-- --

ht WLitteU ?pailtj gsglc: jmtfoaj tovulUQ, IHm-cI-t 6, 1892. 3

IU Y. ELDRIDUK. M. C. CAMPBELL, AJiT SCHOOL. ADVERTISE TYVE, lVJlTTPHff Miss Emily Jekyl will reopen her Art THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TEE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. & CAMPBELL, School early in March. The courhu will EIMIDGE include all branches. Special O f 1 - ,X wmr for alajsiipplb-- . for all raatiln, mimmer for term. tit-- lMoriUi.D(.iiniiu((Ai.ntlun,' Ajjent lh Your Wants S applied, Your Wants Supplied. Hllgfaph." Wrliu Ur circulars, iMn, glni- - WICHITA, KA?f. CHINA niCCOJlATIOX. FINANCE AND COMMERCE Worces- WANTlSn - PAKTIKi HAVINO PHOPKitlY lOll hALK - Iftl ACItl H I'HlllO. M1SVELLA US. 3n9trnctlon riven in Koynl that tb v ttiil eil on pay menu t ( o o. Z. V In enllll atlon tovan uiiies from Wichita. Cow NEO ter or any otluir slyle of China Deco- Smith A Co. 13 N Jlarket, d H twin huitum. Price vtU John I1her A C. id I Mirr ilia! rMil To par Una perils r MARKET REPORTS ration. Mrs. J. .Bell, llfiO N, Market tu flVf ON AFPLICA- - Alfred - TrANTED-AN- Y OS'K VlSJIlNO TfrBl' V A 1IKIK! SENT 1)0-- 1 S- ,o0o lllitLh SIANDtltn, Wichita St. v L'Qod 17011 HAI.HIfiU HUVHATMtHHKOOM HUl'nK C7 Howe Hd Uiiksi, Prices,YH, ) TION. farm f tj acre n..r KeiM oatbo i(j ran bin. books railroad nortneat of Vwhlta, ran buy tt 1 siul uani and i'XlW feet oji Hlvrniew. mall rents, thrra Imoks fur six books W.7J WICHITA MAEEETS. lmil 215 2U foi i,0, lfold atoact). o. Z. fctnlth ,t Co. takes the ejmi J. F. Reese, E. Douglaaava, Tha duale Immis prlnutl. Stn orderlnr staui i.t dOIN M you WritiU L1VE STOCK MUSIC. Mmket it WMItlforw Addrev WlchiU Ka.l-- W ."UxuT tiiia.Kn diTit "ANTED-- A GOOD, CHEAP HOAl) CART. l?Oirs.Vl.V-14- 11 ttl tT. AM FOUR 5. COMMISSION Il , L UrgH Wichita, March MOZART SCHOOL OF MUSIC t .iiiij-R- wltli prlca and wheraitcnu la.trtn, toomaiI ummer kitchu. cloet. jvui. IK DlCS PKHIOJIICAI. PILUS. THK try. two porches, well ami wator In kitchen, tU rmiHy.actdlrvctiyon recepts were exceedingly MliRCilANTS lot ieticeil. Oiitvthinl iMlame uoa XJ .real f'rerh lha tnn The cattlo Removed to No. 17. Wrlnj; block. Thoronclt la liikunU .ah, strtial system and pull t c ly cwra upprrloa of t lis very iiicleuiout In piano, lutrmuny &nd te HAVKTsroTcVsifnrvEit FouTv'nTIn and two j ears nt 6 per ceht . J. K, iicwse, -- Hi Katt Uari-nt- light todity caused by the miction counterpoint, holm1, dW St uuntkvs. to promoia mvcstruatliM. fcl MUS. U.HAYS. ' nil tOacre Iwltom lurro neAr ton ft. aud OougU., 1btn ptlls ahoubt not bo takaa dHrlij prrguaucr. has been u satis- TWO-fCEN- T for ont r t wt, hoiiiei, to be moved, Israel Bru , 2d . weather. The past week Amtricau Pill ctAiipinr, royaL proprietors, ain-iv- di- floor IAN Market t. dUJn 170R SALEf 0 BUYS A COODlniyBAN'D generally, in the cnttlo JL ; la. t iiei mHRtiipplml b ihas. liwrvujt. factory one Mrs. ft ground wjV, Math st. near Jackson ci.Me Douglas, Kan- OLDEST FIRM AT THE YARDS. Lillian Hamblin Garst TrANTLD-- A GOOD SKCONDIlANU P1IAK-- jut ichlta, - by whoUU undtho receipts were ubovo the reUlU 141 4i vision, n. Will elve In voice development and the ton. Murt be cbeup fur cakb. Call at iiuri a good hease and birn on W. Ninth st. Ur good. R. T. DEAN, I PRESTOS Instructions dtS-l- the prices were The t'ns-lla- COLUMN. V ells ! awo t.xpresi office. t' Jackwon -- J, F, Reese, V.i U. Douglas ave. average, and OflW. Cattle Salesman. rt oftlnclnn. Thu Intelligent rendering of h uear c ON'B IN NKEU OF INFORM 1TIOS butchers' bfUUds spccUlt) . Pupils prepared tbi n I?tVKRY advMlt-lBgwi- is exceptionally good on B. BLEAKMORE, Hog Salesman. souks and a 1 subject of II dowr4l o market J, for teaching ana concert buitflntf. Terms 'Al lessons 'AXTEDA WORK XAHK. strong THIS and barrow cheap. A C. Winder, SALB-- A SNAP-O- NE LOT MxllSFT. ON obtatti A ropy f Book lor 3i cows and heifers of all grades and of 40 mlnutei each SHIM). PEOPLE'S C0LUA1& Addra 170R prUvvt. Mailol. puht.dritlr,on (vw. de- Wichlt. Kait d9l Ct 1: North Main, between Central av- - ami TM.d iHiiagr ttvclptof prlc. The BEAN,BLEAKM0RE&C0. Netder-land- C'oHiulB a prices are being paid for them. H. N!tMr, fortUSSferafewdays. N. P. er rmefui rompilation from the Amtrlesii will probably bo a JIMS. ED WAliD If. UOVJSr, WANTED -- I WANT A FEW ENEilGKTlC J; Co. d St Nensuapor lnintory of all lha best iMpem atl mand is good and there LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MEKC1IAXTS men and women to work for me In Klucman cUm jouniai: given tbeclrculatloQ rnllarfof rrr on the market Vocal Teacher. Italian 3rethod. Your "Wants Supplied. county, balaiy JiSptr month: steady employiuent ITM-i- 1'AlUr IN SI L vne.aitd a goon ilral of about pood run of these urudes t rt rttsil WICHITA, lvA Uoom 3, Hotel Metropole. fail on or address G. D. h. Fitz Roy, over nrt ner county. only S.StO. Iarmer & J!ndHi. her lu.tlieia pertaining to tho business of a.lrer. jiext week. National bank. Kinsman. Kan. dViCt ot er 19 N. Main. ! tllng. Addr l.orli' Aitvfraiu Uarr.u. IJ Referenos, Wichita. Hanks. Office, Btscfc Yards Th folloricc rates under the different headlncs WiH.t strvrt. ei ivr will be diw today owing to Exchange Building;. G-- charred. VE 1IAVK A SPOT CASH BUYER FOR SO Yrou" hALTli!t TIJADK-- A THREE STOHY There were no hogs iu PHOTO APHERS. 1 1 acres bottom land, near town; uUo for one or L bus ucM blocl. on DoughiH aenue far farm EFPaynblo Strictly ia Advance. Kaa- - FOR BUlLDINO HR.VD. hloshy and rainy weather. No bales two house to bo moved; uloa Il.TUO home, well propcrt). BU.kweldorx Holbrook. Wichita. JL7OP03ALS - the CONSIGN YOUR No advertisements takes for less tliuu 10 cents. located. Call on -- quirterf yepariiuent of th MlwourL OClra oi or write seelu; this notice, Israel .t.i. O" tun Chief ss, were consequently made. Had there been JtOGERS, Oae line advertisements charged same rate as two Bros. dsi 'il QuartermusKr. Chicei Illinois. Wn. lines. TjOH LK-AT OUil FIOURE PROp" !. proposals. In triplicate, subject to Ok have liWS b- any hogs on sale today, they would CATTLE, HOGS XSD SHEEP SliePbotcirraiilier. Plcturai In all slMnanrt ityl NO ADVERTISEMENTS TAKEN TO RUN UN rANTED--A FEW CHEAP HOUSES ON JL erty corner seventeenth t. aud Lawrence ave. usual conditions, will - trce4ved al this -- 3c and VJL , at the oWoe of lh m at p-ply. sold ubout the same as yesterday. He alio carrfej the fltirbt KSMortmentof nlctnr FORBIDDEN." t monthly payments, J. D. Hutclilnw. S7.lia 4 room houM-- very large stable a ad orthoute. cify Ist Tort TO- ntue$lu thecltr. Ulro him lrleiidly call anp Prices qlren under classified beads In this column merly Biilldlcc d 3l water and sewerage Lota HWilM) Iceland alt feuceo. Indian 'ierrtiory, unUi U ociotdc a-- m. Tim Quotations nore presented ure to give the z&aiitia samples. H,ppUcAble only to local advertisements. No foreign Injure IIS N Main stretit. dSSf cvniral standanl Ome. March 9, IfJt andthoa t hlpt-- r n Ide". of the general range of prices. Tha advertisements taken at price--- given. TRADE A GOOD WORK HORSE Pnml for furnishing mnterUU and labor requlrr.1 grudesaell of fp-s- 5 lUTsiNESS HOrsE.2-l)P-9 iu the erection completion A guard various classes and wlthlu the limits MOORE, Answers to advertisements sent in care of the for a cow. Cah first house north side J70RSAL1N-- STORY and of liouet these quotations, according Jo the quullty of offer- HEALY & Eaglk office should be called for vlthln ludny Keiloss st. eait of HtlNlde ave. dS5 Jt block north of Douglas, at -- n. ror Indian Territory. Plans arulspeclflca. dully 1 beso quo- Sl K. Doug- - two can be had on application iCio 10 ings and the state of the markets. SUEGEONS. afwr Insertion. When advertisers wish replvs for -- foilrth ot Us actual coat. J. F. Reese, to tbw or aru only changed when there has oeen a LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCH'TS YETERIMEY warded to stamped envelope must be ANTED-TO BUY A FIVE OR SIX ROOM the Piist QurierniK.UT al lavnaworth. Kai, an.t tations them sent. ' permanent chance in the general et. ilie Ratereace to former afiviriisements should Rive cottage, to move. In north part of city. Fort supply. Indian rwntery. Tho ivcrnment get ISi ' dW b'-- representative sutles should he referred to to the Union Stock Yards, Wichita, Xau. .a riuiuijirs, description and dnte of inertionorcopycf the N. Main st. Tf SALE BY lSUAKu BROS.. SF.VERAL light to rej7i any aud jt or fhillips be sei. J?OR any pans thrtwof Kuxriope iia-poa-ls daily fluctuations. VETEKINA ItY SUHOEON3. siould "WANTED-I-EVER- in lusiress; alo rallroul proiirttes. -- good lo extra $3 75 l 00 Not responsible lor advertisements given or dis- IADY IN WiCHi'I A TO 12iN. st Israel BuiWing. sbouM h marked prpost for BQllJlr.s Native shipping steers, Correspondence solicited. Market by EAOI.B or ITcgpltal accommodation. Call bv Telephone Ma"i, room U. a Offlce, ud floor. Market adlr-- Good to extra native butcher steers, lJUO continued by telepbtme. callatr3Hi. and obtain dTl It at Fort Sapply. Indian rerrtutrr." acd. .l 3 Drovers News sent fre, We have I eversj ttoclt Teleaph or Mall will receive prompt attention freo trial of the famoni Gloria Water for the com- to th nnder6ciipil r to the P Qaaitsrmarvr. J20.I pounds 253tf) Xor 07 Offl JS. Offlce pletion. removes Dimple.--:, UM&I05J pounds J UX&J A ranches sale cheap. o. Ill Lawrenco live. telephnna P.tliTely freckles, at iBdUBlwrtlory. J. I KfNOHAM, Native leedkiK steers. 211 dC'J - Forttsl. Quartcr-m.iste- 2 tSw-- SW 'o.;i. ltesldenco 'lelspdouu No. tl wTtf blackheads and tan. and tives a loelv complexion. J- C. S. A Chief r. Native stockers. tiUU&oOO pounds B. OB S J IEMiscellaneous. j wsfc WANTED 1 EM Mrs. &. fccdtt, mauaKer of branch offlce. Choice cows and hellers ALE IJELE. d76 fcat Son L bead :c line per day. Fair to good cows and heifers OJfe. 7j Under this bead 2c per line per day. Sf nder this pr 1 23 & Co Bulls and stags KX; Billings, Williams 7ANTED-t-- BUGGY. WILL PAY CaSH.'T, -- TRIP MAPS SHOWING EVERY HO K L'anuers ej1 Must be cheap. APPlv at iil North Market. GHEROKEi: of land, oery township, every BA I L AD 2TETJL It L bcalawHKs.. 1 Domestics. II tw stream. raWrod and station, pr.nteu in cojcirs, Texas -- leers LIVE STOCK rANTED-G- IL TO DO GE.VEItAL UOU&C price U) ceuts. aujtanteed to be accurate; J MtssooRi --. b'UXKI'. ' work; (rood wages; references required Ap- 1 WISH TO BUY A THOROUGH, box Wichita. Kan. rctrir r. to Major WANTED-- pus pnp. Address F. E. S3. ! HKHVU ply Paul R. Bt own. t ort Supply. I. T. male LKATX. Good stock 6boep. COJ1MISS10N d95 Doyle, Kan. -- ONE GOOD DELIVERY HOltSE. (jood mock ewe. 75,SU . 2 HJ&J U) 5t Kinsman. 27ibH SALE ZWH,d W of E. A. Harmonlng. Ill E. First t. M. Loal Man Exprew. 4tap Good to extra wetliers. Ta'aiBJ. TrANTEU-- GOOD GIRL FOR QESKKAL ES TO KNOW THAT THEY and Bilru 4lwj to A WANTED-LADI- -- ivansas(.'lty express. mrw lioodtoextialaib i boutework. Apply at once lo lira. F G. the celebrated Olive Branch" at L&Zll-- u M 70S BUY ixlOWA IMlTVi.. ,,iu 30A Fltcb. Riveraldo. d?6 6t East Centra! ave. Fresh medicine just received. SALE- - A FUKMi MILCH COW. CAN LU- Mrs. Adams, agent. dyil-- IrOR acoave, w- Kiowa Mix d.... -i AM oir W t J.C. Rlchev, liurw WICHITA f lcliliu Cralu Market. RL ASl ItOllADO. TUANTED-GI- FOR GENERAL HOUSE- - Colorado Mall and ixpreas March 5. ork; vn u family lllfJ Park Place avenue. l"rANTED-DREsSMAKI- TO DO. CALL AT 1 Jill 1I.F V FEW l.OAD-- OF NICK. BRIGHT .31ru Wicunx, We engaze in no speculation, "but in V (.olorado Room G 219 E. Douglas. dSO &' fodder tlod bundli.. If sohl ImmeJI .llxeu (;: rithr-- Following are the closlns quotations. and to the in- J li College GRAIN lota on truck. devote our time Mtely. Hillside Garden, miles south ot Dcnot HeccKd r tin-- U Car CHEAP-T- HE SPAr- - aii-o- f ami 'r s WHEAT- -:. terest of our customers. TlTANTED-- A GOOD GIRL. 3IUST BE GOOU WANTED-T- O SELL. lllih North Mala sUssU V oook, a. Empurla ave. V ioi d property at Hi6 N. Lawrence ave. A ex, Butcittsr, CORN New A.30c Consign your stock to us. Union KEAIj KS.TATE. ataib ilrs. F. W. house, Improvements, or will rent OF GROCERIES. DR rassEg (uidTliVstJkttst. OAT JWc 90-t- Oliver. d9l tf all modern 'ORSALE-- A STOCK Wichita, Kan, f per 1 or ot sale, call at UW etc. Will Invoice ILWJU RYB-- No 3 KK$55e. Stock Yards. it at i'J month terms good, boot and shoes, or better - M. Kuapp. dSStf r a. iocatc-- vti-h- V 64 iOfeo U) ton, loose. 00&5 00. & A GOOD GIRL. MRS. t NEID- bedswlckbulldlns. J Dulng a good cali at small HA Baled per U (Furnlahed by Appleute Mallory, WANTEIJ-- C2U only ISL-X- tk 100 N. Kawreuce. dOltf on railroad in Miuthern Kansas, the TIMX CUICACO, ROCS O TACITK UROUND CORN Chop in car lots 75o per ND the WANTED-BOAReTa- ROOM BY YOUNG cannot attend bounds, corn oats SJO per JUU pouuas, urau Abstracters.) stAre in towu. Recast- )- for selling RAlbWAT. an.i A r'IKt-- CLASS COOE AT Sl3 ourlnir the day. Mustboflrht toclo-oltou- t. Address G5c llOuouud--. WANTED . to business myself aud wisli Rock Hland ucked. jei The records in the register of deeds office Tope I a enue. dt-- tt class in every respe-t- and well located. Would offlce. Wicblm, Kan Routa.'J FLAX-EKD- -i; A. Ciou.care tagle d5f J. O. Davidsos. Prest. J. O. DrttBT, Cash. show the following buyers: prefer place where tbsro are no other boarders. In Xet on aad aftir March 6. IKL T7"ANTD-- A OIRL TODOGENElt-V- L HOUSE References exchanged. Address X, Y. '.. cate &ALE-- A FINE IULLHH-O- JERSEY T V work. Must be good cook, d'-- noit- A ichlta Market. Alliance Trust Co lot 4 Sherman ava a washer and Eagle offlce. fif Y- helfe'r calf, price:, luqulre Stewart lrxan. AiUUTK LXA.XX lroner. 613 North Lawrence ave. d91tf 921 North Topaka ave. thaiks. Wichita. March 5. Lakeside add lots 77 79 Fern ave "rANTED-ON- E OR TWO MOUNTAIN LION. der, d2t patent E2 46. eecond patent 20 c.oixa Nonrn jixpkait. rLOUR Highest i'i THE Dodge's add lotB 25 23 21 Ohio ava WaNTLD-- A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE antelope, wildcats, foxes, uadgers, coyotes, SALL-1- '0 IONS HAY mRhE MILES No. Crtorsdo Springs, fancy 2 OJ V 1"noK extra Carpenter's sub div lots 11 to 15 work la iv xmall family. Must be a good cook prairie dogs. Jack rabbits, etc.. also eagles, owls aud f eat and.4 mllesouth ot Lkarwater. Addre Denver and Pacific Coat BUTTER iirst creamery 30c. second creamerv Enquire at til North Linpoi ia. dSl tf all kinds of smaller native birds. Send prices to V. Hartman, lcar ater Kan. c. t ct Exprdllv liOik SUAK 2Gc. finest dairy 22c.lliio dairy lc,cooiinou dairy Central ave Stephen' add part of Fuller's Mentgerle, care City Hotel, Wichita. Kau. No. 3 Kansas Ctty ft L00U LOGS 10c perdozeu. blk B in Waterman's 2nd add d.. 10600 "WANTED A GIRL FUR GENERAL HOUSE dSSlIf SAI.E-T- and Chicago Through POULTRY Roosters $1 MS? 00. per dozen or 8c work; no washlnz or Ironing, 1715 Unlvei si ty New and Cheap. Paiac, Mall and ax .UHv JC Cc Concordia Loan Co lots 20 Wicbltu. per pound, hens 32UU&2 per dozen or per and Trust ave. West Side. dSl tf HAVE A CASH BUYER TOR A COTTAGE No. 4 City LohI l&j&'i U) : WE Ktiilc al Kanas st ponnd, spring chickens tl per dozen or ijtfo CITIZENS' BANK. 2J Market st Payne's add qcd north f Douglas ave. Rouse. Harper & Corn ami Chicago nljhl x DO ot-- per ponuu, turkeys 7Q8c per pound, ducka teal "WANTED-- A GIRL TO GENERAL HOUSE rooms '.fJO an ail Sedgwick bldg. SALE-STO- CK OK GHOCERIUS FOR L Dodge 8filx400 in ne qr ne qr y. 11- 170R dally s 1 US. t-- 5 per dozen, young ceeeo so per J ft r ork In small fuiully. Call at North Em- tradoT Z. SO) North tHrx lUm mallards sec 30 27 .vd 100 cash or Call or write. Tuttle, No. C Accommodation. pound. le poria. dll tf WANTEDSTUDENTSTO JOIN A SPECIAL Topeka. " dally except Sundsy llAM POTATOES Choice 60a5.r: per bushel. L H Woolard lot 9 Washington ave V llSrx O GERMAN class Ih shorthand which will be onr:inlzel ooinu sotTn. APPEEs iOS 00 Ver barrel. TTrANl'ED-- A GIRL FOR college on 1TORSALE-CHEAP-- AN Al DIF.BOLD SAFE SKsnssaClty St. Lonl ft Hilton's 2nd add wd 1000 genei-a- l dSOCt at the Southwestern Business Tneday No. COAE Anthracite iO. Canon City 18 ,C0 TYelr l housework. ffi.N. Water. 1. gram- JC burglar-prco- f chest. Inside measure x. dally CUl sll 2 16 Brecken-ridsr- e morning, March Penmanship, spelling, with and Chicago ... AH t'lty 50. rroutenao &U. l'lttsuurt'. i oO. Illinois OP WICHITA, E M Billings lots to In the IMn. wide. IMn. high, No. City tl t "WANTED-COO- K SMALL FAMILY. NO mar, business forms, leeal forms and business letter meats clecr. M, Lquis y, JlcAlllblcr w. d 200 I burglar-proo- f cn-- nt In addition to tlio Kna tt. it ave Tenth st add V I'pay. 1U63 Writing taught in connection with (shorthand with- deep. he and Ch'csro through mall w.ishlng. Good Call at N Law e. ii deep. A Johnson se qr sec 10 29 2e'td 126 rence out extra cha-g- dS2tf above measure.. wide, ln. high. ln. and ex. dallr . fJSrv ?cor n J ave. Safe iu excellent condlttun. Apply to N". C. Knight, N'n. CI AcrommodptiOB dally( W riorsner lot 6 Academy Uetto'a FARMS FOR LIVE ST00K MABKEE a A GOOD COOK IN FAMILY OF 4 WAKTED-r-- LIST OF GOOD .U1N. Mulust. drill except Qiinttav ATTOBJSTEYS AT LAW. 2nd addsd.. 800 WANTE1)-- ork and no washing. Call Ilave call1' every few day for farm1.. 9rt at step It' your property, city or coun- SALE-IC- BURRASK Jly 'J'oleirrapli. H K Olmstead lot 26 Tyler ave Getto HA) N Main st. II. Knifhu fet tf. Please and list O BUSHELS FINE t try. J. F. Rcfcse. E Douglas ave. du tf 17IOR Peachblow potato iu ju:uitltlc3 from 1 r'rcsnt reclining rhtr cars on all trains, sn . 3d 1500 Ka-Cl- KAX5AS Cin-- Mo.. March Receipts add sd i ohm PullinMi 'Irflliers from Wichita lo tr anl IKK). A.J. A FT'LEGA.TJS. WANTED-- A GOOD OIHL fOR GENEl'.AL bushel to the lot al l raric I'lace ae. S0U0. shlptnonts Market, fcte&dy. Steers 13 i( HF Smith lots 34 to 40 Yassaravo houtework; no washing: ifoodwases. Apply W'ANTED-i-W- FWRMbll SsF.ALS OF ALL Chlcaco wltboiit cbang on nlghl tralra. Tlsksts I6v, 70. cows S0&3 25. HOQ3 (With A. D. Mallory kinds. N'otary Public, Lodge and Corpora- sold and hsggagn rSfoWsd to stockers tl 100 1128 N Topeka. dS- -' i SALL-MA- PS OF THE CITY OF WICHI- - thnash alIfoinW Receipts 7,00. shipments 3a(M. opened Fairjnount Place sd at tf Also Notary Addre-- s nod west, Cd Market Jo tions. aud Blank. FOR 5 each. Addres W Ichita Iwtgle, nertlt. fiast CckU lower, closed 3 5) Abstractor, Oonvevancer & Bull lota 71 to 75 ave N Eagle. Vlckh;i. d37tf cenU 10 all European joints at City 5I0c lower. Extremo tange Notary Publi0 EW Filth "TITAN'TED-- A GOOD COMPETENT GIKL TO DO Wichita han. WichlUi. Kau. dJ7tt old lewit rsUa. I to. bulk , iyi U). blltiEI' Receipts tfJO. ship- Park add vrd 1000 t jjeneral housework; must be cood took and lc5t ifflce WEaiit Douglas avvan. oroar Mala 600. bteady. Floe dranqhtlnc a pfclalty. Complex abstraots 716 7ANTEDt-OLD RAGS-- l.a pasMCcer corasr Douxias aad ments Market Jo y In county. Lottie Danglor 1021 102H ceneral housework. N Lawrence. Mis. O W POUNDS. CLEAN SALE BOOKS. THREE 'FORMS slrt; station U4 Mo March. 5. CATTEE Receipts land Sedrrrlck Omco. Ju,t alright lots Bitting fcOtf cotton woolen rags: will taKe them In I70R atenoos. llpboG hi'. Eotlis. .. IQTT lilttlnif. aad Standard. Howe and Fairbanks, six books KtTi l'. w vowi.ufc.twc;, MWU BfclOOL, (JOUTL 110116, ave GreiiTeusteiu 12th add lot 109 10 up 1W J W P. WinHART.TIekst 1900, shipments 600. Market strung. nothCng domi; Distil our. Prompt aorvlc lots of poupds at cents per pound, cash. Ihrec booa .MX). luglf Ixxiks by raallsicenti Arsak on ai.courit of Hcht VStyY& euaraateoiL Telephsn 15 10 VlANTED-- A GOOD COOK IN PRIVATEFAM- - How many pcuuds have you? Addiess "Itags." care . T. P. A ChUaen. lib Steeis 220. ICtt-- Wichita st city, lots Keystone Wichita Eagle. Wicbltu. Kan. dJ7 If JNO.SrtiATtA:. i oO, Tezuns and Indians i'i 703 80. HUGi Re- tl add 130 Jly of four. Apply at HKil N. Lawrence ave. Eagle offlce. dii tf ceipts. Z'AX), shlpmoutH IC0U. td...... d77tf SALE-ON- LY HOT BY MAIU THE MOVl" Market higher. Hi His 15 17 Mead ave 17ult H 7u4 ei. mixed 25(24 Ml, )l WK L lots George's SALE-Be- 1 complete Attorneys Pocket Court Docket ever iiht FOB al lust ate. 110 W'lcUlUi Kagle, A 4 75. SnEEi' Rteeipts .... shlpmunu none. Mar-L- E. B. JEWETT, sub. lot 16 Indiana ave Matthew-son'- s Nurses. publlfcbeo, cube. Addles-- Ibe ST. IOUIR 3AI TA?t CISCO It. n. steady. 11 0,'ffit; 00. 203 Mlchlbt. Kan. d?7 tf Lawjar. Rooms 2. i and 6 N. Main at. Wlohlt. 3d add, lots 6 to 10 Fifteenth nOR is ALE-FO- UR HOUSES AND LOTS ON S 5. CATTI-- 715 I Iuicgo. Ills.. Match Receipts Kansas. dlOMf 29 31 Mar- ITTANTED-- A NURSE GIRL. APPLY AT I; Market, north ot Wichita au-- l Western rail hAIE-- A HANDSOME LITHOGRAPH Amtiva 10W. st Sherwood addj lots to V I7-O- tiirt Jjjt; shipments Market steady. Native N. Lawrence a e. d92tf road, all for il.ZUk 110 lots oa West Side for IS each; map Wlcblta. given linmesof i.7ioln H 75, 11 7ojt3 ket st Hoover add, lotb 113 115 blk. rl thecltvof No vMt, pm i:i' tO4 stockers '& cons, bulls and 6 room houso aud A feet tor ivw. t anmerand Hud- - I'UlIdiiigs, t'olirgi. parka, etc.. lz 11iU 011 ! OOSO 25. IlOtitj Receipts 1,000. ts Pllworth mixed t H. Ha i.i.ott ri.r . H. K citio Orme aud Phillips add td 267 son. over M N Main, lluen , u (.riif kUi: lor 10rcntt.il N'o S. Going pmsngT! SOuO. active, closing Com- M isccltaiieous. d35f jiper (lite west. ilarkiit hlcher. S Mahin 9 18 Cheney 1400 tentau dozen. Aiidtess tliu Wlktuta Laglo. Wichita, . mon 14 20(24 CO. mixed So, $4 UALLOWELL R GOJtBON, J lot blk wd... SALE GOOD HOUSE, LARGE LO NEAR (lop at lliirrtonl 4Mrt H 704 butchers 'Ma ANTED-TW- O APPRENTICE GIRLS FOR ITiOR I. Kun. dlGut f No.4,flolng Tast. pasencr jni5 A 010A 6 00. light 14 704 90. SREEf Receipts 15.0. A'lTOItNEYS AT LAW. Mortgage releases $9,5(9.77. dUoJt ave electric line; the best bargain on No.2, Going East, passugsr lesur-- 1100. Mxrket 5 w milllnerj dopartmeuu isostou store. my behold once. D, Hutcliliigs, firmer. Westerns 40S5 Ui. rooms 404, 404)4 and I'M, bedwiclf Block. Tele- llt, and must at J. EOIC Houses. mixed ti Ij. lambs tt 5lKJ C). phone No. 11. d22-t- f Jack Frost will not bother you if you room &", Zlmmerly butldlng. d95 3t BENT Situations It anted emale. day. t;se Arthur coal. Weir City & Western I SALE ."O ACRES BOTTOM. ADJOINING I nder litis head :c per linn par Train marked thn rnn dstir. 119 ITOR I125 per acrr; land near by old w eek Westbound train. .'o. I. bas Pullman ear. MAEKBTS BY TELEGEAPE Coal companv, North Water street. lost Na , llarrtom Hutchlugs, o CE Iiond train oonn;t at jr. m. 06." Dometstics. for $210. J. D. Zlmmerly bldg. d 3t "??FOR RENl-NI- ON NORTH Wt an Callforata. tt baldebson, Telephone d95tf Ei-- po'Wo. New Mexico bouihrn Topeka are; ten looiim with all modern I Attorney at Law, 143 N. Main St. Wichita Kan. SALE-CHOI-CE BUSINESS PROPERTY Urn ml No .! a solid rain to lit. Lt's KriT 1 ori Monej. I70R voiy nesli ible location. ANo nicely withEt ar ami Notice to Real Estate Agents. Miscellaneous. Main st, weP reuted. J. D, ltutchins. i fiirniHhed room. Fletcher Block. Fletcher le chair Pullmsu slepr. nk rennM Zimmerly bldg. d95 Iiotit Hoi" for II mllb IMI Hock and Tanas Nnw YoitK, March 5. W. E. STANLEY. J. JE. HUMB. Wichita, Kan., March 3rd, 1692. it Hibargei. d!AA East ooond. o ? Hint xprs to k LaU.haa M'oney on call easier. No loans. Closed &ALL-- offered C The following properties have beeti sold: l?OR A FEW CHOICE ACRES SOLTH. SjiOR KbSrlWo- - STORY SEVEN ROOM fiMtrclmingrhslr rsrsnd Pullman !pf. ti percent, STANLEY HUME. WANTED MALE HELE. A on long time. J. D. Hutchlngs, --j Zimmerly 'J'opeK ( It.-- I jilon TloV.t offlcs. Cor Vain and Ut ! l'riine mercantile paper 5i5aper cent, Lot 71, Waco street. Waterman's ad- LnUcr '.'c E liou(n North avo. Call at au N. Attorneys at Law, Wichita, Kansai. Ibis bead per Una per day. bldg. Mam li. F. Ku.glit. tf and Cuion Drpot Deuglaa arsnuiv bterlinc eich.iii:o steady at a t3s tor elzty-da- y dition to Watermans addition, No. 431 st dl 4 b7 tills una for demand, l?OR SALf-b(10-- -C .vCRESOF GKOUND WITII-- L KOJl SIxTroOM. S?3,tXW Waco street. RUNT - TWO GOOD TWO otal sales i.l blocks tuduv shares. JOHZ W.ABMR. G. W.ADAH8 Trades. in 51 or mile corner of Main ami iiW TOI'IK A A AXTA i 20, 22, 24 26 a fiom the story bouses. Call t N. lu M. II. F. ATCniSOf. rifliu. cC Lots and Yino avenue, Uni- Douglas. Clement .fc ihomns. dlfi It ght tt A J)A MS ADAMS, GOOD dl jCew 1 versity place addition, house corner Men- COAT MAKliKb. PRICES rMAIH I AHWIVB l.KAVK ork I'roduie. Attorneys at Law. Ofllce. first stairway east of tht WANTED work. Apply to O. A. HeiUain, ACHES OF GROUND IS IOR IIEVT-- A NEWi.Y PAPERED FIVE- - - HG-- tor and vine avenues. 17IOR 11 t N1.M- York. March 5. Wichita National Bank. Arkansas city, Han. c:n part of citj; small boue; a good bargain room house at lie E Fifteenth , Inquire at h out aiii Kingman Jf dUS 414 KansanCltyiir. 1(0 A M IMAU SUGAH Refined firm and unlet. county, northeast quarter, for some one. Clement .t Thomas. it 1.'. E. Fifteenth st. V. S Melllnger. !! 7f No. ipr, IMi 19, 23, 8 ANTED-A- T ONCE. A GOOD BREAD RAK No 4t Chicago Testlbulwl1 COP1 Options steady, xm.10 points down. Spot section township range west. ITiOR OF GROUND AND JO 5 dull numinul. ; er. No other need apply. Addies J. Meek- FEET RKNT-- A FRONT HOI'SE expre N30A.I AX J!lo and 'o. Uuv. Hereafter no real estate agent is an JL? 6 room house and b.1111 ou corner, in north part CO tAl 4W Rl- -r COT! upland er is fcon, Outbne. O. r. dW 5t' J.OR feet ground, and wiih fruit. No. N Missouri ss. 1c. mlddlluc Orleans of city. Clement ifc Thomas. dftilt . Re-s- o. US OoiigUs. llOrw fdfirH Sales TbO Im'ei.. DENTISTS. thorized to negotiate the sale of any real l"pekae. J. r t. tf pres, ... t tutuies closcU aleady. UAKNfcSa MAKERS. ALDREbb No. 4 Knrl-wo- fcdles 33. OUJ Uaies. Mai ell estate owned or controlled by me without WANTLD 7- iTEsiDNclTilt)UTH npri iltrn stosbtr ft. UoiQ. elllui;toii, Kan UR LOTS, ALL FENCED, TriToiTltf. n - la"I MitTM Awn wrjt C. first obtaining a written contract from me. FOR good houte and barn. Clement it . retice ave, 8 rooms in Miel ent rondlUou with No. 4CT Oklahoma City aad J. WILSON, TWO FlRbT-CLAS- S IJARNESs fiy and gas. I.ocatto- very l Clilcaco Gr.ilu aim 1'roUuco Hexrv Y. Siiepahd, WANTED Thomas. d!T It water - desirable. Oklahoma expr ... 'If AM ai-- 312 Sedgwick building Wichita. Kan. L. N. Androws, Wellincton, Kan. at S3 S Lawrence Mdtr No 4U7 ( sldwctt and Pas.i Ouicauo, March 5. DENTIST. 170R BUY A NEW FOUR liandis iprif I40AM til AM -1 WO IIOUMS IK -, Weak r.nd lower. hy Electricity with- J? loomed house. 30 feet from all clear on S Mar- IPOII RENT- STORY Na 443 Ft Worth. 411- Wheat Teeth extracted Inside all will buy a thn-- V good neighborhood. ilU N. Main sl, IL F. Corn Quiet and cusy. ket st railroads. HO Knight. dot tou ami lfssxptw. IKrsij ti&ru 0..ti Uult. out pain. The Enterprise. Boys. roomed hone. 27 ft front close to court house. i0"0 tf Na 111' Wkhlt Eiptow, J.Uriil atphr-N-a l'ot will buy a corner, W) feet, with eight roomed house 4 Englnwowt I tiOAM 118 East Douglas. Full nppcr set Mr. Needles, late manager of A, Gluick's ou N ! will buy a even roomed rn. l.ald guiet. 35-t- Topoka ae. f Enterprise btoro will, Mr. Polici-ne- r house 50 close in on north Ido FOB BENT Booms. The loadiuu n teeth with L. with ft front, wonh future" ranced follows. $5, first-clas- Bookkeepers and Clerks. today tlJJOJ. I,UU bn a small bottom Trains irorVed thnt on March 14th open a s line will farm I dl!r. Will: AT March W&C. May SSHo. oTli. 1VIBKING, D. D. S, close to the cltv. if sold al once. If you want a bar- luler ll.ls brad leper lln"prday. KoruM-N- r fusTH AK" rAirr. May Hc. of ladies and geuts furnishing goods and Met. " 414. KBt-- City gain In city or fnrm property call ou D, W. alia ICIHyI-UR- Trsln No 4 eiprr, mas sella M Muy Hsc DENTAL PARLORS notions, at 117 Eiut Douglas avenue. Co.,OTr HON Main. dlSlf '"ITi O R ItEN - A N IS II ED FKONT Kan. oha.r far rvie I'OKK-M- ay H l.'hi. Thoe Salesmen. f 17 114 Hyde & Jt room, first Coor. Itiqntio at NcMti Law. Train No 01cma direct from att la J.). N. Main Stieet. Over Uurable's Book wishing fresh and new goods at low prices Olston W 3U SALEtTafl-- A BRICK BLOCX NEAR reuceme. tU&fc s through t"btrgotrsin,:av!ftg Wlcklta at Jupm - Stoie. tl tf I70R Cashiuot.iuou- h ere a follow s: will do well to call and &ee the new firm WANTED RELIABLE MAN TO TAKE A JL comer of Main and Douglas-- Clem-- nd arrlv- - In tbn n day at Ml p m. RENT-VE- fkc KLOUK Dull. easv. Sprluu patents 10. & IT toed side line. Address R.R, Phelps, Arkan- Thomas. dOi It RY NICE FRON ROOM. Train No, xrt chair - Ksa. H Was of Needles Policiner. d9o It uW Ct I70R t 0bu rclinlnr er winter patents l6 10. strulsht li5a5uu. E. CUEDITOB, sas City Kau, J newjv turnlsbd. Clos to batntM. Call -- t wCHy Fnlloiaa to Xibui City, also t Tspska, II. I70R FINE BRICK BLOCK ON SlO'puth Topskaaie. Rent reaanablv, dfe-t-f AU.hion and ft4 JeMpb. Free advice and vou will certainly profit I in locality. Main street and ttie right QFkToHT T- AKDWJfT. OATt-;4- C. DEXTIST Misccullaiieous. d?51t Clement fc Thomas. OR No w b I'uMm.n and thereby if you will try a ton of Arthur piirUeaUr- - Train rfcalrear. th.-s- Co ronms tor rent. For Inquire at .1 Train No U& bas tbruufb 1'ulltsaa or lo TX coal. Weir City & Western Coal company, sale-vv)-'i- hh; 1 hav good - Gs'-!o- HAiti.hV-- Mc 144 Is'orih Main Street, 7 ANTED-WAG- ON MAN TO DELIVER GRO-f- 170R aRovb amount North Empor- l- ate. rils muat orth and JL will - rLAX&UKO-- H 01. 119 North "Water street. Telephone 06. 93tf carle. Good wjges and steady work for one buy the besthouso In Wichita to move. ence. Train No 41; Las rc'laln- cbsir (arfrcn Box d It Clement .t Thomas. C!ty slid stopa at Wichita. iiMoniY--ti si. who has some InUuence. Addles orocer. Lock Rfc.NT TWO FRONT Cut loaf'4i I'&c, tiTo, 5t - FUHXlsIIKD City Union 1lekl ernct or Male aatf 1st bftiAH SaoJic cranulatei stand- BOYD'S DENTA L BOOMS, Artnor Coal, Something New; WlchiU, Kau. d!l SALE-K.'0-- OF GROUND AND 1POH 411 North d)l IA ftrst,.4 ard A JJtc. 17OR Fr.ET with board ut Market V'r.MWi J'asggr Wailoa tofsw InsfcW 4$tk e A good six room house on car line. TV. D. V. JJUl'l't.It Steady. Fancy Elgin sets $3, $S, are now convinced that the Arthur AVI bTENOO RA I'll EMS RENT-ROO- ilOKUOct, D. A. creumerj 273 Fnll of teeth Ar dSilt Clement A; Thomas. WITH BOARD AT 4 If. T.t. Uoi. vetern l27c, ualry and $10. coal should aud hold a position as one of TT and wbo uetlre potltloc. to IriOR dSl 1R i:GOb-14l.S- ;C. 2Jc. apply ntlbeNi.tloualAtcountanl'saud&tenoi:raph. Fillinjr 75 cents np. the best cheap coals In this market. It is T70R SE BEAR IN MIND THAT roitK tio -. l yh JL we havs the be-- t list of farms for sale in the RENT-BOA- OF TRADE HALL FOR u&. 5 couparatively free from the objectionable th bouth- - - I70l -- i.ai:u-- u All work guaranteed ludo. Ntbrarku, Mliouii and leiiur, at city. Clement A- 1 horaa-s- . d'.O It Jt rxh!Wtll."?JC. wllti iRhl and tem wirrtiTA MIOKT Klt-- 16 55. properties round in other Missouri and Wttltln liuauiess college, Vienna, i.bu. VJtt beat. Apply room 3U1 Nlwick HuOaUts W rinwir.i feliOKT CLEAIt SiUh85 C 25. years. -- kMivs i Mssve Kansas coals. It is a freo burner, yet PALE-GO- OD BOTTOM FARM SIX MILES THAI. UKY SALT M10UL.DKRS- -il 6tJ. Eaffle Blocs, 113 East Donplas Ave TTTANTED-Bl-SINESS MEN V.UO ARE IN FOR town FuiT KhNT-B- t" UAY OR W EE."JrKLY 4 .1 Iti hard and does not sIhck age or ex- V V or call of for H.0. JL1 r ironi need of Kleiioeruphers accountants to Good bottom farm well 'mproved seren miles Furnished rooms on teosod or tbitd fioer. IU 0 T.'.t, f rlgbt ;.. ., .1 IWAM posure. It is from clinkers of stone, burns at the National Accountant's and atenuviapber's or S.(XU UsiBg 411 AM Bull-rtt- s MUtheast town on the river Kt, pa ' Branch office at lb houlhwesiin Going M AltliCLES. Uecelp'ii. Shipments. to a fine ash aud makes but very little Btretu. Fine residence on University ave. Wst Side at a East. Iri.bt. IiCsa DENTIST, College. :tlnta. Kan. INe Ubtialiy b ou prsco sold once. S'Ulrasb. BOSTON soot, and is one of the strongest heaters in applUatlun list thoionehly tompeieiit book, very low it at t iiiwiTukti ,QJ5Hi C'ir Mala aad Its ten tur Fine residence on College UIU with rj. acres of FOR TRADE aaillt nrl.sib sets Amalpam this market, keeper, and tlenotrapLers. with Craliioas icferen ground. rr.iSetlils Ic Huv Mattea torrr avaatiM. Wheat ..... 4S.C00 4AO0O Fnll teeth $5.00. Leip lUllilLU llOI(.li4l;;c 'JJli JOUu. ed rr trr!nr. I'sLI rr. u. ii o. r. a. 2I3.U KT.WU flllinjr-- t 50c, Iu order to convince you of the above ti. Uouse six room", good barn In good location on eoo. Corn Ladies and Childrens' 1C0 Z. Je lUiMkt KS.WJ 50 J2. facts we suggest thst you try the Arthur car line feet est tront. tiM O Smith Co. OR TRADE-FO- R I.Ol S 4N F.ITHERNORril teeth cleaued cts. 110 Doulaa d3S b N Market st. J; Topk-- . I.awrence. or Mala A fl 46-t- coal does prove be il Mnrkrt Ave. f and if it not to as above ',t-n- I Uaiuier Situations If anted Male. N quarter sUob of land, all tar Iv'aiwas Clly represented, a trial shall cost you nothing. IARGAINS-- TOI'EKA AVE. BETWEhN wbealcaaaty of Call on or id imK. l'u.liio. JZ Eim and COxHlft, C room hous, barn Kana. 77 We coal Pine. T wrtee-- U st, Wichita. d ft & , Kansas Citv. Match 5. have sold several cars of this to and fence. X.aO No L4:i. 4f FLOUR Firm In goo dem.ind. r.itcut 12 Wa PHYSICIANS. our trade and as yet have not received the Miscellaneous. ft Water st. iUilW ft. two houses, cocl TH0S. SHAW. tljnO. No. i trttrrv it fancy UTv2 IS. first complaint. Try it and be convinced barn, shade. fmee. I... cxtm f 2i. fanty i2 choice N ave. between 120x1 10 ft, MB OU. IW. A YOUNO MARRIED MAN. WHO Emporia Elm nd Pin. ttts ?c day. tl XXX $1t27&2 of its superior qualities. Price J4.00 per WANTED-- correspondent, cellar. rrfr b't t pr WHLA1 'o 2 cash. T7c bid, Xo accountnnt, itilpplcc fenced, houe. Irutl and tre, Lovsr. hard. TIAYS. M. D. ton. A full line of ocher coals in with s.nd No.id1.U1. UP-- .. rea casn - uic, J.E. stock. clerk or ailoe min. txbt of references walka, barn out bulldlnc. .5i'D. rJWKKN A RKD HKIFEK CMING 2 YP.AR 224 an nonesty is wllllnc; N Main st, betwt-e- Ccnttai and 21ft, east jo-r- th OUN-Lo- Xo. 2 cash Douglas ave . Wichita. Kan. Practice limited to Welr City and "Western Coal Co. to ability, and bablu. lo work Third. JL old. Call at Mr, South ava. Owmr SSMcbld. 3Iarch wuges. sWle. 1.(31 . W-- Sc Eye. Ear, Nose. Throat, and fitting Spectacles. tf 119 In any capacity lor low Address A F. O., L33i No w lit call pay ofcargt-- North Water Street, 1W it-- COiHO Ji'O. aid A Steady 2 2$c 25o this offlte. N Fourth ava. ft. hoase. fenced. rs No. cash bid. March bid. - UP-- TAKKh UP BUTa'i:K-ci- rc Wichita. Kan. No. .4. ri'AKK'-- A hTRAT J MILES and tlini. Ci Misery 232so CQ. AN1ED-WU- DE AWAKE WORKERS FOR E Douglas ave. 25 betw,n Emporia Feurth. ft. Kel!t. by a ttore ixicked 14A21C. DB. NEUMAN, Telephone d95 tf AV ft ad nilot srt, shafer. roaa mar. l.iaHk. roll ilie book on earth: 's.heioj Photo-- S.(X. -- J (5Ut 12c. Physician, (graduated Gerinauy.l Offlce irreatesi :.f 141 tfere or for ycr id. uwoer ratut jay cliar.. bleid. German In crapns o; wxiria," iui,tuj; tnammom acre t7& J CHEBSb 53) Douglas 9 11 2 ue co'uni: Mx fi mile from Mats aad bted. Younc Americas ICc Kanaa E. Ae. Hours to a. m. to l and" The man who desires the happiness de- circulai-- and tree. UuiaraUcd No. to S p. m. Kcsldedce 401' N. Mam Disease ot illutratd i teims ill 7tc. st. the aucces, itr. lhos. L. Martin. Centerville. I 1S0 acre farm 1 miles or wicc'ta; iw HAY Steady. Timothy W M. fancy prairie Jti Qo Momacii and Abdomen and h emale Dbea.bes a s pen- rived from a warm and cheerful home, ei, soibs LOST, cleared in a days. Iio AUiion Woodier, in rai'.lraUwo all arood, & UK. i till Jlw actes hedc ic T Ha y. Cxxl to etiotee iS ton eiarte Mfto Ou. alty. will use Arthur coal. Weir City & West- tU : 4 vnitr tbts r'iiAXbKLU) O. & In minuter: tier. J, Howaid IadiMb, hm-e- barn. crnry. M peach tree. 14.0.8. No r? Stead; ttiiac u a basis of pure. ern Coal company,119 North Water street. Lyon, N.Y 10i in 7 hours; a bonanza manlu-ce- N F. Niederiander dsilf mmm outflt only i. Book on credit. Frelchtpald. T OST-- A SILVElT'BRXCfXinVs'Ti 7l 'u "JC J". .C Telephone 66. a95tf Xj Kraglro DBS. T. V, L. EVERETT, Address. Globe Bible Pubikhlujr Cc, No. jn Dear- TRADE-FOU- R NICE LOTS ON SOUTH ver aUaek'd. with aa lnWal Receipts. pay X r.Tici.Es. Shipments. born tt.. Ciilca'j. I1L. or Philadelphia. Pa. FOR st. cash foe North able place, either WlU Ubai:y or tu retm u Over 400 E. Douirlna Ave. Cor. Topeka Get Ready, Roys, al noor, tbu Vi X y vacant or Improved. Israel uro., 3aa Oc. Eooms 7, 9, 11, Wichita. 13m The Cheyenne and Arapahoe counU-- eU 4i Wheat 3S9i rj.000 Employment Agencies. OVT-- A MALL GOLD Wl.fl RONE TICK to be opened April 1st and the Southwest- J" i pta.. Flayer wU pJei.vlTetMBSr - 23.31 1 BARGAINS BY ISRAEL BRO- S- 2d floor, CUUt'u ?MM y Publishing M.ci tl is tail ac lUi rdy. lrewanjd. M3l C. C. ern Map company have just tr CtlTY N t-- !' DB. ECU LEY. mode-- a published a beautiful colored 2i sectional 6 a, W roaim. convenience. 2JM cash. LE OF TABLB L4SEN FROM 331 Douglas map. Price 50c. Office over 114 North UO ft, s rooit j. ne pUce, liu3, payabis mc-th- ly, 1j a uak. bt. Louis i'roUiici. Ato WANTED. 7 per M3s'ji, Bwer M.IcrDr.i. dK5 AGEYTS cent latere. las. Brtngioili- -i reoorvs uwaf- Main street, "Wichita. Kan. ItJi ui ft. rootn lood'ra K 30, oSi ad - ST. Lon March 5, Under this bead Zc per .In per day. prceot.cnvesl, Htf WHB.VT-Low- DB. MABY GAGE DAY. awmttilT. sr. No J red cash SOC; May is N' S- 9llc All not gold that glitters, but if you b lot. Ik. -tt la chy. HXM. all spot cash. 23 toZlmuierly Ofllce 2 J 4 Ma.; a. JI.WM. csau. jKlyH3sc Rooms aud bioc. hours to burn Arthur coal you will know you have WANTED-AGEN- TS FOR CONWELL'S S H t OWN Flrw. Csh c May S?Kc "LIFE k.ft, 3 nt.. STBA YED. iJATiJ-Flr- 5p. m. s 11. spr-on- ." If youare canvass- j rooics. cxih. m. o. . cue-t- May K3-- value received. Weir City & Western 11 of Chn-- -- Sljtc. j&oei-'- y. OHto 3d floor. ISk.N Market t. X rx&'r t btd e vr roitK .now tn . oM ea3h!a Coal companv, 119 North Water street. ing for this on. at wJi pay yo 10 write a. s we si. p4r LAKD-ttf5- Mi . ar ailowicg a much larger d.jeonoi baa era Telephone 08. d9otf yuu f . BY BKO. AHlsKEY-Mciu- y. Jill. E. Y. M UN SELL, M. D. pculishers. nd we supply rxm or oJre. If I7AMKUAIN-- you are has-li- ng other cdltluc than Ca&neilsw J KB actt ou t si . sr half . ; ceAt tiwb. tXi . war- - -- tl4 Kit --rrifw ae. wSl bt rtrwBtf-4- Your would appreciate a ton of adv 3 yoc to e n your and we will tb. TMr. r r csa1 this ; wife yoa a v&weil uutf.s fre of caarge. T3st Is 3. 8se llrreek bottom aa chk- - tPECIALTIEa tnraish I 7 fr s.'err AirflCLKS. Receipts. Shipments. Arthur coal. Weir City & Western Coal Tand opiM.riuaitj for ceais to cv.n mwaey. Da K. acre. in Jf lmpir-- price H.W. CTKATED - ritttM THE VXW'.nMK 0 compauy, 119 North Water Tele- not3e.ay: act qctck aud brg naoey ourv Mures. ri;-fs- e,fa. C wtla prtn"IL5fil nntl street. - Br IZjjA. O ;M.3tstMiiirw(K(-i!irfi- t Medical nrctcl A- Co.. E Doaglas ave. M.jO We4 . tre. m wtst. oa a creek, price ii sr.000 oop and phone 06. d25tf Carter t. t ailn tX p--r th Ktt wBl miU wjs irtj, to of Eve. Eur. Ncce. rf part Reiw j vvhot..... ir rSa xcrr", i ti coity, cr. whit lexiU a. u.irewr-tsr- Corn...... &!v Ti0cn 11iro.it. Itemovtl of lacial ANT IN I MKN saeth. til n proved aid juy 9gl fr w ELLIOE.sT wumw Cowtia. Mn-U- M Ut H int 4rt O Oj: 1SS.IU :lom and ether blemishes, and Clly Map. who can exclusive --ie of a ellt.g tx-t- UjkJ. rttmtitiK spectacles. take fa.t y O ' cr WfetdlA Host s& surtM, aiuele la either -x i .. O- -. Terrts-t- 3 acrrs Lear A4oTtr. Stly bspravtd. ZJSi iUri iJ uaca and rmidence. 1203 A Itttudtome lithograph map of the city or t y wih ut esgga in a jmr Aittr. w-- tt .olwrt xtoark xli-- buuth Lmporla. showing all the urteti, and location of tb s vckh iii sot yva ixvm h 10 JT.'J a .rws OarJWd rvnr coly lUX cfceapt I n d to "? tA ip$ cf tbU c- ar p ublic buildiugt, tto, lor sale at tbi raoM cal. -- smI s- -e Ox. Don't ctflaax -- kv por -l vtflce. Si Sow. IS N Markec. iX A N CI A U eilra- - ar cmLiozut for zood you ba-- s. i&rtr-.C- FIN umd; HEAL ESTATE Stf- ium ealess Cfm - o. tk i ! nod wiUtss: to &3 to AGENTS otbee. f Moa. !. od S.VLF- -A F W CHOICE P1ECKS OF tX-- L rsw)r lr4 r r ;r Uts; ??! DB. CBOSKEY. Fr T7K 1 pf pr-v- pro-- nr -. Hofcefc-l-gv -- "rnaisd fcav to lr Aed la est tt let.:- J. V. tft at lr;cT 1 4 p. AN..l-Atjr,N- A- Office hours 9 to 10 a. in, to m. Are Vo l.olnjrto Ws.h!iiton lerrtlnnr? T- Tu W PER DAT & If iXX CCKT TO LO- HOHE. CATTLE fiTtUirjt 4 PVj - tiixa rKEI)VMSKAEl. Ts as o-- Zlmt Kotior pi AMrr, r- k m . Ad Dnn- R. C ISKEAU Sunday. 9 to 10:30 a. in. 117 Main lattics emigrating to the nortiiwes rot lectin. ml. plctur. for to -I tr IW o Noiry rubllc suA a l ocart 7BAL.-BtlNK- R PAYING arXy Wiww tm Nrxt Xtm?i beretatorr. Tk U2 sw St. Ke&itU'uce 1018 '. St. will llmi it to interest by cailtnga u.raurd t- Market their tree. A. Dtiunc A Co & Iteade - New or- -. 1 Mperceat. J. u Hduacs. & nor to yrw ta rrmj I sts 'lelephoue 12s. the Island ticket office lor informs fciSKtwe. J. Ut rj aI Pock frt ruJnBT-- H .JiiA 0 H.tJK CATTU Ike b--t cas p?t2xcr. If ISRAEL BROS. X.Vit iAt A FAKX OF S9 ACHES- - E.B-- - lUrt tion regarding rates, routes and accommn u pcutvcM .JL tmzMmc cr 7 t rlly. tti I eD4Ht toe, I Sa t v c- w3t esl7 datious line. Do not not L; 4.a.U tw. k1 fr -- c i. Hf- -t. rs rr DB. E. E31MA COBB, via tbis dr WAN'IEDMJSCELLANEO Ui M strt - bst lAttti la mm ia mi waat-3Ws- trt vtaat I lieal Estate and Bents. u.-- y rr r tat Ktl ssi etived by agents of lines s lo this Jor at c Txm. g-- Female I li !drer -- peclalty. otber -r ifcr i'ew od r oar as and d'e a Lhder this keaMi 7c fee 13 ztr ay. irirnn'if rim-- 'tir- ttln aad --ctesla lJUUJt--i. ATT1JS MAJt-M- O. ?rte. Howe for tadte during cunfinement. blrxtly pri- route. Yon are invited to call at the onlee fro 'sreatw wire T7LKMTtfc t Mrt rtr u aUaif--. tot 1M&. rar A 7 mm H- -t fcy J. I. Jjrl. nay jrtw. It jhj tmj th vate when o dc?irei. aUo permanent homes be of TgnMt-- itM vrrUf g: aVv-j- 1 o buy Wichita city property Sedgwick coanty and convinced as Miperionty - - kxl7Kr 4 -- c ts . txtrun . -r -- d&u't 'UI1 jrea y I , or children when ortaQU'-r- W'ANTED- HMklHATELT; FAXILT TOB- ttwt v tmt jd Hue iiy land at prcjtem prk-e- on your lor .:cired. Letteis j the Great Kock Island route over &li M oa H4M U uterus large returns confidential and aswered promptly Homo ill cMMrea m !lt witt m. AiMr. WillfrsAAVe TI3 COtltlk-- K. I mK'y. WKrUit with her lsdu-tn- e. t. fcaaah-r'l- B. T& -- -. Se T k- JUit Vmtawmn. AJIU nock and other A enue. Wichita. Kau&s. others. By patronizing tbi luirjourau S . Im- lra fc- -1 lb-- k; y. 1 In her inlaacy. MK'h borguin& a we Ida ifar i c a. "ix umaiil y j - j isrlli &rrn and dilferrut roie-w- ot -- -.r x- 'SfcCtjirrt Caa uuwuCerjt were lurry roCe:rd tw'ore. All having have the choiceof four a v . FOB. RHA HoFr K E 0. l t- -a -- r ate r tiic- - tei f fersonal 1 JsTAifiT tUte At bi -. - T g busiest in our ltne are lutodioca!i or correspond. of Denver. For jipeed, ysfety and ha lll. Ci- bttHIMMS IM SSwis rc.a for t tin. Wr&-- tlKift.w . 10 J J't.o U ttur- - Iltwr- - Hf- ti ivr to in t hiiu lnirreis .f proper:? lead, wocM -i a.mjfmeta McMnk - 4. comfort the Kock Wand the proces . , -- 4 T ltlVr-tlk- Mid falthtalty ca-i- lor. omco second floor lJi aaus. refesvtac. '. Borj-- &. ca , a s : of 'ar-- --4 oiy yti'it; a tnw t mm s fwHttltwa- tMm mmmf. C3fc al-- 1U o W. H. WitUART, Ticket Agent. t. owe. Jtus-J- -- fa H-i- - sV-- ar Nurth MurkeU Uraei Bunding. d tt o pay aion. Crgw lltt. it pntot, tdiiJ r U. - xr x nm Oovr uid t- etc, I Ji if j;Lvd U W k!5 ICO t 'Jkrlln- - j.i)- -- Jr iMi Office East Douglas avenue, Jrrt--t T r t FlSUIIK ll"ri-L- ilU all ilieA,-5- i of uw ITTAXTtO ARit i 1 r BV. Main Jttreet. t! - -- - Hie recum cured T'flMMt (be the kcU.i. 1 r i - 4. imB I.HR !.. tw ibkfi MTTE KlVsjt If wot Btcrd I ia ytnr staat 2eteitio;t a, k. J - 1 S los l! s JV ! t nuitlc or fraui txiuuir c uinuey - t o rlt ; teWWK. L Victor, Uk ttkzk lUttlvtd JOHN EISIIEB. iu hv iiW unit: ) '( cliartec- kind of lrr i T!. r 'n- Mil UI M t .,! SlltA--f IHKSlt i aTOItAGK. C4iMa tr& Dlnk a' J4K tif-- Hi m& ml v w rwwfiiasMa- .Uwtu M C4IHl tt. ltralliStata Afreut. l'ltHMTK l4li hic blanks for.vJeby 1 .u:c-- Call 0 or addir g w S MptTM tt- -k ntf or 1( and Cit rr. Z- V it tsiis. vswEt-Ls- Properlv for Sale. W- E. The Wichita Ei le. e ul U. - utfc t Jr-- t. -- !;. Cio J.!!F. 1K? .- J. BENNETT. - - &i t.'ii.v Sortit UUii Strtt, 111 "orth Market ttrecu a .is uiv u.i cfc. ci-- Hit: WicbiU. KaJUAa. R.:it a. lccils r. -

irn' a5SE23BCAda3ESCrTXSf -- -'