“Umjetnost riječi” LXII (2018) • 1 • Zagreb • January – June RESEARCH PAPER Brian WILLEMS (University of Split)
[email protected] THINGS THAT GO NOWHERE: SCALE, CITY AND THE LIST IN RICHARD PRICE’S LUSH LIFE Accepted: 24 Jan 2018 UDK: 821.111(73).09-31Price, R. Richard Price’s 2008 crime novel Lush Life develops a narrative strategy for mediating between large-scale problems and local narratives. Police officers and suspects must come to terms with both New York City’s huge scale and the opacity of the suspects’ faulty narratives in order to solve a murder. Referencing Jean-François Lyotard, Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams, and The Invisible Committee, among others, the author develops the narrative strategy of a list (a collection of items devoid of syntactic connections) as a mediating agent. Price uses the list to penetrate the large scale of the city and the lies told by suspects. In 51 Lush Life the list traces connections between the individual and supra- -individual, suggesting a way to effect change on a large scale in the age of globalization. Key words: scale, Lush Life, list, The Wire, object-oriented ontology LOCALIZING THE GLOBAL Richard Price’s novel Lush Life (2008) maps connections between the scales of the individual and the city. The narrative technique used is the list: a collection of items devoid of syntactic connection, as in a cluster or enumeration of concepts. The list’s lack of syntax allows the individual to “scale up,” and the city to “scale down”. I argue that Lush Life localizes large scales, which seem out of reach and unchangeable, rather than offering small, local strategies of protest.