News Coverage prepared for: The European Union delegation to

. Disclaimer:

“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of authors of articles and under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of IPSOS or the European Union.”


. Thematic Headlines

 Domestic Scene  Tantawi, Abbas Discuss Efforts to Bid Palestinian Ranks  Islamists Win 70% of Shura Seats  Ahram Reveals Israel’s Spy Network  FM: Egypt Working With Britain to Sign Extradition Agreement  FJP Works on Constituent Assembly Draft Law  6April Denies Supporting Aboul- Fotouh for Presidency  Katatni Meets Haniya in  FJP Discusses Presidential Endorsement, Decision within Two Weeks  Mubarak Trial Could Be the Last for Judge before Retirement  Advisory Council to Discuss Amending Controversial Constitutional Article  FM: NGO Case in the Hands of Investigators  Presidential Candidate Victim of Assault  Syrian Ambassador Leaves Egypt  Foreign Press Warns of Mubarak’s Vindication  Prosecution Prolongs Detention of Mubarak Sons Pending Investigation  Moussa: Marginalizing Sinai Bedouins Soon Over  El-Awa: Down with Military Rule Using Legitimate Methods  : Authorities Not Serious In Ending Mubarak’s Regime  Supreme Constitutional Court to Examine Parliamentary Elections Law  Mubarak to Remain in International Medical Center  Sabahy: The Parliament Does Not Represent the Revolution  Runs for President  Amending Controversial Article Affects Presidential Elections Timetable  Refaat to Pronounce Verdict on 2 June  FJP Negotiations over Coalition Government  Copts Disagree over Presidential Endorsement  Presidential Election Timetable to Be Announced Sunday


Newspapers (24/02/2012)

Page: 1 Authors: Ashraf Abu El-Houl and Khaled El-Asmaay

Tantawi, Abbas Discuss Efforts to Close Palestinian Ranks

Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, Head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), met with President of the Palestinian National Authority Mahmoud Abbas.

Tantawi and Abbas discussed recent developments in the Middle East region and their impact on the peace process. The two sides also discussed the current political situation and the outcome of talks meant to close the Palestinian ranks.

The talks also tackled steps taken to implement inter-Palestinian reconciliation.

SCAF Deputy Chairman and Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Lt. Gen. Sami Anan, Egyptian Intelligence Chief Mourad Mowafi, and a number of SCAF members, in addition to the Palestinian accompanying delegation, attended the meeting.

Similar news was reported in Masry Youm pages 1&6; Gomhoria page 4; Tahrir page 11; Akhbar page 3.

Page: 1, 41


Author: Mohamed Anz

Islamists Win 70% of Shura Seats

The Islamic currents represent by FJP and Al-Nour Salafi Party won an overwhelming majority in the latest Shura elections. Both parties gained 70% of the seats, with FJP leading the polls by 59%.

FJP won 52 seats in the second phase and 54 seats in the first phase. While, Al-Nour won 18 seats in the second phase and 19 seats in the first.

One third of the Shura members are to be appointed by the next elected president.

Similar news was reported in Masry Youm page 4; Gomhoria page 4; Dostour page 5; Tahrir page 10; Shorouk pages 1&6; Youm7 page 3; Akhbar page 3.

Page: 1, 4, 5


Author: Essam El-Meligy, Sameera Ali Ayyad

Ahram Reveals Israel’s Spy Network

Al-Ahram newspaper maintains it has acquired valuable and documented information in a case of espionage against Egypt that took place over the last year. The information reveals that a number of Egyptians and foreigners are involved in enabling Israel to intercept calls to senior officials.

The Economic Court holds on Monday the first session of trial against four leading officials in Mobinel Cellular Network for placing a 70-meter antenna at a station it established in North Sinai when the approved height is 12-metres only.

The station included additional antennas with no apparent reason. The station is only 2 kilometers away from the Egyptian Israeli borders

The Jordanian suspect, Bashar Ibrahim, who used to work for Mobinel and is currently under trial in front of the Criminal Court, confessed he collaborated with Israeli citizen Offir Harrari, to smuggle 300 mobile chips to Israel to help intercept calls.

Page: 1 Author: London, MENA


FM: Egypt Working With Britain to Sign Extradition Agreement

Egypt is in talks with Britain on the signing of an extradition agreement, said Foreign Minister Mohammed Kamel Amr.

During consultations in London, the British side promised to adopt serious measures regarding the file of the Mubarak regime officials, who fled to Britain, and help unfreeze their assets, Amr said.

Shifting to the NGOs case, Amr voiced Egypt's adherence to settle this matter through the judiciary. During a meeting with McCain in Cairo, SCAF had made it clear that no exceptional measure will be taken for the sake of Americans involved in the NGO case, Amr added.

Similar news was reported in Gomhoria page 3; Youm7 page1.

Page: 1, 41 Author: Amany Maged, Abeer El-Morsy

FJP Works on Constituent Assembly Draft Law


Freedom and Justice Party’s executive committee discussed in its meeting yesterday a draft law for the criteria of choosing Constituent Assembly members. The law is to be presented to the Parliament next week.

The draft law mentions selecting 40 Parliamentary members; 30 PA members and 10 Shura members, alongside 60 members who represent different currents from outside the parliament.

The PA’s Suggestions Committee recommended referring the law that discusses the 100 Constituent Assembly members to the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee. MP Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat suggested that only the Parliament could have the right of selecting Constituent Assembly non-parliamentary members.

Page: 41 Author: Tarek Ismail

6April Denies Supporting Aboul- Fotouh for Presidency


Media Spokesperson of 6April Movement (The Democratic Front), Selim El-Hawary, denied allegations that the movement plans on supporting Dr. Abd El-Moneim Abul Fotouh in the presidential elections, despite sentiments of respect towards him, El-Hawary said.

Selim said that the movement is neutral towards all presidential candidates, studying all their stances until the date of opening candidature.

Pages: 1, 6 Author: Khalifa Gab Allah, Dalia Othman, Mohamed Abd El-Kader, Mohamed Gharib

Katatni Meets Haniya in Cairo


Hamas leader and Former Head of the Palestinian Government, Ismail Haniya, is on a several-day visit to Egypt in order to discuss mutual issues for importance. PA Speaker Saad El- Katatni met with Haniya yesterday.

Haniya denied allegations raised by El-Adly in his trial that members from Hamas infiltrated among Egyptian youth and participated in the vandalism that took place during January revolution.

“Hamas has never interfered in Egyptian affairs, whether before or after the revolution,” said Haniya in the first visit of its kind.

The Palestinian government announced that Haniya had reached a solution for the electricity cutoff problem in Gaza Strip during his visit to Cairo.

Similar news was reported in Dostour page 1; Tahrir page11; Shorouk page1; Youm7 page 1; Akhbar page7.

Pages: 1, 7 Authors: Hamdy Dabsh, Osama El-Mahdy, Hany El-Wazeery, Ghada Mohamed Sherif

FJP Discusses Presidential Endorsement, Decision within Two Weeks


Helmy al-Gazzar, a member in FJP executive committee and MB’s Guidance Bureau, has said that the bureau will meet in two weeks to discuss supporting a presidential candidate. “FJP will have the final decision on who to endorse,” he said.

Party leaders have said that the group would not support any of the existing candidates, including Islamist candidate Mohamed Selim al-Awa, and that the candidate it would finally choose, would be a surprise.

Young members of the were displeased with news that the Brotherhood may insist that the vice presidential candidate be MB so the youth of the group do not vote for Abd El-Moneim Aboul Fotouh.

The Salafi current held a number of meetings in to decide on which candidate to support in the presidential elections. A number of members in El-Nour and El- Asala Salafi parties disagreed over endorsing .

Similar news was reported in Tahrir page 1; Shorouk page 1&5 ; Youm7 page5.

Page: 1 Author: Ahmed Shalaby, Fatma Abu Shanab

Mubarak Trial Could Be the Last for Judge before Retirement


Judicial sources at the Cairo Court of Appeal said that Ahmed Refaat, head of North Cairo Criminal Court, may not preside over any other case after 2 June, the date set for the verdict in the case of ousted President Mubarak, former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly and six of his deputies. The sources said that Refaat might retire on 30 June.

It is customary in the Court of Appeal to not refer any cases to a judge three months before his retirement, the sources said, adding that Refaat would announce if he were retiring during the same session of pronouncing the verdict.

Lawyers involved in the case said delivering the verdict a hundred days after closing arguments means that the judge has not formed an opinion on the case.

A sigh of relief was voiced by the defendants, especially Alaa Mubarak, who feared the verdict would be announced in Wednesday’s session, according to well-informed sources.

Page: 1 Author: Sara Nour El-Dein

Advisory Council to Discuss Amending Controversial Constitutional Article


The Advisory Council plans on meeting Saturday to discuss amending article28 of the constitutional declaration granting the Presidential Election Commission the ability to issue unchallengeable decisions.

Osama Borhan, Advisory Council secretary general, said the Presidential Election Commission makes administrative decisions and thus its decisions should be susceptible to legal challenge.

The Advisory Council has not yet developed a legal procedure to amend the article, but expects to decide on one during Saturday's meeting to submit to SCAF.

Borhan stressed that amending the article will be easy, pointing out that the military council has previously modified an article of the interim constitution concerning Parliamentary elections.

He added that the Advisory Council has called on SCAF to quickly announce a timetable for the upcoming presidential elections. The head of the Presidential Elections Commission said last week that the government would delay announcing a timetable until expatriate voting issues are worked out.

Sources said that Advisory Council members disagree over amending Article 28, as any amendment would require a referendum followed by a new constitutional declaration. This process would prolong Egypt's transitional period.

Similar news was reported in Dostour page 3 & 5.

Page: 1, 5 Authors: Gomaa Hamdallah, Hesham Yassin, Youssef El-Oumy, Bassent Zein El-Din

FM: NGO Case in the Hands of Investigators


Foreign Minister stated that the aid to Egypt is part of foreign policy management at any given country. “Any aid is beneficiary for both sides,” he added.

The file of foreign NGOs in Egypt is under investigation, so the Egyptian government could not interfere in the case, said Amr. The whole NGOs issue emerged after a fact-finding commission submitted its report on their work, Amr added.

Egyptian authorities have earlier barred an American citizen from leaving the country after orders from the Public Prosecutor, since she is a suspect in the NGOs foreign funding case. (Similar news was reported in Dostour page3; Shorouk page3; Youm7 page3)

“We of course remain very much engaged with the Egyptian authorities to seek a resolution as soon as possible to this situation,” said State Department Spokesperson Mark C. Toner in a press briefing on Wednesday.

Similar news was reported in Akhbar page 3

Pages: 2, 3 Authors: Khaled Amin, Khaled Moussa, Ahmed Gomaa, Mohamed Imam, and Mohamed Bassiouny.


Presidential Candidate Victim of Assault

Presidential hopeful Abd El-Moneim Aboul Fotouh was assaulted and robbed on the ring road outside Cairo on Thursday, after an election rally in Monufiya Governorate.

In his conference at Menoufia’s Faculty of Law, he asserted that all political factions should cooperate and unite in order to achieve our national target.

Three masked men in a Mitsubishi vehicle stopped Aboul Fotouh's car and assaulted his driver. When Aboul Fotouh tried to stop them, one of the assailants struck him on the back of his head with an automatic rifle and stole his car, leaving him, his driver and his secretary on the road.

Similar news was reported in Ahram pages1,41; Masry Youm page 4; Dostour page 5; Tahrir page 4; Akhbar page6.

Page: 3 Author: Abd El-Nasser Abu El-Fadl

Syrian Ambassador Leaves Egypt


Syrian Ambassador to Egypt, Youssef Ahmed left the country for Damascus after his government recalled him. This followed a step taken by the Egyptian authorities of recalling its ambassador to Syria as President Bashar al-Assad's forces continue their campaign against opponents of his rule.

Page: 1 Author: Israa Mohamed Ali


Foreign Press Warns of Mubarak’s Vindication

American and British press warned that vindicating ousted president , currently under trial for complicity in killing protestors, might ignite another revolution. Egyptians are waiting for an execution sentence, which would make Mubarak the first president ousted during the to be convicted by a court ruling.

Washington Post warned that a not-guilty ruling might cause another round of revolutions an even more violent one.

The Independent described Mubarak’s trial as one of the most famous trials of the century. Despite calls for an execution sentence, many consider it unlikely, added the paper.

Similar news was reported in Tahrir page 3; Youm7 page 6.

Page: 1 Author: Mohamed El-Sayed

Prosecution Prolongs Detention of Mubarak Sons Pending Investigation


Egypt’s Public Prosecution on Tuesday renewed the detention order for Alaa and , sons of former President Hosni Mubarak, for an additional 15 days pending investigation, according to a statement by the attorney general.

The Mubarak sons are currently being questioned at Tora prison.

The statement explained that the investigations involved charges relating to gas exports to Israel, forced partnerships with some foreign companies operating in Egypt, and privatization of public sector companies.

Gamal and Alaa Mubarak are being detained pending investigation into illegal accumulation of wealth.

Similar news was reported in Youm7 page 3

Page: 3 Author: Kareem Alham

Moussa: Marginalizing Sinai Bedouins Soon Over


Amr Moussa, presidential potential candidate, met with Sinai tribe leaders as part of his election campaign. He stressed that the coming president has the obligation to end the era of marginalizing Sinai’s’ Bedouins, adding that his program considers the security situation in Sinai a priority.

Moussa plans to end discrimination against them by allowing them to join the army, police, and the diplomatic corp.

Similar news was reported in Ahram page 41; Masry Youm page 3; Gomhoria page 2; Tahrir page5; Shorouk page 5.

Page: 3 Author: Tawfeek Shaaban

El-Awa: Down with Military Rule Using Legitimate Methods


Presidential hopeful, Mohamed Selim El-Awa said that the demands of the revolution have been achieved yet as the main demand was social justice and we have a long way ahead of us until we achieve it, said.

He said he supports revolutionary youth’s demand of ending military rule, but using legitimate methods which can be only be attained by holding presidential elections as soon as possible.

Similar news was reported in Ahram page 41; Masry Youm page 7; Gomhoria page 2; Tahrir page 4; Shorouk page 5.

Page: 4 Author: Hany Sameer

Amnesty International: Authorities Not Serious In Ending Mubarak’s Regime


The release of an Egyptian activist after a year in prison stands as a stark reminder that military courts cannot deliver justice to civilians, said Amnesty International.

“Amr is not alone. Thousands of Egyptians have been sentenced before military courts although they are civilians. Many of them are either waiting for their retrial after having appealed their sentence or are too poor to pay for their appeal or simply do not know of their right to appeal.” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Director of the Middle East and North Africa Program at Amnesty International.

In January, SCAF announced that the authorities would lift the 30-year old state of emergency except for acts of thuggery.

“If the Egyptian authorities are serious about marking a real break with the Mubarak days, they must completely scrap this emergency legislation and stop trying civilians before military courts,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.

Page: 1, 7 Author: Rana Mamdouh


Supreme Constitutional Court to Examine Parliamentary Elections Law

The Supreme Constitutional Court received the file of the Administrative Court ruling to decide on the legitimacy of the Parliamentary elections law. The Administrative Court has earlier challenged the legitimacy of the Parliamentary elections law.

Head of the Constitutional Court has not decided whether to refer the matter to a committee of delegates or to set a date for a court session to consider the case.

Sources confirmed that the unconstitutionality of the voting system is unquestionable as the percentage set by the Parliamentary elections law for the People’s Assembly; two-thirds for slates and one-third for independents, is unconstitutional, according to a similar ruling by the Supreme Constitutional Court in 1990.

However, the main consideration now is applying parity and equal opportunity principles.

Page: 1 Author: Hoda Abu Bakr, El-Waleed Ismail

Mubarak to Remain in International Medical Center


After the controversy raised by the Health Committee’s recommendation to transfer ousted president Mubarak to Tora Prison Hospital, it seems that the former ruler of Egypt will remain in the International Medical Center.

The Public prosecution referred the recommendation of the PA Committee to the Judge presiding the case; Ahmed Refaat, who said he would consider it.

Refaat received three reports regarding the matter: one from the Forensic medical Authority that states Mubarak cannot be transferred, another from a committee of ten medical professor who also said he should not be moved, and the last report was the Health Committee’s.

Sources mentioned that Refaat might have found the committee’s report more of political nature. Thus, Mubarak will remain in the Medical Center until pronouncing the verdict.

Similar news was reported in Shorouk page 3.

Page: 4 Author: Raba Nour El-Din

Sabahy: The Parliament Does Not Represent the Revolution


Presidential hopeful, Hamdeen El-Sabahy is not satisfied with the performance of the current Parliament, saying it does not represent the revolution.

Its performance is very poor if compared to the sacrifices Egyptians made in the revolution but if compared to the previous Parliament it can be considered acceptable, added El-Sabahy.

The presidential potential candidate repeated his calls for a coalition government formed by the Parliament in order to continue the revolution.

Similar news was reported in Shorouk page 5.

Page: 5 Author: Asmaa Fathy

Khaled Ali Runs for President


Lawyer and human rights expert, Khaled Ali announced during a workshop organized by Kasr Einy Workers Syndicate that he plans on running for presidency.

Ali considers himself the closest to the workers sector having participated in defending their rights for years.

Similar news was reported in Dostour page 3; Shorouk page 5.

Page: 1 Author: Mohamed Basal

Amending Controversial Article Affects Presidential Elections Timetable


Sources revealed that the Presidential Elections Commission awaits the outcome of the current controversy regarding article 28 of the constitutional declaration.

It is also waiting for the amendments introduced by the People’s Assembly to the Presidential Elections Law because both will highly affect its work.

Any changes will affect the timetable as it was first set with the consideration that the Commission’s rulings are unchallengeable.

If article28 is amended, then the timetable must allow 15 days for considering challenges. In addition, the Commission must leave 19 days for expatriate voting.

The Commission has sent to the Ministry of Finance asking for less than 0.5Bn EGP as a budget for the election process.

Page: 4 Author: Ahmed El-Bahnasawy

Refaat to Pronounce Verdict on 2 June


A number of judges described that the date set by Judge Ahmed Refaat for pronouncing the verdict in the case against Mubarak, El-Adli, and his aides as “very appropriate due to the large number of documents that should be examined in this case.”

After hearing arguments on the final day of the case, the presiding judge said that he would announce a verdict on June 2, 10 months after the beginning of trial.

Judge Refaat El-Sayed, former head of Cairo’s criminal Court, said that Refaat is obliged to announce his verdict in the coming session adding there are not any Egyptian Laws that ban executing citizens above the age of 85.

Similar news was reported in Akhbar page 5.

Pages: 1, 4 Author: El-Sayed El-Khodary

FJP Negotiations over Coalition Government


Freedom and Justice Party, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood continues its negotiations over the formation of a coalition government, in case Gazouri’s government leaves office or the new elected president assigns the Party with the Parliamentary majority to form a new government.

FJP’s executive committee nominated a number of names for the health, education, finance, and international cooperation ministerial portfolios.

The Party is currently negotiating with Nour, Free Egyptians and Wasat parties to control one third of the new government ministries. The government head will be chosen in coordination with the Military Council.

Page: 4 Author: Nader Shokry

Copts Disagree over Presidential Endorsement


Churches in Egypt asserted that so far there is no presidential candidate they endorse, especially since presidential candidature has not been opened yet. It is expected that churches would support candidates who support a civilian state, after the dominance of Islamic currents over the two houses of Parliament.

Sources close to the Papal office said that the church does not plan on endorsing any candidates so as not to create a state of sectarian voting.

However, Copts ruled out the possibility of endorsing Hazem Salah Abu Ismail and Selim El-Awa for having ideas that contradict citizenship principles.

Ahmed Shafiq, and are considered the closest to the church.

Page: 3


Author: Khaled El-Meery

Presidential Election Timetable to Be Announced Sunday

The Presidential Elections Commission will announce on Sunday the timetable for the presidential elections and run-offs.

The presidential election is expected to be held in the first half of June, while giving a sufficient period for Egyptians abroad to cast their ballots, according to the Foreign Ministry recommendations.

On the other hand, the Higher Judicial Elections Commission headed by Judge Abdel- Moez Ibrahim, will announce Saturday the final results of the Shura Council elections.

TV Coverage (23/20/2012)


Channel: al-Hayah TV Program: al-Hayah al-Yom Broadcaster: Lubna Assal Mass demonstration at al-Azhar to support the Aqsa Mosque..

The Stock Marcket gains EGP 7 billion after a hard week.

Field Marshal Tantawi meets the Palestinian president to discuss the regional developments and the peace process.

Channel: CH 1 Program: News Time: 03:00 a.m. Head of the High Judicial Elections Commission declares today the final results of the elections to the Shura Council.

The Advisory Council discusses today the controversy about article 28 o f the constitutional announcement.

Time: 01:00 a.m. The first court session of the trial of the suspects in the case of foreign funds starts tomorrow.

Links 20120223-195554-201921.rar


Radio Coverage (23/22/2012)

News Channel: Radio Masr Field Marshal Tantawi meets the Palestinian president to discuss the regional updates and the peace process.

The stock market gians EGP 7 billion after a hard week. (18:00)

News Channel: Al-Shark Al-Awsat

Judge Abd al-Muizz Ibrahim is to hold a press conference tomorrow to declare the final results of the two phases of elections to the Shura Council. (09:00 a.m.)

Links 20120223-180146-180707.rar 20120223-220055-220515.rar

Internet Coverage (24/02/2012)


We are all Khaled Saeed


In this entire furor, do not forget the blood of the martyrs that has been spilled. ash4/405925_354316401284897_104224996294040_839280_353163027_n.jpg

May God Almighty emerge the people of Syria victorious and end the bloodletting of their children, elderly, men, women and youths. https://fbcdn-sphotos- ash4/426735_354433231273214_104224996294040_839514_2094134565_n.jpg

Eman Harb: Optimism is not just words, it is a decision. A decision that each and every one of us has taken on January 25 when we took to the streets without knowing who else will be there. Optimism is a decision because we decided to live as human beings and chose to dream about real change and die to achieve this dream. Optimism is a decision because we decided to put aside all our differences and disagreements because we wanted a free country; a country that preserves the dignity of all of its people. Optimism is a decision because we chose to move from the audience seat to be the makers of our own future. I decided to be optimism despite attempts by some entities and people to take us backward.

Egyptian Cabinet

Egyptian Stock Exchange: Stock market gained EGP 10 billion last week prompted by active real estate shares.


VIDEO - Mohamed Mahmoud St. graffiti erased: The army has erased most of the revolutionary graffiti and murals in Mohamed Mahmoud Street.

Muslim Brotherhood:

FJP Press Release # 13 – Egyptian Shura Council Election Results


Judicial committees overseeing Egyptian parliament’s consultative chamber the ‘Shura Council’ elections 2012 have announced that 20 candidates of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) have won contested seats – out of a total 23 FJP nominees who contested this round’s 26 seats.

However, the Luxor election results have not been announced yet, with votes still being counted for party ‘lists’ elections held on 21 and 22 February 2012. Nevertheless, final indicators point to the FJP’s two candidates winning massively. Ahmed Ali Ibrahim, FJP candidate for the ‘Professional’ seat, received 37,376 votes against 27,712 for his opponent. Also, Sayed Alhaboul, FJP candidate for the ‘Workers’ seat, received 34,167 against 28,551 votes for his rival.

FJP Press Release # 14 – Egyptian Shura Council Election Results

The Judicial Committee overseeing the re-run of the second and last phase of the ‘Shura Council’ elections has announced that the Freedom and Justice Party's (FJP), individual and party lists won 29282 of the total 96143 valid votes. Al Nour Party received 17963 votes, while al Hurreya Party received 15535 and al Wafd Party received 13251 votes.

The results of the individual list in Luxor revealed the FJP won both the professional and workers seats with Ahmed Ali Ibrahim garnering 37375 votes and Sayed Al-Haboul received 33467 votes winning the workers seat.

With the completion of the Luxor district count the total results confirm that the total number of seats won by the FJP are 24 out of the 30 individual seats.

This round has also witnessed victory for Dr. Susan Saad Zaghloul, the first woman to win in the elections of the ‘individual’ seats in the People's Assembly as well as Shura Council elections, while FJP candidate Abdul-Nasser Abul-Dahab has not won the ‘Workers’ seat in the first Giza constituency.

Thus, the number of FJP winners of the individual seats in the second phase is 22 out of 27 total FJP candidates contesting the individual seats in this phase. Luxor results are still to be announced.


Wael Abbas:


“” publishes exclusively an audio recording of Mubarak’s trial.

Could there be anything stupider than this!!! http://www.almasry-

Haitham Hamdi, the creator of Inspector Crombo, dies!

“I never get your sense of humor. Never sure whether you’re genuinely making fun of someone and hate them.” A comment from the only girl who understood me.

Those are who deserve to be asked this question: Who the hell are you. 9%84%D9%82%D9%88%D9%89- %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AB%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9- %D8%AA%D8%B5%D8%AF%D8%B1- %D9%82%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%8B- %D8%A8%D9%88%D9%82%D9%81- %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%87%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA- %D8%A8%D8%A3%D8%B3%D9%8A%D9%88%D8%B7&Itemid=213

Salafist websites have been propagating that Iranian ships are transporting prisoners from Syria to . Where do they get all that stupidity from!!!

Assad’s shadowy men assault a female Syrian activist in her home in Cairo – Shorouk newspaper. 45e9-ae04-56fbe77dcd76&

As if Egypt’s thugs were not enough, now we have Syria’s shadowy elements beating up people in their houses in Cairo!!! ash4/s720x720/425337_3287899804760_1485643479_3345443_1652400149_n.jpg

Documents: Shafiq assigns Wagdi to bribe the opposition to end the revolution – Moheet. %A7%D8%A6%D9%82-%D8%B4%D9%81%D9%8A%D9%82-%D9%83%D9%84%D9%81- %D9%88%D8%AC%D8%AF%D9%8A-%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%B4%D9%88%D8%A9- %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B6/ http://us1.campaign-

34 ash4/418267_294669477265245_166997683365759_792468_1763731129_n.jpg snc7/s720x720/428274_239707616119315_106514872771924_492979_1683088997_n.jpg ash4/s720x720/421961_10150591379877763_565497762_9256763_1847916119_n.jpg

Ismail Haniyeh is just another prick.

Is it true that MP Hassan el-Brence faced an assassination attempt?


I am so grateful for the great support I have, I am truly thankful for everything in my life.

Revolutions bring out the best in people and it has really brought me the best, I am thankful and lucky to be part of this time.

I will be as guest on ONTV Live at 3:30 talking about citizen journalism and social media.

Sorry guys, the show will be aired tomorrow at 10 pm. I did not know it will be recorded.

I thought that the show was live but it was recorded and it will be on tomorrow OnTV Live at 10 pm. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Asmaa Mahfouz:

Anyone has video of “SCAF Liars” campaign translated in English?

A girl is sitting in outside the northern military zone in Alexandria after numerous attempts to meet any military official to ask them when does the security chaos ends.

Rasha Yousri went to ask military men: if the army and people are one hand, how come thugs are left free in the streets with weapons????


If the army and people are one hand, why do they refuse to help the people and protect them from thugs????

Rasha Yousri, 25, is staging a sit-in alone outside the northern military zone in Alexandria after she failed to receive any response about her inquiries regarding the security chaos in Alexandria.

They brought her a thug with a stick and told her he is mad and no one will bring him responsible for his acts.

Does anyone know the name of the commander of the northern military zone in Alexandria????

Finally, the northern military zone responds to Rasha Yousri’s sit-in and launches a combing operation in the neighborhoods of Moharam Bek, El-Mamoura and Semoha.


Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh was reportedly beaten up when he tried to protect his driver. Any word about the driver’s health condition?

I’m looking for something that would bore me to sleep that I am actually watching “The bold and the beautiful” Series as old as I am!!

Seriously I was born 1986. “The bold and the beautiful’ 1st premiere was March 1987!

SCAF messed up my biological clock! #FuckScaf

Iyad elbaghdadi:

Egypt presidential hopeful Abdul-Moneim Abul-Fotouh was attacked yesterday in an apparent assassination attempt. He's injured but OK.

Abul-Fotouh is considered the front runner for #Egypt's presidential elections. He's ex- MB, and the MB is against his candidacy.

If you can't expect #SCAF to protect #Egypt's citizens, you shouldn't expect them to protect a Syrian young woman living in Egypt. #Syria

Some people are saying that the attack on Abul-Fotouh, #Egypt presidential elections front-runner, was "coincidental". Right.

I'm hearing some voices determined to elect Abul-Fotouh now. "A first-hand victim of thuggery would make it his priority". #Egypt


Sometimes I get pissed at the liars. But once in a while I need to direct my anger at the gullible morons who can't see the blatant lies.

The Palestinian people need a new leadership. I can hardly find a Palestinian who says that he supports either Fatah or Hamas any more.

When Haniyeh was stepping up to give his speech today at the Azhar, the crowds didn't cheer" #Palestine!" - They cheered "#Syria! Syria!"

AlArabiya reports "#Assad loyalists" are trying to break into the venue of the "Friends of #Syria" conference in Tunisia.

I kinda mistrust any political system that has a position titled "Supreme Leader". #Iran

The solution to massacres being exposed is not to stop the massacres; it's to kill the journalists. #ArabTyrantManual #Syria

Aalam Wassef:

A Syrian man on the radio: “Help us now, not tomorrow.” #syria #homs


New on Arabist: Mubarak's letter to court. court.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Egypt presidential candidate wounded in apparent robbery: Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh assaulted.

In Cairo, check your hijab at the door: Discrimination against veiled women at Cairo nightspots.

Alaa Al Aswany: Are They Really Religious?: Aswany back on the Wahabi-bashing - but is that scapegoating too?

Saudi Arabia: Trial of Riyadh protester ‘utterly unwarranted’ | Amnesty International: unwarranted-2012-02-22

New on Arabist: 's unrest in Qatif. qatif.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter


. Publication overview

 Al-Ahram: Egyptian state-run official daily newspaper

Founded in 1875, is the most widely circulating Egyptian daily newspaper, and the second oldest after al-Waqa'i`al-Masriya (English: The Egyptian Events, founded 1828). It is majority owned by the Egyptian government.

 Al-Akhbar: Egyptian state-owned semi-official daily newspaper


It was founded in May 1952 as a part of Akhbar El Yom.

 Al-Gomhoria: Egyptian state-owned daily newspaper

An influential state-owned language daily newspaper. It was established in 1954.

 Al-Shorouk: Egyptian daily independent newspaper

Is a prominent Arabic newspaper published in Egypt [1] and several other Arabic nations It is a daily independent newspaper, covering mainly politics, militant affairs and sport.

 Al-Masry al-Yom: Independent daily newspaper

On 7 June 2004, it published its first edition. The paper initially circulated primarily amongst Cairo’s intellectual elite, providing objective news coverage in the belief that good news would beat sensationalist reporting found in other Egyptian print media. After 3 years, it was challenging Al-Ahram for the status of being the national paper of record. Though

 Tahrir: Daily independent newspaper

 Dostor: Daily independent newspaper

 Yom 7: Daily independent newspaper

Table of Content:

Newspapers: Ahram Newspaper Tantawi, Abbas Discuss Efforts to Bid Palestinian Ranks 3 Islamists Win 70% of Shura Seats 4 Ahram Reveals Israel’s Spy Network 5 FM: Egypt Working With Britain to Sign Extradition Agreement 6 FJP Works on Constituent Assembly Draft Law 7 6April Denies Supporting Aboul- Fotouh for Presidency 8 Masry Youm Newspaper Katatni Meets Haniya in Cairo 9 FJP Discusses Presidential Endorsement, Decision within Two Weeks 10 Mubarak Trial Could Be the Last for Judge before Retirement 11 Advisory Council to Discuss Amending Controversial Constitutional Article 12


FM: NGO Case in the Hands of Investigators 13 Gomhoria Newspaper Presidential Candidate Victim of Assault 14 Syrian Ambassador Leaves Egypt 15 Dostour Newspaper Foreign Press Warns of Mubarak’s Vindication 16 Prosecution Prolongs Detention of Mubarak Sons Pending Investigation 17 Moussa: Marginalizing Sinai Bedouins Soon Over 18 El-Awa: Down with Military Rule Using Legitimate Methods 19 Amnesty International: Authorities Not Serious In Ending Mubarak’s Regime 20 Tahrir Newspaper Supreme Constitutional Court to Examine Parliamentary Elections Law 21 Mubarak to Remain in International Medical Center 22 Sabahy: The Parliament Does Not Represent the Revolution 23 Khaled Ali Runs for President 24 Shorouk Newspaper Amending Controversial Article Affects Presidential Elections Timetable 25 Refaat to Pronounce Verdict on 2 June 26 Youm7 Newspaper FJP Negotiations over Coalition Government 27 Copts Disagree over Presidential Endorsement 28 Akhbar Newspaper Presidential Election Timetable to Be Announced Sunday 29

TV Coverage

30 Al Hayah TV Channel 30 Channel 1 30 Links 30 Radio Coverage 31 Radio Misr 31 Al Shark Al Awsat Channel 31 Links 31 Internet coverage 32-38 Face book 32-33 Twitter 34-38