BELLETEN Cilt: XLVII Nisan 1983 Say~ : 186
TÜRK TARIH KURUMU BELLETEN Cilt: XLVII Nisan 1983 Say~ : 186 GEORGE SARTON AND THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE AYDIN SAYILI Professor of the History of Science, Director, Atatürk Culture Center Sarton, who was born in 1884* in Belgium, came to the United States in 1915. He gave a few lectures and courses during his first years in America, and in 1918 he became associated with the Carnegie Institution of Washington. He had already founded Isis in 1912, while in Belgium, and although its publication was interrupted during the four years of World War I, it began to reappear in the postwar years when Sarton established himself in the United States. Follow- ing a meeting of the American Historical Association in Boston, in December 1923, David Eugene Smith, Lynn Thorndike, and a group of other members organized the American History of Science Society, incorporating it in January 1924. The History of Science Society was created for the specific purpose of furthering the study of the history of science, and to support Sarton's work and especially his journal Isis.1 The first years in the United States were not easy for Sarton, but when in 1918 he was appointed research associate of the Carnegie * We have thus reached the centenary of Sarton's year of birth. /sis, yol. 6. 1924, pp. 4-8 ; /sis, yol. 7, 1925, p. 371; /sis, yol. 16, 1931, pp. 125-126; James B. Conant, "George Sarton and Harvard University", /sis, yol. 48, 1957, p. 302; Dorothy Stimson, Sarton on the History of Science, Essays by George Sarton, Selected and Edited by Dorothy Stimson, Harvard University Press, 1962, Preface, p.
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