= -

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5 9o ACCREDITEDHIGHER t ...... INSTITUTIONS ..,. if . io j. -fta 1952 -1


-4; By THERESABIRCHWILKINS ResearchAssistant DivisionofiligherEducotion Officeof Education

BULLETIN1952, No. 3


=7- 1


FMERALSECURITYAGENCY OscarR. Ewing,Administrator OFFICEOF EDUCATION Earl JamesMc Gath,Commissioner



INIMINANAAANAgr & ,.._,-- ININIINMIMMINMEINNIMMINIM.O.N EI V. - per sok by theSuperintendent of .E Documents, U.S. GoveramtPrinting Office, ..-- S [ Washington 2,D. C. i°mD Price 35cents

`cs "


Ism INQE1917 the Officeof Educationhas publishedat approxi. mately4-year intervalsacompilation ofthe lista of institutions accredithd byNation-wideregional,ezadtate accreditingagen- cies.This editionsthe ninth inthe series,the lastpreviousedition havingbeen issuedfor theyear1948. The bulletinisa sourceof ref- erencefor educationalofficers andstudents)desiringinformationabout theaccieditedstatus of institutionsof highereducation.Agencies *lb of theFederalgovernmentusethe bulletinconstantlyin various phases of theirwork. AccreditationbyNation-wide)andregionalagencies hasbeen indicated inthe annualpublicationEducation Diredorg7Part 3:Higher : Educationforanumberofyears.Accreditation byStateagencies ddesnot lend itselfto such frequentreporting andis not includedine annualdirectory butis carriedin thisbulletin. This bulletinbrings togetherlistkfurnishedbyprofessional, regicinal, and StateaccreditingagenciesazofFebruary,i1952.

BUELL G.GALLAGHER, A8si4antComminionerfor HigherEducation. II v


% ACCREDITEDBYNATION-WIDE ORGANIZATIONS FOR: Architecture 67 68 Bible _. , 69 Business .. Chemistry ! 70 Chiropody 73' Dentistry. _ _ 73 75 Engineering 4-- ea Oa Technicalcurricula______...... M. a. =, MD En 90 Forestry . 92 . 92 Journalism _ 93 Law _ Librarianship 96 . Medicine Alo es...... 97 Basic medicalsciences _ 98 - Occupational therapy_ _ _. 98 Physical therapy 99 Music 100 Nursing L 104 Optometry ..... _ 111 112 ' Osteopathy Pharmacy 114 Public health 114 Social work 114 .Teacher education 115 120 Theology,. 7 121 , Veterinarymedicine ...... a. e . a ...... INDIx1 128 111

1 ;' . P.7.1.7.,V,.

,4, a 111 4 . . " . C,7 . rinHE BEST countries educational Government or activities direct ments graduates enter exercise function given lishing in part,or is profeEsionai groups. maintains to an the no through institutions institutioz9. bulletin $1.1) tion, r_ ttate In little The canied legal controlover quality of United ing addition to published control of State. ACCREDITED institution to of standards Office of control agencies a or exercise ministries of and is their published education do, type the on a institutions. not at quality of States isto SIGNIFICANCE has by other function of through the standards. It does , by an available over annually. of institutions the Education the generally a no or institution's program voluntary control all, measure discover to teaching criteria the limited such institutions education The fuirnish recognized an credits institutions the lists of however, method of In the examine L-`'amtion authority. HIGHER The through ht. have not institution process does not of higher of approval believed to several agencies. profession. 1952 information earned OF voluntary control what extent United exercise some accredited but doexerta , agencia, through ita ACCREDITATION the of States within Dirett3rd, ascertaining education. accredit assumed of Jurisdiction over in accrediting representing over of accredited status practice and States, INSTITUTIONS be State accrediting other State higher about the which significant their institutions. the applying theze the principally or degree of 'responsibility agencies, Part 3; however, great institutions institution meetsan of universities teacher-certification approve borders. may the Most education institutions consists accepting educational agencies deal of a-meditation general thes6 in exercise Higher State accreditation control through educational the deterniini e&cational standards in most of estab- within influence 4or the Federal likewise depart- in the exercise stand- in full, &kaki whose much over and this of a 111411119111111S06101161 Highili'llinthq1411$1r7111M P 2 ACCREDITEDHIGHERINSTITUTIONS,1952 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS I. Sincethepublication of the1948 editionofAccreditedHigher Instit1Jtion4,a number of activitiesworthyofrecordhaveoccurred. REGIONALASSOCIATIONS TheWestern CollegeAssociationhasassumedresponsibility accrediting4-year liberal for arts collegesinArizona,California,and Nevada.There :a nowsixregionalaccrediting every associationscovering sectionofthecountry, includingTerritoriesand sions.The outlyingposses- names and addressesof thesecretariesof, the associations regional andtheareas coveredby eachassociation on page 66. maybe found The sixregional accreditingassociationshaveestablisheda National Committeeof- RegionalAccredit*Agenciesforthepurpose "of coordinatifigtheactivities ofregionalaccreditingagencies,andto cooperate withsimilar nationalagencies,in thehopethatwaysmay be foundto minimizesomeofthe evilsthat have rapidly accompaniedthe expandingaccreditingmovement."Annuallyon January first theCommitteeissuesa listofIn8titution,Accreditedby theRegional AccreditingAgenciesof theUnitedStates. PROFES S IONALASSOCIATIONS Leadersinnursing graduallyrealizedthataccreditation,bya number ofautonomous organizationsresultedinduplicationof effortand confusiononthe cost; part ofinstitutions,students,theprofession, public;and and the fractionalratherthancomprehensiveevaluation. were initiated which Steps ledto theestablishmentin1949 of Nursing theNational AccreditingService.Thefirst listofprograms in nursing approvedby thisnewservicewas releasedinOctober1':!---g2.) andreplaced theaccreditedlistsof the NationalOrganizationforPublicHealth Nursing,theAssociation ofCollegiateSchoolsofNursing,theNational League ofNursingEducation,and theCatholic The HospitalAssociation. NationalAssociationofChiropodistsappearsas a recognized accreditingagency for the firsttime inthisedition.Ito sixmember institutionsarelisted inPart 11of tbebulletin. NATIONALCOMMISSIONONAfatEDITING Representativesof theAssociationofLand-Grant Universities,the Collegesand NationalAssociationof StateUniversities, Association the ofUrbanUniversities,theAwociationof Universities,the American AssociationofAmericanColleges,theAssociation TeacherEducation of Institutions,andtheAmericanAssociationof JuniorCollegeshave formedtheNationalCommissiononAceriting . now '44 in undergraduate levels: (1)For=conditional nuning. or of education. in theappropriateorganization. regional associationsandbyState pilation ofinstitutionshigher considers worthyofrecognition. full transfercredit,and(3)forpartial does notplantoaccreditinstitutionsof % purposes by State recommend (formerly theJointCommittee , . This bulletinisdividedinto Part IIcontainslists all ofthe referred f and forteacher-certification apartments ,A' to 4 A to units ofwhich . member institputions . Accreditation by the NationalCommission ORGANIZATION OFTHIS engineering, intechnical of educationisshown of professionaland o. INTRODUCTION t are admission two parts. State universitiesis on accredited by Accreditation isshownby Associations seeking universities andState education accredited those accreditingbodies Accrediting). purposes. 4 transfer credit. to graduateschool,(2)for on BULLETIN higher education Part I Accrediting. type institutes,andin technical schools, for generalcollegiate or hold membership This Commission contains shown recognition 9 Accreditation departments by the curricula on which it a com- but some three _ are six to

I1111111111111111111"" ""''' ""' 11111E11111104i II 111111111 IIII 11111111111 11111 'II Hill II -


.1 PARTI InstitutionsofHigherEducation gional Accreditedby Rem Associations,StateUniversities,andState DepartmentsofEducation Explanationofsymbols: xAccredited. x-j--Institutionoffersa 4-yearcurriculum,but isaccredited institution. as a 2-year x-po--Provisionallyaccredited. "precedingthename and address ofan institutionindicatesthatthe institution isattendedpredominantlybyNegroes.


State State Dui depart C-r milky mostof educe- tion Re- ,. Institution gionalUogorap- also- - dationadmis- FunPartial Gen- oral Teeth- sion totrawler cif edu- grodu- mothwait 11111 ate peascation 4 school



**AlabamaAgriculturaland Mechanical College,Normal AlabamaCollege,Montevallo AlabamaPolytechnicInstitute,Auburn__ AthensCollege,Athens 1 I Birminghain-SouthernCollege,Birming- ham HowardCollege, Birminghadi _MP HuntingdonCollege, Montgomen7 41. e JudsonCollege,Marion MarionInstitute, I. Marion(2-yr.)._=I _ _ MD MP 111O 1111 **MilesCollege,Birmingham MontgomeryBibleCollege,Montgomery (2-Yr )------x-p **OakwoodCollege,Huntsville SacredHeart JuniorCollege,Cullman St. x-p.OM .1,Mr BernardCollege, St.Bernard(2-yr.)_ SneadJunior College,Boas s I Creditfor 3years worksoma* I Approved forSecondaryBTemporaryemillicato. Approval to beterminatedLug. 141962.



State depart- P tate tint vanity ment of educe. tion Re- Institution rims! Uncap- atop-ditiana) (tabor) admit*. Full Gen- Partial eral Teach- gon to trawder erc4o- grad°.erde I tcredit Pur- cation ato poses school

6 7

411a- .11 111111114 ALABAMA ConttnuCKI

gouthemtkrn Rible __ College, Birmingham_ 40. dB. 111. x-p IND 1114110.

Southern UnionCollege, `Wadley(2-yr.)_ IMP w 41M. x-p 4110

springBill College,Spring Hill an. x stateTeachers College,Florince._ Stat-e Teachers College, Jacksonville____ gio

State TeAchers Ow College, Livingston eflo Mb ow

* *State Teacher* College, _ .111. Montgomery_ .. "M. OW WA.

State TeachersColl Troy .111,

*, w dma W. WA 110 Iwo useatoosa(2-yr.) -a x ID

MD **Talladexa CmIlege Tailwiegsaa a la 4. ANA IN/

-Tu.iLnetsInstitutA, .ts !leansInstitute:_

University of Alabama,University_ a.


University ofAlaska,College . - 41. ,18.

AuoNA (') (4) The American Jntitute for ForeignTrade,

Mb 4I Phoenix 41o. AM.

Arizona Ste College,Flagstaff F x a: INA

ArizonaStateCollege, Tempe mo 4 ow ab

_ OM MO EasternArizonaJuniorCollege,Matcher_ OA = =

MO as Mr z Grand Canyon College,Phoenix 5 w 411. 01. .1111. I .0 I/No NMI

Phoenix - Wil Cone Phoenix (2-1r.) x W

Universityof Arisona, Tucson W S 0. am 4111III`IP 4

ARKANSAA (I) 1 (4) I (4)


**Agriculturft ham p and rmal

Clieze, PineBluff fl GP WO In Oa 11:. a a Arkansaskarioultumiand hAnietj

G6-41,a, College fidghte_me. 4 a= a a c e .1.. NM an..11 a fa Cathlgar **ArkansasBaptist LittleRook w w IMP w

9AmoraltobeIsmailiaAIM 1119IOW OP 6 The State Divortmont of Unmakela Arkom don nt4 waft WPC-Unions ot higher n ; The Univiwift 4 Adamsdossa0 ott hatituticem . ACCREDITEDHIGHERIWITUT1ONS,1932

.1 - ...... r1411.44111111111 State university Statedepart- maw ot atm*. tics

Re- , st lnetitutiao BUPAUwe& MOO-1ditkes) dads*admit). FuflPartialOsa-Itnakp AP. doe totransfertreader gradu- oda- 1 aredttcredit ifaoism ate Pr pens school ,ts

1 cst., 8 d1 4 alBEIBMIN 4 11..... Aim Ams-tsContinued

4 se ArkansasCollege,Batesville 41. 4ID . I 11 111, 6 Arkansas PolyteohnioCollege,Russell ._ vipe Q. CI OM ar GO Arkansas StateCollege, Joneaboro lw .011 414 Arkansas StateTeachersCollege,Conway x College ofthe Ozarks,Clark/lying,_ "DunbarJuniorCollege, LittleRock Fort SmithJunior D College, FortSmith_- - 4.4 an. Mr MP 0 _ 0. 4. 44 41. HardrngCollege, &arty . IQ. IN m 41 4. 404 HendersonStateTeachersCollege,Arka- delphia '1 QD so4. ow 4. - 7` 44. 411. HendrixCollege,Conway .. At 04, 40 404 OP 01, JohnBrown 4B dew 110 Univanity,Siloam - Spring** 04 AO 0 . a . 41111 JuniorAgriculturalCollegeofCentral Arkants,Beebe .. AA .10. 4. it Q. Mb Ilttle RockJuniorCollege,LittleRock__ e 0. 411. OuachitaCollege,Arkadelphia to. " philanderSmithCollege,Little Rock_ ** ShorterCollege,North LittleRock (2-yr ) 1114144 IMO Mb 414 411. .11. 4. Q. rD 11 e SouthernBaptistCollege,Walnut Ridge (2-.11* 411. lb QM MP Mbal. uthrrn StateCollege,Magnolism- I. 4. 44 Univrility ofArkansas, Fayetteville MI 414,.Maa 40 115ow ID S NI.


Antelope ValleyJuniorCollege,Lancaster_ OD OA AO Al,44 ArmstrongCollege,Berkeley QED WO MD. 4W Mb x-p AMP,IN lib dew .M 411.al Bakersfield Collegp.,-Bakersfield MD Ow .44 ago we (3-Yr ) _ IMairao BrbwnMilitay AokyJuniorCollege,

PacificBeach, SanDiego_4. oft 40. OW 04 IMP P AAA .... MA AO AOOD CaliforniaCollegeof Artaand Crafts), Oakland aogimal.gmalwa sm OD or on A* tr.10400.0..11.411, X CaliforniaConcordia College, OR, WM, *la Oakland 411. 4 tz *. on .10 ID411. 4n, als AO op so CaliforniaInstitute ofTechnology,Pam- dens MIA ON ID 111145/110611111alGOOl 49 no on.:- al OW on 111. ea CaliforniaStatePolytechnicOollege,San LuisObispo 2 MSIDID416 al 411diesOD *M* 0.11,111000 X VNamefrom whit& I. 0+amp ii rewired.

'N a ro' ... , , 44'; . f.:. 4 . . d "` ; _ - n- L.. _2 _ . I ACCREDITED HIGHER INSTrruTION13---&-CALIFORNIA 7

11% vollP44v0A vInvvveronv -TV

4 Statedepart- Rtate urd vendty tnegtd edam- 'tion

4. .041w1101Vvvvvavavvvvv.vvv no- tionalIIDam- Inatttutiao sato- Urinal . Geo-I dationadn4,, railPartial oral Teed). siontootnuidar transfer pur- aredit- gradu- credit ardIt peersas am at* . school dmmmor. ....- sa

3 74- 6 7


40 400 M Or ma gib Central Junior College, El Centro__ OD oral. M OE. Chaffey Junior SsBaps, Ontario X

. _ ri 4111. IN 41. _ m Mt .0 ad. Cbapman College, Los Aneles. O 0

Chidb State College, Chico 11. 4. .. .11m.

Citrus Junior College, Azusa 111. .. Mb 41 A.00 V41.OD City Came of Ban Francisco, Ban Fran-

_ dm 414 aim (2-yr.)..... 410 WV v. Ow VD 40 Ow Ow .0 411 Claremont Graduate School, Claremont__ v

Claremont Men's College, Claremont_ __ ow MP 40 M Orr. 404 an ar Clarence W. Pierce'School of Agriculture;

Canoga Park(2-r.)____. All GA WO 40

_ _ am .0 MP °Dianne College, Coalinga (2-yr.) - 1 - - t.. College of the Holy Names, Oakland_ C4?IlegeofMedical Evangelista, Lorna

Linda...... 40 ILI.MS 00 AV IV. 01014MV4V x -5 Col.kge of Notre Dame, Belmont(2-yr.)_ I di. 40. -40 a AO 00 40 .00IMP

College of the Pacific, Stockton OD OP dry

College of the Sequoias, Visalia (2-yr.)_ _04 11. .0 O. 414. MP 4E6 4OP MO am dm MO OP

Compton District Junior College, Compton_ ro Mr. OD Oa v a OPall O. Contra Costa Junior College:

Eastcampus,Martine* Orr 411ND 010 404 0104 400 V an 4M

Westcampus,Richmond Iw ow ..... ANN 4w. .0. 410 40

Deep SPringe College, Deep8Prinis(2-Yr.)- 00. 100100 114. alpVD IV ra or Mb Dominican College of San Rafael, Ban Rafael.VVV ... ..-- - vMVV I Alp MI MDair 41w East Los Angeles JuniorCollege,Los Angeles-14, a..6 411.ow.4 V X V 400 414 40V40 MP El earning. College, Fl Camino College

t2-n.).-,------gm,ow. s. 040. Mr 4111. rm. VP MA 40 1114am 0. 414. Fresno Junior College, Fresno OM, 40 41* 411

. V 40 4. MOW sle 4w, v. vi AEA vipM. 410p Fresno State College, Fresno I 10,

Fullerton Jailor College, Fullerton...... MI, OM ow 4n0 a OM am OP O. 40 40

Georp P .__eCollege, Los Angeles__ x OP OM OM Op ... AM MI a 41110S Iam MID VD am a A Glendale ,Glendale (11-yr.) V4n Ow MI. =Br MO ff. mo . 01,

golden Gate College, San Francisco___ _ _ . x dM.OM OM AIM 00 10V vb QED am Ilit

. Chant Teeltelcal Collegi, Del Paso Heights

4=elbVP Oa WOo. a. lafith 4/)411, 114, OR *14, MD 40 MP aP SR 40gr.01 as am 40a ...... 41 I

11111 MI MI el OD Ow I ID um Ilartnell College, Salinas (11.7r.) a. a AlloGIPor X

IOdhes free wig* 0+ is sewn& - da.

p. Occidental Napa Mount Mount Monterey 4 Modesto Mills Menlo Marymount Loyola Marin Los Los I Los Los Los Los Los Long Long College from La Lassen John (2-yr ) La Sierra Immaculate Humboldt (2-yr.) Angeles fMINNW Nuys lege, Los and 8 Los (2-Yr?) Wilmington (2-yr.) (2-yr.) Verne Angeles Angeles Angeles Junior Angeles Angeles College, Angeles Beach College, Junior St. Sciences, Angeles__ Angeles Muir Beach City San University Junior Junior a - College, Mary's which C+ Peninsula College, CALIFORNIAContinued College, Angeles College, Junior State College, State State Trade-Technical Antonio Oakland.. College, Metropolitan Pacific Valley Heart City Menlo College, College, Los Harbor College, College, ACCREDITED Los College, ormolu College _ College, La Arlington of Los Institution College, Angeles Naps _ College, College, Pasadena Juniqr College, Park Kentfield College, Angeles Verne 1 College, Susanville Modesto a Arcata required. Los Junior Long of .. Junior (2-yr.) Los a ..... Angeles, Los .. College, ...... Applied ... SIDMa=lb _ ...... Los Los Long Angeles... Junior - (2-yr.) ..... Monterey Angeles Beach_ Angeles_ HIGHER Pomona .4 . College, Angeles College, mi Angeles . Beach . 1I a1 1111. -NIPIl Van Arts Col- Los _ Er D mor asso _ am. . 11 MD 40.ow INSTITUTIONS, IM 1I Mk OB.NIP Op ,... OUPdl Mho m VW,' MN. IP eiztlaai 1.1 Mlb4WDMb giral alaw 246* x ma, alb 41.11 4WD a ditional UM' school gradu- sion ate 11M Si. III& State to z ani transfer credit Fun university 1952 N 411 or .la- PRO qpir mi aalb 11p an, 4=1ES MID transfer Partial x credit -=..1- Gab * =1, an. *MD ME. . I poses smut of Oen- 41s pur* &ate eral x els IM MD MEIMOQM tion AV depart- er edu- MO MIND cation Teach- am .1. educe- M1. 7 me, . a' 11 wT1 1111rnii ,n113 St. John'sCollege, Sacramento St. Santa BarbaraJuniorCoftge, SantaBarteira. San Egli BenitoCountyJunior00413.--ge, St Patrick'sSeminary,MenloPark San Pasadena Oeemiside-Carizi_ad San State San Palo San Francisco sari Dan Mu:MO Portenruie Pomona Palos Vendee Pacific) UnionCollege, Orange Ban o_an Et-tal Paloniar Banta AnaCollege,Ban a I _ Hater Francisco Neve College r V n lenvl Ofifte .11*-1 M. -w "anc"1," Francisco walkfI Diego fi & Mateo Junior Luis e ley College,1kcd1ey(2-yr.) 1-zr-9&4wit.--..ri Valley j tf. as (Wli JuniorCone= e a erde t College, N_@ Law . eTa(2-yr.) N Coast co bun 1.-F= College, ElanMarcos(2-yr.) CALIFORNIAContinued A r p Cortege, v.. 01 Junior College of State Junior 10,7 Junior. vtiLA gr% %11----=-Dftrteert ACCREDITED HIGHERINSTIMITIONSCALIFORNIA V § State M " College, RollingHills(21yr.) 40 do Y --w=. rt a-n a r0 7 "3 _ KS -3 Om g ILaa, ...... - College 1.5. I"51E.- a tiOurn QM MIMbGM * Claremont. 49 10/0...... = 0+ mewlemake& r Institution Uoi 5 -s-re College Riverside Inge Golkge, SAnMateo rAiege CamanTo _ LA4%, 9. aswfm-te-= ntege, - g 15 Caifowlft, 8t.Mary's ==_a 9 , Angwin Costa Junior College,San I %. ff MD OD San S Pakadena (2-yr.)...... Ana (2-=--vr.) College, for Women, Elan Jose _ V ,an Pore - - 1=-- Blythe ...... v..; -1 (2-yr.)._ gra a _aesa (2-yr.)__ 1139 Diego Diego ...... Oceanside San (2-yr.) =into r n an MID OD _ M nol MI. AS. 'Ails .9114 3 . San 41w _ 0 lei ... MP _ .. 41M 1- M _ I a1111. %. . IND 0. Mb Mggab ektiles 00 g ac M Mir .111 die AD 41MS Aog 11. aOD Lanai Rft. 411. ggi . Am tam ea mow eS alp al el. 1=1 m M. I 4= Mb AIM IND Macon- a 9 omi wain- school itional itta to èfe Maw. MM. am. MM. im 50 416 alb alo - III; State 41.6. OD M. MI6 A. a. al. IM Ma 01.0 11116 I. transfer Me Milo go. A dill credit university 410 IMP MB rall eon MID X A M 1MI AID ami. AND IND transfer raga] IN gm mi.NowWO gm - credit gm agoum Mo 0 AMOWaft ca 7 O.& .11=1. _ m M.. III. MB MD omi .og AD OM .4. Gib 6. maw alb ment ofeduce- State depart- poses Gen- pur- IND eral Ilm ww 11. 4111 IMP tion IM IED MD ;No er me maaaalleeme els, MI; am owMN.51MI, am Teach- cation gm. mo-OP 110 a.401 S

!Tr," i IIII pso 111111 FI rmtl Fri 7). 10 ACCREDITIFDHIGHERINSTITUTIONS,1962

apPMD Statedepart- Stateuniversity ment ofeduce- Lion Re- Institution & nalUnc90- aleo- timid Gen- elationadmit-FullPartial Teach- -6 ion totransfer emit par- eredu- gradu-credit _= p. t cation ate poses ImMm.3 what! MPPMM.-----MMPM4=MMmrimmpMmom 1 7 MMPIMMEMPOMp=01=111 GALIFORNIAContintied _ SantaMaria Junior College,SantaMafia_ op BantaMonicaCity College,SantaMonica (2-Yr ) ___ SantaRosa Junior allege, SantaRosa obvo =1;1 Scripps College,Claremont_ _ _ _ ... 4. e 4o.07PrOr 4 ShastaCollege,Redding (2-yr ) MP ..... a. Pm Stanford OP University,StanfordUniversity__ StocktonCollege, Stockton(2-yr )------Taft JuniorCollege,Taft Universityof California,Berkeley...___ SantaBarharaCollege,Santa Barbara__ r. ob. Universityof California,Davis ...... MD OM Oft Universityof California,LosAngeles...._ Universityof Redlands,Redlands _ _ Universityof SanFrancisco,San Francisco_ MIP Universityof Santa Clara,BantaClara_ _ r I 11 Universityof SouthernCalifornia,Los Angeles op ot VallejoCollege,Vallejo(2-yr.) VenturaJuniorCollege, Ventura. MIP OP WhittierCollege,,Whittier OP MP Yuba College,Marysville(2-yr ) OS air Mb I IMP AIMe a 41111


CanalZone Junior vit College,BalboaHeights_ ___ _ OIPorip' 11 *a owam La BocaBranch,BalboaHeights _

COLORADO (s) Adams StateCollege,Mamma ColoradoAgriculturalandMechanical Col- lege, FortCollins Colorado College,Colorado do Springs.... MD I 1 de ow =I a di. MOdoWI..nw ColoradoSchoolof Mines, f Afta. .0, .0 Golden a. dil OM 1M.=*.AM 41. am =N. 40 di, a ,m ColoradoStateCollegeofEducation, Greeley I. a. ow el am arta.,p. a 0. ColoradoWoman'sCollege,Denver x (2-yr.). 41, - loa, ISO elOD a TheOoloradoState Deportmentet Educationdoes not mama State. institutions of1,ligherlearning inthe 3 ollege a(MaryImmaailate,WestHart- Julius Hari*MusicalFowxlatkm,Hart- Myer Collep,Hartford Hartford DiocesanTeachersCollege,Hart- Larson College,NewRamis Connect:kat Caege,NewLondon Hartford BemineyFoundation,Hartford... Hartfoid College,WestHartford Berkeley DivinitiSclxxi,NewHaven._ Arnold CollegekrHygieneandPhysical Annhurst College,Putnam Albertus MagnusCollege,NewHaven.... Mitchell College,NewLomita (2,ftyr.) Danbury StateTeachersCollege,Danbury._ Trinidad StateJuniorCollege, University ofColorado,Boulder_____ Regis College,Denver Western StateCollegeofColorado,Gunni- Unive) trot Pueblo Junior Loretto Heig,htsCollege, Lamar JuniorCollege; La JuntaJuniorCollege, Northeastern JuniorCollege,Sterling Fort Lewis Mesa CountyJuniorCollege,GrandJunc- L I TM%dm*/Ospantissidess sotsomaNisbetsthwitioosilastitutisisktheMaga ford...- son.... Education, Milford tion College, Hesperus(2-yr.).. FVeld University,Fairfield ord AirtSchool,Hartford. ford... IilSIS fort. 4ED COLOR MB OD Agricultural ACCREDITED HIGHERINS_ Denver, Denver e SD . CoMige, ComiscrIcuir ID MDdEP airm A Institution DoContinued ,$) IS...... S 1 MOD Pueblo Mb NO and Mechanical SI . ON CAins ) eb OP OD 011010 ...... ww am .. _ ..... _ eee GOae. . ... _ ___ ... S IBS tr- .. S __ _ I/ 4ED ..... s so 41. dation ra, gkeal IV 000 x71 as WOsma sato- aw Pis& *x 2. S emr. e a Oa SPISMill. an. s Unoce- gratin- sicst to school ulibenia. al assr MD (9) ate ae S aleIs de. Me 41. 414 Stat. university el ea ea se MO 40 S. a. S a lb trant6r .1. credit DOLO: -1' am. MN. MP Full sSs 0.0 4M. MO de. s sr S au. Wp MI alb .1111w s missal, S trawls Partial credit MP Ms m s ea MI (') MD Mt a sas 01111 IMO s aISSSSPINSIMP 411. as a,S S seeS S SIMS ment oteduce- poses State depart- S S e SS Gen- IMP a pur- eral Xemagmom... X xI S alb S S Om lion S S SPdip e asi IND ssasS GIP °akin 'Neett. S dab a OSINS 4;1 sdu- S IS011 w. ow,low 7 4 111, S leee

", '",'"1;it trtIntern 4 12 ACCRIDITEDHIGHERINSTITUTIONS,1952

adrad,. ..madamf-aa

Statedeport- Stetsuniversity ment ofwinos- Uon Re- Institution gionalUncon- SSWditional dationadmit).FullPartialGen- sion totransfer eral Took- treaderpur-ar edu- psdu-creditcredit cation - ate poses school

1 A CONNcrIcirContinued --"-awmpaa NewHavenJuniorCollege,NewHaven.. New IND .1* AM, HavenStateTeachersCollege,New Haven QuinnipiacCollege,NewHaven (2-yr.) Mb . w. X 411M St.Basil'sCollege,Stamford 40 .0 alb X 0. 410 St.JosephCollege,WestHartford _ 01. 4=5 ty. a 4010 I= Oa St.Mary'sSeminary,Norwalk ARO S 4M. X X St. Mie ThomasSeminary,Bloomfield(2-yr.) . PP X TeachersCollegeofConnecticut,New Britain, TrinityCollege,Hartford ...... MP U. S.CoastGuard a a a. a., Academy,NewLondon_ o UniversityofBridgeport,Bridgeport JuniorCollegeofCqnnecticut X UniversityofConnecticut,Stories Add Wesleyan University,Middletown _ X WillimanticStateTeachersCollege,Willi- we a I mantic YaleUniversity,NewHaven X x am ma MD AID=lb AO X DILAWAIR

**DelawareStitteCo4egq,Dover_ Faith 'Seminary, Wilmington OaanMP III Goldey-BeacomCollege, . X Wilmington I *a dm aw King'sCollege,The,King'sCollege .11 X Universityof 4N. Delaware,Newark.. ...411.4.11. X WesleyJuniorCollege,Dover MP .


Abbott SchiSoiofFineandCommercial Art,Washington AmericanUniversity,The, X 1140 Washington.. x as ow me a. 0mp sr *a BenjaminFranklinUniversity,Washing- ton Op OP ..... Onk ...... 0 00 MI op a nu. am a I 110 libGO MP GIB CatholicUniversityofAmerico',Washing- tontonoP VP OP.1;ton.OP gob Mk .4*

I... .., .I. . -...... Ial,1. 4. ..ow ow * The OP Ot OPINOOP institutionchecked inMonne4 and 7 of Columbia in ssorsdftsdby theBeard eVNelneallaset doDisk* . Southeasthr. 64-3venthlay Adventis'Theological St. Paul'sCollege,Washington Trinity College,Wwhingtona. James OrmondWilsonTeachers Washington MusicalInstitute,Inc., Barry CollegeforWomen,Miami__ Von UnschulaUniversityofMusic,Wash- ChipwAs JuniorCdlev, **Miner TeachersCollege,Washington__ immaeulata JuniorCollege,Washington Imimeil011/' Mount VernonJuniorCollege,Washington_ *Modern SchoolofMusic,Washington_ **En÷hrIne-Cookman Washington MissionaryCollege,Takoma **,Washin Georgetown Marjorie WebsterJuniorCollege,Wash- Georgetown University,Washington George WashingtonUniversity, Columbus University,Washington wow Dunbarton CollegeoftheHolyCross, h. Lt 11 a Ington inary, Park ington. Bee-Ah ton .e.:11-1 Washington ton Washington_ t ..-1-6-:)-. Wrzhingtcm A DISTRICT cz :. - .EVO ACCREDITED HIGHER , College of ington... ft, in ...... i ft , ... Waters College,Jacksonville *-6:8---mr-2 ...... e University Wes_o_hington or Visitation ly tow ...... h._...... _ Co FLORIDA Institntian Accountancy, Washing- Mrzylwid ______UMBIA ...... I 46 4114 College, Marianna... .:.-- ...... Junior 46 666411. e a Li Continued am. INSTITIMONSDTSTRICT ton IV 11040OS / ...... _ a_____ 4 Department Washing- _ Daytona ...... College, College, .... aMb.9 ..... _ __ 110 Wash- mo ...... Sem- Mb 1 ow Gma .. 0. =11OM m MPMir _ __ 1P a am 0 2_ 1 10 dm. 10 of db esa4949. Ma citation gional OP 4E1NIP SWOP el 000 MO .1,00 m .1.* Re- X ..,...- x x x x e 1 MD Mb MP IMP 0 IMMOIMP .0 IM IMP i 4' ...f= 0. (Miami .W Unam- skin grade- school 41. .1, a iNw ate X MD .10 Wo am dn. .11. 41/ te University I elk OWAM. ea ow.ow ma ' credit 4 OF COLUMBIA II t o *as eg999 transfer Partial credit IMP MO' =1. ID mi so0/ ment State depart- poses Gen- eral "- r. /1/ of tion sr A. OPNoOp'MP er educa- 9 Teach- cation 'or 11101. edu- .4. m 7 13 P.

IMINIMINENNIMMONENUMMINCIIIIIIMMNIMINNUMMIN IHIIIIIIIMIIIIIH111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111M111111 INIMMIMIONIMMINIMMIMINIMMIIIMMINifitiihuiNimilunamempummommmmommum -0 r dr! . Nic-77-4 Bmziau College, Bessie Tilt Berry Annstavng **Atlanta Andrew Agnes **Allxiny Abraham. Webber University of University ci University ci St. St. Joseph Ii Rollins College, Ringling Pens.acola Junior Orlando John B. Palm Beach Jacksonville Jacksonville Florida Florida **Florida Florida Venice Florida aria, SWIM* In burg Augustine 14 rial College, Petersburg Junior Cabsge, en Scott Jolleg, lege for ... College, College, Parker State Southern (2-yr.) Christian Junior Stetson State School of ...... ,4110 University, Bald ;win College, Jollo, upper halfd Normal Teacher FLORIDAContinued Agricultural Junior Junior College Tampa, Miami, Coral Florida, Moun ______University, Negroes, ______Collep, St. AuguU Cuthbert Junior College, Winter Babson GEORGIA University, 4'1111V. 40 ACCUDITED College, College, College, Tampa Savannah Forsyth. G__ :7- Art, Institution College, and Agricultural College, of Music, air Atlanta_ Berry ... L Training Tampa_ e Gainesville - College, St. 1 I.: Aihany Sarasota_ College, Park Tallaliwz Park Orlando Industrial ALII (2-yr.) -4 T Pensacola_ and VV4 Lakeland I : (labial.... Lake Park Jatk&onville__ r.Pi. (2-yr.) Q. Orr MIR Jacksonville.. ... School, St. Mechanical Land__ HUME Mt. _ ...... MI, SP e .110. College, .. So ______ki r Peters- _ __ Memo- 11D OD a rOS our w a a _ a rIr Ing Mb .1411 ga ar MI alb MM ND a .1 a INSTITUTION 1e-a those _ _ Mb 111 a ----- x x x x x x x dodos I 41. signal ono- kftd) .00 Re- MO orr a ...... di a a a oD rib Or in Wow a Ai aaaa a x x x lUnum. rr x msdu- Stet totav.u.-Ar r. Ime 1-Kx-111 I 1 mis. OF te I ge. One Stat a 4111 a .mo. Me n so goirAD - alP half S x dm amt x x la a a z mdlt a ow , AP a X uzivffety run s Firr by 1932 a aa 1110 OD .... gm. a Wan. a aa Mar 1 a a. a sziodastiom...... Ms aropa I IN wa tranAw mm Partial welt X X Ap O. 40 a - 4111. z or- ment ofeduce- poses X o. X III pt:1r- State oral 6 tion dvart- a-ada- WS= Path- 7

VITO Trt% 1111rnmIrm, 11111tin nv 15 Ti n1.17111;14 1111111 flhI South GeorgiaCollegeDouglas(2-yr.) Piedmont College,Dempwed. Ogje Junior Colle "VA C (1-zrgia Gordon Military Reinhmdt colletre,witwe LaGrange College, Georgia 554elmen College.Atlanta &crg Georgia !flatitt **Pain College,Augusta_ North GeorgiaCollege, Georgia E-norv 55morria Brown Middle Mercer University,Mercex_ *$ irdett-MsConnvell Junior Coil = ,_.=_...... s_ =W------= *u g 3 = U MIMI laud = ville Emory fel (2-Yr.) (11-W vi, N.ar (2-Yr) ) Ain U=--== oty tjr I ==-LI-1 illOr d 11 0 t. A .4_4 !-='_-_k___ -IerL w Ville I Georgia University, - CoLiag y ual valley State 4 JAW Teachers Coil -----,-,--- CO ' _ . Au_ 4,,,aL.-../ X ff=tr± Southwestern itt4W...... Military Junior Junior use Ifl GzonoLtContinued TT LAF ...... upper _Aide eze,k tlanta_ ILItAge, Aaalrlerant V rit , ACCREDITED HIGHER . of Augur otat.:-_-= t_.,atickte, 4-5-4 Ccalek-F-0 Cochran 11 .., no= College, Atlanta Theoiogic1 Seminary,Ati&nta = College, Oxford u=c; Mit atdoss 1 Oollege, Baniaville(2-yr.) Institution 4 of a acauemyt ical &nninary,Decatur_ orinf--, - .4 ; Fmnkiin opring(2-yr) - College, Aff Technology, Atlanta, ''''.1, a Atlanta 1 Irijk = s 4 rn ::jr-V F 4 Oglethorpe I .. e College, a s lank% _..-.? 1---1 T IE_.. Valdiatsi Park (2-yr) Augusta A44, ern Colk_ University _ v.= rn="w't vannah .... College Park Milledgeville vr.). a_.#_. *la fra F _ ( Aet Americus 1.4 0111 ..... u Mill' edge- VD/ W ..... - ... Univer- - Valley im yr aI Cleve- b ..... - NE ) 0.10. ey__ 111. 4111. 'L.'kt IN 4. ... . _ - aim 01. ....4411114 - .1. UT-LT:UT 4ID 0111. _ m 411 MIR _ =. tpt than 411. dation giving Unnue- saw- 44 II v Re- - X X X X 441 41. .4. i 7 ON I ditionsl admits- ..... EP 4. gradu- -62T1 to school MMPX ge AO 44. am. in lower ate mo .4. Ea .0E. 14. State university 4. MO =4 411. OE. Im MD 11. 4.0 Oak DP mio tam-nal-es. ...mask: 1. =A MO. alb --nORKTA a M.ea INS. am .44 I4 credit 11 U 1.1.x 444 MD III. ow U Full half by 011. MEP x 4 44 4.1 x alb 40. 4.4 E... a OOP Mb .00 m. ant ON. Mb 1b alb ME MO, WO. 411 01. OE MP Partial oo credit 111. Dow AM AND WE. ob. MIN ^ Ea mInkm-tica- MD IMO IND El. ME- 4E. AS ao wa MD a. 411. 4. DP MD 010 EE M. OM I4 4. .1. D. meat ofdift State demi,- "mesas Gen- pur- e% well Lion ; oat aS00. Teach- wino Em. alb et cation .11. S5gia op owO.gill 44 DM. so 40albCO Mb . 41110 edu- V .110 MED AO ow 7 15 MD am an. AM GNP em DEO OD el. MID

111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111H111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 fintealia Carthage Bradley Blackburn Belleville Barat Aurora College, Augustan& University Ricks Northwest North Idaho College Boise ta 14 From x University Young L. West Wesleyan Valdosta University Belleville Forest The Frax 16 O41.1111 (2-Yr.) Atlanta Dopertasent College, Junior College State College, Georgia 11,101 t Idaho Junior University, of Idaho, Township College, - Int-n College, State Colin% of Idaho, College, G. Harris Nazarene - of Division, Township wt3 nd of Georgia, GEORGIAContinued College, Hawaii, Rexburg of the College, eaf Ubangi Atimirn_ i Pubis College, Canhve Caldwell ILUNOIB ACCREDITED Carlinville Junior HAWAII education IDAHO Rock Peoria Institution MaPon Colkge, Moscow Pocatello College, Atlanta College, Boise Sacred sum Honolulu lautrusamt Carrolton Athens._ Valdosta Junior _ Island . _ andsols. _ . - Coeur Nampa . Heart, Young k 411D a doss not - HIGHER ... (2-yr.) 4114 MD40411. .... College, ...... d'Alene_ - ...... Harris Lake $ h. accredit eft o; 4.1 _ 4/1 41. 4411 _ ow MSTFTUTIONS, . institution dation *ma,: x E X if x e=s- Me*. X ..__ _ .11. 4 os ow Now Ow*IIa le 14 _ Unece- E6911 nimbi. X aa x It X of Whir - 7 i . lir419. 555a a Oil a 4 = 1-.....- - MP aall die 41, ...... _, ' 1 .11. MID . K vuilvealv Full 411. 1952 - education. a 40Obomaaaaaa a OS : ...... , .a aair aredit . z.: olb 41. 4 IM Mb4OO. a ma ataro. ,,, 4.0 ow a 1 neat x. x X x al X tato dcle,%_:- M. a 411. alma. X c.

ill111111111111111.111111111',11111111la "ll "' 1"1111111111113111 Lewis Lyons TownshipJunior Lincoln Joliet JuniorCollege, James MillikinUniversity,aseatur_ Mac MurrayCollege Lake Formt Knox College, Moline hicKendm Colktp,Lob= IA SL-11e-Pent-Oclesby Ktindall WileyanUniversity,Blwrnington Illinois College,Jacksonville Concordia TheologicalSeminary,8priii-g- College ofSt.Francis,Joliet Illinois StateNormalUniversity,Normal_ Green villeCollege,Greenville_ George WilliamsCollege,Chicago_ Eastern IllinoisStateCollege,Charleston... DePaul University, Concordia TeachersCollege, Chicago TeachersCollege,Chicago_ Illinois InstituteofTechnology, Chicago MusicalCollege, Evanston Township.Community Eureka College, r=t1r1-" Chicago CityJuniorCollege,Chicago: Elmhurst College, Elgin CommunityGame, 4 Ville!, La field Evanston (2-yr.) yola U=EverItyChicago lierzl Branch Wilson Branch Wright Branch Mle dirr me Community -oligaue of&skimsandTezn College, 6.-4M College, Evanston(2-yr.) OD NO College, I Lumom---Continued College, LakeForest. M de111 ACCREDIT= HIG yr.). Institudon WO , .. coin nurg _./nmouth - for Womm,Jackson- t do op £ Caltwe, IAGrange. (2..yr.) Junior On 011. alb ..... Moline River _ 411. OP ON _ Mb OleM 1/1 (2 Chicago.. Forest.... College, _ ___ - ...... _ (2-yr.). ologyf r _ ...... M. 01/ .. Alm ms Mi. MP 0M _ an _ m01 el. Fr Maim stimis- trimml rrurn ONB----ILLIN moo- Re- 4....M.mmemmm 41. Mama dm to gredu- school le.. a 4I ste mi. State uni al. dm! a I. 4110. trawler tran-LW credit 41.1 MD me. Tull ao -- 4014 Mee Me Ma Mb I4 40. versity gm, m a ow 1 an ow IMO air 40- Partial t-_--- Mo. £1.. MID 40. 41. . MID -&-i !mt. 40. Mi MD a I S am mi. M. 40 No i t Mio eV 40. gm OD 40 et 1110. ow. MID MN. ment ofeduca- ee 555 !MD - 41111 Mb 411. ND ta Oen- State depart- . Ixtr- 41.* e4-61 M. ea ono .1 S OP M1, 4 MP M ow. ol MI. QM. MP 00 404 401. tion gml elm zaw x z 17 41. GUM 1. ea, I :I- ea.

IlTrIll!III,111111,1111111111r11 11- .. Wheaton Westain Thornton Undergraduate University University Springfield junior Southern Illinois Shurtleff Shimer School St. St.,Procopius St. Francis St. Rosary College, Roosevelt Quincy College, Rockford The Vorthern Parks Olivet Northwestern Northern North North National Mundelein Morton calto Monticello Chicago e&go 18 East St 11-5 Chie inary, Chicago Mary of Bede Principia College K. College, Nazarene of the Central Park OM GIP Illinois College, College, College, .... Junior Junior b.._____ College, d Illinois, ot Chicago, College College, Illinois _ Xavier - huuis Baptist the lake 4. edir College, Collegekiton ILLINors---Contlnue4i College College, college, of University, Division, Art Institute Mount College, State River College, Quincy , College, 4E. Wheaton College, Mton University, Aeronautical Peru ACCREDITED College, _ College (2-yr.) of Education, Rockford State Chicago 41. lnsatu OP Theological _ Chicago_ Seminary, Urbana and qm Lisle Chicago Forest College, 1 Elsah (2-yr.) Carroll ______11; doe N Cicero An Navy Pier, Harvey Kankaktv_ for Women, Theo1ogiersi RP!' __ -0 Sprinafield Evanston _ (2-yr.).. ______Carbondale_ _ _ hers of _ vi1Ic. Technology, G. _ _ (2-yr.)_ . Macomb... Mundelein _ _ HIGHER Evanston on lirminary, + 0 ______Chicago, owe alb .... College, or/ rd. _ o _ GOir _____ dor 416 . Chi, -- _ ..... ro Chi- _ Sem- _ _ 4. _ a ob. M/ on/ ...IP INSTITUTIONS, Orr _ _ - III m /Utica gi4artal . amo- Mir rob Mr nr 40. dor Unarm- giidu- wAttial EAsaiier- .1 rob ' s4a 410- CIO 0 State 0 dabOD as al. to ___VCI AM/ 1 AD. II. ft. 00 tmlrwrty . NI. x O. .10 row 1 952 MD wi 111P AD wir oOr imp Partial IN Or M. low 00 golo IMP a Orr do, MO AP - 1.0. In J 111 ItalbREP40 a. VW 'Er ea I OP- OW' or roo IND ess S tedt- ".44 artO 11 in did bbi, - - OP d. I MD SO - ves 4110 tciva tIva chi X X p.. ow cUan Ttit. am 01, T nib IND MO.

OnIIIIIMMIMIn1011111111111111MINIIIIINOMMOMmammon Earth= College,Richmond_ Concordia Came,FortWayne(2-vr.)_ Franklin CollegeofIndiana, Fort WayneArtttehool,WaTne Evansville, Butler University,Indianap31is Ball StateTeachersCollege,Muncie Anderson ClIegcandTheological Indiana StateTeachers Goshen College, John HerronArtSchool, IA-71)auw University, Indiana CentralCoAege,Indianapolis Huntington College,Huntid, Fort WayneBibleCollege, Hanover College, Indiana University,Bloomington Oakland Qtycollege, St. Benedict'sColin% St. FrriciCorege, Manchester Caen,North Purdue University, Bt. .1 Rme Ployt=s-AinicInstitute,Terre Marion college, Marian * .._.uana * Saomormlaooraditmont. Jordan CollegeofMusic, nary, Haute University Normal CollegeoftheAmerican 7b-1- uvr&WIWI= natstic and ville, Kokomo, Wayne, Gary,Indianapolis, rc,ft-r-----p Anderson College, Technical College,FortWayne__ Vincennes. Oollege, Union Came, Colkgeville. centen ACcREDITED MAIERINSTrITTIONBINDIANA Indianapolis lartttution Richmond SouthBend, bY Evansville 1ayett Art WA Greencastle at IL satwastars maiewassasOartrukskr. Oesland-City.- Ferdinand East Chicago,Foil A Indianapolis College, Manchester._ 4_-____ n Franklin ___ __ MO MO...0 Jefferson- _ Ranter myna._ ea _ -.. a. Remi Gym- _____ Terre ______4.1...... 4 yr.) _-__ _ ... f AO .. _ O. - ... am 40 . _ 4W 1211 O. OD mif _ OW o. Ow a ON OM WO dlo Iditionat Erman- admit. Irrsdis- shoo to school 06 on, AO ate Ow Mr State ow 4 or =1, OP 06 OPP ea OP MP arid I =trinity Full ta nitf 6 Ds. lila OW MO Mb 6D tranow-' Partial mftl 1t OW I ID 4.. ment of .11. OD OW Pm. depart- Poses G. Pur. end as W. Mb al M. a. 11. wo. 41. - 1110 o Lk--m W - .6 am 1 educs- sr Thoth- Dm. mt_kin MP edu- X 7 10 MID 1MP

111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111011111Mmlimmommmin 20 Oa. ACcREDITEDIlk ERINSTITUTIONS1 052 44_


Ptkte dTin. ts-It Ln1rei-c t y trim t of nos. tkni

Ri 1 1rMAUiUctt 'tonaltYTXb1 asap. Iditionst !Maim*dint*, ! YlinPLettig Ow-t- 1Death areJ n to 'tint-_,W es-,tri re- trvAii) gy&tu: amilt 01"10.!: t m- tiniterja_ rt.to posse7-1, ...., ikIk1-1 ' - ....a a 4.4a.... 4 .4 I 4 -...a-a.. 6 7 --f INDLARAContinued 4 8t. 1 MaJ7-ofth&WttN -on: St y- Woods_ _ . . . x St,Meal'sColleAll, O. NotreDftme __ . RiMAnraid Seminary,Bt.Mtin rai _ TaylorUniversity,Upland_ ..... t TriSt.ttoCollege,Angola Univere-Ityof Notre Dame,NotreDame . Valpa.ra_k%)University, Valparaiso - M Vinminev 'ersity, 1 Vincennes(2-yr.). weI IT W va.shCollege, la CYawfordsvilk _ vistliadenCsollefy,WestRrt(non- stituent t---ge formeof LoyolaUni- a vxtraity, Chicago,lilY _ ...... _ ..


BooneJuniorCollege,Boone -.0... 4. BriAr i C431.1ege, M SiOuxCity . . .0 BuenaVista College,StormLake _ BurlingtonJuniorCollege, ow Burling-ton _ - CentervilleJuniorCollege x CentervUe .411. _ Central es College,Pe1ia _ mg. . 41P ClarindaJuniorCale+ .arinda ClarkeCome, Dubuque_ ;;;; ------I.me imm intonJunior m Collw,Ainton_ _ CoeCollege, Cede Rapids_ _ OF 44 X 41.. CornellCollege, es la c _Mount m Verrion,... m NW _ MP Cm----q4.1n 41. JuniorCollege,Cre-IPWri._.I Drake woI. X University,Des Moines_ . da. x EagleGroveJuniorColltge..F1eGrvve EllsworthJunior' .140 4/ 11 College,:Iowa FaJI _ ErnmetsburgJuniorCollege, MID. MIR fa Fmmetburg 411, EsthervilleJuniorCollege,F=tbervii1e Mb a _ aIN FortDodgeJuniorCollege,F-IrtDodge_ GrsoelandCollege,Leemoni( 2-yr.) -411 GrandViewCollege,Des Mo X Moines(2-yr.)_ eI 1 a. Grinnell eV 4111. College,Grinnell_ _ _ ...... f 11. - go. Bub-*4to validation bysatisfactoryachievementattartretwar. irlimannualatereditanug. _4 4 , °Ago St AmbroseCollege Simm)n St-keldon Junior Central Gaikto, Bethany Waldorf Arkansas cityJu Lovas CUaa, Bethel Cofle1N Raker University. Upper tit Parsons Luther l'nivcmtv 4N- t t William PennCollege, :14 Oil1 E, Mason City M _owa t lount I ar = v-tUrrorth _ on101,2-4-mde CoLiege,Sioux . eil5tcr town CIty trivA%Ainiet JuniorCo/lege, - Stmlinte mow& ~Ws soUm )aveu . d. L-= echwilo State Wesleyan _ Nff&i. &r I Meoty Junior Oo /lege, - f-etern niverctv ofT Coi** College, t City Junior College, College, 4. W f OWIP College, He LAE.-= of Dubuque,- °liege, _ lare Junior University, A:10. A _ I 0 WA a Junior Dubuque tii(V JuriA IV 1 A CCRH 4 College, 1 r sarnla _},---OcIrkft y Indnos WFd En 7..rtzt_= College, Le = rr, -Mil=,1101-- isN es. t t& dollop, i,-.1- "4-' TVcx s writ me*. e r- College, Cods: s Co1Iee, :01Iffge, on tinv_ wreon - of Newton_ ( titakr-S CD ildesstional tr I 1 ufts r Co Stw1don College, City V' I)utqi , Mount %1 1 lows C4kc, Agriculture V _ . _ . Musevalut City_ .611 E _ t _ ;nft-N-on (A-yr.)_ 1. t i& k crest Codar . Dr-----z3v City . V ,rni-NwIrrz 1- -.S = d _ C-Vftter 'City Pip& vr. Clinton_ 11TarshoL11- Ark.-a e ...... _ eip ,'N SEE Rapids_ I. 1 (2.-Yr anTlf _ 6 IMP r I Minaratt? City 4 'mind a 411.IIp _ Ile _ lw . _ LNSTrri:TIONS . M _ ) _ *4 _ _ (Wk. rlac rk-EW boon c wok R4b- . / MD I 1- di - Uturwm akin grui bltuk# school VA rabdsup Waal, ate x - t NE I 4 I t fa7-11v ---- orek_4. ruP, - 6 410- .OWA credit At trt.ruktet t - -... ra,r1 cirri 01. t y Av% I NO I so Ob. t 1 I wwM1tN1 fel mtt 0-ttn- Sta_14. ix1t ewAl IX X V S Ism oki tion demi et m7 Ttwb4- 4 d / X t u 7 21 ca- 49 -1 ii Ir eIlcmai 17: 11 Washburn Ureuline College University Tabor Sterling S St. Mary St. John's Bt. Sacred P= 1--)^4 Otta--=-P. Municipal Mount Kansas McPherson Kansas Kansas Kansas State Highlaud Kansas City Iola Junior Independence Hutchinson o ut Hesston Garden City Friends Fort Scott Fort Hays El DoradoJunior Dodge City College of Coffeyville College urnAnIAANAAAA...!..-A Chanute Topeka.. 22 Appkieck-Science, City Benedkis's College, Vocations, h w estr mount College, Junior College, Heart ..... St. College, University, Wesleyan State State Junior University, College, College, Lutheran MunicipaigThiversity Junior of Kansas, Junior University &holm-tics mb clio6010 n College,Wit Emporia,, Junior College, Kansas College, i'AmsAa--Continued Junior &college, Kansas junior A A.A. (41.1ege, Junior Teachers Teachers Junior Coffeyville IfillEb-5-ro College College? gill gA . of PWA, Oterli ACCREDITED AN, College, College, Xavier AAAAA Hesston University, .,/ ..... College, College, College, El Institution Manhattan State College, t ritairs. College, Junior McPherson Iola_ Wichita College, Salina_ College, Pratt of of Arts, Lawrence Emporia Wichita Atchison College, 1 of College, College, Plum= Wichita, cw'a Paola College, (2-yr.) Chanute Highland Agriculture (2-yr.)__. Winfield ... College, Fort Alp.A.A.A=REA _ Hutchinson____ _ Dodge Independence Garden Salina 4ew 1 (2-yr.)_ Science, Dorado . of Topeka, Atchison_ ...... (2-yr.) Pittsburg Emporia._ HIGHER s Scott..__ _ Wichita_ ...... i es...... Hays...... _ ..... )4* ______Hwang (2-yr.). City ...... ___ City A.A4A4AnAnA4 ___ and _ . and A a. No _ _. .. moo INSTITUTIONS, Vs GA A A. AAA AAA ...... _ A I so A A...AA Oa ao alb Oft x dation Iadmis- A MP glom' x AAPAPII am. x Re, S WSI dm D air A.4% .1. a IPO . a AAAAA vs PO ow AAA enA AAAA PP, a p em. AAAA 1M. QIN. --- X ditional Unoan- 4 skin to whwi ..ao 0.. A as AA. gradu- X A S ea Oa41 46. a ate 414 11. State - 400 ap,011i11.1 maw 40 XA AA, ID gla 46 A a A4rAn. 11/E. Ammo===,., transfre S AO' meth X university 2 11. dm. a. Full X 41. X IMP 0. 0.11MMINI1111M1111.1111.0. 111 41110 1952 A MI AAAV* A =5AAA 1 *NoMb A A'4611 XA AOP AAAAA _ A AA A AAA am ass 4n A40 ow Ow A la 41. 01. =AOPA r1?ikrtfi4 *-:4 _ OM A A 411. O.10 7 Vi M. di MOID A A I 11. ma, X rz ment of X X X X X X poses XIX x Gen- 2 State Pure X eral Lion _AL,MalhannAll/A03. I. X & odu- X cation X 'reach- r X X X s nes- X V X X 7 a

Millt ',111Li111119416 111,411l, 11, 11111111111,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MIIIMPIMilli HI ' -- - = , Xija---6t) 4 iiKentuckv- WesleyanCollege, Transylvania College, St. Cath,ezineJuniorCollege,Catharine_ Cumberland College,Williamsburg(2-yr.). Villa MadonnaCollege, Ursuline College,Louisville. Sue Lomtto JuniorCollege,Nerinx Lindsey WilsonJuniorCollage, Lees juniorCollege,Jackson Georgetown College,Georgetown...it.. centre CollegeofKentucky,Danville Caney JuniorCollege, Western KentuckyStateTeachers College, University ofLouisville,Louisville University ofKentucky,Lezington.... Union College,Barbourville Pikeville JuniorCollege, Paducah JuniorCollege, Nazareth College.andAcademy, Nazareth College,Louisville Campbellsville College, Bowling Green Murray StateCollege,Murray.... Bethel Berea College,Berea.. Ashland JuniorCollege,Ashland...a.... **Kentucky State,College, Eastern KentuckyStateCollege, Brescia College,Owensboro Asbury College,Wilmore. Morehead StateCollege, Midway JuniorCollege,Midway._ Bowling Green_ Yr.) Boating Green (217.)--- (2-yr ) ------nnett College,Iffl3ndon(2-yr.) Woman's - ACCRZDIT- --- ..... __ KIIINTUCIT Institution College College, . 1 Lex1ngt4m. Pippapatm Covington...-. . of Commerce, Frankfort - lb ODMI40 HIGHER (2-yr.). EN Op Owensboro.. a 40eaal ...... 4/Oall Hopkinsville la Columbia_ OP vor Richmond. OD MOOP deb ...... wa 4.=esfs0 fwo ...... al Ile...... sodi...... INS-TTION-rb----*X.ENTuck.Y din (2- _ ... . . dB _ . _ _ mo -fidotawmio.1&awolanowoo..... et ow ....di MI- 41. dation ticoal arm NNW sa. Olfsoal Re. x x It x Im x, X X x x / x ow 4or AD AND S Iae 10 radnb- ow OP am.AOMDdo vow am 0opow sion to school ci 4.1. ate to isalk f IP State university oaf mof mf u- .1 IfID w 00 OmIM=11 offo ms albowADeaI1111, transfer Alt 10AOfaobm.01011 credit i vino a Full a 4 gem. 410. es. IaNP lap dm MDleopOD a Imp MA Usages-, Partial 1110 Ows 41111. redit e 11110 amAM I 1 ti at. I ea OM41ima O. 4.dmM. Alf an mi. WI& MOVIPNOOS MI ment 01educs- pans Gzn- et. State depart- pur- wai 1111 Of, Mf mop Imo :No tion .01 m.SalAM er Teach- °mica VENIN x edu 'OF 7 23 I.

Iii00 iiili i4 i!lilil, hiit, iiiii iiii,,it ii, 1, iblinikelilliilliblMiliiiillilimploommil Nit MO, **Xavier Umuline Tulane Southwestern **Southern Southeastern St. ;Mount Notre Northwestern Northeast New New Newcomb McNe-1.-A.StrAtza- Loyola fayette and Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana **Leland Nitchitoches. **Gramblinitollege, **Dillard De College New Centenary leans Academy Marly's Orleans. 0.-, and .= 24 *rheas Orleans Francis Mechanical La Dame , College, Orlans hibodaux University University, Mechanical University, Sang Carmel Dominican of Louisiana College, State College, Polytechnic College, University University, of Louisiana Seminary, the ,aptist Normal College, Normal State Louisiana T. the (.1 New College, Sacred Normal University College, Nicholls Holy LOUISIANA New New College, Baker of New ACCREDITED Pineville State Cava Orleans. Theological College, Institutkm School, Shreveport School, 414. College, New Heart, New and Gramb Institute, Louisiana, 1 Anis* Orleans Orleans_ Lake Orleans... School, Institut*, Baton College, Junibr and Baton Orleans of Orleans New Agricultural New Lafayette .... Charles Grand Hammond.. Louisiana, Agricultural New Seminary, Rouge... _ New Ruston_ .7E Orleans...... Orleans Monroe ...... HIGHER ...... Rouge._ College, ..... New _ _ Orleans Ls- Coteau . _ Or- ..... - - a /No _ 4111. =ID _ OM op z-i = INSTITUTIONS, gal dada gland aro- - Re. n ditkinsl gado- school Uncoo- sicsi to admb- ORD MbOW ate ea gob lb a a OD 111104II 00/16 Stab Oa. OP ell ab transkr 4111. 40 di credft MO Full outwit, 4 do 11. a ape... at det 1952 NIB 011 rn ?. 41. 401. treader Pardal 11. matt alb I ;. i NR, al. S . f. ,-._,Iindrue its poses randetaSsarl= Ciew m% wal 41 as *_,, tion a. eda- mitten Tomb. 7


State depart- Statetiniversity ment of educe- tion Mia- Re- gionalUnwn- Institution NNWditional dationadmis-FullsPartialGen-Teach- sion totransfertransfereraleredu- gradu-creditcreditpar.cation ate NMI; school

4 6 7

MAINS (") (s) (")

Arck..7; StateNormal School,Presque

PM, OM. gnaw .1 mit am Isle,2-yr.)- 6m.166 _ Auburn SchoolofCommerce, Au-


Battu (We-7e,Lewiston 4.0 Im QIN.

Miss BusinessCollege, Lewiston VS. 0 gimb ME. Bowdoin College,Brunswick . Mb Colby College,Waterville ow S 5 M Collegeof our Lady ofMercy, Portland__ 416

I .1111D Mb MP OW ea GorhamState Tee-heis College,Gorh= 1=1, IM ,.. MP OM I HumanCollege, Bangor_ .g. Am Madawaska TrailingSchool,Fort Kent (2-

yr.)... ti Nilsson College, Spinel' o Q. a..I.. .. wo NortheasternSchool ofAccounting, Port- Ian& Mo MD WI41. Northern *s -I'storyof Music, Bangor.._ dm.

ff. Ricker College,Houlto(2-yr.) MD tio State TeachersCollcce, Farmington .66I66 a Mow _ MED 1 Uni grittyci Maine, Orono 01,4111 41 Washington StateNormal F---44,hwl MftChiM (2-yr.)-r-..... - db.a MD -110ale, dn.44. e- .66 eaf so. IMmop, MD Westbrook JuniorCollege, Portland ID !MP MD M. ME, MEV on!. MI6 GM OD a

MAMAND (1°) (s) (") A.1

Baltimore JuniorCollege, Baltimore Ws 00 Gib din Mb GP IN

6el *Carver JuniorCollege, Rockville (P. MP AM MI, MP 010 41I AMP no College of NotreDame of land,Balti-

OM 4WD . more as ID flIO As all III Co*winState T1--c-:-asCollege, Balti-

Mr&1116 0 0 0 40 0 NM OP IIMPop ......

MEP VW. AND a a X GOWN)?ColLegetBatimore SIP410 40 - a a 411.111 Imo Oa S __ Hagerstown.nior',Arne-Hagerstown_ID SO / X 1* kin go As Hood College,6' I 4 = ft. or go IP X JonnsLIIgamstrill v.iBaltimore 00

,=! 01: tu theState a Theththavitycl Mobs doesnot sweat c ppeove tit= ci blew' education Mafia *The advsed* atMarikati dos not sexisditesaw ateuntverattm, Imt =optsthrsareiltatko dNstkewitlewrigked weridiftamodations.



Rim #' i State university wYka*se Re- Institution gionalMum- use- dationadmis ill ion to e rdncreditcredit ate veciszt school _44114,14400. =4=---4441MINIOMMINDammm d -


ArM1=40"= ma=0.44 411114MMIIND MAMY LA NDContinued


41' Loyola College,Baltimore all . OD M *MarylandStateTeachers College, 411 Bowie ant 4410- 11X Maryland StateTeachers College,Frotitburg 31 44 411D 41 MarylandStateTeachers College,Bailie- bury M 444 MoM MarylandStateTeachers College, _ 40 Toweon. 4444 as at im MontgomeryJunior Collage,Takoma Park_ 41114 el **MorganState College,Baltimore Mount St.Agnes College,Mount Washing- ton Mount St. Ow OD MD Mary's College,Emmitsburg_OM NO a a esda.4411 44 GO St. John'sCollege,Annapolis St. JosephCollege,Emmitsburg mt atm Bt. Mary'sFemaleSeminaryJunior College, St. Mary'sCity 444 41110 M 44. OS 44 MO MD om a St. Mary'sSeminaryand University,Ro- land Park...... 411,4111. 1111 DM ow St. CharlesCollege,Catonsville(2-yr.) United StatesNavalAcademy, Annapolis._ M on University of el OD Baltimore,Baltimore.. Mt MP 084 411 University ofMaryland, CollegePark....I a* m m ss 1b. M *MarylandState College, Princess M OD OID 41. Anne M 4. 4. ab WashingtonCollege, Chestertown...... MIPIN) inivM Western MarylandCollege, Westminster.. x M 41, WoodstockCollege andSeminary,Wood-

stook_ M XaverianCollege, OD IM MO OD Mr Silver Spring 46 NDmr (2-yr.) d 411. ON 40 4111 MN 41, el. 111111 b. IIPint3yeses.

4 D. . -46 -1. -1:77,"1.--1 . - a 177- ." e'r - .0, .


State depart- State tininTr'9 ment deducts-6 tion kita %au gional Uncan- also-dltional Gen- elation ,1 9- Teach- ) eral ion to .transfer er0M:b- gradu-iffetitMaltpur-esti= ate poses "'boot

a 6 7

= fossooromm000 im41444.144r.4, 04,44/014.44444414

MA SBA CH us-E-rm (19 (n) (3) Os) (1)

AMOY!CIP.--ii InternationalCollea-e0 P Dring fiela X 3 3 = Amherst College, Amherst X

Assumption Mkr;01/e"Worcester3 3 an 3 X . a. low Oa 3 3 = OM. ISM= 3 MP A A A A A

Atlantic union Giee. South Lancaster__ _DO .11... Mb &boonInstituteof Business Administers- (6.= I tion Balmonre-kr-g X A- AA AA A A -A A A3 3 3 3 3 3 me 3 3 3 I.: ;., Ai Boston College, `Dem, utHill MO X 3 3 3 3 =a=A= 3 I-Ftja-On Univers:114Y an 3 3 X = 3 3 3 I 3 3 3 3 3 A

'rstiford Durfee Technical Institute, Fall A t

River ...... = 4111 alb44. M 4.4 MO = itAu College, ordA ...... X MP IMP A 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 an 3

'0? aarkI e I E.A Vy WW2 3 X AAA.= A AAA A3, 3 3 3 3 AAA 3 3

MD a a. is. S 3 3 an 3 43 college, oftheHoly-nNuiWorcester_ X

Collegeof Our 14Wv ofthe ElmsChicoPee-CO X 40- 3 MP = ErnNasanne College, Wollaston 1M MD MP GO MD la IMP 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

-_jmerimn College, Bokiton X 4.4 mo MOme. sIs es. dm am ow. Imb am3 3

Enirnnuel College, Balton.A3 3 3 3 3 3 '3 aw 3 3 3 AO X MP -3 3 3 3 M. 3IND3 MED 3die, 5555

Hanr-:University,Calninidge X 44. .111P =Ow .0., A MI A

Lasell=.1 College,Auburn.e_.... A AtIND MD X A A a am MIP AID OM 44 4m. A40a Lowell TertileIiigdtuth, Jwdifl ..... X Massachusetts Institutear7'; Thtselogyu

Cambridge3 3 3 OE IIP MI IMP OP IMI X OD MD .11M. NI= Masiachusegta MaritimeAcademy,Bus- z

IP ate& Bay 4111 e 1. OD Mk Mb NO O 141b MD OP OP I. MS MP MP 40 MassachmAte filehevlof Art, Bost4n GO 3 3 an MPIMIMSOPO IMP MM IM MM. MIM QM. . X Mount Holyoke Colkge, South Hadley alb Mt IND MIIll ,.,_-...... __-A rp - qp4r..4 NiEl -=. W L TT 7%,----- . .14 _=-_-----,- , vA£ tr-bfat,--N.,, .s.v.w.71 P-..,..... d 0,_ J SI4 110 UR 40 . Lue u...... noas ..... ale1". MP IMP 10 M A-00 A A3 3 411. woe 3 X p i;---d = New. Conservatory of Music -1 mThn _ &..3 3. 36 0 3 3 3 /Mt 3 ...... X 'air A 414 .N MI 40el It a* A Aow A3 3 3 3 st

I 3040 VP 3 A A ow A. 41, AAAA eat A 3 as 34b .Northeastern university.V' Boston...... =inn manor_ Junin?Wile., WellesMy te. AAAA.3 33 3 3 ` .A IA Ow 40S 3 3 3 3 3 A A 83 A A

A& aT im university of lisorsikungtstata issiltatiosot higherW-Olea13133----= mt approve .Er sorsa other I ''I. , .. I I fib , ;.. . ,;t t.. in th4 Stab. t. 1 ,. 1 .. A &sob' ga a imd MA L EiL=M--MM--t 4 v.4 Waredite by 'V* ej a edam -. theMainich, ., A. A * s SI i.. --. n , _utA Lx 4 c W__= A iiikwatage. 11, A_ I A4-. .*-. VI " AA-. k to -_ 1, kytl. -E4t'"-- '------1-a , s 1.1 . ,_.- , _..._., r . _ GY-1t valid ther t * is - ---;,.'---lose," = pife 3A'a g_7= tt-31_-M % 0! ,1 a -_- -r a 5 a- "OWm 7 = 1- soave Or E mum - Ak_e mma _ - - m_33 3 le.M === =0 a-- 373-7 1 II a Bard 3_3 Um, MiellOSINNO ;as wean sad 0* Nake -4 & - skimp -ne Dowd- dCasaba I 4 aS ! J

A 4

- .. . , sZ.. I. 4-1. ".t . t.:. . t! 14.4 :41:01,-.4 :* f. . 0 1, 'e E1'.A .t.; r-t 6, 4 COAS , -J.:" - 14 . # .i.Le". r e . 4,


kat. 4'* Rats 7't mast tino(eduoe Bei Institution glandroom. ,.. 4 ans. 1 - _ A dation r 11. 71PartialtentTomb. dosto VW; j J, a edu- grade, matavdit KEIPP = aides


1 3 4 6 7

NI& MAMAClitreErreC#;nued

RadcliffeCollege,Ca 0, 0 0 46 ... X IP0 0 I. vs40 0aw a0 0 de Regisalnitt__ Ww-ton I4. 40 40met, X 3 . 11 ill. 1110 UP- a SimmonsGarm=t---ge,Boston X 0 IM I 0 Smithtoliep,Northampton I 0 0 40a. air . 04 .13p.ngfield . Colle,Springfield.. X 4. 0 0 0 4. 0 StateTeachersGAime,Bridgewater 4.re. 4. 4. 4.40 40 -400 IOP StateTeachetsCollege,Fftchbg ; StateTeachersWier Frnghm Xmo StateTeachem flege,_ Lowell .1* .. AM 41 las State 40 0 40 0 dB- TamtheraCollege, "th Adams_0_ _dip sp 40: X X Stat.TwichersWine,Salem_ 4 z I00 ftI e S tw. dm all S S .11M X StateTeachersco1Iege Westfield 40 mot I00 40 00 00 Ide11.40eledo do. t, IP ;,4.40 0 . , X State i TeachersGc-e:Lege,Woroestm i i X ! X TuftsCame,Medford., I 40 40 40 1, 66 alb 46 OW 40 de Jackwncolleg,Medfcawd. 4 ...... 40 40 4. 4. 4. 4. 44 dr 40 0 0 Universityof1%-e1P---=_!=-7,ette,-Amherst 0 0 0 40 40 40 441144 4. 04, ID 40 WellesleyColkw, 410 40 40 Wellesley 0 0 40 dr 40 WheatonColima,Nortmi WheelmkCollege, dr 1040 0 4. "--ton- ..... 0 0.... 40 0 0 IP 40 40 40 40 0,40 4040 4m a 0 400 40 40 0 40 Williams_.College,Willitunstown...... 0 0 0 0 4. WorcesterJuniorCollege, viorcest4w- pa -r 40 40 0 WormsterPolytechnicInstituw,Worcester. 4. ob at 04 0 00 Ur ar 10 0 4.

hiliatioas Cs) (24) Adrian Cane,Adrian _____ ....a x al 4N i XIX AlLenCollege,Albion. x ...... z dl 0 I AlmaCollege,Alma_ x x AquinasCollege, Grand X RaOck x _ _ .... _ x ma.,z BayCityJuniorCollege, BayCity x ...... 111x 4. 40 0 0 44. CalvinCollege, GrandRapids__- _ - ...- ... x _____ x .....I Centalai MichiganCampot Educatkint plow M0 11 n t , . strar Sir Mr - Om WeeErIgt 41114alp ...... I X Or do GI DearborisiJunior 4 Iei Dearbms0 40 dr, 01.41111 0fie- z do lir0 0 40 , fI x 4 001. 0OP 0 I i EmmanuelMirionary u a _ _ 8Prhigsw ...... e 4.(to asso or ea dal MI1. 4.0 OP rib do sir 1116 MD ID 411. 01 0 Fen-Ls a Instituft . Big - '17-P---" ' -41. 41,741IP4116 _, AD ID ID 011 . . MP de MI 414 40 4. r...... r .4. 4. 44b op4. Alkett putjunkw t Collep,Flint--41.41P0/411 lepap11.1 .....I alb 41110 MIP -.1_ 0-44 SI 4.2'64" $ i 74.1' inetrnliwift elBeddow dose *said k sot otersdN Ea' WeiabatoSolfriasHiscTht1Is alms 4aro osursdftedb7 the IMAMOmahaa 060 Atalreatilks

_ 1 s : 1, 1. . 1.. r. 4...... -"...km...';',I.' .r it . . .- r ,..;;1. tir'0,,T,2-41:"" , . . .. 0.0,_.'1._ . -.-1..T ts 1r . -,. or , -,.... , . I . ,' : " °. .' . ... . *: . e . 1.- a .. ... t. .... S., :. c, ,', . . 41. f Ot "1... 11;j: el...e.I.S". litli: i° .....10 i". ' r _.f.1..:1_;k& st_:14114", '1.7A. 1e .,....,o'' .'1 i 4,0a 1 .4.. . grIN. 4. 1a ' a tpt..?..: .i4 itL r 4 . .46' ' ' -e C .il,i12-,..,..1' - 'f.h:- 1., t': ta re:..4.1l* IN! 4." -71 Bethel College Bethany LutheranC,4114e Att,-.sburg Cameand Spring Arbor University aMichigan, Amin JuniorCoute, Western MichiganWiese Wayne University,Detroit Unive-i Port HumnJunior Nam-i4h cc1IeNamreth NorthP;Ta Michigan Jackson Junks' Collegeot'ixiton Muátgm JuniorCollege, Michigan fkage Mich*an StateNormal MerriliPrn. Kalamasoo College, Meicy College,Detroit Marygrove Came,Detroit. Hov-ve Coiler,Holism Madonna College, Hillsda1-2 ColJege, Highland ParkJuniorCollege, Grand Gogebic Junior 7.11-0.:". ==j11,,..- t, ... my, K_Wainasoo Harbor Part P-1 _ 4m-5- VA -a 998345 ---41$2-4 3 6 Z44 Rsr.tro- Part DPAN.1MMP eights Catty,Adrian Minn. Junior . State A & &lac mutContinued v-211 bvi of s e Ik a ton M_P--rikato (2-yr.) ACME DrrEDFiIG Junkie College,Swing Detroit, Detnit...... and Seminary,Eit.PauL V . belxyai, Detroit Coll College, ...... OD11.a. listitudes e Plymouth_ 7n,. r .11 Co1Ie ofEducation, Kalamasoo. 7. College, GrandRapids.. 1 Austin r - Theological Semi- - Jackson Ann Arbor 1 Ironwood WINE), East .... and Theological Muskegon-. Harbor, Port Huron -, of Education, a AD 41 4msois, - _,...... ___ wooDer upor------d Tectin HR Ig8TITUTIONSMICHIGAN . _ Highland MO Oa _ - --- Benton ...... a 0..... mb .. al Artwr. Y4 4.1 --- a mb a ---- _ ww, -- _ 1E0 a ww 7 _ .0 a _ POP PlamaaPaaaa ..... _.. a dation Om* a POP gkmisi iUno asao- Re- I OPP x x x X 1 x x 410 AD 1 :Op :NIP frditkmal alb pmp do gradu- aim to school PM . Pm a ate ARP a wIP I 410 .111. State university am. .0. 11 o- pep em Po .m. din. 4 Or transfer credit Full a OP AM. OP AD la 40 a M. ww, 4E1 ME. transfer PEW Partial OD credit 11111 op aP 4o. mi. OP 44. - 4MS. a .81. dIN. a. . PPP MO POW pm. ma ga ...ow In oll Op MIR 44 ow AID. 411 dm. Ps 1 aw 42. ..ND .... AM 1 a a matt ciedam- 44 poses QM. Gen- Pcire State eral X WO a OM.' MP a Ml .1110 MM. ties MN. . depart , ap MP a a a. laa ar ow Sgoo4111w Wigs Towb- Pm. Pap PP 4e11. S I. Owlo PIMP ama. wu- ap, a OW 7 29 POP MP Mb IND 'AO &'-= =. 7 - .1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII 1111. 41 4.3 8 I I, 1: Worthington Junior Virginia State Teachers University ofMinnesota, State Macaws St. Paul State State Bt. Olaf St. John's St. Mary's Roehmter Minneapolis C'1Iege MacPhail College Itasca Junior Macalw-ter College, Ribbing Gustavus Hemline Eveleth Concordia Ely Junior Concordia 0)Inie emir Coliqge ofSt. College of College College ofBt. College Carleton Coll Brainerd Junior 1.110. _te oils '.. Teachers Teachers Teachers College, arts Junior _ College. Seminary, St. of of Bt.Benedict, Junior Colle Junior College, Ilmask University, St. Adolphus f3d4e, Junice Jollege, Univeiaty, prcirsin. M College, St. Teresa, St. &holastica, College, St. College, College, IN NLityrAContinued College, Coleraine Thomas, St. Wks's, 8t. Catherine, St. COliV3 College, Collop, College, Northfield . College, Duluth of Music, Northfield__ College, Winona Moorhead St. Ely t.p of 1 Coile=7-evi11e Paul f-vv thM- Winona ta Paul (2- Winona Bemidji VWnia Mankato_ Paul Evekth MiimeapoIis Hibbing Paul St Music, Es9 OPel*so Rochester Br-----erd Qoud Duluth Paul Worthington k4D Alum _ Joseph MinneMXIIB.. -bead St Peter - Paul _ ...... a. _ I . ---- ale S...... -inneap- 4M. alp 11. 111...... a 4_ on. es. at _ CM INSTITUTIONS, a. MD ea wt.d _ Alp 0 1 0. es. .1 dtkm e N, -=1* _ X a x NO r So ODIP a .0r lb 1 Mb en. INF a. :ova,Gs I eNMba .... MEI OR - e qoa41. E. 1 Um*. MD grads- Mort to a Wuxi admit. ow - oft 6.mi a, as. 11/. M 4 at* OW a I a - ads 410 IMP State 41. 410 NO aNII 7 , a gno 41. transieritramiar I. a fll X credit X Lrni vw4ty X run T gm. I. a 1952 M ft.ODO. SO a11. XIlo ow- INalo XNI clo 0 !Partial ===..10 E. MD MP qao MB go, credit ;MO a am =ID M 6 do 410 I DM Mr 41/. I o SPgoup . ola nasat al ftt= tesr arts x, rk1P' X " X 6 60 gm.111.M.MD 34 S ircapti- =WI Ans. 41. -- I _= " a an

11;11 IMININCIMMIONiiimmillomfibililiimomminimlinionriimimimmumminiummulihnimmuudimmfinumun 1 " Pearl RiverJunlar-CoIblge, Pecklaidion Junk.Wisp, Perichunon.... **piney. Wocmtb Northeast MMIpp1duzihniCollep, Northwest Mbsdisdp' *M: Mittigprd WcalWaCkeep, Mississippi Miliftippi Mississippi *Mississippi jaws t,---ounty Mississippi College,Clinton Mallows College,Jackson Holmes **Mary Itawamba JuniorConnie.Fulton Mexidian Hinds Gulf thickwn East C*sab-LintwAn Clarke Menkorl&I East Delta State Blue MougfAin Belhaven CAlega,Jacksce. All Saints'JuniorCollege, **Alcorn 100Kolma .. PIM! Sonstobis. Boonevil Beta. .4. BininP Point.. Meridian College, . . # Park Coliwe MigiL____Appi Juni...11rccaktge, 42 Junior Co1I, [II I 41100011MIII 11- J *WI 10 ..... 51 Elt_ It -__; a liciin- M- s MunieliAl Junior Colisp, C--j!------70. State college,Ogie_gre So MI Agri i A I Willhalgu. ,_ Teachers ft/ ACCREDITZD RIGEL"RiSTITIMONSe-----MIEMISSIPPI State as ..... "I. ColunIXIL411. CO Junior u' J Unita? College, f/I/i9 MP voestioesi Odle., IndustriS 7. College, Junior M - a _ . 411111 . la CaitzP 4 lit:0,nd e4 II Country reel P=5.1rrt Jackson- Junior j, at OAktp far%meet 0 v- a. rnadbe. College, e 4.1 -; .._ 1110 1111/ft104OlamloIND...... 41 ar siropglp4b Oat- kl -_ymond. so 42,airsr.....de Goodman CoUkge, %mon '_- 14 11,41. , age, Blue Mount-0-in_ 4,kir Oolkge, Newton College, 'Vicksburg 1114 01,6144116MO,OVIDIDOP014in (Syr.) Collw, West _ (2-vr.)_ OD Pe College/ - Hattiek:tr, Ellis. ile_ a IDall, Ilattleothurg Decatur_ MP 411,...... Cleveland_ . '-'..-"-14411111,4114K 8000ba Mechanical ...... _ ---=" _ ...... - .... 1 i 801110011 - (2-yr.) v 411, - .. - Holly No do/0ea The OD .. . at& __ #. 411 ...... a _ MI 1111-Slo .. _ . 4/0 - _ 111. 40. _ _ a _ _ - MP SP4.0Mb41, Mb dafte a tm4444 &nal Mb ammo- -2 i los -41 Re. x I x x x I X x ar- 0P 111. 41--40111- 41I 10 PIP a 41. SMD.11. 414. Miami Vamp- lion gradu- AMIN= aamass.=--Maar alma 41. 411. S ate x x m Alp 40. Alow 40 IND Mr Statsuw. 'comity .40 to IMP .101, 101. Nib ow GoNo=GNP 414. trinder OD credit IMP .. MD. Pull ell an 44 441. a 40 meow =. 4M. I4 a 1MSMD MP I. 44 trendier Partial IMP OW credit am al dB, OD .11M, - 44. d 44 04P a aim a ow 44 ow PM en. ea. el om. 1m. MIR P.M111 moult ci&51.X16- poses beats *ea. pur- mai IIz X 011 tkIl dexxte sr adorn Teeth- 030 7 81 9 It± 4 "7===.- 7 UM Modem 't t T 1liemper Ludwig LiDdonwood "Linooln "- Kansas City Junior College Joplin jeiYersou City Hrrj Hannibal-La Grange Culver-8tookton Drury College, Cottey Conservatory College Christian Central Missouri Central Co1Ieg, I APPINFrid Wood Whitworth University Southwest Sunflower "Tougaloo *Southern *Rust **Prentiss Design, City 32 (2-Yr.) Kansas Summit... (2-yr.)__ Prentiss Junior College, Teachers 'College, Junior College College, Military of at. College, Holly to be Junior College, University, Kansas City College, City Junior NI of Mississippi, College for (2-yr.) Normal College, College, - Art Unabated ChriMian Junior College, Mississippi College, of Kansas - Teresa, Kansas of Flat oS Music of Music, Springfield Nevada SRI P School, College, F.yette ACCRID MIssous.1 Institute College, College, _ Columbia Institution and Industrial Brookhaven Tougalcx) _ Jefferson City Joplin River, Flat Mathiston _ Worms), August It, Springs__ 411 College, ..... -....__ City, The, Institute, -Contanue- Booneville (2-yr.) St. Louis St. Louis Kansas Canton of K&imas tfivemity. IT ED Moorhead Warrensburg_ Junior and School Jefferson City_ (2-yr.) _ .. City Lit. Charles_ Mt MOOR ...... (2-yr ) Hannibal City . River Institute, wi Kansas Edwards .... _ (2-yr.)_ C6 _ a _____ . a ..... City, .10 _ , I aim _ _ mi. of a .. MD .. 0. _ a MD MI _ D _ , . IN - a4, I 4. =Mr!. it x s E rims' Unmet- v x x x x x _TnIga kinking a .4E. Xk V Mir 10, 41.1. GIP aa 10^ MO-a' OM I wimit- . a 41. a sloe grad sobool a ai OD cm see IONS, I - LAate tmi a 4WD e to a Im wait Futi A 1952 Orr 0. VPODAI.of. vanity aaaa a mo 11. a a -a Mb 4110 Mr quo MD alb 0Mb M0 4.0 MIR a omM 00. AI. ea ow. =a almmam 1111 // am. m OP Mb a aa a so a 111111Or- " " a as, a a op a a a a ea ... OM SOMIMI0M0 410. ei owOW ment a AN. VSt. state depart- 411. MI 411. 4111. GO 411, MI MP 'Ma a a-a I ow 1101. tion ot MIM 401. or situ- Teeth- ; Moos- ME. Am MO

" ' '1..1111 ri .11"""' IIIII tiltITIIII 111111111 ACX!flTTEDHIGHERINSTITITIIONS----MSSOURI 33

aaMllidar ....=111.111 Statederwl- &au ttnirrrsity nw.n I c_4 tion Ro- Usti Mane giotteJLimon- 11111W !tit (1a)- dationIadults. TullParttra Erni Peso& 'drm to transthsrL-razaer- pUt- tr ftitv grad°.mv%iitcredit I credit cwt.= ate pone school ador .. °.,..flp

4 7 ..r.dMoadad. es-SOUR-IContinued


(2-yr.)a WI a dB, Mr. dia Miatouri ValleyCollage,Marshall x :Lri park BaptistCollege, We,----tztPlains(2.r.)- Niu wrly Junior Col, et* Monett Junior College, Monett _ __ .10

Music andMt University,St. Louis a ow a a dio ow Northeast MissouriState TeachersCol- lege, jiIIe I do do NorthwestMiourIWalla C-11==,7-e Nary- yin" 4 . I 40 .16 PszkcoIIegf, Faxkville I 40 dd RAwklumt - KansasCity dr dr a dr sr a a_ I arr. St. Jc----- ,, 1.,,..4. Akio, oewph.. x 41. dr MM. mb . .

t. 1A-rais _lath, ---t--- ci. mi zdtudeI St. Louis_ - mo db.

Sw. LOWS UniverVity,et.. er ., Louis....a a Mt a dno

Fonthonne College.St.Louis or x i"N, M4ryviUe St.140te a a owa No Dame JuniorCollege, St.Louis_ .011. - _ St. Mary's Junior College,O'Fallon_ _ _ ... webster College.WebsterGrovesa _ _ _ SoutheastMissouriState College,Cape

skata.. ea*.m ...... MD ea do. a- ara

gouthweatBaptist _ . Ado CIO dr olio College, Bays: dra. Mb (2-yr.) _____ dr SouthwestMissouriState Colifte,Spring-

field_ _ IP. X Nab ..... Ad Stephens College, X MD Columbia (2-yr.).. IMO emo maw 1 0MO "Ekowe Teahersand JuniorCollage, St. Louis X TarkkCollege,Tarkio a.aS aaaa x Tremt---9n Junior College,Trenton___ 41sa ow sly or alb Tinivemityof Minute City,Minima City__ x

.University of Mimouri, MO .ND O. ow. O. em. Columbia andRolla_ IND .111P WwhingtonUnivemity, St.Louis WentwoebhMilitary AcademyLexington (2.-yr.) WO 4111, a. la a a a add. .111. ilme alo **WesternF.9,1Z: -4` (II t-z-z Kansas C.j Yr)--Mb a 40,O. S. MP 0 ..,--% Westminsterfi--%..,- :7A -.7, ---,Fu1t0 I x aaaaa I aaaaa WilliamJewell el goo Liberty . a a moo an. IMP OW 10 COD 00 MI williamWocsuCollege,Itulton(2-yr.) x

t r `*-

11 .` 14%," 511 1 1, I i , 1 Scottsbluff Union Norfolk Nebraska NebraskA Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebruka Municipal Midland Luther 'lasting McCook Fairbury Ducks= Do-sale Crejghton'Univeruity, I_ Concordia College Western Rocky Northern Montana Montana Montana Eastern Custer Dawson College Carro.. w-la Collme, 34 Dillon filliags tion, GreAt College, College, College, Junior Mountain CoUegt, of Saint County College, Junior etAllege, College, Junior of Great State State State State Wesleyan County Central I College, Montana Montana University of State College, State Junior actual Montana Teachers Lincoln College, Blair__ Teachers Teachers Teachers Teachers Crete__ College, Wahoo ..... Junior College, University, Mary, NIBRASILA Fremont_ flees of Mineq. College, H Junior CA_ ACCRrD1TED Cale-Re, Morekrta Omaha_ Fans, &stings_ Inst!tut_km University, College Coi College College, The, 1 Norfolk _ (Ueg, Omaha_ (2.r, Onlaluk, e e, McCook._ College, College, College. Fairbury_ College, Boternxn Collep ..... _ .. Scottsbluff_ _ Central Billings_ _ _ Mb, Omaha__ Butte .)_ Miui _ ol Ed Havre of Seward_ Mb d6 _ _ Miles a. Uncoln__ O. _ Omaha_ Education, HIGHER _ Chadron Kzney.. (llendive. of Educa- mo Wayne Peru..___ _ City_ u call .... Iff,IIR1 _ _ t2-vr., ...... _ _ _ I. _ _ City II _ _ o _ as _ - _ - ...... Ir ______p INSTITMON- ...... _A . liatZ1 z r' V.-. . O. m 6_ a=a . r _4 x 44'0-jA rnoce- dist x aik401 tAirtir* _,---_-- S COW . :awe 4M, - ' 6. a. MP MP Mo 0 MD Mb univwdty 01, W4it S 6 O. _ 2 VI olo IP W. 41. S- 1/. 10 o 41114. 1 WI. 41iF OD Mb Mai aia 410 - Ow M _ al ..... Or 1 x do S 1 4111. west mKza CM)* 5. P-41 S=1-4-U - . 1 Lima 4 -- X X w Mu- ftt-um T-mfth patkas- x s rt-

MIMMIIIIMMONINIIMMININNIONnamimimmininmiidomlom f C111 A " - TIER as INSTI1UT1ONSNEBRASKA iv 1 I S depart,- Late atiat tinf edtm- At rvtrg t t tuna y ticsta

1111111111111111r1IIN"4"r1-1 Pub- 1 ti-Naan- Octal 11-1S1.1. tti :1__-"C d-iLx&1 saw>. Iftri 44eatos skinIto- run Pisirtu INWItl- , oral - tra.LAMIritiur_i&tv shin Lo MI fgf Put credit I . credit u- cLk 'AVM 1, LAb I 1 sk-ItAK4 I I # .. =4.444 1'N trod & _ A-6 A - University Nelm-r,-Aa., of i F wo College, V York ______NEVADA Nevada, Univemt.: of Thsno ON pp ab gm IM Niue, re_HIRE (In hi A (v) Con Colby College Junior New Ixtri- Tor orten, Got, _ ... do 14: 4.4 th Hanover__ 621.1141 r= e- _ . _ _ Totithere, Keene , Keeoe_._ _ Mount St.. Mxtv CIkc., CnIktiett _ . _ Plymouth Teachers College, Plymouth_ _ Ri 003 Nashua_ vier ______. _ CoIIe. Anselm's MAlicheeter. t. _ - . ^ Vs' Hampshire, DurhAm %tem v c eNew ,INEW Raz T , Alma White Coll hath_ Larer no O. .1. Bergen Junior 7.ollw, Teaneck AMP _ 4/* op - PIP Bloomfield College &nd Tittegi Serf) 31;n1 I h - Bloomfield inkry, OM OW IN A. ONO Is 4= . -4= . Caldwell C=eUezo Oakiwell___ for W _ Cen Junior lege lisdiettstclwn_ teuary (..-ti X _ College Elisabeth, St. of Convent Station so. College, Newton.. - - _ Pp. OP ANIL Drew University, = S SP 4.4 S s P - EPP M. 111M. Fairleigh Dickinson College, Rutherford_ OM eorgir Co !Jewood urt Highland College, Junior Ulikg .raamor Branch. -4 _ _ _ ...... O. ow ow op. M. Immaculate Junior Ceflege plaon Lodi 4 a a a - - a 11, f MID Conmption &minary, Dar- j::rA 'p - ti . lingual S w. S a Oa I. POW . OW I Tbs MariverAti New ed Hampshire don kArmally eesredli nog Gths higher inaitut lara of approve ce stissidcw [h. 4zA amis. - is . * , .11 t 0,1" I PoOr 4.2-. - 9,- 4'.3 36 ACCREDITEDHIGHERINSTITUTIONS1952


A State depart- State university ment of edues- tion Re- Institution gional 'Mews saw- ditional dationadults-FullPartial 'haoh- sion totransfertransfer er Mu- gradu-creditcredit ate posesostiOS school



Institute forAdvancedStudy, The,Prince- ton Jersey City .1116. S S trar IM Junior College,Jersey City.._4= Mb x Maryknoll JuniorCollege,Lakewood Monmouth JuniorCollege,LongBranch .IMD MD 'OW WM NewBrunswickTheologicalSeminary,New Brunswick New JerseyStateTeachersCollege,Glass- boro New JerseyState TeachersCollege,Jersey City New JersexStateTeachersCollege, New- ark NewJersey StateTeachersC011ege,Pater- son New JerseyStateTeachersCollege, Tren- ton x New JerseyStateTeachersCollege,Upper Montclair x Newark College ofEngineering,Newark....__ x x Panzer Collegeof PhysicalEducationand 1111.- Oa Orb M6 Hygiene, EastOrange PrincetonTheological Seminary,Princeton OBI. ME. ,MM PrincetonUniversity;Princeton I. alb a a. ow RiderCollege, Trenton RutgersUniversity, NewBrunswick x New JerseyCollege forWomen, New

Brunswick 00-41 ow.011i OD MO ...... 40 St. Joseph'sCollege,Princeton(2-yr.) Bt. Peter'sCollege ofArta and Sciencesand Business Administration,Jersey City_ x MP .0 410so se Beton Ball . 111/11 University, SouthOrange___ __ OD dim an 111. StevensInstitute ofTechnology,Hoboken__ Trenton JuniorCollege,Trenton o. Union JuniorCollege, Cranford...... rallr X cpealaCollege, EastOrange ,g' , . Villa WalshJuniorCollege, , ii Morristown OD a* dr or 44 x WestminsterChoir College, 1 Princeton OA OD NM. MP IND I. a 114,GOCO lb GO 9 ISprovisionairating validuntil Sept.I ,111$3. 110 Provisionalrating, validuntil Aug.31, 1951. 1

. 6


. . 3 Colgate University, Clarkson City Collepof Oasenovis; Cathedral Colkgeofthe Cambium College,Buffalo Brooklyn LewSchool, Brooklyn Collep, Briarcliff JunkyCollege, Bennett JuniorCollege, Alfred University, Bank StreetCollege Biblical SeminaryIn Bard College,Annandak-on-illudson Asia Institute,'the,NewYork Baptist BibleSeminary, St. Michael'sCollege, Aaelphi University ofNewMexico, New MexicoMilitary New MexicoWestern New Mexico New Mexico New M Eastern NewMexicoUniversity, College ofSt.Joseph a heftiest!imbed. Is The ception Brooklyn Itórk nology, Socorro Vegas.. Albuquerque Graduate Tbs State Mach University Yotk. College, GardenCity College ofTechnology,Potsdam.. 4 110b001 tat owIN.et...... Junior College,OILSOIOVIS University ACCREDITED e' ..... " Arts, StateCollege Institute ofMiningandTech- College ofAgriculture of NewMake the CityofNewYork, Highlands University, Nsw Maxim Naw Yonx 1y. Institution Brooklyn'...... et Nrr Hamilton New York, College, SilverCity__ Institute, Roswell.... 1 of Education,New Santa Fe Brooklyn on Millbrook...... Johnson City Immaculate Con- ow York WOMB INSTITUTIONSNEW the RioGrande, = I doss Albuquerque...... dodo Is set ...... sot ...... -Mb Portal.... accredit Manor... an seoredltingsong...... Ow gio:IC and Las institutions ofhighereducation .. MI _ _ ...... dation gional MOD- dm MO Oa MO DimMedieIdOme,mm 416,40 MOmedO ditional Uncon- takset Muds- grade. IMP OD a eV doOrm,mw 4e, ($1) (10) [kis university goo, I j dm mO do ostmm C7,mormlj.1.,mm.1. tnuider 64 mmr= credit OD MOMbOM 40-00. mor,op.m. (11) (10) Full 00 a db de MEXICO ao, so 11/ .1A SO ODee.eD40, Wender Partial (11) mo oa,ow credit ee me mO S. (89 in theState. MO MD 511 no mO OP MO 00 sow 4M, op MP poses ment Gen- State depart- pur- eral XIX X X tion of educe- mo. do sotoo410 alo oir as wemi.dm or edu- cation Tsar& I. X 7 37 1111P 1110 40 1.11 ino 11111"11111E111111111111111f11111111111101111111111111111111111 IIIIIITIII III Ill III1IIII LII !tIIIIII'm - a

N 0 --f , r

38 LA gg ACCREDITED U1--117-471 INSTFrU'rloN8,1951 4016.IIILIGINIkalassalrra"

Stateuniversity monetatteal= tIce Re- no-,-- Institution 'localUneatb. moo- .1 elation run admia. Partialtaxi, ;I skin 4wal Tomb- to ar ottu- 'tradu-creditcreditpm- ate pamcation qt. whoa I

1 a 6 I I 7 -1-=0,1 NnwYons--Continued

Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, ...... 4,...... CollegeaMountSt. al Vincent,NewYork__ x CollegeofNewRochelle, M. 44 a a e 41. NewRochelle.__ Collegeof -St.Rose, Albany qu. 04 44 44. _ ..... 44 IMP .110 OS 04 IM 14 411 CollegesoftheSeneca,The,Geneva: 441. HobartCollege. ea so . as 1. 0- 40 44 4. doas William i SmithCollege _

...... - ColumbiaUniversity, NewYork VID Oa. .4 44 =4 a 410 4414 .00 44 44.W. BarnardGolli __,: Ow VW. 414 Ial mr NewYorkSchoolofSocialWork 010 4, .4 IP dm 41,r44; a 10 4044 40) Concordia 01. am MI .0 414. CollegiateInstitute,Bronxville (211%)

...... 4.11 40 Mb MI '- CooperUnion,New Va. York _...... CornellUniversity,Ithae,a...... 13X X 44 MD a 410 D'Youville ...... 111= OP a m. 01. College,BuffaloMo Elmiracollege,Elmira 44 :1 ...... 4. ea 441, .0 alb FashionInstituteof 01, Technology,NewYorkt }inchJuniorCollege,NewYork 40 ,- FordhamUniversity,NewYork General 44 40 40 In 011t TheologicalSeminary,NewYork.... GoodCounselColkige, WIA WhitePlains IP 41...... 4111. HamiltonCollege, a 'Clinton N HartwiekOglegii,Oneonta_ Ow 4.1. .4 a 44 Hofst,eaCollege, , a , s gar 4.OP 40 M. A Hempstead...... _ HolyCram MO ON .0 1110,00 40 401. PreparatorySeminary,Dun- kirk(2-yr.) do ...... a IP 44.44 Holy 40 40 411,a 40 ThriftyOrthodoxSeminwy,Jordan- TDB ...... a ...... alb 416 - OD 04 a .44.114 Hough College,Houghton...... 40 els a 4044, 4111. 40 a 44 HuntAwcolleze 414 101 40 MP011 x oftheCityof NewYork, NewYork. 1 ea OP 44 414 Instituteof ...... 04 CDa10. PublicAdministration,New Yolk sill 411. ID Sap cab ...... to owOV 1 ..... 40 a 40 aa. Ss U 40 4. fa, MD IonaCollege,New OP Go MI+ do Rochelle 0. 14. olP m. AP 44 dr 40 a im meor NagaCollege,Ithaca,. or. Ego NI mil dm a. go ...... aI AO 0 0 00 10.x at aanoimaiiimbed411117. aPrakelemelabode a ?warmkinissipresent(approvalaid.

.; *kit 4` /1013j*r ; 1 . . . 3 , 41. *. a , a. ;* ; . 4;;. 5 -4 pp SL N I 1,, .,,,, ,3; .'.:11 .t p 1.144 t 17V ta"S k"..Lata,41- .10,14/31. . Now^ S. ANew YorkLewSchool; Packard Paoli College, 0-iarge CoLnty Notre Niagara University, New Schoolfor New YorkUniversity, New YorkMoiled Nazareth College, Mount StJoseph ? Mills Colimaof Missionary Training Marymount College, Maryknoll Teachers Maryknoll Seminary, Manhattonvilio collepof Marlan Collev, MMoyne College, Manhattan Schoplof Long Island Junior collegeofthe Ladycliff Gallege, Manhattan College,New Juil HardSchoolof Jewl_sh Th&--314eal Keuka Ooline, . ' Jewish Instituteof Jamestown Community a 0 rahNis direlown (2-yr.) o I j- Graft& lobed New York.. stitute, Brooklyn New York town (2-yr.) Coll (wn,ittneet college : - Dine Junior °Wept me IMAW* Nzw YoazContinued Cincinnati, University, Brooklyn ACCREDITED New C-alkge of ody. mi. ONO ...... Soda Research, Ommunity Education, New Poughloommie Trachea% College, Rochester Highland Falls York.... thatftation Byrum, . Musk, New Mb 010 College, 11) Seminary of Institute, The, College, MaryknolL Tarrytown Aso a Packer Collegiate Religion, New Maryknoll Music, New a New York Ohio) Park New Y-=7-k. New York.. of Hebrew vt ...... tiw SacredHeart, 1., York ...... college, Stataa Island, . New York_ Hums Oolkage Mid University_ ...... , ...... e - York Now ...... York.... . America, ; York. t 4 . Buffalo. Nyack. , Union York_ York ..... 4,4110111111.- DTSTITUTIONSNLW a In- . --- a _ -aaaaa UP alaair A* NIPde 3 a IPaaaa aaaaaaaaaa 4I dation alip mliop , moo. Ae Re. a 110 ,EN Mob a I a flo 4:1 4 , ^,. OP OD111.IPUP low IN AO Igoamlb -aaa-aa aaaaa aaaa lob a MI6 woon, a. cik idoo to *dub. . e gotta othool AIL lag I! op a, ate 2 .,iI Am; ' 111 a I State university MO aaaaa aaMbalI/6 a a a am.ota' or aaaaa am I. aalo aNVIM, ob a MIA . di" aaaa Mb ft,dia M .- . , I. I Solo transfer Im 111 a4.1 credit Qs. Full II a to alow IM a a 4 a 6.6 a . OM 1 411. ; - a IM. dim ; a wl GIN S ell. Partial YORK .-- - credit 'NW =. III I a alb _ a .. = X meat ofeduce- posse State deport pur end tion ,a-aaaa - _ mn. aSeMIR i'lloanaranamall0 et edu- cation Teach. a AM 3E M. SI 7 39

inniNUININEMENtv 111111111111111111 '111111111111114111111111110=11111111111MIVIIIIMMINIMINVAINTIMMimmrmmusonaGnmemomm V 4'. 6.g I t Skidmore Shelton Sarah Bt. Vladimir's St. St St. St. John's St. John St. Francis St. St. St. Russell Rosary Rochester a Spar Roberts Rensselaer Queens Pratt Polytechnic Paul nary, NewYork lyn 40 Prehisioaal ture ester ter Joseph's Flushing Lawrence lyn Paul Bernadine Joseph's Bernard's Bonaventure St. Lawrence Smith's coon Inst4tate, Winded abaci. College, Josepik's Sage Hill College, Smiths College of Fisher Wesleyan College, College, University, Institute of Nave Cdlege, who& Seminary slid Polytechnic (2-yr. ) College University, College, Institute Seminary Orthodox of Siena College College, College, New Ywk. (2-yr.) Yonz.--Continued Brooklyn Seraphic University, Institution ACCREDITED Parstoga the City Brooklyn Buffalo for-Women, Troy Brooklyn__ Technology, of Arta College, 1 of ... . and College, Theological Institute, Rochester Broil Canton College, Brooklyn, Seminary, Swims North Chili _ of New St and Sciences, Loudonville_ ..... HIGHER Bonaven- ..... Ycsikers Troy___...... Roches- Brook- Beni- . Brook- Roch- Cain- York, MI al.al .. _ INSTITUTIONS, go. qa MI OD datkm &gal SWIG- AP Re- OP on MD AP OM OWODMN40 low ditkoal INI Uncap- grad*. school sion Kinds MO OD ate 4111 State to MVP MDIMO01) IP Oltdl Pa GPOPSe IN. ANAaftAr OD MPal /a O. transbr credit 'Aft me university Full OM MP Oil VIP aim ea dim so Ow 1932 alio .w IMP .11MMOMDMIM MO. M. MD WONMOD as OWMPde-es trans* .9 WOMOIS Partial credit 4111 10 mint poses pur- State X Gen- eral X 0 tion o= =IP VVep. 111 cation Teach er edu- .mb X 7 4.

t111[111111111M-101M111115111Intim, A ell j State UniversityofNew I t° Prikabasl sibs& . . New YakStateCollege New YorkStateCollege New YorkStateCollegeofHomeEco- State TeachersCollege New YorkStateCollege New YorkStateCollegeof State TeachersCollege State Teachers New YgrkStateCollegbofCeramics State State TeachersCollege State TeachersCollege State TeachersCollege State TeachersCollege New YorkState Harpur College,Endicott New YorkStateCollege New YorkStateCollege Champlain College, j."4" Syracuse, Syracuse nomics atCprnell1:Iniversity,Ithaca Syracuse University, New York,York at CornellUniversity,Ithaca Potsdam' Alfred University, weso Platteburg Oneonta at Buffalo,Buffalo New Palts Geneseo Broaport, Brockport Fredonia_ Cortland_ Albany _ Nsw YouiContinued Teachers College . ACCREDITED HIGHERINSTITUTIONSNNW ' - Institutka College atOswego,Os- -7: Teachers Collegeat 111 Plattdburg ... Yotk, Albany: of Medicineat of &t Plattsburg, at NewPalts, of Forestryat at Potedam, for Teachers, at Fredonia, at Cortland, at Oneonta, for Teachers at Genesee, Agriculture Medicine .4. 410 111120411406,04.-- 11116 4dM MO 0 at at 410010 MPMD dli-4 000 I 0 OD 4m MO- dados gional SSW Re- 0 e 41 IMD 4=4 40 0000 Aldan& s Mum- admia- lion to gradu- school Mo 40.am ate State university 1 O 04o4 Full *Partial 4 4 4O4 tir OW MOOSOO transfer YORK credit SO MI MO0 0 4104=4 1 MD 4=4IMOOPMO OD MOOWMD meat ofMum- Six poses State depart- Oen- pur- oral tion tom as or om OMMD er eda- Teach- a. es cation mo amAlAM 41 eti mlo MO lb dr, rtvtitrInivootrirr Byraolise a Sim a Prellusionsl State University iv* ,4 .._&_.,.../121.1.11M11. Continued New York New York New York New York New York New York New New York New York New York Long Island New York New New York Arta and Arts and Arts and City, Arta and Arts and ture . Technicp1 University, Canto)._ Winded sobs& r Technical Moresville... nical Inzetktute pica Institute Aufred cal Cornell versity, Ithaca. and Labor New York University, Cp-M Institut, York YorkEttate School Nnw Wool. , = Brooklyn- and Home _ ...... %State Institute State State Menus, Utica -..--%-:!enoes, White Univereity, Ithaca Sciences, Buffalo State Institute State State State Institute . State Memo, e de, YORKContinued Institut State V Niemen ACCRIDrrED Cobleskill Institute Smte ,Agrfiultural 1111=11.. State Agricultural and State ukicz_ . of New Relations, Cornell Institution § . a Farmingdale.. Agricultural andT Institute of Imatitute of Agrieultural and at Institute d 41b EP...... 11 at AlfredUniversity, OD AD ...... Delhi, Deihl Maritime College, Apicultural ad Bln4.: _terinary at St.Lawrence a diowDID41.40.01 at NewYork r ------at Morrisville, ork, Albany-- d dosrgoasEl of Industrial ...=amds- oi Applied of Applied (A Agrioul- Plains.... talcs BRUM SS IMPGP414DID...... Applied Applied Applied CAglege, Techni- ..... 410P ao sodoa. - _ Tc-ch and Mai- 4W 40 410 at OP GP 410 INSTITUTIONS, . a gib alb Mb i I 44 AOID up a al a4 40 . dew GP .7) elation *nal 4IM aro- a Re- Ao I r OD gm. 04 44 4 44 alb lb A doAO 44444401. di .11 .11P MDNO Vt, OD O.MD411 on OD slop le grads- 4ffik ID DO114 im air Imb ow ow Air .- ate 40 414 . ,. iNa _, op A State unirmity ' a 4 11PVD A . OD Owam 44 4.40am lb 44aroam fob Ms 41 al MD.0 AO ABMIaIPADOD env SD ap mo.40 a rUn Mb 44D OD 6 A 1952 , 4wp as AD a AD em . , 4. 4,44DODID a do orela44 a 4. 10 AO IDdloA - GI OD-4044 44 SO irkt_n:2, Gb 44 met effr go o' 411 do 44' & AN a. dO do do MI $ e 131411 tofMom. poem Go& State par. end tke VI AOOw 411.614 40 doow lb 44414a .1.1 ar oda- ma= Tooth- alb 4IM Os 40 444 MID AD

Nil " fie IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIII Ilitil Intl IiitliffnI,to Ittt,

44 ACCUIDITIIDMOB=nanrunorre,1952

. Statedeport- two ment ot*dine- tics no- ,1160. tostetudos glogal id= moo- : dation&dab. 1 PullP&tIalGen-Teseh- ion tot7-mift-itrus esi pup u. edu- pucka- iJ credit cation 014 poses 9



East CarolinaOAlege, 0,r------nyille...... a air z PionCollege, DonC-4..11k,-z--- .10111, M x **FavettivilieStateTe-hers()dime, Fayetteville FloraMacdonaldCollege,Red S-nge...... -,_ a Garxiner-WebbJunior College,Inc.,Boiling i 8PrinP z WA 4111. MD NA _;, GreensboroCollege,Grftnehr-oro_____.... z GuilfordCollege,GuilfordColit...... High PointCollege, HighPoint, Am z WO - AO *ImmanuelLutheranGoilege,e0reensboro

a (4;yr.). - - ...... AlPe-11111'Imoseb41P/0 M elo *Johnson C.Smith'University,Charlotte._ In. Less-Mel-liteCollege,Banner t Elk(q-yr.)_ _ GP . ) Unoir-RhyneGalles%Rkkoueft ..... I ml 411 Oro **IIvinptecollege, Salisbury..... M. OD MP ..... GM MI, 410 Mo 410 Louisburg liqteLouisburg(2-yr.) . Mars HillCAIIIAge,MarsHifi .... z "IA Meredith(k)Iko, AIP. 1kigh : ..I i M* Corkige'Statfaville rill)..... -; *NorthCarolinaCollegeat Durham, vor $

dib Durham- Sib es is Am 4s...... m a* ..... M.am Oak RidgeMilitaryInstitute,Oak Ri (2-Yr.) - I Aft . , real*cx- et Raleigh(3-37.) 0. AV AD ====broke StateCol*terPainbroks.. _ X Pfeiffer JuniorCollege,Misenheimer...... PinelandJunior Collegeand Edwards AO Military Institute, -; burg (2-yr.) z lea PresbyttwianJunior Collegefor Men,

IM Maxton AAA AI.I a Ms OA Quwns CofteCharlotte. A M. a Mb M..S.; SD AD EPMIS ow ow am WM, alloNo ...... an.ft MD aeted HeartJunior ColkgeandAcademy, as . 4 Behnont . /. IMP ...... Oa AO IP 110 **St.Augustine% College, Raleigh.... alb No SO SS'M. al III 4. Bt.Genevievenot-the-PinesJunior College, AshevilleApr go qw In ...... aror di II IMO ...... or MO et SS SO1O. MO gla)Mary's'School andJuniorCollege,

Raleigh_ 49 MSa, Owop ...... AID AO 110 d AD 411 AO '41 ...... lb OD WS WO ID OP .11111 em 411 Doge, .1. Whwton-Salem.....1...... AP lob SPa, op 7 A *. 1. k ,._.. Bard dliktbar14:.:QPnd &ate TeachersCo1W:e-, ate* TeachersCollege,ValleyQty State TeachersCeilege, Baldwin-Wally* Antioch College,YellowSprings !hate TeachersPone's, Ashland College, State NormalandIndustrialSchool, University North DakotaStateSchoolof Jamestown College, North DakotaBAIA01Fretry, North DakotaAgriculture'loll Wiroz-atz c1Ieo,Wingate(2-yr.)_. Wilwington Colkip, West= CarolinaTesehers *Winston-Salmi Teachers(Wine, %vamp, 'it--43.nCollege, Wt-e) For-&-;,Calks., Univrty ofNorthCarotins,Chapel *State Tamp **Shaw Univesity,'Weigh INV _ n MA-gt-Ata u -__L llowbee..... dale. tineMi Wahpeion (2-yr.) S'W The trnivosityat . - State Woman- M the ._ 045 '4-42-4 - NORTH 73, Q 1 Nolg e- ACCILIDITZD HIGHER (2-yr.) s w94.11 Nportir,-L--=-A- College Flu* le ime,4% "- Op Or...... OPIND ,- ..... 4 Nouns DAKoorA North Dakota,GrandForks_ A CAROLIN NWT! DF-A-rAsdoesne4meeditother ,-.__ .___ .._, a ._-____ Raleigh- College, Ber r1,1-7-10-Cf1 bait:Won College, Oslo of Agriculture et N. - =._,,.,______-__A Wilmington Wake Forest Mils ACoatinne4 Min Mayville t:- Ocenilditftrla Swannanos 17;r1777,4-4-7: ____ ...... Elisabeth City_ .._ InetnuAke InNorth ..... College, Cul- dunked ...... 1* (2-yr.)- Sckatoe, and En- INSTITUTIONSNORTH WOOD INIPP1..1D . Fargo_ (2-yr.). Ellen- in el----:mi_nas Or Win- Bot- MIL abated 11, I up a'es . IMINSFY a 11 _ a r , T OD FP la IMP Dakota t --MOAN- gticaal , by the also- institutions aN. S Re- x I. I OD SS OW and 7worstsunderthe mr Mb ... In GO . IL XMP I1 Imo - ---- aa, 0MPMA4M loud. does Oa. Unwatip, gee* sIt I lion school a., caM (u) F .11101 No , ar F ate Mb GIP 1M OM 4# amass 10 IN Mr 4 State SM. a. vs, to nos accreditteadirfaxothonii of highereducationintheState. =1, 111P =1 X .1M . Ono Floss, MP . credit MD Mb MD 0. M ca) IN IP VW uni ran =V IMP sr. 4 =1. Mb MP . a- OW Mr. vr-rWty .al =11. _ INI am MD CM CAROLINA as as- 1 WeMbOrMRS = -a Imo 4111. , ess ea, ss 11 mor transfer Partial . credit Mo dabOaMb es) =IA saal a MPF. Mb asIF M MD - eas as, supervision etthe al .1=1 IMIP - ala F.las I. ¶ F asamsa - -- moot eledam. poem (*) Gen- State depart- pw eral X X_ X_ X X IMP lion 1 me asWVassSO ws MIOWFPIMP er Pasch- cation as ea (b) X X X X X a 4P edu- 7 --=-- 45 M. \ tO'VVit,. e-i4* Le: 2i " 1. , -a- ,-. = _ 1,'11' ili,litill(111011111 n 1"1111' "'ZVI Itliketti III lithium' to, ,r -- V Rk) Pontifical Our Lady Otterbein Ohio Ohio Ohio Stte Ohio Oberlin Notre Dame Muskingum Mount Miami 'AIL Mary Marietta John Kenyon Kent Hirara Heidelberg Findlay Fenn Denison Defiance College, College d College of College college College *Central Cedarville ton._ Case Capital Bowling Bluffton 46 Mount St. Grapde Ozwn. Wesleyan University, Northern Erie Carroll State College, V Manse Institute d University, Union College, College, College, of St. ______College, S 01 of of Mount University, College, College, College University, College, College, Green university, INO Steubenville, Woosur, College State Ckfllege, Coll..- Cineinnati University, College, 4111. College, College, University, College, College, j .. glades OsloContinued Cleveland Mary University, University, Hiram__ Oberlin...... ,_ "0:-,0X--- Athens Gambier_____ Josephinium, Findlay State .. Westarville... Marietta__ Dedlanee_ ACCRIDITID Tetihnology, Oxford 9_ Painesville Bluffton__ Rio St. %Wham SS e Cedarville_ Wooster New tu 4m. Granville_ Columbus,. Ms South '1;_e Toledo.. _ OW The, Borrows°, College, Mance_ lb-SIP the OW _ Toseph-on-the-Ohio, Kent_ Univexiity, The, Oa _____ arallMilLa Cleveland...... Concord__ Wilbe Ada_ Delaware... I .. Snriw, .... . Columbus._ Euclid__ op ... am . ______Steubenville_ 1 .0.1.. Cincinnati_ Worthing- ______Cleveland __ ..... cos ...... W. 11.1. V 1MP Columbus_ HIGHER DrIATTUTIONS, _ . tm. ... _ ..... MO ...... Bowling Colum- AID WI, _ .. _ __ _ OP ISII .... go 0. . ... OP ... am. _ _ 11. Ow MD ___, ....._ __ _ _ ..., '' _ _ Oh _ g. _ a. air go .. .1* , .1. on, , i ., am 1 i _ .1M alb z z ID gm x x x x I x x z x x X lib go, elation x x X X rkesi x 11. III moo- gib z 1111b 1.1. X 11 dim al g. v z z MO [ditionel .00. x x x x OP OD 1c x groan- Kilo& admi* &In totranAri z x x .0 G ig x x x ate x 4IM .01. OP oott- Ets!----- rad IN, . go. CM ea 4.01. bog' a. qp iUni J Ow NW credit e S om, MI al, rail dm. . mip ow 6 00 41, 1.1. 1 95 aft a. 5 0 410 AM wIl 4 e 5 05 mo I*so en OM ow .11 al. Partial omit .111. ea. .1. -- 2 Op 0555 S. OW I.. Via . on 10.11111101.... Am alp . 5 411,4, e IMP 0 - 1 Mo. S meat at .0 VOtft3 litm- 5- State AP -E,A=- e214 tfr =I 5 01. gmo al 411 ticia &pari- z er *du- Tomb- 'thaw -t=k111 z 7

". 11111171 rim r ACCR E D1TED HIGHERDrew= -OM MO 4.

TM-0i Awe depart- Stateuniversity meat of -edtwa- tion Re- Institutics rionwUncap- ono- elle II Gal- elationMugs-i PullPsrtial Teeth- am- to omits' trsz-,:c1ena Lodz Drets-smallcredit pw poses


1 4 MAMA Ill ammamaa.allo = tinue-J

ft....a _ Bt. John College,Cleveland_ 4111. 1.1. Seh&ufflu Collegeof Religious and Social Work,Cleveland_ _ ... SincitrCollege, Dar.,2-yr) aeA7ma Teachers CU Athenaeum cdOhio, _ einnati v.,

Univelvityof AL-- Lron A A mg A OA Al a a a

Universityof OttlikatitCincinnati (Ancinnat.i_d .. University of Day-ton, Dayton___..

1 UniversityofToledo, Toledo _ CP- Urimina Junkw Oalkge, _ as. Urh-Ana._ - IND alD MID

Ureuline College, Clev44n-d______OP AW *Irt--1.

Wft-tern Collepfor Wmem,Oxford__. AM GMal.ID _

Western Reserve .to University,Cieveland__,. IM NIP 411.

Cleveland Collft.T, Cleveland_ _ _ _... a S a a10S a Om **WilbeloreeUniversity, Wilberforceaae aaaa or. Wilmington Wilmington. ..a a NIP INio N. I Wittenberg College, Spingfield

Xavier University, Cincinnati ...... a a ar Ills aa a a Mb Y . College,Youngstown 411 MI. OD Mb ow I a a .111se. ada.-


_us Jolleg *V, Mir AltusC epo a aA .110 411 am a. 4.0 am. a a a al a

Bacons Go _.==--ac-Allie (2-yr).. .0 0.0. .01. VD .110. x _ .1 di :3 n Heigts I 4- Guthrie_l.ar a a .11, X

-:, A 2-__1any-Peniesi CA71; A A S a. 0. Mr. .. ea a. 411. GT Bristow PuNio JuirikviWittig., Bristow

M. 4.111 (1-yr.) a a a a a I Mio OP ma, A am AI MD 45. Cameron Stat. AgriculturalCollege,Lmw

ton (2-yr.). lab Al Mr OM A MD Central ChrLatianBibleOasis, Bartles- ville (2-yr.)S 5 5...... a a a a a a ab a a 7 2-7

4. MID 41111. Mntrs4state ClAbtge, Edmond x MD

AD Commis aatoAgriadtural ()cage,r warm!

a 6101 11. o GP SW ...... a a no a op TID Oh *NO mg 5b a S ...... S al a 2 4 FAst Central fkateCakeis, Acki . .... 4x a S a A AA Epstein OklaiwniaAqturs1 and Mo-

chanimi Whig% Wturton (2 yr.) MD lb ES ND AaiT I A A A AA Aam 11, Mr

El Reno Junk**Collep, M I Fab MI6 41161 Ai a


J T. 7- 3 , 0 .16 Mount Lirs_Wd Marythurst Lewis George Eastern Caeca& Oklahoma University Soul Univer-W Southeastern Sayre Seminole St. Poteau Phillips Panhandle Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Northwestern Northern Northeastern Northeast..1i Muskogee Grande. Murray "Lanpton =anew .....111....1.1.111. college, Ats (2-Yr °allege, Laws Gregory's Tiahomingo mechanical and Junior Angel Fox Colkge, Public Oregon college, University, Junior nark a aosoa:a at of Good-a College, Oklahoma College City Cake, Staiwattkr Baptist State, OLLAHOU Junior Military Agricultural Agricultural Oetaifary, College, Tulsa, &ate Oklthoma, State Univmsity, College, Junior State ...... State College, Oklahoma McWan (2-yr.)_ CoIIegeJorUd College University, Oollege, Portland OREGON = ---- ACCREDIT Cufleg, for Women, Seho College, University, Marylhuiit College, Inn! Newl-*---:rg E& Tulsa_ College, College, A Amckmv,, &yre..... 1 OoLlege, Junior Collage, iiihawmv _ w t -4;tim Bt. of Miami ea 4. CoLT Seminole Norman 1A-rk&A and had aoriEN Benedict. Education, Durant Oklahoma of Weatherford_ OD luckoiree. a.. r.D Tahkquah.... 'cult tirai . Poteau - , ab a Shawnee (2-yr)...... a MCK . uI Chickha_ (2-yr.) Mechanical - Clairmotr Agrieuiture, HIGHER ..... = MI _ a do .. OW _ _ 411 _ ... _ _ .. - a o Ton- City.. _ IA - and _ _ _ _ _ I . a. . 41. _ _ _ _ ...... _ _ INSTITUTIONS, . .... ea x i x x S x - ee 1. x x .. = o IP 0de X ,------=aaa-- Unoosi:- rade- don to admit. smbool . AD X ate a . _rate alt _ a- 411= trandor' credi _ O. Un'TWty V NIB I *I . 1952 S. I O am t Paw so a a AO. _ 1 Partial ft &anew crftitt . - GP .. OM 40.- .0. a. , ,. ; OD a want OW &we a r el le time a cd edam _ 014 0SI am deport. a *1 e cubt, Taw& S 0 edu- e PIMI

111111111111MINIONMENIIIIMINummomMemmmommmommmomulimmou 1:. 4 lass I Ave. 4 4 - ., Duquesne University,Pittsburgh Southern Oregon Drop& College,Philadelphia_ Genova Colitege,Beaver thuum Carnegie Institu Dickinson Or Curtis Oollege Allegheny Albright Reed Gedar- B Alliance College,Cam Fran Chestnut Portland F-w2 University of Wiliam M ultnorn&hCoI1r.Portland(2-yr viiivrtraity ciU1140u, , Mount _ a_ 'V - - a l PE- Umiak! Ashland rvr-61- Angel LIU; t = The testailkssabiociredInoti=1.4 3 ver a _ v .thuNv-, Mawr Colkov, 0- :L and U Institute CoUee, Jenkintow_ &tate College ga*a....*G1* College, Angel I College, L school- 04)-.4uric Y.' atute OfMuee,The,Philadelphia Hill otw, College, Meadyin& OM. I,12 vanity, Christian College, cit trmi Oznage, $ a meow ot I sornalwhim.. Prar4%- k rmi-1 Oollese, atiKigiir 414 Women' College,Mount 1/45 a 7, P-1-3 ram, ...... S .6 ei. Erie_ of glen, ... l*ne,VE!' 7 E a of ...... an.a L'" Y _Carlisle 01 Forest k Wino === 5,5 Co Umiwareity, 'c I- -_-, Cit Technology, - 4 Bryn A = g 1 a V Co . Jig . Oollege, 67411=1 A aijabeththwn_ WU- rm. Portland agme_ Tm.h.nologv Falls MD NM 1.443, t ....wW.WaS ... I ti D tows = a k Mawr__ t."1! of oraibpd . u I d t . IM _ .._.__ .. . HACCR--r.D1 [IA la- 41 a_ ft VI ft Ellgtkn, ye .--.-4------Monmouth - p _ ..______2, 4, . el ....._ _ - Education, Lancaster Ir k ar Philadel- . ... tft-d 6 _ ._ . _..... 111 Mr . a, ea )_ . .. AI" _ am .. i k , 0 - .. & _ . 11.11, .. ND D. a _ _ MIN NM _ . a-7 atersead bythe td1 . DD. _I . _ .1. 1 W. 111. ISLUIC1 0.4Milt- glom/ . Wo- 0 PD Re- x x I x x I x x x al it x x x I x x x x z x VW it x s _. . mo..--101- 1 IND ^ I i 1 1 1 1 I ... i - ....0 I: No, sion 40 rftiu- watxzw,-A1 Wag Ile X1et &be .16 I x x x x x x x x x I x I x _ I x x x x s MD -DOD It x . _ z Mt* tinttwtity iso . ----sigatiori j ______. _____ ...... _ . translir transfer . . craft . . rut1 tFLri 61. *IN v 1 . _ 4 _ WID - _ ' 4-- ______.__ f 1 l'w-tAl mkt Dm 4% F5U-ft _ Ali. IMP do 1 IND t _ No 40 . dM. nic-,..ut 10. pone Oen- Rt-Me tk-i*.rt- ptu-- Grail I IC X 1 I CxI UJn al _r 1 ' ermink a mItu--e- Teacth. - S I a. . X X X x I 1 x 49 41. a . :11 1. . r-r--- II ilPit .11 III III 11 itiolmtpm 50 ACCREDITED HIGHERINSTITUTIONS,11042

Statedepart- Stateuniversity punt ofedtwo. tion . Re- Institution gionalUnooa sawdItl .40%. dance ,, Gob- *deli*FullPartial Teach- rl don totramkrU-and oral gradu-creditaeditpurer edu- ate posescation school

1 1111m "'OrEZSassoonloOmmurr,3, 6 7 oP'sms PENNSYLVANIAContinued Gettysburg College,Gettysburg x ... alb GroveCity x a a aa aaaa College,GroveCity______aa a GwyneddMercyJuniorCollege,Gwynedd Valley HaverfordCollege,Haverford .11 x aaaa x OP HersheyJunioiCollege,Hershey x VO a ea. ImmaculataCollege,Immaculata Mk 41.olD ...... ED JuniataCollege, aaa a a Huntingdon x x KeystoneJuniorCollege,LaPlume______King'sCollege,Wilkes-Barre - oft Ow ao PP 1E1 LafayetteCollege,Easton GIP Oa e MP x x MP OP MD Ol LaSalle IMP OM a aPO. College,Philadelphia. x LebanonValleyCollege,Annville el 4110 x MP OP Lehigh AIM PO alp MIO ago University,Bethlehem x x -PC **LincolnUniversity, LincolnUniversity__ x x LyeomingCollege,Williamsport ___ __ xix MaryknollApostolicCollege,ClarksSum- aa a mit (2-yr) MarywoodCollege,Scranton ma* 4MI X X ow w MercyhurstCollege,Erie aaa Iaaaaa 40. MIA WI OW X X GP OP MessiahCollege,Grantham(2-yr.) MP, MP OP OM PO Mir a 4a MooreInstituteof Art,Science,and Indus- aaa try,Philadelphia.

OP OV oNIP Moravian OP 411OP College,Bethlehem... x MoravianCollege forWomen,Bethlehem_ MountAloysius JuniorCollege,Crv-----Qon _ x MountMercy College,Pittsburgh. _ ...... OW PP lOo a PP Muhlenberg X College,Allentown...... x NationalAgriculturalCollege,FarmSchool Penn HallJuniorCollegeandPreparatory alb ONO School,Chambersburg. PennsylvaniaCollegeforWomen,Pitts- burgh.. ly ...... x OP OP OwS ftl PennsylvaniaMilitaryCollege,Jflester PennsylvaniaStateCollege,State at, se- Oo a 4. Ow a a. of, College... a Owaaaa aaa PhiladelphiaCollegeofPharmacyand Science,Pbiladephia.. IA A A ...... ow or o. OP Ow OP ow ow at el; or PhiladelphiaMuseumSchoolat Art,Philo- delphia IMP SP PhilvielpUs a 4111. 2 TextileInstitute, v. PL-iNAielphia._____ owAow inoA AAAow to olot Ow ge fallGIP 011,

4 -; MI 1 i


State depart- Stateuniversity ment of edam- 4. tke Re- Omni Uneon- Institution ono- Mind elation iamb-BullPartialGen- eral Teach- sion totransfer treader er edu- Pur- I groin- creditcredit cation ate poses school -",- 1

3 A---- III 4 7 PaNNsrLYANIA--Continued

Rosemont College, . Rosemont OD .1.go. 41.9 x x I Bt. CharlesBorromeo &mimicry,Philadel- phia. ... St. Fidelis Collegeand Seminary,Herman St. FrancisCillege, Loretto z x

St. Joseph's College,Philadelphia gliban. x

St. VincentCollege, Latrobe...... foo X X Seton Hill College,Greensburg ... x Stite Teachers College,Bloomsburg x x IMP MD MP State Teachers College, California.... ND Mo am. Teachers College, . _ Cheyney..... x x 111. State TeachersCollege, Clarion x x State TeachersCollege, EastStroudsburg... x x State Teachers College, Edinboro_ _ x x MO am. d State Teacherscollege,Indiana...... ___ x x a

State Teachers MID College,Kutstown...... _ _ _ x x MP OD Ow State Teachers Collep, Look3 _ _ _ x x Ow am A......

State TeachersCollege, Mansfield x I 1 *IR !. State Teachers College,Millenville...... z x mo State Teachers College,Stippensburg...... x x 411. ...EN. State Teachers College,Slippery _ Stele Teachers College,West Chester.... _ litusqinhannaUniversity, Selinsgrove_ _ x x

SwarthmoreCollege, Swarthmore x OW .....

Temple do 4D University, Philadelphia. . ism ... x MID lip

Thiel Collep,Greenville alp z x "I Universityof Pennsylvania, Aphis... x x University ofPittsburgh,Pittsburgh...-.

Johnstown Center,Johnstown (3-yr )__._ =Ea. mo el University of Scranton,Scranton._ x Prsinus Collep,Collegevilk x ..... *. Vally ForgeMilitary Junior College,Wayne Villa MariaCollep, Brie...... -.....s am asp s Villanova College,Vthanova...... -.- x Washingtonand Jefferson College,Wash-

6-1 r_IOnse ington.el alP .10 fin eSMa OPflat tio alp 88. 111* OD IN ...... ale a, x ma 41. Waynesburg Oollege,Waynesburg x WestainstAir College,New Wilmington....

Wilkes College,Tr; hap 40 Ap a a* ea a adi 40 aIPO.

Wilson College,Chambersburg-SP 41. gro asio

.p ; "T* 'per ? 4if r . ' ..."4;:Si.': 00- 'do


Statedepot. Statetutiveniby awn t of educe. tics

denlon1110 Re- Institution *aidthsooni MO-Woad *n- eWitzt winds.FullPartialod _ sion to riswtransferpar-II'hi- undo-creditcredit 7: eta PONS sotwol


1 a a 6 7 4010 Ogee 4111, PICNNSYLVANIAContinued

6.4 Wyomissing Polytechnic Institute, Wyomis-

rim 4e. OP de Me met deD OP Ale d GE sing(2-Yr.)----- I am gmde 0 40 elb IND ere. York Junior College of the York Collegiate

md ,0 ad mi. 00 40 Institute, York_ 04 0, ow 04 a. I OF OD vat 0 ee madm imo 41M. MO


College of the Sacred Heart, Santurce 40 0 ed 0 40 Polytechnic Institute of PuertoRico, San German ... =0 40 ...... Banta Marii Catholic University, Ponce (2-yr.) University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras -x


Brown University, Providence Pembroke Cot,-Providenem- . op a

Bryant College, Providence.....0 0. Ms 4mmo dim ynn mllo.

Catholic Teachers College,Providence _ 0 mg end am01.

Hill College, Inc., C-1,17150-kei, NdtabOD OIND GP

Providence Bible Institute, Providence .M gm op Ob 4M el, re .mb Providence College, Providence_ ...... Rhode Island College of Education, Pros+. denw. Rhode Island College of Pharmacy and

Allied Sciences, Providence ee 0 0 dm die 5 iM a' Od d.or alb OD

Rhode Island School df Dedgn, Providence_ oro - robOD

Salve R*na CollegNewport (2-yr.) Ade MPfedele01, OM OW OM Mb dm

University of Rhode Island,Kingston ad do ea de owor me ad 0 en ro dllod MP de OP wl am MOND YMCA Institute, rtc (2-10 aUN.

&MTN CARO LI NA (3) (") ("

**Allen versify, ColuragAa_ x-p r deo OP

Anderson College, Anderson (2-yr.) .44. a MP ma adrels AY am

*liehgAict College, Columbia. .... _ ...._ xp AI ar or es me

Bob Jones University, Greenvillel . . am OP 410rIr 1110 Mb so alb 8 The University "South Carolina does aiAtastas anaosredi.OPAwawy. Spartanburg JuniorCollege, Dakota WesleyanUniversity, Mitchell_ Presbyterian College,amen College ofCharleston,Charleston Clemson AgriculturalCollege,Clemson. Citadel, TheTheMilitaryCollegeof Freeman JuniorCollege, Black HillsTeachersCollege,Spearfish... Augustana College,SiouxFans Erskine College,DueWest Columbia College, Watford College,Spartanburg Winthrop College,RockHM Wesleyan **Voorhees SchoolandJuniorCollege, University ofSouthCarolina,Columbia.... **State ColoredNormal,Industrial,Agri- North GreenvilleBaptistAcademyand Newberry College,Newberry. Limestone College,qaffney Lander College,Greenwood Furman University,Greenville Converse College,Spartanburg... Columbia BibleCollege, Coker College,Hartsville *Clain Calege,Orangeburg **,Sumter *Friendship College,RockHillt2-yr.) Major ConservatoryofMusic,Columbia. South Carolina,Charleston cultural andMechanicalCollegeofSouth Junior College,Tigerville Denmark Carolina, Orangeburg (2-yr ) Approval SOUTH CASALINAContinued . Pw, to beterminatedAugust$t,lift a MO 4.ma Methodist DIM MannINSTITUTIONSSOUTH Institution Ono ...... College, ...... So AP GO Central ...... _ eP'. OP - _ _ a .. 41« _ O OP _ _ _ elation &nal I moo- Re- w x x x GO . An OD' ". 71* I I` Miami Uncap- sion to admis- .N. w gradu- school ob. MbOPWew ate a State Ow OPP trans* m O. OwPow mi. owOPP WM, credit univenity Full on. wW Mb ol 4 win. aMo MP OW MP MB. ol low m 401. we. .1111. yip on dila mo OP CAROLINA transfer ow onaw Partial credit IM wp din MOPOPP do wIp ow wow OW ment of poses State depart- non- wow par- VW ro. ow ors] .11D calo tion w. aaaa er edam- Teach- cation edu- 7 53

ufiTfoilm. N111111111111111E111111111111011111111INNIWominoifiMMINHOmmunimmmiliimen yr: Pr.



A State stateuniversity meat ci tion Re- A. Institution glottaltrims- mewditioosi 4 elationadmb-FullPartialOen- oral Teach- eketotraastartrander er eda- gradu-°NMcreditm- ate poemcation =11MI! soiled


Ma111.01.1111111641MIMMINOINP.....Mn 4 6 8013111DAKOTACont4nued General I. BeadleStateTeachersCollege, oo Ow Madison. x-J es op do 00 s HuronCollege,Huron. z z MP n NV a MountMartyColl.__ Yankton(2-yr.) X NorthernState i TeachersCollege,Aberdeen..z NotreDameJunior z Mst College,Mitclu:41.. SiouxFallsCollege,Sioux Falls do. a...... NO CP opno On SouthDakotaSchool x-j ;1 of MinesandTech- nology,Rapid City ...... z z : SouthDakota 01.111. 1 StateCollegeof .t Agriculture andMechanicArta,Brookings. x z op .1.40 SouthernStateTeachersCollege,Spring- field...._ IMP MO E. ___ Universityof SouthDakota, x-j I .4 Vennillion., x um WessingtonSpringsConejo,Wallington r SiminP (2-yr ) _ ...... , YanktonCollege,Yankton. i z O. op o olo X JoP Times=

::" 1°I PeayStateCollege, Clarksville...z z...... ont College,Nashville...... _...sp..,x Zil 151 BethelCollege,McKenzie 71411 so 40 o a n a zT,a x an a .1 1.In .. aI a X % Carson-NewmanCollege,MentonCity z z a MP op Ion ...... z CastleHeightsMilitaryAcademy,Leba- . non (2-yr.) . . a 41Ia ,a a ChristianBrothersCame, a n Memphis 1. .10 S No. (2-yr.)z x up l. ant . Il M. 00 .t CumberlandUniversity,Lebanon a a a MP .0din IN, 40 X . DavidLipsoombCollege, P. up =.On 2 Nashville MP 40 411. 44. I. 11.M. X Mo...M.,0. East IND.I.... I I TennesseeStateCollege,JohnsonCity x **Fisk z z -4 University,Nashville x ! , ...... _ vow . mr. Iw ...... '.1 Freed-HardemanCollege, , z Henderson MP Oa e two am (2-yr.) a X 1110 GeorgePeabodyCollepforTeachers, X Nashville . z x lawmanCollege, a ow Aiwoo..... I Madisonville 4116 (2-yr.) MPgilp I. ON aft op ow op op I. oP 010 0010 . JohnsonBibleCollege, _ Kimberlin.. _ AP MI 111..10 a Ow a aa . op viiono el:at or Mit KingCollege,Bristol 01Ib X 4.0 Op ISO sNO Ow el mi do **KnoxvilleCollege,Knoxville _ ow ow I. lotso 111111 r-p adoppp air 110 41 or or LmbuthCollege,Jackson ow es, ow MI0 I. ... eh> IIea **LaneCollege,Jackson



. I 0 V t' 'S'k . - b,11'.4;;'. tali Alt 4

gmaalway UnIDT-7= ..,qqoualawril112991KM"

MIS loadwp *MS Aisimitm mew jo -wrap 1041 saa aolluMgal Pnb411 -emoun iquiPs mms ririVad PUe 410911 a#11111$ SWIM eW -Jnd 411:4 -ulna imam iipeup mod 10011011

1 4 9 panunuop-Antimunau

a7I 49291100 PillriteAgO * WI* (MOW an100 indult% d.x "loom ivpotnew 44cmaromup --ewVauvH - cioelpim uoonnw egolloo urlivp; 'a-anoej pfra-Ind ('LC-04)

.mw air 43291100 "4"'"`"9111ALIM S ow MD dim "

sitidmen ems 'atzffoo m w ID sw oppJ aaseauuoj, Gq '929ll03 -4eaigniA °Jog

`0901103-uailiTIN uldhUTW 0201100 ----- =, 1.D 11410PI-41014/.. Iguu0N Ptm TvIllianpuI 100

%vet uAtoinuow (.atc-g) Alb 411M, 111inv-s °Sono° zoj wenspqa -0mAtievX =leis 'avemea $14duveri umNInog empraanoo usaweitunnog gpidtuelsi giqdtuoki esenoo jo 'orenw Rqduraw wage* pgotapq munt %Sonora .-411920'ff reaniinop;iv puv Or% 491091100 MISIOAltin 911WprON 00.110Uttej1 otatioegpa 4.44nIngai -ol000 amA uvispak, 4a2elloo cuarav (LC-g) - va3a-Ae4I auarnioN 'slow° miming 'o2---alloo 0111411100410 110TUfl 'Lua&uj 1101310Ir AlignApri lo ---aotiuTWCIO.411200LIMMTIO - 410.19441111 jo aq 'woe Gammas iwizawn, JO "seopetwoja --eigAmm ------Awomua jo anseuuDar, zolunt 4alello3 ulINN ThPA `MisaaApin ouptqweN tumuli dimmer meta gApuelqua 011

"Ng o, luestidy Os IR Prigalula$ kV 'It NT 56 ACCRIDITZD than=INSTITUTIONS,1962

Statedepart- Stateuniversity mint ofedam- tke Institution gkatelUncut- me-, Miami a Gen- at &glut&dna-Full 1Partial eral sionto IA transfer er edu- gratin-creditcredit Pur. ate cation school *).



- TEXAS (43) (44) Abilene ChristianCame,Abilene . x 010 AgriculturalandMechanicalCollegeof Texas,CollegeStation AllenAcademy, ill- Bryan(2-yr.) a.. AlvinJuniorCollege,Alvin AmarilloCollege,Amarillo(2-yr.) ArlingtonState College,Arlingtok&-Yr)-- AustinCollege,Sherman..... Baylor .... University,Wawa....a a ala **-131,-3hopCollege,Msraball Blinn College,Brenham(2-- .) "ButlerCollege,Tyler..... _a a ...... OP do CiscoJuniorCollege,Cisco e CUrendonJuniorCollege,Clarendon._ CliftonJuniorCollege,Clifton DanielBakerCollege,Brownwood Decatur ...... BaptistCo114e,Decatur(2-yr.)a._ DelMar College,CorpusChristi _ (2-yr.)._ 4ED EastTexasBaptist No MD MI. College,Marshall_I all a a a MP a 110 EastTexasStateTeachersCollege,Com- Merge a a ...... - - moo- a EdinburgJuniorCollege,Edinburg PrankPhillipsCollege, 011. Borger(2-yr.) co a* MI GainesvilleJuniorCollege,Gainesville Hardin-SimmonsUniversity,Abilene 'HendersonCountyJunior a a a a a College,Athens . -AM HowardCountyJuniorCollege,BigSpring. HowardPayneCollege,Brownwood IncarnateWordColle,Ban Antonio a a a **JarvisChristianCollege,Hawkins a a ow . ... _ KilgomCollege,Kilgore(2-yr.) Lamar 8tateCollegeofTechnology,PAAtu- ii mount(2-yr.) _ _ I.,areiloJuniorCollege,Laredo a a ow LeeCollege,Bayton(2-yr.) am Ow ! 1m.80 am. LeTourneauTePhnicAInstituteof Texas, Idongview a Mamba institutionsoftinAssociatione4TexasCoftra. *Aw-_---+=tonumberinstitutionand Uattdtri_eit,utkes InLt4- A--==otatimof TexasCaws. Iam g 4 South a3utht--nt4sm Southwestern Southwestern Southwest Tens Southwest Texas Southern Southern College South To elan Antonio San Angelo Sam Houston. St. Mary's **Samuel Eit. Edward's Sacred Rice Institute, Ranger *Prairie View Paris Junior Panola County Our Ladyof Our Laxlycithe **Paul Quinn Gd North Texas Lon Morris Mary *Mary Allen Navarro Junior Midwestern McMuuy =MOM= nary, Fort Ban Marcos **St. Huntsvillo Antonio College, Prairie -liner Hardin-Raylor Heart Pitilip's Junior Colkge, Wawa Methodist University, Institute, Kerrvilkt Hoston College, , College, University Collve, San College, San College, Victory Worth college, TixAs---Continued College, University, Bible Junior Dominican University, University, ...... State' Baptist Theml Colle, Agricultural ColVzo Houston__ College, Junior State Teachers oileg, Ranger College, Lake College, Junior College, of FineArts, State Teachers View_ Institution Institute, College, Denton Abilene JaCksonville College, Fort ks.1 Houston Paris College, Belton . of SanAntonio, f-Alege, Carthage__ Clic co Waco Ban Antonio (2-17.) ALM ITED MGHER aM an. College, Houston_ Angelo (2-yr.) !mckett Antonio (2-yr.) Wichita Fails Corsicana Georgetown Austin M Austin and Mechanical War-o-h-fthie K (2-yr.) Ban Houston cal Semi- Dallas_ Uvgide__ ...... (2-yr.) Worth_ 0 College, College Antonio_ _ (2-yr.)_ GA le M ... OD Elan _ _ dip mb 11. md. AM. .. INSTITUTIONS-21EXAS IM ..111 .. taw - IM . _ _ ' _ _ .11 k Mb MM, .. m am, x-p datIon aim glom! 411M r°=2-. Mb Re- Mlb a VIO 3 M. Mb M. .111. Mb .11 4.11. ..11 do Me "DP ON. Inm .11M MI, MD 11 rsI M alb Alums- MD MID din to Mails- school gradu- 611. =I am Mo. alo Mob ate .1N mba Mb 4111. Mb MOD 5 ma. m MI, =. State university - .11M ..m IAD - 411111. MIM - 411. mem "MN.. Iyanster x-i credit m. MP OD Pull .1. el& j .111. mib ow am Mr ma. transfer Partial credit MEW MDOW ,M I. r =1. IMO am . 00 MO .10 - 010. toM MM VWMbOD MD am us. al* alp Mio ment of MEP gm, m/b MP I.. 410 poses State depart- °M- Pur- - ead OM mob Ilin 41M mm. s alw Mil ow. - .1.11 Now - sow dm tion ' x-j educe- & Teach- mMlbibibbM. oda- 7 57 M "R111110111TIVNIIRPmimmovomutmlilr 111111111MINININIIIMIIIIIMERNME2112111111111111111ilitilfillIntIMM0110 Amtiminamitaiscomationitmitimmanummaimminstmito a %


741 sr Statedepart- Stateuniversity mint ofedam- tiers Re- -.21111MeDA111.4111111171111 Inetitution &sal . SSW I p. dation*doge-PunPartialGan- find Tomb- skint*triode(transfer or edu- grade . creditcredit Purl' ate posescation scampi

1 1 7 TaxLsContinued i 4. StephenF.Austin StateCollege,Nato,- doches I. x Sul ______: I 11...... dn X Roes StateTeachersCollege, _ Alpine_ ; omvs. OD 41, X 4111 X Tarieton 4111. ow lb x StateCollege,Stephenville(2-yr.)_ x Z di. OP Temple ...... OP x JuniorCollege,Temple...... ___...._____ Texarkana x 2 College,Texarkana(2-yr.)..._.. .._ z z VW .....b... WI. .M. 4Mo MP z TexasChristianUniversity,Fort Worth.... x ...... I N- "TexasCollege,Tyler .... ,...... x x-p . ....g...... 4. .POD 0.; x TexasCollege ofArtaandIndustries, . . Xt1 -.4,-zvilla...... x 2 Texas . ,..._, x LutheranCollege,Seguin . r-ej .111.,a.../040 I TaxisSouthern University,Houston__ z Texas 18outhmost , College?Brownsville 0 (2-Yr ) I - in. wo I. Texas I MP. MD MO I 'hateCollegefor Women, __ DeMon x 444 2 II. MO ...1 es 41. 4112. Me . I TexasTechnologicalCollege,Lubbock x .nr4o..a. _ I d 0 at,alklob TexasWesleyan I College,FortWorth _ 4. , x . ma all .1..1.am I A. Me Mb fa I **TillotsonCollege,Austin.... . I Mb AN..2. I. 41M. TrinityUniversity,Elan IIM Mb41. . OE I Antonio WA 4.. . I .0 , ...dmeMo I TylerJuniorCollege, Tyke:. , a x x ...... _... _ _ ... _ I x UniversityofCorpusChristi,Corpus . Christi , . ,m, X x UniversityofHouston,Houston x OD.. ..0 40. University of St.Thomas, Mb4..41.4.I. WO x Houston MN .. ._ al a. 2 ant OD dM, OD 60 OW a. .a. ... mP University of Texas, Aitstin I .. ID MD WO x i I u _ .. _ _ _...... a TexasWesternCollege, El ... Paso , x __ _ ... OW x AP .0M . VictoriaCollege, I a Victoria(2-yr ) , vx -___.__ I..__ WaylandBaptistCollege, I Plainview OP al. an. 41122UP ...... _ It __...._ WeatherfordCollege x of ParkerCounty, , Weatherford(2-yr.) ....-.._, x in 0.1011110. WestTexas State alDambeir 101. x Collep,Canyon.. x ...... , I WhartonCounty Junko ...... x College,,Wharkm... 1- I I ... al. a. ... gos ea *a 61. NA X "WileyCollege,Marshall = x-p a I AI v....x UTAi

BrighamYoung tniversIty,Provo ..... MD asIPelb godIP CarbonCollege, Price(2-yr.) . OD UP asallo alaMINO, III 1.4 FeED NW ND (Megaof StMarpot-tbs-Wasatch,Balt LaeQty...., ...... the sosteditod1 Bridgewater Co Apprentice School, Bluefield Averett Ckillege, Vermont Junior Trinity °allege, State Teachers State Teachers 1. fit. Michael's State Teachers University ofVermont Putney GraduateSchool Green Mountain Norwich Middlebury College, Marlboro College, Godd&rd College, Bennington College, Westminster College, Weber Dixie Junior Utah State University ofUtah,Balt al Theuniversity . tural College, tion, Putikey Snow College, Branch City College, College, Bluefield University, . st miasmabytbsStato Agricultural (2-yr.) UTAKContinued College, St.George College, Wino Agricultural ... el Intents College, Lyndon College, JohnNm College, Clatitleton. BurUngtrn Burlington Ogden (2-yr.) At XIIIDITE College, Danville (2-yr.) VtaontiA Junio. follege, VERMONT Plainfield Institution Marlboro.. Newport News , Ephraim Middlebury Bridgeirster....._____ Bennington Northfield__ 1 Salt Lake doss notswath and State of Teacher Montpelier.... College, Lake City ...4=4.41411 (2-3T.) -I College, D HIGHER (2-yr.)_____ -0 Dsportasnt otZdnostkuse Center_ Poultney_ City_ - -__ IIMP Mb.* Logan_ ... .. ___. Agricul- (2-yr.)... . _.. 1 Educa- MD Oa411 ___ . Cedar higher . ... a. do _ MO ____ _ dm 40 I. ... _ 41 .0 ddi MST .1. _ educitkmal 414. _ _ , : _ I 4m. at, .41.Iwo dation w 4M, 3tivs4 x x a=lp. x x x Re- x x x x x x x x x ITU,TIONE3-17TAH i me 41 IMP =1. Oa '''''r amp a rt:Me441- al dr iditkxml _____ Richmond,. OP .0Vat 4=110. MP Sian totrumfm admfs- rrsdn- school 4E. InAlVations inthe lip ate .41M d .11. ,- State antmlity did INV INA 00, - db. -Mir 011. x-p (41) (mitt - x-p Full OW MP 4 p 611. 41. 4. Amowam a* amoutaw tte partial (") credit M. ra X mip - State, but add .1 dim 11. 4 11. MN. 10 v. alp .0 4. 111 11111 .111 malt of I poem x x x 'tau" Gen- Par- eral At. 4111. , MP Aar ;IMP 410 MD A mo MD tian mots 41, WOaVIDISO VW OM demi- ewe/vapor er ado- °Won Teach- I °duos 411. dw I I es 41P. AN. 7 59 BID .% Mal 01. a 141 . 0;-- X- ... = ,____ Mt 11111111111111101111 -.-- YH 11'1,111 " ' " 41111111111I1I11 n 1' 0! Nr. 60 t 1 ACCREDITEDHIGHZRINSTITUTIONS,1982 ammalaalma

A...Waal/gala --fra Slatedepert-I i Stateuniversity meat ta*tom- tit= Re- Institution ikons]Uncap- WO.Miami elation&drools- FullPertielOen- sion le oral Taub- transfertreader sr *du- redo-creditcredit put- ate woesestion school

aaaaaamiataaar 3 a VIRGINIAContinued CollegeofWilliamand Mary,Williamsburg_ X NorfolkDivision,WilliamandMary VirginiaPolytechnicInstitute, Norfolk(2-yr ) a or a a aa a RichmondProfessionalInstitute,Rich- mond____ a aa a .71. a a aa a a EasternMennoniteCollege, Harrisonburg__a a a a a a a EmoryandHenryCollege, Emory a a. eaI_aaa a aaa FairfaxHallJuniorCollege, Waynesboro_ awed. a a FerrumJuniorCollege, Ferrum a ow F. General a. me a go.co ..... Assembly'sTrainingSchoolfor LayWorkers,Richmond ... MP Hampden-SydneyCollege,Hampden-Sydney. *HamptonInstitute,Hampton Hollins .. - College,HollinsCollege _ _ _ ...... d Aro aa a aa r a a InstituteofTextileTechnology,Chariot villa LongwoodCollege,Farmville .. aaa aa I a am. LynchburgCollege,Lynchburg am,a IMaa a a- S a I a aS aaal MI as oN. MadisonCollege,Harrisonburg a x Mk a MarionCollege,Marion (2-yr) a areea MaryBaldwinCollege,Staunton .. a a a aa MedicalCollegeof Virginia,Richmond_a a Ow aaeaafaaaaaa a a aa Randolph-MaconCollege,Ashland______a a I ame a a a..... Randolph-MaconWoman'sCollege,Lynch- burg aloae RoanokeCollege,Salem a em ea mr ..... aa a a *St.Paul's a a a a daya. PolytechnicInstitute,Lawrence- ville _ Shenandoah&liege, a aft, aa Dayton(2-yr.) a a a a ShenandoahConservatoryofMusickt S. a a -a-a ton Day- Southern a aa a a a a aa a a a SeminaryandJuniorCollege, BuenaVista...... _-a OW aaaa a a aaa a la StratfordCollege,Danville (2-yr.)..... aa a S e. a aaa SullinsCollege,Bristol(2-yr.) a a a aa a a SweetBriarCollege,Sweet Briar moo a a a a a a la a aa a a Musiconly.

IS -,,,f,!. , the Seattle Seattle Pacific St. Martin's St. Olympic College, Lower Pacific Holy Names Grays Gonsaga Everett Ju-niOr College of Eastern Central **1-: **Virginia Washington "Virgin Virginia Polytechnic V trent.% 44 Virginia University University of e lark Cheney State. The Ellensburg_ ntraia Junior Lynchburg Edward' Seminary, Norfolk Division Radford Mary Washington Westhampton Richmond College, Univinity 01 Harbor College, Columbia , Lutheran University, College, versity of Washington Wfa-i University, Military Intermont Pugs' Sound, Theological Union State Colkge, VIRotritAConeinued c...At in of Virginia, College, -- and Lee College, College, ______Vancouver College, Beattie_ nowallik Richmond, ACCRE D'TE College, Norfolk Junior College, College, College, College, Bremerton Weithingtce do Virginia, University, Richmond_ ASHINarON Institute, Seattle n College, Bristol College, Spokane.. Olympia College of College of Institute, University, Spokane Seminary Radford Aberdeen (2-yr.) .=edift rutkm 1 Tacoma_ Everett_ Kenmore (2-yr. Charlottesville_ College of of Virginia Parkland Centralia Richmond Petersburg (2-yr.) Fredericksburg._ Richmond_ D HIGHER Lexington_ (2-yr.)._ Richmond...... _._- _ Blacksburg_ and College, Longview_ Education, _ Education, . t _ Lexington_ _ . ______=1 accredit _ the Uni- (2-yr.). , el II . AY. 4 10I State _ .. ow . __. 40 OM - 0 -- - _ cr &woveotherInstitutions _ ow al, Mb _ _ _ _ _ M. _ _ dn. - gm .. , snriri,--Z-f-m, . . ' _ _ _ ., 1 atk eats! x x x I ism x x x z. i x x mew- idiLk-miti A, es I or x x x x X Re- X X X z at a O do. OW ONO MI. AOa04, MD a X OP ty alb e 141111. m. 404 trims. Minis- RkEn to gradu- whooi WM' (") .. S ste .11. m 1.0. O. AM 'Mb - State university I1M w4. vim 40. a. Alb I e =to jS110 O W MI .0111. ow ..... Mb Mil, transfer MM. MD (") eredit S 0.dm M. run me IN, Ow e,111. 6 WO. .11.=1.1..1111111M111, M. 4= on.. I 0 ,11.- c highereducationin M. MO ... S IMO M. thumbs do. gm ow Partial 40 0MP (") credit OM en ow QMMO OMR ow 0 4 fl Mit MID Mb MP MI, 40 41Mo as. low MI. up 0 1- ME 40mo ow . aunt of°dump r-j State Roses Fur- X eral X VII a 1=1. INIP - 0 0 mi.GO I. &pert- XV OS aa MD Mb My s/ edu- cation X. Tomb- a 0 6111. =I, v 410 61 0 VD air v .11 All It' 1, Titli t 4 " -4. it , West ** West Shepherd West **Storer Mem Mortilt J Marshall Greenbrier ens Fairmont Davis Coneord "Bluefield Bethany Beckley Alderson-Broaddus Potomac Yakima Whitworth *hitman * Wenatchee 'Iest State 6 Walla In University aeon College Skagit Bellinghwu estern 111 Vernon Virginia yr.) Liberty University , igmnerY Virginia brier ilIe College, and Harvey Virginia Chasieston College Walla College, College, College, College, State State Valle College, State Washington VaIJv State W Junior Elkins College, State pdilitary College, of State Junior kali University, ot Wft-t. ---- Salem__ College, College Institute uf College, Washin., College, State of 'Music College, Junior School, Harpers risT VIRG), NO'roiS Huntington.. Beckley Athens College, Washin. College, Bethany__ College, ACCREDITED Junior College, . ---- Walla College Virginia Instiuition Colin's, Spokane_ College, Wive &7110ols College Charleston__ College, Glen Shepherdstown_ Keymr Fairmont Ferry of Continued (2-yr.) Walla and - Bluefield -011, Pullman doss Elkins_ Lewisburg No College, West - rw Vows Seattle. Wenatchee. v Philippi Teetknology _ Institute_ of _ . nal aoaredii _ Place.. Fine _ . I Yakinia (2-yr.) _ Libert. A' Vt. . Education, _ _ HIOJHU _ . ______. isburg 411..y.i.11 _ Arta, Mount _ _ _ _ . _ _ postaecoulary , _ en, _ _ _ . INBTITUTI x x x 4. (*Woo rkian.7 &sea- Re- ineituticas 07) dlt kwe.2 U psdo- MOD SarrJOI OP - S. dm MOW ti .1 -4 State tO V! 11 .(a) ---_____- trtirriS*1 :Ai , WWII ran tail of Wed 6 I 9 52 IMP 410 11. MID to') 11.1 trair Pert al avid. t II - 1. Virginia. y .1* , moot poor* Gem irrar ert.1 x tale AM 4"P A* Of tioe l el se edu- cle.t TVWt Mir edam- fp f-dwzbyurt- 11. 01. 7 _


S tate depart- State unireirst two tOIt mit)oi titm

Re, LfltUtULRii wrIalrnekinT aw-vd clat.k.untad 1 Gen. in IP- Full 1' art_ 44 "rnbct)- iin 'do transfer oral 'tranickgrpar-wetati rftaucrtwl t t=TfullL cation sts poses whoa ,


ct Vir WettleyanCollege,Hoek hsamon


Alverno College,Milwaukee I ' wi clandCounty NorliK1School,k_foilariti

yr. s '" Barron C4IurltvNormal School,Rice Lake 2-vr ...... 1

Beloit C.t)11efBeloit _ *9,utiaioCountyNormalSchool,Alma (2-yr.)

Cardinal StriechCollege,The, _ Carroll Colle--01WanK.osha -Columbia CountyNormalSchool, Colum- bus(2-yr.).______41.

oricTorliia College,Milwaukee _ (2-yr.) 1 I)Q(lgt CountyNormal School,Mayville (2-yt)) fio Dominican College,Racine__ . Door-KewauneeCounty NormalSchool,

Algoma(2-yr ) _ _ _ _ ft ut ..... Dunn CountyNormal School,Menomonie (2-yr.) - FAigewood Collegeof the SacredHeart, Madison 4. Gre*n CountyNormal School,Monroe (2-yr.) 1 V. Ir. OS .1 HolyFamily('ollege, Manitown-q _ a. Mb mr Juneau CountyNormal School, NewLisbon (2-yr.) _ amo ow I1 . X Langlade CountyNormal SthoolAntio, (2-yr ) Ia 'ND - Oa

Lawrenm College,Appleton 41. co Layton School of Art, Milwaukee. - M. AB. ... MD w .ta 1 MP' 1M ncoln CountyNormal School,Merrill

m a...... 40, ol b ANL =lb )- Nog Manitowoc CountyNormal School,Mani- , towels (2-yr ) .. OF. O. O. X 64 ACCREDITED HIGHERINSTITUTIONS,1952

State State university mint adeduca- tion Re- Institution gional 88100-ditionalti- elationadmb-1 Gen- FullPartial Teach- a ion to eral transfertransbr eredu- gradu-4 creditcreditpur- ate posescation school


4 1 1 PbS 7 WISCONSINCcaltinued MarianCollege,Fond duLao _11 Marinette CountyNormalSchool,Mari- nate(2-yr.) MarquetteUniversity,Milwaukee am. 40. MiltonCollege,Milton Milwaukee SchoolofEngineering,Mil- waukee alb Milwaukee \ VocationalSchool,Milwaukee gin Milwaukee-Dowiler College,Milwaukee____ Mission x HouseCollegeank.Theological Seminary,Plymouth T. MountMaryCollege, Milwaukee 41M NashotahHouse,Nashotah NorthlandCollege,Ashland OW. SS

NO. VIM .4.A. .111. NorthwesternCollege, fa.OA ano Watertown______Cou amie 1 X CountyNormalSchool,Kail- I:0 as (2-yr.)_____

Polk Mow aS CountyNormalSchool,St.Croix (2-Yr.) __ Racine-KenoshaCountyNormalSchool, 4WD 10op, UnionGrove(2-yr.) Richland countyNormalSchool,Richland 6 Center(2-yr.) RiponCoBeige,lUpon

ow St..FrancisCollege,Burlington 1m. StFrancisSeminary,Milwaukee 41ND St.Lawrence JuniorCollege,Mt. _ Calvary aw- St.NorbertCollege,WestDePere AO .m Saliatorian Seminary,St.Nazianz(2-yr) ..... 1.1ND Om Elituk OW 'ma CountyNormalSchool,Reedsburg _ _ (2-n ) _ - _ _ emb emw ---- ...... MOP elmgm. Shebolgan auntyNormalSchool,Sheboy- gan Falls (2-yr ...... Om. NED ma N. MN StateCollege,LaCrosse _ _ AA AA StateCollege,Superior...... OM Air OA) StateTeachersCollege,Eau .11 ems 41 claire d 21/ ,110. State amb A. M. TeachersCollege,Milwaukee._____ StateTeachersCortege,Oshkosh_ .... Amp X StateTeachersCollege, x. Platteville_ _ _ _ x StateTeachersCollege, SteveirPoint I x



a of theinstitutions University of Casper Junior Wood County Wisconsin Wisconsin Waushara Viterbo College, Vernon County Taylor County University of Stout Institute, State Teachers ( ; a TheState " ; .6 toms (2-yr,) Rapids (2-yr vile (3-yr) (2-Yr.) (2-Yr ) . Southeast Center, Northern Wyoming Northwest 'a lege, Sheridan ctit- "rv"-----. , wIscoNant--Continued State College, Institute of . Department of County Normal ACCREDITED .. checked incolumn Wyoming, Nisconsin, College, Casper ) Junior College, ---- Normal School, College, Menomonie WYOMING La Crosse Normal School, Normal School, Institution ' 77 p.;' '' ...... - Torrington Technology, Education does Whitewater Laramie_ Community Col- River Falls Madison ' ...... !ENTER 7 I School, Wau- are acceptedforcertification a ... Powell 1 Wisconsin , Medford _ ------Viroqua not accreditinstitutions Mile- a vt, ..... _ _ _ . INSTITIITIONS---4VISCONSIN .. -* 0. dation gional %Or ROO- Re. aro . taw 4,., OD lb .4* AN, A AO 4=, ditional Uncon- gradu- admis- sion to school . purposes. MID mi.. :rt. ate 411. 4po mo. '.. 411o. State university Or of higherlearning, .1. . MID ransfert credit Full Partial render credit but thecredits ment ofeduce- State depart- "A tion - er ado. cation v. Teach- 65 7 Ili ' 1 t INIMMINIUMMEM _

66 ACCREDITED HIGHERINSTITUTIONS,1952 RegionalAssociationsAccreditingInstitutions ofHigherEducation 1. Middle StatesAssociationofCollegesand Secretary: SeoondarySchools EwaldG.Nyquist,StateEducation .N. Y. Department,Albany1, Area covered:Delaware,DistrictofColumbia, New Maryland,NewJersey, York,Pennsylvania,PuertoRico. Affectivedateoflist:January1, 1952. 2. NewEnglandAasociationof Colleges andSecondarySchoolsI Secretary-trea.futer:.'DsmaM.Cotton,Harvard Education GraduateSchoolof CairOriclict_ 38, Mass. Areacovered:,cwilecticur, Maine,'Milasachusetts,New RhodeIsland;Vermont. Hampshire, Affeztivedateof list:'December 3. North 7,1951. . CentralAssociationof Colleges,9,nd Secretary: SecondarySchools NormanBurns,5835KimbaskAvenue, Areacovered: Chicago87,1. Arizona,Arkansas,Colorado,Illinois, Kansas,Michigan, Indiana,Iwa, Minnesota,Missouri,Nebraska,New NorthDakota,Ohio, Mexico, Oklahoma,SouthDakota,West Wisconsin,Wyoming. Virginia, Affectivedateof list:July1,1951-June 4.Northwest 80,1952. AssociationofSecondaryandHigher Secretary-treasurer: Schools F. L.Stetson,Universityof Oregon, Areacovered: Eugene,Oreg. Alaska,California,Idaho,Montana, Utah,Washington. Nevada,Oregon, gffectivedateof list:1951-52. 5.Southern Associationof CollegesandSecondary Executive Schools secretary: J.M.Godard,316 Area Peachtree,N. E.,Atlanta,Ga. covered:Alabama,Florida,Georgia, Kentucky,Louisiana,Min..' sissippi,NorthCarolina,SouthCarolina, ginia. Tennessee,Texas,Vir- Effective dateof list:December6,1951. 6.WesternCollegeAssociation Secretary-treasurer:CharlesT.Fitts,139 East mont, Calif. NinthStreet,Clare- Area covered:Arizona,California,Hawaii, Effective Nevada. dateof list:November10,1951.

I ThisIsnotan accrediting body,but hasstandardsfor membership. 1 1 KANSAS: IowAIowa StateCollege INDmNAUniversity hultois: GEORGIAGeorgia DISTRICT FLoamAUniversity CoingisencirrYale University, CALIFORNIA: ALABAMA Alabama .1 responsible officer, Professional e. 1 Atta&A,prWminantly Imams University ture andMechanicArts,Ames. Notre Dame. University ofIllinois, Illinois Institute University ofSouthern University ofCalifornia, ., Secretary: Herbert and cago. nology, Atlanta. ville. Haven. vemity, Washing-tn.i Lou Angeles. tute, Auburn. given the accredited Applied Accredited CEDING EACH or State CollegeofAgrigulturi of Kansas,Lawrence. COLUMBIAHoward National Science, Manhattan. name professional of Technology,Chi- Accredited Schools Institute ofTech- and Technical by Negroes. of Florida,Gaines- Polytechnic Insti- of NotreDame, and theeffective L. Beckwith, Urbana. and theaddress by Nation-wide Berkeley.' Architectural of Agricul- California, of thefollowing Cambridge, ARCHITECT or MILT ra New Uni- technical Massachusetts of Architecture, OuioUniversity NORTH CAROLINANorth Thew YORK: NEW JEREMY MIssolmWmhington MnitznamtUniversity MwmaANUniversity MASZACHITRETTS: LOUISIANATulane date ofthe Syracuse University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Pratt Institute,Brooklyn. Cornell University, Columbia University,New Harvard University, is i Accrediting Schools Massachusetts Mass. cinnati. State Collegeof Engineering, Raleigh. of its Princeton. Louis. Minneapolis. Ann Arbor. nology, Cambridge. F L. schools lists ofinstitutions New Orleans. Organfrions secretary, Institute 1951-51 1=1 list. or Board Princeton or of Cincinnati,Cin- Institute Departments departments University of Technology, Ithaca. Aviculture Syracuse. Cambridge. or some Institute,Troy. University, of of Minnesota, University, Carolina 61 York. Michigan, of Tech- W' of Lou- having other and _ are St.

= fig INVIi117111111ill 11111111 1110111111 wmamminMMMMMUMUMMUNUMMMNNNMMOUNUMMMOMMONNW . v e

7". 11.;: , 1 1:.. .. . 68 ACCREDITEDHymnINSTITUTIONS,,1952 I. OKLA!!olutall-OklahorpAgriculturalifid Times: MechanicalCollege,Stillwatp. ,AgriculturalandMechanicalCollege of Texas, OftiooN-----Universityof Oregon, &igen ` Coll; tion. WeeInstitute,:ouston." PENNSYLVANIA: Universityof Texas,Austin. ..- a VnionuA: ': ' . t Carmel)1,nst1tuteofTechnology, . : t. a1: Pittsburgh. ; Universityof Virghifai!.ChaAottes- a 4* . ' b - . . "". ! 4- ! %r . . ... 4 j-'6 PennayivaniaStateCollege,State .r ,P ...: College. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg. UniversityofPennsylvania,Phila- ..ksP , WAsinturroNUniversityofWashing- delphia. to8eattle. . .

. BIBLE . Accrediting 3 AssociationofBibleInstitutesandBibleColleges Secretary-treasurer: TerrelleB. Crum,100 StateSt.,Providence8, R. L AccreditedCollegiateDivision 3 Members,October1061. CALIFORNIA: MuarisirrA: BibleInstituteof Los Angeles,Los MinnesotaBibleColl*, Minziesp- Angeles. olis. PacificBibleCollege of Azusa,Azusa. St. PaulBibleInstitute,St. Paul. PacificBibleInstituteofFresno, Fresno. MissotrarCentralDibleInstitute, Springfield. Southern California.BibleCollege,islEntssak--9raceBibleInstitute, COsta Mesa. Omaha: C0L0RAD0--RockmontCO liege . (Den-NiwYoax.--MbnionaryTrainingIn- ver Bible Institute),Denver. ' stitute, Nyack. , GEmtou--ToccoaFallsInstitute,Toc- OmoClevelandBibleCollege,Cleve- coa Falls. land. Improas---MoodyBibleInstitute,Chi- : PIONNBTIMANIA: . ft cago* MessiahCollege, iNDIANAFOrt Grantham. , WayneBibleCollege, PhiladelphiaBible FortWayne. Institut.,Philip IowiChicago , delphia. EvangelisticInstitute,RIMS -Providence -UniversityPark. BibleIn- stitute,Providence. :. .%.,. KANsAs---ManhattanBibleCollege, BoutinCsaouNAColumbiaBibleCol- Manhattan. (,.._ee, Columbia. I . Miczno*N---OwossoBible Collegt,Txx SouthwesternBibleInstitute, Owosso. Waxahachie.



44 ) , . 1 ..; 4:


, .0 9 . 4 . ;

I-11'1a. At-4A -A t. ' ; 1 , e. , f . t ,

r< 41. .I "Pc 1- ivtTigiunaCt? ufl lee

= 1 BUSINESS t , O : :1 4 . .'i.7 ; 1: '. 1 , ; Amerimn Assodidionof CollegiateSchools of Buitiess

. . Ettecsitive Secretary: C. E.Gillnand, Jr.,101 N.Skink&Ed., Station 24, St. : -tt .;....ii-; i ci ipouis15,Mo. .. . ea

. *limbers,1951-51

I . 1 ALABAMAUniversity of Alabama, Ifni-MICHIGAN: , f g-tr4.f,roltio versify. University of A.j=1-3 LIMA. ! AmzoNA---Univensityof Adams, Tumn. UniversityOM Michigan,A Arbor. ARA Nous-Un1veiItyof Arkansas,FayseMINNEROTAUnivereatyof Minnesota,

ettirrill* 1 I. \Minneapolis.

11. CALIFORNIA: Mrstitssivtr-Univei i I-yof Mississippi, StanfoidUniversity,Stanford Unit UnilyerAty. varsity : Missoum: T? y WiUritttrei÷c# .,rCalgornia,Berkeley"4 St. Louis University,St. Lautl. Loa Angelo. University of Missouri,Columbia. University of SouthernCarrnia, Watilf. OnUniversity, St. Louis. LOS !,kzilliVio Itt/15 4k 4 , A MorrANA--inhiontianaState Univensity, Cot_A3n tilot . Missoula. Att..te 4-LIVVir=ibVul"orado, Boukktr. NEBRASKA: uni , ofDenver Denver. ' Circ. tint Unive-Nity 9Omaha.' . FxonTDAUnivorsityof Mori Gainft- I. . University of Nebraska,Lincoln. vale. GEORGIA: NEw HAlipsinuEDartmouthCollege (The Amos Tuck Schoolof Business kmoryUniversity.Emory University. university cdp theint Administration), Hanover. *t 4.Geora ' NEW InusET--Rufgers huigots: ;4 University,

Non'hwestA-z--t-n .University, UM.-1 WI Newark. Univeisity ofChint,_ ..#* Chicago.t. Nzwtons: Umverany ofIllinois,irrinna City College of the Cityof $ew York, IND J.- nil art TytiniV ICUy,Bloom. New York.

: a bean?Eaf Columbia University,New Ywk. ' a

.: IOWA: . Cornell University, Ithaca. ..: . *) Drake Univers' DeWI.. 2 Fordham University, NewYoru

State' Universityof .wol-a City. NewYork University,New Mt4, +V'pe--e4.1 ou T g_LTT:t-w ,mvergp. syvorma RANSA&---L' nifty of it art y , Lament*. _44 University of Buffalo,Buffalo.).:1 KENTucmrUniVersityof Kentucky,NORTH CAnouNA-motraiversityof 'North Lazincirin . . caToffaikChapcl

' 14! 4 LlimalAN.A0 j te- ' NOTATHDARerA---university of North

I; 2.. Louisianaor,,,teUMVemity and Agri- t*Dakota,uranaFor. a ;* ;14

cultural and*Miehanisal ricaI%OF =mt -%oe a . .

Onio:. , : 1 I 'BatonROup. . . " t. Loyola Tip .1_, tf 0dord. = NAOrie_mucs n v p / Ohio Stqt- University ., 9Col Wane umver-Lity of,.. . Loukkkna, New' , ..; ... , : -v. f Ohio u Athens. ..., , , Orleans'. 1.....1.::et,..?1-11 i .:.A p 1: a.r 'Ai.' . ,.. V=v 1 M.," Tvff-TA II%I*.. i.--_ . -I 7=b 0111,4I v Is'' :I ..:- ,_- 1 { 1 .. . / : . 4 a 10 .:_J_ ____,_14 , ...... 1I...I. ' / . 40...... , land, ,... .. I a . MA*YIAL4T. se -I : : o es: 0, 0 VA.VA.....v V A . - -"....a.M..t E. E .n. ,,, , vir -111 i /.,4 '' i'.i',.. ti0 .!. : v. ft.; ;1 :-. I ;, .-.4 ...to v .- V i ..- 1 4. . ..: C.;A.1 At: I!.+ . ., . . J 1 ' j . ...I V. a 1 .rs ri _ ' i 6yin! ,....I.. I IV . i.i,til-_-:, 0:- = 4 p ! .:111.64. . I- 11 ` I ' , P.1 1 - ;I to _ -te 4 . .. 4 '21/ Of, ; Vimiv tit: Boston," --_ e" 1(14 4 kiTtli 1:4 1-.titt , ITT aI A ITIVITO "S1 ClatoOn. A HI. V tIcyp 0111/00*"..6 -f tt..1 ! 4.' I lossabar. I Provi_ moolate man !!..: f ., I. lk 70 ACCREDITZD, MORIN 14- IONS,1932

' PRNNSTLVANIA J 1:5)ARLT.LtivurBity of UtAh0 Balt e kenign university,&welkin. Qty. TempleUniversAty, laddrhia. Universityof Pennsylvania(Wharton: a 7_3 Schoolof Finanw University and Commerce),, c Virginia,Charlott Philadelphia.rhia. villa. Universit of I Pittsburgh.;WashingtonandLeeUniversity, FlownDAKOTAuntvemityotSouth Lazington Dakota, Vermillion. WASSINMN: TRIM of Tennessee, LThLfl Knoxville. Collegecot 'Washington,Pull- TrixAs: fl University BaylorUniversity,Waco. c Wasb: n,Seattle. SouthernMethodistUniversity,Dal,.WIsoottax: las.' Marquettetauuu---,0Univernit Universityof T Austin. Milwaukee. Upivem:tyof %maga,Madison. z CHEMISTRY AmericanChemicalSociety,Committee e& -- -. &--ft on Prof()woadTraining Secretary:J. H.Howard,343 StateStrtRochesterPN. Y. InstitutionsApprovedasBeing walia__=qtnffer Training ocrw fz forChemists A ALABAMA: N N E OTL1 . AlabamaPblytechnicInstitute, Fin Auburn. w.w1_ ,'fanfold. II:LirofConmocticlit, UnivemityofAlabaina.,4_Diversity Storrs. Wesleyane az:varsity,Middletown. ARIa.oNAUniversii of 04.* na, YaleUnivTit:7,New Tucson. Ea ..lavAn. DZLAWAn'woUnivemity ARKANtAsUniveridty of.. Delaware, ofArkansasI Fayetteville. I Ne"------. CALIFORNIA Drama,OP.-;OL.:1-LuVIA : CatholicUniversity CaliforniaInstituteof Te-ohnos,_ ...... _ ofAmerica, p__, , vewhingtou.

Hown-7110 ,-1, Occidental Univemity. 44, n 1 College,LosAngeles. FLORIDA: PomonaCollege,Claremont.04 Die... Univermityof n Tk..,a st*te g San ._, Gainesville. cT. rSan 1. o Diego. Universityat Athimi JoseStetsCollege, 03r EtIGables. JnJose. -a == a StanfordUrnstAtr__Q.;÷." V Stanford _ Unwer- _I II 4 ni tEmory sity. C- 9 University. . etCf 11=7 Institute V ofTee'lioiru calif.) s Berkeleyand .1.4w Atlanta. . r Angeles. .4, University Universityor al Athens. of SouthernCalif HAWAII 4 Los Arleen. UniversityofHawaii,Hono- U COLORADO: IDAnoUniveraity . of Idaho, ColoradoAgriculturaland Mfthant.Ev.mois: Moscow. cal College,FortCollins. BradleyUniversity,Peoria. ColoradoColl Coloradpe4 a Minds Universityof institutea TWh Colorado,Boulder. Chicago. °Mr, Universityof Denver,.Destirer- LoyolaUniver-Oty,Chicago' 11 Attentkdwear41 w)nintivByNegroes. Ir-Tovismoolatememt=ahip.

, 4 ;1.. -.. !,... - t,.. ... _r CRY4MISTRY 71

ILaalloisContinuM MA8.3An,E7-m--Continue4 Monmouth Colle_ze, Monmouth. Northeastern University-e Bagton.

Northwestern universitvI Evanston. Radcliffev_zot4eze.Cambridge UniversityofChicago, C.itaago. Smith College, Avortrifirantonr- . University (ITIllinois,Urbana. TuftsCoiio,tMedford. whmkton Coil neaton. UniversityGIMassachusetts, Am-

INDUNA: herst. . DePauw Univenitj, Greencastle. Wellesley College, Wellesley. Indiana Univemity, Bloomington. Williams College, Williamstown. Purdue Univftsity, Lafayette. Worcester PolytechnicInstitute UniversityofNotre 'e-a-ne,Notre Worcester.

Datnft. MICHIGAN: it Wabash WierCmv,lords vine. MichiganCollegeofdiningand IowA: Technology, Houghton. (.5 Iowa StateID 4; Agriculture and Michigan State College, East Lansing. MechanicArts,Awe. University of Detroit, Detroit. Stw.1:UniversityofIowa,Y Iowa City.'University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. AWVnAn. 4-ASVA.3.6--LL3. Wayne University, Detroit. 7!- state CollegeiofAgricultureMINNE-56TA: and AppliedCidnftt Manhattan. Carleton College, Northfiel Municirol Univei-F-7 ot..Wichita, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul. Wichita. aI- St. Olaf College, Northfield. Univen.it Lairrence.' UniversityofMinnesota, Minne- KENTUCKY: apolis. 3MI University ofr.en Lxington. University of: V inALouisville. MissiSSIPPIMississippi State College, Western Kentucky StateTeachers State College. ggIVL`t- CoAege,.A.A t--_,un MissouRIZ LomBIANA: St. Louis Univemity, St.,Louis. Louisiana State University and Agri- Uhi versity of Missouri, Columbia and cultureand Mechanical College Rolla. BatonRouge. Washington University, St. Louis. Tulane University of 'milldam (in-MONTANA:

.. cluding Newwmb College), New Montana State College, multi. Orleans. Montana StAte University, Mir.3oula MAINE: NEBRABKAUnivitTEIty' ofNebraska, Bates 011e n Lincoln. E4-31-vuui,,College,&unstick. A NEYADAUniversity of Nevadi, Reno. University Maine, Orono. NEW.....LAMPBEITHE: MARYLAND: . JohnsHopkins jBaltimore. Dartmouth College, rti.FAI* Universityof d,College University of New Hampshire, Dur- Park ham. a MASgiate1U121-:A NEW JERSEY: miums.A - AiI II Lijrn E ffx Amherst. PrineetotnUniversity, Princeb 7 A-wri 41- Op: Hill.d Rutgers University,New WiVA T Bostonni ti V - Nicw Maxim: e -LPL. _ clarkUniversity,Wif New Mexico Highlands, UnhFec--=ity, harVardt'ValVOMIT,Cambridge, . Las Vegas. * Massachusetts instituteof Techno- NeW Mexico Institute ofMI rap1.0 ffand m_ 1.__ s logy,Canfo-ddie IerinnOlOrrF tSocorro. , M^s'intHoly** Coll*, South Bad- University orH NewMade%Albu-

a s kef , tux 4

4 4 ,o mommittniversity Onzo: , Noir= trniVU1` Ohio Wesleyan Ohio Ohio Oberlin Kerion Miami Kent State Den College PaBa In8titut-2 ORTII DAKMAUniversity Bowling A t D&kota,°Grand NEW 'Yost /2 University State College Duke Uiiiverty, Davidson Vassar University University Syracuse Union Rensselaer Queens Polnechnic New Fordham Cornell land. Columbia Colgate Bowling Clarkson City Brooklyn Hill. nftring, Schenectady.' Troy. York, in-rm Brooklyn. College), Heights nard-f-caege), t-Pr! Potsdam. New York. State University, University a CAnduNA: University, College College, of Vrooster, College 0%11A-ire College, York Universiiv College, Wr College Univemlty, Flushing, of CI of Akron' Green University, University, College, Univ Green. of NorthCarolina, univerai " University, of Buffalo, of Rochester, College, University Polytechnic and Wngton New Coliev of Agriculture c4. Technology, Univgamitv Institute a theCity University and University, Oberlin. ACCREDITED Forks. Gainurer, Poughkeepsie. Aihe *nn= Yellow of theCity Oxford. State Durham. York. , F New York. . Davidson. ty, Kent. WMT3tAr. _ Bropidyn. Ithaca. _ Hamilton. Columbus. Syracun. of New, Buffalo. (inCluding Springs. of Brooklyn, v Institute, University, ci New Delarre. Rochester. Technology, (University and Engl.& of North York. y Cleve- Chapel of New 171.7af 1 Square York, kar4., SOUTH Sorra 11A RHODA! , 4 . Vanderbilt University PENNSYLVANIA: South - South Dakota Carolina, . providenm, OKLAHOMA 1 Villanova o... OHTOContinuM Temple u . Sw-A Pennsylvania niVenite Pennsylvania Lafayette 'Bryn Mawr Jun!ats Elaverford Gettysburg WitRO_Z-IM Franklin Duquesne C Bucknell te Ailf4heny ingn. culture University Tsehhis. University Oregon lo Aoki Reed nivpimitv University Oklia.- ALA_ en,,,,i. W-__sttm Science, 1.sraitez--e. ni,_.," . Pittsb .._____.,...... a easter . Pitts' .1" a w.--,-.4'=-a-,.' ,. caiCo . ,...... ,.. . _44 : .. I-ELANDBM/11 on. Dakota n . AZOTA: Cave, ffa a, . ua IONS .. wig College1Geu Co tV V and , r gigV.,.- I...-e- ..-,--_. State - e.-.=aw"..---,a---aJ irgh. Colle-g- . eusa v awe ot University, * rr,- r- at South Va2 invg--_-roltv, * Reftrve Uni College, Inzgitute - of of of Agricultural of Oushom I College _ Ten- J. _1141 State Rapid Vra "ek, kJ-14 g. College, Portland, jaarmrallML v-mgont jjjj \ Ehe, a-7-7-111--1 if---L2 , ft:water. _ ite . '7, urtlan j p Mom_ _ 1952 ,,A 7: & 3 untinedon, ...PI: rim-ton. t ai 44. e' ,Swarthmore. 1G.-- Coll* vanity rtrzei s et Pharmacy Univeub I y City. alladelphia* ff 4;1 averford. lerist Dakota, of Technology L44-4- enivernity, .;--. VaAaV"; Alva-LA Caar-.=, on( U. _=J Wwwburgh. &eh -a I Artic Corvallis. . , ; for Women, follfte, : Pora=nds and ugene. . Knoxville. w Mines Pittsburgh. ysburg. .$ 1.1 Norman. 4111 v Ale. burg. of South rwi , At 7, Martha:* ' I A; \ ; P n A Vai State hu_ - Cleve. '4triL _ Lan. and 44 ..d ff . ill Oa . t

1111111111111111 II IIIIVIIIIII IIIIIIII.1 Ifi Pi Itl,,,i Ictll l!ifIl IIIP Mil IIIIT A-TYt.'7 p. J,!*1 L,,,e,.., I,._,.,,,.7-:.,;;;,,..,4,-,;iit.:i;ii:L., i-A.i,;" Tsui: Vniono.A:, V &sash's Sorstary:William UTAH: ALA.BALmA----University 11..uwois: CAuroa/nACalifornia CollegeofChi- CALIFORNIA: .e. .;iti4.4: _ o I r Brigham YoungUniversity,Prove. Rios Instilut,Houston. College 0WilliamandMary,Wil- University ofVermontand Utah University ofUtah,SaltLakeCity. Universtly ofTexas,Austin. Agrioultural and .: Randolph- Illinois CollegeofChiropodyandFoot Chicago CollageofChiropody,and Middlebury College,Micictlebury. University ofSouthernCalifornia.' University ofCalifornia,San College of Birmingham.' Attiaded prs.ainfoiadly Provisionally approved. First WONT: ,o -1.2. ..'; a Texas,CollegeStation. lianithurg. ropody, SanFrancisco. Agricultural CoawlBurlington. Logan. Surgery, Chicago. Lynchburg. Podia Surgery,Chicago. San Francisco. ciao. .'..... 14. - , ---,s0.1...4- &aviary: ShayPeterson,222EastSuperior i "o American DentalAssociation,CouncilonEducation National AssociadonofChiropodists,Council ...... - 3 - . :- - ..j.v i:., : Ton cdprogram ,-- -. State .Iwr ,,....i:;...... ;., Ai', g/.414/. 4 Physicians .,. . ..., \, /1 . Agricultural . 4...... Mechinieal I,/ ) 1.?le( '. Aesrodipd CampsofChiropody,1951-61 &II Woman's College, arrov". by Norma. :,. Accredited DentalSchools,July1951* *: . t .;.: . es r.s.4.7..44. of and Surgeons, .4, ./ . ,. ., , J. Stickel,MOO1 ' ,, : Alabama, i r College, . CHIROPODY Oo liege ..":11)::4i DENTISTRY \ CRUMMY Prom- ...... State 7 ...4:°_%).-'1:-"_ :41.1...".8 441.._*_,:.i!.1.e___,i_._,_L..___..,_in.__,. . VIRGINIAContinued WASHINGTON: WIWI` VIRGINIAWestVirginiaUni-4, Wiscowsiw: OkioOhio P Niw YORKLongIslandUniversity, 1w/ion: OnonoIAEmory University(Atlanta- DISTRICT orCOLUMBIA: ------'----_-_------._ 1114NSYLVANIA State CollegeofWashington,Pullman. versity. College ofPugetSound,Tacoma. Virginia Polytechnic virgin& Lawrenoe College,Appleton. Beloit College,Beloit. University ofWashington,Seattle. Washington University ofVirginia, University ofRichmond,Richmond. University ofWisconsin,Madison. Cleveland. Brooklyn. Howard University,Washington.) Georgetown 'Universityr4Washington. Philadelphia. Loyola University,Chicago. University ofIllinois,Chicago. Northwestern yniveraity,Chicago. Vail ton. villa. Lexington. Blacksburg. . Southern DentalCollege),Atlanta.' , 4 Street NW.,Waahington . Street, Chicago11,Ill. Military Institute,1.4xing- 6 . : College , and ...17.: i r on '1Y ,-' Temple University, , .1 Education , Lee -:: " 21.d.:41/rr. of '' . ...i... ' Charlottes- University, Chiropody, P .. -:4L- Institute, 10, D.C. . --Z 1. 0 4 - t I 78 - 10. .. i e Or : .1 . - . 4 W 414' 10. 1I -..'. N' .. v.. .. .;,... ' . r. IIIMMEMONSIMMINIMINIUMMENstomonsononst NIMINIONNIonsa 11111111111MMIIIMOMMIIMMUNIMmimilailimmenmemi # ,;) fs, NassAsci: f MIssousa: MINNzsoYAUniversity MICHIGAN: I MASSACHUStrre: I Attended MARYLANDUniversity Lour KRNTurzrUniversity IowA-T48tate INDIANAIndiana 74 University Provons Creighton Washington Bt. Louis University University University °Harvard Tufts Orleans. Louisville. City. apolis. City., Minneapolis. litANALoyola Itithore. College, .) predominantly By University, University, University, approved. of Nebrasia, of of of University, University Detri4t, Michigan, 1 Boston. ACCREDITED Kansas University, by University, Bt. Louis. Boston. Omaha. Negros!. Detroit: of Lincoln. City, of St. of Iowa, Ann of Minnesota, Louis. Maryland, Louisville, Arbcar. Kansas IMMIX Indian- 4 Iowa New , 00 WISCONSINMarquette WASHINGTONUniversity VraoiNIAMedkil TExAs: TINNESSZI: PENNSYLVANIA: OstooNUniversity , Onto: 1' Nvw INSTITUTIONS, / I Univers* Baylor University Meharry University University Temple %atm hio University Columbia New ton, Seattle. Milwaukee. RichmOnd. delphia. land. land. Yowl: Ii State York University, University', Medical 1 . Reserve of Texas, of University, of r. University, , of Buffalo, University, of Tennessee, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1 93 Co a, College, Dallas.' University, lisped Philadelphia. of Houston.' Buffalo. New Columbus. New Oregon, of . University, Memphis. Pittsburgh. , a Nashville.' Washing- - York. Virginia, York.' 0, Phil*, Cleve- Port- 0 A * 1, Its, fill IIIII VIM VII ff IINIIIIIIIM VII In fl II - ' 1 i 4 dn. ...= 4WD 4i1 a 1 I i 1 I MD MD I 111111()111111 MID MID ' non ,IMP 111 1111113 . .11, 1111111111MIMMIEW e. 11. . 11

.. i f'1,7!7'1,'412°,r17:r x______._ z I . - tc Schools x utsn . . 11 x x I . IttMl Y. VI 11111i _ _ I 111111 _ _ N. Engineering lok ii,z14 .. 18, ,f141 4 1961 ou 0 __ _ . York _ 11 _ . 11,111 October _ _ New 4111141L111111111111111r i a I WI _ 411111 _ 11;1111 1 _ Committee _ , i I _ _ Street, Curricula, ' 1011 111 g 1 !I...111.14111111 x x______x i 1 . 1 39th 4..411".401 11 7111110 x . 1 x Ivutt__, c,...) -a 1 1 11' IlI West Engineering x x 29 Development, _ . _ MD _ ENGINEERING i (4., . Mb AN Robie, _ _ 6 1' _ _ 4114 < 1 I _ _ . 4 H. _ _ _ 171 J _ _ ON Undergraduate _ _ . < Itgrt 1 1 . _ _ .._ _ _ _ Professional _ . curricula. _ Edward IS x __ IMP _ IN. for _ _ _ Accredited IVE accredited 8ecrs4Cry: ______Auburn_ _ Council _ , 141La other of University f table. MA Institute, A CoIlege of i part .. . LAB as ALASKA end .... Engineers' A at Alabama, Alaska, . of of . Polytechnic . . footnotes zftAseredited. 0Options _ nos "University Alabama University - - t a3ILIC12111wV '1 *11. =I, daly SO dm ,;.;; Oa / dill my i AP my 41M dlo 'AA! any do 44d nw MI a am, ay 17 Co ** OP gm ely ala ab I, .1 dna My 11 anl. IS as Hit OD AD allo 11111111114 am trl Ms Mb r MO nab alb ln I e alb m. GM ads Mb Or all an ma- OW X 14 1 ttl X dn. Mb ; a '4 do alb an alb 13 my fib X X OD mi a am I55 fib 51 _ maw O. '511 4, an 511 - am a 15551 gn 41b 4. 11. Am. IS any O. Ob Mb a ea by 5E15%151 411. - am On ADD 41. a a. .nr. AND a 11 la AD add dm. aft . Mb On a I ow fib 15,J I 0555151,15515515515,51151 aillb Mb 5155 a lab O. .1 'ill 0 On so dia IS On 1 my 4WD ay Oln a 0, do Mb Ma I 41. 1 eMn t Mb 1.11.1 alb a 40 9 .14101z I a. I niab 1,111 dn. AID OM. dnY mi it 4 - no Nib alb and X X nib anb an - al. MD mb 551111111111i,111,1iir ND ma a. OP a. AND 11 _ Mb 40 00 AM AND _Ati lab am Al. s OD .111 411.. OW MD Alb AD a. 11115155-F51,5515155 alb 5 , 1s I ea I MI. ma OM 00 No _ 4 ay }t O. a OP I ON am Oa WI a I AND . an AND I _ diED .1. Mb I1M M. a .I II Oa Lad. Ms AND X ft. - an AD alb OP da 4 Sem AO ,1 Nat An ri OD am t My Oa any allw X- ea I t, 0 an 0 aly A fla at 11' OP 41. Int Ali I 111 . .0 11114. - a DN. 0 Los A eab NW ...... _ Clara_ III _ . .. .. - __a - Technology, ' op Berkeley._ Santa Alto_ California, Fayetteville.. :41011404"441.4 of Tuscon ..... Palo _ Clara, a Institution ARIZONA Ada**0134takialf AJIMANSAIA ee. Southern California, Arizona, _ CALIFORNIA Arkansas, p. Santa Institut* of at of of, al ttrtttIttlt University, " rc;r, . IlII . tootooto, Angeles 111111111tItt Angeles 1)1141114/ena. Loop a University Unversity California University Stanford University University 111110 . '11111411,11.4111J 5 y- III 111111111 III 10 1,1 . II . ,,,,augaum 10.111101111010011 I 1.0_01I1 III al. 41% IIJI jIIiIIiJ II 1111 111 illI " , n . 1 41 11011I 4111 11 I I 11 I

S. ' COLOILADO .* Or U aro MD CM OM drio ee am Alp dr. dila 41116 16 _ dr, I Mr Oa 40 be or or MD Mr dm .11 X cab 0 'NO 1 Colorado School- of Mines, Golden , t$, :,. ..li Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical _ _ _ 11. AM .0 .1 Or ore Are dr. dOo ere ir mo Ow .11/ 41. an. !F-:.,. Cones., Fort Collins or. al IID 1 .16 al. X Or a.* drir dm. MD 4/.. X - or. Mi AN. 0111 41 01. 0 University of Colorado, Boulder. Or I - University a Denver, Denver ...... t_ it Commacrtcvor a ° P' _ _ -Guard Academy, Ono or dow - AI" Or M. X United &etas Coast ONO New London - der or MI Mb da r elP X a Ij YaleUniversity University, New Raven of Connecticut, Storrs 1 _ dm MP Mb 0. AD AMP or Mb v. 0. el or DDLAIVARZ 1 "lb UnivOrlity Of DelaWeare, Newark 4. 1 or 41 eir 40 or ego Or or III alb a. Oa DISTRICT OF Cot:MEDIA xix am. va 41. alb 4d. alb Ma Ala Catholic ington University of America, Wash- ...... vv. .1. alb .1. mr Mb .m deo or or Or dna am am. I George Washington University, Wash- do ed. .6 .* Alp a. an. der or. Mr I Oft 4 an. an. Or Or Ow. dr 110, alb 40 dr or an re II. 40 me. am *Howard ington University, Washington FLORIDA g I AM Mb er University of Florida, Gainesville a MD eMI IMO dm. dr. OM AND ore Or 10 Al eir. Or Or or dr or alb Mr or 40 Or Or 40 Mr ro 0 on a 80s footnotes at end of table. v raz ie I .h "ze-'141 i'Vflivet-1,7crr MIA :4010.111 rall-M011-011- ,frtiWorIII r t!, t#711241- ... 0

aanamo3v 03 z rp so 4WD I IM a Mir w S IMO mim MM. im I 17 =. 16 X N. ow. =1. M. a. 11 X X 4E0 X X X n Ml. NV/ It I/ MP ME. MM. 4=1 13 X ME. ow X 410 X wow mi Amp I. . 1 13 ear I. AMP rti .. 9 i ii i U. ' 11. IM1 MP i 11. OM IND 1M. lr "MP gm.. 1M 0 8 mar. X -a a X .1MO. X X' X Om. 4M alb Ifill11111111111111111111111M1111111111 11111 MP 7 IMO X 4WD X X X X MV - 1. =1;. .11 . IM 6 x .....- X WP X x x _ _ II1111111 .- _ . '.,;',11t111 I'll OW II . 'Ili _ .1. CO .1Mr 5 Li VIP x - _ gMr AM MID " x _ lab Am IMP MID _ mi ... ° MD ... M Imp OW 4 NM, _ 4=1...... Ms, _ alb x _ aM. _ _ MID , _ _ . MP 111. _ 1M1 _ 41W e 5 i gilig _ ft _ ml x Ans .. . e x ... IM1 _ MD. WM _ _ . 41W 1:111111i, _ _ ri _ 3 a .1/ x _ AfronatIticar _ 0 Oa x ... _ -., ______1 _ _ ., _ , I, I .,... . 1 1 * II . , 11 alb . 4 . Atlanta_ , s Chicago_ 1 -4, 1? 11. ,1111 to i 10 1111111 1111 It _ DI$ 11 . 4' Evatiston . Ili A .2 Honoluld I. 1 Urbana: Moscow Technology, Peoria Technology, A -727 of Institution IDAHO 1. . versify, HAWAII ois, GEORGIA . of ILLINOIS i . J . , 1. r1V14.1 Haviaii, ._. I. Idaho, . r t . I of of P of Ji-71::: Institute . - 'tlaversitF, . litstitute .,. ce , Y' . 111 i V I I. . d 4 . ... . 1 a ... Georgia Universit University B NorthwestEen illthcile University Ia tO - NZ%; 1\ rp',, I ; 1241111 IN II 1111111121_11111 I ti II I, IP r 1141111111r ri r ." Ir.a.11q1,1firill.11111111. [ L I 4 ...... C. ,.!!! ir 11001111 '" ; JI 011 10 LI j I ,J I t R.?...... , , ?4- .." -4. '. .9 . . I ; d-L-i-- .c.`. .... ' ' - . : . 2 . er...... A.2.`. - 4. : ,.. - . rf INDIANA 4 :MP MD ma. ,aM 111. 01. Ma AID I= IMP AIM am* M fl. RM. AM MEP MM a MM. MI x. IM IMP IMP MD al. MOP WM. INI MP OW MM. alb 4m. IMP IIMP Mb Om M alr Ran Alm alm Alb OM MO MP MP NM Am MP 10 iM dM, alo MP Purdue 41110 University, Lafayette MIR .4ms OW. IMP Rime Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute_ MI Ma RM. gm. MD Mio Mi ala Mb Ma awl. MO IMP MI MIR 1M MP - MP IMP ala Mi. 0 ma, 3 X MP NMI Ma MD OW OM 1=1. 0 1,, MID 01 adversity olioNotre Dame, Notre Dame_ 4 I2WA 2 * 4.-- an - ME. dimb M am. am MI. dm Iowa State, College of Agriculture 11.1I 4ow Ma AIM NM MD Cala IMP RIM IMP MIR .1=1, :MR Rim. MB. .MIR 4M. am. MI/ .1D OM =1. MI - am low MII 4Mi Mechanic Arts, es __ _ x. al 41, - - - ma Ma I. , an. . --- - I. State University a vitt, Iowa City ~4% 0 6- -" 0 0 0 ; Y t. KANSAS . I. Kansas State College'of Agriculture and am im AIM MO MEP Cow m Car =l Mr. RIM MR RIM. RIM II MEI Ow - MEP =1, al im . Mow MO IMO 1M dIND INN 'ence,. * Manhattan .M1, gm. .1=1. IMP IMO Rae mi. Of. eM Afplied rm of X Mr =EP I Ow a. 0 N Wichita, ma. AO. 1M1. Municipal _ MO amp - - _ Mr. aml Ml =1. IIM MEI Wichita_ verity ' m M. ," 4 11 M M . University of Kansas, A LawrenCe - X - 0 a 0 KENTUCKY l Lt . G.. am _ Ma OM M Imo am. 1.0, MEP Illab MP Om AM MIR m RR.. Ma IMP M M IRM INV .1=IP MEP mi. mei 4MD _ .1=1, .11MI 41M ma. awa Rao RIM DEP X INN& INN. University of-Kentucky,. Lexington_ of Louisville mo IM IMP MD ow sip0 am ow villa .11. MY MID IM 4=1 . Mb dint IND ME. aN MI, GM 0 Aar Ma. 0 MID ma me RIM 111.1 University Louisville,. LOUISIANA MD. =1. DI* GEO M M. Om MP MEI ME. alb M m MD MIR I= Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, Ruston_Rouge_ Mb MR Ma. MIR ea. egm MEI M. m au. aM I aa Imo ma = mow =1. 01. .11M MM. ma. DEP Louisiana State Baton .1.111. University, MEI dna .100 MP. am. aom 41/0 .424t : . .M New OM Mb OM OM 0 RIME. M. alM I. 4M 411.- - 444 Mo Mi. Ma IND Ana am Om 4 an) alb ma M MO 0 MO MD 4m1 IMO Om MI. m0 m. MID MM. am. MI. Mb, OM OM MY MID MD nab MI. MO MED IMO Mb Wine* Orleans .Universit7 of Louisiana, a . a 4 . , 0 See footnotes at end of table. - . ---- I. . - Ct) t a'a-f ., . , - . .4 . : a 6 0 0 4 rl - {41 al . 10 IP} IC r ; ,1?"' r n rx '7211221;111M , iit 1111111111-11111. .111.-1111.11.1110111111.01111111111.1.1...... 11MMIMMMOM.M.unamaiMahamaalammammanam ..t am ra 4 264 ' .101 4 IM m OM 11 ON Ma Mb OM M talt4t141,11,10*0' 19, QM li4 1 M en. am. 1 4E0 IMP 111M, MD MO Mb Ma 17 .1M Om MVP Ix ma MD vmo aa Ilaa 4M MD 10 M m MO MD el m 14. MID =1. M 10 MEP Mb MD mwo ma. en 11 Er MR* OM OIM ma. ala IMP . MD 111 am AND is m Am. MEP E mi Nab $x 4 MD 4M.. ..ala me MD 4I TI r S 14 mil 11 010 `I rfilt rri 41E. ma. In Moo r wom 41. m QED WM 9 ta w MM. x MNO am W/O 41. 7 E44 IP emir 4ons, aM Elm MD MID cab gimo co n mE aw, ma. MEP an, 13 war MD MOD MID amp ITFTfl MEP a S m14 Elm OM W I mar. . MD AM M. I . ,m M rl ci 11 41M. Ma. . K. ain as 0 MD 4 om Ea. vv. yam MID TT NT MN. I m Mi. 41111. Mb M OE. I am. 10 41 Ma VIEW MEI MED Alm AM AM IiIlF?ii OM MI aMo In me 41M IP .,, 4ED 111.1. Mla AM IMP OM 41M OW 4 9 Nab I 4E 41 am. gm dmi, aNia OM OM al am. 4WD, am. 4ED igm. =ID mio I am. MD 0 8 Ei 8 racl 2 8 414 5.1 i =EP 1. H aim ma 7 140 11111111101'11111 Im MEP Oa w 11111 mar alai. FO:rrttir-- Hill IP 4 MI. IF . mo OW X Er. X

Chemfml Jl m X gm MID E .4 Mo. MI, ENE aim ... 41 ma Ii MEE 4111 an. "1 00 MN, E. 0 1 0 MEW , ...... ala MO "1" ME I m 4 ill) M IM /ma MD a ii. am 4 Mb 1111117' mar am ME4 MO MID 11. . Ma M MD Ell 4 am : 111 1I MP . Mb

Architectural AM. Mb 4.4 aft MID 4 . ..M1. E. E. ED m W WE. otim gall. M El 11 4410 e MAP MO. NM. Me M MP. Am a 01,0 41 MID 411. faa wa Aim a OW .11M. mar *NM ow atom MID fit emir It, 2 en: .1mo X Mo o 1116) ma - 4E _ _ _ *4. rfT1 " Park_ Baltimore.. Technology, Postgraduate Boston College Lowell of 14. Orono Ig Cambiidge 1 ,fil OWL =or Naval r - MAINE InStitUtiOn Univeirsity, Institute Maine,- . Maryland, University, MASSACHUSETTS ---v41411TL4tNI) at Monterey, of I Annapolis States CEV to University, 111 h ,...t.z...1.-..km-.,e.--ii...... ,70.fielegatelel4Ligzatekkers-a-Jorit4. Textile/ lweette Hopkins 311 11 111113113 re .t moved 1 I * -Schwa, Cambridge 11 4a h-' University *United University johns Harvard : " Northeastern Massa° .k Uwe - ." - 11 '47.- " [ b .PU11111101111 ,111 Il J III 11 w. r ' IJ 1W clupp4,gui 115 51 r r .' !PIM 11111 1 I I , I II II II, It' I ' 6 11,_,I1 11/ III I ., ' V11111'11 1111 , 11 I 1!11,111

MOIRMO Mmm m MD OD IMP Am AM. IMP .1 I 1M. IMO Ms MO IMP Maa alia X man an. MN; M ME, OM OD a 41M 11M. OW. MID man, 41m allar I MM. =1. .1MM QED, =1. .1M IMO 41M am. wow 11 OW MD 411. gam, MM. AMP am OW Oa. .41m IMO Tufts College, Medford. _ 4 =, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.. . - - - r - I Worcester do. cm Alm.MI 1r OM Worces- 4M. M. ONO Oa. Mlle am. .1E* OM o dm. 41. .1M1 IMP 4=1, 4=0. MO. -MD IMP .1M. 4=10. 41 .1=1. INN MID OM Ma malb .11=1 en. INN?. 1Mb L" M. OM* OW 1O1. =I ME 00 M MP ter Polytechnic MICIELICIAN Institute, A It. Michigan. College of Mining and Tech- _ _ "min. AM. ma. mg ma. o 41=1. NM a. .11. =1, .1 .0 VIP a a ow. _ _ Ma Ma AM. =1. 411M 1, / X aa nology, Houghton 111. MM. MMa. College, East- Lansing._ an. mi. MO. Mlb aN N. State X 4WD INN .1=1. ifichigan am, mo. _ _ 1 MEP MP I11. 0 Mb MP A University or Detroit, Detroit ON. IMO ME% AMP , . MP =lo M. OR Ow OD AM .1=1. IMP .1=1. 4=1 1111 0x Mow am mow 40. UniversityWayne University, of Michigan, Detroit_ Ann Arbor__ - MINIM e I a 0 x sant Ma MID Ma am. MO. 41M. 11. ao mi. MID bilm am. a.m. MM. ma _ M ,, Mir MP University of Minnesota, MISSISSIPPI Minneapolis__ .31 XIX aal .4=1, IMO win alma, wm GM. MM. IMID 4m, malo MP. 1 _ S. M =, - 4 RIIMO OMR MED 1=1, MIR am. X ' I., M MP I MP .10 ME, .m Om MID IMP 410 Ma MM. OM am. mm mop elm 4=P Oak Oa am. MID GNP 40. Mo MED 11, MP am IMO Oa 1=1 MI 1 ; UniversityMissisaipaState of Mississippi, ' Allssolnu College, State College_ University_ _ I . . - - 'jr,11 71; .Ir _ mm _ MO Ma MM. anm OM .M OM, 10 Si. Louis University, St. Louis_ _ _ - - - OM/ =0. MED .1=1. Mm la* . aN M I OM ... I University of Missouri, Columbia MI OM Oa ma 4111. , 11. ma. I Raw Mat - X Ma OP 1M. ima 41 OM. X 10 VIM Rolla I OW R... m RIM .rimp a m=o el X maa X aim gm. MEI OW ORO INN MO IMO INN Mae X .1M1 41=1 X 11=1. OOP x m. I moo Washington University, SeeSt. Louis footnoies at end of table. - X I 1 ir d1A91)1111111KIP'." " " m - ..A.... kmm,.2.47,11 ,4;111111r[iii It: ey . Pia Ot .512 M. I =.1 =I =0 41 e .O am I1M 1 as mim .4= Ma. MI 41=1. MID el? dn. .10 IN. a Ml. 11 aim IMP MEI .-m-.+1.- ell . elm. =1, a 41=1. 1111. =1. .1MP =11, =1, 18 el MEP 1 =11 1=11. cs' mm MID IN ea, IN IW .16 .11 .1M a 2 17 .M0 ON, MID =, ..mor INA mi 1110 .= Mr SEP CM 12A* . 16 X =, wm. OIM _ om MED I I a Mi IEr OM a 4 ml Imo Oft MD X Ii m dIM 40) .110 OM IP min MM aD ...a se. 4 X 14 X 41. mo 4EN0 Mat OM. MS& M. 111. X ts MEP A MID 4=1. I ca. . on. dlm ON. MO M MID ./0 MID 41=. OD X 12 Aim 41No w Mil MM. IMO *IP Ml - OM =1. Ml aM . Aff. I .4=1, aim QM. :Mb OM _ .1 IM .1=1 IM 1=1 do -; 41. M. oar II woo =E. mob wow am. 41. gMlb all 4 .1=110 ow 1 1 4.0 Ma OP a rei X AM 1. On MI 7 X X X c."15 X .1 X moo Mb amp .... ir OW as woo ... 6 t.ir MD am d1 Mli .0 :70 ... 41, =1, MO .. MI, / 111. 4O a 1401. sim =1 mw I.. AD w am v. IM MM ... imo OIM 4 .... OM 11 X

Architectural Mee 4M Ilk ow. ... ,..... IOW .. 41b, ow MM Ma 3 .M X ga M OM ... MID M MO .... / mo Ml .. mm MI* M e moo ft an* M enw aft =1, MIND hi am II O. Emu _ 11 034%, at. PI A gm (1 " Diirham7 IV 'I' Butte._ le hh INIWPWIFWVIIIREPI1474 A Lincoln.... A Boar .1h" ' pshire, Reno anover 4 1 Mines, '111 VADA -w .111, . HaPsrnaz lie of institution Nz MCWITAN College, N:11BRASIC der Nebraska) Nevada, f New 6 6 lizw College of of . of V . School State . , .2. r- 4 S. ntversity Montana Montana University Dartmouth UnWbriety * - - V , 0 . a . a I. .1: - C", . c.f.; .1/ 1 1 1 11 4 41/ II ,III 411 I I 0 ' ii Il ,414. 1111111:11i1111111 I I ..1.1111 . qtrnMETIM TIM ' , II , 1,111 i' B11,111!,11111111111 V NEw JEMMY-el, 0 4 .1=1, OM AIM 4M. r/ =lb M am. MD MD IMP AM Oa IMO 11MM 411 4M. MO 111M. .MM MM. MD Moo .1= OW aim ma .1 1.1= AID =0. Ma 00 MD II1W Ma MO PP. OM ma dM, am IMP am 1=1 AIM MD IM IUD MI. VIM Newark College of Lhf,:: Jeering, Newark_ .1 mob =0. 4=1. 00 0111 MVO ale. OW 4=1. .4=1, OM =1. Oa 0=1 X Ma am am 4015 MO MEP OM1 On MP Ms ma am ma am OW OD MP MO OP Ma 41=1 _ OM MM. 0 all am. moo 001 MI. aim 010 .0 aim es. W.& Ma. IMa aim .018. alia MOD Mm. .dmi Ma. aiMa. AM, dMIP 4011. ma, 111, NI Princeton Princeton _ 4= = ' a= a= .1 MO MID MD Ma am UM pa OM M IMP 4M, 0 MM. Mag. 1M11 . or MM. =14 WV MIM IMP M. 110, 1=1 11M 4 ania MM. MOP 11Ia 100 MD 02. 1E0 411 MED 1E0 dill= ONO SIM NIO. =V MO MM. OM/ GM. MD m, X Rutgers University, New, of Technology, Hoboken_ trunswick_ 1 ow mi. Mb 4= M. mat MD MP V= aM, MO 40 No adok am. ....add Ma MD Ma MO OW IP MP 41M Ma MD a IMW I 11M a 11M m Mb M ;.c, Stevensinstitiite . 4. Minxico 1: S. Nevi Mexico 'College of amm 411111 1=. om =o 4=1, MP dem bme lia alM OM. Ma, oar a= elm MD AND OW MD MP MP Oa Ma mil Ma 41. MM. =lb ma IMI M, .11M. Ma, IMO .1=1 011. MM. am. .1111. 0 mall. 11= bm. alb mb 001 aa CEO 11110 e a MD am M IN . - .1). Agriculture and 11110 X - IMO 1E0 Mechanic Arts, etate College a .4! 4 OM 1=1 M sm Am MO MO an. 40.. MO X OM ma. amo MM oi=r MN MEP 41. a bm 4=1 MD 4M1, mm 1=1. OM 110 Mar QM. .=. MO 1.0. OM MP ba0 MO OM M. QM MP Oa M. MP MI Mb r , University of 4. New Mexico, Aibuiverque_ ' 0 Ifs s- Ita a. NEW Yogic . Alfred lege ofUniversity (New York State Col- = 1=, 4WD AL. 4Mb 1110. ma. em Amy OM IMo a - an _ bm. ba. a= ...M. =. IMP am 00 I dat 41m, ea ow OMR =IP =. ONO MI. MED MIND elM. MO. MO QM Mar alb 4111. OW ala Oa Oa MM aM am m am dm eal 010 .M MID .1=1. Iall Ma, Mat aim = 1= 116 , Ceramics), Alfred 41M. Yolti,t4 bla oN0 alb =0 11m. MM. 11M. mo. MO ab .0 ab MID IM ea. moo mm ea .0 OM OW ma ma .0 410. A= Ma. aa Oa OM 40 AM bOb 40 Ma 4110. 111111 , City of New 11M, am. am a md ,pg 4. exa M 44 'City College a the Mb aim 4=1. IMP SIND New York X =. am MO aeb Ma =. MI Imo =10 MOP cola OM 0a Oft IMM. MD Ola OW Ma MO 01 .0. MID 5 1:Clarlgion -Colkige of Technology, Potsdam_ ala Mt MAM am. am alb 4m. MED OM 1=. Mao me am X OW MO ab aM ma. 41. an. AMP 4IM 011P Om 4MP. IMP Ol =1 Mb 00 00 e .. 0 GM mow 4WD MID .,= 11. ma OM .1=1 OM MD Ma MEW X OP MM MI am MO =I, aw on, 0 M OM MD all. a a a 010 IMOD 111 MM. am, IMP Columbia University, New 4 Yorkili XI b. M a0 Ma MO mml Oa am Ma Cooper Unipn, New york____ . _ =1/ 111m =1. Mm. IM =, a. X X X a. ale 41M AP, MM. dim MD Mr, 4=P OM IMI OW ma mim m dm. dm m all 4' ,mo mm ONO .11.. ma. am. _MOM Ma AM 10 X 1=11 Cornell Univ.ersity, Ithaca o 5.11 =. eI Mo a Na bm. ea, .11. 1E0 IMP aa. M .101 ma MN. /am ma 10. =a 4 . Ma MO MEP bla OD ..10 al, CID m. =1 dm am ( : ) add dm. am aim -ma. _ MN. am, X X ma. 41. MP w 01. MD 0 4=1, MID 4=1. dM ma, eilb Manhattan College, New York - - - X = 11 X AND M alp OM .. MD am dm. MP - - . WNW am. MM. oar QM. aM. =1, .1=1, 11M - IMP New York 13:niversity, Nei/J. York ad am =1, . Me OM 4=1. 4 ma my aa ar0 am ale 0 ma am aw _ _ ORO am. MP 11111 . PolYtechiic Instituteloof Brooklyn -x 11= x x Oa MO am ma mm, mm mm aim = MV. =1 _ .1^ xf Iff IND IMP amr.mlb dont M ma aim 0am MO mim AM MD - rm. =P. 40. M/a 011. ow- am Om- m ma MO. mar :M. am em mm ma X - - - ea, MD aa, ./00 Mb Pratt Institute, Brooklyn 4=1. =, .4= - - 11, =o f=o ale ma. mm am 411., ala 4=. dm X ab ma ab QM M, Ma Pm as ea x MP Ma am. am am Um am dm 4am MIL MD. RensselaeePolytichnic M1W .1101, .11M. '1 Institute, Troy., Mao bM. .IMI 11=r 1=1. aM 4WD II ail. all I= M =. =r aM =1. Oa a0 ale OM OM alla. 111. MP a= MM. 1=0 . MM. MP AIM =lo 4=1. Ma x Mb ball CO. alb 4=. M M *WO ma Mil a_a ea mob aw aro MO Syracuse University, Syracupe V ma Oa am ea 0 aa OM Oa Ma IN= 11MI. 0 1=1. MO 41= 1.= Mg M= 00 0/11 IMP 1=1. OM GM. ma aim MI. MVP 41=1, diM IMO AIM MIO 11M MEV am. MEP and MEM a* Union = a= OW OM MO SO AM I -MP =SW aim WY IMP aa Oa gab AM =b 0 MD MD AIM a MP GM College and Univecsity, Schenectady_ _ _ - M a al ID a M Ma d=. 17,4. , ' Ie Univers* of Rochester, Rochester_ IMP . .See footnotes at end of table. d±i00. ;410 Cf.". . .. . - t .. , ' tr. riiIIil ru - Pttit(11 - .11 Forte"- ear s-ff pir ra--e=wVrtsfr%Arn;qrtmAnefirtrfrrnmsarltr-,lrrrrt:-, p. wiTim :4 4174 1111 .1 A Gr 1:1,-":1".."117"- tri I . MB ...... OM ID _ MD el M ,____ _ OW `C. . M oW ill 30 OM qm _ we . =1 MIP .m. _ mil; am . MO MI .m. OW MP I a C.. a 5 am a 1 ow XI V i 1. OM . 41m . 111' Am .... it. . %. % ow .... I me. . . MI 41m _ MO . am . I gm ow _ 1 .m, . So III III it . MO .. _ a.m. ow 1. r...... a/ ei. ... wm am I1 _ _ 4=, 4N. _ _ :I. ow 17 0 X tli a gg g . 4 a _ .0 II _ z la z m . . . _ mow Op in, . ow .4 Mt 0 OM _ _ MP MD .,.... e . mw . I Z 14 OW . _ . ... Im \ r e _ ..m . 11., AM _ _. qm. MED MO _ _ . mi N 0 . VID I. 3 ill II alb , _ . .mr . .. MI _ _._ war 01. . a. , g . / 1 ,4 14 X X NM ir A . 6 ow _ M ,. I. %. -- mow 4- .... . t 31 . .9 13 X MD ,. Ma on , MB .mr A O _ 2121. M gm MD =1 , am 8 .. OM 1 "El 0 d n OD mi. ) .0 . OM ft MI I . ow 4 ,, P' . ... Imo I r am ?i, 1 . . am. 5 ill ow . g 1=11 ? 0 11 on I , om . \ ...... ,__ ow gm or r o 914,1, ma mi. I' . r =, tt a Cle . OE. = If . OW MVP .=. . am am . ... Vim 4 me, m IM...... 111 -g mw 1 . S =. ..., . ) am m t OM AM.

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1 1 . . h.. A r . 1 ..1 S. . . i , 1 .... f . 7 as ...... 0 I X I . X lir . .' OW 41M . ,. _...... i .. . , ILI 1 .4 U X NW .m. 2 ... s mw on. II! .... 0 MA 1M ... % ite IP MD .,., 0 ..... I 7 C...) X MID . . 1 ,... .,. 4=1, ... ., . / . am 111. 0 .... II 41M i . - . . im. . 4 .§ 1 1 4. X 41E. 1 AM lel . . MID AM im lc IP! . ..c ,r . I. .. No MP . aim. . 91,11 ..... mr I ... OM 3 g 414 -,, . O Ili ...... II .m. OM IP V ... ; .., 1, .... MO . . MID M mm . ON MOW 13 ... 3 S § . = lig AM IMP 4 __.__ 4=0 MM...... , - .,:,;,. . 11 . * . 'vt-ze 0 . Engi- ri 1 _,,Grand College, ...... , . and it 'Om . 10 .40 . Architecture, ft .1 . Dakota, ...... - . 1 DAKOTA Navid .i. CAROLINA . . . . 1 Durham a l . Agricultural .. =11 Agricu1tuii3 . of . shift/Union North . ' 1 YoaxContillued of I ( . . . a . . . NORTH . * NORTH of. . 14 _.- . . Rileigh... e. . . Vk . . . .% "? . . .. Mow . . . . Dakota York . . J Institute tr . Cojlege University, . . . . 4 1. I . .i . . . . . / , New . . neering, Fargo... i Forks . . x / . . ..., ,...... Webb i puke State North University 11 6 .) * c- . L ' 4.114. 't* 7 L-41.... , F 61.1411111163 ! 364 41141 6 Ill 1161 111!I. " 1 F wall 0 pl 01 . _1 (1, .1111!! i .i]F 11,1 UM LI , 11111 41 I 1 16 I F F 11 F FF F 11'1 It a .% .4 .- . a s. - , der Omo A ft I. ; t MP m ONO M. . me. 4ID an. aM Mao aMlo . EEO ONO EMI. ... a ON. IMM .Wio mm. OW am M. AMD PPP IMP IMI. MP PO. wl Oa .W IW MD OW IWO 11W a a a IMP a a OW ff rnotitalte of Technology, :MP a 4Mir . gm. el dm. .Mo. MD ma. Mb Ml 4W 01 MI mm :OM X AM, Ma Mb an. NO. -ma AMID Mir IND M. END PM mao aim 1mm - MN. 11= .1=. e 1W .111 4m. =1 dap Cleveland_ 4IM amb . Can all on. ma, wo. X Tenn College, Cleveland - X X X AND a am w 7C MID _ m W CID Oa - Pm MP MI MN Ohio State_ Uniyersity, Co ltuiabus _ amor ono dy *NIP alia. 411M. mi. PM OP OM 41m am. X ma, I. X ... I y7 Ma, MM. aM OM M. Pa. ma MP MEM MEP AMP - PE. aMl. ONO AMID m , NM 4=0 .1=1, a aa. MO 1M MP MI. MI MID X PIP PIP qm laM 41m aM Ohio University, Athens . glOw M 111 ; 4 IM Ma. MP MN 11, 0 aM. MD. MI OD Imp eon mil. Am. MED 4ano X AMP -am ma. 41. a/ab am. .rMo me PP mim ma am. ma, IMP MID M ea MD MEP an Ml =1, W -) Mr a./ me Wm. OD INV mid S an aMMI University of Akron, Akron F a el M 411' ijp =ND aaaa aaaa ..... Mb 4E4 wa. am. mm an. am aim oao. X X IMO IMP MP ii=1 015. QM. 41. .m0 AND ..IMO 414 MD 4M1D 4M4 0 W MM. 4WD Mi. 1M X MO OM a* 410. doff. MI. AM IIMP GM MI IMP University of Cipeinnati, Cincinnati .' M IND a e aI PM MD OP 4 Univeisityt of WI an. y MD M. Ma. dam m 4 PIP Ono M. MO IM .1=1, dm. aMi =1. 4=. =1. Ma. M.O. II aOa a a IMO X y .1Y am MED y Oa MED ma MED PPP 4MD IMP IN PM. 4m. am. =0a qmo mo .m IP OW Dayton, Dayton ____ a X .1 a ao, - 4 : University of Toledo, Tole0o 411. eip ,0, - 1Pr OKLAHOMA a 4 ' 1 Mb. Oklahoma.' Agricultural Mechanical - X AIM alm slW 110 W ag. ma. imb. aM AM. alof ow. 41M. m m w alb MO .1=1. X MED 41111 and XaM alar MM. MID MID Ma. 4M. ME. diam .111. 4111 411111. College, Stillwater _ - imai y am. 11. =1 aM Mr X a. OM WO am MP -. CD Mio alb M 40 OM al)

taansazupov 40. 04 .3 11, ,1M _ _ 411 _ IM =1, _ nfl 1 =1, _ M: :Mb MD := =11 M. M m MO I : d I : Petroleum 18 :OD I =1 IND AMP .1111. ewo Mo M 17 :4 ol ma =1, ma. =lb =1. Ma ono alb m IP .= Is gab :10 am. 14- N: -1 X 1i X X 3 41= rr X X X X X MI 11,11. II rrr r rttlii 1111i .11M1 " MN. 1$ 4 IMO - RIM .10 ^V 12 411. INI a .1=ir ANI MM. mit maw %ID aso 41M. 11 ' Ow CJTrIVM. :No oc ellw 4.3 ,IM ow GIM O. 1 OM IMP Mow 41. ani AMP OW MI 4/1 w .mpr MD \ 14 AIM 4110 fa/ ; 8 8 ma. 011. 7 ) ow Ow. .1=1. ONO =1, ASP al NNW OM . MI. MO _ X 6r-7- 111111111 QM. alb _ 4=10 C., 111'4 MEP IMP LI 4110 L_ AMII. =o i' 41a .. Mao. I:1, solm Mr II IM IM . IMP 11 NINO 3 INI 4110 Ol M MI: i" MM. =MP ,, .11. .0 ) ww am, 2 .*N 41, X ( moo Aeronautical MEW Im Gm M1, , MM1 IMP _ a MEI _ _ College_ i d -../%3W44FiTeINIIP=ktrtA0/474S4Aftat--,- - Qlemson_.: Columbia_ lih ___ '11111i Iiingeton___ ti; Philadelphia_ State **0 'X I; Pittsburgh_ 411 Continued 4 '14130404j*W*,._41&*t If e II College, a Swarthniore ISLAND Island, Citrolina, 1 'II 'College, Providence CAROLINA Villanova 1;\ Institution Ili, Pittsburgh, Siate Rhode 1'91; Charleston Pennlyrvania, South RIIODR -,,Ve0=-.4.+41!..j"-Ant,Wr---C-" 1,11 College, SOUTH of of of of College, Agricultural Clemson V+2 The, University, PZNNSTLITANIA fp . 1 v Pennsylvania University University MI.11111, Swirthmore villantiva Brown University Citadel, Clemson University 416 6 C. -- - ; ..4), .4 I , . . 4r ale ON11133MOKII MID 1 ei ME. OBI 11 M Mit ME. M MVO '1 .m mm. mEr 11 =. . ^ mo _ MO 10 .1=1. M M. MED MID 111111,11111,11111111 GOO 111 II - CM. 0, 11,1111,111 mow - dm: WM .11 Ml 111q,, M - im I AS - WED X IND ma, a X 1M NI& 10 . ". T. M 4 4m () 41M mow OM. 41=4 41=4 X X XIX AM, 4 14 X XIX ma, .1M. 4WD MEI , MNI. 4=4 M4 m. 4= 4WD aro Mb. .4444. DIM m MI. S. LI.. ME. Ow M MP Ma. s-at am. ra 4MP. Nhki, 0 40.1 WO .=4 tt 1=1 .M M 1 _ w ' 4WD OM MD 00 Oa, 010 4 4444 414 OW. =4 - GM. :fle Err M - j, WM - IIiflTIfl a - Im X X X ml lap - I x Mir! XIX X x' U4 4 U or UU - .I= ' IND U 0E1 4M1. itffi - UfU!?] dn. VW, 1 .74 I' 00 IMIP M4 , .1, 'I 4114 al MID MP UUJ 4=44 41114D 110 mow MI6 =1. 41114 110 MD Im M 41114 ' .41M 41M, 11, ,LIU 4WD 4M4 44 ow ANN. - 4=4 4WD x 0144 IP 410 MM. 4WD 4=1. , , g=4 . m Lill 1111, MI. MO aa. W MEV IND .1. U =4 oI X U aim M. MOP 1M VW. 0 .14 an. .1 MD al l]rU 4E. M .WO ow IND I x VW. 410 .M 4WD 4M 411M _ 'fl"b I _ II I. of a qt. - Tech- 110 i Logan__ Dallas_ Agricul: and College Industries, Lubboek_ of Brookings_ Paso m , ef N4k Knoxville Lake-tity and College, El Mines Nashville table. Arts, College 4Fs"1/4 of Austin College, University, of Salt DAKOTA II Arts _ [I Mechanical UTAH Station City end -TEXAS , I College, of II Houston State TENNEssEE b,Il at gchool Tennessee, Utah, Texas, and SOUTH * Agricultural Mechanic University, of of of A Rapid ".P1 Methodisi College y a f,11 College and Dakota Western TechnologicAl Dakota , footnotes State 4 See Texas, nology, ture Kingsville 440, 11110 7'1 gouth Uni Vanderbilt University South Southern Agricultural Rice University Utah Texas Texas aTexas . DEO .1;54 - . .1 o- # 0 ; 8s . Institution 44 3 ZPis. II 1 C.) - Cs3 a3 g ' "2 b. Eis.2 bq PIPiCI 4 3 e .110, Xa Z o 0 le 11 13 ts 14 IS 7 13 .144-4-.141-4=E44, 19 . , VERMONT i 5 ;;; MI. GED . amr. ow j NorTfich University, WO' dim OS am 4.. Northfield ww. University of Vermont 48. ems NO. 'Ems .41 4 44 om4 =1 4. 40 and CM& , State mow Agri- OW VIM a cultural College, Burlington 40 VW Mb I VIROINIA ao alb clia _ _ 41, =. am dmr. IT& 1.10 :11 1 - Alb . Mao alb am 411. University of Virginia, Charlottesville_ min AM. MM. ... 440 _ - .. *x I QED .11 Virginia alb - 1 Virginia MilitaryPolytechnic Institute, Lexington__ 0 - - - 1 4w. IDS 44 ______0 ,Blacks- _____ - bog Institute, :B. Ma an. 4115 burg dna . .44. 4E4 OD . ______X X 4. O. /4 4...... WASHINGTON . XIX b3 _ _ ID 1111, ' .4 40 ABB 440 milb. State College ON& Min goo ow An. X X X .4 MID AO Ma M. dm. iM .4 GM . MM. Pullman_ 4.4 IMP 4414 si eani 444 411D Washington, AO. _ _ _ _ IM .1111 .4 of- X Am. 4. University , X X X I 0. ft. 410. 41=0 0 4ED mil, Washington, Seattle_ . MP ma 1,1111 III 41 pl C n OIx . - 1)1110Z1111111 1 I T T .. Ir..... -4: 0 1 WSIST gm& aim M M ma, ,I=1, M West Virginia P University, Vrporm: MOrgantown__ , cm. I.! VP. IND OM oW - ow ME. m. I -11 a ; mow Mo me. 4WD 411, WISCONSIN MI* m 11. cm olo an. Mb Mi. vw al ao. 4WD Ma ow IN IM al w MD VP QM 4.0 M.. IM 411. ol .111. IE. 111 m IM ME, UniversityMarquette ofUniversity, Wisconsin, Milwaukee Madison _ _ _ _ on. Or . w II - II I I WYOMING 0 Mlo Oa. Mao on, MID MI *NO Alla mi. MID ao, MI. MD ma, v. AM =, OW No ml =IP S 4 S eft an. .1 ow two MI I M m al. a. 4 vi a do ow University I of Wyo mechanics, t$ Business and engineering administration. es. partition emineering.9MataDurgy.IncludesIncludes building petrels= engineeringand natural gas se and const,tuciion,engineering sod petroleum'engineering rifting. and tr . II AdministrativeIncludingAlio Including accredited marine transportation.option curriculumengineering. in gdoptlysicalIn mining geology. engineering. s . r' I ICh11 engineering,Including option le, 4.in illictrenicsinaluding mupal. V`- II Structurala Ceramics. engineering ' only. I Includes g ' urbg option. V - I I fib 1 .3 a -so a 4111 . '$.11V4 * - [I . V I 11% Ttb 1." vinimommsseelmi , . ...rew nr , 90 ACCREDITEDHIGHERINSTITUTIONS,1052


Institutionsofferingcurriculaof technicalinstitutetype approved byEngineers' Council forProfestionalDevelopment,October1961 Thecurricula oftechnical institutetype in the followivglist haveawiderange of objectives andcontent but have thecommon purpose of preparingstudents for immediateusefulness inindustrialemploymentat levels intermediatebetween those served bythe engineeringcollege and bythe vocationalorsecondary school. Curriculadesignatedasof technicalinstitutetypeareoffered byinstitutions falling withinanumber ofcategories: Technicalinstitutesendowed,proprietary, orpublicly supported;juniorcolleges;extension divisionsof collegesqanduniver- si ies;educationaldivisionsor institutions associatedwith industries;and divisions of .tate and Federal Government. 4 Accreditation denotesthat thecurriculum hasbeen examinedand thatit has been found satisfactoryfor thestatedpurpose it is designedtoserve.Acredi- tation doesnot necessarily implythata curriculum is essentiallyequivalent in contentor purpose to other curriculabearing thestitaorsimilar titles.Users of the listareurgedto referto catalogs of theinstitutionsconcerned.fordetailed descriptions of theprograms offered. I. a CALIFORNIA: GEORGIA: Cal-Aero Technical I nstit ute, Glendale. SouthernTechnical Institute(a 'divi- Aeronauticalengineering.' sion of the, GeorgiaInstituteof Cogswell PolytechnicalCollege, Sara Technology),Chamblee. Francisco. Buildingconstructiontechnology. Applied mechanicalengineering. Civiltechnology. Applied structuralengineering. EleCtricaltechnology. Northtop Aemnautical Institute, Electronicand radiotechnology. Hawthorne. Heatingand airconditioning tech- Aeronauti*engineerfiTg.4 nology. CONNECT'cur: Industrialtechnology. BridgeportEngineering Inst itute, Mechanicaltechnology. Bridgeport. ILLINOIS: Electricalengineering:4 .0 AeronauticalUniversity, The, Chil Mechanical engineering.' cago. DISTRICTOFCOLUMBIA: Aeronauticalengineering drafting. Capitol Radio EngineeringInstitute,iNDIANA: Washington. PurdueUniversity (Diiisionof Tech- Residencecoursein practicalradio nical Institutes),Weft Lafayette. and televisionengireering. Buildingconetruction technology. Correspondencecoursein practical Drafting andmechanicaltech- radio 'and televisionengineering. nology.

a. It should be notedthat titles of curriculaoffered bytechnical Institutesare somakimas thesame as the titles commonly usedto designate professionalcurricula givenby degree-grantingengineeringcolleges, although thepurposes and scope of the two typesofprograms are not thesame.The curriculumlisted is 41. aoreslited!is a program of technical institutetype.




INDIANAContinued Omo--Contin tied Electrical technology. Ohio MechanicsInstitute,Cincin- Valparaiso TechnicalInstitute,Val- nati. paralso. Industrial engineering.' Radio technology. OKLAHOMA: Advanped radiote,chnology. "4.t.pplied radio engineering. Oklahoma Instituteof Technoloky .4i (schooloftechnicaltraining-- MAsaAcHuairrrs: . Franklin TechnicalInstitute, Boston. a visionof OklahomaAgri- Industrial chemistry. cultural and MechanicalCollege), Industrial electricity. Stillwater. Air conditioning Mechanical and machinedesign. and refrigeration. Automobile repair and.:erviceman- 1: Siructuraldesign and V E architectural .ts= drafting. agement. Building Wentworth Institute,Boston. construction. Diesel and Architecturalconstruction. stationary engines. Electricalconstruction. Electricaltechnician. Fireprotection. 'Machineconstructionandtool Machinedrafting and design. , design. Radio and Steam and dieselengineering. electronics. Miasoual: PENNSYLVANIA: Central Radio andTelevision Schools, Pennsylvania StateCollege (Exten- Kansas'City. sion services), StateCollege. Basicradio-television. Buildingconstruction. Niw YORK: Industrialelctricity. Academy of Aeronautics,LaGuardia Mechanical andproductiontool Ne 'ew York. design. Airc inandconsitruction. TEXAS: Aircraittechnolgy, University of\liouston,Houston. R. C. A. Institutes,New York. Air conditioning Advanced technologycourse(ra- and refrigeration dio communicationand sound technician. Diesel technician. ahd television) t, New York State Industrialelectricity. Agricultural and Stationary Technical Institute,Canton. engineering. Electric& technology. Technical radio andelectronics. Rochester Instituteof Technology,.W18CONSIN: *IL Rochester. Milwaukee SchoolofEngineering, Electrical tochnology. Milwaukee. Industrial chemistry. Electronics techniciap. Mechnic#1 technology. Electrotechnician. Photographictechnology. Radio televisiontechnician. a. Oslo: 1, lv Refrigeration,heating,andair. FranklinUniversit4lumbus. conditioning technician. Radio-teleyiaion. Welding technician.

It slpuld be noted thatWee of ourrioula offered.by technical institutesare sometimesthesame asells titles commonly usedtodes.linkteprofessional curriculagiven by degree-granting engineeringcolleges, _ although thepurposes and socipe of the two types bfprograms are not the same.The curriculum listed is accreditedas a prftram ofteohnioalInstitute type. a



II/ V" 4 1. a. 92 ACCRIDITEDHIGHERWEST.!pxs, 1962

FORESTRY .011 0.

14 TT Societyof America4Foresters . lizecutioe Sec°rotary:HevyClepper, 825 MillsBiilding, 17th St.and Pennsylvania Ave.'NW.,Vrashingt46, D. C. , . Accredited SchoolsofForestry,kossabst1961 ALAsawAAlabamaPolytechnic Insti-MicrawAriContinued tute, Auburn. University of Michigan,Ann Arbor. CAurwwwUniversityof California,.MnorssoTAUniversityof Minnesota, ..) Berkeley. * CotioHADoColorado AgriculturalandMrssouraUniversity ofMissouri, Co- Mechanical College, Fort Collins. lumbia. 9 CbinacTicuir--YaleUniversity, NewMoregrAirkMontanaState University, Haven(graduate). Missoula. FwarDAVniversityof Florida, Gaines-Nsw Yorur StateUniversity ofNew ville. 4 York ColliegesofForestry, Syracuse. thrortouUniirersi tyof -Georgia,NOM% CAROLINA: a. Athens. Duke'UOversity, Durham(graduate). IDAHOUniversityofIasho,MOSCOW.. BiotaCollegeofAgricultureand INDIArrA--Purdue ... University, Lafayette. ngbieeri4Raleigh. IowkIowaState College,Ames. ORIGON-- State College,Corm LottISIANA4--LOU1ll1411111StateUniver- vallis. / sityanAgricultural andMechan-PENNImirAptu--PennsylvaniaState ical College,Baton Rouge. k College, StateCollege.

MAntsUniversityof Maine, Orono. ,VrAHUtahState AgticulturalCollege, - --University of Mass- Logan. achusetts, Amherst. WAsantoorow----Univenityof Washing- MICHIGAN: ton, Seattle. Michigan StateCollage, East Lan-Warr VtaaurtAWestVirginiaUni- sing. versity, tiI wile de,

; JOURNALISM.4% 4. . .1 American CouncilonEducation forJournalism, AccreditingCommittee S.. Chairman: NorialNeil Luzon, 306Administration-Building, OhioState Univer- . sity, Columbus10, Ohio A if Accredited Schoolsoind Departmentsof Journalism,191141

ALARAMAUniversitycl Alabama, Uni-throw.: 11 varsity. Emory. University,EmoryUniversity. CALIFORNIA: . University of Georgia,Atkens.

Stanford , University,Stanford UniverILLINOIS: `). I 7 sity. NorthwesternUnfversity,4Evanston.

University of . California,Berkeley. University ofIllinois, Urbana. , Universityof Southern California,IsKAtx4-4ndiansiUniversity, .Bloom-

LosAngeles. , inston. 6 .

I. 4, Count UniversityofColorado,IOWA: t: zI. 10 Boulder. * Iowa State Collegeof Agricultureand Fiontn UniVersityofFlorida, Mechanic Arts,Arqes. Gainesville. State Universityof Iowa, IowaCity:

. : . .

4 *. *1- t , '.6; t go .11. 4 r .i s'faa'

.13 'JOURNALISM 93 limas: Nsw Yoss: KansasState Collegeof Agricultuke Columbia University,New York. and Applied&Janos,Manhattan. Syracuse University,Syracuse. Universityof Kansas, Lavaenee. 'Osxo: . , Kinnitroxr--Univenityof Kentucky, 0610 StateUniveisity,Columbia, Ii Lexington. 4 Ohio University,Athens. LOUISIANA:I O BOMA: -Oklahoma Agricultural LouisianaState Univenity.and Agri- and Meethan- foal College, Stillwater. ' culturaland MechanicalCollege, 1 BatonRouge. Iiversity of Oklahoma,Norman. 0 ciitUniversity WaneUniversityof LoWsians,New ot Oregon,Eu- Orleans. gene. PsirrisyLvAnk-s-PennsylvaniaState WAssAmitrarn-w-BostonUniv College,!kite College. Boston. BoumDAxoTASouthDakotaState Micmac College ofAgricultureand Me-

. 17. Micbigan StateCollege,East Lansing. chanio Arts,'Brookings. 11% Universityof Michigan,Ann Arbor.Taxa.: Tem(kite()MopforWomen, ManamoTA--Universityof Minnesota, : beaten. . Minneapolis, _ Universityof Texas,Austin.- ; Mitsotrat--University ; c Missouri,Co-Visongw---Washingtonand Lee Uni- a lumbia. 4 varsity, Lexington. Mommik---Montana WaammoTowUniversityal Washing- State University, .( Missoula, ton, Beattie. Wacoirsnc Nsw JumpyRutgers University,"New Marquette University,Milwaukee: ; Brunswick. Universityof Wisconsin,Madison. LAW . AigericanBar tion N

Election ofLealWu0flonand Admissionsto the Bar Advisor: JohnG. Hervey,2611 kpooTower Building, . r ; OklahomaCity 2,Okla. V. Approved&hookOctober1051

. . 4LARANAUniversityof Alabama, .; trailCALIFORNIAContinued . varsity. ,Universityof San Premium,San - 41, AZILIONA,Thavoisitet ' 612 Tuom IFran...r ; . sena..t . Universityof Banta Clara, Saida AncuisathilvemiltY 4 ofArkansan, Clara. Ia Fayetteville. ,* Universityof EloutheruCatania, Citweastu . Los Angeles. ' ...... t.".

,. 4, 944 ..!,... tt _ Tooyolal University,Lae Angeles. Cosomuso: 4.i ..1. 7;-; c.a.. &WordUnifferettYp:itanfor# tiOversiqr,a( e.1..4c, Va. , I ,Colorikdo,BoUkilt: '.. :-. .." ':-.414 veal*... . Univesity of Denver,Denv,v,, 44i..i.' .. ; ,A..I.,1,,i..

University., 0 t $1,-Calftwals,Berkeley; . ;! V.1.11 41,17 'haJ I -2i tl . 14440.14111,141in : A( ?MUG**West- tiniversitlof Con_ " ,1. 1 l , 'A.:'.4:1p ....:1". ings College II. ') of Law). _i_. . Yale University,ow - i .:: V! i ...... t1' . : .1...t; ). )'...... 7:3.f.er..E SI 04.;,...0 .V;P.Ng .11 ., - . . I " .. . s 7t .frilt ProvIdomailiaggewmil. ... .a. . . 4: : .. . 1, -

101111411*--41 1 r ......

;'4. 14.1 ...... e. e. '

; . I:'); v . ta .-11* ' 4 .4_,A,L1:%&; .4.1;atil6giuNgig$. '1* IL4Edlagai if2ttel 94 ACCREDITEDHIGHERINSTITUTIONS,1952

DISTRICTOF COLUMBIA: LOUISIANAContinued American University,Washington. LoyolaUniversity,New Cat Iloilo Orleans. UniversityofAmerica, TulaneUniversityof Louisiana, Washington. New c Orleans. Columbus University, Washington. MARYLANDUniversityofMaryland, George Washington University, Baltimore. Washington. lktfAMAcituturrrs: GeorgetownUniversity,Washington. Boston College,Boston. HowardUniversity,Washington.' BostonUniversity, gational Boston. University,Washington. HarvardUniversity,Cambridge. FLORIDA: .NortheasternUniversity,Boston. John B.StetsonUniversity,De Land.MICHIGAN: Universityof 4 Florida,Gainesville. DetroitCollegeof Law,Detroit. Universityof Miami, Coral Gibles. . University ofDetroit,Detroit. ()BORGIA: University ofMicbigan, Emory AnnArbor. University(LamarSchool of WayneUniversity,Detroit. Law),Atlanta. MINNI1BOTA: MercerUniversity (WalterF.George St. PaulCollegeof Law, St.Paul. Schoolof Law), Macon. University ofMinnesota,Minneapo- Universityof Georgia,Athens. lis. IDAHOUriversityof Idaho,Moscow. MISSISSIPPIUniversityofMississippi, . ILLINOIS: University. chicago-Kenta.College of Law,Missouri': Chicago. LinoolnUniversity,St. Louis.' De Paul Tniversity,Chicago. St. LouisUniversity,St. Louis. JohnMarshall SchoolofLaw, University ofKansasCity,Kansas Chicago.' . City. . . . .LoyolaUniversity,Chicago. Universiiyof Missouri, Northwestern Columbia. University,Chicago. WashingtonUniversity,St. Louis. tniversityof Chicago, Chicago. MONTA:NAMontanaStateUniversity, Universityof Illitiois,Urbana. 'Missoula. a. INDIANA: ! . NssnAss.A.: Indiana University,Bloomingtonand CreiglItonUniversity,Omaha. Indianapolis.. University of Nebraska,Linooln. It Universityof NotreDame,NotreNswJSRSIIT: Dame. Rutgers Univeridty,Newark. Valparaiso University,Valparaiso. Seton HellUniversity,Newark.1 IOWA: New Drake MexicoUniversityof NewMex- University,Des Moiges. ico,Albuquerque.1 State Unliersity of Iowa,IowaCity.New Yost: t KANSAS: Brooklyn, Law%hoof,'Brooklyn.. Univ.; 4tof Kansas,Lawrence. ColumbiaUniversity,New tork. WashburnMunicipalUniversityof OornellUniversity,Ithaca. Topeka,Topeka. FordhamUniversity,New KearruceY: York. New YorkUniversity,NewYork. University 7 of Kentuay,Leiington. . St. John's ,Brooklyn. Universityof Louisville,Louisville. ftniouteiUniversity;8*raouss.:4.1 LOUISIANA: Union Collegeand University Louisiana (Albany StateUniversity,Baton Law B&W), -crvi Roup. Mbsiny.;,

-1 Othrefity ; 1 asiSittakv . Butaut I Attended - V .. ; predominantlyby News. 40. ) !..7141.1. I Previa/inkyapproved. e

I. s'.,:/ : c r 1, 4

...... 1, , t 'JOI-...:. ` ,_, .c , i:....,..i.s. :.. . :....,... .,...,:-.0.... 4...... ,.....,.,...:,-..,..,..i';,....,..-.::,...,-,..4-1).ii,,i,i...... -,,, .., ,f- , . e").1,7;44.:_rikr':. : .t.k...41:1:! :,.:. 84 .

LAW 95

4. NORTHCAROLINA: BOUTII DAxoTAUniversityof South Duke University, Durham. Dakota, Vermillion. North Carolina College at Durham,TIMNMUM Durham.' . Cumbedand University, Lebanon.' University of North Carolina,Chapel Univend0 of Tennessee,Knoxville. Hill. Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Wake Forest College, Wo.kForest. NormDAzoTAUniveisityof NorthTgxAs: Dakota, Grand Forks. Baylor University, Waco.' OHIO: St. Mary's University of SanAntonio, Franklin University, Columbus.' San Antonio. Ohio Northern University (Warren G. Southern Methodist University,Dal- Harding College of Law), Ada.' las. Ohio State University,tolumbus. Texas SouthernUniversity,Hous- University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. ton.' Univeriityof Toledo, Toledo. University of Houston, Hous Western Reserve University, Cleve- University of Texas, Austin. land. UTAHUniversity of Utah, Salt Las OKLAHOMA: City. University of Oklahoma, Norman. University of Tulsa, Tulsa.' VIRGINIA: College of William and Mary, Wit . ORAloN: liamsburg. Universityof Oregon, Eugene. Willamette University, Salem. University of Richmond (T. C. Wil- liams School of Law), Richmond. PENNSYLVANIA: University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Dickinson School of Law, Carlisle. Temple University, Philadelphia. WashingtonandLeeUniversity, Lexington. University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia. WASHINGTON: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. Gonsaga University, Spokane.' ' Pusato Rwo-i-University of Puerto University os, Washington, Seattle. Rico, Rio Piedra& WIST VIRGINIAWest Virginia Un1-4 SOUTH CAROLINA: varsity, Morgantown. State Wored Normal,Industrial, Agricultural and Mechanical Col-WISCONSIN: lege of South Carolina, Orange- Marquette University, Mirwaukee. University of Wisconsin, Madison. burg.' 1, University of South Carolina, Colum-Tromnro--UniversityofWyoming, bia. Laramie. I Attended predonteently by Negros. PrevisionallY*Moved,


. ut4 1 .. : 6.

. O. ...4.t0*. r'JA' f?.0 )t:.;:11.:t11:#1: IP I ' # . . ...31?";'...4NiJ ,(14 r. A, . , 's,' AC1.. 0. * 1;"; ?: iad 4.4. 4. ; .f,.4P2.7E.Ntait.4W.r/ .


I. LIBRARIANSHIP American.LibraryAssociation .1- o Boardof Eawagon for Liinirianahip Becretary: Anita M.Hostetter,60 East HuronStreet,Chicago11,-111. AccreditedLibrary Schools,1911-41

CALIFORNIA: *,Naw Yous: 4

Universityof California,Berkeley. ; ColumbiaUniversity,NewYork. . University ofSouthernCalifornia, Pratt Institute,Brooklyn. Los Angeles. State Universityof New' York,New CoLonAnoUniversity of Denver, York State_Collegefor Teachers, Denver. Albany. MerriamorCoLuitau---catholio UnI SpiteUniversityof NewYork,State varsity of Atiperico;Washington. TeachersCollege,Geneses". ()Donau: SyracuseUniversity,Syracuse. e Atlanta University, Atlanta.' NORTH C.inouvaUniversityof North Emory University,Emory University. Carolina,ChapelHill. 0. Ole: r OniroWeeternReserveUniversity, Rosary College,River Forest. Cleveland. University of Chicago,Chicago. OimutomA---Universityof Oklahom,, University ofIllinois,Urbana. Norman. 7 KAirsaKaneasState TeachersCol-PilmarivAtwa: lege, Empaia. Carnegie_ Institute MunruciryUniveridtyof Kentucky, at Technology, Lexington. z Pittsburgh. Drexel Institpteof Teohnol*ogy,Ma- InsumALouisianaState University delphia. 4 andAgricultural and Mechanical- MaywoodCollege,Scranton. Colley, BatonRouge. Tainiasua--Gorg MASBACEMINT1it--amM01111 College, Peabody°allege Boston. for Teachers,Nashville. Ithenrski: TRIAL UnIverrikrof Michigan,Ann Arbor. Our Ladyat tbe LakeCollege,Ban Western MichiganCollegeof Mum- Ant4nio. tionKalamasoo. Texas&ate Collegefor Women, MINNSSOTA: Denton. . Collegeot 8t Catherine,Bt. Paul. WAswerom---Univareityal Washing- University ci Minnesota,Minneepolis. ton, Seattle. -Haw hinsiyRutgers University,NewWactoNswoUnivenityOfWhoonsin, Brunswick. *Stadium OD I Attended predeadnengyby Negroes. Irrevtalomenyapproved.


1, 4 I - . . . JI Or..; 4: . .1**;C ! ..i;;'1 .'tg - r 4 , Nz:4ILi:A" k 'Iltfftfi.4.1.*Vti.T,41..1 Jr . stir 9, 11, MI Ing CM* 97 4. MEDICINE I. American MedicalAssodadon CouncilftMedicalNuclide"andHospitals fieoretory:DoualaG.And;,, 5116 NorthDearborn Street, Chicago10, Ill.

o ApprovedMedical Bekaa.,September 1941


AutsA3ii--47niversity of Alabama,LOUISIANA: - Birmingham. Louisiana State Universityand Agri- v. Amu,: Univ.1 otyof,Arkansas, clulturiti and MechanicalCollege, Little Rock.. New Orleans.

CALIFORNIA* : . .Tulane Universityof Louisiana,New College of Orleans. 01- ittediesiEvangelists, Loma AP% Linds'aidLos Angeles. MARYLAND: Stanford University, Stanford'Uni- Johns HopkinsUniversity, Baltimore. versity and Elan Francisco. University of Maryland,Baiting.* University at California, San Fran-MAIWA CZ USSITS:

cisco. . Boston University,Boston. University ci SouthernCalifornia, Harvird Univeraty,Boston. Los Angeles. . 'rafts College,Boston. CozonAno--ftUniverattyofColorado,MICHIGAN: 'Universityof Michigan, AnnArbor. Denver. I Wayne University,Detroit. CONNDOTIOUTIldUniversity, New Haven. MumnsoTAUniversItyof Minnesota, Minneapolis. DISTRICTOP COLUMBIA: hdresoum: , goons Washington University, Bt. Louis University, fit.Lodi.. Washington. I WashingtonUniversity, et. Louis. Clem University, Washington.NaBILMIZA: Howard University, Washington.' Credghton University,Omaha. . Orsompu: University ot Nebr Omaha. Emory University, Atlanta. Nirw Yon:: 7 "VedieiaCollege of Georgia,August.a. Columbia University(College °Mire

Wixom: , sielans and Burgeons),New York. Chicago Medical School, Chicago. CornellUniversity, New York. Loyola Univers117, Chicago. New York MedicalCollege, New Northwestern University, Chicago. York. -r. University ot Chicago, Chimp. New YoikUniversity, New York. University GI Illinois, Mosso. ante University at NewYork, Col- lege ot Medicineat New York City, beniAmm---IndianaS. University,/Aim- Wooklyn.: into? and Indianapolis. 4. ot &ate University ot NewYork, Col- IOWA I f Univeridty GI Iowa, Iowa Ofit. 4 lege d Medicine atarum% Byrn- MOIL % ICArtsAsUniversity at Kansas, Idni.f. Union College and lInfvesidti(Albany reuseand luau City. Meow cafe*,Away. Niurruarr-m4lavasity at Lodisville, University ofBuffalo, Buffalo. Louisville. . 5 Valve:14 of 1 Rochester, Rochester. 4 IANsalledpeirlossbagybyawe. f

A . )6



. ; .r.; t t '". I ..)4_`t.43.v:fidlit;f44 . 98 ACCREDITEDHIGHERINSTITUTIONS,1952 t, NORTHCAROLINA: SOITTRCARQLINAMedicalCollegeof DukeUniversity,Durham. the Wake State.ofSouthCarolina, Forest Colleke(Bowman6ay Charleston. Schoolof Medicine),Winston-TRNNIC88211: Salem. MeharryMedicalCollege, OHIO: Nashville.' -UniversityofTennessee, OhioState Memphis. University,Columbus.* VanderbiltUniverlity,Nashville. 1 UniversityofCincinnati,Cincinnati.TExAs: Western ReserveUniversity. BaylorUniversity,Houstop. OILAHOMAUniversityofOklahoma, UniversityofTexas,Dallas,and OklahomaCity. Galveston. or OitiooNUpiveraityofOregon, Port-UTAHUniversityofUtah,BaltLake land. City. VICRISO --Universityof L: "PSNNSYLVAKIA: Vermontsand StateAgriculturalCollege,Bur- HahnemannMedicalCollegeand lington. Hospital,Philadelphia. VIRGINIA: JeffersonMedical CollegeofPhila- MedicalCollegeofVirginia,Rich- delphia,Philadelphia. mond. Temple 7 University,Philadelphia. UnivenityofVirginia,Charlottes- ville. UniversityofPennsylvania,Phila- delphia. WASHINGTONUniversityofWashing- ton, Seattle. UniversityofPittsburgh,Pittsburgh. Woman's WISCONSIN: MedicalCollegeofPennsyl- Marquette vania,Philadelphia. University,Milwaukee. UniversityofWisconsin, 4 Madison. BASICMEDICALSCIENCES

16, -year curricula)

, Miss manUniversityofMississippi,NORTH University. DAKOTAUniversityofNorth Dakota,Grand MIS8OuarUniversityof Missouri, Forks. Columbia: SOUTH Nsw DAKOTA-17nIversityofSouth RAKtsatax----nartmouthCollege, Hanover. Dakota,Vermillion. NORTH CAROLINAUniversityofNorthWRISTVIROINIAWeetVirginia Carolina,ChapelHill. Uni- versity,Morgantown.

OCCUPATIONAL T PY . . SchoolsApprovedby theCouneg. on Medical . ucationand AmericanMedical Hospitals, Association,May1951(seep.97) CALIFORNIA: IOWAState MillsCollege, UniversityofIowa,Iowa Oakland. City. SanJoseStateCollege,figir4oee. UniversityofSouthernCalifornia,KANsAsUniversityaKansas,Law- Los Angelis. MHOS. ILuxow----UniversityofIllinois,Chi- cago. MASSACHtlearrrsBostonSchoolof OccupationalTherapy,Boston. - I AttendedpredominantlybyNegroes.




MICHIGAN: Omo----OhioStateUniversity,Colum- MichiganStateNormalCollege, bus. YpilantL WayneUniversity,Detroit. VsmrisvidvANIAUniversityof Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia. Western MichiganCollege ofEduca- tion (KalamazooSchool ofOccupa-TaxAsTexasState College for tional Therapy),lialarnazoo. Women,Denton. rINNESOTA: VirtoINIAL-Collegeof Williamand Maiy College of St.Catherine, St.Paul. University of (RichmondProfessionalInstitute), Minnesota,Minneap- Richmond. olia. MisfpwarWashingtonUniversity,St.WASHINGTONCOilegeOf PugetSound, Lott's. Tacoma. NEWHAmysmasrUniversityof NewWISCONSIN: Hampshire,Durhatn. Milwaukee-DownerCollege,Milwau- Nsw YORK:. kee. Columbia University, NewYprk. MountMaryCollege,Milwaukee. New YorkUniversity, New Yotk. Universityof Wisconsin,Madison. PHYSICALTHERAPY School., Approvedby Ow. Lusciiof ModioalEducationandHospitals,American MedicalA siociation,May 1951 (seep.97) CALIrORNIA: Missouri': Children's 7 Hospital, LosAngeles. St. LouisUniversity,St. Louis. College ofMedical Lvangelista,Los WashingtonUniversity,St. Louis. Angeles. lr NEW StanfordUniversity,StanfordUni- YORK: versity. MbanyHospital,Albany. University ofCalifornia,San Fran- ColumbiaUniversity,New York. cisco. 0 New YorkUniversity,New York.. University ofSouthern NORTH California, CAROLINA,.Duke 'NORTH University, Los Angeles. a Durham. COLORADO: Fitzsimons Oaro---ClevelandClinicHospital,Cleve- Army Hospital,Denver. land. University ofColorado, Denver, 5 DISTRICTOF COLUMBIAWaiterReedPENNSYLVANIA: Army Hospital,Washington. D. T.WatsonSchoolof Phystatries, ILLutols---NorthwesternUniversity, Leetsdale. Vhicagob . University of Pennssylvania,Phil** Iow*--EitateUniversity ofIowa, Iowa delphik.

City. 0 4. TEXAS:.7. K464sAsUniversityof KAMM, KAMM I .City. Brooke ArmyMedicalCenter,Fort MwaaAcauswrirs: a Sam Hotiston,Ban Antonio. Boston University,Cambridge. HermannHospital, Houston.- Bouve-BostonSchoolofPbysical University ofTexas,,Galveston. Education,Medford. Simmoras,College,Boston. VznoskuMedicalCollege ofVirginia, MINNIASOltat : Richmond. Mayo Clinic,Rochester. Wisconsui--Univeraity.of Wiseonidn, University ofMinnesota.Minneapolis. Madison.

4. .

omf er 0 * . . 4' 00.1(. ! I 3 ;3 100 ACCREDITELiHIGHERINSTITUTIONS,1952

OtherMedical,8pocis1tioeApprovedbp Me AmericanMedice4'Association TheCouncironMedicalEducationand *MoodsUon has Hospitalsci theAmericanMedical khooapproved-hospitalsforinternships, ships, 487schools residencies,andfellow- ofmedicaltechnology,288schoolsin X-ray choolsformedkalrecord technique,and18 librarianship.Thisbulletindolenot allow thelistingof thesespecialties. space for

.04 MUSIC c NationalAssociation0SchoolsofMusic SecretaryBurnetC.Tuthill,Memphis CollegeofMusic,:1822OvertonPark AVenue,Memphis12, Tenn. . InstitutionalMembers, January196S ., ALABAMA: AlabamaCollege, FLosIDAContinued Montevallo. dohn B.Stetson BirminghamConservatory Uniyetsity,DeLand. of Music, RollinsCollege,Wter Park. Birmingham./ _ Universityot JudsonCollege, lfr Mini,CoralGables. Marion. GEOZGIA: UniversityofAlabaina, University. ShorterCollege,Rome. ARISONA Universityof4aisona,Tuc- son.' UniversityofGeorgia,Athens. Wesleyan ARICArums: College,Macon. Hendrii klaxon: College,Conway. American Universityof OceservatoryofMusic, Arkansas,Fayetteville. Chicago.' CALLVOZNIA: AugustanaCollege, College RockIsland. of theHolyNames, Oaklind. BradleyUniversity, Colimaof the Peoria. Pacific,Stockton.' ChicagoObruservatory, Immaculate Chicago" HeartCollep,LosAn- Chicago%WealCollege, gales.* Chicago.' CosmopolitanSchooloi Music,Chi- UmAngeles Coneervat;iryof Music cage and Arts,LosAmple's' DePaul Universityof Univenity,Chicago.' Wands,Redlands. IllinoisWesleyanUniver.sity,Bloom- Universityot'Southern,California, ingtok, I. LosAngeles" JamesMllHkiAflUniversity,Deoattg. CoLonAno: , KnoxCollep,Galesburg. Colorado 'College,Coloradokrinp. MaebiurrayCollepforWomen, UniirersityofColorado,Boulder, Jacksoiville. UniversityofDenver,Denver.' MunckleinColl*,Chicago. CONNIC.eictrr: NorthCentralCollege,Naperville. 4.16 JuliusHarttMusicalFoundation; NorthPartCollegeaqdTheological ' Hartford. Seminary,Mono(Jr.). Yaleajnivereity; Ne4Haven,- NorthwesternUnivty,Evanston.' Diagram%or COLUIIIIIA RooseveltColkge,Maio. HowardUni- Rosary versity,Waahington.' College,Rivernewt. &_ Sherwood FLORIDA: MusicSchool.,Chicago.' 'Wig* SouthernMini*University,Carbon- StateUniversity,Tallahassee.' dale. JacksonvilleCollege . ofMusic,Jack- Universityof 7 sonvlik. Illinois,17thana, Wheaton I Galley,Whestm. Attendedpredominantlyby Negroes. IAssociatemember. Gado&wort aimapproved.

'.- It'" ....t. . .. ;*4 ' .1 li114,,:,:

. . it!.tr .f*Z!..t.+ ,,-f- z ,_11.0wNifte.q. . ..0:.,...i = ...i 4 . 4 ;lc a ''..: - . 4 ''.---n-,_.:'1 .'' .9 --_.- ",--4 ' a.-r r 'V t V MUSIC 101

INDIANA: 4 LotitaIANA----Continued Ban StateTeacbenOolktge,Muncie. Bouti*astarnLOuisianaCollege,Ilam- t; ButlerUniversity(JordanCollegeof mond. Magic), 1odian'applis: BouthwveternLouisianaInstitute, DePauwUnirenity;Greencastle./ Lafayette.' EvansvilleCutiege,Evansville. TulaneUniversityofLouisiana:New- IndianaUniversity,Bloomington./ oomb College,NewOrleans. FOWL: MARYLAND: Cornell College,MountVernon. PeabodyInstituteof theCityof DrakeUniversity, DeeMoines./ Baltimore,Baltimore. Western Iowa StateTeachersCollege,Cedar MarylandCollege,-West- p. minster. MorningsideCollege,Sioux City. MAIMACIluarms: SimpsonCollege,Indianola. Boston Conservatoryof Music, Boston.' StateUniversity aIowa, IowaCity./ BostonUniversity, a KANSVII: Boston./ NewEnglandConservatoryof Music, Bethany Cease,Lindsbort. Boston./ FortHaysKansas StateCollege,MICHIGAN: Rays. Albion College,Albion. Kansas , Stat'Newham College, DetroitInstituteofMusicalArt, Emporia. Detroit. Kansas StateTeachersCollep, Michigan StateCollege,East Pittsburg. Lansing./ University ofMichigan,AnnArbor.' ktaryrnountCollege,Salina. WesternMichiganCollegeof Educe- Mount St.ScholasticsCollege,Atchi- tion,Kalamasoo. SOD. MINNIMOTA: MunicipalUniversityofWichita, elnoordia Vicki* College,Moorhead. GustavusAdolphusCollege,8t.Peter.' ElteMary Oollege,Xavier. MacPhallCollegeofMusic,Min- SouthwesternCollege,Winfield. 4. neapolis.' University of Minus,Lawrence.' MinneapolisCollegeof Music,Min- Kalmar": neapolis./ MurrayStateCollege,Murray. University ofMinnesota,Apnnesp- a Wis.,/Duluth. University ofKentucky,Lexington./. M University ofLouisville,Louisville. Inman: 0 WesternKentuckyBtsteTeachers BellhavenCollege,Jacks\n.. pollege,BowlingGreen." 'MississippiSouthernCollege, }fatties- burg. LOUISIANA: MississippiState'Collegefor Women, CentenaryCollege, Eihreisieport. Oolumbus. LouisianaStatii Univers10and Agri-Missoual: eultural gadMechanic&College, CentralCollege,Fayette.' BatonRouge, #1, CentralMissouriCollege,W LoyolaUniversito,NewOrleans. burg. IAnodisenestsber. Gradosts workaim ipproved. e.



V , 102 ACCREDITEDHIGHER INSTITUTIONS,1952 4 MISSOURIContinued #. OHIO: Christian College, Columbia(Jr.). BaldwinWallaceCollege, Conservatoryof Music Berea. of 'Kansas BowlingGreenStateUniversity, City, KansasCity.? BowlingGreen. LincolnUniversity; JeffersonCity.' CapitalUniversity,Columbus. Lindenwood CollegeforWomen, CincinnatiConservatoryof Music, St. Charles. Cincinnati.' NortheastMissouri Stitt, Teachers Cleveland Institute of Music, 'a. College,Kirksville. Cleveland.' St.LouisInstitute of Music,St. CollegeofMusicofCincinnati, Louis. Cincinnati.' StephensCollege, Columbia(Jr.). Collegeof Wooster,Wooster. University ofMissouri,Columbia.? DenisonUniversity, William Woods Granville% College,Fulton(Jr.). MiamiUniversity,Oxford. MONTANAMontanaStateUniversity, MountUnionCollege, Missoula. Alliance. MuskingumCollege,New NEBRASKA: Concord. OberlinCOege,Oberlin.' I Hastings College,Hastings. Ohio State'.University, University of Columbus. Nebraska,Lincoln.? OhioUniversity,Athens. NEW JERSEY: OhioWesleyanUniversity, RutgersUniversity: Delaware. New JerseyCol- OtterbeinCollege,Westerville. lege for Women,New - Brunswick.= WesternCollegefop Women,Orford. WestminsterChoirCollege,Princeton. Wittenberg Niw College,Springfield. MEnctoUniversityof New YoungstownCollege,Youngsto7n. Mexico,Albuquerque.' OKLAHOMA: NEW YORK: Houghton OklahomaAgriculturalandMechan- College,Houghton. ical Ithaca'College,Ithaca. College,Stillwaterei Juilliard School 9klahomaCityUniversity,Oklahoma of Music,NewYork.? City. Manhattan Schoolof Music,New York./ Universityof Oklahoma,igorznaii.7 University ofTulsa;Tulsa. .".. ManhattanvilleCollege ofthe Sacred ., Hart, NewYork. OREGON: University StateUniversityof NewYork: of Oregon,Eugene. Willamette StateTeachersCollege,Fredonia.' University,Salem. SyracuseUniversity,Syracuse.' PENNSYLVANIA: UniversityofRochester,Rochester.? CarnegieInstituteofTechnology, i NORTHCAROLINA: . Pittsburgh.' EastCarolinaCollege,Greenville.1 CollegeMisericordia,.Dallas.' Flora Macdonald College, Red LebanonValleyCollege, Annviile. .P2 Springs.' MarywoodCollege,Scranton. , dricensboroCollege,Greensboro. PhiladelphiaMusicalAcademy, Mars HillCollege,Mars Hill(Jr.).1 1101114444,11.

Meredith Pittsburgh . College,Raleigh. musicalInstitute,, Inc.,

QueensCollege,Charlotte. Pittsburgh(Jr.). . SalemCollege,Winston-Salem. BetonHillCollege,Greensburg. University ofNorthCarolina,ChapelSOUTHCAROLINA: Hill; 7Woman'sCollege,Greens- Coker liege, Hartsville. boro. ConverseCollege,Spartanburg" IAttendedpredominantlyby Negroes. 2 Associatemember. / Graduatework alsoapproved. a

cir? ^ . I te'. e ) 'Vb ;;F %21.; ;Vt!**,;,.;I:2-15.1" e.p ;441 et,40 rir V a_t4ti tttal CETI ; 7 ;* MUSIC I 103 . SOUTHCARoi,INAContinued ttixisContinued FurmanIhNersity,Gieenville. Texas WesleyanCollege, FortWorth. Limestone College,Of May: I University of 'Texas,Austin.? Winthrop College, Roil,Hill. VIRGINIA: TENNESSEE: .` Averettr College,Danville (h.). Belmont Oollege, Nashville(Jr.). College of Williamand Mary:Rich- George Peabody Collegefor Teachers, mond ProfessionalInstitute, Rich- ; Nashville:7 mond. Maryville College,Maryville. Hollins College, HollinsCollege. Southwesternat Meinphis, Memphis. ShenandoahConservatory ofMusic, University of Chattanooga,.Chatta- Dayton. nooga. Virginia IntermontCollege, Bristol TEXAS: (Jr.).1 Baylor University,Waco.7 . WASHINGTON: Del Mar College,Corpus Christi College of PugetSound, Tacoma. (Jr.). State College ofWashington,Pullman) Hardiq-Simmons University,Abilene. University. of Washington,Seattle.7 Incarnate Word College, BanAntonio. Whitman College,Walla Walla. Mary Hardin-BaylorCollege, Belton.WEST VIRGINIA-AWestVirginia Uni- North Texas StateCollege, Denton.? iersity,Morgantown. Our Lady of the.Lake -College, SanWISCONSIN: Antonio. Alverno College,Milwaukee. Southern MethodistUniversity, Lawrence College,Appleton. Dallas.7 . Viterbo College, LaCrosse. SouthwesternUniversity,George- Wisconsin,Conservatory,Inc., Mil- ...town). . waukee.T TexasChristianUniversity,FortWfiGIIING-1UniversityofWyoming, Worth.? > Laramie. Associate member. Ort Ante work alsoapprove&





. .




. . .,. ,- .,,.t .1 .v - #1' . ..'0 -; ' .41 4,3.4lot t 11:14.LI* efr)i_ .djitio't. 4.4,'/ t ; 1; rje.: Aci 1" 7 e f' li:4;0151.11: 114. ; '.e1710A.6' _ t'AS'..41.4:14 . 1.1)hal're Pi. a - , ,, Gallingur . , alithaeljnivenditYotAmmeies,Waithinglon...... Dehivare Oadial Bt. Vineint's Yale Waterbury Iiiii. Norwalk Hospital of Middlesex Hartford BlridgSport University Loretto Children's. University San Nee . College Freedmen's ...... 104 Eke Los Francis ... - footnote Mane!, University, il Francisco . , , a. ,....- . I Angeles . . Mainariall Heights Municipal . , Hollow, Hospital, Hospital, Hospital, Hospital, Hospital, Hospital, of Colorado, Hospital, a et. Director: Medical M of California, , College DISTRICT Hospital, Hospital, ead of . Raphael, College . _ New College, . . . Approved ACCRIIDITZD. Ealgealle CONNIICTICUT South DELAWARE Wilmington.. Hartford Hospitill, I table. of CALIFORNIA COLORADO Evangelists, NAtional Middletown Waterbury. Hartford Bridgeport... Denver Helen Raven LndItud OP California, Brkigert Washingion...... for Womenelian . Boulder New . COLUMBIA Nowa& Loretto Berkeley 1 ._ . . Bducational WillahletalLIDGIO014101111. Nahm, 2 . . . '*4 Washington-. - 4I1 MIAIM411 Haven . . w Nursing , - MUM . Loins " eD. . : Elan ...... -. em. mi...... k. 4 ...... 4' Park . URSING . Fran p - . Linda...... Programs e Francisco...... Accrediting 110 III. . . Amu*, . INITITUTIO" ..... r. . . --:------. 44 ADam . . . . 000 maow -4 . MD OPop . . - .. AD . 4. _ 3 do in Neeritis. ow. onodOdoim, ...... X X lit I Z New tot lit DIp lit x x x x lit x

, IDS . lit 1

OD I ,...... Service 40 ae e

..... I . ,,?7114-77 .. ob dee.aso ...... 014Deo .. 4.00AA 4,

ix - . _4.-4.- AA AIDMP4QP ,iu 40.a. anaa .. I 4 /It 0 GO01, 1 I I ' Mamie II N de, mg . ig x " c

do ell I et x _

, .§ x All i 111 . jott , d 41 . 40 am. 40 . so I . , 1.511 aor IP _ 4. ado..... ND di dom. 1951 4110 AD la44ODQD ell is .....-.. . 4. el alMall ' ° r 16, N.Y. - IP op MINo01, 4111 meowd.0, el mrSWoarOS 011 4, UpAD4Dab 4/ 411 alb . , AMU- 1110 MbOD In, 44 4. only at* go IMP I fla I I a.. al .. . obaem IP mi 4p40AD .. NO411.11. i OW Oa OD 411.. av 4DOr40Mb ID flb Iii PA al -410 .... 0.40P .. alp 40 alb all - WA med.PPOP lit IP . . . -1 . OW oWWI grad. Pest- dl OP IP MO nate X 1- I ell ii ]IC 411,.. la .1111 alit MP del Av I 3 dm ID it. 04 as , . OD elm go ID 10. . IP ledr46ad _ . DID ODWD410 WO .4,41,MbmO 4I. W.4PAD as MIGIP-.so M -OPMbMIIS PP GO UP.10op.I. 116 0 % r,:114. , alb 111,I. aD apAD ao dirODMD lit D doco 410-411t 0 I. . . t. . 4 P,I IV X lit X , II . bite 41,, . ow A. AA OD ' ow ..... /.: *1 ; -t -t 14.4.1 If ; fflm)i1)111111111111111711111I1111111111 11)111111111111111111111111111111111 1.1111141 1111 . tx . s. I . i ..


4 . . 411


. lastitution MOD.DegreeAM"'grad-Post"Pub Ile . ma(Basic)at° health , only. oats G , . 1 A . I I 11 S. . . ,

a 114. FLORIDA 00

*Irkrida . . AgriculturalandMechanicalCollege . . for Negroes,Tallahassee. .... z dO ... a/ GG G, 110 OD OD AD

CIDOWIIA.. .., . .

, .

Emory University,Emoiry University AM 111 VD O ...... z z OD An ID . dV et. Joseph's Infirmary,Atlanta. O.al .4OP 111P IA IS 111 Mb11 1MOloA ow so X o ....pd....p..4.. i

. HAW=

. . Universityof itawaii, Honolulu...... GO 4G. GO Gb z

III . ..

. Imniors . .


Children Ps . . MemorialCospital,Chiesgo, z _ .._ .. -...... Decaturand MaconCountyHospital, Decatur__ z ...... _...... ,_.. GP GO O...... -Evanston Hospital,1 Evanston.. .1. . I 410111 =900. ml, dm.GOma al Grant HosOtal , of 'Mew, _ Meow . X ...Mb op' Mb .*. a IMAM LorgiiUniversity,Chicago. MD M Gi Ol Z

MichielReese Hospital, M. dllo al-1111 111- A Chkago. A A- A A WA, X IG G ' als11111 Mount Sinai lip Hospital, Cideago..... ft, MO OD . 00 MD 410 111, MP Os . IMPaa1111 Presbyterian Hospital,C I himp..._ I -__ - A...... lilt. Anne'sHogital, Chicago GP A . -A ... 2 ID 40. al.00 46 111 et. Francis . Hos*al, EvanstonGO 01, GO GO GP 1 ...... St.Franols-Itospital,Peoria.. 4...... 0. a ...... ,,, GO Ga up do I ND . G. GP OD G dm. asp IMP le NI et. him*Xavfor Collep. for Womi Chicago z z...... Bt. JosephBehool at, Numb*, Chicago I .... ODow orGO GU G G ima.4111111 t. Luke'sHoslital,Ohkago.....1. I ...... University at Chkop, Chicago - x X University of DUN*, . le Chicago . . x .. Wesley MeinceialHospital,Chicago . X GB GO OP MD ...... ! . -

. . 1 . . . . INDIANA ...... IndialtaUblversity,Bloomington...... z z' IndianaptAis . . . X , w ea as. la Go SD IUD ......

1*. . IOWA I . . .

. Mount Mem - Junior Colkge, d Cedar ROI&ea III Ill el 8441bablDdibleDINID...... 41 . a . . . . .

...... KIIIM1110zir . .: . . . I ...... S I ...... eitoMisabathSchoold Nursins. . . Covinzton- 12...... 4161140. ayMI MI a dm a

. . ,

. , .. ., . .. . 1%.Vi 4 4.; ; ,.I.'.`.:- '..'.;- .....'.. -, L,?14 I., .1,,41.e { _irtre.j.i.p.sz ?; -tie: f, ':.4i01. ,it,i.:1, `.i.af..;,(c,:',. f"11;-.17( 104 ;441,11-11,1,.21,1frE,i' 4144:4114 ..


. ,

. . Inftitution Diplo-DegreeIT" ,1411". Pubild . ma(Basle) 1'n'aTo . only health ...... 1 II .

I . I 8 4 $ 4 I 4 , ft .


*DillardUniversity,New Orleans . - --,-, x . 4 4 4 4 HotelDieu ....,.... Schoolof Nursing,NewOrleans__ _.... x ..._ SW 00 a.4 6111 Or 4 6114 46 111111 4MI


JohnsHopkinsHospital,Baltimore x ..... ___ ...s m en. dip M.AI 40, m CDm Mercy Mb 4M am MOMD Hospital,_ Baltimore._ x . _ _...4 4 4 4. 4 Sheppardand EnochPratt 4 4 4 4 4GP 4 4 4 41 Hospital,.Towson_ _ _ _ mb o..o.. am. no x _ _ _ _ _ Sinai Hospital,Baltimore ... x UnionMemorial _ _ .....;.... Hospital,_ Baltimore x ______M .4. mi. mm


BethIsratibHospital,.Boston . ___ x a__ _A. IM 440 .0 00 410 410.0 Boston CityHospital,Boston______.. _ - ... x _ _ _ _ .. 4 4 4 46 Boston . _ ...... 4 College, . Boston.______...... ______. ______- -...... _sq...... 4m . BostonUniversity, X x Boston__, gm Mb d 2X _____ X* x Children'sHospital,Boston 1x ....., ....., _ ...... Faulkner - Hospital,Bostop, 1 x 1 ...... McLeanHospital,Waverly. .. . n !x - - 4 64.-_1116, 4 ' 4 4 4 Massachusetts 4.4116411. 441 4 GeneralHospital,Boston x _ _ _ .. MassachusettaMemorial 411 411 4 .410 4 4 4 -4111 .01 a. Hospitals,I. Boston .o.Po MP .N. x mb.s.ss...... mm4 4 '1611 MountAuburnHospital,Cambridge . 64 4/ x AO., 00 41 ip.... 64 4 446 4 44 4 M.4 4 .4. 4 NewEnglandDeaconessHospital,Boston . ___ x _i______QUI .1,Int ID SO 4 44 111/ ...... Newten-WeikaleyHospital,Newt9n _Lower V . . . - Falb._ __ ...... x _.- _ _ sommeMom.MPOImIMMP SalemHospital,Salem . -4. .. x _.. ..1. ea 6/4 46 4 4114 . . - -.. Simmons ,.. College,Boston. 41 a. , 1 lb 40 00 x x x TruesdaleHospital,Fall River . . x a* 00. .-Op 410 00 41; \ , . 4 40 4 4144111 . . 4 . r ,4 . . \ MICHIGAN ...... Blodgett i - MemOrialHospital,.GrandRapids _ x - On. orb on _____ ow No moo AMP .M. 00 01. 01 MI ButterworthHospital,GrandRapids x . on on Ow w 4 o . OM OD On on Grace . . Hospital,Detroit . GM pa M...... V . z...... , _ - :...... EimerHospital,Detroit... ___ _ ._ Mb X MP -00 40 00 MD.00 10 41/0 . 010 41.Mb el.4, e. i4 Henry FordHospital,Detroit ,'' .. x . -____ . MercyCentralSchool of . Nursing,..GrandRapids__ x . ______. MI , OP . API MINT College, . Detroit.. . x /1/ Me MoreySchool otNursing ciDetroit, Detroit..._x ____.. Miasma ...... ft:. College,Nasareth...... GOV I. eV OW ..... 00 x ._ _..,. Providence ... .. 0, alb 40 Hospital,Detroit...... ' x,....,...... ss0.410106 Universityof Michigan,Ann Arbor .. _ .... ._ _ M IND x OW MP x , .16 . W. truivei*y,Detroit. I ...... -a* X ...9.....I .....,.... X ;..t.X- :I- !


t. S. * - t. tr,' Inf...; j: ; ; , r'f '4r/4"' jg,Z,)ilic--?..1,' e, - r ,. t A. ! . 01.. = 0,1. , , .. . *. !! be,;.:.1-5.I 1:`...... t. t ./I. 4 db T ",141. 1°7. g ivy r ".' . - Tim 41 P.7 Mirk vfvev.44:. - .1 : qr

. . .. (2;' _ t' k I. 1 e.0'two, 241:a.4utris)1t. 1/4 107-

DWI>. A11111- Post- hstitutitme Degree Public .I. ma(Basic)ate visd-health \!) only =to .41 AMMO....1. 1


P Cbllege of St. Sphoisistici, Duluth .mb 404 x a . College of St.,Veresa, I Wino. MID as / Fairview Hosfatal, Minneapolis MED 40. 40. Ms. M. MEP x 00 OW .11 ear

Ham line University, al, all Bt. Paul oio 410 QM. x x 40. el. _ , Killer Hospitals, , Rochestera__ ...... _____ x _ _ _ __ MD. I im Minneapolis tieneral MM. mo. Hospital, Minneapolis_ __ _ _ x Mil mo. a. Northwestern Hospital,Minneapolis , x. St. Mary's School * , Mit of N 411., mi. Rochester______x GM albma

Vniversity of Mianeeoti,Assneapolis alb ft 1. x M. Missouri'

Evangelical Deaconess Hospital, St.Lodi; 4mb a. I Ow a MD V Jewish Hospital, r et. Linda 40molo 40am . m 4m. au. - a a 44. 40 Kansas City General Hospital #1,Kansas City__ ow es

St. John's Hospital,St. Louis - , la, els

St. Louis City Hospital,St. Louis. Mb MID ID Mb Ms 41111, me dap =a . Mb 40

et LOWS University, Bt.Louis _ _ _ doe MM. t

St. Luke's M 44.MD Mi.alb amp 411. Hospital, Kansas City X Se _ SIN

Bt. Luke's Hospital, tit.Louis. Oa -.GP -OD X _ _41._ _ wr.

Washington University, _ _ MD I. 4 0111. MD 00al St. Louis _ P X X . ONO aAD


; 4

Montana State College,Bowman ______a1 I RIM 11% 0 11 et



Union College, UnooIn so ea les a44. III I 40 11 OD Niw Sown:. p.

. ..' Monmouth Memorial Long Branch a a alb i 44- 44 44. d 444or 4. 44. la...... -. 44 4. 44.W.Ile

Mountainside Hospital, Montialah...... a a .... , t .... a _ - s'_.., ...... - - imak-s. Muhlutherg Hospital,Plainfield.. ow ow. an. x ...... 44 44 4. .4.44 4444441444 ., , Newark loth Israel.Hospital, Newfark__ >x ...... __a, ...... 4 i..-, . -..-...... 4.:P... Orange Moix041Hospftol, Orange ...-I. ea_ ...... a.... Patarson 9enewil Hospital, 1'aterson...4_a a_-__-. -1- ...... aaigiaa. a a a aa.",..'.' .. 4 t ,

.6 A St. Jamb *004Patemion...... -..a. li 40, dr ay 4. 4= 44.44: a44 sir or 41, 1.1 A' . . w: fieton pin Iliknothy,Newark. mit ... iss .. 411 ...... L...... as N. ,; . ,' '1.... . ? . t 1, ;*.f' A . 4 46 ; 7.4 ,/ -14.,..-11-4. . S r P

I 't;'. . s -; ;


1 r

r . 1 . 1 ; . . , .- 5.: 4 . lo, 4,.:. ,.2- :S sr . , ,-1 .- . ' 1 * *,:, : . ;0 .- . . 1 A I i r , 1, . 4. . - I t I .r 4. ts,;a:t. 1 y.4. : f. I ,, -.1. 4-5.7148. t'r 6.4 V). sPL tT: c, - .. .d.,,*' 4'4..;. k Pi AP- 0., 0' [-se .";/ittls:.'0:44tkpeo 144, 1.1041 Lot -1141. t.tr-:.,ivsbstSiNfil.". - ki.lt '4 .1) 04:1/2:4 .4,4,...~,e," ,4 ri St,; 4 , L. ". . k- , . . " ' . , 4 14.1. , 4 : Wagner . Willard ?what' University Ot Vniversity Syracuse Slate Midmore Samaritan st. . Bt. IP 4%/fft St. m. '1 et. od St. Bt. 4t Queens Niagara New New Mt. Morrisania Metritftn Methodist Linoo1n Mary I Lenox Kingston Jewish kings eine Harlem, Grasslands lemitiam Come Columbia Brooklyn Binghamton Ade 41111.11411 Qty. I. 1'141 108. Vhiftnt's John's Luke's John's Mary's Mary's Calwrine's .4;4 ,!%!. '"/ anal University 1phi Co York York at ; Park& Oollep, 11 County Kill General Sanatorium, m Hospital University, Byracun a 4111 Univerety, School College, Hospital, University, t t'. Long of Hospital, University, Hospital, ' General Hmpital, Hospital, Avimue Hospital, sic, Hospital, * University, Hospital, Hospital, University, 4ed1cA1 Olty Hospital, Roclw-tL.--E-Er, Hospital, Buffalo, Ilwa, Hospital, Hospital, HosOK a 40411b City . I Staten Island Hospital, Hospital, r for Hospital, of ve lire-pi:wit -1 of .0 441411W New 4;!,, University, Garden y liowitai, Hospital, I. `r New New Hospital, Nurses, Hospital, Troy lea a Colime, Brame New Brocddyn, New 4,,** RochelMr Ikvooklyn Niagara - =4 Truckau NE New Buffalo New Brooklyn_ Thwooklyn , Ott New Bmkiyn _--_-- New Island_ Institution New ODIN, a Rochtster.... New New w New Ywk Ytwk,1Dollege ark . os.00, 40 Brookbrn , York_ Brooklyn I York ITED Jamaica.. York York City 1 Yalta % Hospital, New York New a York yID a41IP York. 01111411111111104/1/0011111101 New Rochester Brooklyn York . Jamaica__ York Fas...... York Binghamton 40 Syracuse_ 00 a4MbDo Brooklyn Me . Orb lib4444,- f is WO ADID... York 10 44. ow - . a Hit OW JED York 111. 11. Ycsok ....,..... a , , vs ayivsou...... a 4111. . ay. -- AN Long ..... MP lawwt , a.... 40 OD op. gm- . a.. .411, . .1-,, 4 do e '4' a._ of Medi* . .... ow .... a ...... 4 , a... a 0 ow 14.- : ...... Island II. dilldip Tagi- 41, ...... ow ap a Mb 1111 11111- ao 40 as. 40a. 40 ... . ,p2. .. 41...... 11. 41D 61, .. 4m . im imb %. ... 011,1111P MP op ea , ... . 4 7 .. _ Mr aw 40 aa4040 . 41: Mb 4 GO ;;Plilikt ZI . ..a a - X a 4-, en IMP X mb -40 . lb a01 X X . la a - z ' X ' s. I t ONS, 11111`40 41 ift40 t Is .'. . op 0 _ 4.-

tio 4 . 1 ...

't 04 . .... n: I MbMDMbMO it a 41, aODaw a a z od OPMO Ow aa I - 40 a

4, ow . s s , 31 MO 44. 9 I 4111111, OaOD il .4 s' , 0414i44141 04 MMs. x do W04,1010 aft am. x ' ' a414 00 x -;*" ;. yt 111. I A11 _ a Id as .:-.--... ..' I to alodb leis 4 i0 40 . db . .. a OD44 I 41; 44-ow a ... 46 :, I Or ow I Gle i .; Xow a artdi, db : : ft c . _.... ow .. 1. .. al.4 SO x MD .. IDCD I to .0 GP 11111, " AIde . IC z may a 41114.411C al 04,0 vO soOt ... A.- a. .. S& 40 OWoW CO go 41 : 4p ... r .., 41. Oa ; J ':- It 10 to a vow 1 . swap a 4I . MI 4111OP III do a E. a OD ID V ID aaaa colitrw 4P 4bIPOW41, or ewwMDAD 1. 1 ow L'? OD 11 ads ...... ow,ob.colw.VD' Mb 0 . ow 40AD _ ...... a 41P * p no a. á 411 181, it 0 .. Ea- 11, . - CD , AO MP a ow 011GO ads or - ! 2 -# a r- , ... 0111 a 40Ow 4. a 11 1 7 MP r : . IP a414. I 1a(*Ai .1/ 4 . 1 14P OP ODopso Ow OD 4D ow ..e .. e a s- MP MIOD PP ODMP Op OD1 VD #11. a 14 - as 4.6... 40 .414a 1. a VIVI. -NV O, eDDeMO _4._ CP IP lbwMD II .... . III 411 4111-4bc- MP im I 411 ID la OD 1111.CD f. OD _ DIM,Mb PIP 41/. . 10MPMb OD aik- O. iOD X ow ID OPI 41. 1 SO Dm x CD NO 4444 60 i , MI ow ., . a . MI q do mbab 41, - . X clo, IMP al 1111 - I el 4 I I J..** i es . 11 NM .1 I VM - ab 11111 I lb 4 : k,- A alk A qm + +.1% DI I. 4.:t. . ' . * 1. We* '"QtrCr 4 7 , ,' _ *- \74. r i 4 --,s 4 L , --,MITir Titt't7e-k...-tvel , 4.1.-h...... r"..7-V1-'''4,- IT-1,', k A' t r.lp -.., ,--, ...:....-.. 1 '4r ...... ; ' ;...1 ...4....so t . ,. .4 ....1,..... 1 , ;s. '. ;',."' ... :-.)...`. . ',1-i. -,e'"' V '..--.:" " *,,-A4 1 .' ,. , .'I . I. t' .1 ' 0 . . . . I- . . a .. s ' 4., 1, 6

A . -5-7:sa.1- 4r.e. t 9,t 109

.. 4 ' . AIMPost bisibutles Degree. bile , . . . ate grad- . . . only We .

I _ . II 8 a II III

. ...,-.44:100e70440;000


**Narita csiramisCollege , 21,t Durham,Durham.40 so4.44,40 40 do 4. as I university ofNorth earounkchapel mil. a ...... OD de Ur 4D 4, x . Onto _ Quist Hospital, _ :41 anainnati...... 'p X m ...... MD OPOD 40 Ma flaellMI MD aty g ,t IMP VPmike, .lib am Aim; Akron.... ND . ex 40. soCOow alOlo asOD . ... as D.OD OD OD dO am or 4141,il . 1et. College of" ,_ jasso:

HeadMountSt. lialichatet to soma Ewa. IM 410 AP IMP aa a, ea a X - ...ewes--did- - -- .. - ..... A I `,. A 1-):11:,------an alindlUNAIL...... -- .1 0 all esell mt am":. ow ma ma ...... 111 -00 ed 4000 OD ...... NO Good Elannaritan owOWNIPOlo OOP nespital, MP GPao ... es. Dayton-go ...... 1 tox . MD. aD a adB, aa ia40Or , Jewish llowitalAscoolatkm, Cincinnati x ona. 4.! .... ma AP VI

Miami Val* MO IP WV Husigtoll, Darks-- x a ma atIN.do.Ms dm . ammode _

1 Mount OarnastHosplisl,Osituraltm.....110 ... asi ... a. I .;OD.1.. O.AD OD all41 IDat MOUnt MaiRomillall, # aimpsiland,...... x ; NO I0 O 110 . 411_ IN...... 4111 rit MON&8116001 friwands% Dation 411. M. Mb x , 816 Elisabeth's . imp el ell al 0_ Howitak,yeusesiown x ell DO VDgo op.do e. op ea 3 ...... St* atatiA."4 1 x alb MD AP ......

I& AguesHospital,Cloveland...IN Alf 1 0 alb der X ...... - - .. -- . - .. _. ol, to Ill 8116 Luke.Holpitla Assoobition, ao viand..... x...... ,

Univorlity alranalinnaii, ND ala OD dia UP 411P 44 ID anainnati...... 4D 4b DID 4D X mr IP...... al 2it West=Rallerre UnivalitY,Clive's& ..X . x YiiimptownHospItalAaloolation,Younptown. x...... 0. to al - Al #

OxLknoau .

' r . et. Anthony's f admit air NursimOklahoma CIO Ile IP. ,,, SO 0 40 do ell0ea Ow 411 el II

i .

1 Omoox. r! ... r . a

University ofOregon, VD VD Ill411allp va.. op Portliand...... I ..... Z Z thdvandty air i Portland,Portland-4. a...... ar. owOD +UP ; IP411sib flOAD 0ot X ...... s..ea alb IP a*,asa am IDlad

. 7 i . . . . . , s . PlIMMOTINAMILL , t..i o b , # 1 f . ., .. , .. I . . ' .- ..r ..,' S. ' f .-! 1 ' - $'11 1 41. . .. sr Asa" ai411 gt Os49, eaIII.ao ow gm wt. or.,vs as 41. go am 4 Allellbsul- Nowa-.. 1 1 RaPitakPittiburell Oa .0 Q. . I# 04 el 1 N.& _ / ..... 1 0-. .1-1 1 : i . ' le"-.1 .A.. 1 1 -....,'I, . tP?Il-1 k . m A'. - ...... ".irt,.0. ! '10 Ill ille 44 aa Orin*a: III 4D looripabasameeqa. 411V 44 II4 , "die Nundultlidisdeilida. 0 o-,;,. X .4. is.I.,on gipii 40, meat . I. + 4-,1 I -4441.-C DuKpapos Univenkr,.ftitsbussili...-diD4414D 40ddio 41000 4, ' ...... ell X . it. X * 4 1, al . o --; .=_Iia-1"i.I 4 --i--1; -L-I I- r 02- ; , .7,- ' if,== =_--_ - = r.s.."_'145. Y.. '.. S'a % Ea 44 14 GI 4D .....Illb 104040 OP 1 X*4...... 0a 'MAID INab al, CD ID ilPlaNIP411 411 a , r .. t . - : iit i. ... ;..f. r, DID 4140 di lib JP ODolioODon Ma* HallottallIPPIMItharek.. OD OD 40110104144444 de ' (10 I. X . . - Oa 410 IIIMB 41141 . a *. wont i; _. - ,-, --, .. , i ,mow.- ,. k----4:01_ I _ -,. 1 , -...;, - - i --- , ...... uoi al s40..'.. ;* aki. Ng et 41*MI III ao aw . , I- IR Ilk . 41.i.6#410 4111t1"101 , ;-%. a

a. 110111141146-41111



-,. 1, .. .-44.4.'.. !' , , : b-** ' 1. ,; !,'-". ) :. . 1 -...;,t. .. A'1?'"ii i 44.4..1:117., 1 4 1?.4 ,,141 ."., 1 . X -'''''.-. .#14)I C(,6MPV'S"...1,P.; "., . -4 .-9, --,eii,. e'- 7.e; ... , ...tak.;' i":1-,., ..1 ...ft y&oat' elkt,,, .114 Ii 110 ACCREDITED HIGHERINSTITUTIONS, 1962

a Affili-Post- Institution Dtplo-Deemate grad-Public 11ma(Basic)only nateWidth 6 111141111.

.h.. PZNNSTLVANIAContinued

, ) Pennsylvania Hospital,Philadelphia.... 1 Pennsylvania HospitalSchool of Nursing for Men, Philadelphia _ _

Philadelphia GeneralHospita), Philadelphia__ _ _ - . gm. Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelphia a

Presbyterian Hospital,Pittsburgh _ . .. . - dn. a 01 a al Mb. all, MI IMP

Bt. Francis Hospital,Pittsburgh .... O.

Shadyside Hospital,Pittsburgh m ft WI V

University. of Pennsylvania,Philadilphia mo AO. . aa a 410 University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh.__ _ _ .. _ _.. X

Western Pennsylyania Hospital,Pitt #curgh_ Or VIP

Punirro RICO

University of PuertoRicO,San Juar a I 1 RHODI ISLAND f Butler Hospital, Providence

Rhode IslandHoipital, Providence__ . _ _ _ am 4aIV Ia MM. S Ial t alkMr dam ow

Roger Williams GeneralHospital, Providence_ S aa I Inaea. OW MD e IAIN. a. OD law


George PeabodyCollege for Teachers, Nashville_ apOW OP Mo MP inDalan. ",Nashville_ _

8t. Thomas School ofNursing, Nashville W. ow 41. a I MD I Vawierbilt University,Nashville Mb 40.


Incarnate Word College,San Antonio _ Jefferson Davis Hospital,HOUltell I

Parkland Hospital, DallasIIM Mr NO Os VP Sacred Heart DominicanCollege, Houston_ 4x

at. Paul's School ofNursirg, Dallas______110 S an am ea IMP am 40 an an. or oras. orle IN,Ow lb OP OD

Texas Christian, Univeridty,Fort Worth aID a& 41. e.:a,es40 -a.r a. de 111 S P S 1.1 Univenity of Texas,GpAlvestaL aOil. dr lb 40 I. ow a.

( YLFFvoTm

ti. \--retailer Hospital,Burlington.. le I. 40 OW IMPIsOP ISdreisibVsO °to 14 ad es a kb al ob. s , . . t. . 1. 1 7, e r :t" ''.6 _

N IIRSING 111 ...11n

7 aletp- Poet- Isstitution Dfreeate grnd-Public Ole (Beale)cnily Lutebeeltb 11.11111

7.= . A S VIkoIPaA lbw

Medical College of Virginia, Richmond 4M. ID I 414 41/14 mr =4 4

11. *MD _40 4w. WO University of Virginia CharlottfAville X MP M 41. sow to MI,


Children's OrthopedicHospital, flea M 414 4W 11.. M. dn. MN I= NI 0 4M MP a, m OW I

University of Washington, Seattle 144 S.


Holy Family School of Nurigng,Mmdtowoe._GOe S4 la gm. it, au ?jle;csaz, MarquetteUnITy.all ow re as ea MP e W. 4111. W11 4odb X

4M 44. 411. Milwaukee County ncAta1, Milwaukee. MP' Mr ...M. Ow MID IN. II. - S - r

St. Agnes iSsehool of Numing, Food du 44 404 OD 4 an.0 dow _ - -

St. Mary's School of Nursing,Milwaukee_ _ _ MD. 4 M ow ao. S.

University of Wisconsin, . 419 OD 1I a ow- M 110 MD M IM Mlo as

.mmommm, "Maft, - - Nmamilim. I %hook connected viaaspecial bovatal, IProven of study In naming which priphreeltudents lot Int levelweft= In publichealth.

OPTOMETRY Amid=OptometricAaseciadon ' 13

f CoundlonEducation and 1---Tufessionalvoidance Secretary: Iktn A. Wants,121 East 14x-tat Street, De Kalb, 111. mamma Schools and Ce&"-V8 of Optometry,195141

CALIFORNIA: 4 NEW YonxColumbia University, New Los Ange_esCollege of Optometry,, York. a A Los.4 - ;OnioOhiotate University, Colum-

Universityof ()Words,Berkeley. ', bu& Juncos: OREGONP&CffieUniversity,, FoTela ChicagoCollege of CytAnnetry, Chi- Grove. Catio PBX NeyLvkm-A---Paineyivitais State Nortimin Illinois College oI Optom- college of Optometry, Philadelphia.

etry, Chicago. TENNEssENSouthern ICollege of Op-. MAssAczuorrrsMassachusetts OoI tornetry, Memphis. Isge of Optometry, Bastin). J

. ,y


/9 ; .



- # .

9A 4...... r. . N . ae. 7 . 17 r - 4.4 ' . ivt .1,. I- 9. 9. talP --j-* .*; .) Jo` ; ... ,- -I...Z.. A.; , - c t. ;Ierl...3z# ...40.4"C?% . , jr,k. t, , . FiAtIt I4:31P riirl;. c! X "11.!. 4r:Ott ; : I. tiiit tit .,4 7.1.` .1 ae, 101,alta . . 3405' -` --r . - I.-*ids- 4 CrItiiit'41.,:-$: :Inttlip43'. _tr.0.11 - =_ . - -1* s .! 4' %. 112 ,ACCREDITED HIGHERINSTITUTIONS1952

OSTEOPATHY "10 AmericanOsteoiwithicAssociation

-.sly SecrtgaryR. C. McCaughan,212vo-E1' Ohio9.8-1,--4, es4o 11, Illinois

°Aura' ted Cchi-e7 of El 1951-5f 4 CALM RN 1A COilegeofOsteopathicMissouvel: Physiciansand Surgeons,Los An- geles. Kansas CityCikof Oo and Surgery, Kw-L ILLIN0i1P-P-ChicagoCollege o.( Osteop- City. athy, Chicago. Kirksville Opfte otChttAvathyand IOWADesMoinesStillColleigeof Surgery, Kirksville. Osteopathy-and&mealy,DesPENNsTLvAxiA---Philsr:fim.Collenof Moinft. ,Osteopathy,Philadelphia. ,_ _ AAlgaw,%.=r m Em ''"... °and'ftftarmaceuticalUncatim 9 4 SecretoryP. H. ONiteilo,77 West Washington 6 # -_ Chicago2, M. Accraiii4d CalsissofPherstecy,Awful1=5

A ALABAMA: , e INDIAN4-` &them* Polytechnic 11 , te,Au- Butler tiliivellaytIndianapolis. burn. Purdue University,Lafayette. Howard College,B minghani. IOWA: AsusoNAUnivereity Arit-ona Drake UniNwsity,Des MOWS& 7 Tucson. State Univeridtvof Iowa, IowaUty. ARICAN UlliveMwy Of Arkansas,KANsAs----UniverAityof Kanww,lAW- Fayetteville. ren OIL CALTPORNIA : Kawraci.-rUnlvengityd Kentucky, Universityof Califom*P-An Fran - deco. LotrtatANA : universityof sti cauornis, Loyi Univerdty,NewOthers. Los Angeles. -avier University, New-0 CoL0RADOUniveraityofOokrado,KearLAND---ttniv-wityofMaryland, Boulder. it Balthnore. CONNMIMIC UTUniversity of ConincilMAMAcaussisTs: cut, New Seven. Messaelnasats 1: Oliegeof Plywirtuy,- MIMIC,07CoLtMBIA: ENaton. George virsehkikton. univerahy.Wash- New EnedCollegeof Plarin&sy, ington. 1 Boston. HowardUniversity, Ww_hbva.m.1 MzcaloAm: nosIDAUnivratty ofFlorida-- DefteitInstituteofTeeknxdogy, r Detroit. OzoRG1A: I. Ferrfa InstAute,B*Rapkia. Southern Collegeat Pharmacy,A Universitya Michigan,ApnArbor. Lst.4t.4_. r '- Wayuu Univrsity,Detroit. 's Universityof Georgia, Athens. MirmEto-TB---univeMtyof Minim** D11:a-aii._LtcawPocatello. Minmipolk. ILi_4__N AT univer--ity oI IllinoisChi-Missunipm.-Univtaidtyof &OJAI**. -- -0 University. 1Atioded prodmalimanyby Wegmta.


vj -

dm/ PHARMACY 113 ./ -0, Missornr: ChEacKm---Orwonstate College,Cor- St, Louis College of Phmrromyand vallis. Allied Sciences, St.Louis. FINNaTINA_NIA: University of KAnsas City,Kansas DuquesneUniversity,Pittsburgh. City. Phils-delphfAColkigeof Pharmacyand MONTANA MOLltalaillState Un Memo, Philadelphia. Missoula. Temple University,Philadelphia. NMUSE- A : Universityof Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. Creighiton University,Omaha. RHODEISLAND--Rhode Island College Univeridty of Nebraska,Lino° In. of Pharmacyand Allied Sciences, rrovidense. Nsw JELSZ T-1-41tersUniversity,New- ark. SOUTH CAROLINA : MediCal Carpof the Stateof South NayMaxiUni tyofNew Carolina, Charleston. rEly r: Mexico,, Universityof South Carolina,Colum- NEW Yosir: bia. Columbia UnivereJ, NewYork. 8011TH DA ()r AElouth DakotAState Fordham University, NewYork. College ofAgriculture and Me- Long 'Island Univeity(Brooklyn shank Arts, Brookings. College of Friam-,-±=-,c Brooklyn. TENNEmme.Universityof Tennessee, at. John's iverdty, Brooklyn. Memphis. UnionCollege and''niversity,Ai baby. I TexasFraAlthern University,Houstm.1 University (74 Buffalo, Baal). Univengty of Houston,Houston. NeR-T-FiCAROLINAUniversityof North University of Texas,Austin. _ t I - k.----ar0 Chapel Hill. UTARUniveraltyof Uth lt ke NoTII Nortt Dakota Agri City. cultural Cane,Fargo. VIRGINIAMedicalCollege of Virginia, Richmond. Omo: WMINIM 01'0 N: ChapinnatiCollege d Pharmacy, State Colkge Cinezinast=1. of Washington,Pull- man. Ohio Northern University, University of Washington, OhioStateUniverty, Columbus. Seattle. UnIt, Warr eiRvINIAWestVirginia Univer- of Tokptio, Toledo. pity, Morgantown. xy-Ano-mA: WiscoNsne---Universityof Wisconsin, &-.!utliwastmrn State CawWeather- ,S fort WrourPro--47niversityof Wyl,ming, University of Okbiloma, Norman. 1.4trnmis. ois

A r # ---4...2mhismiy byAims&


- American PublicHealth Lion &eclair***aviary: Reginald M. Atwater,1790 Broadway, NeviYork Mil, N. Y. A ccrad acid Inetiiiitions, 1 96 1 -81

CAUPOILNIAUniversityof California,MI CHI GAN Uni versityofMichigan, Berkeley. Ann Arbor. CorntscrIcrr--YaleUniversity, NewMIN NIIVYTA---- University of Minnee0tA, Haven. Minneapolis. LotTISLANATillahneUnirtrsity of Lou-Nsw yoac--ColumbiaUniversity, New isiana, New Orleans. York. (- MAarLANDJohn HopkinsUniversity,NORTHCAsoaNAUniversityof North Baltimore. Carolina, ChapelHill. MAssAcritmarrreHarvardUniversity,Psivx*YLvAxI A-- UniversityofPitts- Boston. burgh, Pittsburgh. SOCIALWORK American Associationof Schools ofSoda!Work Eirsestisam:rotary: Katherine A.Kendall, 1 ParkAve., New York16, N. Y. Aocredued GraduateProfessional Schools,July 1961 CAIATORMA: KANSAS0--Univensityof Kansas, Law- UniversityofCalifonlia,Berkeley rem*. and Los -Airs. KatrTuarrUnivmityofLouis -ille, Universityof -SouthernCalifornia, LoukvWe Los Angeles. LOUISIANA: CoLoviAno--University ot Denver, . Louisiana StateUniversityand Agri- Denver. cultural andMechanical College, CosirsencurUniversityat Connecti- Baton Rouge. cut, Hartford. Tuiamt Universityof Louisiana,New DISIVICTorCOLUMBIA: Orleans. Catholic Universityof America (Nat-MAMMAS ionalCatholicSchoolalSocial BostonColitis,Boston. Service), Washington. Boston University,Boston. Sower(' University,WiShingt011.1 Simmons College,Boston. FLOEDAFlmida NateUniversity, Smith College,Northampton. Tallahassee. Mora G11011.01AAt1antaUniversity,Atlanta.' Michigan State College, East Lansing.A F. IlAwmUniversityot Hawaii,Hono- University of Michigan,Ann Arbm. lulu. WayneUniversity, Detroit. litwo MnrwasoTAUniversityat Minnesota, Loyola University,Chicago. Minneapolis. University Of Chicago,Chicago. Missoula: University of Illinois,Urbana. Ek. Louis University,8t. Louis. INDIANAIndianaUniversity, Indian- University oi Missouri,Columbia. apolis. WashingtonUniversity(The George Iovs--Eitate Universityof Iowa, Iowa Warren BrownSchool of Social City. Work), 8t. Louis.

, , Attasded prodoesieseityb7 memos.

1 ;

6. :' A ,

kire ch1.711,6 1- "o 0 4. .6. .11X.41115..W 41. ;It: 4.


NisaAstAUniversityofNebraska,PIENNITLYANIA-LZontinued Linooin. University of Pittsburgh, Pittel?urgh. Nswgroin: PUERTO RicoUniversityofPuerto Ads lphi College, Garden City, L 41. Rico, Rio Piedras. ColumbiaUniversity(NewYork80t7111CAROLINAUaiyamity of South School ofSocialWcwk), New, York. Carolina, Columbia.' ' Fordham University, New Yort. TIN-NEMERUniversity of Tennemee, University of Buffalo, Buffalo. Nash villa. Noirrn C111.01.1NA Universityof NorthTaxAs--Our Lady ofthe Lake College Carolina, ChapelHill. (Worden Soh Doi of Social Servii-r),

0E10: San Antonio. 4 Ohio State University, Columbia. UTANUniversity of .Utah, Balt Like Western ReserveUniversity, Cleve- City. land. . VIRGIN)ACollege a William said Mary OIL LAIWKAttaityof Oklaliorna, (Rkhmond Professional Institute), Norman.' Richmond. Parerrertviona: WasarriArroNUniversityof Washing- Bryn MawrCollege,Bryn-Mawr. ton, Stukt. CarnegieInstitute ofTechnology,Was? ViriTtiirA--;;;WestVirginiaUni- .. Pittsburgh. vervity, Morgantown. University of Pennsylvania,Phila-W11100NalNUniversity ci Wisconsin, delphia. Madition.


Amerkan Associatim of CollegesforTeacherEducation Sicreittry-troas .Ctukries W. Hunt, 11 Elm Street,Oneonta, N. Y. Membership List, March1951-Marok1951

ALABAIKA: CAUTO A : State Teachen College, Flonee. Fresno State College, Fresro. &ate Teachers College, Jacksonville. San Diego State College, BanDiego. State Teachers College, Livingston. SanFranciscoStateCollege, Ban State Teachers College, Troy. Francisco. University of Alabama, University. Stanford University, StanfordI river; Aarsore4: sity. Ari101111State College, Flagstaff. University of California, .Berkeley, Ar(sona &ate Wiese, Tempe. and Imo Angeles. ARKANSAS: CoLoas.00: Agricultural, Mechanical, and Normal sit College, Pine Bluff.' 'Adams State College, Alamos& 11 Arkansas Stage College, State College. Colorado &ate College of Education, Arkansas StateTeacher,College Greeley. Conway. Uriversity of Denver, Denver. Herderson State Teachers College, West4wn &ate CA)Ilage ofColorado, Arkadelphia. Gunnison.

1Atteb4od pooliotatastaty by Napes. Oatsow year ot prokodonal ad:catkin.

cr 7SP 4r

'44 116 ACCREDITEDHIGHER $ INST1tiOa. NB, 1952 I.

CONNEC1IC7r Kmors.aa: Danburyotate TemheraCollege, Bethany College,Undsbogs. panbury. . Fort Hays State College, .Rays. NewRaven State Teachers College,i KansasStstoTeachersCollege, New Haven. Emporia. Teachers Coll.....otConnecticut, KansasState Tez-0._41-i- College, .1 New Britain. Pittsburg. A 1 University L. of Connecticut,Storrs. Municipal Universityof s Wichita, WifiuinMiticState TeachersCollege, Wichita. WilhirnantA Universityof -Kansas, Lawrence. Yale Univeity,New Haven. ICENTUCILT: DISTRICT OF OLUINIBIA EasternKentuckyStateCollege George,ashingtonUniversity, Richmond, Washington. MoreheadFAU--teCollege,f James OrmondWilson Teachers Col- Murray State6 71;Cp %-... lege,Washington. Unlve_yof Kentucky, n_ Miner Teachers 6 CoHege, Washington.' IThiVerdi ff xs1-0--ei la of1,%4 V a*.-;--; FLORIDAUniversity of Miami,Coral Western = a Kentucky B_A..k.-.---.------.., College. 6 Gables. BowlingGrew. GEoP.GrA: LOUISIANA: Georgia .4 lea College-. LouIslam NytethxdoInstitute,Rus- boro. ton. Universityof Georgia,Athens. Louisianakale University InAtioUnivereity and Agri- of Idoho,Moscow. culturaland MechanicalCollege ILLINoraf Baton Rouge. Chicago _ Poilegp, Chicago. NorthwesternState CollegeotI4ubi- Eastern Illinois State College, ana,Natchitoches. Charleston. 'to South, 1.0:3-uisimA,College, Ham- IllinoisStateNormalUniversity, mond. Normal. &-zi,uth-rwternLouna Institute, NationalCollegeofEducation T Evaisam. MAnv-

L, W41 NorthernIllinoisState ===. T-T S A 0 Teachers sitsUniversity, :7A-m- College, DeKalb. -.60 4 NorthwesternUniversity, Evanston. M n.d to Teaehers College uthern IllinoisUniversity, Carl-Kip S .. ay. Mirylend StateThither*Collep, _ Univemity of Chien%Chicago. lkoatburg. University of Jilino1 s',1 Urbana. LrYlmid &ateTeachersCollege, = lUinoIa State College, 8albibury, A4.1 ;C = Z4inkb. *ft e It Maryland. 412: StateTthera College A: I , rv, .1. OWDOIL.t; Bail StateTeseheOollage, Muncie. . UtdvezdtyotMaryland\03ollsgePark. Indiana StakeTeachers College,Terre ASSACHUSITTE \ Haute. t, BostonUniversity, Bost* InalAr4University,Bloomington: Lesley °oft"Cambriztte, : 1 IOWA: SpringfieldCollege, a 00 0 6 wr _-_,---._ $ - -ra- ,

, Drake University,Des Moines. 4 State I College, i garater. $' IOW-a 44o-4 _ 1*j 4 f° =tate T Beg%Cedar ----' = Falls. aalke TsCON., _4'1) LT-PannE State Universityof Iowa City. St=ATeadwas CoilejpoiN.\Adam I g. . kftInrigwer,,taly byN

': \ ., 4 :,;-. -." lk.. -,-. ; ,", . : .--q-,... . , , . t _ . _.A..r ...... : ., II , -'n. ,. 2 t . .2. -.I . . ..,, . . ; , ..-- . Ktifp .4; . -,,...: ,,. . . .1. :*- F .. . 1.1" ....2'. e,'-':.2.',i,',,. `.''... ;.2.-il- "- :- ' , (y ;- ...a.I''*".:,.:' `...'.,.4.... ,2!...,., - .2 .-. 7.1.2.P.Ig.:y:'':41-.../' kI"2'' ''''. '.2 , 1 z- , . '' m P. l':a. :-1..-fs....

hillAsticrrusirrrsaContinuml I. _ZERRASKA: Ewe TeachersCollege,ISAkm4 Munieb-M . m Universityd Omaha, ..,-gta ..--,t,,,r.a i-,._._-ApersAN ..:College,Woroastm Omaha. Teachers la Colkwe oftheCityof stMe n n _ nuiron. Boston, Boston. . &ate College,Kearney. Wheelock College,Boston. 1 TMr4E ,Peru. MienmAN: StaleTeachers 61_., Wayne. y A ;--", centralMichigan t= Wisp cfEduca- Universityof -4,yoia,11 4. Lincoln. wu,Mt. _ Ninw R,- .: 42 MichiganStath College, DotLAnsing. IS Sea. . Teachers*is Ame. Michigan0-.14;NormalCollege,: PlvmnuthTacygismCoilege,Myrna.. Ypsilanti.4, outh. Northern -I- Collepof Edu- Univmiz' "yof NewHampshire,.Dur- cation, Marouet ham. University of Michigan Ann .Arbor. Wayne University,Detwit. Nsw Jimmy: New Jersey Western MichiganCollege of Eduea- State TeachersCollege, 6, !. tion. Kalammoo. -.2 . New Jersey StateTeachers MTD.Tv- - College, . = u6ovyCity.' AS V=F-, a CAWFatPaul, State.Teachers Collep, New Jersey&ate 'Niche?*College, a Bemidji, N,_ );;1 Teaelicri Cam. n 1 StateTeachersCollege,Modrhead. New Jersey StateTeachers College, 8+ nigitt P State .__r_54-% Tescher* :P if. 04h. a* New Newk-=A-407 oiaLeTe,a_c_lhem StateTeachersCollage;W:=0±12,2, . 9 Me , Trenton. _ CinivPI+,,___,...... of4,_-_,.-4-inne---,..T., * Duluth and ,..*-1..,_--m- if New JerseyState Te,- g y:____'==------.,---mair ..-w-...Pe 1 lifisateszippi: Uppt Montclair. Rutz-z.aUniversity, NewBrunswick. Delta State %AIL clime. f ff lands Nww a X WO: _ MississippiSouthern College,Battles- New HighlandsUniverafty a las .=M borg- .- University University NewMule° WesternCollege,Silver . d iIe.iippi, , b5 Miesoinu , I I , omitre mblionsistacf_rWar- tiniversitY ofBe co,Album querqw. - ., mann. . . rapir Harris TftchmecOflOX St "FilLs. N 5 W Tvell1M1140 Nortlximi Missouri a Teachers BrooklynCollege,Brooklyn. 1 -As M larksville. City d the City d NewYork, a. A tia W M P JI Nel- Ns-- I. w aka I t- A . linty Cr _72=hemCol- 113011it MissouriStates-AnApap lege),New York. . Cape Ofrardesti. f..";'.1*-; Hunttt VAN*athe City dNew Southwest MissouriState Iterk New Ymk. - ; I Al-t- ; New YorkUniversity,Newz . StoweTimbers Cage.au.Louk-7 QINNMa Abase at fiw ,c;tu City idNew 111MV-7 OTR ea V VA c--1V . ft. Lewis. York; Nothing, I. L . MOVV. A WA I; A 1 1 &WA_ rvemilv of New Tint: . _ I Oolhp, Boasatosi- .New Yrk &ate j, _ Whipfar ,1 ;Mny, M . AMIIIMMISO --.!.. i ".3 % Teikebeva-- Albany..- 1, ',,. 1-;- r-:i *- ! . r4 Water-im Montana ... 1. Wisp et Muter .. 'r ,!tt..4. 17===1-7: &ateCollegekr )- Om, WW1, ).Pt-Ark Teatimeatad's*Buffalo. I ANis poloodurdhlat/ Mega


1.1tS ACCREPITED HIGHERINSTITUTIONS,1952 NEWYorkContinued _` OiLAROMA---Continued NewYorkStateTeachersCollege, .ocutheasternStateeft....em Brockport. _A umit. Southwestern s-k StateTeachern Lto.a.aig--1ffe'6=-0I Weather- ColleRe,Cortland. ford. StateTeachersCollege, Fredonia. Universityof Oklahoma, StateTeachersCollege,Geneeeo: Norman. Universitycd Tulsa,Tulsa. StateTeachersCollege,NewPets% ORBOON: , StateTeachersCollege,Cmeonta. State &Warn gon Collegeof Education Teachers 111 CollegeOswego. it s. gs. StateTeachers Ls =1C--=-111-104t College,Plattsbraz. Ore-.--_m Elta0Teachers Coll*of EducationMon- C ;Polois. mouth. NormCAROLINA: Southernarovon 4AppalachianStateTmcher4 Collegeof Educatka, .College, Ashland. Boone. *- Universityof Oregon, EastCarolinaCollege,Greenvill: . Euft-ne. . PalorsTiAtebriA: Universityof NorthCarolina,Chape Hill. PennsylvaniaStateCoLeb State College: WestIrnCaro TeacheaCollege, 4. Cullowhft. StateTeacLezz Coll Swe Eloomeburg. Winston-Salem Te-azhers Came, TeachersCollege,California 1. Winston-Salem.' StateTeachersCollege,Cheyney.i NORTRDAKOTA: StateTftehtetsOglege,Clarion. -411% State 84 Teachers Normaland IndustrialCollege CAllege, 7---=st, °frotic,* Ellendale., burg. StateTeachersCollege,Dicklnn. StateTeachersCollege,Edinbom qLsto-- Fraiche State uhemCollege,Mayville., rsCollege,Indiana. State StateTeachersCollege,Minot. TeachersCollege,xutstown State .:, T -4Coilege,Valley TeachersCollege,Ls3kRaven. .1..-.) City. State univerEityof NorthDakota,brand IMOCollege,Mansholt!. State t-..,1.. Forks. Teache,..1 =0N,..14 E _=a . st,_,teTeher---,,_ 1 3 Ohio: College, 0=Z S Sm ...T. tta._Teachers GrerenStateUniversity C011ege,Slipperyk.*.wsr Bowling Green StateTeacheraCollege,Wattt.,fteetter Cieltrid V TempleUnirwridty, StateCuil.,=e,_ 1- .! # A A UmVeXei V Ke-PabPlateuntvvimu,y, %Fe 0Penn-5.4 V unit. Kent. "4"; Palladeim Li 1 phis. Mani V ..im14VT rt_FMii U UniVA- Ohio pieTint Nja 2.2.: ty of PItteburgh, J 41 Ohio Rasopz - University, .2.n. IsLANDRaimeislandCollege St.AginOollep,Oeveiand. of /Mutation,mvidaisoe. Vs Universityof Akron,Akron. Dmoye; 44trOM I. Universityof Cincinnati atilsekh.... .4 (bathers =L-

College),Cincinnati It. $ . .. 0- :- . UnivenityctToledo,Toledo. Gems! . I. BeadleOW.,-- t S Wiimingto .11=='" Col- $ ngton. kge,Madison. .541. CoWj 4 e !.. OILABOMAP ; I 10° 11; ; T. Northam . ,-..---- State --_ Central te egIi_. _ College, ,: ;. --140. 1 1. ; FaitCentzaiEitte = m .-P. College,z.Ettiff-== .i.- -_,-4 flouthern Tosthira Northeadern % IOUS 0000.011 V. StateWks.. v.! Table- -= --=-,A 0 SI 141, : 1g (4 .,n ; . ;- I" . nunumerg: 4, fd Northw.estern StateCode".Alva. $.4.t ., .AwaitPosy baleCone.,Clarkftwilie Riskin-1A niland Meethanl- r . East . Taoism 9 - *ate 4P 14, ,. . John oil Cons"dlwatoo._ t -1 , ow city. . 1. "i IAttached .# pnetsidaandy 4. by Navas. . '"!...-sr "1.1- ;. A


. 1. . r . a'', " S. 4 . * ' . d. . I": ,a *4 . 4.. ;- . . , .r r e'04. ;-,4:;i:1;:... k . t 171,47 , . .t. 1,4 , J J .p . .. -/ V71-ie'. s t. I _) .1.1* `4. aek4 I , 004 v$ pity ... N If 4: :44110 , I- f-_=),: _ - '`"t . N 4 ;ir"' 0.c.;'lit; ;-4V, Clittfe'Z' 4.1;1;".' -e t .r ; f . t ,. ' r. Is A PT .! 4;J PACIPill .A-,- 119 A


TENNMSSEE---Continued t VIRGINIA: College, ville. GeorgePeabody Collegefor Teachers, tiongwood ' MadispaCollege, liarth-÷tnburg. Nashville. '- State CoLe6Mur- VirginiaPolytechnic Institute(Rad-- MiddleTennessee "- _ , fordColisie), freesboro. Agricultural ant.IndustrialWASHINGTON: 1 Tennessee College ofEdu- StateUniversity,Nashv Central Washington Ellensburg. Tennessee Polytechnic Institute, cation, Eastern WashingtonCollege ofEdu Cookeville. cation,Cheney. . University9f Tennessee,Knoxville. StateMIlege of Washington,Pullman. TzxAs: WesternWashington Collegeof Edu- e.=_n East TexasState 1-41f-4" ÷ Bellingham.

. Commerce. WRIST VIRGINIA: NorthTexas StateCollege, -=Ur-Via Bludiektlitate Collet%Bluefield. Nara HoustonState TeachersCo-Liege/ Concord OdlegeAthens. n fly%FA. Huntsville. -EL aa StateCollege, Fairmont. Southern Methodist Univer*ty, GlenvilleState College,Melville. ingtaQ MarshallCollege, Huntington. &luthwwtTexasStateTeachers ShepherdCollege, herdstown. Ciatierae-i. ElanMarcos. West LibertyState College,West Ltherty. StephenF. AustinStateCollege Nacogdoches. WISCOWSIN: AlveKnoCol*ge,Milwaukee 031100e Sul RossState1C----Seten StateC011et LAJA Alpine. State CollierSumr; . of Ott-AA) HctuaL÷_nn UPiversity . StateTeachersCoil Eu Claire. m lwaukee. Universityof Tem,AU:Ain. ; State TeachersCollege, west',atom z,n+9College,cznyon. State Teacher*Cdlege. _ oah. State TeachersCollegePlatteville. UTAH: ftehers ,=,074..g.Eetrs Plait State .f3 College, f thrh (frileersityof Utah, -nitLake v w ...:.=-r-....VI rEfrar41 0,11 StateTowheesCollege, 11-÷AiStateAviqcuittirj 9; StoutImstitdte MenomonW. 11-0=C4an Uriverity of Wisconsinkiadiso*n. VmkuoNerUniveiiityfif.ezt.anntand .; E-in StateCollege,River Faits. StateAgriculturalCollege,Burling-WTOMuiUiiver8ityofWyoming ton. ,=_&m=_,, AtioidellpietioadosidlybyMOW&


. . k 1 ; . oP - .e



, C . t,. te , . . 11,.411'i-PF,e;...;,.. 7...s -ss.' ,. :.?1, I I . . . . i , ? .; a . f t,,, : . " . , .', , *If .. 5 ,sis 03, .. ..1 .1 ./1 yr:".": lac.: ,.:..,..?t.. .r. .*. id,%$ i ... 1 It 5 6. -...0% 111.4 , s-r, , ...4-Ly 7.: . .1 ,4i- ,- :,...t .....,,R.,,-.4:?:iA;....4;-. .. Y je -- .-":..-.-sts,4 44 k.I1, ii :14?1,9,:iii410! .... f t,,te il'.,_.tlelighe.Th% -i'.. /..-'" . L isc - e. al2ki 1-e-v. S. ""'." 4 :.* 4'et * '


()LOGY , 4 AmericanAmoda-UonetsTheologicalSam CommissiononAccrediting Em-taiveswr ry:Charles LynnPyatt,The Collegeof the Bible,4ringion,Ky. Accreditedseembers, Janwarg 1951 . CALIFORNIA: IINDIANAButlerUniversity,Indian- BerkeleyBaptistDivinitySehool, apolk. Berkeley. IOWA: Church DivinitySchool ofthe Pacific, Universityof Dubuque,Dubuque. Berkeley. WartburgTheological.Seminary, Pacific schoolof Religion,Berkeley. .Dubuque. &D, FrexcisooTheologicalSeminary,KINTIMICT: Elan Amin*. Collegeof the Bible,Lexington.' tint of SouthernCalifornia, LouisvillePresbyterianThwilmical Los Angeles. Seininary,Louisville. CoLosAno---IliffSchool of Theology SouthernBaptistTMo Eleir\g- Denver. . notLouisville. CONNEenctry MARYLANDWestminster_ TheALAtical BerkeleyDivinitySchool, NewHaven. Seminary,Westminster. HartfordFoundationSeminary, MAGG4 a o F/ 0 Hart:fwd, ; AndoverNewtonThoologioMSchool, YaleUniversity,New Haven. Newton Center. DummyOF CataumzwHowardUni- BostonUniveraity.Boston. .II versity, Washington.' EpiscopalTheologicalSchool,C Gamma,: bridg-e. ColumbiaTheologicalBeminaty, Harvard University,Cambridge.v_p Decatur. MICHIGAN: Emory University, awryUniversity. Calvin TheologhalSeminary,Grand. GammonTogiiSeminary, Rapids. Atlanta.' 1". WotanThsologleal 6 all11111117;allity-AHA4 -OUP: MINNIISOTA: I Augustan&TheologicalBe nary, LutherTheologlealSeminary, RockWand. Paul. EM. Bethany BiblicalSemina,7,Chi Northman'sLutheranTheolotleal ChicagoLutheranTheologicaiSemi- Senry?1uneapoII Ii nary, Maywood. Meet' Thelogicid!Seminary, Chicago Thwiogleal Seminary, = We.rGrOvill Chicago. Tiny Jv.P---gwv Evangeliml 'rheologicalSeminary, 1 '1 I Ve Medina. Naperville. 7, NewBrunswickTheologicalPeminary 9' GarrettBiblicalInstitute,Evanston Newii,b-drowiek. McCormickTheologicgSeminary, PrincetonTheologleal Chicago. , Seminary, %7A. W tr":_i . Meadville Theological ire"r :4: &shwa?law 'rem:. r:4-'!`:4- .; Mew. Colgate-ELTL I...* DivinityEleimI, ' r.. SeabertaWesternTheologlealSerni z ' Rochester. nary, Evanston. ! a ' GomelTheokOWgioninary,New Universityof Mosso,Mew. York. or.

IMt $ tr by k A n ''.C11,;sa. 4 V7f.r:C ''f's,74,.

44/";:4.__,I.: c;.,,;.311ft t7i* . s *I-- S. , ,,.. i.4 )".1.1....L. olg *, _ , a "; 4., 444- .1 , . . 1: . t, .pr.', i 14' - -'k`-ir; *1 -i_Ne.i.:2:4r4.14._".... 7evi . ft -1 V.A. A ;V:/_14..1. 47-i ---16- Vetti_li4c4Afteo 4 N.C.traV:77i4T10: s..14-.4r. :' ''Af6.


Nzw Yonm--Contin4ed PE PINEITIVANIA00111thitheA . Union TheologicalSeminary, New Theological Seminaryof the Evan- York. . gelicalandReformedChurch, Ii NORTH CAROLINADU keUniversity, Lancaster. Durham. Western TheologicalSzminary, Pitt+ f burgh. OHIO: ---- SOUTHCsnourct---LutfieranTheol*- D-JnebrakeTheologicalSeminary, cal Southern Seminary, Columbia.

Dayton. = ITnitNWEEVanderbiltUniversity, . capital University,aolumbus. Nashville.* Oberlin College, Oberlin. TExAs: WittenbergCollege, Springfield. Austin PresbyterianTheological Sem- Chriagomk---Ilips University, Enid. Wary, Austin. SouthernMethodistUniversity, PvNNSTLYANIA: Dallas. Albright CAIege, Reading. SouthwesternBaptistTheolokical Omer Theologies' Seminary,Chestier. Seminary, Fort Worth. go. LutheranThwlogical aeminary, TexasChristianUniversity,Fort Gettysburg. Worth.

LutheranTheologicalSeminary,NrzntaxiA: . Philadelphia. ProtestantEpiscopalTheological pi, XeniaTheological Send- Semihnry in Virginia,Alexandria. .nary,Pittsburgh. Union TheologicalSeminary, Rich-, Temple University,Philadelphia. mond.

4 - Mifflin:NARYMEDICINE . ..45*. Ve4ediaryMedical Atandatkva

CouncilOR&beat* Fl Marmon: John G.Hardenbergh,600 SouthMichigan Avenue, Chicago5, Ill. AereditedInstitutions October1951 4- ALABAMA VissouniUnivecsity ofMissouri, Alabama PolytechnicInstitute Goltryibia. Auburn. NiiYozz---Eita University of New TuskegeeInstitute,MuskogeeIn- York, New York State Veterinary. stitute.1 Coftkv(at CornellUniversity), . L. COLOSIMOColoradoAgricultural and Ithaca. Meebmkical Oollege,Fort Collins. OzonsurUpIvArsityof GeorgiathuoOldo StateUniversity, Colum- Jbus. Mimi. . IOWAIowa Nate 00111 of AffTiu1-OELAHoukOkkhoms Agriculturaland --, in tura and MothanieArts, Arum Mecbaniod4'-__ ',,4 Z..1SAitioI=II . . . . ,KANBAP---Killra. SW*COUVO of Agri-PairmsnmANTAUniversity Pennsyle culture mil Angled i Same, Man- . ' . . vsyda, Phriadelphk.., hat-Um p-*ill Mieffiam.-Miehlw StateCollege,TzzAa---Agrkmiturel andMechanical , . Oollegeof Texas, iktge Sta-Uon. Beet Used'''. 4 %441; I 41 -6-- II illanumorarUninesity _ of " Wannfteroaro= Pese of Wash-b e 1. '.."fk,4401 IL Paid" algtft kg- ff 70- Va

) Atialibilpsellarissaftby ,do NI *,.r iftwes On probackm. 4"404 rt. J ep4

ta . . "' Ai. lot

-1)*-. "0? , . 'IL yorif, . 1. e " .:" , 1 6- .. . . ,;- 14 4.: "; .--s ::Z(...".d... %., . . V... r.7."`t- -1: ...:.. -."- .Ia ,4 ..-,1t."t ....-°,-...--4-s..- . -,,k,`Vf!.o ..., . , .- 4 tfi 7' : '-;"?ti, kr ''';',;'1' I..;. -14 CE 4'"\15'' 4.-te-1-'i.t.:Pf. g -r1;1 --;. !It ".4e1;')I.A...::`'i'sb"ti-';ci''-4-T'-'-:te 1;41!, %1Ct,"Al' .11K -% ). ..4' ` .1, t14.1r441.1 l'.317:%. ,-4-hikIA' °!fl neemmmollolinlIIIIIIIIIIIIIII01111111111t1III( III IIIIIII IIIIIIIII4111111111111 ,...,011111111 11111111 IIMMfi ti III IIIMMM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000011110111111101111110!11101111111 11 1111 11111111111111111 11 1111111111011111 1111

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1'011 .11111111111$ 101:H111 Ni


A A , ccomdi *ma p.hanntimi 1111011111 Rduogit.km, a 1") A htumt &hoof of Fineanuuomaierrui, rt (D. c.)iAmerkun dm/Ilr 73. I es I A v-nra sUtiMA fcq. '11111 a liii _ k. A Mims Christian College 041 (Tex.), 5& I 6. bream= RaidwinAgrkslitural Came A liktrkIM InLer= tknalCane ) Arnyo( kej-unantks,Tw" v.(N._ V )ai Acn4.___n 1.4bm-yAnociatica. A y of tIn IIolv A'II .4.), A. Am-editing i-Anuelmn MedicalAnk.=-07. kNeetat Bi Institut= andB Optawitrie 111. Arnrkn Ostz4}mthk Ow Adam! StateCo.- , 4 I American Public Reim 4. Ai-telphl i .m (Ns Y.), 5,, A a fnerken Uni-v---lty,TN (D. Adolphm Gww(mum.M., 101. American VeL-Ary Adrian C-ai.) OtetWL.). Amherst - )77 71 Univlsidty, W Aium od Bug!1 Scott C (Ga.), Adfftitk (N. nqp. Awl-Mail-TM and . (tt Ms * roDegv of Texan, A ndaftium Coll tr7_ , L-41. 4Cor1-1==-1 arld ThealogkalSeminary I ff 4 andNwinel Ocala 19. g _a a Andover Lon 1-11:.*irklal13(6001 Todaal 01, of Ninth Cam-Andrew 0013sse(Ga.), 14. Annhurst (Ccem.), Ak Unirwety OW, 47, 11. n 7% 131ll& Antelope Valky JunWColkge (Calif.),& AgriculM.Lrft liathanke 4. 1 Antiocaa Oot (Ohto),45 72. A Cc_happli4 AppaWItian Alast4ina Polytechnic T-mthera Caw(NPlo.)1 11g. oi0o 4, 8'7, 70. 73 11z1Appr-tlee Ekthmll(Vs.) M. 121. (mkth. .1t1,1111 Ambarm State 'FeathersCotI---,ze 0011, (Fledener)nU43- statz Colima Le...M, 3, 115; (Tancei, (JaCkS=Vffige)Ia, 118; (tiviursttm), i (Mmt: 11-& gmnwy.,04(Troy). Unlvarsityc St so, 713,7ff, Alabaccm, NA 119 UnlvergAty 7e. V W. 73. 75.92.WI, 07,Artr-A-Lus Agrii1turai 1tA 115. kr.w.tw nd MmhanicalCol**,& tlat (1,114----teSe A **-ft_. ni vwsi Arkazina (Kam),M. N. Y.). UnkmArk-Lnaks -=--a -mTiVnivim 43. Artaissa IrIeOollega, 6. 1411 %Me .? A Altv,A=7- mTital (N.i m__. 11/. Alt-ay law Sedmol(-4..). C A rkiusear StatePaseibers Caw,ft, 115. uni v-z--:=Imity 94 Arkasami, Uni HI!! at 6, 70! 76, 03,ve We, ill Al-.Tr.y See Tine= col,IA 111 Y.). IM. III , 11, ,,",l I I

I 11 III11111 II I I aNi II 11.1, 111111, 4111 1'1,1'1'11 II Id H1,1 1161 l'r'r r, r q 17. , I '111111,'1r Ir.- II , I II r HII IHHHIIIr 1,11I! 1111, (Ga.), 14. H rIr 11111111 111111H111,11 Ces firT, Arnold ffE.1"-=14.4 20A. Pbygic=J Eduftt-si aS- N y---m-= k A1 State U 11,4, . - Allxuy Stale ). 14- %_-m Ark , .. Seigel (Men"),M. AILle_...... _ .N=2 (even.),11. A Cor----7eF.V.),ZS. AIN= Cv11.. Sic 101. A Albright Colima (Pa.), Aigiland 4..ecie (OW,cs. Alcorn AgricultUriiarz-4 Cofto Aidgmad Oeunty 31. Normal A4iUmtil JunbxOoiIeD (Ky.)..:--.3. 1 _Pr. Va.),C. 1 Aai Instfta'EU -it.. Alfred Urkleuraity(43.°1111.t. I or a Assumption atta=)127. All te------Antai Junkc 4,-__. A themeum a o k IV A .-....-'---'---M Col. 47. At1-2=-- Caro (Als...-1. Ar:--;y Athnts Division (Os:). A ~.4-1;:=1w_ ....- Univendty a G..,.4&,Tas...., Ar-i .%.... A I Mwiaef.) A thkata Univicar (Ga.),_14,ilk 114. 1 Alt_it.". AtiantarRKpatiurnUniv-ty. College (Ga.).i%s Ernwy Alma Ccg:---f--v Athntk Obriakin Caw(N. O.), CI, Alm% White Athatte tinkm Oca*e(M=4). 27. Alt=coi Au Midin &du:3Wocommares, U. Alreimpo A Alvin Jimbx Col Odle. codTheolosksi A=ISIo at** MO66, Anuina:mak)? IA Artiff-mAlsotika_ Oansimrcz Zduca.Aft=tana Odim DakJI 53. lir, Atisturfam all') Amert==;- Anaemiae contee4hioGI rai'Auras Odle. kook N. IAostbi Odisge (irm) ----%-,-fr I sA Anwiam Anseistka aand34 ;_--.-_-, t L - a ,_._-_- IAustin Junior Anode= Associailsoa meaugiag - imi__,. Austin Amuse= Mr AsIseligka,N. . Airsiki PNbj 1 Anwitim (UMWlioday_t_Th. 1 Animism et ;#s (11LJ, Mk A eta=--- OeIi IMi.-asat 110swa ___4 kitiOan F. Cfait American 004aisitno, fw imnanott, Wff&rViftiiAvarett C-ou- (Va.), Op Me


4 11,11,111:1111111111ff 1111111111111 11111111111111

11101 mmrm

T" = diaArN 1'15

1.-Ittits of City 0.f.-L-2*-W LIM etN Tcw.1 Y ),,SI, °Med-,11B. 1-1-7% 117. --1-01.1tbWAlt(liftmt)31-, (WiaNaa. Ida. C!1t- I. i-.-1-ull Uniiirwity. jatai(Ohfe) C& kW..i-EN1 Carew-Newman CAM**(rain.), H. Ciellito . is 0...mr, J..,,,...__ ,T,111 17 . cm IL Ckm-mast Mm's Ocilase (CY. I -:7----° Clam& e----n-11- Clarows W t.aa C=.111).7. .1_ c,rti 7-=Z--*I r!,-----Aa--v Ohk), Claraufwm Imtx -4. ClarinftItinkr 7 t-= Malt- A-w.a-a- I . ,,.-_. -.J.. Ceiwkm) (Ra), 51,1 Bm% 1,..--_-_-;5C--civ- (Yt.)pN. Clark 15.

-1.t4-W C,==-Ak (N.C ,), = = Cimx U 4 ,r, el,,att,...- j ' Okr.t.CiaWo Chirke Massada Catbak t---1 Char:a00hip Catholk Maims-ay of Ckinsla Arrionittuvl et, m, ut. 71oTtttsruiBD* OoDege C-z.wport junior Ceyi (N. Y.) rt. ekrelAndMink (Ohb), OdhX (-)w: csoaste L.:Lev-elandCkeee . Weaa-n Rannit C"larviik- 04-11-= (Oh.b) 46. I Univmdty, C-tre0o-11.--- 72-4, 101 ekvviand111U-40 M (Obb) 100. Ctnrv ==kw- ( N M. r-allees (T=.). Junkv (lows)-M. C lint= .1 MU* thiau 14.--y-w4, ctj Cbsiltlan 'Okh.) 47. A _ W.171 --*_/ Oonsp (me.), 4-11-7- of A._.t-M,=t------and V ..:-ItiCHMO linritt C4.njJu.n. 7. Oa/au-4-.1 M 4k=1-1P-wWn L7,1117. 1 C-31bige Moth r"141117 Odby OezitrJ 91. TH-ok tt C4Lege Wow' (.-N Ohio), 116; (Okbi.), 47, 111. Y_1 74 e=tral W 51,U. (14biool- Y ) =E 13IL C-1-__7----4% Junior-OolLwe (Wo_sh), 61. miewka-aCfla 4 102. Towr----7--hip Junky (--sw 0°I*P 011..101 Ct-re of Kft. IClide (NJ Nebrasks &tate U., 117. 70, 77, 92, 1-Z. Oka-=&y Jur.,-w I If at Oa_tp 04--00 gtt, to -VIColivapde Set.rA ttm. 77. of New Vial-41-- I Oc&-- ..do EUte- (301kw tanilte 013--.40, Univeimitya, 11 w, ,o. ri. V-A, EtapnWl 1 a i 100, VA WI Cheriewm. !C--ok4.-m4o Wrffr---- Ow=__ _f in. berlom _----.AttrutAa Bil=!-- otiatt uni -11 Chismut Rdl Cob. I (3-k.Alaini billi '=---:44.....-- tY IN11 --.'"- 2 ,---. (Obi state Teeth= 31, IOofr.i.mb a..-=-----_------1---7_10-_-----'------. blow Junkie Mew odic a IOak= b6-- f Ohb-operly arki RV 07 W, L7 -Mow Game of 010.4mww 111_ OesuAun Jurx__;_m 0c42 Met), 7, OIdbQoZ1s d Oveloordtue=4") llg. Chkviro M Iv% Chicago Evamseilide 109 1 Mt. Pail,het.), a. t_Mow inwituto (N. sg. '713.ka. oaboardis T C-arouge Mt), (4W St. NINOtift Tbeelagield &1111Wir7 )17. °mime Oodip 17, 116. IL (M.), 1-2Q. °tact et. kWUui of Ohiaset 199 71e el, ri, 17a, 11-4, 11 110. 7(1, n, u 4,1104 Colby§ of Law CM) C 04% Oases (Oaf.), 7, oearrvasery c4 UKCity Ch1141.rftes HuNdkel ( (Ca..3.)1 1-L4:.(M) Iegmtre Oasis Oilkft (=-J,7 106. OILL_rs of FeIphi Mac-al of Pft.11- Union Y.)- atzkl ?imam (Pa.), 14. Howftel .), i. 8to Gra=7--ri(Mu), a (WNW. 111. °mall (Usge ICwLt20, itm. uidor BW, 13. Oftudi Univerety (N. YJ,Di, et, elmrsc MIL Mist C3Ho41,4121_ Czyptu unife.-&ity a mg.),se, Christhin ChtinJ, (r-thim) 8-Late- Colh (N. T.). °MAI= ICC Suite Unkiw-5:ty a New Yark_12,118. of the 120.Oamomfaitan Mugs (111.),1011. Mode of (Ob.., (MO.: n. of Pbwrotwy (Glibi)) Diversity (Nam.), 34, M, 74r K. WI 113_ Ognimrvitaty of M Ohk), Jwdor Oslop 30. Olociat Uulisnity N 72. Mt N,$S,UL Junior 0---Altm (T---m%) Ouirtha kW* 2-_4 of Oumbel Ourt inkttute 0 M ut--W.ta ItaiorCAINs Gaga. Oaanti hudor C- a

C.--ekt-a A VW' lIl!!If"Ll ,,,, !"' I, !' :i r I I II I'I I I'''' I fif t UPll

' '''' ''III! Iiiii!I!! pppii uüII iIft!I!!IiI IIIIuII! tP!I '''::l II!I I 'I'''IIlII l'iiilII !IIIuIuI ItIIuul!I 'nI IHnnHd! h IIIIl I'''''! !II? !iiiiItl iitiI IiitdI IIiiiiI! uiiuit III ::::d I:::I :': !::h:I '::I I,III '!?rII' ?l! IIh1I! IIII!IIII! !!PI!I rIIIiIIIIIr1iiu,iiu IlII IIIIuHIII iiit''flI !I:;' IrIt '' l I i'I piII i tuuüIJ I" hr !iuHuIlI' , i iIlIuIuII lIiiniii :: : 1;ld :I! 'tIIII ir It$ ' isp 1!hh! i: iiII ':::J ': : tt I 11ir :' 1ir' LIII ii !!' r 'itt i r IiIpI 1Ii !!i !rthII it iiiII si' J[I,Iu ::" ' u: '' 11$' I!!" : 'r ; 1iii' 1pl H '' lI! I!u ø!I '' 1t1 h " i I I ?]! !' I iu .,t Ii $ I!P I I $1 Ii 1111111 II!Ih IJjIu J L!I III I! i! H]t I!I:J ii iu , I I '' ft, *i: !' u I i' ;:: '!t ! I"9I'? I!I! J 11piIIt f 'I iII iII éi l 1j '''I ' u 1bI 'is uI 'II ihd iP I!IuI ' iI 1F . :::iii I 1j !I 't:r" ir' Iu " b,,, II!I II O!rII I I ''''!' d Ii i 1IIh liI i IIü 1Ili1i ' ,,,, II l : lj , , , t I' '''! 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I go r 111lllI , 4, J1! %WM '414% I. , !1?, He. .morr,, k!!i1!"Hili* 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 1111111 1111111111111 111111111111111i 1111111 1111 II III 1111111 mil in fi m 11111111111 fi Mill MIIM MM101111111 1111M1011111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111'111111riliril 111111111011.1M11111111111111111111ffillinEll ISO . g

' 128 INDEX

Belly Cron,ooneva tin wide,), 1 antestownOcentuanity (N.Y.), emms Preparatory I It Seminary (N. U. Iarth Ctaistban C Tax,fra. :oly (W I :Jeffers=City Junkr g (Mo.), IL Holy 3cth col; t I I I ------: , : '--- =Hospital a .),110. ---J - -n_ I r1 k14L=! -- Yk% . - - - -= ; g= jy ( N Li of LI*tt ). 7.::" Jeremy CityJunkv----' ), -! = XT=T iT!N ! SS. I I== ==!-=--- =:-___ (JueryCity)NewL-;=-;- Oolleer, 25.. t:-- I 16, 117. 204 (Jewell Collar*, Hopkins Willbeln (11.0), Univity,alba(dd.), n, m. in1064 Jewish liosiAtal 107. 114, II& EtorpitiLl of Si. Rapteael Wt. , INt. Hotel eto af BokWhti'm Cp-- __ - JewideE_! TheologicalfleanliryOfA rtm.Ula\Y .), A :°mite State asim i 5 ' i JohnB. EttAKm T= 04. !-=* ' i ' I w4 L& 1 L Jt=nBrowni-± t A & Ccalege (Ala.), 112. John OarrvIl Junior Unimity 46 ;L;:;:= :T:::: * JLHerronArt SA-_71-Acioltft 10. ' ;T; :-' r Jt Marshall4v#thG1 ;& :w-ru i ' = - - (DI), 679 . 71.#f 944 Jahn Mub- S. _1i112,lIi,LW. Johns Hopkins -=- e_ -=yM3- - I --w Md. IStifle 1ti1 : k 1A116, 7-1YTTj J!:=-_ 1 t) I =I ! -_ . -5:=_ - y WWYcwt I - ;: 117. (Teem), b4. T I w-- - - :Johnson C. iiti I ' A --- . .)1 44. Oak** I 5(Johnacm)State - - -- 1 t $-( i _4 1 I ("Vt.), - ==-= ; Odin, LL _i r__ ------:;- f tf Oollege fit. Putlie- =on College (Maine), 21. Hugo.= Oolleys, SamuelCrea-), 117. (Mbrie).:%, #- a °claw n. !_; :: T; (S.r), !IL Joplin Junky Goilega(Ma.), 12. onian : I I 3; ii :dJ Butler r; I VIY19, IOL 1- --- A L A = a Colima 1. it_ I ys al,: =T=of iL===T(N. Y3, 1*. J talusBaru MuenvielTraundatkrn(Conn ,: t- '4i;u rw WI 4 - .-___ -i Univwxity ot, 16 Il& : = % T- = =_j - - _ i-., - - ='-----== w = T II. -=- ----School '- I t'- -= =- Juniata Oollage 71. i_'; J____=_ JuakIrAgriculturalCollege ofCtflJArk-sneak & ___-;_-_e '- =-jand -.-= o=_ =-- nuncas ?y Tn 7 I _:-=-== I -- g-- W==# -=- _&- - ! Junior=- .------. efiss jterm of£ A I - fU I V4a £ tE t t- : .. - I I --- - i = a--- State - L------II& I __ _ - w L - - elk 71, - - i:;:- : :i:=:_ :-: ----- :_ ------

y4------WjiIgyn g - ! --- Kahle" H ()41T 107. L P K (-:- Junior httkh_, 2a. ;::-- = F ___esea-A of OmapatkInal = Tharapy (M ) Ocenception! =lee (N.I & I : ' i = ?= W Mititigan 90_ . Cioncection krr t i ' U. Kansas City . . t4ik Iit! =J Institute aod Actkralof Diesn ;=t! -" L ' 0.) -iI Lutheran u '- .) I =-=z--C- iP--- ' ! f_ - -=- ,_= ' of'- --= Word T!--T LL:4 J1J M ;; ( j of M yak, of (Mo.),&I ti &nueOfty Orrafral Mo.), 107. L:iState 116. fi IKaramCky, Itinior Collegeof c),), r IL 1111. (:fty i=::-- IL IKamm p ; (:i-== 21 Kansasct u= . : ==; :i1rE: = of (114 i 94, 99, --=--- ; 71, 74, -4 I - -= 7 - 1014 = 4__ KangasState -----== _I k - Fri L__ =L; and f Bolecoe, == IS, :Lizt &w AdY 9tu&. N7 ill. -i::::=- -L1 t,__ A -=-_ -- Sa. I State £ Oge(Imports), 1 :a=Institute_ __of -_4 '. I ,SS. 1e! ! anttabize. 101, ! -=- of Text& Technoloor ft 416. ;- T_ _ , 4 = --- -_z Kann& &iI 22, 67, 69, -= IolaJunior k : i Collage WI, 112, 114,II& __CoDege (N. Y.), i - =--- Kamm W1i t 'T;i:- ; IowaState Colley aDd Moolciank =--_ . ,- i 4_ i '- 7 ;- i , =k --' I -4 : W- -I. 71, f- --t '- 22, 1 -- '= - CoDego I (=i I I (N. LS, 1149 StateTeacher* 11, Kan Maury sabacd (Nto.),111. I State Univty of, 21, O. 71. ;;79,2= ;- LandaU 97, 911, WI, 114, ll& coutice anal17. ;- :_- i _i #j $ i_- 5 Iowa - ---=- Kent--University ------. - w-1c::y 4 OoZIe. (Minn.), XL Cidiot U. Keextua-y, Untrwtty i. . i - Itawarnha Junks. 31 It, W. 101, (M116-), 1 112, 116.. L!A ; w CollegeU' I J - Ocasvp., IL lege Ohio), 46.72. t CxlIkge .;.',N. ; KeystoneJunior°AweFa;ID. Kilgtre CmlisraXTez.), j=College' Maw). Th!LI C-: 1 Oollass (Tenn.),AT J_ (IT:,i= ==E :Klure Ooliets (Pa.),M. ;kr!1Juniorc-=liege 1g2:1 . ! WI-Oollege, Tim (Del.)12. J: Oollep01 dIi &Kik I1- V :Y1 : Jiv j__ A-: 4) 4. ; ii!thL!:A &i;T - T.), Kik (JwU' 8L ( A) 8.1 ILI KkllJ cf -hVtW &II!V M' !e , ' J. tii-:-+- Unlvft--ety WU, 17, .100 Jams MemlthriCoilme(D C = oxCe0=flLr.MO. LI& v:j* Ce jn ),M. Jamestown (2. Collep 1aL), 41. J(LW) Stat: Wires(P5 L i i.

:;.-- r-=: ----

--= ------S . - Louiriane Lcmisbas Waldron Lonkburs LOB Anirrl Los Las Angeles Laa Angelo Los Angeles Los licwst Lae Angeles Lchletto Lams Lcmgwood Oak. bang WoodUniversity Ung 1Mnd liMS Lig (Look Limit Rack Ltpeeemb 001 Lathan w-oodOakes L141 Wilson lAnoahi Unirentity Lincohl Sobool Unratn lAncoln M lAnf Lincoin Idtmeetant Lewis Lanai 1.4 Tckruese 1.1ey Gafinw_ IaMorat Oober(N.Y.), Lotand °alms Lohisa Lebanw, 8. 1__Artan I Mithantola Oonete, I enoft 1 Limn Jun IA ak.116-Pam Lar-41.* OWE. Ui_ Lamm (wk. Laredo Junior I ALIN-1.4X1 LaritUKU (o1nt7Narmi Larldftr 1A.tut,uth (Oelit.). la& 1..arnar Sokol Lamar 4 LaGrange Oollect Lake 1.4ra-e WI* LarapOte Ladyetiff t La BocaBrawl (N. A VKIW is vi-TnioeCYallege, ': - L guy, 04., Angeles 4tij) Oa**, 10. AnZelse Ooi b-,- Sk-w-.111 ,w ,w io Oollegge &mob Buie I Orono) I k I --= Y.). 1T:- and CleftOollap(-()Tvg_ OoLleps (Tean.), Cvouw Htn 1-1cmpital I t' I-=-- I; - 0*Ilege Ptats ' I Polytechnie Institute, - :T State linty-ratty armorial a J lintrervity bar OoIe yiv ; rt T1U Valley Junior =.v' Harbor Zemke. p:tty - -t Fin MoteUnlvwwity &i ' CV11.400 (I iJ 1 I Th1i} i A4a S Mt*Ctoir ' _ L nI 'E Ti-ohniesi Ingtitzte 1- = I -- ':c 2 ,: tar =--- t i of C Iz ; ;-T1L' Ti - =I :r__ I 4-I of ) 4=__ j . Siolent* szrd I ;%; IC = , 1 T 'I ( - $ !-1r A::::I 4 V), 80. (0. Z.) J at Iptmetry_(CUltf.), : ( ( ), 6 1, T -- =- :_ *t1 :. La :T1v Vi ei:;! Lz--ut&) - ' =v (nO, - ' 'if ;_; ' :; -- I'_ , I ,CMaaa3 pg_ C),It ;L;4_ =_-t 1 WOuy I I E a, -L (M t (N. Y.),I*, i Chat.), 1 yr Uk) I-t! =r _=- -- - /t r . -. I -:- Walt!. wv'; !j: ;jj;- j- (N. i a( AppliedAruath (Tenn), M. 61, 771,101 4-: I. ?-!tM, 1,_3& and omen DS_ ;:1'-) rk 11 _ .- -:=a71 I=------!'!I := flA 4J 67. (O&M.), n; S. W ;: ': 46. . L I 17. A etkl i;ci !oO I '1 v::y ('L; It T _==i :x ri ' 1if-f -==- 6. ii4- let Av erbris.1 &____ JON 04., in(Pe. Oak. ;-- ii 79 -?== IL tw- J :J=JUi M. Tfi, -1j- -_ kaextinetci (Tex_ ) btv t I i- t::o I LIT College (WIL), Music ;I1IC J2-!? ; - d NewYork. ! sit 64 119 ti -L:= L:= £t=itv- i & 2I1fl;=pàj W S-=a-=_I 101 - Oollese - _ = IOL ' 774 lit Tesau, kft. I_- Ainw , , =.:-:=1 (Pk), ti=J mnvLw -- -'-=L _5__ =_- --- I'%t , II M. --& rbx Mt M! . a;ifl! loaf Just _'i . -- a, : ), - (CALM), (111,), 17. a in r -' --±1 ;- ==--L--= == :; ------* II _ - a rm -_ -= --- :: -; = = - ==- ==- t'i=E - tick ----=-- =! T 42. LN I v_i_ -t f-- 1A 1 NDTA kw -_ -: - i : Biterykaxil him Mary Maryared Mary Walking's= Mary Mary Mary rketobar Mary Mary Mirth% -41 Mazatmditrown Mwslull Lew Martha Mi1U. Mamma* University Marion Institute Mk6:111 oalleire Marinate Oounty Maris4ta Odiereerhioktu& Marian CoAlage (lkia.--4-54d) M &rift:Yew M sahattanrilke Manilaxtan M anhattan 'M Matas, Mats* NA MeNevese I land. Layarts Township Lyncthburi L. lAithomn lAntim 0-cave Virginia. I : I t i I i i'-; = - Lo - - ---Li:L Lowt_11 I J I=_=-= : a I = ! ; Li(m-ft111 room ftig0-11kip eM h urn -=-== 1 21 eti\wm 1 71 -- 101, ykmil ;; y :-rT - 4 -- _%__ ca..14to) 8t4Le niiYT , I1-:,.=.% i Immaculate, Hardin-Baylor c ' tirry IL ij Junior -- -: arra '--- _ univinrmty t: Stat Teacimrs Philadelehtsk, tt jkJy Oolumbts. I -- - Tet1110 Institut. 17ntwtrety oi oak*, Webster Juniar ttnirarsity (In), ='y t9 : z iA-w- 11o. Junkw Thither* Apostak ''41las t' 00560 anoiLL & c'j (rfl :-; J ±i'j Cxtunt 3I i .:h Stbebril 't :z; °atop w HM Is I--i SW* Teachers Ooliere (That) :i C..-4 1ere!As- 641, --i,' - . T boological Junky- v T::-: Junior School, John *-. Pre*by-uu i----- R. Lay I :- y (1114..) - - (Ith.) 19;(N. camp au*sawtki __ (W. (Ala.), 4.. - A I t (N. =;; U -\__I H - y lank* ------( a musk 1 ' 94,, 101.III 'arms' School ( Ps) _t1 46L tm k Normal Scaloca (N Y36NA. ' -==---J ------. t'vi --- 4_ 1' :=ç of Mtisk(13.C L- ==T ( fiTT= flora T::-:) A ) ;t - =- ,_=_,- =--iF=j ----"---- - , 19; (Va..), vMi:i:ii =$ zi '--- Los U_'_ -= r-1nTI vu- =lc (M - X A La;-i: Oollare (D.0.), A =!- a 71. Raia i=:: :' - Oolkwe ), 12i (K j :A1I ' (Mass 0,111ege ,_'L: _wJ i_ FL Ea; (V&J t '' p - -. :c:ii) L1!&I Oakes (Minnj, E. Aussie* 60 17, ' - - 19_ ; ,' awrn Tj____:_:- A _ O Oa*, (PILL_ :iL _:;3 (N M. w I era ) ' ' - A - 22, Thookocioal & (Maine) NI, 117 University 119. ' - ' ---- 71, - .24.. :c) Y) Y.), * _ =---a co zmr gs- :) - =- ';- - -a Y .) A:4&:ü = ---_i-- ). i N =kT :- A :jt_ ) :ij :ru i (111 1,)7. (WiL), - y zu 71. , 70, 74,Sit.93. ' -J_i -:=-i;-;LJ =i_ aft &V ,isa.) k I V, -- - -___-= -=- =' &i _: 21. 1 _-tw P4 ------====;= T) t a Heart (N.Y.), 1-' --.'--- . i =- cot, r ;:wt: : th' - --- and (Jowl,),, iLij Z. -&-_ ----=---=-- a F 0 ' i:i::Iii =;::;; U. -- Y_ of Mary- -i ::_--3- r- , 1k3 i=-,1=: i: -:= ful 1--=-i i3j KG Mr 11/1 F_ Ii T , i 30, 117. 1wi_ =_=___zT=_ aw ;-y 10k 114: e= v=i T : --__ - T' M.. -04 I -==:- ) 129 --- _ , ga, C of == Y -=-_--- = L11Y1 Ji - t - P A iIiimonroulaTorz:71:;mrszlerimirramoim I 1_ INDEX

' 1. WHVI&HJState M4 (iL4p\ % College ?°"! J!iu!r1 -it8J tflTJii107. irt::::-i26, 116; -y126, 116; Crowson), ?:!nn&flI I!1i-11(:t=tk-.68. Z,iI6 - g Minnesota k £rtiU U4 I)! - ' ::-----:-':-= -'--- '--=- College'-, i1_t1 Yi4 =r A i I = = -= _=-_ 89, 80, = '--== " -! ff-- i- 30, LIfE MarylhurstCollege 48. (St. Cloud),30, 117; (Winces),30, 117. I'-iL i 'i sr ' :=--- --e --. Y 39. Mnesota,Universityof, 30,r=69, 71,74= hI92, 93, 1 ; !i 11 Junior Calif.),8. 94, 97, '-! 112, 117, 121. --1-"- h.. Maryvillej LA (flfr;-nt) ;tf ¶-ehw (M (MO. St. University, ' , ------'- Dak.), I t8 - 45, _i i'.=- -' ,,:= 49,102. MftrryVüM fli (Tenn.),5891U3= ?ftkii Hou and Liz LJ MarywoodCollege (Pa.),5 Zt.)44. t=trY /T:\ 1 College M Institute,I:: t: '=39, 68, ':;:Cane ofMusic and Fine Arts, Inc. (W.MississippiCTrierii. I =_!:;:3industrialI- 31. A '- - ' '! College-I Mississippi SouthernCollege, 81,:T: j7 e- ' ' -=- - - .CfljL-flCollegeof ?flrmcy,I12 Mississippi StateCollege, 31, 71,81. MR::ett-General Hospital, 1 MissksipplState College for Women,!: :i Massachusetts=;ttwof of1'ech:-t-:--;y ;;67, 71, 80.1Mississippi.Uvy M. 269, 81, 92, 94, 98,112, Massachusetts ar::rAcademy,2 a a e .

_4_ MemorialHo:1. :: ------.Vocational ==i:-:IE c_ ?i:t --- Mesmchusetts Schoolof Art, 27. MississippiWoman's L= 31 Massachusetts StateTeachers Oak's(BF Mbmowl :i ,28, ! Fr Missouri,'- . =-- i-. .-,= -- s- - ' 98, 102, - 96,--'(NorthAdams), iiq.121. (-J1 28,ii ( ,2/1, i fii= 15I-w; ; ( :-:;:Valley 33. tar)2S,117 College (Conn.),11;N Ci& Massachusetts, Universityc 7 i-Ut 5rF-4:t Cofle (M- 3. Mayo Clinic(Minn.), 99. -;i- Co1ig (M'33 (MyvllIe)StatePib College(N. Dak'= 118. Modism Schoolof Music p.c.),IL M;vfl! ' Theological School 120. Modesto Junior p8. iKii- c zeorg.97. Moline ::ky t- - g College01thState of South Carolina,96,Monett JunkyCollege (o.), SS. rt!:E Monmouthc&(M.), IjOi J Medical of Vfr: 601 1=-98, 99, : .. : 11Uh:!o;:'hi I W (N.. . - -;!; MedicalEvriéc!:st$, øi&eof'TL 17, 97, 99,,r1 z::M- zcti .J.. Me:ar:yMIkaICollegeona.), j= ;_110. Montana Sehoolof Mines, 2 A -; Me Collegeof Mi (Tenn.).&./loath-Montana State'- # L#82, 107, 117. wtem atMem Its,U. 1CL1 3q::ar StateUniversity,:4 L- 7;92, 93, 94, Memphisstt Ccie(Tenn.),5& 1Cr2!131I7. Menlo (Calif II Monterey flfflS C3j-(Call),6. iri t -Djt tiL- IA h \A -:University'AU E 91 Montgomery _ _- - Mercycentr i-= ofNursing(Mich ),3Z MenitgomeryJunior MercyCollege (MicIL)29. (Montgomery)State :AIaJ1 & L(::::--; tA (fA ('2fr . tal (Ps.), 109. Monticello (Ill.),z Mercy SchoolofNursingof Detroit (Mich.),I Moody Bible Institute(M.), 68. }ferhurt (Pa.) rIj= Moore Institute College d Art, Scienem and Industry . I MedIth C:oIke (N.C.),44. U so. :WW4 : , .- Meridian:ki& iun eIIe (thj!i. ; a.__a ; j Teachers - (Minn.),10. . = c:en-w! nn-a!fl1t ( 11CL J;L29. Moravian College(Pa.), 60. w - " I- iI= MesaCountya::.1 L. OgC (i.-Z3 , I MoravianL_ 7 WomentIft iL --- - MessiahCIg .110, .), 116. . y ' ;;i'; MehodL Hi:ai 106. GEk!( ; ------. -&-- ;';T-H Hospital (N. 108. !- ! ) 38. University ;(69, 72, 102,I1 M ;:t Wami,ThiIvIyt=M'rL) ,14.70,c&100, 116. MiLr-z _cIJ_-I- M:Valky!k:;- OhioL 1I Morris College(8Ci3. MI-aeI Rzz Iknft (IlL). 13. Mcirr;s Cc3ie. L-nT M....4 co;Ligof Mining4 ±I,gv 9..71,Morris Hervey College(W. Va.), 62. ;. Morrisania CityHospital (N. Y.),109. I i :n t L r=-=------State College, e 81, 92, 93, Morristown and industrialCollege(Tenn.), 55. ' E n e __ - - --=- r ;- -; -' I ; Normal , Morton Junior(Jfr tiv)= IR X; k Mlobitan, University of, 67, 71, 74,c- 92, 93,Mixtnt AloysiusJill -p A & =1 Ii =_p If 112, , (otint AngplSeminary(Oreg.),c ;iwiic JcoTgIa (Jo!!e!e. I. MotL' AirIWa' '=i- U. MiddleStatesAit fj=of iyj .7 MountAuzir Røqtta ,i3i LoIB. &* Mount Carmeliifti oh=109. 1UU Iezu= 8tatCollege,56,I I. Mount Carmel dii (ti (V \ 7 Normal School(Ls.). 14. i ,59, -- - ' ' Mount Holyoke ocabge(Mims.), 27,n. Middlesex HospitalCciL I) Mount Marty Oollep(S. Dak.), 34. fl=ind(41 'Neb:;, -t p_;_ yCoIeg(- ; 4_99. Midway Arnim.2OflkC IC7 ' Z Meunt Mexey 30. ]idwtrnUniversity(X)57. 2=. ' I Mount Morey J (Iowa), 166. -_A t=LgVt:I=J,4. E::!: !-! *cdk;;1 d.), (a tTh=::= illersveg)eilgteate Teachers College L31, 118, Mount ---.Okra Junior (Iowa),21. I , q =ThttL ), U. Mount ,-; ;=r1 -is:- (Vt -=----=-=--- (Ohio), --- J 17 M ames ; F II_ ! ii t 3:=:=;; College T--- - N. I &Sege(N. _,.89. w_ _;-= g--- g f r- w ' -' ,,N. L1G-::t E:. &; ca- Cr r H.)-te. Mbar. Colkge al. kiq:= M'-R (J (tiIv -YW 8t. -;--- : -: , X. =: Milton College (Wis.), 64. Mount tw:n I . ____._- i ------ME!WJkr uirt }ur&!V;5 1t1 Mount v11It C;-iI= of4N. Y;.a. '4, Milwaukee School of Itnginserbag (Wis.), tAP MountSanA-t*CG!1á:'Calif., . =le) StateI College3 VT ) 119.Mount Sinai Ho.p3(M.106; (N. Y.), 208;(Ohio). Voeitkeial3ht1 (Wb)6& 109; (Pa.), 109. ( i % ?1 MDw_i M_ I ' w , 99. Mount Union Cones* ------f_ 1I_ w (Ohio), 46, 102. =!L_= I jC )I_&1tu. Mount Irkwrion Junior College(D. 0.), _-_- : ' m 1U LJLi., . college UU Mountainside RTjflJ (N.J ),1111.

-E- -:

-- -.-- _i_1. . ---- 4 -

_& 1JL&- -- a

Muhlentterg UJ1ID ( I-r-iFi N Vfw- . ! - State Collegt ! Muhkehert E. ' ' ? of Ceramics Alfred Uni- g_r See StateUniversity College,J::: New York of New York,41. Multnomah 49. State ColKreof Forestryat Syracuse undelein Co Univertty.Elm StateUniversity Mllege(DLL 100. 41, 161. of New Ymt, MunicipalUniversityof Omaha(Nebr.), c MunkipalUniversityof Wichita $4, New YakState Collegeof HoareEconomicsat 79, 101, Mom),22D71 CanaUnivessity.Set State 116. York,O. Universityof New MurraY StateCollet's(Ky.) 116, rewYork MurrayState AIfr11tfl I !aeCollege :dk-t N 11'F4 (Okla.),46. Bed state York. " JUlhor I York,41,97. -- New York cf ::--'- -=-' ArtsUniversity'-: '= I Mead=itSvr See StateUniversityri New York, Junior Clep -4:f = N. 41, 27, 106. Muskingum New Ym-kState Cawfor Teachers(Albany). Ohio46, 102. ess StateUni mustogesJunior _F = ( I of New Yak,41, 96, 117. F New Yak State . 1 for Teachers See State at Buffalo. I' UnivorsityNew York,41, 117. New YakState Instituteof AviMtweand Home Zoomornkeat Oebleskill. :T4!College(COE),8. See StateUniversfty of LIUL-1j flOL1B1( VtL), & New York,42. Nasson New YorkStateInstituteof AppliedArts and F- iiia : f / Sciences. ! ;;;= E :=_ Su StateUnivasity ------= ) ofNew York; Natimal ;=- 03"4i* "tontd2A y__ _ - - ---=i1 (Bufto),4*K ' 4 -::= Association : 4 4-4 -; (U )t 412;twarte Plains41 A::iT:T-:T- New YakStateMaritime ;::=:T. :TE!4 of 100. varsity of New Set State tint- 4J UUIrT (II; T York,42. ; - NewYak StateSaboolof Industrial ;::T.:-ff; u ic:tng 2=3= and Labor I Relations,CornellUniversity. - : : - =uiri fits &tateVniver g- - - sity of NewYork,424 Na;=aj ng New YorkState TeachersCollege.Bee State Uni- kT ;; -1 104. versity ofNew yen: Uni ! _i- (Brodrport),41, 113; (Cort, v,-----=== r - : land),41, 118; Junior P= (Yred=k), 41,-102,11a; (Geneseo) =-;;FJ: 4b 98, 188; .c_ : 1 (New Palts).41,118; (Oneonta), Collets(Ky.), (Mishit f=tA*vA 41,Ile; xcj - eirsODL41118; (Plettibur8),41 11% (robbim), Nazareth Cameand Academy I (Ky.), I :i- e- Nebr&ka CentralCsallftae, * York ethrv (:g Unfree+. = s:;y, &sS! c-i=; Nebraska - 8We TeachersColka (Cludron), 'v ____-_--_ ;_ -:-_ : :ii -=121. j t_= = V;L - 14, 117;New V V =A i (Kearney),34, 117;(Peru),34 117; 72, 94, 97, 1011, 117. (Way),34, I 117 NewarkBethL5=[ItospItgL1 Nebraska,University 74 fl . (N. Jk I!31. 1: f 71, 82,E Werivk 117. 2' E'i (N. 1;.31telp.__ NebraskaWeeleYan Newjiy 8t Ichwi --- -. 34. '' coiP?, Nevada, 38, 1 3_____ J .: 71, 82. f--= ff_ 1= - - - - - ;-=---=- - '-* TextileInstitute i-:=:( ::= E- '-=!tU. =_iw= -=--- . ;; 'nry (N. I). S& ±) -- e ::-Wk Tb11i=:i-=?OI, NewUHUAtflfW _ Ai:-=-- - Colleges and :wllO!lYI!5i1t&iM;;- TI' ' NiagaraU--=yc;= y : Collegeof Pharmacy(Mus_ 1IJfr ---a A- -:i New EnglandConservatory 112. Divthicer i:- 101. of Music(Am.).z= =awl the New the Oonw sad 5:1iIIDewinessEj!J(Mn ' ____ ewHampshire,tri 106. Norklk 'wa t.-,_1_== a, of, 35, = =-,99, 5;. . =;= New Haven :-=- A=AvLL Noe JuniorC! Nbr.?1 34 New Statei1I /i1e=e !t Normal a;.. ;j t=-i cq= wQmTI M= wtVT.dWI& of the Vnion = . - == Uni-- and.).Sat IndianaUniversity?tenutic L:=1:: ::--=i No-thanCollege(Ga), Mi. New Jersey Teachers ! -=== ' I "!- =l=..w College (NorthAdams)State Teaohers _:_- =-J ;;._ = Col**(Mass.). LP S -_ --'='______' ' T V==-; 36, 116. (. _ 5-_= -== I_ ==-=---=- =- .- . --- ; ==-'- /16, 117. '-== Nih CuolinaCollegeat Durham_ ,_44,9k 109. - = North Carolina New Mexico Iii I State TeiachenCollege (Elinbith = Colby*, : iA t2= Arts, 83, City),46; (Fayetteville),4& (Wt3t;Y New MexicoHighlandsUniversity,37, 71,117. New Matto°Instituteof Minks NIit&:Vanilla!0!, 45, &I72, ; N. c, 87, 71. and 109, 111414, 118, M. CenUraAssociation ;ew 5Lt1 UTy 1E=Ut 37. ofo& andSecondary Now ' Seim*N. 'i&DVi377W Ka, iu,AI=North Cenizal Copege Newff:?Ww.fra °Mktg%37,ii7 (IX,1 M. orth DakotaA 43, . New OrleansBaptist T .4mi Soninary M. =L-e _r_ = ----- . _ (L*4),14. X -j=-=- ==- i i r'1ortnVdA R!-±i gç1 g== ..'ew iZ: I f1'* ( II- ( r 46 _: = ----; -= .1* = ! arth Dakota StateUniversity I:Q :E;i(Diddr&m. '- --=- - -:---w ==-. =-# Pi; (Mt 45, Rochelle, 6 ( Y i=1_ ' 118; :e Sc::t tor Audsl:r: vi:;r: y J, * , A :- ;_ =-= -= -=.- North1:p- T!=!-t- ?, o - - - - V _ w 4/ =-_ V ==:__:::. IS, 1111. 4 4_ =- tL New York littedic0C cf P 18. 1011. North GreenvilleBaptist Academyand ,Iunior New YorkSchool oi or,k, Cr1 lege (S. Col. VI, 1111. C.) State North 14abo Calms,16. 8%0 Insti-NorthPark -i and ThedogkalSeminary 42; =08,uw. MathTexas State-Volley', St103, 119. h40.te Aetna UM-,NOrtimast :N8. Lament*Ifni LouWana StateOeinep,24. many otNew\rot, 42,M Northea4MisdaelpP1Jun* Cones% New `11" 31. YorkStateCTe4A4 tCyrnea f' Northeat4Missouri StateTeachers College,A lox lnIver,480i!-_! t1v=iiot NewYork, 117. 4 1. I - NortheasternJunior Collage IL.

- .. gA ( Orlando Junior ' f_=_ cN. tt: Orartounriti ( Omaha, fl-I-t Oklahoma InstitnUiof Olivet Okolosa fi1;F!n f'iW1VAi Oklaltomet OgekrWomena Okleitoma pit/Univenity,48,103. Oklahoma Bipthgt Oklahoma A Ohlo ( I Occidental iW.!t %_; Oakland-City Colbge(Irml.),19. Oak Notre Damelunior Nara Dune '- Notre Dame ):- Nara Dame NwI Ui=ty Norwalk Nthwi Nt1WB N;:;:!!e Nerthwastarn H Nw-thweet Janke Welkin's& No Northwea Olutglan Nwthland I Northam ?leathern litejleTaschers Ntwthorn :orthàt N=n Mkth' iLLH1 LtHLL -:Li; Math= Nextimon Myth= Baptist 111 4 . Nemtheastern Oklahoma ! y____= e Statt UnlywiftofNemYwk, 102y 132 Ek=;i: atm 102, 113.115,118. Agr:::urai - &O7. I'Xflt Univmdty, Schools, --.==---= Univ T '- ffWH mi College,4& - -- rthenst flet 11X2,111,113,115,118,121. iT: State Univwsity,The;44,fey72,we, - Wesleyan e -- Dante, Ia Cosa Osp(Calif.)9. State Cabo,072, county Community 0.119110 -;-_= M=iu1&I Cones '- = - (lollop ii; IK-= wt - ==-== , (-1__ (1rU 11t!tT1 iIOt-. 1 - Wats Wf Ammfm_ui. funds .'-'----- UJ-it_i Univerclty -=- c= C- I w' Nazarene °allege M cI ---=-- 4 et Chirwaadye73, A Semairy (Lsi. Gcc &= Co1 , a Wyoming,fA. = L 1!-!i*4 J-1Co!. - -=L- Sawa) UniveNAty (Man.), University State '4 I 102, 118MI. ff!=- of iit e Maryland, ! ti-4 Mrnir ' i7;; t= ( II& °readmit I-v-=:L7 Co s Lutheran (Wh - 1iV'kV h rr- tun! endMealaanimlCollege, State Teatthers ==-=-r Universal', T - Tbaological (Wis.), 64. g N, Cal-e t1Ifi M1Th ( '- w _A- tal_ College (Vt.), 10,1111. Colbre (j S I - 'UflK) c4 CatL).7. uL = ;tae yia (=; jiin3è fl 'i =c- V , ;f ig; ' :AI -= Technoir. 49, tt=-- ' '- ;:- -. -- - :-= TJ &If A of Moab i ()immunity 31. t ff-= i i-; I t - I ft1 (:OAO 01, - IL:. i! 1, -y ---- ' if i so, 92 . tLW=; i=i= 1t _i College J: N. _ d Icm - 4 ( of :ck;1= 48 T1Y c'o1; I 24. - r 14. 70. 102, 121. . N. 72.74.9S,es,is, gc) IL 96, 113. a 72, CT =f -! 72 W - 41, 113. -- f -:-- CT21. (Wis.), (8. of, 29. ilL ! 107. V, - e 85, A 87,n,7%94., Sy 71, . L -' (Maine), 48, f:? - -- - (N. 118. Eke Oktahmne Elio Un1vw-4ty . Lak 48 - _ ar- Y=:- and Meoheni- G3 V 49. 44. (tJt U. iJ 117. 3 ! ' Y3e ' ill. 64, 119. c; 95, ileatimry St. 7Z 7$, 1 V., S. -:---' ? 94. 54, 118_ n 9ft ea, imt w__ Lia. & 11I 117. tiee 911. 48, INI`Drix Eke 111- .N. . , I I I g I : L Pimmoola JuniorOonsp I ! i....Y P., I ti=t I t'Jwui IPain; Cane.(0a-.)_2_15 Ponsylvanis StateTomboy Parnsylvistia NaugYlvank Pennsylvania Hwpital, Pounylvank M Pz Novae = Paul Paul Fyi (-=' ra ?madam PaE Parks Parkland Hospital(Tel.), fa Park CollegeMo.).ZL !anoIa Ciny Pante. coilmeofPhygzzlEdumtkwe PanhandU Palos VettlisCal Paw Verde?tniko- Paris Palcanar Catiere(08111.), = Paini Beach POutAh /MitaCoihr(Ky.), !:rz Pe Faflc Pac BibbhuAtuteof Nee Cabo(N.Y.); Ow.rks, Oalkse Paol6o1 Caboofthe(Calif.), -- Outagamie Oar -=T=! Our Ladyeithe.Elmg,Coltwe Ottwbein Canoe(Ohio), Ottawa University(K-w-r4.), - 51, I*(Lc** --- 51, 118:(Cankarth),SI E__ (Bn (MiBersvins), My1 (E4inboro), (Ogden), 51,11% - ea. 118. 110. (Ps.)t =- 101. (ckb4& s( era6:Pa, ;; (N ttuzuwa HdittsCo--e btate el& -:--== --- 1I -=---- oOne t1L!_ Lady 7Y.) I!g Lady yIz 1H4:dpttaI J unkirOolim !'U JtM Canoga 4 mWis Cone" Howarcl(Tow, ita Oakes(Ark.), L&== vents, U = Unl Bibb C-7-z_;.-0 STAxiol ofRe --- J!:I t=i=4_= er. Ji= j Institute oftbe J. Gown] HpksI C&---- -JJJ.. g olbgiste lusUtute, ccd I C-tt cT1 coi::; R.L).&.1wiUntveIty, 39, of no, ill%112. rf ftniiir1tirP--- 11 2 Ito(*) :' _ :- -:z-=:f - & W Cal ------ir_ 51 lit -= -w Rte.% Caftve few Oolfe Phydels and I a -w Janke' -_ t;1 thIA4t .1-wy, Aurceisuidcal 'r.ctinoioy ifr ke Teeth," :f tillf Teaolirs J , 0Gh16 ! Oialfte (Callf.,, J I 51, ãi Oahle t*-14 coneys MO, S c: -- (Tex.), 57. % _c-_ - -:i::::::L Came of Callfte (rant). & Ar 39, 44. :g- UIIL), G Sobtml (C Tml-.), 1-21. .------'=-=.j 110. (N. 1! 21. (MA 14. -- :T 0o.%p w . 9, r - fr_ City & and i.M-71-anim1 - O. 1 I10. - - to-id Prewatory Air5 18 (Mansfield),41,118; i-=== 67. C.), 44. School Ms.),M. 4- (m=- 22. Dfld 81' 68'"9 Játk . 9=4 . .) 39. -=- 1d: & I ". c4 iuip WE 4; 21- 7. Surmus Calera J_- of 51, 114; es. . or (Men.). O. 56 % 9. .), 61. ; (Ohio), 45. ' 53, Meows (N.Y.), A L. 72/ 65.91. 21. - e7 = 57. Came ofthe :; ( ':: rt. wit Hyrkze . ==-- ; _=:______W. (Twin.), ll& Co!k 72" 25. (S. tsVywn), =... ), br Men, 1 y 27- 51, 118; =Or 18. 51, 11; r-!-= M. Schwa - -7 ---- 118. 1188; Ne l = 3 54- See ). g of [- I -

fflIHlIIIlIIIflITI!IIIIUIII III I Radne-Kmc-----LU ------=------E=_ Piwig Pule* Puet4o Pro RcIA Tnstfttt.1n Pardo) Unive7ulty Pre prVoylt$141. Predwtwissi Pthit F-ti Ibyd JimIr PtI Pratt limier Pratt PrIr Prentbs NaomiaM PralbYtwilm - PP:fteiruadi Potrva Jmilor Port Mr= Pontifical Ptnnona Pak GrAmty Po1yt" t 4 Fly=uth Pittalmrgh-Xenh Pftburgb !ct:: Pkwr OoI. Pittsburgh (Pitt&ttrg) Piney WmidsCounfry PikevilU j=ict Pi&-clinont efollwe(Ga., i: Plubmix 0 Philander P121160046/5 TextileInstitute Phibidcdphia MusteelAcademy(Pa.), P-73I L__= £ Philadelphia BibkInstitute(Pa.), -- Phikidelphia ColimsofOste-ormthy,-(Pa.), &_ Perkinstca JuniorColie ------Phtteville) taUTwNssCOnels ______&____ Le= lit (Pi Sbite ;:- (rox.), 117 State -- Instiftite (N. tL = y ::::- ---- _____i &W --- m olumbia Unimgty,97. - - Manm i:;= - #_ elphia MuseumBetwol elphia GeneralHospital(Ps), College __i twAtsA 041fts 047.CI44,102. - -±; Oole (LII.)08- %' 89. . Junka. f1= I -:_----=--_.: t 0 113, J= i=1L Thui-i tJthv I ------. ------.-- M=y1 riuzt ---- : c-P & Collage &_ Mask. _IniaituW, r - = x_ University apisiispal - 1jj- -==- -=- ---- =t+1% i1#-it-I Ncrinal SclwolOrb.),64. t4 4kJi 4Mii I:4 ==-=-- --= - (CalffJe 9. ; Dam -- '- n Surg-rs, lit.alft-) (N.Y.) = _1_ FI -fl--=__--=- Stu-g&=s, College (OM.) - (4.1.), ------=-= e ------I =--=-- , .1 ' 'ThQTIIJ,18, Ili, lit :- T!*1I let ci NewWel,41,118. Pa. ------c* ' --- IJ=L 4 w =-= = ST- r -=- c]q:-:;;_kw OoUe (N.11.), I_=__==__ (14k41.4 George £N. --- ff,___-% __4 of - m IN. J-. - ch.), 106; Smothery (N. E _ /7 -===? t çj;uItitut. 1.) 82. - _: I W Theological liandnary Pmrto t4 (R. a 0 0.) 141. (K uéin - Normal Scikael 9. Y.). 91. l& Teat:hem College, - ::Pa:; 6L , Sr;4(M I oi ---- t 19, 71,79 and m 97, y 0.), 44. -a-- WO, 61,73,90,um. z chi =_a i =- ' -, ' kI d_-____ . - 4' UW 71 1 ) M4isgs (N. : ~. M. .11.), 9. Seminary W- ,- a Art(Pa.),50- 4 Inc. (Pa.),102. 6kh40, -- tie, not alai. 50- w Tftelse (Ohla), RI (Phik---&1Pala Ps.). 121. - M 3. = an-_ , - V, 6. ?-4 Ba of 100. (N. 49. Ywk ' = em F - of (W)h). 31- .), ffi. MIK -& 71. Xtk I IS. J.. I - (N. 110. W. . .N t=;N c)44. : j=.4a.i2 44th . ,93, 112. 101 -- - . and Science 43. IL -: tA4 A ae, 120. PL IL % - Mi: 117. LJ1L I - 74 &- Y.). --- 112. =' I _ Virginia 31. ' .) aea 22 :Ci. - _ - £ - ___ S; I fibe IMMIX CA. 80. 32. 3c 40, 33. ID S I i [ I I F r- =-= I ! t Rhode st. MIAOW:m*1ftSsMisary Bt. CatharinesRoaOtal St. St. at. ar Et=_------=-a St. Oatberthe Et Rutilsrs Univta.gly 8 t. St. St Rt. ; 8t;Ebtss Rust Colko(Mai.), Owed Rockford fjolfte St4 Sacred Mart Sacred bacred :!-e Fy!rir Rwy BinCoI=N. Ry C3-Tr AtOoveft _--::- -:- 1LzT Wn4 Rocirmmt CoL10. Rookhurst ColksvMo.), Rochesta Junior - MfltI gageCo1k := R*v Riverdde Rip= (Rave(W,), Rochester Rmnoke =- Rt= luvwr Col Rhode Ishnd Rhode blindflospitall Rhod Re .= =-=- Rice Rhode :---- =4_ Ranger JunktrCol**(Tex.), Rendolph-Maocei Radford =- _-f -.-=== ==--- t. a!!to -- .. . _t=Th=t;=:;:t nerid og: and Unimsity,Z. 102, 113, -. - . 108. ii; . ------mond, 61. InniVate, 81, -- Marin An Annlin's (Nap(N. Bankard'a beintharlf An=1Ws Hmpltal(111.)r_1(Z. Berard Bede Agnes fIcW.1-1 i N=I-,1 - =4& 1 f_tt I - __:: --= -- I - Iimrt ----=-- College -1 -__ Island Wesleyan c g4)w-i iA+1V- != ------; -, --=- Oolktge 0 kec : . Unlveratty A IJ1J P University 62, 113. # State I =- University of4Vek.). Junior SW° Cw(Calif.). -. r- 1_= a Masse # =-=---=-:= J: Dceninican Cattle Collage (KJms.),22. Junior ir-= EtehwI otDemise,32. cow S a. Sthool aNursing(Okb..),100. (Tex /57, Colkge dthe(La.) University (N. al I t -=--- 119. ------d Mary,e9, Colkip (N.C./..1. :i!!eI ---- f :: --- t V College ' Inaitute MIL 18. (Calif.), 9. fNz (W= wii-. Woman's . :------. Cr Hospital C3fle Coin.), 12. Pa ; ------=a 4_ (Asa.), 4. '. College (Ala. Cafte W41.) ) = - .- Ok (N Ye).40. ;- g a :t P 32. : e - of Edtustfort,52,118. i . I id 14, 100. ' of IL M4-I 16. I# ti 4. ), 15. CoLl="ga --- ; institute = mi eo ,_-, S 110. ,_ J.), Se,00, ia. Y.) - -- m S 51 11.), n- o; r _-'--- =____i_=_ ff___i --' :- 72. S t:f (M= 33, ___, '-- I - .*e I BeWol . -) (N. . ia! (c3aut) 9. (k:I.,, 100. áyaà1 CoUir Bar , 0. UX: . Y.) 103. (T V t v 73, 81. and - -=7 40, 100. -=--. == ------52, EZ. JOLO V& 19; (Kans") 14. ci i :ft 57. Virginia 103, 115. ::---:; V -, - (. ( M '- 60. Si. & V iIJ - I cfezi.), 10, 100. ; W, A111 ' Diary's 9. _&I .), 0 = i;, a frV R (Mint), 34. 71, ECi,93, n. -" 4. _- O. i . Ill. (N 24; (P.R.),52. _1 .,1, it). cy - I ) T M i % ! 79- I.), . = £ U. - , 7 ! y a and 57, 110. - 64. ikanitiare ! n I- U Ai= IL 91. Ifl- W i; C (Iowa), i ___-= College f -- . v Ai i 133 RIM- A 4 1M# -,. A. ; 4 ;_ -..= NMMinernmreflinnel S 2 a. E! et. Pull'sikthcolotNuning (k. Paul's ,;- St. Pau1College St. PaulBible St. Pattick's St. St. St. Michael's c- NI: !t pIv;g___ fit. Marrs St. Mary'sHospital _; St. Mary's ! L I St. Mary St. Mary Et St. Mary FL St := GAN% St. Louis 4 St I...ouis Adminiatitstkal St. --- Ilt. lawreamie : St. Josogges 8t B bt= St. Si icowlfs St. St. St. Jcmph lu,. L t. St. JmephColk&ge St. John's kir, N.Y.)INt. St. John's St. John's St John'sC St. k St. JohnCo1Iee :- - Piaiic;; St. Francis PeAces -, St. Francis - St. Frauch Va, 107,114. 107; (St. St. Yrancis, gt. Francis Paul's Caw St. Molls Bt. Elizaheth's r-LI 128u1 Seminary(Minn.),XL, MeAurad Marrs Universityof St. Elizabeth, Marrs Seminary Bonaventure 37. :- Mary's &boo). M&: Mary's g MHLJ Mary-d-the-Woods Mazy-441w Twi;c I V4- 1CA, 113. Mary, !&rs wcxe S t_ Louis IMIT01106 105; (Nor* ---- Joswih's Jcmptt's Inftinary (WILL = _ 1c ----'- -: JUT1I fl1 Jcwph Hospital y----- G ----- :k&A =:: Edward' ' Colkge :!L-!-! r-; '. so.) 113. ryjriH, IfltItii J;; ---- d theEl of the _ Gains Digitate University City :?- Coll Fisher uoi'= ir= Corkwe Female !rn1V Hospital Hodpital s Co Teaeler Sohool 64. &LA Junkw College Lutheran H (Mo. t_11 et:: ccfX:= limit University t Colkie --e=_ SezninarY #.414 ----.------College Colkge (irt). Xavior Colklgo ? Seminary lustitute. = =-=I College En-aphie J University 11i -=-- '-= t_ s tW Rio :- of law ',-uj_ iL=i! U (D. C.),13. Coll - Mcj=;- and Hospital of Nuning -: -:---'-!!.::! (CN =- tM 3 Seminary Junicw C (BrooklYn. t_ --; (Conn.), ymity, a :ff 1Th %- 'Mining School : fli& 5 (N. Mex.), ege of and Seminary kc Won= --- Nursing -;Ii iin i:: ,- Reminsry of (Min, '= ==;;= (Mo.), Mu_A3 (Mo.) :=::::: 105; (Lnd.), JiiI=- U=-!1- (Calif.), 9. _- Colkige i!fly OLWn ),94. J I - and Colhageffl. eirifirtt (Okla.), :-; iim I oLi-i Seminary (Ga.), San Antmlo 1iiA . ci= !_=- Collage rande, (11& hI Unkemdty =-: .- 1 --r-- N. Y.), .), (Ohio), Ity karotai (Tex.), 1111. , Lr1r1_L I (N. (Mo.). arla.), Nom 9; 107. (Ohio) - 19., (N.J.),36; 4, for -r r-r' =- :rL'=-=''- __T tnn: (Arift.), (Minn.), I ; i . (ill 108. t .)t N. - (V see gen I :K J.), 64. -_ fI- St 4= et r:= N, 71, of Ohio), I 110. , .: V = ' (N. F.), I iuiL1 (UJL1 iiA Lfl7 T1 ;- Y.), 100(Rocha- ), 105. I a - 104. ), 24. - 109. ; -t- I 35. N. Y.). 57 H. ' , ' (Pa.), 1 Coii ' Md.), Y.). See St. w. mod Allied 64. I (Evanst4n, ic:. (Fk.), (N. 44 LF4 V'- tIII %F ' 26. -';? tth). = 22. 14. 107; 102. j of 26. (t " 109, : kA 109 40; '- I 0. I ' A r'& 51. i 46. I ;_- I. (Pa.), N. 14. (Md.), 57, W5. t;: e -__- I hiss :P& ___ -- J Louis 94, W, Moj, - in Ill.), 1. 51. 105. c4, I INDEX I = I : 51; ; : I fund* Simi= Collap ElInsiosna 8bady Beton Hill Settri :i L=; :!!v't ; %nook The Betniode ; I , i------Soottsbhat Schreirwir ' sthoca ! - gtheankf = - ; Scutritt -k Ektrah Lawrence Banainttli: g-_ i_ c-- - erfamesziplx I I San Joie :- Om Seca 8an7ra..nc1ico, it- San Frandscs San Framdsco I 8tT)nrnT I ot.11cn =yr San,Diego ! eft DINO -;;:i: -:: Ban Bnardino Elan Benito Ban = San Ante_lo ::::: -;i:;-: Sam KUt: - Salve Salvatm-M (Salisbury) (L=_\ St. = ynfi St. Thomas Mt r n=_=__ :r- _- I. , : ; LI -Tfl= n DIs,Jm : L -r 116. It ( 1= --- rT elm Collese Mateo Leib Francisco " Anka:43 C:vv Vincent Thomas, %f ; -::ff; Jmk MMonkaaria ___L= U E-__ Barbara er _ Regina Oollege tinier Collage 11610ailage awl a- L Junior college tu ArtInbate Hustm 47. licep114!_(Pa.)2 -- State College bbpo ! cii;t State Treebms Universg. State Et1 J= q=- Oflee Colleges of f--=_,--- qnkw Jtmim Vckt.ca=_Itib ----=-= State --:: (Md -=-= !' !-!1UI COeg C4unty juniarClitY 001(14.0(0,ruar Collfte (tea.), _J Catholic Univertty Seminary Agnes ft.), t.'/Wnedkie N (0 state Teachers (AAA College ---- Csage am.):16. _ (Iowa) 21,101. 4m;inAr -= Coik-go (R. Mai State Coftre 'i State 'resell= Th t=-_== (Mao.), 29,960 - HOSPIt&1 Univffsity Lilly e (N. ke a (:ifT I A' - ri;:i : --=- w Cofle (Tex.), Valk Col ;!!L!!r (Mass.), -T1!!! timnal Otilftke (t114.1if. ' = the of Re1lg -- .---a ). 40. =- '---F ===_=::-=:=_ - -- ifl: (W --- _i - eAl.), 61. W), (N. i:w_ = I (lows), 21. _z N. (flI; 1. if (Cant), :-ya ty of(Tex.), - (WWI 64. Nurthig 81, 102. - (JL1Ij4 (C1iir'. (11.),_ A1i (Conn.), 110. j (Nebr.)1 34. =T of !: - 106. a- A- U-Lj w - I.), 51 :--- 14. of =F ), 51. # Q. D iT 61. Collval(cald.), __;__. .% H1 67. Coilm (Pk), (0aW.), T! 15, Maio i(-Y !r ) (Calif.), 106. Thmlogival 14 ILA Caine iAT 99. 106, w Toadies 9 I 46. -c W, f 57. AL; ;. --- )!:10.11110- ), 40. ), Y.), a. 12. t_ (P. R.). (WM), v- 4 m ar4 104; (N. 30, . (Calif), &inary, (Md.), 'J1 ::; 4 M. I- 11.), 64. -:- U 9 118. = n_ lo, N. (1Ua tAJI 11 L - 114. 9. _- .), 110, Cal (IlL g. O1! W _ 1 111.1f.), et . 62. M. __ ea a. lit ---- ) c Seminary . I 9. 117. 104. The _,- = 9. 101. 66 .

IMMINIM1111111111111111111111MMIIIIIIIIIIIMMIrinnommitiminmonmfmnicommtvominturnsm toimunitimni IMIX111111.1111MMIIIIIMIIIIMMXIM -74 .A 1

- a I 00 (LI Simi Falls College(8. Dak.),64. .L=-1 of Iowa, 21,do,71, Mff# Mff. 94, 97, RkPft-it Valley Junior College(WW1.). 2. W3, 991 101, 112, 114. 110. Skidmort Co Urge (N. Y.),401 State University of New Ym-k, 41, 117. (Slippery Rook) State T'sCollege (Pa.),51.Steph4mF. Aualn State Colkse (Tex.),58, 119. It& Stephens College (Mo.),U, 102. Smith College (Man.),28, 71, 114. = College (Kans.),22. Smith Univtrsity, Johnwn C.(N. C.), 44. SteWn Uni --dty, John B. (Fla.), 14, qt, 100. Smith's Colle of Arts and acientw,Nal (N. Y.),Steubenville, Crl, of (Ohio),48. Stevens Institute of 'Pezhnolcw-y (N. J.), a83. Snead Junior College (Ala.),4. (Stevens Point) State freedwrS - ( W .64, Snow Co Ilep (Utah).Su Utah Agricultural Oa 119 ay. Stillman ColWc (Ala.),5. ty o fAMCSiCan Foresters, 92. Stockton College (Calif.)010. South Ceirolinaavmsity oft53. 72. 84k 96, 113, 115.atom Gollege (W. Va.), 62. South Dftkota l of Mlm and Technology,54,Stout Institute (Wis.), 651 119. 72. 87. StOwe Tellebefs and-Junior College (Mo,), 33, 117. South Dakota State ColKfte of AgricultureandStrstfcrd Collage (Va.), 00. Mw.banic Arts, 54, 70, 7Z r, 93, 113. Strayer OWep of Amuntancy (D. C.), South Dakota, University of, 54, 72, 95, %. Sue stt 0011wLe (Ky.) a South Gml-gia Colfte, 15. Sul Row Stat. Paschal C-olleze $6, A South Fre1A9 °cave, 67. south, Unive0ty Sullhos Casco (Va.), ($1, A of the (renn.),_511. Sunflower junky Colkge (Mis-;-3.), 32. Smthaost Centff (Wyo.).Say University of W yo-(Superkr) State College (W la.)64. 119. nib*, 66, au.sqtwehanna University (Pa.)p51. Southeast Mimmiri State Colt=e, 331 117. . Swarthincre College (Pa..), 51, -72,km, 8mtheestern Bible Caw (Ala.), b. SweetBriar 0011ege (Vs.),60. s V = .7MM ,S7 A Southeastern Louisiana Co1 24, 101, 116. - z A -= ------Junior Col.e (Tenn.), Southeastern State College (OkLA.), 46, 116. Svaompe University (N. Y.), 42, 87, 69, 72, a 91 94, ketheastern University (D. C.). 13.- 94, 102, 106. Southern Assookotkn of ColAW-ca_ Secceidary Schools, 66. Southffu Bard* Ark.6. 1. = _ _=L_ = _ 77_ (Ky.), 120.Tabor Co_. (Kam.), n. &Kabuli Caflf4wn U Bible Cab*, OIL Taft Jualm Co1ge ( ailif.), 10. _ ,==== sr's. -0S__A_ Ays As- M = University of, 10, 661 lei N. Th.Tallackge College 76 92, 96, 97, ft 99, 14 112, 114, 120. Tanipma, ), 14. acne telethon Institute (MW.). ft Thrtio College o.), Sw t- i Collep of FbnAds (Tex.P)57. Tarletim State (Th.), NI. Stmit--n College of 04 sii."-zity (Tenn.), 111. Taylor County Normal &hool (WIL),65. Southall of P 01 (Oa.), 112. Taylor University (Ind.), M. Southan University, 18, 100, 110. Teachers College (N. Y.).ak,e Columbia' Uni. = Saatfml-n Mettuto1h4 University (Tel.), 57. sfty, 117. WI 103, 119 121. Teachers College (Ohio). University_of Checin- Southern Missionary College (Team.), 55. . wti. 118. Southern Oregim C of Education, Ofr 116. 1...1141n Cane, Attwnwury of Ohio, 47. - 8-mhoary JunlAw Calm) (Va.). 110. Teaclms College of Um) City of Bonon (Mew), 117. -A7A - _ Cminecticut 12, 116. Oo1g = 0. Teachers Collage r--- Southern T--,=&rs Con=e (8. Dak.)54- (Tempe) ArismtaState College, 5, 113. t.._,Melo, 38.' "LA._ " ===== A L- A A =-=11.= (Ga.). See Cieff,-,-vgiaTemple Jtmior Corm Institute of Tmlincdegy, 90. Temple Universityria.), 31, 70, 72, 73, 74, 95, 96, 113, Southern Unku Cigkge (Aki.,5. 118, 121. and sod Meehan-Tennessee Agriculturakand IndustrialState Unlver- kal C (La.), 24. dty, 55; 119. ----a T.-- la --=-A ColKaive (Mo.), SS. Tennessee Junk, Cofte. University of, M. 119. "__M 11'WM Junior College, It Tanzman Polyteohnk Institute, 66, ._- tate Coll&ge, 33, 117. Tennessee, University of, 65, 70;72, 74, 87, 96, 98,M __---:::=IW M ,ii .7.-1* -1-----1- Jmk 115, 119. .. Colo, 57. 1-Z ri -4 a ke ,:-, Tassessee Walley= Col--z (Tenn.), U. I = = = Statea------College, 37, 119. Southwestern Baptist Thealftical (Tex).,Texarkana College (Tex.), B. 57, 121. Texas Otaletkin Unity, LS, 103, 110, 121. = =-A- =A-A- Texas 0c4lage, BibkA lintitute (Tex.). 57. Ei= Southwestern Collne,(Kans.), n, 101- of Arts and _Industrks,..:7; outhwestffn Junior C.e(Tex.), 57. Texas Lutheran College,69. SouthwftUrn L0UA5IaIIa Institzte, 24, 101, 116- Texas Smithern University, 58, WI, _ Southwestem at Memphb (iNun. Tem Southmst College, 55, 03.-- Texas State College for Womak, 58, 98, 96, 99. Eimithweslan State (0 13, 1111. Texas Tetimelmical College, 58, 87. SOnthwesWra_ Uui Texas, UnIsmirLity of, * II, 70, 73, 74, 87, 93,05, thartanhtw Junior (8. Spelman 99, 103 110, 113, 119, TemWesleyanCollet*, a& 103..z Swing Arbcr Coney (Mkh.),20. T iv Srring Hill College Texas Western College./Ns of Tem. J, 58i 87. 8wbet4d1ConoP Sg.;IlL Tinologioal ikenInory of the Evangelioal and Re- =flirt Amior go kwnxid Church (Pc), 121. University (Calif44.170776.92,W,97,Thiel College (Ile.) Lt. 99, 115. Thcrnttm JunkorCfollego.(111.),IS. 8tate_ (LA Crow,Wb.), 64, 110; (SuPerkw,Tift College, Beale (Os.), 14. 119. Tillotson College State C.~ of Agripiture and 'Engineerift (N. C:).Tow* Taal Ihstitute Ga.), 01. &a tin/malty of Nci-th Cardin*, 4143, 67,72. Mt 92.Toledo, University of (hk), 410 85, 951 113, 116. State ColWe of Washintat, 03, 70, 7S, 88, 1(0, 113,'IV&a. Washburn MunktiAl Uia,"Myof (Kam) 119, 121. State Colored Normal, Industrial, endITougaboo C-ft Ma'.), 82. Mechanical Wisp of South ===. =Ass_ s I Raw Aas State Normal and Induialstr (N. Dak.), ) ---1(Ky.), w=y 118. = Trenton A CoS-,- State`1-.--rhas-Colits4e.ass particular State, town,(Trenton) Now Iffsey 8Mte s-A or mawof institutkm. 117.


. -SP _ _6.41 , -.14; - r Li ;4 ,s4 . 4.'416 r Winpvte OoIgeN. Win Wcm-im (Winima) W_ttaM VACt Wca ,--.----ip Wit wir, ---=_- Wir_ Wilniin Amen wmIsm Winard Wakes 'w-i--- wkgitta __. WhitwcePth Whinier =WI W2t 0(aep W=4----;-A WD. W11-4nti Watt:n*14w WeiiristrC Weetunw Western Wwern (Westfield) ; . ... 139 116. ' 1M, II& -7 alkyls 121. INAM - . 1 . ....-----3-- -4 :AVM .4 ---,--. 101, 1 4. - UniNe4W _ 17. 1 . :..: 9! Yunki _ . Cdiew I -92 (1 . I . Imig, r,_.1-_:_m, Penn °Asp _ ran& r tr Us ,',"'W EW County L-.' Odkze (S.C.),63,103. SttIte TescisiwsCollege &A-2 A 6 E~"11 4 n State ' tSW1 -- --.=-7-,--.6--_i-I- niversity (Ohio), s . Oellego (N. Teachms College c0, Ooliso (Mo.) GALfte _ of Pennsylvank, (Mim.), vatary, Inc.,101. Z471 ot `a$1 (no, (lows Pne ..131K0 ',iv t Co - 9 gm. tini Ftmitt:A Ndi C.), LA j1.-; ( _,__z----_ 'N. 0.), --14 51. 51. c Scanhsin-y (MW). _ CoI lirif--sey niewAty of(Kans.), 1' ) , _ 1st .., o._ (N: OJ "'II *)0 E fi,s.i. _ )9 .), 10. iektgw. o& °Ulna - 71, 100; )14' a*)* Y.) Za, 117. OoI 33: (N. I.); ), d 41; ) 17. and itom, t 71. Colia (Wk.), , of 21. . $3, 102. ITT 47. -- 15,v, )0 (Wacth.), 4a6 (N. C.),451118. Bos shr Su Colima'athe ",,,4;_f it F (Minn.), t 70. (-1==.), _e5_t Ciry ) , (Mass.), 3, et ca, 102. .), t Tconst.) V,US. reMILf, 4-7r 1.1 - _ M ;(Utah), '11._,14/ 4trjtc ittg. ) K4- d. I. ' Jaw?. 47, 118. 120; Tip V (D. , 111;t:t_ti-V,_d Mr 't-P-74.... t V., 65, 119. n, 12, 71, 1 U. -= (PaV6) . 04- 0.), 117. fa. E 1 le, of '*;18[17-- _ . - I Younmown if, Yuki lintlarap Lou, Tat im-laz VP7- yi Untra-61-7 Yr ktmaCrAik-; Youmpaown Yakima Nreaty YMCA yak Unieriity(Conn.), Livia thilverolty Xsra-n- W.-"0- ---1___g Wr2-*t` vi W %ranter W W Woman's Wymeer W Woman's Wocrds NE7ctrir., mute , _ 104, 114,116,11. OP1 !Inn, m--1 in, 4.1 1 4 t .1.ta:GI-waltz cuT_ i mAitocir Ewkitis_i, 41, t4-1TBaMip V _ - ! - ° -fazga 6 i ,e4.4vi-11-, a i za z%--e ttem Junk, C . -.--4:--=' A ,: ______I , ag, Era 'ea WwdelMmi _ -r-__,'6 ( College ' G. anal (III.). -51 -.--7=4.-kt* the Cones 711i4kW Pdyteelmie . Institute of - State ,-77. La1 State I L, :eni _ . i=ich- Cfdlege '4..lato -ctow-t,-.--, -7 IN ..-±z-A-. Mrt- (Calif.), 1 ttit , elmakai4 d -a.---=' IW r (8. e 44)2 VT. d (R. , Teadstws d tM:1Wmuity'WNorthOot--& tal Associatkon it , co _ = . taa and Seeninarv c Cvlime, 'OW S. 31 ae (Oh4-3 *Lbw, 47,1 _ ,e-a. , U. * of, 68,N,95,103,113,119. .) the 64, . kut, ors _ -... . °--7- Y.4.), lip . okrzsto' 24. 112 ST;-t (Mo.), U,101 II. (River Pew,68, , 12, 6M.n,tvz .11- Me RAW' -ptt-ici(Fa.), C (Mase.),_28. owl ='-!----"-.' York 1 18; _. a Pams3r1vania,N. Co 54. 46, a. (Oa.), I lute I O. -vios 7, llwe - 74., elit .---_ACityjunks. Wash.), ..11 itit Collegiate 102. (Ohio), 47 Oshkosh), fa. Wm.), ( , (tau Point), 64, 1. 68, I ,rna.,), hio), I ... 6 t_i iL-_-.1. , m. ) at ess,cet,in, ).....1 (11 4 93* C)em). 64. L. to. n. 18, EK 119. ,-* emr 64. 97, =I 71, 137 109 117. 119; 119-, 81. 4 V 1111/1111M11111mminmwmpumsm.