-- -- ht WLitteU ?pailtj gsglc: jmtfoaj tovulUQ, IHm-cI-t 6, 1892. 3 IU Y. ELDRIDUK. M. C. CAMPBELL, AJiT SCHOOL. ADVERTISE TYVE, lVJlTTPHff Miss Emily Jekyl will reopen her Art THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TEE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. & CAMPBELL, School early in March. The courhu will EIMIDGE include all branches. Special O f 1 - ,X wmr for alajsiipplb-- . for all raatiln, mimmer for term. tit-- lMoriUi.D(.iiniiu(i(Ai.ntlun,' Ajjent lh Your Wants S applied, Your Wants Supplied. Hllgfaph." Wrliu Ur circulars, iMn, glni- - WICHITA, KA?f. CHINA niCCOJlATIOX. FINANCE AND COMMERCE Worces- WANTlSn - PAKTIKi HAVINO PHOPKitlY lOll hALK - Iftl ACItl H I'HlllO. M1SVELLA US. 3n9trnctlon riven in Koynl that tb v ttiil eil on pay menu t ( o o. Z. V In enllll atlon tovan uiiies from Wichita. Cow NEO ter or any otluir slyle of China Deco- Smith A Co. 13 N Jlarket, d H twin huitum. Price vtU John I1her A C. id I Mirr ilia! rMil To par Una perils r MARKET REPORTS ration. Mrs. J. .Bell, llfiO N, Market tu flVf ON AFPLICA- - Alfred - TrANTED-AN- Y OS'K VlSJIlNO TfrBl' V A 1IKIK! SENT 1)0-- 1 S- ,o0o lllitLh SIANDtltn, Wichita St. v L'Qod 17011 HAI.HIfiU HUVHATMtHHKOOM HUl'nK C7 Howe Hd Uiiksi, Prices,YH, ) TION. farm f tj acre n..r KeiM oatbo i(j ran bin. books railroad nortneat of Vwhlta, ran buy tt 1 siul uani and i'XlW feet oji Hlvrniew. mall rents, thrra Imoks fur six books W.7J WICHITA MAEEETS. lmil 215 2U foi i,0, lfold atoact). o. Z. fctnlth ,t Co. takes the ejmi J. F. Reese, E. Douglaaava, Tha duale Immis prlnutl. Stn orderlnr staui i.t dOIN M you WritiU L1VE STOCK MUSIC. Mmket it WMItlforw Addrev WlchiU Ka.l-- W ."UxuT tiiia.Kn diTit "ANTED-- A GOOD, CHEAP HOAl) CART. l?Oirs.Vl.V-14- 11 ttl tT. AM FOUR 5. COMMISSION Il , L UrgH Wichita, March MOZART SCHOOL OF MUSIC t .iiiij-R- wltli prlca and wheraitcnu la.trtn, toomaiI ummer kitchu. cloet. jvui. IK DlCS PKHIOJIICAI. PILUS. THK try. two porches, well ami wator In kitchen, tU rmiHy.actdlrvctiyon recepts were exceedingly MliRCilANTS lot ieticeil. Oiitvthinl iMlame uoa XJ .real f'rerh lha tnn The cattlo Removed to No. 17. Wrlnj; block. Thoronclt la liikunU .ah, strtial system and pull t c ly cwra upprrloa of t lis very iiicleuiout In piano, lutrmuny &nd te HAVKTsroTcVsifnrvEit FouTv'nTIn and two j ears nt 6 per ceht . J. K, iicwse, -- Hi Katt Uari-nt- light todity caused by the miction counterpoint, holm1, dW St uuntkvs. to promoia mvcstruatliM. fcl MUS. U.HAYS. ' nil tOacre Iwltom lurro neAr ton ft. aud OougU., 1btn ptlls ahoubt not bo takaa dHrlij prrguaucr. has been u satis- TWO-fCEN- T for ont r t wt, hoiiiei, to be moved, Israel Bru , 2d . weather. The past week Amtricau Pill ctAiipinr, royaL proprietors, ain-iv- di- floor IAN Market t. dUJn 170R SALEf 0 BUYS A COODlniyBAN'D generally, in the cnttlo JL ; la. t iiei mHRtiipplml b ihas. liwrvujt. factory one Mrs. ft ground wjV, Math st. near Jackson ci.Me Douglas, Kan- OLDEST FIRM AT THE YARDS. Lillian Hamblin Garst TrANTLD-- A GOOD SKCONDIlANU P1IAK-- jut ichlta, - by whoUU undtho receipts were ubovo the reUlU 141 4i vision, n. Will elve In voice development and the ton. Murt be cbeup fur cakb. Call at iiuri a good hease and birn on W. Ninth st. Ur good. R. T. DEAN, I PRESTOS Instructions dtS-l- the prices were The t'ns-lla- COLUMN. V ells ! awo t.xpresi office. t' Jackwon -- J, F, Reese, V.i U. Douglas ave. average, and OflW. Cattle Salesman. rt oftlnclnn. Thu Intelligent rendering of h uear c ON'B IN NKEU OF INFORM 1TIOS butchers' bfUUds spccUlt) . Pupils prepared tbi n I?tVKRY advMlt-lBgwi- is exceptionally good on B. BLEAKMORE, Hog Salesman. souks and a 1 subject of II dowr4l o market J, for teaching ana concert buitflntf. Terms 'Al lessons 'AXTEDA WORK XAHK. strong THIS and barrow cheap. A C. Winder, SALB-- A SNAP-O- NE LOT MxllSFT. ON obtatti A ropy f Book lor 3i cows and heifers of all grades and of 40 mlnutei each SHIM). PEOPLE'S C0LUA1& Addra 170R prUvvt. Mailol. puht.dritlr,on (vw. de- Wichlt. Kait d9l Ct 1: North Main, between Central av- - ami TM.d iHiiagr ttvclptof prlc. The BEAN,BLEAKM0RE&C0. Netder-land- C'oHiulB a prices are being paid for them. H. N!tMr, fortUSSferafewdays. N. P. er rmefui rompilation from the Amtrlesii will probably bo a JIMS. ED WAliD If. UOVJSr, WANTED -- I WANT A FEW ENEilGKTlC J; Co. d St Nensuapor lnintory of all lha best iMpem atl mand is good and there LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MEKC1IAXTS men and women to work for me In Klucman cUm jouniai: given tbeclrculatloQ rnllarfof rrr on the market Vocal Teacher. Italian 3rethod. Your "Wants Supplied. county, balaiy JiSptr month: steady employiuent ITM-i- 1'AlUr IN SI L vne.aitd a goon ilral of about pood run of these urudes t rt rttsil WICHITA, lvA Uoom 3, Hotel Metropole. fail on or address G. D. h. Fitz Roy, over nrt ner county. only S.StO. Iarmer & J!ndHi. her lu.tlieia pertaining to tho business of a.lrer. jiext week. National bank. Kinsman. Kan. dViCt ot er 19 N. Main. ! tllng. Addr l.orli' Aitvfraiu Uarr.u. IJ Referenos, Wichita. Hanks. Office, Btscfc Yards Th folloricc rates under the different headlncs WiH.t strvrt. ei ivr will be diw today owing to Exchange Building;. G-- charred. VE 1IAVK A SPOT CASH BUYER FOR SO Yrou" hALTli!t TIJADK-- A THREE STOHY There were no hogs iu PHOTO APHERS. 1 1 acres bottom land, near town; uUo for one or L bus ucM blocl. on DoughiH aenue far farm EFPaynblo Strictly ia Advance. Kaa- - FOR BUlLDINO HR.VD. hloshy and rainy weather. No bales two house to bo moved; uloa Il.TUO home, well propcrt). BU.kweldorx Holbrook. Wichita. JL7OP03ALS - the CONSIGN YOUR No advertisements takes for less tliuu 10 cents. located. Call on -- quirterf yepariiuent of th MlwourL OClra oi or write seelu; this notice, Israel .t.i. O" tun Chief ss, were consequently made. Had there been JtOGERS, Oae line advertisements charged same rate as two Bros. dsi 'il QuartermusKr. Chicei Illinois. Wn. lines. TjOH LK-AT OUil FIOURE PROp" !. proposals. In triplicate, subject to Ok have liWS b- any hogs on sale today, they would CATTLE, HOGS XSD SHEEP SliePbotcirraiilier. Plcturai In all slMnanrt ityl NO ADVERTISEMENTS TAKEN TO RUN UN rANTED--A FEW CHEAP HOUSES ON JL erty corner seventeenth t. aud Lawrence ave. usual conditions, will - trce4ved al this -- 3c and VJL , at the oWoe of lh m at p-ply. sold ubout the same as yesterday. He alio carrfej the fltirbt KSMortmentof nlctnr FORBIDDEN." t monthly payments, J. D. Hutclilnw. S7.lia 4 room houM-- very large stable a ad orthoute. cify Ist Tort TO- ntue$lu thecltr. Ulro him lrleiidly call anp Prices qlren under classified beads In this column merly Biilldlcc d 3l water and sewerage Lota HWilM) Iceland alt feuceo. Indian 'ierrtiory, unUi U ociotdc a-- m. Tim Quotations nore presented ure to give the z&aiitia samples. H,ppUcAble only to local advertisements. No foreign Injure IIS N Main stretit. dSSf cvniral standanl Ome. March 9, IfJt andthoa t hlpt-- r n Ide". of the general range of prices. Tha advertisements taken at price--- given. TRADE A GOOD WORK HORSE Pnml for furnishing mnterUU and labor requlrr.1 grudesaell of fp-s- 5 lUTsiNESS HOrsE.2-l)P-9 iu the erection completion A guard various classes and wlthlu the limits MOORE, Answers to advertisements sent in care of the for a cow. Cah first house north side J70RSAL1N-- STORY and of liouet these quotations, according Jo the quullty of offer- HEALY & Eaglk office should be called for vlthln ludny Keiloss st. eait of HtlNlde ave. dS5 Jt block north of Douglas, at -- n. ror Indian Territory. Plans arulspeclflca. dully 1 beso quo- Sl K. Doug- - two can be had on application iCio 10 ings and the state of the markets. SUEGEONS. afwr Insertion. When advertisers wish replvs for -- foilrth ot Us actual coat. J. F. Reese, to tbw or aru only changed when there has oeen a LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCH'TS YETERIMEY warded to stamped envelope must be ANTED-TO BUY A FIVE OR SIX ROOM the Piist QurierniK.UT al lavnaworth. Kai, an.t tations them sent. ' permanent chance in the general et. ilie Ratereace to former afiviriisements should Rive cottage, to move. In north part of city. Fort supply. Indian rwntery. Tho ivcrnment get ISi ' dW b'-- representative sutles should he referred to to the Union Stock Yards, Wichita, Xau. .a riuiuijirs, description and dnte of inertionorcopycf the N. Main st. Tf SALE BY lSUAKu BROS.. SF.VERAL light to rej7i any aud jt or fhillips be sei. J?OR any pans thrtwof Kuxriope iia-poa-ls daily fluctuations. VETEKINA ItY SUHOEON3. siould "WANTED-I-EVER- in lusiress; alo rallroul proiirttes. -- good lo extra $3 75 l 00 Not responsible lor advertisements given or dis- IADY IN WiCHi'I A TO 12iN. st Israel BuiWing. sbouM h marked prpost for BQllJlr.s Native shipping steers, Correspondence solicited. Market by EAOI.B or ITcgpltal accommodation. Call bv Telephone Ma"i, room U. a Offlce, ud floor. Market adlr-- Good to extra native butcher steers, lJUO continued by telepbtme. callatr3Hi. and obtain dTl It at Fort Sapply.
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