Indian Journal of Chemistry Vol. 44A, January 2005, pp. 58-63 Microstructure characterization of poly(2-N-carbazolylethyl acrylate) by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy _A S Brar*, M Markanday & S Gandhi Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, New Delhi 11001 6, India Email : asbr;
[email protected] - ~ Received 8 Septelllber 2004; re vised 15 October 2004 Poly(2-N-carbazolylethyl acrylate) has been synthesized by solution polymerization of 2-N-carbazolyethyl acrylate with 2,2'-azobisisobutyronitrile as free radical initiator. Di stortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer has been used to di stingui sh between the overlapping main -chain methine and side-chain methylene resonances in DC { I H } NMR spectrum . Configurational assignments of carbon and proton reso nances of main-chain methylene group have been done using two-dimensional Heteronuclcar Single Quantum Correlation spectroscopy and two-dimensional Tot,ti Correlation Spectroscopy. Two and three bond order carbonlproton couplings have been in vesti gated using Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlation studies. 7 IPC Code: Int. C1. : C08F 120118; GOIR 33/20 Homo- and co-polyacrylates are of academic and relationship I3.14. High-resolution one-dimensional and industrial interest because of their wide range of two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy have proved to physical and chemical properties that can be be one of the most informative and revealing controlled by an appropriate choice of pendant group techniques for the investigation of polymer . 15·19 in the polymer and design of copolymer structure. microstructure . Much work has been done to study Poly(2-N-carbazolylethyl acrylate) belongs to the the photoconductive properties of poly(2-N class of photoconductive polymers 1.3 , which finds carbazolylethyl acrylate) and its copolymers.