• THE NEXT STEPS • ENGAGE YOUNG CONSUMERS • LEATHER VS SYNTHETICS A leather international publication In association with TFL Eco Solutions Leading technologies for the environment www.tfl.com In association with Contents Cover image: Natural leathers. Courtesy of • THE NEXT STEPS Issue 1 Zenda Leather • ENGAGE YOUNG CONSUMERS • LEATHER VS SYNTHETICS ADVISOR Advisor Michael Redwood
[email protected] EDITORIAL Editor Martin Ricker Tel: +44 (0) 20 8269 7787
[email protected] Editorial contributors Michael Redwood Andy Seawood Dietrich Tegtmeyer Richard Smith Juan Diego Casaretto Martin Ricker A leather international publication SALES In association with Sales manager Jeremy Skinner Tel: +44 (0) 20 7936 6943
[email protected] PRODUCTION AND DESIGN Designer Karen Townsend Production Lisa Busby West +44 (0)208 269 7927
[email protected] Mission Statement To establish and enhance leather as an affordable premium material in the mind of consumers. To identify leather in terms of quality, luxury, performance and value for money – the purchase of an asset rather than a disposable item. To position leather as a durable and sustainable material that is a good material to use from 08 12 an environmental point of view. To support all those making and using leather. To provide guidelines and support material to present leather as a premium quality and sustainable material. 04 Introduction 06 The next steps To assist the industry in avoiding leather becoming seen Michael Redwood, Advisor to Dr Dietrich Tegtmeyer of Lanxess as a commodity material or having its brand values debased by the use of incorrect claims or poor Leather Naturally! says that as the outlines the next steps for the environmental standards.