Full Council 15.12.20
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HOLYWELL TOWN COUNCIL CYNGOR TREF TREFFYNNON Minutes of the Meeting of Holywell Town Council held remotely on Tuesday, 15th December 2020 at 6.00pm. _______________ PRESENT: Councillor L.A. Carter (Mayor). Councillors: K. Davies, S. Delaney, R. Dolphin, I. Hodge, P.A. Johnson, B. Scragg, A. Trumper and P.A. York. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Councillors J.M Johnson, S. Johnson, E.B. Palmer, M.D. Phelan, and S.E. Wallbanks. IN ATTENDANCE: J. Baker (Clerk). 73. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – MEMBERS’ CODE OF CONDUCT Minute Name of Personal Prejudicial Nature of Interest No. Councillor 81.2. I. Hodge ✓ Personal Friend of Resident. 74. INTRODUCTION TO DISTRICT INSPECTOR STEVE ROBERTS – FLINTSHIRE NORTH AREA, NORTH WALES POLICE DI Roberts had sent his apologies as regulations prevented police attendance using Zoom video conferencing. The matter had been referred by the DI for further advice. 75. MAYORS REMARKS The Mayor stated that it was a privilege for to switch on the Christmas Lights on the 27th November along with the Deputy Mayor, Rob Roberts MP, and Hannah Blythyn MS. The lights looked fantastic in the town and the virtual video had now received over 1,400 views on you tube. Thanks were given to all involved in the arrangements for this year, which was a unique and special event for the town. Another eco clothes stall was held on the market on 10th December. The stall was once again very successful and just in time for Christmas. No child should be without a warm coat this winter. The market continued to show signs of growth with over 15 stalls present which was a positive turn out for this time of year. The Mayor also gave thanks to those members who - 1 - assisted with the pop up shop. Coats and winter clothes together with some toys had also been distributed at Erw Groes Hostel. The Mayor provided an update from this month’s meeting with Rob Roberts MP. The Out of Hours GP service had been raised directly with the Chief Executive of Betsi Cadwaladr. The feasibility study was pending related to the proposed railway station. The mobile signal strength had been raised with the four main providers. The Clerk had received confirmation that the election for the vacant seat in the Holywell Central ward would be held on Thursday 25th February, assuming there were the requisite number of nominations. The Mayor closed her remarks this year by thanking all members and staff for their hard work and contributions through what had been a difficult year and wished everybody a very happy Christmas and prosperous new year. 76. PUBLIC SPEAKING There were no such requests. 77. MINUTES & MEETINGS 77.1. Minutes of Meetings RESOLVED: That the minutes of the following meetings be approved as a correct record. Minutes were to be signed at the council offices. Clerk to arrange with the respective Chairs. • Holywell Town Council meeting held on Tuesday 17th November 2020; • Finance & Resources Committee meeting held on Wednesday 18th November 2020; • Chairs Advisory Group meeting held on Wednesday 25th November 2020; • Events Committee meeting held on Wednesday 25th November 2020; • Transport & Local Development Committee meeting held on Wednesday 2nd December 2020; • Town Centre Committee meeting held on Wednesday 9th December 2020. - 2 - 77.2. Meeting(s) of Committees Members received and noted the resolutions from the committee meetings as stated above. There were decisions required by the full council from the meeting of the Chairs Advisory Group and Town Centre Committee. RESOLVED: 1) Chairs Advisory Group – a. That a Special Meeting of the Council be called in February 2021 to consider meeting protocol, committee structure, committee membership, meeting times and scheduling, and the additional planning working group. b. That the groups recommendations on correspondence circulation be approved. 2) Town Centre Committee – a. That approval is given to purchase the bandshell sides to support its use in the Council’s events area, at a cost of £1,650 + vat. (Council Reserves). b. That approval is given to the allocation of a £1,000 budget to support roll out of the voucher and raffle business support schemes. (Council Reserves). 78. PLANNING 78.1. New Planning Applications Consideration was given to applications forwarded to the Town Council as part of the County’s planning consultation. RESOLVED: That the following responses be submitted to the County Planning Authority. - 3 - Application Proposal Details Number Erection of fence (retrospective). Location: Larkswood, Fron Park Road, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8 7UT. 061939 The Council had no objection to this application but did express their concern at the retrospective nature of the application. Installation of car park management system (ANPR system and associated signage). Location: Car Park, Well Street, Holywell, Flintshire. 061992 The Council had no objection to this application but did express their concern at some of the supporting documentation on the planning portal being inconsistent with the application e.g. the stated location in the heritage statement being elsewhere in the UK. Display of Car Park Management Signage. Location: Car Park, Well Street, Holywell, Flintshire. The Council had no objection to this application but did express their concern 061993 at some of the supporting documentation on the planning portal being inconsistent with the application e.g. the stated location in the heritage statement being elsewhere in the UK. Change of Use from A2 Office to A1 Retail use on Ground floor and C3 Residential on the upper floors, (comprising 2 self-contained apartments) with alterations to windows to the rear. 062125 Location: 49-51 High Street, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8 7TF. This application was deferred to the next council meeting. Case Officer to be contacted to query the change of use. Erection of car port. 062056 Location: 139 Tan Y Felin, Greenfield, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8 7QA. The Council had no objection to this application. NOTIFICATION - Erection of 9m pole with connecting overhead line. Location: Cairnton Crescent, Greenfield, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8 7EX. 062031 The Council had no objection to this application providing any electrical safety risks are addressed and there is compliance with the regulations associated with high voltage cables and their proximity to dwellings. 78.2. Flintshire Local Development Plan Members noted the letter from Andy Roberts, Flintshire County Council regarding the LDP submission and examination. Nominations were required to attend a Pre-Hearing Meeting on 12th January 2021, and Hearing Sessions at a later date. The Council had been requested to participate as it had previously made a number of representations. RESOLVED: That Councillors I. Hodge and B. Scragg be nominated to attend the sessions. Clerk to make arrangements. - 4 - 79. ACCOUNTS 79.1. Accounts for Payment RESOLVED: That payment of the following accounts be approved. SCHEDULE OF ACCOUNTS – NOVEMBER 2020 Voucher Payment Creditor Name Payment Details Amount Power Number Method £ Key Carmel & Holywell Supply and Install New 8082 CHQ 800.00 **** Woodcraft Assoc. Mayoral Honours Board Flintshire County Summer Playscheme & 8083 BP 6,846.56 ^^ Council Snack Packs Replant Three Tiered 8084 BP Hartleys 100.00 ^^ Planters - Winter Bedding Website Technical Support 8085 BP Daydream Designs 94.80 **** - Nov20 Hampshire Flag Supply Town Council & RAF 8086 BP 88.87 **** Company Ensign Flag 8087 BP Viking 2 no. Mineral Water Bottles 46.78 **** Reimbursement of CE 8088 BP Flower Bowl 35.00 ^^ Award Vouchers Siân Jones Translation 8089 BP Translate Documents 16.72 **** Services Stamps - Remembrance 8090 BP C.S. Lowry 3.90 *** Sunday 8091 - BP Council Staff Staff Salaries - Nov 2020 4,706.47 *** 8093 8094 BP HMRC Staff Paye/NI costs - Nov 20 1,453.87 *** 8095 BP Clwyd Pension Fund Staff Pension Costs - Nov 20 1,531.37 *** Replace RCD Socket Panton 8096 BP BKB Solutions Ltd 58.80 ^^ Place Lights Christmas Lights Contract 8097 BP BKB Solutions Ltd 10,562.21 ^^ Payment Hire of Drinks Machine 8098 BP UK Vending 132.60 **** 10/11/20 - 9/2/21 Windows Cleaned - Bank 8099 BP DJB Window Cleaning 15.00 **** Place Offices 8100 BP Copyrite Systems Copier Charges 17/8-16/11 76.47 **** Supply 6 no. Shop Local 8101 BP Tadmark Ltd 181.30 ^^ Banners 8102 DD Plusnet Alarm Line Nov20 19.80 **** Water 12/13 Bank Place 8103 DD Welsh Water 50.05 **** May-Oct Water 14 Bank Place May- 8104 DD Welsh Water 65.50 **** Oct 8105 DD Plusnet Phone & Broadband Nov20 43.30 **** - 5 - Electric 14 Bank Place 8106 DD British Gas 11.34 **** Oct20 Electric 12/13 Bank Place 8107 DD British Gas 59.27 **** Oct20 8108 DD British Gas Gas Bank Place Oct20 111.31 **** 8109 DC Tesco Stamps 16.92 *** 8110 DC 1&1 Internet Ltd Office Premium/Mail Pro 100.59 **** 8111 DC Tesco Refreshments 0.80 **** 8112 DC Oypla.com 3 x Clothes Rails 56.97 ^^ 8113 DC Tesco Refreshments 0.80 **** Reimbursement of CE 8114 DC C.M. Scott 50.00 ^^ Award Vouchers 8115 DC Royal Mail Postages 1.15 *** 8116 DC Tesco Refreshments 0.80 **** 8117 DC Tesco Refreshments 2.49 **** 8118 DC W Bevan Hose Clips 4.00 ^^ 8119 DC Zoom Video Monthly Pro Subscription 14.39 **** 8120 DC Tesco Refreshments 7.80 **** 8121 DC Tesco Refreshments 7.15 **** TOTAL 27,375.15 BANK TRANSFERS – NOVEMBER 2020 Date Debtor Name Details Amount £ 16/11/20 Mayors Allowance A/C Steamer (Credit) 104.48 TOTAL 104.48 Powers to Make Payments: * The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) Regulations for the remuneration of members and co-opted members of relevant authorities – Part 5 Community/Town Councils // Local Government Act 1948 S.33 /// Local Government Act 1972 S.34 ** Local Government Act 1972 S.137 *** Local Government Act 1972 S.112, 151 **** Local Government Act 1972 S.133 ^ Local Government Act 1972 S.111 ^^ Local Government Act 1972 S.144, S.145 ^^^ Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 S.19 ^^^^ Local Government Act 1972 S.143 *^ Local Government Act 1972 S.140 **^ Local Government Act 1972 S.176 **^^ Local Government Act 1972 S.13 *^^* Local Government Act 1972 S.34 **^* Local Government (Misc.