IGIDR Proceedings/Project Reports Series PP-062-17 Does Governance Improve with Globalisation? A Case Study of Village Level Institutions in Maharashtra, India Dhanmanjiri Sathe Quantitative Approaches to Public Policy – Conference in Honour of Professor T. Krishna Kumar Held in conjunction with the Fourth Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) 9-12 August 2009 School of Business and Management Indira Gandhi Institute of Centre for Public Policy Queen Mary, University of London Development Research Indian Institute of Management London, United Kingdom Mumbai, India Bangalore, India http://www.igidr.ac.in/pdf/publication/PP-062-17.pdf Does Governance Improve with Globalisation ? A Case Study of Village Level Institutions in Maharashtra, INDIA. Dhanmanjiri Sathe, Prof. and Head Department of Economics, Ambedkar Bhavan University of Pune, Pune, INDIA 411007 Email
[email protected] ;
[email protected] Ph. No +91 20 25436215 ; +91 20 9850558651 Abstract This paper tries to examine if the basic, public services provided to the marginalized sections improve as a village becomes globalised. We have selected eight services and we compare three villages from one state of Maharashtra, India. We have developed two indices – 1. Index of Availability of Services and 2. Index of Democratic Participation. We find that in a globalised village the availability of public services to the marginalized sections is 30 per cent higher and that democratic participation is 50 per cent higher than the traditional village. Key words : Globalisation, governance, marginalized sections, basic public services. Does Governance Improve with Globalisation ? A Case Study of Village Level Institutions in Maharashtra, INDIA.