Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team
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Copyright © 2020 by Pam Popper All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Paperback ISBN: 978-1-63337-443-0 E-book ISBN: 978-1-63337-444-7 LCCN: 2020919525 Printed in the United States of America 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 CONTENTS Introduction The Perfect Storm A Preview of Things to Come Meet Some of the Key Players The Global Health and Vaccine Cabal A Questionable Collaboration China Before COVID-19 The COVID-19 Timeline How To Invent a Pandemic The Origin of SARS-CoV-2 The Lockdown Life in “Covidland” Inflated Cases and Deaths The Controversy Over Treatment Consequences: The Cure is Really Worse Than the Disease Enter George Floyd Which New Normal Will We Choose? Reflections on the COVID-19 Debacle Our New Normal: Citizens in Charge Epilogue INTRODUCTION by Pam Popper ON MARCH 10, 2020, I posted a video on my YouTube Channel titled “What You Need to Know About the Coronavirus.” I was prompted to create the video because we had hosted a large event at our office on March 7, and a few people decided not to attend because they were afraid of “the virus.” We had planned a large event with a guest speaker on April 2 and we were getting calls about whether this was going to take place because of “the virus.” I was curious – flu season is an annual event, and I had never heard of anything being cancelled as a result of it. I started my investigation with a lot of skepticism about the seriousness of “the virus” due to my investigation of the H1N1 (Swine) flu debacle in 2009-2010. Both the CDC and WHO were found to have engaged in unethical practices in order to turn run-of-the-mill flu into a pandemic. Drug companies benefitted financially, millions of people were vaccinated without cause, and without evidence that the vaccine was effective since it was not clinically tested. Could this type of deception be behind the growing concern about this virus? It seemed that this was the case. At the time my video was posted, the number of cases and deaths from COVID-19 worldwide was a small fraction of what was considered normal for flu season. But an already disproportionate response had begun, and I reported some of the potential motivations for this exaggerated response in my video. I have been posting videos every Tuesday and Thursday for many years, many of which have been considered “controversial.” Nasty comments, both from consumers and health professionals, have been a consistent factor in my life for my entire 25 years in healthcare. But the response to this post was different in several ways. This time there were many more critics, and they were considerably more hostile. People accused me of putting the lives of others in danger by minimizing the risk of death from COVID-19. “You will ultimately be responsible for killing people,” one person wrote. Some sent condescending emails stating that I was not qualified to talk about this topic. “You’re in over your head on this one,” one viewer wrote. “I’ll never listen to you about anything ever again,” wrote another. Health professionals, some of whom I used to respect, also challenged me – not with facts, but rather rants about how misguided and wrong I was about this issue. If the goal was to stop my investigation, or to keep me from posting more videos, it failed miserably. Instead I became even more curious. Where were these people getting the idea that the flu was suddenly a threat to the survival of the human race? Why were people becoming unhinged about COVID-19? As the entire world started shutting down, my COVID-19 investigation became practically a full-time job for an exceptionally long time. Instead of two videos per week, I started posting four. Instead of a few hundred responses per week, I started receiving over a thousand per day. People sent me documents and videos from all over the world that revealed that something awful was going on. It was not the flu, but it spread just as quickly as the flu, and was far more dangerous than any virus. It was a planned and carefully orchestrated event involving a campaign of misinformation enabled by a willing and obedient media that allowed some bad actors to gain control over billions of people, and to shut down the world’s economies. Curiosity turned into shock and horror, and I decided that the entire story needed to be told. The “COVID-19 Hoax,” as we have always referred to it, is the most consequential thing that has happened in our world since World War II. But it is far worse than the war. WWII was caused by a lunatic in Germany with a relatively small following. Hitler and his followers inflicted what was unprecedented damage on the world, but they were identifiable enemies who could be overcome. The COVID-19 Hoax has been perpetrated by a wide network of enemies of the people who have managed to disguise themselves as public servants, health professionals, and founders and heads of global non-profit organizations. They are everywhere, they are incredibly rich, they are powerful, and they are intent on getting their way. Overcoming these enemies will not be easy. The human race is not in danger of extinction from COVID-19. Humans – all of us – are in danger of having our lives controlled by these enemies of the people who took our liberties and freedoms away in a matter of weeks. They have already shown that they plan to determine the circumstances under which we will be able to leave our homes, to interact with others, and to operate our businesses. In a very short time, they were able to destroy our communities, eliminate freedom of religion and the right to assemble, and turn us against each other. They are remarkably effective at their game. We cannot let them win. This book tells the story of how this debacle began, who the major players are, and how the plan was executed. It’s a disturbing account of how easy it is to take control of people who assume they will continue to enjoy freedom without holding government, the media, and many others accountable, and without any effort on their part. With knowledge comes power, and our hope is that the information in this book will motivate masses of people to reject what is often referred to as “the new normal,” to do whatever is required to take back their lives, and to ensure that future generations will live free. “As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will, victory will not be denied us.” —Winston Churchill INTRODUCTION by co-author Shane Prier WITHIN A SHORT time after the COVID-19 hysteria began, I knew something was not right, and I started to investigate. I have a degree in biology and spent some time working in a lab researching viruses, bacteria, DNA, electrophoresis, and polymerase chain reaction technology. I know from experience that while viruses can be dangerous and lethal, they usually aren’t. COVID-19 is a coronavirus, and most of us have been exposed to one or more coronaviruses during our lifetimes since this virus is the cause of what we refer to as “the common cold.” Based on what I knew about coronaviruses, along with an analysis of the daily reports of cases, the actions taken by health authorities in response seemed exaggerated. And over time the disconnect between the data and the rules and regulations imposed on the entire world’s population became more and more frightening. Something else had to be going on. I also have a background in finance. For the last seventeen years, I’ve worked as a private wealth advisor and managed over $100,000,000 in assets for my clients. I’m trained to look at almost everything that goes on in the world, and to evaluate it in terms of what it means to both the financial markets and politics because both have a significant impact on financial stability and wealth. It soon seemed apparent to me that there were powerful financial and political incentives for staging a pandemic. It also became clear over time who the potential winners of this debacle would be. In this section, I draw on my biology/science/research background to explain some basics about viruses, and also about herd immunity, which makes viruses a lot less frightening. Later in the book, you’ll learn more about the financial and political ramifications of COVID-19 and how both have motivated many of the bad decisions that have been made and continue to be made in response to it. What is a Virus? According to most scientists, viruses have been around since life itself. There is some debate about whether viruses should be considered life, given the fact that they cannot propagate without a host cell, but that is an argument that has gone on for decades. There is also some debate about the original natural origins of viruses. Are they the result of discarded genetic material from cells, or did they come first? Again, this is a debate that continues. So, what is a virus? To better explain this, it is best to start with a basic description of cells, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Most of us are familiar with the concept of DNA. It is what gives us our features and characteristics.