Special Sale of Store Cattle Monday 29 April 2019

TIMES APPROX. ISLES 10:30 Stevenson, Bu, 1-40 Seatter, Noup, 41-67 , Windywalls, Westray 83-96 Heard, Huip, Stronsay 97-108 Clark, Quoy-I-Dale, 109-115 Clark, Burgar, Hoy 116-118 Walls, Inkerman, Sanday 119-125 Thomson, Beafield, Sanday 126-139 Colligarth Farms, Sanday 140-150 Faraclett Farms, 68-80 Farquar, Testaquoy, Rousay 81-82

MAINLAND 11:20 Clark, Stratheast, Holm 407-434 Moar, Eastaquoy, 435-446 Sinclair, Holland, Firth 447 Sinclair, South Breck, Firth 448-449 Baille, Sebay View, 450-453 Baillie, Sebay, Tankerness 454-455 Flett, Howan, 456-457 Tormiston Farms. 458-463 Omand, Wardhill, 464-496 Stevenson, Bu, 497-506 Wylie, Greenigoe, Orphir 290-334

ISLES 12:00 Stout, Whitehall, Stronsay 151-175 Stout, Linksness, Stronsay 176-185 Allison, Kirbuster, Longhope 186-213 Brown, Millbrae, Sanday 214-224 Johnston, Hewan, 225-228 Burgher, Ness, Westray 229-233 Swannie, Ramsquoy, Stenness 234-243 Brown, Newhall, 244-256 & 258 Brown, E, Newhall, Stromness 257 Backakelday Farms, Holm 259-273 Biggings Farm, Stenness 274-288 & 2289-2300

MAINLAND 12:40 Corrigall, Northbigging, Dounby 507-528 &1529-1538 Foubister, Nertherton, Holm 529-538 Harvey, Quholmslie, Stromness 539-544 Flett, Nistaben, Harray 545-550 Breckness Estate, Binscarth, Firth 551-566 Watson, Rennibister, By 567-577 Henry, Howe, Harray 578-584 Lyth, Heatherhouse, Tankerness 585-588 Craigie, Hall of Clestrain, Orphir 335-372 Moar, Withaquoy, Holm 373-394 13:00 Smith, Lower Cornquoy, Holm 589-595 Fraser, Lower Cottiscarth, Rendall 596-615 Walker, Copenago, Tankerness 616-618 Morgan, Swannay Farm, Swannay 619-650 Garson Farms, Sandwick 651-668 Heddle, Westfield, Stromness 669 Foulis, Upperfield, 670-675 Wick, Easter Voy, Sandwick 676-687 Harvey, Seatter, Stromness 688-692 13:30 Brown, Glebe, Firth 693-696 Harcus, Quanterness, St Ola 697-713 Baillie, Biggings, Toab 714-760 Johnston, East Garth, Harray 761-764 Ritch, Langskaill, 765-776 Bain, Hall of Tankerness, Tankerness 777-822 14:10 Tait, Lower Breckquoy, Holm 823-838 Bews, Muckle Crofty, Tankerness 839-854 Scott, Horsick, Toab 855 Scott, Claybraes, South Ronaldsay 856-857 Rosie, Quoybond, South Ronaldsay 858-860 Thomson, East Massater, South Ronaldsay 861-871 Sclater, Skaill, Orphir 872-887 Scott, Redland, Firth 888-896 Rendall, Veddertownmail, Tankerness 897-898 Wilson, Howequoy, Holm 899-902 Northfield Farms, 903-907 Croy, Greenhall, 908-909 Seator, Seattersquoy, Stenness 910-942 14:50 Johnston, Brockan, Stromness 943-946 Sinclair, Eastside, Twatt 947-955 Seatter, Farewell, South Ronaldsay 956-993 Taylor, Brencherhouse, Birsay 994-1001 Midbigging Farms, Toab 1058-1074 Muir, Biggings, Holm 1075-1083

TO BE NUMBERED Brass, Workwell, Orphir 8 Brodie, Sunnybank, St Ola 4 Dearness, Upper Berryhill, St Ola 6 Glen Farms, St Ola 12 Harvey, Slinghorn, Birsay 4 Hay, East Howe, Birsay 10 MacIsaac, Orgil, Hoy 6 Miller, Nigley, Evie 20 Moar, Lower Stanger, Birsay 5 Nicolson, Little Hackland, Rendall 20 Pottinger, Tuquoy, Westray 16 Robertson, Little Wards, Longhope 7 Scott, Grutha, South Ronaldsay 12 Spence, Hayon, Birsay 15