



Chinese Computerized Adpative Listening Comprehensive Test. http://nealrc.osu.edu/flpubs.

Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK). http://www.hsk.org.cn/english/Default.aspx.

On‐line Chinese Computerized Adpative Reading Comprehensive Test. http://www.chineseflagship.org.

On‐line Computer Aided Vocabulary Assessment. http://www.chineseflagship.org.

Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) in Chinese by ACTFL. http://www.languagetesting.com/corp_opi.htm.

Student Achievement Test (SAT) in Chinese by ETS (Education Testing Services). http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/lc_two/chinese/chinese.html ?chinese.

Standards‐Based Measurement of Proficiency (STAMP) by Language Learning Solutions (LLS): http://www.stamptest.net/stamp0708/stamptest/.


Gu, L. (2006). Picture Characters: Learning Chinese Characters Through Pictographs (1st ed.) South San Francisco: China Books & Periodicals.

Primary Source (2008). China in the World: A History Since 1644. Boston: Tsui.

Primary Source (2006). The Enduring Legacy of Ancient China. Boston: Cheng & Tsui.

Tao, Y. (2000). Caochong Weighs Elephant. China: Peace Publishing Company

Winchester, Simon. (2008) The Man Who Loved China: The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom, HarperCollins Publishers Inc., New York.



Elementary School:

Chao, T., Du, N. & Wang, W. (2001). My First Chinese Reader. CA: Better Chinese Ltd.

Ma, Y. & . X. (2002). Chinese Made Easy. Boston: Cheng & Tsui.

Wang, S., Dahlberg, C., Chiu, C. & , M. (2007). Flying with Chinese. Boston: Cheng & Tsui.

Middle School:

Chao, T. Zhou . CA: MZHY Editors Group Inc.

Fredlein, S. & Fredlein, P. (1994). Hao. Brisban, Australia: ChinaSoft Pty Ltd.

Li, X., Luo, Q., , X. Wang, S. & , Y. (2003). Kuaile Hanyu. Beijing: People’s Education Press.

Lo, J. & Yih, E. Go! Chinese. http://www.iqchinese.com/download.htm.

High School:

Chang, P., Mackerras, A. & Yu, H. (1999). Hanyu For Beginning Student. Boston: Cheng & Tsui.

Fu, C. (2003). Learn Chinese with Me. Beijing: People’s Education Press.

Howard, J. & , L. (2009). Huanying: An Invitation to Chinese. Boston: Cheng & Tsui.

Liu, S. Chengo Chinese. Beijing: China national Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language.

Wang, S. (2008). Mastering Chinese Language and Culture. Cengage Learning Asia.


China Central Television. (2004). Communicate in Chinese. Beijing: Popular Science Press.

Huang, W. & Ao, Q. (2002). Chinese Language and Culture. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.

Lin, Q., He, W., & , X. (2006). Magic Chinese. Beijing: Beijing University Press.

Liu, J. & Li, Y. (2010). ENCOUNTERS: Global Chinese Language and Culture. Indiana University Press.

Ma, C. Wightwick, J. (2010). Read and Speak Chinese for Beginners. McGraw‐Hill.

Teng, S. (2008). Taiwan Today. Boston: Cheng & Tsui.

Walker, G. & Lang, Y. (2004). Chinese: Communicating in the Culture. Ohio State University, National East Asian Languages Resource Center.

Wu, S., Yu, Y. , Y. & Tian, W. (2008). Chinese Link. Prentice Hall.

Xu, J., Chen, F., Wang, R., & Zhu, R. (2008). Jia . Cengage Learning.

Yao, T., Yao, D., & Liu, Y. (2004). Integrated Chinese. Boston: Cheng & Tsui.

Zhang, P., , D. Meng, Y. & Liu, I. (1999). David and Helen in China. Far Eastern Publications.

Zhou, A., Eagar J., & Chiang, J. (1999). A New China: Intermediate Reader of Modern Chinese. Princeton University Press.

Multimedia (Software, Technology, DVDs, CDs):

Baidu. www.baidu.com. (Search engine)

Beijing Olympic Games 2008. (DVD)

China Rises. (2006). CBS Home Video. (DVD)

Chinese Festivals. (2008). www.BetterChinese.com. (CD)

Chinese: Communicating in the Culture. Walker & Lang. (DVD)

Chinese Monster Magic. http://www.chinesemonstermagic.com. (Chinese lessons for pre‐school and Grades K‐2)

Dalu Xunqi (Wonders in Mainland China). http://www.ctv.com.tw/ctv_entertainment/entertainment_4/01.php. (DVD series)

eStroke. Eon Media Limited. http://www.eon.com.hk/estroke/. (Software for learning characters)

Live Interactive Chinese. www.languageint.com.au. (Chinese learning CD series)

Rosetta Stone. http://www.rosettastone.com. (Commercial language learning software)

Second China Project. http://cero11.cise.ufl.edu/~webmaster/index.html. (A virtual environment for acquiring Chinese culture)

Tell‐Me‐More Chinese. http://www.tellmemore.com/individuals__1/individuals/learn_chinese__1. (Chinese learning software)

Butterfly Lovers. (2008). (film)

Eat Drink Man Woman. (1994). (Film)

Green Tea. (2003). (Film)

Pushing Hands. (1992). (Film)

Shower. (1999). (Film)

The Gua Sha Treatment. (2000). (Film)

Winds of September. (2008). (Film)


Culture and Society:

Asia for educators. http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/index.html. (Chinese history, language, culture, society and art)

A visual sourcebook of Chinese Civilization. http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/.

China guide book. http://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/guidebook/shopping.htm. (An online article addressing shopping in China)

China in Space. http://www.spacetoday.org/China/China.html.

China Resources. http://weber.ucsd.edu/~dkjordan/chin/hbfamilism‐u.html. (The traditional Chinese family & lineage)

China the Beautiful http://www.chinapage.com/china.html (Classical Chinese art, calligraphy, poetry, history, literature, painting, and philosophy)

Chinese Astronomy. http://www.chinapage.com/astronomy/syho/syho.html.

Chinese family: Advancing from tradition to modernity. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200505/19/eng20050519_185860.html. (An article published on peopledaily.com addressing the history and change of Chinese family)

Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/chin/hd_chin.htm. (Chinese painting) http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/chcl/hd_chcl.htm. (Chinese calligraphy) http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/clos/hd_clos.htm. (Chinese cloisonne) http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/cgrk/hd_cgrk.htm. (Chinese gardens and collectors’ rocks) http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/chhs/hd_chhs.htm. (Chinese handscrolls)

National Geographic. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/atlas/. (World atlas)

Show China. http://www.showchina.org/en. (Chinese news in English)

Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_astronomy. (Chinese astronomy)


MDBG: Chinese‐English Dictionary. www.xuezhongwen.net.

Zhongwen. http://www.zhongwen.com/.

Language Learning:

A Chinese Text Sampler. http://www‐ personal.umich.edu/~dporter/sampler/sampler.html. (An annotated collection of digitized Chinese texts for students of Chinese language and culture by the University of Michigan)

Chinese‐Tools. http://www.chinese‐tools.com/tools. (A website that provides many multimedia tools for learning Chinese including dictionaries, Chinese input methods, traditional/simplified character convertor)

Chinese surnames. http://lost‐theory.org/ocrat/chargif/surnames.html. (A website that teaches how to write and say the most common Chinese surnames)

Chinese Pod. http://chinesepod.com. (A website that provides audio lesson podcasts web & mobile study tools and speaking practice with live teachers)

Cultural Interviews with Chinese‐Speaking Professionals. http://www.laits.utexas.edu/orkelm/chinese/. (A collection of brief video clips in which Chinese‐speaking professional discuss cultural issues that are of interest to North Americans)

Digital Dialects Language Learning Games. http://digitaldialects.com/Chinese/. (A website that teaches common words and phrases of almost 60 languages)

Dragonwise Project 2 Generation. www.dragonwise.hku/dragon2. (A website for studying Chinese characters)

Kids Chinese Club. http://kidschineseclub.com/. (An interactive website designed to teach young children how to speak, read and write Chinese)

Learn NC Editions: Mandarin Chinese I. http://www.learnnc.org/lp/editions/mandarin1/. (An online course for learning the basics of spoken and written Chinese developed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Learning Chinese Online. http://learningchineseonline.net/. (A online Chinese learning website created and maintained by Dr. Tianwei at the California State University, Long Beach)

Mandarintube: My Chinese Learning Channel. http://www.mandarintube.com. (A website that provides Chinese lessons at different levels and tools for learning and using Chinese)

New Concept Mandarin. http://www.newconceptmandarin.com/support/Intro_Pinyin.asp. (An introduction to Chinese pronunciation)

On‐line Chinese tools. http://www.mandarintools.com. (A website that provides tools for learning and using Chinese)

Pinyin Practice. http://pinyinpractice.com/wangzhi/. (Mandarin pronunciation exercises)

Popup Chinese. www.popupchinese.com/tools. (A website that provides Chinese‐ learning tools, Chinese lessons, and authentic materials)

Read Chinese! http://www.nflc.org/projects/current_projects/used_chinese_los/simplified/nov ice‐low/. (A collection of online e‐learning Chinese reading lessons by NFLC)

Sinosplice. http://www.sinosplice.com/. (A website that provides many learning tools and tips on Chinese learning)

The Chinese Reading World. http://collections.uiowa.edu/chinese/index.html. (A collection of Chinese reading materials by the University of Iowa)

Yellow Bridge. http://www.yellowbridge.com/. (A website that provides information on Chinese language and culture)

Language Teaching (Pedagogy):


Tudou. www.tudou.com. (A website for media sharing)

Youku. www.youku.com. (A website for media sharing)

Authentic Materials:

Chinese Learning. http://www.blcup.com/en/view_1.asp?id=16&s=1. (Magazine)

Fairy Tales. http://www.bjkp.gov.cn/KP0828/thgs/index.htm (Chinese Children stories)

World Journal. http://www.chineseworld.com/. (Chinese Newspaper)

Zhongguo Shentong. http://www.chiculture.net/1104/html/1104b02/1104b02.html. (A collection of stories about talented children in ancient China)

Professional Organizations (NFLRC, Title VI, Flagships etc):

Asia Society. http://www.askasia.org/chinese/teachchinese.htm.

Center for Applied Second Language Studies. http://casls.uoregon.edu/.

Center for Chinese Studies, University of California, Berkeley. http://ieas.berkeley.edu/ccs/ncclp.html.

Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Oxford University. http://www.ctcfl.ox.ac.uk/.

Chinese Language Association of Elementary‐Secondary Schools. http://www.classk12.org.

Chinese Language Association of Secondary‐Elementary Schools. http://www.classk12.org/.

Chinese Language Teachers Association. http://clta‐us.org/.

Chinese School Association in the United States. http://csaus.org.

CLTA Links‐Chinese Language and Culture Organizations. http://clta‐ us.org/cltalinks/links.htm.

National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools. http://www.ncacls.org.

Secondary School Chinese Language Center at Princeton University. www.princeton.edu/~ssclc.

Community/Heritage Organizations:

Boos & Me. Zhaoyu Cultural Foundation. http://www.booksandme.org.

Confucius Institute. www.chinese.cn.

Hanban. http://english.hanban.edu.cn/index.php.