Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project Final EIS/EIR
Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project C. AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES C.9 Recreation and Land Use This section describes the impacts to land use and public recreation associated with the construction and operation of the proposed action and alternatives. The EIS/EIR considers existing and proposed land uses in addition to sensitive land uses that have the potential to be affected by the Project. Sensitive land uses include the following land use types: residences, schools, hospitals, daycare centers, retirement homes, and cemeteries. Recreational resources are also defined as sensitive land uses, as they are susceptible to disturbances (e.g., noise, traffic, dust, etc.) that could decrease or eliminate the value of the recreational experience. In general, recreational facilities (parks, open space, playgrounds, play fields, etc.), recrea- tional activities (bicycling, hiking, boating, etc.), and recreationists are considered to be sensitive receptors for purposes of this impact assessment. C.9.1 Affected Environment The proposed sediment removal at Littlerock Reservoir would be located within the Santa Clara/Mojave Rivers Ranger District of the Angeles National Forest (ANF). Truck routes for construction equipment and sediment removal would traverse federal and local jurisdictions that include National Forest System (NFS) lands, unincorporated Los Angeles County, and City of Palmdale, as shown in Figure C.9-1 (Jurisdictional Boundaries). The extent of the area to be analyzed for land use impacts is considered the Land Use Study Area [see Figure C.9-2 (Angeles National Forest Land Use Zones) and Figure C.9-3 (Land Use Designations)]. While other issue areas in this EIS/EIR may identify a Study Area with a different radius, the Land Use Study Area has been defined by the following: Land and recreation uses immediately adjacent to construction activities at Littlerock Reservoir; Land and recreation uses located along the sediment removal truck routes; and Land and recreation uses adjacent to the proposed sediment disposal sites.
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