J. Theobald and Company's Extra Special Illustrated Catalogue Of
— J, THEOBALD & COMPANY’S EXTRA SPECIAL ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OP fJflOIC Iifll^TERNS, SLIDES AND APPARATUS. (From the smallest Toy Lanterns and Slides to the most elaborate Professional Apparatus). ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS--NOT MERE DEALERS. J. THEOBALD & COMPANY, (KSTABI.ISJIKI) OVER FIFTY YEARS), Wfsl End Retail Depot : -20, CHURCH ST., KENSINGTON, W. City Warehouse (Wholesale, Retail, and Export) where address all orders ; 43, FARRINGDON ROAD, LONDON, E.C. (Opposite Earringtlon Street Station). City Telephone: -No. 6767. West End Telephone: —No. 8597. EXTRA SPECIAL ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF MAGIC LANTERNS, SLIDES AND APPARATUS. (From the smallest Toy Lanterns and Slides to the most elaborate Professional Apparatus.) ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS—NOT MERE DEALERS. * •1 ; SPSCIAXd N^O'TICESS issuing N our new catalogue of Magic Lanterns and Slides for the present season wish I we to draw your attention to the very large number of new slides which are contained heiein, and particularly to the Life Model sets. This catalogue now con- tains descriptions of over 100,000 slides and is supposed to be about one of the most comprehensive yet issued. We have made one price for photographic slides right throughout. It is always possible if customers want slides specially well coloured, to fedo them up to any price, but the quality mentioned in this catalogue is quite equal to those supplied by other houses in the trade. It must always be borne in mind that there are lantern slides and lantern slides, and that there are a few people not very well known in the trade, who issue a list of very low priced slides indeed, many of which are simply slides which would not be sold by any Optician with an established reputation.
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