Egales Itertb P Talks
r--~ . Soolety . 05-127 Idahoi»«h(> StntS'U te H istorical Sooloty snalfflivls-prT— .6 9 r : ------------, ^ • — 0 3 7 0 6 - -------- :----- --------------------: I..... ■ - ......-:': t i- ' Weather * Final * -: W a r m e r — i t e r t B P Edition E ® __ ■ ■ ^ MaMadic Valiev’sv’s H6mHdftie Newsi)dl)er:i^a1)e r ....... .— - - r ^ O L . 65., NO. , “‘ TWIN FALL'S, IDAHO,'^H6,' jHURSiTHURSDAY, m K \ 9,' 196819'68 . ' V » ....... ■ • . y ■ ■■ ■; T E N CENTS -. n E n e mIV y S trikess iBH adrd i ALt t SaigoivSa FrbinFfi THrec'hree Sides ^ ' ' TBTcEOaGlixSPER^}xS PE R ^ . wrcckcd twovo launching.launching pads . test fighllhg,;hlihg, with.^evcwith.several more PresidentPresident NguyenNgu Van Thieu moments laterIt the thud of 500- * 7 ' ' 7 SAIGON (AP) -— - The. enemjenemy load,ed with rocketsrocketj; less ihthan a wounded,jd. wenttnt onon nolibnwldenolibnwl Iclevli^ion in ^^ poundpound bombsbom was heard.-They I ' fin5e#i*AdIflc#|•/ic« | ■' ''-r[U.S. gmbtfiiy.l struck hard at SaigbnSatgbn fromfron • milcTrtihi thetie city. The U.S. CommJCommand an- - efforts'orts 10to calmcalm thell populacc. Hc - shook thc downtown< sections ' •' ,. three sides today but a U.S d 2.540 cncmv soldiers- urgedgdd South VjVjelnam's people "RlnrW^ n y but a U.S. '/ A ‘bird enemv drive rolle t to be. misled,.by whul ho Blocks • of' SalBon's'”iouthcrn J — ^iTO'ft'^iwui.l 'uf '.SHlliUn,- 'swet :j»n_klllpH hv flllled for'ces- not to be iiuslc nnri.-cn.stcrn.,.scr.tlnn.’i,.wefe..dCT,i;:___^ ^ — ; forces had smashedEd a VietViel ConjCong . a.*;idd two U;S.:s: companies irin the - ‘f' fightingting around SaiiSaigon sinqer.
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