Studia Quaternaria, vol. 31, no. 1 (2014): 39–50. DOI: 10.2478/squa-2014-0004 PALYNOL OGY AND AR CHAEOLOGY OF LATE VISTULIAN AND EARLY HOLOCENE SITES IN LUBUSKIE LAKE DISTRICT, WEST ERN PO LAND Iwona Okuniewska-Nowaczyk, Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences, In sti tute of Ar chae ol ogy and Eth nol ogy, Cen tre for Pre his toric and Me di eval Research, ul. Rubie¿ 46, 61-612 Poznañ, Poland, e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Ab stract The Lubuskie Lake Dis trict played an im por tant part in recolonisation of the Pol ish Plain due to its loca tion and the char ac ter of the ter rain. De spite that, it is and es pe cially its north ern part, poorly ex plored re gard ing both his tory of Late Glacial and early Holo cene settle ments, and the natu ral envi ron ment. The paper presents results of multidiscipli- nary re search in this area. The most spec tacu lar dis cover ies were connected with remains of settle ments of the Ham- burgian cul ture so ci et ies at Myszêcin – cur rently the rich est site of this cul ture over the en tire North Eu ro pean Plain. In the vicin ity of this site several Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic settle ments of varied functions were recorded. First palynological re cords came from the Youn ger Dryas sed i ments in this area. In a log with a palynological spec trum compris ing Youn ger Dryas and the be gin ning of the Ho lo cene, a char coal dust was found and it could in di cate hu man ac tivity as humans lived at a lake shore.