52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 1734.pdf Remote science work support, context, and approach on NASA’s VIPER mission. Z. Mirmalek1,2, D.S.S. Lim3, A. Colaprete3, 1Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, P.O. Box 25, Moffett Field, CA, 94035,
[email protected], 2Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 02138, 3NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035. Introduction: Returning humans to the Moon, It is common to imagine that an operational sending humans for the first time to Mars will configuration that allows earth-bound humans to necessarily include an accompaniment of robotic remotely control a lunar rover and collect data in near- vehicles. A mission work system will be needed that real time is akin to “joy stick driving.” However, this supports remote teams of humans and robots in co- short-hand analogy is not accurate, from operations operation (synchronous and asynchronous) with earth- and science work perspectives. The existence of bound systems, engineering and science teams. All of communication latency via the Deep Space Network these elements have individual development contexts means that in the colloquial sense driving via joy stick, and manners of operation; at the same time, all are in receiving instant real-time visual or haptic feedback, is varying degrees conjoined during mission development not possible. With respect to science, this descriptor stages and operations. As such, the assembly of excises the presence of scientific reasoning that is part elements (people, activities, disciplinary knowledge, of the traverse process. Scientific research fuels space and machines) that constitute a mission work system exploration; accordingly, the work of conducting can be developed independently and cooperatively.