THE SUN GAZETTE Voice of The International Sun Imbibers' Society (ISIS) Spring, 2008 (Vol. 2, Issue 2) FREE www.angelfire.com/moon2/isisaz and divisiveness of religion; the overcrowding of Barefoot Walking on Sun-warmed Sand prisons and the failure of capital punishment as a Grounding Contents deterrent; and the rise in chronic depression re- sulting in increased incidence of suicide. But the Part II - Suns of God Who Gave us the SOLution The SOLution is Coming 1 underlying problem that is at the root of all these problems is this: We have lost our connection 1. The Mysteries of the Sun The Spiritual Alchemists Circle 1 with God. We feel separated from God by space 2. Surya and Cuzco A Disciple of the Sun 2 (we’re down here and he’s way up there) or by 2. Serapis sin (God is all good and we are miserable sin- 3. Kuthumi Viracocha from the Sun 3 ners). If we feel alone and worthless, if we don’t 4. Lanello see that God is in our hearts, we won’t treat our- 5. Zarathustra selves with respect. If we don’t see that God is in 6. Lord Ling everyone else as well, we won’t treat them with 7. El Morya respect either. 8. Jesus THE SOLUTION IS COMING 9. Hilarion and the Gnostics The problems we face are the same as those 10. Omraam faced by people in every society in every epoch of history. If we carefully scrutinize the historical Part III -- How to Become a Sun of God TheThe SOLutionSOLution record, we will see that social, political and reli- gious institutions have not provided solutions to 1. Amrita, the Nectar of Immortality these problems, and, in many cases, have wors- 2. The Deathless Solar Body ened the problems. Throughout this dark pageant 3. The Alchemy of Human Transformation of wars, sectarian strife, plagues, famines, slav- 4. Into the Heart of the Sun ery, materialism, ignorance and perversions, we can glimpse brief periods of peace and enlighten- Appendix A – Spiritual Sungazing Techniques ment. In every case, these bright interludes have Appendix B – Songs, Prayers, Affirmations and been brought about by the establishment of a Mantras to the Sun new religion, based on the sun of our system, Appendix C -- Testimonials Sol. Sol is an interesting word. Add a “u” for you, and you get soul, the sun of your being. Add THE SPIRITUAL an “o” for one, and you get solo, which means alone or all one. “We are all one in the sun” is ALCHEMISTS CIRCLE Laying the Foundation for a Solar Civilization not just a fanciful New Age expression. It is the by Wayne H. Purdin & Jeanette Wallen key to the New Age and the SOLution to the problems of the Old Age. The continuing failure After three years of painstaking research, writing of religion, modern medicine, education, and and editing, I am offering to the world my audio government to solve problems will sooner or lat- book The SOLution: Laying the Foundation for er lead people to consider trying the SOLution, a Solar Civilization. I decided to publish it in and the lost teachings of the great avatars and audio format because it contains a crucial Solar masters, the suns of God, will once again en- Healing Meditation and instructions for ad- lighten people, this time on a global scale. It is vanced sungazing techniques that are best ab- toward this effort that I have written this book sorbed by listening with eyes closed or focused and to which I dedicate my life. on the sun. And the appendix on Songs, Prayers, Affirmations and Mantras to the Sun can only be It's true that you can't judge a book by it's cover, appreciated in audio. The pleasant voice you will although the cover design by world-famous hear is that of coauthor Jeanette Wallen, who graphic artist and long-time sungazer, Elan Sun- wrote the Solar Healing Meditation. An audio star is a good visual summary of what The SO- book is much less expensive to produce, so I am Lution is about. To give you a better idea of what Real alchemy is not the transmutation of lead selling it (four CD with over six hours of record- it's about, I am copying the Table of Contents: into gold, but the transformation of the al- ings) for only $12, plus $3 shipping. Available chemist’s leaden consciousness into the refined from ISIS Press, 4142 W. Park View Lane, Part I -- Techniques & Science of the SOLution consciousness of love-wisdom through medita- Glendale, AZ 85310. Send check or money order tion, surya yoga, and the science of the spoken with return address. It will be available June 21st. 1. Why Absorb Sunshine? word. Let The Sun Shine In The title of this book begs the question: What’s Imbibe Sunshine for a Natural High You are invited to attend the monthly meeting of the problem? I could list a dozen or so problems Sungazing and Eyesight the Spiritual Alchemists Circle every first that this book could solve: the worsening health Nude Sunbathing Wednesday at the Phoenix Public Library, Centu- crisis at home and abroad; the escalation of war A Cure for Obesity ry Branch, 1750 E. Highland Ave. from 7 to 9 and terrorism; the moral bankruptcy of large 2. Basic Techniques and Tools pm. The Library is located right across from the segments of society; the failure of education to How to Sungaze exit ramp of the Highland Ave exit of I51 North. prepare students for real success; the starvation Sungazing Tools If you're coming south on I51, exit at Indian of millions of people in third world nations; the Getting the Full Spectrum School and go back north on I51 to the Highland pandemic of obesity in developed nations; the How to Sunbathe Ave. exit. At each meeting we discuss one of a oppression of billions of people by totalitarian Sun-charged Water series of books that deal with the practical tech- regimes; the lack of emotional harmony in fami- Atonic Tea niques of spiritual alchemy. These books are the lies; the slavery of people to the rat race in the Sun-Chi Drink teachings of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, French vain pursuit of material happiness; the hypocrisy Sun-charged Food philosopher and spiritual master of Bulgarian origin (1900-1986). He gave over 5000 lectures, To a humble family will a fair child be born being, with all those colors, all that light! He was the transcripts of which have been published as From a Balkan country will this Eagle fly, almost invisible in the extraordinary luminosity books, such as Toward a Solar Civilization. One To dwell in the land of the Rooster, that surrounded him. I found myself flooded with of the most striking aspects of these books is the His name, the same as mine, the world will light. I was in a state of bliss, of ecstasy so im- incredible variety of ways in which he presents long recall, mense, so powerful, that I no longer knew where how we can better our lives and attain perfection. His voice the peoples of the earth will hear, I was. It was a delirious joy; it was heaven; it Dr. Larry Dossey said of him ” A mark of a great And following upheaval and disaster, was the universe! Ever since then I have felt that spiritual teacher is to convey wisdom of such lu- A new age will begin. if God were not all beauty I could not believe in minous clarity that it seems genuinely simple, as him. It is beauty that remains in my mind as the if we might have known it all along, as if it is in- France has the rooster as its emblem, and that is one essential: neither power, nor knowledge, nor nate in everyone. Such a teacher is Omraam where Mikhael traveled to from Bulgaria, a wealth, nor glory. Only beauty!” Mikhael Aivanhov.” Balkan country. Also the rooster is associated with the rising sun and vigilance, both of which This was a turning point in his life. He realized Omraam said that “The Age of Aquarius will are important concepts in his teachings. The ea- that in order to regain that experience he would soon be upon us and the tremendous upheavals gle also represents the lofty sun - a fitting sym- have to give up his self experimentation and accompanying it will oblige human beings to bol for Mikhael, who boldly soared in the dimen- learn from an enlightened master. His quest for understand the reality of the invisible world and sion of Spirit, close to the source of all light. The perfection was now channeled in a more definite the laws that govern it. But the beauty, splendour eagle is also the higher symbol for the sign of direction. When the student is ready, the teacher and harmony of the new life that will emerge Scorpio, which was Mikhael's ascendant. appears. He soon found a spiritual Master, Peter from these upheavals will be beyond anything Deunov. One of the first things he asked Deunov imagined by man. All those who have been Another prophet was Rudolf Steiner who said, “I was how best to connect with God during medi- secretly working for the coming of the Kingdom bring you a complicated language for the intel- tation. Deunov told him “Work with light, for of God throughout the world will join forces and lect, but after me will come Michael, who will light is the expression of divine splendor.
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