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1 Hollywood Wholesale Electric Co. 1 TECHNICAL DESIGN COORDINATOR CO. Complete Mechanical Electrical Hydraulic Automotive ~istributorsof Electrical Supplies and Appliances and Aircraft Engineering Service "The Mark of Dependability" Consulting-Research-Design and Development I 1 16218 Ventura Boulevard Phone ~Oll~wo~d7221 ' I 6820 Romaine Street Hollywood 38 1 STate 4-4905 Encino, Calif. ANgelus 0580 Pacific Manufacturing Co. Life Insurance Annuities 1918 East Colorado Street :: Pasadena 8, Calif. LYLE H. CHENEY Sycamore 6-8579 New York Life Insurance Company PATENT DEVELOPMENT Ryan 1-6191 Security Building SPECIAL INSTRUMENTATION Sycamore 2-7141 Pasadena 1, Calif. L. FAIBISH H. M. LIGH'I BURN VROMANwS Sy: 3-1171 Ry: 1-6669 Books & Stationery Office Equipment SPECIAL 469 E. Colorado St. 1271 E. Colorado St. TOOLS AND MACHINERY CO. L 4625 Pacific Boulevard, Los Angeles KImball 3246 - 3247 SMITH-EMERY COMPANY Since 1910 Since 1924 Chemical and Physical Testing Laboratories PAUL F. VOKAL Designing and Building of Owner Manager Special Tools and Machinery 920 Santee Street Los Angeles 15, California ! A Quarter Century Braun Corporation is serving of Leadership many industries in many ways for many years. A few examples . In the manufacture of: PETROLEUM Braun-Shell Sulphur Determin- 1 st ation Apparatus Braun-Shell Viscosimeter Bath Plaster Mixers Cloud and pour test apparatus Temperature and pressure reg- All Steel Concrete Mixers ulators and controls Two-Man Suction Dredges RUBBER Baths, freezing, heating and Steel-Frame Contractors Hoists constant temperature Elastometers Durometers METALLURGICAL Metallographs Spectrophotometers Leaders In the manufacture of: Hardness testers Evaporative Air Coolers SCHOOLS, COLLEGES Physics apparatus Road Rollers AND UNIVERSITIES Laboratory furniture Models of molecular structure Air-Power Weed Spraying Glassware Reagents Equipment Portable Paint Spraying MINING AND Braun furnaces REFINING Braun ore crushers Equipment Braun pulverizers Braun Calmix cupels Self-priming Pumps ESSICK MANUFACTURING CO. Tucker 5144 1950 Santa Fe Ave. Los Angeles 21 JAMES R. BRADBURN James R. Brad- on the track team and in almost all making Tau Beta Pi. He received his 1. S. in electrical engineering in 1932, then spent two years at the Harvard School of Busi- ness Administration where he obtain- ed the M. B. A. degree. Mr. Brad- burn worked for several years for the General Electric Company and CONTENTS FOR JANUARY, 1947 for Eastman Kodak. In the Army for five years, he reached the rank of major, and the position of chief of the Artillery Division, Rochester Ord- nance District. November 1945 saw him with the Consolidated Engineer- ing Corporation of Pasadena as vice president and director. He is now in Placement charge of Consolidated's commercial engineering department. By J. R. Bradburn Seventy-Three Years of Photography . 5 The Uses of Radar in the Weather Service . 9 By Patrick J. Harney PATRICK J. HARNEY Graham Allan Laing . 11 Patrick J. Har- ney, who received By Roger Stanton his M. S. in met- eorology from the Institute in 1935, C. I. T. News . 1 preceded this by studies at Clarkson College, New York Alumni News . 13 and M. I. T., and work for United Airlines. After ob- taining his degree, Mr. Harney work- ed for Western Air Express (now Airlines), and the United States Weather Bureau. For a time he was on the civilian staff of the Army Aircraft Radio Laboratory at Wright Field, landed in Panama with the first radar-equipped squadron, return- ed to the Pentagon building, and es- ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE MONTHLY caped to the Air Force again by in- duction. First assigned to the Radia- tion Laboratory, Mr. Harney was a Published at the California Institute of Technology technical sergeant on a weather field project in Florida when the war end- ed. Returning to the Weather Bu- EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD: Hugh Colvin, '36, Chairman; J. E. Wallace reau, he has been assigned for the Sterling, Professor of History and Government, Richard H. jahns, '35, Associate last year to the Thunderstorm Professor of Geology; Langdon Hedrick, President of the Associated Student Body. Project, which does field work in Editorial Consultant: George R. MacMinn, Professor of English Florida and research in Chicago. STAFF: Editor-in-Chief---Hugh F. Colvm, '56 Business Manager--Wesley P. Bunnclle Managing Editor-Wesley P. Bunnelle Circulation Manager--W. D. Sellers. "25 Associate Editor-Bradford Parker ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE MONTHLY is monthly on the 25th of each month by the Alumni Association, California Institute of Technology, Inc., 1201 East California Street, COVER CAPTION Pasadena California. Annual subscription $3.50, single copies 35 cent$. Entered a+ second class matter at the Post Office at Pasadena, California, on September 6. 1939, under the Act of March The Marguerite, Goelet Cup Race, 3, 1879. All Publisher*' Rights Reserved. Reproduction of material contained herein forbidden August 7, 1891. without written authorization. JANUARY, 1947 Page 1 Student trainee at Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Large companies such as Westinghouse select graduating students through the Placement Service for further training in factory, laboratory, and classroom. Page 2 ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE MONTHLY Placement SSISTANCE in the job finding and job better- Proper job betterment, therefore, is a move which ment for the the individual, and in new person- should be approached carefully, with the idea in A nel selection for the employer, is afforded to a mind of improving one's employment record. The more beneficial degree than commonly believed, by Alumni Placement Service is rendering assistance to the Alumni Placement Service of the California In- those who believe a change in jobs would be of bene- stitute of Technology. fit. This assistance first takes the form of counsel, The objective of the when requested, and later Alumni Placement Service, that of actually referring the like that of any properly individual to jobs for which qualified technical employ- he is qualified. ment agency, is to assist both CORRECTION On the other side of the graduate and employer alike. picture is the employer who The Service is fulfilling its Through a proof-reader's error, one realizes the need of having real responsibility of making sentence of John Mills' THE INDUS- properly qualified men in sure that as nearly as pos- engineering positions and is sible the right p e r s o n is TRIAL SCIENTIST AS CITIZEN in having a hard time to find brought into contact with the the December 1946 issue, starting with them. He attempts selection right job for that person. through various channels. the fourth line, first column, page 11, The subject of p r ope r He is frequently defeated by placement of engineering read: "He will damn a communist, and his own ineptitude -by in- personnel is important to the unjustly, for following his 'party line' . .". sufficiently and improperly individual and the employer. describing the job he desires A large share of an indi- This sentence did not follow Mr. Mills' to have filled and the quali- vidual's waking h o u r s is manuscript, which read: "He will damn a fications of the man to fill it. spent at his job. He can Numerous are the employers communist, and justly, for following his be most happy on that job who come to the Alumni which most closely fits his 'party line' . .". For this typographical Placement Service with the needs and for which his ex- error the editorial staff makes due apolo- vague information that they perience most adequately need a "salesman" or "an qualifies him. gies. electrical engineer," without A good employment rec- definitely stating what kind ord is one of the most valu- of a salesman or engineeru able assets that a man can they desire to fill a particu- have. It is an asset which should improve with time. lar job. The Service's efforts could be expended Its improvement comes not only from good work on much more efficiently, and employers better satisfied, particular jobs or during particular periods of time, f complete job descriptions were furnished with each but also from the ability to list consecutively more im- job order. portant positions. Both the job seeker and the employer can assist The listing of too many positions with different the Service by keeping that office currently posted companies, or positions of too short duration with on the outcome of interviews resulting from referrals one company, is usually a liability. It indicates a lack by the Service. If the referral does not result in a of persistence on the part of the individual. Such in- job, it would be helpful to the Service to know why, dications are one of the first things a prospective em- both from the job seeker and from the employer. ployer looks for in considering an applicant. Such information can be of assistance in correcting JANUARY, 1947 Page 3 the concept the Service has of the individual's quali- of placement activities has changed since 1945, par- fications and desires, and of the job that is to be filled. ticularly as a result of the war, with its effect on In addition, the Service by all means should be in- college operations and the limitation on individuals formed promptly if the assistance of the Service is in changing jobs within industry. During the war no longer needed by the individual, or if a job order period, the report points out, no difficulty was ex- should be cancelled. perienced in securing employment for civilians who were not susceptible to draft. The main problem was In expanding times, such as the present, proper that of ferreting out available men for industrial placement is of increased importance. This is partic- firms. ularly true with the small company that cannot afford to carry a large force of trainees with the purpose in As would be expected, the number of men reg- mind of selecting a few for the higher positions.