Voice of The International Sun Imbibers' Society (ISIS) Spring, 2008 (Vol. 2, Issue 2) FREE

and divisiveness of religion; the overcrowding of Barefoot Walking on Sun-warmed Sand prisons and the failure of capital punishment as a Grounding Contents deterrent; and the rise in chronic depression re- sulting in increased incidence of suicide. But the Part II - Suns of God Who Gave us the SOLution The SOLution is Coming 1 underlying problem that is at the root of all these problems is this: We have lost our connection 1. The Mysteries of the Sun The Spiritual Alchemists Circle 1 with God. We feel separated from God by space 2. Surya and Cuzco A Disciple of the Sun 2 (we’re down here and he’s way up there) or by 2. Serapis sin (God is all good and we are miserable sin- 3. Kuthumi Viracocha from the Sun 3 ners). If we feel alone and worthless, if we don’t 4. Lanello see that God is in our hearts, we won’t treat our- 5. Zarathustra selves with respect. If we don’t see that God is in 6. Lord Ling everyone else as well, we won’t treat them with 7. El Morya respect either. 8. Jesus THE SOLUTION IS COMING 9. Hilarion and the Gnostics The problems we face are the same as those 10. Omraam faced by people in every society in every epoch of history. If we carefully scrutinize the historical Part III -- How to Become a Sun of God TheThe SOLutionSOLution record, we will see that social, political and reli- gious institutions have not provided solutions to 1. Amrita, the Nectar of Immortality these problems, and, in many cases, have wors- 2. The Deathless Solar Body ened the problems. Throughout this dark pageant 3. The Alchemy of Human Transformation of wars, sectarian strife, plagues, famines, slav- 4. Into the Heart of the Sun ery, materialism, ignorance and perversions, we can glimpse brief periods of peace and enlighten- Appendix A – Spiritual Sungazing Techniques ment. In every case, these bright interludes have Appendix B – Songs, Prayers, Affirmations and been brought about by the establishment of a Mantras to the Sun new religion, based on the sun of our system, Appendix C -- Testimonials Sol. Sol is an interesting word. Add a “u” for you, and you get soul, the sun of your being. Add THE SPIRITUAL an “o” for one, and you get solo, which means alone or all one. “We are all one in the sun” is ALCHEMISTS CIRCLE Laying the Foundation for a Solar Civilization not just a fanciful New Age expression. It is the by Wayne H. Purdin & Jeanette Wallen key to the New Age and the SOLution to the problems of the Old Age. The continuing failure After three years of painstaking research, writing of religion, modern medicine, education, and and editing, I am offering to the world my audio government to solve problems will sooner or lat- book The SOLution: Laying the Foundation for er lead people to consider trying the SOLution, a Solar Civilization. I decided to publish it in and the lost teachings of the great avatars and audio format because it contains a crucial Solar masters, the suns of God, will once again en- Healing Meditation and instructions for ad- lighten people, this time on a global scale. It is vanced sungazing techniques that are best ab- toward this effort that I have written this book sorbed by listening with eyes closed or focused and to which I dedicate my life. on the sun. And the appendix on Songs, Prayers, Affirmations and Mantras to the Sun can only be It's true that you can't judge a book by it's cover, appreciated in audio. The pleasant voice you will although the cover design by world-famous hear is that of coauthor Jeanette Wallen, who graphic artist and long-time sungazer, Elan Sun- wrote the Solar Healing Meditation. An audio star is a good visual summary of what The SO- book is much less expensive to produce, so I am Lution is about. To give you a better idea of what Real alchemy is not the transmutation of lead selling it (four CD with over six hours of record- it's about, I am copying the Table of Contents: into gold, but the transformation of the al- ings) for only $12, plus $3 shipping. Available chemist’s leaden consciousness into the refined from ISIS Press, 4142 W. Park View Lane, Part I -- Techniques & Science of the SOLution consciousness of love-wisdom through medita- Glendale, AZ 85310. Send check or money order tion, surya yoga, and the science of the spoken with return address. It will be available June 21st. 1. Why Absorb Sunshine? word. Let The Sun Shine In The title of this book begs the question: What’s Imbibe Sunshine for a Natural High You are invited to attend the monthly meeting of the problem? I could list a dozen or so problems Sungazing and Eyesight the Spiritual Alchemists Circle every first that this book could solve: the worsening health Nude Sunbathing Wednesday at the Phoenix Public Library, Centu- crisis at home and abroad; the escalation of war A Cure for Obesity ry Branch, 1750 E. Highland Ave. from 7 to 9 and terrorism; the moral bankruptcy of large 2. Basic Techniques and Tools pm. The Library is located right across from the segments of society; the failure of education to How to Sungaze exit ramp of the Highland Ave exit of I51 North. prepare students for real success; the starvation Sungazing Tools If you're coming south on I51, exit at Indian of millions of people in third world nations; the Getting the Full Spectrum School and go back north on I51 to the Highland pandemic of obesity in developed nations; the How to Sunbathe Ave. exit. At each meeting we discuss one of a oppression of billions of people by totalitarian Sun-charged Water series of books that deal with the practical tech- regimes; the lack of emotional harmony in fami- Atonic Tea niques of spiritual alchemy. These books are the lies; the slavery of people to the rat race in the Sun-Chi Drink teachings of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, French vain pursuit of material happiness; the hypocrisy Sun-charged Food philosopher and spiritual master of Bulgarian origin (1900-1986). He gave over 5000 lectures, To a humble family will a fair child be born being, with all those colors, all that light! He was the transcripts of which have been published as From a Balkan country will this Eagle fly, almost invisible in the extraordinary luminosity books, such as Toward a Solar Civilization. One To dwell in the land of the Rooster, that surrounded him. I found myself flooded with of the most striking aspects of these books is the His name, the same as mine, the world will light. I was in a state of bliss, of ecstasy so im- incredible variety of ways in which he presents long recall, mense, so powerful, that I no longer knew where how we can better our lives and attain perfection. His voice the peoples of the earth will hear, I was. It was a delirious joy; it was heaven; it Dr. Larry Dossey said of him ” A mark of a great And following upheaval and disaster, was the universe! Ever since then I have felt that spiritual teacher is to convey wisdom of such lu- A new age will begin. if God were not all beauty I could not believe in minous clarity that it seems genuinely simple, as him. It is beauty that remains in my mind as the if we might have known it all along, as if it is in- France has the rooster as its emblem, and that is one essential: neither power, nor knowledge, nor nate in everyone. Such a teacher is Omraam where Mikhael traveled to from Bulgaria, a wealth, nor glory. Only beauty!” Mikhael Aivanhov.” Balkan country. Also the rooster is associated with the rising sun and vigilance, both of which This was a turning point in his life. He realized Omraam said that “The Age of Aquarius will are important concepts in his teachings. The ea- that in order to regain that experience he would soon be upon us and the tremendous upheavals gle also represents the lofty sun - a fitting sym- have to give up his self experimentation and accompanying it will oblige human beings to bol for Mikhael, who boldly soared in the dimen- learn from an enlightened master. His quest for understand the reality of the invisible world and sion of Spirit, close to the source of all light. The perfection was now channeled in a more definite the laws that govern it. But the beauty, splendour eagle is also the higher symbol for the sign of direction. When the student is ready, the teacher and harmony of the new life that will emerge Scorpio, which was Mikhael's ascendant. appears. He soon found a spiritual Master, Peter from these upheavals will be beyond anything Deunov. One of the first things he asked Deunov imagined by man. All those who have been Another prophet was Rudolf Steiner who said, “I was how best to connect with God during medi- secretly working for the coming of the Kingdom bring you a complicated language for the intel- tation. Deunov told him “Work with light, for of God throughout the world will join forces and lect, but after me will come Michael, who will light is the expression of divine splendor. You work together, and the bastions of ignorance, bring a simple language of images.” If you read must concentrate on light, immerse yourself in materialism and despotism will crumble and any of Omraam's books you’ll find that they’re light and rejoice in light. It is by means of light collapse. And it will be: nothing can prevent the full of imagery and easy to understand. that we can communicate with God.” coming of the new era, the new Golden Age.” And lastly, around the beginning of the 20th cen- Deunov was a remarkable man. He came to If you share this vision of a Golden Age and tury, someone asked the Theosophist Charles America in 1888 and received a doctorate in want to know how to experience it firsthand now Leadbeater who would bring the energy of Theology from Boston University in 1893. Dur- in your own life, then come to the first Wednes- Archangel Michael to the Earth. Leadbeater ing that time, he came in contact with the Rosi- day meetings of the Spiritual Alchemists Circle. replied “His name will be Michael and he will ar- crucians and discovered that the 10th century Bo- rive in France after the first third of the century gomil movement in Bulgaria was a form of eso- is past.” Mikhael came to France in 1937. teric Christianity from which the modern-day Rosicrucians emerged. He returned to Bulgaria A DISCIPLE OF THE SUN Mikhael's mother, Dolia Aivanhov, wasn't aware and was offered a ministry, but rejected it in fa- of these prophecies, but she knew intuitively that vor of spending four years in seclusion doing her son was special. That's why she consecrated spiritual work. On March 7, 1897, The Holy him to God's service from the moment of con- Spirit descended on Deunov. After this Deunov ception, and just as Mary did for Jesus, held the became known as the Master Beinsa Douno, immaculate concept for him while he was in her which means The One Who Brings in the Good womb. His mother never yelled at him or forced through the Word. Mikhael also experienced a him to do anything. Instead, she patiently ex- similar initiation when he traveled to in plained his options and what consequences they 1960 and became known as the master Omraam. would bring and left it up to him to decide which In 1918, Deunov established the School of the course to take. Mikhael had a profound love and Universal White Brotherhood. The White re- respect for his mother and for all women and saw ferred to the white spiritual light that imbued the in them hope for a better world through prenatal auras of its members. Some of the spiritual exer- education. He said “A mother can accomplish cises of this school were prayer, music, deep great miracles because she holds the key to the breathing, greeting the sunrise, and paneurhyth- forces of life.” His mother died in 1973 at the my (dance). age of 97. His father was also an important influ- ence during his formative years, but he died of For twenty years Mikhael studied under Deunov. pneumonia when Mikhael was only seven. At the same time he studied at the University of Sophia, concentrating on psychology, philosophy Other people who helped shape his character and the natural sciences. During the 1930s, he were his grandmother and a wise old man, also held a professorship at a university and subse- named Mikhael, who would tell stories. Mikhael quently became a college principal. In 1937, De- Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov said of him “He would tell me fantastic tales of unov seeing the rise of fascist and communist battles between the forces of good and evil, the regimes, decided to export his teachings to West- Omraam, like many great initiates and leaders, powers of light and darkness, white magicians ern Europe. Out of 40,000 disciples, he chose had a humble beginning. He was born prema- and sorcerers... and good always triumphed over Mikhael to take his teachings to France. So on turely on a very cold winter night in a drafty evil in the end. Ever since, I have felt that by July 22, 1937, during the Universal Exposition, farmhouse in Serbtzi, . His mother means of these tales this old man and my grand- Mikhael arrived in Paris with only a handful of had the village priest baptize him within a day mother gave me an impetus towards the good French disciples to help him. because she feared he would not live long. She and the light, and gave my heart a yearning to see named him Mikhael in honor of Archangel the triumph of light over darkness.” Mikhael re- For ten years he worked hard to spread Deunov's Michael. Now, the priest who baptized him had alized that the moral lessons he imbibed through teachings and in 1947, he created the French a reputation for being a tea-totaler, except for these stories were more character forming than chapter of the Universal White Brotherhood. communion wine. But when he baptized anything he later learned from books. “Child- After Deunov died in 1944, Bulgaria was taken Mikhael, the light that descended was so power- hood,” he noted, “determines the whole of one's over by the Soviet Union, Deunov's estate in ful that he felt like celebrating, and during the life.” Sophia became part of the Soviet embassy and party afterwards, he got a little drunk. He told the Universal White Brotherhood of Bulgaria people that he saw a vision of Mikhael's future During his adolescence, Mikhael devoted himself was infiltrated by Communists who turned it into and prophesied that he would do a great work for to spiritual practices involving meditation, yoga, a political group. They sent 47 members to Paris God. Now, if this were the only prophecy about breathing exercises and light. One day when he to do the same with Mikhael's group, but he Mikhael, we could dismiss it as the ramblings of was 15 he was doing the surya yoga practice of firmly resisted. In order to get Mikhael out of the an inebriated priest. But three other men, who sungazing when he was suddenly plunged into a way, the communists used a hypnotist by the were famous mystics, made prophecies about mystical experience of God as a most beautiful name of Cherenzi Lind to discredit him. Lind him. One was Nostradamus who wrote: being of light. Later, he commented: “It was so hypnotized several young ladies into believing beautiful that I was beside myself. To see such a Mikhael had raped them. Based on their false testimony, he was arrested, held in prison for When someone meets Babaji he is transformed, for this sector of the galaxy. The ascended mas- several months and convicted on July 3, 1948 af- and Omraam was no exception. Actually his ter Cuzco is Surya's disciple. He assists Surya ter a hasty trial. An appeal was filed but he was transformation was more dramatic because of the by periodically traveling to Earth and back to sentenced to four years in prison. He was re- many other masters he met who gave him their give a report on the current conditions upon the leased after two years because of his impeccable blessings and the many days he spent meditating planet. Thousands of years ago, Cuzco came to behavior. His fellow inmates appreciated the in sacred places. On his return from India, his earth as a great teacher in the Americas. The spiritual help they received from his example and whole being radiating a new aura of authority, people there have a legend of a fair-skinned, the advice he had given them, and called him much like Moses did when he came down from green-eyed, bearded man who came from the Sun their “angel.” In 1962 his case was reopened and the mountain. As one of the disciples who met to teach the people the arts and sciences of civi- his name cleared. him upon his return commented, “He looked like lization. In Peru, the Incas called him Viracocha. what we imagine the world’s great Initiates In Central America, he was called Kukulkan by In the summer of 1953, the first convention of looked like… The child I held in my arms said, the Mayas, or Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs. In the Brotherhood was held at the Bonfin near Fre- ‘It’s Moses.’ It was Moses.” In a lecture soon af- Brazil they called him El Dorado (the golden jus. It was attended by all those who, in spite of terwards he spoke about his new name: “The one) because his skin had a golden glow. Con- the difficulties of the past five years, remained name Omraam combines the two processes of cerning El Dorado, archeologist Gene Savoy true to Brother Michael. The Bonfin is still the solve and coagula. ‘Om’ dissolves all things, ren- wrote, “He claimed to be a child of the sun… He international headquarters of the Universal dering them subtle and fine. It is the sound that was a radiant being of light.” Exactly when Vira- White Brotherhood and people from all over the disintegrates all that is negative. It corresponds cocha came to Peru is debatable. It occurred long world attend conferences there. to the solve of initiatic science, which returns before the rise of the Inca civilization. His leg- things to their source by transforming them into ends record that he came to set the world right in A tradition which Brother Mikhael began and light. The vibrations of ‘Raam’ have the power a time of chaos after a terrible deluge had cov- which people continue at the Bonfin and other to condense and coagulate divine realities and ered the earth and nearly destroyed mankind. centers today is the sunrise meditation. This is a make them tangible. This is coagula.” Thus, Om- This may correspond with the flood of Noah and very powerful meditation that is well worth get- raam, through his new name, was given the pow- the sinking of Atlantis. Or it may relate to the ting up early for. Mikhael told his students, er to dissolve evil in the world and to coalesce sinking of the much older Pacific continent of “Learn to bathe in this river, in this immense the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. We can contin- Lemuria. The ancient city of Tiahuanaca, where flood of morning, for this is your true bath, a ue to do this by reciting his name as a mantra. Viracocha first appeared is very ancient. In the bath of light, the only one which can truly wash center of Tiahuanaca there is a seven-tiered, T- and purify you.” Mikhael said that prana or the Omraam pointed out that “On the physical, ma- shaped pyramid with was built approximately life force is most concentrated 20 minutes before terial level, the sun is the door, the link and the 17,000 years ago. and 20 minutes after sunrise. Also, I have medium thanks to which we can make contact learned from other sources the pre-dawn hour is with the Lord… Through the sun, we work with Recently, archeologists from the University of most conducive to meditation because of the in- God Himself... If you want to create a bond be- Missouri and Peru’s National Agrarian Universi- teraction between the photons of light from the tween you [and the Sun], you have to look at him ty discovered in the Peruvian Andes the oldest sun, the Earth's magnetic field and our personal in all consciousness. If you do that there will be a solar observatory in the Americas -- a 4,200- aura or electromagnetic field. The place where communication of vibrations between the Sun year-old structure marking the summer and win- everyone gathered to meditate was a large rock and you in which forms and colors, a whole new ter solstices that is as old as the stone pillars of outcropping overlooking the Mediterranean. world, will be born… The sun is an intelligence, Stonehenge. The observatory was built on the Mikhael said that it was one of the places that a life, a living light. And when you understand top of a 33-foot-high pyramid with precise align- the great adept, Apollonius visited in his travels. that, all of a sudden he begins to speak to you… ments and sight lines that provide an astronomi- Researching the life of Apollonius, I discovered Try asking him a question and you will see that cal calendar for agriculture. Among the most sig- that Southern France was indeed one of the he will answer you.” nificant finds was a massive clay sculpture that places he went to, and that wherever he went he marked the position of the winter solstice. It was, hid special talismans in the earth. These talis- This message is basically the same as that of all appropriately enough, a carving of a sad face. mans created a positive forcefield to attract spiri- the masters and cosmic beings who taught the The archeologists report that the entire site con- tual people and good events. I suspect one of mysteries of the sun – and that is: become a sun tains ruins dating from 10,000 years ago (soon these talismans is at the rock. However, Mikhael of God. after the sinking of Atlantis) to well into the first said that working directly with the sun through millennium B.C. prayer and contemplation was much more pow- erful than any talismanic magic. VIRACOCHA, THE GOLDEN Viracocha was credited with establishing a gold- ONE FROM THE SUN en age solar civilization. What's more, all the In 1956, Mikhael gave a lecture in the city of legends say that he had carried out his civilizing Nice, not far from the Bonfin. After the lecture, mission with great kindness and, as much as pos- an Indian man approached him and told him that sible, had avoided the use of force. He used care- his master Babaji had heard about him and ful instruction and personal example to equip the would like to meet him. To be granted an audi- people with the techniques and knowledge neces- ence with Babaji is a great honor reserved only sary for a cultured and productive life. In particu- for those who are pure of heart and selfless. lar, he was remembered for bringing to Peru such Mikhael wasn't able to leave for India until varied skills as medicine, metallurgy, farming, February 11, 1959, animal husbandry, the art of writing and a so- phisticated understanding of the principals of en- While in India, he visited numerous ashrams, sa- gineering and architecture. He also taught mathe- cred sites and met spiritual leaders. He was wel- matics and astronomy by which the Incas, Aztecs comed by several famous Hindu and Buddhist and Mayans devised their accurate calendars. sages as an accomplished master from Europe. One master said he was the re-embodiment of Besides teaching the people the basic arts and Vyasa, who simplified the Vedas just as Mikhael sciences of civilization, Viracocha also taught simplified esoteric Christianity. Another adept them how to make their ascension. In Project X: hailed him as a "solar rishi. And the master who The Search for the Secrets of Immortality, gave Richard Alpert the name Baba Savoy claimed to have found records of Vira- gave Mikhael his spiritual name, Omraam. Final- cocha establishing “sacred colleges where priests ly he met the immortal bodhisattva, Babaji, who and priestesses learned… to become celestial be- in 1992 gave his blessings to another teacher of ings. At these ancient shrines, dedicated souls sun yoga, Hira Ratan Manek. A bodhisattva is a practiced the secret doctrines that enabled them being of high attainment who has such great to light the divine spark of their consciousness compassion for suffering humanity that he has and unite themselves with the Godhead… He taken a vow to not ascend back to God until ev- taught them that men were nothing more than eryone is enlightened. So Babaji's been around Surya is the cosmic being whose name means monkeys who could not rise above their supersti- for a long time. “sun” in Sanskrit. He was one of the chief gods tions until they took on the nature of light… His of . He holds the position of hierarch of spiritual message was that matter touched by the God star Sirius, the seat of God-government light is transformed. The divine seed within mat- ter begins to germinate when exposed to the sun, Cayce discussed how the negative thoughts and Viracocha didn’t confine his travels to Central and God is incarnated within the seed. Once the emotions of mankind are outpictured on the sun and South America. Taylor Hansen, in He process is set in motion, the seed ascends to as sunspots and how these cause weather disas- Walked the Americas, recorded various Native heaven, transformed into light.” The Viracochan ters, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. On the American legends about his sojourn among sev- priests wore long white robes, were organized as other hand, if enough people sungaze and trans- eral tribes in North America. The Seneca Indians a theocracy and revered the sun. These Sons of mit positive thoughts and feelings to the sun, have a legend of a white-skin, green-eyed, beard- the Sun, as they called themselves, apparently they can effect positive changes on Earth. ed prophet whom they called the Dawn God. The knew how they could perfect themselves and archives of the Seneca contains a story in which reach God through the light of the Sun. They According to anecdotal stories, the Viracochan a tall chief challenged the Dawn God to a test to were a superior people who had perfected a priests glowed with a golden light. There are also prove that he truly was the Dawn God. They spiritual system to accelerate the evolution of several historical accounts, not just legends, of would rise with the Dawn Star before sunrise and man into a super-man…a god-man. According to the Viracochan priests levitating and even flying climb a mound. If the first rays of dawn lighted legends, the Viracochan priests took the most after a sun gazing session as well as eye-witness on the prophet then that would be the sign that primitive jungle savages, and, by application of accounts of them walking on water. In fact, the he was the Dawn God. As the prophet faced the their system, elevate them to level of the first name “Viracocha” means “he who walks on the east and sang the “Chant of the Dawning,” the Adamic man or spiritual man. They knew, 150 foam (sea).” sun shown through a hole in a bank of clouds di- centuries ago, that a man possesses all the neces- rectly on the prophet’s, transfiguring him into a sary chakras, dormant mental faculties, plexuses, There is evidence to support my contention that golden being of light, to whom the chief and ev- and glands, just waiting to be developed by light. Viracocha was Cuzco. Cuzco was more than eryone else bowed down. The archives record And the ancient records verify this, as entire jun- Surya's disciple, he was the feminine aspect of that this prophet “drew his great strength from gle tribes were raised to high degree of civiliza- Surya, and therefore any attribute of Surya the Dawn Star. All nations know he was of the tion in a relatively short period of time. This fact would also be shared by Cuzco. In Hindu Dawn Star, and that is why, even now, no nation alone invalidates Darwin's theory of natural se- mythology, Surya, depicted in the image at the of the ancient people known as 'red-skins' will lection as a means of evolution when applied to beginning of this article, is shown with a golden ever make war or fight a battle while the Sacred man. The jungle tribes at that time were Neolith- body or glow, as was Viracocha. The image be- Star of Peace is still shining in the great heavens. ic men. Viracocha raised these peoples from the low is taken from the Sun Gate at Tiahuanaca. They dare not, for it is the Star of the Prophet.” darkness and density of the Amazonian jungle to The “Dawn Star” or “Star of Peace” is the God the light and rarified atmosphere of the moun- star Sirius. taintops. There they erected spectacular and monumental cities, requiring higher mathemat- ics, advanced geometry, architecture, ingenious HOW TO SUNGAZE irrigation systems, mountain terracing, and they Sungaze 1x/day within 1 hr. after sunrise or in built a network of roads, bridges and tunnels last hr. before sunset. Stand erect with bare feet through mountains (at an average altitude of on bare ground, never grass. Remove glasses; 10,000 ft) that are still in use today after more than 12 millennia. They understood the effects of contacts are okay. Begin with 10 seconds. In- light and darkness on the body and mind of man. crease 10 sec/day. If cloudy, sungaze but don’t And their sun gazing occurred at altitudes where increase time. When cold, do it indoors through the air is rarified, with much higher prana and an open window. If ill, affirm healing and visual- ultraviolet content. ize sunlight going to problem area. Express grat- All that Viracocha said was, "Instead of looking itude. After sungazing, rub hands together and down at the earth, look up to the sun, the source cover eyes. Gaze at afterimage till gone. After or of all intelligence." He said the sun would fill before sungazing, walk barefoot for 45 minutes. man with the true spirit of God and raise him to When you reach 44 minutes of sungazing, reduce a god-like nature. They called the physical sun time 1 min/day to 15 min and stay there for one `Inti,' but they recognized the spiritual sun `be- hind' that sun, which was known as the source of year. If desired, continue the rest of your life. all life and knowledge. Children younger than 12 sungaze up to 5 min- utes and stay at 5 minutes till they are 12. Their vision of the cosmos extended from inner- most to outermost suns: The sun or fiery core in the center of the Earth – the sun or divine spark in man’s heart – the physical sun – and the spiri- tual Sun or Great Central Sun (God). Their belief was that they were grounded on the Earth, and that it was their duty to focus on our physical Virococha is shown holding thunderbolts in each sun, (the gate to the kingdom of the Central Sun hand. The image of the sun god Surya shows him where they would one day return). They believed holding lotus flowers in each hand. According to that the spiritual light of the Central Sun was C. Blinkenberg in The Thunderweapon in Reli- sent to earth through our physical sun for our gion and Folklore, the thunderbolt often takes spiritual nourishment. And in the light of that on the appearance of a flower. In Indian iconog- Sun we could obtain every other thing we need- raphy there is confusion between the thunderbolt ed: materials things, energy, food, long-life, in- as lotus. The lotus flower is used interchangeably telligence, and even immortality. This is what Je- with a thunderbolt as a symbol of enlightenment. sus meant when he said “Seek ye first the King- dom of God and his righteousness, and all other But perhaps the clearest connection between things will be added unto you.” All things are Viracocha and Cuzco is the name of the city within the power of the sun to provide; it is the Viracocha established soon after he arrived in sun which gives the energy funding the Law of Peru -- Cuzco. In Toward A New Scientific As- Abundance. trology, Dr. Philip Petersen writes, “The Surya Siddhanta is the record of the imparting of a They saw the sun as it pulsates, the “back and knowledge of astronomy [which Viracocha also forth” gateway, where God transmits life and in- imparted] from Surya to Asuramaya by means of telligence to humankind and receives impres- a part of himself. By a ‘part of himself,’ Surya is sions and thoughts back from humanity. They referring to his own disciple, as Surya is too ex- had great concern that only good and righteous alted to spend time on such matters. The Peru- thoughts be transmitted to the sun. Otherwise, vian city of Cuzco is named after this disciple.” man had the ability to draw down destructive forces onto the Earth by his thoughts. Edgar