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Thank you for coming to WORDfest SW 2020! We created the original WORDfest to help writers connect with fellow writers. We provide zero-pressure opportunities to socialize, learn something new, and maybe find your tribe. We created WORDfest SW to bring this WORDfest magic to our part of the DFW Metroplex. In addition, we're focusing the spotlight on the amazing talent growing right here in our own backyard! Please sit back, take notes, and enjoy! -Bud Humble on behalf of WORDfest Southwest staff, planning committee, and volunteers


Culture Building for Image is Everything, Apocalypse HOW? Writers Isn’t It…? Rhonda Eudaly Krystal Craiker Cathy Rueter

Slaying Your Diversity is Good Whoa, Nellie! Personal Dragons Business Becky Burkheart Kerin Groves, PhD Joy Massenburge

Creativity Writing Compelling Editor Pet Peeves Jumpstarts Book Blurbs Lisa Bell Amber Royer Shayla Raquel

Local Markets: Writing The Producer’s Nailing Words Into Your Way to a Bestseller Mindset a Book Peggy Purser Freeman Daniel Wells Lee Carver


Classes All sessions held live on Zoom

10:00- Culture Building for Writers 10:45 Do all your fantasy or sci-fi cultures feel homogenous? Take some notes from the field of anthropology and learn about the characteristics of cultures. We'll cover how to create unique, diverse populations in your fiction. Krystal Craiker

10:00- Image Is Everything, Isn't It...? Five Images of a Writer 10:45 That person in the mirror…who is it? Are you who and where you want to be? There are a lot of parts and pieces that make up who we are as writers. We need to at least be aware of them when we walk out the door and into the public eye. Cathy Rueter

10:00- Apocalypse HOW? 10:45 From tornados to terrorist attacks to pandemics – cities, counties, and states plan for a wide range of emergencies. Emergency Management is a profession of “Disaster Conceriges” who help coordinate resources and provide education on what to do to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. We’ll go through the basics of what makes a good apocalypse and how those events might be responded to – on a large scale and the individual. Rhonda Eudaly


11:00- Whoa, Nellie! 11:45 Explore some of the worst mistakes writers make about horses and how to avoid them. Horses are complex emotional creatures of habit yet many writers portray them as cardboard cutouts to be left standing in the corner. Learn to use your hero’s equine companions to add layers of depth to your characterizations and plotting. We’ll discuss horse training, equine health issues, all the quirky perks of traveling with a horse and how to use them to create conflict for your hero. Becky Burkheart

11:00- Slaying Your Personal Dragons 11:45 This presentation teaches creative people how to edit their self- defeating behaviors, rewrite their negative thoughts, and design emotional stability for themselves. The goal is positive personal development that leads to writing success. Kerin Groves, PhD

11:00- Diversity Is Good Business 11:45 Each individual is unique. Recognizing those individual differences can separate your business from the next. In this session, you will be given the 3R's needed to approach diversity organically and build relationships that last. Joy Massenburge

11:45 – lunch break!

Be sure to play Jeopardy for Writers on our Twitter feed (@dfwWORDwriters) for a chance to win $25 off services from Kraken Editing – and other fantastic prizes!


12:30- Editor's Pet Peeves 1:15 Ever wonder what drives an editor crazy? What they least want to see when they receive a book or article for editing? Join Lisa Bell, editor for NOW Magazines, LLC. and freelance editor of fiction and non-fiction books. Learn about those pesky errors and common mistakes that can cost extra money and keep you from appearing professional. Lisa Bell

12:30- Local Markets - Writing Your Way to a Best Seller 1:15 Newspapers: Local and magazine markets provide excellent opportunities to the would-be-novelist dreaming of a Best Seller. This session will offer tips on how writing for local markets, newspapers, magazines can put you on the fast-track to being a Best Seller. Peggy Purser Freeman

12:30- Writing Compelling Book Blurbs 1:15 Congratulations! You wrote a 70,000-word novel. Now condense it to 150–200 words. In this workshop, we’ll dissect amazing (and not-so- amazing) blurbs so you can learn how to captivate your reader with the first sentence. Shayla Raquel


1:30- Creativity Jumpstarts 2:15 Are you stuck on your WIP? Or trying to find a starting point for a new project? Try out a few hands-on creativity exercises to jumpstart your ideas. Participants will also learn about strategies for overcoming writer’s block, and the group will quick-plot a story. Amber Royer

1:30- The Producer's Mindset 2:15 Planning is preparing; whether to define your audience, a plot line, or a character arc. In this lecture, Screenwriter Daniel Wells will take writers through a checklist of ten developmental steps towards your creative project, and apply that towards your current or future project. Development is the stage in screenwriting before a creative project goes into production, The development process discussed in this workshop applies to all creative projects. Daniel Wells

1:30- Nailing Words Into a Book 2:15 You've written a masterpiece, had it critiqued by partners, done and/or paid for edits, and scrubbed it like a farmer on Saturday. How do you transform it from a computer file to a published book? Specifically, page numbers, headers, front pages, back pages, blank pages-- everything. Freelance formatter Lee Carver will share the processes she has worked years to develop, and then take your questions at the end. Lee Carver




Lisa Bell is an author of fiction and non-fiction books. As a community editor for NOW Magazines LLC (BurlesonNOW and WeatherfordNOW), she has published hundreds of articles. Her most recent book publications include Homeless Hearts, My Inner Nemesis, Out of the Dungeon, and Littleness of Faith. Lisa works with writers to help improve their skills and assists with independent publishing. Providing coaching, editing, formatting and cover design as well as assistance with uploading documents to chosen platforms, she supports and encourages writers who want to use cost-effective publishing options while creating quality products. Lisa leads two writing groups and speaks or teaches whenever the opportunity arises. For more information about the author, please visit www.bylisabell.com

Becky Burkheart takes frequent flights of fantasy, in real life as well as in her writing. It's said that life is stranger than fiction, but Becky's out to prove it's possible to integrate it both ways. Whether she's racing her Arabian horses through the woods, rapid firing her .45 or gargoyling from local rooftops, Becky finds it hard to stay grounded in the real world. Although she has yet to ride in a space ship (she did get to simulate crashing a 727) or to meet a real vampire (that she's aware of), anachronistic dress, "QaQ poHmey" and pints of brew (yes, it comes in pints) are standard fare on the odd weekend. Becky is the author of The 33 Worst Mistakes Writers Make About Horses –keep readers reading by avoiding these common mistakes!


Amanda Cadenhead is a lifelong librivore – for a start. In addition to being one of the driving forces behind WORDfest SW, Amanda is the Community Engagement Librarian at the Burleson Public Library. As a librarian she has served the Burleson community for over 10 years. An avid maker, Amanda enjoys fiber arts, upcycling clothing, and making use of whatever is at hand.

Lee Carver is once again failing at retirement, a hybrid author in every sense: fiction and nonfiction, traditionally and independently published. She also does freelance editing, formatting, and print book and e-book uploads. Married fifty-two years to a very supportive man, they have two adult children and five grandchildren. www.LeeCarverWriter.com http://LeeCarverWriter.blogspot.com www.amazoncurrents.homestead.com https://www.facebook.com/lee.carver.507

Krystal N. Craiker is the Writing Pirate, an indie author and freelance writer who sails the seven internet seas, breaking tropes and bending genres. She has a background in anthropology and education, which bring fresh perspectives to new adult genre fiction. When she’s not daydreaming about her next book or article, you can find her cooking gourmet gluten-free cuisine, laughing at memes, and playing board games. Krystal lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband Michael and two dogs, Darwin and Franklin. Follow her on Instagram @krystalwritesnovels www.krystalncraiker.com


Rhonda Eudaly lives in Arlington, Texas where her wide variety of experience and skills is well-suited to her current job in local government. She's married with dogs and an increasing horde of writing instruments – which she blogs about. Rhonda has a well-rounded publication history in all kinds of writing including novels, collaborations, and short stories. Check out her website - www.RhondaEudaly.com - for her latest publications and downloads.

Peggy Purser Freeman served for 12 years as Editor for Granbury/Glen Rose Showcase Magazine. She also writes for 7 major magazines across Texas. She has written columns for newspapers and Radio Disney public affairs shows on 620AM. peggypurserfreeman.com

Dr. Kerin Groves is a career counselor, professional coach, and educator. An expert in human behavior and motivation, she delivers career development coaching to entrepreneurs, small business owners, mid-life career changers, new college graduates, and work teams. She is also a certified chaplain who helps clients with spiritual development and finding meaning and purpose in their work. www.KerinGroves.com (career coaching) www.ConflictManagementInc.com (organizational consulting)


Sarah Hamilton is a writer, director, producer, and has been accused of being “artsy”. She has a host of creative pursuits that she enjoys chasing and refuses to settle on just one. She has written for blogs and collaborated with notable content creators, which ultimately led her to find kindred spirits in W.O.R.D. In her spare time, she films for local non- profits, directs ad-hoc for a public library, and continues to work on her own podcast, novels, and screenplays. She believes comparison is the death of creativity and people should look to color outside the lines for their own path of success. Her current work-in-progress(es) include a romance podcast, neglected YouTube channel, a romantic suspense novel, and a YA Sci-Fi novel. She also writes under her maiden name "Sarah Gamez". https://twitter.com/RomancetheStory

Amber Helt is a professional editor and writing coach with experience working with traditional publishing houses, independent presses, and self- publishers. In 2016, she decided to act on her frustrations of not getting enough time with the authors she served and opened Rooted in Writing. Her editorial agency prides itself on strong client relationships and gardener-minded editing, where authors leave with not just a pruned manuscript but the seeds to grow as a writer in their next project. Since then, she has helped several authors publish Amazon bestsellers, including two of her ghostwriting projects. www.RootedinWriting.com


Kevin Henard currently serves as the Director of Library Services and Librarian for Hill College. He has worked in Library Services for over 11 years, and has over 27 years of experience in higher education, including instruction and technical support. As the son of an English instructor, Kevin has developed a strong appreciation for literature and the writing process.

Joy K. Massenburge, author and speaker, crafts the love stories of pastors and their kids. She was born the sixth child of a pastor. She married a football player turned pastor…they raised pastor’s kids; a son and two daughters. Her contemporary romance debut novel “A Heart Surrendered” is a top-seller. She is also the audio voice of Beatrice “Mama B” Jackson in author, Michelle Stimpson’s Mama B Book series. When she is not writing or recording, she is speaking at retreats and conferences. Believing it is better to give than receive, she serves as American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW East Texas Writers) chapter’s President. If ever you visit Tyler, Texas, you can find her curled up on her back-porch swing reading a good book with her four grandchildren, caretaking for her donkey and a dog, or filling her five-acre country home with fifty-plus people for a Blue Bell ice cream party. https://www.joykmassenburge.com


Shayla Raquel, an expert editor, best-selling author, and book marketer, works one-on-one with authors and business owners every day. A lifelong lover of books, she has edited over 400 books and has launched several Amazon best sellers for her clients. Her award-winning blog teaches new and established authors how to write, publish, and market their books. She is the author of the Pre-Publishing Checklist, “The Rotting” (in Shivers in the Night), The Suicide Tree, and The 10 Commandments of Author Branding. In her not-so-free time, she acts as organizer for the Yukon Writers’ Society, volunteers at the Oklahoma County Jail, and obsesses over squirrels. She lives in Oklahoma with her dogs, Chanel, Wednesday, and Baker. https://shaylaraquel.com

Amber Royer writes the CHOCOVERSE comic telenovela-style foodie-inspired space opera series. She is also the author of Story Like a Journalist: a Workbook For Novelists, which boils down her writing knowledge into an actionable plan involving over 100 worksheets to build a comprehensive story plan for your novel. She blogs about creative writing technique and all things chocolate at www.amberroyer.com. She also teaches creative writing for both UT Arlington Continuing Education and Writing Workshops Dallas. If you are very nice to her, she might make you cupcakes. www.amberroyer.com


Cathy Rueter, a former reporter and newsletter editor, has returned to her passion of freelance writing while pursuing a career as a Christian murder mystery author, speaker, and grant writer. She is the founder of Fledgling Writers Community, welcoming all to the Nest—from fledglings to fliers— who want to add to their writer’s toolbox. Originally from the Greater Grand Rapids, MI area, she now lives in her adopted home of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex with her family. If she’s not at her desk, you can probably find her with her nose in a book and hanging out in her hammock on the back porch, or on the screen at various writer’s groups and conferences. Connect with her at CLeaRly Creative Writing, or in the Fledgling nest: www.cathyrueter.com www.facebook.com/cathyrueterwriter https://www.facebook.com/FledglingCommunity/

Arianne "Tex" Thompson is a licensed locksmith, egregiously enthusiastic editor, and professional ruckus-raiser. She is the author of Children of the Drought, an internationally-published epic fantasy Western series from Solaris, as well as ‘chief instigator’ of WORD – Writers Organizations ‘Round Dallas. Now she’s blazing a trail through conferences, workshops, and conventions around the country – as an endlessly energetic, catastrophically cheerful one-woman stampede www.thetexfiles.com www.facebook.com/texianne


Tamara Warner finds beauty on the diverse adventures she is invited to when she meets a new person and can make the experience a part of her life story. Warner is the President of the Dallas Area Writers Group (DAWG), where she has served as social media and contest director. She serves on the Writers Guild of Texas (WGT) board of directors as the program chair and volunteers for Writers Organizations ‘Round Dallas (WORD) as a gifts coordinator and social media contributor. Warner’s background includes studies in cross-cultural, industrial, and child psychology. She has participated in research surrounding adoption studies and conducted cognitive testing in labs researching the effects of alcohol in young adults. Warner also spent three years working with youth surviving in juvenile detention systems. These experiences have fueled her desire to write stories for small children that highlight the frivolity of being a child and stories that provide gentle coping responses to some of the adult challenges that children face. Tamara Warner is a country girl who is having a love affair with poetry and writing while living in the Dallas and Fort Worth area.

Daniel Wells is a writer of screenplays and historical fiction, a script consultant, and the founder/lecturer of DFW Writers Room: For Television and Film. Daniel curates hand-written workshops for fiction and film. As the Development Executive for Dallas Filmmakers Alliance, Daniel led multiple 8-week workshops, and has taken writers through the development process for film, over a dozen of which went into production and have screened in DFW. Daniel has spoken on panels and presented workshops with The Writers Guild of Texas, Romance Writers of America, and Dallas Screenwriters Association among others, and wrote and co-produced “Lily is Here,” a feature-length drama with Carpe Diem Pictures that has secured distribution, and screened January, 2020. Daniel founded DFW Writers Room: For Television and Film to connect screenwriters to the resources they need to meet their goals, support local writing and film organizations, and further cement Dallas/Fort Worth’s reputation as a nationally recognized haven of the arts. https://www.facebook.com/dfwwritersroom/


These individuals and organizations have Sponsors generously donated prizes for this event. Read more about them here – and play Jeopardy for Writers on our Twitter feed for extra chances to win!


L. K. Simonds is a Fort Worth, Texas local. She worked as a waitress, KFC hostess, telephone marketer, assembly line worker, nanny, hospital lab technician, and air traffic controller. She’s also an instrument-rated pilot and an alumnus of Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. L. K. once dreamed of an adventurous life as a missionary pilot in the African bush. That wasn’t to be, so now she writes stories and lives a thousand lives in one. L. K. Simonds is a member of the Dallas Area Writers Group. Learn more about her at lksimonds.com

OFFERING– Debut Novel – All In by L.K. Simonds $16


OFFERING– $10 Amazon Gift Card

Fledgling Writers Community, founded by Cathy Rueter, is a Bite-sized, affordable programs from industry professionals for anyone wanting to add to their writer’s toolbox - from Fledglings to Fliers.

You can reach us at: [email protected] Website: www.cathyrueter.com/fledgling

And we're now located on YouTube!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1qOLEZdQxQzmCiv-bCYKbJ4VmKUFcIh5 FB: https://www.facebook.com/FledglingCommunity/ Twitter: @FledglingWC



As the author of novels, short stories, magazine articles, novellas, scripts, and the occasional essay, Ann Fields' work has been published in various forms. Ann began on the meandering road of writing and publishing in 1995 upon the publication of her first novel in the romance genre. She began writing to share her passion for words, language, storytelling and reading with others. As Ann developed as a writer realized her role as a writer had expanded beyond good storytelling, and thus, she began the inclusion of themes or messages in her works.

Ann is a part of the mass movement aimed at positively advancing this world and helping humanity truly embrace "all that is good, noble, pure, and right. "If through my writings, I touch people emotionally, move people to think about long-held beliefs, or force people to engage in positive legacy work, I consider myself a successful writer." Ann Fields is a co-founder of Writer's Block, Inc. and the author of several novels, novellas, short stories, scripts, and magazine articles. Learn more about Ann Field at AnnFields.com.

2ND OFFERING From Author Ann Fields of Writer’s Block, Inc.– Lyrical Darkness – Eleven Dark fiction stories inspired by the music that rocks your soul $10


Founded in 2018, Stage Writers is a writers organization, designed specifically for DFW playwrights. Their monthly play reading and discussion meetings are open to both members and guests. Annually, Stage Writers holds a playwriting contest and play festival — the first of which was produced through a partnership with WORD. For more information, visit StageWriters.com.




The Dallas Area Writers Group (DAWG) began as a study group in the Duncanville home of Alan C. Elliott in 2004, addressing a need for writer’s groups in the Best Southwest area. As soon as late 2005, the group outgrew its study location and began meeting in the Zula B. Wylie Library of Cedar Hill, Texas.

Today, DAWG has flourished to offer monthly sessions taught by authors and industry experts, critiques nights, summer workshops, writing contests, blogs, and monthly newsletters. DAWG has published one anthology featuring local Texas writers, Texas Shorts Vol 1: An Anthology of Short Stories Written by Texas Authors.

Visit DAWG at www.dallaswriter.org Facebook @dallaswriters Twitter @DAWGCedarHill

OFFERING– Texas Shorts Vol 1: An Anthology of Short Stories Written by Texas Authors - $15

Gift Card for $20 to the The Published Page Bookshop Gift Card may be used for online shopping or instore purchases.

As one of the largest selections in the southwestern United States, the Published Page, an eclectic, "old school" bookstore, with more than 250,000 books, movies, vinyl records, CDs, school annuals– you name it we may have it.

10 E Chambers St, Cleburne, TX 76031 www.publishedpage.com



DFW Writers Room is a development house. Our mission? The goal is to the film development process through holistic creative collaboration and services. Upcoming workshops include

Film only SHOWS – Show vs. Tell for Writing the Perfect Story beginning on August 10, 2020.

6-week Development Workshop Series beginning August 15, 2020

Visit us on Facebook @dfwwritersroom to learn more about Daniels Wells and each of these workshops. Register for a workshop today!

Daniel Wells is the founder and lecturer of DFW Writers Room: For Television and Film. Daniel writes and consults on screenplays, teleplays, and historical fiction, as well as curates hand-written workshops for fiction and film. As the development executive for Dallas Filmmakers Alliance, Daniel led multiple eight-week workshops and has taken writers through the development process for film, in which over a dozen went into production and have screened in the DFW area. Daniel has spoken on panels and presented workshops with The Writers Guild of Texas, Romance Writers of America, and Dallas Screenwriters Association, and the Dallas Area Writers Group, among others. Daniel Wells is the writer and co-produced of “Lily is Here,” a feature-length family drama with Carpe Diem Pictures that has secured distribution, and began screening in February 2020.

OFFERING–ONE 60-MINUTE CONSULTATION – $60 - 149 Value depending on the project.



Erin Lee Golden has been a writer since she could hold a pencil, but along the way she’s also taught high school English and creative writing, childbirth classes, and worked as a doula. Erin is a children’s author who is represented by Erzsi Deàk of Hen & Ink Literary. She now teaches for Texas Christian University’s Extended Education department, the Writing Barn, and for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.

Erin is the author of seven books for children, including Big, Bigger and Biggest Trucks and Diggers, Let’s Dance with Julius and Friends, four titles in the SCRATCHERS activity book series. Her publication credits also include Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Curious George Adventures in Learning: Grade K. Find Erin Lee Golden’s books on www.amazon.com and www.abebooks.com. Take one of her online courses by visiting TCU this fall by visiting https://www.campusce.net/tcu/course/course.aspx?catId=86.

1st OFFERING– 2 ACTIVITY BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Best Friends Scratcher: Surprises, Secrets, and more on 40 Interactive Cards! $6 Hanukkah Scratcher: Creative Crafts, Tasty Treats, Silly Riddles, & Games Galore! $15

2nd OFFERING– 2 ACTIVITY BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Halloween Scratchers: Games Galore, Tasty Treats, Silly Riddles, & Festive Crafts! $9 Christmas Scratchers: Festive Crafts, Frosty Treats, Silly Riddles, & Games Galore! $11



Founded by award-winning novelist and picture book writer Bethany Hegedus, author of the Grandfather Gandhiseries, Between Us Baxters and Truth with a Capital T, The Writing Barn is here to serve all your writing-related needs.

Situated on Bethany’s 7.5 wooded acre homestead in Austin, Texas, The Writing Barn is a book lover’s haven. Whether retreating at the Book House, The Cabin, or attending one of the many events and workshops held at The Writing Barn, you will have every opportunity to retreat, create, and celebrate. With floor to ceiling bookshelves, rows of instructional craft books, free wi-fi, and no television, The Writing Barn and its grounds are a quiet and quaint spot for rest and relaxation within 20 minutes of downtown Austin, located near Manchaca Road and Slaughter Lane in South Austin, Texas.

Currently, The Writing Barn is holding its classes solely online, but as soon as it is safe, we would love for you to visit us.


For all attendees!



Granbury Writers' Bloc is an organized group of published and unpublished writers, authors, and those who love the craft of writing. For over twenty years, members have gathered once a month to encourage and inspire one another to pursue writing as a vocation or a hobby. From character development, plotting, and basic writing skills, to tips on traditional or indie publishing and marketing ideas, the members of Granbury Writers’ Bloc embrace professionalism and fun.

Hood County and the Granbury community support the arts and offer a perfect location to inspire writers of all genres and ages. With a rich history, topography, and a diversity of events, the creative spirit blossoms. “History Lives Here” is more than a motto. History thrives in Hood County, and Writers’ Bloc members reap the benefits. Granbury Writers’ Bloc provides successful and aspiring authors a safe and supportive environment. Writers’ Bloc members appreciate that writing is difficult. Recognizing this, club members provide constructive criticism to each other, along with positive and inspirational comments. The fact that many club members have published books, novels, poetry, short stories, and magazine articles in a wide variety of genres attests to the benefits of this process.

Mary Lou Condike, President Kathryn McClatchy, Vice President Gary Christenson, Secretary Beverly Harrison, Treasurer

GRANBURY WRITERS BLOC Offering For Raffle Basket for WORDfest Southwest 2020 Total Value: $220

1. Three Plot Bunnies

A Peking white duck, a yellow duckling and a pink fish Value: immeasurable Cost: $10.00 each or $30.00

2. Large Jar of Plot Bunny Poop (M&Ms- estimated $10.00)


3. Five (5) Books

Mastering Suspense, Structure, & Plot by Jane K. Cleland,2016 (Paperback-$9.95 on Amazon)

Make a Scene, Craft a Story One Scene at a Time by Jordon E. Rosenfeld, 2008 (Paperback-$18.99 on Amazon)

Strange & Sweet, Stories from the Granbury Writers’ Block, 2019 (Paperback- $14.99 on Amazon)

How to Write Short Stories and Use Them to Further Your Writing Career by James Scott Bell, 2017, Compendium Press (Paperback on Amazon, $10.99)

Hidden Treasures, The History and Technique of Fore-edge Painting by Jeanne Bennett (Founder of Granbury Writers’ Bloc), 2012 (Hardcopy-$119.99 on Amazon)



MISSION STATEMENT The Writer's Block, Inc. (WBI) exists to support the growth and advancement of aspiring and published, youth and adult, African-American writers of all genres and to promote African-American literature, authors, and literary events.

BLOCK BEGINNINGS In August 1996, Ann Fields, Lavonne Kelley, and Breggett Rideau met at the Irving (Texas) Public Library for the first meeting of The Writer's Block. Within months, using word of mouth and flyers, the group grew, and the group's foundation was set, that being, a common love of the written word in all forms and a desire to help each other achieve personal writing goals. In July 2004, WBI achieved non-profit status and expanded the love of the written word to provide educational services, charitable opportunities, scholarships, and literary events. WBI is committed to its motto of reaching for the stars because God owns them!

OFFERING From Writer's Block, Inc. – TWO ANTHOLOGIES– Voices from the Block Volume 1 & 2 $10 for each = $20 (Offered separately)


Want to get connected?

Visit our interactive online map to find a group near you – and fantastic events every day of the week on our clickable calendar!

Find them online at Wordwriters.org


WORD Member Organizations – 2020 These organizations are the foundation of our greater literary community. Please visit them online to learn more – and find out how you can become a member!

American Christian Fiction Writers - North Texas Romance Writers of DFW Chapter America https://www.facebook.com/DFWReady www.ntrwa.org Writers/ North Texas Speculative Workshop Carrollton League of Writers Http://www.ntsfw.com https://carrolltonwriters.weebly.com/ Saturday Night Write Dallas Area Writers Group (DAWG) http://amberroyer.com/saturday-night- http://www.dallaswriters.org write-2/

DFW Writers Room Stage Writers www.facebook.com/dfwwritersroom https://stagewriters.com

Fiction Crafters The Dallas Institute of Humanities and www.FictionCrafters.com Culture www.dallasinstitute.org Fledgling Writers Community www.cathyrueter.com Trinity Arts Writers Workshop www.trinitywritersworkshop.com Frisco Area Writers Network (FAWN) find us on Facebook! Unleashing the Next Chapter https://kathrynmcclatchy.com Future Classics https://future-classics.org Write 4 Kids https://friscocritiquegroup.wixsite.com/wr Granbury Writers' Bloc ite4kidsgroup/about www.granburywritersbloc.com Writers Block Nonfiction Authors Association www.writersblockinc.org https://nonfictionauthorsassociation.com Writing Workshops Dallas North Texas chapter of the Editorial https://writingworkshops.com/ Freelancers Association http://the-efa.org/chapters/DFW


Thank You !

We hope you've had a great time spending the day with us and have learned something new, found a solution to a problem, and/or made a friend.

It takes a lot of work and not a little magic to put together an event like this. We'd like to thank the following people for all the hard work they've poured into bringing WORDfest SW to life.

William (Bud) Humble - Creator and Chief Conjuror of Programming Amanda Cadenhead - Co-creator, Obstacle Remediator, and Wielder of Library Magic Kathrn McClatchy - Social Media, Tech, & Registration Coordination Extraordinaire Kevin Henard - Hill College Liaison and Keeper of Library Magic Cathy Rueter - Summoner and Wrangler of Volunteers Melissa Griffin - Hill College Master Illusionist and Image Crafter Tex Thompson - Not-A-Field-Guide Enchanter and Chief Instigator of This Whole Mess.

You folks are the heart and soul of WORDfest SW and we could not do it without you.

May you receive back the good you've given ten-fold.