INDONESIANIndonesian Journal JOURNAL of Social OF and SOCIAL Environmental AND ENVIRONMENTAL Issues (IJSEI), 1 (2 ),ISSUES 108-12 (IJSEI)1 Journal Homepage: ISSN: 2722-1369 (Online)

Research Article

Volume 1 Issue 2 August (2020) DOI: 10.47540/ijsei.v1i2.48 Page: 108 – 121

Evaluation of Boundary-Spanning on ENGO International in Asia Genta Mahardhika Rozalinna1, Aulia Izzah Azmi2 1,2Department of Sociology, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia Corresponding Author: Genta Mahardhika Rozalinna; Email: [email protected]

A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Boundary-Spanning; This paper discusses the evaluation of boundary-spanning on climate change ENGO Climate Change; ENGO; Greenpeace. International Greenpeace in Asia. The evaluation process uses secondary data from documents presented on the official website of Greenpeace, especially countries in Received : 15 June 2020 Asia. These countries include Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, India, Revised : 07 July 2020 Japan, , and . Evaluation of the boundary-spanning is obtained Accepted : 08 August 2020 from the results of the mapping of all issues and campaigns related to climate change. The results: 1) limitation of the problem and identity of the campaigns carried out all based on the ecological conditions of each country; 2) limitation organizational through institutional strengthening becomes the main focus in the pattern of movement, and tactical efforts are made through the publication of reports and analysis is step by step in various communication and action media.

INTRODUCTION change are then accompanied by population growth Environmental issues have become a global and unequal distribution of resources which causes discourse that attracts the attention of many parties. environmental scarcity. This makes the issue of The development of environmental issues has climate change as a global issue getting special become global as the result of the social dynamics attention from various countries. Because climate of a social movement based on the environment change is the main problem of the environmental spearheaded by many actors and agents. Although crisis occurring in every country with a variety of the environmental movement had been formed for a variations. So that the whole world was involved to long time, observers agreed that the environmental find solutions to the environmental crisis that movement developed rapidly in the late 1950s occurred. This model of the environmental (Suharko, 1998). This is marked by an increase in movement that began in 1950 continues today. the number of members and wider public Based on ecological problems that are increasingly awareness. Analysts say that the environmental complex, the environmental movements are movement in the late 1950s entered a modern institutionalized into Environmental Non- period marked as an independent mass movement Government Organization (ENGO). so that the problem was not single (Suharko, 1998). Greenpeace has high popularity in Asia and In the period of environmental crisis in the late has branches in Indonesia, Malaysia, the 1950s, both the causes and policies adopted to Philippines, Thailand, India, Japan, South Korea, overcome the crisis were placed on a global scale. and China. The campaign method used by According to Homer Dixon in (Suharko, 1998), the Greenpeace is to take direct action, disclose cause of the environmental crisis is climate change testimony from the public, and propaganda through which originates from the problem of the social media to persuade the community. greenhouse effect, depletion of the ozone layer, Greenpeace is associated with journalists, activists, degradation of fertile agricultural land, pollution of and science scientists. Massive branding in various clean water supplies, deforestation, and depletion of countries in Asia affects the campaigns that have fishing grounds. The sources of environmental been carried out. Greenpeace has become the


Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI), 1 (2), 108-121 frontline in protecting the world's environment by China and India of trying to dominate the market holding various campaigns. For example in with projects that go through double credit Indonesia, Greenpeace is carrying out an Air calculations. Others accuse the European Union of Quality campaign through the Udara Kita blocking progress because it wants to control the application which eventually forced KLHK to begin internal carbon market. Conditions are heating up the process of revising the Ministerial Regulation with leading developing countries like India to on Air Quality (Simanjuntak, 2018). In addition to insist on collecting promises from developed its large contribution in the scope of Asian countries before asking the world to act. A countries, Greenpeace is also listed as a member of delegation from China even stated that they needed the Climate Action Network (CAN) which real action and stopped demonstrating. networked with 700 ENGOs from 90 countries to The failure of the 2019 summit had put promote ecologically sustainable action to minimize enormous pressure on the entire UN system. By not the effects of climate change. As a CAN member, fulfilling the promise that has been formulated in Greenpeace also took part in conducting campaigns the Paris Agreement to maintain an increase in related to climate change. One of them was average global temperatures below two degrees involved in climate negotiations that took place in Celsius, there is no guarantee the summit can be as Madrid in the first week of the UN COP25 (CAN, expected (Gupta, 2019). ENGO International 2019). Greenpeace's involvement in the UNFCCC journey Although not a new issue, the culmination of is an achievement for ENGO that plays a role in the the search for solutions by various countries and realm of negotiations on climate change issues on ENGO on the problem of climate change is the an international scale. But unfortunately, there is no implementation of the Climate Change Convention writing to do a comparative mapping on climate or commonly known as the UN Framework change after the global agreement made by ENGO Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The International Greenpeace, especially in countries in result is an international political commitment on Asia. Other than that, this paper not only stops at climate change at the Earth Summit on the way organizations frame their movement Environment and Development (UN Conference on models but also explains the evaluation of the Environment and Development, UNCED) in Rio de boundary range carried out by ENGO International Janeiro, Brazil, 1992 (Mudiyarso, 2003). As one of Greenpeace in response to global agreements. This the ENGOs involved in UNFCC, UK-based paper not only stops at the way organizations frame Greenpeace has committed to reducing emissions their movement models but also explains the by 12.5% in the 2008-2012 period. However, the evaluation of the boundary-spanning by ENGO UNFCCC failed at the 25th Summit held in Madrid. International Greenpeace in response to global The 25th UNFCCC summit COP 25 has five agreements. objectives namely: restarting the international carbon market, seeking funds to deal with losses MATERIALS AND METHODS and damage caused by climate change, preparing a This paper uses qualitative research methods road map for long-term financing from developed by utilizing literature studies in the field of ecology countries to developing countries, holding and social movements. To update secondary data developed countries accountable for climate action completely and transformatively (Quan-Hoang, they should have taken before the Paris Agreement Anh-Vinh, Viet-Phuong, Phuong-Hanh, & Manh- entered into force, and to integrate the components Toan, 2020; Shrivastava, Stafford Smith, O’Brien, of gender, human rights, and indigenous rights into & Zsolnai, 2020; Zhang et al., 2020), the authors all climate actions (CAN, 2019). refer directly to Greenpeace's official website. The The carbon market has not yet begun because importance of evaluating the boundary-spanning by 195 governments from the European Union noting all countries in Asia that have Greenpeace gathered in Madrid cannot approve its modalities. branches. Furthermore, the keywords climate Members of delegations from developed and change are included to make it easier for writers to developing countries are not suitable when talking filter data on issues and campaigns in the field of about data. Some accuse new economic powers like climate change. The data obtained is then processed 109

Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI), 1 (2), 108-121 using percentage sorting. Finally, the analysis and level. Of course, the four conceptual put forward by presentation of the data are done by comparing the Jenkins will be subject to government regulations. similarities and differences in how campaigns International ENGO such as Greenpeace as an respond to climate change. example of relevant actors to discuss anthropogenic climate policy issues with principles such as joint RESULTS AND DISCUSSION responsibility but carried out by many actors Evaluation of Boundary-Spanning on Climate (besides UNFCC and IPCC), are present to Change ENGO International Greenpeace in Asia collaborate to solve the best solutions on climate Limititation of Problems and Identity change issues (Kukkonen et al., 2018). The issue of Six countries in Asia have Greenpeace ENGO climate policy globally becomes a prominent issue International branch offices in Southeast Asia such for national policymakers and decision-makers, so as Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and that the framing of the boundaries of the problems Thailand, then in South Asia, India, and East Asia, and identities of each country (Wang, Piazza, & Japan. The six countries have different issues and Soule, 2018), sometimes becomes blurred and campaign activities in the context of climate change competes in the political arena, one of which is even though they are in the same ENGO corridor. mass media. Simply put, how each country This difference can be explained conceptually responds to the issue of climate change is different according to Jenkins (1983), that environmental- even though the rules made refer to the UNFCC and based social movements aim to preserve and the IPCC. The response data of each country was improve the natural environment through public obtained from the mapping by the author based on education, advocating lifestyle choices, better electronic media, namely Greenpeace's official community planning, increased financial website. investment, and government regulation The different ecological characteristics of the (Rochwulaningsih, 2017). Emphasizing the final Southeast Asian, South Asian, and East Asian explanation, namely government regulation, that regions have caused the response of each country in climate change issues should still refer to the main each region to the issue of climate change to be objectives of the UNFCCC, however all of them are different. The following are differences in the first often at odds with government regulations. boundary-spanning range, namely the problem Agreements at the global level can change boundaries and the identities of several countries in drastically when speaking at the national or regional Asia: 1) Indonesia (Southeast Asia) Greenpeace Issues in Indonesia

Make a Change 29%

Protection 68% Join 3%

Scheme 1. Greenpeace Issues in Indonesia Source: processed by the author from (2020)


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There are three campaign issues when entering campaign. Details of each campaign can be seen in keywords to search for climate change in Indonesia. the following table: The most dominant activity is the protection Table 1. Boundaries and Problems of ENGO International Greenpeace in Indonesia Join (3%) Make a Change (29%) Protection (68%) Percentage Percentage Percentage Case Total Case Total Case Total (%) (%) (%) 1 20% Plastic 6 12% Plastic 3 3% avoidance avoidance Climate 2 40% Activism 11 22% Activism 3 3% 2 40% Green 1 2% Renewable 5 4% Air Electronics energy Renewable 7 14% 42 36% Total 5 100% Forest energy Forest 7 14% Climate 43 37% Climate 10 20% Ship 10 9% Ship 2 4% The sea 10 9% The sea 3 6% Total 116 100% Air 3 6% Total 50 100% Source: processed by the author from (2020) 2) Malaysia (Southeast Asia) Greenpeace Issues in Malaysia

Community 23%

Protection of Sustainable Nature Life 56% 21%

Scheme 2. Greenpeace Issues in Malaysia Source: processed by the author from (2020) There are three campaign issues when activities. The details of each campaign can be seen inserting keywords for climate change search in the in the following table: State of Malaysia. The most dominant in the campaign activities in the form of nature protection


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Table 2. Boundaries and Problems of ENGO International Greenpeace in Malaysia Sustainable Life (21%) Community (23%) Protection of Nature (56%) Percentage Percentage Percentage Case Total Case Total Case Total (%) (%) (%) City 2 13% Climate 5 29% City 1 2% Climate 2 13% Impact 8 47% Climate 10 24% Consumption 4 25% Plastic 1 6% Consumption 5 12% Forest 1 6% Ship 3 18% Forest 12 29% Impact 1 6% Total 17 100% Impact 4 10% Plastic 3 19% The sea 3 7% Pollution 3 19% Pollution 7 17% Total 16 100% Total 42 100% Source: processed by the author (2020)

3) Philippines (Southeast Asia)

Greenpeace Issues in Philippines

Community 7%

Society 26% Sustainable Life 67%

Scheme 3. Greenpeace Issues in Philippines Source: processed by the author from (2020) There are three campaign issues when activities in the form of sustainability activities. The inserting keywords for climate change search in the details of each campaign can be seen in the Philippines. The most dominant in the campaign following table: Table 3. Boundaries and Problems of ENGO International Greenpeace in Philippines Community (7%) Society (26%) Sustainable Life (67%) Percentage Percentage Percentage Case Total Case Total Case Total (%) (%) (%) Activism 2 15% Activism 6 13% Activism 3 3% Climate 4 31% Climate 16 36% Climate 42 35% Democracy 1 8% Democracy 4 9% Democracy 1 1% Energy 1 8% Energy 1 2% Energy 13 11% Justice 2 15% 1 2% Food 11 9% Pollution 1 8% Justice 15 33% Justice 29 24% Ship 2 15% The sea 1 2% The sea 6 5% Total 13 100% Pollution 1 2% Plastic 8 7% Total 45 100% Pollution 6 5% Total 119 100% Source: processed by the author from (2020) 112

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4) Thailand (Southeast Asia)

Greenpeace Issues in Thailand

Make a Change 18% Rejection 16% Protection 66%

Scheme 4. Greenpeace Issues in Thailand Source: processed by the author from (2020) There are three campaign issues when campaign protection activities. The details of each inserting keywords for climate change search in campaign can be seen in the following table: Thailand. The most dominant activity in the form of Table 4. Boundaries and Problems of ENGO International Greenpeace in Thailand Rejection (16%) Make a Change (18%) Protection (66%) Percentage Percentage Percentage Case Total Case Total Case Total (%) (%) (%) People 3 50% Forest 1 14% and 2 8% society Food Plastic 1 17% 4 57% Coal 1 4% system Sea and Climate 1 17% Lifestyle 2 29% 2 8% ocean Clean 1 17% Total 7 100% Forest 3 12% air Total 6 100% Plastic 1 4% Food 1 4% system Climate 9 36% Clean air 6 24% Total 25 100% Source: processed by the author from (2020)


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5) India (South Asia)

Greenpeace Issues in India

Health and Life 24% Clean Energy 46% Environment 30%

Scheme 5. Greenpeace Issues in India Source: processed by the author from (2020) There are three campaign issues when activity in the form of clean energy activities. The inserting keywords for climate change search in the details of each campaign can be seen in the State of India. The most dominant campaign following table: Table 5. Boundaries and Problems of ENGO International Greenpeace in India Health and Life (24%) Environment (30%) Clean Energy (46%) Percentage Percentage Percentage Case Total Case Total Case Total (%) (%) (%) Air Air Air 4 13% 9 23% 11 18% pollution pollution pollution Fossil Forest 1 3% Forest 11 28% 18 30% fuels Fossil fuels 6 19% Fossil fuels 9 23% Health 8 13% Health 12 39% Health 8 20% Renewable 23 38% Food 2 6% Renewable 2 5% Total 60 100% safety Sustainable Sustainable 6 19% 1 3% agriculture Total 31 100% Total 40 100% Source: processed by the author from (2020)


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6) Japan (East Asia)

Greenpeace Campaign in Japan Food and

Agriculture Peace and Democracy 1% 3%

Nuclear Toxic Substances Power Plant 1% 8%

Forest 5%

Natural Energy 27%

Climate Change


Coal Marine 32% Ecosystems


Scheme 6. Greenpeace Campaign in Japan Source: processed by the author (2020) There are nine campaign issues when inserting change in three parts, namely sensitivity to keywords for climate change search in Japan. The conservation, forest protection, most dominant in the campaign activity is the use change, and the use of coal. This summary can emphasis on the use of coal. Of the six countries in be seen in the following table: Asia, it can be categorized as a keyword on climate Table 6. Boundaries and Problems of ENGO International Greenpeace in Asia Country Region Issues Percentage (%) Indonesia Southeast Asia Climate 37% Malaysia Southeast Asia Forest 29% Philippines Southeast Asia Climate 35% Thailand Southeast Asia Climate 36% India South Asia Renewable energy 38% Japan East Asia Coal 32% Source: processed by the author from (2020) Among the six countries, only Japan is category of developing countries, although lately, included in the category of developed countries. Indonesia has begun to be included in the category The other five countries are still included in the of developed countries. The category of developing- 115

Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI), 1 (2), 108-121 developed countries according to the World Bank is advocacy at the time of collaboration involving more emphasized on Gross National Income other partners. The campaign that has been carried (GNB), which is the more advanced infrastructure out can be seen as two forms, namely the instrument to support economic activity, the economy is more of protest and the instrument of a cultural symbol of focused on the industrial sector, quality of collective identity (Wang et al., 2018). The education, health, high welfare, and science and environmental movement is driven by ENGO technology is developing rapidly. When related to currently has the greatest influence on the politics of the GNI, Japan is very well known for advancing the global environment in its wide and deep with its industrial sector, then the progress of the understanding of the environment. This makes country is supported by the issue of climate change NGOs have a high position compared to countries which suppresses the use of coal to be replaced with in environmental conventions that are not environmentally friendly renewable energy. In specifically specific about the various global contrast to Indonesia and India, which are better environmental conditions (Low, 2009). Greenpeace known for their agriculture sector, Greenpeace in as one of the ENGOs that has the power to develop Indonesia responds more to climate change with public discourse while advocating for climate campaigns themselves, even though the environmental issues has been aggressively issue of politicization in the extractive and tourism campaigning for environmental issues in the Asian industry sectors dominates Indonesia (Amiruddin & region. These efforts should be elaborated to find Rozalinna, 2020; Genta Mahardhika Rozalinna, out to what extent Greenpeace can advocate for 2019; Nurhadi, Amiruddin, & Rozalinna, 2019; environmental issues that are a common concern in Rozalinna & Amiruddin, 2018). But even more countries in the Asian Continent. interesting is India, with the potential of natural 1. Greenpeace Advocacy Reduces Use of Plastics resources similar to Indonesia, they are more Stages of resistance to destructive responsive about renewable energy. Renewable development discourse have shown results. In the energy is more related to suppressing case of East Asia, Greenpeace has advocated for and changing the lifestyle of the people themselves. climate change and energy issues. Greenpeace has The two parts of renewable energy in India, more carried out campaigns for many years by emphasis on the microstructure of people's lives. Of conducting surveys in Asian countries. One of the course, something like this must be supported by efforts made by Greenpeace is surveying understanding and ecological awareness that is supermarkets that use plastic in the process of qualified in each individual. Thailand is also well- distributing goods to customers. In the Greenpeace known for its agriculture sector, for example, as a Report (Greenpeace Indonesia, 2020b) noted rice-producing country, it turns out that both of that the area where plastic is most often used is in them have chosen climate as the most common packaging. Around 40% of plastic production in campaign boundary. The choice of climate 2015 was used to package items such as food, campaign itself is related to improving clean air drinks, cosmetics, disposable detergents, and other quality, the context of climate change is understood household utensils. Packaging products are a major by better handling of air ecosystems. The cause of mass production and excessive plastic Philippines is also more active in climate campaign consumption. The representative space where this activities, but in contrast to the others, the plastic packaging material is consumed in the Philippines prefers to declare justice for the hypermarkets. The starting point of the use of this environment. When viewed, the process of plastic is the efficiency of consumers to see the philosophy in looking at the environment has tried appearance of the product to stimulate consumer to be advocated by Greenpeace in the Philippines. sentiment. Also, the use of plastic is massively Organizational and Tactical Restrictions found in the process of distribution of goods The campaign activities carried out by because it is considered the most effective. Greenpeace representatives in several countries on The main results evaluated by Greenpeace the Asian Continent became a protest that Seoul following the four standards of reduction, determined the short life span of advocacy for the transparency, innovation, and policy are as follows: environment, but could be the longevity of 116

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1. The inability of hypermarkets to understand the consumers can contribute to living a plastic-free amount of disposable plastic used in stores, life. Then on June 3, 2020, Lotte Mart declared including rolls of plastic bags, itself to remove all disposable plastic. The Lotte 2. Lack of distribution of plastic products Mart Declaration is the first statement of attitude to themselves and product suppliers, take place in Asia. However, the statement of 3. Passive identification and disclosure, attitude is only the beginning. Greenpeace will urge 4. Lack of collaboration with manufacturers and Lotte Mart to build a Benton system to reduce suppliers for plastic reduction, plastic consumption systematically and will 5. The absence of an alternative packaging continue to monitor it. system, 2. Greenpeace Advocacy for Protection of 6. This campaign only focuses on consumers so Marine Ecosystems they don't get significant results, and After the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, the 7. Inadequate rate of recovery of multi-use use of nuclear as safe, inexpensive, and reliable shopping carts energy has been debated again. Leaking of the In the report, Greenpeace Seoul suggested Fukushima Daichi nuclear reactor pipe and disposal steps for Korea to change and follow the Plastic of radioactive wastewater into the sea causes water Zero Movement that is spreading throughout the and marine products to be contaminated by world with personal efforts to reduce the number of radioactive substances. TEPCO states that pastries on a macro scale. The first step to reducing radioactive wastewater discharged into the sea has disposable plastic is to determine the capacity of reached 300 tons per day since 2011 (Sarjiati, use. In the distribution process, capacity analysis is 2018). TEPCO and the government state that the important to understand the amount of plastic used disposal of radioactive wastewater does not exceed including disposable plastics used in stores. Also, the safety limits set by the government so that hypermarkets need to work with suppliers to radioactive pollution in low doses does not develop sustainable packaging methods and endanger health. However, some researchers improve logistics systems. Finally, hypermarkets express different opinions. Radioactive waste need to make comprehensive road maps and set disposed of by TEPCO as much as 300 tons per day clear reduction targets. does not include the waste that flows due to leakage One of the hypermarkets that stated their of nuclear reactor pipes (CNIC, 2011). In attitude after the circulation of the report was Lotte September 2018, it was revealed that 80% of Mart. Lotte Mart together with E-Mart and radioactively contaminated water was treated in a Homeplus got the lowest score among the five multi-nuclide removal facility that could remove all marts surveyed in the Greenpeace report reactive material except tritium which contained (Greenpeace Indonesia, 2020b). Earlier in April, strontium 90 and iodine 129 which were harmful to Greenpeace pulled an extra-large cart more than 5 marine ecosystems (Greenpeace Jepang, 2020). meters tall to the front of Lotte Mart as a form of At a meeting of the International Maritime demonstration that revealed the target of using and Organization (IMO), Greenpeace called on the reducing disposable plastic packaging and Japanese government not to release radioactive demanding immediate handling. Because Lotte polluted air into the sea. Greenpeace sent Mart is expanding its market to Southeast Asian conservation experts Greenpeace Division to the countries including Vietnam and Indonesia, so it is United Nations about the agreement of the crucial to deal with plastic problems with corporate International Maritime Organization which will be responsibility (Kim, 2020). After that, Greenpeace held in London in the fall and will request an appeal held an ongoing meeting with Lotte Mart to directly to UN member states. Until now, negotiate the amount of plastic used by the Greenpeace opened an open site petition about company and to set effective reduction targets. As Greenpeace that can be accessed online to approve explained above, hypermarkets are a bridge Greenpeace at the level of the International connecting consumers and products. If Maritime Organization and the United Nations hypermarkets show a desire to solve plastic Human Rights Organization. problems, many products can change, and 117

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3. Greenpeace Advocacy Campaigns for national lockdown so that it affected agricultural Renewable Energy supplies. Transportation restrictions cause delays in In September 2019, Greenpeace and procurement and delivery which have an impact on the North China Electric Power University released product freshness. Greenpeace India's collaboration a report entitled “Green Cloud Lighting: Research with the Organic Farmers Market (OFM) is working on Energy Consumption and Potential for with small and marginal farmers from Kodai, Ooty, Renewable Energy Use in Chinese Data Centers”. Dindigul, Tindivanam, Madurantakam, and This report is the first report that analyzes the Chengalpattu to unite to ensure that producers are evaluation of the needs and feasibility of purchasing connected to consumers who need it most, and using renewable energy in the China Data especially stranded migrant workers, and tuna Center industry. Analysis of the report states that homestead. Greenpeace helps farmers to distribute the total power consumption of the China Data their agricultural products while ensuring that the Center in 2018 was 160.8889 billion kWh which is products are safe and nutritious to be processed by 2.35% of China's total social power consumption. public kitchens and consumed by the community The expenditure exceeds Shanghai's total social (Ananthoo, 2020). power consumption in 2018 (156.7 billion kWh) 5. Greenpeace Advocacy in Kitchen Waste (Aninda, 2020). That is, most of China's Data Management Center locations are mostly concentrated in areas According to Solid Waste Management and with relatively low renewable energy resources such Public Cleaning Company (SWCorp), in 2020, as Beijing, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu. Through the Malaysia produces around 16,688 tons of food report, Greenpeace emphasized the efforts of the waste per day, an amount that can easily feed Chinese Data Center industry to improve the around 2.2 million people three times a day. Food efficiency of power use. Greenpeace in the report waste is an incomplete and dangerous problem. recommends that relevant government departments Food waste releases methane gas which is far more should expand the pilot area of the renewable dangerous than carbon dioxide. The heat absorbed energy market trading mechanism to enable various by this gas can heat the earth in a short time. types and sizes of corporate users to participate in Warming the earth will eventually cause the sea- the procurement of renewable energy, as well as level rise and climate change. To respond to these expand the scope of green certificate issuance. problems, Greenpeace Malaysia campaigned for the 4. Greenpeace Advocacy in Supporting Food Gerila Compost Land Recovery Movement. The Security substance of this movement is to campaign for ways The COVID-19 pandemic has caused famine to treat kitchen waste and create compost through it in affected populations in India. One of them is in so that it can be reused (Greenpeace Malaysia, Delhi. Even before the pandemic, famine was still a 2020). frightening specter for the people of Delhi. The 6. Greenpeace Advocacy for Water Crisis Delhi government has started public kitchens in Management several cities, but these efforts have not been Greenpeace Thailand gets the findings outlined enough to reach people in need. This urgency is in the research report which shows that pollution behind the non-profit organization Samadhan occurs in every process in the coal cycle. It causes Abhiyan who is working with Greenpeace India to water to be contaminated with heavy metals and open a community kitchen that currently serves toxic substances at levels that are significantly lunch and dinner for around 6000 people every day. dangerous to humans and wildlife. This condition is Greenpeace India donates grains, rice, and exacerbated by Thailand which is experiencing the vegetables purchased from small farmers in Delhi at worst drought in four decades. In Southeast Asia, a reasonable price. This public kitchen movement is aside from having to deal with water scarcity, water also assisted by volunteers from residents who are resources in Thailand are dominated by industrial willing to help to process food (Agnihotri, 2020). interest groups because government policies lead to This solidarity movement increasingly conflicts over agricultural resources. Greenpeace mushroomed when the COVID-19 pandemic struck Thailand has long been gathering online petitions to India and forced the government to impose a urge water resources companies to find ways to 118

Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI), 1 (2), 108-121 treat water amid water scarcity and the drought norms, green ideologies are symbolized as wise currently engulfing Thailand (Greenpeace Southeast ideologies to provide a complete set of patterns of Asia, 2019). western capitalism. From the advocacy presentation 7. Greenpeace Advocacy Strengthens Forest conducted by Greenpeace, it can be seen that Protection advocacy must be the main focus in its movement Greenpeace Indonesia analyzes deforestation patterns by adding value to the intellectual values of in the moratorium area in Kalimantan, Sumatra, human resources and creativity in communicating Papua, Sulawesi, and Maluku. As a result, there is everyone who can look for individuals who care no significant decrease every year. Of the total about the environment. This can be witnessed by forest cover lost in the moratorium area in 2017 the incessant reports and analysis conducted by recorded around 22.2%, in 2012 reaching 19.7% Greenpeace since it was founded in Asian countries percent and in 2019 reaching 19.7% (Greenpeace through alternative discourses as a movement Indonesia, 2020a). Through the analysis, output. Greenpeace suggested making fundamental changes The power of discourse is used to provide namely fundamental changes in the form of an values that are different from the discourse of improvement in indicative maps and information capitalism that is built. Because basically, the power that are open to the public so that the community of this discourse can break the intellectual traditions can participate in monitoring as an action to that have been controlled by the elite. The desire for strengthen the Forest and Peat Moratorium policy a variety of conditions that are better than now also (Greenpeace Indonesia, 2019). serves as an entry point for alternative discourses. 8. Greenpeace Advocacy Campaigns for Air This criticism begins with the emergence of various Quality Improvement changes in the joints of life one of which is the The hashtag #BetterNormal has become a pattern of changes in consumption and production, mainstay hashtag in the Philippines in campaigning lifestyle, and the context of other clean actions. The for air quality improvement in 2020. A report effectiveness of this movement pattern also released by Greenpeace Philippines reveals that provides an awareness-building that is starting to pollution levels in Metro Manila have been steadily appear in global life now. So the discourse increasing since early May. This report collects data instruments as the basis of the movement provide from two main air pollutants emitted from burning awareness in seeing the environment. The discourse fossil fuels, namely nitrogen dioxide and fine that is built in the community can build public particles (PM2.5) (Greenpeace Philippines, 2020). sensitivity which eventually becomes one of the Nitrogen dioxide and PM 2.5 are associated with entry points for ENGO Greenpeace to take part in severe respiratory illness and heart health. Exposure the negotiations that take place at international to high levels of air pollution affects the body's conventions. natural defenses against viruses in the air and increases susceptibility to COVID-19. Greenpeace CONCLUSION urges the government with recommendations for Greenpeace is one of the international ENGOs recovery efforts that prioritize clean energy sources, who participated in discussing the issue of global green transportation options, and increased micro- climate policy anthropogenically in addition to the mobility around the area to maintain air pollution at UNFCC and IPCC. Greenpeace has several branch manageable levels and minimize risks to health. offices in more than 40 countries, including some Greenpeace's strategy in campaigning for on the Continent of Asia. The results of the increased environmental problems is related to the evaluation of the range of climate change fighting existing process of developing environmental movements in the Asian Continent produce the politics. The Greenpeace movement is currently following conclusions: 1) the problem and identity responding to the post-industrialist era which could restrictions on the campaigns carried out are all be the only alternative in fighting against the adjusted to the ecological conditions of each industrialization era. Campaigns and ideologies that country; 2) organizational limitation through can be accepted quickly are accepted because of the institutional strengthening becomes the main focus acculturation of cultural symbols and universal in the pattern of movement, and tactical efforts are 119

Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI), 1 (2), 108-121 made through the publication of reports and analysis that are built in stages in various e/fukukk23mar11.html communication and action media. From this Genta Mahardhika Rozalinna. (2019). Laki-laki conclusion, the author recommends that there be Menjaga Tsunami, Perempuan Menjaga other similar writings, which also evaluate “Brahma”: Pemetaan Potensi Bencana dan Greenpeace boundaries in the Continent of Europe, Masalah Daerah Rawan Tsunami di Pantai America, Africa, and . Its function is to Golo, Desa Wojo, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa become new knowledge related to the supervision Timur. Talenta Conference Series: Local of activities carried out by civil society on an Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA), 2(1), 1–7. international ENGO. Greenpeace Indonesia. (2019). Analisis REFERENCES Greenpeace_ menunjukkan satu juta hektar Agnihotri, A. (2020). Circles of Solaridary_ A hutan terbakar di dalam area moratorium community kitchen in Delhi feeds 5K hutan - Greenpeace Indonesia. Retrieved migrants and homeless people - Greenpeace from India. Retrieved from -pers/3506/analisis-greenpeace- 684/circles-of-solaridary-a-community- menunjukkan-satu-juta-hektar-hutan- kitchen-in-delhi-feeds-5k-migrants-and- terbakar-di-dalam-area-moratorium-hutan/ homeless-people/ Greenpeace Indonesia. (2020a). Kehilangan Hutan Amiruddin, L., & Rozalinna, G. M. (2020). Indonesia Masih Terjadi di Kawasan Participatory Mapping for Disasters in Dilindungi, Moratorium Hutan Perlu Tulungrejo Village, Bumiaji Sub-District, Diperkuat - Greenpeace Indonesia. Retrieved Batu City. Jurnal Partisipatoris, 2(1), 19. from Ananthoo. (2020). Circles of Solidarity_ Farmers -pers/5170/kehilangan-hutan-indonesia- from Kodai, Ooty and Dindigul feed masih-terjadi-di-kawasan-dilindungi- distressed communities in Chennai - moratorium-hutan-perlu-diperkuat/ Greenpeace India. Retrieved from Greenpeace Indonesia. (2020b). Tindakan Nyata Dari Salah Satu Jaringan Supermarket 706/circles-of-solidarity-farmers-from-kodai- Terbesar di Korea Selatan Bisa Menjadi ooty-and-dindigul-feed-distressed- Contoh Bagi Peritel Lainnya - Greenpeace communities-in-chennai/ Indonesia. Retrieved from Aninda, N. (2020). Greenpeace Soroti Konsumsi Energi Industri Teknologi China - Kabar24 -pers/5192/tindakan-nyata-dari-salah-satu- Bisnis. Retrieved from jaringan-supermarket-terbesar-di-korea- selatan-bisa-menjadi-contoh-bagi-peritel- /1188603/greenpeace-soroti-konsumsi- lainnya/ energi-industri-teknologi-china Greenpeace Jepang. (2020). [Signature] Do not CAN. (2019). Senior Global Policy Advisor release radioactively contaminated water into (Climate, Biodiversity, and Ocean), the ocean. Greenpeace East Asia: Retrieved from Greenpeace Malaysia. (2020). Ways to Repurpose Kitchen Waste - Greenpeace Malaysia. release/un-climate-talks-flounder-key-issues- Greenpeace Philippines. (2020). SPECIAL common-time-frames-finance-loss-and- REPORT_ Managing air quality beyond damage-and COVID-19 - Greenpeace Philippines. CNIC. (2011). English Topics Safety Earthquake Greenpeace Southeast Asia. (2019). Greenpeace Fukukk 23 Mar 11 recommendations for Thailand’s plastic に何も見つかりません. Retrieved management roadmap to mitigate the impacts from of plastic pollution on wildlife and iconic 120

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