Bike-Share Opportunities in New York City (Part 3: Case Studies)
01 Execuve Summary and Major Findings 02 The Case for Bike-Share in NYC 03 Case Studies 04 NYC Bicycling Condions 05 NYC Bicycling Demand 06 Paying for a NYC Bike-Share 07 Implementaon 08 Appendices 03 Case Studies • Velib’ (Paris) • Bicing (Barcelona) • SmartBike (Washington DC) Image: Alexandre Genest, Biclycle Michel Dallaire and Cycle Devinci, All rights reserved 2008 ( • Bixi (Montreal) • Vélô (Toulouse) BIKE-SHARE O`JJ7 N Y C CASE STUDIES Case studies of exisng and proposed bike-share programs provide valuable lessons. Velib’ in Paris is unprecedented in terms of its scale and program scope. Bicing, in Barcelona, and Vélô Toulouse in Toulouse, France demonstrate alternave funding opons. SmartBike, in Washington DC, highlights the unique challenges posed by small programs. Bixi, scheduled to open in Mon- treal in 2009, suggests extremely important design modificaons that may reduce capital costs. The following table provides a basic comparison of these programs in terms of city populaon and size, coverage area and number of bicycles and bike-staons.1 BIKE-SHARE CASE STUDIES PROGRAM: VELIB’ BICING SMARTBIKE BIXI VÉLÔ OPERATOR: JCDecaux ClearChannel ClearChannel Staonnement JCDecaux Adshel Adshel de Montréal CITY: Paris, France Barcelona, Spain Washington DC Montreal, Toulouse, France Canada START DATE: July 2007 March 2007 August 2007 Spring 2009 November 2007 CITY SIZE: 44 sq miles 39 sq miles 68 sq miles 141 sq miles 45 sq miles PROGRAM COV- Whole City City Center Select City City Center City Center ERAGE: Center Areas CITY POPULA- 2.2 million 1.6 million 588,000 1.8 million 435,000 TION: CITY DENSITY: 53,000 people/ 41,000 people/ 9,000 people/sq 11,500 people/ 9,700 people/sq sq mile sq mile mile sq mile mile BICYCLES: 20,600 6,000 120 5,000 1,400 BIKE-STATIONS: 1,451 400 10 Unknown 135 Throughout this report, Velib’ is used most oen for comparison.
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