504 the Contemporary Pacific ‡ 23:2 (2011) References Solomon Islands
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504 the contemporary pacific 23:2 (2011) The views expressedLQWKLVUHYLHZ US Department of State. 2010. Trafficking DUHWKRVHRIWKHDXWKRUDQGGRQRWUHS- in Persons Report. Washington, dc: United UHVHQWWKRVHRIKLVHPSOR\HUWKH,QWHU- States Department of State. QDWLRQDO2UJDQL]DWLRQIRU0LJUDWLRQ Solomon Islands References 7KH&RDOLWLRQIRU1DWLRQDO8QLW\DQG &OLQWRQ+LOODU\2010. Remarks with Rural Advancement (cnura) govern- Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Sir ment entered 2010 with a focus on Michael Somare. US Department of State the national general elections several website, 31RYHPEHUKWWSZZZVWDWH months ahead. In the last two or so JRYVHFUHWDU\UP201011150352.htm years that they were in power, the [accessed 18 April 2011] government recorded passing a higher Gelu, Alphonse. 2010. Politics and number of legislations than any other Governance. In Papua New Guinea’s government since independence. They Development Performance: ¥, also stabilized diplomatic relations edited by Webster Thomas and Duncan with neighboring countries, and Linda, 141–161. nri Monograph 41. Port the case of a former attorney gen- Moresby: National Research Institute. eral—which was instrumental for the Islands Business. 2010. 400 in Bulolo downfall of the government before Resign in Fear for Their Lives in PNG. cnura—was brought before relevant 25 August. authorities. The World Bank and Asian Development Bank have set up Kantha, Solomon. 2009. Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2008: Papua offices in Honiara and are working New Guinea. The Contemporary Pacific well with the government. The first 21:364–373. half of 2010 was occupied with the registration of voters and prepara- BBBBBBB2010. Melanesia in Review: tion for the national elections. This Issues and Events, 2009: Papua New review concentrates on events leading Guinea. The Contemporary Pacific up to the national elections, govern- 22:448–459. ment formation, and some notable Ladley, Andrew, Ole Holtved, and developments and events that occurred Solomon Kantha. 2010. Improving the throughout the year. Electoral Roll and Voter Identification in Just before the dissolution of Parlia- Papua New Guinea. nri Discussion Paper ment in 2010, then Prime Minister 111. Port Moresby: National Research Dr Derek Sikua attempted to push Institute. through what was called the Politi- The National. Daily. Port Moresby. cal Parties Integrity Bill, which was KWWSZZZWKHQDWLRQDOFRPSJ aimed at reducing political instability in government—an endemic feature of Pacific Islands Report. Solomon Islands politics (SSN, 22 April KWWSSLGSHDVWZHVWFHQWHURUJSLUHSRUW 2010). Unfortunately (or fortunately), Post Courier. Daily. Port Moresby. it was defeated because of what Dr KWWSZZZSRVWFRXULHUFRPSJ Sikua believed to be a move orches- pol i t ical reviews melanesia 505 trated by some of his own ministers June 2010). Nevertheless, Be-mobile and backbenchers. This occurred on installed its towers and network, and 24 April, two days before the dissolu- by the end of August it launched its tion of Parliament (SSN, 13 July 2010), network with the tagline “mifala long and signaled an end to the solidarity hia nao” (we are now here) (sto, 31 of the cnura, which was enthusias- Aug 2010). Solomon Islands Prime tic to enter the national election as a Minister Danny Philip praised Be- political group. At their meeting on mobile, claiming that “the launch 5 April 2010, the political parties that of Be-mobile’s network has brought had been running the cnura govern- the country to a new threshold of a ment (ie, National Party, Solomon new partnership and a new begin- Islands Democratic Party, Solomon ning for governments, the private Islands’ Party for Rural Advancement, sector and other stakeholders” (sto, Liberal Party, People’s Alliance Party, 9 Nov 2010). This was a momentous and the Association of Independents) achievement, as telecommunication had agreed to sign a preelection coali- prices were slashed because of the tion agreement that would allow them competition. Recent reports have it to regroup after elections (sto, 7 April that, in the Pacific, Solomon Islands is 2010). They felt that the cnura gov- now second only to Tonga in terms of ernment under Sikua’s leadership had mobile phone use (SSN, 2 Feb 2011). achieved a lot and therefore should Another notable development in continue with its good work. The 2010 was the progress toward reopen- defeat of the Political Parties Integrity ing the Gold Ridge mine on Guadalca- Bill ended what could have been a nal. The company was granted a loan road to political stability in the legisla- of us$35 million by the International WXUH&RQVHTXHQWO\PDQ\PRUHSDUWLHV )LQDQFH&RUSRUDWLRQWRIDFLOLWDWH emerged to contest the elections, as developments toward reopening the will be discussed later. mine (sibc, 25 June 2010). By May While the cnura government 2010, big machines and equipment for was still in caretaker mode, a second work on the mining site were arriv- mobile service provider in the country ing in the country. It is hoped that established its infrastructure. This the gold mine will start production in became possible after the monopoly March 2011 (SSN, 26 June 2010). The over telecommunication services was FRQVWUXFWLRQRIUHVHWWOHPHQWUHORFD- removed in 2009. The Be-mobile tion villages was also reportedly going company erected towers and set up an well, with a total of 320 houses being office in the country. It also promised built (SSN, 23 Aug 2010). Drilling at to offer coverage for 25 percent of the Gold Ridge was also going well, with population by mid-June 2010. There the company targeting 320,000 ounces were concerns earlier that the com- per year by 2015 (SSN, 12 Nov 2010). pany seemed like it was not making Nevertheless, a number of outstanding progress after it had obtained a license issues with landowners might hinder to operate. Indeed, the company was progress toward reopening. In March fined us$1.5 million for failing to 2010, landowners and mine work- launch its network on time (sto, 30 ers called on the company to remove 506 the contemporary pacific 23:2 (2011) the general manager over allegations told their stories, including forty-five of mistreatment of workers (mostly victims in Gizo, Western Province (SSN, from neighboring villages) and neglect 10 July 2010). Like victims in other of occupational health and safety provinces, those from Gizo testi- requirements in the workplace (sto, fied about missing members of their 27 March 2010). Three mine work- families, imprisonments, physical and ers, believed to have been affected by psychological abuse, loss of proper- cyanide poisoning, were taken to a ties through destruction or forced hospital in Honiara. Unfortunately, removal, and other horrific experi- there was no proper facility to test ences (SSN, 11 March 2010). Some are cyanide poisoning in Honiara, so the still waiting for clues on the where- doctor recommended they be sent abouts of the remains of their loved overseas for testing. These events, plus ones. For example, a Malaitan mother complaints about people getting itchy pleaded with the trc to locate the rashes after using the river down- body of her husband who went miss- stream, forced landowners to follow ing at the height of the tensions (SSN, through on their threat of roadblocks, 26 Nov 2010). The trc had identified which they carried out in July 2010. up to 150 grave sites by December, Their concern was the company’s and plans to exhume them are under- failure to provide water supplies as way (ISN, 8 Dec 2010). Others, like agreed to earlier (sto, 13 March a child soldier from Guadalcanal, 2010). Toward the end of 2010, the revealed their experiences and how landowners were becoming skeptical they got involved (SSN, 25 Nov 2010). of the company for not addressing In spite of the tedious and painstak- outstanding issues, and this could ing work, the trc has achieved a potentially delay the first gold pour great deal by providing an avenue expected in March 2011 (SSN, for people to start their own healing 7 Feb 2011). process through its open, genuine, and Two important commissions trying transparent process. to find solutions to the roots of the The other commission, celdapg, 1998–2003 tensions—the Truth and also started off on a high note after 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ&RPPLVVLRQ trc) and its establishment. The commission is WKH&RPPLVVLRQRI(QTXLU\LQWR/DQG headed by Brian Brunton of Papua Dealings and Abandoned Proper- 1HZ*XLQHDDQGDVVLVWHGE\&RPPLV- ties on Guadalcanal (celdapg)— sioners Manoa Rabuka and Stephen continued their work in 2010. The 7DJLRI)LMLDQG9DQXDWXUHVSHFWLYHO\ TRC, launched by Bishop Emeritus Technical and support staff are also Desmond Tutu in 2009, toured the assisting the commission. At the onset provinces, talking to people who had of their work, a prominent Guadal- EHHQYLFWLPVDQGSHUSHWUDWRUVRIIHQG- canal leader, Waita Ben Tabusasi, ers during the 1998–2003 tensions. expressed concern that the terms of The commission discovered that many reference of the commission fell “short people are still suffering from post- of taking into consideration the inten- traumatic stress (SSN, 9 April 2010). tions of those who authored, negoti- Moreover, people opened up and ated and signed the Townsville Peace pol i t ical reviews melanesia 507 Agreement . namely the govern- the date to elect members of the 9th ment and former combatants of both Parliament, nineteen political parties Malaita and Guadalcanal” (sto, 28 were registered, and 508 candidates Aug 2009). Nevertheless, the commis- contested the fifty-two constituencies. sion held consultative meetings in their The total number of registered voters Honiara office and other regions of was recorded as 448,259 (sto, 19 July Guadalcanal. Unfortunately, its efforts 2010). From the onset, discrepancies were abruptly stopped in late 2010 in voter registration were noted. For amid allegations of misuse of funds instance, in a presentation at the Uni- and cronyism on the part of the chair- YHUVLW\RI&DQWHUEXU\3DXO5RXJKDQ man and some local officers. A counsel argued that if the 1999 census report assisting the enquiry, Ruth Townsend, is something to go by, the total num- publicly claimed that employees were ber of eligible voters for 2010 would defrauding the commission.