A/20/11575 1909 Jan 5 I A/18/10078 Jun 1 I A/10/06139 Mar 13 I A/20/ 11596 1912 Apr 12 I A/20/11623 Jun 5 I A/10/06142 Apr 30 I A/20/11638 1913 I A/21/12557 Jun 14 I A/10/06146 Dec I A/20/11957 Feb 25 I A/21/12078 Jun 16 I A/10/06149 1913 Mar 29 I A/21/12119 May 17 I A/21/12214 Jun 21 I A/10/06150 Sep 13 I A/21/12383 Jul 29 I A/21/12314 Jun 24 I A/10/06151 1914 Jan 4 I A/22/ 12620 Sep 5 I A/21/12353 Jul 3 I A/10/06155 Jan 27 I A/22/12662 Sep 9 I A/21/12363 Jul 8 I A/I 0/06164 Aug 28 I A/22/12904 Oct 6 I A/21/12423 1900 Aug 16 I A/11/06449 Osborn, Henry F. Nov I A/21/12506 Aug 23 I A/11/06454 1897 Nov I A/09/05674 Nov 10 I A/21/12485 1902 Aug 2 I A/12/07142 1899 Apr 10 I A/10/06099 1914 Jan 19 I A/22/12642 1903 May 19 I A/13/07649 Apr 30 I A/10/06111 May 6 I A/22/12754 May 25 I A/13/07658 1904 Jul 16 I A/14/08053 Parsons, Harmon 0. Jun 8 I A/13/07684 Dec 29 I A/14/08252 1904 Jul 17 I A/14/08060 Jun 17 I A/13/07704 1905 Jun 1 I A/15/08554 Parsons, Marion R. Jul 10 I A/13/07724 Jun 1 I A/22/13433 1913 Oct 29 I A/21/12465 Aug 4 I A/13/07749 1906 Dec 29 I A/16/09007 Oct 31 I A/21/12469 Sep 8 I A/13/07775 1910 Feb 8 I A/19/10705 1914 May 9 I A/22/12757 Sep 16 I A/13/07777 Mar 8 I A/19/10747 May 23 I A/22/12765 Nov 22 I A/13/07814 Jun I I A/19/10859 May 27 I A/22/12777 1904 Mar 28 I A/14/07920 1911 Feb 15 I A/20/11237 Jun 1 I A/22/12781 Mar 30 I A/14/07926 Nov 29 I A/20/11526 Jun 6 I A/22/12787 Jul 14 I A/14/08049 1912 Jul 2 I A/20/11719 Jun 10 I A/22/12801 Jul 19 I A/14/08078 Oct 12 I A/20/11858 Jul 2 I A/22/12824 1905 Jun I A/15/08587 1913 May I A/21/12236 Aug 27 I A/22/12903 Nov 21 I A/15/08720 Jul 15 I A/21/12288 Sep 19 I A/22/12934 Nov 27 I A/15/08722 Osborn, Loulu P. Nov I A/22/13006 Nov 27 I A/15/08723 1898 Dec 12 I A/10/05996 Payson, A. H. Dec 2 I A/15/08729 1900 Oct 17 I A/11/06516 1902 Jan I A/12/06967 Dec 29 I A/15/08741 1910 Aug 30 I A/19/11031 Jan I A/12/06968 1906 Jan 3 I A/16/08774 1911 May 11 I A/20/11326 Apr 8 I A/12/07052 Jan 15 I A 16/08783 Jun 19 I A/20/11370 Apr 8 I A/22/13267

144 1903 Jan I A/13/07440 1898 Nov 11 I A/10/05961 Jun 21 I A/10/05832 Jan I A/13/07441 1901 Jan I A/11/06592 Jun 31 I A/10/05846 Jan I A/22/13282 1903 Jan I A/13/07444 Dec 28 I A/10/06012 Jan 13 I A/13/07402 Jan I A/22/13285 1899 Jan 10 I A/10/06037 1904 Dec 27 I A/14/08243 1905 Jan 27 I A/15/08349 Feb 16 I A/10/06063 Pease, Raymond B. Jan 27 I A/22/13303 Apr 30 I A/10/06112 1914 Feb 11 I A/22/12685 1906 Apr 15 I A/16/08848 Aug 18 I A/I 0/06175 Pelton Family Apr 15 lllA/33/01874 1900 I A/11/06553 1862 I A/01 /00252 1908 Dec 5 I A/17/09968 Mar 5 I A/11/06368 Pelion, Emily 0. Reid, Jessie Mar 25 I A/11/06381 1863 Jul 7 I A/01/00337 1905 Apr 22 I All 5/08487 May 21 I A/11/06408 Jul 8 I A/01 /00337 Apr 22 I A/22/13374 Nov 9 I A/11/06513 Jul 9 I A/01/00337 Reid, John Nov II I A/11/06514 1865 May 23 I A/01/00368 1869 Jan 13 I A/02/00692 Nov II I A/11/06515 Nov 12 I A/01/00389 Reid, Margaret M. 1901 Jan I A/11/06594 1870 Jan 29 I A/02/00784 1862 Oct 8 I A/01/00227 Sep 6 I A/11/06722 May 15 I A/02/00817 1869 Jan 13 I A/02/00692 Sep 27 I A/l 1/06733 1872 Feb 19 I A/02/01050 1873 Mar I I A/02/01248 1902 Sep 10 I A/12/07191 Apr 2 I A/02/01085 1881 Mar 28 I A/04/02196 Nov I A/12/07312 1877 Dec 30 I A/03/01674 Reimers, Johannes 1903 I A/13/07841 1881 Mar 28 I A/04/02194 I A/22/13297 Mar I A/22/13287 1883 Jan I I A/04/02463 1904 Dec 27 I A/14/08244 Mar I A/13/07482 Pelton, Fanme 1905 Mar 13 I A/15/08449 Mar 12 I A/13/07503 1861 I A/01/00148 Mar 13 I A/22/13333 Mar 12 I A/22/13291 Pelton, Frances N. Rennie, James Mar 23 I A/13/07530 1861 I A/01/00151 1903 Jan I A/13/07445 May 1 I A/13/07608 I A/01/00167 Rice, Charles E. 1904 Jun I A/14/08013 1862 Mar 27 I A/01/00200 1912 Apr 30 I A/20/11639 Jul 6 I A/14/08030 Ser 28 I A/01/00222 Richardson, Frederick A. 1905 Mar 31 I A/15/08467 Perkins, George 1905 May 17 I A/15/08534 Mar 31 I A/22/13358 1902 Jan I A/12/06969 May 17 I A/22/13409 1909 Aug 10 I A/18/10417 Perry, Bliss Ridgway, Robert 1912 May 10 I A/20/11668 1903 Jan I A/13/07442 1901 Jan i A/I 1 /06593 Sawyer, Charles H. Jan I A/22/13284 Riller, William E. 1905 May 27 I A/15/08548 Jan 25 I A/13/07424 1899 Oc1 8 I A/10/06242 May 27 I A/22/13425 Mar I I A/13/07481 Oct 20 I A/10/06246 Scauergood, J. H. Mar 2 I A/13/07485 Robinson, Charles D. 1907 Dec 10 I A/16/09396 Pe1ersen, J. E. 1901 Nov 17 I A/11/06765 Schneider, J. D. I A/22/13404 Robmson, Charles H. 1900 Nov 25 I A/11/06525 1905 Apr 27 I A/22/13385 1913 Mar 12 I A/21/12098 Schultze, Augustus Apr 28 I A/15/08498 Robinson, Doane 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10175 May 9 I A/15/08514 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10170 Scieolific American Penigrew, Richard F. Rodgers, A. F. 1903 May 10 I A/13/07639 I A/22/13451 1900 Oc1 21 I A/11/06489 Scolt, Charles T. 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10168 1902 Jan I A/12/06971 1903 Apr 11 I A/13/07582 Phelps, Charles H. Roosevelt, Theodore Scoll, Frank H. 1882 Jan I I A/04/02345 1903 Mar 27 I A/13/07541 1903 Jan I A/13/07446 Pickard, Joseph c. 1905 Sep 4 I A/15/08677 Jan I A/22/13281 1901 I A/11/06848 1907 Sep 9 I A/16/09257 1905 Jan 27 I A/15/08350 Pierce, Roger 1908 Jan 27 I A/17/09506 Jan 27 I A/22/13304 1913 Mar 17 A/21/12102 Feb 15 I A/17/09543 Seaman, Frank Pike, Robb D. Apr 21 I A/17/09664 1904 Jul 15 I A/14/08050 1902 Jan I A/12/06970 Apr 21 I A/17/09668 Secor, David P. Piochot, Gifford May 2 I A/17/09702 1904 Sep 19 I A/14/08142 1905 Apr 26 I A/15/08494 1909 Mar II I A/18/10239 Sedgwick, Ellery Apr 26 I A/22/13383 1912 Oc1 15 I A/20/11859 1909 May 25 I A/18/10337 May 27 I A/I 5/08547 Rose, George B. Sedgwick, Henry D. May 27 I A/22/13426 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10171 1913 Mar 27 I A/21/12113 Plimpton, George A. Feb 7 I A/22/13446 Sellers Family 1913 Dec 9 I A/21/12523 Rowell, Chesler 1897 Oc1 28 I A/09/05654 Powell, J. C. 1903 Mar 11 I A/13/07502 Sellers, Alfred H. 1901 I A/11/06849 Mar 19 I A/13/07518 1896 Jul 30 I A/09/05271 Oct 15 I A/11/06738 Rusi, Hora1io N. Sellers, Alfred H. Price, Rober! M. 1894 Oct 2 I A/08/04612 1885 Oct 30 I A/05/02831 1898 Nov 16 I A/10/05971 1902 Sep 3 I A/12/07168 1891 Feb 3 I A/07/03661 Putnam, Harrington Sampson, Alden 1893 Jun 24 I A/07 /04227 1911 Jul 14 I A/20/11438 I A/22/13447 Dec 31 I A/07/04374 Randall, Henry I A/22/13450 1894 Dec 5 I A/08/04689 1901 Aug 30 I A/11/06718 1904 Jun 28 I A/14/08004 1895 Jan II I A/08/04768 Dec 20 I A/11/06802 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10172 Feb 2 I A/08/04807 1902 Mar 20 I A/12/07024 Feb 7 I A/18/10173 Feb II I A/08/04819 1912 Dec I A/20/11958 Feb 7 I A/18/10174 Apr II I A/08/04876 Ray, Fred W. Sao Francisco Examiner Jun 23 I A/08/04936 1903 Jan I A/13/07443 1897 Aug 17 I A/09/05611 1896 Mar 31 I A/09/05143 Jan I A/22/13287 San Francisco V 01ers Apr 27 I A/09/05166 1905 Jun I I A/15/08555 1908 Oc1 I A/17/09934 1898 Jun 8 I All 0/05823 Ray, Hallie A. Sargent, Alice Jun 24 I A/10/05837 1905 Jun I I A/22/13431 1901 Sep 27 I A/I l /06732 Nov 22 I A/10/05981 Raymond, Charles W. Sargent, Charles s. Dec 13 I A/10/05997 I A/22/13448 I A/22/13342 Dec 28 I A/10/06015 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10169 1893 Dec 31 I A/07/04372 1899 Feb 20 I A/I 0/06064 Re, B. 1894 Nov 5 I A/08/04648 May 26 I A/10/06127 1909 I A/18/10588 1897 Feb 24 I A/09/05473 Aug 31 I A/10/06203 Redfield, John H. Oct 16 I A/09/05644 1900 Apr II I A/11/06395 1875 May 15 I A/03/01496 Oct 28 I A/09/05652 Nov I A/1 I /06529 1876 Apr 24 I A/03/01549 Nov 16 I A/09/05661 1901 Jan I A/11/06571 Reid, Harry F. 1898 Jan 3 I A/10/05737 Jan 9 I A/11/06574 1890 Nov 2 I A/06/03568 May II I A/10/05812 Aug 24 I A/11/06715 1891 Feb 26 I A/07/03693 Jun 7 I A/10/05818 1902 Jan 19 I A/12/06947 Oc1 20 I A/07 /03811 Jun 9 I A/10/05824 Mar 8 I A/12/07005

145 Oct II I A/12/07244 1872 Feb 2 A/02/01037 Truman, Benjamin C. 1903 Feb 25 I A/13/07479 Stone, W. E. 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10180 Apr 3 I A/ I 3/07 568 1909 Feb 7 A/18/10178 Feb 7 I A/22/13446 Aug 19 I A/13/07770 Strentzel Fami Jy U. S. Congress 1904 Jun 16 I A/14/07982 1877 Dec 5 A/03/01666 1908 Jan 12 I A/17109479 Sep 24 I A/14/08150 I 878 Apr 27 I A/03/01737 Unknown 1905 Jun I I A/15/08556 May 5 I A/03/01747 1870 I A/02100888 Jun 1 I A/22/13435 Jul 6 I A/03/01769 Sep 13 I A/02/00874 1908 Apr 25 I A/17/09681 Jul I I I A/03/01770 1875 Apr 17 I A/03/01490 1909 Jan 18 I A/18/10104 Jul 17 I A/03/01772 1891 Oct 20 I A/07 /03812 May 12 I A/18/10312 Aug 28 I A/03/01785 1893 Aug 8 I A/07 /04270 Sellers, Emma Sep 11 I A/03/01796 1900 I A/11106556 1893 Jun 24 I A/07/04227 1879 Jan 28 I A/03/01835 Nov I A/11/06530 Sellers, Fay H. Jun 25 I A/03/01890 1901 Dec I A/11/06835 1893 Jun 24 I A/07/04227 Jul 9 I A/03/01895 1902 Apr 20 I A/22/ 13268 1894 Oct 3 I A/08/04616 Jul 15 I A/03/01901 1903 Jan I A/22/13283 Dec 5 I A/08/04689 Strenlzel, John Jan 3 I A/22/13279 1895 Nov II I A/08/05046 1878 Aug 5 I A/03/01777 Mar 12 I A/22/ 13289 Dec 13 I A/08/05054 Sep 28 I A/03/01806 1904 Dec I A/14/08262 1896 Feb 6 I A/09/05119 1879 Feb 11 I A/03/01840 1905 Feb 18 I A/22/13317 1903 Apr 3 I A/13/07568 1880 Feb I A/04/01985 Feb 21 I A/22/13318 1904 Jun 16 I A/14/07982 Strenlzel, Louie Mar 6 I A/22/ 13330 Sellers, Frank 1878 Jun 20 I A/03/01765 Jun 3 I A/15/08561 1893 Jun 24 I A/07/04227 Aug 31 I A/03/01788 Jun 3 I A/22113439 1894 Jan I I A/08/04415 1879 Apr 18 I A/03/01868 1907 Nov I I A/16/09341 Dec 5 I A/08/14689 Apr 24 I A/03/01870 1908 Oct 24 I A/17/09924 1904 Jun 16 I Ail 4/07982 Jul 10 I A/03/01899 Dec 21 I A/17/09993 Senger, Henry Aug 19 I A/03/01918 1910 Nov 19 I A/19/11119 1892 May 10 I A/07103929 Oct 9 I A/03/01927 Wa1k10s, W. H. May 22 I A/07/03935 1880 Jan 6 I A/04/01973 1912 Dec 26 I A/20/11941 Sharon, A. D. Feb I A/04/01986 1913 Feb 17 I A/21/12071 1902 Nov 19 I A/12/07287 Apr 6 I A/04/02016 Wau, David A. Sharon, Mrs. A. D. Apr 10 I A/04/02019 1875 Mar 14 I A/03/01479 1902 Nov 19 I A/22/13278 Strenlzel, Louisiana E. Wayland, C. C. Shepard, Morgan 1892 Sep 12 I A/07/03970 1905 Jan 28 I A/15/08360 1903 Jan I A/13/07447 1898 Oct 18 I A/10/05918 Jan 28 I A/22/13305 Jan I A/22/13286 Stuart, James R. Webster, Annie M. Shepardson, Everell 1900 Jan 25 A/22/13306 1909 May 15 I A/18/10317 1913 Oct 15 I A/21/12436 1905 Jan 28 A/15/08359 Webster, Muir 1914 Nov 25 I A/22/13004 Stubbs, Joseph E. 1906 Dec 15 I A/16/08990 Sherman, G. 1901 I A/11 /06850 Weir, Frank 1900 Nov 25 I A/11/06526 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10179 1901 Jan 31 I A/11/06591 Shields, W. J. Feb 8 I A/22/13449 Wheeler, Benjamin I. 1905 Jan 28 I A/15/08357 Swain, Mrs. Richard 1903 Mar 19 I A/13/07520 Shinn, Charles H. 1900 Oct 21 I A/11/06491 Mar 23 I A/13/07535 1902 Jan I A/12/06972 Swell, John Mar 28 I A/13/07542 Shinn, Milicent w. 1876 A/03/01578 May 10 I A/13/07641 1883 Apr 18 I A/04/02492 Swett, Mary L. Wheeler, Jessie F. Sholes, C. H. 1881 Mar 29 A/04/02199 1906 Feb 15 I A/16/08812 1909 Feb 10 I A/18/10200 Tafl, William H. Wheelock, Irene G. Slifer, R. G. 1909 Sep I A/18/10484 1904 Sep 24 I A/14/08152 1900 Oct 21 I A/11/06490 1910 Feb 19 I A/19/10720 While, Mrs. Lovell Smart, Reed Dec 5 I A/19111126 1904 Dec I A/14/08261 I A/22/13455 Taylor, B. G. Whitehead, James Smith 1905 Mar 13 I A/15/08450 1913 Feb 13 I A/21112061 1866 I A/01/00510 Mar 13 I A/22/13337 Mar 4 I A/21/12087 Smi lh, Ernest c. Taylor, Edward R. Whitman 1902 Mar 21 I A/12/07027 1903 Jan I A/13/07449 I A/22/13450 Mar 21 I A/22/13266 Jan I A/22/13283 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10181 Smith, George D. Taylor, John G. Wielsen, Mrs. 1903 Jan I A/13/07448 1913 Jun 7 I A/21/12246 1905 Feb 27 I A/22/13325 Jan I A/22/13285 Thaw, Alexander B. Wilde, W. A. Smith, Robert B. 1905 Mar 6 I A/15/08436 1900 I A/11/06555 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10176 Mar 6 I A/22/13329 Willard, Charles D. Smith, Sidney V. Thomas, Augustus 1898 Aug 8 I A/10/05872 1896 Jan 13 I A/09/05109 1903 Jan I A/13/07450 1912 Dec 29 I A/20/11944 Smoot, Reed Jan I A/22/13281 Williams, John H. 1909 Feb 8 I A/18/10197 Thompson, William H. 1910 Jul 8 I A/19/10945 Sterling, E. A. 1900 I A/11/06554 Willis 1905 Mar 21 I A/15/08457 Townsend, Charles H. I A/22/13333 Mar 21 I A/22/ 133 50 I A/22/13337 1905 Mar 13 I A/22/13336 Stewardson, L. C. 1905 Mar 13 I A/15/08451 Wilson, Emily P. I A/22/13447 Trego, Gertrude F. 1902 Jan 11 I A/12/06929 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10177 1905 Mar 6 I A/15/08437 Mar 18 I A/12/07021 Stewart, George W. .Mar 6 I A/22/13331 1905 Feb 27 I A/15/08419 1901 Nov 28 I A/11/06775 Trelease, William Aug 8 I A/15/08633 1902 Feb 28 I A/12106999 1912 May 10 I A/20/11669 Sep 3 I A/15/08673 Apr 17 I A/ 12/07066 Trout Family 1906 Jan 22 I A/16/08794 Jun 14 I A/12/07115 1871 Nov 28 I A/02/00999 Apr 15 I A/16/08850 Jul I I A/12/07127 Trout, Peter L. Apr 15 lllA/33/01875 Jul 10 I A/12/07132 1899 Mar 28 I A/10/06084 1914 Jan 3 I A/22/12617 1903 I A/13/07842 1907 Jan 26 I A/16/09062 Wilson, J. E. May 7 I A/13/07624 Trout, William H. 1905 Mar 9 I A/15/08441 May 7 I A/13/07626 1904 Jun 16 I A/14/07986 Mar 9 I A/22/13332 Stewarl, Mary E. Aug 10 I A/14/08102 Wolfenden, Eliza 1913 May 30 I A/21/12234 1905 May 19 I A/I 5/08537 1913 Nov 26 I A/21/12501 Sticklay, Gustav May 19 I A/22/13413 WooC:s, W. W. 1905 Apr 13 I A/15/08479 Sep 4 I A/15/08679 I A/22/13447 Apr 15 I A/22/ l 336 7 1912 May 10 I A/20/11670 1909 Feb 7 I A/18110182 Stoddard, Charles W. 1913 Mar 27 I A/21/12114 Worstell, Miss

146 1905 Mar 2 I A/15/08430 A/07103879 A/03/01359 Zeublin, Charles A/07103887 A/03101375 I A/22/13448 Anderson, Alden Ayer, Harriet 1909 Feb 7 I A/18/10183 A/14/08051 A/18110589 Anderson, J. R. Aylesworth, Barton 0. Correspondence From A/09/05646 I A/10/05748 Abbe, Cleveland A/14/08106 Bacon, Thomas R. A/22112818 Anderson, Melville B. I A/08/04587 Abbot, Edwin H. I A/08104911 Bade, William F. A/09105293 I A/08/04938 I A/18110297 A/09/05321 I A/11106651 I A/21/12170 A/09/05425 I A/12107169 I A/21112312 Abbot, Henry K. I A/12/07176 Bagnall, John A/09105327 I All 2107209 A/03/01814 A/09/05360 I A/12107290 A/04/02426 Abbot, Henry L. I A/13/07611 A/04/02517 A/19/10668 I A/15/08608 A/11/06311 A/19/10752 I A/15108637 Bailey, F. Manson A/19/10805 I A/16/08981 I A/14/08110 Abboll, D. F. I A/18/10307 Bailey, Florence M. A/13/07815 I A/21/1:?050 I A/11/06508 A/14/08033 I A/21/12241 I A/1 I /06583 A/16109068 I A/22/12623 I A/15/08656 Abbott, Lyman I A/22/12698 I A/16/09089 A/14/08213 I A/22/12713 I A/19/10693 A/15/08345 I A/22/12740 I A/19/11152 Ackinson, Augusta I A/22112783 I A/21112031 I A/20111277 I A/22/12791 I A/22/12681 I A/21/12204 I A/22/12817 IA/13/07404 I A/21/12558 I A/22/12835 Bailey, Liberty H. I A/22/12628 Andrews, H. V. I A/11/06677 I A/22/12657 I A/15/08483 I A/11106713 I A/22/12715 Armes, Wtlliam D. I A/11/06724 Adams, Charles K. I A/07/03717 I A/11/06761 I A/07103865 I A/07/03939 Bailey, Vernon I A/09/05561 I A/07/03952 All 1/06505 I A/12/06900 I A/07/03975 A/17109987 Adams, William I A/07103976 A/18110091 I A/04/02433 I A/07 /03979 Baker, B. N. Adbern, George P. I A/07/03981 A/19110957 I A/21/12385 I A/07 /03988 A/19/10984 Agnew, J. B. I A/07/04015 Baker, Frank I A/16/08789 I A/07104046 A/12/07128 Ahern, George P. I A/07/04130 Baker, Ray S. I A/15/08461 I A/08/04621 A/11106712 I A/15108567 Armstrong, Mary A/12/06944 I A/21/12255 A/17/09644 A/12/07084 Alexander, Julius M. A/17/09690 A/18/10375 I A/22/12896 Arnold, Elsa U. Baldwin, Henry Alexander, Sallie K. A/15/08642 A/12107107 I A/08/04781 Arnold, Mary J. Baldwin, Mrs. Orville D. I A/11106400 A/12107007 I A/11/06623 I All 1/06411 A/12/07036 Balfour, Bayley I A/12/06977 A/12107339 I A/20/11877 Allen, Abbtgail A. A/16/09040 Ball, Thomas W. I A/03/01742 A/17109563 I A/09/05519 I A/04/02028 A/17109645 Ballinger, Richard A. I A/09/05703 I A/22/12852 I A/18/10295 I A/11/06779 Arnot, Raymond H. I A/18110585 I A/15/08703 I A/10/06209 I A/19110677 I A/22113031 Ashley, Harriett M. Barber, Fred A. Allen, B. L. I A/20111 394 A/16109278 I A/07104006 Atlantic Monthly A/16/09313 Allen, Charles E. All 1/06657 A/17/09699 I A/10106245 A/13/07522 Barbezat, L. Allen, Charles H. Austin, A.P. A/20111753 I A/03101629 A/14/08223 A/21/12337 I A/08104619 Averell, Beuy A/21/12562 I A/09/05415 A/10/06171 A/22/12889 I A/11/06783 All 1/06468 A/22/12967 I A/13/07610 A/11/06476 A/22/13046 Allen, Edward W. A/19/11114 Barlett, Mary I A/21/12365 A/20/11242 I A/22/12651 Allen, Francis H. A/20/11279 Barrows, Albert L. I A/10/06275 A/20/11423 I A/22112844 I A/20/11904 A/20/11558 Barrus, Clara I A/21/12079 A/20/11559 A/18/10235 I A/21/12201 A/20/11724 A/18/10242 I A/22112727 A/20/11782 A/18/10339 Allen, Hattie E. A/21/12029 A/18110391 A/05/02862 A/21/12404 A/18/10396 Allen, Jessica G. A/21/12507 A/18110446 A/03/01875 A/21/12520 A/19/10769 Al liot, Hector A/22112738 A/19/10815 I A/19/11124 Averell, Blossom A/20111607 Allsop, Herbert H. A/17/09530 A/20/11822 I A/20/11733 A/21/12470 A/20/11932 I A/20/11867 Averell, M. B. A/21/12221 Ames, Pelham W. I A/18/10434 A/21/12315 I A/07/03877 Avery, Benjamin P. A/22112992

147 Barry, Dorothy Bielawski, C. I A/01 /00044 A/14/08087 A/07/03916 I A/01/00229 A/14/08209 A/08/04681 I A/01/00246 Bartlett, Louis D. Biggart, Mabelle I A/17/09659 I A/07/03964 A/17/10002 I A/17/09714 Bartlett, Washington Bingenheimer, Penelope H. Brown, Bernice I A/05/02999 1 A/20/11962 A/18/10494 Bartlett, William C. Bird, Arthur Brown, Bolton A. I A/04/02397 A/21/12564 I A/09/05335 I A/04/02428 Birge, Julius C. Brown, C. E. I A/10/06026 A/21/12509 I A/21/12333 Baucher, J. B. A/22/12703 Brown, Edmond L. I A/20/11778 Bissel, Thomas T. I A/12/07259 Baxley, Carrie F. I A/22/12621 Brown, Elon R. I A/20/11948 I A/22/12788 I A/13/07731 Bayley, George B. I A/22/12906 Brown, Joanna M. A/08/04445 I A/22/12955 I A/04/02130 Beal, Junius E. Black, A.G. I A/04/02224 A/21/12368 A/04/02074 I A/04/02367 Beal, Mary Black, Joseph I A/04/02371 A/19/10737 A/17/09874 I A/04/02387 A/19/10756 A/17/10022 I A/04/02535 Beard, Daniel Blake, J. A. I A/05/02579 A/15/08543 I A/01/00317 I A/05/02685 A/16/09120 Bland, Henry M. I A/05/02840 A/16/09411 A/18/10207 I A/05/03 I 76 Beardsley, Eugenia Bliss, D. L. I A/06/03261 I A/22/12652 A/10/06192 I A/06/03589 Beers, Mary M. Bliss, Rober! w. I A/07/03656 A/16/09142 A/20/11527 I A/07/04095 Bell, Emily Bolle, Carl I A/08/04479 A/14/08129 A/14/08162 I A/08/04574 A/16/08873 Bond, Frank N. I A/08/04706 Bell, Laura I A/16/09002 I A/08/04751 A/13/07816 Booth, Wilham s. I A/08/04838 A/14/08172 I A/15/08306 I A/08/04950 A/15/08687 I A/15/08401 I A/09/05308 A/18/10529 I A/16/08824 I A/09/05402 Bell, Mary I A/16/09236 I A/10/05749 A/09/05706 Border, George c. I A/12/06915 Belshaw, C. M. 1 A/15/08425 I A/13/07416 A/15/08403 Borland, W. I A/13/07452 Beniamin, Marcus A/22/12982 I A/ 15/08623 I A/15/08573 Boyes, John H. I A/I 5/08744 Bennett, Charles E. A/03/01589 I A/16/09037 I A/21/12410 A/04/02221 I A/16/09102 Bent, Allen H. A/05/03036 I A/16/09170 A/21/12488 Boyle, James T. I A/17/09828 Benton, Mary F. A/19/10835 I A/17/09931 A/04/02525 Boy le, Stella I A/18/10476 A/05/02832 A/19/10807 I A/18/10498 A/05/02928 Brace, Bille W. I A/ 18/ l 0592 A/08/04740 A/18/10252 I A/19/10655 A/12/07341 Bradley, Cornelius B. I A/19/10899 Bernay, P. S. 1 A/09/05622 1 A/19/11017 A/22/12855 1 A/09/05671 I A/19/11066 Bertola, Mariana I A/09/05684 I A/19/11079 A/08/05029 I A/12/07151 I A/21/12011 Bertram, Joshua I A/12/07247 I A/21/12054 A/19/11110 I A/14/08001 I A/21/12133 Bicknell, Thomas W. I A/15/08712 I A/21/12426 I A/09/05238 I A/15/08737 I A/21/12529 Bidwell, Annie K. I A/16/09112 I A/22/12635 I A/03/01647 I A/18/10357 I A/22/12832 I A/03/01671 I A/20/11874 I A/22/ 13032 I A/03/01679 Bradley, Mary c. Brown, John H. I A/03/01697 I A/19/11154 A/08/04906 I A/03/01790 Branson, J. R. Brown, John N. I A/03/01794 A/18/10333 A/06/03526 I A/03/01841 Brant, C. A. Brown, S. M. I A/03/01872 A/20/11197 I A/19/10713 I A/04/02023 Brant, Olga F. I A/19/10748 I A/04/02032 A/18/10279 I A/19/10941 I A/04/02147 A/19/10879 Brown, Therese Y. I A/04/02202 Breck, Belle I A/02/00877 I A/04/02337 A/18/10590 Brown, W. H. I A/08/04674 A/22/12878 A/01/00238 I A/12/07067 Brett, George Brown, Walter I A/15/08432 A/14/07884 A/05/02729 I A/15/08502 Bridgman, Herbert L. A/05/02850 I A/15/08520 1 A/17/09910 A/05/02861 I A/15/08620 I A/18/10401 A/05/02875 I A/16/09109 Bridgman, S. E. A/05/02884 I A/20/1I554 I A/08/04831 A/05/02886 Bidwell, John Briggs, Elizabeth A. A/05/02895 I A/03/01658 1 A/20/11712 A/05/02898 I A/04/02071 Briggs, Octa vine A/05/02905 I A/04/02205 I Ail 1/06429 A/05/02909 I A/06/03257 Brown, Alfred B. A/05/02910 I A/09/05154 I A/01/00041 A/05/02911

148 I A/05/02914 I A/16/09076 I A/22/12965 I A/05/02926 I A/16/09229 Carter, Fannie P. I A/05/02933 I A/16/09255 I A/21/12458 I A/05/02936 I A/16/09337 I A/22/13001 I A/05/02940 I A/16/09381 Cary, R. W. I A/05/02953 I A/ 17/099 52 A/07/03762 I A/05/02957 I A/17/10016 Catlin, Mary I A/07/03721 I A/18/10106 A/13/07486 I A/07/03730 I A/18/10291 Callin, Rober! I A/07/03746 I A/19/11097 I A/13/07486 Browne, Francis F. I A/19/11112 Chalmers, John B. I A/18/10326 I A/21/12158 I A/19/10733 I A/19/10682 Calvin, E. E. Chamberlain, Allen I A/20/11269 A/18/10486 I A/18/10438 Browne, Waldo R. Campbell, William W. Chapman, Charles E. I A/21/12238 I A/22/12792 I A/17/09511 Bryan\, Henry G. I A/22/13007 Chapman, I. I A/13/07794 Canby, William M. I A/14/07997 I A/14/07897 I A/09/05649 Chapman, William G. I A/I 5/08376 I A/I 0/05859 I A/18/10273 I A/16/08779 Caparn, Harold A. Chase, Josephme A. I A/16/08813 I A/20/11614 I A/19/10673 I A/16/08828 Capps, M. Chauvencl, William M. I A/16/09373 A/19/11061 I A/18/10586 I A/17/09483 Carnegie, Andrew Cheney, Anne W. I A/17/09943 I A/13/07689 I A/02/01258 I A/I 7 /09982 I A/21/12477 I A/03/01361 I A/17/10035 Carpenler, Edmund N. I A/03/01379 I A/18/10532 I A/20/11523 I A/03/01379 I A/19/10792 Carpenler, Frederic W. I A/03/01392 Bryce, James I A/18/10449 I A/03/01407 A/04/02317 Carr, E. M. I A/03/01468 Buckham, John W. A/13/07830 I A/03/01 SOS I A/18/10341 Carr, Ezra S. I A/03/01550 I A/18/10456 A/01/00647 I A/03/01602 Budd, James H. A/02/00761 I A/03/01816 I A/08/04762 Carr, Jeanne C. I A/04/02181 Buel, Clarence C. A/01/00461 I A/04/02252 I A/07/03885 A/01/00473 Cheney, John V. I A/08/04728 A/01/00496 A/07/03852 Burbank, Luiher A/01/00519 Chichester, W. J. I A/19/10659 A/01/00535 A/12/07279 Burdeue, Rober\ J. A/01/00546 Child, H. P. I A/18/10258 I A/01 /00582 A/09/05673 Burks, Frances I A/01 /00626 A/14/07885 A/11/06811 I A/01/00647 Cbiuenden, Hiram M. Burks, Jesse I A/02/0071 I I A/13/07466 A/11/06811 I A/02/00739 I A/14/08020 Burroughs, John I A/02/00754 Clark, Angus I A/10/06223 I A/02/00761 A/22/12643 I A/18/10443 I A/02/00783 Clark, Douglis W. I A/19/10783 I A/02/00825 I A/16/09342 I A/19/11146 I A/02/00856 Clark, E.W. I A/20/11213 I A/02/00876 I A/04/02519 Burl, Mary E. I A/02/00923 I A/04/02540 A/16/09380 I A/02/00926 Clark, Galen Bush, A. I A/02/00927 I A/05/02673 A/05/02889 I A/02/00939 I A/11/06501 Butler, Henry S. I A/02/01017 I A/14/08181 I A/01/00429 I A/02/01040 Clark, George A. I A/01/00490 I A/02/0 I 062 I A/13/07389 Buller, James D. I A/02/01091 I A/16/09363 I A/01/00500 I A/02/01138 Clark, Katharine J. I A/02/01236 I A/02/01157 I A/22/12653 I A/05/02887 I A/02/01163 Clark, W. W. I A/05/02946 I A/02/01171 I A/13/07524 I A/05/03066 I A/02/01172 Coast, Oscar R. I A/05/03180 I A/02/01198 I A/20/11966 I A/06/03314 I A/02/01237 I A/21/12208 I A/06/03336 I A/03/01452 I A/22/12925 I A/07 /03660 I A/04/02057 Cobb, Richard I A/07/03724 I A/06/03304 I A/09/05290 I A/07/03907 I A/06/03621 Colby, William E. I A/07 /04106 I A/08/04719 I A/09/05377 I A/07/04348 I A/08/05072 I A/12/07100 I A/08/04575 Carringlon, W. T. I A/14/08224 I A/08/04760 I A/10/06019 I A/15/08310 I A/08/04881 Carrilhers, Kale G. I A/I 5/08322 I A/09/05539 I A/12/07098 I A/I 5/08408 I A/11/06432 Carruth, Charles W. I A/16/08831 I A/13/07542 I A/07/04197 I A/16/08845 I A/13/07569 I A/07 /04364 I A/16/08851 I All 5/08452 I A/08/04425 I A/16/08891 Cable, George W. I A/08/04430 I A/16/09056 I A/07 /04360 I A/08/04465 I A/16/09127 Calkins, J. E. I A/08/04468 I A/16/09368 I A/14/07923 I A/08/04639 I A/17/09477 I A/14/08113 I A/20/11255 I A/17/09537 I A/16/08834 I A/20/11317 I A/17/09654 I A/16/09034 I A/20/11686 I A/17/09710

149 I A/I 8/10079 A/22/12795 A/08/04753 I A/18/10333 Delany, Marion A/08/04816 I A/19/10895 A/12/07154 A/08/04822 I A/19/11111 A/12/07188 A/08/04828 I A/22/12768 A/12/07229 A/08/04842 Coleman, Arthur B. A/12/07243 Drake, J. H. I A/I 5/08582 Demond, Earle A/16/08977 Coleman, H. L. A/19/10835 Draper, Dorothea I A/15/08581 Dennison, W. E. I Al I 0/06249 Coleman, Norman F. A/05/02730 Dudley, William R. I A/18/10582 A/05/02774 I A/08/04920 I A/19/10657 Dewing, M. S. I A/08/04946 Coif, Mabel I A/05/03008 I A/I 1/06511 A/14/07910 DeHauk, Hugh R. I A/12/07116 Colver, Anne H. I A/21/12171 I A/16/08951 A/10/06187 DeKirwan, M. Dunann, C. D. Conard, P. A. A/04/02529 A/16/09082 I A/20/11547 A/08/04943 Duncan, Frances I A/20/ l I 882 DeLaittre, John A/14/08232 Conger, L. T. w. A/19/10671 A/15/08307 I All 2/06989 Dickenson, Hester A. A/15/08374 Conger, Lulu N. I A/22/12709 Dwinell, I. E. I A/19/10753 I A/22/12734 A/04/02017 Conger, 0. H. Dickey, Anna R. A/04/02021 I A/05/03020 A/12/07231 A/04/02161 Conness, Harriet N. A/13/07547 Dyer, Walter A. I A/08/04852 A/13/07590 A/18/10325 I A/09/05362 A/20/11535 Earle, Alice M. Conness, John A/20/11688 I A/18/10594 I A/08/04964 A/20/11716 Eastman, Anna G. Coolbrith, Ina D. A/20/11762 I A/08/04443 1 A/03/01579 A/20/11808 1 A/08/04790 I A/04/02162 A/20/11810 I A/16/09008 I A/04/02276 A/20/11865 I A/17/09504 I A/05/02901 A/20/11968 I A/17/09976 I A/08/04668 A/21/12091 I A/18/10379 I A/08/04890 A/21/12120 IA/13/07431 I A/12/07049 A/21/12182 Eastwood, Alice I A/15/08660 A/21/12289 I A/09/05367 I A/16/09030 A/21/12321 I A/10/05880 I A/19/10868 A/21/12399 Edwards, Arthur M. I A/19/10925 A/21/12416 I A/08/04565 I A/19/11007 I A/21/12472 Edwards, Florence H. Corey, Francis E. I A/21112566 I A/22/13053 I A/19/11010 I A/22/12947 Edwards, Henry Cornish, Frank V. Diller. J. S. A/02/00956 I a/14/08101 A/18/10405 A/04/02136 I A/15/08426 Dimers, D. W. Eells, Alex G. Crandall, Esther A/20/11754 A/14/08153 A/19/10835 Dodge, J. D. Elder, Paul Crane, Roman A. A/01/00225 I A/16/09054 A/11/06784 A/01/00233 I A/16/09081 Crosett, J. F. Dodson, S. M. I A/16/09093 A/05/03015 I A/18/10345 I A/16/09124 Cross, James Dohrmann, F. W. Eldredge, Zoeth s. A/02/01078 I A/18/10318 I A/14/08200 Cross, Moses s. Donald, Robert W. Elliot, Charles N. A/16/09099 I A/16/09005 I A/20/11675 Crow, Cora C. Doran, P. A. I A/20/11703 I A/08/05002 I A/10/06212 I A/20/11726 I A/08/05010 I A/I 1/06814 I A/20/11761 Cummins, Ella s. I A/15/08690 I A/20/11950 I A/07/03778 Dorn, Winfield H. I A/20/11970 I A/07/04258 I A/I 1/06688 I A/21/12021 Curlis, Asahel Dornuf, W. J. I A/21/12480 A/18/10462 I A/16/09389 Elliot, George T. Dagge11, Kate N. Dorsey, George D. A/12/07249 A/02/01270 I A/18/10319 Ellsworth, William W. A/02/01292 Doubleday Page Co. I A/21/12489 Dall, William H. I A/16/09126 Elston, Arthur I A/04/02149 Douglas, David A/15/08388 Darlington, Wayne A/07/04379 Ely, Lydia I A/16/08833 A/08/04515 A/09/05685 Davidson, Helen F. A/08/04715 Emerson, Ella T. I A/20/11267 A/14/08207 1 A/22/12831 Davis, Bettie K. A/15/08716 Emerson, Ralph W. I A/07/03909 I A/15/08739 I A/02/01043 Davis, Florence B. I A/16/09138 Emerson, w. 0. I A/22/12846 I A/17/09615 I A/11/06647 I A/22/12876 I A/17/09775 Enans, Nelson F. Davis, Mrs. Albert Douglas, William I A/22/12719 I A/19/10920 A/08/04987 Encyclopedia Britannica Editor Dawson, George M. A/12/07288 I A/12/07097 I A/05/03038 Drahms, August Engelmann, George I A/05/03074 A/20/1 !602 I A/04/02214 I A/05/03091 A/21/12115 Erwin, S. L. Dean, Anna Drake, Alexander W. A/06/03566 A/16/09359 I A/03/01622 Esterly, G. W. Deane, Ruthven I A/04/02144 A/19/10793 I A/03/01718 I A/04/02160 Estudillo, Miguel

150 All 5108428 Al20111454 I A/07104098 Evans, Helen A/20111458 I AI07104358 Al19110881 Al20111459 I Al08/04721 Evans, Nelson F. Al20ll 1483 I A/08/04763 Al22112803 Al22112952 I A/08/04824 Explorers' Club Al22/12962 I A/08104907 Al14107938 Al22112969 I A/08/05023 Fain, J. M. A/22112991 I A/08/05067 I Al12107272 Furhew, A. K. I AI09105268 Farnam, Susan M. Al19110862 I A/09105391 I All3107702 Furse, E. R. I A/09/05491 Fay, Charles E. Al15/08324 I A/09/05563 A/17/09898 A/15/08458 I A/10/05744 A/19110777 All6/08857 I A/10105800 Fenhagen, Mildred P. All 7109558 I A/10/06056 I A/20/11899 Al19/10735 I A/11/06317 Fergason, Mara L. Gage, Mabel C. I A/12/07315 I A/13/07583 A/19110724 I A/13/07398 Ferris, Scott Galbraith, D. C. I A/13/07409 A/21112265 Al2lll2163 I A/13/07428 Field, Rachel L. Galloway, Anna G. I A/13/07469 I A/20111591 I Al02/00812 I A/13/07595 Fields, Annie I A/02/00812 I A/14108250 AI08104739 I A/02100893 I A/15/08593 Finck, Henry T. I A/02/01083 I A/15108625 A/06103623 I A/05102679 I A/16/08776 A/08104701 Galloway, Cecelia J. I A/17/09464 All2107064 I A/02/00893 I A/17/09670 All8/J0464 I A/08/04432 I A/17/09890 Al19/10710 I All 3/07384 I A/17/10003 Fisher, Irving I A/15108301 I A/18110073 I A/15108634 I A/18110084 I A/18/10102 I A/15108717 1 Al22/J 3013 I A/l 8/10479 Fisher, Reginald Galloway, David M. I A/19/10882 A/19/10835 I A/01/00076 I A/19/11056 Fisk, Marie A. I A/01100208 I A/20/11409 A/20111888 I Al0ll00208 I A/20/J 1647 Fitzgerald, R. A. I A/01100268 I A/20/11871 Al08/05000 I A/01100279 I A/20/J 1906 Flanders, A. C. I A/OJ 100298 I A/21/12056 A/04102163 Galloway, George I A/21/12096 Fleming, Arthur H. A/02100895 I A/21/12152 I Al20/l 1232 Galloway, Grace I A/21/12225 Flint, Frank P. I Al08/04775 I A/21112354 A/20111245 Galloway, Sarah M. I A/21/12549 Flint, William C. I A/01100074 I A/22/12679 I AI06/03382 I A/01100080 I A/22/12775 Flugel, Ewald I AIOJ/00107 I A/22/12873 Al12/06927 I A/01100182 I A/22/12970 Foley, D. J. I A/01/00208 Ganneu, Henry I A/10106277 I A/01/00255 A/10/06226 Forbes, S. S. I AIOl/00268 I A/l l /06338 I A/02101080 I AIOl/00279 I A/12/06936 I A/02101112 I AIOll00621 I A/12/07156 Foshay, M. A. I A/01100645 I All2/07246 I Al14/08J36 I Al02100812 I A/14108035 I All9l11090 I Al02I00895 I A/16109400 Fox, Charles J. I A/02100928 Garfield, James R. I A/21/12394 I Al02100997 I A/17109725 Freeman, Katherine I Al02/0l 196 Garland, Hamlin I B/12/07313 I A/03101413 AllOl05793 French, Harold I Al03/01845 A/21112479 I AIJ4107930 I A/03101943 Garoutte, Endora I A/22/12853 I AI04/02014 Al16108890 French, J. D. W. I A/04102049 Al16I08946 I A/07/04199 I A/04102145 A/18110115 Fries, Anna E. I AI04/02310 Garrison, Francis J. I Al22112704 I A/04/02414 I Aili 106689 I A/22112711 I A/04102424 I A/15/08420 Fultz, F. M. I AI04/02484 I A/17/09878 A/16109405 I AI04/0250J I A/18/10113 A/17/09579 I AI04102515 I A/18110218 Funk, Buel A. I A/04102548 I A/18110315 A/20/11735 I Al05/02590 I A/18110329 Funk, Helen M. I Al05/02646 I A/18110377 I A/20111289 I Al05I02675 I A/18110399 I Al20/II294 I A/05102842 I A/18/10411 I A/20111298 I Al05/02869 I A/18/10437 I Al20/l 1314 I AI05102983 I A/19110903 I A/20/11344 I A/05103049 I A/20111206 I Al20/l l 345 I Al05103169 I Al20IJ1313 I A/20111346 I Al05/03187 I A/20111910 I Al20/l 1350 I A/05103194 Gates, P. G. I A/20111354 I A/06103236 A/21/12227 I A/20/11355 I AI06103310 Gaulding, J. M. I A/20/11357 I A/06103590 Al17/09606 I Al20/11361 I A/071036 7 5 Gault, A. B. I A/20111367 I Al07 /03690 A/18/10285 I Al20/l I 376 I Al07/03738 Gaut, Charlone I A/20111419 I A/07/04010 A/19110832

151 A/20/Jl485 Gaut, Helen L. I A/16/09145 A/18/10571 Gould, Edward B. A/20/11663 A/18/10576 I A/17/10024 A/21/12343 A/22/12736 Gaut, James H. Graitz, Jo A/22/12784 A/15/08680 A/20/11790 A/22/12821 Geilr.ic, James Gray, Asa A/03/01854 A/02/01020 Gregory, H. K. A/18/10490 Geithman, Harriet A/02/01154 I A/21/12161 A/02/01158 Gregory, Warren I A/I 1 /06376 George, Francis A/02/01225 I A/11/06378 A/08/05069 A/02/01261 A/09/05465 I A/03/01398 Griffin, Flora A/01/00312 A/15/08640 I A/03/01566 Griffin, Ida M. Gibbons, Wilham P. I A/03/01694 A/01/00314 I A/04/02527 I A/03/01798 I A/05/02648 I A/03/01824 A/01/00367 I A/05/02987 I A/04/02011 Griffin, S. M. 1 A/08/04654 I A/04/02077 A/17/09734 I A/09/05103 I A/04/02325 Griffithe, Lasuhams I A/09/05149 Gray, Jesse l A/21/12200 I A/09/05520 A/19/10835 Griffiths, D. E. Gibson, Hugh S. Gray, John S. A/04/02018 A/12/07220 A/05/02974 Grinnell, Fordyce Gidun, Erling A/12/07292 I A/20/11631 A/14/08185 A/13/07739 Griswold, M. S. Gifford, R. s. Graydon, Katharine M. All 1/06557 Ail 1/06393 I A/02/01144 A/18/10210 Gilbert, G. K. I A/03/01938 A/21/12202 A/10/06208 I A/04/02005 Grosvenor, Gilbert H. A/15/08469 l A/07 /03765 I Ail 1/06416 Gilbert, W. B. l A/07/03960 Gunn, J. O. IA/13/07432 I A/07/04016 A/12/07258 Gilder, Helena D. I A/08/04525 Hague, Arnold I A/20/11273 I A/08/04539 A/09/05358 Gilder, Joseph B. I A/08/04623 A/09/05483 I A/14/08206 l A/08/04737 Hain, S. C. I A/18/10587 I A/08/04756 All 3/07820 Gilder, Richard W. l A/08/04884 A/14/08007 I A/08/04622 I A/08/04960 A/14/08139 I A/08/04656 I A/08/05034 Hale. Earl N. I A/10/06253 I A/09/05269 A/15/08524 I A/12/07071 I A/09/05286 Hall, Bolton I A/16/08878 I A/09/05291 A/19/10699 I Ail 7/09715 I A/09/05339 Hall, Robert I A/18/10208 I A/10/05867 I A/06/03567 Gillis, James L. I A/l I /06534 Hall, William H. A/21/12132 I A/13/07467 I A/16/09296 Gilman, Winthrop S. I A/13/07833 I A/l 7 /09523 I A/13/07526 I A/14/08217 Halsey, Francis W. Gilmore, Elmer E. I A/15/08654 I A/12/06901 I A/19/10706 I A/16/0896 7 Hand, Mary M. Gilove, F. H. I A/20/11800 A/04/02025 I A/22/12828 Graydon, Mary M. A/04/02150 I A/22/12897 I A/07/03789 A/04/02340 Gilroy, Susan M. I A/07 /03902 A/04/02454 I A/07 /04344 I A/07/04053 I A/05/02583 I A/08/04547 I A/07/04082 I A/05/02650 I A/08/04665 I A/07/04114 I A/05/02866 I A/08/04697 I A/08/04607 I A/05/02908 I A/08/04743 I A/08/04783 I A/05/02920 I A/08/05037 I A/09/05195 I A/06/03326 Gleason, Herbert W. I A/10/05848 I A/07/03881 I A/16/09223 I A/11/06640 I A/07/04124 I A/16/09231 I A/11/06851 I A/08/04456 I A/16/09406 I A/12/06938 I A/08/04718 I A/17/09991 Greame, Helen D. I A/09/05365 I A/20/11710 I A/12/07179 I A/09/05541 I A/20/11861 I A/12/07261 I A/10106219 I A/22/12820 I A/13/07627 I A/12/06917 I A/22/12960 Greene, Edward L. I A/13/07488 Gleason, Nellie M. I A/08/04493 I A/14/07968 I A/09/05595 Greene, H. A. I A/18/10121 Glick, Margaret E. A/22/13005 I Ail 8/10369 I A/19/10927 A/22/13016 I A/19/10972 Goding, Frederic W. Greenslet, Ferris I A/21/12543 I A/20/11760 A/16/08938 Hand, Willis I A/20/11908 A/17/09648 I A/04/02025 Goodall, Charles A/17/09900 I A/06/03624 A/07/03886 A/18/10334 Hanna, Thomas R. Goodhue, E. S. A/18/10380 I A/18/10402 A/I 1/06730 A/19/10647 Hanna, Wanda M. A/12/07053 A/19/10717 I A/17/09765 A/12/07343 A/19/10730 I A/20/11555 A/22/12675 A/19/10768 Hansen, George A/22/12699 A/19/10795 A/09/05301 Gorrill, Katharine B. A/19/10798 A/09/05313 I A/19/11150 A/19/10875 A/09/05319 I A/19/11156 A/19/10911 I A/09/05407 I A/21/12083 A/19/11019 I A/12/07203 Gottinger, Augusta A/20/11442 I A/12/07212

152 I A/12/07218 I A/22/12836 I A/16/09136 I A/I 2/072SS Hay, James M. Hodgson, Sarah A. I A/12/07298 a/11/06747 I A/02/00716 I A/13/07S70 I A/07/04333 Hoffman, Charlolle I A/13/07792 I A/08/04518 I A/J 3/07732 I A/14/07883 I A/08/04685 I A/15108296 I A/14/07933 Hazelton, Mary T. I A/16/09016 I A/14/07961 I A/08/04904 I A/16/09162 I A/14/08005 Hearsl, William R. I A/16109428 I A/14/08219 I A/08/04441 I B/16/09330 I A/14/08229 Heigh, J. L. Holabird, William H. I A/14/08245 I A/01/00315 I A/17109913 I A/15/08604 Heilprin, Angelo Holden, E. S. I A/15/08627 I A/11/06649 I A/07 /04009 I A/15/08644 I A/12/07134 Holder, Charles F. I A/16/08780 Helder, J. I A/22/12856 I A/16/08868 I A/16/08915 Hooker, Henry C. I A/16/09000 Henderson, Charles H. I A/15/08598 I A/16/09012 I A/17/09643 Hooker, John I A/16/09369 I A/17/09682 A/19/11136 I A/16/09434 Henderson, V ic1or Hooker, John D. I A/16/09435 I A/13/07S76 I A/I S/08S77 Hansen, Linda Henderson, Victor H. I A/15108672 A/14/07883 I A/13/075S4 I A/18/IOSSO A/14/07933 Hendricks, Eliza S. I A/19/10744 A/16/09012 I A/04/02003 I A/19/10763 Hansen, Robin I A/07103805 I A/19/1088S A/14/07883 I A/08/04477 I A/19/10904 A/14/07933 I A/08/04510 I A/19/10919 Hansen, Roland I A/08/04679 I A/20/11303 A/16/09000 I A/08/04820 Hooker, Joseph D. A/16/09012 I A/08/04869 I A/OS/02891 Harbour, Jefferson L. I A/11/06321 I A/08/04801 I A/13/077 S2 Hendricks, Jennie T. I A/12/06979 Hark, Mary I A/12/07108 Hooker, Kalharine I A/01/00Sl3 Hendricks, Mrs. W. S. I A/16/09194 Harper, John P. I A/22/12810 I A/16/09385 I A/20/11740 Hennessy, Harry P. I A/16/09390 Harriman, Edward H. I A/22112940 I A/17/09462 I A/10/06120 Henry, Aurelia S. I A/17/09677 I A/13/07682 I A/16/09168 I A/18110347 I A/14/07932 Hepburn, B. B. I A/18110407 I A/14/08254 I A/03/01728 I A/18/10431 I A/IS/08319 Hercus, Eldred J. I A/18110440 I A/15/08366 I A/14/08234 I A/18/10463 I A/I S/08454 I A/15/08564 I A/18/10468 I A/16/088S3 Herrick, Roberl I A/18/IOS06 I A/16/09091 I A/09/05310 I A/18/IOS2S I A/16/09214 I A/09/05337 I A/18/10545 I A/ 16/09227 Herrin, Alice V. I A/18/105S7 I A/17/09848 I A/22/12935 I A/18/10562 Harriman, Mary A. Herrin, Katharine I A/18/IOS66 I A/11/06390 I A/22/13026 I A/18/10572 I A/19/10998 Herrin, William F. I A/19/10660 I A/20/11309 I A/15/08431 I A/19/10683 I A/20/11368 I A/1S/08Sl8 I A/19/10716 I A/20/11386 I A/16/09315 I A/19/10731 I A/20/11444 I A/16/09348 I A/19/10886 I A/21/12006 I A/16/09360 I A/19/10901 I A/21/12247 I A/17/09691 I A/19/1090S I A/21/12324 I A/19/10949 I A/19/10912 I A/22/12840 I A/19/10992 I A/19/10934 I A/22/12912 I A/20/11218 I A/19/10939 Harrington, M. W. I A/20/11743 I A/19/11039 I A/02/00983 I A/21/12326 I A/19/11059 Harrington, William B. I A/22/12762 I A/19/11068 I A/08/04486 I A/22/12894 I A/19/11074 Harris, I. L. I A/22/12920 I A/19/11078 I A/12/06899 I A/22/12964 I A/20/l 12S8 I A/12/07326 Hertz, Lyell B. I A/20/l l 30S Hart, Mary E. I A/22/l 30S6 I A/20/11327 I A/21/124S3 Hettell, Catherine H. I A/20/11439 Hartley, Eliza M. I A/08/0S064 I A/20/11460 I A/04/02172 Hill, Andrew P. I A/20/11 SOS Harvey, Mrs. E. B. I A/17/09621 I A/20/11530 I A/22/12640 Hill. Thomas I A/20/11603 Haslell, 0. C. I A/05/0307S I A/20/11650 I A/16/09316 I A/08/05004 I A/20/11657 I A/16/093S3 Hitchcock, Ripley I A/20/11676 Hawes, Austin F. I A/07/04061 I A/20/11683 I A/21/12411 I A/07/04070 I A/20/11692 Hawkins, E. C. Hittell, Catherine H. I A/20/11727 I A/19/11011 I A/14/08188 I A/20/11803 Hawley, Emily C. Hittell, John S. I A/20/11816 I A/13/07483 I A/07/04108 I A/20/11848 Hay, Annie Hobart, Sarah D. I A/20/11890 I A/09/05122 I A/04/024Sl I A/20/11972 I A/19/11020 Hodgson, Caspar W. I A/21/12039 I A/21/12334 IA/13/07400 I A/21/12103 I A/21/12437 Hodgson, Katherine I A/21/121 SS

153 A/07/03748 A/21/12179 A/08/04562 A/07/03760 A/21/12454 Hughes, Edward A/07/03769 A/21/12518 A/13/07459 A/07/03780 A/22/12671 A/15/08549 A/07703821 I A/22/12883 Hunt, T. A/07/03826 I A/22/12911 A/08/04996 A/07/03830 I A/22/13021 Hunter, Juan D. A/07/04000 Hooker, Marian I A/20/11791 A/07/04039 I A/12/07183 Huntington, Mrs. J. P. A/07/04042 I A/12/07197 I A/22/12692 A/07/04063 I A/12/07263 Huse, Helen C. A/07/04068 I A/13/07413 A/06/03345 I A/15/08596 Husted, M. S. A/07/04074 I A/l 5/08647 A/15/08691 A/07/04088 I A/16/08790 A/16/08931 A/07/04094 I A/16/08798 A/16/08965 A/07/04164 I A/18/10256 A/16/08991 A/07/04350 I A/18/10330 A/16/09042 A/08/04460 I A/18/10515 Huston, Paul G. A/08/04536 I A/19/10687 A/16/08969 A/08/04551 I A/19/10914 A/16/09066 I A/08/04555 I A/20/11194 Hutchinson, Mary L. I A/08/04563 I A/20/11462 I A/18/10599 I A/08/04571 I A/21/12215 Hyall, Edward I A/08/04577 I A/21/12454 A/18/10406 I A/08/04588 Hooper, Calvin L. Irish. John P. I A/08/04627 I A/04/02332 A/06/03525 I A/08/04644 I A/04/02383 Irwin, Eleanor I A/08/04657 I A/04/02553 I A/22/12644 I A/08/04687 I A/05/02588 Jackson, Helen H. I A/08/04725 I A/05/02608 I A/05/02702 I A/08/04749 Horsburgh, James I A/05/02718 I A/08/04843 A/11/06371 James, Clitheroe I A/08/04847 A/16/09083 A/18/10575 I A/08/04848 Horton, Altray James, George W. I A/08/04862 A/07/03933 I A/14/08171 I A/08/04863 Horton, William I A/17/09826 I A/08/04867 A/07/03933 Jamieson, Marion E. I A/08/04886 Hosmer, Ralph S. I A/15/08330 I A/08/04887 I A/14/07940 Jenney, Charles E. I A/08/04902 Hotchkins, Caroline W. I A/20/11266 I A/08/04921 I A/17/09862 Jenyes, Eva S. I A/08/04953 Houghton Mifflin Co. A/18/10601 I A/08/05026 I All 1/06750 Jerome, N. I A/09/05105 I A/12/06893 I A/01 /00099 I A/09/05131 I A/13/07480 Jeter, William T. I A/09/05142 I A/15/08721 I A/11/06511 I A/09/05171 I A/17/09811 Johnson, Lydia M. I A/09/05176 I A/18/10127 I A/08/04.583 I A/09/05248 I A/18/10248 I A/08/04598 I A/09/05285 I A/18/10419 Johnson, Robert U. I A/09/05332 I A/20/11233 I A/03/01631 I A/09/05334 I A/20/11396 I A/03/01669 I A/09/05363 I A/20/11416 I A/03/01735 I A/09/05408 I A/20/11557 I A/03/01851 I A/09/05437 I A/20/11943 I A/04/02047 I A/09/05447 I A/21/12077 I A/04/02247 I A/09/05466 I A/21/12090 I A/05/02636 I A/09/05481 I A/21/12125 I A/06/03258 I A/09/05507 I A/21/12329 I A/06/03265 I A/09/05521 I A/21/12551 I A/06/03308 I A/09/05576 I A/22/13020 I A/06/03316 I A/09/05584 Housepian, M. I A/06/03318 I A/09/05587 I A/20/11544 I A/06/03339 I A/09/05668 Howard, Emma s. I A/06/03350 I A/09/05675 I A/11/06471 I A/06/03369 I A/09/05688 I A/19/10896 I A/06/03388 I A/10/05756 Howard, Harold I A/06/03410 I A/10/05781 A/17/09532 I A/06/03413 I A/10/05783 Howard, Karl I A/06/03418 I A/10/05811 A/11/06856 I A/06/03436 I A/I 0/05826 Howitt, John I A/06/03441 I A/10/05841 I A/07/04381 I A/06/03450 I A/10/05874 I A/09/0.5199 I A/06/03453 I A/10/05920 I A/09/05305 I A/06/03456 I A/10/05948 I A/09/05527 I A/06/03460 I A/I 0/05987 I A/12/06898 I A/06/03521 I A/I 0/06060 I A/14/07891 I A/06/03528 I A/10/06070 I A/15/08377 I A/06/03534 I A/10/06074 I A/17/09505 I A/06/03536 I A/10/06077 I A/18/10116 I A/06/03537 I A/10/06119 Howland, Henry E. I A/06/03539 I A/10/06166 I A/09/05381 I A/06/03559 I A/10/06222 Hoyt, Franklin S. I A/06/03571 I A/10/06262 I A/21/12430 I A/06/03613 I A/10/06272 I A/21/12457 I A/07/03704 I A/11/06315 I A/22/12669 I A/07/03706 I A/l! /06327 Hoyt, John W. I A/07/03708 I A/I 1 /06374 A/03/01487 I A/07/03714 I A/11/06426 Hubbard, Gardiner G. I A/07 /03727 I A/11/06503

154 I A/11/06579 A/22/12949 I A/19/11159 I A/11/06658 A/22/12996 I A/20/11199 I A/11/06752 A/22/13017 I A/20/11201 I A/11/06759 Johnson, Willard I A/20/11211 I A/11/06772 I A/07/03942 I A/20/11340 I A/I I /06786 Johnstone, E. M. I A/20/11552 I A/12/06943 I A/05/02995 I A/20/11561 I A/12/06987 I A/07/04032 I A/20/11565 I A/12/07055 I A/07/04128 I A/20/11592 I A/12/07069 I A/08/04669 I A/20/11959 I A/12/07087 Jones, Alice S. I A/20/11973 I A/12/07102 A/19/10669 I A/21/12014 I A/12/07124 A/19/10931 I A/21/12568 I A/12/07139 A/19/11012 I A/21112570 I A/12/07148 A/19/11041 I A/21/12572 I A/12/07171 A/19/11054 I A/21/12574 I A/12/07174 A/19/11127 l A/22113034 I A/12/07189 A/20/11257 Kellogg, Florence S. I A/12/07201 A/20/11311 I A/20/11585 I A/12/07257 A/20/11319 I A/20/11776 I A/13/07599 A/20/11922 I A/21/12184 I A/13/07645 A/21/12212 I A/21/12252 I A/14/08085 A/21/12331 I A/21/12346 I A/14/08100 A/22/12811 I A/21/12446 I A/14/08180 Jones, C. J. K. Kellogg, Martin I A/14/08255 A/04/02165 I A/10/06114 I A/15/08304 Jones, Gertrude F. Kellogg, Mary F. I All 5/08326 I A/03/01745 I A/18/10280 I A/15/08375 Jones, Helen L. I A/20111549 I A/15/08410 All 1/06610 I A/20/11694 I A/15/08440 A/22/13057 l A/20/11705 I A/15/08500 Jordan, David S. I A/20/11780 I A/15/08583 A/10/06266 I A/20/11836 I A/I S/08612 A/11/06812 I A/20/11851 I A/15/08715 A/13/07460 1 At21112oa5 I A/I 5/08740 I A/16/09155 I A/21/12072 I A/16/08900 I A/16/09218 I A/21112180 I A/16/08920 I A/18/IOS64 I A/21/12306 I A/16/08954 I A/9/9/0Sl28 I A/21/12448 I A/16108963 Jump, Carrie B. I A/21/12461 I A/16/09095 I A/22/12694 I A/21/12576 I A/16/09113 I A/22/12733 I A/22/12743 I A/16/09122 I A/22/12742 I A/22/12780 I A/16/09153 Kaufman, Helen s. I A/22/12825 I A/16/09165 I A/11/06561 I A/22112871 I A/16/09204 Keck, Dr. K. I A/22/12885 I A/16/09215 I A/03/01520 Kellogg, Rufus B. I A/16/09265 I A/03/01 SSS I A/02/0127S I A/16/09293 Keeler, Charles A. Kellogg, Vernon L. I A/16/09307 I A/10/06228 I A/20/11201 I A/16/09338 I A/10/062S9 I A/20/11211 I A/16/09377 I All l/0644S I A/20111238 I A/ I 7 /09499 I A/11/06606 Kelly, Agnes I A/17/09722 I A/11/06799 A/08/04447 I A/17/097Sl I A/l 2/070S9 A/08/04Sl2 I A/17/09805 I A/I 3/0776S A/08/04709 I A/17/09865 I A/16/08924 I A/08/04792 I A/18/10128 I A/16/09219 I A/08/04844 I A/18/10204 I A/16/09321 Kendall, Eve la P. I A/18/10214 I A/18/10542 I A/22/12785 I A/18/10215 I A/19/10648 Kendall, Isabelle C. I A/18/10219 I A/19/11143 I A/20/11821 I A/18/10223 I A/20/11 S76 Kennedy, Sallie J. I A/18/10250 Keezel, Clara C. I A/03/01645 I A/18/10450 I A/22112697 I A/03/01685 I A/18/10470 Keighley, Fred c. I A/03101708 I A/18/10474 I A/16/0883S I A/03/01752 I A/18/10508 Keith, Sydney I A/03/01767 I A/18/10511 A/08/04972 I A/03/01802 I A/19/10877 Keith, William I A/03/01837 I A/19/11123 I A/13/07561 Kent, Elizabeth T. I A/20/11215 I A/14/08264 I A/18/10320 I A/20/11241 I A/14/10039 Kent, William I A/20/11720 I A/18/10603 I A/I 7 /09495 I A/20/11732 I A/18/10604 I A/17/09500 I A/20/11737 I A/18/10605 I A/17/09S36 I A/20/11764 I A/18/10607 I A/17109918 I A/20/1I953 Kellogg, A. I A/17/09927 I A/21/12191 A/04/02356 I A/17109940 I A/21/12302 A/04/02360 I A/20/ 11302 I A/21/12313 A/05/02640 Kepley, Ada H. I A/21/12316 Kellogg, Charlotte H. I A/20111738 I A/21/12317 I a/20/11961 Kernahan, J. B. I A/22/12622 I A/18/10227 I A/06/03240 I A/22/12676 I A/18/10229 I A/06/03541 I A/22/12729 I A/18/10578 Kerr, Mark B. I A/22/12748 I A/19/10786 A/07/03822 I A/22/12758 I A/19/11101 A/07/03824 I A/22/12848 I A/19/11138 A/07/03893 I A/22/12918 I A/19/11158 A/08104672

155 I A/21/12116 King, George R. I A/12/07097 Lovewell, Joseph T. Mackenzie, A. D. A/20/11617 J A/12/07150 King, Robert I A/19/10929 Lukens, Theodore P. Mackey, G. S. A/04/02312 A/03/01880 Kip, George G. I A/09/05178 I A/09/05370 Macphail, Carr I A/09/05597 A/14/08140 I A/10/06000 I A/09/05387 I A/09/05462 Macphail, D. S. I A/16/09302 A/14/08144 Kitagawa, Masai I A/09/05496 Magee, Freddie A/19/10835 I A/09/05509 I A/09/05548 A/21/12192 Kling, David Magee, Frederic E. A/15/08378 I A/09/05562 I A/09/05591 A/20/11624 I A/09/05565 I A/11/06580 Magee, J. T. Knapp. Adeline A/04/02079 A/10/06191 I A/12/06997 Magee, Thomas Knerr, Harry 0. I A/13/07829 I A/10/05746 I A/18/10246 I A/15/08391 I A/JJ/06354 Knight, William H. I A/15/08599 I A/17/09610 I A/15/08663 I A/15/08442 I A/15/08746 Knop, William B. I A/15/08665 I A/21/12022 I A/15/08699 I A/17/09955 Kuhn, Harry P. I A/16/08782 I A/18/10241 A/11/06562 I A/16/09169 Manning, Warren H. Lake, G. M. I A/16/09354 I A/16/09306 A/07/03861 I A/16/09358 Manson, Marsden Lamb, frank H. I A/16/09427 I A/16/09190 A/10/05792 I A/17 /09478 I A/16/09216 Landsbonah, David I A/19/10801 Manuel, John G. I A/05/03017 I A/21/12392 I A/21/12140 I A/05/03026 Lummis, Charles f. I A/21/12218 I A/05103063 I A/08/04924 Manuel, Mrs. James Lanier, Charles D. I A/08/04998 I A/21/12615 I A/11/06710 I A/11/06341 Marble, Earl Lapsley, Arthur A. I A/11/06385 I A/08/05057 I A/13/07475 I A/12/07028 Marshall, Myra C. Larned, William T. I A/12/07074 I A/t 5/08343 I A/20/11793 I A/12/07085 I A/19/11095 Lassan, A. B. I A/12/07091 I A/19/11162 I A/17/09642 I A/13/07538 I A/20/11893 Leahy, M. A. I A/13/07563 I A/21/12033 I A/21/12172 I A/13/07580 I A/21/12198 I A/21/12310 I A/13/07600 Marshall, Robert B. Leavitt, Bradford I A/13/07643 I A/15/08351 I A/11/06728 I A/15/08475 I A/16/09243 I A/13/07497 I A/15/08568 I A/16/09294 Lee, Gerald S. I A/15/08601 I A/17/09671 I A/15/08742 I A/15/08618 I A/18/10335 Leggett, Joseph I A/15/08646 I A/19/10689 I A/08/05031 I A/ 1 5/0866 7 I A/20/11397 I A/08/05058 I A/15/08681 I A/20/ 11629 Lehmer, 0. W. I A/16/08867 I A/21/12037 I A/20/11203 I A/16/08879 I A/21/12174 Lemmon, John G. I A/16/09179 I A/21/12297 I A/04102059 I A/16/09232 Martin, Anna H. Lenroot, Clara C. I A/17/09497 A/16109416 I A/15/08515 I A/17/09564 Martin, Lawrence I A/15/08545 I A/17/09639 I A/19111002 LeConte, Helen M. I A/19/10664 I A/19/11077 I A/20/11954 I A/19/10704 I A/20/11929 Leconte, John I A/20/11632 Mather, Jane I A/04/02175 Lunam, Margaret H. I A/08/04747 I A/04/02180 I A/07/04355 I A/08/04977 LeConte, Joseph I A/08/04451 Matheson, Alex R. A/02/01149 I A/08/04499 I A/11/06819 I A/04/02124 I A/08/04529 I A/12/07032 I A/08/04626 I A/08/04602 I A/12/07346 I A/08/04628 I A/08/04804 I A/16/08864 Liddell, Charles E. I A/10/05776 I A/17/09868 I A/14/08122 I A/13/07419 I A/20/11377 Lindt, J. W. I A/13/07504 Mathewson, J. E. I A/17/09841 I A/14/08196 I A/08/04590 Liplus, E. P. I A/16/08805 I A/08/04630 A/19/10948 I A/16/09150 I A/08/04841 Lippincott Co. I A/16/09157 I A/08/05055 A/19/11110 I A/17/09580 I A/14/08227 Lippincott, J. B. I A/18/10535 Maynard, L. A. A/12/07327 I A/19/10810 A/11/06479 Little, Eleanor H. I A/19/10989 I A/11/06767 I A/21/12081 I A/19/11130 McAdie, Alexander G. Little, John W. I A/20/11207 I A/19/10764 A/21/12081 I A/20/11785 McAllister, Elliott Lloyd, Henry D. I A/20/11916 I A/07/03950 I A/08/04913 I A/21/12424 I A/07 /04370 Lochner, L. P. I A/21/12540 I A/08/04483 I A/18/10454 I A/22/12766 I A/08/04546 Loeb, William Lyell, Leonard I A/08/04712 I A/16/09285 A/19/10803 I A/08/04730 Logan, Josephine H. A/19/10828 I A/08/04736 I A/19/10987 A/19/10850 I A/ 11/06404 London Times Lyon, Mrs. William I A/16/09392 156 McBride, James H. A/02/00947 I A/05/02970 I A/21/12401 A/08/04850 I A/06/03379 McChesney, Sarah J. Merrill, Elmer D. I A/06/03386 I A/04/02119 I A/14/08105 I A/06/0341 I McClay, Harriet L. Merrill, Eveline I A/08/04979 I A/22/12746 A/01/00085 I A/09/05263 McClure, S. S. A/01/00219 I A/09/05344 A/11/06631 Merrill, Mina Moores, Julia M. McClurg, A. C. I A/1 l /06830 I A/01/00586 A/08/05048 I A/16/09420 I A/02/01152 McCormick, J.H. Meyer, Nicolas B. I A/03/01527 A/14/07943 I A/18/10573 I A/03/01 568 McGee, W. J. Mifnin, George H. I A/03/01706 A/14/07942 I A/18/10352 I A/03/01946 McGill, Anna B. I A/20/ 11398 I A/04/01994 A/l 1/06858 I A/20/11911 I A/04/02061 McGilliway, James D. Milche, Franz I A/04/02173 I A/07/04341 A/12/07135 I A/05/02930 I A/09/05284 A/17/09651 I A/05/02955 I A/09/05583 Millar, Alex I A/05/02972 McHenry, E. J. A/16/08876 I A/07/03783 I A/16/09183 A/17/09985 I A/08/04809 I A/16/09192 Millard, Bailey I A/08/04835 Mcllhaney, Asa K. I A/12/06973 I A/09/05637 I A/20/11924 I A/12/07002 I A/10/05751 McKelvey, Muir I A/12/07086 I A/10/05803 A/11/06668 I A/12/07093 I A/10/06004 A/12/06982 I A/12/07348 I A/ll /06451 A/15/08557 I A/12/07350 I A/11/06595 McKenna, James I A/13/07494 I A/15/08381 A/09/05518 I A/13/07603 I A/l 5/08455 McLandburgh, John I A/15/08628 I A/I 5/08574 I A/03/01700 I A/15/08697 Moores, Merrill I A/03/01883 I A/16/08919 A/20/11620 McLean, J. K. I A/18/10502 Moran, Robert A/03/01860 Miller, Dewiu A/20/11855 McLean, John T. A/08/04826 Morgan, May A/09/05114 A/18/10260 A/13/07508 McLean, Mary H. Miller, E. G. I A/13/07584 I A/14/07955 A/10105759 Morgan, William S. McLennan, Andrew Miller, Frank A. I A/22/12706 I A/14/08093 I A/16/09072 Morris, Watkins W. I Ail 5/08726 I A/16/09130 I A/16/08973 I A/16/08862 I A/17/09534 Morrow, William W. I A/16/08979 I A/18/10224 I A/22112957 Meane, W. A. Miller, John F. Mosgrove, Ellie A/21/12533 A/04/02366 A/12/07186 Means, John H. Miller, Olive T. A/12/07225 I A/07/04166 A/08/04632 A/14/08017 Meany, Edmond S. A/08/04899 A/14/08265 I A/20/ 11824 A/22/12953 A/16/08801 I A/22/12822 Mills, Enos A. A/16/08917 Mellichamp, J. H. I A/13/07403 A/16/09010 I A/06/03230 I A/13/07434 A/16/09020 I A/12/07110 I A/16/08869 A/16/09022 I A/12/07120 I A/16/09191 A/16/09032 I A/13/07406 I A/21/12049 A/16/09237 I A/13/07754 I A/22/13003 A/16/09431 Men Of Nineteen Fourteen Mil ls, Gertrude H. A/18/10299 I A/22/13036 I A/22/12916 A/19/10936 Mercelis, Elizabeth Mills, Susan L. A/20/11295 I A/21/12275 I A/16/09292 A/20/11504 Merriam, C. Hart Mills, William H. A/20/11975 I A/10/06088 I A/09/05490 A/22/12673 I A/10/06100 I A/09/05498 A/22112958 I A/10/06117 I A/09/05499 Muir, Ann G. I A/11/06383 Mitchell, C. H. L. A/01/00059 I A/11/06427 I A/20/11616 A/01/00090 I A/ll /06438 Mohr, Charles A/01/00109 I A/11/06589 A/10/06007 A/01/00111 I A/11/06744 A/10/06047 A/01/00142 I A/12/06911 Moir, John A/01/00184 I Ail2/07195 A/07/03685 A/01/00188 I A/13/07527 Moore, Eleanor A/01/00206 I A/14/07975 A/19/10711 A/01100287 I A/15/08636 Moore, M. R. A/01/00418 I A/16/09418 I A/02/01140 A/01/00628 I A/18/10108 Moore, Mary L. A/02/00764 I A/22/12922 I A/12/07300 A/02/00790 Merriam, James S. Moores, Charles W. A/02/00890 I A/12/07125 I A/02/00801 A/02/00993 I A/13/07390 I A/02/00808 A/02/01060 I A/16/08819 I A/15/08369 A/03/01450 I A/18/10361 I A/18/10126 A/03/01541 Merriam, John C. Moores, Janet D. A/03/01600 I A/16/09053 A/01/00567 A/03/01716 I A/16/09144 I A/03/01711 A/03/01756 Merriam, Thomas R. I A/03/01822 A/03/01819 I A/18/10361 I A/04/02041 A/03/01932 Merrill, Catharine I A/05/02959 A/04/02012 157 A/04/02035 A/01/00553 I A/17/09649 A/17/09650 A/04/02116 A/05/02855 I A/04/02128 A/05/02927 I A/17/09655 A/04/02200 A/05/02949 I A/17/09657 A/04/02210 A/05/02979 I A/17/09658 A/04/02297 A/08/05007 I A/17/09661 A/04/02326 A/15/08622 I A/17/09673 A/04/02363 Muir, David G. I A/17/09679 A/04/02377 A/01/00053 I A/17/09683 A/04/02410 A/01/00065 I A/17/09685 A/04/02435 A/01/00194 I A/17/09692 A/04/02468 A/01/00214 I A/17/09695 A/04/02496 A/01/00243 I A/17/09696 A/04/02542 A/01/00248 I A/17/09701 A/05/02594 A/01/00276 I A/17/09704 I A/05/02599 A/01/00294 I A/17/09707 I A/05/02654 A/01/00504 I A/17/09711 I A/05/02689 A/01/00556 I A/17/09712 I A/05/02707 A/02/01105 I A/17/09716 I A/05/02871 A/03/01457 I A/17/09720 I A/05/02896 A/03/01722 I A/17/09723 I A/05/03013 A/04/02075 I A/17/09726 I A/05/03178 A/04/02441 I A/17/09728 I A/06/03243 A/05/02585 I A/17/09731 I A/06/03365 A/05/02632 I A/17/09735 I A/06/03434 A/05/02684 I A/17/09738 I A/07/03712 A/05/02916 I A/17/09748 I A/07/03809 A/07/03698 I A/17/09755 I A/07 /038 56 A/07/03890 I A/17/09758 I A/07/03983 A/07/03925 I A/17/09760 I A/07/04072 A/07/04214 I A/17/09761 I A/07/04112 A/17/09590 I A/17/09777 I A/07/04195 A/18/10087 I A/17/09780 I A/07 /04232 A/21/12356 I A/17/09784 I A/08104508 A/22/12619 I A/17/09788 I A/08/04634 Muir, Helen I A/17/09791 I A/08/04769 A/07/04302 I A/17/09795 I A/08/04947 A/07/04320 I A/17109796 I A/08/05032 A/08/04966 I A/17109797 Muir, Annie L. A/09/05224 I A/17/09802 A/01/00061 A/09105240 I A/17109804 A/01100096 A/09105243 I A/17/09817 I A/01 /00138 A/09105256 I A/17/09825 I A/01100175 A/09/05279 I A/17109834 I A/01/00192 A/09105303 I A/17/09835 I A/01100210 A/10/05902 I A/17109842 I A/01100240 A/10/05918 I A/17/09850 I A/04102025 A/10105939 I A/17109853 I A/04/02379 A/11106463 I A/17/09858 I A/04102429 A/11/06465 I A/17109864 I A/04/02466 A/11/06496 I A/17/09867 I A/04/02533 A/13/07790 I A/17/09872 I A/05/02592 A/14/07905 I A/17/09875 I A/05/02603 A/15/08698 I A/17/09876 I A/05/02613 A/15/08700 I A/17/09877 I A/05/02628 A/16108888 I A/17/09879 I A/05/02638 I A/16109026 I A/17/09880 I A/05102671 I A/17/09472 I A/17/09881 I A/05/02711 I A/17/09492 I A/17/09885 I A/05/03171 I A/17/09494 I A/17/09886 I A/06/03415 I A/17109502 I A/17/09892 I A/07/04158 I A/17109529 I A/17109894 I A/08/04462 I A/17/09540 I A/17109901 I A/08/04568 I A/17/09548 I A/17/09902 I A/08/04914 I A/17/09551 I A/17/09909 I A/09/05399 I A/17109555 I A/17/09911 I A/10/05754 I A/17/09559 1 A/17/09919 I A/12/07251 I A/17/09568 I A/17/09921 I A/12/07328 I A/17/09570 I A/17/09929 Muir, Daniel I A/17/09572 I A/17/09942 A/01/00053 I A/17/09573 I A/17109946 A/01/00087 I A/17/09574 I A/17/09949 A/01/00095 I A/17/09575 I A/17/09956 A/01/00111 I A/17/09585 I A/17/09959 I A/01/00116 I A/17/09587 I A/17/09961 A/01/00119 I A/17/09593 I A/17/09969 A/01/00126 I A/17/09596 I A/17/09973 A/01/00132 I A/17/09598 I A/17/09979 A/01/00184 I A/17/09599 I A/17/10005 A/01/00391 I A/17/09608 I A/17/10011 A/01/00411 I A/17/09611 I A/17/10023 I A/02/01025 I A/17/09613 I A/18/10074 A/03/01364 I A/17/09617 I A/18/10088 A/03/01732 I A/17/09619 I A/18/10099 A/04/02168 I A/17/09622 I A/18/10100 Muir, Daniel H. I A/17109623 I A/18/10209 A/01/00053 I A/17/09626 I A/18/10221 A/01/00127 I A/ 17 /09628 I A/18/10233 A/01/00177 I A/17109631 I A/18/10240 A/01/00449 I A/17/09635 I A/18/10262

158 I A/18/10264 Muir, Wanda I A/10/05815 I A/18/10270 I A/05/02761 Nelson, Edward W. I A/18/10275 I A/05/03076 I A/19/10907 I A/18/10294 I A/05/03078 Nelson, Henry L. I A/18/10301 I A/05/031 08 I A/09/05489 I A/18/10323 I A/05/03134 New York Times editors I A/18/10332 I A/05/03154 I A/ l l /06307 Muir, Joanna G. I A/06/03250 Newhall, C. S. I A/01/00061 I A/06/03287 A/12/06910 I A/01/00067 I A/06/03320 A/12/07266 I A/01/00100 I A/06/03477 Newkirk, Garrell I A/01/00129 I A/06/03483 A/16/09125 I A/01/00210 I A/06/03497 Newton, Ambrose I A/01/00240 I A/07/03814 I A/01/00310 I A/01/00262 I A/07103903 Newton, Mary E. I A/01 /00405 I A/07104160 I A/01 /00353 I A/01/00405 I A/07104174 I A/19/10864 I A/01/00663 I A/07104191 I A/19/10969 I A/03/01714 I A/07/04234 I A/19/11033 I A/03/01833 I A/07104242 Newton, William I A/03/01878 I A/07104255 A/16/08940 I A/04/01979 I A/07104264 A/18/10413 I A/04/02037 I A/07104283 Nicholson, George I A/04/02080 I A/07104308 I A/13/07807 Muir, John (other) I A/07/04329 I A/14/07907 I A/05/02695 I A/08/04975 I A/14/08176 Muir, Louie S. I A/09/05242 I A/15/08299 A/04/02106 I A/09/05258 Noble, John W. I A/04/02113 I A/09/05277 A/12/06894 I A/04/02225 I A/09/05578 A/16/09355 I A/04/02257 I A/09/05593 A/16/09375 I A/04/02266 I A/09/05627 Noble, Kate Y. I A/04/02299 I A/10/05904 A/14/07953 I A/04/02302 I A/10/05911 Nodger I A/05/02737 I A/10/05923 A/11/06563 I A/05/02757 I A/10/05954 Norton, Mary E. I A/05/02759 I A/10/05969 A/04/02482 I A/05/02772 I A/11/06332 A/05/02789 I A/05/02786 I A/13/07675 Notmao, Charles I A/05/03116 I A/13/07733 I A/08/04523 I A/05/03121 I A/13/07783 I A/09/05272 I A/05/03138 I A/13/07785 I A/09/05389 I A/05/03143 I A/16/08825 Noyes, George R. I A/05/03148 I A/16/08859 I A/16/09097 I A/06/03278 I A/16/08885 I A/16/09114 I A/06/03288 I A/16/08892 O'Fallon, Anita G. I A/06/03290 I A/16/08905 I A/16/09084 I A/06/03479 I A/16/08926 Ochsner, Albert J. I A/06/03485 I A/17 /097 37 I A/18/10453 I A/06/03492 I A/17/09746 Ogden, Laura I. I A/06/03499 Munro, Eliza A/13/07461 I A/06/03504 I A/11/06781 A/15/08316 I A/06/03508 Munro, Henrietta D. Ogiloie, Paul I A/06/03517 I A/06/03542 A/16/09228 I A/07/03820 Munroe, Kirk Oiebdy, C. F. 1 A/07103827 I A/17/09521 A/01/00271 I A/07/03834 Munroe, Mary B. Olney, Warren I A/07104126 I A/09/05378 A/07/04118 I A/07/04131 I A/12/06904 A/07/04351 I A/071041 52 I A/16/09055 A/07/04385 I A/07 /04189 I A/17/09521 A/08/04561 I A/07/04216 I A/17109986 A/09/05393 I A/07104295 I A/18/10608 A/12/07224 I A/07/04306 Murdock, James Osborn Family I A/07104322 I A/14/07959 I A/21/12250 I A/07104328 I A/14/08120 Osborn, Henry F. I A/08/04973 I A/14/08178 I A/09/05135 I A/08/04985 I A/15/08685 I A/09/05669 I A/09/05192 I A/16/08865 I A/10/06101 I A/09/05218 Murgotten, Alex P. I A/10/06165 I A/09/05612 I A/16/09116 I A/14/08168 I Ail 1/06461 Murphy, Agnes G. I A/15/08535 I A/13/07727 I A/14/08036 I A/15/08669 Muir, Margaret H. Murphy, E. J. I A/16/09035 I A/01/00053 I A/16/09234 I A/16/09123 I A/01/00065 Myers, Francis J. I A/19/10692 I A/01/00074 I A/04/02009 I A/19/10739 Muir, Mary Myers, Mrs. Francis J. I A/19/10759 I A/01/00061 I A/04/01981 I A/19/10796 I A/01/00082 Myrick, Emma A. I A/19/10995 I A/01/00096 I A/07104116 I A/20/11501 I A/01/00138 I A/08/04418 I A/20/11659 I A/01/00240 I A/11/06666 I A/20/11841 I A/01/00529 Myrick, M. H. I A/20/11863 I A/02/00714 A/08/04423 I A/20/11905 I A/03/017 58 A/08/04427 I A/21/12257 Muir, Sarah A/08/04796 I A/22/12639 I A/01/00053 A/09/05694 I A/22/12891 Muir, W.R. I A/09/05708 Osborn, Loulu P. I A/09/05620 I A/I 0/05794 A/09/05384

159 A/14/08052 A/10/06CA6 Parry, C. C. I A/14/08126 A/19/11003 I A/04/02132 I A/15/08670 A/19/11016 I A/05/02989 I A/19/11036 I A/05/03150 Perry, Joseph w. A/20/11672 A/19/11164 I A/06/03263 I A/20/11610 Parsons, Edward T. Pfautz, John M. A/22/13038 A/21/12300 I A/21/12027 J. D. A/21/12474 I A/22/12756 Phillips, A/22/12908 A/21/12578 Parsons, Harmon 0. A/21/12579 I A/14/07912 Phillips, Violet A/19/10835 Owen, Juliette A. Parsons, Herbert Phipps, Henry I A/15/08396 I A/18/10082 A/12/07001 I A/15/08438 Parsons, Marion R. Pickard, Joseph Page, Walter H. I A/21/12027 I A/09/05477 I A/21/12531 I A/I 1/06596 I A/09/05534 I A/22/12778 Pickard, Joseph c. I A/09/05558 I A/22/12789 I A/11/06329 I A/09/05574 I A/22/12831 I A/11/06638 I A/09/05625 I A/22/12930 I A/11/06778 I A/09/05630 Parsons, Mary E. I A/12/06913 I A/09/05635 I A/09/05356 I A/12/07336 I A/09/05655 I A/11/06519 I A/18110441 I A/09/05701 I A/17/09925 Pickard, Josiah L. I A/10/05771 Paschall, S. E. I A/18/10404 I A/10/05773 A/13/07806 I A/18/10422 I A/10/05785 Pascoe, Jessie A. Pickard, Samuel T. I A/10/05836 A/08/04879 I A/21/12040 I A/I 0/05855 Paterson, Robert Pierce. George W. I A/I 0/05944 A/04/02431 I A/03/01512 I A/10/06123 Paton, Duncan Pierce, Roger I A/10/06128 A/01/00282 I A/21/12074 I A/10/06141 Patton, Abby H. I A/21/12102 I A/11/06387 A/03/01925 Pilkington, Thomas J. I A/11 /06428 A/04/01992 I A/17/09903 I A/11/06768 A/05/02828 Pinchot, Gifford I A/12/07273 A/07/03924 A/07/04200 I A/14/08158 Patton, Ludlow A/07/04314 I A/15/08734 A/03/01925 A/08/04494 I A/16/08773 A/04/01992 A/08/04545 I A/16/08778 A/05/02828 A/09/05267 I A/16/08970 Paulin, Grace G. A/09/05318 I A/17/09837 A/18/10095 A/09/05353 I A/17/09845 Payne, Edward B. A/09/05569 I A/17/09856 I A/11/06650 A/09/05695 I A/17/09904 Payo, Benjamin N. A/10/06179 I A/18/10105 I A/10/05871 A/11/06324 I A/18/10131 Payot, Henry A/11/06671 I A/18/10249 A/04/02216 A/16/09256 I A/18/10288 Payson, A. H. Platt, H. v. I A/18/10497 I A/12/06920 A/16/09433 I A/19/10834 I A/14/07974 Pomeroy, Eleanor W. Palmer, Howard I A/14/08247 I A/21/12323 I A/20/11832 Pease, Raymond B. I A/21/12535 Park, Dean W. I A/22/12723 Pope, Marion M. A/10/05853 Peck, E. E. A/20/11522 Parker, Elizabeth I A/19/10847 Popenoe, F. 0. A/19/10703 Pelton, Emily 0. I A/15/08619 Parker, Wilbur I A/01/00274 Porsild, Morten P. I A/19/10835 I A/04/02030 I A/16/08814 Parker, William B. I A/04/02121 Porter. Evangeline I A/11/06441 I A/04/02169 I A/21/12466 I A/11/06504 I A/04/02186 Porter, John A. I A/11/06518 I A/04/02354 A/09/05505 I A/II /06531 Pelton, Frances N. Porter, Robert C. I A/11/06575 I A/01/00092 A/10/05764 I A/l l /06585 I A/01/00216 Powers, J. E. I A/11106625 Penn, Julius A. A/12/07040 I A/11/06635 I A/14/08145 Powers, L. M. I A/ I l /06664 Perham, Franklin E. A/11/06565 I A/11/06676 I A/10/06108 Price, Norman I A/11/06682 Perkins, F. B. A/17/09980 I A/11/06725 I A/07/03888 Price, Robert M. I A/11/06731 I A/07/03895 A/07/03953 I A/11/06736 I A/07/04013 A/07/04092 I A/11106749 I A/08/05051 Price, Thomas I A/11/06789 Perkins, George c. A/18/10547 I A/12/06919 I A/09/05151 A/19/10697 I A/12/07023 I A/09/05500 A/20/11886 I A/12/07073 I A/10/05808 A/21/12139 I A/12/07270 I A/16/08854 Pulsifer, W. H. I A/13/07411 Perkins, Joseph J. A/03/01518 I A/14/07895 I A/19/10778 Putnam, Elizabeth W. I A/14/07937 Perry, Belmont I A/21112277 I A/14/08125 A/17/09566 Putnam, Harrington I A/18/10415 Perry, Bliss I A/17/10040 I A/18/10429 I A/10/06211 I A/20/11366 I A/18/10457 I A/12/07205 I A/20/11408 I A/19/10856 I A/12/07238 Putnam, Mary P. Parkhurst, Ruth I A/13/07394 I A/18/10610 A/18/10466 I A/13/07456 Pwombly, J. F.

160 A/19/10700 A/05/02912 A/18110258 Randall, Henry A/05/02985 Roe, Laura B. A/11/06787 A/05/03000 A/20/11766 I A/12/07012 A/05/03041 Rolfe, H. W. I A/12/07041 A/05/03068 A/16/08923 I A/16/08997 A/05/03094 Roosevelt, Theodore Raphall, T. V. A/05/03162 I A/13/07516 A/22/12880 A/05/03184 I A/13/07650 Rather, John E. A/06/03220 I A/14/08195 A/21/12266 A/06/03238 I A/14/08198 Ray, Hauie A. A/06/03360 I A/15/08653 A/19/10674 A/06/03384 I A/16/09269 Redfield, John H. A/06/03395 I A/17109513 I A/03/01531 A/06/03438 I A/17/09686 I A/03/01613 A/06/03457 I A/18/10255 Reed, Helen L. A/06/03569 I A/19/10938 A/08/04812 A/06/03596 Ross, Emily L. Reid, Andrew A/07/03666 A/16/09210 A/01/00422 A/07/03682 Rowell, Chester Reid, Annie G. A/07/04209 A/13/07500 A/02/01242 A/07/04267 Royce, B. H. Reid, Charles A/07/04326 I A/06/03295 A/01/00027 A/11/06576 Russell, Israel c. A/01/00029 A/13/07750 I A/04/02538 A/01/00031 A/13/07762 I A/07/03871 Reid, Harry F. A/14/08267 I A/07/04352 A/07/03687 Reid, W. T. Rust, Horatio N. A/07/03793 A/04/02359 A/08/04594 A/07/03817 A/08/04540 Salisbury, Albert A/07/03920 A/08/04542 A/11/06391 A/07/03937 A/08/04610 Salt, Henry S. A/08/04504 A/16/08903 A/17/09646 A/09/05350 Reid, William Sampson, Alden A/11/06344 A/01/00035 I A/13/07545 A/11/06587 A/01/00037 I A/13/07721 A/12/06984 A/01/00039 I A/15/08585 A/13/07412 A/01/00102 I A/16/08957 A/15/08736 Reimers, D. W. I A/20/11935 A/16/08933 A/20/11516 Sanders, Helen F. A/20/11417 Reimers, Johannes I A/20/11229 Reid, Harvey I A/12/07047 Sargent, Charles S. A/01/00122 Renfrew, P. C. I A/08/04424 A/01/00124 A/03/01829 I A/08/04506 A/01/00144 A/03/01852 I A/08/04636 A/10/06160 Rennie, I. I A/08/04661 A/13/07451 A/08/04864 I A/08104795 A/14/08045 A/08/05008 I A/08/05025 A/17/09514 A/16/09088 I A/08/05039 Reid, Jessie A/16/09140 I A/09/05140 A/02/01135 A/16/09289 I A/09/05153 Reid, John Rennie, James I A/09/05167 A/01/00194 A/17/09990 I A/09/05179 A/01/00204 Rennie, William I A/09105331 I A/01/00227 A/22/12725 I A/09105342 I A/01 /00236 Rice, Charles E. I A/09/05348 I A/01/00260 A/20/11587 I A/09/05349 I A/04/021 52 A/20/11628 I A/09/05372 I A/05/02596 Richardson, Frederick A. I A/09105376 I A/05/03003 I A/15/08490 I A/09/05383 I A/05/03043 Rideing, William H. I A/09105404 I A/05/03059 I A/04/02412 I A/09105431 I A/05/03158 Ridgway. Robert I A/09105449 I A/05/03174 A/10/06183 I A/09/05459 I A/05/03189 A/11/06336 I A/09105463 I A/06/03228 A/11/06418 I A/09/05468 I A/06/03392 A/21/12206 I A/09105471 I A/07 /03664 Riley, John H. I A/09/05476 Reid, Margaret M. I A/01/00471 I A/09/05478 I A/01/00129 I A/01/00482 1 A/09105485 I A/01/00179 I A/07/04104 I A/09/05487 I A/01/00194 Ripley, Lauren W. I A/09/05494 I A/01/00204 I A/20/11274 I A/09105501 I A/01/00265 Ritchie, John I A/09/05517 I A/02/01240 I A/10/05799 I A/09/05522 I A/03/01977 I A/10/06051 I A/09/05533 I A/04/02051 Riuer, William E. I A/09105544 I A/04/02154 I A/10/06227 I A/09/05550 I A/04/02488 I Ail 0/06243 I A/09/05554 I A/04/02493 Robinson, Charles D. I A/09105559 I A/04/02522 I A/11/06765 I A/09/05571 I A/04/02544 Robinson, Charles H. I A/09/05575 I A/04/02546 I A/08/04~18 I A/09/05580 I A/05/02630 I A/21/12020 I A/09/05631 I A/05/02633 Robinson, Chas. H. I A/09/05640 I A/05/02664 I A/08/04818 I A/09/05648 I A/05/0269 3 Robinson, Claire S. I A/09/05672 I A/05/02726 I A/08/04992 I A/09/05698 I A/05/02848 Rodgers, A. F. I A/10/05763 I A/05/02858 I A/09/05288 I All 0/05774 I A/05/02876 Rodman, Willoughby I A/l 0/05796

161 A/10/05797 I A/20/11977 I A/16/09397 A/10/05809 I A/21/12409 I A/16/09422 A/10/05816 Scattergood, J. H. I A/17/09473 I A/10/05828 I A/16/09387 I A/17/09577 I A/l 0/05839 Schenck, C. A. I A/17/09781 I A/10/05842 A/10/06040 I A/17109912 I A/I 0/05844 Scherer, James A. B. I A/18/10093 I A/10/05857 I A/18/10376 I A/18/10101 I A/10/05861 I A/20/11225 I A/19/10894 I A/I 0/05865 Schmitt, Anlonie I A/19/10917 I A/10/05873 A/17/10013 I A/19/11015 I A/I 0/05937 A/19/10658 I A/20/11261 I Ail 0/06009 Schwarz, G. F. Sellers, Fay H. I All 0/06024 I A/12/07113 A/08/04605 I A/10/06033 I A/20/11812 A/08/05042 I A/10/06038 I A/21/12267 A/09/05107 I A/10/06043 I A/21/12292 A/15/08661 I A/10/06045 I A/21/12511 A/19/10922 I A/10/06048 Scidmore, Eliza R. A/20/11446 I A/10/06067 I A/05/02857 A/20/11465 I A/10/06075 I A/06/03548 A/20/11487 I A/10/06089 I A/07/03786 A/20/11834 I A/10/06094 I A/08/04421 A/21/12052 I A/10/06102 I A/08/04994 A/21/12085 I A/10/06104 Scou, c. J. A/21/12165 I A/10/06121 A/19/10718 A/21/12279 I A/10/06169 Scott, Frank H. A/21 /12376 I A/10/06185 A/08/04417 A/22/12632 I A/10/06193 A/08/04436 A/22/12805 I A/10/06216 A/08/04467 A/22/12938 1 A/10/06247 A/08/04476 Sellers, Frank I A/10/06264 A/08/04522 A/16/08949 1 A/10/06274 A/08/04544 Senger. Henry I A/11/06308 A/08/04789 A/07103939 I A/11/06331 A/10/05989 Sexton. Lillian I All l /06335 A/10/06271 A/14/07914 1 A/l l /06369 A/13/07388 Shepard, Morgan I A/11/06405 A/13/07418 A/13/07423 I A/11/06413 A/13/07679 Shepardson, Everell I A/11/06421 A/15/08327 I A/21/12428 I A/11/06448 A/19/11118 I A/21/12451 I A/11/06481 Scribner, Charles I A/22/12995 I A/11/06618 A/03/01858 Shields, W. J. 1 A/11/06726 A/20/11351 I A/14/07969 1 A/11/06751 Scribner's I A/14/08127 I A/12/07043 A/03/01827 I A/15108507 I A/12/07160 Seale, Alvin Shinn, Charles H. I A/12/07321 A/14/08119 I A/08/04955 I A/12/07333 Seaman, Frank I A/12/06937 I A/13/07472 A/14/08022 Shinn, Milicenl W. I A/13107499 Sedgwick, Ellery I A/04/02420 I A/13/07553 A/18110286 I A/04102445 I Al 13/07 577 A/18/10337 I A/04/02458 I A/13/07598 A/19/10871 I A/07/03804 I A/13/07843 A/19/10916 Shoup, Paul I A/14/07990 Sell, Eella G. A/16109166 I A/14108039 I A/18/10364 A/17/10042 I A/14/08169 Sellers, Alfred H. Shull. Samuel s. I A/14/08191 1 A/05/02846 I A/17/09467 I A/14/08221 I A/06/03602 I A/18/10381 I A/15/08468 I A/07/04129 I A/19/11025 I A/15/08613 I A/08/04670 Sibley, Wilham E. I A/15/08649 I A/08/04766 I A/01/00363 I A/15/08725 I A/08/04777 Sierra Club I A/16/08866 I A/08104798 V D/51/00198 I A/16/08982 I A/08/04872 Sigler, Willard J. I A/16/09154 I A/08/04877 I A/20/ 11520 I A/16/09222 I A/08/04918 Sime, W. B. I A/16/09367 I A/09/05174 I A/08/04734 I A/17/09554 I A/09/05324 Simmons, Evelyn c. I A/17/09597 I A/09/05659 I A/21/12581 I A/18/10400 I A/10/05786 I A/21/12583 I A/18/10569 I A/10/05790 Simonds, Edilh Sargenl, Mary I A/10/05830 A/18/10487 A/12/07136 1 A/10/06054 A/18/10612 A/12/07165 I A/10/06181 A/18/10614 A/12/07331 I A/11/06707 A/18/10651 A/15/08651 I A/11/06723 Simonson, Flavel Sarony. Otto I A/12/06933 A/09/05624 A/09/05317 I A/12/07275 Simpson, W. H. Saunders, Charles F. 1 A/13107463 A/16/08875 I Al 13/077 56 I A/13107540 A/16/08896 Sawyer, Charles H. I A/14107882 A/16/08897 I A/12/06902 I A/14/08133 A/16/08942 I A/15/08696 I A/15/08541 A/18/10480 I A/19/10872 I A/15/08661 A/18/10533 Sayre, G. H. I A/16109111 Skeek, Grace D. A/20/11914 I A/16/09146 I A/16/08837 Scaife, Roger L. I A/16/09211 Skinner, Charles M. A/20/11334 I A/16/09304 1 A/12/07274

162 Skinner, Hal I A/22/12917 I A/19/11083 I A/14/08111 Stoddard, Charles W. I A/19/11134 Slifer, R. G. I A/02/01289 Thaw, Alexander B. I A/10/06214 I A/03/01399 I A/08/05074 Sloane, William M. I A/11 /06672 Thayer, John A. I A/19/10924 I A/11/06742 I A/16/08887 I A/19/10953 I A/21/12503 Thayer, William R. Smith, C. F. Stokes, Anson P. I A/09/05220 I A/18/10454 A/19/10861 Thomas, B. F. Smith, Charles R. A/19/10874 A/20/11747 I A/11/06632 A/20/11299 Thomas, Hadassah Smith, D.R. A/20/11329 I A/19/10835 A/10/06002 Streator, Gertrude I. Thomas, William Smith, Ernest c. I A/21/12108 A/15/08718 . I A/12/07018 Strentzel, John Thompson, Henriena S. I A/12/07144 A/03/01652 I A/20/11371 Smith, Felipe T. A/03/01775 I A/20/11469 I A/20/11696 A/03/01839 I A/21/12502 Smith, George D. A/03/01909 I A/22/12862 I A/13/07421 A/05/02749 I A/22/12986 Smith, George 0. A/05/02775 Thomson, Frances D. A/18/10561 Strentzel, Louie I A/18/10225 Smith, Harrison A/03/01748 Thwaites, Reuben G. A/22/12638 A/03/01763 I A/21/12391 A/22/12665 A/03/01781 Ticknor, Benjamin H. Smith, James P. A/03/01893 I A/16/08872 A/10/06091 A/03/01912 I A/17/09629 Smith, Jeanie 0. A/03/01923 I A/17/09800 A/22/13023 A/03/01928 I A/18/10378 Smith, Jesse L. A/03/01930 Tillinghast, Benjamrn F. I A/18/10425 A/03/01934 I A/16/09319 Smith, Marci us c. A/04/01974 I B/16/09324 I A/11/06614 A/04/01996 Tinning, W. S. I A/11/06627 Strentzel, Louisiana E. A/20/11830 I A/11/06720 I A/07 /03958 Tolerton, Hill I A/17/09827 I A/07/03963 A/22/12814 Smith, Sidney v. Strohmeyer, H. A. Torrey, John I A/04/02401 I A/13/07832 A/02/01168 I A/09/05120 Stuart, James R. Townsend, Charles H. Smith, William L. I A/15/08328 I A/07/04025 I A/13/07800 Stubbs, Joseph E. Townsend, Robert D. I A/14/08258 I A/11/06706 I A/15/08484 I A/15/08302 I A/11/06829 Trelease, Wilham Sperry, Helen G. Stuck, Hudson I A/12/06906 A/16/09205 A/22/12808 I A/16/09180 A/16/09414 Sulgrove, Les! ie Trippet, Oscar A. Sperry, James L. A/04/02419 I A/11/06532 A/08/04596 Sutherland, Celustus Trout, Hallie Squire, Alice M. I A/01/00451 A/01/00433 A/01/00202 Swain, Mrs. Richard A/01/00584 A/01/00334 I A/I l /06458 Trout, Mary Squire, Mrs. R. Swan, Muriel A/01/00424 A/01/00202 A/19/10835 A/01/00506 Squire, R. Sweany, James A. Trout, Peter L. I A/01/00329 I A/01/00270 I A/09/05429 I A/01/00334 Swen, Helen I A/16/09059 Stafford, Harry F. A/12/07227 I A/16/09073 I A/22/12728 A/15/08308 I A/16/09104 Stanton, E. M. Swen, Mary L. Trout, William H. I A/16/09224 A/03/01800 I a/ 14/08096 Stea tor, Gertrude ). I A/08/04527 I A/03/01572 I A/21/12223 I A/13/07457 I A/03/01704 Stebbins, Alfred I A/15/08298 I A/05/02976 A/08/04488 I A/20/11884 I A/05/03086 SLebbins, N. D. I A/21/12490 I A/09/05203 A/02/01173 Swen, Myrta W. I A/13/07748 I A/03/01403 A/15/08332 I A/14/07977 I A/03/01739 Taft, William H. I A/16/08796 I A/04/02072 A/19/10678 I A/ 16/08943 I A/04/02089 A/19/10720 I A/16/08948 I A/04/02416 A/20/11290 I A/16/08952 I A/04/02439 A/20/11919 I A/20/11599 I A/05/02607 Taylor, B. G. I A/21/12063 I A/05/02681 I A/15/08444 I A/21/12245 I A/05/02731 Taylor, Edward R. I A/21/12284 I A/05/02791 I A/09/05686 Tully, Eleanor G. Steel, Will G. I A/15/08411 I A/12/07158 I A/11/06828 I A/15/08641 Turnbull, John Sterling, J. W. I A/16/09187 I A/08/04731 I A/01/00655 I A/16/09188 I A/16/09028 Stewart, George w. Taylor, John G. U. S. Interior Dept. I A/16/08843 I A/21/12058 I A/20/11673 I A/16/09027 Taylor, Rose S. Unknown Stewart, Mary E. A/21/12186 A/08/04834 I A/21/12217 Teague, Marie L. A/08/05060 Stillman I A/22/12655 A/13/07549 I A/09/05417 Thacher, Sherman D. A/13/07758 Stimson, Frances C. I A/18/10304 A/16/09226 I A/18/10277 I A/18/10342 A/19/10835 Stinson, L. E. I A/19/10745 A/21/12378

163 I A/22/13058 A/01/00334 A/16/08832 Unknown (A. 0. R.l Wells, S. E. Wood, H. P. 1886 Jun 16 I A/05/02903 I A/03/01831 A/17/09732 A/18/10238 Unwin, T. F. Wells, William B. A/21/12486 I A/16/08855 Woodruff, George W. Upham, Else L. Wheeler, Benjamin I. I A/16/09295 A/14/08183 I A/13/07517 Woodward, Bernard W. Upham, Isaac I A/13/07529 I A/14/08124 A/04/02218 I A/13/07537 Woolson, Abba G. Upham, Warren I A/13/07602 I A/02/01041 A/22/12637 I A/21/12176 I A/02/01072 Van Dyke, Henry Wheelock, Irene G. I A/02/01252 I A/21/12100 I A/12/07104 I A/03/01429 Van Hise, Charles R. I A/13/07779 I A/03/01543 I A/14/07918 Whish, John D. Woolson, Moses I A/14107939 A/12/06998 A/03/01812 Van Trump, P. B. While, Harold J A/04/01983 I A/06/03224 A/14/07963 Worcester, Joseph I A/06/03473 White, James T. A/07/04058 I A/11/06313 A/10/06017 Worchester, Joseph I A/19110946 White, Mrs. James E. I A/19/11004 I A/19/10955 I A/13/07454 Worstell, Mary V. I A/19/10964 White, Mrs. Lovell I A/11/06859 I A/20/11980 I A/13/07574 Wright, Ellen M. Vanderbilt, John M. White, T. B. I A/08/04956 I A/04/02027 A/09105144 Wright, Helen S. I A/04102063 Whitehead, James A/03/01754 I A/04/02140 I A/21/12041 A/08104438 I A/04/02227 I A/21/12093 A/08/04481 I A/04/02230 I A/21/12126 A/08/04893 I A/04/02289 Whitley, John P. Wyhie, James I A/04/02334 I A/04/02386 A/18/10620 I A/04/02404 Whitney, Casper Wyllie, James I A/04/02474 A/16/08800 A/20/11772 Varnel, John H. A/16/08818 Yaple, Luther B. A/01/00050 A/16/09132 A/08/05049 A/01/00078 I A/18/10491 Yeigh, Frank Varnell, E. I. Whitney, George E. A/08/04945 A/01/00257 I A/07/03940 Yelverton, Therese Varnell, Harry A. Whitney, Helen I A/02/01033 I A/01/00257 I A/22/12646 Young, S. Hall Vasey, G. R. I A/22/12691 A/04/02083 A/04102082 Whitney, Margaret A/04102176 Voorhies, A. H. I A/22/12663 A/04/02189 A/15/08694 Whymper, Edward A/04/02190 Vroman, A. C. I A/19/10680 A/05/02881 A/21/12369 Wiesler, Mrs. W. H. A/06/03421 Wainright, Helen I A/11/06737 A/09/05418 A/14/08037 Wilcox, Emma K. A/09/05441 Walcott, Charles 0. I A/21/12188 A/09105511 I A/14/08256 Wilde, W. A. A/10/06205 Walters, Horace H. I A/I I /06434 A/19/10889 I A/10/05998 I A/ 1 I /06439 A/19110958 I Ail 0/06049 Wilder, Isabel N. A/19/11000 Warfield, Clara I A/22/12999 A/19/11023 I A/21/12296 Wildish, C. H. Zeus, Carl C. Warner, George H. I A/01/00212 A/07/03927 I A/09/05394 Willard, Charles D. A/07/03931 I A/09/05413 I A/20/11938 Zumwalt, D. K. I A/09/05506 Willard, Florence A/12/07223 I A/09/05525 A/20/11220 A/12/07237 I A/09/05700 A/21/12099 Washburn, Charles E. Willard, H. Drawings I A/06/03222 A/15/08584 see reel/fiche contents Washburn, Lucy M. Willcomb, R. H. I A/07/03957 A/16/08961 Journals I A/08/04878 Williams, Harry W. Alaska and Norway 1890 Washburne, Marion F. I A/04/02480 Il/27 /02882 I A/21/12339 Williams, Jennie Alaska Trip with Young 1879 I A/2 l /12358 I A/22/12686 11/26/01936 I A/21/12397 Williamson, Frances Alaska Trip 1879 Waters I A/20/11679 11/25/01617 A/18/10430 Willibald, Brother Alaska 1879 Watson, Anna I A/21/12553 11/25/01559 A/01/00320 Wilson, Emily P. Alaska 1896 Watson, C. A. I A/12/07

164 11/30/04392 11/24/00877 Alaska Land Botany Trip 1897 Tree Studies 1906 IIIB/38/06508 11/28/03506 11/30/04359 Alaska Travel Fragments Cassiar Trip 1879 Trip with Hooker and Gray 1877 IIIC/48/13195 11/25/01773 11/25/01409 Alaska Travel Notes Cinder Cone Sketches 1877 Tuolumne Canyon 1895 IIID/48/13211 11/25/01375 11/28/03266 Alaska Trip Corwin Cruise Part 1 Il/28/03327 IIIB/42/08785 11/26/022 58 Tuolumne Meadows 1901 IIIB/42/08792 Corwin Cruise Part 2 11/29/03844 IllB/42/09056 11/27/02441 Tuolumne 1872 III B/42/09107 Corwin Cruise Sketches 11/23/00357 Alaska Trip hinerary 11/27/02370 Twenty Hill Hollow 1869 IIID/38/06457 East Side of Sierra 1878 11/23/00152 Alaska Trip Outl me 11/25/01503 Utah 1877 llID/38/06459 Europe 1893 11/25/01303 Alaska Weather 11/28/03198 Washington Notes 1896 IIIC/38/06521 Florida and Cuba 1867-1868 11/28/03496 Alaska, etc. 11/23/00019 Wind Storm, Pine Trees 1872-73 III B/40/07734 Forest Field Studies 1896 11/23/00508 Alpine Alps 11/28/03460 World Tour Part 1 IIIB/35/03815 Forestry Commission 1896 11/29/03924 Alpine Forests 11/28/03407 World Tour Part II IIIB/35/04011 From Wrangel Up Stickeen 11/29/03976 Alpine Waterfalls 11/25/01778 World Tour Part III IIIB/35/04347 Geodetic Survey 1878 11/29/04021 Alps 11/25/01450 World Tour Part JV llIB/35/03725 Giant Forest 1901 11/29/04075 llIC/34/02003 11/29/03829 World Tour Part V American Forests Glacier Sketches 1890 11/30/04175 IIIB/42/09148 11/28/02984 Yellowstone Park 1885 III B/42/09192 Glacier Sled Trip 1890 II/27 /02778 IIIB/42/09224 11/28/03079 Yosemite Creek, etc. 1872 llIB/42/09238 Glaciers; Dead Rivers 1875 11/23/00244 Among the Animals and Birds 11/24/01117 Yosemite Fall, Ice Cone 1873 llIB/43/09569 Harriman Expedition 1899 11/23/00541 Among the Animals of Yosemite 11/29/03621 Yosemite Fall, Rainbows 1873 III B/43/0966 7 Harriman Trip Part 2 11/23/00600 Among the Birds of Yosemite 11/29/03701 Yosemite Trip 1889 llIB/43/09683 Harriman Trip Part 3 II/27 /02877 Ancient Glaciers 11/29/03795 Yosemite Trip 1907 llIB/34/02247 lllilouene Basin 1872 11/30/04373 IIIB/35/03769 11/23/00310 Yosemite Valley 1871 IIIB/36/04509 Indian Canon, North Dome 1873 11/23/00237 Ancient Glaciers of the Sierra 11/23/00625 Yosemite Year Book 1869-70 IJIB/39/06556 Island Park Trip 1913 11/23/00197 IIIB/39/06620 II/30/04 799 Y05emite, Kings Canyon 1873 Anemone Nunalliana Kern River 1902 11/24/00779 J J IC/34/01957 11/29/03878 IIIC/34/01961 Kings River 1891 Manuscripts Animal Notes 11/28/03146 JV A/01/00027 IIID/34/02006 Lake Tahoe 1888 IV A/01/00042 Animal Observations 11/27/02805 IV A/01 /00043 IIIB/48/13423 Mount Shasta 1874 Adventure with a Dog Animals 11/24/00891 IIIB/42/09011 IJIC/39/07068 Mt. Lyell Studies 1873 IIIB/42/09018 IJIC/46/12082 11/24/006 77 IIIB/42/09029 IIIC/46/12110 Mt. Rainier &. Puget Sound 1888 Adventure with Mr. Young Animals, etc. 11/27/02854 IIIB/49/14061 IIIC/47/12118 Owens Valley, Yosemite 1875 IIIB/49/14069 Arizona 11/24/01135 Adventure with Young IIIB/45/10936 Panama Isthmus 1868 IIIB/45/11383 Arizona Notes 11/23/00147 Adventures of 3 Naturalists IJID/34/02012 Petrified Forest 1905--06 IIIC/33/01951 As a Boy 11/30/04347 Alaska IIIB/47/12213 Ranch Life 1895 IIIB/39/07026 Ascent of Rainier 11/28/03222 IIIB/41/08334 IIIC/40/07778 Ranch Life 1896 IIIB/41/08359 Auroras 11/28/03376 III B/4 l /08432 IIIB/47/12867 Redwood; Yosemite; Shasta, etc Alaska Auroras, etc. Autobiographical notes 11/24/01069 IIIB/45/11398 IJID/47 /12487 Sequoia Studies 187 5 Alaska Birds, etc. Autobiographical Fragment 11/24/01186 IIIC/38/06519 IIIC/49/14077 Shasta; Yosemite 1874 Alaska Climate IIIC/50/14962 11/2 3/009 5 3 IIIB/38/06439 Autobiographical Fragments Sierra Club Outing 1909 Alaska Coast Scenery IIIB/47/12479 II/ 30/04416 IllB/38/06402 Autobiographical Sketches South American Trip Alaska Draft Fragments IIIC/45/11013 JI/30/04636 IllC/38/06463 Autobiography South American Trip Part I A 1a ska Fragments IIIC/37/05361 11/30/04428 IJIC/40/07743 IJIC/45/11233 South American Trip Part II Alaska Glacier Description IIIC/48/13414 11/30/04501 IIIB/38/06388 IIIC/48/13455 South American Trip Part Ill Alaska Glaciers IIIC/50/14560 JI/30/04535 IIIB/38/06417 IIIC/50/14721 South Dome Ridge 1876 Alaska Ice Berg Notes Avalanches 11/25/01238 IIID/40/07708 IIIC/34/02014 Tenaya Falls 1872 Alaska Indians, etc. Bear Hunters 11/23/00473 IllB/45/11426 IIIC/43/09691 Torreya; Merced Canon 1874 IllB/48/13432 Bears

165 IIIB/34102018 JV Al0ll00029 JIJC/34/01975 Bee-Lands of California IV Al0ll00030 Gardens IIIB/38106112 JV AIOll00034 JIIBl35/03934 IIIB/38106134 IV AIOl/00035 George Bailey Tribu1e Bee-Pas1ures of California IV A/01/00036 IIICl42/08662 llIB/38106505 IV Al0ll00037 Glacial Denudalion IIIB/39106623 JV AIOl/00038 IIIB/34/02273 IIIB/39106644 IV Al0ll00039 JIIBl34102275 Beginning of Sculpture IV AIOll00046 IIIBl36104799 IIIB/34102024 IV A/01100047 Glacial Fleas e1c. Berrying Trip JV AIOl/00048 IIIC/34/01985 llIB/48/13215 Distribution of Plan1s Glacial Meadows of the Sierra llIBl48/13222 Ill Cl 34/02080 IIIBl37/05484 Big tree Douglass Squirrel Glaciation of the Arctic IIID/43/09979 llIB/37105415 IIIB/39/06949 Bird Notes; Accidents Drawmg Glaciation of Arctic IIIB/45/11240 llICl47/12513 IIIB/39/06784 Birds Edward Henry Harriman Glacier Bay IIIB/34/02058 IIIB/47112743 IIIB/42108811 lllB/47/12492 Emerson IIIB/48112917 Bo1anical Notes I I JCl43/09985 IIIBl48113056 llIBl39/06909 Excursion lo Indian Village IIIBl49ll 3601 Botanical Notes on Alaska IIIBl38/06429 IIIBl49/14147 IIIB/39/06937 Excursion 10 Mmnarels Glacier Notes Breakfasl Dedicated 10 Pa1rons III Bl 36104910 11 IDl34102087 llIC/34101953 Explorers Glaciers California Agriculture IJICl36/04942 II IB/35103738 JIJCl39/06670 Exploring Stickeen Glaciers IIIB/36105014 IIIC/39/06679 IIIB/45111485 IIIBl36I05062 IIIC/40107785 Features of the Proposed YNP IIIB/45110925 California Great Valley IV A/05100267 IIICl34/02090 llIBl45ll l 355 IV A/05/00290 God Inventor California Mountains Features of Proposed Park IIICl34/02107 llIDl37 I05409 IIIB/40107806 God's First Temples Camping First Alaska Trip IIIB/37105510 IIIC/45110941 llIBl48/l 3487 Going 10 California from Cuba Camping, Walking, elc IIIB/49113835 IIIBl45/11332 IIICl45l10971 Ftrst Draft of Autobiography Gold Mines of Alaska Canada IIIC/46/11583 IIIB/42109261 llIBl48ll 3414 Firsl Summer in the Sierra Grand Canyon of the Colorado Cascade Forest Resolution IIID/47/12733 IIIB/44/10613 V Dl5ll00192 Firsl Visil lo Muir Glacier IIIB/44/10688 Chilcat Trip IIIB/49/14138 Great Basin IIIBl49/14089 Flood S1orm in lhe Sierra IJIC/38106146 Chilwell Incident IIIBl37/05444 Grippe Trip IIIBl47ll2502 Flood S1orm OD the Yuba II IB/48113427 III Bl48l l 34 l 6 IIIB/36/05003 Hard Work Chokmg Blanket of Fog IIIB/37105455 IIIBl45/l l 245 llIC/43109880 Floods Harriman Expedi1ion Choosing Camp IIIB/36104972 IIID/43/09887 IIICl34/02069 Floods and Boulders Harriman Expedition, e1c. Climate, etc. IIICl37105458 IIIB/45111380 IIICl34I02072 Florida, etc. Havana llICl37105412 IIIB/45111465 llIC/34101973 Clouds Rest Flowers Headlands llICl34102075 IIIDl47112721 IllC/34/02110 Coleridge Quotation Forest Conservation Heart of the California Alps IIIDl46/l 1581 I I JDl40107604 IllB/37105512 Complaints Forest Management IIIB/37/05566 I I IBl42109252 llICl43I09885 Hetch Hetchy Coniferous Forests Forest Reserves, etc. llIB/48113231 I I IBl39106698 IIICl42/09256 III Cl46/l 2049 llIBl39I06758 Forest Soils III Cl48113229 Coniferous Forests of Sierra IIICl34102085 Hetch He1chy Fragmen1s IIIBl35104251 Forestry IIIDl46/12064 Conspiracy to Eat IIIBl45ll l 375 lllD/48113235 IIICl39/06945 Forests He1ch-Hetchy Valley Coyote, The III B/40107821 III B/46/ 1207 5 IIICl34102078 IIICl43109993 Himalaya Notes Cruise of the Corwin Forests of the Sierra IIIDl34/02113 IV Al0ll00040 IIIB/40/07600 Home I Found in Alaska Dances, Entertainment Forests of lhe Yosemite Park IIIB/48113237 IIIBl49114126 IIIBl43109995 IllBl49ll4l55 Dances, Great Entertainment IIIB/43/10041 IIIB/49114167 IllBl49/14131 IIIBl44/10102 Hooker Tribute Days of Gold: Old Miners IilBl44110148 IIICl45/10967 llICl43109882 Forests: Tubercu1ata III Cl461l2080 Death IIIC/39106774 Hunting llIC/36104906 Formation of Mountains IIIB/39/07028 IIIDl38106378 I I IBl36104455 Hunting Big Redwoods Death of My Father and Mother llIB/36104586 IIIBl44110341 II IBl45/l l 538 Formation of Passes IIIBl44110399 Discovery of Glacier Bay llICl34/02257 III Bl441l0491 llIB/42108733 Formation of Soils Hunting, etc IIIBl42I08799 III Bl 34/02260 IIIC/45/ l 0945 IV Al0ll00018 IIIBl36/04884 lllilouette IV Al0ll0002l Fountains and Streams IIICl341021 l S IV Al0ll00022 lllBl44ll 0326 Impressions JV Al0ll00024 llIBl44110338 IllCl38/0S900 IV Al0ll00028 From Florida to Cuba In the San Gabriel

166 llIB/38/05893 lllC/37/05665 lllB/37/05688 Indian Noles Mono Lake On Puget Sound lllD/40/07624 lllB/39/07085 lllB/38/06380 Indian Summer, Sunrise Mosquitoes, etc. On Wrangel Land lllC/45/11008 IIIC/34/02129 lllB/39/06801 Indians and Missionaries Mount E veresl lllB/39/06814 lllB/48/13251 IIIC/45/10927 Oregon Indians, etc. Mount Shasta lllB/40/07258 lllB/48/13248 IllB/39/07092 lllB/40/07366 lllC/44/10158 lllB/39/07148 Origins of Yosemite Influence of Nature IllB/39/07191 IIIB/42/08826 IllC/36/04947 lllB/39/07218 IIIB/42/08829 lntroductor)' No. 2 Mountain Building Osborne Trip to Alaska IllC/34/02342 lllB/36/04889 IIIC/49/14176 John of the Mountains IIIC/34/02399 Our National Parks III B/ 3 l /0064 3 Mountain Lakes of California IllD/47/12731 IIJB/34/02001 Ill B/ 38/061 70 Our New Arctic Territory IIJB/34/02018 Mountain Passes, etc. IllB/39/06839 lllB/34/02058 IIJC/34/02415 IIIB/39/06873 lllB/34/02195 IllC/42/08659 lllB/39/06884 IIIB/40/07734 Mountain Seu! pture Out of the Arctic Ill B/44/ 10260 lllB/36/04655 IllB/39/06827 Ill B/45/ I 09 36 lllB/36/04699 Outline of Sierra Trips Ill B/48/ 13231 lllB/36/04749 1110/38/06064 Kings River Canyon, etc. IllC/34/02417 Ouzel lllB/41/08442 Mountain Structure lllB/35/04390 IIJB/41/08471 IIIB/34/02567 Pacific Coast Glaciers La Brea Tar Pits (?) Mountainanity IllB/44/10180 lllD/47/12515 IIJC/34/02131 lllB/44/10207 Lake Merced Mountameering Book Pacific Northwest Travels IIJC/38/05842 IllC/47/12538 lllC/42/08860 Lake Tahoe in Winter Mountaineering, etc. Park Conservation Statement IIJB/44/10160 IIIC/37 /05572 1110/46/12051 Lake Tenaya Trip IllC/37/05673 Passes IIIC/39/06777 IIIC/39/07018 lllB/37/05698 Landscapes Ill C/39/07031 IIIB/40/07410 lllC/36/04950 Mountains of California lllB/42/08729 Landscapes Arcbi1ec1ure IIIB/40/07821 Passes of 1he California Alps JllD/36/04594 IllB/40/07849 IIIB/35/03805 Last En1ry in Mothers Diary IllB/40/07854 Passes of the Sierra Ill D/42/0886 7 IllB/42/08680 IV A/03/00168 Leaving Home III B/47/12700 Perils of Whaling IllB/45/11281 IllC/40/07856 IIIB/39/06836 Lecture on Glaciers IIID/42/08726 Philosophy and Reltgion lllC/37/05627 My First Lesson in Botany JJJC/34/01989 Lec1ure Calls, elc. IIIB/45/11307 Picturesque California IIID/47/12517 My First Summer in the Sierra lllB/39/07026 Leners To A Friend IIIA/31/00120 IllB/39/07085 I A/22/13084 IIIA/31/00209 lllB/39/07092 LeConte Reminiscences IIIA/3! /00300 III B/ 39 /07148 lllB/44/10555 IIIA/31/00382 IIIB/39/07191 Life and Leners of John Muir IIIA/31/00469 IIIB/39/07218 I A/01/00337 IIIA/31/00537 IIIB/40/07258 IIJB/47/12502 IllD/39/07065 IIIB/40/07366 lllC/45/11233 My Second Yosemite Trip, etc. lllB/40/07410 lllC/48/13414 IIIB/45/11367 IIIB/40/07434 Lire for Every Dea th My Trip Across Muir Glacier JJJB/40/07478 lllC/34/02126 IIIC/40/07711 I I IB/40/07555 Life in the Canyons Mysterious Things IIIB/40/07669 IIJC/40/07827 IllB/45/11517 IllB/40/07677 IIIC/40/07833 National Parks JJJB/42/09056 Light IIIB/42/09264 IIIC/39/07072 lllC/34/02392 IIIB/42/09273 IllD/40/07624 Linnaeus IIIB/42/09291 JV A/03/00155 III B/42/08872 Nature Is Ever At Work Posl Glacial Denudation JllB/42/08888 IIIB/47/12767 IIIB/36/04855 List of Book Sales Nature Loves Fun Rainier lllD/47/12731 IIJC/42/08906 IIIB/40/07434 List of Published Writings Na1ure's Funerals, elc. Recollections of the Winds IIIB/40/07718 lIIC/44/10177 lllB/34/01978 Love of Beauty in Animals Nevada's Dead Towns Rival of the Yosemite 111B/34/02214 IIIB/38/06213 lllB/41 /08488 Lower Yosemite Fall IIIB/38/06221 IllB/41/08563 IIJC/34/01997 New Agricuhure, The IIIB/42/08610 Man lIIB/35/04232 River Floods lllC/36/04956 New Sequoia Foresls IIIB/40/07849 McCloud River lIIB/38/06225 River Sources IJJC/34/02397 IIIB/38/06260 lllC/40/07851 Meadows Noon Rest, Evening, etc. Sabbath, The lllB/35/03883 IIJC/34/01955 IllC/34/00957 Midsummer Glories Notebook Index Fragment Sargent's Silva IJJC/34/01983 II ID/44/10691 lllB/44/10723 Misc. Fragments On the Mountain Top IIIB/45/10829 IIID/38/06476 lIIC/40/07847 Scenery of California III0/40/07690 On Board !be Dakota IIIB/43/0935 I lllD/43/09946 IllB/47/12769 IIIB/43/09 371 lllD/50/14874 On Post-Glacial History Scotland Missouri River IIIB/37/05208 lllB/45/11418 IIIC/39/07072 IIIB/37/05252 Second Trip Up Stickeen River Modoc War IIIB/37 /05309 lllB/48/ 13259

167 IIIB/48/13343 IV A/05/00297 Summer Day IIIB/49/13699 Sierra Trip Elevation Tables IIIB/37/05358 IIIB/49/13705 IIID/42/08655 Tamias JllB/49/13712 Snow Banners IIIB/35/04413 IIIB/49/14199 I I IB/38/05908 Tamias Quadrivittatus IIIC/37/05733 lllB/49/14204 lIIB/38/05914 IIIB/49/14213 I I IB/38/05932 Tehipele IIIB/48/13449 Sequoia in Two Sections lIIB/38/05948 lllB/35/04061 lIIB/47/12700 Tehipite Valley Sequoia Preservation Snow Banners of the Alps IIIB/48/13408 IIIC/43/09871 lIIB/35/04331 Tenaya Adventure Sequoia, etc. Snow Storm on Ml. Shasta lIIB/45/11233 IIIC/47/12875 lII B/ 36/04960 Tenaya Canyon IIID/44/10212 lIIB/38/05960 lllB/45/11501 Shadows lIIB/38/05989 Thousand Mile Walk IIIC/34/02660 III B/38/06022 IIIB/34/01978 IIIC/37 /05730 Snow, The IIIB/48/13438 Sbasla III B/40/07606 IIIC/45/11233 IIIC/36/08459 Soft and Volump1uous People lIIC/48/13414 Shasta in Winter IIIC/40/07471 To Yosemite and Beyond lllB/34/02245 Soil Building IIIC/37/05361 Shasta Bees lIIC/36/04442 Trails of the Gold Hunters IIIB/36/05068 South American Note Fragment lIIB/42/08910 JIIB/37/05125 IIID/47/12877 III B/42/08980 Sheep South Amencan Noles Travel in Alaska Outlines IIID/38/05904 IIID/34/02138 II ID/47/12878 Sierra Garden Meadows Squirrel Travels in Alaska lllC/42/08865 lllC/34/01992 11/25/01559 Sierra Indian Summer Squirrel Noles 11/25/01617 lllC/34/01994 lllD/36/04965 11/25/01778 Sierra Journals Indices Steep Trails 11/26/01936 IIID/39/07065 lllB/37/05743 II/26/02113 Sierra Nevada Mountains Stickeen Il/27 /02882 II IB/40/07854 lllB/43/09374 11/28/03015 I I IC/40/07856 lllB/43/09449 IIIA/32/01120 Sierra Slate and Denudation IIIB/46/12054 IIIA/33/01394 lllC/34/02133 lllD/47/12731 IIIB/41/07898 Sierra Studies Storms, etc. IIIB/47 /12769 lllB/34/02195 IIIC/34/02141 IIIB/47/12792 IJIB/35/03714 II IC/38/06061 IIIB/47/12867 IIIB/36/04455 IIIC/44/10250 IIIB/48/12917 IIIB/36/04509 Story of My Boyhood and Youth lllB/48/13056 IIIB/36/04586 IIIB/47 /12213 IIIB/48/13222 IIIC/34/01997 lIIB/47/12479 IIIB/48/13237 IJIC/34/02003 IIIB/48/13405 lllB/48/13248 II lC/34/02014 lllC/45/11233 lllB/48/13251 IIIC/34/02072 lIIC/46/11583 IIIB/48/13259 IJIC/34/02075 lII C/46/ 12082 IIIB/48/13343 IIIC/34/02080 Streams & Canyons of Yosemite IIIB/48/13487 IIIC/34/02085 lIIB/44/10569 lllB/49/13601 IIIC/34/02107 Studies in the Sierra IIIB/49/13699 IIIC/34/02115 lllB/34/02024 IIIB/49/13705 lllC/34/02131 llIB/34/02090 lllB/49/13712 IIIC/34/02133 IIIB/34/02216 lllB/49/13754 IIIC/34/02141 IIIB/34/02247 lllB/49/13835 IJIC/34/02145 llIB/34/02260 lllB/49/14061 IllC/34/02187 llIB/34/02273 lIIB/49/14069 IJIC/34/02197 IIJB/34/02275 lIIB/49/14089 IJIC/34/02207 IIJB/34/02567 IIIB/49/14126 I I IC/34/02257 III B/ 36/04655 lIIB/49/14131 IJIC/34/02342 IIJB/36/04699 lIIB/49/14138 IIIC/34/02392 llJB/36/04749 lIIB/49/14147 IIIC/34/02399 lllB/36/04799 IIIB/49/14155 IIIC/34/02415 II IB/36/04855 IIIB/49/14167 IllC/34/02417 IIJB/36/04884 I IIB/49/14204 lllC/34/02660 IIJB/36/04889 IIIB/49/14213 IIIC/36/04442 IV A/03/00127 lllB/50/14512 I I IC/36/04950 IV A/03/00130 lllB/50/14906 IJIC/37/05412 IV A/03/00131 lllC/45/11233 IIIC/37/05458 IV A/03/00132 lllC/48/13414 IIIC/37 /05769 IV A/03/00133 lllC/49/14077 I 1IC/38/05842 IV A/03/00134 Travels in Alaska in 1880 IJIC/38/05845 IV A/03/00135 lIIB/50/14303 I I IC/38/05881 IV A/03/00136 lIIB/50/14370 IIID/34/02087 IV A/03/00137 Treasures of the. Yosemite IJID/34/02201 IV A/03/00138 lIIB/41 /08045 IIID/36/04904 IV A/03/00139 lIIB/41 /08086 IV A/03/00126 IV A/03/00169 lIIB/41 /08095 IV A/03/00129 IV A/04/00236 III B/4 l /08212 IV A/03/00140 IV A/04/00237 lIIB/41/08222 IV A/03/00142 IV A/04/00238 lIID/40/07613 IV A/04/00209 JV A/04/00239 Tree Measurements IV A/04/00233 IV A/04/00240 IIID/44/10252 IV A/04/00234 IV A/05/00243 Tree Studies IV A/04/00235 IV A/05/00257 Ill C/ 34/0214 5 IV A/05/00247 IV A/05/00268 Trees IV A/05/00250 IV A/05/00270 IIIB/44/ l 0260 IV A/05/00255 IV A/05/00275 Trees of the Valley IV A/05/00269 IV A/05/00276 IIIB/38/06502 IV A/05/00289 IV A/05/00293 Trees Book Review

168 IIIC/44/10262 Ill B/43/09820 Studies Yosemite etc. Tribute 10 Robert Burns Yosemite IIIA/32/00823 IIIB/45/10949 IIIB/34/02216 Wisconsin Prairies IIIB/45/10979 llIB/48/13425 IIIA/31/00109 llIB/45/10987 IIIC/40/07630 Yosemite and Alaska Trip from Portland to Wrangel IIID/41 /08313 IIIA/33/01643 IIIB/47/12792 Yosemite (Book) Yosemite Studies, etc. Trip 10 Canada and Cuba llID/47/12719 IIIA/32/00915 III B/45/1 1318 Yosemite !Book) Errata Yosemite, etc. Part I Trip From Wrangcl to Taku IIID/48/13411 IIIA/3 J /00643 IIIB/49/13754 Yosemite (Book) Oulhne Yosemite, etc. Part II Trips llID/34/02201 IIIA/32/00758 IIIB/47/12709 Yosemite and lhe High Sierra Yosemite, The Tuolumne Canyon, etc. IIID/36/04904 IIIA/33/01643 IIIC/34/02187 Yosemite etc. Indices IIIC/40/07473 IIID/40/07662 Notes Tuolumne Meadows Yosemite in Flood Geology Notes IIIC/43/09889 IIIB/41/08316 IIID/34/02272 Tuolumne Yosemlle in Danger IIIB/44/10708 Waterfalls, etc. IIIB/45/10995 Yosemite Meadows IIID/39/06782 IIIB/45/11003 IIIC/34/02207 Two Hundred Plants Collected Yosemite National Park Photograph IIID/34/01959 IIIB/43/09903 See reel/fiche contents Under Many Quilts IllB/43/09937 IIIC/46/12077 Yosemite Valley Poems Unity of Nature llIB/40/07555 Under Many Quilts IIIC/36/04968 IIIB/40/07616 IllA/33/01880 Valley is Tranquil III B/40/07669 IIIB/34/02001 IllB/40/07677 Sketchbooks Walking Yosemite Valley in Flood From Front of Glacier IIIC/44/10265 IIIB/34/02209 11/28/03118 Washington, Pugel Sound Yosemite Visitors IIIB/40/07478 IIIC/44/10715 Muir, John (other) Water Music Yosemite Waterfalls Correspondence To IIIB/34/02195 IllC/41/08331 Muir, John Water Ouzel Yosemite, The 1885 May 22 A/05/02695 IIIB/38/06066 IllB/38/06502 IIIB/38/06085 IIIB/44/10708 Muir, John D. llIB/38/06087 IllB/47/12700 Correspondence From Waterfalls, eLc. IllB/47 /12709 Muir, John IIIC/38/05881 llID/47/12719 A/04/02498 Whitney's Yosemite Guidebook IIID/41 /08308 NoLebooks Muir, Katie C. Wild Gardens of the Yosemite Alaska Notes Summer of 1880 Correspondence To IIIB/44/10267 IllA/32/01120 Muir, Emma IIIB/44/10321 Alaska Notes Summer of 1890 1885 Jan I B/05/02663 Wild Parks and ForesL Reserves IllA/33/01394 IIIB/43/09506 Amazon Notes, etc. Muir, Louie S. IIIB/43/09524 IllA/33/01887 Correspondence To IIIB/43/09548 Book Notes Anderson, Melville B. IIIB/43/09550 IIIA/33/01849 1898 I B/10/06022 Wild Sheep Book Notes on Scotch Geology Johnson, RoberL U. IIIB/37/05149 llIA/31/00080 1890 Aug 27 I B/06/03519 IIIB/37 /05737 Carr Letterbook, 1865-1875 1896 May I B/09/05180 IIIB/38/06334 I A/22/13084 1897 Aug 14 I B/09/05602 Wild Wool Leuerbook, March-April 1902 1904 Mar 3 I B/14/07909 IIIB/37/05167 I A/22/13266 Jordan, David S. IIIB/37/05170 Leuerbook, March-July 1905 1898 OcL 4 I B/10/05895 IIIB/37/05198 I A/22/13348 Muir, Ano G. llIB/37/05743 Lellerbook, 1902-1905 1881 Sep 29 B/04/02313 Wind and Campfire I A/22/13271 1885 Sep 7 B/05/02777 IIIC/37/05769 Nevada and Alaska Essays Muir, Annie L. Wind Storm IIIA/32/00994 1888 Oct 12 I B/05/03166 IIIC/34/02197 Northwest Geography & History Muir, John Wind Storm in the Forests llIA/32/01175 1880 Aug 23 I A/04/02106 IIIB/37 /05772 Principles of Physics Aug 27 I A/04/02113 IIIB/38/05833 llIA/31/00036 1881 May 4 I A/04/02225 Wind Storm in the Woods Religious Essays Jun 7 I A/04/02257 IIIB/35/04310 llIA/31/00023 Jun 13 I A/04/02266 Words from an Old Friend Sargent's Silva Jul 24 I A/04/02299 IIIB/44/10693 IIIA/33/01701 Jul 25 I A/04/02302 World Trip - The Chinese Sequoia Notes 1885 Aug 1 I A/05/02737 llIC/45/10931 llIA/32/00879 Aug 23 I A/05/02757 World Trip RelrospecL Shasta, Yosemite Dead River Aug 28 I A/05/02759 IIIC/45/10933 Ill A/ 32/00892 Aug 31 I A/05/02772 Wrangel 10 End of Taku Sierra Journal Summer of 1869 Sep 12 I A/05/02786 IIIB/50/14512 llIA/31/00120 1888 Jul 28 I A/05/03116 Wrangel Island IIIA/31/00209 Jul 31 I A/05/03121 IIIB/38/06384 IIIA/31/00300 Aug 9 I A/05/03138 IIIB/39/06805 llIA/31/00382 Aug 17 I A/05/03143 Writings of John Muir IIIA/31 /00469 Aug 23 I A/05/03148 I I IB/39/06839 IIIA/31/00537 1889 Jul 8 I A/06/03278 IIIB/39/06873 Sketches of Fossil Flora Jul 12 I A/06/03288 IllB/39/06884 IIIA/33/01772 Jul 12 I A/06/03290 Yellowstone National Park Some Unused Notes On Camps 1890 Jun 25 I A/06/03479 llIB/43/09695 IllA/33/01535 Jul 3 I A/06/03485 IIIB/43/09704 Slickeen Jul 12 I A/06/03492 IIIB/43/09746 IIIA/33/01410 Jul 17 I A/06/03499 IIIB/43109790 Stickeen, etc. Jul 27 I A/06/03504 IIIB/43/09809 llIA/33/01331 Aug I I A/06103508

169 Aug 12 I A/06/03517 B/05/02803 A/07/03896 1891 Oct 28 I A/07/03820 B/05/03155 A/07/03900 Nov 19 I A/07/03827 B/06/03365 A/07/03905 Dec 11 I A/07/03834 B/07/03911 A/07/03915 1893 May 11 I A/07/04126 Muir, Annie L. A/07/04137 May 19 I A/07/04131 B/04/02466 A/07/04149 May 31 I A/07/04152 B/05/03130 A/07/04155 Jun 15 I A/07/04189 B/05/03146 A/07/04176 Jun 21 I A/07/04216 B/06/03626 I A/07/04188 Aug 22 I A/07/04295 B/07/03917 I A/07/04193 Sep 5 I A/07 /04306 B/13/07844 I A/07/04212 Sep 21 I A/07 /04322 Muir, David G. I A/07 /04219 Sep 26 I A/07/04328 B/05/02684 I A/07/04225 1895 Aug 20 I A/08/04973 Muir, Helen I A/07/04238 Sep I I A/08/04985 B/11/06685 I A/07/04240 1896 Jun 12 I A/09/05192 B/13/07660 I A/07/04249 Jun 25 I A/09/05218 B/13/07677 I A/07 /04252 1897 Aug 17 I A/09/05612 B/14/08019 I A/07 /04260 1900 Aug 25 I A/11/06461 B/14/08086 I A/07 /04279 1903 Jul 16 I A/13/07727 Muir, John I A/07104282 Muir, Wanda A/04/02094 I A/07/04285 1901 Aug 9 I B/11/06702 A/04/02096 I A/07/04288 1905 Jun IS I B/1 S/08570 A/04/02099 I A/07/04305 Jun 21 I B/15/08579 A/04/02101 I A/07/04331 Sirentzel, John A/04/02103 I A/07/04336 1884 Jul 6 I B/05/02615 A/04/02104 I A/07/04338 Strentzel, Louisiana E. A/04/02223 I A/08/04968 1884 Jul 6 I B/05/0261 S A/04/02231 I A/08/04982 A/04/02235 I A/09/05183 Correspondence From A/04/02237 I A/09/05186 Brown, Joanna M. A/04/02239 I A/09/05188 I A/04/02130 A/04/02240 I A/09/05189 I A/04/02224 A/04/02245 I A/09/05198 I A/05/03176 A/04/02249 I A/09/05200 I B/04/02535 A/04/02250 I A/09/05223 Brown, Walter A/04/02268 I A/09/052 36 I B/05/02729 A/04/02270 I A/09/05239 Brunning, John H. A/04/02272 I A/09/05250 I B/12/07147 A/04/02274 I A/09/05251 Burnett, Peter H. A/04/02279 I A/09/05252 I B/04/02053 A/04/02287 I A/09/05255 I B/04/02422 A/04/02288 I A/09/05260 Carr, Jeanne C. A/04/02306 I A/09/05262 B/04/02262 A/05/02742 I A/09/05275 Coolbrith, Ina D. A/05/02745 I A/09/05281 I A/04/02162 A/05/02746 I A/09/05289 Drake, Alexander W, A/05/02751 I A/09/05297 I B/08/04773 A/05/02754 I A/09/05300 Freeman, Katherine A/05/02764 I A/09/05309 I B/12/07313 A/05/02784 I A/09/05600 Gair, J. W. B. A/05/02794 I A/09/05605 I B/13/07772 A/05/02799 I A/09/05618 Galloway, Anna G. A/05/02807 I A/10/05949 I A/04/02470 A/05/02810 I A/10/06129 Galloway, Sarah M. A/05/02815 I A/10/06131 I A/04/02548 A/05/02819 I A/10/06132 I A/07/04010 A/05/02900 I A/I 0/06140 I A/07/04358 A/05/02991 I A/10/06146 I A/08/04721 I A/05/03005 I A/10/06149 I B/04/02484 I A/05/03098 I A/10/06150 I B/04/02501 I A/05/03101 I A/10/06151 I B/04/02515 I A/05/03104 I A/10/06157 I B/05/02869 I A/05/03106 I A/11/06449 I B/05/03187 I A/05/03112 I A/11/06454 I B/06/03590 I A/05/03133 I A/11 /06683 Hand, Mary M. I A/05/03136 I A/12/06966 I A/07 /04124 I A/05/03140 I A/12/07142 I B/04/02454 I A/05/03141 I A/13/07647 I B/05/02908 I A/06/03248 I A/13/07656 I B/OS/02920 I A/06/03248 I A/13/07668 Hansen, George I A/06/03269 I A/13/07669 B/14/07935 I A/06/03271 I A/13/07680 B/15/08482 I A/06/03272 I A/13/07684 Head, Anna I A/06/03273 I A/13/0769'1 I B/11/06498 I A/06/03274 I A/13/07708 Johnson, Robert u. I A/06/03280 I A/13/07714 I A/06/03496 I A/06/03281 I A/13/07719 I B/09/05168 I A/06/03284 I A/13/07761 I B/10/05862 I A/06/03286 I A/13/07768 Keith, Mary M. I A/06/03294 I A/13/07774 I B/07/04110 I A/06/03299 I A/l 3/07777 I B/14/08186 I A/06/03375 I A/13/07797 McGilliway, James D. I A/06/03463 I A/13/07822 I B/07/04343 I A/06/03468 I A/13/07834 Millard, Bailey I A/06/03470 I A/14/07880 I B/14/07887 I A/06/03487 I A/14/07886 Moores, Julia M. I A/06/03516 I A/14/07888 B/05/02972 I A/06/03523 I A/14/07899 Muir, Ann G. I A/06/03620 I A/14/07903 A/05/03013 I A/07/037 32 I A/ 14/07920

170 A/15/08587 Muir, Mary Aug 28 I A/06/03320 Muir, Louie Correspondence To 1890 Jun 25 I A/06/03477 A/07/04145 Muir, Daniel Jul 3 I A/06/03483 Muir, Wanda 1865 Dec 31 I B/01/00400 Jul 17 I A/06/03497 A/11/06332 Muir, Daniel H. 1891 Oct 22 I A/07/03814 I A/12/07357 ! 86S Sep 8 I B/01/00372 1892 Apr 18 I A/07 /03903 I A/13/0767S 1867 Apr 10 I B/01/00S2S 1893 Jun 2 I A/07/04160 I B/ll /0630S 1871 Jul 21 I B/02/00948 Jun 12 I A/07/04174 I B/l 1/06339 1876 Feb 20 I B/03/01 S37 Jun IS I A/07/04191 I B/ 11/06 S66 1894 Jun 18 I B/08/04SS9 Jun 27 I A/07/04234 I B/11/06569 1901 Dec 29 I B/11/06831 Jul 7 I A/07/04242 I B/11/06679 Muir, David G. Jul 2S I A/07/04255 I B/l 1/06681 1861 Nov 24 I B/01/00136 Aug 4 I A/07/04264 I B/11/06686 Muir, Emma Aug 14 I A/07/04283 I B/11/06766 1889 Jun 17 I A/06/032S3 Sep s I A/07/04308 I B/11/06863 Muir, John Sep 26 I A/07/04329 I B/l ! /06864 1860 I A/01 /00082 1895 Aug 2S I A/08/04975 I B/11/06866 Oct 21 I A/01/00061 1896 Jul 10 I A/09/0S242 I B/12/06991 1861 Feb 19 I A/01/00096 Jul 20 I A/09/05258 I B/12/07129 Nov 24 I A/01/00138 Aug 11 I A/09/05277 I B/12/07141 1862 Nov IS I A/01 /00240 1897 Jul 10 I A/09/0S578 I B/12/07353 1867 Apr 14 I A/01/00529 Aug 7 I A/09/0SS93 I B/12/07354 1869 Apr 4 I A/02/00714 Sep 2 I A/09/0S627 I B/12/07355 1878 May 27 I A/03/01758 1898 Oct 7 I A/I 0105904 I B/13/07652 Oct 10 I A/10/05911 I B/13/07660 Correspondence From Oct 23 I A/10/05923 I B/14/07971 Muir, Daniel H. Nov 8 I A/10105954 I B/14/08024 B/03/01701 Nov IS I A/10/05969 I B/14/08089 Muir, Emma 1900 Feb 11 I A/11/06332 I B/14/08268 BI03/0135S 1903 May I A/13/07675 I B/15/08552 B/03/01750 Jul 21 I A/13/07733 Reid, Marpret M. Muir, Joanna G. Sep I A/! 3/0778S I A/OS/02858 I B/02/01320 Sep 19 I A/13/07783 I B/04/02488 I B/02/01325 1906 Feb 28 I A/!6/0882S I B/04/02493 I B/03/01353 Apr 18 I A/16/08859 I B/04/02506 I B/03/01367 May 13 I A/16/08885 I B/06/03475 I B/03/01371 May 23 I A/ 16/08892 I B/06/03627 I B/03/01386 Jun 6 I A/16/08905 Rollins, Ahce I B/03/01390 Jul 9 I A/16/08926 B/05/03030 I B/03/01401 1908 May 18 I A/17/09737 Safford, Kate L. I B/03/01421 May 22 I A/17/09746 B/13/07707 I B/03/01564 Muir, Louie S. Scidmore, Eliza R. I B/03/01598 1900 I B/11/06566 I B/06/03615 Muir, John I B/11/06569 I B/07 /03702 A/01/00070 Jan 2 I B/11/06305 Strentzel, Louisiana E. A/01/00117 Feb 11 I A/11/06332 I B/OS/02623 A/01/00359 Feb 17 I B/11/06339 Swett, Mary L. A/01/00365 1901 I B/11/06863 B/04/02318 A/01/00393 I B/11/06864 I B/04/02509 A/01/00488 I B/ 11/06866 I B/08/04926 A/01/00488 Jul 14 I B/11/06679 Trout, William H. A/01/00538 Jul 16 I B/11/06681 I B/09/05282 A/02/00724 Jul 27 I Bl 11/06686 Vanderbih, John M. A/02/00799 Nov 23 I B/11/06766 I B/04/02294 A/02/00816 1902 I A/12/07357 Vanderbilt, Lena A/03/01423 I B/12/07141 B/04/02308 I B/12/07353 White, Laura L. Photograph I B/12/07354 B/09/05603 IV B/27/01493 I B/l 2/0735S Wildman, L. IV B/27/01494 Feb 16 I B/12/06991 B/13/07773 IV B/27/01495 Jul 5 I B/12/07129 Williams, Lizzie B. 1903 May I A/13/07675 I B/04/02092 Muir, Sarah May 19 I B/ 13/07652 I B/04/02111 Correspondence To May 28 I B/13/07660 Wii son, Emily P. Muir, John 1904 Jun 7 I B/14/07971 I A/I 5/08320 1860 Oct 14 I A/01/00053 Jul 5 I B/14/08024 Jul 27 I B/14/011089 Photograph Correspondence From Dec I B/14/08268 IV B/24/01347 Muir, Annie L. 1905 May I B/I 5/08552 IV B/24/01348 I B/04/02456 Unknown IV B/24/01349 1889 Nov 19 B/06/03348 IV B/27/01492 Muir, W. R. Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, Mabel Muir, John Arnold, Elsa U. Correspondence From 1897 Aug 26 I A/09/05620 A/15/08642 Reid, Margaret M. Bradley, Cornelius B. I B/13/07837 Muir, Wanda I All 5/08737 Correspondence To Galloway, Sarah M. Muir, Margaret H. Muir, Helen I A/15/08625 Correspondence To 1900 Feb II I A/1 I /06332 I B/05/03053 Muir, John 1901 Jan 8 I B/11 /06572 Graydon, Katharine M. 1860 Oct 14 I A/01/000S3 Muir, John I B/07/03945 Nov 18 I A/01/00065 1885 Aug 28 I A/05/02761 I B/07/03967 Dec 8 I A/01/00074 1888 Mar 6 I A/05/03076 Hansen, George Mar 13 I A/05/03078 I B/13/07712 Correspondence From Jul 22 I A/05/03108 Hittell, Catherine H. Muir, Annie L. Aug I A/05/03154 I B/13/07725 B/04/02456 Aug 7 I A/05/03134 Muir, Ann G. Muir, John 1889 Jun 4 I A/06/03250 I B/05/03080 A/04/02196 Jul 12 I A/06/03287 I B/07/03913

171 Muir, Annie L. A/14/07926 Muir, John B/05/03160 A/14/08049 1907 Mar 25 I A/16/09116 B/08/04916 A/14/08078 Muir, Helen A/15/08587 Murphy, Agnes G. B/11/06654 A/15/08720 Correspondence To B/13/07846 A/15/08722 Muir, John B/15/08606 A/15/08723 1904 Jul 7 I A/14/08036 B/15/08614 A/15/08729 Muir, John A/15/08741 Murphy, E. J. I A/05/02618 A/16/08774 Correspondence To I A/05102625 A/16/08783 Muir, John I A/05/02780 I A/16/08785 1907 Aug 28 I A/16/09234 I A/05/03110 I A/16/08787 I A/05103124 I A/ 16/0882 3 Muybridge, Eadweard J. I A/06/03297 I A/16/08829 Photograph By I A/06103464 I A/16/08870 JV B/49/02809 I A/06/03495 I A/16/08883 IV B/49/02810 I A/07 /03869 I A/16/08894 1 A/07/03874 I A/16/08898 Myers, Francis J. I A/07/03897 I A/16/08904 Correspondence To I A/07104122 Muir, Louie S. Muir, John I A/07104139 B/11/06702 1880 Mar 28 A/04/02009 I A/07104169 B/15/08570 I A/07/04183 B/15108579 Myers, Mrs. Francis J. I A/07 /04206 Correspondence To I A/07 /04222 Photograph Muir, John I A/07/04250 IV B/24/01344 1880 Feb 14 A/04/01981 I A/07/04254 IV B/24/01345 I A/07/04261 IV B/24/01346 Myrick, Emma A. I A/07104273 IV B/24/01349 Correspondence To I A/07104280 IV B/25/01363 Muir, John I A/07 /04298 IV B/27/01504 1893 Apr 24 I A/07/04116 I A/07/04327 1894 Jan 7 I A/08/04418 I A/07104376 Poems 1901 Jun 26 I A/11/06666 I A/08/04962 Oh We Love This World I A/09/05210 V C/51/00159 Myrick, M. H. I A/09105226 Correspondence To I A/09/05234 Munro, Eliza Muir, John I A/09105237 Correspondence To 1894 Jan 8 I A/08/04423 I A/09/05245 Muir, John Jan 10 I A/08/04427 I A/09105289 1901 Dec 10 A/11/06781 1895 Jan 31 I A/08/04796 I A/09105296 1897 I A/09/05708 I A/09105299 Correspondence From Dec 14 I A/09/05694 I A/09/05299 Muir, John 1898 Apr 14 I A/10/05794 I A/09/05309 A/11/06480 May I A/J0/05815 I A/09105309 I A/09/05608 Munro, Henrietta D. National Institute of Arts I A/10/05879 Correspondence To Manuscripts I A/10/05882 Muir, John John Muir Tribute I Ail 0/05884 1890 Oct 15 I A/06/03542 V E/51/00380 I A/10/05886 I A/10/05890 Munroe, Mary B. Neill, Hugh I A/10/05893 Correspondence To Photograph I A/10/05897 Muir, John IV B/25/01385 I A/10/05907 1896 I A/09/05378 IV B/25/01387 I A/10/05915 1902 Jan 5 I A/12/06904 I A/10/05918 1907 Jan 18 I A/16/09055 Nelson, Edward W. I A/10/05930 1908 Jan I A/17/09521 Correspondence To I A/10105942 Dec 16 I A/17/09986 Muir, John I A/10/05951 1909 I A/18/10608 1910 Jun 21 I A/19/10907 I A/10105956 I A/10/05962 Murdock, H. M. Photograph By I Ail 0/05964 Photograph By IV B/09100418 I A/10/05966 IV B/24/01328 IV B/09/00419 I A/10/05972 IV B/32/01327 IV B/09/00420 I A/10/05975 JV B/09/00421 I A/10/05985 Murdock, James IV B/09100422 I A/10/06129 Correspondence To IV B/10/00501 I A/10/06133 Muir, John I A/10/06139 1904 Jun I I A/14/07959 Nelson, Henry L. I A/10/06142 Aug 24 I A/14/08120 Correspondence To I A/10/06146 Oct 18 I A/14/081 78 Muir, John I A/10/06149 1905 Sep 27 I A/I 5/08685 1897 Mar 16 I A/09/05489 I A/10/06150 1906 Apr 21 I A/16/08865 I A/10/06151 Nelson, Knute I A/10/06155 Correspondence From Correspondence From I A/10/06164 Muir, John Muir, John I Ail I /06449 A/12/07030 A/18/10195 I A/11/06454 A/12/07278 I A/12/07142 A/14/07979 New York Times editors I A/13/07649 A/14/08084 Correspondence To I A/13/07658 A/14/08233 Muir, John I A/13/07684 A/14/08253 1900 Jan 8 I A/1 I /06307 I A/13/07704 A/15/08536 I A/13/07724 A/15/08711 Newball, C. S. I A/13/07749 A/16/08816 Correspondence To I A/13/07775 A/22/13316 Muir, John I A/13/07777 1902 Jan 6 I A/12/06910 I A/13/07814 Murgouen, Alex P. Nov 6 I A/12/07266 I A/14/07920 Correspondence To

172 Newkirk, Garrett Aug 14 I B/07 /03792 Oiebdy, C. F. Correspondence To Sep 26 I B/07/03796 Correspondence To Muir, John Nov 23 I B/07 /03829 Muir, John 1907 Apr II I A/16/09125 1892 Sep 26 I B/07 /03982 1863 Mar 13 I A/01/00271 Sep 27 I B/07 /03985 Newton, Ambrose Oct 7 I B/07 /03992 Oliver Corre~pondence To Oct 17 I B/07 /03993 Photograph By Muir, John Nov 16 I B/07 /03996 IV B/31101765 1863 Sep 13 I A/01/00310 Dec 2 I B/07103999 Dec 13 I B/07104008 Olmstead, Frederick L. Correspondence From 1893 Jan 25 I B/07/04031 Correspondence To Muir, John Mar 2 I B/07 /04069 Elliot, Helen L. A/01/00308 Muir, John 1913 Oct 11 I B/21/12432 A/01/00336 1907 Nov 8 I A/16/09355 Nov 25 I A/16/09375 Olney, Warren Newton, Mary E. Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence From Gilmore, N, Muir, John Muir, John 1897 Oct 6 I B/09/05633 1864 Apr 17 I A/01100353 A/18/10165 Hermann, Binger 1910 Jun 4 I A/19110864 A/22/13448 1899 Mar 22 I B/10/06078 Jul 28 I A/19110969 Weigel, Eugene Johnson, Robert U. Aug 31 I A/19/11033 B/07/03987 1893 Feb 26 I A/07/04066 B/07/03994 McKenna, Joseph Correspondence From 1897 Feb 9 I B/09/05446 Muir, John Noble, Kate Y. Muir, John A/01/00331 Correspondence To 1893 I A/07 /04385 Muir, John Apr 25 I A/07/04118 Newton, William 1904 May 28 I A/14/07953 Nov 13 I A/07/04351 Correspondence To 1894 Jun 19 I A/08/04561 Muir, John Nodger 1897 Jan 6 I A/09/05393 1906 Aug 12 A/16/08940 Correspondence To 1902 Sep 27 I A/12/07224 1909 Aug 7 A/18/10413 Muir, John White, Stephen M. 1900 Ail 1/06563 1896 Dec 17 I B/09/05364 Correspondence From Muir, John Nonstebb, Miss Correspondence From A/16/08935 Correspondence From Jordan, David S. Muir, John B/09/05355 Nicbols, Harry P. A/22/13327 Muir, John Correspondence From A/09/05412 Muir, John Northrop, Cyrus A/12/07310 A/18/10164 Correspondence From A/22/13448 Muir, John Ormsby A/18/10166 Photograph By Nicholson, George A/22/13448 IV B/12/00579 Correspondence To IV B/12/00580 Muir, John Norton, Mary E. IV B/31/01739 1903 Nov 13 I A/13/07807 Correspondence To IV B/45/02568 1904 Mar 2 I A/14/07907 Muir, John IV B/47/02680 Oct 17 I A/14/07176 1883 Mar 22 I A/04/02482 IV B/47/02700 1905 Jan 2 I A/15/08299 1885 Sep 14 I A/05/02789 IV B/47/02702

Correspondence From Notman, Charles Osborn Family Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence To I A/14/08193 Muir, John Muir, John I A/22/13293 1894 Apr 29 I A/08/04523 1913 Jun 10 I A/21/12250 1896 Jul 30 I A/09/05272 Nicholson, Grace 1897 Jan 4 I A/09105389 Correspondence From Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence From A/20/11500 A/12/07114 Muir, John A/20/11575 A/08/04646 A/20/11596 Nikitkin, S. A/09/05325 A/20/11638 Correspondence From A/20/11957 Manson, Marsden Noyes, George R. A/21/12119 B/13/07615 Correspondence To A/21/12383 Muir, John A/22/12620 Nobel 1907 Mar 5 I A/16109097 A/22/12662 Photograph By Mar 24 I A/16/09114 A/22/12904 IV B/31/01767 O'Fallon, Anita G. Osborn, Henry F. Nobel, John W. Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Collier, Robert J. Carter, Thomas H. 1907 Feb 8 I A/16/09084 1910 Apr 6 I B/19/10788 I B/07/03753 Muir, John Ochsner, Albert J. 1896 Mar 6 I A/09/05135 Noble, F. L. Correspondence To 1897 Nov 18 I A/09i05669 Correspondence From Muir, John 1899 Apr 19 I A/10/06101 Muir, John 1909 Sep 7 I A/18/10453 Jul 17 I A/10/06165 A/17/10033 1904 Oct S I A/14/08168 Ogden, Laura !. 1905 May 18 I A/15/08535 Noble, John W. Correspondence To Aug 29 I A/15/08669 Correspondence To Muir, John 1907 Jan 4 I A/16/09035 Muir, John 1903 Feb 11 I A/13/07461 Apr 5 I A/16/09123 1902 Jan I I A/12/06894 1905 Jan 8 I A/15108316 1910 Jan 25 I A/19/10692 Johnson, Robert U. Mar 3 I A/19/10739 1890 Oct 24 I B/06/0356I Ogiloie, Paul Mar 15 I A/19/10759 Nov 26 I B/06/03580 Correspondence To Apr 25 I A/19110796 1891 Feb 27 I B/07 /03694 Muir, John Aug 13 I A/19/10995 Mar 27 I B/07/03701 1907 Aug 16 I A/16/09228 1911 Sep 25 I A/20/11501 May 15 I B/07/03719 1912 May 7 I A/20/11659

173 Sep 23 I A/20/1 1841 Muir, John I A/22/13282 Oct 23 I A/20111863 A/18/10196 Dec 4 I A/20/11905 A/22/13455 Park Brothers 1913 Jun 18 I A/21/12257 Photograph By 1914 Jan 16 I A/22/12639 Page, Walter H. IV B/32/01831 Aug 16 I A/22/12891 11/30/04392 Park, Dean W. Correspondence From Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John A/09/05674 1897 Mar 4 I A/09/05477 1898 Jul I A/I 0/05853 A/10/06099 May 27 I A/09/0SS34 A/10/06111 Jun 25 I A/09/05558 Parker, Elizabeth A/14/08053 Jul 8 I A/09/05574 Correspondence To A/14/08252 Sep I I A/09/05625 Muir, John A/15/08554 Sep 29 I A/09/05630 1910 Feb 3 I A/19/10703 A/16/09007 Oct 7 I A/09/05635 A/19110705 Oct 29 I A/09/05655 Parker, Wilbur A/19/10747 Dec 30 I A/09/05701 Correspondence To A/19/10859 1898 Feb 19 1 A/10/05771 Muir, John A/20/11237 Feb 23 I A/10/05773 1910 May 26 I A/19/10835 A/20/11526 Mar 24 I All 0/05785 A/20/11719 Jun 21 I A/10/05836 Parker, William B. A/20/11858 Jul 6 I A/I 0/05855 Correspondence To A/21112236 Nov 3 I A/10/05944 Muir, John A/21112288 1899 May 16 I All0/06123 1900 Aug 3 I A/11/06441 A/22/13433 May 26 I A/10/06128 Nov 1 I A/11/06504 Jun 3 I A/10/06141 Nov 21 I A/11/06518 Photograph 1900 Mar 29 I A/11/06387 Dec I I A/11/06531 IV B/26/01418 Jul 2 I A/1 I /06428 1901 Jan 11 I A/11/06575 IV B/26/01419 1901 Nov 2S I A/11/06768 Jan 21 I A/ll /06585 IV B/26/01432 1902 Nov 8 I A/12/07273 Mar 30 I A/I I /06625 IV B/26/01434 1904 Oct 3 I A/14/08158 Jun 25 I A/11/06664 IV B/26/01444 1905 Dec 21 I A/15/08734 Jul 9 I Alll/06676 1906 Jan I I A/16/08773 Jul 17 I A/11/06682 Osborn, Laulu P. Jan 4 I A/16/08778 Sep 13 I A/11/06725 Correspondence To Nov 13 I A/16/08970 Sep 26 i A/11/06731 Muir, John 1908 Jul 22 I A/17/09837 Oct 9 I A/i I /06736 1897 Jan 3 I A/09/05384 Jul 28 I A/17/09845 Nov 2 I A/11/06749 1899 Apr 9 I All 0/06096 Aug 3 I A/17/09856 Dec 17 I A/11/06789 1910 I A/191l 1164 Oct s I A/17/09904 1902 Jan 9 I A/12/06919 Aug I A/19/11036 1909 Jan 20 I A/18/10105 Mar 18 I A/12/07023 Aug 17 I A/19/11003 Feb 6 I A/18/10131 Apr 21 I A/12/07073 Aug 23 I All9/l 1016 Mar 16 I A/18/10249 Nov 7 I A/12/07270 1912 Jun I A/20/11610 Apr 23 I A/18/10288 1903 Jan IS I A/13/07411 1913 I A/21/12578 Oct 14 I A/18/10497 1904 Feb 2 I A/14/07895 I A/21/12579 1910 May 25 I A/19/10834 May JI I A/14/07937 Jul 20 I A/21/12300 Aug 31 I A/14/08125 Nov I I A/iJ/12474 Correspondence From 1909 Aug 7 I A/18/10415 Muir, John Aug 17 I A/18/10429 Correspondence From A!09/0S495 Sep JO I A/18/J 0457 Muir, John A/09/05514 1910 May 31 I A/19/10856 A/10/05996 A/09/05526 Muir, Johnn A/11/06516 A/09/05S31 1901 Apr 18 All 1/06635 A/19/11031 A/09/05556 A/20/11326 A/10/05743 Correspondence From A/20/11370 A/10/06046 Muir, John A/201l 1427 A/11/06399 A/11/06528 A/20/11478 A/11/06424 A/11/06746 A/20/11482 I A/12/06921 A/12/07286 A/21/12274 I A/12/06923 A/22/13344 A/21/12SS2 I A/12/07283 A/221l2943 I A/12/07285 Park.bum, Emilie T. I A/I 5/08342 Correspondence To Osgood I All5/08512 Carr, Jeanne C. Correspondence To I A/I 5/08513 1891 Dec s I B/07103847 Muir, John I A/16/08849 1866 A/01/00510 I A/17109773 Parkhurst, Ruth I A/18/10167 Correspondence To Correspondence From I A/20/11364 Muir, John Muir, John I A/22/13302 1909 Sep 20 I A/18/10466 A/01/00510 I A/22/13398 lllA/33/01875 Park.burSl, Ruth E. Osgood and Smith Photograph Correspondence From Palmer, Howard IV B/31/01755 Muir, John Correspondence To JV B/31/01756 A/22/13111 Muir, John IV B/31/01757 1912 Sep 17 I A/20/11832 IV B/31/01751 Owen, Juliene A. IV B/31/01759 Correspondence To Correspondence From IV B/31/01760 Muir, John Muir, John 1905 Feb 18 I A/15/08396 A/20/11913 Parry, C. C. Mar 6 I All 5/08438 Correspondence To Palmer, Walter L. Muir, John Correspondence From Photograph By 1880 Oct 26 I A/04/02132 Muir, John IV B/19/01009 1187 Jun 4 I A/05/02989 A/15/08418 1888 Aug 26 I A/OS/03150 A/22/13319 Pardee, George C. 18811 Jun 25 I A/06/03263 Correspondence From Owen, Robert L. Muir, John Parson, Edward T. Correspondence From A/13/07439 Correspondence From

174 Goler, George w. 1909 Jan 6 I A/18/10082 Payne, Edward B. I B/20/11828 Correspondence To Parsons, Marion R. Muir, John Parsons Family Correspondence To 1901 May 10 I A/11/06650 Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John 1913 Jan 20 I A/21/12027 Payo, Benjamin N. A/14/08012 Dec 15 I A/21/12531 Correspondence To A/17/10009 1914 May 29 I A/22/12778 Muir, John A/20/11711 Jun 8 I A/22/12789 1898 Aug 4 I A/10/05871 A/20/11931 Jul 7 I A/22/12831 A/21/12494 Sep 15 I A/22/12930 Payot, Henry Correspondence To Parsons, Correspondence From Muir. John Correspondence From Muir, John 1881 Apr 13 I A/04/02216 Muir, John A/21/12465 A/20/11909 A/21/12469 Payson, A. H. A/22112757 Correspondence To Parsons, Edward T. A/22/12765 Muir, John Correspondence To A/22/12777 1902 Jan 9 I A/12/06920 Chamberlain, Allen A/22/12781 1904 Jun 8 I A/14/07974 1908 Dec 24 I B/17/10006 I A/22/12787 Dec 27 I A/14/08247 Colby, William E. I A/22/12801 1913 Sep 9 I A/21/12363 I A/22/12824 Correspondence From Collier's Weekly I A/22112903 Muir, John 1908 May 7 I 8/17/09718 I A/22/12934 A/12/06967 Cronise, Adelbert I A/22/13006 A/12/06968 1912 Sep 4 1 8/20/11818 A/12/07052 Curtis, Asa he I Photograph A/13/07402 1909 Jan 2 I B/18/10075 IV B/26/01441 A/13/07440 Garfield, Jame~ R. A/13/07441 1907 Sep 5 I B/16/09244 Parsons, Mary E. A/14/08243 1908 Mar 14 I 8/17/09614 Correspondence To A/22/13282 Johnson, Robert U. Muir. John I 908 Dec I I B/ I 710996 5 1896 Dec JO I A/09/05356 Peabody, H. G. Muir, John 1900 Nov 21 I A/I 1/06519 Photograph By 1913 Jan 20 I A/21/12027 1908 Oct 24 I A/17/09925 IV B/43/02457 1914 May 8 I A/22/12756 Roosevell, Theodore Paschall, S. E. Pease, Raymond B. 1907 Nov 25 I B/16/09376 Correspondence To Correspondence To Sholes, C. H. Muir, John Muir, John 1909 Jan 2 I 8/11/10076 1903 Nov 9 I A/I 3/07806 1914 Mar 15 A/22/12723

Correspondence From Pascoe, Jessie A. Correspondence From Bade, William F. Correspondence To Muir, John I A/22/13447 Muir, John A/22/12685 I B/18/10185 1895 Apr 21 I A/08/04879 Crichton, J. E. Peck, E. E. B/20/11794 Pastridge Correspondence To Davidson, C. F. Photograph By Muir, John I B/20/ 11846 IV B/10100487 1910 May 27 I A/19/10847 Muir, John IV B/10/00488 I A/16/09267 IV B/34101933 Pedroui, L. I A/18/10078 IV B/34/01938 Photograph By I A/20/11623 IV B/43/02460 IV B/08/00349 I A/21/12078 IV B/43/02461 IV B/08/00364 I A/21/12214 IV B/08/00373 I A/21/12314 Paterson, Robert IV B/09100399 I A/21/12353 Correspondence To IV B/09/00400 I A/21/12363 Muir, John IV B/09/00401 I A/21/12423 1882 Nov 13 I A/04/02431 IV B/09/00402 I A/21/12485 IV B/09/00403 I A/21/12506 Paton, Duncan I A/21/12557 Correspondence To Pellon Family I A/22/12642 Muir, John Correspondence From I A/22/12754 1863 May 7 I A/01/00282 Muir, John I A/01/00252 Photograph Pauon, Abby H. IV B/26/01441 Correspondence To Pelton, Edward IV B/31/01734 Muir, John Photograph IV B/31/01761 1879 Oct 5 I A/03/01925 IV B/31/01763 IV B/31/01762 1880 Mar 9 I A/04/01992 1885 Oct 21 I A/05/02828 Pellon, Emily 0. Photograph By 1892 May 2 I A/07/03924 Correspondence To IV B/21/01120 Muir, John IV B/36/D2033 Pauon, Ludlow 1863 Mar 22 I A/01/00274 IV B/47/02686 Correspondence To 1880 I A/04/02 I 69 IV B/53/03066 Muir, John Apr 29 I A/04/02030 1879 Oct 5 I A/03/01925 Oct 3 I A/04/02121 Parsons, Harmon 0. 1880 Mar 9 I A/04/01992 1881 Feb 26 I A/04/02186 Correspondence To 1885 Oct 21 I A/05/02828 1882 Jan 6 I A/04/02354 Muir, John 1904 Mar 22 A/14/07912 Paulin, Grace G. Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence From Muir, John I A/01/00337 Muir, John 1909 Jan 12 I A/18/10095 I A/01/00337 A/14/08060 I A/01/00337 Pavlow, A. P. I A/01/00337 Parsons, Herbert Correspondence From I A/01/00368 Correspondence To Manson, Marsden I A/01/00389 Muir, John B/13/07616 I A/02/00784

175 A/02/00817 A/13/07481 Pierce, George W. A/02/01050 A/13/07485 Correspondence To A/02/01085 A/22/13284 Muir, John A/03/01674 1875 Oct 18 J A/03/01512 A/04/02194 Perry, Joseph W. A/04/02463 Correspondence To Pierce, Roger Muir, John Correspondence To PhoLOgraph 1912 May 14 I A/20/11672 Muir, John IV B/31/01764 1913 Feb 19 I A/21/12074 Peters, J. H. Mar 17 I A/21/12102 Pelton, Fannie Photograph By Correspondence From IV B/29/01650 Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John A/01/00148 Petersen, J. E. A/21/12102 Correspondence From Pelton, Frances N. Muir, John Pietro, C. Correspondence To A/15/08498 Photograph Muir, John A/15108514 JV B/23/01245 1861 Feb 3 I A/01 /00092 A/22/13385 1862 Jul 11 I A/01/00216 A/22/13404 Pike, Robb D. Correspondence From Correspondence From Penigrew, Richard F. Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence From A/12/06970 A/01/00151 Muir, John A/01/00167 A/18110168 Pilkington, Thomas J. A/01/00200 A/22/13451 Correspondence To A/01/00222 Muir, John Pfautz, John M. 1908 Oct 4 I A/J 7 /09903 Penn, Julius A. Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Pillsbury Picture Co. Muir, John 1914 J A/22/13038 Photograph By 1904 Sep 21 I A/14/08145 JV B/13/00671 Phelps, Charles H. JV B/13100672 Perham, Franklin E. Correspondence From IV B/13/00673 Correspondence To Muir, John JV S/20/01084 Muir, John A/04102345 JV B/20/01085 1899 Apr 29 I A/10106108 Phillips Pinchot, Gifford Perkins, F. B. Photograph By Correspondence To Correspondence To IV B/31/01750 Brandis, Dietrich Muir, John 1893 Jun 19 I B/07104202 1892 Mar 15 1 A/07/03888 Phillips, J. D. Johnson, Robert U. Dec 17 I A/07/04013 Correspondence To 1905 May 26 I B/15/08546 1895 Dec 7 I A/08/05051 Muir, John Manson. Marsden 1914 Aug 31 I A/22/12908 1906 May 28 B/16/08895 Perkins, George Nov 15 B/16/08972 Correspondence From Phillips, Violet Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence To 1893 Jun 19 I A/07104200 A/12/06969 Muir, John Sep 13 I A/07/04314 1910 May 26 I A/19/10835 1894 Apr 8 I A/08/04494 Perkins, George C. May 23 I A/08/04545 Correspondence To Phipps, Henry 1896 Jul 23 I A/09/05267 Muir, John Correspondence To Oct 21 I A/09105318 1896 Apr 10 I A/09/05151 Muir, John Dec 9 I A/09/05353 1897 Apr 6 I A/09/05500 1902 Mar I A/12/07001 1897 Jul 2 I A/09105569 1898 May 2 I A/10/05808 Dec 15 I A/09/05695 1906 Apr 17 I A/16/08854 Pickard, Joseph C. 1899 Aug 20 I A/10106179 Taylor, Edward R. Correspondence To 1900 Feb 2 I A/11106324 1897 Apr 6 I B/09/05503 Muir, John 1901 Jun I I A/11/06671 1900 Feb 9 I A/11106329 1907 Sep 6 I A/16/09256 Correspondence From 1901 Feb 15 I A/11/06596 Schlich, W. Lindgren, Waldemar Apr 24 I A/11106638 B/07/04205 I B/09/05475 Dec 1 I A/11/06778 1902 Jan 7 I A/12/06913 Correspondence From Perkins, Joseph J. Dec I A/12/07336 Bliss, Cornelius N. Correspondence To 1909 Sep 2 I A/18110441 I B/09/05552 Muir, John Muir, John 1910 Mar 29 I A/19/10778 Correspondence From A/15/08494 Muir, John A/15/08547 Perry, Belmont I A/11106848 A/22/13383 Correspondence To Tyndale, Susanne F. A/22/13426 Muir, John I B/11/06816 1908 Feb 29 I A/17/09566 Platt, H. V. Pickard, Josiah L. Correspondence To Perry, Bliss Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence To Muir, John 1907 I A/16/09433 Muir, John 1909 Jul 22 I A/18/10404 1899 Sep 7 I A/10/06211 Aug 14 I A/18/10422 Platz, Max 1902 Sep 18 I A/12/07205 Photograph By Oct 6 I A/12/07238 Pickard, Samuel T. IV B/2911623 1903 Jan 6 I A/13/07394 Correspondence To Feb 4 I A/13/07456 Muir, John Plimpton, George A. 1904 Jul 15 I A/14/08052 1913 Jan 30 I A/21/12040 Correspondence From Aug 31 I A/14/08126 Muir, John 1905 Aug 30 I A/15/08670 Pierce, Frank A/21/12523 Correspondence To Correspondence From B~de, William F. Plumb Muir, John 1910 Jul 11 I B/19/10951 Photograph By A/13/07424 Aug 20 I B/19/11014 IV B/27101478 A/13/07442 IV B/27/01491

176 IV B/27/01496 Correspondence To Correspondence To IV B/27/0lSOO Muir, John Muir, John IV B/32/01815 187S Nov 25 I A/03/01518 1910 Jan 13 I A/19/10674

Pomeroy, Eleanor W. Pu1nam, Edward K. Correspondence From Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Calkins, J. E. A/22/13431 1913 Aug 1 A/21/12323 1907 Oc1 23 B/16/09328 Dec 17 A/21/12S3S Raymond, Charles W. Pu1nam, Elizabeth W. Correspondence From Pope, Marion M. Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence To Muir, John A/18/10169 Muir, John 1913 Jul 5 A/21/12277 A/22/13448 1911 Nov 18 I A/20/11522 Pumam, Harrington Raymond, W. H. Pope, Thomas Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Johnson, Rober! U. Stren1zel, John 1908 I A/17/10040 1894 Feb 19 I B/08/04470 1881 Jul 21 I B/04/02296 1911 Jun I 5 I A/20/11366 Jul 2 I A/20/11408 Re, B. Popenoe, F. O. Correspondence From Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John A/18/IOS88 1905 Aug 4 I A/15/08619 A/20/11438 Reddington, Lena Porsild, Morten P. Pu1nam, Mary P. Photograph Correspondence To Correspondence To IV B/31/01766 Muir, John Muir, John 1906 Feb 16 I A/16/08814 1909 I A/18/10610 Redfield, John H. Correspondence To Porter, Evangeline Pwombly, J. F. Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence To I 876 Feb 12 I A/03/01 S31 Muir, John Muir, John 1877 Jul 9 I A/03/01613 1913 Oct 29 I A/21/12466 1910 Jan 29 I A/19/10700 Correspondence From Porter, John A. Racine. Wisc. Supervisors Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence From A/03/01496 Muir, John Muir, Daniel H. A/03/01549 1897 Apr 8 I A/09/05505 B/02/01030 Reed, Helen L. Por1er, Rober! C. Ralph, James Jr. Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Fisher, Walter L. 1895 Feb 2 I A/08/04812 1898 Feb IO I A/10/05764 J B/20/11680 Reid, Andrew Potter, W. H. Randa JI, Henry Correspondence To Pho1ograph By Correspondence To Muir, John IV B/31/01753 Muir, John 1866 Apr 12 I A/01/00422 JV B/32/01825 1901 Dec 15 I A/ll /06787 1902 Mar 9 I A/12/07012 Reid, Annie G. Powell, J. C. Mar 29 I A/12/07041 Correspondence To Correspondence From 1906 Dec 22 I A/16/08997 Muir, John Muir, John 1872 Feb 24 I A/02/01242 a/11/06738 Correspondence From A/11/06849 Muir, John Reid, Auria G. I A/I I /06718 Photograph Powers, J. E. I A/I 1/06802 IV B/31/01767 Correspondence To I A/12/07024 Muir, John J A/20/11958 Reid, Charles 1902 Mar 29 I A/12/07040 Correspondence To Randall, S. B. Muir, John Powers, L. M. Photograph 1858 Feb 9 I A/01/00027 Correspondence To IV B/31/01765 Feb 22 I A/01/00029 Muir, John Mar IO I A/01/00031 1900 I A/11/06565 Raphail, T. V. Correspondence To Reid, Francis F. Price, Norman Muir, John Pho1ograph Correspondence To 1914 Aug 13 I A/22/12880 JV B/31/01768 Muir, John 1908 Dec II I A/17/09980 Raiher, John E. Reid, Harry F. Correspondence To Correspondence To Price, Rober! M. Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence To 1913 Jun 24 I A/21/12266 1891 Feb 19 I A/07/03687 Muir, John Sep 17 I A/07/03793 1892 Jul 26 I A/07/03953 Ravenscroft, T. D. Oc1 27 J A/07/03817 1893 Mar 21 I A/07/04092 Pho1ograph By 1892 Apr 30 I A/07/03920 IV B/08/00345 May 25 I A/07/03937 Correspondence From JV B/08/00346 1894 Apr 18 I A/08/04504 Muir, John IV B/08/00358 1896 Dec 5 I A/09/05350 A/10/05971 IV B/08/00359 1900 Feb 20 I A/11106344 IV B/08/00367 1901 Jan 12 I A/11/06587 Price, Thomas 1902 Feb 3 I A/12106984 Correspondence To Ray, Fred W. 1903 Jan 16 I All 3/07412 Muir, John Correspondence From 1905 Dec 22 I A/I 5/08736 1909 Nov 17 I A/18/10547 Muir, John 1906 Jul 12 I A/16/08933 1910 Jan 28 I A/19/10697 I A/13/07443 1911 Jul 7 I A/20/11417 1912 Nov 12 I A/20111886 I A/15/08555 1913 Apr 7 I A/21/12139 I A/22/13287 Correspondence From Muir, John Pulsifer, W. H. Ray, Hanie A. I A/06/03568

177 A/07/03693 Aug 22 J A/05/03000 1911 Nov 13 J A/20/11516 A/07/03811 1888 Jan 19 J A/05/03041 A/10/05961 Feb 15 J A/05/03068 Reimers, Johannes A/11/06592 May 2 J A/05/03094 Correspondence To A/13/07444 Sep 29 J A/05/03162 Muir, John A/15/08349 Dec 11 J A/05/03184 1902 Apr 5 A/12/07047 A/16/08848 1889 Jan 15 JA/06/03220 A/17/09968 Apr 8 J A/06/03238 Correspondence From A/22/13285 Dec 9 J A/06/03360 Muir, John J A/22/13303 1890 Feb I I A/06/03384 A/14/08244 IllA/33/01874 Feb 22 I A/06/03395 A/15/08449 Apr 28 J A/06/03438 A/22/13297 Reid, Harvey Jun I J A/06/03457 A/22/13333 Correspondence To Nov 2 I A/06/03569 Muir, John Dec 24 J A/06/03596 Renfrew, P. C. 1861 Jul 13 J A/01/00122 1891 Feb 3 I A/07/03666 Correspondence To Jul 28 I A/01/00124 Feb 15 I A/07/03682 Muir, John Dec 29 I A/01/00144 1893 Jun 20 I A/07 /04209 1879 Jan 3 J A/03/01829 1899 Jul 7 I A/10106160 Allf 4 I A/07/04267 Feb 26 I A/03/01852 1903 Jan I A/13/07451 Sep 24 I A/07/04326 1904 Jul 13 I A/14/08045 1901 Jan 11 I A/1 l /06576 Rennie, I. 1908 Jan 28 I A/17/09514 1903 Aug 4 I A/13/07750 Correspondence To Aug 14 I A/13/07762 Muir, John Reid, Jessie 1904 Dec I A/14/08267 1895 Mar 30 I A/08/04864 Correspondence To Muir, Louie S. Sep 28 I A/08/05008 Muir, John 1883 Mar 28 I B/04/02488 1907 Feb 9 I A/16/09088 1872 Jul 31 I A/02/01135 May 13 I B/04/02493 May 11 I A/16/09140 Jul 9 I B/04/02506 Sep 22 I A/16/09289 Correspondence From 1885 Dec 28 I B/05/02858 Muir, John 1890 I B/06/03627 Photograph By A/15/08487 Jun 22 I B/06/03475 IV B/35/01992 A/22/13374 Muir, Mabel 1903 Dec B/13/07837 Rennie, James Reid, John Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Brown, Joanna M. 1908 Dec 18 A/17/09990 1862 Mar 10 I A/01/00194 J B/16/09343 Apr 24 I A/01/00204 Hand, Mary M. Correspondence From Oct 11 I A/01/00227 A/04/02447 Muir, John Nov 5 I A/01 /00236 Muir, Ann G. A/13/07445 1863 Jan 29 I A/01/00260 B/04/02437 1880 Dec 13 I A/04/02152 Muir, Annie L. Photograph By 1884 Apr II I A/05/02596 A/04/02429 JV B/24/01316 1887 Aug 24 I A/05/03003 B/11/06643 JV B/36/02021 1888 Jan 25 J A/05/03043 Muir, John JV B/36/02035 Feb 7 J A/05/03059 A/02/00692 IV B/36/02054 Sep 28 I A/05103158 A/02/01248 JV B/36/02055 Nov 12 J A/05/03174 JV B/36/02056 Dec 22 I A/05/03189 Photograph JV B/37/02078 1889 Jan 28 I A/06/03228 JV B/27101500 IV B/37/02084 1890 Feb 21 I A/06/03392 JV B/37/02107 1891 Feb 3 I A/07/03664 Reid, W. T. IV B/37/02108 Correspondence To IV B/37/02109 Correspondence From Bade, William F. IV B/37/02110 Muir, John 1914 Sep 17 I B/22/12933 IV B/37/02111 A/02/00692 Muir, John JV B/37/02130 1882 Jan 25 I A/04/02359 Reid, Margaret M. 1894 May 19 I A/08/04540 Rennie, William Correspondence To May 21 I A/08/04542 Correspondence To Muir, David G. Sep 26 I A/08/04610 Muir, John 1861 I A/01 /00179 1906 Jun 3 I A/16/08903 1914 Mar 16 I A/22/12725 Oct 4 I A/01/00129 Muir, Emma Reid, William Ribley, Lauren W. 1903 Dec B/13/07837 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, Hallie s. Muir, John Muir, John 1903 Dec B/13/07837 1858 Apr I A/01/00035 1911 Mar 20 J A/20/11274 Muir, John May I A/01/00037 1861 J A/01 /00179 Jul J A/01 /00039 Rice Oct 4 I A/01/00129 1861 Mar 9 I A/01/00102 Photograph 1862 Mar 10 J A/01/00194 JV B/31/01769 Apr 24 J A/01/00204 Reilly, John J. 1863 Feb I A/01100265 Photograph By Rice, Charles E. 1873 Feb 23 I A/02/01240 IV B/11/00571 Correspondence To 1880 Feb 11 I A/03/01977 IV B/12/00578 Muir, John Dec 13 I A/04/02154 JV B/12100579 1912 Feb 10 I A/20/11587 1883 Mar 28 J A/04/02488 JV B/12/00580 Apr 16 J A/20/11628 May 13 I A/04/02493 JV B/39/02249 Oct 29 I A/04/02522 JV B/41/02369 Correspondence From Dec 6 I A/04/02544 IV B/45/02568 Muir, John Dec 12 I A/04/02546 JV B/47/02679 A/20/11639 1884 Sep 3 I A/05102630 JV B/47102680 Oct 24 J A/05i02633 IV B/47/02700 Richardson, Frederick A. 1885 Jan 19 I A/05/02664 IV B/47/02701 Correspondence To May 10 I A/05/02693 IV B/4i/02702 Muir, John Jul 4 I A/05/02726 IV B/49/02829 1905 Apr 25 A/15/08490 Nov 26 I A/05/02848 IV B/53/03061 Dec 28 I A/05/02858 Correspondence From 1886 Feb 6 I A/05/02876 Reimers, D. W. Muir, John Aug 28 I A/05/02912 Correspondence To I A/15/08534 1887 May 15 I A/05/02985 Muir, John May 17 I A/22/13409

178 Rideing, Wilham H. Royce, B. H. Correspondence To Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John 1882 Aug 29 I A/04/02412 A/11/06489 1889 Jul 13 A/06/03295 A/12/06971 Ridgeway Rulofson, William H. Photograph By Rodman, Willoughby Photograph By IV B/26/01458 Correspondence To IV B/23/01248 IV B/27/01490 Muir, John IV B/29/01599 1909 Mar 31 I A/18/10258 IV B/29/01604 Ridgway, Robert IV B/29/0I6Sl Correspondence To Roe, Laura B. IV B/30/016S8 Muir, John Correspondence To IV B/31/01746 1899 Aug 23 I A/10/06183 Muir, John IV B/31/01747 1900 Feb IS I A/11/06336 1912 Aug 10 I A/20/11766 IV B/32/01819 Jun 8 I A/11/06418 1913 May IS I A/21/12206 Rolfe, H. W. Russell, Israel C. Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John 1906 Jul 5 I A/16/08923 1883 Nov 20 I A/04/02S38 A/l l/06S93 1892 Feb S I A/07/03871 Rollins, Alice W. 1893 Nov 14 I A/07/043S2 Photograph By Correspondence To IV B/19/01034 Muir, Louie S. Rust, Horatio N. JV B/19/01036 1887 I B/05/03030 Correspondence To IV B/19/01037 Muir, John IV B/19/01038 Roosevelt, Theodore 1894 Aug 31 A/08/04S94 IV B/19/01039 Correspondence To JV B/19/01040 Muir, John Correspondence From IV B/19/01041 1903 Mar 14 I A/13/07Sl6 Muir, John May 19 I A/l 3/076SO A/08/04612 Riley, John H. 1904 Nov 3 I A/14/08195 A/12/07168 Correspondence To Nov 11 I A/14/08198 Muir, John 1905 Aug 17 I A/I 5/08653 Photograph 1866 Dec 12 I A/01/00471 1907 Sep 16 I A/16/09269 IV B/31/01770 1867 Jan IS I A/01/00482 1908 Jan 27 I A/17/09513 1893 Apr 10 I A/07/04104 Apr 27 I A/17/09686 Safford, Kate L. 1909 Mar 18 I A/18/102SS Correspondence To Ritchie, John 1910 Jul 2 I A/19/10938 Muir, Louie S. Correspondence To 1903 Jun 17 I B/13/07707 Muir, John Correspondence From 1898 Apr 20 I A/10/0S799 Bade, William F. Salisbury, Albert 1899 Feb I I A/10/06051 I B/20/11612 Correspondence To Bradley, E. A. Muir, John Ritter, William E. I B/16/09371 1900 Apr 4 I A/11/06391 Correspondence To Johnson, Robert U. Muir, John I B/17/09693 Salt, Henry S. 1899 Sep 25 I A/I 0/06227 Keeler, Charles A. Correspondence To Oct 12 I A/I 0/06243 I B/16/09325 Muir, John McFarland, J. H. 1908 Apr 8 I A/17/09646 Correspondence From I B/17/09743 Muir, John Muir, John Sampson, Alden 1 A/10/06242 A/13/07S41 Correspondence To I A/10/06246 A/IS/08677 Bade, William F. A/16/092S7 1909 Jul 4 1 B/18/10392 Robertson, M. A. A/17/09506 Muir, John Correspondence To I A/17/09543 1903 Mar 28 I A/13/07545 Jones, Alice S. I A/17/09664 Jul 7 I A/13/07721 1910 Aug 31 I B/19/11034 I A/17/09668 190S Jun 29 I A/l 5/08585 1 A/l 7 /09702 1906 Oct 16 I A/16/08957 Robinson, Charles D. I A/18/10239 1912 Dec 24 I A/20/11935 Drawings I A/20/11859 IV A/01/000SI Parsons, Edward T. Correspondence From JV A/01/00051 I B/16/09376 Bade, William F. IV A/06/00308 Woodruff, George W. I A/18/10174 I B/16/09280 I B/18/10186 Robinson, Charles H. I B/22/13446 Correspondence To Photograph I B/22/13450 Muir, John IV B/25/01391 Muir, John 189S Feb 10 I A/08/04818 I A/14/08004 1913 Jan 11 I A/21/12020 Rose, George B. I A/18/10172 Correspondence From I A/18/10173 Correspondence From Muir, John I A/18/10174 Muir, John A/18/10171 I A/22/13447 I A/21/12098 A/22/13446 I A/22/l 34SO

Robinson, Claire S. Ross, Emily L. San Francisco Call Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Colby, William E. 1895 Sep 12 I A/08/04992 1907 Aug 7 I A/16/09210 I B/17/09378

Robinson, Doane Rowell, Chester San Francisco Commercial News Correspondence From Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Colby, William E. A/18/10170 1903 Mar 10 A/13/07SOO I B/16/09401

Rodgers, A. F. Correspondence From San Francisco Examiner Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence From Muir, John A/13/07S02 Muir, John 1896 Sep 16 I A/09/05288 A/13/07Sl8 A/09/0S61 I

179 San Francisco Voters 1899 Jan 2 I A/10/06024 A/11/06722 Correspondence From Jan 7 I A/10/06033 A/11/06733 Muir, John Jan 13 I A/10/06038 A/12/07191 A/17/09934 Jan 24 I All 0/06043 A/12/07312 Jan 26 I A/10/06045 A/13/07482 San Francisco, City of Jan 28 I A/10/06048 I A/13/07503 Correspondence From Feb 23 J A/10/06067 J A/13/07530 Adams, Samuel Mar 13 J A/10/06075 J A/13/07608 J B/20/11850 Apr 3 J A/10/06089 J A/13/07841 J B/20/ 11860 Apr 8 J A/10/06094 I A/14/08013 Apr 21 J A/10/06102 I A/14/08030 Sanders, Helen F. Apr 28 J A/10/06104 J A/15/08467 Correspondence To May 13 J A/10/06121 J A/18/10417 Muir, John Aug 4 I A/10/06169 J A/20/11668 1911 Feb 7 A/20/11229 Aug 24 J A/10/06185 J A/22/13287 Aug 29 I A/10/06193 I A/22/13291 Sargent, Alice Sep 13 I A/10/06216 I A/22/13342 Correspondence From Oct 20 I A/10/06247 J A/22/13358 Muir, John Nov 13 I A/10/06264 A/11/06732 Dec 16 J A/10/06274 Sargent, Mary 1900 Jan 8 J A/11/06308 Correspondence To Sargent, Charles S. Feb 9 J A/11/06331 Johnson. Robert U. Correspondence To Feb 13 J A/11/06335 1894 Dec 8 I B/08/04703 Canby, William M. Mar 5 I A/11/06369 Muir, John 1902 Jun 20 J B/12/07119 May 4 I A/11/06405 1902 Jul 26 I A/12/07136 Dudley, William R. May 28 I A/11/06413 Aug 31 J All2/07165 1897 Feb 19 J B/09/05469 Jun 11 I A/11/06421 Dec 25 I A/12/07331 Muir, John Aug 13 I A/11/06448 1905 Aug 16 I A/15/08651 1894 Jan 8 I A/08/04424 Oct 17 I A/11/06481 Apr 20 I A/08/04506 1901 Mar 18 I A/11/06618 Sarony Oct 27 I A/08/04636 Sep 13 J A/11/06726 Photograph By Nov 12 I A/08/04661 Nov 6 I A/11/06751 IV B/31/01738 1895 Jan 30 J A/08/04795 1902 Mar 29 I A/12/07043 Oct 10 I A/08/05025 Aug 26 I A/12/07160 Sarony, Otto Oct 28 I A/08/05039 Dec 9 I A/12/07321 Correspondence To 1896 Mar 25 J A/09/05140 Dec 26 I A/12/07333 Muir, John Apr 18 I A/09/05153 1903 I A/13/07843 1896 Oct 19 J A/@/05317 Apr 30 I A/09/05167 Feb 19 I A/13/07472 May 30 I A/@/05179 Mar 9 J A/13/07499 Saunders, Charles F. Nov 5 I A/09/05331 Mar 30 J A/13/07553 Correspondence To Nov 28 I A/r:IJ/05342 Apr 8 I A/13/07577 Muir, John Dec 1 J A/®/05348 Apr 22 J A/13/07598 1903 Aug 9 J A/13/07756 Dec 3 I A/09/05349 1904 Jun 16 I A/14/07990 Dec 25 I A/@/05372 Jul 11 I A/14/08039 Savage, Charles R. Dec 28 J A/09/05376 Oct 6 I A/14/08169 Photograph By 1897 Jan 2 J A/09/05383 Oct 26 I A/14/08191 JV B/39/02212 Jan 13 I A/®/05404 Dec 16 J A/14/08221 JV B/39/02218 Feb 2 I A/09/05431 1905 Apr 5 J A/15/08468 JV B/40/02269 Feb II J A/09/05449 Jul 31 J A/I 5/08613 IV B/43/02456 Feb II I A/09/05459 Aug 16 J A/15/08649 IV B/43/02459 Feb 16 J A/09/05463 Nov 28 J A/15/08725 Feb 19 I A/09/05468 1906 Apr 23 I A/16/08866 Sawyer, Charles H. Feb 23 I A/09/05471 Dec 13 J A/16/08982 Correspondence To Feb 26 I A/09/05476 1907 Jun 6 I All6/09154 Muir, John Mar 5 J A/09/05478 Aug 13 I A/16/09222 1902 Jan 4 J A/12/06902 Mar 10 I A/09/05485 Nov 19 I A/16/09367 1905 Sep J A/I 5/08696 Mar 12 J A/®/05487 1908 Feb 19 J A/17/09554 1910 Jun 8 J A/19/10872 Mar 19 I A/09/05494 Mar 9 J A/17/09597 Apr 6 I A/®/05501 1909 Jul 12 I A/18/10400 Correspondence From Apr 19 I A/09/05517 Dec 14 I A/18/10569 Muir, John May 3 I A/®/05522 A/15/08548 May 24 J A/09/05533 Correspondence From A/22/13425 Jun 8 I A/09/05544 Johnson, Robert U. Jun 12 I A/09/05550 I B/09/05307 Photograph By Jun 22 I A/09/05554 Muir, John Animals Jun 25 I A/09/05559 J A/07/04372 IV B/11/00526 Jul 3 I A/09/05571 J A/08/04648 IV B/1 l /00527 Jul 8 I A/09/05575 I A/09/05473 IV B/11/00528 Jul 14 I A/09/05580 J A/09/05644 JV B/11/00529 Sep 30 I A/09/05631 I A/09/05652 Flowers Oct 11 I A/09/05640 I A/09/05661 IV B/19/01022 Oct 22 J A/09/05648 I A/10/05735 JV B/39/02214 Nov 26 I A/09/05672 I A/10/05812 IV B/45/02572 Dec 24 I A/09/05698 I A/10/05818 Glaciers 1898 Feb 3 J A/10/05763 J A/10/05824 JV B/45/02575 Feb 23 J A/10/05774 J A/10/05832 Meadows Apr 16 J A/10/05796 I A/10/05846 IV B/46/02625 Apr 19 I A/10/05797 J A/10/06012 Mountains May 3 I A/10/05809 J A/10/06037 JV B/43/02470 Jun 2 I A/10/05816 I A/10/06063 IV B/43/02471 Jun 15 I A/10/05828 I A/10/06112 JV B/43/02472 Jun 24 I A/10/05839 I A/10/06175 Mountains - YNP Jun 27 I A/10/05842 I A/11/06368 IV B/48/02778 Jun 29 I A/10/05844 I A/11/06381 IV B/48/02779 Jul 8 I A/10/05857 I A/11/06408 IV B/48/02780 Jul 11 J A/10/05861 I A/11/06513 Plants Jul 13 J A/10/05865 I A/11/06514 JV B/34/01949 Aug 12 I A/10/05873 J A/11/06515 Trees Nov I J A/10/05937 J A/11/06553 IV B/19/01028 Dec 27 J All 0/06009 I A/11/06594 IV B/19/01029

180 IV B/19/01030 Schmitt, Antonie Correspondence From IV B/19/01031 Correspondence To Muir, John IV B/42/02406 Muir, John A/13107446 IV B/42/02407 1908 Dec 28 I A/17/10013 A/15/08350 IV B/42/02410 1910 Jan 6 I A/19/10658 I A/22113281 IV B/43/02488 1905 Jan 27 I A/22/13304 Trees - Fir Schneider, J. D. IV B/42/02417 Correspondence From Scribner, Charles IV B/42/02418 Muir, John Correspondence To IV B/42/02419 A/11/06525 Muir, John Trees - Oak 1879 Mar 11 I A/03/01858 IV B/14/00737 Schultze, Augustus 1911 Jun I I A/20111351 IV B/42/02425 Correspondence From IV B/42/02426 Bade, William F. Scribner's editors IV B/42/02427 I A/18/10175 Correspondence To IV B/42/02432 I B/22/13448 Muir, John IV B/42/02433 Muir, John 1878 I A/03/01827 Trees - Pine A/18/10175 IV B/43/02446 Scudder, H. IV B/43/02448 Schwarz, G. F. Photograph Trees - Spruce Correspondence To IV B/32/01778 IV B/43/02453 Muir, John IV B/43/02454 1902 Jun 8 I A/12/07113 Seale, Alvin IV B/43102455 1912 Sep 1 I A/20/11812 Correspondence To Trees - SN - Hemlock 1913 Jun 25 I A/21/12267 Muir, John IV B/40/02291 Jul 18 I A/21/12292 1904 Aug 23 I A/14/08119 IV B/40/02292 Dec 2 I A/21/12511 IV B/40/02293 Seaman, Frank Trees - SN - Juniper Schwerin, R. P. Correspondence To IV B/40/02299 Photograph Muir, John Trees - SN - Pine IV B/25101385 1904 Jul 4 I A/14108022 IV B/40/02311 IV B/25/1387 IV B/40/02312 Correspondence From IV B/40/02313 Schwichtenberg Muir, John IV B/41/02338 Photograph By A/14/08050 IV B/41/02339 IV B/31/01740 IV B/41/02340 IV B/31/01741 Secor, David P. Trees - Washington IV B/31/01742 Correspondence From IV B/43/02485 IV B/31/01743 Muir, John IV B/43/02486 A/14/08142 IV B/43/02487 Scidmore, Eliza R. IV B/43/2484 Correspondence To Sedgwick, Ellery Waterfalls - YNP Muir, John Correspondence To IV B/53/03063 1885 Dec 27 I A/05/02857 Muir, John 1890 Oct 22 I A/06/03548 1909 Apr 22 I A/18/10286 Sayre, G. H. 1891 Sep 12 I A/07/03786 1910 Jun 7 I A/19/10871 Correspondence To 1894 Jan 7 I A/08/04421 Jun 24 I A/19/10916 Muir, John 1895 Sep 16 I A/08/04994 1912 Dec 13 I A/20/11914 Muir, Louie S. Sedgwick, Henry 0. 1890 Dec 31 I B/06/0361 5 Correspondence From Scaife, Roger L. 1891 Mar 31 I B/07/03702 Muir, John Correspondence To A/21/12113 Muir, John Scientific American 1911 May 22 I A/20/11334 Correspondence From Sell, Eelta G. 1912 I A/20/11977 Muir, John Correspondence To 1913 Sep 27 I A/21/12409 A/13/07639 Muir, John 1909 Jun 16 I A/18/10364 Scanergood, J. H. Scott Correspondence To Correspondence From Seller, Alfred H. Muir, John Towne, A. N. Correspondence From 1907 Dec 2 A/16/09387 B/03/01563 Muir, John A/08/04936 Correspondence From Scon, C. J. Muir, John Correspondence To Sellers Family A/16/09396 Muir, John Correspondence From 1910 Feb 19 I A/19/10718 Muir, John Scharl' A/09/05654 Photograph By Scott, Charles T. IV B/28/01565 Correspondence From Sellers, Alfred H. Muir, John Correspondence To Schenck, C. A. A/13/07582 Muir, John Correspondence To 1885 Nov 20 I A/05/02846 Muir, John Scott, Frank H. 1890 Dec 25 I A/06/03602 1899 Jan 16 I A/10/06040 Correspondence To 1893 May 12 I A/07 /04129 Muir, John 1894 Nov 23 I A/08/04670 Scherer, James A. B. 1894 Jan 4 I A/08/04417 1895 Jan 9 I A/08/04766 Correspondence To Jan 20 I A/08/04436 Jan 18 I A/08/04777 Muir, John Feb 17 I A/08/04467 Jan 31 I A/08/04798 1909 Jun 23 I A/18/10376 Feb 28 I A/08/04476 Apr 8 I A/08/04872 1911 Jan 27 I A/20/11225 Apr 28 I A/08/04522 Apr 18 I A/08/04877 May 21 I A/08/04544 Jun 7 I A/08/04918 Photograph 1895 Jan 25 I A/08/04789 1896 May 18 I A/09/05174 IV B/26/01418 1898 Dec I I A/10/05989 Oct 29 I A/09/05324 IV B/26/01419 1899 Nov 22 I A/10/06271 1897 Nov 13 I A/09/05659 1903 Jan 2 I A/13/07388 1898 Mar 25 I A/10/05786 Schlich, W. Jan 22 I A/13/07418 Jun 19 I A/10/05830 Correspondence From Jun 2 I A/13/07679 1899 Feb 10 I A/I 0/06054 Pinchot, Gifford 1905 Jan 18 I A/15/08327 Aug 21 I A/10/06181 I B/07 /04205 1910 Nov 16 I A/19/11118 1901 Aug 17 I A/11/06707 Sep 9 I A/11106723

181 1902 Jan 11 I A/12/06933 1910 Jun 28 I A/19/10922 Correspondence From Nov 16 I A/12/07275 1911 Jul 18 I A/20/11446 Muir, John 1903 Feb 13 I A/13/07463 Aug 8 I A/20/11465 A/13/07447 Mar 25 I A/13/07540 Sep 6 I A/20/11487 A/22/13286 1904 Jan 12 I A/14/07882 1912 Sep 19 I A/20/11834 Sep 11 I A/14/08133 1913 Feb 1 I A/21/12052 Shepardson, Everet! 1905 May 22 I A/15/08541 Mar 3 I A/21/12085 Correspondence To Aug 24 I A/15/08661 Apr 20 I A/21/12165 Muir, John 1907 Mar 20 I A/16/09111 Jul 5 I A/21/12279 1913 Oc1 8 I A/21/12428 May 24 I A/16/09146 Sep 12 I A/21/12376 Oct 20 I A/21/12451 Aug 7 I A/16/09211 1914 Jan 11 I A/22/12632 1914 Nov 14 I A/22/12995 Oct 1 I A/16/09304 Jun 14 I A/22/12805 Dec 10 I A/16/09397 Sep 26 I A/22/12938 Correspondence From Dec 29 I A/16/09422 Muir, John 1908 Jan 8 I A/17/09473 Correspondence From I A/21/12436 Mar 4 I A/17/09577 Hanna, Wanda M. I A/22/13004 Jun 2 I A/17/09781 I B/22/13044 Oct 13 I A/17/09912 Muir, John Pho1ograph By 1909 Jan 11 I A/18/10093 a/08/05054 IV B/16/00829 Jan 15 I A/18/10101 I A/07 /04227 JV B/16/00830 1910 Jun 16 I A/19/10894 I A/08/04616 IV B/16/00831 Jun 24 I A/19/10917 I A/08/04689 JV B/16/00832 Aug 21 I A/19/11015 I A/08/05046 IV B/16/00833 1911 Mar 13 I A/20/11261 I A/09/05119 JV B/16/00834 I A/13/07568 Correspondence From I A/14/07982 Shepherd, C. Calkins, J. E. Photograph By B/17/09632 Photograph IV B/34/01905 Muir, John IV B/25/01374 IV B/34/01906 A/05/02831 JV B/25/01375 IV B/34/01907 A/07/03661 IV B/25/01391 IV B/34/01908 A/07/04227 JV B/26/01431 A/07/04374 IV B/32/01779 Sherman, Ellen B. A/08/04689 JV B/32/01780 Poems A/08/04768 JV B/32/01781 To A Sequioa A/08/04807 V E/51/00373 I A/08/04819 Sellers, Frank I A/08/04876 Correspondence To Sherman, G. I A/09/05!43 Muir, John Correspondence From I A/09/05166 1906 Sep 14 I A/16/08949 Muir, John I A/09/05271 A/11/06526 I A/10/05790 Correspondence From I A/10/05823 Muir, John Shew, Jacob 1 A/10/05837 A/04/04227 Photograph By I A/10/05981 A/08/04415 IV B/30/01706 I A/10/05997 A/08/04689 IV B/32/01778 I A/10/06015 A/14/07982 I A/10/06064 Shew, William I A/10/06127 Selmer, M. Photograph By I A/10/06203 Photograph By JV B/30/01707 I A/l 1 /06395 IV B/32/01828 I A/11 /06529 Shields, W. J. I A/11/06571 Senger, Henry Correspondence To J A/11/06574 Correspondence To Muir, John I A/11/06715 Muir, John 1904 Jun 5 I A/14/07969 I A/12/06947 1892 May 25 A/07/03939 Aug J A/14/08127 I A/12/07005 1905 May 7 I A/l 5/08507 I A/12/07244 Correspondence From I A/13/07479 Muir, John Correspondence From J A/13/07568 A/07/03929 Muir, John I A/13/07770 A/07/03935 A/15/08357 I A/14/07982 I A/14/08150 Sercni, J. Photograph By I A/15/08556 Photograph By IV B/11/00563 J A/17/09681 IV B/29/01647 IV B/11/00564 I A/18/10104 IV B/11/00565 I A/18/10312 Sewell IV B/25/01369 I A/22/1343.5 Photograph By JV B/25/01370 IV B/30/01684 IV B/33/01839 Photograph IV B/33/01 S40 JV B/25/01391 Sexton, Lillian IV B/33/01841 IV B/31/01770 Correspondence To JV B/33/01842 JV B/32/01779 Muir, John IV B/33/01843 1904 Mar 22 I A/14/07914 Photograph By Shinn, Charles H. IV B/17/00924 Sharon, A. D. Correspondence To IV B/17/00925 Correspondence From Johnson, Robert U. Muir, John 1900 Dec 30 I B/11/06544 Sellers, Emma A/12/07287 Muir, John Correspondence From 1895 Jul 30 I A/08/04955 Muir, John Sharon, Mrs. A. D. 1902 Jan 13 I A/12/06937 A/07/04227 Correspondence From Muir, John Correspondence From Sellers, Fay H. A/22/13278 Muir, John Correspondence To A/12/06972 Muir, John Shepard, Morgan 1894 Sep 24 J A/08/04605 Correspondence To Shinn, Milicent W. 1895 Nov 4 J A/08/05042 Muir, John Correspondence To 1896 Jan 12 I A/09/05107 1903 Jan 24 I A/13/07423 Muir, John 1905 Aug 24 I A/15/08661 1882 Oct 21 I A/04/02420

182 Dec 18 I A/04/02445 May 31 I A/16/08896 A/13/07448 Dec 30 I A/04/02458 May 31 I A/16108897 A/22113285 1891 Oct 5 I A/07 /03804 Aug 14 I A/16108942 1909 Sep 27 I A/18/10480 Photograph By Correspondence From Nov 8 I A/18/10533 IV B/20/01062 Muir, John Southern Paci fie Agent IV B/20/01088 A/04/02492 1909 Feb I B/18/10231 IV B/20/01106 IV B/21/01138 Sholes, C. H. Sink IV B/21/01143 Correspondence To Photograph By IV B/21/01165 Garfield, James R. IV B/38/02160 IV B/21/01172 1907 Sep 16 I B/16/09271 IV B/33101838 Skeel.:, Grace D. IV B/36/02067 Correspondence From Correspondence To IV B/36/02068 Muir, John Muir, John IV B/38/02159 I A/18/10200 1906 Mar 30 I A/16108837 IV B/38/02166 Parsons, Edward T. I B/18/10076 Skmner, Charles M. Smith, George 0. Correspondence To Correspondence To Shoup, Paul Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence To 1902 Nov 14 I A/12/07274 1909 Dec 8 I A/18/10561 Muir, John 1907 Jun 28 I A/16/09166 Skinner, Hal Smith, H. G. 1908 I A/17/10042 Correspondence To Photograph By Muir, John IV B/29/01648 Shull, Samuel s. 1904 Aug 22 I A/14/08111 Correspondence To Smith, Harrison Muir, John Slifer, R. G. Correspondence To 1908 Jan 6 I A/17/09467 Correspondence To Muir, John 1909 Jun 28 I A/18/10381 Muir, John 1914 Jan 15 A/22/12638 1910 Aug 25 I A/19/11025 1899 Sep 10 I A/10/06214 Muir,John 1914 Jan 29 A/22/12665 Sibley, William E. Correspondence From Correspondence To Muir, John Smith, James P. Muir, John A/11/06490 Correspondence To 1865 Feb 28 I A/01/00363 Muir, John Sloane, William M. 1899 Apr 6 I A/10106091 Sierra Club Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Smith, Jeanie 0. California Press 1910 Jun 28 I A/19/10924 Correspondence To 1893 Sep 18 I B/07/04321 Jul II I A/19/10953 Muir, John Muir, John 1914 Dec 23 I A/22113023 1908 Sep 12 v D/51/00198 Smart, Reed Correspondence From Smith, Jesse L. Correspondence From Muir, John Correspondence To Johnson, Robert U. A/22/13455 Muir, John I B/07/04384 1909 Aug 16 I A/18/10425 Smith Manuscripts Correspondence From Smith, Marcius C. Yosemite Toll Roads Muir, John Correspondence To V D/51/00193 A/01/00510 Muir, John 1901 Mar 12 I A/11/06614 Photograph Smith, C. F. Mar 30 I A/11/06627 IV B/20101106 Correspondence To Aug 30 I All 1/06720 Muir, John 1908 Jul 16 I A/17109827 Sigler, Willard J. 1909 Sep 7 I A/18/10454 Correspondence To Smith, R. Muir, John Smith, Charles R. Photograph By 1911 Nov 16 I A/20/11520 Correspondence To IV B/32/01788 Muir, John IV B/32/01792 Sime, W. B. 1901 Apr 9 I A/11/06632 IV B/32/01793 Correspondence To Muir, John Smith, 0. R. Smith, Robert B. 1894 Dec 26 I A/08/04734 Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Muir, John Simmons, Evelyn c. 1898 Dec 19 I A/10/06002 A/18/10176 Correspondence To Muir, John Smith, Ernest C. Smith, S. C. 1913 I A/21/12581 Correspondence To Correspondence To I A/21/12583 Muir, John White, J. W. 1902 Mar 10 I A/12/07018 1908 Jan I I B/17/09461 Simonds, Edith Aug 4 I A/12/07144 Correspondence To Smith, Sidney V. Muir, John Correspondence From Correspondence To 1909 I A/18110612 Muir, John Muir, John I A/18/10614 A/12/07027 1882 Jul 27 I A/04/02401 Oct 5 I A/18/10487 A/22/13266 1896 Feb 8 I A/09105120 1910 Jan 5 I A/19110651 Smith, Felipe T. Correspondence From Simonson, Flavel Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence To Muir, John A/09/05109 Muir, John 1912 Jun 3 I A/20111696 1897 Aug 28 I A/09105624 Smith, William L. Smith, George D. Correspondence To Simpson, W. H. Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence To Muir, John 1903 Oct 19 I A/13/07800 Gregory, H. K. 1903 Jan 23 I A/13/07421 1904 Dec I A/14/08258 1909 Mar 17 I B/18110251 1905 Jan 3 I A/15108302 Muir, John Correspondence From 1906 May 9 I All 6/0887 5 Muir, John Smithsonian Secretary

183 Correspondence From Sterling, E. A. Stokes, Anson P. White, Mrs. James E. Correspondence From Correspondence To IB/13/07396 Muir, John Muir, John A/15/08457 1910 Jun 1 I A/19/10861 Smoot, Reed A/22/13350 Jun 8 I A/19/10874 Correspondence From 1911 Apr 18 I A/20/11299 Muir, John Sterling. J. W. May 13 I A/20/ 11329 A/18/10197 Correspondence To Muir, John Stone, A. L. Snow, Agnes B. 1868 Oct 12 I A/01/00655 Photograph Photograph IV B/32/01783 IV B/29/01618 Stevens Photograph By Stone, W. E. Solomons, T. S. IV B/26/01458 Correspondence From Photograph By Muir, John IV B/20/01080 Stevens, M. T. A/18/10178 Correspondence To Southern Pacific Agent Bade, William F. Streator, Gertrude I. Correspondence From 1912 S:p 21 I B/20/11840 Correspondence To Simpson, W. H. Muir, John B/18/10231 Stewardson, L. C. 1913 Mar 25 I A/21/12108 Correspondence From May 25 I A/21/12223 Sperry, Helen G. Bade, William F. Correspondence To I A/18/10177 Strentzel Estate Muir, John I B/22/13447 Business and Legal Papers 1907 Aug 5 A/16/09205 Muir, John Probate Document Dec 23 A/16/09414 A/18/10177 V C/51/00160 A/22/13447 Sperry, James L. Strentzel Family Correspondence To Stewart, George W. Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence To Muir, John 1894 Sep 6 I A/08/04596 Muir, John 1879 Jun 27 A/03/01893 1906 I A/16/09027 Squire, Alice M. Apr 9 I A/16/08843 Correspondence From Correspondence To Carr, Jeanne C. Muir, John Correspondence From B/03/01557 1862 Apr 14 I A/01/00202 Muir, John B/03/01630 1864 Jan 25 I A/01 /00334 I A/J J/06775 Muir, John I A/12/06999 A/03/01666 Squire, Mrs. R. I A/12/07066 A/03/01737 Correspondence To I A/12/07115 A/03/01747 Muir, John I A/12/07127 A/03/01769 1862 Apr 14 I A/01/00202 I A/12/07132 A/03/01770 I A/13/07624 A/03/01772 Squire, R. I A/13/07626 A/03/01785 Correspondence To I A/13/07842 A/03/01796 Muir, John A/03/01890 1863 Dec 21 I A/01/00329 Stewart, Mary E. A/03/01895 1864 Jan 25 1 A/01 /00334 Correspondence To I A/03/01901 Muir, John I A/03/1835 Stafford, Harry F. 1913 May 18 A/21/12217 Correspondence To Strentzel, John Muir, John Correspondence From Correspondence To 1914 Mar 18 I A/22/12728 Muir, John Muir, John A/21/12234 1877 Nov 12 I A/03/01652 Stanton, E. M. 1878 Jul 24 I A/03/01775 Correspondence To Sticklay, Gustav 1879 Feb 2 I A/03/01839 Muir, John Correspondence From Aug 12 I A/03/01909 1907 Aug 14 I A/16/09224 Muir, John 1885 Aug 14 I A/05/02749 I A/15/08479 Sep 1 I A/05/02775 Stebbins, Alfred I A/22/13367 Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Stillman, J. M. Carr, Jeanne C. 1894 Apr I A/08/04488 Correspondence To B/04/02472 Muir, John B/04/02472 Stebbins, N. D. 1897 Jan 25 I A/09/05417 B/05/02705 Correspondence To Engelmann, George Muir, John Stimson, Frances C. I B/04/02138 1872 Oct 4 I A/02/01173 Correspondence To Moores, Julia M. 1874 Aug 7 I A/03/01403 Muir, John I B/05/02948 1878 Apr 29 I A/03/01739 1909 Apr 7 I A/18/10277 Muir, John 1880 Jun 21 I A/04/02072 A/03/01777 1882 Sep I A/04/02416 Stinson, L. E. A/03/01806 Dec 15 I A/04/02439 Correspondence To A/03/01840 1884 Jun 6 I A/05/02607 Muir, John A/04/01985 1885 Mar 16 I A/05/02681 1914 Sep 5 I A/22/12917 Muir, Louie S. Jul 17 I A/05/02731 I B/05/0261 5 Sep 14 I A/05/02791 Stoddard, Charles W. Pope, Thomas Correspondence To B/04/02296 Photograph Muir, John JV B/32/01782 1873 Aug 2 I A/02/01289 Photograph 1874 Jul 8 I A/03/01399 JV B/27/01501 Steel, Will G. 1901 Jul 7 I A/11/06672 Correspondence To Oct 20 I A/11/06742 Strentzel, Louie Muir, John 1913 Nov 29 I A/21/12503 Correspondence To 1901 Dec 26 I A/11/06828 Carr, Jeanne C. Correspondence From 1875 Mar 21 I B/03/01482 Stephens, William B. Muir, John Muir, John Photograph By A/02/01037 1878 May 5 I A/03/01748 IV B/26/01457 Jun 18 I A/03/01763

184 Aug 14 I A/03/01781 Correspondence From 1879 Aug 12 I A/03/01912 Muir, John Photograph By Sep 9 I A/03/01923 A/11/06850 IV B/09/00432 Oct 9 I A/03/01928 A/22/13449 IV B/09/00433 Oct 24 I A/03/01930 IV B/09/00434 Dec 1 I A/03/01934 Stuck, Hudson IV B/09/00435 1880 Jan 27 I A/04/01974 Correspondence To IV B/10/00490 Mar 13 I A/04/01996 Muir, John IV B/10/00491 Unknown 1914 Jun 17 I A/22/12808 IV B/11/00524 1877 B/03/01676 IV B/23/01251 Sulgrove, Leslie JV B/29/01637 Correspondence From Correspondence To IV B/30/01680 Carr, Ezra S. Muir, John IV B/32/01799 B/02/01312 1882 Oct 15 I A/04/02419 IV B/34/01925 Carr, Jeanne C. IV B/34/01926 I B/02/01312 Photograph I\' B/34/01927 I B/03/01492 JV B/32/01784 IV B/39/02219 I B/03/01535 IV B/41/02370 I B/03/01560 Sutherland, Celustu.< IV B/48/02747 Muir, John Correspondence To JV B/48/02748 A/03/01765 Muir, John IV B/48/02749 I A/03/01788 1866 Aug 14 I A/OJ/00451 IV B/51/02931 I A/03/01868 IV B/51/02932 I A/03/01870 Swain, Mrs. Richard IV B/51/02936 I A/03/01899 Correspondence To I A/03/01918 Muir, John Taft, William H. I A/03/01927 1900 Aug 24 A/11/06458 Correspondence To I A/04/01973 Fisher, Walter L. I A/04/01986 Correspondence From 1911 Apr 6 I B/20/11291 I A/04/02016 Muir, John Muir, John I A/04/02019 A/1 J/06491 1910 Jan 14 I A/19/10678 Unknown 1911 Apr 6 I A/20/11290 B/02/01001 Swan, Muriel 1912 Dec 18 I A/20/11919 Correspondence To Strentz~l. Louisiana E. Muir, John Correspondence From Correspondence To 1910 May 26 I A/19/10835 Muir, John Muir, John A/18/10484 1892 Aug 14 I A/07/03958 Sweany, James A. A/19/11126 Aug 18 I A/07/03963 Correspondence To Muir, Louie S. Muir, John Photograph 1884 Jul 14 I B/05/02623 1863 Mar 6 I A/OJ/00270 IV B/25/01398 IV B/25/01399 Correspondence From Swett, Helen IV B/32/01787 Carr, Jeanne C. Correspondence To B/04/02054 Muir, John Taylor, B. G. B/04/02472 1902 Oct I A/12/07227 Correspondence To Downer, J. E. 1905 Jan 6 A/15/08308 Muir, John B/08/04815 1905 Mar 10 A/15/08444 Muir, John Photograph I A/07 /03970 IV B/32/01785 Correspondence From I A/10/05918 Muir, John Muir, Louie S. Swett, John A/15/08450 I B/05/026 J 5 Correspondence To A/22/13337 Johnson, Robert U. Photograph 1891 Jan 26 I B/07 /03658 Taylor, Edward R. IV B/27/01502 Correspondence To IV B/27/01503 Correspondence From Muir, John IV B/27/01504 Muir, John J 897 Dec I 0 I A/09/05686 IV B/27/01505 A/03/01578 1905 Feb 24 1 A/15/08411 Aug 9 I A/15/08641 Strobel Swett, Margaret 1907 Jul 26 I A/16/09187 Photograph By Photograph Jul 26 I A/16/09188 IV B/32/01786 IV B/32/01786 Correspondence From Strohmeyer, H. A. Swett, Mary L. Muir, John Correspondence To Correspondence To A/13/07449 Muir, John Muir, John A/22/13283 1903 Dec 21 I a/13/07832 1878 Sep 12 I A/03/01800 Perkins, George C. 1894 May 7 I A/08/04527 I B/09/05503 Stuart, James R. 1903 Feb 8 I A/13/07457 Corres poodence To 1905 Jan I I A/15/08298 Poems Muir, John 1912 Nov JI I A/20/11884 lo Arizona (4 poems) 1905 Jan 18 I A/l 5/08328 1913 Nov 11 I A/21/12490 V E/51/00369 Muir, Louie S. Jonquil Correspondence From 1881 Oct 9 I B/04/02318 V E/51/00263 Muir, John 1883 Aug 2 I B/04/02509 Nature's Care of Her Own A/15/08359 1895 Jun 14 I B/08/04926 V E/51/00262 A/22/13306 Night Correspondence From V E/51/00261 Stubbs, J. E. Muir, John On A Picture Painted By Keith Correspondence From I A/04/02199 V E/51/00254 Muir, John V E/51/00255 I A/18/10179 Swen, Myrta W. Song Its Own Reward Correspondence To V E/51/00327 Stubbs, Joseph E. Muir, John Sport of Killing Correspondence To 1905 Jan 20 I A/15/08332 V E/51/00367 Muir, John To the Grand Canyon 1901 Aug 16 I A/11/06706 Taber, Isaiah W. V E/51/00415 Dec 26 I A/ 11/06829 Photograph To A Marble Statuene IV B/29/01640 V E/51/00326

185 To Andre's Pigeon Nov 5 A/22/12986 Treadway v E/51/00264 Photograph By To Burns Thompson, William H. JV B/27/01490 v E/51/00247 Correspondence From To John Muir Muir, John Trego, Gertrude F. v E/51/00246 A/11/06554 Correspondence From Muir, John Taylor, John G. Thomson, Frances D. A/15/08437 Correspondence To Correspondence To A/22/I3331 Muir, John Muir, John 1913 Feb 4 A/21/12058 1909 Feb 24 I A/18/10225 Trelease, William Correspondence To Correspondence From Thwaites, Reuben G. Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence To 1902 Jan 5 I A/12/06906 A/21/12246 Muir, John 1907 Jul 11 I A/16/09180 1913 Sep 15 I A/21/12391 Taylor, Rose S. Correspondence From Correspondence To Tibbius, H. C. Muir, John Muir, John Photograph By A/20/11669 1913 Apr J A/21/12186 JV B/12/00597 IV B/13/00656 Trippel, Oscar A. Teague, Marie L. IV B/13/00664 Correspondence To Correspondence To JV B/13/00665 Muir, John Muir, John JV B/13/00666 1900 Dec 6 J A/11/06532 1914 Jan 23 I A/22/12655 JV B/13/00667 JV B/14/00702 Trou1 Family Teallach, A. IV B/25/01398 Correspondence From Pho1ograph By IV B/25/01399 Muir, John IV B/34/01909 JV B/43/02462 A/02/00999 JV B/34/01910 IV B/43/02463 JV B/34/01911 Trout, Arthur H. JV B/34/01912 Ticknor, Benjamin H. Photograph Correspondence To IV B/32/01793 Thacher, Sherman D. Muir, John Correspondence To 1906 May 4 I A/16/08872 TrouL, Charles W. Muir, John 1908 Mar 22 I A/17/09629 Pho1ograph 1909 May 7 I A/18/10304 Jun 24 I A/17/09800 IV B/32/01788 May 26 I A/18/10342 1909 Jun 26 I A/18/10378 1910 Mar 7 J A/19/10745 Trout, Hallie Oc1 13 I A/19/11083 Tillinghasl, Benjamin F. Correspondence To Dec 14 I A/19/11134 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John 1866 May 10 I A/01/00433 Thaw, Alexander B. 1907 Oct 21 I A/16/09319 1867 Aug 18 I A/01/00584 Correspondence To Oc1 23 J B/16/09324 Muir, John Photograph 1895 A/08/05074 Tinning, W. S. IV B/32/01789 Correspondence To Correspondence From Muir, John Trout, Mary Muir, John 1912 Sep 13 I A/20/11830 Correspondence To A/15/08436 Muir, John A/22/13329 Tolerton, Hill 1866 Apr 13 I A/01 /00424 Correspondence To 1867 Mar 28 I A/01/00506 Thayer, John A. Muir, John Correspondence To 1914 Jun 18 I A/22/12814 ?holograph Muir, John IV B/32/01793 1906 May 15 I A/16/08887 Torrey, John Correspondence To Trout, Mrs. Thayer, William R. daughler, name unkown Photograph Correspondence To 1872 Aug 25 I B/02/01147 IV B/32/01793 Muir, John Muir, John 1896 Jun 27 I A/09/05220 1872 Sep 28 I A/02/01168 Trout, Pe1er L. Correspondence To Thomas, Augustus Towne, A. N. Muir, John Correspondence From Correspondence To 1897 Jan 30 I A/09/05429 Muir, John Kaddie, A. W. 1907 Jan 23 I A/16/09059 A/13/07450 1876 Jul 5 B/03/01562 Jan 31 1 A/16/09073 A/22/13281 Scou Mar 11 I A/16/09104 1876 Jul B/03/01563 Thomas, B. F. Correspondence From Correspondence To Towne, W. H. Muir, John Muir, John Pho1ograph By A/10/06084 1912 Jul 30 I A/20/11747 IV B/09/00412 A/16/09062 IV B/32/01803 Thomas, Hadassah IV B/32/01807 Manuscripts Correspondence To A Trip to Glacierland Muir, John Townsend, Charles H. V E/51/18775 1910 May 26 I A/19/10835 Correspondence To Great American Continent Muir, John V E/51/00320 Thomas, William 1893 Jan 13 I A/07/04025 Correspondence To Photograph Muir, John Correspondence From IV B/32/01790 1905 Nov 18 A/15/08718 Muir, John A/15/08451 Trout, Rachel Thompson, Henrielta S. A/22/13337 Photograph Correspondence To JV B/32/01791 Muir, John Townsend, Rober1 D. 1911 Jun 20 J A/20/I\371 Correspondence To Trout, William H. Aug 9 I A/20/11469 Muir, John Correspondence To I913 Nov 26 I A/21/12502 1905 Apr 20 I A/15/08484 Muir, John 1914 Aug 4 I A/22/12862 1876 Aug I A/03/01572

186 1878 Feb 14 I A/03101704 JV Bf26(01435 Varnell, E. I. 1887 Apr 14 I Af05(02976 Correspondence To 1888 Apr 21 I Al05(03086 Unwin, T. F. Muir, John 1896 Jun 17 I Af09/05203 Correspondence To 1863 Jan 25 I A(Ol 100257 1903 Aug 3 I Al13(07748 Muir, John 1904 Jun 11 I A/14(07977 1913 Nov 10 I A(21(12486 Varnell, Harry A. Aug 2 I All4(08096 Correspondence To 1906 Jan 23 I Al 16(08796 Upham, Else L. Muir, John Aug 17 I Afl 6(08943 Correspondence To 1863 Jan 25 I Af01 (00257 Sep 13 I A/16108948 Muir, John Sep 24 I Al16(08952 1904 Oc1 21 I Afl4(08183 Vasey, G. R. 1912 Jun 15 I Af20f I 1599 Correspondence To 1913 Feb 15 I A(21(12063 Upham, Isaac Muir, John Jun 6 I Af21(12245 Correspondence To I 880 Jul 8 I A/04(02082 Jul 11 I Af21(12284 Muir, John Muir, Louie S. 1881 Apr 13 I A(04(02218 Vaughan 1896 Aug 17 BI09f05282 Photograph By Upham, Warren IV Bl28(01551 Correspondence From Correspondence To JV Bl28f01560 Muir, John Muir, John A(l4(07986 1914 Jan 13 I Af22(12637 Vilas All4(08102 Photograph A/15(08537 Van Dyke, Henry IV 8(32101795 A(l5(08679 Correspondence To A(20(11670 Muir, John Vollmer, Henry Al21112114 1913 Mar 15 Al21112100 Correspondence To A(22(13413 Calkins, J. E. Van Dyke, Theodore S. 1907 Oct 22 I Bfl6109320 Photograph Photograph JV B/32(01792 JV Bl31(01730 Voorhies, A. H. Correspondence To Truman, Benjamin C. Van Hise, Charles R. Muir, John Correspondence From Correspondence To 1905 Sep 29 I A(l 5/08694 Muir, John Muir, John A(l8/10180 1904 Mar 24 I Af14/07918 Vroman, A. C. A(22(13446 May 17 I A/14107939 Correspondence To Harriman, Edward H. Tully, Eleanor G. Van Trump, P. B. 1908 I Bl17fl0043 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John 1913 Sep 10 I Af2ll12369 1902 Aug 25 I Al12(07158 1889 Jan 23 I Af06(03:?24 1890 Jun 18 I Af06/03473 Photograph Turlock CA. Board of Directors 1900 Jan 26 I A(l 1(06313 IV Bf32(01796 Correspondence From 1910 Jul 8 I A(19/10946 IV Bl32(01797 Hall, William H. Jul 18 I Al19(10955 JV Bl32101798 I Bl16/09198 Jul 27 I Al19110964 1912 I Af20fl 1980 Wainright, Helen Turnbull, John Correspondence To Correspondence To Photograph By Muir, John Muir, John IV Bl43102464 1904 Jul 10 A(l4(08037 1894 Dec 23 I Af08104731 JV B/43(02467 1906 I A/16109028 JV B/43(02468 Walcoll, Charles D. IV B/43/02469 Correspondence To Tuttle, W. N. JV B/43/02477 Muir, John Photograph By IV 8(43/02478 1904 Dec 31 I Afl4108256 JV B/15(00760 JV B/43/02479 JV 8143/02480 Wallace, Alfred R. Tyndale, Susanne F. IV B/43102491 Photograph Correspondence To JV 8(43/02492 JV B/32101799 Pickard, Joseph C. 1901 Dec 22 i Bil 1106816 Vanderbilt, John M. Wailers, Horace H. Correspondence To Correspondence To Tyndall, John Muir, John Muir, John Photograph 1880 Apr 20 I AI04102027 1898 Dec 16 I Afl0(05998 JV Bl32f01794 Jun 9 I Af04(02063 1899 Jan I Af10(06049 Nov 20 I A/04102140 U. S. Congress 1881 May 5 I A/04102227 Ward, Edwin D. Correspondence From May 8 I Af04(02230 Correspondence To Muir, John Jul 9 I Af04(02289 Bade, William F. I Afl7(09479 Dec 12 I Af04(02334 1912 Oc1 4 I Bl20/11854 1882 Aug 14 I AI04102404 U. S. Interior Dept. 1883 Feb 19 I AI04102474 Warfield, Clara Correspondence To Muir, Louie S. Correspondence To Muir, John 1881 Jul 13 I BI04102294 Muir, John 1912 May 15 Al20(11673 1913 Jul 18 I Af21112296 Vanderhill, Lena U.S. Consular Office Correspondence To Warner, A. C. Correspondence From Muir, Louie S. Photograph Krux, P. W. 1881 Sep II I BI04102308 IV Bl32(01800 Bl20(11422 Variel, Greta A. Photograph By U.S. Diplomatic Office Manuscripts IV Bl2SIOl 3S8 Correspondence From Wanda Muir Hanna JV Bf43f02466 Krux, P. W. V El51f00401 IV B/43102473 B/20/11422 IV B/43/02474 Vamel, John H. IV B/43102475 Underwood and Underwood Correspondence To JV Bf43(02481 Photograph By Muir, John JV B/43/02482 IV Bl23101269 1860 Oct 13 I AIOI /00050 IV Bl43(02483 IV Bl23(01270 Dec 31 I AIOI (0007 8 IV B/43/02490

187 Warner, George H. IV B/16/00828 1903 Apr 8 I A/13/07578 Correspondence To Mountains - Sh as ta Muir, John JV B/13/00662 Watson, Maude L. 1897 Jan 6 I A/09/05394 Mountains - YNP Correspondence To Jan 21 I A/09/05413 IV B/47/02678 Muir, Annie L. Apr 8 I A/09/05506 IV B/47/02720 1901 Apr 22 I B/l l /06636 May 7 I A/09/05525 IV B/47/02721 Dec 24 I A/09/05700 IV B/48/02738 Watt, David A. IV B/48/02763 Correspondence From Warneuke JV B/48/02764 Muir, John Photograph By IV B/48/02785 A/03/01479 JV B/32/01820 Muir friends IV B/29/01638 Wattron, Marie Washburn, Charles E. JV B/29/01640 Correspondence To Correspondence To JV B/30/01693 Muir. John Muir, John JV B/31/01718 1904 Mar 22 I A/14/07916 1889 Jan 21 I A/06/03222 JV B/31/01719 JV B/32/01816 Wayland, C. C. Washburn, Lucy M. Muir portraits Correspondence To Correspondence To IV B/23/01249 Muir, John Muir, John Rivers - YNP 1905 Jan 21 I A/15/08334 1892 Aug 12 A/07/03957 JV B/49/02808 1895 Apr 18 A/08/04878 JV B/49/02811 Correspondence From JV B/49/02812 Muir, John Washburne, Marion F. Rocks - YNP A/15/08360 Correspondence To JV B/49/02846 A/22/13305 Muir, John JV B/49/02847 1913 Aug 25 I A/21/12339 JV B/50/02858 Wead, Charles K. Sep 7 I A/21/12358 Trees Correspondence To Sep 22 I A/21/12397 JV B/17/00904 Muir, John Trees - SN - Redwood 1909 Oct 10 I A/18/10492 Waterman, Anna R. JV B/41/02366 Correspondence To JV B/41/02367 Webb, Sydney V. Muir, Daniel JV B/41/02368 Photograph By 1889 Jul 21 B/06/03312 JV B/41/02369 JV B/30/01662 Muir, Emma Trees - YNP IV B/31/01761 1889 Jul 21 B/06/03312 IV B/50/02893 Trees YNP - Redwood Webster Waters IV B/51/02926 Photograph By Correspondence To JV B/51/02927 IV B/28/01561 Muir, John Valleys YNP IV B/30/01681 1909 Aug 18 I A/18/10430 IV B/51/02982 JV B/51/02983 Webster, Annie M. Waterston, C. L. JV B/52/02978 Correspondence To Correspondence To JV B/52/02979 Muir, John Carr, Jeanne C. JV B/52/02980 1906 Nov 29 I A/16/08975 1872 Jul 10 I B/02/01128 JV B/52/02981 Dec 22 I A/16/08998 IV B/52/02984 Correspondence From IV B/52/02985 Correspondence From Carr, Jeanne C. IV B/52/02986 Muir, John B/02/00857 Waterfalls - YNP A/18/10317 JV B/53/03038 Watkins, Carleton E. JV B/53/03039 Photograph Photograph By IV B/53/03052 JV B/32/01801 Agriculture JV B/53/03062 IV B/15/00758 IV B/53/03078 Webster, Lucy JV B/15100759 JV B/53/03079 Correspondence To JV B/15/00761 Yellowstone National Park Muir, John IV B/15/00762 JV B/44/02516 1862 Apr 14 I A/01/00202 IV B/15/00763 IV B/44/02517 1864 Jan 25 I A/01 /00334 IV B/15/00764 IV B/44/02518 Animals JV B/44/02524 Webster, Muir IV B/11/00525 Correspondence From Camps & camping Watkins, W. H. Muir, John IV B/45/02564 Correspondence From A/16/08990 JV B/45/02565 Muir, John IV B/45/02566 A/20/11941 Webster, W. F. IV B/45/02567 A/21/12071 Correspondence To Historic houses, etc. Muir, John JV B/15/00790 Watrous, Richard B. 1864 Jan 25 I A/01/00334 IV B/34/01898 Correspondence To IV B/34/01899 Bade, William F. Weigel. Eugene JV B/45/02577 1910 Jul 6 I B/19/10944 Correspondence To IV B/45/02578 Jul 11 I B/19/10952 Noble, John W. Indians Jul 25 I B/19/10962 1892 Sep 28 I B/07 /03987 IV B/45/02587 Jul 27 I B/19/10968 Oct 17 I B/07 /03994 Lakes - SN Jul 28 I B/19/10971 IV B/39/02217 Aug 29 I B/19/11029 Weir, Frank Lakes SN Tahoe Oct 22 I B/19/11085 Correspondence From IV B/39/02215 Nov 2 I B/19/11099 Muir, John IV B/39/02216 1911 Mar 30 I B/20/11281 A/11/06591 Lakes - YNP JV B/45/02594 Watson, Anna Wells, S. E. IV B/45/02595 Correspondence To Correspondence To Meadows Muir, John Muir, John IV B/46/02622 1863 Dec 6 I A/01/00320 1879 Jan 15 I A/03/01831 Missions IV B/12/00607 Watson, C. A. Wells, William B. IV B/16/00826 Correspondence To Correspondence To JV B/16/00827 Muir, John Muir, John

188 1906 Apr 17 I A/16/08855 Whitehead, James Muir, John Correspondence To I A/11/06555 Wheeler, Benjamin I. Bade, William F. Correspondence To 1917 Mar 17 V A/51/00015 Wilder, Isabel N. Muir, John Muir, John Correspondence To 1903 Mar 17 I A/13/07517 1913 Jan 30 I A/21/12041 Muir, John Mar 24 I A/13/07537 Mar 10 I A/21/12093 1914 Nov 22 I A/22/12999 Apr 25 I A/13/07602 Mar 31 I A/21/12126 May II I A/13/07644 Wildish, C. H. May II I A/13/07644 Correspondence From Correspondence To 1913 Apr 29 I A/21112176 Muir, John Muir, John A/21/12061 1862 Jun 2 I A/01/00212 Correspondence From A/21/12087 Muir, John Wildman, L. A/13/07520 Whitley, John P. Correspondence To A/13/07529 Correspondence To Mun, Louie S. A/13/07535 Muir, John 1903 Sep 4 I B/13/07773 A/13/07542 1882 May 22 I A/04/02386 A/13/07641 Willard, Charles D. Whitlock, Brand Correspondence To Wheeler, Jessie F. Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence From Johnson, Robert u. 1912 Dec 25 A/20/11938 Muir, John 1912 Dec 19 I B/20/11920 A/16/08812 Correspondence From Whitman Muir, John Wheelock, Irene G. Correspondence From a/20/11944 Correspondence To Bade, William F. A/10/05872 Muir, John I A/18/10181 1902 May 24 I A/12/07104 I B/22/13450 Willard, Florence 1903 Sep 16 I A/13/07779 Mun, John Correspondence To A/18/10181 Muir, John Correspondence From A/22/13450 1911 Jan 26 I A/20/11220 Muir, John 1913 Mar 13 I A/21/12099 A/14/08152 Whitman, Edmund A. Correspondence To Willard, H. Whish, John D. Bade, William F. Correspondence To Correspondence To 1910 Jul 29 I B/19/10976 Muir, John Muir, John Aug 30 I B/19/11032 1905 Jun 28 I A/I 5/08584 1902 Feb 21 I A/12/06998 Whitney, Casper Willcomb, R. H. White, Harold J. Correspondence To Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Muir, John 1906 Jan 25 I A/16/08800 1906 Oct 29 I A/16/08961 1904 Jun 3 I A/14/07963 Feb 19 I A/16/08818 1907 Apr 29 I A/16/09132 Williams, H. W. White, J. H. 1909 Oct 9 I A/18/10491 Photograph By Photograph By JV B/12/00610 JV B/53/03050 Whitney, George E. JV B/14/00734 Correspondence To White, J. W. Muir, John Williams, Harry W. Correspondence From 1892 May 25 I A/07 /03940 Correspondence To Smith, S. C. Muir, John B/17/09461 Whitney, Helen 1883 Mar 20 I A/04/02480 Correspondence To White, James T. Muir, John Williams, Jennie Correspondence To 1914 Jan 21 I A/22/12646 Correspondence To Muir, John Feb 12 I A/22/12691 Muir, John 1898 Dec 30 I A/10/06017 1914 Feb II I A/22/12686 Whitney, Margaret White, Laura L. Correspondence To Williams, John H. Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence From Muir, Louie S. 1914 Jan 27 I A/22/12663 Muir, John 1897 Aug IS B/09/05603 A/19/10945 Whymper, Edward White, Mrs. James E. Correspondence To Williams, Lizzie B. Correspondence To Muir, John Correspondence To Muir, John 1910 Jan 17 I A/19/10680 Muir, Louie S. 1903 Feb 2 I A/13/07454 1880 Jul 21 I B/04/02092 Smithsonian Secretary Wielsen, Mrs. Aug 26 I B/04/02111 1903 Jan 8 JB/13/07396 Correspondence From Muir, John Williamson, Frances White, Mrs. Lovell A/22/13325 Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John Wiesler, Mrs. W. H. 1912 May 24 I A/20/11679 1903 Apr 6 A/13/07574 Correspondence To Muir, John Willibald, Brother Correspondence From 1901 Oct 12 I A/11/06737 Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John A/14/08261 Wilcox, Emma K. 1913 Dec I A/21/12553 Correspondence To White, Stephen M. Muir, John Willis Correspondence From 1913 Apr I A/21/12188 Correspondence From Olney, Warren Muir, John B/09/05364 Wilde, W. A. A/22/13333 Correspondence To A/22/13336 While, T. B. Muir, John Correspondence To 1900 Jul 13 I A/l 1/06434 Wilson, A. N. Muir, John Jul 31 I A/1 I /06439 Photograph By 1896 Apr 2 I A/09/05144 IV B/23/01252 Correspondence From

189 Wilson, Emily P. 1907 Sep 18 I B/16/09280 Muir, John Correspondence To 1872 Jan 22 I A/02/01033 Muir, John Woods, W. W. 1902 I A/12/07352 Correspondence From Young, Mrs. S. Hall Mar 20 I A/12/07025 Muir, John PhoLOgraph Apr 5 I A/12/07048 A/18/10182 IV B/32/01807 Oct 8 I A/12/07241 A/22/13447 1904 Feb 22 I A/14/07901 Young, S. Hall Aug 19 I A/14/08107 Woodward, Bernard W. Correspondence To 1905 Jan 12 I A/15/08320 Correspondence To Muir, John Aug 23 I A/15/08658 Mun, John 1880 Jul 12 I A/04/02083 Aug 31 I A/15/08671 1904 Aug 29 I A/14/08124 1881 Jan 26 I A/04/02176 1913 Dec 22 I A/21/12536 Mar 7 I A/04/02189 Muir, Louie S. Woolson, Abba G. Mar 23 I A/04/02190 1905 Jan 12 I A/15/08320 Correspondence To !886 Feb 22 I A/05/02881 Muir, John 1890 Apr 17 I A/06/03421 Correspondence From 1872 Feb 4 1 A/02/01041 1897 Jan 16 1 A/09/05418 Muir, John Mar 21 I A/02/01072 Feb 9 I A/09/05441 A/12/06929 1873 Mar 23 I A/02/01252 Apr 14 I A/09/05511 A/12/07021 1874 Sep 17 I A/03/01429 1899 Aug 31 I Ail 0/06205 A/15/08419 1876 Feb 28 I A/03/01543 1910 Jun 14 I A/19/10889 A/15/08633 Jul 25 I A/19/10958 A/15/08673 Photograph Aug 16 I A/19/11000 A/16/08794 IV B/32/01802 Aug 24 I A/19/11023 A/16/08850 I A/22/12617 Woolson, Moses Correspondence From IIIA/33/01875 Correspondence To Atlanlic Monthly Muir, John A/19/10958 Wilson, George W. 1878 Oct 19 I A/03/01812 Pho1ograph By 1880 Feb 14 I A/04/01983 Manuscripts IV B/08/00347 Sermon Notes IV B/08/00351 Worcester, Joseph V E/51/00249 IV B/08/00352 Correspondence To Veritable History of Stickine IV B/08/00360 Muir, John V E/51/00256 IV B/08/00365 1893 Feb 18 I A/07/04058 IV B/08/00375 1910 Aug 17 I A/19/11004 Photograph IV B/32/01803 Wilson, J. E. Worstell, Mary V. IV B/32/01804 Correspondence From Correspondence To IV B/32/01805 Muir, John Muir, John IV B/32/01806 A/15/08441 1901 I A/11/06859 A/22/13332 Zeublin, Charles Worslell, Miss Correspondence From Wilson, Jessie E. Correspondence From Muir, John Correspondence To Muir, John A/18/10183 Muir, John A/15/08430 A/22/13448 1907 Sep 14 I A/16/09268 Wortman, J. W. Zeus, Carl C. Woeikov, A. Phoiograph By Correspondence To Correspondence From IV B/15/00797 Muir, John Manson, Marsden 1892 May 6 I A/07/03927 B/13/07617 Wright, Ellen M. May 15 I A/07/03931 Correspondence To Wolfe, Linnie M. Muir, John Zumwalt, D. K. Correspondence From 1895 Jul 30 I A/08/04956 Correspondence To Calkins, J. E. Muir, John V B/51/00050 Wrighl, Helen S. 1902 Sep 26 I A/12/07223 Galloway, Cecelia J. Correspondence To Oct 4 I A/12/07237 V B/51/00133 Muir, John Graydon, Ellen D. 1878 May 8 I A/03/01754 V B/51/00090 1894 Jan 20 I A/08/04438 Muir, Helen Mar 5 I A/08/04481 V B/51/00106 1895 May I A/08/04893

Wolfenden, Eliza Wrighl, W H. Correspondence From Pho1ograph By Muir, John IV B/20/01083 A/21/12501 Wyhie, James Wood. D. R. Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John 1909 I A/18/10620 1903 Apr 20 I A/13/07593 Wyllie, James· Wood, Francis A. Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John 1912 Aug 14 I A/20/11772 1906 Mar 7 I A/16/08832 Yaple, Luther B. Wood, H. P. Correspondence To Correspondence To Muir, John Muir, John 1895 Nov 15 I A/03/05049 1908 May 14 I A/17/09732 1909 Mar 10 I A/18/10238 Yeigh, Frank Correspondence To Woodruff, George W. Muir, John Correspondence To 189 ~ Jul I A/08/04945 Muir, John 1907 Sep 28 I A/16/09295 Yelverion, Therese Roosevell, Theodore Correspondence To