SPECIAL DAYS in our ERICAN ,HERITAGE SPECIAL DAYS in our AMERICAN HERI11\GE Co~piled by BEULAH CROUCH Illustrated by WITMER S. HUNT SARAH FOLSOM, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION • PHOENIX, ARIZONA, OCTOBER, 1966 •• ~-'vv, ,,.,, I lS THE PROPEf\H - NUMBER OF THE: DEPARTMENT OF :l852ef LIBRARYANl)ARCHIVES RECEIVED - ARIZONA MAY 8 1967 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Louis McClennen, President Dr. Taylor Hicks Mr. James F. McNulty, Jr., Vice-President Miss Mary O'Brien Mrs. Sarah Folsom Mrs. Anna Margaret Osborn Miss Jean Hansen Mr. Robert W. Taylor Dr. J. Lawrence Walkup STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION STAFF Mrs. Sarah Folsom, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Mr. Ralph Goitia, Assistant State Superintendent of Public Instruction Mr. Charles McDowell, Administrative Assistant Miss Noelle Smith, Information Officer Mr. John Freestone, Director of Certification Mr. Harvey Johns, Director of Civil Defense Dr. Robert L. Pickering, Director of Designing Education for the Future Mr. Harvey Stern, Director of Elementary Education Mr. W. M. Gemmell, Director of Indian Education Mr. Vidal Rivera, Jr., Director of Migrant Programs Mrs. Creta D. Sabine, Director of Research and Finance Mr. Herschel Hooper, Director of Secondary Education Mrs. Mayme Mitchell, Director of School Lunch Mr. Floyd Baribeau, Director of Special Education Mr. Herbert Hackett, Director of Title I, Federal Programs Miss Nina Mahaffey, Director of Title II, Library Dr. E. Roby Leighton, Direc,tor of Title II-B, Adult Education Mr. Ralph Ferguson, Director of Title III, NDEA Dr. Murel Gurr, Director of Title V-A, NDEA Mr. J. R. Cullison, Director of Vocational Education Mr. M. W. Holdship, Director of Vocational Rehabilitation Mr.
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