¿5= S"S ^.-lIBOMJlöfiiwtrA-^ £ A- jL «f? e/ — miK&íi tx/ . ... , /-.-i- — X" % f® (B m t . yA Cl ENCIAS NATURALES DESCRIPTIVE NOTES ON PAPUAN PLANTS, BABON FEBD. VON MUELLER, C.I.G., M. & PH.D., F.R.S. APPENDIX. Papuan Plants, recorded by Blume, Miquel and Scheffer, not yet mentioned specifically in the foregoing pages. NYMPH2EACE2E. Nympliaa gigantea, Hook. Bot. Magaz. 4647. ANONACK.ZE. Polyalthia hirfa, Benth. et Hook. Gen. PI. i. 956; Monoon hirturn, Miq. Annal. ii. 16. Pulyalthia macropoda, Benth. et Hook. I. c.; Monoon macropodum, Miq. 1. c. Pulyalthia chloroxantha, Benth. et Hook. 1. c.; Monoon chlorox- ant.hum, Miq. 1. c. Polyalthia glauca, Bentb. et Hook. 1. c.; Monoon glaucum, Miq. 1. c. Uvaria Rosenbargiana, Scbeff. Ann. Jard. Duit. 2. Poporvia Novo- Guineensis, Miq. Ann. ii. 21. (h'opkea ovata, Scheff. Ann. Jard. Buitz. i. 3. Orophea aurantiaca, Miq. Ann. ii. 25. Goniothalamvs longirostris, Scbeff. Jarcl. Buitz. 4. Goniotlialamus caloneitrus, Miq. Ann. ii. 34. Artabotrys inoclora, Zipp. in Miq. Ann. ii. 41. Phfpanthli nutans, J. Hook, et Thorns. Flor. Ind. i. 147. 96 Descriptive Notes on Papuan Plants. MYRISTICK/E. Myristica subcordata, Bl. Rumph. 186. Myristica fatua, Houtt. Nat. Hist. ii. 337. Myristica tubiflora, Bl. Rumph. 182, t. 56. Myristica subalulata, Miq. Ann. ii. 47. Myristica lepidota, Bl. Rumph. 183, 57. Myristica morindifolia, Bl. 1. c. 186. Myristica nesophila, Miq. Ann. ii. 49. Myristica pinnœfonnis, Zipp. in Miq. Annal, ii. 49. Myristica Aruana, Bl. 1. c. 191. Myristica Zippeliana, Miq. 1. c. 50. Myristica subtilis, Miq. 1. c. 50. Myristica Papuana, Scheff. Annal, du Jard.
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