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Im I Iccef Ifeii N Pri Ison N _______________ G o o d M o m i w m __H j^ iM »,WI»0R-iVER6 i l a Hl|h:!«h:59 u t ' ■ >*= QBi48.MunM]GH '26 | 9 S B0I12 « -H MotUycioudy with 0 stiff Ul9,nUBl4 « ■ w<nd.Dataa«:B12 H A Y r I A ^ SMllRnA V__ September 16,1 6 ,2 0 0 6 I 5 0 c en t t s J L 'im i------— IbglcValifMmm £ l i k t e a iccefptsiiIfeiin priison JinJunkMdor 1 ___ ByCmklyrrfcdmii 2-year-old ElaqucIu e l Nice. WctSMii t m "I am sure Ird6iVi-wanra d ------- ------------------- Mt------------------ jury trial." N ice sa ^ s « r h H ippuran-MC* 5 TWIN rALLS -— Giiiliy, Dy p le a d in g gulguilty. Nicc will o n l i n e H F iidtrwM l*- ser\-e three confonsecuiivc life y Guilty. Guilty. incattiHtiHTWto — 5 • Jim lunior Nkc e |: pIciulL'd lernis with no pnpnrolc or right FaDtCoa guilty thrce timeses Triday to appeni his corconviction, but loontr Coartfm«Off, marnini; in connI trto ihree he will not faciiice th e d e a lli o o t o www.mi ‘ •' , couiits offirsi-(lej{ruciecinurdcr; penalty. to see parts ( «rlitr»hehe each o f itis i’ro se c u tin g AiliimcyAti C,nmi p lu d td^ p i B ty A oiiL> fur poiKoiiing cud rts of Ihe hearing Q threu children withII i a leilial Laehs. Publiclie Drfoidcr p,„secullngA to th mn 8 dose or sleeping m'medicine Marilyn Pnul andlldNiccaRrrell Loebsondal! ng Attorney Grant countslo oi ffM - to the terms inin ittm ri I rW ay ,te victims g and ral poison. j a family member dlfTHCIitu r itf re his case and 5ih District,ct C o u rt Judge _____________ |R . Six months before I ferU xidM d thi kj wns scheduled to gngn 10 trial john Duller nccnccepted their ll. , ngain h re a ih e ofblttiHt l m B and wiih the faciss aand c'\i- plea agreement, a dcnce offered by hoihoih sides "This is a trulyuly horrendous die In prison."Ihe free mr. lie will ciilldmn i u t Hj Slill incomplete, Nicece | pleaded crime." said Loeh)ehs. ".'llie ihree Some of ll Deceolbiibiria ii 'guilty to three countsnts of first- consecutive liftlife sentences case will neve TvioFtll't ik [|! d e g re e m u rd er in th;he e Dec. 20 ensure justice foifor each of ihe court as a hu B’ d e a th s o f f>-ycur*olt:■old tw ins ih ree v ic iim s. fiJim Nicc will . s s s l ' Spcncer and lusiin 1N Nice and i le w ill n e v er P lease s se se e NICE. Page A3 H B I First fitfloor i t e d dd e s i g i I “‘’i' Un l p r e cc e d e n n y r ^ ^ dn Falls HiighSchoi Dolwill New Tw /vith its loclokand caapabilitiess stetand ou t . MriK'ilon. c:ii(ingc?i will also hi By Jostiaa Paini ilikc-l\viii T.ills' iliKh ••n Mame that scl«K o o l lol, die new s d io o l will Ik- iiinili'tn III th e a c a d e m ic pro ----------------------------- — ------------ Palmer' ihililup. rather than oui. The ggr ram s w iihin d ie district, The IVirlR M i t School MDMrict ' - r t writer ------------------. School Iiecaiise ixith high schoolools Is asking you to help narlame ---------------------— — story building wili liousi- TW IN I-AIJ will have uiiii|tie facililies. thithe the new high school andId million hlgli cm .'inicnitics. such as-an vv •A1J.S — A new S:{7.(> iwo-st< M'hool dislrlcl will allow soiiKnine choose the colors and d floor . ' . • unlike nny < or'running irack. hciilili- m Second ligli sch o o l will looK m o d cr S iu d e n ts til lake c lass ess inii mascot, l\vin I-alls, nr ipations tlassroonv aiul a 'i ly other building in liulotir iitlier hiiildiiigs if those coursu rs- The nm«»Mew> will perioriodlcal- chnnges wi lerlii lhal will also s c r\i' a s oi 4 , nnd unprecedented occupi f s a re iio t olfi.‘red in theih e ir ly print entry fqrms In thtthe acconimodai iiinion area fiir siudfiiis. wlll bc mnde to cafciei *li6mehuildiiig. daily p tip e n be fouound "W e've hei le building's design is a In jdaicli. iinimibinaiion of curvaiuri- and "W e will h av e III h e ver>'flexflex- today on page A3. Entryry forms ^ .. close withbeen SI working nrcuy Ihe ihle so that our studenis havi:iave are also available a t thele irators for s gh t lines, -.vilh hallw ays ill h siaff and adminis-« combinow continuously from lliell oppi'iriunity lo lake Ihedn nmes-News' Web slle, i ‘ F identify faci ; ^ V r ' )r several monihs to strnigl d a s s e s ihey need." said Wile;t/iley liddiepanld c.xlerior into llie interior, d facility needs." said ihni exierlor11 of ihe second D o h h s: IxViii I'alls SclioiiIiool •teci wilh nlcls.ill associate archl- the c.x District superintciideni. in May. a n d it h o p e s to o p e n The Boisc' r will h e d a d w ith m e ial D Hummel Architects. The e The district will brealreak the school for the 2009.;g.scliqol designing '1\ iposiic pands. which lisc-bnsed firm Is ilimrii'Is x Silid w ilU -xpediie con- ggi rm in d on d ie new high schoiihool year. ■ high school.1 l\vin Tails' second compt )ol. Panii'l From exterior to interioi G rrowing o t academ ics Helds of dreams(IS . p o n e n t s . t» schod}ol will includo mote than 20 The school grounds will fhe school will be made of brick,l o r , The , regular claiclassrooms and about 40 spe- include a football and tradack corwete masonry and metal com­ M ajor comp<t a gymnasium gja||j,e,j ciaclassrooms. Uke.the current stadium; two practice foot-iOt- posite panels. The composite part- - F" c a fe te ria ^ d high schoohool, the buildlng-wlll also, hove■ ball fields; two soccer fielcelds; els are designed to be durable and . Tin school will Include els )om for 500 stu- .music, artart and technology classrooms, two softball fields end two■vo expedite construction. J e*j 30l will accommodate 1.200 stu-« '5; T baseball fields. f roadways prmsiInside, the two-story bulldin« Is I E a s y n ___ dents; an audllorlumtl ]ut h a s the ability to expand Its5 ' AlMlghUng will be directedd designed to circulate student traffic :irculate traffic during J®' / to 1 .500 students with the eas ■ ; lRoa(l»»?s»«lcira by creating lerger walkways, which 1 of more classrooms on the I ;-v .' busy hours suchch a s felease times and ^ ' ^ • ^Sni.S,™ d” . to avoid disturbing noighbcibors direct students to smaller walkways 4ng of the building. ^ The Cj«)' school events.. A ccircular drive will * tion proBJums. Tlie bull T.-.. during sporting events. Thi that lead to dassrooms. Durlr« ier ^ allow buses andId pparents to drop off B H . % have a media center, Ir ^ fields also act a s a barrier after-school events, security doors ding m k studdnts.vaiiles!B a separata roadway will H I ^ track and a practice gy a « | between the school bulldir will Isolate the ^ n a s i u m and audl t^ . — -------- ■ - fBCllltalB parkingng tBfoimd the building.— H i Wflum'from the rest of th e building; ■ Administrative officesoffl will face the n entrywsy for surveurvelllance purposes. ' m f ■ iii;— ^ ' i | | k ^ p w - - r i m s . _ _ jj|B C E S l [>ia ls ! ^ n po i ihn sickeniiedinE.ccalio u tb rei?ak BujiMMwd S«tv(ce<)i'<■ S f f l i e i .............. Cl-20 • sUli o ld — c a n d c v d o p aI formf o f WMiifleds .................. )pleinJdamining spinach and hulk mu O regon. OffidaLs w ere sti Comic*.................................... Bion 'CbeAswdatedPd Press In IdaJio. investlgadng and could notIt sisay kidney failure that cann Icad to ..................C 1 3 -----------------------” - sickened, bu h spinach from ihcir ii Crosswwd .................... ho, three people wen* contaiIvts. Smith's opemies stores TridayI w lieiher th e sp ln a d i1 wjwas death. OeafAWy .................... :)le In Id ah o a n d pitiillyx.'d, sn d e a th in ..................qIS F o u r pc^ople i. but only o n e wns h o s- freshWnTiilLs nnd Burley. [purciiasetl In Wiisliingloii., saisaid In addiUon to the d< ......................................■ • • •,.......... A4 . Wnshlngion havehi been sick- spokesman, said Ross Mason, a shelve D ea n n a Mili. spokesw om aninfor fi Wisconsin, 20 peopltpie w ere . Moglevaile,........ We did dial as a voluniary L ................ Iab enedlnnmuldsJdstate outba'ak of Deparimemlan for the state inl\vl the Wiishliigton Department;nt io f . r e p o n e d 111 in th a t stdt<a te. 11 o f Mooey........................ isure i)t‘glnnliig last night a s tl ■.V,........ A6.A7 [L coU th a t kiUciUctl o n e perso n In • W elfare. tent'OfThi Health and "Wt them In .Milwaukee.
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