International Journal of Social
[email protected] Volume 3, Issue 1 March, 2020 Science Research and Review Pages:27-40 Investigation into Hezbollah's role in the political structure of Lebanon(2006- 2018) Safar Ali Kooshki; Ali Shirkhani; Davood Kiani Political Science Department, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
[email protected] Abstract Lebanon is a country with a mosaic structure, with numerous factors contributing to this structure, including religion, religion, ethnicity, group, multiple culture, and the existence of numerous parties, which would be a coincidence in democratization as well as domestic, regional and international tensions. In other words, it has both negative and positive sides, the negative side is the reduction of domestic power and the loss of capacity, and the positive sign is the emergence of groups, parties and movements that can have a large-scale management capability in Lebanon.In the meantime, Hezbollah can be considered as a strong and active activist in the country, calling for pragmatic tendencies in political power. This movement has shown that it can both strengthen the military and social and political realms. The question is: How did Hezbollah affect Lebanon's political structure during 2006-2018? It seems that Hezbollah has played an effective role in the political structure of Lebanon from 2006 to 2018, through democratic participation in power gaining power. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical and the method of compilation is documentary and library. Keyword: Hezbollah; Lebanon; Lebanese Political Structure; Democratic Participation Introduction The type of government in Lebanon is democratic parliamentary, with the principle of separation of powers predicted in its constitution.