ANNUAL REPORT 2007 MedicalP Center &S table of contents

Dean’s Message 2

Initiative and Investment 4 treatments on the cutting edge: Patient care 12

Dramatic Discoveries: Research 24 shaping ’s future: education 34

In our community 44 faculty Honors 52

Development 60 about P&s 69

trustees committee on the Health sciences 69

cUMc board of Visitors 69

Health sciences advisory council 69

cUMc administration 69

college of Physicians & surgeons administration 70

executive committee of the faculty council 70

Department chairs 70

University centers and Institutes and Directors 71

P&s centers and Directors 71

affliated Hospitals 73 college of Physicians & surgeons 2007 74 2 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

fRoM tHe Dean

last year I wrote as the new • The Lieber Clinic, a first-of-its-kind comprehen- dean, sharing with you my sive clinic for care located within goals for the future of an columbia’s lieber center for schizophrenia institution I had only just Research. begun to lead. I described an objective that was both lofty • A new Division of Geriatric Medicine, an urgent and achievable: building on need in an aging society that at the same time an outstanding foundation is seeing a dearth of trained geriatricians — to ensure that columbia Uni- and fewer medical students choosing to pursue versity college of Physicians training opportunities in the feld. & surgeons would proudly occupy its rightful place as • A $51 million grant as part of the National one of the top fve medical Institutes of Health’s inaugural clinical and schools in the world, if not translational science awards. as one of the arguably no. 1. frst schools to have ctsa centers, columbia will be part of a national initiative to transform since then, we have under- clinical and translational research. taken a number of efforts aimed at reaching that goal, and it is no exaggeration to say that the • Discovery of a new gene, SORL1, that contrib- clinical care, educational programs, and research utes to alzheimer’s disease through a previ- initiatives found at P&s are getting better with ously unknown cellular pathway. every passing day. this is no small feat. It may not be so diffcult to bring about noticeable • Renovation of the Augustus C. Long Health change and improvement in a routine environ- sciences library, creating 30,000 square feet of ment, but to take a world-class institution like classroom space, study spaces, and digital stor- P&s to even greater heights requires truly great age as part of a new education center. people combined with their extraordinary dedica- tion and effort. • Development of a new electronic health record for columbia’s 1,200-member columbiaDoc- as you read this year’s annual report, I hope you tors, the P&s faculty practice organization. the will be impressed and gratifed by the array of eHR will be used by physicians treating out- major new initiatives that cut across all felds and patients and will interface with the hospital’s disciplines. some highlights are worth singling inpatient eHR. out for your attention: P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 3

these are only a few highlights from a year flled In medicine, we understand that we dedicate our work with such achievements, a year in which we are moving toward a new pinnacle of excellence for to a future we ourselves may not live to see: the future columbia. It also has been a year in which we generations we educate, the painstaking research ad- have made great progress toward one of my top priorities for this institution: attracting the best vances we glean in the laboratory, the changes in clini- possible minds to our programs, including lead- cal care that will transform not just one person’s life but ing clinicians and researchers, as well as medical students and residents who represent the bright- countless lives. est possibilities the future of health care has to offer.

transform not just one person’s life but countless In less than two years, we have recruited such lives. some of these achievements may beneft top talents as neurogeneticist Maria Karay- us now, but many will reach fruition only later, iorgou, M.D., Ph.D., whose research in founder when we as individuals are no longer around to populations is helping to pave the way toward take credit. It is a truly great institution that takes a better understanding of schizophrenia; linda on the work needed every day, while all the time fried, M.D., M.P.H., a renowned geriatrics keeping an eye on that distant future, never specialist who has joined us as dean of the Mail- seeing the latest achievement as a fnish line, but man school of Public Health and whose joint rather just the next starting point. appointment in P&s will strengthen partnerships between the two schools; and leading infectious I would like to thank everyone who helped to diseases authority lawrence R. stanberry, M.D., make this year one of those next starting points Ph.D., who now chairs our Department of Pe- for great years and decades to come. diatrics and was a lead member of the research team that produced the frst scientifc evidence that a vaccine could protect humans against genital herpes.

Lee Goldman, M.D. In medicine, we understand that we dedicate our work to a future we ourselves may not live to see: the future generations we educate, the painstaking research advances we glean in the laboratory, the changes in clinical care that will 4 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

Initiative and Investment

Great discoveries and advances that reshape the feld of medicine rarely emerge in isolation. science and health care are at their best when brilliant minds from many disciplines work closely together and are given the resources and the freedom to pursue new challenges. this year at columbia, important new grants and centers offered some of our most talented faculty the opportunity to follow important pursuits. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 5 6 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

neW HoRIZons foR clInIcal anD tRanslatIonal ReseaRcH

In october 2006, columbia became one of the It will allow columbia to expand its clinical and frst 12 academic health centers across the nation translational research space signifcantly, including to receive a national Institutes of Health inaugural a new center for community-based clinical and clinical and translational science award — an translational research, as well as an educational initiative aimed at transforming how clinical center where master’s and Ph.D. students can and translational research is conducted in the better interact and collaborate on research. . ctsa centers will form a national consortium focused on innovation, streamlining, the tRansfoRM programs (TRaining And and expediting clinical research and the delivery Nurturing Scientists FOr Research that is Multi- of new treatments to patients. nIH director elias disciplinary) will provide training, support, and Zerhouni, M.D., called the initiative “the frst nurturing in a team-oriented environment to systematic change in our approach to clinical the next generation of clinical and translational research in 50 years.” researchers. senior faculty will provide leadership and serve as mentors. the training and career Columbia will receive $51 million from the initia- development that comprise tRansfoRM will tive over fve years. the funding has transformed produce clinical and translational researchers well the Irving center for clinical Research into the prepared to direct multi- and interdisciplinary Irving Institute for clinical and translational research. Research with an ambitious aim: to re-engineer columbia’s research enterprise into a multidisci- the ctsa will, for the frst time, be able to plinary team model, using collaborative efforts to provide support for clinical research ongoing in move basic science discoveries from the lab into several of the intensive care units and emergency groundbreaking treatments in the hospital room, departments. the ctsa also will support the clinic, or doctor’s offce. development of Irving fellowship positions for junior faculty and a new Ph.D. program in clinical “We expect this investment to allow exponen- research. the Ph.D. program will be one of just a tial growth in clinical research here at columbia few programs in the country focused on clinical University Medical Center,” says Henry Ginsberg, research. M.D., principal investigator on the ctsa grant. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 7

“We expect this investment to allow exponential growth in clinical research here at Columbia University Medical Center.” — Henry Ginsberg, M.D.

HeNRY GINSBeRG is the Irving Professor of Medicine and director of the Irving Institute for clinical and translational Research

Melissa Begg, Sc.D., and Henry Ginsberg, M.D., co-directors of the Irving Institute for clinical and translational Research


the four health sciences schools at columbia — the winner: a four-school team that will study medical, nursing, dental, and public health — to- why Hispanics with peripheral vascular disease gether are home to a unique breadth and depth fare worse than whites. led by K. craig Kent, of expertise in health care. a new four-school M.D., professor of surgery and chief of the pilot project encourages investigators at each of division of vascular surgery, who initially discov- these schools to collaborate across their respec- ered the disparity, the team will receive up to tive felds and disciplines, working together to $300,000 over two years thanks to the David answer broad questions that cannot be addressed A. Gardner New Initiatives Fund, created by by one feld alone. the interest in joining forces cUMc board of Visitors member lynn shostack was so strong that 13 collaborations applied for in memory of her husband. “In research today, it the inaugural pilot project grant. is impossible for one person to have all the skills 8 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

and expertise necessary to fully investigate such study neuraminidase inhibitors — compounds a broad question,” Dr. Kent says. “the most suc- that may hold the key to preventing the most cessful researchers are those who develop robust common types of bacterial pneumonia. the pilot collaborations with a wide range of investiga- project aims to encourage collaborative research tors who offer complementary perspectives and that will result in a major, funded nIH project. knowledge.” the principal investigator is alice Prince, M.D. The Gardner Fund is also supporting the inau- (pediatrics and ), and co-PIs rep- gural P&s Dean’s Pilot Project award for a group resent pediatrics, microbiology, medicine, and of researchers representing fve disciplines. they biological sciences. will receive a $150,000 grant over two years to

P&s PIlot aWaRD WInneRs from left: stephanie Hsiao, liang tong, lisa saiman, adam Ratner, Donald lan- dry, and alice Prince (seated). P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 9


the incidence of HIV in some city seven-year grant from the nIH supports the populations is actually higher than it is in many columbia collaborative HIV/aIDs clinical trials nations in africa, widely considered the epicenter Unit, led by scott Hammer, M.D., the Harold c. of the HIV/aIDs pandemic. More than 100,000 neu Professor of Infectious Diseases, in conduct- new Yorkers are living with HIV, and the city has ing clinical trials that provide new Yorkers with more aIDs cases than , los ange- access to the latest drugs and vaccine candidates. les, Miami, and , D.c., combined. “clinical trials give patients access to new drugs among young gay men of color in new York and new strategies to make treatments more city and several other urban areas in the United effective, more durable, and more tolerable,” Dr. states, the virus is spreading at a rate twice that Hammer says. “the advances we’ve seen to date in Uganda. would not have been possible without a com- mitment on everyone’s part to a strong clinical two major new grants from the national Insti- research effort.” tutes of Health will help aIDs experts at colum- bia work to change this situation. A $20 million

HIV PReVentIon An additional $3 million seven-year grant will help the Center for Innovative Research to control aIDs, directed by Wafaa el-sadr, M.D., M.P.H., profes- sor of clinical medicine and epidemiology and chief of infectious diseases at Harlem Hospital, test ways other than vaccines to prevent HIV transmission. she is also director of the International center for aIDs care and treatment Programs (IcaP) and director of the center for Infectious Disease epidemio- logic Research (cIDeR) at the Mailman school of Public Health.

Wafaa el-saDR IcaP supports the rapid expansion of HIV/aIDs prevention, care, and treatment pro- grams in 14 countries in sub-saharan africa and asia. for almost two decades, Wafaa el-sadr has led the Division of Infectious Diseases at Harlem Hospital. she has been instrumental in the development of an internationally recognized comprehensive HIV/ aIDs program specifcally designed to meet the needs of patients from the Harlem community. through her research, she has made substantial contributions to both the prevention and treatment of HIV/aIDs and tuberculosis. 10 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


Medical center graduate education faculty in 14 P&s and public health disciplines are ranked in the top 10 nationwide for schol- arly productivity, up from 10 last year.

four P&s programs are rated no. 1 in the nation: biochemistry, nutrition, pharmacology, and physiology. this was the second year for the nationwide ranking of graduate programs for faculty research productivity. other programs ranked in the top 10 are environmental health sciences (#2), pathology (#2), biostatistics (#4), cell biology (#4), microbiology (#4), genetics (#5), molecular biology (#5), neurobiology/ (#7), biophysics (#6), and public health (#10).

“Columbia provides a challenging and invigorating environment for research — challenging because one’s colleagues and trainees ask probing questions and have the highest standards and invigorating because the standards are very high and so much exciting science is going on around you.” — Andrew R. Marks, M.D.

anDReW R. MaRKs joined P&s in 1997 as founding director of the clyde and Helen Wu center for Molecular cardiology. He is now chair and professor of the Department of Physiology & cellular biophysics. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 11


by 2030, one of every fve americans will be cuses on improving care for seniors well beyond 65 years old or older. Despite their growing the new York area by creating a for clinical numbers, seniors fnd it increasingly diffcult to research in geriatric medicine. get care from doctors who specialize in their unique needs. the number of geriatric special- “the new division will link experts from a wide ists dropped from 8,800 to 7,100 over the past spectrum of disciplines and turn the allen Pavil- decade, with no end in sight: Roughly one-third ion into a model of care for older adults across of the available geriatric fellowships in the the country,” says Dr. evelyn Granieri, director of United states went unflled in the 2005-2006 the division of geriatrics and associate profes- academic year. sor of medicine. clinical subspecialties such as cardiology, , orthopedics, and urology A new Department of Medicine Division of Ge- have come together under one roof to serve the riatric Medicine and aging, located at the allen needs of the aging population, while at the same Pavilion in upper , will ensure that the time seeking answers to key questions about ge- aging citizens of northern Manhattan and the riatric health needs, such as new models of care bronx do not fall through this “care gap.” It fo- focused on disease prevention.


second-generation antipsychotic drugs ap- compared with less expensive, older medica- pear to offer little advantage over older drugs tions. “It’s been shown that, all too often, new for people with schizophrenia who require a medications do not live up to their advance change in treatment, performing no better press when used in real-world practice,” says than placebos and often producing intoler- Dr. lieberman, noting that the catIe results able side effects, reported the groundbreaking can help guide physicians in individualizing clinical antipsychotic trials of Intervention schizophrenia treatment. effectiveness (catIe) study, led by chair jeffery A. Lieberman, M.D. These find- With more than 1,400 participants at 57 sites ings, published in the New england journal around the country studied for 18 months, of Medicine in october 2006, challenge the catIe is the largest and longest study of common perception that second-generation schizophrenia and the effectiveness of antipsy- antipsychotics are safer and more effective chotic treatments. Treatments on the Cutting Edge: Patient Care

this was another year of remarkable milestones for clinical care at columbia, made possible by the robust partnership between P&s and newYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

experiences by patients and their families described here are unique in their impact but paint a portrait of extraordinary care from columbia’s world-class team of medical experts.

kathie-Ann joseph, M.D.

14 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


stephan Mayer, M.D., who directs the neuro- different man today. His trainer at the gym used an logical intensive care unit at the neurological automated external defbrillator to restore normal Institute, was the frst physician to test arctic rhythm, saving his life. More than a year after his sun, the unique cooling system now available at attack, Dr. barazanji has been pronounced “neuro- columbia. It uses pads wrapped closely around logically normal” because he benefted from an in- the patient’s legs and torso and hooked up to a novative treatment called therapeutic hypothermia console that pumps cool water through them. — cooling the brain. the technique dates back to this process cools the body from the normal 37 the frst part of the 20th century, but modern ap- degrees celsius to about 33 degrees — more proaches are being pioneered at columbia. quickly and effectively than ice packs or cooling blankets — before a patient is carefully re- Dr. Mayer estimates that only 5 percent of hospi- warmed. studies have shown that cooling cardiac tals in the country use the technique. He is now arrest patients improves their chances of a good exploring expansion of the treatment to stroke neurological outcome. patients. “this is a therapeutic grand slam,” he says. “If this were a drug and it improved out- a patient who had a good outcome is Zeyad comes at this rate, everyone would be prescribing barazanji, Ph.D. If he had not been rushed to it, but in the United states, very few people are columbia for care when he suffered a cardiac ar- getting this treatment.” rest while on his gym’s treadmill, he might be a very

“this is a therapeutic grand slam. If this were a drug and it improved outcomes at


he Morgan Stanley Chil- No. 6 among U.S. hospitals, Tdren’s Hospital, stafed and 160 members of the P&S by the Columbia Department faculty were listed in New York of Pediatrics, is a pioneer in Magazine’s Best Doctors 2007 the development of Cool-Cap issue. Both are good indicators therapy for perinatal asphyxia of high-quality patient care. and is one of only two centers in the city ofering this treat- new genomics-based ment as a routine therapy. A blood test, developed in part at Columbia, is replacing his year, Columbia’s prin- the invasive endomyocardial Tcipal afliate, NewYork- biopsy as the gold standard for Presbyterian Hospital, ranked detecting organ rejection after P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 15

this rate, everyone would be prescribing it.”

heart transplantation. Mario C. of Health to investigate why lumbia’s co-director of research device in a patient with chronic Deng, M.D., associate professor people with type 2 diabetes at the Naomi Berrie Diabetes atrial fbrillation, an irregular of medicine and director of are dangerously susceptible to Center, will use the grant to ex- heartbeat associated with a cardiac transplantation research heart disease, the leading cause pand on their previous work in six-fold increased risk of stroke. in the division of cardiology, of death for people sufering macrophage death, linking it to Tis procedure was part of a was co-principal investigator of from diabetes. Ira Tabas, M.D., atherosclerosis, as well as in the multicenter trial comparing the the study that established the Ph.D., professor and vice chair role of lipoproteins and insulin device to standard therapy with AlloMap test’s superiority. of research in the Department action on artery degeneration. the blood thinner Coumadin. of Medicine, Alan Tall, M.D., a multidisciplinary team of professor of medicine in the Di- n a frst, Aresearchers has received a vision of Molecular Medicine, IColumbia interventional $10.8 million, fve-year grant and Domenico Accili, M.D., a cardiologists implanted the new from the National Institutes professor of medicine and Co- Watchman stroke-prevention 16 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


since opening in 2004, the center for Prenatal one family that has benefted is the loschiavo Pediatrics has served close to 1,400 patients. Its family. a prenatal ultrasound at 22 weeks of ges- faculty, led by medical director lynn l. simpson, tation revealed their son’s diaphragmatic hernia, M.D., and Mary D’alton, M.D., the Willard c. with parts of the small intestine invading the chest Rappleye Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology cavity and leading to pulmonary hypoplasia. the and department chair, offer a full range of pre- family’s doctor suggested terminating the preg- natal diagnostic testing, specialist consultations, nancy. Instead, jennifer and Rick Loschiavo con- genetic counseling, and pregnancy management tacted columbia’s center for Prenatal Pediatrics, with planning for future pediatric care. With one an internationally renowned specialty program in of the largest and most experienced prenatal which an interdisciplinary team of maternal-fetal pediatric teams in the country and a designation medicine specialists, neonatologists, social work- jennifer, Richard, and Rick Loschiavo from the state of new York as a Regional Perinatal ers, and other experts provide coordinated care, center, columbia cares for the most diffcult and with access to a nationally recognized neonatal highest-risk cases. In a report released by the new intensive care unit. after hernia repair surgery at York state Department of Health, the program just 4 days of age, Richard loschiavo today is a ranked as a statewide leader for best outcomes healthy, thriving toddler. for surgeries performed on children with congeni- tal heart defects.


n July 2007, 8-month-old Jan, M.D. Dr. Jan performed olumbia’s 1,200-mem- olumbia is one of only a IElijah Moulton received the world’s frst successful Cber faculty practice Cfew select centers in the a transplant of fve intestinal intestinal transplant in 1991, organization, ColumbiaDoc- country, and the frst in New organs (liver, small bowel, involving two organs. As many tors, has signed an agreement pancreas, colon, and stomach) as seven organs can safely be with AllScripts to develop a to treat a malformation of the transplanted at the same time, comprehensive outpatient gastrointestinal tract called total he says. Without the surgery electronic health record system. intestinal atresia, the second Elijah would have died due to Te record will be designed to case seen in the United States. malnourishment and infections. integrate with the hospital’s Te transplant involved a seven- “Everything was abnormal,” inpatient electronic health re- hour operation at Morgan Dr. Jan says. Not long after the cord and is expected to improve Stanley Children’s Hospital, transplant, the child was taking productivity and continuity of performed by P&S professor food by mouth for the frst time care. Ketan badani, M.D. of clinical surgery Dominique in his life. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 17


columbia’s center for obesity surgery helps surgery in this age group. In 2006, it was one patients regain their lives by losing signifcant of only seven centers nationwide to be ranked a amounts of weight, either through gastric bypass 1a bariatric surgery center, the highest possible surgery or innovative alternative procedures its accreditation from the american college of sur- surgical director, Marc bessler, M.D., has helped geons. the top-level designation is a frst in new to pioneer. York state. It also received a top ranking from the health care ratings organization HealthGrades. the average gastric bypass patient at the center loses 70 percent of his or her excess weight, and one patient, cindy H., weighed 278 pounds more than 95 percent of patients lose at least half and could barely make it up the second fight of of their excess body weight. lap-band patients stairs to her ffth-foor apartment before get- lose about 50 percent of their excess weight on ting winded. feeling depressed and isolated, she average and sometimes as much as 70 percent. sought lap-band surgery at the center. nearly fve the center is one of only three in the United years later cindy weighs 140 pounds, walks six states approved to offer weight loss surgery for miles a day, and no longer needs medication to teens ages 14-18, as part of a tightly regulated manage weight-related health problems. fDa study evaluating the benefts of lap-band

York City, to ofer state-of-the- ccelerated partial breast ario C. Deng, M.D., di- professional care teams and art robotic urologic surgery A irradiation, now being Mrector of cardiac trans- their patients, providing a using the High Defnition studied at Columbia, may ofer plant research, and Yoshifumi comprehensive perspective daVinci-S surgical system. Te women a less arduous, shorter Naka, M.D., Ph.D., director of on the entire internationally recognized pro- course of radiation treatment the cardiac transplantation pro- process involved gram is led by Ketan Badani, for breast cancer. APBI is gram, published “Mechanical in treating M.D., a world leader in robotic delivered directly to the cavity Circulatory Support Terapy advanced heart surgery who has worked exten- from which the breast cancer in Advanced Heart Failure,” failure. sively to develop new nerve- was removed rather than to the a state-of-the-art overview of Mario Deng, M.D. sparing techniques to preserve entire breast, and at a much mechanical circulatory support sexual function after robotic higher daily dose compared devices and their role in the prostatectomy — without com- with standard whole breast care of patients with advanced promising cancer control. radiation therapy. heart failure. Te book features side-by-side perspectives from 18 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


since 1998, hundreds of adults and children Integrating medical, diagnostic, and radiologic have found a new life at columbia’s center for expertise, the center brings together a team of Liver Disease and Transplantation, led by jean hepatologists, gastroenterologists, hepatobiliary C. emond, M.D., and Robert S. Brown jr., M.D., surgeons, diagnostic radiologists and patholo- M.P.H. the center, one of the frst liver programs gists, advanced-care nurses, social workers, built from the inception as a multidisciplinary and patient support staff to provide seamless, unit, has cared for thousands of patients with interdisciplinary care. liver disease and liver cancer, and its surgeons have performed nearly 1,000 liver transplants the center also forms a key component of a with survival rates that consistently outrank major joint transplantation Initiative between other hospitals nationwide. Its innovative re- columbia University Medical center and new search programs allow patients to receive novel York-Presbyterian, launched in 2007. the new treatments that are available through only a few transplantation Initiative aims to develop a full- programs in the nation. spectrum, leading-edge transplantation center of excellence for translational research and medical one of those patients is alyssa Palazzo-barre- and surgical care. the initiative, involving heart, zueta, who was just 3 when she received a liver lung, kidney, and liver transplantation, is led by transplant at columbia. seemingly healthy at internationally renowned liver transplant specialist birth, alyssa became ill at just 2 months of age. Dr. emond, the thomas s. Zimmer Professor of today, she is a happy, healthy 8-year-old. surgery.


olumbia’s pathology cott Hammer, M.D., the the World Health Organization the gag refex entirely, allowing Cprogram ofers a nation- SHarold C. Neu Professor for public health responses to the the patient to be sitting up and ally renowned diagnostic testing and chief of infectious diseases, disease in developing nations. fully awake for the fve-minute and consultation service, with has authored two new guide- biopsy. subspecialty expertise in all lines for HIV treatment. He new “sedation-free” areas of anatomic and clinical is lead author and chair of the A esophageal study, called olumbia’s Voice and pathology. Its more than 50 at- panel of the International AIDS transnasal esophagoscopy or CSwallowing Center uses tending physicians and doctoral Society-USA recommendations TNE, has replaced traditional non-surgical methods to help level scientists complete more for treatment of the disease in biopsy procedures for many patients change their voices than 4 million procedures developed nations, published Columbia patients at risk for through modifying muscle per year. in the Journal of the American esophageal cancer. Ofered by behavior, helping, for example, Medical Association. He also the Department of Otolaryn- men with high-pitched voices chaired the writing committee gology/Head & Neck Surgery, sound less like teenage girls. for new guidelines published by the TNE procedure bypasses Clinical director Tomas P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 19

images tk from sherri

Murry, M.D., has worked with vascular Health and Hyperten- niversary. Founded in 1987, the working with medical and con- singers, actors, and teachers, sion Center, calls for more center investigates the behav- sumer stakeholders, policymak- among others, to retrain their research on the link between ioral causes and consequences ers, and both public and private vocal cords. “Changing the depression and cardiovascular of HIV/AIDS. payers to promote best practices voice is just like changing a golf problems and guidelines for in prescribing, increase the use swing: You simply need to learn diagnosing and treating depres- avid J. Rothman, Ph.D., of evidence-based systems, and how to change the physical pat- sion in heart patients. Dprofessor of social medi- reduce conficts of interest. tern,” he says. cine, is associate director of the Prescription Project, a new National Heart, Lung, campaign championing change A and Blood Institute work- in medical prescribing to end ing group chaired by Karina olumbia’s HIV Center for conficts of interest. Funded by Davidson, Ph.D., co-director of CClinical and Behavioral a $6 million grant from the Pew Columbia’s Behavioral Cardio- Studies celebrated its 20th an- Charitable Trusts, the project is 20 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


research is led by Ramon Parsons, M.D., Ph.D., the avon foundation Professor of Medicine and Pathology and the discoverer of the important tumor-suppressor gene Pten, which when altered plays a key role in breast cancer.

bone DIsease columbia is now one of only four centers in the United States to offer an xtreme CT Scanner, which visualizes the internal structure of bones and can assess not only how much bone is pres- ent but also the quality of that bone. Housed bReast canceR within the toni stabile osteoporosis center, the leader and co-leader of the breast Underserved women in new York now have ac- scanner is a powerful tool for diagnosing bone cancer Program in the Herbert cess to the latest diagnostic imaging and screen- disease. It combines high-resolution x-ray exami- Irving comprehensive cancer ing tools for breast cancer with the opening of nation with computer programming to recon- center: Ramon Parsons, M.D., struct a three-dimensional picture of bones. the Ph.D., and Dawn Hershman, M.D. the avon foundation breast Imaging center and Research lab at columbia. the Imaging scanner still awaits U.s. food and Drug adminis- center offers patients state-of-the-art screen- tration approval for clinical use but is being used ing and diagnostic technology, including digital in six major columbia studies. mammography, ultrasound-guided core biopsy, stereotactic-core needle biopsy, and a mammog- “In the future, this scanner will be used as a pre- raphy reporting system to track patient history dictor of who will fracture and could be used to and promote timely follow-up. evaluate bone quality and strength in many more people than a bone biopsy could,” says elizabeth the center also features bilingual staffng, a full-time shane, M.D., professor of clinical medicine in nurse “patient navigator” to help guide patients the endocrinology division and president of the through the health care system, and an onsite american society of bone and Mineral Research. resource center that offers written, video, and “It gives us a great deal more information than a electronic information in english and spanish about routine bone density scan because it provides us breast cancer and other women’s health issues. with a three-dimensional picture of the internal structure (microarchitecture) of the bones of opened on the same day, the avon foundation the forearm and the lower leg. It allows us to breast cancer Research laboratory at columbia see that different bones have different struc- University is a state-of-the-art facility that aims tures, to measure the strength of that bone, to to better understand genetic pathways involved understand why some bones of some people are in breast cancer and how to control these to stronger than others and how various treatments prevent or stop the progression of cancer. Its affect the bone.” P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 21


WHIPPle PRoceDURe sHoRt boWel sYnDRoMe Patients with a rare pancreatic tumor called another complex surgical challenge is short an insulinoma, noncancerous but dangerous bowel syndrome, a condition that mainly affects in other ways if not removed, often require a infants and young children, leaving them unable Whipple operation, a procedure developed at to digest food properly. this year, columbia columbia by P&s graduate and surgeon allen surgeons tested a new surgical technique to cor- oldfather Whipple. rect this problem, serial transverse enteroplasty — steP — frst described just three years ago. this year, William b. Inabnet, M.D., chief of en- surgeons make multiple incisions into a short, docrine surgery, devised a totally novel alterna- dilated segment to create a longer, thinner seg- tive to the Whipple for these cases, leading to ment of intestine. although the new segment is ideal results for a patient with insulinoma. In the initially zigzag in shape, it becomes straight as it frst surgery to use the approach, interventional heals. columbia surgeons are now tracking out- gastroenterologist Peter stevens, M.D., placed a comes and working to establish clear guidelines temporary stent into the pancreatic duct before about which patients are the best candidates for surgery to protect it, allowing Dr. Inabnet to this novel procedure. they performed what is enucleate the insulinoma with minimally invasive thought to be the frst steP procedure in a child laparoscopic surgery. the patient went home just with short bowel syndrome who had already two days after surgery, with no complications. received a liver transplant.

notes In a unique operation that made headlines around the United states, columbia specialists performed an experimental surgical procedure to remove a woman’s gallbladder with fexible instruments passed through her vagina. this minimally invasive procedure, called notes — natural orifce translumenal endoscopic surgery — still requires a small incision in the vaginal wall to access the organ but is less painful and allows for faster recovery time than traditional laparo- scopic surgery.

allen oldfather Whipple 22 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

neW clInIcal seRVIces

a frst-of-its-kind comprehensive clinic for the body’s adrenal glands may be small, but schizophrenia care was established this year they produce hormones that are essential to within columbia’s lieber center for schizo- the normal function of the entire body. Man- phrenia Research as part of a major expansion aging adrenal disorders is a challenge that funded by a $9.2 million gift from the center’s requires a multidisciplinary team — like that original benefactors, stephen and connie lieber. found at columbia. Here, endocrine specialists, the new treatment center, a bench-to-bedside nuclear medicine experts, radiologists, vascular facility, sets a new standard of care for people surgeons, cardiologists, and genetic counselors with schizophrenia, which affects 2.4 million work together to meet the highly specifc testing people in the United states alone and is the and treatment needs of patients with unusual fourth leading cause of disability in the devel- disorders such as cushing’s syndrome, pheochro- oped world. the center offers the latest diag- mocytomas, and aldosteronomas (which cause nostic and therapeutic tools, as well as access to up to 10 percent of all cases of high blood pres- the leading-edge experimental advances of the sure). the faculty focuses on adrenal disorders in larger lieber center. “the comprehensive clinic one of the few specialty programs in the United for schizophrenia care will enable groundbreak- states. More than 95 percent of the center’s ing research to be translated swiftly into clinical surgeries are performed using minimally invasive care for patients with mental illness,” says jeffrey techniques designed to speed and ease recov- a. lieberman, M.D., chair of psychiatry and director ery. Dr. james Lee serves as the director of the of the lieber center. columbia University adrenal center.

“Te comprehensive clinic for schizophrenia care will enable groundbreaking research to be translated swiftly into clinical care for patients with mental illness.” — Jefrey A. Lieberman, M.D.

jeFFReY A. LIeBeRMAN is the lawrence e. Kolb chairman of Psy- chiatry and director of the new York state Psychiatric Institute. He also holds the lieber chair and directs the lieber center for schizophrenia Research. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 23

columbia brought its world-class fertility faculty from columbia’s top-ranked obstetrics program to women in Westchester County and gynecology department have teamed with this year with the opening of a new White Plains Revolution Health Group to launch a premier campus of the renowned center for Women’s new Internet destination for pregnancy and Reproductive care, led by medical director Melvin maternal health. the site will feature columbia thornton, M.D. Undergoing fertility treatments specialists as consumer health experts, participat- often requires a signifcant time commitment ing in weekly blogs and offering timely original from patients. Most patients undergoing IVf articles. “evolving technology and advances spend 7 to 10 days each month traveling to and in care are providing women with an ever- from the fertility center, so travel for treatment increasing array of options in pregnancy care,” appointments is one of the primary barriers to says Mary D’alton, M.D., chair and Willard c. accessing care. the new Westchester center offers Rappleye Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecol- the same high-quality care as that found on the ogy. “expanded options require more decision- Manhattan campus, including embryo and oocyte making, and we take seriously our role in helping cryopreservation, frozen embryo transfer, pre- women navigate the issues and make better, implantation genetic diagnosis, and egg donation more informed choices.” as well as traditional intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization.

ReVolUtIon HealtH DoctoRs at P&s from left: Rini banjeree Ratan, laurie Zephyrin, Mary D’alton, Karin fuchs, and clarissa bonanno 24 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

Dramatic Discoveries: Research

columbia has long been a national powerhouse in basic, clinical, and translational research, counting two nobel Prize winners among its current faculty and serving as the hothouse for countless major scientifc discoveries, from “chargaff’s Rules” that provided the last key stepping stone to the elucidation of the structure of Dna to the development of cardiac catheterization.

the past year marked many more milestones in research at columbia, which ranked frst in the new York area in funding from the national Institutes of Health and was 13th nationwide, up from the previous year. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 25 26 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

A New ALzHeIMeR’S GeNe

a columbia-led international consortium of researchers has identifed the frst gene linked to al- zheimer’s disease since apoe was tied to disease risk in 1993. the gene, named soRl1, is involved in a previously unknown cellular pathway, through which the toxic amyloid beta peptides that cause the disease can build up in the brain.

In the study, which involved more than 6,000 participants, certain patterns of mutations in the soRl1 gene were found to be more prevalent in people with alzheimer’s disease. the fndings held true for two groups of white americans, one group of african americans, and one group of Israeli arabs. “Hundreds of genes have been linked to alzheimer’s in the past 15 years, but those fndings have not been replicated,” says study leader Richard Mayeux, M.D., the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry, and epidemiology, director of the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center, and co-director of the taub Institute for Research on alzheimer’s Disease and the aging brain. “We think soRl1 is different because we built several replicates into the study, and those replicates include different ethnic groups. the job now is to fnd compounds that increase soRl1 expression and reduce amyloid beta

alZHeIMeR’s ReseaRcHeRs production.” P&s researchers involved in the discovery of a new That job will be made easier thanks to a new $3 million grant from the Merrill Lynch Foundation, alzheimer’s gene gather which focuses on identifying the genetic roots of alzheimer’s disease and understanding how these around sheets showing genes function. the grant will support columbia’s family studies to identify genetic variants that ex- genetic histories of plain the complex inheritance of alzheimer’s disease, as well as functional genomic studies to inves- alzheimer’s patients from the Dominican Republic. tigate how alterations in the amyloid and tau proteins result in the destruction alzheimer’s disease from left: scott small, inficts on the brain. joseph Lee, Rafael Lantigua, Vincent santana, and Richard Mayeux. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 27

ReSeARCH HIGHLIGHTS ew York state and its team focuses on the elucidation sor of medicine, and associate Nneighbors — , of the mechanisms underlying research scientists Shi-Xian , and the disease, the development of Deng and Yuli Xie, have applied — accounted for 64 percent novel therapies, and educa- for a patent to develop a new of all cases of Lyme disease tion of medical students and class of drugs that will block reported to the Centers for physicians to better understand, chronic pain by turning of Disease Control and Prevention diagnose, and treat this com- this “switch,” an enzyme called last year. Tat startling statistic plex disease. protein kinase G. demonstrates why this year’s serge Przedborski, M.D., Ph.D. launch of the Lyme and Tick- cientists at Columbia’s dolescent girls are eight borne Diseases Research Center Taub Institute for Research times more likely to oxins released from astro- S A at Columbia is so important. on Alzheimer’s Disease and the injure their knees than boys cytes, the cells that usually T Lyme is the fastest-growing, Aging Brain have successfully are, according to a study led by nourish motor neurons, can ac- vector-borne disease in the restored normal memory and Columbia assistant professor of tually kill the neurons in some United States, yet early diagno- synaptic function in mice with surgery Christopher Ahmad, cases of amyotrophic lateral sis is often missed, and treat- Alzheimer’s disease. By boosting M.D. Te study suggests that sclerosis, according to a new ment for the disease, when it is levels of a newly discovered the imbalance between a girl’s study led by Serge Przedborski, enzyme known as ubiquitin strong quadriceps and weaker M.D., Ph.D., co-director of C-terminal hydrolase L1 hamstring muscles, as well as Columbia’s Center for Motor (Uch-L1), investigators Ottavio earlier skeletal maturity — Neuron Biology and Disease. Arancio, M.D., Ph.D., assistant which leads to playing sports in professor of pathology, and Mi- a more upright position — may chael Shelanski, M.D., Ph.D., be key factors in higher injury cientists at Columbia have chair of pathology, were able to rates. identifed a key molecular S improve the animals’ ability to process that could lead to the create new memories. rupture of arterial plaques. Pub- brian fallon, M.D. lished in the Proceedings of the not caught early, remains mired olumbia researchers have National Academy of Science, in controversy. Deciphering the identifed a protein in the research, led by Ira Tabas, puzzle of Lyme is the mission C nerve cells that acts as an “on- M.D., Ph.D., the Richard J. of the new center, led by Brian of switch” for chronic pain, a Stock Professor of Medicine, Fallon, M.D., who completed a condition that afects 48 million explains what causes the death of PET imaging study of chronic people in the United States and macrophages, white blood cells Lyme disease showing that has few treatment options. Rich- that accumulate in the arterial functional brain imaging may be used to identify biomark- ard Ambron, Ph.D., professor plaques of patients with arterio- ers with potentially valuable of anatomy and cell biology, and sclerosis. Tese fndings could christopher ahmad, M.D. diagnostic and treatment Ying-Ju Sung, Ph.D., assistant result in therapies to prevent implications for patients with professor of clinical pathology, plaque rupture, which can lead chronic Lyme disease. Research in collaboration with Donald to heart attacks and strokes. by the center’s multidisciplinary Landry, M.D., Ph.D., profes- 28 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

bones offeR clUes to tYPe 2 DIabetes

In 2007, columbia scientists announced an excit- remained unclear. In mouse-model studies, the ing new discovery that may point to new treat- scientists were able to prevent the development ment possibilities for people with type 2 diabetes of type 2 diabetes and obesity by increasing the — found in our own bones. activity of osteocalcin, even when the mice ate a high-fat diet. People with type 2 diabetes have The researchers, led by Gerard karsenty, chair of low osteocalcin levels. genetics & development, found that bone cells generate a hormone called osteocalcin, which the study is the frst to show that our bones they found regulates sugar metabolism. In ad- are not just the hangers for our bodies; they dition to increasing the amount of insulin and are an active, functioning organ that is part of reducing fat stores, osteocalcin increases both the endocrine system. “the discovery that our the secretion of and sensitivity to insulin — the bones are responsible for regulating blood sugar primary problem in people with type 2 diabetes. in ways that were not known before completely changes our understanding of the function of scientists have known of the existence of the skeleton and uncovers a crucial aspect of osteocalcin for years, but its exact function has energy metabolism,” says Dr. Karsenty.


rban teen girls who have olive oil with little red meat tion launched a pilot studies Ubeen physically abused by and dairy products may lower program, which will fund four a boyfriend and teen boys with the risk for Alzheimer’s disease, to six pilot studies each year. a history of sexual abuse appear reports a team led by assistant Awards will go to innovative more likely to attempt suicide, professor of clinical neurology approaches aimed at preventing according to Elyse Olshen Nikolaos Scarmeas, M.D. In a chronic homelessness among Kharbanda, M.D., assistant 2,000-person study, each level people with mental illness and professor of clinical pediatrics, of adherence to the Mediter- to population-level interven- and her research team, who ranean diet (on a nine-point tions to prevent homelessness anonymously surveyed more scale) was associated with a 9 among vulnerable populations scientists using a PET imaging than 8,000 New York City percent to 10 percent decreased that may not be reached by technique that measures total public school students in 2005. risk for Alzheimer’s. Te study high-risk approaches. beta cell mass. Te technique Suicide is the third leading appeared in the Archives of has commonly been used to cause of death in adolescents. Neurology. he frst pictures of study the brain. Paul Har- Tinsulin-producing “beta” ris, Ph.D., Antonella Mafei, Mediterranean diet focused he Columbia Center for cells inside a live animal have Ph.D., and other researchers in A on fruits, vegetables, and THomelessness Preven- been captured by Columbia the Department of Medicine P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 29

“Te discovery that our bones are responsible for regulating blood sugar in ways that were not known before completely changes our under- standing of the function of the skeleton and uncovers a crucial aspect of energy metabolism.” — Gerard Karsenty, M.D., Ph.D.

GeRARD kARSeNTY is the Paul a. Marks Professor and chair of genetics & development and professor of medicine.

and the Naomi Berrie Diabe- Pediatric and Adolescent Medi- to explain the disproportionate Naka, M.D., the Herbert Irving tes Center will soon test the cine, followed 678 upstate New death rates from the disease in Professor of Surgery. Instead, technique in human trials. If it York families over the course of this group of women. Diagnosis the degree of damage should be works, it could help answer a two decades. Te 33.2 percent is delayed for these women by assessed. Transplant recipients long-troubling question: What of participants who watched an average of 20 days and treat- with uncomplicated diabetes happens to the number of beta more than three hours of TV ment by an average of 29 days, had median survival rates not cells as diabetes progresses? at age 14 were more likely to report Suzanne Smith, M.D., signifcantly diferent from have attention difculties, poor associate professor of clinical patients without diabetes in the eenagers who watch three grades, and overall academic radiology, and colleagues. study, published in the journal Tor more hours of televi- failure in secondary school and Circulation. sion per day may have a higher difculty obtaining postsecond- aving diabetes should not rate of attention and learning ary education. Hautomatically disqualify difculties into their adult years, patients from the transplant according to Jefrey G. Johnson, frican-American women waiting list, according to a Ph.D., associate professor of A experience the longest study led by a large team of clinical psychology. Te study, delays in diagnosis and treat- Columbia scientists, includ- published in the Archives of ment of breast cancer, helping ing senior author Yoshifumi 30 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


New recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo- gists advise that all pregnant women, regardless of age, should be offered screen- ing for Down syndrome before the 20th week of pregnancy. this recommenda- tion is based on the results of the landmark fasteR (first and second trimester evaluation of Risk) trial, a 38,000-patient study led by Mary D’alton, M.D., chair of obstetrics and gynecology at P&s.

the study demonstrated the accuracy of frst-trimester screening using the com- bined results of measurement of the nuchal translucency (thickness of the skin on the back of the baby’s neck), along with two blood markers (free or total ß-hCG and pregnancy-associated plasma protein a, or PaPP-a). this test, known popu- larly as the Ultrascreen, was found to be more accurate than the second trimester “triple screen” test and at least as accurate as the “quad screen” test, while hav- ing the advantage of offering results much earlier in pregnancy.


ntidepressant medications esearchers at Columbia and with deep venous drainage that found that overall rates of A could increase the risk of R have developed a model showed an increased risk of heart attack and death are higher suicide in children, according to help predict the risk of hemorrhage. with drug-eluting stents due to to a large study led by Mark spontaneous hemorrhage in thrombosis. Olfson, M.D., professor of patients with arteriovenous rug-eluting stents have psychiatry. Te study, which in- malformations (AVMs), masses Dthe same rate of death or olumbia has developed volved nearly 5,500 adults and of abnormal blood vessels that heart attacks as bare metal stents, Can exclusive licensing children, found that children grow in the brain. According to reports a meta-analysis of several agreement for a next-generation ages 6 to 18 who were treated Christian Stapf, M.D., adjunct multicenter trials involving more DNA sequencing technol- with antidepressants were 1.5 assistant professor of neurology, than 5,000 patients. Gregg ogy, developed by professor of times more likely to attempt the model shows that patients W. Stone, M.D., the director chemical engineering Jingyue suicide and 15 times more without specifc risk factors of research and education for Ju, Ph.D., to Intelligent Bio- likely to die of the attempt (such as unruptured AVMs at the Center for Interventional Systems. Columbia, in collabo- than those not treated with an the surface of the brain and Vascular Terapies, led the study, ration with IBS, is one of only antidepressant. No such trend superfcial veins) had a very which was published in the New two recipients of a Near-Term was seen among adults who low bleeding risk, and those England Journal of Medicine Technology Development for used the drugs. with AVMs deep in the brain and contradicts previous research Genome Sequencing grant. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 31


A team of genetics researchers at Columbia has received $2.8 million in funding from the National Human Genome Research Institute. The goal: to develop novel molecular engineering approaches to decipher the genome on a chip. jingyue ju, Ph.D., professor of chemical engineering and head of Dna sequencing and chemi- cal biology at the judith P. Sulzberger M.D. Columbia Genome Center, leads the project, which focuses on using a fuorescence imaging chip system for massive parallel Dna sequencing.

the grant is part of a larger series of grants focused on dramatically reducing the cost of Dna sequencing so that an individual’s genome can be sequenced as a routine part of medical research and health care. It currently costs around $10 million to sequence three billion base pairs, the amount of Dna found in the hu- man genome. If that cost could be cut to $100,000, it would become feasible to sequence the genomes of hundreds, even thousands, of people for disease studies. Ultimately, the Genome Research Institute aims to cut the cost of whole genome sequencing to just $1,000, which could integrate the process into routine medical care.

Te $425,000 grant is for the professor of neurology. Tese young children with Ritalin. Medicine. Lead author Agnes development of a high-through- biomarkers, including lipopro- Led by Columbia professor of Whitaker, M.D., co-director of put DNA sequencing synthesis tein-associated phospholipase psychiatry Laurence Greenhill, the Columbia Developmental platform. A2 (LpPLA2) and high-sensitiv- M.D., the study found that Neuropsychiatry Program for ity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), children improve with low doses Autism and Related Disorders, eople who have sufered a are associated with stroke of the medication but are more noted that the fndings suggest Pfrst ischemic stroke often prognosis and may help guide sensitive to side efects and that enhanced maternal-fetal have elevated levels of infam- clinical care. should be monitored closely. and neonatal care could im- matory biomarkers in their prove these outcomes. blood that predict an increased reschoolers with atten- ow birth weight infants risk of another Ption defcit hyperactivity Lmay have cognitive and stroke, accord- disorder can be safely and ef- physical problems that persist ing to a study fectively treated with low doses through childhood and into published of medication, according to the adolescence, according to a by Mitchell frst long-term, large-scale study study published by Columbia Elkind, M.D., designed to determine the safety researchers in the Archives associate and efectiveness of treating of Pediatric and Adolescent

Mitchell elkind, M.D. 32 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


ivalirudin, a new clot- ocal Spanish speakers do rowth factors given to Hershman cautions that it Bprevention drug, lowers L not have a single word Gstimulate white cell should be taken into consider- the risk of major bleeding by that corresponds to the English production and reduce the ation when making treatment 47 percent compared with stan- wheeze, Columbia researchers risk of infection in women decisions. dard combination drug treat- have found. Te word is a key receiving chemotherapy for ments, according to the Acute component of medical his- breast cancer are also associ- en are three times more Catheterization and Urgent tory questionnaires and could ated with an increased risk of Mlikely than women to Intervention Triage Strategy confound asthma research in blood diseases, according to have a good neurological out- trial, led by the Cardiovascular Spanish-speaking populations. a new study published in the come after the use of the clot- Research Foundation under Rachel Miller, M.D., assistant Journal of the National Cancer busting drug tPA (tissue plas- the direction of Gregg Stone, professor of clinical medicine Institute by assistant professor minogen activator) within three M.D., professor of medicine. and environmental health sci- of medicine Dawn Hershman, hours after stroke, according to Te results were published in ences, heard 12 diferent words M.D. Women who have had a study published in Neurol- the New England Journal of when she and her team asked this treatment have an increased ogy and led by Mitchell Elkind, Medicine. local bilingual residents to risk of developing either a form M.D., associate professor of translate wheeze into Spanish. of leukemia or a disease called neurology. Columbia professors myelodysplastic syndrome. Richard Axel, Saul Silverstein, Although the risk is small, Dr. and Michael Wigler originally

P&s is a leader across a broad spectrum of research areas — a testament to our expertise in virtually every discipline. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 33

helped make tPA possible with following maternal vaccination vector to directly activate signal- their discovery of co-transforma- against fu during pregnancy ing pathways within tion, a method for introducing and found antibodies in ap- neurons. Lead author Robert any gene into cultured animal proximately 40 percent of cord Burke, M.D., director of the cells, resulting in the production blood specimens examined. Te Morris K. Udall Parkinson of specifc proteins. study suggests that the neonatal Disease Research Center of Ex- immune system is not defcient cellence at P&S, is now working sing an MRI tech- and is capable of responding to to adapt the vector for human Unique frst developed at environmental exposures. trials. Columbia, associate professor of neurology Scott A. Small, lacks with chronic obstruc- f the nearly 1,500 spinal M.D., has conducted the frst Btive pulmonary disease Ocord injuries that occur Hina chaudhry, M.D. observation of neurogenesis, are less likely to receive a lung each year in children ages 18 the growth of neurons within transplant and more likely to and under, 70 percent result inactive and cannot direct cells a living brain. Te study dem- die or be removed from the from motor vehicle accidents, to divide and multiply into new onstrated how exercise, shown transplant list than whites, according to one of the frst cells. to be benefcial in fghting according to research from studies to report on the inci- memory loss, afects the brain. Columbia assistant professor of dence and causes of spinal cord protein called AMPK Researchers were able to see clinical medicine David Lederer, injuries. Columbia researchers A serves as the “fuel gauge” that exercise targets a region of M.D. Te disparity was related led by Michael G. Vitale, M.D., of our body’s cells, controlling the hippocampus known as the to diferences in socioeconomic professor of orthopedic surgery, metabolic decisions such as dentate gyrus, which underlies status and cardiovascular risk found that 68 percent of vehicle whether fat is burned or stored. normal age-related memory factors. Dr. Lederer and his accidents involve children and Columbia scientists led by decline that begins around age colleagues are now conducting teenagers not wearing seat belts. Lawrence Shapiro, Ph.D., asso- 30 for most adults. a fve-year study to identify ciate professor of biochemistry ways to improve outcomes for ssistant professor of medi- & molecular biophysics and pregnant woman’s expo- minority patients with advanced A cine Hina Chaudhry, of ophthalmology, have now A sure to the fu vaccine lung disease. M.D., has repaired heart dam- mapped the three-dimensional jump-starts the fetal immune age in mice by activating a gene structure of AMPK, a critical system, according to a team of n experimental gene therapy to make adult heart stem cells step toward developing new researchers led by Rachel Miller, A for Parkinson disease, regenerate. Te gene, cyclin A2, therapies for diabetes and pos- M.D., assistant professor of which delivers a cell-survival is active during fetal develop- sibly obesity. clinical medicine and envi- gene called Akt to the dop- ment but is “turned of” in ronmental health sciences. Dr. amine neurons, has generated adult mammals. Previous stud- Miller’s team used a new tech- the best response to date among ies have shown that damaged nique known as MHC tetramer therapies designed to prevent hearts cannot repair themselves staining to study cord blood B neuronal death in the disease. because cyclin A2, a critical and T cell immune responses Te Akt treatment uses a viral regulator of cell division, is 34 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

Shaping Medicine’s Future: Education

since its founding in 1767, as part of King’s college and as the frst medical school to award an M.D. degree in the 13 colonies, columbia University college of Physicians & surgeons has been a pillar of excellence in medical education. the current student body continues that tradition, with P&s boasting the second highest Mcat scores and third highest degree of selectivity in a national ranking. We have achieved that distinction while at the same time maintaining an extraordinary commitment to di- versity, with underrepresented minorities now making up some 20 percent of our undergraduate classes, third in the nation overall.

Meanwhile, our endowment for scholarships and loans has grown exponentially, nearly doubling between 2003 and 2007.

to continue to attract the fnest minds in medicine, and offer them the best possible preparation as they become tomor- row’s physicians, P&S is pursuing broad curricular reform. Goals include shortening the preclerkship preparation phase, a focus on problem- and team-based learning, and the addition of in- tersessions and majors or areas of concentration. Plans also call for reorganizing the graduate program and allotting a percent- age of student tuition for teaching and course leadership.

Delphine taylor, M.D., right. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 35 36 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

state-of-tHe-aRt eDUcatIon centeR

the Hammer Health sciences center continues to undergo extensive renovations aimed at creat- ing a state-of-the-art education center — including an ambitious renovation of the augustus c. long Health sciences library to establish a 30,000-square-foot Hammer education center. the renovations will create a cohesive education facility with more classroom space adjacent to library services, resources, and updated study spaces. slated to open in 2010, the new education center will include classroom space, offce suites, study spaces, and digital storage, with a new entrance and lobby interior. to free up space for the new center, columbia donated 55,000 publications from the library to a university in tanzania. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 37 38 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

neW neURoscIence DePaRtMent cReateD

the extraordinary growth in neuroscience at preclinical neuroscience. It will provide innova- columbia has sparked the creation of a new tive training opportunities for graduate students Department of neuroscience, which will continue and postdoctoral fellows in the analysis of neural to position P&s as a thriving environment for circuit function and the role of circuits in mediat- teaching and research in the . the ing behavior. department, which evolved out of the center for Neurobiology and Behavior, is headed by john “this is an auspicious time to create such a new koester, Ph.D. when the jerome L. Greene department,” Dr. Koester says. “neuroscience science center opens in Manhattanville, the has become a mature, recognized academic dis- department will move into that facility. cipline, with the potential for continued growth and progress.” the department’s primary teaching role will be educating medical and dental students in


adia Goodwin ’07, a na- Morgan State University, has olumbia has received a Ntive of Brooklyn, became started a residency in pediatrics Cgrant from the Asso- the frst graduate of Columbia’s at Einstein/Montefore Medi- ciation of American Medical Summer Medical and Dental cal Center in the Bronx. Dr. Colleges to partner with public Education Program to graduate Goodwin participated in the health professionals in the in- from P&S. Since 2001, the summer program’s frst year, tegration of population health, summer program, hosted by in 2001. Two other summer public health, and prevention the P&S Ofce of Diversity, program participants at P&S into the graduate medical edu- has helped to prepare minor- are Philip Efraim, an M.D./ cation curriculum. Only 13 of ity college students for life as Ph.D. student, and Marcel 40 schools that applied received a medical student and provide Green, a member of the Class the grants, made possible by a them with a sense of excitement of 2008. More than 200 alumni joint agreement between the about a career in medicine. of the P&S summer program AAMC and the Centers for Dr. Goodwin, who enrolled in are enrolled in medical schools Disease Control and Preven- the program while a student at across the nation. tion.

Nadia Goodwin, M.D. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 39

he newly created Irving olumbia hosted a city he student-run Columbia n the spring of 2007, P&S TInstitute for Clinical and Cforum sponsored by the TStudent Medical Outreach Istudents launched a mentor- Translational Research will ofer Association of Hispanic Mental (CoSMO) neighborhood free ing program in partnership with a master’s degree in patient- Health Professionals, educating clinic provides free, high- Big Brothers and Big Sisters of oriented research. students and physicians on how quality primary health care to New York City. Fifteen medical stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and neighborhood residents who students now participate in the ard Hall, Columbia’s frst psychiatric disease afect the do not have health insurance. program, which works with Bresidence hall for medical Latino community. Saturday morning sessions in middle school children at the students, celebrated its 75th an- the Audubon Urgi-Care Center Health Academy of the Heights niversary during the 2006-2007 include not only medical care, on 181st Street. Te Academy is academic year. but also the services of student an empowerment school opened social workers, health educators, in 2006 where 6th through 8th Spanish-language interpreters, graders study a college-prep and nurses. health curriculum. 40 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


Many scientists count themselves fortunate to ness or fear conficted, say, a photo of a fearful publish as a lead author in a major research jour- face was labeled “happy,” a region of the frontal nal within a few years of obtaining their degrees. lobe called the rostral anterior cingulate cortex amit etkin, M.D./Ph.D. student at the time, was activated to resolve the confict. critically, under Dr. ’s supervision, garnered his the rostral cingulate dampened activity in the second lead-author citation in neuron this past amygdala, a brain region involved in process- year, with his discovery of an emotional control ing negative emotions, so that the emotional circuit in the human brain, which keeps emotion- response did not overwhelm a subject’s perfor- ally intense stimuli from interfering with mental mance, thus achieving emotional control. functioning. these results could signifcantly advance scien- working with joy Hirsch, Ph.D., professor of tifc understanding of psychiatric disorders in- neuroradiology and psychology and director of volving emotional control, such as post-traumatic the fMRI Research center, and eric Kandel, M.D., stress disorder or depression. “Interestingly, University Professor, fred Kavli Professor, Howard several studies have found that rostral cingulate Hughes Medical Institute senior investigator, and activity predicts whether a depressed patient director of the Kavli Institute for brain sciences, will respond to medication,” says Dr. etkin. “the Dr. etkin used functional magnetic resonance fndings from the current study, therefore, may imaging to explore how fear is regulated and help explain why more rostral cingulate activity controlled in the brain. When signals telling may be benefcial.” study subjects that an image representing happi- P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 41


econd-year P&S students ast August, a group of 17 Dr. Ruth L. Fischbach, director he Ewig Clinical Education Shelped middle-school L students from P&S and of the Center. Students from Co- TCommittee distributed seven students explore the magic of other Columbia programs lumbia College, Barnard College, new Ewig Awards to faculty in the medicine and science at “Super traveled to Tailand to engage the School of General Studies, Department of Medicine, honor- Science Saturday,” a program that in a comprehensive workshop and the Mailman School of Pub- ing faculty who have shown excel- gives students an informal in- examining the challenges of lic Health joined Tai students lence and dedication in clinical troduction to science, medicine, bioethics and medical ethics. of Bangkok’s Mahidol University teaching. Te 2007 recipients were and dentistry and potentially Te two-week program, called for the program, which ofered Hasan Garan, M.D., Kenneth M. opens their eyes to the possibility Bioethical Cross-cultural Educa- an unprecedented cross-cultural Prager, M.D., Sharon L. Wardlaw, of careers in science and health tion Program, or BIOCEP, was experience for students of all M.D., Barron H. Lerner, M.D., professions. launched by the Center for felds and backgrounds. Ph.D., Brian E. Scully, M.B., Bioethics under the direction of B.Ch., Paul G. Lee, M.D., and Dr. John Loike and leadership of William C. Turner, M.D. 42 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


columbia was not the frst medical school in the student is assigned to one of fve advisory deans, nation to create an advisory dean program, but who offer career counseling, ongoing support it has rapidly become a leading national voice and guidance, and a connection between the among such programs. the leading medical student and the faculty throughout the student’s education journal, academic Medicine, featured academic career. among students in the class an article on columbia’s advisory dean program, of 2007, the frst class of students who had ac- highlighting its rapid growth since it was intro- cess to advisory deans throughout their medical duced in the academic year 2003-2004. school career, 90 percent found the advisory dean program to be a valuable initiative. the structured advisory dean program replaced a largely informal system of advising in which many students fell through the cracks. each entering P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 43


The Glenda Garvey Teaching Academy named its schwartz, and Michael s. sparer (Mailman); and second class of fellows in 2007. the academy is Mary woods Byrne, jennifer Dohrn, and Anne named for the late Glenda Garvey, M.D., a P&S Griswold Peirce (Nursing). Thomas Garrett, M.D., graduate and faculty member known as an out- professor of clinical medicine, is director of the standing clinician and teacher who trained more Glenda Garvey Teaching Academy. than 3,000 medical center students before her death in 2004. the academy also awarded its frst series of grants for projects to develop innovative teaching tools, The 2007 Garvey fellows from P&S are Marc L. methods, or curricula. the two-year grants fund Dickstein, M.D., associate professor of clinical an- eight projects, which range from the develop- esthesiology, and Martin V. Pusic, M.D., assistant ment of educational DVDs to teach medical clinical professor of pediatrics. other 2007 fellows genetics to improving house staff teaching of are leanne M. currie and arlene smaldone medical students. (school of nursing), linda f. cushman and Roger D. Vaughan (Mailman school of Public Health), Grant recipients among P&S faculty were wendy and james Fine and Michael S. Yuan (College of chung, M.D., Ph.D.; nicholas fiebach, M.D.; Dental Medicine). they join the academy’s found- john encandela, Ph.D.; katherine Nickerson, ing members from P&S: jonathan M. Barasch, M.D.; andrew Mutnick, M.D.; Patricia Miller, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of medicine and ed.D.; Mathew Maurer, M.D.; and Lynne quittell, anatomy & cell biology; blair ford, M.D., associ- M.D. Grants also were awarded to Ronald Bayer ate professor of clinical neurology; and jay H. (Mailman); Heera chang (Dental Medicine); and lefkowitch, M.D., professor of clinical pathology. Penelope Buschman Gemma, Marlene McHugh, others in the founding class are David a. albert, anita nirenberg, and Kathleen Hickey (nursing). vicky evangelidis-Sakellson, and john L. zimmer- man (Dental Medicine); Melissa D. begg, sharon

2007 GARveY FeLLOwS top from left: Michael s. Yuan, Martin V. Pusic, ar- lene smaldone, and Roger D. Vaughan bottom from left: Marc l. Dickstein, leanne M. currie, linda f. cushman, and james Fine 44 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

In Our Community

columbia is not just located in the Washington Heights community of northern Manhattan — it is part of the community and deeply committed to serving the diverse and often complex health care needs of the multiethnic neighborhood it calls home. every year, new projects are created, and existing ones renewed, that bring columbia medical stu- dents, residents, faculty, and staff together with their northern Manhattan neighbors to create a healthier community.

Images from Columbia in the Community top left: patient care at the farrell ambulatory care clinic. Right center: a child exchanges candy for a toy at the naomi berrie Diabetes center. bottom: P&s students help decorate a local school. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 45 46 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


columbia’s Department of Pediatrics, along with Morgan stanley children’s Hospital of newYork- Presbyterian, offers a model of community- focused care, an important element of education for medical students and residents in pediatrics at columbia. the residency training program features a cultural competency curriculum that requires all pediatrics residents to graduate with skills in community health and advocacy as well as cultural competency. last year, 14 of 60 residents com- pleted independent projects focusing on specifc issues in community child health, and some of their experiences are now being adapted for the P&s undergraduate medical curriculum.

for more than a decade, a rapidly growing number of partnerships with community organiza- tions have allowed local residents to play a role in educating the health care providers of the future. these include:


panel discussion on he Medicine and the A medicine and ethics TArts seminar brought featured Peter Blake, writer and renowned Tony Award-winning consulting producer for the actress Angela Lansbury to hit television drama “House,” Columbia to discuss how the along with P&S faculty mem- arts bring greater sensitivity and bers Ken Prager, M.D., chair humanity to medicine. of Columbia’s Medical Ethics Committee, and Robert S. icholas Wade, veteran Brown Jr., M.D., chief of the Nscience writer at the Center for Liver Disease and New York Times, discussed Transplantation. and signed copies of his book, Angela Lansbury, jay Lefkowitch, M.D., and Lee Goldman, M.D. “Before the Dawn: Recover- ing the Lost History of Our P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 47

Best Beginnings, an early childhood support program in- Elementary School Health Partnerships, which this year tended to prevent child abuse and neglect received a federal Health Resources and services administra- tion grant to expand to eight more schools, serving more than the Reach Out and Read program, which involves local librar- 8,000 children in the next three years ies and literacy support programs The Lang Medical Youth Program, a six-year science enrich- the Injury and Violence Prevention Center, which grew out ment program that begins in the seventh grade of a project begun by local residents this past year, pediatrics residents assembled a multidisciplinary A domestic violence screening and intervention curricu- task force to move the children’s hospital toward achieving lum, developed as a result of hiring a community activist as a “baby friendly Hospital” status, a World Health organization member of the teaching faculty designation for hospitals that support breastfeeding. the task force includes representatives from local WIc programs and Project DOCC (Delivery of chronic care), a parent partner- alianza Dominicana, working together with hospital faculty ship aimed at teaching residents the effect of chronic illness on toward a major shift in culture surrounding newborn care and patients and their families breastfeeding.

Columbia University Head Start, which improves school readiness for more than 300 low-income children in Washing- ton Heights

Ancestors.” Mr. Wade examined ormer major league base- how scientists use DNA analysis Fball player Frank Torre and to understand prehistory. His his brother, former New York visit was co-sponsored by the Yankees manager Joe Torre, Department of Genetics & were joined by Mehmet Oz, Development and the Center M.D., to celebrate the 10th an- for Human Genetics. niversary of Frank Torre’s heart transplant. Te two baseball oan Didion, author of fve stars signed baseballs during an Jnovels and eight non-fction event at the Donald F. Tapley books, was the guest lecturer Faculty Club. for the 30th annual Alexander Ming Fisher Lecture. Frank Torre, Mehmet Oz, and joe Torre 48 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

Mental HealtH foR senIoRs In HaRleM

the hospitalization rate for mental illness in the new program channels psychiatrist services Harlem is startling — about 80 percent higher through primary care physicians. a psychiatrist than elsewhere in new York city. older citizens reviews certain cases to ensure patients receive of Harlem have long had trouble accessing good appropriate care and trains the center’s primary mental health care, because of the usual barriers care physicians to diagnose and treat mental to health care faced by elderly and low-income illness. the program is based on studies that people and the stigma in the community associ- have shown that a collaborative care model, in ated with treatment for mental illness. which a mental health specialist works with the primary care physician to diagnose and treat a new grant from the fan fox and leslie R. depression, leads to improvements in symptoms, samuels foundation has allowed the thelma c. better compliance with care, and greater patient Davidson adair Medical/Dental center, which satisfaction. If the model program is successful, provides medical and dental services to Harlem it may help guide mental health care delivery for families and cares for the elderly in particular, to other urban patient populations. integrate mental health services into its primary care program.


he New York State Psychiatric TInstitute hosted a Congres- sional feld hearing aimed at raising awareness about the lack of parity in health coverage for mental and addictive disorders. Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY), Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), and Jim Ramstad (R-Minn.) convened the hearing to solicit testimony on this subject in support of a bill they have introduced.

jeffrey Lieberman (director of the NYSPI), jim Ramstad, Charles Rangel, Lee Goldman (dean), and Patrick Kennedy. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 49


neurobiology and behavior Ph.D. student Kel- ley Remole not only studies neuroscience, she also likes to share her interest in the brain. she leads columbia’s activities for the national brain awareness Week and in april 2007 took her interest into a fourth-grade classroom in new York city.

brain awareness Week, co-sponsored by the Dana alliance for brain Initiatives and the society for neuroscience, encourages neuroscientists from around the country to organize community outreach events focused on the brain.

Growing up in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, Ms. Remole worked at a science museum during high school. as a Ph.D. student at columbia, she is studying how early disruption of brain devel- opment may increase the risk of schizophrenia in adolescence. Ph.D. student Kelley Remole with fourth graders in the school at columbia.

r. Roger D. Kornberg, hree generations r. Shafq Essajee, senior Dthe 2006 Nobel Prize Tof scientists who Dpediatric adviser to the winner in chemistry, was contributed to the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS awarded the 2006 Louisa Gross fundamental under- Initiative, delivered the keynote Horwitz Prize. He was honored standing of the aging address at the Community for his work revolutionizing process received the Pulse conference organized by the understanding of gene 2007 Horwitz Prize: students. Te one-day confer- transcription. Joseph G. Gall, Ph.D., ence explored the relationships Elizabeth H. Black- between health care providers burn, Ph.D., and Carol and the communities they serve. W. Greider, Ph.D.

Drs. Greider, Gall, and Blackburn 50 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


about 90 million americans have diffculty ate curricula for both families and health care understanding and using health information. providers. Using community members as focus People from low-income backgrounds and those groups, Heal will help to identify why some for whom english is not a frst language face individuals fnd it diffcult to adhere to medica- particular barriers to health literacy. columbia’s tion regimens and why provider instructions can Health education and adult literacy Program be misunderstood. With feedback from the focus (Heal) is designed to change that, by helping groups, Heal will design plain-language health health care providers identify, screen, and follow education materials aimed at combating the up with patients who have low health literacy. health literacy gap.

the program focuses on low-income fami- lies with children in northern Manhattan. It is developing culturally and linguistically appropri-

confeRence on HealtH caRe In tHe coMMUnItY

Many P&s students choose columbia because sity and students and professionals from else- of its strong commitment to community pro- where, including new York University and the grams. a group of P&s students sought to delve World Health organization. break-out sessions deeper into the issue of community by creating addressed partnerships between the medical community Pulse, a one-day conference on center and the community, ethical consider- community and health, exploring how medical ations for community-based research, the train- professionals can work with communities, rather ing of physicians to be community members and than dictating to them. “We wanted to fgure leaders, the intersection of the community and out how to determine what kind of services family medicine, the local and global connec- members of the community really need, beyond tion in health care, and health disparities among what we as clinicians or researchers think they minorities. need,” explains lauren taggart Wasson ’09, one of the conference organizers. speakers discussed model programs, such as the cooperation among more than 10 entities the conference brought together approximately in creating the Harlem children’s Zone asthma 65 participants — students and faculty from Initiative, a community, home-based interven- the medical, dental, nursing, and public health tion designed to educate and provide services schools and other schools of columbia Univer- for families and children living with asthma. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 51

“Many of us came to P&S because of its location in New York City and the Washington Heights community. Ultimately, we hope to become members of communities working together as partners in health care.” — Lauren Taggart Wasson ’09 52 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

qais Al-Awqati Spencer Amory Paul Appelbaum Richard Axel Suzanne Bakken Barbara Barlow

facUltY HonoRs

ELAINE ABRAMS, M.D., Pediatrics: John Bell, M.D., Award for Leadership in JULIA GLADE BENDER, M.D., Pediat- chair of the primary therapy committee of Medical Ethics and Professionalism by the rics: received a career development award as International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent American Medical Association a 2007 Irving Scholar for development of AIDS Clinical Trials agents targeting vascular endothelial growth RICHARD AXEL, M.D., Biochemistry & factor as treatments for pediatric solid QAIS AL-AWQATI, M.D., Medicine and Molecular Biophysics: honored with a 2007 tumors Physiology & Cellular Biophysics: received Double Helix Medal for Scientifc Achieve- the 2007 Homer W. Smith Award, given ment MARC BESSLER, M.D., Surgery: named jointly by American Society of Nephrology associate editor of the Journal of Surgery for and the New York Heart Association Coun- SUzANNE BAKKEN, RN, D.N.Sc., Obesity and Related Diseases cil on Blood Pressure Biomedical Informatics: selected as one of the 100 most distinguished alumni of the LORNA BREEN, M.D., Medicine: elected SPENCER AMORY, M.D., Surgery: UCSF School of Nursing to the board of directors of the American received the Leonard Tow Humanism in College of Emergency Physicians, New York Medicine Award presented annually by the BARBARA BARLOW, M.D., Surgery: chapter Arnold P. Gold Foundation and the NYPH/ received the Humanitarian Award from Allen Pavilion physician of the year award the Defning Moment Foundation and the GARY BRITTENHAM, M.D., Pediatrics: Lewis and Jack Rudin New York Prize for appointed to the expert panel of the NIH’s CONSTANTINE E. ANAGNOS- Medicine and Health Conference on Best Practices in Transfu- TOPOULOS, Sc.D., Surgery: made an sion Medicine for Patients with Sickle Cell honorary professor of cardiac surgery at the ROBYN BARST, M.D., Pediatrics: held a Disease University of Greece/Athens visiting professorship at the University of Bologna School of Medicine CAROLYN BRITTON, M.D., Neurol- PAUL APPELBAUM, M.D., Psychiatry: ogy: named president-elect of the National appointed to the Institute of Medicine’s LAXMI BAXI, M.D., Obstetrics & Gy- Medical Association Committee on Health Research and the necology: appointed an accredited repre- Privacy of Health Information; reappointed sentative of the International Federation of ALAN BROWN, M.D., Psychiatry: ap- chair of the American Psychiatric Associa- Gynecology and Obstetrics at the New York pointed to the editorial board of the Schizo- tion’s Council on Psychiatry and Law; and ofce of the United Nations phrenia Bulletin presented with the Isaac Hays, M.D., and P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 53

Laxmi Baxi julia Glade Bender Marc Bessler Carolyn Britton kathryn Calame Stanley Chang

MITCHELL CAIRO, M.D., Pediatrics, ored by the American Academy of Ophthal- BRUCE DOHRENWEND, Ph.D., Psychi- Medicine, and Pathology: named to the mology for a presentation on telemedical atry: received an award for best publication Pediatric Special Interest Group of the diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity from the American Sociological Association American Society of Blood & Marrow Transplantation PAOLO C. COLOMBO, M.D., Medicine: WAFAA EL-SADR, M.D., Medicine: received a career development award as a one of 50 global health experts selected KATHRYN CALAME, Ph.D., Microbiolo- 2007 Irving Scholar for studies examining as 2007-2008 ambassador for the Paul G. gy and Biochemistry & Molecular Biophys- the correlation between endothelial oxida- Rogers Society for Global Health Research; ics: elected to the Institute of Medicine tive stress and chronic heart failure received a Scroll of Merit award from the National Medical Association; was MARTIN CHALFIE, Ph.D., Gradu- ROBERT COWLES, M.D., Surgery: ap- selected by the Infectious Diseases Society of ate School Faculty: elected Fellow of the pointed a Fellow of the American Academy America for the Edward Kass Lectureship; American Association for the Advancement of Pediatrics and delivered the annual Arthur Ashe AIDS of Science Endowment Lecture at Weill-Cornell MARY D’ALTON, M.D., Obstetrics & STANLEY CHANG, M.D., Ophthalmol- Gynecology: appointed assistant secretary of DANIEL FEINGOLD, M.D., Surgery: ogy: received a Castle Connolly National the New York Obstetrical Society; appointed named a Fellow of the American College of Physician of the Year Award for Clinical secretary of the American Gynecological and Surgeons Excellence; received the 2006 Hobie Award Obstetrical Society; and received the Society from the New York State Ophthalmological for Maternal-Fetal Medicine achievement RUTH L. FISCHBACH, Ph.D., Psychia- Society; and received the Jackson Memorial award recognizing contributions to the feld try: elected Fellow of the American Associa- Lecture Award from the American Academy and her role as a mentor tion for the Advancement of Science of Ophthalmology RICHARD DECKELBAUM, M.D., Pedi- HASAN GARAN, M.D., Medicine: WENDY CHAVKIN, M.D., Obstetrics atrics: appointed a member of the advisory received a Ewig Award grant, honoring faculty & Gynecology: received the Felicia Stewart board for the Post-Katrina Support Fund who have shown excellence in clinical teaching Advocacy Award from the American Public Initiative; named president of the Global Health Association for her commitment to Health Education Consortium; awarded SAADI GHATAN, M.D., Neurological advocacy on behalf of reproductive health honorary membership in the American Surgery: received a career development and rights Dietetic Association; and appointed chair award as a 2007 Irving Scholar for tests of a of the econutrition task force, International new, noninvasive technique to examine the MICHAEL F. CHIANG, M.D., Ophthal- Union of Nutritional Sciences area of the brain responsible for epileptic mology and Biomedical Informatics: hon- seizures in susceptible children 54 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

elsa Giardina Arnold Gold joseph Graziano james Guarrera eric Hall ziv Haskal

facUltY HonoRs

ELSA GIARDINA, M.D., Medicine: PAUL GORDON, M.D., Neurology: award- JAMES GUARRERA, M.D., Surgery: appointed chair of the strategic planning ed a Fulbright scholarship for 2007-2008 elected to membership in the American committee for the Sarnof Cardiovascular Society of Transplant Surgeons Research Foundation’s 25th anniversary ROBERT GRANT, M.D., Surgery: elected to membership in the American Association ERIC J. HALL, D.Phil., Radiation Oncol- JAY A. GINGRICH, M.D., Ph.D., Psychia- of Plastic Surgeons ogy: awarded the Gray Medal from the In- try: selected to help plan the NIH Blueprint ternational Commission on Radiation Units for Neurodevelopment and selected as new JOSEPH GRAzIANO, Ph.D., Pharma- and Measurements director of the Frontier Fund cology: elected a Fellow of the Collegium Ramazzini and appointed to the National zIV HASKAL, M.D., Radiology: served as ALEXANDER GLASSMAN, M.D., Advisory Environmental Health Sciences program chair for the 2007 Society of Inter- Psychiatry: awarded the Anna-Monika Prize, Council ventional Radiology annual meeting recognizing his work on the onset of major depression associated with acute coronary PETER H.R. GREEN, M.D., Medicine: CHRISTOPHER HENDERSON, Ph.D., syndromes received the 2007 Mentors Research Scholar Pathology: honored with the Sheila Essey Award, honoring both mentoring and Award for ALS Research by the American Acad- STEPHEN P. GOFF, Ph.D., Biochemistry fund-raising by the Board of Directors of emy of Neurology and the ALS Association & Molecular Biophysics and Microbiology: the American Gastroenterology Association’s elected Fellow of the American Association Foundation for Digestive Health and Nutri- BARRY HONIG, Ph.D., Biochemistry & for the Advancement of Science tion, and received the Master Endoscopist Molecular Biophysics: inducted into the Award at the 2007 ASGE Crystal Awards American Academy of Arts & Sciences; re- ARNOLD GOLD, M.D., Neurology: ceived the 2007 Alexander Hollaender Award named the 2007 Edward J. Ill M.D. Physi- ERIC GREENE, Ph.D., Biochemistry & in Biophysics from the National Academy cian of the Year for the State of New Jersey Molecular Biophysics: received a White of Sciences for outstanding contributions in by the Edward J. Ill Excellence in Medicine House Presidential early career award from biophysics; and guest of honor at a sym- Association the National Science Foundation posium on implicit-solvent models at the American Chemical Society in Chicago LEE GOLDMAN, M.D., Dean: awarded LAURENCE GREENHILL, M.D., Psychia- the 2007 John Phillips Memorial Award by try: named president-elect of the American the American College of Physicians Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 55

Christopher Henderson Barry Honig joshua Hyman eric kandel Robert klitzman Marianne Legato

JOSHUA E. HYMAN, M.D., Orthopedic DANIEL KASS, M.D., Medicine: received JAMES A. LEE, M.D., Surgery: received Surgery: became a member of the American a mentored clinical scientist research career a 2007 bronze Telly award for work on an Orthopaedic Association and inducted into development award from the National Heart, educational video to be part of COACH, an the Orthopaedic Honor Society Lung and Blood Institute online surgical training program under devel- opment by Dr. Lee and surgery colleagues WILLIAM B. INABNET, M.D., Surgery: PETRA KAUFMANN, M.D., Neurology: appointed chair of the American Society for received the Lea Rose Spinal Muscular Atro- PAUL LEE, M.D., Ph.D., Medicine: Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery’s research phy Research Award received a Ewig Award grant, honoring committee; named to the executive council of faculty who have shown excellence in clinical the American College of Surgeons’ Commit- KRzYSzTOF KIRYLUK, M.D., Medicine: teaching tee for Video-Based Education; and elected received the 2007 Daland Fellowship in to membership in the Society of University Clinical Investigation awarded by the Ameri- BARRON LERNER, M.D., Ph.D., Medi- Surgeons can Philosophical Society cine: received a Ewig Award grant, honoring faculty who have shown excellence in clinical PABLO JOO, M.D., Medicine: nominated KATHLEEN KLINK, M.D., Medicine: teaching for the Association of American Medical Col- awarded a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation leges 2007 Humanism in Medicine Award Health Policy Fellowship JENNIFER LEVINE, M.D., Pediatrics: named an AFLAC scholar for her work as ERIC KANDEL, M.D., Physiology & ROBERT KLITzMAN, M.D., Psychiatry: medical director of the Center for Survivor Cellular Biophysics, Psychiatry, and Bio- named by the New York governor to the Wellness in the Herbert Irving Child and chemistry & Molecular Biophysics: won ethics committee of the Empire State Stem Adolescent Oncology Center the National Academies’ 2007 National Cell Board Communication Award for the year’s best JEFFREY LIEBERMAN, M.D., Psychiatry: book; received the Benjamin Franklin Medal ERICA KOVACS, Ph.D., Psychiatry: elected received the American Psychiatric Associa- for distinguished achievement in the sciences to the executive council of the American tion’s highest honor, the 2007 Adolf Meyer from the American Philosophical Society; Psychological Association’s Division 33 as a Award, and was awarded the Lieber Prize for received the McKnight Recognition Award member-at-large Schizophrenia Research from NARSAD, the from McKnight Conference for Neurosci- mental health research association ence; received the Louise T. Blouin Founda- MARIANNE J. LEGATO, M.D., Medicine: tion Award; and received honorary doctorates delivered the keynote address on gender-spe- from NYU and Rockefeller University cifc medicine at a conference in Japan and invited to deliver the keynote address at the JESSICA KANDEL, M.D., Surgery: elected 3rd International Congress in Gender Medi- to membership in the American Surgical cine sponsored by the Karolinska Institute in Association Stockholm, Sweden 56 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

Ian Lipkin jose Luchsinger william Macaulay j. john Mann Richard Mayeux Maurizio Miglietta

facUltY HonoRs

IAN LIPKIN, M.D., Pathology: elected tive against cognitive decline and received PAUL C. MCCORMICK, M.D., Neuro- a Fellow of the American Academy for a research grant from the Alzheimer’s Drug logical Surgery: one of fve alumni of Co- Microbiology and the Institute of Medicine Discovery Foundation for pilot testing of lumbia College chosen to receive the John honored him with the Invited Lectureship, Metformin Jay Award, the college’s highest honor “Institute of Medicine, Infectious Disease Surveillance and Detection: Assessing the WILLIAM MACAULAY, M.D., Orthope- JAMES MCKINSEY, M.D., Surgery: Challenges, Finding Solutions,” in dic Surgery: received the third annual Law- named chair of the American College of Washington, D.C. rence D. Dorr M.D. Award for the most Surgeons’ medical student education outstanding paper in surgical techniques committee ARNOLD LISIO, M.D., Medicine: co- and technologies, given by the American recipient of a lifetime achievement award Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons MAURIzIO A. MIGLIETTA, D.O., from the Manhattan-based Health Care Surgery: received an award from the Federal Chaplaincy J. JOHN MANN, M.D., Neuroscience: Enforcement Homeland Security Foun- received the International Association for dation for his work with New York law ROGERIO LOBO, M.D., Obstetrics & Suicide Prevention’s Stengel Research Award enforcement Gynecology: named recipient of the North American Menopause Society’s Bayer ANDREW MARKS, M.D., Physiology & ANDREW MORAN, M.D., Medicine: re- HealthCare Pharmaceuticals ET/EPT Cellular Biophysics: named president of the ceived a research award from the Matheson Research Award for 2007 Harvey Society Foundation to create a predictive computer model of the future cardiovascular disease STEVEN LOBRITTO, M.D., Pediatrics RICHARD MAYEUX, M.D., Neurology epidemic in China and Medicine: appointed at-large member and Psychiatry: received the 2007 Potamkin of the liver and intestinal organ transplant Prize, the most prestigious prize awarded by NICHOLAS MORRISSEY, M.D., Sur- and pediatric transplantation committees, the American Academy of Neurology gery: appointed to the editorial board of the Organ Procurement & Transplantation Net- Journal of Vascular Surgery work/United Network for Organ Sharing BRIAN D. MCCABE, Ph.D., Physiology & Cellular Biophysics: appointed to the edi- JOSE A. LUCHSINGER, M.D., Medi- torial board of PLoS ONE, a peer-reviewed cine: received a career development award as scientifc research publication from the a 2007 Irving Scholar for clinical testing of Public Library of Science the diabetes drug Metformin as a preventa- P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 57

Yuval Neria Carl Olsson Ariel Pablos-Méndez Timothy Pedley Harold Pincus Carlos jose Rodriguez

YUVAL NERIA, Ph.D., Psychiatry: hon- KIRAN PANDIT, M.D., Medicine: elected RAVICHANDRAN RAMASAMY, Ph.D., ored with the 2007 Klerman Award for out- to the board of directors of the American Surgery: appointed to the American Federa- standing clinical research from NARSAD, Academy of Emergency Medicine in India tion of Aging Research’s National Scientifc the mental health research association Advisory Council JOSEPH PARKER, Ph.D., Genetics & SHARON OBERFIELD, M.D., Pediatrics: Development: awarded a fellowship by the ADAM RATNER, M.D., Pediatrics: appointed a member of the clinical guide- Wellcome Trust, an independent, UK-based appointed to the peer review panel of the lines subcommittee of the Endocrine Society charity that focuses on funding innovative Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute, and of the pediatric endocrinology self- research into human and animal health which was established to study the impact assessment subcommittee, American Board of secondhand smoke on fight attendants, of Pediatrics, and appointed to a four-year TIMOTHY A. PEDLEY, M.D, Neurology: and appointed to the editorial board of PLoS term on the Diabetes and Digestive and elected to the Institute of Medicine ONE, a peer-reviewed scientifc research Kidney Diseases Initial Review Committee, publication from the Public Library of Sci- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive HAROLD PINCUS, M.D., Psychiatry: ence and Kidney Diseases named to a two-year term as chair of the NIH’s Clinical and Translational Science CARLOS JOSE RODRIGUEz, M.D., CARL A. OLSSON, M.D., Urology: re- Awards Evaluation Steering Committee Medicine: chosen as a Robert Wood John- ceived a Boston University Alumni Award son Foundation Scholar and accepted into XAVIER PI-SUNYER, M.D., Medicine: the Harold Amos Medical Faculty Develop- ARIEL PABLOS-MéNDEz, M.D., awarded a doctor honoris causa degree from ment Program Medicine: named managing director of the the Tor Vergata University of Rome Rockefeller Foundation in New York City ERIC A. ROSE, M.D., Surgery: selected KENNETH PRAGER, M.D., Medicine: as 2007’s William W.L. Glenn Lecturer and received a Ewig Award grant, honoring named to the Department of Health and faculty who have shown excellence in clini- Human Services’ National Biodefense Sci- cal teaching, and received the Leonard Tow ence Board Humanism in Medicine Award presented annually by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation 58 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

allan Rosenfeld Herbert schlesinger David shaffer craig smith Margaret spinelli

facUltY HonoRs

ALLAN ROSENFIELD, M.D., Obstetrics PRAKASH SATWANI, M.D., Pediatrics: DAVID SHAFFER, M.D., Pediatrics and & Gynecology and dean emeritus of the appointed to the editorial board of the jour- Psychiatry: awarded a lifetime achievement Mailman School of Public Health: received nal Bone Marrow Transplantation award by the American Foundation for Sui- the 2007 United Nations Population cide Prevention; will become president-elect Award; elected as a Fellow of the American CHARLES SCHLEIEN, M.D., Pediatrics: of the International Academy for Suicide Academy of Arts and Sciences; received the elected to fellowship in the American Heart Research in 2009; and named chair of the Joseph Calloway Prize for the Defense of Association by the Council on Cardiopul- American Academy of Child and Adolescent the Right to Privacy from the New York monary, Perioperative and Critical Care Psychiatry’s research working group Civil Liberties Union Reproductive Rights and awarded a presidential citation by the Project; honored by the International Society of Critical Care Medicine HOWARD SHUMAN, M.D., Microbiol- Women’s Health Coalition for dedication to ogy: received a visiting professorship from health of women worldwide and commit- HERBERT J. SCHLESINGER, Ph.D., Hebrew University of Jerusalem ment to reproductive rights and health; and Psychiatry: received the George Goldman honored by the Association of Schools of Merit Award for excellence in teaching from CRAIG R. SMITH, M.D., Surgery: ap- Public Health, which voted unanimously the Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine pointed associate editor of the Journal of to rename the ASPH/CDC Global AIDS Toracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and Fellowship Program in his honor DAVID SCHNADOWER, M.D., Pe- received the Heart of New York Award for diatrics: named associate chairman of the achievement in cardiovascular science and JAMES E. ROTHMAN, Ph.D., Physiology pediatric emergency medicine collaborative medicine by the American Heart Association & Cellular Biophysics: elected Fellow of the research committee, American Academy of American Association for the Advancement Pediatrics ROMAN SNIHUROWYCH, M.D., of Science Psychiatry: awarded a Fulbright scholarship BRIAN SCULLY, M.D., Medicine: re- for 2007-2008 MARK J. RUSSO, M.D., Surgery: recipi- ceived a Ewig Award grant, honoring faculty ent of the 2006-2007 Blakemore Award and who have shown excellence in clinical JOSHUA R. SONETT, M.D., Surgery: Prize for research on heart failure and heart/ teaching, and the Distinguished Practitio- received the 2007 Chesed Humanitarian lung replacement ner Award for 2007 by the CUMC Society Award for excellence in local medical and of Practitioners surgical care P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 59

David Strauss Nancy Strauss B. Timothy walsh Carolyn westhoff Gail williams Robert winchester

MARGARET SPINELLI, M.D., Psychia- B. TIMOTHY WALSH, M.D., Psychiatry: GAIL WILLIAMS, M.D., Medicine: try: chaired the National Institute of Mental named to the American Psychiatric As- received a Ewig Award grant, honoring Health review committee for small business sociation’s DSM-V task force as chair of the faculty who have shown excellence in clini- grants to develop educational Web sites for eating disorders working group cal teaching postpartum depression SHARON WARDLAW, M.D., Medicine: ROBERT J. WINCHESTER, M.D., MILAN STOJANOVIC, Ph.D., Medicine: received a Ewig Award grant, honoring Pediatrics: appointed to a one-year term as a received a 2007 New York Academy of Sci- faculty who have shown excellence in clini- member of the Arthritis, Connective Tissue ences’ Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists cal teaching and Skin Study Section for the NIH Center for Scientifc Review DAVID STRAUSS, M.D., Psychiatry: MYRNA WEISSMAN, Ph.D., Psychiatry: appointed to the Human Research Protec- received the Society of Biological Psy- SHIDU YAN, M.D., Pathology: named tions National Advisory Committee of the chiatry’s Gold Medal Award for pioneering associate editor of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Department of HHS research in biological psychiatry Disease

NANCY STRAUSS, M.D., Rehabilitation CAROLYN WESTHOFF, M.D., Obstet- JEFFREY zITSMAN, M.D., Surgery: Medicine: one of 10 individuals selected na- rics & Gynecology: elected to the Institute named to the Committee on Childhood tionally for the rehabilitation management of Medicine and appointed to the Accredi- Obesity of the American Pediatric panel of the CDC’s Muscular Dystrophy tation Committee on Graduate Medical Association Care Considerations group Education

DAVID SULzER, Ph.D., Psychiatry: NANCY S. WEXLER, Ph.D., Neurology: Additional faculty honors listings can received a Columbia Integrated Science & received the Benjamin Franklin Medal in be found at Engineering award for exploratory research Life Science from the Franklin Institute celebrates.

WILL TURNER, M.D., Medicine: received MICHAEL WIGLER, Ph.D., Genetics & a Ewig Award grant, honoring faculty who Development: winner of a 2007 Double have shown excellence in clinical teaching Helix Medal for Scientifc Achievement 60 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


the college of Physicians & surgeons appreciates Psychiatry with a gift to the Ruane center for the generosity of our donors and the commit- the early Identifcation of Mood Disorders, which ments they make to ensure continued excellence will support research on, and prevention of, teen as we partner to defne the future of healthcare. suicide. We are grateful for our donors’ strong belief in the vision and mission of the medical college David F. and Harriet E. Dyer established a fund and for their gifts which, during fscal year 2007, through the Dyer family foundation to support totaled more than $167 million. Thanks to this clinical and research activities of the naomi berrie outstanding generosity, columbia continues to Diabetes center. make great strides in the mission to provide the fnest patient care; understand, treat, and prevent Recently inducted member of the cUMc board diseases; and educate the next generation of phy- of Visitors John L. Eastman, together with sicians and scientists. as chairman of our capital Josephine (Jodie) M. Eastman and Louise campaign, P. Roy Vagelos, M.D., P&s ’54 has been Eastman Loening, made a generous pledge instrumental in shepherding this tremendous to establish the j. Merrill eastman Professorship progress as, together, we pave the way on the fund for the clinical co-director of the naomi journey toward our destiny of top fve status in berrie Diabetes center. the nation. The Charles Engelhard Foundation and Sally the following, listed alphabetically, are some of Engelhard Pingree, Trustee, made a gift to the the many signifcant contributions that our family Department of Psychiatry to support a young of supporters provided during the past year. adult treatment program for at-risk students on college campuses. a grateful patient, who wishes to remain anonymous, made a frst-time gift to establish an The Boomer Esiason Foundation established unrestricted endowment fund that can be used the Gunnar esiason Adult Cystic Fibrosis and by the chair of the Department of Urology to lung Program. the pledge complements prior support the priorities of the department. support made by the foundation for the pediatric cystic fbrosis program. Michele and Timothy R. Barakett provided funds to support research and/or teaching Louis V. Gerstner Jr. made a gift through the activities in men’s health issues in the Division of Gerstner Family Foundation to establish the Louis cardiology and the Department of Urology. v. Gerstner jr. Scholars Fund, which will support physician-scientists who conduct translational The Carmel Hill Fund continued its generous research designed to bring new treatments to support of the Division of child and adolescent patients. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 61

Louis v. Gerstner jr. Dawn Greene

a generous grant from the Jerome L. Greene Institute for clinical and translational Research. Foundation has been used to launch the cardi- their generosity will help columbia to forge a ac Valve Program in the Department of Medicine. better understanding of cancer and to develop the new program will integrate noninvasive, new therapies in the search for a cure. through interventional, and surgical management options the Irving Institute, Mr. and Mrs. Irving support for patients with valvular heart disease. young physician investigators, known as Irving scholars, to launch interesting and potentially columbia University Medical center benefac- fruitful avenues of research in anticipation of tors Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Irving continued future nIH support. their enduring support of cancer research and treatment programs with generous funding of The Jesselson Foundation made a pledge in the Herbert Irving comprehensive cancer center support of the research of Dr. allan schwartz and and the Irving center for clinical Research, which his team to help advance knowledge in cardiology. has been reconfgured and renamed the Irving 62 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

Marianne and allen Mebane IV Russell and angelica berrie jerome and Ruth Siegel

through The Katz Foundation, lewis Katz clinical Research fund at columbia University established the lewis Katz Visiting Professor- Medical center. the fund focuses on genetic and ship in cardiovascular Research and the lewis clinical research on mitochondrial diseases. Katz cardiovascular Research Prize for a Young Investigator. both awards provide funding for the Marianne and Allen Mebane IV made a recipients to continue their world-class work in generous pledge to the Division of Digestive and the study and treatment of heart disease. liver Diseases to provide vital resources that will help the division recruit and retain the best and the Thomas L. Kempner Jr. Foundation Inc. brightest faculty, compete successfully for federal established a fund to support research in osteo- research funding, and improve treatment for pa- porosis and metabolic bone diseases. tients with a spectrum of diseases and disorders affecting the digestive system. columbia University trustee Gerry Lenfest endowed the lenfest financial aid scholarship The Merrill Lynch Foundation is supporting fund, which will support need-based scholar- research into the genetic infuences involved in ships. alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenera- tive diseases of aging. the foundation’s gift to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lieber and the Essel the taub Institute for Research on alzheimer’s Foundation made an extraordinary gift to Disease and the aging brain will be used to help expand the lieber center for schizophrenia identify those at risk for alzheimer’s disease and Research. the gift will be distributed among related disorders and to develop the means to research initiatives, a translational therapeutics prevent or delay the onset of these conditions. professorship, and the new lieber clinic for comprehensive care. Robert S. and Roberta L. Reitzes made a commitment to underwrite current initiatives at The Marriott Family and the Medical Illness the naomi berrie Diabetes center. the gift will Counseling Center have pledged continuing foster improved understanding of diabetes and support of the Marriott Mitochondrial Disorders its complications. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 63

furthering its long-standing commitment to fnd- ogy. the fund will help bridge the gap between ing a cure for diabetes, the Russell Berrie Foun- postfellowship training and independent, labo- dation made an extraordinary commitment of ratory-based investigations of physician-scientists $21 million to the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center who are committed to conducting immunology- to support clinical care, research, community out- related clinical or translational research. reach, and faculty. the gift will provide current funds for collaborative research and clinical care The Simons Foundation continued support and endowment for a professorship and for the of the Department of Psychiatry with gifts to center. the foundation also made a contribu- support autism research and the developmental tion to the center in support of the naomi berrie neuropsychiatry program. award for achievement in Diabetes Research and the frontiers in Diabetes Research symposium. Donna and Harvey Sorkin have continued their steadfast support to the Division of Pediatric The May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation surgery. Under the leadership of committed and the Louis and Rachel Rudin Foundation surgical scientists, the division continues to thrive continue to help P&s and school of nursing stu- in both basic and applied research. dents pursue careers in health care. the two philan- thropic families, through the joint funding of the Emily and Jerry Spiegel, long-time supporters Rudin scholars Program, provide important support of neuroscience research at P&s, have made a for tomorrow’s fnest health care professionals. pledge to establish an endowed chair for a neu- roscience researcher who holds a joint appoint- Recently elected member of the columbia ment in a clinical and basic science department. University Medical center board of Visitors Lynn the spiegel family is committed to furthering Shostack has provided a pledge to launch the neurological stem cell research. David A. Gardner New Initiatives Fund, a current use and unrestricted fund. Ms. shostack’s sup- Judith P. Sulzberger, M.D., continues to play port will also fund the establishment of a new a critical role in the development of the colum- genetics core that is being developed. bia Genome Center that bears her name. Most recently, she endowed the Isidore edelman, M.D. The Frank V. Sica & Colleen McMahon Foun- Professorship in biochemistry & Molecular bio- dation made a contribution in support of the physics, named in memory of the genome center’s Pancreas center. the Pancreas center fosters a former director. the goal of the center is to adapt multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of novel genomics technologies to enable break- pancreatic cancer and sponsors basic and clinical throughs in biological and biomedical science. research to investigate the biology of the disease. columbia University Medical center partnered to ensure that young scientists are equipped with Time for Lyme Inc. and the Lyme Dis- with requisite skills, Ruth and Jerome A. Siegel ease Association Inc. to launch the lyme and established an advanced training fund in the tick-borne Diseases Research center. the two Department of Medicine’s Division of Rheumatol- major non-proft organizations made a joint 64 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

commitment to endow the center, which is the George , M.D., made a series of gifts to frst university-based, multidepartmental lyme establish the Violin Professorship for the beneft disease research center in the world to focus on of the Wu center for Molecular cardiology chronic lyme and tick-borne disease. in the Department of Physiology and cellular Biophysics. Dr. violin and his wife, joan, have Leonard Tow and his wife, Claire, have made established a fund to provide ongoing support of a generous pledge through the leonard and Wu center priorities. claire tow charitable trust to support recruit- ment, research, and management of the center for Motor neuron biology and Disease to advance science that is relevant to als or motor neuron biology.

Mrs. Dawn Greene, Lee Goldman, M.D., Roy vagelos, M.D., and Mrs. Greene’s daughter christina McInerney P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 65

GeNeROUS DONORS 2006–2007

$1 MILLION AND MORe Louise Eastman Loening $500,000–$999,999 $100,000–$499,999 Medical Illness Counseling Anonymous (2) Center Alzheimer’s Disease & Related John W. Abene Michele and Timothy R. Barakett Merrill Lynch & Co. Disorders Association, Inc. Te Judith & Jean Pape Adams Te Russell Berrie Foundation Foundation, Inc. American Cancer Society Charitable Foundation Angelica Berrie Paul & Irma Milstein Foundation American Diabetes Association American Foundation for Suicide Ann Lee Saunders Brown Irma and Paul Milstein Research Foundation, Inc. Prevention Carmel Hill Fund Muscular Dystrophy American Heart Association, Inc. Foundation for Digestive Health Josephine M. and John L. Association, Inc. Avon Products Foundation, Inc. and Nutrition Eastman Parkinson’s Disease Te Burch Family Foundation Gail Holmes and Herbert Allen Jr. Charles Engelhard Foundation Foundation, Inc. Dale and Robert L. Burch III Allergan, Inc. Te Boomer Esiason Foundation Pediatric Cancer Research Cancer Research Institute Alliance for Lupus Research Essel Foundation Foundation Cystic Fibrosis Foundation American Heart Association, Inc. Foundation for Te National Te Pfzer Foundation, Inc. Te Einhorn Family Charitable American Liver Foundation Institutes of Health Sally Engelhard Pingree Trust American Red Cross Bill and Melinda Gates Te Edward S. Reiner Revocable David Einhorn and Cheryl Beth Amicus Terapeutics, Inc. Foundation Trust Strauss-Einhorn Anonymous (4) Te Gatsby Charitable Edward S. Reiner Faith and Philip H. Geier Jr. Association of Alumni of the Col- Foundation Roberta L. and Robert S. Reitzes Milton and Miriam Handler lege of Physicians & Surgeons Te Louis V. Gerstner Jr. Susan and Jack Rudin Foundation Association of University Profes- Foundation, Inc. Fayez Sarofm Te Hope Sheridan Foundation sors of Ophthalmology, Inc. Robin and Louis V. Gerstner Jr. G. Lynn Shostack Juvenile Diabetes Research Te Dr. Robert C. Atkins Te Jerome L. Greene Te Frank V. Sica & Colleen Foundation International Foundation Foundation, Inc. McMahon Foundation Te Katz Foundation Dorothy and Ralph M. Bahna Dawn Greene Frank V. Sica Lewis Katz, Esq., and Marjorie Banbury Fund, Inc. Elisabeth K. Harris Trust Te Jerry and Emily Spiegel Lewis Robert Bendheim Stephen P. Hersh, M.D. Family Foundation, Inc. Quentin J. Kennedy Foundation Solomon Berg Robin Hood Foundation Emily and Jerry Spiegel Mary and Quentin J. Kennedy BrainCells, Inc. Hope & Heroes Children’s Spinal Muscular Atrophy March of Dimes Birth Defects Estate of Isabel F. Bross Cancer Fund Foundation Foundation Harriet and Daniel B. Burke Institute on Medicine as a Anne and Bernard Spitzer Joan and Paul A. Marks, M.D.’49 Cure Autism Now Foundation Profession, Inc. Judith P. Sulzberger, M.D.’49, Te G. Harold & Leila Y. Pamela Cantor, M.D. Florence and Herbert Irving and Budd Levinson Mathers Charitable Foundation Frank Cardile Jesselson Foundation Henry & Marilyn Taub Marianne and G. Allen Mebane IV Victoria Carvajal Erica and Michael G. Jesselson Foundation National Alliance for Research on Children’s Digestive Health and Te Robert Wood Johnson Te Leonard and Claire Tow Schizophrenia and Depression Nutrition Foundation Foundation Charitable Trust, Inc. Charles M. Royce Christopher Reeve Foundation Te Kavli Foundation Claire and Leonard Tow, Ph.D. Joan and Michael Schneeweiss F. D’Amico Fred Kavli Joan and George A. Violin, Mary and Paul C. Schorr IV Te Dana Foundation Karen Andresen Kennedy, M.D.’67 Te Simons Foundation Hilda & Preston Davis M.D.’91, and Kevin W. Susan and Kenneth M. Weil Marilyn and James H. Simons Foundation Kennedy Clyde and Helen Wu Family Te Sternlicht Family Foundation Andrew G. Dean Marguerite and Gerry Lenfest Foundation Miriam and Barry S. Sternlicht Judith and Phil DiBella Te Leukemia & Lymphoma Helen and Clyde Y.C. Wu, Te Strahl Family Foundation Peggy and Millard Drexler Family Society M.D.’56 Ellen and Martin Strahl Foundation Constance and Stephen A. Lieber Marilyn and Henry Taub Peggy and Millard S. Drexler Time for Lyme, Inc. 66 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

Doris Duke Charitable Hickey Family Foundation T.J. Martell Foundation for Renee and Robert Rimsky Foundation Te Irma T. Hirschl Trust Leukemia, Cancer and AIDS Maud and William S. Robertson Dyer Family Foundation Hope for Depression Research Research Barbara and John R. Robinson Harriet E. and David F. Dyer Foundation, Inc. James S. McDonnell Foundation Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller Dystonia Medical Research Howard Hughes Medical Institute Te Medical Foundation, Inc. Fund Foundation Human Frontier Science Progam Sue and Robert B. Mellins, M.D. Te Louis and Rachel Rudin EBI, L.P. ICAP Services North America LLC Alonzo H. Mourning Foundation, Inc. Entertainment Industry Frederick J. Iseman Cecilia K. Mullen and Peter P. Rx Foundation Foundation Mary and Michael Jaharis Jr. Mullen, Esq. Te S. L. E. Lupus Foundation, Emerald Foundation, Inc. Estate of S. Fosdick Jones JoAnn and Joseph M. Murphy Inc. Empire Ofce, Inc. Te Kaplen Foundation James M. Nederlander Susie and David John Sainsbury Epstein Philanthropies W.K. Kellogg Foundation Foundation Inc. Te Sallie Foundation, Inc. Estate of Telma Ewig Tomas L. Kempner Jr. James Laurence Nederlander Te Sandler Family Supporting Eye Surgery Fund, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Barry Neustein Foundation Feldstein Family Charitable Katheryn Clewes Patterson and Samuel I. Newhouse Marion and Herbert M. Foundation Tomas L. Kempner Jr. Foundation, Inc. Sandler, Esq. Richard and Judy Feldstein Charles W. Kirkwood Susan and Donald E. Newhouse Joyce and Horace M. Shafer, Fidelity Non-Proft Management Selma Klingenstein Te Weiner Nusim Foundation M.D.’46 Foundation Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Roberta Nusim Beth and David E. Shaw, Ph.D. Flight Attendant Medical Foundation Octoberwoman Foundation Ruth and Jerome A. Siegel Research Institute, Inc. Carol and R. Duf Kurland Origins Natural Resources, Inc. Dinakar Singh and Florence A. Te Foundation Fighting Estee Lauder, Inc. Orthopaedic Research & Eng Blindness, Inc. Helaine and Sidney Lerner Education Foundation Smart Family Foundation, Inc. Te Fan Fox and Leslie R. Joseph LeRoy & Ann C. Warner Orthopaedic Scientifc Research Estate of Alan Deforest Smith Samuels Foundation, Inc. Fund, Inc. Foundation Estate of Hester Cora Smith Friends of the Congressional Leventhal Family Charitable Te David and Lucile Packard Donna and Harvey Sorkin Glaucoma Caucus Foundation Foundation Te Starr Foundation Foundation, Inc. Beth and Ira Leventhal David H. Panasci Bonita and Bennett M. Stein, M.D. Lawrence Gaslow Harold Levy Partners Health Care System Ruth and Milton Steinbach Genentech, Incorporated Shirley Lindenbaum Pediatric Cancer Foundation Fund, Inc. Claude P. J. Ghez, M.D. Leon Lowenstein Robert A. Petersen, M.D.’59, and Alexander & Margaret Stewart Frank J. Gillespie Fund at Te Foundation, Inc. Veronica S. Petersen, M.D.’59 Trust New York Community Trust Te Lucerne Foundation Pfzer Incorporated Stryker Orthopaedics, Inc. Glaubinger Foundation Ludwig Institute for Cancer Pfzer International Inc. Te Sulzberger Foundation, Inc. Lucienne and Lawrence D. Research Te Picower Foundation Te Swartz Foundation Glaubinger David L. Luke III David N. Pincus Swim Across America GlaxoSmithKline Lundbeck Research USA, Inc. Poly-Flex Corp. Te Tamarind Foundation, Inc. Diane Goldberg Foundation Lupus Research Institute, Inc. Project A.L.S. Inc. Joseph and Arlene Taub Estate of Mildred Goldberg Lyme Disease Association, Inc. Prostate Cancer Foundation Foundation Arlene & Arnold Goldstein Te MAC Global Foundation Andrew Pujol Arlene and Joseph Taub Family Foundation Te John D. and Catherine T. Recanati Foundation Milton S. Teicher Arlene and Arnold Goldstein MacArthur Foundation Homer McK. Rees Tompson Family Fund at Te Du Val R. Goldthwaite Charitable Contributions Monterey Fund Inc. Denver Foundation Howard L. Gottlieb Living Trust Earle Irving Mack Reliant Pharmaceuticals, Te Susan Tompson Bufett Howard Gottlieb Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Incorporated Foundation Te Helis Foundation Adrienne Helis Malvin Research to Prevent Blindness Viki and Jack Tompson Henry A. Panasci Jr. Fund Darren M. Manelski Endowment Fund Turnaround for Children Te William and Flora Hewlett Barbara and David I. Margolis Charles H. Revson Whitehall Foundation, Inc. Foundation Cherry and Donald Marshall Foundation, Inc. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 67

Te Helen Hay Whitney Children’s Neuroblastoma Cancer Anne Harrison and William B. National Board of Medical Foundation Foundation Harrison Jr. Examiners Te Widgeon Point Charitable Denise and Eugene Chinery Antoine G. Hatoun and Andrea National Foundation for Cancer Foundation Te Ayco Charitable Foundation G. Levitt Research Anne and John C. Wilsey, Karen and Howard L. Clark Jr. Huntington’s Disease Society of National Kidney Foundation M.D.’47 Estate of Dorothea S. Corwin America Te New York Academy of Estate of Walter Winchester Te CRH Foundation Jerry Heymann Medicine Norman & Rosita Winston Filomen M. D’Agostino Estate of George A. Hyman New York Stem Cell Foundation, Inc. Foundation Corp. Intel Corporation Foundation, Inc. zimmer Inc. Jean S. and Richard E. Deems Cornelia and Peter S. Jensen, M.D. Henry Nias Foundation, Inc. zo’s Fund for Life Dermatology Foundation Te Jewish Guild for the Blind Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Inc. Marcia and Alan K. Docter Joan’s Legacy: Te Joan Bjorg and Stephen A. Ollendorf, Te Drexler Family Foundation Scarangello Foundation to Esq. $50,000–$99,999 Edelman and Stanley Conquer Lung Cancer Mary and James H. Ottaway Jr. Edelman, M.D.’53 Ellsworth Kelly Foundation Ara Parseghian Medical Research Abbott Laboratories Charles Edison Fund Ellsworth Kelly Foundation Actelion Pharmaceuticals U.S., Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Karen A. & Kevin W. Kennedy PDL BioPharma Rita Allen Foundation Robert Ellsworth Foundation Te Robert & Veronica Petersen American Academy of Neurology Harriet G. Esteban Vicente Te Kingsley Foundation Charitable Lead Unitrust Foundation Families of Spinal Muscular Te Greater New York City Te Pew Charitable Trusts American Epilepsy Society Atrophy Aflliate of the Susan G. Ko- Point Gammon Foundation American Lung Association of Gloria and Hilliard Farber men Breast Cancer Foundation Project Health New York Maureen and Robert Feduniak Lance Armstrong Foundation Ilona and Donald O. Quest, American Parkinson Disease Marguerite B. Filson and Bernard & Dorothy Layton M.D.’70 Association, Inc. Abraham Spector, Ph.D. Foundation Ariel Recanati Te American Society for Clinical Te Giuseppi (Joseph) Forgione Fondation Leducq Estate of Saul A. Ritter Investigation Revocable Living Trust Eli Lilly and Company Rena Kosensky and Anthony S. Te American Society of Joseph M. Forgione Foundation Robbin Hematology Te Michael J. Fox Foundation Liss Foundation Te Dudley F. Rochester Chari- Amgen, Inc. Joan and z. Y. Fu Amy C. Liss table Remainder Unitrust Leon O. Andersen, M.D.’57 Gambro 1998 Charitable Trust Henry Liss Lois and Dudley F. Rochester, Anonymous Te Colleen Giblin Christy and John J. Mack M.D.’55 Te Arthritis Foundation (New Foundation, Inc. Macula Vision Research Susan and Gary S. Rosenbach York Chapter) Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation Te Roskind Family Leo Bialis Family Trust Foundation Te Mark Family Fund at Te Foundation, Inc. Leo Bialis GlaxoSmithKline Foundation New York Community Trust Joyce Rowe and George Rowe Paul J. Bilka, M.D.’43 Te Arnold P. Gold Foundation Arlene and Reuben Mark Jr., Esq. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma- Te Goldhirsh Foundation Mebane Charitable May and Samuel Rudin Family ceuticals, Inc. Te Sol Goldman Charitable Foundation, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Leslie and Brian J. Brille Trust Medtronic Sofamor Danek Ted Sann Daniel and Harriet Burke Janet and Richard A. Goldman Te John Merck Fund Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc. Te Burroughs Wellcome Fund Te Janet and Tony Goldman Te Minio Family Cynthia D. and Tomas P. Emil R. Capita Charitable Take a Risk Foundation Foundation, Inc. Sculco, M.D.’69 Foundation Bernard Gotfryd Lorraine and John J. Minio Te Norman & Barbara Seiden Jane and Robert E. Carroll, M.D. Filomena M. D’Agostino SVM Foundation Foundation Jaime Urquijo Carvajal Greenberg Cheryl and Philip L. Milstein Te Peter Jay Sharp Foundation John A. Catsimatidis Estate of William Gruen Ambrose Monell Foundation Ned & Emily Sherwood Te Children’s Heart Foundation Guidant Foundation, Inc. Carolyn Murphy Foundation Cecily and Robert M. Harris Michelle and Joseph M. Murphy Jr. Emily and Ned L. Sherwood 68 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

Barbara and Julian Smerling Geofrey R. Howe, Ph.D. Wirt S. Scott Jr., M.D.’35 Smith & Nephew, Inc. In Memoriam Samuel A. Johnson, M.D.’49 Lazarus Secunda, M.D.’36 Ora and Howard W. Smith, Harris E. Karowe, M.D.’47 Louis M. Sherwood, M.D.’61 We mourn the loss of the fol- M.D., D.M.D. Albert S. Koenig Jr., M.D.’39 Megumi Y. Shinoda, M.D.’33 lowing friends and faculty of Schering-Plough Corporation Peter Kornfeld, M.D.’52 James W. Smith, M.D.’52 the College of Physicians & Joseph and Diane Steinberg 1992 Robert D. Langmann, M.D.’55 Elmer E. Specht, M.D.’50 Surgeons: Charitable Trust Charles L. Larkin, M.D.’46 David B. Sprinson, Ph.D. Reese F. Alsop, M.D.’44 Diane H. and Joseph S. Steinberg Richard P. Lasser, M.D.’45 Douglas Barton Stevens, M.D.’43 John A. Atchley, M.D.’44 Joyce C. Stern Foundation John K. Lattimer, M.D.’38, Med. Martin Strahl Hugh R.K. Barber, M.D.’44 Stony Wold-Herbert Fund, Inc. Sc.D.’43 Stephen E. Straus, M.D.’72 Robert T. Barry, M.D.’46 Martha Washington Straus-Harry Allyn B. Ley, M.D.’42 Gilbert H. Taylor, M.D.’41 Paul Beres, M.D.’52 H. Straus Foundation, Inc. James S. Lieberman, M.D. Jason A. Tepper, M.D.’50 William C. Billings, M.D.’50 Sycamore Fund Henry Liss Edwin M. Trayner, M.D.’56 Robert L. Bragg, M.D.’52 Synthes Albert S. Lyons, M.D.’36 Peter M. Trinkaus, M.D. Charles John Campbell, M.D., Taybandz, Inc. Arno W. Macholdt, M.D.’52 Edward A. Vadeika, M.D.’59 Med.Sc.D.’57 United Cerebral Palsy Research William A. Marquard Jean Walker, M.D.’40 Robert G. Campbell, M.D.’58 and Educational Foundation James H. Mason, IV, M.D.’46 Ira D. Wallach, Esq. Charles A. Carton, M.D.’44 United Refning Company Raymond Michael McCafrey, Mackenzie Walser, M.D.’48 Winjing Chang, M.D.’86 Te Harriet & Esteban Vicente M.D. Leon A. Weisberg, M.D.’68 Mack L. Clayton, M.D.’45 Foundation, Inc. Eugene C. McCann, M.D.’42 Allen B. Wheelis, M.D.’43 Harvey R. Colten, M.D. Waldo Foundation Inc. Joseph F. McClughan, M.D.’35 John A. Wheliss, M.D.’52 James F. Connell Jr., M.D.’46 Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Tomas E. McNamara, M.D.’67 Leo F.J. Wilking Jr., M.D.’44 Denton Sayer Cox, M.D.’52 Foundation George W. Melcher Jr., M.D.’46 Martin Wolferstan, M.D.’69 Tomas P. Cronin, M.D.’43 Te John S. & Amy S. Weinberg Jean B. Miller, M.D.’52 Natalie J. Deyrup, M.D.’38 Foundation Hugo W. Moser, M.D.’48 Marija Dokmanovic, Ph.D.’05 Amy L. Weinberg and John S. Edward U. Murphy, M.D.’44 Edna L. Edison Weinberg George Nicklin Jr., M.D.’51 Gardner F. Fay, M.D.’53 Westchester Celiac Sprue Support Maurice M. Osborne Jr., M.D.’47 Arnold N. Fenton, M.D.’44 Group Mortimer Ostow, M.D., Med. John D. Fernald, M.D.’45 Heymann Wolf Foundation Sc.D.’49 Lloyd C. Fisher, M.D.’55 Gloria Elizabeth Wolosof Beulah Parker, M.D.’43 Robert L. Fisher, M.D.’40 Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Andrew H. Patterson, M.D.’58 Peter Fleming, M.D.’55 Agnes and Sam zausner Calvin H. Plimpton, M.D., Med. Tomas C. Fleming, M.D.’45 Sc.D.’51 Vaun T. Floyd, M.D.’43 Paul R. Reich, M.D.’61 II, M.D.’44 Ernest A. Reiner, M.D.’52 Donald H. Gemson, M.D., Douglas Reitsma, M.D.’49 M.P.H. Charles E. Roh, M.D.’41 Maurice F. Goodbody, M.D.’50 Elihu N. Root, M.D.’62 Earl S. Greiner, M.D.’44 Allan D. Rosenblatt, M.D., John D. Griswold, M.D.’55 Psy.’53 Madeline F. Grumbach, M.D.’51 Hinda G. Rosenthal Robert S. Hagstrom, M.D.’47 John R. Ross Jr., M.D.’38 Warren Heller, M.D.’50 Joy M. Ruane Richard F. Hnat, M.D.’58 George J. Saari, M.D.’69 Clifton M. Howard, M.D.’63 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 69

aboUt P&s

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY COLUMBIA-PRESBYTERIAN Richard Martin Lipkin Robin Walters TRUSTEES COMMITTEE HEALTH SCIENCES Ethel E. Lipsitz Audrey Weiderlight ON THE HEALTH ADVISORY COUNCIL Phyllis D. Mailman Susan G. Weil SCIENCES Roger Barnett John H. Manice Dayna J. Wilkinson Clyde Y.C. Wu, M.D., Chairman Jeremiah A. Barondess, M.D. Paul A. Marks, M.D. Joseph D. Williams Stephen H. Case Gerardo Bilotto, Ph.D. Ariane M.H. Matschullat Ruth A. Wooden Patricia M. Cloherty Page Morton Black William F. May Clyde Y.C. Wu, M.D. Kenneth Forde, M.D. Charles H. Brunie Jr. Guri McKinnell Marilyn Laurie John K. Castle G. Allen Mebane, IV SENIOR ADMINISTRATION, Michael B. Rothfeld Tomas L. Chrystie Constance J. Milstein COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Savio Tung Maureen A. Cogan Gerald Modell MEDICAL CENTER Faye Wattleton Rhoda Weiskopf Cohen Shelby zaldin Modell Lee C. Bollinger, J.D. Ron Cohen, M.D. JoAnn M. Murphy President of the University COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Sue E. Dalsemer Joseph M. Murphy MEDICAL CENTER BOARD James J. Daly Fred F. Nazem Alan Brinkley, Ph.D. OF VISITORS Robert K. Dresing Larry Newman, Esq. Provost of the University and Dean Eugene Braunwald, M.D. Josephine M. Eastman Gordon B. Pattee of the Faculties Paul A. Brown, M.D. Katama G. Eastman Ponchitta Pierce Gail Cassell, Ph.D. Abigail Black Elbaum John A. Pinto Lee Goldman, M.D. John A. Catsimatidis Richard A. Elias, M.D. Irene Pollin Executive Vice President for Health Tomas J. Connolly, D.D.S. Florence A. Eng Stuart J. Rabin and Biomedical Sciences and John L. Eastman Gloria Farber, Ed.D. Arlene Radbell Dean of the Faculties of Health Richard A. Elias, M.D. Phyllis R. Farley Richard Rivlin, M.D. Sciences and Medicine Florence A. Eng Mark Fisch, Esq. Elaine Samson Daniel Federman, M.D. Susan A. Fuirst Audrey Schein David Hirsh, Ph.D. Kenneth A. Forde, M.D. Oscar Garfein, M.D. Joan Schneeweiss Executive Vice President for Research Lee Goldman, M.D. Louis R. Gary Mark Schwartz Michael Jaharis David A. George, Chairman Charlotte Voelker Schwarz Ira B. Lamster, D.D.S., M.M.Sc. Ilan Kaufthal Philip Goelet Steven Segal Dean, College of Dental Medicine Paul Marks, M.D. Sandra Orenberg Gold G. Lynn Shostack Allen Mebane Ernest L. Haas Ruth L. Siegel Linda Fried, M.D., M.P.H. Philip Milstein Daniel O. Hauser, Ph.D. Wilma Bulkin Siegel, M.D. Dean, Mailman School of Public Joseph M. Murphy Helen S. Hintz Robert Silbey, M.D. Health William Peck, M.D. Marc Hulbert, Ph.D. John Rogers Staford Cecil B. Pickett, Ph.D. Herbert Irving Michael R. Stein Mary O’Neil Mundinger, John W. Rowe, M.D. Ellen Jewett Lynn Streim Dr.P.H., R.N. G. Lynn Shostack Barbara Jonas Judith P. Sulzberger, M.D. Dean, School of Nursing Richard Silverman Patsy Kahn Suzanne Pauline Sunshine Dinakar Singh Albert Kalter Doris Tananbaum Lisa Hogarty, M.S. Judith P. Sulzberger, M.D. Cindie Kastenbaum Jef C. Tarr Chief Operating Ofcer Miranda Tang Henry L. King, Esq. Vincent Tese Leonard C. Tow, Ph.D. E. Peter Krulewitch John N. Tognino Joanne Quan, M.A. Savio Tung Eugene M. Lang Doris F. Tulcin Chief Financial Ofcer P. Roy Vagelos, M.D., Chairman Burton J. Lee III, M.D. Gerard M. Turino, M.D. , M.D. Deanna E. Levine George A. Violin, M.D. Robert Sideli, M.D. Clyde W.C. Wu, M.D. Constance E. Lieber Kathleen Walas Chief Information Ofcer 70 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

Susan S. Stalcup, B.A., CFP COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Andrew Frantz, M.D. Gary Brittenham, M.D. Vice President for Development & SURGEONS Associate Dean for Admissions Professor of Pediatrics and Lee Goldman, M.D., Dean Medicine Ross Frommer, J.D. Ernest Hart, J.D. Deputy Vice President for Govern- Steven Shea, M.D. Chief Administrative Ofcer, James Cimino, M.D. ment and Community Afairs Senior Vice Dean Harlem Hospital Center Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Medicine Amador Centeno, M.S. Robert Kass, Ph.D. Michael Herman, M.D. Associate Vice President, Facilities Vice Dean for Research Associate Dean, St. Vincent’s Hospi- Lucian Del Priore, M.D., Ph.D. Management tal in Bridgeport Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Anne Taylor, M.D. Patricia Sachs Catapano, J.D. Vice Dean for Academic Afairs Hilda Y. Hutcherson, M.D. Jaime Landman, M.D. Associate General Counsel Associate Dean for Diversity and Assistant Professor of Urology Martha Hooven, M.P.A. Minority Afairs Allan Formicola, D.D.S. Vice Dean for Administration Donald Landry, M.D. Vice Dean of the Center for Com- Anke Nolting, Ph.D. Professor of Medicine munity Health Partnerships Ronald E. Drusin, M.D. Associate Dean for Alumni Rela- Senior Associate Dean for tions and Development Frances Levin, M.D. Francine Caracappa, M.B.A., Education (interim) Professor of Clinical Psychiatry CPA Noel Robin, M.D. Controller Richard U. Levine, M.D. Associate Dean, Stamford Health Soji F. Oluwole, M.D. President, Faculty Practice System Professor of Surgery Rosemary Keane, B.A. Organization Chief Communications Ofcer Richard B. Robinson, Ph.D. Richard Polin, M.D. Michael Duncan, B.S. Associate Dean for Graduate Professor of Pediatrics Diane Lloyd Yaeger, J.D. Executive Director, Faculty Practice Afairs Associate Vice President and Chief Organization Michael Shelanski, M.D., Ph.D. Compliance Ofcer William Rosner, M.D. Frances E. Delafeld Professor of Aran Laljie, M.B.A., CPA Associate Dean, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Pathology and Chairman Steven Elliott, M.B.A. Executive Finance Director Hospital Center Executive Director of Budget and DEPARTMENT CHAIRS Financial Analysis Alfred Ashford, M.D., Fred Lowef, M.P.A. (as of May 1, 2008) Senior Associate Dean, Harlem Assistant Dean for Graduate Afairs Anesthesiology George Gasparis, B.S. Hospital Center Margaret Wood, M.D. Executive Director, Institutional Tomas Garrett, M.D. Review Board Robert Lewy, M.D. Director, Glenda Garvey Teaching Biochemistry & Molecular Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Academy Biophysics Louis Lemieux, M.B.A. Afairs and Health and Safety Arthur G. Palmer, Ph.D. (interim) Chief Human Resources Ofcer EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Lisa Mellman, M.D. OF THE FACULTY Biomedical Informatics Senior Associate Dean for Student COUNCIL George Hripscak, M.D., M.S. Afairs Asa Abeliovich, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Pathology and Dermatology Jeanine D’Armiento, M.D., Ph.D. Neurology David R. Bickers, M.D. Associate Dean for Gender Equity and Career Development Julia Glade Bender, M.D. Genetics & Development Assistant Professor of Clinical Gerard Karsenty, M.D., Ph.D. Walter Franck, M.D. Pediatrics Associate Dean, Bassett Healthcare Medicine Timothy Bestor, Ph.D. Donald Landry, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Genetics and (interim) Development P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 71

Microbiology Surgery Institute for Cancer Genetics Taub Institute for Research on Aaron Mitchell, Ph.D. (interim) Craig Smith, M.D. (interim) Riccardo Dalla-Favera, M.D. Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain Neurological Surgery Urology Institute for Cancer Research Richard Mayeux, M.D., M.Sc. Robert A. Solomon, M.D. Mitchell Benson, M.D. Maxwell Gottesman, M.D., Ph.D. Michael Shelanski, M.D., Ph.D.

Neurology UNIVERSITY CENTERS Institute of Comparative Clyde and Helen Wu Center for Timothy Pedley, M.D. AND INSTITUTES AND Medicine Molecular Cardiology DIRECTORS Tomas Martin, DVM, Ph.D. Andrew Marks, M.D. Neuroscience John Koester, Ph.D. Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center Institute of Human Nutrition P&S CENTERS AND Robin S. Goland, M.D. Richard J. Deckelbaum, M.D. DIRECTORS Obstetrics & Gynecology Rudolph L. Leibel, M.D. Mary E. D’Alton, M.D. Herbert Irving Comprehensive Anesthesiology Center for Computational Biology Cancer Center Pain Medicine Center Ophthalmology and Bioinformatics (C2B2) Riccardo Dalla-Favera, M.D. Michael Weinberger, M.D. Stanley Chang, M.D. Andrea Califano, Ph.D. Barry Honig, Ph.D. Irving Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Informatics Orthopedic Surgery Translational Research New York State Center for Louis U. Bigliani, M.D. Center for Family and Henry N. Ginsberg, M.D. Advanced Information Community Medicine Management Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Kathleen Klink, M.D. Kavli Institute for Brain Science George Hripcsak, M.D., M.S. Surgery Robert Lewy, M.D. Eric Kandel, M.D. Lanny Garth Close, M.D. Dermatology Center for Molecular Recognition Morton A. Kreitchman PET Skin Diseases Research Center Pathology Arthur Karlin, Ph.D. Center David R. Bickers, M.D. Michael Shelanski, M.D., Ph.D. Ronald Van Heertum, M.D. Center for Motor Neuron Biology Genetics & Development Pediatrics and Disease Sackler Institute for Center for Human Genetics Lawrence Stanberry, M.D., Ph.D. Darryl De Vivo, M.D. Developmental Psychobiology Angela Christiano, Ph.D. Christopher Henderson, Ph.D. Myron Hofer, M.D. Pharmacology Serge Przedborski, M.D., Ph.D. Medicine Robert S. Kass, Ph.D. Lewis Rowland, M.D., Honorary Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center Behavioral Cardiovascular Health Director Richard Mayeux, M.D., M.Sc. and Hypertension Program Physiology & Cellular Biophysics Tomas G. Pickering, M.D., Andrew Marks, M.D. Center for Psychoanalytic Morris W. Stroud III Center for D.Phil. Training and Research Study of Quality of Life Psychiatry Eric R. Marcus, M.D. Barry Gurland, M.D. Center for Advanced Jefrey Lieberman, M.D. Cardiac Care Center for Radiological Research Judith P. Sulzberger, M.D. Donna Mancini, M.D. Radiation Oncology David Brenner, Ph.D., D.Sc. Columbia Genome Center K. S. Cliford Chao, M.D. James E. Rothman, Ph.D. Center for Women’s Health Center for the Study of Society Research and Education Radiology and Medicine Elsa-Grace V. Giardina, M.D. Ronald L. Van Heertum, M.D. David J. Rothman, Ph.D. (interim) Columbia Center for Health of Center on Medicine as a Urban Minorities Rehabilitation Medicine Profession Olveen Carrasquillo, M.D. Nancy E. Strauss, M.D. (interim) David J. Rothman, Ph.D. 72 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt

Gunnar Esiason Adult Cystic Pediatric Neurosurgery Center Center for Hip and Knee New York Obesity Research Fibrosis and Lung Program Neil A. Feldstein, M.D. Replacement Center Emily DiMango, M.D. William B. Macaulay Jr., M.D. F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, M.D., Ph.D. Spinal Muscular Atrophy Clinical Rudolph Leibel, M.D. Toni Stabile Osteoporosis Center Research Center Center for Orthopaedic Research Ethel S. Siris, M.D. Darryl C. De Vivo, M.D. Francis Y. Lee, M.D., Ph.D. Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Center Neurological Surgery and Spine Center Center for Shoulder, Elbow, and Robyn Barst, M.D. Neurology Paul C. McCormick, M.D. Sports Medicine Brain Tumor Center Louis U. Bigliani, M.D. Center for Prenatal Pediatrics Steven S. Rosenfeld, M.D., Ph.D. Neuroscience Richard A. Polin, M.D. W.M. Keck Center for Cognition Trauma Training Center Mary D’Alton, M.D. Center for Movement Disorder and Plasticity Melvin P. Rosenwasser, M.D. Charlie Stolar, M.D. Surgery Michael Goldberg, M.D. Ronald Wapner, M.D. Blair Ford, M.D. Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Charlie Kleinman, M.D. Robert R. Goodman, M.D., Ph.D. Center for Teoretical Surgery Neuroscience Voice and Swallowing Center Sleep Disorders Center Center for Parkinson Disease and Laurence Abbott, Ph.D. Jonathan Aviv, M.D. Carin Lamm, M.D. Related Disorders Ken Miller, Ph.D. Tomas Murry, Ph.D. Stanley Fahn, M.D. Pharmacology Obstetrics & Gynecology Pathology Center for Molecular Terapeutics Comprehensive Epilepsy Center Center for Perinatal Research Center for Advanced Laboratory Michael R. Rosen, M.D. Frank G. Gilliam, M.D., M.P.H. Ronald Wapner, M.D. Medicine Ila Singh, M.D., Ph.D. Psychiatry Doris & Stanley Tananbaum Center for Prenatal Pediatrics Advanced Center for Intervention Center for Cerebrovascular Lynn Simpson, M.D. Pediatrics and Services Research: Diseases Child Advocacy Center Pediatric Psychiatry Disorders J.P. Mohr, M.D. Center for Reproductive Sciences Jocelyn Brown, M.D. David Shafer, M.D. Mary E. D’Alton, M.D. Dystonia Research Center Children’s Lung Center Center for Bioethics Stanley Fahn, M.D. Multiple Birth Center Meyer Kattan, M.D. Ruth L. Fischbach, Ph.D, M.P.E. Mary E. D’Alton, M.D. Eleanor and Lou Gehrig MDA/ Cystic Fibrosis Center Developing Center on Interven- ALS Research Center Center for Women’s Lynne Quittell, M.D. tion for the Prevention of Hiroshi Mitsumoto, M.D. Reproductive Care Suicide: Intervention with High Serge Przedborski, M.D., Ph.D. Mark Sauer, M.D. Cystic Fibrosis Referral Center Suicide Risk Populations for Susceptibility & Synergy Barbara Stanley, M.D. Huntington’s Disease Center Center for Pelvic Reconstruction Studies Karen S. Marder, M.D. Jody Blanco, M.D. Lisa Saiman, M.D. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies H. Houston Merritt Center for Ophthalmology Diabetes and Endocrinology Anke A. Ehrhardt, Ph.D. Neuromuscular Disorders Louis V. Gerstner Jr. Clinical Research Center Salvatore DiMauro, M.D. Research Center in Vision Domenico Accili, M.D. Implementing Evidence-based Stanley Chang, M.D. (acting) Rudolph Leibel, M.D. Practices for Children Lucy G. Moses Center for Kimberly Hoagwood, M.D. Memory and Behavior Orthopedic Surgery Te Herbert Irving Child & Ado- Karen S. Marder, M.D. Anne Youle Stein Center for lescent Oncology Center Lieber Center for Schizophrenia Orthopedic Education Michael Weiner, M.D. Research and Treatment Neuro-oncology Center and Research Jonathan Javitch, M.D. Jefrey N. Bruce, M.D. Louis U. Bigliani, M.D. P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt 73

Neurobiology of Dopamine in Surgery New York Tyroid Center Center for Bladder & Prostate Schizophrenia Adrenal Center William B. Inabnet, M.D. Health Jefrey Lieberman, M.D. James A. Lee, M.D. Matthew Rutman, M.D. Obesity Management and Pathological and Functional Im- Center for Chest Diseases & Surgery Center Stone Center pact of Tauopathy In Vivo Respiratory Failure Marc Bessler, M.D. Mantu Gupta, M.D. Karen Duf, M.D. Mark E. Ginsburg, M.D. Pancreas Center Men’s Health Initiative Reiner Center for Behavioral and Center for Esophageal Disorders John A. Chabot, M.D. Brian Stone, M.D. Psychosomatic Medicine Joshua R. Sonett, M.D. Richard Sloan, M.D. Marc Bessler, M.D. Center for Prenatal Pediatrics AFFILIATED HOSPITALS Lynn Simpson, M.D. (medical P&S Afliated Hospitals: Ruane Center for Early Identifca- Center for Extracorporeal Mem- director) NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, tion of Mood Disorders brane Oxygenation Charles J. H. Stolar, M.D. (surgical New York, NY David Shafer, M.D. Charles J.H. Stolar, M.D. director) Arnot Ogden Medical Center, Elmira, NY Substance Abuse Medications Center for Lung Disease and Ulcer and Wound Healing Center Isabella Geriatric Center, Development Center Transplantation Nicholas Morrissey, M.D. New York, NY Herbert D. Kleber, M.D. Joshua R. Sonett, M.D. Harlem Hospital, New York, NY Selim M. Arcasoy, M.D. Vein Disorder Treatment Center Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, Suicide and Mood Disorder Roman Nowygrod, M.D. Cooperstown, NY Conte Center Chronic Wound Care Center New York State Psychiatric Insti- J. John Mann, M.D. Harold Brem, M.D. Endocrine Surgery Center tute, New York, NY Felix Ray Ortega, M.D. William B. Inabnet, M.D. St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Radiation Oncology Center, New York, NY Center for Radiosurgery Colorectal Care Center Regional Pediatric Trauma Center Steven R. Isaacson, M.D. R. Lawrence Whelan, M.D. William Middlesworth, M.D. P&S/NewYork-Presbyterian Michael Sisti, M.D. Hospital Afliated Hospitals: Columbia Hernia Center Urology Helen Hayes Hospital, Radiology Peter Geller, M.D. Center for Holistic Urology West Haverstraw, NY Hatch Research Center Aaron Katz, M.D. Holy Name Hospital, Truman Brown, Ph.D. (director of Columbia Hyperhidrosis Center Teaneck, NJ magnetic resonance research) Lyall A. Gorenstein, M.D. Center for Minimally Invasive Lawrence Hospital, Robert DeLaPaz, M.D. (medical Surgery Bronxville, NY director) Comprehensive Breast Center Jaime Landman, M.D. New Milford Hospital, Mahmood El-Tamer, M.D. (acting) New Milford, CT Functional MRI Research Center Center for Robotic Surgery New York College of Podiatric Joy Hirsch, Ph.D. International Center for Health Ketan Badani, M.D. Medicine and the Foot Clinics, Outcomes and Innovation New York, NY Biomedical Engineering Research (InCHOIR) Center for Urologic Oncology Nyack Hospital, Nyack, NY Imaging Center Annetine Gelijns, Ph.D. James McKiernan, M.D. Orange Regional Medical Center, Andrew Laine, D.Sc. Alan J. Moskowitz, M.D. Middletown, NY Male Reproductive Center Palisades Hospital, Palisades, NJ Rehabilitation Medicine Melanoma Center Jason Greenfeld, M.D. St. Mary’s Hospital for Children, Programs in Occupational Howard L. Kaufman, M.D. Bayside, NY Terapy New York Center for Human St. Vincent’s Hospital, Janet Falk-Kessler, Ed.D. Paul Milstein Institute for Sexuality Bridgeport, CT Surgical Science Jason Greenfeld, M.D. Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT Program in Physical Terapy Ann Marie Schmidt, M.D. Valley Hospital, Ridgewood, NJ Risa Granick, Ed.D., M.P.A., PT White Plains Hospital Center, White Plains, NY 74 P&s 2007 annUal RePoRt


Enrollment, Fall 2007 Ofce of the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences M.D. program 585 630 West 168th Street New York, NY 10032 M.D./M.P.H. 8 Ofce of the Department of Communications M.D./Ph.D. program 85 701 West 168th Street, Box 153 Other M.D. programs 43 New York, NY 10032 Phone: 212-305-3900 Graduate programs 787 Fax: 212-305-4521 Full-time faculty 1,853 Ofce of Development Living M.D. alumni 7,200 630 West 168th Street, P&S Box 48 New York, NY 10032 Budget (FY07) $1.187 billion Phone: 212-342-0099 Endowment $1.463 billion Fax: 212-342-0098

Endowed chairs 162 P&S Alumni Association 630 West 168th Street, P&S Box 55 Research support (FY07) $401.4 million New York, NY 10032 Phone: 212-305-3498 Fax: 212-305-8293 Degrees granted, July 2006 to June 2007

M.D. 138 2007 Annual Report M.D./M.P.H. 4

M.D./ Ph.D. 4 Managing Editor: Bonita Eaton Enochs, M.A. Design: Columbia University Publications M.D./ M.B.A. 4 Writing: Gina Shaw Project Manager: Sherry zucker M.D./D.D.S. 3 Principal Photography: Charles Manley Additional Photography: Images courtesy of Research Laboratories for Ph.D. 74 Parkinson Disease, Departments of Neurology and Pathology (top p. 10), Brian Soda (bottom p. 10), Ed Eckstein (p. 15), Kristin Bailey Doctor of physical therapy 31 (p. 19), Archives & Special Collections, Columbia University Health M.S. in occupational therapy 42 Sciences Library (p. 21), Robert Bean (p. 42). Produced by the Department of Communications at Columbia Univer- M.S. in nutrition 39 sity Medical Center with assistance from the Development Ofce and the P&S Alumni Association M.A. in biomedical informatics 4 Online:

Certifcate in psychoanalysis 4


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