Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 07/01/2016 to 09/30/2016 Angeles National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Expected Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Implementation Project Contact Angeles National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:01/2017 05/2017 Nathan Sill Translocation into Bear Creek, Scoping Start 11/07/2014 626-574-5328 within the San Gabriel
[email protected] Wilderness Area. Description: This project will involve moving frogs or tadpoles from existing populations into Bear Creek. This effort is designed CE to establish another population within the historic range of the species in order to aid in its recovery. *UPDATED* Web Link: Location: UNIT - Angeles National Forest All Units. STATE - California. COUNTY - Los Angeles. LEGAL - Not Applicable. This project will occur within the Bear Creek drainage within the San Gabriel Wilderness of the San Gabriel River Ranger District. San Gabriel Mountains National - Land management planning In Progress: Expected:01/2017 02/2017 Justin Seastrand Monument Plan and Land Scoping Start 06/19/2015 626-574-5278 Management Plan Amendment Est. Comment Period Public
[email protected] EA Notice 07/2016 *UPDATED* Description: The Angeles National Forest (ANF) is proposing to develop a management plan for the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument as required by Presidential Proclamation. This plan will be adopted as an amendment to the existing ANF Land Management Plan Web Link: Location: UNIT - Angeles National Forest All Units.