SCIENCE JOKES Version 7.31.7 Time-stamp: "August 24, 2002" Science jokes collected by Joachim Verhagen (
[email protected]) Includes collection by Lars Olofsson (
[email protected]) of April 1994 Includes math jokes collection by Michael Cook (
[email protected]) of June 1994 Includes collection by Chris Bradfield (
[email protected]) of October 1994 Includes collection by Richard D. LeBreton (
[email protected]) of Februari 1995 Includes collection by Philip Clarke <
[email protected]> of 1998 Includes part of Nathan Mates's Humor Archives of 1999 Codes for subjects: M mathematics ; P physics ; C chemistry ; B biology ; E engineering A computer science. * New entry since last time posted (June 30, 2002) & Changed entry since last time posted "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused." This is a collection of more than 2000 scientific jokes from Usenet, or mailed or told to me. You are free to read and use them on the net or in conversation. Please keep the original author and sender when you use them; mentioning this list is optional. The latest version is available from FTP and WWW: WWW: WWW: (html-format, about 1M) WWW: (ASCII format, about 900k) FTP: (about 900k) Send comments and contributions (especially contributions) to:
[email protected] (Joachim Verhagen). If you have a science humor webpage you can add it to the science humor webring at .