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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83824-5 - The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 4 Islamic Cultures and Societies to the End of the Eighteenth Century Edited by Robert Irwin Index More information Index NOTES 1. The Arabic definite article (al-), the transliteration symbols for the Arabic letters hamza (p) and qayn (q), and distinctions between different letters transliterated by the same Latin character (e.g. d and d.) are ignored for purposes of alphabetisation. 2. In the case of personal names sharing the same first element, rulers are listed first, then individuals with patronymics, then any others. 3. Locators in italics denote illustrations. Aba¯d.iyya see Iba¯d.iyya coinage 334, 335, 688–690, 689 qAbba¯da¯n 65 Dome of the Rock built by 690 qAbba¯s I, Sha¯h 120, 266, 273, 281, 300–301, 630 qAbd al-Qa¯dir al-Baghda¯d¯ı 411 qAbba¯s II, Sha¯h 266 qAbd al-Rapu¯f al-Singkil¯ı 103, 518 al-qAbba¯s ibn qAbd al-Mut.t.alib 109, 112 qAbd al-Rah.ma¯n II ibn al-H. akam, caliph of qAbba¯s ibn Firna¯s 592 Cordoba 592, 736 qAbba¯s ibn Na¯s.ih. 592 qAbd al-Rah.ma¯n III, caliph of Cordoba qAbba¯sids 621, 663 qAbba¯sid revolution 30, 228–229, 447; and qAbd al-Rah.ma¯n al-S.u¯f¯ı 599–600, 622 religion 110, 111–112, 228; and qAbd al-Razza¯q Samarqand¯ı 455 translation movement 566, qAbd al-Wa¯h.id ibn Zayd 65 567–568 qAbda¯n 123–124 foundation of dynasty 30, 31, 229 qAbdu¯n ibn Makhlad 397 Mongols destroy Baghdad caliphate 30, 49 abjad system 456 rump caliphate in Cairo 49, 56, 246, 251, ablaq architectural decoration 702 253–254 abna¯ p al-dawla 229 see also individual caliphs and individual topics Abraham 19, 27, 36, 125, 225 qAbba¯siyya see Ha¯shimiyya abrogation, theory of 165 qAbd Alla¯h ibn al-qAbba¯s 111, 225 A¯ bru¯, Sha¯h Muba¯rak 436 qAbd Alla¯h al-Aft.ah.
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