TELEVISION RADIO'S GREATEST MA A ZINE RADInVISION (- OCTOBER 25 Cents Over 200 91© ti Illustrations BROADCAST ; WRNYSTATION Elited bv HUGOTERNSBACK Lei "SEEING" MUSIC WITH A TELEVISION RECEIVER SEE PAGE 314 >1. Wir.-__ PUBLISHING COMPANY, 230 NUE, NEW YORK ElEvis10N EXPERIMENTER RABIC/VISION www.americanradiohistory.com WONDERFUL RADIO! Super-Eight-100% Electric 8 TUBES -- SINGLE DIAL Coast -to -Coast Shipped Direct from our Factory on 30 Days Free Trial E Battery or Electric Now comes Metro's latest achievement-the world's greatest electric radio set-a powerful long distance eight tube receiver -clearness of tone that is astound- ing- ultra-selective -a set that expert radio engineers have pronounced as the ultimate for all around perfection. And to prove our claims, we will send this marvelous set to you direct from our factory on 30 days' free trial. Test it to your heart's content. Compare its quality, beauty and price with any other radio on the market, and decide to keep it only after you are satisfied that the new 1929 Metrodyne super -eight is the peer of them all. Save One -Half -Low Price a Big Feature! low price of these wonder- Georgeous console with newest type, built -in sonorous loud speaker You will be amazed at the that reproduces the entire range of vocal and instrumental music. ful sets, in the console or table cabinet. Our low cost of distribution Amazingly clear and distinct. LTr, direct- from -factory price on direct from our factory enables us to save you about half their reg- 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL! ular value. Never before in radio history have you been offered such sets at such low prices. And we are so sure of their quality, beauty and performance pleasing you that we do not hesitate to let and you try one for 30 days before deciding to keep or return it. AGENTS DEALERS The 1929 Super -Eight line offers great money making opportunities. Nothing SUPER QUALITY THROUGHOUT ! like them for high quality- nothing near them in price. Let us prove this by Eight powerful tubes. Highest quality low loss parts. Illuminated shipping you a single dial. Positive switch control -simply turn a knob and it's on. Select your stations with accuracy at any desired volume. Beauty of Demonstration set on 30 days' free trial tone that cannot be surpassed. Console and table cabinets are hand- Test it- compare it- demonstrate it to prospective radio buyers. Get our lib- somely grained genuine walnut, hand rubbed, in two -tone effect - eral discounts--exclusive territory -newspaper and billboard advertising artistically carved trimmings. All metal parts finished in two -tone offer that will help you sell Metrodyne radios quickly. gold. Seeing is believing. You will be the judge. We are one of the pioneers of radio. The METRODYNE success of Metrodyne sets is due to our lib- eral 30 deys' free trial offer, which gives RADIO SETS you the opportunity of trying before buying. Are Equipped For Thousands of Metrodynes have been bought on our liberal free trial basis. We will send BATTERY or you hundreds of letters from owners who acclaim the Metrodyne as the greatest radio ELECTRIC set in the world. A postal, letter or the cou- OPERATION pon brings complete information, testimon- ials. wholesale Prices and nur liberal SO days' free trial offer -WRITE TODAY! METRO ELETRIC COMPANY 2161.71 N. California Ave., Dept. I I Chicago, Illinois Gentlemen: Send me full particulars about Metrodyne Send Coupon Today for Our Super -Eight bets and your 30 days' free trial offer 30 Days' Free Trial Offer ...4. $ .1-ame. METRO ELECTRIC COMPANY address N. California Ave. Dept. 11 Chicago, I you are interested in AGENT'S prop - r--1 2161.71 Illinois' orition, place as "X" in the square y www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for October, 1928 289 EARNED $500 SPARE TIME &syWays WITH RADIO tontake 3an how' ín YoiiïSpaïe.?ime Coplay, Pa., June 4- (RA)- During the few months that Frank J. Deutsch has been a member of the Radio Association of America, he has made over $500 out of in Radio in his spare time. INDIO "Four super -hetrodyne sets of my own construction brought me a profit of $60.00 each, and the other profit was from sales EACH of these plans, developed by the Radio Association of supplies purchased through the Whole- of America, is a big money- maker. Set owners everywhere want to get rid of static, to sale Department of the Association," he have their sets operate from the electric light socket, said. "The Association certainly has the tone improved, and the volume increased, and great plan for ambitious men." transformed into single -dial controls. Phonograph owners In a neighboring state, Werner Eichler, want their machines electrified and radiofied. If you learn to render these services, you can easily Rochester, N. Y., another member of the make $3.00 an hour for your spare time, to say nothing Association, has been making $50 a week of the money you can make installing, servicing, during his spare time. repairing, and building radio sets, and selling supplies. They are only two of the hundreds of Over $600,000,000 is being spent yearly for sets, Radio Association members who are making supplies, service. You can get your share of this money out of Radio in their spare time. business and, at the same time, fit yourself for the big -pay opportunities in Radio by joining the Association. BECOMES RADIO ENGINEER IN Join the ONE YEAR Radio Association Toronto, Canada, May 20- (RA) -Onc of the newly admitted associate members of America of the Institute of Radio Engineers is A membership in the Association offers you the Claude DeGrave, a member of the engi- easiest way into Radio. It will enable you to earn neering staff of the DeFbrest Company of .$3.00 an hour upwards in your spare time -train you to install, this city. "I knew nothing repair, and build all kinds of sets - about Radio start you in business without capital or finance an and started from the ground up," Mr. invention -train you for the $3,000 to $10..000 big - DeGrave stated, "when I enrolled a year pay radio positions -help secure a better position at ago in the Radio Association. Its easy bigger pay for you. A membership need not cost you u cent! lesson's and superb training made it possible for me to become a Radio Expert in less The Association will give you a comprehensive' than a year's time. My income is now practical, and theoretical training and the benefit about 225% more than of our Employment Service. You earn while you at the time I joined learn. Our cooperative plan will make it possible for the Association." you to establish a radio store. You have the privilege The Institute of Radio Engineers is a very of buying radio supplies at wholesale from the very first. ' exclusive 'organization, and its membership requirements are very rigid, so that Mr. DeGrave has reason to be proud of his ACT NOW election. -If you wish No -Cost Membership Plan Clerk Doubles To a limited number of ambitious men, we will give Income In Special Memberships that may not -need nqt -cost Six Months Through Radio you a cent. To secure one, write today. We will MODERNIZE OLD SETS send you details and also our book, "Your Opportunity Chicago, Ill., May 9 -Even though his WITH ONE DIAL CONTROL in the Radio Industry:" It will open your eyes to membership in the Radio Association has the looney -making possibilities of Radio. 'resulted in W. E. Thon securing the manager- ship of a Radio Department in a large COUPON Chicago store, his ambition was not satisfied. RADIO ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Six months later, he started his own store. Dept. RN -10, 4513 Ravenswood Ave., "The Radio Association has an excellent Chicago, III. ,plan for the man who wants to get out of Gentlemen: the rut and succeed," Please send me by return maid full details of your says this man who Special Membership Plan, and also copy of your quickly rose from clerkdom to the pro- book, "Your Opportunity in the Radio Industry." prietorship of a profitable radio store. "I Name attribute my success entirely to the Radio Association of America. Six months after Address I had enrolled, I bad doubled my income City State through its help." INA l'leose soy you saw it in RADIO Nrws www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for October, 1928 Volume 10 OCTOBER, 1928 Number 4 HUGO GERNSBACK, Editor -in -Chief ROBERT HERTZBERG, Managing Editor BERYL B. BRYANT, Laboratory Director C. P. MASON, Associate Editor Technical Editor FRED H. CANFIELD, Technical Editor C. WALTER PALMER, Assistant Contents of This Issue What Is Coining in Television e Television in Natural Colors Demon- By Hugo Gernsback 299 strated By Ronald F. Tiltman 320 l'he Radio Laboratory Takes Wings How to Build from the Schematic- By S. R. Winters 300 Part II By Fred H. Canfield 321 "Wired Wireless" -What It Is and Why The Radio Beginner -"The Milk- Shaker By J. E. Smith 302 Special" Receiver -By the Staff of RADlo NEws Laboratories 324 The Photoelectric Cell-Radio's "Eye" By Dr. Lewis lt. Koller 30.5 'l'he "Combine" Receiver -a $100 Prize Winner By W. H. Scheppele 328 The Listener Speaks By Himself 308 A Completely -Shielded Short-Wave Re- ceiver By Herndon Green 334 Broadcastatics 309 The Search for the Perfect Amplifier What's New in Radio 310 By Sydney P. O'Rourke 338 Interesting New European Screen-Grid Radio Wrinkles 340 Tubes By Major R.
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