VOLUME XLII - No. 4 - JUL/AUG 2008 The Bromeliad Society of Queensland Inc. P. O. Box 565, Fortitude Valley Queensland, Australia 4006, Home Page www.bromsqueensland.com OFFICERS PRESIDENT Olive Trevor (07) 3351 1203 VICE PRESIDENT Anne McBurnie PAST PRESIDENT Bob Reilly (07) 3870 8029 SECRETARY Chris Coulthard TREASURER Glenn Bernoth (07) 4661 3 634 BROMELIACEAE EDITOR Ross Stenhouse SHOW ORGANISER Bob Cross COMMITTEE Greg Aizlewood, Bruce Dunstan, Barry Kable, Arnold James,Viv Duncan, David Rees MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Roy Pugh (07) 3263 5057 SEED BANK CO-ORDINATOR Doug Parkinson (07) 5497 5220 AUDITOR Anna Harris Accounting Services SALES AREA CASHIER Norma Poole FIELD DAY CO-ORDINATOR Ruth Kimber & Bev Mulcahy LIBRARIAN Evelyn Rees ASSISTANT SHOW ORGANISER Phil Beard SUPPER STEWARDS Nev Ryan, Barry Genn SALES Pat Barlow Phil James COMPETITION STEWARDS Dorothy Cutcliffe, Arnold James CHIEF COMPETITION STEWARD HOSTESS Gwen Parkinson BSQ WEBMASTER Ross Stenhouse LIFE MEMBERS Grace Goode OAM Peter Paroz, Michael ORDea Editors Email Address: [email protected]

The Bromeliad Society of Queensland Inc. gives permission to all Bromeliad Societies to re- print articles in their journals provided proper acknowledgement is given to the original author and the Bromeliaceae, and no contrary direction is published in Bromeliaceae. This permission does not apply to any other person or organisation without the prior permission of the author. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual contributor and may not neces- sarily re\ect the opinions of the Bromeliad Society of Queensland or of the Editor Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information in their articles.

Front Cover: lingulata QPurpleR Photo by Ross Stenhouse Rear Cover : Guzmania QAmethystRR Photo by Ross Stenhouse

Bromeliaceae 2 Jul/Aug 2008 Contents


Important things to remember to do:

Sunday, 14th September Bromeliad Field Day at home of Barry and Ann Kable, 281 Redland Bay Rd, Capalaba. B 11th October Stockade Nursery Open Day - 9-12 AM 70 Wades Road, Bellmere, Qld. See add in Bromeliaceae for details

Books For Sale The Society has the following books for sale: # Starting with Bromeliads $18 # Pitcher of the Americas $60 # Bromeliads: A Cultural Manual $5 # Back Copies of Bromeliaceae (2005, 2006 Editions) $4 # Bromeliads for the Contemporary Garden by Andrew Steens $36 # Bromeliads: Next Generation by Shane Zaghini $33

Postage and package extra. Unfortunately we cannot supply overseas orders. Please phone the Librarian, Mrs Evelyn Rees (07) 3355 0432 to order books.

Bromeliaceae 3 Jul/Aug 2008 Q Mock Orange R - Two Forms

Tillandsia QRutschmannRs OrangeR

Bromeliaceae 4 Jul/Aug 2008 nor the typical dark brown petals. In fact they Tillandsia crocata have T. crocata type leaf sheaths and almost orange petals. It would appear that some QRutschmannRs foreign pollen has crept into the seed raising OrangeR project. Because of their hybrid origin they by Derek Butcher 3/2008. should be called QMock OrangeR. The prob- lem with identi[cation will be the fact that T. When Werner Rauh described T. croca- caliginosa also has long leaves which remind ta var tristis in Trop. Subtrop. P\anz 43: 17. me of a live \oppy mousetail compared to a 1983 he mentioned how variable T. crocata dead stiff mousetail of T. myosura . We must was. At that time T. crocata was considered remember here, that T. myosura was a Qcon- to be widespread in , through fusedR for over 50 years until Walter to Bolivia He referred to a very large form Till created T. caliginosa in 1984 collected by Dr J Rutschmann of Basel, Swit- So if you do have a T. caliginosa act- zerland in the grounds of a hotel in Brazil, ing oddly, think of QMock OrangeR. More and which had a 6-7 \owered in\orescence investigation needs to be made because at and fragrant, dark orange \owers. the moment the Germans are very reticent A year later Walter Till created T. ca- to disclose details. liginosa in Pl. Syst. Evol. 147: 282. 1984 and Ed. Images opposite used to illustrate treated T. crocata var tristis as a synonym. T. this article: Top by P. Tristram, Bottom by caliginosa coming from Northern Argentina D. Butcher and Southern Bolivia. The orange \owered T. crocata con- tinued to offset and be grown by European The BSQ Web Site specialists. In fact in 1996 it made its way DonRt forget that the society has a web to Australia as T. crocata QOrangeR where it site. We place urgent and general information would not offset fast enough to satisfy the and information on the site.The URL is: demand. In dry Adelaide, Australia, QnormalR www.bromsqueensland.com T. crocata have leaves 7cm long but leaves for QOrangeR are 13cm long. Nobody has succeeded in growing self set seed from this plant to prove it is a form of T. crocata and not a hybrid. However, it was collected in Brazil far from the habitat of T. caliginosa so this cannot be considered to be a parent Stockade Nursery Open Day and we are talking about a putative natural 11th October 9-12 AM hybrid. Because of a man-made hybrid M see 70 Wades Road, Bellmere, Qld. below, this clone needs a more speci[c name like QRutschmannRs OrangeR AustraliaRs largest range of Alcantarea spe- In 2004 Doetterer in Germany, was cies and forms over 20 available. selling T. caliginosa , having obtained his Giant Neoregelias and Tank . stock from Holm. What is interesting is that a low proportion of these plants do not have the EFTPOS and Credit card facilities avail- typical glabrous leaf sheath of T. caliginosa able.

Bromeliaceae 5 Jul/Aug 2008 Neo. Q Pinegrove R xNeobergiopsis Q Pinegrove R Catlan 19050

Neo. Q Pinegrove R Catlan 19050 PitcairniaNidularium andreana procerum xNeobergiopsis Q Pinegrove R

Bromeliaceae 6 Jul/Aug 2008 way my plant is basically green, 50 cm wide, xNeobergiopsis but I have seen it coloured up and it was quite stunning. A burnished tone from memory. QPinegroveR or If you have any information please let Neoregelia QPinegrove me know. All Townsville and Brisbane plants like mine, that I know of, originated, using PuzzleR the limited data that I have, from a private Author: Rob Smythe collector just north of Brisbane. Derek Butcher has supplied me with an It is not often that I choose to write article connecting xNeobergiopsis with Pine about a plant with a wrong name tag other- Grove Nursery. Seedlings were sent to The wise I might write about little else. This one Olive Branch Nursery. Technically speaking is interesting and obviously is a wide spread this is an unlikely connection as the plants error. It would appear that this plant is found reputedly were a cross of a Neoregelia onto in collections in Brisbane and Townsville for a so a sel[ng of the Neo. sure and probably as far a[eld as New Zea - was out of the question. Non-technically land. Can you help me track its origin down speaking, we are human and the formula may so that I can correctly register it. have been reversed on the label. Olive has Being an unusual intergeneric cross I responded and said she did sell seedlings of was rather anxiously awaiting it to \ower. this cross and before they \owered. Before this happened I had the previous My conclusion with the knowledge owner of Pine Grove Nursery, June Bucha- I have so far is that the Hohenbergiopsis nan, visit my garden with her son Sean. O was crossed on to a Neoregelia at Pinegrove Never seen it before,P they both assured me. Nursery and not the reverse as recorded in By coincidence, the current owner of Pine the registration. When plants are crossed Grove Nursery, Ross Little, happened to often the fruit contains sel[ngs as well even come through recently. ONot in the nursery where a plant is normally self infertile. These now,P he said. Now I was curious. seedlings were then sold to the Olive Branch I have borrowed photos of xNeobergi- Nursery and at least one of the crosses could opsis QPinegroveR and Neo . QPinegroveR from have been sold off before \owering and now the FCBS site. As you can see from my two is found out to possibly be a Neoregelia self- photos on page 6, it is not the former. Once ing. From the appearance of the plant I would it \owered I knew it to be a Neoregelia but it say all we could say with con[dence is that its has no resemblance to Neo . QPinegroveR. breeding formula is Neo . spectabilis crossed This has turned out to be a mystery with an unknown Neoregelia and this then that alone I can not solve. If you could let was selfed. me know who you got your plant from we Searching fcbs.org, I can eliminate a may get back to the source or do you know lot of the possible unknown hybridRs parent that already? with spectabilis in their breeding. Looking The story could have stopped there at shape, number of leaves, erectness or lack but I did mention New Zealand. In Andrew there of, markings etc. The most similar plant SteensR new book, yes it is mentioned there is depicted in a plant photographed by Ted with a photo to boot and it is the same as my Johnston, namely Neo . QDawnR. Maybe our plant and also with the wrong name. By the mystery intergeneric plant is no more than Bromeliaceae 7 Jul/Aug 2008 Neo . QDawnR x Neo . QDawnR. I donRt think his names are wrong. This plant eventually the late Jim Buchanan was one for registering got to John Catlan and was given the number hybrids even if he had used the plant, there JG19050 and eventually I got the chance to is no registered record of anyone using it for dissect the \ower. crossing. Someone out there may be able to Using my Key to Neoregelia , I came to take this investigation a step further. If so my Neoregelia pineliana but there the similarity address is below. ended. Rather than describe this plant I will Someone growing xNeobergiopsis show the differences: QPinegroveR is eventually going to realise 1. Stolons - short not long that their plant is a Neoregelia and call it 2. Leaf blade - 4cm wide not 1.5cm Neoregelia QPinegroveR but that name has 3. Centre leaves - rose #38 not red already been used for a plant with links to 4. Floral bracts - to half way up sepal, Neoregelia pineliana. Therefore I am going not equalling; entire not serrate to register the widespread plant as Neoregelia 5. Sepals - 2.5cm long not 1.5cm; with QPinegrove PuzzleR which it certainly is!!. scattered scales not glabrous 6. Petal - light blue apex not dark Rob Smythe MSc blue. 69 Bundock St I would like to call the plant QPine- Belgian Gardens 4810 groveR to remind us of its original name and Townsville original Australian starting place. I believe it to be a hybrid of Neoregelia pineliana but intend to check again when Neoregelia pineliana Elton Leme issues his book on Neoregelias as promised. (Lemaire) L.B. Smith by Derek Butcher A new Nothogenus -

First published in Bromlink (Gold xNeobergiopsis Coast newsletter) May/June 1998 By Derek Butcher The true Neoregelia pineliana is in First published in J Brom Soc 51(1);7. Australia although there are many with this 2001 name on the label. The true one is a narrow A few months ago I received advice leaved plant which has a vivid red centre from Western Australia that there was a Ho- and produces longish stolons. Ruby Ryde henbergiopsis guatemalensis being grown in Sydney got hers from Brazil, whereas in Australia that had no scape to the in\o - the one in Queensland and Northern New rescence . At the time this had me worried South Wales seems to have come via Selby because and Hohenbergiopsis Gardens: Some plants do not even key out have rather tall in\orescences. In fact the to Neoregelia pineliana , but one that does, only real difference I can [nd between these merits discussion. Some few years ago the two genera is that Hohenbergiopsis does not Buchanans imported a Neoregelia pineliana have appendages at the base of the petals. from Seidel in Brazil. While you can get With the current view that petal appendages some good plants from Seidel, sometimes are not an important diagnostic at level Bromeliaceae 8 Jul/Aug 2008 it is possible that Hohenbergiopsis may yet 1. How do you thoroughly clean what disappear but that is for the future. So you is left of the plant? cannot really tell the difference without a bit 2. What fungicide and at what strength of poking about amidst the petals! do you use? On a trip to Queensland in August 2000 3. How do you hang it and on what? I found this Hohenbergia guatemalensis that 4. Spraying to prevent from drying didnRt have a scape but the owner must have out how often? I realise this question is like been forewarned that I was coming. Olive asking how long a piece of string is but it Trevor was convinced that a Neoregelia must will give me a starting point to play around have supplied the pollen for her seedling, now with. grown up! She had obtained seedlings from I would be very grateful if you could Pinegrove Nursery in New South Wales and forward this email to Rob Smythe in the hope had even sold a few before they \owered. that he has the time to elaborate a bit more Clearly a Neoregelia had supplied pollen and answer my questions. when it was thought that self pollination had I look forward to hearing from you and occurred. This combination is unique and we thank you for all your hard work, as you can will need to think up a new nothogenera to see I do read the articles and refer back to accommodate this rarity. The rules that ap- them as the need arises. ply for naming such nothogenera restricts us Regards to a rather cumbersome xNeobergiopsis . To Cheryl Weaver remind us of its origins we decided to call it xNeobergiopsis QPinegroveR and in reply: As an aside, I have friendly rivalry on the Internet as to who grows the proper Cheryl, Hohenbergiopsis guatemalensis and so far Ross forwarded your Qfan mailR as he the Californians are ahead with a somewhat called it. This is all new and exciting. I have depauperate specimen. I am keen to be in a taken off 21 pups with 3 basal pups starting. winning position so if anyone has a photo of In some cases I found more than one pup in the real plant I would be eternally grateful. the one axil. They are so easy to remove as well. I am not sure what all your questions were. Cleaning the plant: After cutting away Question and Answer any damaged tissue, I use a strong jet of water. Hi Ross, Fungicide: I use a systemic form. That I need more information on stimulating just means it is water soluble and enters the pups from the Intercalary Foliar Meristem sap stream of the plant unaltered. I use it at the of broms as described by Rob Smythe in his recommended strengths. Look under fungi- article O Believe It or Not, But it is All TrueP cide on the web and you will [nd thousands. in the Mar/April Bromeliaceae Avoid any containing copper. Use what is As a relative newbie to growing broms locally available. I need the QiR dotted and the QtR crossed so to I hang these plants from my bush house speak. roof by making a loop with wire and then bend the wire up with a hook at the top. This Bromeliaceae 9 Jul/Aug 2008 Top and Bottom Images: The mys- terious neoregelia masquerading as Neobergiopsis QPinegroveR . Now regis- tered as Neo . QPinegrove PuzzleR

Bromeliaceae 10 Jul/Aug 2008 can be done quite neatly using aluminium where possible so the plants M especially wire and a Coke can. Smaller ones I rap the the extreme epiphytes- have dried off over- wire around a pipe. Rougher ones I make out night. of wire coat hangers and I use pliers. Make # For maximum retention of colour, them wide enough so that the plant sinks at move plants to a brighter position and/or least half way into the loop. That is, keep the longer effective day length. This is not practi- centre of gravity below the loop so that it cal for a large collection but is a possibility wonRt topple out. Naturally it has to be narrow for those few special plants selected for the enough that the plant wonRt fall through it. competition table. Spraying is to stop dehydration but # For plants to be grown in the garden, not continuous as this would enhance fungal now is the time to start acclimatising the survival. Common sense is the answer. offsets. Plant out these offsets so that they are Rob exposed to the gradual increase in day length and sunlight intensity as we move toward the Winter Care of summer solstice. ItRs surprising the species and hybrids that can be naturalized in this Bromeliads manner. I have had a clump of Tillandsia Author: Peter Paroz lindenii growing in full sun for over ten years. With the arrival of the cooler weather, (This is not my QinventionR. I became aware some adjustment to cultural practice is in or- of this when I saw some photos of May NealRs der. The following comments apply to coastal garden in Hawaii some thirty years ago where S.E. Queensland. Members can make adjust- T. lindeni i was growing in full sun). ments for their own micro-climate. # Continue regular fertilizer applica- tions but reduce the concentration of foliar THE OLIVE fertilizers. Any major change in fertilizer application may result in a variation in leaf BRANCH growth which will show as a change in the taper of the leaf. A giveaway to an eagle Len and Olive Trevor eyed judge. ( Remember: All plant growth 232 Canvey Road, Ferny Grove, emanates from sunlight. Good nutrition is Qld 4053 the art of balancing plant nutrients to energy Specialising in hybrid Vrieseas, intake from sunlight) Aechmeas, Variegated # Keep potassium up in the nutrition Neoregelias program as this is said to improve cold re- Skotak Hybrids, Aussie Dream and sistance. This is, as far as I have been able to varieties, and other quality con[rm, an unproven thesis. The rationale is Bromeliads that since all potassium in the plant is located in the sap, this results in a lower freezing point of the sap, hence the improved cold resistance. Phone (07) 3351 1203 # The interval between waterings can Visitors welcome by appointment - Please be extended. Water in the early afternoon Phone First

Bromeliaceae 11 Jul/Aug 2008 Ae. QBlue TangoR

Bromeliaceae 12 Jul/Aug 2008 QGlory of GhentR ( zahnii x QMag- A Question From a ni[caR) no photo in Register. No variegates reported Member QGiselaR (also QGieselaR) (QMagni[caR x zahnii ) Red \ushed grooved leaved rosette Hi Ross, with upright scarlet in\orescence with heavy As a member of the Qld Brom lush bracts M heavy head with bright yellow Soc. I thought you might like to include the knobby lotus-like blooms and bright red following in the magazine. primary bracts. Variegated forms in pink and Guzmania OGisela Don PepeR and yellow \ushes in cultivation by 1996 QGiselaR [yellow variegated] QFeuerR (QMagni[caR x zahnii ) no It seems that the yellow variegated photo form of Guzmania QGiselaRwhich is available QMurielR (QMagni[caR x zahnii ) Green in Qld. and labelled QGisela Don PepeR is mi- rosette with red underleaf coloration M upright snamed. The photos of QGisela Don PepeR on all red in\orescence with large lush primary the fcbs.org website show an albo-marginated bracts. There is a variegated version not plant,not a variegated plant. I would like to formally named. know the correct name of the yel- Possibly because of meristemming, low variegated QGiselaR,if it has one. There variegates started appearing but never formal- is another variegated form of QGiselaR with ly registered by the instigator. It is interesting pinker variegation,which has been named that in many cases the [rst variegated plants Guzmania QSir AlbertR. to appear in this process are albomarginate. QGisela Don PepeR a variegated form All the best, was exhibited by P Deroose at the 1998 World David Higham Bromeliad Conference and was added to the David register in 2002 Photo held Thanks for the question and I have QSir AlbertR a variegated form with obtained an answer to your question from the links to QGiselaR was exhibited at the Bro- best source I know capable of solving such meliad Society of South Florida Show in a quandary. Ed. 1998. Photo held QLand AliceR a variegated form was added to the Register in 2000. No photo QLady AliceR a variegated form was Guzmania QGiselaR etc added to the Register in 2003. Photo held by Derek Butcher 7/2008. As you can see, a mixed bag where name changes were made for commercial The Cultivar Register 1998, shows advantages but not much help for plant us that in 1990 the then Registrar picked up identi[cation. Because of the instability of that the Deroose Catalogue had the following variegations I advised in J Brom. Soc. 55(4): Guzmania hybrids on offer. 187-9. 2005 that as Registrar I would only QHildeR ( zahnii x QMagni[caR) photo allow one name for a variegated plant linking in Register. No variegates reported. No de- either to a species name or a cultivar name. scription or indications where it differed from Any variations to the variegation would need the reverse cross to be covered by the use of an adjective such Bromeliaceae 13 Jul/Aug 2008 Ae. coelestis var albomarginata

Bromeliaceae 14 Jul/Aug 2008 as albo-marginate. day. Much to peoples disgust I wrote on the We must remember that variegation in leaves with a permanent pen so the folk did Bromeliads covers any coloured longitudinal not have to pick them up or mess with the tag. striping on the leaves and that albo-marginate For such days you want something permanent is but one form of variegation. It just depends but not for a long time in sunlight. Hi-Mckee on how de[nitive you want to be. was outstanding. After all this I think I will stay with OPermanentP Black my favourite Scribbler Dual Tip. It has a [ne end for writing on labels and a thick end for Marker Pens writing on plants. It writes dark and is a thin Author: Rob Smythe MSc pen so I can wear it around my neck using a We use these a lot in the garden as they normal pen holder. I simply glue the narrow write on everything, donRt smudge and donRt end cover into the holder and go from there. need sharpening. Their major disadvantage If I donRt do this I keep losing this cover. is that they bleach. I decided to do a small My choice means I just have to get back experiment. a bit quicker and make a better label. I [nd I collected all my different sorts of the three for 2 dollars black thick small chil- marker pens, prepared a clean sheet of plas- drenRs pencils very satisfactory. I have been tic. I wrote the name of the pen with its own told there are better quality ones around but pen on the sheet. I then left the sheet in the I canRt fault these so why change. They are sun for about two hours to be sure the writ- easily lost being black so now I put silver or ing was dry. I then placed them in a 30% gold bands on them with a spray-can and they solution of domestic bleach overnight. A lot donRt turn up in the potting mix so often. faded and one actually turned green. They Please remember this was not a com- were then staked out in full tropical sun for prehensive survey. You might like to test two weeks. your set of pens in a similar way. Once again Out of the eight I can still read convenience wins out over common sense.

MSANFORD Sharpie Noke Permanent Marker The Night Flowering Scribblers Mdual Tip Alcantarea edmundoi

The others had either completely disap- OThe Night Flowering Alcantarea peared (2) or fade to a weak brown (3). edmundo iP, in Jan/Feb 2008 Bromeliaceae. Out of the three above Noke was the People might start to identify their plant from outstanding success. It was still black. The these photos. Rob Smythe have done some other two were just a stronger brown than taxonomic studies and found out that this the failures. They might have just deposited plant lies somewhere between Alc. extensa more ink. and Alc. edmundoi . Rob has reported his Unfortunately Noke had been my least dilemma to Elton Leme the botanist who favoured pen as it is alcohol based and dries described Alc. edmundoi and he said he be- out too quickly if you leave the lid off. It also lieves RobRs plant is an as yet undescribed writes much lighter than the others. species which he has seen in the wild. Until Recently I opened my garden for a [eld Bromeliaceae 15 Jul/Aug 2008 Ae. correia-araujoi x Canistrum seidelianum

Bromeliaceae 16 Jul/Aug 2008 it is described Rob is calling it Alc. novu s aff. the in\orescence is only slightly elevated patriae RSS so if you received a pup from above the rosette and has a spreading growth Rob with edmondoi as a name you know what habit. One of these is Orthophytum supthutii. to change it to. It is very unique in that it has large yellow \owers within the centre of a green rosette Bromeliad Expose : that does not change colour at anthesis. For nearly four decades after its description was Orthophytums [rst published, it was considered to be a (by Larry Giroux) crypthanthus . Examples of all three of these different Reprinted, in part, with permission, types of orthophytums are demonstrated later from Meristem, September 2007, pp 6 M 11. in this article as well as additional informa- The genus Orthophytum was first tion about O. supthutii (Now in a new genus named by Beer in 1854. The name comes called Lapa.). from the Green M ortho, which means straight and phytum, which means plant; the entire Bromeliaceae name refers to the erect in\orescence. Since the mid 1800Rs when this genus was given its Production Crew name, several additional species have been Editor: Ross Stenhouse included in this group, whose appearances no Proofreader and distribution manager: longer adhere to the meaning of their genus Roy Pugh name. That being said, the majority of plants Regular Contributors : Derek Butcher, of this genus have an upright in\orescence, Rob Smythe, Rob Reilly, Peter Paroz which bear the floral bracts and flowers. These tend to have soft spines along the edges of the easily fractured leaves. The stalk of the SHADE in\orescence is usually 6 to 15 inches (15 to 30 cm) tall with small rosettes of \oral bracts HOUSES with predominantly white petalled \owers. Pale and bright green petals are found on a few of this group of species. Manufacturers of Orchid, Fern In contrast there is a small group, which and Shade Houses since 1976 have the \owers and \oral bracts nestled in the centre of its \attened rosette. This group has been considered some of the most eye catching bromeliads. Most have 40 plus narrow pointed leaves edged with sharp hard spines. At blooming, the centre of the plant and sometimes the entire \attened rosette can \ush with red, rose, pink or coral leaves with similar shaded \oral bracts. The visually Ph: (07) 3207 2793 contrasting white \owers draw pollinators Fax: (07) 3822 2307 from miles away. 151 Railway Pde., Thornside, Q 4158 There is a third set of plants in which www.petersglen.com.au Bromeliaceae 17 Jul/Aug 2008 distichantha

Bromeliaceae 18 Jul/Aug 2008 The natural habitat of these terrestri- plant structure is so similar.P als, mimics closely that of another terrestrial Orthophytums, especially from the genus, Cryptanthus. The 35 or so species States of and , Brazil grow from sea level to about 3,000 ft (900 along with other terrestrial bromeliads such m) along the north and central eastern coastal as encholiriums, cryptanthus and dyckias areas of Brazil. Orthophytums tolerate cold have adapted using succulence for survival better than their closest relatives M the cryp- during their winter months of June, July and thanthus and if provided suf[cient moisture, August when the only moisture is mountain will endure higher temperatures. Orthophytums require as much mois- ture as do cryptanthus and are usually found growing in moist areas near rivers, streams and waterfalls. Although they may be found clustered on rocky ledges basking in the sun, Suppliers of [ne these environmentally hostile areas during tissue-cultured bromeliads the dry season, are most likely watered by mountain mists. On a recent trip to this area [email protected] of Brazil, I did note species of Orthophytums www.plantbiotech.com.au growing on rocky outcrops, where they were receiving infrequent waterings; in addition, I also saw orthophytums growing along the Phone (07) 5471 6036 dusty roadside among cacti. Postal Address: 7 Thougla Place, Some horticulturists consider many Buderim QLD 4556 bromeliads, including orthophytums as Lab: 99 West Coolum Road, semi-succulents or succulents. Penrith Goff Mount Coolum QLD 4573 of the S.E. Michigan Bromeliad Society has answered the question M What is a Succu- lent Bromeliad? OLogically, any bromeliad capable of storing large amounts of water in M. J. PATERSON the leaves is a succulent. Thus, it is fair to call the atmospheric tillandsias, the airplants, 212 SANDY CREEK ROAD, succulent, as J. Riha and R. Subik do in GYMPIE, Qld 4570 their book The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Cacti and Other Succulents (London: 1992). Large Range of Bromeliads For Sale However, the term succulent has become so Especially our own Hybrid Tillandsias closely associated with earth-bound desert and Neoregelias dwellers that we will use the term for those terrestrial bromeliads which have developed DO CALL IN IF YOU ARE UP THIS succulence as an adaptation to a hostile cli- WAY BUT PLEASE PHONE FIRST mate (sunny landscape) to which they have adapted. In general they do not develop the PHONE / FAX degree of succulence which is common to (07) 5482 3308 agaves and aloes, yet there are many which can easily be mistaken for these because the Bromeliaceae 19 Jul/Aug 2008 Above Top: This plant may yet colour up as Neo .RPhyllisR Above: The real FCBS Neo. QPhyllisR

The three images above are all thought to be Neoregelia QPhyllis OTR or what ever it is to be called.

Bi. QLuioresR (Unreg)

Bromeliaceae 20 Jul/Aug 2008 mists, fog or the rare rainfall. worth owning. With consideration of their natural So, with water, fertilizer, sun and a habitats, for optimal growth of this terrestrial selective growing medium for the type of genus, a medium, which is able to retain orthophytum you have, you can easily grow moisture while still able to drain well, should and enjoy for generations this unusual and be utilized. I have noticed, however that there quite distinct group of plants, either outdoors is a slight difference in the type of growing in the warmer climates or indoors in seasonal medium preferred by most of the orthophy- areas under lights. tums and that small group, which includes Orthophytum burle-marxii (see photograph on p. XX), which has an in\orescence nestled Bromeliads in the in the centre of its rosette. In habitat these Landscape plants were noted growing in rocky ground (by Marjorie Lowe) with their roots invading the crevices of the rocks. The soil at locations where others were Reprinted, with permission, from the growing was more sandy or coarse than the Journal of the Bromeliad Society, 1999, v. loamy soil one would expect; this suggests 49(5), pp 202 M 203. that these prefer a less water retentive mix This subject is an extensive one so in cultivation. This will prevent the biggest I will concentrate on one aspect only M an problem with growing the group M rot! Epi- aspect in which bromeliads are far superior phytic mixes are, however, to be avoided. to most other plants in suitable climates. I Orthophytum, like Cryptanthus are suspect that most of you read gardening fertilizer hogs. A time release formula such articles and watch and/or listen to gardening as Nutricote, either 6 or 9 months is ideal programs. Sooner or later the subject crops with an occasional soluble + strength dosing up: what to plant under trees and tall shrubs of something like Peters for good measure. and how to go about it? The usual advice The desire for N-P-K is so great with the given is, [rst, dig over the area to be planted orthophytums, that we see with bi generics (no mention on whether to use a spade or a of orthophytums and neoregelias (neoregelias fork, what kind of rooting system is present routinely should not be fertilized due to loss and the damage that can be done if there are of colour and lanky growth) that these hybrids surface roots). Second, dig in lots of compost such as xNeophytum QGalactic WarriorR (see and plant food, and third, usually suggestions photograph on p. YY), \ourish with heavy (some quite extraordinary) for suitable plants feedings. to use. Often no reference is made as to Once you have achieved the aptness whether the canopy is evergreen or deciduous of growing these variable plants, they will or has a \owering season. In short, a recipe reward you with offsets on the scape, from for hard work and frequent failure. What is underground stolons and from the base of the needed here is some lateral thinking. Logic mother (see photographs on p. ZZ). Seeds suggests using plants that do not require are easily set from species or new hybrids. nourishment from the soil (if any), that will To date bigeneric crosses have been made appreciate the fast drainage provided by the with Aechmeas (xOrthomea), Cryptanthus existing rooting systems (especially [brous (xOrthoanthus), neoregelias (xNeophytum) roots) and that have species and and Nidulariums (xOrtholarium); many are that will take the varying conditions of sun Bromeliaceae 21 Jul/Aug 2008 Vr. carinata Vr. QApolloR

Vr bleherae Vr. QVelva WurthmannR

Bromeliaceae 22 Jul/Aug 2008 and shade. parent plants, to allow room for the pups to The obvious contenders are epiphytic expand and clump up. plants such as bromeliads, orchids, ferns, # When choosing plants M are they to be rainforest cacti, vireya rhododendrons etc. seen from above or below? Are they suitable Bromeliads, with their wide range of colour- for sun, dappled shade, morning sun, after- ful and patterned foliage and their striking noon sun? Is there enough space to accom- and bright in\orescences that can be avail - modate a mature, well developed clump? able at any time of the year provide by far # If only bromeliads are being planted, the greatest range and impact. Most are easy consider using rocks to de[ne the clumps and to grow if placed correctly. The canopy, if add a change in texture to the design. Scoria evergreen, will provide protection from ex- is light, cheap and weathers very quickly with cessive winter rain in mild areas and/or frost a little help. Ponga can be used in a similar in cooler districts. fashion and tree fern stumps and large pieces What to check for: of driftwood can be stunning. Another use # Density of the canopy M this can be for pieces of ponga and driftwood is for lightened by careful pruning. planting both in and on, making a light port- # Height of the canopy M is it high able perch. enough to clear the \ower spike or to allow For collectors, hybridizers and enthu- the sun to penetrate under the branches? siasts Othe plant is the thingP. For keen gar- # Size of leaves M do they decompose deners the plants are components in the total easily; do they constitute a grooming prob- design and Othe garden is the thingP. lem? # If the canopy is deciduous M ensure that the bromeliads underneath can stand full Consider Growing winter sun. There is an exception here in that trees and shrubs described as fully deciduous Vrieseas (by Ervin Wurthmann) do not necessarily drop their leaves in winter. Most of these exceptions are tropical or sub- Editorial Comment (Bob Reilly). Ervin tropical plants that shed their leaves before Wurthmann produced many hybrids \owering. In the case of Chorisia speciosa , and in this article he outlines a strong case \owering time is usually autumn, so it sheds for growing vrieseas. While his comments are its leaves late summer. The Jacaranda \ow - focused on his experience in growing vrieseas ers late spring/early summer and is in leaf all in southern Florida, they would also be ap- winter. Others in this category are Bauhinia, plicable in large measure to much of southern Brachychiton, some Cassia, Kowhai and coastal Queensland. Reprinted, with per - Poinciana. All are showy so that the brome- mission, from the Journal of the Bromeliad liads below should complement, not compete, Society (1995), v. 45 (3), pp 110-112 . during the \owering period. Vrieseas have enjoyed popularity in # Moisture M extra moisture will usually Europe for over 100 years. Demand for be needed in summer because of the umbrella these plants has fostered many hybrids of effect of the canopy. A good hose down will which many are still in the trade today. Vrie- put fresh water in the reservoirs also. seas vary in size from less than six inches # Maintenance grooming M is usually (15 cm) in diameter to a size with a spread just removing old and drying leaves and dead Bromeliaceae 23 Jul/Aug 2008 and height of over [ve feet (1.5 metres). midity. The more closely the grower can meet The smooth-edged leaves may be spotted, ideal light and humidity the more attractive blotched, or barred with eccentric markings. will be the plants. Most are rewarding with The in\orescence usually bears a \attened or their in\orescences that retain their bright distichous spike with yellow, red, green, or colours for many weeks. Many vrieseas are purple bracts while remaining in colour for satisfactory bedding plants where the winters several months. are mild and moderate shade can be provided. Culture Some of the larger varieties such as Vriesea Ligh t. Vrieseas are not hard to grow. altodaserrae, atra, edmundoi, imperialis, ne- They do not require as much light as the oglutinosa, philippo-coburgii, tuerckheimii, neoregelias but will thrive under higher light and vinicolor would do well with almost full conditions than once supposed. Some of the sun in frost-free areas. vrieseas with thin, green leaves will take on Selection a rose or dark purple hue at the base if the After reading price lists and visiting plant is grown as bright as 65% shade on an collections you may want to make a list of all-day basis. the plants that you would like to have. Aside Soil mix . Soil mix should be well from the matter of size, which may be the drained to permit frequent watering, which main consideration, there are other things to vrieseas prefer. think about such as special requirements for Potting . I am not an advocate of air circulation and protection from cold. In over-potting having \owered Vriesea hiero - some cases there may not be enough informa- glyphica in a 5 inch (12 cm) pot. It is well to tion about which plants are cold hardy and add turkey grit or \y ash if you wish to grow which ones are not. In such cases you may V. fosteriana, gigantea, gigantea cv. Nova, have to guess or resort to learning where hieroglyphica, imperiali s in a situation where plants come from and how high, how dry or ample watering occurs. wet the original growing conditions. Feeding . Most vrieseas require a The easiest test is cold hardiness so we higher level of feeding to grow a top qual- will begin there. ity plant than do neoregelias. It can be ac- Cold Hardy. Nearly all of the Bra- complished by top feeding on the medium zilian species and their hybrids possess with osmocote, Sure Gro, or Nutra Coat, all considerable cold tolerance. Many of them slow-release fertilizers that provide long-time are as tough as neoregelias and can be grown feeding. Soluble fertilizers may be used when outdoors in the Tampa Bay, Florida, area. watering. The most cold tolerant are those with Pests . Pests are few. Soft brown scale green leaves. They include: can be controlled with Diazinon, Cygon, or Vriesea altodaserrae, atra, bituminosa, Orthene. Occasional fungus can be handled bituminosa var. minor, carinata, ensiformis, with Dithan M-45, Captan, or Banrot. Read erythrodactylon, \ammea, friburgenis, in - labels thoroughly as dosages will vary ac- curvata, philippo-coburgii, platynema, psit- cording to the material used. tacina, rodigasiana, schwackeana, simplex Applications . Small vrieseas are and vagans . ideal house plants because they will endure Species somewhat less tolerant of cold relatively low light conditions and are not include those with more decorative foliage demanding in terms of temperature and hu- such as Vriesea fenestralis, fosteriana, gi- Bromeliaceae 24 Jul/Aug 2008 Vr. erythrodactylon (long Spike) Vr. erythrodactylon

Vr. \ammea Vr. philippo-coburgii

Bromeliaceae 25 Jul/Aug 2008 gantean, gigantean cv. Nova, hieroglyphica, on wood so that there is ample air drainage imperialis, saundersii, tuerchheimii (from around the roots. A greenhouse with fan and the Dominican Republic was collected by the wet wall cooling can enhance your chance author in an area where frost occurred). of getting them to survive. They should Vriesea heterostachys, racinae , QRed be watered only enough to keep them from ChestnutR, and sucrei are reasonably cold dehydrating. It is not likely that they will hardy, but should be protected from frost and tolerate any degree of cold. subfreezing temperatures. Not cold hardy . Central American Neoregelia QPhyllisR and northern South American vrieseas are for the most part not cold hardy. These varieties and Neoregelia QRed will require greenhouse protection during the colder months. They include: Vriesea chrys- GoldR tostachys, glutinosa, heliconioides, malzinei, Author: Rob Smythe MSc rubra and splendens. The really challenging group. Another Robert Sherlock Smythe has been at it group for which, unfortunately, there is no again. Though my initials are RSS the middle record of hardiness in this area (Tampa, name really isnRt Sherlock. Sorry not telling. Florida) are those of the gray-leafed types, If you have plants with either of the above which somewhat resemble tillandsias. These names on the tags you should read this article vrieseas are frequently xerophytic in their as there is a lot of confusion out there. This native habitat and for that reason require little project started with a mystery plant and a different method of culture. Vriesea ap- has involved about 150 growers throughout penii, barclayana, chontalensis, cylindrical, the world. What has come out of my investi- espinosae, heterandra, hitchcockiana and gations is that there really is confusion. This rauhii are best mounted on cork bark, tree short article should clear this up. fern plaques, or some kinds of wood. Occa- I asked correspondents to send me sional spraying with a dilute, soluble fertilizer photos of these plants in their collections. is bene[cial. Since some members of this The two plant names have become very much group are from high altitudes it is possible entwined. I have sorted the photographs out. that they may be somewhat cold hardy. The group on pg. 29 are all N. QRed GoldR. A real challenge to vriesea culture is the Grown in full sun this is one of the most group sometimes known as the Thecophyl- stunning Neos. that you are ever likely to loid vrieseas. These occur in the higher rain grow. The brightly coloured ones are grown belt area of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Hon- this way. I have also shown the FCBS photo duras, Panama, and the Caribbean islands. which is a poor photo of the same plant. This Species such as V. leucophylla, ororiensis, will be updated soon. and sintenisii have spectacular in\orescences The group on pg. 20 is what I will while V. montana has sensationally coloured call N. QPhyllis OTR (Other Type). The real foliage. QPhyllisR as shown on the FCBS has been Cultivation of this last group is dif[cult reported possibly by only one grower. Is it and almost impossible in warm, humid areas. still in the Ipswich area or anywhere else? I have seen very presentable specimens in The OT plants are turning up from all over California. These plants prefer to be mounted Queensland and NSW. Unfortunately in my Bromeliaceae 26 Jul/Aug 2008 Vr. sucrei Vr. saundersii

Vr. glutinosa Vr. fenestralis

Bromeliaceae 27 Jul/Aug 2008 area a lot of Phyllis OT carry the name N. and could well be the same as QGolden KingR QRed GoldR. Hence more confusion. The but was unproven. ] photos below will quickly sort this con\ict I have divided the photos into three out for you. groups. I have written to the registrar to Group #1 are, I believe, all N. QRed see what he can do with regards to having GoldR - see images Pg 29 . these two different plants with the same Group #2 are, I believe, all N. QPhyllis name. Since OT is so widely spread and a OTR or what ever it is to be called - see im- con[rmed N. QPhyllisR is AWOL (so far), I ages Pg 20 have suggested he just add this photo to the Group #3 is of the real FCBS N. QPhyl- QPhyllisR [le maybe with OT after the name. lisR plus one sent in, not named QPhyllisR that, The other option is to have it separate with under the right growing conditions, may turn the same name. out to be N. QPhyllisR - - see images Pg 20. That is what he did with N. QBronzeR. Reasons for : Non translucent leaves, Here two differing plants having the same colour, Tips recurved backwards. name, were widely distributed but only one Reasons against: No bars and non was registered. Later the second was sub- black barbs. These may appear in the cooler mitted for registration. On the other hand months. A plant with similarly coloured bars when Neo . QKathleenR was registered and namely N. QLilac DreamsR does just this up we all had a N. QKathleenR that differed from here in the tropics. This photo comes from the registered one we all had to change our Cairns. plants names. I will send this to him to get his comments(in brackets below). [I am always loath to introduce a new BRISBANE name for a plant that has been wrongly identi[ed or the label mislaid because you are BROMELIAD adding a further dimension to cultivar identity so when Robert Sherlock comes up with these CENTRE sorts of problems he knows the Dr Watsons of this world will be asking curly questions. The QKathleenR problem mentioned by Rob above, has never had an article written about 34 Hauton Road, Moray[eld 4506 it but is an interesting case study. HUGE SELECTION In 2000 Margaret was growing a QKath- of leenR AND a QGolden KingR and both looked Aechmeas, Vrieseas, Guzmanias, very similar if not identical. Referral to the Neoregelias Cultivar Register revealed that QKathleenR Nidularium & Tillandsias was there, described as a dark red plant with together with a variety of rarer species no variegations, and here we had a variegated and hydrids plant. QGolden KingR had not been registered BARBARA and LORRAINE so in consultation with Olive Trevor we de- Phone (07) 5433 0303 cided to register QGolden KingR for our vari- VISITORS by APPOINTMENT egated plant. In 2004 we found a reference to a QYellow KingR which had been registered Bromeliaceae 28 Jul/Aug 2008 Group 1 - All believed to be Neoregelia QRed GoldR

Bromeliaceae 29 Jul/Aug 2008 the clouds have parted. Only within the past Growing White week could I explain all my observations with a single theory. Variegates from Seed. Now what I believe are facts. Table #1 Everything that You 1) To get variegated seedlings the pod par- ent must be variegated. Must Know. 2) To get variegated seedlings the pollen Author: Rob Smythe MSc parent does not have to be variegated. 3) No amount of back crossing of seedlings Before we start, you need to know that from crosses using only variegated males will plants are built up by a series of units called return variegates. cells. The analogy is that a house is made 4) Variegates are linear lines running the up of bricks. The bricks may change their length of the leaf. con[guration and form a chimney; the cells 5) Variegate types may change their form and make a \ower. I a) White to Cream will be delving into what goes on inside these b) Red plant cells so you will probably have to have c) Black a glossary from a botanical book or even a d) Green on coloured botanical dictionary to keep with me. I make e) Watermark (thick and thin leaf tissue) no apologies for this as this is ground break- f) Translucent ing work which no one, to my knowledge, has researched so fully before. After a brief talk to BSQ members on Bromeliad Field variegations I have been hounded to put my thoughts into print. Gradually I have collected Day experimental evidence which supports my ideas. I must admit that I have had to discard at home of many of my early thoughts. I think now it is Barry and Ann Kable, 281 Redland more than a theory so, for the [rst time, I am Bay Rd, Capalaba. prepared to put pen to paper. No one has been prepared to stick their Sunday, 14th September neck out on this subject. In the future others will look back and say, OThat bloke was ahead Bromeliads sit under the shade of of his timeP or OThat bloke was playing in his trees, staghorns cling to palm trees, own ball parkP. Some of what I am about to tassel ferns swaying in the breeze, say is fact and some is theory. No one has \owering orchids and bromeliads ever tried to tell the whole story before. Un- displayed in the many shadehouses. fortunately to do it justice it would involve Plants on Sale 9AM to 1PM, Guest Plant Biology, Plant Genetics and Molecular Speakers, Morning Tea provided. Biology. Some of the necessary information Please bring your own chair. for understanding the simpler biology is still uncon[rmed ( Note #1). I must say that I have Contact Ruth (07) 3208 0546 (after been thinking about this for years. Bit by bit 4PM) or Bev (07) 3208 7417

Bromeliaceae 30 Jul/Aug 2008 These two photographs show us that different leaves are appearing from opposing sides of the plant. One plant has lost the white section of the meristem on one side while the other has lost the green sectors.

All albino seedlings. Seedlings from variegated The photograph above shows that the plant stem is pod parents are usually all white (albino) or all somewhat like a candy cane bar without the twist. green. A whole string of pups appeared on the upper sur- face of the near horizontal stem. They obviously are originating from a very white area as they are looking very different from the mother.

Left: A family portrait. Mum, Dad and all the kids. A couple of things you will notice here. One is the whole spectrums of variegations and colouration covering from pod parent to pollen parent. The second shows (by the way all these plants are from the same pod) how insigni[cant the markings are on the young plants. As they mature lines will broaden and eventually we will [nish up with white or green emarginated plants. These seedlings are barely three years old so a lot of development is yet to come. One seedling has advanced to adult morphology and is almost identical to the pod par- ent. The pollen parent is the one with the broader lilac band on a darker green base. One seedling resembles it but the band has yet to stabilize.

Bromeliaceae 31 Jul/Aug 2008 6) We will only be discussing type QaR. answer is yes and no. 7) Sel[ng variegates you usually get mostly First the QnoR answer. all whites or all full green seedlings. You I have done many tests on young and can grow thousands of seedlings, trying as old plants and have concluded that no vari- stated in Q1R, before you ever see a variegated egate forming viruses are present in todayRs seedling. popular white neo variegates (see note #2). 8) Tissue culturing of variegates rarely I say today because people are deliberately gives variegated plants. introducing unrelated viruses into bromeli- 9) There are more variegates in bromeliads ads. I worry about tomorrow. We can blame than in any other family of plants. the tulip growers for popularizing this. Viral 10) Bromeliads are very unique plants and infected tulip \owers are stunning. This could like all living things are capable of breaking be a problem as infected plants mimicking the rules on extremely rare occasions. normal variegations might be held on to in 11) The best mothers for producing vari- an effort to stabilize the chlorotic stripes. Just egated seedlings are heavily striated plants cutting this plant with a knife and cutting a rather than only distinctly emarginated non variegated plant could transmit viruses plants. from this weed form of a variegated plant. We The conclusions that I draw from the could wind up with slow growing corrugated, above is that variegation is not a result of erratically marked plants. Let us make sure genetics as carried by the chromosomes these plants are destroyed. History is a great of the plants. Variegation is not a result of educator. Viruses decimated cocoa plants anything to do with the male parent outside in the West Indies, citrus in Brazil and the of the process of fertilization of the egg. No the smaller viroids have decimated coconut one cell produces a variegate seedling i.e. palms in the Philippines and chrysanthemums initially it must involve one white and one in the USA. green cell. Now for the QyesR answer. The only other known form of inherit- Broms all seem to carry a predisposi- ance comes from moieties within the \uid tion to forming white variegates, though in the cell (cytoplasm). More speci[cally, exhibiting this ever so infrequently. Normal in this case, from the chloroplasts within the leaf tissue is built up of green cells, a result of mother cell. A quick check of the indexes of having light catching green chloroplasts. The my books suggest that this process white variegations could be due to strings of called Cytoplasm Inheritance has been re- these cells having lost their chlorophyll or the ported in plants for at least 10 years. It, as a chloroplasts being completely absent. I think cause of plant leaf variegation, was de[nitely it is the former as these cells appear white to known in 1999. With humans the equivalent cream but can go other colours in bright light, phenomenon known as Mitochondrial Inher- pink is a common colour. With Neo. Q Bill itance 1 (a non nuclear DNA inheritance) has MorrisR they go green with time 2. been known since1963. The fact that it caused Let us go back in time when the [rst diseases in humans was [rst noted in 1988. bromeliad evolved. Bromeliads donRt form Variegations and Viruses good fossils so I donRt know when this was. I will clear up a common myth [rst. A Somewhere early in its evolution something question often asked at my infrequent talks very modern to science may have happened, on this subject is, QAre viruses involvedR. The namely what we now call Molecular Biology. Bromeliaceae 32 Jul/Aug 2008 Diagram # 2

Diagram # 1.

My all time favourite. This was line bred from a pup of a friendRs seedling which had just the one single pink Neo . QMontyR. Named after my all white dog. The [rst line as seen on the leaf on the left hand side. Over about albino bromeliad known to survive and be registered. 8 years I established Neo. QBeetrootR (non variegated This appeared from a very old horizontal stem of Neo. but spasmodically throwing some variegated leaves) Q Bill MorrisR . The whole of the apical meristem of this and this beautiful variegate Neo. QSerendipity GirlR. It plant would be white. It only survives because green is still improving. appears with age. This can be explained, See reference #1 p51. Taking pups is a nightmare. Also one should also be aware that there are co-pigments (yellow) and possibly traces of chlorophyll in some such plants, both helping them to survive

Bromeliaceae 33 Jul/Aug 2008 A vector which may have been a phase, virus, phenomenon. Mutant chloroplasts tend to bacteria or whatever may have entered one cling together and become divided off in of these green cells carrying a foreign DNA large groups. Bottom left corner illustrates string or having the capability of clipping off our [rst white cell. The middle two at the some DNA in the chloroplast. Thus it is con- bottom could in the future produce white ceivable that a living cell could, as explained cells. The one to the right is fully normal. later, lose its capability to form chlorophyll. The other possibility is that we are not just The eventual white cell could even have been dealing with chloroplasts, lost chloroplasts a simple mutation and had nothing to do with or mutant chloroplasts but with an event that viruses. This is not all way out stuff. Biolo- even precedes the chloroplastRs presence. gists believe that mitochondria now occurring Next step is as follows; in plant and animal cells were once bacteria The new white cell appears in the living external to both life forms. The same meristem tissue. This feeds off the green tis- holds for plants and chloroplasts. sue around it and starts dividing. The width A Non-variegated Plants First Variega- of each individual stripe may be limited by tion the distance from the food source. This cell The important thing is that all that we might be present at the base of the leaf and, are interested in, is not in the nucleus of the as the leaf grows, the string of cells may form cell but in its cytoplasm which is the \uid a white line up one leaf of our plant. We then inside the cell. There is an excellent article on work hard to get a pup from the base of that QMitochondrial DNA in Aging and DiseaseR leaf to try to get a fully variegated plant. If it in Scienti[c American 1 which will explain [rst appears in the apical meristem we have it to you if you need convincing. It is easy to do nothing to maintain it. to read with excellent illustrations. This [rst Breeding with Variegates white cell might turn up in the middle of a leaf Why are they usually all white or and never be noticed and disappear with the green? death of the leaf. The developing of this single Right now we have a variegated plant white cell is a long process but could happen and we want to breed from it. Now we have again in the same plant. The predisposition two types of tissue in our plant. I see the is there. Sometimes we are blessed with the stem being something like a candy cane but return of a lost variegate several generations not twisted i.e. lines of alternating green and down the track so we all know it is rare. white bands of tissue running up the stem. See Diagram #1 on p33. which is a When we get to the end of the line, in a modi[cation of a diagram taken from refer - \owering plant, we are up to the ovule and ence 1 to now represent plants explaining how the ovary, the tip of the iceberg. When we that [rst white cell might evolve from a plant pollinate the ovule the seedlings are mostly carrying some mutant chloroplasts that have all white or all green. The ovule comes from a lost their ability to go green. Just a reminder, single cell which would be a white or a green here I am talking about the [rst variegation cell, hence seedlings are white or green, as appearing in a non variegated plant and not the pollen has no say in the matter. From here variegated seedling formation. on I have to speculate and my conclusions I call this the Qlike likes like phenom- are based on the breeding of variegated neos enonR as opposed to the better known and only. I have only had four successes but these with the opposite result Qopposites attractR also produced thousands of all white or all Bromeliaceae 34 Jul/Aug 2008 Neo . QFerny GroveR and sport.- Mine is very unstable as Neo . QFeverR - So far quite stable with variegations shown. The variegation pattern does not seem to have concentrating towards the centre. locked in. It also throws frequent non- variegates.

Young variegated seedling. Single edged seedlings are a I love these ones which I call Qhalf Qn halfR. This is an pain. They obviously have undersized white areas in the aberration of my theory. Drop off the white band on one meristem. This one always reverts at about this size. side Note the top two leaves are mirror images of the bottom two leaves. Just what I would expect.

Neo . QIrisR - One of my best crosses. If I was asked to Neo . QLost in SpaceR. - A selected strain and both pod de[ne perfection this would be it. and pollen parent of Neo . QChampersR, Neo . QChamperRs BubblesR and Neo . QIrisR.

Bromeliaceae 35 Jul/Aug 2008 green seedlings. a green zygote stuck together could grow Now my successes were always vari- into a plant of mixed green and white tissue. egates mixed in with a lot of all greens and The variegate is born. The green twin feeds they appeared from the [rst leaf. The trays of the white twin. Tissue culture splits these seedlings are usually all white or all green apart into single cells and hence rarely any Involvement of sperm in forming the odd variegates are produced. I canRt consolidate green plant in a tray of whites. any other theory to explain this [nding. Twin The generative cell which forms the white or twin greens would not differ from sperm cell could in some cases break the rule normal green or white plants. The feeding and still have chloroplasts. This is the [rst is fact. Emarginated plants with too wide a breakdown needed to get chlorophyll bear- white edge become necrotic at the extremes ing organisms from the male parent. Where and these leaves suffer disease and die and this is known to happen, still only the sperm often take the whole plant with them. survives. Any surviving chloroplasts die in Why do variegated bromeliads gener- transit from stigma to ovule. After defeating ally have either two white edges or a white both these barriers when the sperm enters strip down the centre? the ovuleRs cytoplasm any chloroplasts still In the main this is what we see even existing are left behind. though some stripes are groups of smaller Three barriers have to be broken for a stripes. Any theory has to explain this as well sperm to carry chloroplasts in order to make a as the fact that the stripes go through to the green seedling using a white ovule. No won- reverse side of the leaf and that the leaves der we rarely see greens let alone variegates can develop in either a clockwise or anti in trays of white seedlings. A green bearing clockwise whorl 2, depending on the lighting sperm has next to no chance of fertilizing arrangement. In the past I always visualized the white dictating ovules of the pod parent. the spreading and bending of a dozen or so This process of chloroplast stripping is not playing cards as a model for bromeliad leaf constant from plant group to plant group so production. I believe what I have suggested is a plausible This model did not [t my detailed ob - possibility. Now to complete the section of servations. Only recently I realized there was the story above, getting trays with all green another factor to consider. Variegates, every seedlings from a variegated mother the story so often, go all white or all green on only one is simple. All the ovules came from green side of the plant. If some mutation caused this celled placenta. change why didnRt it carry on around the plant Where do the variegated seedlings come or be corrected? I very belatedly twigged to from? it allNthe leaves must be originating from My limited observation is that my two sources. I got the scalpel out and sacri- best variegate producing pod parents are not [ced a very young and, also, a more mature strongly emarginated but very much striated. variegate to the blade and I now can explain This suggests to me that the placenta could everything, but only if I am clever enough to be heterogeneous, thus producing both green make a diagram on this computer. and white zygotes. How often do we hear After a couple of hours work I some- of Siamese Twins? Very rarely but in the how have put a diagram together that will crowded chambers of an plant ovary they explain how the variegations occur. My could be much more common. A white and dissection of young plants told me that there Bromeliaceae 36 Jul/Aug 2008 Neo . QChamperRs BubblesR A variegated sport of Neo. Neo . QRoyRs SpecialR - An amazingly stable variegate Champers. Both these are from my stable and both in my garden but it is reputedly very unstable in cooler have show qualities. Note what looks like bubbles in climates the coloured centre.

All green seedlings. Seedlings from variegated You donRt need variegates to get beautiful seedlings. pod parents are usually all white (albino) or all green.

A nice grouping of large variegated Neoregelias in RobRs garden. Rob is after very large plants so he needs the largest forms around.

Bromeliaceae 37 Jul/Aug 2008 were two areas where leaves started from comes up again when the whorl is back to the and these were on opposite sides of the plant. original side. It explains why we get reverted Since knowing this, I have looked at a lot of pups from one part of the plant and not from young plants and noticed that the [rst two the other. It explains why green emarginated leaves are exactly opposite. plants tend to go all green and white emargin- My diagram on pg 33 simulates what ated plants tend to go all white. I expect would happen. I am suggesting that Diagram #2 represents the formation of there are usually three distinct meristem areas the leaves with green margins starting with a at the apex of the growing tip for a mature variegated meristem. variegated plant. Diagram 2 depicts a green In reality all is not as clear cut as this emarginated plant. If the white is on the mar- because small stripes can appear and bands gins the meristem colours will be aligned the can coalesce. Intermingling of the green reverse of what is shown below. The upward and white tissue to a small degree must growing apical meristem which is actually occur. These lines usually [rst occur near circular, not \at as depicted, would leave the junction of the bands. Let us look at the behind a semicircular band of meristem cells, evidence. not a straight line as depicted. These then If you look at the meristem depicted pg multiply longitudinally forcing the leaf well 33 and visualize it in three dimensions you away from the meristem. This is how leaves get the following results. grow-from the base. If the first leaf starts in the yellow These meristem bands will multiply (actually white) band and wraps around to width-wise till the leaf virtually wraps around the yellow band at the back you have a white the plant stem. This latter growth could be emarginated plant. If on the other hand the imagined to occur signi[cantly in the obvious leaf started in the green it would [nish in the upward forming cup off tissue occurring just green and so would be green emarginated (as above the apical tip. Further to this the leaf depicted). Aberrations of this theory can even bends in one direction or the other 3 and hence explain the odd split leaf coloured plant. does not come up directly above an existing leaf (Not so for some genera of bromeliads). For the Botany Enthusiast. By the time they are fully mature they have Note #1 moved away about 120 to 140 degrees from I said that possibly the use of a precur- the previous leaf so that they usually come to sor of the chloroplast could be correct but that rest about half way between the two mature would deepen and divert my story. What I was leaves below them. thinking of was that the diagram depicting Obviously the plant knows when dividing of chloroplasts would ring just as enough is enough and when it is too far for correct in my ears if I substituted proplastids the leaves to grow away from the starting for chloroplasts. Proplastids are the major point. At this juncture the whorl formation is source of chloroplasts, chromoplasts, amylo- continued by the leaves originating from the plasts and probably other leucoplasts forming opposite side. Brilliantly clever of them. This at the leaf base (intercaliary meristem). Cell explains a lot doesnRt it? Now we know why division generation increases in importance variegates often go all green or all white and as the leaf matures. It is a bit of the chicken often only on one side of the plant. Some unu- and the egg conundrum. Did a cell mutate sual marking appears, then disappears, but before the leaf was formed with the meristem Bromeliaceae 38 Jul/Aug 2008 Neo . QBlastR - Develops into a near perfect competition Neo . QBruiserR (Broadband). - This has evolved from plant. There is at least one other form of N. Q BlastR a very unstable Neo. QBruiserR. This photo shows the around which packs more openly than this one. I believe clone with the widest white bands. It is a slow grower but before registration this one was just called QOliveRs seems more stable than those with narrower bands. FavouriteR and I can guess why.)

Neo . QChampersR. This was produced by sel[ng N. Neo . QCherry JamR - One of SkotakRs more chunky QLost in SpaceR. DonRt always need variegates to variegates have a pleasing plant. Yellow/ Green is produced in lots of sun.

Neo . QDeRolfR - a magni[cent cultivar of N. johannis . Neo . QEnchantmentR - A beautiful green emarginated This variegated form of Neo. ohannis was collected plant bred by Bob Larnach. The same mother sported in the wild. One of the dramatic large Neos. This plant both the green and white emarginated forms. These grows large and \at and is a real traf[c stopper. aberrations are easily explained using the model. Simply a rotation of the leaf initiation point.

Bromeliaceae 39 Jul/Aug 2008 proplastids just passing on the inability to structions on their use at the World Bromeliad form green cells or did the green start in the Conference in Cairns 2008 but I ran out of hustle and bustle of forming the chloroplasts time in my talk. I should have prepared a in the meristem? Purely academic, the result handout. Here, in brief, is the procedure I use is the same. (this may be helpful to your members): Note #2 1. DonRt fertilize for 2 weeks before I have tested many different mecha- treatment and one week after treatment. The nism in an attempt to induce viral transmis- plant should be at least 3/4 mature. But in sion. None showed viruses to be present.. any event, if the treatment doesnRt produce #1 I could not transfer virus from one a bloom the plant will continue to grow and variegated plant to a non-variegated plant no damage will occur from the pills. (if they were there) by any amount of sap 2. Dump the water out of the plant. If it transfer. is a huge plant like a mature Alcantarea and #2 I watered freshly germinated seed- hard to turn over, just let the water dry out. lings regularly with homogenized variegated 3. Place 1-1/2 inches to 2 inches (3 leaves. One batch of seedlings had the leaves M5cm) of water in the centre cup. The idea is cut in half to assure contact with the sap. to restrict the water area and thus the ethylene #3 The ultimate test was to split adult bubbles to a small area around the meristem plants in half and join a variegated half to to increase the chances of one molecule being a non-variegated half, making sure that the absorbed by the growing tip. two growing tips were aligned. No variegated 4. Drop 3 to 4 pills into the water (de- pups at all have appeared from the non-vari- pending on the size of the plant). You will see egated plant. the water bubble like seltzer. You can leave References the pills in the cup. They are made of zeolite 1 Douglas C Wallace ODNA in Aging clay and are safe - and so is the ethylene. and DiseaseP Scienti[c American August (All \owering plants genetically pro - 1997 duce ethylene when they are programmed to 2 Raven Evert and Eichorn OBiology \ower. The ethylene triggers enzymes which of PlantsPR 6th edition, Freeman Worth 1999 change the meristem from leaf production p53 to in\orescence cells.) It is easier to tap the 3 R. Smythe OFor Competitors and pills into the vial cap and drop them into the JudgesP Bromeliaceae #1 Nov/Dec 2005 water with the cap. If your hands are sweaty p42 the clay may immediately expand and allow the ethylene to escape before it reaches the water. PleverRs Pills 5. Billbergia and tubular plants like Q. Author: Mainly Herb Plever of New York marmorata will produce full bloom within 4 to 5 weeks after treatment. Aechmea and other bromelioids and Guzmania and Cat- For those who are tired of waiting for opsis will produce full bloom within 3 to 4 plants to \ower and donRt have access to the months. In your light, Vriesea and soft-leaved mixtures used by Pineapple growers or are Tillandsia with reservoirs will produce full not willing to experiment with such. bloom in 4 to 5 months. They take longer for About the pills, I intended to give in- the bracts to colour up. If you are hoping to Bromeliaceae 40 Jul/Aug 2008 bring a Billbergia to a show and you see that space and funds who may [nd their great - the in\orescence is coming up too fast, place est ful[lment with bromeliads simply by it where it is cool and shady to slow down the being with other collectors and seeing and bloom growth. Other plants stay in colour a sharing their collections, even if it is only much longer time so the timing for a show vicariously. is not a problem. Helicoid Billbergias such There are bromeliad lovers who yearn as B.decora keep their bract colour for about to see the collections of others and compare 2-1/2 weeks after they reach full bloom. them with their own; and there are members

WILDFIRE GARDEN BROMELIAD NURSERY The Bromeliad ALCANTAREARS FOLIAGE VRIESEARS World: Diversity and NEOREGELIARS & OTHER GENERA VISITORS WELCOME Tolerance of Many BY APPOINTMENT Cheryl Basic Tastes 1560 Yandina-Coolum road (by H. Alton Lee) Yandina. 4561 Ph. 07 5472 8827 Reprinted, with permission, from the Mob. 0403 193069 Journal of the Bromeliad Society, Nov & Dec [email protected] 1983, v.33(6). When bromeliad lovers get together, the obvious, common, initial bond of friend- MIDHURST ship is provided by the plants. The discovery of other, similar interests is always a nice BROMELIAD bonus. NURSERY Nevertheless, too many of us may for- get that people can be interested in bromeli- SPECIALIST GROWERS OF ads in different ways with varying intensities. TILLANDSIA SEEDLINGS That all bromeliad groups and societies do Hard grown to suit All Australian not seem to understand this truth frequently conditions leads to waning interests and declining memberships. Wholesale and Mail Order Only Consider the following examples of Write for a free price list of Tillandsia the diversity of interest in these fascinating and other genera to: plants. MIDHURST BROMELIAD Some membersR greatest interest is in acquiring new plants. Some collectors want NURSERY everything available; others are long past P. O. BOX 612 this stage of contagion, and some may never HURSTBRIDGE, 3099 have been in it because of [nancial or space PHONE (03) 9718 2887 limitations or for other reasons. FAX (03) 9718 2760 There are members with very limited EMAIL : [email protected]

Bromeliaceae 41 Jul/Aug 2008 who prefer their own gardens, special plants, essentially meaningless. While they may and their own privacy. view shows as important, useful and nice. Some people want to know everything And while they may willingly work at set- possible about each plant in the bromeliad ting them up and selling their own or other world, both species and hybrids; and there peopleRs plants, not even more suitable prizes are probably a few who would even buy [lms such as bromeliad-related objects or rare showing the actual matings which create each bromeliads themselves would induce them new hybrid, or who would even be interested to enter plants. It isnRt their OthingP. in collecting pollinating brushes. Then there Some live to sell their plants at shows are others who buy a plant simply because or meetings; others prefer to trade or give it is attractive and different from others that they know. Nomenclature, genetic history The Book! and whether or not it is a hybrid are of minor OStarting with BromeliadsP is importance to them. 100 pages in length and contains over Some bromeliad members enjoy the 200 colour photographs of bromeliads thrill of stomping through shrinking, prime- and covers such topics as plant de- val jungles to snatch a given plant from its scriptions, caring for bromeliads, and native environment. There are others who landscaping with bromeliads. prefer the rigors of UPS and the agony of the post of[ce for their collecting. Others dare to brave the mayhem-ridden highways to see, select and buy their plants. A few probably use all these methods for enhancing their collections. Heresy though it may seem, some members actually appreciate other plants besides bromeliads. They will surreptitiously [nd room for aroids, orchids, gingers or even lowly African violets and appreciate them just as much as Guzmania QOrangeadeR in all of its glory. Some members want to read every word that appears in print about bromeliads, collect every book, whatever the language, The book is available for pur- and see every art representation. There is a chase at a price of $18 plus $3 P&P. further division of interest here between the Discounts available for bulk pur- lay and technical reader. There are others chases who [nd little to interest them in the brome - To place your order please post liad literature. a money order to: Some members feel that the zenith The Secretary of bromeliad satisfaction is to grow plants Bromeliad Society of Queensland to perfection, according to a given group PO Box 565, Fortitude Valley, of judges, and to win coloured ribbons and Queensland, Australia 4006 mock-silver. To others, this enterprise is Bromeliaceae 42 Jul/Aug 2008 CAIRNS WORLD CONFERENCE (see report page over)

Bromeliaceae 43 Jul/Aug 2008 away their surplus. ever, can deal with the uniqueness of indi- Some are not satis[ed unless they can viduals and their different interests. Brome- grow each plant to perfection and Oshow- liads attract many people of different tastes qualityP. Others grow bromeliads only and abilities, so let us have good, strong because they look good in a landscape. Still organizations, but let us not have mindless other bromeliad growers labour with their regimentation with an overabundance of plants only for the personal satisfaction they cumbersome and tedious rules which ulti- bring; they couldnRt care less what a judge or mately alienate the majority and diminish neighbour thinks of their efforts. the growing interest in these fascinating and Some members want regular, meaty, rewarding plants. thought-provoking programs at the bromeliad meetings with local and regional experts on hand. Others are just as satis[ed with a show- Cairns World and-tell approach provided by local members; and there are a few who are as interested in Conference - 26th to the socializing and visits with friends as they are in the bromeliads. 29th June 2008 Some members are fascinated with Author: Beryl Batchelor. political structures and the machinations of bureaucracies. Others worry that when too Jim and I were two of the fortunate much time is spent haggling over by-laws and people who attended the Conference in show dates to the exclusion of attention of the Cairns. To say it was a wonderful experience plants, much member interest will wither and describes it nicely. Firstly full marks to Lynn attendance will decay. and Bob Hudson on a [rst class job. Lynn also So what it [nally comes down to is organized the Conference last year at Port an enormous diversity of interests and the Macquarie and we thought to top that would need for tolerance of a variety of tastes as be hard but the Conference in Cairns was well as some effort to meet many needs. really a huge success. Aussie Aussie. The situation presents an enormous chal- My biggest complaint was it all went lenge for the leadership as it struggles to too quick. avoid over-emphasizing any one aspect of We were amongst the handful of peo- the bromeliad world or excluding any one ple to transport plants up for the display. A particular interest. big thank you to Len and Sheryl Waite from Although no reasonable person can the Sunshine Coast for taking most of ours deny the importance of active participation by and Barry KableRs plants up to Cairns for us large groups of members, if a society, local or and to Len and Olive Trevor who took some national, is to function and provide the splen- up for us and brought them all home. These did rallying focus which shows and sales can people made it possible for Brisbane to put offer, it is also very important to remember on a display. Olive supplied the Australian that not every person can contribute to every Neoregelias. Glen Bernoth worked tirelessly aspect of a society and in exactly the same in designing the display along with Barry way or same extent; and not every person Kable. necessarily chooses to do so. Phyllis and Arnold James never cease Thoughtful, creative leadership, how- to amaze me with their continued energy Bromeliaceae 44 Jul/Aug 2008 and support for our club. Arnold not only transported his own plants up for the display but they both worked to the end. When we FOREST DRIVE arrived with our plants Pam Butler and Helen Moriaty were there madly writing down the NURSERY names of the plants as we pulled them out of the boxes. This was so Glen could spend Located at REPTON, South of Coffs nearly all night making up name tags for them Harbour, NSW all. (I am sure that man doesnRt sleep) The end Specialising in species and varieties from results speak for themselves. mostly imported stock Our display was certainly right up there and done us proud. Tillandsias to Titillate even the most It was great to hear the variety of discerning fanciers speakers as there was a wealth of knowledge Beautiful Vrieseas (including Silver amongst them. species), Guzmanias, I donRt think anyone would come away Aechmeas, Neoregelias, etc . saying they didnRt learn anything . Having Visitors Welcome, Please Phone First speakers from overseas and Australia cer- (02) 6655 4130 tainly makes us realize the love of Bromeliads Mail Order List - Send SAE is spread world wide. Peter Tristram, PO Box 55, Repton, The large auction was a huge success NSW, 2454 and I am sure the Marie Selby gardens and The Cryptanthus Society would be very pleased by the support. The bus trips were great as well as BROMAGIC the tropical gardens in Cairns are a treat in themselves. BROMELIAD All in all I would say it was highly suc- NURSERY cessful and enjoyed by all who were lucky enough to be able to attend. 421 Hunchy Rd, Palmwoods 4555 Open to the Public I once had a Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 M 4:30 A wide range of Bromeliads including Problem [rst release Neoregelia hybrids Author:Ross Stenhouse Web Site www.ozemail.com. Only ONE problem and you grow au/~bromagic/ bromeliads I hear some saying! On-Site Sales: Bernd Ruta / Well I have many problems with my Kirsty Kennedy 5478 8989 bromeliads, however I thought I would share Wholesale: Keith Golinski a particular problem I was having with a Guzmania lingulata minor that I have as a - 54450441 pot plant in the of[ce at work.

Bromeliaceae 45 Jul/Aug 2008 As with all stories, you need to develop looked healthy and I regularly watered them a plot. In this case my work conditions are every few days. I would get a little water that I work in a high rise of[ce tower in the in a glass and carefully pour it around the heart of Brisbane in a OPodP (Pod is short- plants. hand for a sort of prison cell where you are Many times I pondered about these allowed to escape at night only to be returned strange growing conditions and the in\uence in the morning). that has on the plants. The location is in the centre of the I noticed that after about 1 year, the building with high levels of light from bottom of the leaves started to die back. in\uorescent lamps. Being a computer pro - Looking carefully I noticed that a crust of grammer, I am surrounded by heat produc- salt crystals had built up around the bottom ing IT equipment. The temp is regulated to of the leaves. 24 degrees during the day and rises to over Easy solution, \ush the salt away and 30 degrees at night. The atmosphere has a change my watering technique. I now take the low humidity. The lights are on for about 13 plants to the sink every week and give the pot hours a day. a thorough drenching. The plants have really To try and cheer up the pod I decided picked up and look great, the Guzmania has to grow two bromeliads on my library shelf about 8 pups at its base. - the fore mentioned Guzmania and and a My pondering now stem around OAm I Vriesea QLucilleR. washing away all the nutriment and should I These two plants grow quite well under be foliar feeding the plants as well as giving the conditions and the in\orescence seems them a thorough wash every month to wash to last for many months. The plants initially out the excess salt?P Calendar of Events Sunday, 14th September Bromeliad Field Day at home of Barry and Ann Kable, 281 Redland Bay Rd, Capalaba. Bromeliads sit under the shade of trees, staghorns cling to palm trees, tassel ferns swaying in the breeze, \owering orchids and bromeliads displayed in the many shadehouses. Plants on Sale 9AM to 1PM, Guest Speakers, Morning Tea provided. Please bring your own chair. Contact Ruth (07) 3208 0546 (after 4PM) or Bev (07) 3208 7417 11th October Stockade Nursery Open Day - 9-12 AM 70 Wades Road, Bellmere, Qld. See add in Bromeliaceae for details 22nd & 23rd November - Australian Open Garden Scheme , at Anne McBurnie and Philip BeardRs garden, 5 Timbertop Court, Capalaba. Prize winning bromeliads, crotons and cordylines as well as unique hand crafted garden pottery for sale. Open 9am -4.30pm 4th December - BSQ Christmas Party - Lakeside Gardens, Mt Cootha - Camella Room. Because of the increasing numbers of members attending the party the management com- mittee has decided that we should break with tradition with the choice of venue. Another alteration will be the necessity to buy tickets in advance for the party to aid the caters in making sure the event is well supplied with food. GENERAL MEETINGS of the Society are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month except for December, at the Uniting Hall, 52 Merthyr Rd., New Farm, Brisbane, commenc- ing 7.30 pm. Classes for beginners commence at 7.00 pm. Bromeliaceae 46 Jul/Aug 2008 Plant of the Month Programme for 2008 FEBRUARY: Ananus, Intergeneric Plants, Tillandsias and Full-sun Neoregelias. MARCH: Cryptanthus, Tillandsias, Full-sun Aechmeas and Canistrums APRIL: Cryptanthus, Tillandsias MAY: Spotted Neoregelias, Orthophytums, Tillandsias and Variegated Bromeliads JUNE: Alcantareas, Foliage Vrieseas, Dyckias, Hechtias and Asterias JULY: Billbergias, Pitcairnias, Cerepegias, Hoyas, Nidulariums and Agaves. AUGUST: Billbergias, Foliage Vrieseas, Catopsis and Miniature Neoregelias. SEPTEMBER: Billbergias and Guzmanias. OCTOBER: Vrieseas, Neoregelias, Nidulariums, Guzmanias and Crassulaceae. NOVEMBER: Not often seen Bromeliads and Succulents Competition Schedule for 2008

Novice, Intermediate and Advanced in each Class of the Mini-Shows and in the Popular Vote. January: MINI-SHOW Class 1: Aechmea - species and hybrids Class 2: Vriesea - species and hybrids Class 3: Dyckia - species and hybrids Class 4: Any Other Mature (\owering) Bromeliad - species and hybrids. February : POPULAR VOTE: Any Genus M species or hybrid, Novelty Bromeliad Display March: POPULAR VOTE: Any Genus M species or hybrid, Novelty Bromeliad Display April: MINI-SHOW Class 1: not listed elsewhere in the schedule M species and hybrids. Class 2: Guzmania - species and hybrids Class 3: Pitcairnia and Pepinia - species and hybrids Class 4: Any Other Mature (\owering) Bromeliad - species and hybrids. May: POPULAR VOTE: Any Genus M species or hybrid, Novelty Bromeliad Display June: POPULAR VOTE: Any Genus M species or hybrid, Novelty Bromeliad Display

July: MINI-SHOW Class 1: Billbergia - species and hybrids Class 2: not listed elsewhere in the schedule M species and hybrids. Class 3: Neoregelia - species and hybrids M up to 200mm diameter when mature. Class 4: Any Other Mature (\owering) Bromeliad - species and hybrids. August: POPULAR VOTE: Any Genus M species or hybrid, Novelty Bromeliad Display September: POPULAR VOTE: Any Genus M species or hybrid, Novelty Bromeliad Display October: MINI-SHOW Class 1: Neoregelia - species and hybrids M over 200mm diameter when mature. Class 2: Tillandsia - species and hybrids. Class 3: Pitcairnioideae not listed elsewhere in the schedule M species and hybrids. Class 4: Any Other Mature (\owering) Bromeliad - species and hybrids. November : POPULAR VOTE: Any Genus M species or hybrid, Novelty Bromeliad Display

Note 1: Class 4 in each Mini Show schedule provides for any \owering bromeliad that would not be in its prime for the appropriate Mini Show.

Note 2: Class 1 (April), Class 2 (July) and Class 3 (October) provide for plants from these subfamilies not elsewhere included in the Mini Show schedule.

Bromeliaceae 47 Jul/Aug 2008 Bromeliaceae 48 Jul/Aug 2008