In this chapter, the writer will discuss about the points in theoretical review combined with the scenes from the movie.

3.1. Summary of the story is an adaptation movie from a real story with the plot about a slave and racism. In 1841, was a free African-American man working as a violinist, living with his wife and two children in Saratoga

Springs, New York.

One day, Two white men Brown and Hamilton, offer him short-term employment as a musician if he will travel with them to Washington, D.C.

However, once they arrived, they drug Northup and delivered him to a slave place run by a man named Burch. Northup proclaims that he is a free man, only to be savagely beaten with a wooden paddle and then a leather belt.

Northup is later shipped to New Orleans along with other captive African

Americans. He is told by the others that if he wants to survive in the South, he must adapt to being a slave and not tell anyone he is a free man. A slave trader named Freeman gives Northup the identity of "Platt", a runaway slave from

Georgia, and sells him to plantation owner William Ford.

Tension grows between Northup and a plantation overseer which ends with Northup savagely beating and whipping the overseer. To save Northup's life,

Ford sells him to another slave owner named Edwin Epps. In the process, Northup



attempts to explain that he is actually a free man, but Ford tells him he is too afraid and that he cannot help him now.

Northup begins working on the construction of a gazebo with a Canadian laborer named Samuel Bass. Bass is unsettled by the brutal way that Epps treats his slaves and expresses his opposition to American slavery, earning Epps's enmity.

Northup overhears the conversation and decides to reveal his kidnapping to Bass. Once again, Northup asks for help in getting a letter to Saratoga Springs.

Bass agrees to send it. One day, the local sheriff arrives in a carriage with another man.

The sheriff asks Northup a series of questions to confirm that his answers match the facts of his life in New York. Northup recognizes the sheriff's companion as Mr. Parker, a shopkeeper he knew in Saratoga. Parker has come to free him, and the two embrace, though an enraged Epps furiously protests the circumstances and tries to prevent Northup from leaving.

After being enslaved for 12 years, Northup is restored to freedom and returned to his family, leaving behind the other slaves. As he walks into his home, he sees his wife with their son and daughter (fully grown) and her husband, who present him with his grandson and namesake, Solomon Northup Staunton.

3.2. Analysis of the story

In this part, the writer will discuss about the types of racism, how the treat of people about racism and also effects of racism that can be found in the main character of the movie


3.2.1. The type of racism in the movie

The writer uses the theory in Chapter II to identify the types of racism.

Below are the scenes that depict the types of racism according to expert

1. Individual-level Racism

Data 1

Figure The main character get abused by the white people

Supporting Dialogue :

Solomon : ”I‟am Solomon northup. I am a free man, a resident of Saratoga, New York. The residence also of my wife and children who are equally free. I have papers, The residence also of my wife and children who are equally free. I have papers, you have no right to detain me” Solomon goes to the his pocket but nothing, there no paper. Burch : ”You no freeman, and you ain‟t from Saratoga. You from Georgia. You ain‟t freeman , you nothing but Georgia runaway. You a runaway nigger from Georgia.” (Burch begins to beat Solomon about the back with paddle) (13.56-16.05)

As the door opens, Solomon awake and Burch came. Solomon told

Burch that he is freeman from Saratoga, but Burch doesn‟t care to the what

Solomon talking about. Burch changed Solomon‟s identity from freeman

to a runaway nigger from Georgia.


With no preamble, Burch begins to beat Solomon about back with the

paddle. Burch strikes his wordlessly – no blow. His back immediately

swelling with welts and bruises. This beating continues on and on.

This scene showed the type of racism in (Belgrave & Allison,

2018) which tell that individual racism. Individual racism assumes the

superiority of one‟s own racial group, and rationalize the dominance and

power generally of whites over African Americans.

The writer think this scene contain the type of racism of Individual-

level racism and overt because the white people who have more power

against the black people can do anything what they want to the black

people and changing their identity. Also, the white people with cruelty

beating of the black people without hesitate.

Data 2

Figure Mistress Epps beats one of the slave

Supporting Dialogue :

Mistress Epps : “There‟ll be none for you, . You see that? (to Epps) did you see the look of insolence she give me?”


Epps : “Seen nothing but her turn away.” Mistress Epps : “Are you blind or ignorant? It was hot, hateful scorn. It filled that black face. You tell me you didn‟t see it, then you choose not to look, or you saying I lied. Epps : “Whatever it was, it passed.” Mistress Epps : “Is that how you are with the niggers? Let every ill thought fester inside them, look at them. They foul with it, foul with their back to us in the dark night. You want that? You want them black animals to leave us gut like pigs in our own sleep? (01.16.46-01.18.05) In this scene mistress epps brings out a tray of freshly baked pastries.

She sets them down on a table. But only Patsey who didn‟t get a baked pastries from Mistress Epps. Patsey merely turns away.

Epps isn‟t sure how to respond to the inchoate berating, Epps does nothing. The mistress lets her anger loose. She moves quickly to Patsey, drives her nails into the Patsey‟s face and bloody gashes are left in

Patsey‟s skin, the moment marked with appropriate screams. Patsey collapses on the floor, covering her bleeding face.

This scene showed the type of racism in (Belgrave & Allison,

2018) which tell that individual racism. Individual racism assumes the superiority of one‟s own racial group, and rationalize the dominance and power generally of whites over African Americans.

The writer thinks this scene support the theory of individual-level racism because the the black people receive a mistreatment from their own master even though they are not making a mistake it is because their master have more higher position than them until their master physically attack their slaves, sometimes the attack is personal that they have a grudge towards them.


Data 3

Figure Burch called Solomon nigger as an insult

Supporting dialogue : Burch : “You are runaway nigger from Georgia.” (00.14.04-00.14.17)

In this scene Solomon tried to explain that he is a freeman from

Saratoga and he have family. Solomon search for paper in his pocket but

nothing, there is no paper to support his evidence. Burch doesn‟t care to

what Solomon talking about and called Solomon as the runaway nigger

from Georgia.

Data 4

Figure Freeman called slaves nigger as taunt


Supporting Dialouge : Freeman : “Captain get these niggers to my cart” (00.28.34-00.28.40)

In this scene Solomon and the other black people arrived in the port of

new Orleans. They are sit off on one side of the dock, waiting for their

fate. Freeman the trader slave came to them and calling out names from a

list. Freeman told the captain of the ship to bring the black people to the

his cart, but freeman called the black people nigger.

Data 5

Figure Freeman called the slave a nigger to differentiate race

Supporting Dialouge : Ford : “What is the price for the one Platt and Eliza?” Freeman : ”A thousand for Platt, he is nigger with talent. Seven hundred for Eliza. My fairest price.” (00.29.52-00.30.06)

In this scene Freeman displayed the black people for sell, and one

of customer asked for the price of Solomon and Eliza. Freeman gave a

price to his customer but he called Solomon with nigger.


Data 6

Figure Mrs. Ford marked the slaves as nigger

Supporting Dialouge :

Mrs. Ford : “Did you bring all those niggers? (00.32.18-00.32.22)

In this scene Mr. Ford came back from freeman‟s house and

bought two of black people to be a slave. Mrs. Ford came out from the

house and asked to the Mr. Ford about the black people with the word

niggers that directed for black people.

Data 7

Figure Tibeats named the slave as a nigger


Supporting dialogue:

Tibeats : “Overall you are niggers shouldn‟t know my name is John Tibeats”. (00.33.11-00.33.22) In this scene Tibeats who worked as the chief carpenter in plantation‟ Mr. Ford introduced his self to the black people, he called the black people with the word of niggers and explained about the plantation.

Data 8

Figure Tibeats sang a song about nigger

Supporting dialogue: The lyric of the song that Tibeats sang “Nigger run nigger flew Run nigger run the pattyroller will Nigger tore his shirt in two get you * Run run the pattyroller will Run nigger run well you better get get you away * Run nigger run well you Some folks say a nigger won't steal better get away * * Nigger run, run so fast * I caught three in my corn field * Stoved his head in a hornets One has a bushel? And one has a nest * peck * Run nigger run well the One had a rope and it was hung pattyroller will get you * around his neck * Run nigger run well you Run nigger run well the pattyroller better get away * will get you * Nigger run through the Run nigger run well you better get field * away Black slick coal and barley heel *


(00.33.53-00.34.40) In this scene ater Tibeats introduce his self, he is ask to the slaves

sing a song. The song told about black people that called nigger.

Data 9

Figure Mistress Epps and her husband address the slave as nigger

Supporting dialogue:

Mistress Epps : “You will sell that nigger!.” Epps : “You are talking foolish. Sell little Pats? She pick with more than any other niggers!” (01.00.35-01.00.47)

In this scene in the night Mr. Epps told the black people to dance, and

Mistress Epps got jealousy looking at Mr. Epps who keep eye on Patsey one of the black people. Mistress Epps asked Mr. Epps for sell Patsey, they called Patsey nigger.


Data 10

Figure Epps called out the main character as nigger

Supporting dialogue :

Epps : “As thick and white as New England snow. Now my niggers returned to me. To Solomon Epps : “Heard Judge Turner gave you favor. Oh did you beguile him, Platt, with your slick niggers ways? (01.27.14-01.27.40)

In this scene hard times on the planation. Where previously the

field now patchy and under grown. The cotton worms destroying the

cotton crop and Mr. Epps move some slave to the Judge Turner for some

season because of the cotton worms until the cotton crop come back

normal again. In the time the slave came back to Mr. Epps. Mr. Epps

welcomed his slaves and called them nigger.


Data 11

Figure Epps indicate the main character as nigger

Supporting dialogue :

Epps : “Well, boy. I understand I‟ve got a nigger that writes letters and tries to get white fellows to mail them. Well, Armsby told me today the devil was among my niggers.” (01.34.37-01.34.53)

In this scene Solomon waited Armsby for his promise to meet with

Solomon and send a letter for his friend in Saratoga. Unexpected Mr. Epps came, Solomon can‟t do anything just fall silent. Mr. Epps talked about black people that try to runaway and asked help to Armsby but Armsby told Mr. Epps about it. Solomon try to lie, he said that Armsby liar. Epps heads off and Solomon is left to exhale a deep breath.

The data from data 1 to data 11 showed the type of racism according to (Belgrave & Allison, 2018) which tell that individual racism assumes the superiority of one‟s own racial group, and rationalize the dominance and power generally of whites over African Americans.

The writer thinks this scene told us about the individual-level racism that happen to black people because the white people who is doing


racism using the word „nigger‟ to the black people, which is the white

people have superiority . one‟s own racial group. Nigger is one of the rude

slur for black people. Nigger is from the word „nigga‟ which basically

means you are beneath me and meant to serve me. White people using this

term of word to discriminate the black people.

2. Systematic Racism

Data 12

Figure White people distinguished black people with their race Supporting Dialouge :

Epps : “Armsby?” Treach : “Sixty four pounds.” Epps : “A good days labor would average two hundred pounds.” Armsby : “Yes, sir.” Epps : “I‟m sure in time you will develop as a picker, but it takes effort , boy. Put some damn effort into it.” Armsby : “Yes , sir.” Epps : “Take them out. Get to whip” (01.28.49-01.29.30) In this scene the slaves are back to having their cotton weighed in the gin

house include Armsby (He is white people but he had be called a slacker and

joins in with the black people as the slave). The slaves that pick the cotton

didn‟t suit with the requirement will be punish by whip. But in here we didn‟t

see the master whip the white slave, he only punish the black slave.


This scene showed the type of racism according to (Orlowski, 2011)

which tell Systemic racism refers to attitudes that work to discriminate against

a person because of their race.

The writer thinks this scene depict the type of racism called systematic

racism because the master was separating the race between white people and

black people but he takes an exceptional for the slave who is a white people for

example the white people who the cotton is not suit with the requirement, the

black people got punishment but the white people are not. This is not fair that‟s

why it‟s called systematic racism.

3.2.1 The effects of racism in the movie

The writer uses the theory in Chapter II to identify the effects of racism.

Below are the scenes that depict the types of racism according to expert

1. Psychological & Emotional Damage

Data 1

Figure The white people beat black people

Supporting Dialogue : Burch : “You a runaway nigger from Georgia.” (14.04-15.40)


In this scene Solomon tried to explain that he is a freeman from Saratoga, but Burch the slave trader get angry because Solomon doesn‟t want listen to him.

He is pulled over the bench. Face downward, shirt still on his back. Radburn one of the men then steps on his chain, holding Solomon down in a bent position.

With no preamble, Burch begins to beat Solomon about back with the paddle.

Burch strikes his wordlessly – no blow. This beating continues on and on.

This scene showed the effect of racism in According to (Bangura &

Stavenhagen, 2005) which tell that Racism affects social relations, influences structures of opportunities and life-chances and may provoke violence and wars.

The writer thinks this scene contain the effect of racism especially in the provocation violence area. The main character who is black people gets an act of violence from the person who had a different race from him.

2. Social Relation

Data 2

Figure White people make a black people fear

Supporting Dialogue :

Burch : “Come on. Get your blankets. Get up” Eliza : “No please don‟t…”


Burch : “I don‟t want to hear your talk. Get in the yard.” Eliza : “Please….” Radburn : “Ain‟t no need for all that., just taking a little trip, that‟s all don‟t want frighten the children none over little boat ride , do you?” John : “John‟s master gonna pay his debt. John‟s master gonna come for him” (19.22-19.51)

In this scene in the deep of night, all are sleeping. A key turns in the lock and the door opens. Burch enters with Radburn beside him. Both carry lanterns with them. Hardly giving Solomon and Eliza a moment to rouse themselves. Eliza and her children was scared. Sensing that things will not end well, Eliza putting hand to her son‟s head with fear. Solomon and the other are being cuffed together, as john is cuffed, he pulls back, scared. He beings in desperation. Not wanting to hear any of this talk Burch strikes John several times in the head until he quiet.

This scene showed the effect of racism in According to (Jones & Johnson,

2007) which tell racism is still having devastating effects in US and around the world. The effects of racism vary from genocide and hate-crimes to segregation and fear.

The writer thinks this scene is very obviously explaining about the fear of the black people who will be send to overseas to become other master‟s slave.

This is the effect of racism in realty because they have to do something by force whereas if the people didn‟t do and think about racism this event wouldn‟t be happen.


3. Individual / communities life

Data 3

Figure Patsey ask Solomon to end her life

Supporting Dialogue :

Patsey : “Platt.... platt, you awake?” Solomon : “I‟am” Patsey : “I have a request, an act of kindness. Patsey gave lady’s finger ring to solomon. Patsey : “I secreted it from the mistress” Solomon : “Return it!!” Patsey : “It yours ,platt” Solomon : “For what cause?” Patsey : “All i ask, end my life. Take my body to the margin of the swamp-“ Solomon looks at patsey as though she were insane Solomon : “No.” Patsey : “Take me by the throat. Hold me low in the water until I‟s still „n without life. Bury me in a lonely place of dying” (01.18.43-01.20.59)

In this scene Patsey came to Solomon in the night and asked to end her life because she can‟t bear the mistreated. Solomon says nothing. Clearly he‟s not about to do the deed. With nothing else to do, knowing she is damned with every breath she draws, Patsey crawls back to her spot on the floor and lays herself down.


This scene showed the effect of racism in According to (Bhui, 2002) which tell Racism can be seen as having an effect on the whole society and the disunity that is reflected by it decreases all-cause life expectanty for all sectors of society.

The writer thinks this scene depict the main character‟s friend who is very frustrated about her life as a slave, she always get mistreated by her master, She wants to end her life. This is one of the worst effect of racism, just because they different from other it doesn‟t mean they have to take their own life. Fortunately she have the main character in her side who encourage her to stay alive.