
William Brownell, Denise Drace-Brownell. The First Nazi: Erich Ludendorf, The Man Who Made Hitler Possible. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2016. 356 pp. $30.00, cloth, ISBN 978-1-61902-609-4.

Reviewed by Robert Kirchubel

Published on H-War (December, 2017)

Commissioned by Margaret Sankey (Air University)

Members of H-War and students of Erich Lu‐ connection, either. Granted, the two men had dendorf, and Hitler will beneft very some common attitudes and ideas. Ludendorf little from this book. A committee made up of Will and Hitler both had irrational faith in ultimate Brownell, his wife, Denise, and wealthy Czech victory against long odds, but The First Nazi does businessman Alexander Rovt have written a hob‐ not show that the general led to the führer. Post- byist’s view combining these three topics. Al‐ WWI Ludendorf was an opportunist who at‐ though all authors have a doctorate of some sort tached his name to any number of anti-Weimar (two PhDs and one JD), their qualifcations are causes and happened to be in in Novem‐ otherwise indeterminate. Most telling, despite a ber 1923, but that does not make him a great many assertions of fact and hundreds of di‐ Parteigenosse. Additionally, the pro‐ rect quotes, the book contains no footnotes or ci‐ gram in those early days was morphing. While it tations. The best the authors can muster are a few surely had many anti-republican, anti-Semitic, in-text references to pertinent book titles, Life and revanchist features with which the general magazine, the Eugene [Oregon] Guard-Register (and many post-WWI Germans) would have newspaper (!), plus some “As Professor Isabel V. agreed, he would have cared little about the South Hull of Cornell University has written …” ac‐ Tyrol and other Nazi causes. Contrary to the au‐ knowledgements sprinkled throughout. There‐ thors’ incorrect claim, Ludendorf ran for German fore, we have no idea what is an original thought president in 1925 as a far right, not a Nazi, candi‐ and what has been lifted from sources. The au‐ date. The anti-Christian philosophy he picked up thors analyze their subjects with Wiki-level so‐ from his second wife in the mid-1920s had noth‐ phistication and make conclusions in a post hoc ing to do with ’s later paganism. ergo propter hoc fashion sure to disappoint the Ludendorf and Hitler were basically estranged serious reader. for a dozen years until just before the elder’s What the authors attempt to do is demon‐ death. In fact, in the mid-1930s, Generals Werner strate a fundamental link between Ludendorf von Fritsch and Ludwig Beck tried to enlist Lu‐ and January 30, 1933, WWII, and the Final Solu‐ dendorf in their resistance against the Nazis. tion. Of course, since coincidence is not causation, These nuances are beyond the present, sensation‐ they cannot. Real historians marshalling docu‐ al book. mented facts probably could not prove a direct H-Net Reviews

The First Nazi is basically a biography, which (p. 113) and “most analyses” (p. 229). Also, there includes all the hazards of that genre. Genera‐ are analogies of questionable utility to the Ameri‐ tional and century-long structural or systemic is‐ can Revolutionary War (p. 39) and Vietnam War sues—Prussian, German, or European—are pre‐ (p. 57), plus other anachronistic and head-scratch‐ sented as personality traits unique to Ludendorf. ing leaps. The book contains numerous short di‐ They include militarism, anti-Semitism, and gen‐ gressions that are equally jarring: regarding Rud‐ erals’ callousness toward excessive battlefeld yard Kipling (p. 64), V. I. Lenin in Zurich (p. 95), losses. And of course, according to the authors, all the Red Baron (p. 117, complete with reference to these are Ludendorf’s legacies to Hitler. Never Snoopy from Charles Schultz’s Peanuts comic mind the Carthaginian peace of Frederick the strip, p. 150), and the behavior of Teddy Roo‐ Great over Saxony or Wilhelm I over France; sevelt’s children in the turn-of-the-century US since Ludendorf used this model at Brest-Litovsk, White House (p. 164). These limitations compound he alone set the example for Hitler. Biography ob‐ the book’s numerous scholarly problems. scures agency in two critical areas: the roles of Finally, The First Nazi jumps to conclusions and the Third Army High supported neither by history nor the authors’ own Command (OHL). The First Nazi ignores modern fimsy narrative: Ludendorf “launched the Nazi interpretations so Hindenburg is still portrayed Party” (p. 3), “He was integral to killing 6,000,000 like decades ago as the doddering, avuncular tool ” (p. 217), and “One wonders whether with‐ of the brilliant and dynamic Ludendorf.[1] Like‐ out him there would have been a Second Word wise the Third OHL and its clever stafers like War” (p. 229). We have enough trouble defning Colonel , which anticipated many of fascist or Nazi, and surely, Ludendorf may have Ludendorf’s actions and initiatives, are not to be been close to either in many ways. However, The found in this book. First Nazi uniformly fails to make its argument The authors’ unfamiliarity with German his‐ for case of cause and efect. Large-font “Nazi” and tory, the basics of military operations, the German a big party pin on the dust cover may language (“Göering”), et cetera, is the weak foun‐ boost sales to the unwary, but the rest of us will dation of their work. Worse still is their lack of have to wait on serious works about Ludendorf knowledge and errors about their main subjects: by Jay Lockenour and others. The First Nazi has in places, Ludendorf is a feld marshal (p. 204), no place in legitimate scholarship of WWI and while his headquarters is in Potsdam (p. 101) and foundations of the Third Reich. the 1914 German army is mechanized (p. 25). Editorial note: This book has been withdrawn When describing the , frst from sale in North America at the author's re‐ the Russians had “reserves of shells” (p. 10), but quest. then lost because they “did not have enough shells” (p. 15). The authors claim a British ofcer Note introduced Ludendorf to the concept of “Stab in the back” after the war, when actually much earli‐ [1]. See, for example, Anna von der Goltz, Hin‐ er the term was used around Third OHL HQs dur‐ denburg: Power, Myth and the Rise of the Nazis ing the fnal summer of the war. Mistakes of fact (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009). like these are legion. Annoying and nonacademic stylistic prob‐ lems abound as well. The First Nazi sets up fre‐ quent strawmen such as “most educated people”

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Citation: Robert Kirchubel. Review of Brownell, William; Drace-Brownell, Denise. The First Nazi: Erich Ludendorf, The Man Who Made Hitler Possible. H-War, H-Net Reviews. December, 2017.

URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=50802

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