sAmpriim i ► r WO BELLS n Vol.. VI JUNE 29, 1925 No. 5 A Herald of Good Cheer and Cooperation Published by and for Employees of the Edited by . G. JEFFERY, Director of Public Relations Cars To Stop One Minute July 4 Civil War Hero Instruction Room Equipped 72, Takes Bride; DEFENSE DAY By Mechanical Department Cited For Valor George W. Reck- ARMY TEST ard, 75 years old, and an active pat- tern maker in the South Park Shops AIDED BY was married last Wednesday to Anna M. Johnson, 62, and they have departed on their honey- COMPANY moon. Mr. Reckard is a brother of Joe The Los Angeles Railway will co- Reckard, cashier of operate in the National Defense Day the company. He test which is sponsored by the federal was a drummer in government and is being organized by the Civil War and the army. A similar test was conduct- the picture shows ed on Armistice Day last year. him drumming up All street cars will stop for one min- enthusiasm in a G. W. Reckard ute at 12 o'clock, noon, July 4, as a patriotic celebration held at the shops. silent recognition of the sacrifice made He won praise for his bravery dur- by those who gave their lives for the ing the Civil War. country and the inspiration to sane The citation for his latest deed of patriotism which their memory brings. valor is written in verse by Ted Gray, poet laureate of the mechanical de- Men Asked to Enroll partment drafting room. All men between the ages of eigh- teen and forty-five years are asked by Listen my friends and you shall hear, the government to enroll as one-day Of the greatest "Reckard" of the year, volunteers, and blanks for such en- All single men, will kindly heed rollment are available at the divisions AN INSTRUCTION room in• which These men are arranged in six And profit by this gallant deed, and in all departments of the com- groups, one group being instructed Of Mr. "Reckard" who I introduce, pany. Those who sign are asked to the actual operation of mechanical As the latest victim of the noose; equipment can be demonstrated, is be- every day except Sunday. The same give name, age, residence and previous A man of courage in heart and hand ing worked into first class shape at instruction is given each day for six military service, if any. The enroll- days when a new subject is taken up At seventy-five he took the stand ment carries no obligation for mili- Division Two, under the supervision To prove his worth in a love so true of W. T. "Billy" Brown, general fore- by Mr. Mason, who teaches the group. tary service but is merely an en- For his. blushing bride of sixty-two. man of car houses. The instruction dorsement of the National Defense Classes for night men are held two Thru the Civil War he drummed his plan. room is located on the west side of nights per week. The assistant fore- way Skeleton Organization Division Two storage tracks and has man and two repairers from each divi- Gallantly to victory in the fray The organization of the country in been wired for the operation of a sion and one street inspector are And once again, it seems to be street car controller, as shown in the included in this second group, which case of a military emergency under Another beat for victory the National Defense plan is in three picture above. is in charge of E. . Muse. Classes Shower of blessings and shower of The cameraman caught A. H. Mason for day and night foreman will be in divisions, namely, the regular army, cheers, the national guard, and the reserve pointing out some of the details of a charge of Mr. Brown. We extend to the couple with young new piece of equipment that is being corps. The latter division is fully of- One of "Billy's" hobbies is to have ideas. ficered in all branches of service by tested. The instruction at present is a fully equipped instruction room, centering on multiple unit cars. men who hold reserve army commis- competent instructors, and a bunch of sions. With this skeleton organiza- Each street inspector, each assistant live wires growing up. tion it is believed by army authori- day foreman and two repairers from Melrose Bus Line These classes and instruction room ties that an efficient military organi- each division, attend a two-hour ses- zation could be put on its feet in a sion once each week. should help to turn the trick. Extension Asked comparatively short time by enlist- ments and selective service. AND JERICHO An application for permission to ex- The blanks for enrollment of men DOLLAR DOWN—DOLLAR tend the bus line from Waiter: "Has your order been who approve of this system and are FOREVER Larchmont boulevard to Western of military age will be available up to taken?" avenue was filed last Wednesday by Liza—Dat certainly is a beautiful en- Bunker July 4. On Independence Day, patri- Waiter: "Yes, and so has the Los Angeles Railway, with the gagement ring. What size is dat Hill."—Missouri Showme. otic services will be held at the Uni- diamon'? Board of Public Utilities, the service versity of California, Southern Branch, to be started upon the completion of Rastus—Dat is de 20-year install- Nurse—"Are you the young lady for those who wish to attend, but at- who was with him when the car went the improvement of the center strip of tendance is not compulsory. ment size! Melrose avenue. into the ditch?" The line at present runs from Larch- The boss was dictating to the new Visitor—"Yes. I thought it would transfer privilege, but that east of only be fair to come and give him mont boulevard to . Larchmont boulevard the fare will pretty and sophisticated stenographer. The extension would establish a con- Suddenly he stopped. the kiss he was trying for." be five cents, including transfer be- nection with the line "S" street cars tween Los Angeles Railway street car "Am I too fast for you?" he asked and the Western avenue crosstown bus. anxiously. Lover: "Can there be any sweeter lines. A ten cent fare on any part She considered him and then replied: words than 'I love you'?" It is proposed that west of Larch- of the line will include transfer to and "Oh, no, indeed, but you're a trifle Writer: "Yes, 'Check inclosed.' " mont boulevard the one-way fare will from connecting Los Angeles Motor- old." Speeder: "Sure. 'Not guilty.' " remain the same, five cents with no bus lines. PAGE 2 \\ 0 BELL- • JUNE 29, 1925 4-4-4-++ ++++++++++++ +++ + + + +4-4++ + + ++++ + 1-4 + + + ++ + + Editorial Comment BULLETINS ONLY 17 MERIT Two Bells Is The Official Paper of The Los Angeles Railway Issued June 29, 1925 4-44-++++++++++++++-+-+++++4++++++++++++++++++++t BULLETIN NO. 99 CARDS BELOW Notice to Trainmen In the future, in placing markers be- Winning Confidence tween the rails as an indication of the exact point at which a car is expected to be brought to a stop, the old style of E RECEIVED quite a long letter from a resident of Annandale cast iron "Stop" plate will be discon- 90 PERCENT tinued, and such points will be marked Boulevard, a few days ago, telling of an interesting experience by a row of four metal discs set In the on an inbound line "W" car. The passenger wanted quite a pavement. These similar to the ones now a detailed summary W being used by the Police Department at According to bit of detailed information about the location of certain buildings and Santa Barbara and Figueroa, and at cer- compiled by clerks of the merit and `the schedule of owl cars. He said he had frequently encountered - tain points on North . bonus system records, omission on Trainmen will observe and make stops mileage or report cards was the chief men who qualified 'the information they gave with "I guess that's the accordingly. cause for demerits during the month street" or "maybe the transfer is all right." BULLETIN NO. 100 of May. Exactly 254 cases in this Notice to Conductors classification were reported as against It was to the motorman that this passenger addressed his questions 300 for last month, with Division Two and while talking to the motorman is not in strict accord with the city Pass Found Pass No. 2555 belonging to T. C. Shel- leading with 74 and Division Four the laws, there is all the difference in the world between an idle conversation ford, Carpenter, Mechanical Department, lowest with 39. Giving bells too soon that distracts a man's attention from his work and straight questions reported as lost in Bulletin No. 97, has caused 180 demerits, and running been recovered. ahead of time was the next highest on and answers that have to do with the service every trainman is expected the list with a total of 177. to give. The passenger received accurate and positive information from BULLETIN NO. 101 Notice to Conductors The principal source of credits was the motorman. for securing witnesses and reporting The following passes are reported lost: 1512—issued to A. McLaughlin, Truck accidents. Fifty-one cases of courtesy This little incident puts a question in the mind of every trainman Driver, Line Dept. were awarded credits while during as to whether he can give positive and accurate information when asked 1930—issued to H. H. Brown, Car Re- April 67 citations were given. pairer, Mechanical Dept. about questions concerning his line or division. If presented for transportation, take up, Two men were automatically dis- collect fare, and send to this office with missed when their efficiency ratings + + + + + + report. dropped below 75 percent. Division BULLETIN NO. 102 Three and Division Five each lost a Do you start out on your run with a feeling of confidence in yourself man. that you know your line thoroughly or do you start out with a hope that Notice to Conductors Fireman's Pass Book No. 24657, issued One hundred and twelve men had no passenger will ask you some of the questions which you realize you to Fireman James V. Klein, is reported records between 90 and 99 percent cannot answer ? lost. If presented for transportation, when the report was issued, while only take up. collect fare, and send to this 17 men on the entire system had rat- office with report. The trainman who knows he is right and applies his knowledge ings lower than 90 percent. along the lines of courtesy and genuine service which this company ' BULLETIN NO. 103 advocates is in a secure position in all his dealings. Notice to Conductors Public Schools will close on Friday, Jack Sheridan At Two trainmen may meet the instruction department requirements June 26. School tickets are not to be honored after that date and until further and make equal scores but one may be interested enough to do a little notice. Grotto Convention reading in technical books or trade magazines about the way brake shoes Jack Sheridan, of the employment are made. The two men with an equal score in the instruction depart- department, who is the busiest fellow ment may appear to be on even terms but the man who is sufficiently in the company with the exception of 4i414--( that one-armed wheel-barrow pilot who interested to "dig in" to his job a little further gains more than a has a wrist-watch, is in the east. Jack mere technical knowledge. He gains a confidence in his own ability that steered his course for Atlantic City to unquestionably brings him the confidence of those who employ him represent the local Grotto at the na- and those who pay fares on his street car. BUS BULLETINS tional convention. LOS ANGELES RAILWAY Anna M. Westcott, stenographer of BUS DIVISION the same department, is on her vaca- tion touring California. BULLETIN No. 260 June 18th, 1925 Until such time as the street work on is completed between Well Worth Reading and Moneta Avenue DRAFTSMAN WEDS there will be allowed walkover privilege Howard Taylor of the drafting room HE attention of all members of the Los Angeles Railway organiza- for ten-cent fare for transferring passen- gers between the Moneta Street Car at the main offices returned to work T tion is directed to the current issue of the Saturday Evening Post Lines and the Florence Avenue Bus Line. a few days ago and found the rest of dated June 27. On page 46 there is a story "Reporting for work in Operators and Conductors please be the India ink boys in line to extend the Public Utilities Field" which will interest men and women in this governed accordingly. congratulations and collect cigars. Mr. Taylor married Miss Dorothy company. It is a narrative of the development of a street railway com- BULLETIN No. 261 June 23rd, 1925 Dehde and then the newlyweds de- pany around the policy of one man who grasped the value of friendly The Los Angeles Railway Uniform De- parted to Lake Arrowhead for the relations with the general public, and the way in which every employe partment is in position to make repairs honeymoon. They returned to sweep on Bus Operators' uniforms. out the old shoes, rice, and "just mar- played a part in the fulfillment of this successful plan. This for your information. ried" signs at their home, 1301 West Forty-Second street. BULLETIN NO. 262 June 22nd, 1925 Beginning at once Conductors on the Line on their trip leaving Wilshire and Fairfax when issu- Veteran Returns Home WILSHIRE BUS EXTENSION ing transfers to be used south from Wil- shire and La Brea will punch out the word "Main" which will signify that the After 44 Years Away RENDERING GOOD SERVICE transfer is not good on Wilshire Boule- vard westbound from La Brea, or in other P. E. Peterson, watchman at Di- words, punching out of the word "Main" of will stop a round trip being made on Wil- vision One and a former conductor The Wilshire boulevard bus line Club Drive before turning into Coun- shire Boulevard between Fairfax and La Division Two, who has been with this which is now running to Fairfax ave- try Club Drive and at Fairfax Ave- Brea Avenue. company for 35 years left with his wife June 2, for Sonder Brug, Den- nue and Wilshire boulevard, is nue on the southwest corner of Fair- BULLETIN No. 263 rendering a new service that is receiv- fax Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard. June 23rd, 1925 mark which is his home-town, and ing an encouraging patronage. Alter- In a few days a Los Angeles Rail- which he has not visited for 44 years. Passengers boarding outbound Fair- way Company telephone will be installed nate buses are turning south on La fax Avenue bus at points East of La on the line pole at the intersection of They are expected to be away about Brea from Wilshire boulevard and Brea Avenue may be transferred upon Florence Avenue and Pacific Boulevard. nine weeks in which time they will running to Country Club Drive, re- This phone may be used by Bus Oper- visit Paris, London, England, Germany request to Country Club Drive bus at ators in calling the Dispatcher and the turning via Detroit avenue. The other or from Country Club Garage. and the graves of the American sol- buses are running to Wilshire and Drive bus to Fairfax bus. diers in France. Fairfax, providing a six-minute serv- Passengers boarding inbound Fair- BULLETIN No. 264 June 23rd, 1925 They will celebrate the Fourth of ice on the main line and a twelve- fax bus, west of La Brea, may be Beginning Saturday morning, June the July in , . minute headway on both divisions be- transferred to Country Club Drive; or 27th, the turn around of the Florence yond the intersection of La Brea and Avenue Bus Line In Huntington Park passengers boarding Country Club must be made as follows: "Now, Bobby, if Aunt Kate tells me Wilshire. The ten-cent fare has been Drive bus south of La Brea Avenue retained. Additional equipment re- From the intersection of Florence Ave- when I get back that you've been a may be transferred to westbound Fair- nue and Pacific Boulevard north on Pa- good boy, I'll give you 5 cents." cently purchased has made possible the fax bus at La Brea Avenue. cific Boulevard to Saturn, east on Saturn extension of this service. to Rita, north on Rita to Zoe, west on "A nickel! Gee whiz, mother, Conductors are instructed to issue Zoe to Pacific Boulevard. Except for two single deck trippers regular form of 10c ticket SBU 2 in you're always lookin' for bargains."— Lay over should be made on the north Boston Transcript. in the evening rush hour, the line exchange for 10c cash fare except side of Zoe Street, immediately east of is served entirely by double deck buses when passenger desires to transfer to Pacific Boulevard. In the very near fu- ture a 50-foot Bus Zone will be estab- daily and Sunday. buses at La Brea Avenue as outlined lished by the painting of the curb the Bride (to salesman)—Please, sir, Layover is made on La Brea and in paragraphs above in which case proper color and marking it. I'd like a little oven. Country Club Drive loop on the north- regular bus transfer will be issued, F. VAN VRANKEN, Salesman—Er—pardon me. Not • west corner of La Brea and Country punching out the word "STOP." Manager. while your husband's around. JUNE 29, 1925 TWO BELLS PAGE 3 Conductor Ding and Motorman Ding Ding By Rollins HAVE YOU SEEN ▪ ■ WHY IS THERE THE CAR 1 10. 2601 — SAME DIFFERENCE THE NEW TYPE BETWEEN THE OLD AND THAT NEW CARS WITH THE SINGLE ONE AS FOLDING STEP , THEE IS BETWEEN R THE E LD AND NEW . DANCES n

— BECAUSE THE \\ OLD SURE GIVE UP! ONES ARE 11- '5 A WHY? NT14 0 STEPS PIP! AND TH E NEW ONES ONE STEPS 0000000000004. +00000000000000000 00000 Bouquets zoo Percent Courtesy 0 ON the • And things Campaign To Continue 0 (band Picked) 0 Back End (Contributed) 03 By George Baker Anderson 4400 1•0o00000. o+ Manager of Transportation 4 For Condr. 0. N. Haggard, Div. 4 For Condr. A. McKinzle, Div. 4 THERE was laid on my desk a few A woman got on a "C" car at Foun- result of this inspiring experience I tain and Vermont going to town. Los Angeles Railway. days ago a letter from a well-known returned to my routine work con- Gentlemen: business man from which I quote the vinced that courtesy, good nature and Lady to Conductor. "Where does I am an old lady sixty-five, with rheu- following: this car go, Conductor?" matism, hence slow in getting on and off consideration of the public were, in- your cars. Yesterday morning, I expe- "This morning about 8:20 I deed, three chief ideals the attain- Conductor. "Lady it would be better rienced such kindliness and gentlemanly boarded a car at ment of which was desired and sought if you would tell me where you wish courtesy from the conductors in both go- ing and coming from church on the Pico street. A. $10 bill being the small- after by all of the men who have made to go, then I will direct you." line. est in my possession, and being the name of the Los Angeles Railway Lady. "I want to know where this No. 2012 helped me on and was so gra- without change, same was offered synonymous with "splendid service" car goes." cious, and 2296 helped me off and kindly told me to take my time, so I concluded to Conductor No. throughout the country. Conductor. (Wishing to accommo- to report them for special courtesy. with the date her, routes the whole "C" dine Sincerely, statement that I Discourtesy Diminishing to her.) MRS. EDWARD T. ADAMS, regretted to do so, In spite of the recital of the patron from whose letter I have quoted, I Lady. "Conductor, I asked you a 1409 South Crenshaw Blvd. but was unable to asennsswiber."lequestion and I want a civil avoid it, at the still believe that the trainmen who El same time show- deport themselves in the manner de- • • • • For Condr, L. Rogers, Div. 2 ing him I had no scribed in the second paragraph of this Los Angeles Railway. smaller bill. He letter are very small in number, and Why borrow sorrow to make you feel badly tomorrow? • Gentlemen: • asked me why I growing still less numerous. Yesterday, I noticed this occurrence: • s • a woman, who wished to leave the car had not changed Courtesy is the brightest jewel, and near Virgil street, and at a street with a the bill before yet the cheapest. Though priceless, A loaded auto driver is more dang- very similar name, stayed inside of the getting on the car etc. I told it costs absolutely nothing. erous than a loaded gun. car until the conductor, 1P94, had stopped the car at Virgil, where he had under- him I was in a hurry to get down Reasonable excuses for the technical • • • town, and knew of no law that stood her to say that she wished to get violation of some rules may be pre- Conductor and Mrs. H. E. Ketchum off—then she came to the exit and pro- required a patron of any public sented, but I never yet have heard of a ceeded to tell the conductor, 1994, what service to have a certain denom- were waiting at Third and Hill for a she thought of being carried by, and she reasonable excuse for wilful, deliberate ination of money on his person. "C" car when one came along with was very hateful about it. He main- insolence, nor the exhibition of a dis- two dash signs—a Belmont sign over tained the poise and equilibrium that he He informed me that it would courteous attitude toward any passen- has' always shown in the discharge of his have been all right to have pre- a Kensington Road. The words "Ken- duties. I have noticed that he is always ger, regardless of sex, race, color or sington Road" were only half con- very courteous and efficient. sented a $5 bill, but that he was disposition. I wish also to mention Supervisor No. not a bank, and said I would cealed by the smaller sign and Mrs. Ketchum, truly amazed, gasped, "Look 20 on the "H" line, whom I have ob- have to get off and have it An Insult to Self served on duty. He seems to have his changed. Harold, this Temple street car has a heart in his work. No man should expect others to re- yiddish sign!" Very respectfully, "I recalled a similar occurrence spect him unless he respects himself; • • • MISS MABEL PALMER, on the line, and wishing to and, of course, if he respects himself, Smile and you will win friends. 4276 Beverly Blvd. avoid unpleasant controversy, told he will not insult himself by exhibiting • • ❑ ❑ ❑ the conductor to give me his num- an insolent attitude toward patrons. ber and I would get off. This he It is hard to be compelled to discharge Motorman F. A. Smith was asked if For Condr. H. A. Hansen, Div. 2 refused to do, called me a 'wise an otherwise good trainman, but with he would take a regular run on the Los Angeles Railway. guy,' -with the further statement ninety-nine per cent holding high rec- funeral car, so he said he would as he Gentlemen: that he 'did not think much of me, ords for courtesy, the one per cent had always tried to help the conduc- I wish to thank you for the courtesy anyway.' The argument con- stand out conspicuously as an avoid- tors out of the hole while alive and and consideration shown to passengers by Conductor No. 1910, Maple Avenue tinued until we reached able blemish on the fame of the or- was willing to help them in the hole line. avenue (about eight blocks), when ganization as a whole. And it will when dead. He says he has pulled a This man is first class in every way he again ordered me off the car, make for better public relationship to lot of dead conductors around for a and is a distinct credit to your company. and I left. I missed three cars remove those few blemishes as they long time but since bidding in his Very truly yours, before I could get the bill chang- are found. present run and finding a live con- JAMES L. WALLACE, ed." It is my firm conviction that this ductor he thinks he will stay with him 319 South Reno. At the meetings at the various di- policy will be applauded by every as live ones are hard to find. ❑ ❑ ❑ visions during the two weeks preced- trainman who has learned the great a • a ing the great Shriners' Convention, I value of courtesy, good nature and a For Condr. J. W. Head, Div. 1 (Acting as Division Five received a card from Motorman) was greatly impressed by the radiant scrupulous regard for the rights of good humor of all trainmen with whom those dependent upon him for good Motorman H. Gorton, who is fiivvering Los Angeles Railway. I had come in contact, and as the service. back to Canada. Says he arrived in Gentlemen: Trinidad, Colorado, on June 16. Says I was a passenger on a Ninth Street he drove over some very bad roads, car going west, yesterday A. M. I want to report the good behavior of the mo- broke one axle and lost one day get- torman on that car. He avoided an ac- ting it fixed but otherwise had good cident which might have been very se- Lack of Interest Ends Cash luck. rious. As usual, a man driving a car was to blame. Wonder what he'd call bad luck. This is the third time I have reported Guess the next time we hear from him the good behavior of a motorman. I Prizes; Credits To Be Given feel the company should know the good he'll say that he drove into a lake things as well as a few of the bad ones. somewhere but the water was fine. The number of the car was 696. It was about 8 :30 A.M. PRIZES for May suggestions are after night. The matter will be in- a • Very sincerely, awarded as follows: vestigated so as to determine whether "Don't get hard boiled," said the hen MRS. KATHERINE LOVE, First prize goes to Nate Robinson, or not any improvement can be made. as she laid another egg. 833 Beacon Street. motorman, Division 1, who suggests Third prize is awarded to F. L. ❑ that in posting open runs for bids, the Osting, conductor, Division 4, and was notice be made to show the name of in connection with lighting conditions and beginning with. July 1, while we For Condr. C. W. Stevenson, Div. 4 the regular man working the other at the Kensington terminal of line will appreciate and acknowledge all Los Angeles Railway. end. This is in order that it will not "C." He advised us that the street suggestions sent in, those considered Gentlemen: be necessary for a man considering light at that point had been out for meritorious will be given special rec- It gives me great pleasure to notify some time, leaving the terminal entire- ognition by awarding credits. • You of the courtesy that is given the bidding on such a run to ask the office public by Conductor 3216. His human force for the necessary information, ly dark, and suggesting that steps be This, it is anticipated, will enable a treatment of the aged is very pleasing and the plan will be followed out in taken toward having the light put in large number of men to profit by send- during this day and age. On three occa- repair and properly maintained. ing in good suggestions, and it is sions this morning I noticed him assisting the future. three very elderly ladies on and off the Second prize is awarded to C. T. With the close of the current month, hoped that every man who notices any car, and I think he should be commended Morgan, motorman Division 3, and is the awarding of cash prizes for sug- condition which he thinks should be very highly for his conduct. in regard to better shading of the gestions will be discontinued on ac- called to the attention of the manage- Yours very truly, lights on the open ends of cars in or- count of lack of interest on the part ment will forward his suggestion to ED. E. GOOCH, der to improve the motorman's vision of other than a very few trainmen, this office promptly. 524-528 Metropolitan Bldg. l'AcE 4 TWO BELLS JUNE 29, 1925

■- ■ ■ -.41111111111111 .41151--- 1•• • sir „♦-41 Looking 'em Over at the Divisions

■IMINNIN-- ■111■- -dos. DIVISION 1 0 0 DIVISION 3 DIVISION 4 D. B. Kohl Dan Hanley C. J. Knittle "Why is a horse with its head hang- Who's Who Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, The name of MacKenzie is very ing low, like next Monday?" 0 0 He ran a trolley car, too many familiar to many readers of this col- Because its neck's weak. smashes— umn. The best reason for Conductor GONE MacKenzie's popularity, is that he does "If I was working this car," re- his own "press agenting." But an marked an old gentleman, after watch- Motorman Ritterhaus joined the item came in last Thursday about him ing the motorman reset the overhead, National Guard. He read the sign from another source which isn't ex- "I'd just tie that thing with a piece saying "Join us and have a two weeks' actly uplifting and as the shortage of string so it couldn't jump over that vacation" and he was asking us what of news is keen this week, we'll slip it way." hotels they stop at and where they to you. The Railway lunch opened this week eat. MacKenzie got up a large fishing after an unexpected delay caused by party recently and they returned from the cook misplacing the hot cake Being a careful driver, he made the the cruise with much more fish than turner. The management regrets to left turn right. they could use, so MacKenzie said he announce that the special program ar- would bring what they didn't want ranged for the opening night had to Clerk Deane is now getting ready over to the division. He never did be called off on account of some of the for his vacation. Has already bought show up, but an honest man tells us stars of the cinema world being out of himself an overcoat and some red he was seen peddling fish the next day town. It was a great disappointment flannels. in Boyle Heights. to the "Controller Quartette," as they had prepared some special ballads for The night we spend with thee, dear The farmer and the sailor toil the occasion, one of these being "Moon- heart, Alike to some degree, shine and Pretzels" words and music Are filled with you and bliss, al- For where the farmer tills the soil by C. E. Yocum. though, The latter ploys the sea. At times we'd like to kick you all apart (Dedicated to the gobs and leather- Strange rumors are circulating Most of you subscribers have seen Our radio, our radio. necks of the Pacific Fleet.) around about one conductor Impusene Noah Allinikov as leader of the com- and a Miss working in Peet's hot dog pany Hawaiian quartet dressed up in It's hot, I'm hot, you're hot and so While we're on foreign subjects:— stand. It is said that Impusene has his white duds like a Standard Oil I'll let you all off easy this week. The laundryman brought the wash consumed so many hot dogs lately station operator about to ask "and back the other day and Mrs. Ye Scribe that he is beginning to bark. how's the oil?" When he is not direct- says, "See here, look what you did!" ing the Hawaiian quartet of Argen- DIVISION 5 "I can't see anything wrong with Results of the beauty contest be- tines, Portuguese and Greeks—as the F. J. Mason that lace," said the driver. tween Conductor Tinsley and Motor- little song goes, he is a conductor at Well, here it is June 27, just three man McCormick will be announced "Lace?," exclaimed the Mrs., "That Division Four. more days to go, and not a June bride was a sheet!" next week. At a late hour last night At the division smokers, Dick Smith in sight. Who's holding out on us? McCormick was in the lead due no had a lot of fun about the nationalities Well, folkses, that is all the news doubt to the fact that he recently dyed of our Hawaiians and told everyone Heine's back boys. Walked in last his mustache. The winner has been that came in this time except that this that Noak Allinikov was of Russian Tuesday singing "0 Sole Mio." He scribe is ringing off for the summer promised a long term contract by Mack birth. Sure he is; just like Bob Pier- took a 14-day trip to a place called Sennett to substitute for Ben Turpin. months—going to National Guard son, for they both hail from Iowa, El Verano, United States of America, camp next month and will take up and the nearest thing to Russian that and reports a rip-snorting time. He Conductor Ed. Urban, who recently "scribing" again the latter part of state develops is a few Bolshevik sen- made a wonderful hit with the resi- September. May you have a happy va- returned from a combined cross-coun- ators. dents of this El Verano joint; in fact try race and fishing trip, wishes to cation. Before joining the Los Angeles Rail- they wanted him to stay and said they give a little advise to parties who are would make him chief of police. He taking fishing trips, and that is to take way gang, Noah was a salesman and Good night, lads and lassies. a teacher for a local music house. He told us afterwards they only had one along plenty of pork and beans, as the constable and he was 83 years of age. fish are as hard to find sometimes as enjoys the musical tingle of the fare If I possessed a shop or store, polar bears in the tropical zone. box and is doing good work. Said he got wonderful service at the service stations on the road. At one I'd drive the grouches of my door. I'd never let some gloomy guy Mac, the barber, says that during "Say, sonny, why's your milk pail place he told them to fill his gas tank Offend the folks who came to buy; the warm weather, he has instructed empty? Didn't the old cow give any- up and after said operation the at-. thing?" tendant wanted to charge him for 15 I'd never keep a boy or clerk his barbers to fan a customer for three With mental toothache at his work, minutes after every shave. What's the "Yep, eight quarts and one kick." gallons. Heine said, "Why you're crazy, I've only got a 10-gallon tank Nor let a man who draws my pay use of going to the seashore to get Drive customers of mine away. cooled off? and I had about 5 gallons left." "Well, that's all right," said the at- BUS DIVISION who takes my time Elmer Wood tendant, "five and ten is fifteen." I'd treat the man And spends a nickel or a dime DIVISION 2 We wish to give operators this re- "All right," said Heine, "here's a With courtesy and make him feel Hoyle, Batting for H. T. Hansen minder:—In turning corners with dou- dollar for the five, now we're square." That I was pleased to close the deal, The stork paid a visit to the house ble deckers, be careful you don't strain Because to-morrow, who can tell? of Conductor J. B. Regalado last week your back, as this is what happened Motorman Charlie Durrett has taken He may want stuff I have to sell and left him a present of a beautiful to E. C. Fitts last week. a 60-day layoff on a trip to St. Louis, And in that case then glad he'll be baby boy weighing 7 pounds. Mother Mo. To spend his dollars all with me. and new arrival doing fine. Thanks E. A. Hagen goes down in the so- for the smokes. ciety column this week, for purchasing Motorman D. H. Hershey has decid- It is good business to be lair, a new Essex Coach. ed to pack around a "gat" and buzzer, To keep a bright and cheerful air Division 2 extends its deepest sym- and is off for 90 days to try out on About the place and not to show pathy to Motorman C. S. Haldeman, Did you notice the new name on the police force. Your customers how much you know whose father died at Sawtelle during the miss-out list last week? C. W. Whatever any patron did the past week, also to Motorman C. Brown is the one I am referring to. Motorman A. A. Schoepp has taken I'd try to keep my temper hid, H. Kellogg who lost his only daughter. For two years Brown has been driv- a 30-day leave of absence—going east. And never let him spread along Kellogg's daughter had been ailing for ing single-deckers on the Shuttle lines, The word that I had done him sometime, and thinking a change of but he got the chance to drive a Received a card from Motorman W. wrong. climate would make some improve- double-decker on Wilshire for the first Otte, who is in Rochester, Minn. Says —AUTHOR UNKNOWN. ment, he sent her to his home town in time, and says he will be glad when everything is going fine, but he's get- Kansas. She made the trip safely but he gets back on the singles, but he ting kind of lonesome for L. A. had a relapse a few days later. missed out again, before he had fin- Clerk Ed. Tyler decided the weather Customer (at country store)—"Look ished his first penalty. That's tough. here, you say you won't sell me a We are glad to see Conductor J. D. was too nice for one to work, so hopped off on his vacation. He and shovel unless I get a permit from the Robertson back in harness after a long As it happened E. J. Minazzi stopped authorities and sign my name in that for a man who was running for the his ball and chain are running around illness at the Roesevelt Hospital. His book. What's the big idea?" bus. About 200 feet behind him was the country in the Chevvy Coop—have brother H. Robertson, register clerk, Proprietor—"Well, you see, it's this is taking his vacation at present and a woman with a baby in her arms, no fixed abode—just dodging from one also running towards the bus, so Mi- place to another. way. We ain't a takin' any chances. is busy taking in the sights at the The gov'ment's pretty careful these various beaches. nazzi waited for her, but when she Muck's working Ed's shift, so if you reached the bus, instead of getting in, want off ask Muck and then try and days. You fellers buy a shovel, dig up the ground, plant barley, make it Motorman A. Brumet has secured a she went to the window and kissed her get off. into malt, and there you are.__ No two weeks' leave and departed for husband good-bye. Ain't love grand? San Francisco in his Hudson. Here's For Condr. C. R. Certain, Div. 3 sir-ree!"—Cougar's Paw. hoping you don't have to pack much Everybody is looking forward to the Los Angeles Railway. water. Ah! usual shake-up which is conducted Gentlemen: every three months and which will be This morning I was on car No. 935- A minister from Tennessee held about July 1. L car—and I want to commend conduc- Accidentally sat down on a bee, Word has been received from Han- tor wearing No. 2736 on his cap for his But the darn little bee sen, ye scribe of this division that he surely extremely, kind and courteous Introducing new men: Pat H. Mc- service to a very old lady. Just chuckled with glee, !,, is having some vacation, and during said, "That's a good one on me. the short time remaining to him, he Kay and L. L. Kidder who were driv- ETNA M. SULLIVAN, And will be located at Santa Rosa, Calif. ing buses in Casper, Wyoming. Wilkinson College of Swimming. —Penn Froth.