Examples of "Promising Practices" received from Member States

Version: 30/01/2004

This document consists of contributions sent by the Members States on the basis of a common grid and clustering established by the European Commission.

The present collection of "promising practices" is complementary to other processes currently being developed at National and European level. It does not exclude that other EQUAL practices might as well be of the highest interest with a view to mainstreaming the best ideas in the fight against discrimination and inequalities.

Having this objective in mind, the reader is also strongly encouraged to get information about the activities implemented in the framework of the European thematic Groups.

Web: europa.eu.int/comm/equal

Info: [email protected]

Examples of "Promising Practices" received from Member States

Version: 30/01/2004


België 7 1. E-quality career time - BEnl/2001/EQ/1.A/012 ...... 7 2. STEP - BEnl/01/EQ/2.C/002 ...... 8 3. Social Act EQUAL - BEnl/01/EQ/2.D/007...... 9 4. DIANE - BEnl/01/EQ/4.H/001...... 10

Belgique 11 1. Midschall - BEfr4...... 11 2. DECRIRE - BEfr 20...... 11 3. INSERECO- BEfr18 ...... 12 4. PARTICIPE - BEfr6...... 13 5. Des relais sociaux en Wallonie - BEfr 41 ...... 13 6. SACE Couveuses en réseau - BEfr 17 ...... 14 7. Diane - BEfr-13 ...... 15 8. INSERT- BEfr21...... 16 9. Accueil de l'enfance - BEfr 27 ...... 17

Ceská Republika 18 1. “KOMPAS” - CZ-2 ...... 18 2. Supported Employment - CZ-5 ...... 20 3. The Way to - CZ-10 ...... 21 4. Partnership for network "Start Business Centres" CZ-11 ...... 22 5. RESTART CZ-18 ...... 23 6. "Varianty" - Multicultural Education- CZ9 ...... 24

Danmark 25 1. Netværket - 'Det multikulturelle arbejdsmarked - med kommunen i centrum.' - DK-4 ...... 25 2. want2work - DK-21...... 27

Deutschland 28 1. Netzwerk Arbeitsmarktintegrative Gesundheitsförderung (N.A.G.) - DE-EA-42263...... 28 2. BEST 3S e.V. - DE-EA-34848...... 29 3. Campaign for older persons - DE-EA-43385...... 30 4. Third Sector Qualification in the field of care for the elderly - DE-EA-76398...... 31 5. Equal-IT-y in the information society - EA-54765...... 33 6. EXZEPT - DE-EA-54090...... 35 7. FAIR - Forwarding Actively of the Labour Market with Innovative Regional Projects in the Nuremberg Region) - DE-EA-96868 ...... 36 8. Flexible Instrumente Zur Existenzgründung im Erzgebirge/Vogtland - FLEX-INEV - DE-EA- 92381...... 36 9. FLUEQUAL - DE-EA-51251...... 37 10. Frauen in t.i.m.e. - DE-EA-14811...... 39 11. Gender Mainstreaming in der Informationsgesellschaft - DE-EA-31910...... 41 12. Gendernet - DE-EA-35821...... 44 13. GENERA - DE-EA-85370...... 45 14. InnoInform- Innovative Lösungen für flexibles Lernen mit modernenInformationstechnologien - DE-EA-81513...... 47 15. innova - Entwicklungspartnerschaft für Selbsthilfegenossenschaften - DE-EA-93973...... 48 16. Job Rotation - New Ways - DE-EA-78004 ...... 49 17. MaGNet – MainzerGründungsNetzwerk - DE-EA-66029 ...... 51 18. Maßarbeit im Münsterland - DE-EA-21612 ...... 52 19. Regionales Job Mentoring in der Region Westmecklenburg - DE-EA 76991...... 53 20. NETAB - Netzwerk für alternsgerchte Arbeit / netfor - Network for work in tunewith ageeing; EA-40516 ...... 54 21. Second Chance - DE-EA-64929 ...... 56 22. Simba - Soziale Integration von Migrantinnen und Migranten in Beruf und Arbeit - DE-EA- 14884...... 57 23. TransSpuk - Transfer von Sprache und Kultur - DE-EA-10276...... 58

24. Übergangsmanagement Schule - Beruf in Köln - DE-EA-95723...... 60 25. Verbund Enterprise- Junge Menschen auf dem Weg in die Selbstständigkeit - EA 22874 ...... 61

Ellas 62 1. TECNOMATHIA "PROMOTION NETWORK FOR LIFE-LONGTRAINING&DISTANCE SKILLSACCREDITATION IN SMALL&MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES". - 200859 ...... 62 2. Women Entrepreneurship and Trans- regional Support System in SocialEconomy “Dioni II” - GR-200895 ...... 65 3. INITIATIVE FOR WORKING QUALITY LIFE - 200836...... 67 4. ANADRASI-ISTOS –200906-201006...... 68 5. NEORION II-Enhancing competitiveness and securing employment in the Shipbuilding Industry - GR 200776...... 69 6. PROTEAS - GR200958 ...... 70 7. INSULAR CONFEDERACY OF THE SOUTHERN AEGEAN - GR-200954 ...... 71 8. SYNERGY - GR-201007...... 73 9. D.R.E.A.M - Network - discrimination, Racism, Equality and Media – GR-200972 ...... 74 10. E-Quality - GR-200889...... 77 11. EQUAL/ ANDROMEDA - GR 200955 ...... 78 12. PEIRAN - GR-200917...... 79

España 82 1. Agrupación para la Igualdad en el Metal - ES-ES-51...... 82 2. C O-LABORA.CON (Concilia, Trabaja, Consigue) - ES-ES 262...... 83 3. EqualCan - ES 276 ...... 84 4. NEXOS - ES 291 ...... 85 5. MI.MA.- ES-303 ...... 86 6. RED ACCENT - ES-329...... 87 7. EQUALBUR - ES-336 ...... 88 8. MADRID FOR RECONCILIATION - ES-354...... 89 9. EN@E AD – ES 361 ...... 91 10. AGRUPACIÓN DE DESARROLLO CAMP DE MORVEDRE - ES369...... 92 11. REGENTA - ES392...... 93 12. AGRUPACIÓN DE DESARROLLO DE LA RIBERA – LUMEN - ES-393 ...... 93 13. A sociación Compromiso para la Conciliación. Los tiempos de nuestrasvidas. Diputación de Guadalajara- ES 417...... 94 14. EQUAL JEREZ - ES-444 ...... 96 15. Construyendo Futuro - ES450 ...... 97 16. FIDES - ES-471 ...... 98 17. LLEIDA RURAL- ES-488 ...... 98 18. MEVEL Don Quijote - ES495 ...... 99 19. Á gueda Mujer Rural - ES 511 ...... 100

France 102 1. PERISCOP - FR-NAT-2001-10394...... 102 2. PRAETIC - FR-2001-NAT-10692...... 103 3. AUTOMATIC - FR - 2001-NAT-10813 ...... 104 4. Jeunes et Bâtiment - FR-2001-NAT-10302...... 109 5. PICASSO - FR-2001-IDF-10409...... 110 6. PRONET "Professionnalisation des acteurs de l'insertion par le net" - FR-2001-IDF-11118 ...... 112 7. LATITUDE -plan de lutte contre les discriminations raciales (plan of action against racial dscrimination - FR-2001-NAT-10039 ...... 113 8. ESPERE- FR-NAT-2001-10456...... 115 9. Lucidite - lutte contre l’ignorance et les discriminations au travail et dans l’entreprise (Struggle against ignorance and discrimination in the workplace)-:FR- 2001-RAL-11139 ...... 117 10. Chinois d'Europe et integration (European Chinese and Integration) : FR-IDF-2001-10693 ...... 118 11. Encouraging equal access, sustaining and promoting employment for immigrant populations in Alsace/ Diversity, an added value - FR-ALS-2001-10639...... 121 12. CRÉACTION - Pépinière d'entrepises de solidarité internationale et d'économie solidaire – 2001-NPC-10183 ...... 123 13. CREACTIVE or how the ANPE is work to encourage business creation – 2001-NAT-10809 ..... 125 14. Entrepreneur's (Virtual) Office for a real business – 2001-PCD-11138...... 126 15. VAINCRE (Overcoming unemployment of young people and women) – 2001-GUA-11225 ...... 127 16. Inseco Insertion durable économique et sociale, dans l’agriculture (Sustainable economic and social insertion in agriculture) - FR-NAT-2001-10666 ...... 129 17. EMPLOI LOCAL ET ACTIVITES NOUVELLES (ELAN) DANS LES TERRITOIRES RURAUX (Local employment and new activities in rural areas) -: FR-FRC-2001-10556...... 130 18. SEGA (Services Gagnants Guyane) (Guyana Winning Services) -: FR-GUY-2001-10710 ...... 131

2 19. ICARE-: FR-NAT-2001-10663 ...... 132 20. SOQLES - FR-NAT-2001-10727...... 133 21. AFPA - ITFFB - FR-NAT-2001-10381...... 134 22. ATOUT'ÂGE - FR-NPC-2001-10505...... 135 23. Atoutâge - FR-2001-PCH-10839...... 136 24. Métiers d’Art, Métiers rares, Métiers d’avenir - FR-BRG-2001-10667...... 139 25. FAME - FR-CEN-2001-10454 ...... 140 26. Université Européenne des Senteurs et Saveurs - FR-NAT-2001-10810...... 141 27. OPCAREG°: FR-AUV-2001-10974 ...... 142 28. Equilibre (Working to achieve a work-life balance in the hotel and catering industry) - FR- NAT-2001-10609 ...... 143 29. Articuler les temps de vie pour développer les compétences - FR-RAL-2001-10554 ...... 144 30. Developing favourable conditions for women’s work in the Finistere : towards a better work/life balance - FR-BRE-2001-10871...... 147 31. Conciliation famille handicap - FR-NAT-2001-10370 ...... 147 32. Coordination des temps de vie sur les territoires - FR-NAT-2001-10433...... 150 33. Travailler et être parents en milieu rural: un défi à l’espace et au temps”)- FR-NAT-2001- 10781...... 152 34. GEPETTO - FR-NAT-2001-10743 ...... 153 35. CIMADE - FR-IDF-2001-10473...... 155 36. DALIA – FR-2001-MDP-10838 ...... 156

Hungary 158 1. EUROMA-NET – HU-1...... 158 2. Development of the labour market situation of the Roma in the Hernad-valley – HU-3 ...... 160

Ireland 162 1. Westmeath EQUAL Development Partnership – IE-1...... 162 2. Equal North East - IE-7 ...... 164 3. Rural Options Development Partnership - IE8 ...... 165 4. EQUAL Ireland - IE12 ...... 166 5. TRED - IE14...... 168 6. Equal at Work - IE15...... 168 7. Longford Equal Partnership Ltd - IE16...... 171 8. CASE - IE17...... 173 9. National Flexi-Work Partnership - IE-19...... 174 10. Work Life Balance Network (WLBN) - IE 20...... 176 11. Sonas DP Ireland Ltd- IE21 ...... 177

Italia 179 1. GOAL - Una rete per l'integrazione al lavoro- BOL-003 ...... 179 2. AMICA - Accoglienza della Manodopera Immigrata nel Comparto Agroindustriale- EMI-022..... 181 3. O.V.E.R. 45 - Occupazione Valorizzazione Empowerment Reinserimento di disoccupati- FRI-002 ...... 182 4. Strategie per l'occupazione nelle aree di montagna- LOM-014...... 183 5. CAR.TE.S.I.O - Carcere e territorio, sistemi operativi integrati - PIE-007 ...... 184 6. SONAR - Sistema operativo negoziale attivazione risorse- PIE-012 ...... 186 7. SPRING - Sistema di Prevenzione Integrata dell’esclusione sociale dei giovani - PIE-035 ...... 187 8. SMP- Sistema Moda Puglia - PUG-008 ...... 188 9. Mdiazione linguistico-culturale per l'inserimento socio-lavorativo dei migranti - MDL-251 ...... 190 10. Immagine dell'immigrato tra media, società civile e mercato del lavoro- MDL-288 ...... 191 11. AGEVOL - Agevolatori per l'inserimento lavorativo di soggetti svantaggiati- MDL-299...... 192 12. NAUTILUS - Nuove rotte per l'inserimento lavorativo - VEN-030...... 193 13. Net Sociality- BAS- 013...... 195 14. O.R.T.I. Urbani – Operazioni di Ri-vitalizzazione Territoriale e Imprenditoriale- CAM-018 ...... 196 15. DOMIZIANA- CAM-019...... 197 16. Agenzia di negoziazione sociale- EMI-008 ...... 198 17. NEXUS - FRI-003 ...... 199 18. Innovazione e sviluppo imprenditoriale nella PIana di Fondi- LAZ-057...... 200 19. Agenzia di cittadinanza: sostegno all'imprenditorialità sociale.- LOM-039 ...... 202 20. DOC Il lavoro di qualità - PIE-020 ...... 204 21. CLIPS - Capitale locale per imprese di promozione sociale.- PUG-009...... 205 22. Albergo in Via dei Matti Numero Zero- MDL-203 ...... 207 23. Fare impresa sociale nell'ambito delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili- MDL-216...... 209 24. Home. Quando il sociale è in casa.- MDL-247...... 210

3 25. RA.S.P.U.T.IN. Rafforzare economia Sociale Per Un Territorio Innovato-innovativo - SAR-051 ...... 212 26. Promo Care – La promozione delle donne immigrate nei servizi di cura- TRE-002...... 214 27. Macramé - Reti sociali e altri Intrecci per il Terzo Settore- VEN-014 ...... 215 28. Equal ME.T.RI.C.A - Equità nella MEssa in Trasparenza e RIconoscimento delle Competenze Acquisite - EMI-019 ...... 216 29. Adattabilità dell'impresa e dei lavoratori all'innovazione e alla flessibilità - EMI-031...... 217 30. PERSEO (PERcorsi Sviluppo E Orientamento) - LAZ-009 ...... 218 31. Accelerare e governare lo sviluppo delle risorse umane- LOM-009...... 219 32. L'azienda come luogo dello sviluppo sociale: le competenze sociali delle RSU - MDL-038 ...... 220 33. F.A.R.O. Flessibilità, Adattabilità, Riconversione degli Operatori della pesca - MDL-182...... 221 34. S.UP.PORT. - Skills UPgrading in PORTs- MDL-190...... 222 35. Gli immigrati a Mazara del Vallo: un valore umano da formare per non discriminare-SIC- 051...... 223 36. POSEIDON - Riqualificazione e valorizzazione dei pescatori e delle loro famiglie - SIC-135 ..... 225 37. MASTER- TOS-017 ...... 226 38. GLOCAL Immigrazione, competenze e sviluppo dei sistemi territoriali- VEN-008 ...... 228 39. IREFORR - SVI.P.O. Sviluppo Pari Opportunità- BAS-026...... 229 40. GENDER COMPETENCY- BOL-001...... 230 41. EQUI-LIBRA Azione per la conciliazione tra i tempi di vita e di lavoro delle donne- CAM- 054...... 232 42. UGL - Work life conciliation team- LAZ-024 ...... 233 43. CONTEMPO - Le città in rete per la conciliazione dei tempi - LOM-016...... 234 44. Da donna a donna - PIE-021 ...... 235 45. Sistema territoriale per le pari opportunità - ENZITETO- PUG-056 ...... 237 46. QUASCO - RAEDES-A.CANT.O “Architetti di cantiere per le Pari Opportunità”- MDL-225 ...... 238 47. Progetto strada - Recupero socio lavorativo per le donne oggetto di tratta- MDL-084...... 239 48. PRATO: Il laboratorio del tempo- TOS-010...... 241 49. RI.DO Risorse donne venezia gender - VEN-003...... 242 50. Integ.r.a - Integrazione Richiedenti Asilo - MDL-328...... 243

Luxembourg 245 1. Fogaflex - LU-3 ...... 245

Nederland 246 1. VrijBaan - EQA/0026...... 246 2. Enabling safety for lesbigay teachers - EQA/0110...... 246 3. Van achterstander naar middenstander - EQC/0012 ...... 247 4. Direct Access To Work (DATW) - EQD/0002...... 248 5. Scholing zonder drempels - EQE/0030...... 249 6. Empowerment - centre EVC - EQE/0033...... 250 7. Een leven lang leren - EQE/0058...... 252 8. flex centrum - EQG/0007 ...... 253 9. Het onverwachte klussenbedrijf - EQH/0010 ...... 254 10. Hersteld Vertrouwen in de Toekomst - 'HIT'' - EQI/0001...... 255 11. Perspectief - EQI/0004...... 256 12. EQUAL AMA - EQI/0005...... 257

Österreich 258 1. “Extended Labour Market – Integration Through Work” - AT 1A-01/71...... 258 2. drugaddicts@work – AT-1A-11/74 ...... 260 3. Aqua model- AT-1A-16/109 ...... 262 4. Living an working together – AT-2-14/99 ...... 262 5. Empowerment of small and middle sized social organisation - AT-3-01/128 ...... 264 6. “Erarbeitung eines nicht-diskriminierenden bundesweiten MusterKollektivvertrags für das österreichische Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen” - AT–3-01/64...... 266 7. EP RepaNet – AT- 3-08/135 ...... 269 8. Bildungswegweiser- AT-4-16/41 ...... 270 9. GesiR DP - AT-5A- 11/35...... 271 10. F&Mpower – AT-5-13/06...... 273 11. JUST GEM - AT-5-18/14...... 274 12. ARTWORKS - Artistic Services in the Third Sector- AT-3-01/100 ...... 275 13. EPIMA- AT-6-01/20...... 277 14. Telelernen für HaftinsassInnen - Telfi/ E-Learning for prisoners-AT-1A-01/137...... 278

Portugal 281

4 1. ISTMO - A Fileira das Pescas como espaço de Novas Oportunidades - PT-2001-020 ...... 281 2. ENE -EMPREENDER NA ESCOLA - PT-2001-055...... 282 3. EMPREGO APOIADO - PT-2001-070 ...... 283 4. TRILHOS - PT-2001-176 ...... 284 5. Semear para (A)Colher - PT-2001-262...... 286 6. GPS . Gerar Percursos Sociais - PT-2001-289...... 287 7. JEMA - Jovens Empresarias Movimentam-se para o Auto-emprego - PT-2001-027...... 288 8. LABORATÓRIO DE IDEIAS - PT-2001-184 ...... 290 9. EMPREENDER (p/ Desenvolver) - PT-2001-228 ...... 291 10. Ch@tmould - InovaR e PartilHar - PT-2001-016...... 292 11. Codessus - Conduzir em Direcção ao Desnvolvimento Sustentável - PT-2001-096 ...... 294 12. F@do - Formação aberta e a distância orientada - PT-2001-211...... 295 13. MODELAR - Um novo Conceito da Função Concepção na Cerâmica - PT-2001-314 ...... 297 14. EQUAL - AGIR PARA A IGUALDADE - PT-2001-022 ...... 299 15. ConVidas - PT-2001-164 ...... 300 16. Formar para a Igualdade - PT-2001-243...... 301 17. Trabalho no Domicílio: medidas e estratégias de intervenção - PT-2001-261...... 302 18. "Asylum-Seekers Reception and Integration" - PT-2001-057 ...... 304

Suomi 306 1. Rehti meininki - FI-34...... 306 2. Multiculturalism as a resource in a working community ETMO - FI-13...... 307 3. Lähiön sosiaaliset yrittäjät (Local social Enterprises) - FI-25 ...... 309 4. - FI-16 ...... 310

Sverige 311 1. Partnership for Gender-Equality in the county of Gävleborg - SE-6...... 311 2. Rural renewal - SE-9...... 313 3. Improving the representation of women in the business sector - SE-22 ...... 313 4. Diversity Faces - SE 26...... 315 5. EmBa – Empowerment in Baronbackarna - SE 28 ...... 316 6. School at Work- SE32...... 317 7. Homosexuals and Bisexuals in the Care Sector - SE-33 ...... 318 8. Empowerment for the future EFF - 65, SE-39...... 320 9. ACCESS - access to working life and education - SE 42...... 321 10. Stockholm Partnership for the Development of the Social Economy - 221, SE-43 ...... 323 11. WordPower – 111 Se-46...... 325 12. Gender equality developers - SE-59 ...... 327 13. Work, gender and family TCA 983 (including ES ES423, FR NAT-2001-10609, SE-59) ...... 329

UK - Great Britain 330 1. ACORN DP - UKgb-3...... 330 2. Ace National DP - Ukgb-4 ...... 331 3. ATLAS - UK-GB-5...... 333 4. Building Opportunities through Worplace Learning - UKgb-8...... 334 5. EQUIPE - UKgb-24 ...... 336 6. JIVE (Joint Interventions) PARTNERS - UKgb-25 ...... 337 7. LEADER (Linking Equal Access for the Disadvantaged and Excluded Refugees. - UKgb-43 .... 339 8. Portland Partnership - Ukgb-45...... 340 9. Positive Future-The Way Forward - UKgb-46 ...... 341 10. REFLEX- UKgb-47...... 343 11. Support for the Social Economy in the Eastern Region (SSEER DP) - UKgb-55...... 345

UK - Northern Ireland 347 1. Digital Step - UKni-1...... 347 2. ACCORD - UKni-2 ...... 348 3. Personal Progression System - UKni-5...... 349 4. Diversity Matters - UKni-6 ...... 350 5. Futures Project (Health Action Zone North and West Belfast - LTUDevelopmental Pathway) - UKni-7...... 351 6. Young Women Making It Work - UKni-8 ...... 353

Thematic Index : Type of developed by the DPs 355




Diversity management Empowerment Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The opportunities for fitting careers are for people with a disability or labour-disability still limited in comparison to others. This is an opinion that grew after many years of field expertise. Initially a lot of energy went into schooling and vocational training. But even if it enhanced the chances of finding a job it remained clear that with less opportunities of finding a job, the perspectives for a fitting career are compromised. This results in limited periods of working, conflicts in the conclusion of working periods, demotivation, exclusion and exiting the labour market. This is a fundamental problem we wanted to address.

ƒ We need objective information on the influence of a lack of empowerment in structures, institutions and the reality of vocational training, job finding, and guidance. We need a better view in the breaking points, the threats, the elements that make the career of some people successful whereas others fall into vicious circles of job-no- job….or end their working career. What feelings do they experience regarding their careers?

ƒ We needed an inventory and evaluation of instruments and methods, from the point of view of self steering (by the client) and careers as a goal. People with a labour disability tend to find the information about what instruments and services are available too complex dispersed and not enough accessible if at all.

ƒ Insufficient pro-active and preventive approach of originally non job –threatening problems often result in ending contracts –and the frustrations going along with that. Many people with a labour disability are dealing with both insufficient perspectives on a suitable career and threats in transition phases. They need to be able to appeal to a system of instruments, methods and professionals aiming at a good career in an empowering and self steering-promoting way. Herefore coaching and training of coaches is necessary and attitude-change. A coherent approach is necessary in institutions and network.

ƒ New or adapted instruments, methods and practices need to be tested before dissemination.

What works? General remark: This project is innovative in such a way that there was need for a lot of study and research to start with. Products are still in need to be tested. So I’ll answer the question, what promises to work?

In general the concept of aiming at selfsteering and equal chances for a suitable career is both very challenging and infectiously catchy. Some services and institutions not related to this project adapted some terms or partial aims.

The scientific research gave us valuable information on selfsteering- and career pitfalls and needs.

7 België The transnational work resulted in a conceptual model for the integral approach. This model provides a visible oversight-structure that enables many partners to work together in the fields of method, support and client.

Instruments research and development is still in the phase of testing, but promising is ƒ A method for research towards the selfsteering feelings of the potential cliënts ƒ A set of criteria for both instrument-content and instrument-form. ƒ Manual for selfsteering improvers of instruments. ƒ A selfsteering-promoting portal site. ƒ Methods: ƒ A framework for careerselfsteering that is applicable for jobcoaching and teachers in (special) schools, for both short-term and long term contact with cliënts. ƒ Observation list for teachers in order to enable them to monitor the skills necessary for self-steering in students. ƒ Criteria for a coaching-attitude and style aiming at the development of career- selfsteering abilities in cliënts. ƒ An observation list for coaches and teachers. ƒ Coach –the coach: ƒ Training program:Coach-the-coach to support career-selfsteering. ƒ A transnational coach-the-coach winterschool. ƒ Tool-box for coaches in order to work with co-workers towards better support of careerselfsteering. ƒ Good practices for organisers. How to support coaches and other co-workers in aids, training, support, documents, communication-structures towards better careerselfsteeringsupport. Included a basic portfolio for starting intervision groups in an organisation.

Is what works transferable? This has been one of the aims.

Why is it innovative? ƒ The paradigma-shift of the 90’s towards demand-orientated working has been adopted by many. Yet in reality it was often but a make-up adaptation. In order to really re- organise services towards becoming both cliëntfriendly and empowering was needed. ƒ The concept of selfsteering where possible is more catchy, appealing and challenging than empowering (though basically similar). ƒ We ambitiously aim at real equal opportunities in and throughout the whole career. Not just finding “a” job is the goal, but fighting all eventual discrimination in the career. ƒ This in itself asks for quality, also in the field of jobfinding....(and aiming at a career implies more quality-awareness also in finding jobs.. ) ƒ The concept aims at all people threatened in their career opportunities and not only the yet unemployed ones. We do not only want improvement for those who are unemployed but for all whose career opportunities are under threat by a labour- disability. We want to be able to work preventively and pro-actively in a selfsteering- supporting way in order enable people to maintain the best career opportunities. ƒ The concept aims at empowering and selfsteering but also on available professional help towards equal career opportunities and minimal discrimination: Only when, where and if needed but everywhere, every when and every time needed in all transition phases during the career.

2. STEP - BENL/01/EQ/2.C/002

Creating an entrepreneurial culture Empowerment

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? There is a lack of entrepreneurial Spirit in Flanders and the EU. The DP wants to stimulate and foster the entrepreneurial spirit in education and labour-market orienting organisations.

8 België What works? The approach our project has developed works because we don't define entrepreneurial spirit in a narrow sense (i.e. oriented towards "setting up an enterprise"), but in a broad sense: being creative and taking your life into your own hands. This definition is easier to deal with within educational and labour-market-oriented organisations.

What doesn't work? A purely academic approach without input from the work field. A narrow definition of entrepreneurship.

Is what works transferable? Yes, because the theoretical concept (entrepreneurial profile) will be translated into usefull tools and methodologies for different target groups, both within education (on all levels) and in the Flemish employment agency.

Why is it innovative? The broad approach of the "Entrepreneurial Profile" creates a conceptual bridge between the classical view on personal development/social competencies training and the entrepreneurial concept in the narrow meaning (which focuses mainly on enterprise creation). This conceptual bridge will stimulate discussion and cooperation between two currently rather divided viewpoints and approaches.


Diversity management Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Flanders' labour market reveals extremely weak figures of the insertion from underprivileged groups.

Enterprises like to know how they score on policy items as social behaviour, internal staff policy and external social policy.

Enterprises want to improve this social policy but don't know how and where to begin.

The DP offers enterprises the opportunity to develop and to improve this social policy whereby the employment of underprivileged groups (immigrants, older people, women, physically or mentally handicapped, low skilled and unemployed people) is enhanced.

What works? Information sessions: Enterprises like to be informed by Social Act and our innovative method in seminars.

Selfscreening (Sokratest): Enterprises like to test themselves on how they manage on internal and external policy. It makes managers think on their social policy and appeals them to take action.

Helpdesk: Pool of profit and non-profit organisations with competences on employment of underprivileged groups.

9 België Good Practices: Is the way to recruit enterprises. On our website and our seminars good practises are shown to other enterprises.

What doesn't work? The DP with 15 different partners, with each of them his own vision and mission, makes this project an exercise on its own to bring, to bring it to a good end.

Is what works transferable? Selfscreening instrument (Sokratest) : This instrument gives the respondent enterprise a quick and online report on their current social policy.

The idea of pooling competences (helpdesk) where enterprises find the tools to make their enterprise a good place to work at.

These both instruments are quickly transferable to other countries and other domains of corporate social responsibility (environment policy, trade policy, ...)

Why is it innovative? This new self screening instrument is innovative because this method is inspiring on itself and empowers enterprises to do efforts on their social policy with employment of underprivileged groups.

The helpdesk which brings together the skills where enterprises can find the tools and organisations to support the action plans.

4. DIANE - BENL/01/EQ/4.H/001

Gender mainstreaming Making start up finance more accessible Transnational co-operation Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Sometimes it is difficult that every DP has another 'goal' in this project. The priorities are not always the same.

What works? Exchanging of experiences works very well. Thanks to the international conferences and the international work we have the possibility to get new ideas to try out in our own organisation. On top of that, we get the change to know each other better... now we finally know our 'equal' organisation in other countries (a bit)

What doesn't work? Working on long distances isn't always very simple. the work delays. Transnational transports costs and stays are often very high (Sweden,...).

Is what works transferable? Yes it is, indeed! Like I said in the second answer, you get new ideas to try out in your own organisation!

Why is it innovative? ƒ Exchanging experiences ƒ Knowing your 'equals' in other countries. ƒ It looks like Europe is not that big anymore.

10 België ƒ Asking questions and taking contact for transnational activities is more accessible. Now thresholds anymore! ƒ To work 'transnational' is very instructive



Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Older worker Intergeneration learning Planning HR & Age management practice Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Older worker Intergeneration learning Planning HR & Age management practice Partnership creation and management Territorial approaches Networking Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Le projet vise à développer des mesures, des méthodes et des instruments afin de promouvoir la réinsertion professionnelle des travailleurs âgés (à partir de 45 ans) sans emploi dans la Communauté germanophone de Belgique. Ces mesures pourraient servir de modèle en rapport avec une stratégie globale d'augmentation du taux d'emploi des plus de 45 ans.

What works? Bien qu'elles n'apportent pas d'effet immédiat, les campagnes de sensibilisation auprès des entreprises au sujet de la problématique des travailleurs âgés devraient à long terme porter leurs fruits.

Is what works transferable? D'une manière générale, l'intérêt porté aux travailleurs âgés est transférable dans tout contexte où le taux d'emploi de ces travailleurs est faible.

Why is it innovative? L'innovation se situe au niveau du public-cible, à savoir les plus de 45 ans sans emploi qui n'étaient avant cela pas une priorité pour les politiques de l'emploi. Ce ne sont pas seulement les demandeurs d'emploi qui sont visés, mais également les pré-pensionné-es et les travailleur-euses rentrant-es.

Au niveau de la Communauté germanophone, ce projet rassemble tous les acteurs concernés par cette problématique. Cela permet de l'appréhender d'une manière globale et d'élaborer des actions selon des points de vue variés.


Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Horizontal desegregation Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming

11 Belgique What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Développement de Centres de Ressources intégrés pour les reconversions, support central et opérationnel d'aide à la convertibilté des travailleurs, suite à des licenciements collectifs. ƒ Créer des lieux d'accueil pour les travailleurs licenciés. ƒ Mettre en place une équipe de coaching social et professionnel. ƒ Répondre au problème du "comment concilier le travail du deuil des expériences traumatisantes passées avec la nécessité de concevoir des projets professionnels".

What works? Le développement et la formalisation de bonnes pratiques entre les différents acteurs institutionnels intervenant dans les Plans d'Accompagnement des Reconversions.

Le projet a permis de professionnaliser et de centraliser les expériences de reconversion souvent mises en place dans l'urgence.

What doesn't work? Il ne semble pas y avoir de problème spécifique.

Is what works transferable? Un échange de bonnes pratiques entre cellules de reconversion au niveau européen devrait permettre de mettre au point une méthodologie commune de travail

Why is it innovative? ƒ Le type de partenariat (sectoriel, syndical, institutionnel, universitaire) ƒ Le modèle de gestion partenariale des plans sociaux ƒ La méthode de suivi du projet professionnel des travailleurs victimes de licenciements ƒ La méthodologie utilisée qui tente de diminuer les risques de marginalisation sociale et professionnelle d'un public qui vient d'être victime de licenciement collectif.


Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Horizontal desegregation Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Le projet vise à favoriser des attitudes et des méthodes nouvelles (E-learning par exemple) afin d’attirer les personnes vers les professions manuelles (en particulier le secteur de la construction) et de les y maintenir ; de favoriser l’intégration de groupes tels que les femmes, les jeunes, les personnes peu qualifiées et les immigrés et de promouvoir une nouvelle image en testant et en évaluant des méthodes et approches innovatrices, à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de l’entreprise.

What works? Les expériences pilotes réalisés par certains organismes du partenariat de développement sont systématiquement évaluées. La communication entre les différents organismes est bonne et permet de solutionner ensemble certains problèmes Le fait que la bonne marche du partenariat dépende de l'implication et de l'évolution des actions de chaque partenaire est très stimulant pour les opérateurs

Is what works transferable? Méthode de E-learning dans le secteur de la construction testée sur la "réception de la chape" peut être transférée à d'autres métiers (pose de lino, vinyle, carrelage, marbre...)

12 Belgique Why is it innovative?

Le fait de mettre en relations des conseillers d'organismes différents qui ont les mêmes publics cibles et qui n'ont pas l'habitude de travailler ensemble et de se rencontrer constitue une innovation.

Le fait de proposer des méthodes nouvelles d'apprentissage à la pointe des nouvelles technologies et qui correspondent vraiment aux besoins du secteur de la construction constitue également une innovation.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Other: Faible niveau d'éducation

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Mettre l'usager au centre de son parcours d'insertion. Cet objectif ne va pas naturellement de soi, sa participation soulève donc de sa part questionnement et parfois objections.

What works? Malgré ses questionnements, le potentiel des stagiaires et des demandeurs d'emploi, et leur envie de s'impliquer dans ce processus de parcours d'insertion est indéniable.

Volonté mutuelle de tous les opérateurs à expérimenter des nouvelles pratiques au risque de se tromper, pour vérifier la pertinence de leurs actions et leur transférabilité.

Les expériences pilotes sont nombreuses et sont évaluées systématiquement.

What doesn't work? Les relations entre les partenaires issus d'horizons différents sont parfois difficiles à gérer.

Is what works transferable? La Charte du stagiaire et du demandeur d'emploi en formation est un outil tout à fait transférable à tous les opérateurs en relations avec des usagers, stagiaires et demandeurs d'emploi.

Les leçons tirées des expériences positives menées au niveau des opérateurs de terrain sont transférables également.

Why is it innovative? Le projet est innovant de par les objectifs qu'il poursuit dans la mesure où il fait la promotion de la participation citoyenne et la mise en place de conseil d'usagers au sein des opérateurs de formation du parcours d'insertion.

Il l'est également de par le contexte dans lequel il s'inscrit : en effet l'insertion sociale et professionnelle devient un parcours dans lequel l'usager agit en tant que citoyen à part entière et peut se prononcer sur ce qu'il juge satisfaisant ou insatisfaisant dans son parcours et il est écouté et respecté.


Diversity management Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies

13 Belgique Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Partnership creation and management Empowerment Territorial approaches Networking Other: Personnes en très grande précarité

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Approche pluridisciplinaire de la très grande précarité associant les acteurs pertinents tant privés que publics pour passer d'une gestion de l'urgence à la gestion de l'insertion sociale et socioprofessionnelle des populations concernées.

Prise en charge d'un public particulièrement précarisé tant au niveau social que mental et économique.

What works? Activation d'un dispositif assurant le passage de l'accueil vers l'insertion dans le cadre d'un processus individualisé.

Le public est pris en charge dans sa globalité, avec ses ressources et ses carences.

Tous les partenaires pertinents du territoire sont impliqués dans le partenariat.

Is what works transferable? La pratique transversale de travail en réseau pluridisciplinaire utilisant tous les dispositifs sociaux existants pour répondre aux besoins des personnes relevant de leur territoire.

Why is it innovative? Mise en place de ce type de partenariat et approche intégrée et tournée vers l'insertion socioprofessionnelle d'un public en très grande précarité.


Tailoring business services to real needs Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management Networking Other: Personnes très défavorisées

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Permettre à un public très défavorisé, non encore pris en charge et ne bénéficiant d'aucune possibilité de financement, de créer son entreprise et d'en tester la viabilité dans le cadre d'une couveuse et de recevoir une aide financière lors du lancement de l'activité.

What works? ƒ L'ancrage local, la méthodologie d'accompagnement, le travail en réseau des partenaires. ƒ La publicité qui entoure la création des entreprises est un élément clé dans le lancement. ƒ Une assurance spécifique couvre les demandeurs d'emploi créateurs et celle-ci peut leur être transférée lorsqu'ils sortent de la couveuse.

What doesn't work? Bien que le suivi post création n'ait pas été prévu dans le projet, il est quand même assuré de façon tout à fait individualisée.

14 Belgique Is what works transferable? Oui. Il a déjà été transféré au sein du partenariat qui, bien que présent sur trois sites géographiques distincts, applique une même méthodologie et travaille réellement en PDD.

D'autres bassins d'emploi ont déjà contacté le PDD et un transfert de know how a déjà débuté.

Why is it innovative? La méthodologie appliquée.

Le projet a permis la création du statut de demandeur d'emploi créateur d'entreprise ce qui lui donne la possibilité de tester son activité sans risque avec une aide financière au démarrage, mais sans créer de la concurrence déloyale vis-à-vis d'autres entreprises du secteur.

7. DIANE - BEFR-13

Diversity management Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Le projet consiste en l'analyse des freins à la création d'entreprises par les femmes. Une enquête liée au genre permettra de déterminer quel est le profil de la femme entrepreneur et le profil de l'entreprise dirigée par une femme mais 4 points centraux sont également abordés : la formation, le financement, le conseil et l'assistance à la création d'entreprise et les réseaux.

What works? Les différents échanges transnationaux ont permis de définir la méthodologie adéquate et le contenu des meetings prévus pour l'action Diane dans son cadre transnational.

En ce qui concerne le partenariat WEE, plusieurs sous-groupes ont été définis: ƒ Research group ƒ Mentoring ƒ Networking/Exchange visits of women entrepreneurs/Trade-missions ƒ Financing ƒ Business Incubators (training, coaching, counselling) ƒ Policy development Et pour le partenariat Nereidas : ƒ workshop on Social Economy ƒ workshop on Women entrepreneurship ƒ workshop on special counselling ƒ workshop on finance start up incentives Les différents sous-groupes ont donc été définis et la méthodologie à appliquer fut assez longue à définir. Cependant, certains de ceux-ci ont déjà permis d'échanger un certain nombre d'expériences très enrichissantes au sujet des thèmes suivants : programmes de mentorat, développement de réseaux de femmes entrepreneurs, micro-crédits, soutien et assistance à la création d'entreprises, sensibilisation des femmes indépendantes. La sensibilisation relative à l’existence et à l’évolution de Diane s’est principalement faite via la présentation du projet sur le site d’Amazone (http://www.amazone.be, dans le module ‘Nos projets’). Une très large promotion du site général a permis de faire connaître le projet à un très large public intéressé par les questions d’égalité entre femmes et hommes.

15 Belgique What doesn't work? Les partenaires ont été confrontés à un retard dans la mise en oeuvre de l'enquête et les divergences de calendrier européens constituent un obstacle dans l'efficience du projet.

Par ailleurs, les femmes entrepreneurs sont confrontées à l'absence de réseaux de femmes. Certaines nuances doivent être apportées au niveau des réseaux. Les avis sont mitigés : certaines demandent plus de réseaux féminins, d’autres sont contre car elles ont peur du « ghetto ». Au niveau du financement, pas de problèmes pour certaines ; par contre, souvent, les femmes seules rencontrent des obstacles à ce niveau. De plus, les groupes d'entrepreneurs sont exclusivement masculins et peu enclins à ouvrir leurs cercles aux femmes. Un autre constat est aussi celui qu’il existe beaucoup de femmes indépendantes et moins de femmes chefs d’entreprises. C’est sur ce point qu’il faudrait peut-être travailler : essayer de développer des entreprises dirigées par des femmes.

Is what works transferable? Les échanges de réseaux et de bases de données sont des outils intéressants à transférer. Une liste exhaustive avec adresses des organismes de financement, de formation, de soutien à la création d’entreprise et de réseaux peut être dressée.

Il est intéressant de signaler qu'il ne faut pas réaliser des mesures spécifiques en faveur des femmes mais bien en faveur des indépendants en général.

L’action de sensibilisation en tant que telle qui consiste à convaincre les femmes de se lancer dans le monde entrepreneurial doit être diffusée.

Why is it innovative? Le projet est innovant de par son action spécifique d'analyser la création d'entreprise par des femmes.


Validation of learning Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? L'objectif global est de permettre aux détenus d'acquérir des compétences nouvelles favorisant leur (ré)insertion sur le marché du travail. Le projet vise l'amélioration de la cohérence des systèmes de réinsertion des détenus et ce notamment via des formations ouvertes à ces derniers.

What works? En ce qui concerne le contenu pédagogique du projet les axes suivants sont développés: ƒ sensibilisation des agents pénitentiaires (femmes) ƒ problèmes de conscientisation des gardiens à l’importance des formations ƒ différences de sensibilisation en fonction de la disparité géographique ƒ nécessité de l’organisation de réunion de coordination des professeurs-formateurs ƒ mutualisation des méthodes et outils Des comités locaux de suivi ont été mis en place afin de faciliter les échanges entre formateurs et surveillants des détenus ainsi qu'avec les représentants psycho sociaux. La composition des comités n'est pas fixe et varie d'un établissement à un autre.

La participation de tous les acteurs intervenant dans cette problématique, avec notamment une participation active du Ministère de l'Intérieur doit être soulignée.

16 Belgique What doesn't work? L'intégration de certains travailleurs sociaux (ASD et ASJ) dont les conditions de travail sont parfois trop précaires pour s'inscrire dans la durée dans ce type de collaboration.

Is what works transferable? Réalisation de 5 groupes de travail transnationaux : ƒ Adéquation entre formations et conjoncture économique, échanges de bonnes pratiques entre les partenaires ƒ Axe formateurs en prisons ƒ Sensibilisation des employeurs ƒ Réintégration : théorie et pratique. L’état ne joue pas de rôle dans la réinsertion des détenus ƒ Méthodes modernes d’enseignement : E-LEARNING

Why is it innovative? La prise en compte des problèmes de formation au sein des prisons et dès lors du public cible est innovant. L'innovation entoure la démarche globale.


Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Favoriser l'emploi féminin : de manière directe, par la création de postes de travail dans les milieux d'accueil, et de manière indirecte, grâce à l'accueil des enfants dont la femme a généralement la charge au sein de la cellule familiale. ƒ •Permettre à un plus grand nombre de personnes, hommes ou femmes, de reprendre le chemin du travail en levant un des freins à l'emploi : l'accueil des enfants. ƒ •Renforcer l'offre d'accueil par la création d'un plus grand nombre de places d'accueil mais aussi par la création de nouvelles modalités d'accueil permettant de mieux concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle (accueil flexible, d'urgence et occasionnel).

What works? Bonne collaboration avec les acteurs du secteur (publics, associatifs et privés) en vue de mettre en place, au niveau de la Province du Luxembourg, une politique cohérente d'accueil de l'enfance répondant aux spécificités locales (ruralité, faible densité de population, ampleur du travail frontalier, importance des déplacements vers le lieu de travail).

What doesn't work? Il n'y a pas de point spécifique qui pose problème

Is what works transferable? La méthodologie appliquée pour garantir l'Implication de tous les acteurs de terrain est certainement transférable. Cela permettra une bonne adéquation entre l'offre d'accueil de l'enfance et la demande de la population locale.

Au niveau européen, il est prévu de développer, dans un souci constant de recherche de qualité, des modules d'échange, d'information et d'action sur les thèmes suivants ƒ Modes de garde (diagnostic des modes existants et idées pour le renforcement ou le développement de nouveaux modes)

17 Belgique ƒ Formation (validation des acquis personnels et professionnels; développement de profils polyvalents) ƒ Mobilité des structures et/ou des personnes (personnel ou structures itinérantes).

Why is it innovative? La plus-value du projet est liée au contexte, puisqu'il vise à améliorer les conditions d'accueil de l'enfance ou à organiser de manière plus efficace l'accueil existant.

Concertation avec les acteurs du secteur (publics, associatifs et privés) en vue de mettre en place, une politique cohérente d'accueil de l'enfance répondant aux spécificités locales.


1. “KOMPAS” - CZ-2

Validation of learning Intergeneration learning Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Racial or ethnic origin Disability

What are the problems/needs you are trying to address: In Short: Long term unemployed people without any qualification Reintegration into the labor market and struggle against their continuing exclusion.

The long term unemployed people without qualification are defined in the EU employment strategy, in the National action plan of the Czech Republic and in the Ústí Region development strategy, where the project has been implemented. The project is targeted to the category of long term unemployed job seekers without secondary school education. The input is a new instrument in terms of strategy of the active policy of employment of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Czech Republic that came into efficiency January 1st 2001. It is a modular re-training programme, that in its first part implements a classic targeted re- training, to which in the second part, the re-training in a form of residency or entering into job by the concrete employers is tied. The innovation of the project is in time, methodology and organizational tuning of the modular re-training scheme with the distance or external form of two years apprentice study branch and with the possibility of the target group to choose the branch of the study by its own interest and the assertion at the job market. The project links to the long term co-operation of secondary schools, special education institutions and employers with Employment Offices in the re-training sphere. It uses the specific pieces of knowledge acquired during the re-trainings of long term unemployed without secondary school education and during their bringing in on job.

There are activities targeted to address and involve the target group to the project in its first part. The equality in the offer of the side-run of re-training and secondary education for men and women and an increased share of Roma minority in the target group are the necessary pre-condition. The second activity is an elaboration of organizational and pedagogic processes of an effective implementation of re-training and 2-year apprentice branches side-run manuals. This is the task for experienced teachers, who prepare the manual for larger number of apprentice branches. Choosing of apprentice branches in the project prefers co-educative branches, or the comparative representation of branches

18 Ceská Republika more suitable for men or women and the branches, where handicapped people will find their use. The third activity is the pilot verification of the methodology in the chosen apprentice branches at the secondary schools and chosen training working places for side- run re-trainings. Here, both above mentioned target groups cooperate and in addition, employers, where the practical part, mainly in the re-training in a form of residency takes part, come in. The last activity involves acquired abroad experience to the project evaluation and the preparation of the Action 3 EQUAL for the whole Czech Republic. In terms of built-up broad development partnership, the applicants assume creation of sufficient pressure at the durable institutionalisation of re-training and secondary school education side-run in the Czech Republic.

What are the problems/needs you are trying to address: In short: Addressing and testing of target groups members and their motivation, Retraining programmes, curriculuums for apprenticeships preparation, cooperation with labour offices in searching of work positions for target group members

There are 4 activities of the project. ƒ Activity 1: Addressing and testing of target groups members and their motivation for the project entering. 988 job seekers were addressed, 616 of them showed their interest, 137 of them were chosen for re-training and 2 year apprentice study combination after passing the motivation courses. ƒ Activity 2: Manual of organisational and educative procedures for 2 year side-run of re-training and 2-year apprentice study. Works on elaboration of manuals for11 two- year apprentice study branches are in progress, at 6 schools (and 6 branches) were partly used in practice for the education process in the first year of the project. ƒ Activity 3: The pilot side-run of re-training and 2 year apprentice study combination verification. At 6 apprentice schools in the Ústí region, the pilot re-training in the combination with the distance or external study started on November 25, 2002. Now, in September 2003, target groups members started their second year of the study. ƒ Activity 4: Trans-national experience and experience from the pilot verification for the preparation for the Action 3 EQUAL in the Czech Republic utilisation. Experience from the TCA partnership, projects from Germany and partnerships are handover during meetings of TCA partnership “Ways to employment”, experience from 1st year of the apprentice studies are collected and the pressure on the durable institutionalization of re-training and the secondary school education side-run in the Czech Republic will start duly before the end of the project.

What doesn´t work? ƒ The involvement of larger number of ethnic groups of inhabitants into the project. Due to lagging of the start of the programme implementation in the Czech Republic, less time for the contacts with ethnic people (mainly Roma nationality) and their preparation for study was available. The number of ethnic participants of the project is less then it was supposed. It is very important experience for the project team activities in the future. ƒ Problems with different languages discouraged more people on the level B of the TCA involvement.

Is what works transferable? At the national level, all experience acquired, methodologies, pilot education in combination of re-training and 2-year external or distance study of apprentice branches are fully transferable, after institutionalization of the system that is in the project under the pilot verification. At the international level, probably general experience and methods are transferable only (because of different apprentice and further education system in each country), but it will be tested during the TCA meetings in co-operation with the TCA partners.

19 Ceská Republika Why is it innovative1? Because there is a new method tried and presented. The integrated method to overcome the exclusion of young jobless people disadvantaged on the job market by facilitation them to acquire vocational certificates. This possibility is completely new in the Czech Republic education system. Its advantage is in education of jobless people in branches, that employers really need and the qualification of those people is at the same level as in regular 2-year apprentice school study. The process created by the project, after implementation in practice, will help mainly in the mainstreaming.


Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Disability

What are the problems/needs you are trying to address: ƒ Governmental attitude towards Supported Employment (SE) services’ providing: there is no systematic solution to employment of disadvantaged groups of persons on the open labour market. ƒ Low level of interest within the employers ƒ Financial insecurity of NGOs’ – SE providers

What works? ƒ There is experiences’ exchanging within well-established and new SE agencies. ƒ Universities cooperate on developing a curriculum of Supported Employment. ƒ Transition Program from school to work is implementing as prevention to unemployment of people from target groups. ƒ Local cooperation between SE agency and Labour office, regional cooperation within stakeholders ƒ Empowering the target groups into the SE process

What doesn´t work?

Active involvement of all partners within the DP into the transnational cooperation. ƒ There are different levels of partners’ interest and involvement in the project. ƒ The transnational activities planed on the beginning of the cooperation are changing or replaced by new ones.

Is what works transferable? ƒ The model of support for new agencies provided by well-established agencies has been proving so far. ƒ All materials developed within the project can be used as a basis for further work at this field. ƒ The model of regional cooperation and also good practises from the Supported Employment and its Transition phase can be transferred from one region to others.

Why is it innovative? Compared to the current state, the project Supported Employment offers a modern European approach to employing persons from disadvantaged target groups. It is a comprehensive and system solution method of employment of these groups on the level of State Employment Policy. As to other , the project will expand the number of

1 In terms of the process (empowerment, partnership, Transnationality, mainstreaming) or the field of activity (f.e. access to finance under the business creation theme)

20 Ceská Republika new target groups of job seekers, offer a nation-wide and cross-sectional solution with an aim of expanding throughout the Czech Republic. It also addresses the related areas - the social and educational fields (the programme of transition from special schools to work, education of job coaches at higher-education schools and universities, empowerment of target groups, training for job-coaches on methods of Empowering the people from target groups while being at the SE process.). As an added value it brings the European dimension through the cooperation with our transnational partners from countries, where Supported Employment is a standard service in employment.


Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Tailoring business services to real needs Networking Disability Gender Age

What are the problems/needs you are trying to address: ƒ To facilitate the access to the information about the requirements of starting one's own enterprise and getting the concession in the chosen area for target groups ƒ To inspire people to start their own business or to help them with realising their vision ƒ To solve a lack of communication between the support organizations for target groups (business services) ƒ To create the information source useful for target groups and the support organizations (business services) as well

What works?

ƒ The tool for developing a communication inside and between the support organizations, business federations and their communication with the state and educational sphere as well as the entrepreneurship candidates (Internet application- “virtual forum”)

ƒ Creating the methodology and realizing the self-operating advisory system for business skills identification and development (useful for face-to-face advisory as well)

ƒ Creating the methodology and the realizing the self-operating advisory system for processes of entrepreneurship starting up and development (useful for face-to-face advisory as well)

ƒ Experiences exchange with foreign partners (for example: data bank of business ideas, centre of resources for entrepreneurs, benchmarking in support activities) and settle on further common development in chosen area

ƒ Training the instructors from the network of support organizations to improve their common attempts and communication and for using the methodology and the tools for self-operating and assisted advisory processes

What doesn´t work? ƒ Uncertainty in using tools and information sources in the network of support organisations - setting up the conditions and mechanisms for this tools furtherance ƒ Uncertainty in results and outcomes sustainability in further real life (financial and other support and Mechanisms after the project final work)

Is what works transferable? ƒ Transferability in the Czech Republic: yes ƒ Transferability in other countries: some outcomes yes – there is harmony in some aims in national projects including in tca – see point 2 especially after other development

5. Why is it innovative? The innovative part of the project is seen in:

21 Ceská Republika ƒ Massive using of Internet technologies, pointing to offer the information and services to those people, who have difficulties to find them ƒ Keeping the basic attributes of the system 1. accessibility - all of the information and tools will be at disposal for free on the internet and public info-kiosks 2. frankness - the system has to be shaped in order to link up many different resources 3. up-to-date state - the system should be able to follow all changes even those, which are connected with EU associating ƒ attempt to create common information source for the network of support organizations ƒ Effort to improve service of employment offices in the field of start-up’s advisory ƒ Contribution to developing competences for business support workers at regional and national level (national partnership) ƒ Contribution to developing evaluation business services from targets groups point of view


Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management Networking Disability Age

What are the problems/needs you are trying to address: ƒ to Activate entrepreneurs’ potential among target groups ƒ to Strengthen self-employment and the SME creation process ƒ to reduce risks of starting the business among target groups ƒ to improve the access to the useful business services and information for target groups ƒ to establish the network of support organisations for target groups

What works? ƒ establishment and co-operation of Start Business Centres – an institutional business support network to assist target groups to set up business . The network is built upon solid base of existing support network and expands the assistance to new target groups. ƒ workshops for target groups. There is a sufficient demand for information from target groups and the workshops are effectively co-ordinated among partners ƒ new tools to help start-ups (interactive “step-by-Step”, “virtual company”). The internet and sw tools developed within the project will significantly reduce costs of the training and counselling in the support process and therefore will help the project to survive in non-commercial conditions ƒ developing the network of “mentors” in start business centres. Again, the use of mentors will help to reduce operating costs. as a result it will also create conditions for active time spending of older mentors. ƒ creating the new system of assisted consulting for start-up entrepreneurs. Project’s target groups were not actively addressed so far via existing support and advisory systems and were significantly discriminated to start own company. This new system will reduce existing barriers. ƒ identification of business opportunities. Active tool to help target groups to position their business idea into reality and to identify needs and potential risks.

What doesn´t work? ƒ uncertainty in real motivation of target groups

Is what works transferable? ƒ transferability in the Czech Republic: yes ƒ transferability in other countries: depending on existing support schemes

22 Ceská Republika Why is it innovative? ƒ usage of established network of business support agencies. This approach reduces risks of the balance of the support system and ensures that network will not disappear once subsidised project is over. ƒ standardisation of approaches, assistance and training for beneficiaries. All start business centres will share the same approach to beneficiaries and methods used. this ¨will help to disseminate assistance and support tools to other regions. ƒ active approach to motivate target groups. So far, target groups are being motivated to set-up business dominantly through employment services using their financial support system. the individual approach is thus very limited and does not cover e.g. marketing or financial issues in satisfying level. ƒ new training methods and assistance tools ƒ developing and sharing the developed approaches and methods in established network. Know-how developed within the equal project will remain shared among network of support agencies and can be easily modified reflecting change of conditions.


Older worker Intergeneration learning Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Tailoring business services to real needs Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Age

What are the problems/needs you are trying to address: Socially responsible enterprise restructuring - Integration of people made redundant in the steel industry restructuring and of other groups of unemployed in the nuts ii region of Moravia Silesia (Czech Republic) – through development and delivery of individualised services of employment agencies and their coordinated efforts with public labour offices and other partners.

What works? a) Individual services of employment agencies located in the companies and territorially coordinated by the Regional Employment Agency – including an ability to integrate newly restructured companies into the system very quickly. b) Partnership development among the different public, private and NGO institutions. c) Development and implementation of new methodologies and tools to support individual services by advisors to redundant and unemployed. d) development of the labour pool concept as an adaptation and integration institution on the labour market. e) development and verification of new integration and retraining courses for redundant and unemployed. f) transfer of know-how from eu partners within tca – inspiration for Czech partners. g) mainstreaming – information on the project results was presented in the ILO/EU conference on socially responsible enterprise restructuring in Athens – April 2003 which resulted in invitation to Dublin and active participation in the seminar organized by European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions.

What doesn´t work? Some of the activities must be postponed because of delays in the sub-contractors procurement – extremely rigid and sometimes confusing procedures. Some of the originally planned outputs must be modified according to the real needs.

23 Ceská Republika Is what works transferable? Among what works the most transferable is the regional system of employment agencies co-operating with and co-ordinated by the regional employment agency. this system delivers individual services focused on support of socially responsible enterprise restructuring – see 2. a).

The labour pool concept – see 2. d) – is transferable. this has been verified within another programme for the target group of unemployed graduates – transfer of the concept from the Netherlands to the Czech Republic. within the equal project the concept was extended for other target group of ex-steel workers. the concept has been presented to the ministry of labour and relevant actors in several regions of the Czech Republic and within TCA as well – all of them are interested in start up of the new labour pools. this concept has been integrated into the measures of the sector operation programme “human resources development” . there is a chance to develop a network of labour pools within the Czech Republic and, maybe throughout EU as well.

5. Why is it innovative? There are three main areas of innovation:

ƒ contents-based innovations, i.e. development, verification and implementation of new or improved methodologies of individual services and assistance to ex-steel workers and other groups of unemployed.

ƒ context-based innovations, i.e. an existing system of employment agencies has been extended and strengthened through co-operation and networking with other partners in and outside the region + development of co-operation with the EU partners in the TCA just in the middle-of-the-process of accession of the Czech Republic to the (for many individuals in the Czech partnership it has been the first real experience of working relationship with EU people)

ƒ process-based innovations, i.e. co-ordination of processes of public labour offices and employment agencies with regard to services to a targeted group of disadvantaged people (ex-steel workers) – the first example of this kind of territorially and sectorally based co-ordinated efforts in the Czech Republic


Validation of learning Accreditation Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability Religion and belief Sexual orientation Age Gender

24 Ceská Republika What are the problems/needs you are trying to address: We are implementing intercultural education into all levels of the Czech educational system, and into the system of further education. Our objective is to raise openness of Czech society towards diversity of people in the broadest sense of the word and in this way to enhance the working opportunities of persons from various socio-cultural environments, many of whom face discrimination at the labour market nowadays.

What works? We have decided for a two-route strategy: On the one hand, we are striving to achieve systemic changes, namely to implement a chapter on intercultural education into the National Curriculum. On the other hand (and that is the gist of our activities), we design and produce methodology tools for educationalists, such as books and courses of further education, in order to enable them to implement in their lessons intercultural issues which will be defined in the Curriculum.

Is what works transferable? Yes, most of the materials produced can be certainly adapted to other contexts or topics. Naturally, they are related to the situation in the Czech Republic and to issues which are topical here, but on the whole it is surely possible to use the curricula or methodology to deal with different content.

Why is it innovative? In general, intercultural education as a complex pedagogical approach is rather a new topic in our context and within our project it is being introduced as a transdisciplinary subject to Czech schools at this time. Nevertheless, there only exist a few usable materials or other forms of support to teachers. A complex system of courses and innovative methodology materials has been missing so far.



Diversity management Empowerment Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project will counteract the demographic development which means that in a few years there will be relatively many elderly people leaving the labour market, and at the same time only small cohorts of young people to take over.

The Municipalities of Sønderborg and Løgumkloster will, therefore, endeavour to attract qualified labour at all levels by presenting themselves as inclusive and attractive places of work. This is to be achieved by ƒ gearing the municipal organisation to become a multicultural place of work through active and conscious use of diversity ƒ impacting on the municipal organisation’s own culture with a view to making the employees aware of/prepared for colleagues with another ethnic background ƒ recruiting and retaining diversity, thereby creating good role models at all levels.

25 Danmark What works? ƒ • to involve the entire organisation in the process by having all employees attend a three-day course. The heading of the three days is: knowledge (myths versus facts), attitudes (consciousness-raising of own and others’ attitudes) and communication/co- operation (the importance of culture to communication). Evaluations show that 98.7 per cent of employees tick off “average”, “satisfactory” or “extremely satisfactory”, which shows that they are committed and motivated for taking the ideas of the cultural course further. ƒ • to train the organisation’s own educational instructors with a view to ensuring continuity and future organisational development. ƒ • that the course attracts attention among all employees to future challenges/opportunities and barriers, and that this awareness immediately after the course can be translated into specific action and changed behaviour.

What doesn't work? That there was very little time to draw up a course concept as it was necessary first of all to carry out an analysis to establish a basis of the employees’ knowledge and attitudes with regard to integration. Next, expert knowledge and sparring had to be obtained, municipal instructors had to be trained and, lastly, a course schedule for the participation of all 3,500 employees had to be coordinated.

At the same time, the documentation requirement (forms listing participants, hourly accounts etc) meant that far too much time had to be spent on entering this information etc.

Is what works transferable? The overall departure point of the course is: to force a human being into an opinion, a conviction, a belief, that I can never do, but I can do one thing – I can force him into becoming attentive. (quotation Søren Kierkegaard)

The course, which is very much based on dialogue and, consequently, meant to involve and activate all employees, can be used by any public or private sector organisation. It requires, however, that the organisation has drawn up a value basis. It is also necessary to carry out a preliminary study that is to be incorporated into the course in order to make it relevant and pertinent to the individual employee.

Why is it innovative? The innovative approach of the project is that it aims to involve all employees and achieve changes of attitude and behaviour among them in order to create real job opportunities for refugees/immigrants.

All employees are to become aware ƒ that integration cuts both ways ƒ that they are co-responsible for the success of the process ƒ that new colleagues with another ethnic background are to be seen as value added The project has been implemented according to the top-down model, which implies that local government authorities and management have prepared the vision, core values and goals, which are subsequently rolled out in the entire organisation.

A number of resource persons are then trained to manage the instruction of their colleagues. These key persons will act as bearers of culture and ensure lasting organisational change.

The courses are carried through, first for managers and employee representatives in order to ensure that the individual section/decentralised unit is enabled, in time, to eliminate potential barriers and generate an understanding of the necessity to actually recruit and retain colleagues without any regard for cultural background.

26 Danmark 2. WANT2WORK - DK-21

Gender mainstreaming Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ - Asylum seekers are not allowed to work in Denmark. The Danish Red Cross knows from their work in the asylum centres, that many refugees are not only losing working skills, but are also becoming deprived of their initiative and energy. ƒ - Through the want2work project we are therefore trying to find new ways for asylum seekers to avoid wasting working routines and skills while waiting for a decision on their case

What works? ƒ - Combining focused language lessons, skills training & job training. The combination ensures a focused curriculum, and continuity. Besides it gives the asylum seeker a more realistic approach to the chosen profession. ƒ - Implementing the modules in an environment with empowering elements, such as cv- workshop, skills auditing "hard qualifications" and an on-going process of self evaluation. ƒ - Working together with relevant and influential external actors such as Danish Industries and The Confederation of Danish Municipalities. ƒ - The transnational exchange of ideas, handbooks and methods

What doesn't work? ƒ - The administration of the project is very time consuming ƒ - In order to ensure a smooth transfer of good practise, handbook etc. translation support would be beneficial for the small countries. The issue might be even more important when the new member states enter the EQUAL project. ƒ - It is too early to evaluate the mainstreaming phase. But we expect a huge extra workload. Mainstreaming is vital, but complex.

Is what works transferable? - Our CV-workshop handbook is already available on our website. Two projects in Holland have already implemented the Danish CV-workshop in their curriculum, so yes indeed, elements are transferable. A vital part of our mainstreaming strategy is to offer handbooks and other learning material inside and outside Denmark. In a short while our Guidelines for the educational method will be available on our website http://www.want2work.org. For free and in English. Other products will follow.

We strongly recommend setting up DP's with relevant actors outside the NGO-world. A necessity if you are heading for a sustainable structural change when it comes to asylum seekers and the labour market.

Why is it innovative? The overall innovative aspect of the want2work project is the hands-on approach. This means a very high level of documentation for all of our activities, in terms of concrete teaching materials, a skills audit tool free of charge etc. Furthermore, in order to ensure development of new innovative practises for asylum seekers; empowerment, gender and equality and mainstreaming, are incorporated in all aspects of our activities. For further information see www.want2work.org.



Older worker Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Disability Age Gender Other: labour market integrative health promotion

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Studien belegen, dass nicht mangelnde Qualifikation der Arbeitssuchenden der Hauptgrund für den Verbleib in der (Langzeit-) Arbeitslosigkeit ist, sondern das (hohe) Alter und Gesundheitsprobleme den Wiedereinstieg in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt verhindern. Ziel der EP N.A.G. ist es vor diesem Hintergrund, für Arbeitslose und auch instabil Beschäftigte (mit ähnlich schlechten Gesundheitszustand) zielgruppenspezifische Gesundheitsförderungsmaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen sollen damit ihre „nachhaltige „Beschäftigungs-fähigkeit“ und Lebensqualität soweit verbessern können, dass sich Chancen auf einen Arbeitsplatz im ersten (und als Übergang im zweiten) Arbeitsmarkt eröffnen. Damit können auch die zahlreichen bestehenden Fortbildungs- und Umschulungsmaßnahmen effizienter genutzt werden. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass erfolglose Fu.U-Maßnahmen sowie Abbrüche derselben oftmals auf gesundheitliche (psychische und physische) Probleme zurückzuführen sind.

What works? In den Teilprojekten der Kernpartner des N.A.G. werden verschiedene Gesundheits- interventionen mit zumeist langzeitarbeitslosen Frauen und Männer durchgeführt (siehe unter www.equal-nag.de). Erste Zwischenergebnisse der Evaluation belegen, dass die N.A.G.-Angebote bei den erwerbslosen Teilnehmenden auf große Akzeptanz stoßen. Hohe Akzeptanz haben auch spezifische Angebote für Zielgruppen wie Suchtkranke (Alkoholabhängige) und Menschen mit psychischen Problemen. Es gibt erste Hinweise darauf, dass die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen des N.A.G., neben dem Gesundheitszugewinn, auch ihre Arbeitsmarktchancen verbessern können.

What doesn't work? Es ist schwierig außerhalb bereits bestehender Teilnehmergruppen des N.A.G. erwerbslose Menschen für die "freiwillige" Teilnahme an Maßnahmen der Gesundheitsförderung zu gewinnen. Besonders bei männlichen Erwerbslosen bestehen Zweifel daran, dass eine verbesserte Gesundheit die Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt verbessert.

Is what works transferable? Besonders Gesundheitsziele mit Transferqualität müssen mit der Lebenswelt von arbeitslosen Menschen kompatibel sein und Zielgruppennähe beziehungsweise - attraktivität besitzen. Im Vordergrund der Arbeit des N.A.G. stehen daher Ziele, die einen unmittelbaren Zusatznutzen haben (Fitness, Spaß an der Bewegung, Abbau von

28 Deutschland Aggressionen und Frust, Erfolgserlebnisse etc.) und den längerfristigen Gesundheitszugewinn und die verbesserte Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, die sie objektiv bewirken, gar nicht zum Handlungsmotiv werden lassen müssen. Gesundheitsinterventionen mit hoher Akzeptanz für Arbeitslose dürfen nicht als weitere Belastung verstanden werden. Für die Zielgruppen der Langzeitarbeitslosen und instabil Beschäftigten werden hierzu im N.A.G. entsprechende alltagsnahe Interventionen entwickelt und umgesetzt. Sie sollen mittelfristig sowohl den „Innovationsanspruch“ des §10 SGB III (Freie Förderung) erfüllen als auch dem Settingansatz der gesundheitlichen Primärprävention im §20 SGB V entsprechen. Im Sinne des Mainstreamings und des Transfers der Interventionen sollen verstärkt Krankenkassen und Akteure der Arbeitsförderung zu vergleichbaren Projekten angeregt werden. Die Transferqualität drückt sich auch durch die aktuelIe Teilnahme des N.A.G. auf Kongressen im November und Dezember 2003 aus, die u.a. von Krankenkassen veranstaltet werden. Seit Oktober 2003 engagiert sich das N.A.G. auch aktiv im Forum "Arbeitsmarktintegration und Gesundheitsförderung" des Deutschen Netzwerk für Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (DNBBF). Das DNGBF ist wiederum eine Initiative des "Europäischen Netzwerkes für Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung" (ENWHP).

Why is it innovative? In Deutschland existiert eine Fülle von zumeist mittelschichtsorientierten Angeboten der Gesundheitsförderung z.B. in Volkshochschulen, Sportvereinen oder auch Firmen. Gleichwohl gibt es aber keine Angebote, die sich speziell an die Zielgruppe der Arbeitslosen und instabil Beschäftigten wenden. Viele gesundheitliche Probleme bzw. Krankheiten sind direkte Folgen der Arbeitslosigkeit. Begleitende gesundheitliche Interventionen (z.B. Gesundheitsmodule im Bereich Bewegung, Ernährung, Empowerment, Sport etc.) sollen das Gesundheitsverhalten fördern und zugleich präventiv wirken. In die Handlungsstrategie der EP N.A.P. werden Akteure der Arbeits- wie auch Gesundheitsförderung einbezogen werden. Dazu werden u.a. Assessment- und Beratungsansätze sowie Interventionen (individuelle Risiko- und Förderdiagnose, Selbstmanagement-Beratung) erprobt, die Teilnehmern/innen helfen ihre „Problemberge“ zu reduzieren und Kapazitäten für Bewerbungen und andere beschäftigungsfördernde Aktivitäten frei zu bekommen.

2. BEST 3S E.V. - DE-EA-34848

Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Bisherige öffentliche Förderstruktur für soziale Unternehmen schöpft nicht die Potentiale sozialer Beschäftigungsunternehmen im Dritten System aus ƒ Soziale Unternehmen passen sich an diese ungenügende Förderstruktur an und entwickeln zu wenig eigenständige wirtschaftliche und soziale Geschäftsstrategien ƒ Es fehlt an einer grundlegenden Betriebswirtschaft für soziale Beschäftigungsunternehmen ƒ Es fehlt an geeigneten strategischen Controllinginstrumentarien ƒ Es fehlt an einem nationalen und europäischen Rechtsrahmen, der die spezifischen Stärken sozialer Unternehmen unterstützt ƒ Es fehlt häufig auch an sozialunternehmerischen Persönlichkeiten, die mit der Komplexität sozialer Beschäftigungsunternehmen konstruktiv umgehen können

What works? ƒ Grundlagenermittlung eines Kennzahlensystems für soziale Beschäftigungsunternehmen ƒ Erste Zwischenergebnisse eines „kleinen“ Benchmarking ƒ Erste Ergebnisse eines Sozial Audits bei deutschen Beschäftigungsunternehmen ƒ Erste Ergebnisse der Entwicklung einer Balanced Scorecard für ein soziales Beschäftigungsunternehmen

29 Deutschland ƒ Politische Vorschläge zur Gestaltung einer geeigneten Förderstruktur (Eckpunktepapier)

What doesn't work? ƒ politisches Mainstreaming der Ergebnisse: es sind langfristige Prozesse notwendig, die nur bedingt im Rahmen der Laufzeit von Equal zu Ende gebracht werden können. ƒ der deutsche und europäische Rechtsrahmen sind eher hinderlich bei der Entwicklung der zentralen Themen der EP BEST 3S: Insbesondere gestaltet sich die ordnungspolitische Positionierung von sozialen Beschäftigungsunternehmen auf dem Hintergrund des europäischen Wettbewerbsrechtes als außerordentlich schwierig. ƒ Es fehlt an einer nationalen und europäischen Vernetzung der zentralen Akteure der sozialen Beschäftigungsunternehmen im Dritten System.

Is what works transferable? ƒ Entwicklung eines unternehmerischen Leitbildes, das auf der Balance der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Zielsetzungen aufbaut ƒ Umsetzung dieses Leitbildes in erfolgreiche Geschäftsstrategien und erfolgreiche soziale und wirtschaftliche Projekte ƒ Unbeschränkte freie Marktteilnahme sozialer Beschäftigungsunternehmen, Beseitigung der ordnungspolitischen Hürden ƒ Einrichtung eines Rechtsrahmens für soziale Unternehmen, der die Potentialentwicklung unterstützt und nicht behindert ƒ Entwicklung einer Betriebswirtschaft für soziale Beschäftigungsunternehmen ƒ Entwicklung geeigneter strategisch orientierter Controllingmassnahmen ƒ Konsequentes Benchmarking

Why is it innovative? Die unter 4 genannten Instrumente und Ziele gibt es weder auf deutscher noch auf europäischer Ebene. Wären diese aber vorhanden, könnte die gesellschaftspolitische, die sozialpolitische und die beschäftigungspolitische Debatte seitens der sozialen Unternehmen im Dritten System besser als bisher geführt werden und auch die politische Entscheidung besser beeinflusst werden.


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning Older worker Intergeneration learning Planning HR & Age management practice Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ prejudices of employers, staff of the labour office and older people ƒ training and qualification especially designed for older people ƒ trend to rejuvenation in staffs and the connected social prejudices ƒ create a positive image of older workers and age in general

What works? Awareness raising and sensitization through meetings for employers

What doesn't work? placement of older workers in high numbers

30 Deutschland Is what works transferable? Yes, for example a transnational TV-project for sensitization of employers and relevant actors

The creation of a "tool-kit" to help employers dealing with the problem of ageing workforces (the toolkit offers competencies, know-how, good examples, training concepts etc.)

Why is it innovative? It sees employers as partners and tries to fulfil their needs by offering solutions or tools that could be directly applied to their company.


Planning HR & Age management practice Tailoring business services to real needs Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Transnational co-operation Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP has an integrated approach to reduce the labour shortage in the sector of care for the elderly: In order to permanently improve the human resources situation in the sector of care for the elderly, the DP addresses all kinds of organizations that are involved in this field. The workplace quality as much as the development of human resources have to be improved. The long term aim is that attractive workplaces are offered in the elderly care sector.

Another objective is to open up new employment perspectives in the sector of care for the elderly for the unemployed, especially for women that want to return to the labour market.

The DP is active in the field of three topics:

1. Improving the development of human resources in the care for the elderly organizations. ƒ A special workgroup meets regularly to identify good practice, to improve human resources management and to develop training measures and modules. ƒ Benchmarking procedures are used to develop services for the care of the elderly in Baden Württemberg; an emphasize is put on the field of career and human resources development. Indicators that are developed on the basis of the EU Commission's ideas of workplace quality. guarantee a significant comparison between the different organizations that work in the sector of care of the elderly. ƒ The results of the benchmarking process are the basis for an overall human resources development plan for the sector of care for the elderly. In this plan, current trends in the sector are taken into account which refer to the development of human resources as well as to advanced training for the employees. With the help of this plan organizations in the care of elderly sector will be able to identify their human resources and advanced training demand. ƒ The human resources development plan is implemented in all participating organizations, whereas the further training courses or in house seminars are realized in the single locations themselves. ƒ Further training measures for management and staff representatives is provided as well to adopt leadership responsibility. A corresponding number of women and part- time workers are involved in these trainings Training measures and multplicator training sessions are organized to pass on the results of the analyses and conceptions. These further training sessions deal with: improvement of career opportunities, improvement of work organization, flexibilization of working hours

2. Improving the quality of workplaces within the social work sector.

31 Deutschland ƒ -On the basis of the EU Commission strategy for long term investments to improve the quality of workplaces and the standard of living, submitted on 26 June 2001, a special workgroup experiences the existing scope for improvements of working conditions in the area of care for the elderly. ƒ -The DP regards the interests and needs of the employees in this field. The aim is to improve the working conditions of the male and female staff members and to create a flexibility of working hours that match the employees' own wishes. This is guaranteed by the participation of the employees' representatives in the special workgroup. ƒ - The analysis of workplace quality is another topic of the DP. A scientific analysis of workplace quality in the organizations that are involved in the care for the elderly in Baden Wuerttemberg is currently produced. The questions of how to evaluate the quality of workplaces for women, for part-time and older employees and for migrants are treated separately. Special attention is to be given to the analysis of career opportunities for women. ƒ - Benchmarking on a supra sectoral work organization level is another important topic of the DP. Action 1 involves the search for suitable partners in the commercial sector in order to carry out supra sectoral benchmarking. This should improve internal operational procedures within the organizations. In the sector of care for the elderly, comparisons could be made with the hotel and catering sectors. ƒ - Provision has thus been made for model experiments in the field of career plans for women, new forms of working time flexibility and innovations in work organization. One model project will deal with working out technical assistance for the care of the elderly. All model experiments will include precise analysis of the effects of certain changes on women and female immigrants. 3. Creating new job opportunities in institutions caring for the elderly. ƒ - Women who want to return to the labour market are seen as the principal resources still available for whom tailor-made qualification and training is necessary to provide access to the sector of care for the elderly. For women returning to work who have already undergone corresponding initial vocational training or who have made corresponding experience during periods of child care, refresher courses, “whiffer” courses, internships and company training measures are offered throughout Baden Wuerttemberg. - Job rotation. At three locations in Baden Wuerttemberg, access to the job rotation model for the elderly care professions is to be offered. Job rotation guarantees the combination of further vocational training of employees and the acquisition of new staff. It is thus precisely matched to the requirements of the elderly care professions. ƒ -While the staff members get further vocational training to become assistants or examined specialists, their workplaces are occupied by suitable unemployed persons, returnees and female or male immigrants who will gain practical experience. This increases their chances to get offered a position by the care of elderly organization concerned. The target group for job rotation within the care for the elderly organizations comprises, in particular, untrained and trained staff. Rotation models with a main focus on career opportunities for women with leadership potential are also conceivable.

What works? In generally we have successfully completed our timetable and targets.

What doesn't work? The necessary co-operation between the sometimes changing partners within the DP proves itself to be very difficult and causes time delays. But we are still looking forward to solve all problems in time.

Is what works transferable? The DP has developed, tested and validated the following products: ƒ -Empirical studies to analyse the situation of labour shortage in the field of care for the elderly and different training measures to qualify the staff members.

32 Deutschland ƒ The DP started two empirical studies in the Land Baden-Württemberg to analyse the recent labour shortage and the level of measures for human resources development. The results can already be presented, they are published in German language on the DP website www.equal-altenhilfe.de . ƒ -The DP has prepared and started a benchmarking process concerning the quality at work in the enterprises of care for the elderly in 2002. For this issue the indicators for the quality at work proposed by the European Commission have been translated to form a new instrument approving the quality at work in the corresponding sector. ƒ The benchmarking process will be continued by creating best practice groups out of the care for the elderly enterprises in the Land Baden-Württemberg.

Why is it innovative? Workplace quality as proposed in the policy of the European Commission hasn't yet been introduced into the social economy sector. Our benchmarking-instrument could be helpful to sensitize the management of social enterprises for this subject.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Validation of learning Diversity management Family support – Care and service provision Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Problemanalyse:

1. Eingeschränktes Berufswahlverhalten von Mädchen und Frauen (Problem der Stereotypisierung der Geschlechter- und Berufsrollen); 2. Gesellschaftliche Zweiteilung von Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit (Problem Vereinbarkeit Familie und Beruf) Beide Probleme führen zu einer vertikalen und horizontalen Arbeitsmarktsegregation.


1. Erprobung eines neuen arbeitsmarktpolitischen Handlungsansatzes: Breiter ganzheitlicher Maßnahmenansatz, der alle Akteur/innen (Lehrer/innen, Eltern, Berufsberater/innen, Personalverantwortliche etc.) des beruflichen Werdeganges (von Berufsorientierung/Berufswahl bis hin zur Qualifizierung) mit einbezieht.

2. Schaffung eines neuen (gendersensitiven) Zugangs zu Beratung und Qualifzierung: Individualisierung/Modularisierung und Flexibilisierung von bedarfsgerechten (auf die Bedürfnisse von Frauen zugeschnittenen) Angeboten (zum Beispiel Fitness Center für Weiterbildung), Kinderbetreuung; Erprobung neuer Ausbildungsinhalte (Verbindung von IT-Inhalten mit organisatorischen und kommunikativen Anforderungen; Entwicklung und Erprobung eines neuen E-Business-Lehrgangs).

3. Einsatz neuer Medien und Methoden (Selbstlernmodule unter Einsatz neuer Medien, Theaterspiel als Methode, Profiling als ganzheitlicher Ansatz etc.)

4. Sensibilisierung und Information: Multiplikator/innentrainings, Gender- Bildungsveranstaltungen, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Kooperationen mit Schulen und Unternehmen

33 Deutschland What works? Zu 1: Der ganzheitliche Ansatz und die Einbindung aller relevanten Akteur/innen werden von allen Partner/innen als sehr positiv und wirksam eingeschätzt.

Zu 2: Im Hinblick auf die Modularisierung von Qualifizierungsangeboten und der Schaffung eines niedrigschwelligen Angebots ist das Computer Fitness Center (Teilprojekt der Zentrum für Weiterbildung gGmbH) ein sehr erfolgreiches Modell. Mit einem passgenauen Qualifizierungsangebot und Unterstützung bei der Berufswegplanung, werden individuelle Problemlösungs- und Integrationsstrategien mit dem Ziel einer erfolgreichen Vermittlung in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt entwickelt. Die Verbindung von Präsenz- und E-Learning sowie Selbstlernen mit tutorieller Begleitung entspricht den neuen Anforderungen des Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarkts. Im Hinblick auf die Erprobung neuer Lehrinhalte ist insbesondere das E-Business-Kompetenzzentrum zu nennen: Die GbQ, Gesellschaft für berufliche Weiterqualifizierung, baut ein E-Business Kompetenzzentrum auf, in dem Frauen - Mitarbeiterinnen von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, Einsteigerinnen, Umsteigerinnen sowie Wiedereinsteigerinnen - ein qualitativ hochwertiges und arbeitsmarktnahes Qualifizierungsangebot unterbreitet wird. Von erheblicher Bedeutung war es, hier den praxisbetonten Ansatz zu verstärken, um insbesondere Frauen die Chance auf gesicherte Arbeitsplätze im IT-Bereich zu eröffnen. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die erstmalige Verankerung in der Region und dass der neue Lehrgang von der Industrie- und Handelskammer mit einem Lehrgangszertifikat belegt wurde.

Zu 3: Der Einsatz des Theaterspiels als Methode ist ein wirksames Instrument, um kognitive und nachhaltige Veränderungen zu erreichen. Hier hat die EP bei der Zielgruppe "Mädchen" gute Erfahrungen gemacht. Die Weiterentwicklung von Lehr und Lernmaterialien im Hinblick auf eine gendersensitive Anwendung ist Thema des Arbeitskreises "Gendersensitive Lehr- und Lernmaterialien".

Zu 4 siehe oben) Fachveranstaltungen für Multiplikator/innen und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sind begleitende Maßnahmen. Diese sind jedoch sehr wichtig, um eine breite Akzeptanz und Unterstüzung zu erhalten. Gender-Bildungsveranstaltungen/Trainings sind ein wichtiges Instrument, um Gender-Kompetenz zu vermitteln. Der Erfolg hängt jedoch maßgeblich von der weiteren Nachbereitung in der jeweiligen Organisation ab. Hier ist es noch zu früh, um eine Bewertung vorzunehmen. Für den Bereich Übergang Schule und Beruf sind Projektwochen für Mädchen (Berufsorientierung, Empowerment) ein wichtiges und sehr erfolgreicher Ansatz, um das Berufswahlspektrum von Mädchen zu erweitern.

What doesn't work? Im Hinblick auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen erschwert die IT-Branchenkrise (Personalabbau, Ausbildungsstop) die Kooperationen.

Is what works transferable? Das Konzept des Computer Fitness Centers ist ein Modell, das sich auch auf andere Bereiche übertragen lässt. Ebenso eignen sich die Lehrangebote des E-Business Kompetenzzentrum für einen Transfer. Für den Bereich Schulen gilt es, die Angebote als einen festen Bestandteil des Schulprogramms zu implementieren. Die Angebote als solche eignen sich für diesen Transfer.

Why is it innovative? Grundsätzlich sind die oben beschriebenen Ziele und Maßnahmen innovativ durch ihre Problemslösungsfähigkeit im Hinblick auf die fach- und fachübergreifende Zusammenarbeit und die konsequente Anwendung einer Gender Mainstreaming Strategie (diese Herangehensweise in konkreten Projekten ist eine noch wenig erprobte Vorgehensweise in Deutschland).

Im Speziellen erweist sich das Modularisierungskonzept des Computer Fitness Center als besonders innovativ. Hier zeigt sich, dass sowohl das Prinzip "Learning on Demand" sowie

34 Deutschland die Verbindung von E-Learning- mit Präsenzangeboten den Anforderungen und Bedürfnissen einer modernen Arbeitsmarkt- und Bildungskultur gerecht wird.

6. EXZEPT - DE-EA-54090

Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Disability Gender Other: Arbeitslose /sozial Benachteiligte

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Eine Kultur der Selbständigkeit, des Unternehmergeistes, ist in Deutschland noch wenig ausgeprägt. Dies erschwert es insbesondere sozial Benachteiligten, den Weg in die Selbständigkeit erfolgreich und nachhaltig zu gehen. Die Finanzierung von Gründungsvorhaben ist extrem schwer, Förderungsmöglichkeiten sind vorhanden, sind aber nicht ausreichend auf einander abgestimmt und an Bedingungen geknüpft, die diese Mittel für sozial Benachteiligte unerreichbar machen.

Es fehlt an Zentralen für Existenzgründung, One Stop Shops (OSS), die die Angebote koordinieren und eine Lotsenfunktion übernehmen. Zudem gilt es, den Unternehmergeist zu stärken. Insbesondere bedarf es einer Institution, die eine Lobbyarbeit für GründerÎnnen macht.

What works? Es gelingt, OSS zu etablieren. Zentral für den nachhaltigen Erfolg ist aber eine regionale Verankerung. Hier bedarf es weiterer Forschungen, um den Zusammenhang von Regionalbedingungen und OSS verwertbar zu erkennen. Es gelingt auch, neue Formen des Trainings von ExistenzgründerInnen zu erproben. Erste Ergebnisse liegen im Hinblick auf frauenspezifische Angebote vor.

What doesn't work? Es erscheint kaum möglich, mit Banken abgestimmte Instrumente zur Finanzierung von Gründungsvorhaben zu entwickeln. Die Position der Banken ist wenig innovativ und nicht an sozialen Zielen orientiert.

Is what works transferable? OSS, die in einer Region die Gründungsförderung koordinieren sind voraussichtlich übertragbar. Ebenso die Erkenntnisse zur frauenspezifischen Gründungsberatung. Auch die Bemühungen, eine Institution für die Stärkung von GrüderInneninteressen.

Why is it innovative? OSS in dem von der EP verstandenen Sinne sind innovativ, weil sie das vielfältige Angebot und auch die vielfältigen Anforderungen koordinieren. Herkömmliche Beratungsinstitute machen das nicht und agieren lediglich partial. Dem Gründer fehlt so die Orienierung, was den Gründungsprozess erschwert.

Frauenspezifische Gründungsunterstützung gibt es zwar, die ist aber oft nur deshalb frauenspezifisch, weil die Beratung von einer Frau durchgeführt wird. Die Frage ist also, wie kann eine Beratungsinstitution frauenspezifisch beraten - durchaus auch unter Einsatz von Männern als Coaches.

Eine Lobbyinstitution für GründerInnen ist derzeit nicht vorhabenden.

35 Deutschland 7. FAIR - FORWARDING ACTIVELY OF THE LABOUR MARKET WITH INNOVATIVE REGIONAL PROJECTS IN THE NUREMBERG REGION) - DE-EA-96868 Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Older worker Intergeneration learning Planning HR & Age management practice Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Age Other: Low skills, risk employment structures

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The FAIR Development Partnership is a geographical partnership and tries to address the following problems in the Nuremberg Region: 1) deficits in in-company development, 2) deficits in the adaptability of firms (especially SMEs) to structural economic change, 3) deficits in the integration of disadvantaged people (particularly recipients of social welfare) and 4) demographic change - promotion of life-long learning.

What works? An operational network of important regional players from the fields of economic promotion, labour policy, social policy and vocational training (4 operative and 13 strategic partners), development of innovative approaches enabling employers and employees alike (in SMEs) to accommodate change - company and sectoral early warning systems, reconciling security, flexibility and participation (employees and their representatives); development of new qualification concepts for older employees, for low-skilled employees, long-term unemployed.

What doesn't work? ƒ Barriers in convincing SMEs of the necessity of life-long learning and awareness of economic changes ƒ Problems in re-integrating long-term unemployed against the background of a high unemployment rate in the Nuremberg Region

Is what works transferable? Innovative qualification concepts for older and low-skilled employees, innovative approaches to structural economic change, sectoral analysis of employment development and challenges in the Nuremberg Region, firm-oriented workshops and instruments in SMEs - strategic navigation ability for management, staff committees and employees (Empowerment), self-teaching concepts for untrained people.

Why is it innovative? Participative approach on several levels - strategy, project development, realization and implementation

National benchmarking and self-evaluation of our new project contents


Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Empowerment Transnational co-operation

36 Deutschland Territorial approaches Networking Other: Arbeitlose

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Unterstützung von Existenzgründungen zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der Region unter Ausnutzung der vorhandenen natürlichen Ressourcen und historischer Erfahrungen

What works? Gründung nicht um jeden Preis, sondern an der Kompetenzbewertung der Gründerpersönlichkeit ansetzen, um hohes Maß an Sicherheit und Erfolg zu erzielen.

Es werden vielfältige und individuelle Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für Gründer erprobt. Bestehende Einrichtungen der Gründungsberatung und -förderung werden vernetzt.

Angebot und Nachfrage der Schulung, Beratung und des Coachings der Gründer werden gemeinsam mit den regionalen Akteuren (Wirtschaftsförderungen, Kammern und Bildungsträgern) effektiviert.

Aufbau einer Unternehmensstiftung zur Finanzierung von Kleinstgründungen.

Verzahnung von allgemeinbildenden Schulen, Berufsschulen und Hochschulen mit Einrichtungen der Gründungsberatung.

Is what works transferable? Kompetenzbilanz für Existenzgründer/innen (Kompetenzberatung) mit Verknüpfung in Richtung Berufsberatung sowie Berufswegeplanung

Sensibilisierung für die Existenzgründung in der Ausbildungskette

Existenzgründung in zukunftsträchtigen Branchen (Nutzung regionaler Gründungspotenziale sowie Traditionen unter Mitwirkung der Hochschule und Gründerzentren)

Vernetzung von Einrichtungen zur Unterstützung von Existenzgründung starke Einbindung der EP in die Regionalpolitik

Why is it innovative? Kompetenzbewertung für potenzielle Gründungsinteressenten

Verknüpfung von Arbeitsmarktpolitik und Wirtschaftsförderung

Nutzung vielseitiger regionaler Ressourcen

Einordnung der EP-Aktivitäten in die regionalen Handlungskonzepte des Regionalmanagement Erzgebirge und die Regionalinitiative Vogtland

9. FLUEQUAL - DE-EA-51251

Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Employment for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers

37 Deutschland Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? In this project linguistic and vocational trainings are offered to refugees as soon as possible in order to prevent a negative development. Existing qualifications get lost because of long breaks. Through long periods of doing nothing, frustrations are being built up, which are very difficult to overcome and in some cases lead to complete work inability. By an early education and integration of refugees into an vocational process, existing potential can be usefully directed and therefore used for the economical development in Germany.

What works? Knowledge management and examining the key competences have become one of the most important, strategic topics of the European education- and labour tasks. Therefore an instrument was developed, which helps to register, certify and compare the formally and informally gained competences of immigrants. The aim is that this instrument is being accepted by educational institutions and employers on assigning them to new workplaces with specific qualification requirements. The „Kompetenzbilanz für MigrantInnen“ which has been developed by the Deutschen Jugendinstitut and FLUEQUAL was tested within the organisation towards its quality, and usage for practice. It is supposed to be used in different work fields, dealing with the integration of immigrants – such as an individual consultation situation, language and orientation courses as well as vocational and other educational courses and social group work. On the one hand the method of the competence outcome serves the empowerment and a personal location determination, i.e. a general vocational orientation On the other hand companies or rather the country they come to, are able to make use of the resources in a more effective way and the integration is being made easier in that way. The personal skills are recorded, analysed and described in a competence profile together with the immigrants in a structured work process. After that an action plan is being set up and a personal portfolio, which is a comprehensive selection of documents and which contains important information about the history of the person. Multipliers who work in the field of migration have the possibility to attend seminars that teach the usage of the instruments. It will be important to have standardized certification of the gained skills on a German level, in order for the competence outcome not to be merely a tool for empowerment and practical migration work. In the sense of Mainstreaming the DP created a network called "KomBiNet" which develops strategies to win companies for the recognition of the competence outcome and which takes first steps on a political basis towards the certification and institutional recognition of informally gained skills

What doesn't work? General experiences with the measures: ƒ In the beginning of the measurements a extremely high motivation of the participants has been recorded. This performance is nearly as high today. However sometimes this performance is influenced by depressive circumstances like waiting for the decision of the BAMF. ƒ The biggest problem however is the access to the labour market after finishing the qualification measures. Most of the refugees don't get an access to the labour market because of constraints in legislation.

Is what works transferable? Especially the instrument for skills audits is transferable to other projects as well as to other European countries. For this we are in contact with other organisations in Europe who work on similar instruments. ETG 5 set in a working group for this thematic field and

38 Deutschland organisations from Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands and Austria want to develop an European instrument for skills audits based on there own national instruments.

Other parts of the project are also estimated to be transferable. For example the methods of language courses and vocational training where discussed between FLUEQUAL and the Swedish partner. Working with volunteers will be discussed between FLUEQUAL and our partner in France and Greece.

Most of the methods and drafts are transferable into a common European integration work.

Why is it innovative? Through the DP FLUEQUAL it was possible for the first time in Bavaria to offer qualification measures for refugees in running legal proceedings. Another innovation is the integrated approach of the qualification measures offered by the DP FLUEQUAL which take linguistic, social and vocational into account. Furthermore, FLUEQUAL woks with a new skills audit took, the first took in Germany that tries to identify and document the abilities and skills of refugees. With the help of skills audit job perspectives for the refugees can be offered in order to facilitate the (re)integration into the labour market - in Germany in case they are accepted as refugees; or in their country of origin in case they have to return.

10. FRAUEN IN T.I.M.E. - DE-EA-14811

Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning ITC Literacy Diversity management Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? DP operates in two sub-regions (Landkreis Göttingen and Landkreis Verden) in Lower Saxony. In both territories supporting SMEs is seen as the most important policy priority for strengthening the local economy and improving the situation on the labour market.

The aim of the DP is to ensure that women of all age groups benefit from employment growth and career opportunities in the ICT sector. It develops a range of activities to bridge the gender gaps in this growth sector. The sub-projects support different female target groups through enhancing training opportunities and skills development, so that they are not to become losers on the rapidly changing labour market.

The projects follow a biographical approach, e.g. they start at school level and then address vocational training needs arising at different stages of women’s lives. Although not all projects are provided in both territorial areas, the partnerships ensures that strategies, concepts and achievements are transferable from one to the other

What works? Besides achieving sustainable skills development for large groups of women in both locations, the DP has – despite of an economic slump and the difficult situation on the labour market – managed to secure employment for quite a number participants.

After the end of the first round of the activities targeted at girls at the level of Hauptschule, the evaluation found that all participants of the scheme had decided to continue going to school and acquire a school-leaving certificate at the level of Realschule.

39 Deutschland When the immigrant women entered their work experience placements after six months, it turned out that all of them had managed to have a computer at home – as an individual tool to deepen their knowledge and skills.

For the women returners with an academic background the work experience placements appear to be a real break-through. Seven women (out of 18) have already found a job, others trust to find employment either as a direct follow-up to the work experience placement or through marketing their profile via the Internet.

Already existing contacts and networks with employers in both territorial areas have been further extended and strengthened. As some of the old contacts, particularly with larger enterprises, failed to yield work experience placements and job opportunities, the DP set out to motivate smaller and even very small businesses to join.

Obviously, the DP has assembled a large number of curricula and methodologies of all the training packages it offers (2003).

In addition, the DP set up its website in both German and English and the e-learning platform (2002) as major tools to attract and inform potential beneficiaries and key-actors and to support innovative forms of learning.

Day-to-day management of the DP is assumed by an Executive Committee which assembles the Göttingen VHS as managing organisation, the Verden VHS as lead partner for transnationality, the Göttingen as budget administrator and the SOFI research institute as evaluator. The DP uses different approaches to empower its ultimate beneficiaries.

One avenue is to ensure that women’s needs and interests are taken into account through the active participation of institutions and groups (local and sub-regional equality bodies, gender equality advisors of local employment services, women representing NGOs and self-help groups). This in turn has also empowerment effects on those institutions and groups, but at the same time on the DP itself, since the “equality people” channel their knowledge and expertise into its decision-making process.

The second avenue seeks to integrate women beneficiaries in the working groups mentioned above.

The DP also considers sub-projects such as “Internet skills and Websites for NGOs etc.” and the “Bleib dran”- hotline as strategies of empowerment:

What doesn't work? Thanks to careful monitoring the DP was able to start a process of reformulating some of its objectives and adapting the related strategies and methodologies. The changes which are now well underway are due to the deteriorating co-financing and labour market conditions related to two of the target groups (young immigrant women and women returnees with an academic background).

Is what works transferable? The partnership approach with an inner operative circle and an outer circle bringing strategic partners on board appears to be transferable to any other local or regional context, regardless of thematic priorities or target groups. Yet, this feature is compulsory for all German DPs.

The women specific methodologies of most sub-projects tailored to the needs of different female target groups could be transferred and used by training providers and NGOs catering for similar groups of women. Transfer is most likely to happen via other VHS since those adult education institutions exist throughout Germany; other gender equality bodies and women’s NGOs (via their networks existing at regional and national level); other

40 Deutschland Chambers of Commerce; large and multinational companies operating in different parts of the country.

Guidance and training methodologies, but also outreach strategies targeted at employers linked to work experience schemes, could be adapted to suit the needs of other disadvantaged groups such people with disabilities or young people without access to initial training and/or employment in general. This would, however, require some extra work to explore technical requirements (disability!) or typical ways of learning (boys and young men; women and men, older people).

Why is it innovative? The DP managed to bring together a fruitful mix of training institutions with long standing experience, local and sub-regional governments and authorities, gender and ethnic equality bodies, NGOs and research institutions. The outer circle assembles the so-called strategic partners and includes the Federal Employment Services and its local district office; University of Göttingen; The Federation of German Trade Unions; NGOs; Regional and local NGOs and working groups focusing on women’s employment; Chambers of commerce ; Companies.

The DP has created a kind of “import-export system”, so that partners can benefit from each other. All strategic partners are regularly informed (via Website and face-to-face meetings) about the DPs progress and invited to awareness raising and training events. They are also contributing to find work experience placements and jobs for beneficiaries and to support immigrant women. The DP follows a clever strategy of involving companies in its dissemination efforts. The launch of the DP, for instance, was hosted by a large company which is also a strategic partner. Many key-actors including the regional Minister of Labour, mayors, members of regional and local parliaments attended and increased the interest of the media to cover the event.

Some of the relevant players are part of the DP and they are using their existing contacts to policy and decision makers. They also communicate the outcomes at a regular basis into their own professional and/or political networks.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning ITC Literacy Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? “Gender Mainstreaming in the Information Society” stands for its objectives and programme: to increase women’s active participation in the Information Society, through tackling gender gaps in the ICT and related sectors and through developing strategies to fight gender and ethnic discrimination on the labour market. To that end the DP is working in a large partnership including “women-only” training centres, large and small enterprises, relevant NGOs and Social Partner Organisations, local and regional employment offices and authorities. Target groups are unemployed and employed women of all age groups

41 Deutschland and with different educational and cultural backgrounds, women and men in companies, HR management, multipliers (teachers, trainers, career advisors etc.).

1. The sub-project “New Media Competencies” is therefore offering needs-tailored counselling and guidance, digital literacy and basic ICT training to a number of female target groups so far excluded from active participation in the information society and from access to the job market where ICT skills have become a must. Teachers, trainers and guidance staff form an additional target group that will be sensitised and trained to help them play their crucial role in the process of labour market integration of the target groups.

2. "Access to Economic Growth Areas", the second sub-project, is aiming to motivate and support young women in the endeavour to enter non-traditional occupations in the craft and technology sectors and in science. Activities include the accompaniment during the transition from school to training or higher education and after the completion of their educational itinerary to their first job and beyond.

E-learning and ICT skills play an important role. The project co-operates with schools, employment and guidance services, companies and providers of education and vocational training. It is also setting up an employer network and supporting companies to develop gender sensitive recruitment of both apprentices and employees.

3. The third sub-project "Knowledge Management" is developing a training programme combined with work experience placements, which prepares unemployed women university graduates with different professional backgrounds for positions as experts in Knowledge-Management. The package is based on skills-gaps related to this specific expertise which emerge from the growing awareness of businesses and organisations that successful performance depends on their capacity to mobilise and use the knowledge of their staff more effectively. Career prospects were identified in large companies and SMEs, but also in the consulting sector, in education, training and research institutions.

A modular version of the programme is being offered to women employees in companies and organisations. In addition, the project has developed a training and consultancy package for small publishing houses – heavily challenged by structural change – to help them adapt to an increasingly competitive market.

4. The fourth sub-project entitled "Intercultural Information Society" addresses the needs of women immigrants, which have so far been largely excluded from using ICT. A training course is offered to unemployed women immigrants, holding degrees in education/pedagogy or having relevant professional experience. The training combines training in digital media plus intercultural guidance and education/training methods.

5. Making equal opportunities an asset of corporate culture "Corporate culture - equal opportunities" is the objective of yet another sub-project. It will be implemented by one of the major German employers in the ICT sector and focus on work-life-balance approaches for both women and men employees; on mentoring schemes to help women managers develop their full potential and to climb the corporate ladder; and on diversity reporting; and benchmarking equality measures.

6. Last but not least, one partner in the DP "Networks of childcare provision tailored to the needs of SMEs" is exploring the viability of a flexible quality childcare provision, tailored to the needs of SME owners and employees

What works? So far:

Horizontal mainstreaming:

The DP has created an import-export system, common training packages and thematic working groups on diversity, ICT/eLearning/Training of trainers, career guidance/Mentoring

42 Deutschland and work-life-balance, so that partners (including strategic partners) can benefit from each other. The DP is involved in the national thematic working groups ("Gender Mainstreaming" and "Migration") and in the EU thematic work (ETG4 - desegregation). Sub projects of the DP (for instance "Flexible childcare, "Intercultural information society", "Access to Economic Growth Areas", "Media competences") are actively involved in thematic networks/committees at regional and national level.

Gender Mainstreaming:

Most activities of the DP are positive actions, e.g. dedicated to women only. Yet, the DP is also supporting all partners in the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming. This involves the development of dual strategy, including gender equality as an integral part of their policies and practices and – where gender gaps persist - positive actions. Awareness raising and training events are being organised to which key-players from outside the DP are also invited. These activities include transnational partners as well (for instance: gender mainstreaming study visit to Germany and - as a result - decision that gender mainstreaming strategies will be implemented in all transnational activities).


In terms of tangible outputs the TP has produced/will produce: A Website and communication platform (http://www.gendermainstreaming-it.de) (2003), a training of trainers programme for new forms of learning/e-learning including quality standards for gender sensitive eLearning (2004); a gender equality and diversity auditing tool for employers (2004); a report illustrating a European mentoring model to support women in segregated sectors of the labour market (2004); two visibility events (gender mainstreaming and final conference – 2004 and 2005).

Is what works transferable? So far: ƒ DP network and "biographical approach of DP" - addressing the "interfaces" of women`s vocational and work biographies ƒ networks of sub projects - horizontal mainstreaming ƒ empowerment of participants, members of DP sub projects and DP members ƒ Transfer of know how inside DP and to strategic partners ƒ sensitising and training all actors involved in the DP on gender mainstreaming and diversity approaches

Why is it innovative? Context innovation

Thanks to EQUAL it is possible for the DP to integrate the various components into a consistent gender equality strategy which addresses the major needs of the target groups, but also those of companies and organisations. The approach is supposed to serve as a model for Berlin’s equality policies, strengthening inter-ministry and inter-agency cooperation

Content innovation

The DP has developed and implemented an individualised offer for a variety of female target groups (and male and female multipliers), staged in a perspective of women’s working biographies and life cycles. The two sub-projects co-ordinated by enterprises are also sensitising and train male employees and senior managers. In addition, the DP caters for target groups whose needs have so far rarely been taken into account and that are normally not reflected in the funding regulations (e.g. immigrant women and cancer patients who tend to fall into the welfare trap.

Innovative methodologies

43 Deutschland The sub-project Access to new economic Growth Areas which has developed a specific strategy to work with the training departments of leading German companies, instead of focussing the co-operation only at the equality advisors of those enterprises. The idea is not only to convince the employers to hire more young women as apprentices, but rather to integrate a gender dimension in the recruitment process and in the training itself.

The sub-project Knowledge Management has developed a new occupational profile connecting different academic professions with knowledge management. It combines gender specific training approaches, test runs in different settings (full-time course for unemployed, modular course for employees, implementation in SMEs belonging to a sector which is undergoing crisis).

The sub-project Corporate Culture – Equal Opportunities has developed a range of new methods, namely:

Work-Life-Balance Approaches that include the introduction of flexitime and time accounts models of alternation telework, and a system to keep women and men closely in touch with the work place during parental leave or other forms of sabbaticals. The system will secure access to flexible training and the possibility of part-time work.

A mentoring programme for women managers, which is part of the company's strategies to meet the challenges of demographic change.

12. GENDERNET - DE-EA-35821

Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Empowerment Transnational co-operation Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Elternzeit bzw. Erziehungszeiten führen zu einer (fachlichen) beruflichen Dequalifizierung.

Die Arbeitsorganisation und insbesondere die unflexiblen Arbeitszeiten verhindern die Berufsrückkehr von Frauen nach der Elternzeit.

Die Elternzeit wird aus Sicht der Unternehmen als Beschäftigungsrisiko betrachtet.

Durch die familienbedingten "Fehlzeiten" gehen den Betrieben und den Beschäftigten, in der Regel den Frauen, Investitionen in "ihr" Humankapital verloren.

Im Sinne einer geschlechtergerechten Aufteilung von bezahlter Erwerbsarbeit und unbezahlter Familienarbeit zwischen Männern und Frauen werden Väter angesprochen mehr Verantwortung im familiären Bereich zu übernehmen und auch dort "ihren Mann zu stehen".

What works? Die Ansprache von Frauen in der Elternzeit und eine situationsgerechte und passgenaue Qualifizierung durch ein vielfältiges Angebot. Dadurch wird ein wichtiger Beitrag zum Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der TeilnehmerInnen geleistet.

Die Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Ansprache von Männern und Betrieben.

44 Deutschland Die Kooperation in der Entwicklungspartnerschaft , sowohl auf der Ebene der Teilprojekte als auch mit den strategischen PartnerInnen. Der Arbeitsansatz des Konsensuellen Innovationsmanagements (KIM) führt zur Formulierung von konkreten Zielen und Arbeitsschritten. Darüber hinaus erfolgt eine bundesweite Vernetzung mit im Feld agierenden PartnerInnen auch außerhalb des EQUAL-Kontextes.

Der inhaltliche und fachliche Austausch mit den europäischen PartnerInnen und die gemeinsame Entwicklung und Umsetzung von innovativen Handlungsansätzen.

What doesn't work? Die Kooperation mit Unternehmen in Zeiten der Rezession und des Personalabbaus gestaltet sich schwierig. Insbesondere SME können die sich abzeichnenden Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels und den damit verbundenen Fachkräftemangel oft noch nicht als Argument nachvollziehen, heutige Personalpolitik zu verändern.

Is what works transferable? Die von den Teilprojekten entwickelten Qualifizierungsmodule und Handlungsanleitungen werden bereits während der Laufzeit von EQUAL zwischen den Teilprojekten ausgetauscht. Verschiedene Anfragen von anderen EQUAL-Projekten und anderen Weiterbildungsträgern machen bereits jetzt deutlich, dass eine Übertragung der Arbeitsergebnisse nicht nur theoretisch mögllich ist sondern bereits heute nachgefragt wird.

Die Art und Weise der Vernetzung und die Kooperation der PartnerInnen sowohl im nationalen wie auch im europäischen Kontext, die angestrebten Produkte im Themenfeld Work/ Life Balance wie auch die Prozesserfahrungen werden kontinuierlich dokumentiert und sind transferierbar.

Why is it innovative? Die gewählten Arbeitsansätze und initiierten Prozesse, insbesondere im europäischen Bereich, sind innovativ, weil hier Partner in einem Netzwerk zusammen wirken und ihre Erfahrungen einbringen, die sonst zwar auch für sich an den Themenstellungen aus ihrer jeweiligen Perspektive arbeiten, aber von ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich und Erkenntnisinteresse Restriktionen unterworfen sind.

In diesem Kooperationskontext sind die verschiedenen Ebenen, vom Basisprojekt bis zur nationalen ministeriellen Ebene vertreten.

Durch die Vernetzung können Synergieeffekte erzielt werden, insbesondere (unternehmens-) kulturelle Hindernisse werden durch eine europäische Sichtweise deutlich.

13. GENERA - DE-EA-85370

Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning ITC Literacy Accreditation Convincing and involving Social partners Mainstreaming Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? GENERA ist der Versuch, in einer alten, aber technisch modernen Branche (Gießerei- und Schmiede-industrie) folgende Probleme zu lösen, die sich aus einem hohen Anteil älterer und ungelernter Beschäftigten sowie großer Rekruierungsprobleme ergeben:

45 Deutschland ƒ Systematische Qualifizierung von älteren und ungelernten Beschäftigten, d.h. Menschen in betrieb-liche berufliche Weiterbildung zu integrieren, die z.T. über 20 Jahre lang keine Weiterbildung (außer: learning by doing) erfahren haben.

ƒ Modularisierung und Zertifiizerung von Weiterbildung, um a) Branchenstandards und damit höhere Beschäftigungssicherheit für diese Zielgruppe zu realisieren, b) optional den Erwerb eines berufs-qualifizierenden Abschlusses zu ermöglichen.

ƒ Entwicklung und Einführung alternsgerechter Altersstrukturen, die es ermöglichen, dass Ältere bis zur Verrentung an ihrem angestammten Arbeitsplatz tätig sein können.

ƒ Eröffnung von Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten in Gießereien und Schmieden für benachteiligte Arbeitsmarktgruppen durch gezielte branchenspezifische Vorbereitung/Qualifizierung

ƒ Verbesserung des Kommunikationsnetzwerkes Unternehmen - Region um auf die Ausbildungs-möglichkeiten in den Unternehmen der Branche aufmerksam zu machen und unbesetzte Ausbildungs-plätze besetzen zu können (Reduzierung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit)

ƒ Qualifiizerung von betrieblichen Führungskräften zum Thema "Personalmanagement im demo-grafischen Wandel"

What works? ƒ Gute Erfolge bei der Implementierung arbeitsplatznaher betrieblicher Weiterbildung für die genannten Zielgruppen. Kombination mit dem SGB III Instrument "Job Rotation" ermöglicht akzeptable Bedingungen in den Unternehmen und schafft zudem die Chance der Arbeitsmarktintegration für Arbeitslose.

ƒ Kompetenzpass für Dokumantation und Zertifizierung von Weiterbildung ist entwickelt; Konzept zur modularisierten Weiterbildung ist entwickelt.

ƒ Erste Erfolge in einem betrieblichen Pilotprojekt, wo für ungelernte Leistungsgeminderte durch arbeitsorganisatorische Veränderungen neue Arbeitsmöglichkeiten geschaffen werden können.

ƒ Mit einer Pilotgruppe von Sozialhilfeempfängern wurde ein halbjähriger Vorbereitungslehrgang - inkl. betr. Praktika - durchgeführt, der speziell auf die Bedürfnisse und Arbeit in den beiden Branchen ausge-richtet war. Trotz schwieriger Wirtschaftslage große Bereitschaft in den Unternehmen, betriebliche Lernphasen zu ermöglichen. Zudem deutet sich eine hohe Vermittlungsquote an.

ƒ Gute Erfolge mit der systematischen Vernetzung von Unternehmen und Bildungsinstitutionen (v.a. Schulen). Insbesondere die zielgruppenadäquate Ansprache der Jugendlichen führte dazu, dass jahrelang vakante Ausbildungsplätze wieder besetzt werden konnten (Konzept des "Job Presentation").

ƒ Erste FK-Trainings in den Unternehmen erfolgreich.

What doesn't work? ƒ Großes Fragezeichen, ob die Betriebe die erprobten Modelle im Sinne eines lebenslangen Lernens weiterpflegen werden.

ƒ Trotz großem Bedarf tun sich die Unternehmen schwer, arbeitsplatzfernere Weiterbildung zu finanzieren, deren Verwertung nicht direkt auf der Hand liegt. Einsatz der Curricula steht daher noch aus.

ƒ Leider konnte noch kein Pilotbetrieb gefunden werden, in dem komplexe Formen alternsgerechter OE- + PE erprobt werden konnten.

46 Deutschland Is what works transferable? Transferierbarkeit, bezogen auf den derzeitigen Entwicklungsstand:

ƒ Gut geeignete Instrumente, um betriebliche Altersstrukturen, Kompetenzen und Qualifiizerungs-bedarfe auch ungelernter Beschäftigter transparent zu machen und in Qualifizierungs-Pläne umzu-setzen (als EDV-Tool in Vorbereitung). Gut geeignetes Instrument des Wissenstransfers in Tandems, wodurch ältere und Jüngere sowie Gelernte und Ungelernte gegenseitig voneinander lernen können. Kombination mit "Job Rotation nach SGB III" zumindest national leicht transferierbar. International müssten vergleichbare arbeitsmarktpolitische Instrumente zur Verfügung stehen.

ƒ Kompetenzpass als Instrument zur Abbildung von umfassendem Können auch bei un- und angelernten Beschäftigten branchenübergreifend einsetzbar.

ƒ Die Erfahrungen beim Vorgehen im Zuge der Einführung alternsgerechter Arbeitsstrukturen. Ein dringend nötiges Instrument zu diesem Thema, welches eine rechnergestützte Kombination von Altersstruktur-, Kompetenz- und Belastungs- /Beanspruchenungsanalysen und Prognosen ermöglicht und mit den verschiedenen Möglichkeiten personalpolitischer Gestaltungsoptionen "match", wird im Laufe des Projektes nicht entwickelt werden können, wäre aber national und international außerordentlich zu empfehlen).

Why is it innovative? ƒ Innovativ ist die Kombination von Alterstrukturanalysen, Kompenmtenzanalysen und deren Umsetzung in Qualifizierungs-Bedarfe, -pläne und Umsetzung als geschlossnerer Regelkreis. Innovativ ist auch die Verwendung des Kompetenzbegriffes, der absichtlich über fomale (zertifizieres) Wissen hinausgeht. Innovativ ist auch die Kombination mit "Job-Rotation".

ƒ 2.a) der Kompetenzpass ist zumindest für die Branche innovativ, da es derartige Standards nicht gibt.

ƒ 2.b) Dies ist innovativ, weil es derzeit noch an derartigen modularen Weiterbildungssystemen mangelt, die betriebliche berufliche Weiterbidlung mit der Möglichkeit einer anerkannten Berufsausbildung optional koppelt.

ƒ Innovativ für die Branche ist es, statt über Möglichkeiten nachzudenken, wie Ältere und Leistungsgenminderte (zudem noch Ungelernte) das Unternehmen verlassen können. ihnen Perspektiven im Betrieb zu schaffen. Innovativ ist auch der Ansatz, zahlreiche Gestaltungsinstrumete des Personalmanagements zu nutzen und zueinander in Beziehung zu setzen.

ƒ Innovativ ist es, schwer zu integrierende Arbeitsmarktgruppen auf sehr spezifische Branchenarbeit vorzubereiten. Ziel ist es, keine Spezialqualifikationen zu vermitteln, sondern durch Grundsatzwissen die Integration in den Unternehmen der Branche zu ermöglichen.

ƒ Die Grundidee ist bekannt, der innovative Ansatz besteht - zumindest für die Branche - darin, zielgrupenadäquate Ansprachen zu finden und systematisch die Orte zu erschließen, wo diese angesprochen werden können.

ƒ Innovativ erscheint uns hieran zu sein, "demografischen Wandel" als Führungsaufgabe (und damit nicht nur als Aufgabe der Personalabteilung) zu definieren und entsprechend zu qualifizieren.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning

47 Deutschland Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning ITC Literacy Planning HR & Age management practice Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Mangelnde Nutzung moderner Technologien in KMU ist ein entscheideneder Wettbewerbsnachteil. ƒ Kompetenzdefizite in IT-Anwendungen (e-business / e-commerce), Strategieentwicklung (Marketing) und Controlling verhindern höhere Effizienz der Geschäftsprozesse in regionalen KMU. ƒ Durch mangelnde regionale Kooperation der Unternehmen verschiedener Sektoren bleiben Chancen auf dem Markt ungenutzt. ƒ Es gibt kaum Netzwerke in der Region und folglich auch wenig Kenntnisse über die Möglichkeiten der Vernetzung.

What works? ƒ Entwicklung eines Netzwerks der EP-Partner, regionaler KMUs und öffentlicher Einrichtungen ƒ Nutzung moderner Lehr- und Lernmethoden (Blended Learning und Online Akademie), Analyse des Qualifikationsbedarfs und modulare Anpassung der Lerninhalte nach differenziertem Bedarf der KMU ermöglichen Einsatz von Qualifikationsmaßnahmen in KMU. ƒ Controlling mit der Balanced Scorecard (BSC)-Methode ermöglicht strategische Unternehmensentwicklung und sichert nachhaltige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der KMU.

What doesn't work? ƒ Die ökonomische Stagnation beeinflußt die wirtschaftliche Lage vieler regionaler KMU, was die Bereitschaft oder Fähigkeit zur Investition von Zeit für Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen negativ beeinflusst. ƒ Ein falsch verstandendes Wettbewerbskonzept hindert viele regionale KMU an der Kooperation in Netzwerken.

Is what works transferable? ƒ Best Practice Beispiele der modularen Kurse für die Online Akademie können auch für KMU anderer Branchen nach Bedarf angepasst und genutzt werden. ƒ Die BSC ist auf andere KMU und öffentliche Einrichtungen übertragbar.

Why is it innovative? ƒ Die Methode des Blended Learning ermöglicht neue Wege der Weiterbildung für Mitarbeiter in KMU. ƒ Die Aktivitäten der EP beinhalten die Nutzung moderner Technologien (Weiterentwicklung der Kursmaterialien für online Lernen mit Lotus LearningSpace, wireless LAN breitbandiger Internetzugang, etc.) ƒ Anwendung der BSC (traditionell ein Kontrollwerkzeug für Großunternehmen) in KMU und als Evaluationswerkzeug der EP.


Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy

48 Deutschland Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Networking Disability Age Gender

Other: less developed regions, long time unemployed

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ In Germany co-operatives are not being used as they might be to tackle unemployment and create permanent jobs ƒ most labour market activities are about creating temporary jobs. The DP aims at a proactive model which enables and empowers disadvantaged people The DP ƒ - follows a developmental approach rather than a case or target-group approach. As an innovation by issue the partnership works sucsessfully on developing new education modules for models of cooperation and cooperatives ƒ - is to overcome the legal complications of voluntary sector trading, which effective preclude economic empowerment projects This thoroughly-constructed project aims to establish a model for a new type of co- operative in Germany – the social self help co-operative. It has brought together a number (though not yet all) sectors of the existing German co-operative movement to start new co- operatives, with the aim of creating permanent jobs. These will benefit long-term unemployed and disadvantaged people, including in some participating areas disabled people and women. It aims to establish a new proactive model of social work based on the empowerment that comes from being one’s own boss.

It will also argue for reform of law to improve the role of co-operatives in employment creation. The results are structurally important, and draw on European experience. The inclusive partnership should improve the level of impact.

What works? The DP has set up a central development agency that started piloting, and hopes to mainstream, a new training course, which will fill the gap in provision as regards group entrepreneurship. Up to now two traing courses were sucessful. The beneficiaries are empowered precisely by the legal form of a co-operative – they are the owners and have to take the decisions in developing their own business ideas. Co-operatives reward the people who work to solve their own problems.

Is what works transferable? The training courses are transferable to other training bodies.

The development agency is able to improve the business environment for new co- operatives.

Why is it innovative? At national level, the use of the Genossenschaft structure for social purposes is new.

At local level, the broad partnerships: the co-operatives will involve as members not only individuals but training institutes, welfare organisations, local authorities and possibly large companies.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning

49 Deutschland Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Older worker Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? JobRotation can be implemented in a variety of different ways, however, in Germany it centers around the core principles of drawing unemployed people into the labour market to act as replacement workers whilst existing employees are released for further training. The engagement of the DP shows that JobRotation works also and especially for the persons excluded from the labour market and/or vocational training such as women, elderly, unskilled workers or migrants. Furthermore the projects intend to facilitate providing individual employees, groups of employees or a department of a company with new skills and qualifications. All parties involved benefit from JobRotation:

Employers will have better qualified staff and at the same time substitutes are being trained. These substitutes are readily available for the company concerned. Furthermore they form a pool of resources on which the company can draw both in the short and long term.

Employees will be given the training required to meet the future challenges of the labour market. Furthermore, they will experience personal progression through the acquisition of new knowledge, energy, and inspiration. Unemployed persons will gain work experience and acquire valuable qualifications that will be useful in their future work. This is also a consequence of JobRotation combining training and work.

Future tasks of the DP include stimulating the future of the SMEs and finding people to implement JobRotation at local level. Moreover, the need for research on the benefits emerging from the perspectives of the many actors involved is seen as a cornerstone for analysis.

What works? The local and regional JobRotation projects have been remarkably successful in motivating small and extra small enterprises with fewer than 50 or even fewer than

10 employees to participate in JobRotation projects.

Firm co-operation relations ensure through discussion and preparation and also the tailoring of training to individual requirements. It has been considered positive if projects can respond flexibly even to the single enterprises’ needs and requirements.

Given the current policy background and political will to increase skills amongst the workforce it shows that there is great potential for JobRotation to be developed.

In the context of the development JobRotation in Saxony a special training form - the modular vocational training – was invented, that offers especially to unskilled workers a vocational graduation and better work conditions in terms of work fields and securing workplaces.

50 Deutschland A specific area for JobRotation activities in Germany is the medical care. Especially women get the chance for a higher qualification through JobRotation projects.

The DP JobRotation is seeking a reform of the funding model of JobRotation and in some Federal States (e.g. Saxony-Anhalt) there has indeed been progress in the funding situation.

What doesn't work? The implementation of JobRotation demands an enormous amount of co-ordination and co-operation between the parties concerned. Because of the aforementioned dualism this is difficult to achieve in Germany. For example, the parties on the labour market are not accustomed to negotiate themselves labour the development of conditions for further education as is the case elsewhere in Europe.

Is what works transferable? It has been shown that small and medium sized companies have a particular need for assistance with the development training methods and thus can be targeted. JobRotation is not an isolated tool: it can be utilized on many policy fronts. It is not only part of labour market policy, but is a relevant tool in educational, structural and especially employment and economic policy. The flexibility of the JobRotation tool makes it possible to tailor it to the national and/or regional framework and to combine with almost every other economic instrument for SMEs as well as with labour market instruments. The experiences made by our projects underline that JobRotation works for all partners involved: the company, the employee and the unemployed.

Why is it innovative? JobRotation is still an uncommon way in the Germany for improving the access of disadvantaged people to the labour market and further vocational education and training in the framework of lifelong learning. The project will work towards changing the employer as well as employee stereotypes in favour of the groups at risk of elderly, women, unskilled workers and migrants, including the issues of equal opportunities.

It will contribute to the development of social dialogue and practical realization in the sense of that:

ƒ JobRotation is an instrument for development of the personnel structure of SMEs.

ƒ Especially the persons excluded from the labour market are supported by JobRotation and get the chance for practical education or vocational training or an employment.

ƒ Elderly employees keep their engagements with the companies and get education in the sense of lifelong learning.

ƒ JobRotation invents new opportunities of flexible work forms in SMEs, improves employment possibilities and increases labour market flexibility.

ƒ According to the special education needs of employees JobRotation supports the Empowerment and realizes different ways of autonomous lifelong learning.

The numerous networks arising through JobRotation, including regional co-operation groups, SME networks, the national JobRotation Association serve as convenient discussion forums for new ideas on training and employment policy.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies

51 Deutschland Gender mainstreaming Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Development of a partnership of the local actors in the labour market policy ƒ Improving the process between the different actors and part projects of the DP ƒ Development of common standards of support services for our target groups ƒ To create a business culture in the region in and arround Mainz ƒ Improving the climate of entrepreneurship for disadvantaged groups

What works? ƒ Cooperation/partnership of the local actors ƒ Common development of new tools and standards for business creation ƒ Implementation of a microlending model /access to finance start ups ƒ Cooperation between some part projects

What doesn't work? ƒ Cooperation between some part projects (fear of competition) ƒ Small active participation of the chamber of commerce (only formal participation): possible reason: the fear of competition leads to a problem regarding the acceptance of our target groups ƒ Access towards target groups at the beginning

Is what works transferable? Yes, for example: ƒ Improving the business culture ƒ Development of partnership and common standards ƒ Microlending Model

Why is it innovative? ƒ The common development of new tools and standards for the target groups is completely new ƒ The cooperation between the NGOs/part projects in this thematic field is new ƒ Microlending Model


Convincing and involving Social partners Gender mainstreaming Standards for support services for the social enterprise Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP addresses to the problems/needs of disabled pople, migrants and young people in the following fields: ƒ transfer from school to job ƒ further education concepts for unemployed people ƒ effective strategies of integrating unemployed people into the general labour market ƒ networking of the social partners

52 Deutschland What works? ƒ innovative concepts of cooperation between schools, enterprises and chambers ƒ innovative further education concepts, e.g. training of disabled people to become a Call Center Agent ƒ networking of the social partners = the partners of the DP by regular working groups

What doesn't work? Due to the fact that some national co-financing instruments (e. g. National Labour Agency) had been changed some micro-projects could not be realized as planned. These circumstances caused problems for the whole financial structure of the DP but a solution had been developed.

Why is it innovative? Target-orientated innovations will be reached by developing new vocational qualification concepts focusing on new technologies, environmental subjects, handicrafts-technical professions.

Process-orientated innovations will be implemented in the field of consultancy and orientation during the transfer from school to job: individual planning of the professional future of young people is placed as early as possible at school in cooperation with parents- schools-enterprises. Qualification-modules will also be developed and tested for youngsters being weak in learning.

A structural innovation is the very heterogenic composition of the regional DP-network consisting of all social partners in the region. This network did not exist before. Therefore the DP expects a more effective labour market policy by the horizontal and vertical networking of the actors.



Work / Life balance Territorial approaches Networking Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Die Region Westmecklenburg ist ein Zusammenschluss der Landkreise Ludwigslust, Parchim und Nordwestmecklenburg. Sie ist vorwiegend ländlich geprägt mit einem Potenzial zur Tourismusentwicklung.

Große Arbeitslosigkeit und hohe Abwanderungstrendenzen ermöglichen nur eine äußerst begrenzte Umstrukturierung der regionalen Wirtschaft aus eigener Kraft.

Für die Zielgruppe der Berufsrückkehrerinnen bestehen aus Sicht der Arbeitsverwaltung kaum nennenswerte Reintegrationsstrategien.

What works? Im Projekt werden ca. 800 Berufsrückkehrerinnen und 200 weitere benachteiligte Personen einen in der Entwicklungspartnerschaft geplanten Projektalgorhythmus von Aktivierung - Passungsklärung/Profiling - Vermittlung durchlaufen.

Als Integrationsinstrumente kommen zum Einsatz: die Aktivierung durch Jobmentoren im ländlichen Raum, Profiling bzw. Entwicklung einer individuellen beruflichen Integrationsperspektive sowie modulare Qualifizierung unter Nutzung von e-learning in den dazu installierten regionalen Selbstlernzentren.

53 Deutschland Die Beteiligung des Unternehmerverbandes sowie des Kreisbauernverbandes sichern die Ermittlung des Arbeitskräftebedarfes mit den entsprechenden passgenauen Anforderungsprofilen der regionalen Unternehmen ab.

Durch die Einbeziehung der drei Landkreise ist die politische Entscheidungsebene in der Entwicklungspartnerschaft verankert.

Is what works transferable? Vernetzung der regionalen Arbeitsmarktakteure vor dem Hintergrund der Entwicklung neuer Wirtschaftstrukturen (Konzept der Regionalentwicklung)

Vernetzung und Bündelung der Handlungsansätze in den Bereichen Informationspool für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Regionale Auftrags- und Geschäftsvermittlung, Standortmarketing, Netzwerk zur Wirtschaftsförderung, Beschäftigungsförderung und Weiterbildung sowie Kooperationsnetzwerk mit Nachbarregionen.

Klärung der Passung von individuellen Voraussetzungen und berufs- wie unternehmensbezogenen Anforderunhsprofilen

Neue Formen der Akquisition von Problemzielgruppen des regionalen Arbeitsmarktes für unternehmensorientierte berufliche Qualifizierung

Why is it innovative? Aufbau eines regionalen Assessmentcenters

Aufbau regionaler und kommunaler Organisationsstrukturen für e-learning-Möglichkeiten (Selbstlernzentren)

Erprobung eines Systems individueller Bildungsschecks


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Older worker Planning HR & Age management practice Convincing and involving Social partners Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Vor dem Hintergrund des demographischen Wandels und der Feststellung, dass die Betriebe in der Regel kein „age management“ bereithalten, will die EP für die Problematik alternsgerechter Arbeit sensibilisieren, neue Ideen und Modelle strategischer Personalarbeit entwickeln, umsetzen und verbreiten, die sich des kreativen Potenzials der aktiven älteren Arbeitnehmer annehmen und in einer verlässlichen Beschäftigungsperspektive entfalten.

Im nationalen und europäischen Netzwerk haben sich Partner zusammengeschlossen, die gemeinsam Linien der Problemlösung für eine alternsgerechte Arbeit formulieren und umsetzen. Gemeinsamer Ausgangspunkt und Anspruch im Netzwerk ist, dass ein Arbeitsleben mit der Gewissheit auf Weiterbildung und Gesundheit bis ins Rentenalter verlaufen sollte. Dafür ist es notwendig, ein entsprechendes gesellschaftliches und betriebliches Umfeld zu schaffen, in dem die Voraussetzungen gelegt werden durch sinnvolle Arbeitsverträge, Gesundheitsförderung, Humane Arbeitsplätze, Aus- und Weiterbildung und Verbleibsplanung und Laufbahnkonzepte.

54 Deutschland Netab ist sektoral angelegt mit einem Focus in der Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie; regionale Schwerpunkte liegen in den Regierungsbezirken Weser-Ems und Braunschweig; etablierte Netzwerke (über Kammern und Verbände) sorgen hier für eine schelle Anwendung personalpolitischer Modelle und als Drehscheibe der Information.

Intention ist, regional und sektoral entwickelte Pilotmaßnahmen – insbesondere von Akteuren und Multiplikatoren in der Automobil-, Zuliefer- und Stahlindustrie - in ihrem exemplarischen und anwendungsbezogene Effekt zu nutzen, dass sie in die Branche ausstrahlen und dort als Modelle zur Nachahmung anregen und als Good – practice später in andere Sektoren und Regionen übertragen werden können.

What works? a) national

ƒ Sensibilisierung der KMU für die Problematik „alternder Belegschaften“: gute Resonanz bei KMU bezüglich Teilnahme an Info-Veranstaltungen und eingerichteten Arbeitskreisen

ƒ Sensibilisierung innerhalb der Automobil- und –zulieferindustrie durch parallele Mainstream-Aktivitäten der Sozialpartner/IGM und der VW-AG durch nationale und regionale Tagungen/ Kongresse

ƒ Anknüpfung an exemplarische Ergebnisse und bereits entwickelte personalpolitische Instrumente des Modellvorhabens „demotrans“ des BMFB zur Thematik alternsgerechter Arbeit sorgt für eine schnelle Akzeptanz und Umsetzung in eingerichteten KMU-Arbeitskreisen b) Transnational (netfor):

ƒ Nutzung der transnationalen Partnrtreffen für breitenwirksame Sensibilisierungs- und - Mainstream-Aktivitäten durch die Öffnung der transnationalen Koordinationstreffen für öffentliches Fachpublikum durch die jeweiligen Gastgeberprojekte.

ƒ Ausweitung der transnationalen Zusammenarbeit über netfor hinaus: Durchführung bilateraler Austausche und Aktivitäten zwischen den Automobilregionen Niedersachsen und Haute-Normandie.

What doesn't work? Die Integration der einzelnen Teilprojekte in die transnationale Arbeit konnte bis dato nur partiell und punktuell realisiert werden.

Is what works transferable? Der Ansatz, existente Netzwerke innerhalb der Kammern und Verbänden für eine Sensibilisierung der Betriebe zu nutzen, hat sich bewährt.: Große Resonanz seitens KMU bei Info-Veranstaltungen von NETAB; verbesserte Unterstützung der lokalen Presse/ Nutzung von Publikationen der Verbände und Kammern; Ausweitung der strategischen Partnerschaft durch gezielte Mundpropaganda der Kammer- und Verbandsvertreter; Ausdehnung des Wirkungsbereichs auf regionaler Ebene

Anknüpfung an exemplarische Ergebnisse und bereits entwickelte personalpolitische Instrumente des Modellvorhabens „demotrans“ des BMFB zur Thematik alternsgerechter Arbeit sorgt für eine schnelle Akzeptanz und Umsetzung in eingerichteten KMU- Arbeitskreisen

Parallele Sensibilisierung der Betriebe und Beschäftigten durch die Sozialpartner: Betriebsräte/IG-Metall und betriebliche Entscheidungsträger sorgt für eine nachhaltige Akzeptanz der Thematik „age management“ in der Betrieben.

55 Deutschland Innovative Modelle, die in einer Branche entwickelt werden, können später auf andere Branchen (modifiziert) übertragen werden.

Why is it innovative? Die Entwicklung einer alternsgerechten Arbeit braucht Promotoren bei der Umsetzung personalpolitischer Grundsätze. Pilotmaßnahmen, die bei Herstellerbetrieben entwickelt werden, strahlen in die Branche aus und haben dort nicht zuletzt aufgrund der existenten Zulieferbeziehungen einen exemplarischen Charakter und regen zur Nachahmung an.

NETAB nutzt diese Promotorenrolle, die in Niedersachsen speziell von der Volkswagen AG und der Stahlfabrik Georgsmarienhütte ausgeht, für eine adaptierte Breitenwirkung von good-practice in die Zulieferbetriebe. Die Übertragung von Maßnahmen aus größeren und mittelständischen Unternehmen auf KMU verlangt dabei allerdings einen besonderen Zuschnitt.


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning Convincing and involving Social partners Gender mainstreaming Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Financial sustainability of social enterprises Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Companies in the field of Social Economy have been traditionally one of the strongest employers in the field of and second-hand goods. As new regulations (e.g. WEEE) will be introduced on a national and European level, the framework for companies that work in this field will change. The demand for recycling services is expected to increase and therefore, more jobs will be created in this area. Particularly socially disadvantaged people will find a job perspective in the recycling and second-hand goods area. Hence, it is important to prepare the companies in the third sector and the SMEs to adapt to the new regulations because this ensures that an important employment sector for the socially disadvantaged grows the same amount as the market does. In order to achieve this aim, it is necessary to create networks for the companies that help them to cope with the higher demand of work force, to improve the quality of the workplaces by optimising processes both on a shop and managerial level, to improve training and business skills, to introduce quality management schemes and business skills.

What works? All the DP contents prove to be realistic. For example the development of training instruments, the mproving of quality management and marketing conceptions as well as a merchandise planning and control system have made progress.

Is what works transferable? All parts and members of the DP are working together without any problems so that during the next 1,5 years the development of the tools will be finished, tested and optimised. The mainstreaming process is advanced through the national thematic group "Social Economy" which includes 60 social economies who meet two times a year to identify good practices and to advance innovative approaches. Publications, websites and presentations at conferences also support the mainstreaming process. These activities will be broadened as we leave the development stage and enter the testing and validation stage. The aim is to get in contact with the responsible authorities (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of

56 Deutschland Labour, Regional Unemployment Offices, Guilds etc.) in order to implement standards and tools that are developed by the DP into the national legislation.

Why is it innovative? The DP deals with methods that have not been used in the social economy so far. The DP is investigating and testing the necessary social and legal framework for networks as described above. In model regions, networks are set up and furthermore, the DP tries to get out who need to take part in the networks. The DP involves the participants of the DP programmes in the classification of their workplaces. Additionally, it works with them to create new process systems (including software), it develops new training materials (including self-educating software), both for the employees and for the managerial staff, and it generates new standards for quality control. The DP also helps companies in the Third Sector to prepare business strategy plans. Last but not least, the DP is looking for ways to prevent racism and to implement new gender standards into the Social Economy Sector.


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Es sind unterschiedliche Erfordernisse und Bedingungen vorhanden und notwendig, damit Maßnahmen sowohl in stark industriell geprägten Regionen angewandt werden können als auch in strukturell weniger entwickelten Regionen in Niedersachsen. ƒ Entwicklung und Verwendung von Methoden und Instrumenten für das wirksame Verbinden des Potentials von Arbeitssuchenden mit Migrationshintergrund mit den Erfordernissen des Arbeitsmarktes und den Bildungsangeboten. ƒ Ausreichende Verwendung von einzelnen und institutionellen Ressourcen, um Vorurteile gegenüber ausländischen MitbürgerInnen, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rassismus und Unkenntnis zu reduzieren. ƒ Netzwerkmanagement.

What works? ƒ Schaffung von Anreizen für Unternehmen interne Berufsausbildung anzubieten und die Bereitschaft in Kleinen und Mittleren Unternehmen zu verbessern, Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen ƒ Entwickeln, Testen und Übertragen von Methoden für die Erkennung individueller Anforderungsprofile, damit Verbesserung der Chancen der Zielgruppen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. ƒ Verbesserung der Fähigkeit und Bereitschaft zur Berufsausbildung von Firmeneigentümern, die einer ethnischen Minderheit angehören bzw. Personen mit Migrationshintergrund auszubilden. ƒ Förderung der Arbeitsmarktintegration in strukturell weniger entwickelte Regionen. ƒ Förderung der Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt dadurch, Selbsthilfeorganisationen und Selbsthilfepotential zu stärken.

57 Deutschland Is what works transferable? Ein kontinuierlicher Transfer der Arbeitsinhalte ist zur Zeit durch die Beteiligung am Mainstream sichergestellt.

Why is it innovative? Durch den regionenübergreifenden Ansatz und das damit breit angelegte Netzwerk der EP wird gewährleistet, dass die neu entwickelten Ansätze der Teilprojekte durch einen direkten Austausch in den Transfer gehen können und Regionen in Niedersachsen mit unterschiedlichen Ausgangsbedingungen erreichen. In den folgenden Bereichen kommt das Innovationspotenzial besonders zum Tragen:

ƒ Im berufsbezogenen Umfeld zeigt sich die Arbeit durch folgende unterschiedliche Arbeitsansätze als innovativ: Erschließung neuer Berufs- und Arbeitsfelder, wodurch die Kompetenzen von Migratinnen Migranten als Ressourcen gesehen und einbezogen werden; Einsatz von qualifizierten Ombudsmännern und -frauen zur Unterstützung Arbeitssuchender mit Migrationshintergrund bei der Suche und Aufnahme von Arbeitsplätzen. Im Feld der Beratung, Vermittlung und Qualifizierung wird durch die Optimierung von Eingangsverfahren wie Assessment den Kompetenzen der Migrantinnen und Migranten Rechnung getragen und damit z.B. auch der Zugang zu Arbeitsfeldern eröffnet, in denen sie signifikant unterrepräsentiert sind.

ƒ Einbeziehung des gesamten Lebensumfelds: Ausgehend von einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz soll das soziale Umfeld von speziell jugendlichen Migrantinnen und Migranten (Familie, Schule) aktiv in die Maßnahmen eingebunden werden. Dies wird ermöglicht durch die Kooperation mit Landesprogrammen zur Prävention (z.B. PRINT) und Beteiligungsprojekte, bei denen z.B. Eltern auch einen aktiven Part übernehmen (z.B. durch Ausbildungsplattformen in Schulen, durch die Kontakte zwischen Unternehmen und Eltern ermöglicht werden).

ƒ Mehrheitsgesellschaft als Zielgruppe: Strukturelle Veränderungen sollen erreicht werden durch die Einbeziehung von Entscheidungsträgerinnen und -trägern aus Politik und Wirtschaft. Wichtige Akteure wie Arbeitsamt, Unternehmen und Kammern sind durch die Zusammenarbeit in der EP bereits in diesen Prozess mit einbezogen. Des Weiteren bietet die Nutzung verschiedener (bereits erwähnter) Landesprogramme weiteres Innovationspozial.


Validation of learning Family support – Care and service provision Gender mainstreaming Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Standards for support services for the social enterprise Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Employment for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Im Rahmen der EP TransSpuk werden Flüchtlinge und AsylbewerberInnen zu kompetenten Fachkräften ausgebildet, die durch den erstmals professionellen Einsatz der eigenen Sprache und Kultur einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Gesundheits- und Sozialversorgung von MigrantInnen leisten, indem sie als Sprach- und Kulturmittler zwischen Klienten und Institutionen agieren. Gleichzeitig entstehen dadurch neue Beschäftigungsperspektiven für Flüchtlinge, AsylbewerberInnen und MigrantInnen, da sie

58 Deutschland aus der Mitte der zu fördernden Zielgruppe kommen und dadurch für diese Tätigkeit prädestiniert sind. Außerdem stehen sie nicht in Konkurrenz zu deuschen ArbeitnehmernInnen. Somit können sie der in Deutschland geltenden Vorrangprüfung bei der Besetzung von freien Arbeitsplätzen standhalten. Die Qualifizierung ermöglicht ihnen aber auch die Vermittlung von Kompetenzen, die im Aufnahmeland aber auch bei einen evtl. Rückkehr im Heimatland zu tragen kommen.

Weiterhin fördert die Qualifizierungsmaßnahme SpraKuM im Rahmen von der GI EQUAL die Integration von Flüchtlingen, AsylbewerberInnen in die deutsche Gesellschaft.

Die Qualifizierungsmaßnahme SpraKuM und die durch die Entwicklungspartnerschaft angebotene berufsbegleitende Qualifizierung im Bereich interkultureller Kompetenzen und Kommunikation für Fachkräfte in der Gesundheits- und Sozialversorgung (InterkKom), stellen die Weichen für eine erhebliche finanzielle Entlastung der Institutionen der Gesundheits- und Sozialversorgung und eine verbesserte Regelversorgung von Flüchtlingen, AsylbewerberInnen und MigrantInnen dar.

What works? Die berufsbegleitende Qualifizierung (InterkKom) vermittelt den Fachkräften der Institutionen der Gesundheits- und Sozialversorgung Kompetenzen, die die Arbeit mit Flüchtlingen, AsylbewerberInnen und MigrantInnen erleichtern und effektiver gestalten. Es findet eine interkulturelle Sensibilisierung und verstärkte interkulturelle Kommunikationsfähigkeit der Fachkräfte statt. Dadurch wiederum wird Flüchtlingen, AsylbewerberInnen und MigrantInnen der Zugang und die Inanspruchnahme der Regelversorgung ermöglicht.

Durch die Qualifizierungmaßnahme zum Sprach- und Kulturmittler für die Gesundheits- und Sozialversorgung ergibt sich für 27 Flüchtlinge und AsylbewerberInnen die Möglichkeit eine Qualifizierung zu besuchen, die auf ihre ihre eigene kulturellen und sprachlichen Ressourcen zurückgreift..

Die Entwicklung des Curriculums zum Sprach- und Kulturmittler findet in Zusammenarbeit mit den DozentInnen, TeilnehmerInnen sowie bildungspolitischen Einrichtungen statt. Eine Expertengruppe aus VertreterInnen der Bereiche Medizin, Pflege, Gesundheit, Bildung und Migration begleitet und erarbeitet Qualitätsstandards und Ausbildungskriterien für das neue Berufsbild eines Sprach- und Kulturmittlers im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen.

Empowerment der TeilnehmerInnen findet sowohl individuell als auch auf der Ebene von Arbeits- und der Gesamtgruppe statt (z.B. Erstellung eines Gesundheitswegweisers für MigrantInnen, Erarbeitung der eigenen Webseite). Die TeilnehmerInnen beteiligen sich zudem in Form des Teilnehmerbeirats und wöchentlichen Verfügungsstunden aktiv an der qualitativen Weiterentwicklng und Verbesserung der Qualifizierung

An der Qualifizierung zum Sprach- und Kulturmittler beteiligen sich 17 Kommunen aus Nordrhein-Westfalen. Aufgrund des sehr positiven Feedbacks der Institutionen der Gesundheits- und Sozialversorgung haben sich neue Netzwerkstrukturen innerhalb deren Einrichtungen entwickelt.

What doesn't work? Die Arbeit des Projektes und die Zukunft der dreijährigen berufsbildenden Qualifizierung zum Sprach- und Kulturmittler für die Gesundheits- und Sozialversorgung wird durch den ungesicherten Aufenthaltsstatus eingeschränkt

Is what works transferable? Alle Arbeitsansätze sind regional, bundesweit als auch transnational sehr gut umsetzbar. Es handelt sich grundlegend um Kommunikations- und Handlungsweisen von erfolgreicher Teamarbeit und Motivation.

59 Deutschland Why is it innovative? Es werden gleichzeitig modellhaft mehrere Ziele verfolgt, die im Ganzen als Basis für einen gewünschten Strukturwandel dienen:

Einerseits soll die Gesundheits- und Sozialversorgung der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen verbessert werden, gleichzeitig werden öffentliche Institutionen interkulturell geschult und geöffnet. Daraus folgend ergeben sich erhebliche finanzielle Einsparungen für die Institutionen der Gesundheits- und Sozialversorgung. Innovatives Element ist ferner die Schaffung von neuen Arbeitsplätzen für MigrantInnen in einem neuen Berufsfeld.

Durch die Entwicklung und Etablierung eines neuen Berufsbildes des "Sprach- und Kulturmilttlers" im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen (SpraKuM) werden Beschäftigungsperspektiven für Flüchtlinge, AsylbewerberInnen und MigrantInnen in Deutschland geschaffen.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Standards for support services for the social enterprise Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Verhinderung von Minderqualifikation im Übergangsprozess von der Sekundarstufe I durch: - Verbessserung der Sprachfähikeit und kommunikativen Kompetenz benachteiligter Jugendlicher, Stärkung ihrer Entscheidungskompetenz durch verbesserte Information und Elternberatung, Qualifikation von Flüchtlingen, verstärkter IT - Qualifikation von Mädchen, Werkangebote für Sonderschüler und schulflüchtige Jugendliche.

Verbesserung der Qualifikation von Jugendlichen in Nachqualifizierungsmaßnahmen und im Regelangebot der Berufskollegs durch: Neue dualisierte und individualisierte Angebote der Berufskollegs, durch passgenaue Beratungsangebote, engere Zusammenarbeit der aufnehmenden und abgebenden Einrichtungen.

Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit aller Akteure im Übergang Schule - Beruf auf der Grundlage neuer gemeinsamer Richtlinien

What works? Gut laufen: Neue Formen der Lehrerfortbildung zum Thema Sprachförderung, die Begleitung und die Umsetzung von Handwerklernen in Sonderschulen, die gemeinsame Arbeit an neuen Richtlinien zur Berufsorientierung und Berufswahlvorbereitung, die besonderen Angebote zur IT-Schulung von Mädchen in der Zusammenarbeit mit Schulen, die Aufarbeitung und Umsetzung von Beschulungsangeboten für jugendliche Flüchtlinge.

Befriedigend Laufen: die Vernetzung der Angebote für besonders schwierige Schüler/innen noch in der Sekundarstufe I, die Kommunikation zwischen den einzelnen neuen Angeboten zur Qualifizierung an den Berufskollegs, neue Ansätze zur Elternarbeit mit Migranten und Migrantinnen, die gemeinsame Arbeit im Rahmen des transnationalen Arbeitsplanes, die nachhaltige Verankerung der einzelnen Maßnahmen und die Bündelung der Veränderungen vor Ort in den Schulen.

60 Deutschland Is what works transferable? Alle laufenden Maßnahmen sind auf ihre Transferierbarkeit hin angelegt. Der Transfer ist Teil des Arbeitsprozesses und die Analyse der Transferanstrengungen mit Hinweisen zur Optimierung wird Teil des Endproduktes werden.

Why is it innovative? Sie sind innovativ in unterschiedlicher Weise:

ƒ teilweise sind die Einzelvorhaben neue Antworten auf bestehende Herausforderungen und zeigen neue Wege

ƒ teilweise sind die Transferanstrengungen neu bei bestehenden Beispielen guter Praxis und erzeugen bisher nicht vorhandenes Umsetzungswissen als Grundlage flächenhafter Innovation

ƒ innovativ ist der Ansatz mit jedem der Einzelvorhaben zugleich strukturellen Mehrwert zu erzeugen, d.h. durch den kooperativen Ansatz neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit im Sinne von public-private-partnership zu entwickeln, diese durch neue administrative Rahmenrichtlinien zum Rahmen für den Mainstream zu machen bis hin zu dem Punkt, neue Formen der Verwaltungsorganisation zu finden.



Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Förderung von Existenzgründungen vor dem Hintergrund der hohen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und der Verödung von Regionen.

Bestehende Gründungsförderung in Deutschland greift für die Zielgruppe Jugendliche nicht. Das Projekt setzt an der arbeitsmarktorientierten Jugendsozialarbeit an.

Für Kleinstgründungen sollen neue Wege und Formen sowohl der Verwirklichung von persönlichen Voraussetzungen der Gründer als auch des Zugangs zu Finanzierungen erprobt werden, die auf Grund der existierenden rechtlichen und kulturellen Rahmenbedingungen derzeit nur schwerlich möglich sind.

What works? Junge chancenarme Gründerinnen und Gründer werden bei der Gründung von Kleinstunternehmen unterstützt. Mit einem ausreichendem Maß an persönlicher Sicherheit für die Gründungswilligen werden regional umfassende integrierte Unterstützungsysteme aufgebaut. Hierzu gehören: Formen des Microlendings; Beratungs- und Begleitungsstrukturen, Struktur von Mentorensystemen, lokale Netze und integrierte Beratungskonzepte sowie Sensibilisierung für unternehmerisches Engagement.

What doesn't work? Schwierigkeiten bei der Umsetzung bilden die Optimierung der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für Formen zweckmäßiger Unterstützung und die Veränderung des Bewußtseinswandels bei Unternehmen und der Bevölkerung, da dieser Prozess sehr langwierig verläuft.

61 Deutschland Is what works transferable? Gründerpass als Nachweis für die persönliche Eignung des Gründungswilligen sowie Standards für Gründerqualifizierung

Unabhängig vom klassischen Kreditwesen aufgebaute Strukturen und Rahmenbedingungen für einen Fonds

Wirtschafts- und Quartiersentwicklung in regionalen Struktureinheiten (aktive Gewerbeansiedlung)

Business community (Aktivierung von Unternehmen und Bürger/innen vor Ort)

Empfehlungen an Gesetzgebung

Why is it innovative? Entwicklung und Erprobung speziell für Jugendliche zugeschnittener Methoden und Modelle der Existenzgründung

Effektivere Gestaltung der Phasen des Gründungsprozesses und Reduzierung der Abbrecherquote unter den angehenden Unternehmen

Vernetzung der Strukturen im Bereich der Beratung und des Coachings von Existenzgründern/innen und von Unternehmen in Krisensituationen



Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning ITC Literacy Accreditation Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The targets of the suggested project pertain to the dissemination and consolidation of the culture of continual learning and further education in Small and Medium sized enterprises and the utilization, in an innovative way, of new technological applications in distance training and professional qualifications’ accreditation, principally the ones connected with informatics and the Internet.

At the same time, the suggested plan aims at the support of people threatened with exclusion from labour market, through the provision of possibilities for education and skills’ accreditation, as well as creation of systems and supporting mechanisms, within and outside the enterprises, facilitating their vocational integration.

62 Ellas The main goal of the particular project is the development and implementation of a lifelong learning system and the distance training and distance skills’ accreditation in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.

The main targets of the project are principally centred upon the following:

ƒ The sensitization of the employers and employees of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in lifelong learning subject matters.

ƒ The design and materialization of model agreements between groups of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises of the same branch or area and training and educational organizations, for the implementation of programs of training – employment rotation.

ƒ The support of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, of the same branch or area, in the adoption of training mechanisms, adapted to their needs (tailor made) and the implementation of teleeducation programs, with particular emphasis in subjects of New Economy, Society of Information and Security and Sanitation in labour.

ƒ The formation of a model system of distance training and accreditation of skills and qualifications in selected branches of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, and also the design and the pilot application of the respective tools.

ƒ The implementation of mainstreaming and the promotion of equality between sexes in level of policies, in order to ensure in the best possible way a broader response to the products of the project and to form the terms and the preconditions for the adoption of the basic principles and products of the project by employment policies and incorporate in them the quality requirements that must be met in the framework of equality in opportunities and alleviation of discriminations.

Particularly the Target Group comprises:

ƒ Employees and self – employed persons of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, mainly those with a precarious position on account of low or informal qualifications

ƒ Unemployed persons who experience discriminations in labour market and who will be able to acquire labour experience through the implementation of programs of training – employment rotation.

ƒ Employees and owners of Small and Medium sized Enterprises who will be assisted in order to acquire the desired know – how in subject matters of lifelong learning.

What works? ƒ The D.P. ameliorates the interlink of structures and services between partners and representatives of the Employers’ and Employees’ Unions through the Internet everywhere in Greece

ƒ The communication between the D.P. and the national and transnational partners and the promotion of results and products of the D.P., through a common transnational web page

ƒ The use of multiform tools as a Software platform for the implementation of teletraining programs

What doesn't work? The DP faces important problems and difficulties, because based in the institutional frame the DP does not have the possibility of a autonomous, flexible and effective corporate operation but she is forced to function by finding a common place between the Institutional and Organisational Frame of D.P. and her 12 partners, something that creates major co- ordination and organisation problems .

63 Ellas Is what works transferable? The philosophy of the particular project is based upon the principle of active participation / empowerment of the D.P. in the level of design and also in the level of materialization of the suggested interventions, aiming at a more direct contact of the target groups benefited.

The involvement and the active participation of the delegates of the representative agencies of employers and employees, as well as Universities and Research Centres (occurring from the D.P.), empowers the design of the particular Project and boosts up the ability for development and implementation of innovative methods, research procedures and design of a reliable, realistic and dynamic system of distance training and acquisition – accreditation of qualifications.

The Target Groups’ empowerment procedure, in personal and collective level will be achieved through: ƒ The contribution of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and employees in the research of elements for the present situation in educational needs and specialties in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises ƒ The participation of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises’ businessmen and employees in lifelong training programs ƒ The participation of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises’ businessmen and employees in the events for briefing and information by the D.P. agencies for the materialization of the suggested project and its manufactured products.

Why is it innovative? The innovative elements of the project are pinpointed below:

ƒ The configuration of the D.P. is an innovative element itself, given that, in the frame of the particular D.P., a large number of agencies representing lifelong training, employment treatment and labour market policies’ formation, cooperated.

ƒ The contents of the diagnosis and evaluation of the current situation as regards the degree of introduction of lifelong learning mechanisms in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.

ƒ The design and the materialization of model agreements between the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises of a selected specimen for the implementation of training – employment rotation programs. The suggested action is one of the main innovations of the program, due to the fact that it promotes model agreements for rotating training – employment, with activation and participation procedures, in the level of design as well as implementation, of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.

ƒ The pilot application of teletraining tools that will be developed in the framework of specific sub – projects, during the materialization of training – employment rotation programs, aiming at the familiarization of employees and unemployed persons with modern methods of distance training.

ƒ The design and development of appropriate counselling tools for the adoption of training mechanisms adapted to the needs of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.

ƒ The creation and standardization of a model system for distance accreditation of skills in selected branches of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, because a system like this has never been developed – standardized in Greece.

ƒ The design and development of appropriate tools for distance training, because the innovative element is the use of multiform tools that permit their flexible use by trainees of various specialties.

ƒ The materialization of teleeducation programs with particular emphasis in subjects that will emerge from the analysis of the educational needs of the professional craftsmen and their employees.

64 Ellas ƒ The incorporation and utilization of new technologies in this particular project, aiming at lifelong training, promotion of employment, creation of mechanisms for the accreditation of professional qualifications, creation of mechanisms for the dissemination and information of results and products of the suggested project .


Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Under development of social economy (lack of legal and institutional frameworks, of financial sustainability, of projects and grants for social economy enterprises).

ƒ Lack of the necessary support/ advisory services for the development of employment/ entrepreneurship in the 3rd sector (proper services, personnel, qualitative criteria, professionalisation in management in the services offered, management models/criteria).

ƒ Lack of a legal and institutional framework mechanisms and models in micro- finance for supporting Women Micro –SME’s.

ƒ Lack of a certification system for the social enterprises, defining: ƒ The necessary criteria for a business to belong in the social economy, ƒ The job quality, ƒ The quality standards, qualifications of personnel, management models required, ƒ The transparent procedures, the professionalisation of the personnel, the management models/ qualitative criteria, tax releases. ƒ Lack of a financial frame work, grants provided and tax releases to support services and social enterprises.

ƒ Lack of measurement of social added value/ voluntarism (performance indicates, quality standards, branding).

ƒ Low sensitisation of the population towards social economy and social enterprises development, (although in Greece there is a very big voluntarism offered by NGO`s & persons in the field of personnel and information services, environment, culture).

ƒ 8 Low activation of women in social entrepreneurship and high rate of unemployment in rural and island areas.

What works? The DIONI II DP develops the following:

ƒ A Women Micro -credit model- mechanism in the district of Epirus, both with a Network of savers and Micro-borrowers, a mutual fund and an scientific institute on women

65 Ellas micro-credit issues, developed by the Co-operative Bank of Ioannina “STOXOS”, to provide micro-loans and advisory services to women - future entrepreneurs.

ƒ New innovative social economy Support structures and services for the developing of the social economy and the women social entrepreneurship ”, such as:

5 Regional advisory and information entrepreneurship and employment structures for women (in the 5 regions that the project will be developed).

3 Women social entrepreneurs net works , developed in 14 DIONI II partners and consisted by women entrepreneurs – producers and sellers consisted by 3 sub networks (A network of women enterprises sellers of biological products , a network of enterprises buyers from social enterprises and fand a network of volunteer miscellaneous enterprises network that will advertise women enterprises) ,

A Local Solidarity and Employment alliance (consortia) for Social Economy& enterprises (by 15 partners in the 5 regions)

ƒ Creating experts / counsellors for the promotion services in social economy and the micro- credit mechanism (2 training programs for 13 scientists are implemented). All of them are being working or will start to work on September.

ƒ Creating, through the proper training , the specialised personnel for delivery support services in social enterprises.

ƒ Training : 6 out of 8 training programs for start ups and consultants have been finished.

ƒ Employment : 20 unemployed women -scientists in the majority- have started working in the DIONI II social economy structures, networks and micro-credit mechanism (cooperative Bank of Ioannina) as counsellors

ƒ The Information and communication Technologies in favour of to women entrepreneurs (ICT) {Web site, Data Bank, Transitional Observatory}.

ƒ A wide range of publicity activities in the 5 regions (other than mainstreaming approaches) being developed in 7 counties, organised by the partners that develop each one of the 29 activities of action II.

ƒ Implementation of a sensitisation & Information Seminar for the DIONI II D.P. Partners and their Staff, concerning the project development procedures,, the Social Economy , the Women entrepreneurship and equal opportunities issues.

ƒ Publicity activities carried out in local level by the 25 partners.

What doesn't work? ƒ The 3 Trade Houses (T.H) (Multi service centres), for supporting , promotion, certification and trade exhibition of women 3rd sector social enterprises and local initiatives (consortia) are expected to start functioning in November, 2003.

ƒ The long distance learning/ training material on management and marketing for women social entrepreneurs (CD ROMS) haw not been developed yet,

ƒ The Certification model for social enterprises that will define: sectors, criteria, personnel, qualitative criteria, professionalisation, and management models

ƒ The Studies- Researches on models of developing social economy enterprises are not yet finished

66 Ellas ƒ The women social and private enterprises in the field of biological and traditional products (start ups )will be developed when the financing projects by the government will start ƒ The Information and communication Technologies in favour of women entrepreneurs (Electronic net work, E-commerce in Trade Houses, Distance learning) have not yet developed.

Is what works transferable? ƒ In national level a) the DIONI II - EQUAL Microcredit model, mechanism and products (loans, favourable deposits and serviced delivered) ƒ The Trade Houses structures services ƒ The women social enterprises Networks and the Local Solidarity and Employment alliances (consortia)developed by 14 partners in the 5 regions in Greece

Why is it innovative? ƒ Because the DIONI II - EQUAL MICROCREDIT model, mechanism and its products for women, the TRADE HOUSES(Multi service centres for supporting, promotion, certification and trade exhibition for women social enterprises and local initiatives )(consortia) ,the networks for social enterprises, the Local Solidarity and Employment alliances, the certification model for social enterprises are not existed so far in Greece, ƒ Because a new entrepreneurial culture will be created for women social enterprises ƒ Because all the structures and services are being developed in favour of women enterprises and thus will give o gender aspect in social entrepreneurship.


Validation of learning Accreditation Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Disability Gender Other: New profession for people with special needs

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Design and promote interventions and good practices that refer to the adoption of new working methods in IT enterprises and companies operating Call Centres with emphasis on the method of teleworking. ƒ Analyse the consequences of transferring work from the traditional workplace to the homes of the employees, in order to allow for the reconciliation of personal and working life. ƒ Study and analyse the Job profiles of call Centres Agents- a new profession with rapid development in European Countries. ƒ Develop a European Accreditation and Certification System for Call-Center Employees, e-learning method included.

What works? ƒ Design of job profiles analysis ƒ Training needs analysis ƒ Training programme for Call Centre Agents

Is what works transferable? Yes

Especially: Job profile analysis-Training needs analysis-Training programme for Call Centre Agents (classroom and e-learning)-Validation and Accreditation system

Why is it innovative? ƒ New working methods in Information Technology enterprises, especially those which operate call centres, with emphasis on the method of teleworking in relation with e-

67 Ellas learning practices aiming at enhancing their activities through investing in human resources and by eliminating gender gaps and physical disabilities. ƒ Creating new employment opportunities for people with special needs ƒ Identify strategies for successfully managing teleworking methods in a call centre environment. ƒ Design a pan European job profile for call centre agents ƒ Develop a commonly agreed accreditation and validation structure ƒ Implement and evaluate a distance learning system for call centre agents

4. ANADRASI-ISTOS –200906-201006

Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Horizontal desegregation Employment for asylu Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Mainstreaming Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The main objective of the d.p. “anadrasi-istos” is the joining of forces among the participating actors, through the development of activities, so that the problems faced by asylum seekers in Greece at all levels, are addressed with enhanced flexibility and effectiveness, through a holistic, value-added approach. through the proposed project, the following are foreseen: ƒ improvement of infrastructure and living conditions for asylum seekers both within and outside reception centres ƒ support to their socio-economic integration (social, legal, professional support and assistance for their employment) with a focus on the broader application of innovative activities ƒ support for both the target beneficiaries as well as the professionals engaged in the specific areas of networking and promotion of inter-agency collaboration. The project seeks a coordinated approach in addressing all the issues faced by asylum seekers from the moment of their entry into the country, until the identification of a sustainable, durable solution for them.

What works? ƒ The DP concept: equal gave the opportunity to create a legal status of the d.p (in greece) which brought together several actors (90% of the relevant ngo’s, governmental organisations, municipalities, trade associations, university) to coordinate their effort/ actions in a common strategy - action plan.

ƒ “give a chance”: a flexible system for the promotion of the target group in to the labour market. “give a chance” gives the opportunity to an asylum seeker/refugee to integrate in to the labour market with a “short term” support (1 month)

ƒ Electronic network/common database named “estia”: one of the main product/tool of the project, is the development and establishment of a model “electronic network” connecting specialised agencies who provide services and assistance to asylum seekers and refugees in Greece. while the overall target of the common database estia is to gradually improve the integration of asylum seekers, it is also combating existing problems currently faced by the agencies themselves: estia aims at concentrating a complete profile of each beneficiary and his/her needs and at the same time make the best of the various services and opportunities offered. Estia not only becomes a tool for the evaluation of the partners involved (and the assistance provided), but it also deter beneficiaries from taking advantage of the same type of services provided by different agencies. It also prevents useless duplication of work (overlap). Thus, ngos save valuable time and energy that can be devoted constructively, so that services provided are ameliorated not only in terms of quality, but also in terms of quantity. Through this, the asylum seeker is not wasting his/her time going from one agency to the other with no positive results. By the same token,

68 Ellas asylum seekers is not disappointed, once they see that they are given the proper information and support.

What doesn't work? ƒ The DP. concept: it is not easy to overcome bureaucratic procedures which often are impeding the efficacy and the development of a substantial cooperation among the partners

ƒ “give a chance”: the adoption of such system in the national employment plan by the public relevant authorities.

ƒ Electronic network/common database named “estia”: some ngo’s cannot have the budget to provide to all their employees working with asylum seekers. So some of them (for the moment) cannot get the benefits of the above tool estia.

Is what works transferable? ƒ The d.p. (greek) concept: could be transferable in the 2nd equal initiative to reinforce the cooperation among other d.p in other countries.

ƒ Electronic network/common database named “estia”: this product is already trasnferable a)in a national level: the number of ngo's and municipalities - out of equal initative - connecting with estia is increasing with the time and b) in a transnational level: estia is the Greek product/tool presented in the transnational cooperation "asycult". Partners from asycult and other tca's consider this tool transferable and useful and express their interest to adapt estia to their own country.

Why is it innovative? ƒ The DP (Greek) concept: is the first time that such a cooperation take place in Greece

ƒ “give a chance”: it’s a flexible, efficient system adapted to the needs of the target group

ƒ Electronic network/common database named “estia”: it seems that this tool doesn’t exist in another e u county. It is not a simple database but a network witch also offers the possibility of an immediate forwarding (through the electronic network) of individual requests from one agency to another more specialised to give a solution/support to the specific demand (referral system). Each agency/user (connected to estia) is notified on [new] cases referred to it/him, with the specific action required, on a daily basis. Consequently, estia becomes a tool of evaluation and self improvement not only for the agencies but also for each user (individual level) further more estia gives the possibility to integrate other target groups and relevant agencies (immigrants, palinostountes and ethnic minorities)



Validation of learning Accreditation Older worker Planning HR & Age management practice Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking

69 Ellas Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Adaptability of the shipbuilding sector to new technologies and today's conditions ƒ Increase of competitiveness ƒ Securing employability ƒ Flexibility in labour organization

What works? ƒ Concrete and integrated sectoral partnership ƒ Ageing workforce utilisation practices ƒ Upgrading of skill standards ƒ HR management practices ƒ Empowerment and involvement of social partners ƒ Adapting shipbuilding enterprises to real needs and ICT ƒ Transnational cooperation EUNETYARD concerning European Shipbuilding Industry ƒ Networking between partners

Is what works transferable? Several good practices of the DP can be identified as transferable to other sectors /cases: ƒ HR management practices. ƒ Transnational cooperation EUNETYARD concerning European Shipbuilding Industry. ƒ Networking between partners.

Why is it innovative? Both the DP and its project are highly innovative for: ƒ They address the major problem of adapting the whole sector to a new work culture- managing changes. ƒ The DP brings together all the actors of the sector. ƒ Introduction of new technologies (ICT) to a traditional industrial sector. ƒ The Transnational Cooperation (EUNETYARD) is a unique model of partnership as it brings together three European DPs which all belong to the same sector i.e. (Shipbuilding Industry)- and face the same problems. ƒ Development of a number of tasks for quality assurance, action standards, evaluation process and dissemination and mainstreaming planning.

6. PROTEAS - GR200958

Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning ITC Literacy Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Disability Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Through the Community Initiative Equal, the Development Partnership “PROTEAS” aims to provide a comprehensive and holistic model of intervention for the adaptability of both people with physical disabilities and working environments. All the relevant stakeholders of the sector (public authorities, social partners, training providers, gender equality bodies, NGOs, third sector) are involved in the Developmental Partnership “Proteas”. The Partnership constitute 16 organizations of a wider spectrum of activities

70 Ellas What works? Horizontal partnership of the project: democratic processes; strong unified partnership;

Networking created internally and externally;

Comprehensive strategy of communication and information with both target groups (employers and the disabled)

Learners as stakeholders

Innovative applications of Assistive Technology

An Information ans Sensitisation campaign through the media - television programmes on the physically disabled

Transnationality: adoption of a structured program based on the participation of all partners in all transnational activities

External evaluator

What doesn't work? Poor response by employers.

Corrective actions: introduce a bottom-up approach with employers ie. to identify motives from a business and win-win approach

Is what works transferable? A model of holistic intervention for the adaptability of the physically disabled

Models of partnership and transnationality

Why is it innovative? It aims at Vertical mainstreaming (overcome the existing obstacles by reforming the current legislative framework)

It offers a holistic approach of intervention

Implements an innovative Methodology (teleworking, validation tools, customized/blended training, interactive portal)


ITC Literacy Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Empowerment Territorial approaches Networking Disability Age Gender

71 Ellas What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project Insular Confederacy – Equal Access is called to meet up to the peculiarities, differences and problems of the region in order to achieve its goal.

These problems or special characteristics are:

ƒ The insular character of the S.A. Region and the problem of endo-regional access.

ƒ The 48 inhabited islands and the extended limits of the S.A. Region have as a result many administrational problems as well as problems in finding specialized employees.

ƒ Due to its geographical position, the S.A. Region is isolated in many levels (geographical, economical and social) from the Greek mainland and Europe.

ƒ There are problems that arise from the severe endo-regional differences and inequities in the distribution of nature and human resources.

ƒ The lack of infrastructure combined with the multi-island character of the region, the mass in some of the islands and the lack of economies of scales.

ƒ The lack of processing industry and the small size of the local market

ƒ The considerable differences between the islands in demographic characteristics, in employment and income levels shows that there are many inequalities in the same region, which must be handled in a special way.

The mandate need for actions on a regional level calls for the development of the entrepreneurial spirit and the assurance of equal access to the labour market. This of course can be achieved by promoting the added value of local economies and by combating the inequalities between the islands of the S.A. Region.

Secondary goals are:

ƒ Reinforcement of the entrepreneurial spirit and environment of the S.A. Region

ƒ Decrease of geographic and social exclusion by giving emphasis in providing equivalent access in the labour market as well as enterprising know-how to the target groups

ƒ Support and reinforcement of employment and utilization of comparative advantages of insular economies

ƒ Combating geographic and social isolation and their underlying consequences regarding the inactive local work force and especially the socially excluded groups as well as the enterprises and the support of equivalent access in business creation

What works? The creation of a well structured DP ensures the efficient implementation of the aims of the project. Also, all of the partners of the DP are active social partners of the S. Aegean Region thus social awareness and participation of the target groups of the project is highly guaranteed. Furthermore, most of the partners have a great experience in the fields of entrepreneurship and support services thus making it easier to provide tailored entrepreneurship and support services according to the specific needs of the social tender groups of the Region.

What doesn't work? Several problems occur due to the insular character of the S. Aegean Region. Most of them are mainly solved with the use of New Technology, which is basically one of the innovative points of our project.

72 Ellas Is what works transferable? Yes, due to the active character and the great experience of all DP members since these elements ensure the transfer of the project's actions to the target groups as well as to the general population.

Why is it innovative? ƒ All the following actions are actions characterized as innovative elements of our project. This is the first attempt in the S. Aegean Region that a great number of Organizations of local Authorities, Universities and Social Partners join together and with the use of ITC attempt to combat social and geographical exclusion by ensuring equal access to the labour market.

ƒ Networking and mobilisation of existing structures and services with the Citizen’s bureau of all Municipalities of the S. Aegean Region

ƒ Creation two Telecentres for the development of a “protected entrepreneurial know- how environment”

ƒ Creation of simulated Incubators for the development of entrepreneurial activity

ƒ Creation of One Stop Shops which will function as mechanisms for diagnosing needs, practical evaluation of working skills for the target groups, support and aid of self- activity and "incubators" (points of incubation of initial business plan in order to prepare its implementation)

ƒ Creation of a database of enterprises of the prefecture of Dodecanese with the use G.I.S. (pilot implementation)

ƒ Development of mentoring services and creation of a mentors’ network

ƒ Creation of mobile units of advisers with the use of N.T.

8. SYNERGY - GR-201007

Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Tailoring business services to real needs Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? People with mental health problems can hardly get a position with a company and, when they do, they are dismissed when the employer stops receiving financial aid by the state. The answer to that is self-employment through social cooperatives and other social enterprises.

What works? People with mental health are getting very enthusiastic about the prospect of owning their own business. They have good chances of succeeding because they use expert advice on technocratic issues unlike their private sector counterparts (small businesses owners.) Overall, all kinds of social firms are embracing the "support structure" set up under the scheme of the DP, besides those for mentally ill persons.

73 Ellas What doesn't work? The hardest part to overcome is the patronization of mentally ill persons by the mental health professionals. What, also, does not work, is the state because it has a wrong perception of the third sector, i.e. most of them see social economy only as not-for-profit and for people with very limited skills.

Is what works transferable? It is transferable in the sense that the results can foreseeably be measured in financial terms, for both the beneficiaries and the state, and in terms of the personal development of the mentally ill persons.

Why is it innovative? It is innovative because it addresses self-employment for the first time and, in the case of Greece, it is the frontrunner for other groups of disadvantages persons. The only type of business that addresses the needs of disadvantaged persons is the Social Cooperative, under a 1999 Law, and addresses people with mental health problems.


Diversity management Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Multicultural societies in Europe are a reality in everyday life. However, minority ethnic and cultural groups are still not equally and fairly represented in the European media. Under- representation and misrepresentation of immigrant and minority groups have an impact on majority audiences: it confirms their often biased and ignorant perceptions of the ‘new’ Europeans. At the same time, minority audiences have no point of connection with national mainstream media: there are few characters, stories, issues or debates with which they can identify. This leads to a sense of exclusion, marginalisation and, as a result, estrangement from the country’s cultural mainstream.

DREAM Project Activities:

First Group of Activities: Empowering Existing (or new) support structures that already are working for the support of ethnic minority groups to take over new roles such as: Media Monitoring, Intervention in case of mis-representation (i.e. in the News), Trying to promote young (and elder people to seek careers in the media), etc.

Second Group of Activities: Promoting People from ethnic minority groups into Media professions, by training and gaining working experience.

Third Group of activities: Policy Drafting. Cooperating with National and European (transnational) bodies – i.e. Ministry of Press- in order to promote diversity within the Media Organizations

Fourth group of Activities: Involving Journalists by training, by facilitating their work (i.e. find articles on minority issues, spokesmen of minority origin etc).

Fifth group of Activities: Information – Sensitisation of wider audiences

74 Ellas What works? First Group of Activities: Empowering Existing (or new) support structures - Activities working:

Through transnational cooperation, the “blueprint” will be created, which will outline constructive policies and good practice; giving examples of vocational progression, guidance, as well as progression routes and practices which facilitate and manage diversity. Furthermore, it will give details of monitoring and evaluation tools and list research databases.

ƒ Creating a module for the support structures, containing their new roles

ƒ Operation of Support structures in their increased role. Support offices are operating their increased role since Oct 2003. Services provided: Support of Ethnic minority groups, contacts with associations and institutions, Regular publication of Press Releases, Contacts with journalists, Continuous publication of Press Releases, follow- up of the incidents (i.e. trials), contacts with journalists, the institutions and representatives of National and European bodies, Contacts with Municipalities and Communities, Training advisors/consultants/ people working with ethnic minority groups in media and Minority issues)

Second Group of Activities: Promoting People from ethnic minority groups into Media professions - Activities working:

ƒ Training people of ethnic minority groups in media Professions

ƒ Employment of people of ethnic minority groups in media Professions (One Year)

Third Group of activities: Policy Drafting - Activities working:

ƒ Equality Audit. In co-operation with the Greek ministry of press, ethnic minority groups and media workers, the dream network will produce the “Equality Audit” and issue a new pilot version of codes of conduct for Media Organizations which will outline constructive policies and good practice. It will contain a set of multicultural criteria upon which a Media company will be able to evaluate its diversity.

ƒ Issuing “Guide on Media and Minority Issues” Collection - Evaluation - of the existent material regarding the fight against racism in the media

Fourth group of Activities: Involving Journalists - Activities working

Thematic Portal - A vertical portal: Against discrimination, racism and xenophobia in the Media. Target groups are: Journalists, in order for them to be able to track News on ethnic minority issues and events, spokesmen of ethnic minority origin etc., Ethnic minority groups, in order for them to keep updated with the news, to find journalists to address to, facilitate career seeking etc.

Fifth group of Activities: Information – Sensitisation of wider audiences - Activities working

“Open Line” Television Shows on ethnic minority issues

What doesn't work? Third Group of activities: Policy Drafting - Activities not working:

ƒ Research upon media employees and their attitude towards foreigners (due to delay of the University that undertook the research) 2) Transnational Training for Consultants, in order to Implement the EQUALITY AUDIT (organized for the end of 2003) 3) Pilot implementation of the EQUALITY AUDIT and Code in Media Organizations (organized for the end of 2003)

75 Ellas Fourth group of Activities: Involving Journalists - Activities not working (later in the time schedule)

ƒ Creation of educational material for media employees and application, 2) Training of Journalists, Seminars for educating media employees in Athens, Thessaloniki and Larissa

Fifth group of Activities: Information – Sensitisation of wider audiences - Activities not working (later in the time schedule)

Campaigns, Sensitisation of students, parents and teachers, Broadcasting - Organization of a Festival for TV and cinema production

Is what works transferable? First Group of Activities: Empowering Existing (or new) support structures -Transferable activities:

1) Blueprint 2) Creating a module for support structures, containing their new roles

Third Group of activities: Policy Drafting - Transferable activities:

1) Equality Audit 2) Issuing “Guide on Media and Minority Issues” Collection - Evaluation of existent material regarding the fight against racism in the media

Fourth group of Activities: Involving Journalists - Transferable Activities

Thematic Portal (A vertical portal: Against discrimination, racism and xenophobia in the Media. Target groups are: Journalists (it will enable them to be able to track News on ethnic minority issues and events), spokesmen of ethnic minority origin etc., Ethnic minority groups (it will enable them to keep updated with the news, to find journalists to address to, facilitate career seeking etc.)

Fifth group of Activities: Information – Sensitisation of wider audiences - Transferable Activities: All information / sensitisation activities could be organized using a European dimension.

Why is it innovative? First Group of Activities: Empowering Existing (or new) support structures. Innovative activities:

ƒ The Blueprint. Through transnational cooperation, the “blueprint” will be created, which will outline constructive policies and good practice; giving examples of vocational progression, guidance, as well as progression routes and practices which facilitate and manage diversity. Furthermore, it will give details of monitoring and evaluation tools and list research databases. Moreover, it will give examples of ‘good practice’ such as ISO’s, online learning, multimedia networks and anti-racism media campaigns. Methods will be suggested to ‘translate’ and adapt experiences from one country to another. In this way, practices developed in the ‘old’ European countries can be used and introduced in the future Member states of the European Union, bringing about a close European co-operation within the media. It is possible that the ‘Blueprint’ will become a website in its own right. Therefore, methods will be explored to digitise the ‘Blueprint’ in the format of a website.

ƒ Module for the support structures, containing their new roles. It is designed to be introduced to support offices that already work with ethnic minority groups, under their new- increased- roles in the field of Media.

Third Group of activities: Policy Drafting - Innovative activities:

76 Ellas EQUALITY AUDIT. In co-operation with the Greek ministry of press, ethnic minority groups and media workers, the dream network will produce the “Equality Audit” and issue a new pilot version of codes of conduct for Media Organizations which will outline constructive policies and good practice. It will contain a set of multicultural criteria upon which a Media company will be able to evaluate its diversity.

Fourth group of Activities: Involving Journalists - Innovative Activities:

Thematic Portal (A vertical portal: Against discrimination, racism and xenophobia in the Media).

Fifth group of Activities: Information – Sensitisation of wider audiences Innovative Activities:

All information / sensitisation activities could be organized using a European dimension.

10. E-QUALITY - GR-200889

Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Mainstreaming Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Research on the needs of socially sensitive groups has shown the need to upgrade agencies, counselling services and support structures that promote employment. The fragmentation of services, a non-rational use of human and financial resources and the problem of sustainability characterises also the majority of structures. The DP is trying to establish multi-level and diverse networks (among NGOs, enterprises, structures etc.) that promote effective function and quality of services. A big research on the needs of employers and target groups as well on the level of organisation of structures, will serve as the basis for developing criteria and specifications for a quality system for structures, services and staff of counselling and employment services.

What works? Research is ongoing and complemented by the transnational work of the DP. The part that addresses target groups is concluded as well as elaboration of data on the organisation and function of structures (systems, staffing, assessment mechanisms etc.). 90% of case- studies has been gathered and databases for managing and communicating findings have been developed. A very innovative training of researchers and counsellors is done, including people from target groups, and they will continue their work in support structures, trying to implement the quality system.

What doesn't work? Diffusion, communication and sensitisation are not very developed yet as the results of the research have shown the need to change thematic choices on the content of certain actions. The heterogeneity of structures as regards resources, methodology and target groups, poses also difficulties in the implementation of a unified quality system. Adaptations are needed.

Is what works transferable? It is transferable and very useful on a national level: findings of the research can be used by politicians, the system can be adopted by different structures with the necessary adaptations to address any particular needs. At a following stage, it can support procedures for accreditation of structures.

77 Ellas Furthermore, the partners of the DP involve large and representative public and local administration agents, that can directly promote good practices and support the mainstreaming procedures.

Why is it innovative? There is no quality system on structures, services and staffing of employment and counselling services neither in Greece nor in Germany and Austria (according to the transnational partners of the DP). The synthesis of the counsellors' team that the DP has trained on the system is also innovative: it includes unemployed people from the target group and employed from different structures (public employment services, training agencies, NGOs, etc.). Interaction in this group promotes adaptation of the system to the needs of different stakeholders.

11. EQUAL/ ANDROMEDA - GR 200955

Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Territorial approaches Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP is concerned with both the horizontal and vertical segregation in an effort to propose the most efficient tools that will help us to reduce it. For that reason the DP chose three fields of intervention, in which we don't still have enough knowledge to design effective policies. The first field has to do with the collection and elaboration of macro and micro economic data that will give us not only a quantitative but also a qualitative picture of the phenomenon (collaboration with the Statistical Office in order to improve its operation concerning gender indicators, implementation of a benchmark between companies for the measurement of the glass ceiling and also for evaluating the effectiveness of equal opportunities policies). The second field has to do with how you can make the equal ops a central theme of the business agenda and for that reason there are private companies as members of the DP (training of "equality advisers" within or outside companies, cooperation with specific companies in order to design and implement "equality plans", designing communication strategies and proposing a motivation policy that will convince more companies to proceed with positive action plans). The third field has to do with services designed to help women enter the labour market and its scope is to evaluate these services concerning their ability to fight segregation (evaluation and creation of vocational training programmes, evaluation of the "in the company" training and evaluation of counselling services available for women).

What works? Concerning the first field the work in progress is still in an early stage to judge (until October 2003 activities had to do with creating the benchmark methodology on a transnational level and mapping of the Statistical Office's surveys in order to point out the existing gaps and come up with the indicators that will help the Office to fill them).

The second field is more advanced and the first results are very encouraging (the training of the advisers was successfully completed, the two companies - members of the DP already planned their interventions and the implementation begun, there are 22 more companies that accepted to work with DP members for positive action plans) and the DP believes that by Spring 2004 will be able to present the first draft of a "Guide for the implementation of equality plans for companies".

The third field is a continuation of older projects under NOW and EMPLOYMENT initiatives. Most of the members involved are part of the Andromeda Network and have past experience of working together on gender issues. The actions for this field started on October 2003 so it is still early to have any comments on them.

78 Ellas What doesn't work? Working with companies has proven to be a very difficult task. Although most companies approached show a great interest in their involvement, the progress is slower than expected. Their commitment and determination is always connected to the stage they are in (from the originally three companies - members of the DP one has left as soon as the management changed) and we still have to work on the motivation policy if we would like to see gender become a main issue for companies.

Is what works transferable? The experience of the "equality plans" activity from the Equal - Andromeda project is transferable, since companies' operation is quite similar all over Europe. The reasons why in some cases the companies took up the challenge and implement the plans and why some of them refused or left, are going to be a useful experience for all those (organisations, policy makers, companies) interested in equal opportunities in the labour market.

From the other two fields we expect transferable results (such as the benchmarking methodology).

Why is it innovative? Partnership that involves all actors concerned.

Territorial approach in planning and implementing activities.

12. PEIRAN - GR-200917

Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Disability Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? PEIRAN focuses on the development of an innovative model for establishing and running social co-operative enterprises in the field of production, trading and marketing of traditional and alternative products with parallel cultural actions. The target group of the project consists of young unemployed people, residents of remote mountainous and insular areas in the Regions of Western Hellas, Peloponnese, Epirus, Ionian Islands and Northern Aegean Islands.

The key problem/need Peiran is addressing is the integration of disadvantaged people (young unemployed people, with emphasis on women, with mobility problems, living in remote areas in Greece) into the labour market, using the innovative model of franchising. In other words, Peiran is seeking to improve labour market integration and the inclusion of disadvantaged groups, by promoting good quality sustainable jobs.

What works? Up to date, we have studied exhaustively the social sector in Greece, its background and potential to expand, although we acknowledge this is not yet so well developed and with such a long history as in other European countries (such as Italy and Germany). After several months of project operation, we are now in the position to comprehend the strong points of the overall concept. We believe it is high time we extracted this accumulated

79 Ellas knowledge and offered it to a broader circle of key players in the sector of employment creation through social economy.

The strong points of our project which exemplify what "really works" so far, are summarized as follows:

Our target group consists of young unemployed people, who form the majority of unemployed population all over Europe. By engaging this dynamic force in employment structures, we discover that there is a great potential for implementing our franchising chain since our target groups appears quite motivated and willing to get involved in innovative employment strategies and thus in this way, "find themselves a decent job".

The method of social franchising is a unique innovative solution to promote entrepreneurship, as it provides continuous guidance to the newly born enterprises and sets the standards to be followed and the marketing tools to be used for achieving major success.

In our partnership, the involvement of a bank partner seems to be an extra asset to our project, because they have investigated the possibilities to develop innovative techniques of financing for cooperatives and individual enterprises of the third sector as well as the development of financing tools with attractive prospects for social enterprises.

In our project activities, the development of a network for the support, follow-up and social- economic aid seems to be working well. Meaning, the elaboration of a system of electronic networking for socially oriented institutions, relevant enterprises of private sector, central organizations that are activated to strengthen our social business chain.

What doesn't work? Nowadays, we do not face major difficulties during project implementation. We fear though that certain factors might hinder the smooth operation of the social cooperatives to be created, such as:

The legal and regulatory background is not yet formulated to adjust regulation and tax regimes to favour the growth of social enterprises.

The local government should realize the need to boost the social enterprises by contracting public services to them, entrusting their dynamism and efficiency. This will result not only to the benefit of the social sector but the public sector as well, but it has not yet been a practise in Greece thus we fear this might not work in favour of our social cooperatives.

The finance and funding possibilities are of paramount importance for social enterprises. At present, many of them are undercapitalized and struggle to access external finance, particularly when starting up their activities. The same happens even when they are at the phase of growing bigger, or moving away from any kind of financial dependency (e.g. government support, grants, etc). This is an essential point we try to pay special attention to since we understand that financial support is not evident of very difficult to obtain for our social cooperatives.

Is what works transferable? The concept of the whole project concerns the development of a social franchising model for the establishment of a network of social cooperative enterprises, under the support and entrepreneurial guidance of a Social Franchiser. The Social Franchiser will be established by three already existing cooperative enterprises which where constituted in the framework of the EMPLOYMENT Initiative and continue successfully their economical activities till now. The expansion of these cooperative enterprises is expected to lead to the establishment of homogenous enterprises in remote areas in the regions of intervention, which will operate as Social Franchisees (Model of Social Franchising).

80 Ellas The success of the above mentioned concept is by definition the transferability of the business idea and its expansion to other social cooperatives in Greece, who would like to join the franchising chain. Through the transnational partnership, this idea has been tested and validated to be of great interest not only on a national level but on a pan European level, with first examples from Italy and the UK, whereas joint actions are being cultivated to enhance the value of our franchising chain, forming strategic partnerships with other chains in the making. For this purpose, a meeting takes place in Rome in December 2003, with the ultimate scope the exploration of synergies for the repeatability and the transferability of our franchising model across our national borders.

Why is it innovative? The project PEIRAN provides an innovatory approach in fostering social entrepreneurship and promoting new mechanisms to develop sustainable and quality co-operative enterprises and services. Innovation occurs in the following ways:

Entrepreneurial methodologies and objectives: PEIRAN aims at the establishment of social co-operative enterprises that are going to operate on the basis of the Social Franchising model. The specific entrepreneurial objectives in this case have got a strong social character, considering that the target groups are disadvantaged young unemployed people with low or insufficient qualifications. The Social Franchising model offers these people the chances and preconditions for developing entrepreneurial culture and gaining knowledge, experience, methodologies and tools in order to establish their own social co-operatives (Social Franchisees) under the support, entrepreneurial guidance and monitoring of one Social Franchiser (co-operative social enterprise as well). Social franchisees will keep their particular local characteristics and the local cast of features, while the Social Franchiser is to promote united marketing policy for franchisees’ products, as well as common brand name and publicity campaign. Moreover, the whole Social Franchising Network is expected to encourage and promote alternative cultural activities in remote communities.

Exploitation of existing structures: Three co-operative enterprises, established in the intervention areas under the EMPLOYMENT Initiative, are activated in similar fields (traditional and alternative products) and participate in the PEIRAN DP. This contributes to the empowerment of the target groups, to the fostering of the bottom - up approach, and to the wider exploitation of best practices established in the previous European Initiatives.

New field of entrepreneurial activities in social economy: the majority of the existing social organisations and enterprises are activated in the services sector, namely offering help to old and disabled people, recycling, etc. These activities, although socially oriented, cannot provide worth mentioning economical profits and sustainable enterprises. The project PEIRAN promotes the creation of social co-operatives in the field of production, standardisation, promotion and sale of traditional local alternative products, with cultural dimension. This field of entrepreneurial activity is increasing rapidly all over Europe, while it offers remarkable added value to the strengthening of remote communities.

The PEIRAN DP is developing innovative tools with the use of Information Technologies: CD-ROM for educational use (simulation of social co-operative enterprises), entrepreneurial guides, social economy network via Internet for monitoring, supporting and information purposes, and financing tools for social co-operative enterprises.

81 Ellas ESPAÑA


Horizontal desegregation Gender mainstreaming Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Lack of awareness and sensibilization about how the patriarchal system works, as well as about how women and men learn it . This unawareness prevent people from knowing about job segregation and the need of changing mentalities, roles and stereotypes that causes discriminative inequalities between women and men.

What works? Workshops on "Equality and Equity : from the traditional model to the new relationships between women and men" and the "Gender Perspective: an inclusive approach".

The workshops become a participative scene for mentality change. There, people work, among other aspects, Identity and Subjectivity, the Symbolic and the Patriarchal Order.

The experts managing workshops and the methodologies used transmit "other way of doing and being in the world" against the myth of the supposed equality and of the apparent change of roles but not the stereotypes.

The workshops are addressed to businessmen and businesswomen, workers, technicians from Business Federations, Trade Union Agents and Business Agents from the Metallurgic Sector. It is also planned that students of technical careers and Vocational Training, Women Associations, and businesswomen Associations will attend the workshops.

What doesn't work? These target groups became mentally and socially reluctant: the treatment of these subjects reveals and even raises doubts about what has been learned, what is "natural" and above all, what has been established. When it comes to tackling contents, the participants doubt about them till they know about the facts, arguments and theories at the workshops. At the end, everybody admits the existence of discriminative inequalities between women and men.

Is what works transferable? The contents, the living and participative methodology and the experts working at the workshops facilitate the reflection about the proper experience and the development analyses of other experiences, values and rules, from a feminist point of view and as well as of integration of the Gender Perspective, that sensitizes professional of this sector.

The contents are transferable to any sector, territory and laboral, educational and professional field.

Why is it innovative? The workshops are thought to open minds and to shake hearts, and despite that, they are implemented with such sensibility that even if at first sight they could be shocking, they happen to satisfy the participants.

82 España The contents are transferable to any sector, territory and laboral, educational and professional field.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning ITC Literacy Work / Life balance Territorial approaches

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? CO-LABORA.CON has been designed from a territorial viewpoint, although it features a large array of sector organisations, providing richness and consistency to a project that is committed to sustainable local development from a gender perspective and with an innovative approach that maybe can be transferred to other development levels.

The project covers three territories with a total 22 municipalities with urban, rural and costal areas.

The CO-LABORA.CON project has been also prepared from a gender point of view, with a comprehensive approach, which is developed through the detection and removal of physical, psychic and cultural barriers for the access to labour of both women and men, acting on behaviour patterns based on gender stereotypes. On the one hand, this process seeks to gain further access to Public Life for women, increasing their activity rate, and it intends to provide men with further access to Private Life, on the other hand. Therefore, the purpose is to achieve a balance between male and female roles both in public and private affairs.

What works? The main goal of this project is to extend the participation in the labour market of women and other groups of disadvantaged people in terms of labour insertion, and to expand the involvement of men in family life, acting on behaviour patterns so as to modify gender stereotypes, enabling them to access positions where they are presently under- represented and reducing exclusion and discrimination factors.

The project is drafted according to the following action lines:

New Labour Support and Organization Systems: Aid for the creation of multi-purpose proximity services favouring labour integration for women and men with dependent people; Stimulation of demands for these services through the introduction of "Service checks"; Implementation of conciliation measures in collective bargaining; Information on new forms of labour organisation.

Activity awareness and spreading: Awareness campaigns; Seminaries for NYE spreading; Information seminaries for companies; Travelling fair CO-LABORA.CON.

Accompanying and Assessment Services: Integration of the equality agent figure; Implementation of the "CERMI Link" figure as an advisor in the area of disability; Adequacy of Labour Mediation and Information Services; System and tool introduction within these services.

Citizen participation: Holding of meetings and panel discussions for the participation of all different social sectors inside the territory.

Training: Educational material preparation, and educational activity development for training and employment agents and teachers; Grants and courses for female labour promotion and recycling; Male and female training in activities where they are under- represented; Courses aimed at professionalizing household activities and those related to the care of dependent people; Development of training programs for company requirements; Training grants and entrepreneurial teaching practice to favour insertion;

83 España Implementation of tailor-made pre-training modules; Training aimed at people involved in accompanying tasks in the working environment; Courses of Spanish for immigrants; Courses with a comprehensive gender and diversity respect approach.

New technologies: Dynamization of shared technological resources; Implementation of training activities on NTIC; Adaptation of computing systems and software development for encouraging NTIC accessibility; Drafting of support measures for hardware acquisitions.

Assessment: Outer assessment to inform on the level of compliance with objectives and on good practices being achieved; Editing of a good-practice document; Transfer of this document, by means of public presentations.

What doesn't work? Territorial coordination since the local authorities don’t share the whole local strategy.

Is what works transferable? The most promising activities are related to New Labour Support and Organization Systems, specially the “Service Check” and the Citizen participation forum as an important tool to promote a global debate on gender and reconciliation issues.

Why is it innovative? 1. Mediation between job searchers with reconciliation problems and companies inside the territory.

2. Company advice for the implementation of new forms of labour organisation aimed at facilitating conciliation.

ƒ Course for the professionalization of post-hospital care activities, provided by Health Institutions, related to self-employment creation or to the establishment of micro- companies providing services to dependent people.

ƒ Institutionalise the “services check” as a universal public service to facilitate reconciliation solutions on the territory orientated to unemployed women.

3. EQUALCAN - ES 276

Work / Life balance Employment for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Our group for discussion in Objective II EqualCan think that Collective Social Negotiation, out of other instruments like training of employers and employees is the better tool in order to approach Flexibility and Improvement of employment's quality. The first step was the identification and analysis of all the flexibility measures and actions for the improvement of employment's quality, non discrimination and the conciliation between family and working life.

What works? Once this phase is concluded, it would be convenient to carry out the analysis of the current situation of collective social negotiation in Cantabria, in comparison with larger geographical areas (Spain, European Union) to establish ways of finalising the incorporation of these measures and actions into our social negotiation. And the final outcome will arise out of the pilot actions that we managed to conclude in companies, concerning the agreement or pacts including these measures and actions.

84 España What doesn't work? It is necessary a new structure for modernisation of work, a framework which fosters the improvement of employment and competitiveness within a a more suitable working organisation. A suitable balance between flexibility and security: the establishment of a regulation structure and equally reasonable levels of jobs' safety and social protection for workers.

Is what works transferable? One of our final outcomes will be a useful guide promoting modernisation of companies in Cantabria according to two basic pillars: the increase of competitiveness and employment's quality. This guide will be used in our region or other regions by means of the General Policy for Collective Negotiation or the Active Employment Policy, Negotiators' Training Days,

Why is it innovative? Our aim is innovative because we don't intend to replace Collective Social Negotiation, but to increase the use of it and to improve it by means of training. We will incorporate new flexibility measures that balance the interest of the employer with a better quality of employment.

4. NEXOS - ES 291

Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Migration in Spain has increased in the last years. This evolution is a matter of social and labour discrimination of migrants, creating a bigger number of exclusion situations and conflicts.

There are basically two needs to address: ƒ In order to achieve the aim of labor and social integration, instead of having a negative view of migration as a problem, it is necessary to point out the contribution of migration to the society and economical development. ƒ Some of the actions provided by Spanish migration politics are only suggested and Equal Community Initiative is the field to experiment innovative actions for them to be mainstreamed.

What works? This DP intends to experiment new ways to fight against discrimination of immigrants & ethnic minorities in regards to employment access, setting up new sensitisation strategies designed to inform the Spanish population about the potentialities of the immigrants presence and its positive aspects, favouring of a non-stereotyped image of immigrant women.

In order to improve the knowledge of immigrants, encourage open-mindedness and interest in them, this DP sets up the following actions: ƒ Awareness raising campaigns very carefully drawn, avoiding sensationalist speeches and providing more visibility to the positive aspects of immigration. This general campaign lies in produce a Documentary showing some integration experiences in companies and one Advertisement for general sensitization. ƒ New participation strategies in the design of political integration such as Territory Based Counsels for Integration, that is a space where migrants and ethnics minorities share with the community. ƒ Anti-discrimination training for entrepreneurs, public administration staff, schools staff, public health employees, police, etc., for them to have more information about the new multicultural situation.

85 España What doesn't work? A wide dissemination of positives aspects of migrants demands the use of media (TV, cinema and other media), then it is necessary to work with a Production Company, many of these Companies have lackness in designing this kind of campaigns (social campaigns have to respect a clear message).

For making this campaign seeking for additional financing is necessary and looking for an sponsor is being a very difficult task.

Is what works transferable? ƒ Awareness raising campaigns, social sensitisation measures and training of professionals (teachers and workers of schools, policemen, public health employees, etc) in the new multicultural situation. Increasing sensitization measures in Combating Racism and Xenofobia Projects will improve social and labour integration of migrants, and this DP is implementing long-range practices, always guaranteeing an adequate gender approach. ƒ The Territory Based Consuls for INTEGRATION experience, as a model promoting participation in democracy and multi-cultural management, with the participation of the own local community.

Why is it innovative? Until this moment, integration actions tried to improve social and labour conditions of migrants and ethnic minorities by providing them training, counselling, monitoring, etc. This DP is enhancing social sensitization as the key of a complete and stable integration. The treatment of awareness raising campaigns avoid sensationalism and implies professionals from different entities.

Territory Based Consuls for Integration are a new experience of mixed participation.

5. MI.MA.- ES-303

Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The MI.MA. Project has chosen the subject area that refers to the reconciliation of professional and family life, in response to the existing situation of a high rate of female unemployment within the territory which surpasses 60% while the rate for men is under 40% in the area covered by the Project. Women suffer the difficulties of incorporating into a job market associated with the concentration of the unemployed within certain age spans, to low skills, to the problem of adjustment between the supply and demand, to the high level of foreigners in the area and to the existing hidden economy in which women mainly participate.

Therefore, the area of involvement of the Project is focused on the need to take new measures for job insertion and improvement of local service quality in order to improve the job and family situation of the population resident in the area.

The MIMA Project attempts to undertake the existing problem in this territory referring to the differences that exist in access to the job market depending on sex, age, existing skills, positions offered and demanded by the population, the type of industry that operates in the area, which allows the existence of a hidden economy, and the increase of the foreign population in the last few years.

All these problems are undertaken from the Project and attempt to search for solutions through tailor made actions.

86 España What works? This Project, aimed at promoting a change of attitude with respect to the compatibility of job and family life, and to promote balance in family responsibilities, in addition to reintegrating women that have left the job market, through flexible and effective forms of organisation of the work and the support services. In order to reach this objective, it has opted for:

ƒ Experimenting for new formulas for work organisation;

ƒ facilitating training and re-qualification systems for promotion of new professional profiles related to reconciliation perspective.

In this sense, as of September 2003, it has developed the course on Profession Recruiting and Mediation with gender and reconciliation perspective (Conciliator Agent) have been carried out. This is a certified training associated with the generation of a new professional profile represented in all job mediation agencies in the territory (public and others)

Concerning the NIT tools the tele-shopping service was started up, but the on-going evaluation report it’s not available yet.

Is what works transferable? Activities related to the creation of the Conciliator Agent: design of the new recreated job, curricular plan, training methodologies and contents.

Why is it innovative? ƒ Redesign of the social-labour insertion itinerary with the incorporation of agents/mediators for conciliation.

ƒ Design of a curricular plan for conciliator agents and certified training by an academic organisation.

ƒ Creation of an had-doc job post in employment offices for this new mediator - conciliator profile.

6. RED ACCENT - ES-329

Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? To provide better support for the creation of new enterprise based on networking and the use of new technologies. Our well consolidated services have already shown good results.

Our goal with RED ACCENT is: ƒ To improve the exchange of information, experiences, methodologies and materials between local employment service professionals. ƒ To open new avenues for financing. ƒ To apply technological advances to entrepreneurship and business promotion. ƒ To develop new materials. ƒ To network.

What works? ƒ The Integral Plan, which supports the creation of new enterprise throughout the entire process, from conceiving ideas, to developing plans, to following up on new firms.

87 España ƒ Encouraging the spirit of enterprise at educational centres (primary schools, secondary schools and occupational training), working jointly with instructors and backed by new materials that provide a clear simple and fun way to gain a better understanding of the processes involved in creating business. (games, comics, multimedia tools). ƒ Individualised follow-up on companies after they have been created, based on quantitative and qualitative methods and materials which enable us to identify any possible deviations and help promoters find the solutions they need for their activities to be successful. ƒ Developing teleservices which facilitate and support the process of creating new businesses. ƒ A work method based on a participatory network approach for promoting collaboration, mutual knowledge and the exchange of good practices is turning out to be successful. ƒ Analysis and detection of business opportunities and dissemination of outcomes through cooperation agreements with the press. ƒ Analysis and implication of financial entities to facilitate access to new channels for financing.

What doesn't work? ƒ Collaboration without first defining the role of each party. ƒ Working with too many organisations.

Is what works transferable? The RED ACCENT project has shown that work methods and materials are transferable, since they have been sucessfully applied to different geographical areas with different social and productive fabrics and different features in terms of sectoral specialisation.

Why is it innovative? The project's innovative activities are focused in several fundamental areas, namely: ƒ the methods used for business promotion. ƒ the management methods used in the Red Accent project. ƒ the application of advanced technologies in business promotion and entrepreneurship systems. ƒ the inclusion of equal opportunities applied transversally to all activities.

7. EQUALBUR - ES-336

Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning ITC Literacy Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Family support – Care and service provision Gender mainstreaming Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Racial or ethnic origin Disability Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? To link different actors and organizations from the city of Burgos in order to avoid discrimination in the access to labour market.

What works? ƒ Publication of a book to transfer the metodology about how to facilitate the access to regular labour market of people with disabilities in order to create labour enclaves ƒ Supported employment for Down Syndrome people so as to enter into the regular labour market.

88 España ƒ Elimination of physical barriers and obstacles in comunication and relationship. ƒ Adaptation of tools for deaf people, people with autism and others. ƒ Integrated approach to all kind of beneficiaries suffering discrimination: gypsies, people with all kinds of disabilities, with mental illness, school dropouts, women, immigrants, drug-adicts, offenders, homeless prople, etc. (Diversity management). ƒ Cooperation of different kinds of actors: employers, public administration, NGOs, trade unions, social movements, etc.

What doesn't work? We would like to improve in approaching and involving the employers, equal opportunities among men and women, devoloping of information society and fighting infoexclusion.

We also would like to incorporate the environmental perspective in all our projects as a transversal task.

Is what works transferable? Yes. The project is developing tools and methodologies that will be published (Quality Management Standard, Book on labour enclaves,etc).

The City Council of Burgos is one of the partners and the Regional Administration is the representative of the DP, which facilitates the transfer to other City Councils and decision makers (regional and national level).

Why is it innovative? New procedures to facilitate the access of people with disabilities to the regular labour market (from special centers of people with disabilities). Creation of a new legal framework concerning the labour enclaves.

Quality management standard (ISO 9001:2000) for NGOs.

Transference of employment methodologies from some kinds of beneficiaries to others (sharing experiences and good practices).

Special award for socially responsible enterprises.

Equacción shop as a practice of solidarian trade.

"Diversity wins" as a transnational campaign

The own way of working and taking decisions within the D:P.


Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Creating an entrepreneurial culture Standards for support services for the social enterprise Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The participant partners agreed on the following underlying problems that should be faced in the frame of the transnational project:

ƒ Integral approach to conciliation issues: talking about conciliation is talking about a very complex and versatile reality, that needs the involvement of different points of view in order to guarantee it. This is different and complementary nature of actors and projects involved

89 España ƒ Fragmentation of resources concerning conciliation: solving this need is a priority for the involved partners, through gathering and structuring local actions/initiatives/resources carried out in the European space to promote a better work/family conciliation, oriented to be exchanged and transferred to local governments and actors.

ƒ European wide visibility an mobilisation in favour of conciliation issues: structuring a European Network of Cities and Territories for Conciliation aiming to develop products supported at political level by local and regional governments in Europe is one of the major and core strategies of the transnational project.

What works? Mobilisation of governmental bodies at local and regional level in order to back common products as the European Charter for Conciliation.

Complementary nature of a wide range of involved partners and carried activities, which shows a powerful, rich and diverse amount of know-how on conciliation issues.

Knowledge network on local action for conciliation, whose aim is gathering and structuring initiatives and programmes developed at local level in order to favour conciliation. The information is gathered in a common format allowing the comparison, benchmarking and transferability of actions, as well as reflecting the specific level of development of each action through different phases of achievement: background, planning, execution and evaluation.

What doesn't work? Different degrees of achievement depending on the working axis, which means problems for a joint planning and development of activities.

Different conceptual basis sustaining the projects: an intense debate for establishing a consensus at a theoretical level has been developed in order to set up the transnational activities, which has negatively impacted in the planned working schedules.

Fragmentation and unperfected communication characteristic of big and complex networks.

Is what works transferable? Counting on the different nature of the partners involved, as well as in the complementary nature of the activities carried out in the participant territories, transferability has been since the very beginning of the transnational platform constitution a major underlying factor.

At the moment, the transnational project strategy is mainly focused on the gathering of information within a specific format: experiences, initiatives, programmes, and so on. The wide range of programmes, tools and products described in a very detailed way will serve as the base of transference for those interested in developing similar actions in the participants territories.

When the gathering process will be finished, there will be also a debate (knowledge network) on which transnational products will be developed ad in which way.

Specifically regarding the European Cities and Territories Network its important to have a political and policy makers sustainable structure were gender equal opportunities and reconciliation issues are leading topics on local development debates. Include the Cities and Territories for Reconciliation Agenda attached to the European Cities and Territories Network Chart in the public local institutions budget looks to be a very good way to mainstream our products and strategies.

90 España Why is it innovative? ƒ Integrate gender perspective with physical and spatial territorial European management.

ƒ Create an operative institutional network with a specific agenda, objectives and action plan

ƒ Integrate small and medium local institutions and territories to exchange politics, programs, projects and products related to equal opportunities and reconciliation between working, family and social life.

9. EN@E AD – ES 361

Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning ITC Literacy Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The en@e project addresses the issue of content within the information society and the need, from a social and cultural point of view, to have the book industry involved in this question in order to reduce the gap between those who are information rich and those who are information poor. To do this there is a need for book publishers, printers, booksellers and book distributors to adapt the workforce and their businesses (most of them SMEs) to the new information technologies. Without this adaptability most workers will be discriminated in the future and a great number of companies will disappear.

The en@e project deals with this problem and sets up a series of instruments that will allow employers and employees to become literate in new technologies applied to the book and content industry. At the same time, the project develops the concept of lifelong learning within the book community, introduces the concept of coaching and puts the learner at the centre of the learning and guidance system.

What works? The project as a whole is working. In terms of best practices the following should be mentioned:

The cooperation within different sectors (publishers, printers, booksellers, distributors) with, sometimes, opposed interests, in order to adapt themselves to the ICT.

The creation of an innovative management platform for the project, that allows to communicate, archive the information generated by the project, coordinate working agendas and disseminate results, resulting in substantial savings in meetings and other costs.

A multimedia training platform and its learning materials that allow interactivity betwwen learners and tutors on an online basis.

A Virtual Guidance Centre that will provide information and coaching activities for the book industry employees and employers.

The communication and dissemination plan oriented not only to the book industry, but also to other sister industries (press, technical journals,..) but also to other economic sectors that need to adapt to the ICT, in order to let them now what is being done by the book sector in strategical terms.

The cooperation between the public and the private sectors, ensuring excellent results in terms of mainstreaming.

91 España Is what works transferable? What it works is transferable, both in terms of processes, as well as in terms of specific products and results of the project.

Why is it innovative? The cooperation between different industries (within the same economic sector), as well as with the public administration is innovative in terms of the involvement of both sectors, private and public, in the project, the expected results beyond the time scope of the project itself and the way they will flow into the mainstreaming of the industry, its labour market and the potential policies of the public administration (national and regional) as far as the adaptability to the ICT.

The management platform of the project that allows a centralized system where all partners contribute is a new development in terms of management of E.C. funded projects. It promotes new technologies, it increases control of projects and promotes full participation of all partners.

The multimedia training platform and the virtual guidance centre, as well as their multimedia training materials are innovative in terms of content as well as from a technical point of view, and by putting the learner in the centre of the learning process, extends lifelong learning to SMEs and those employees who are not located in the main cities where face-to face training centres are located.

The Virtual Guidance Centre and its coaching activities in relation to the adaptability of employees and employers to ICT put attitudes, not only skills, at the centre of the process, a key question according to the results of the research undertaken within the project. Without a change in attitudes the adaptability will not take place.


Horizontal desegregation Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? There is a lack of awareness on equal opportunities amongst businesses and also lack of positive action plans within men dominated enterprises and businesses.

What works? Activities for awareness raising and/or preparation of the business setting through the training of workers, social agents, the entrepreneurs and HR staff. Also through their participation in workshops, seminars and through dissemination activities.

What doesn't work? Trade unions and business organizations have a controversial relationship and this is reproduced in the different proposals given to overcome the gender segregation of the labour market. These social agents also lack an awareness on gender issues and it is hard to find leading businesses or professionals in the sectors where changes are needed.

Is what works transferable? The methodology used aims at attracting businesses and enhance their leadership in particular sectors in order to create and implement positive action plans within these sectors. These leading businesses, in turn, will act as driving businesses and will attract other businesses or professionals in their sector or their territory.

92 España Why is it innovative? The project focuses on selecting leading businesses and professionals that have developed or have participated in positive action plans. These businesses have a long experience in organizational issues and structural changes, and know very well the local entrepreneurial tissue. That is, these businesses are leaders with regards to human resource management and organizational changes.

11. REGENTA - ES392

Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Creating an entrepreneurial culture Mainstreaming Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The entities and institutions working on promoting entrepreneurship among women often use excessively wide criteria concerning contents, methodology and proposals of training, guidance and mentoring.

Despite the existence of an important demand in male dominated sectors and businesses, women do not work in these neither as employees nor as self-employed. Many women in the past years have chosen to be trained in these sectors, but they are having great difficulty in accessing the labour market and in getting professional recognition, as well as commercialising their products and services.

What works? Elaboration and setting up of a "Comprehensive Protocol" to incorporate the gender perspective in counselling, coaching and entrepreneurial training.

It is a comprehensive approach because it includes awareness raising, equal opportunities training, business management training, access to funding, coaching and guidance in the business project and attitudinal change towards the social consideration of business women.

This Protocol should be incorporated to all the training and entrepreneurial guidance systems; to those specifically targeted at women and those targeted at both women and men.

What doesn't work? Some partners are reluctant because they feel they are being controlled and their work is being questioned. They also think that their technical staff knows how to work with any target group.

Is what works transferable? The Protocol's wideness and global approach allows for its adaptability and transfer to any sector or territory.

Why is it innovative? The Protocol has been elaborated within a global approach and it is designed to be active and participative because it should be taken to all entities working with entrepreneurs.


ITC Literacy

93 España Other: Mentoring system for the new companies created

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Consolidation of the new companies during the initial phase of the life cycle, eliminating barriers that could be cause in mentoring.

What works? Diseny a specific computer tool (in internet) for mentoring, called "Guardian Play".

What doesn't work? The main barrier for this tool is the adresse's lack of knowledge for the use of this tool. Consequently specific training is necessary.

Is what works transferable? Yes, it's a flexible tool and adaptable to each context. Furthermore, this tool is available in internet.

Why is it innovative? ƒ - Integral tool for mentoring ƒ - Qualifying focus incorporated in data analysis ƒ -Flexible tool (adaptable to the needs of each mentor) ƒ - Making up the tool through different field experts and transnational partners, which guarantees the tool's flexibility. ƒ - This tool eliminate the time-barrier between the tutor entrepreneur relation.

13. A SOCIACIÓN COMPROMISO PARA LA CONCILIACIÓN. LOS TIEMPOS DE NUESTRASVIDAS. DIPUTACIÓN DE GUADALAJARA- ES 417 Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Professional and family life conciliation is a long term objective with multiple facets. The most evident is expressed in rights (reduction of the working day, maternity leave, extended leave of absence, etc.) provided for in the Spanish law of Reconciliation. The distribution of domestic chores is another important aspect. It expresses not only the unequal position of men and women in our society, but also a first degree social dysfunction, hidden for a long time by the aforementioned inequality. The distribution of spheres between men and women achieved what the industrial development would carry out, without excessive personal costs and without responsibility on the part of the companies.

The imbalance between the level of responsibility and participation of men and women in the job and family area have negative consequences in the whole of society:

1. In the productive system, because it makes a proper use of all the available resources difficult.

2. In families, because it converts the family responsibilities into an unshared load which obligates people, and especially women, to choose between professional or family dedication, a question that is provoking significant demographic changes in some European countries.

94 España 3. In the health and happiness of working people, because it reduces their quality of life.

In order to harmonise the time dedicated to paid work, the care of people and family responsibilities and to our own individual development, a social co-responsibility is essential.

The general aim of this Project is to reach a compromise of the main social agents in the Province of Guadalajara in order to: ƒ Analyse the obstacles for reconciliation. ƒ Establish appropriate measures in this regard. ƒ To promote the creation of the local service companies. ƒ To facilitate professional insertion of women in rural areas. In order to achieve this objective, the Project has been structured into four lines of work: ƒ Research on the main problems found by men and women to conciliate job and family life. ƒ Develop and implement the measures that favour conciliation (result of the proposals carried out and validated in Action 1). ƒ Training of unemployed in local services. ƒ Creation of an insertion or re-insertion service into the labour world.

What works? Within the framework of research on the conciliation of professional and family in Guadalajara and the later assessment of the results obtained by the different DA members (corresponding to lines of work 1 and 2 for the Project) the final results and expected products should be pointed out: ƒ Comparative and qualitative study on the reconciliation of professional and family life existing in the Province of Guadalajara. ƒ Guideline of resource facilitators for the conciliation of professional and family life existing in the Province of Guadalajara. ƒ Guideline of good practices for reconciliation. ƒ Research assessment seminar, with the participation of the all members and other social agents within the territory. This will serve for the preparation of the involvement proposals taken from the results and conclusions of the research. The involvement proposals that are made will be able to be started up on the Axis 2 of work. It is expected that a part of the results will lead to the improvement and creation of reconciliation services in different areas based on a large platform agreement. As of September 2003, the following activities have been carried out within the framework of “The Times of Our Lives” Project:

Within the area if research on the conciliation of job and family life in the Province of Guadalajara the following activities have been carried out: ƒ Definition of content, methodology and tools for gathering information. ƒ Preparation of the tools for gathering information. ƒ Preparation of the samples for the survey and profile definition of the people participating in the qualitative field. ƒ Field research. ƒ Data process and report. Furthermore, the Guideline of Resources for the Conciliation of the Professional and Family Life in Guadalajara has been prepared, as well as the Manual of Good Practices for Conciliation in the EU, which will be published.

Along these lines the carrying out of the study on New Findings for Employment and NTIC Facilitators for the Conciliation of Job and Family Life has been initiated.

On the transnational level the methodology and tools for gathering information has been designed for the carrying out of the comparative “study on the quality of life” of the two

95 España member countries and the preparation of the information gathering tools and systemisation of the information.

What doesn't work? With respect to research: The difficulty of identifying the MSSBs and SMSBs in the territory.

Difficulties in understanding between local actors and DP members since they do not share the same conceptual framework with respect to everything concerning Equal opportunities and Reconciliation of Work and Family Life.

Difficulty of mobilising the political representatives in the territory and get their full commitment.

Is what works transferable? Connect the results of the research with a platform where there are representatives responsible for important negotiations concerning normative framework and distribution of financial support for local policies (unions, local authorities, social and entrepreneurs organisations, etc.) its a very good way to negotiate and build up solutions finally supported by new policies and means.

14. EQUAL JEREZ - ES-444

Horizontal desegregation Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Widening vocational choices of women and men, particularly sensitizing teachers, career counsellors and guidance staff.

In the educational system and in the vocational training system there is a lack of awareness and of strategies for a gender sensitive vocational orientation, as to avoid academic and professional non-sexist choices and as to avoid gender segregated choices.

What works? Elaboration of materials for guidance from a gender perspective with the purpose of creating awareness raising on the influence of sexist prejudices over academic and professional choices. these materials will the basis for workshops on sensitization, motivation, and training. These materials are directed at teachers and technical staff that work in the vocational training system and in the employment programmes.

What doesn't work? There is little awareness in relation to Equal Opportunities and the gender perspective, thus there is still reluctance and resistance to change.

Is what works transferable? Yes. The methodology used to elaborate the material is inclusive, has a global dimension and in it have participated the different levels and types of teachers targeted.

Why is it innovative? Because it incorporates a participative and active methodology that includes tools for motivation and sensitization with a proper integration of the gender perspective.


Horizontal desegregation Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? In the Building Sector there is a wide range of professional options with high-degree insertion opportunities but as it is a traditional men-tailored sector, women do not participate.

Although in the last decades, a large number of women have been skilled in vocational training related to the building sector, their insertion to the labour market has not been successful enough. This is due to the reluctances and constraints of the employers and professionals, most of them males. Therefore the need to sensitize and raise awareness of the building sector actors.

What works? Training and Equal Opportunities Awareness Raising, integrating the gender perspective into the traditional training modules and previously sensitizing training the trainers themselves. The Labour Foundation for the building Sector is the entity responsible for the training.

The training material have been created particularly to be integrated in the On-line Training Virtual Platform. The gender perspective modules make part of the training curriculum for all the subject. Professionals that aiming to achieve a training certificate and qualification to give training in this professional sector are obliged to learn and overcome all the contents of the curriculum.

The gender modules include monitoring and some in-class sessions.

What doesn't work? The concrete definition of the target group to which the training materials are addressed to.

Working with the trainers (mostly men) coming from traditional men- tailored training areas, and the beneficiaries of the training ( also men ) that hardly understand the need to desegregate the sector and incorporate the gender perspective in the training of such professional sectors.

Obtaining a new didactics methodology that facilitates the successful introduction of the gender perspective in labour settings throughout the on line-training tools.

Is what works transferable? Its transferability remains possible due to the way the tools and materials have been elaborated, both from a didactic and gender point of view. The methodology used, allows its transferability to other men-tailored professional sectors .

The on-line platform is carried out throughout the Labour Foundation for the Building Sector. This organization, not only works national wide, but may be used as a leading platform for other professional associations ( sectorial or territorial).

Why is it innovative? It is a long distance training with specific didactic designed to be used on-line.

The gender perspective contents introduced in the modules, are particularly adequated and adressed to a target group hardly sensible to gender issues.

97 España The training is integrated in the training curricula of the building sector trainers, and it has a formal and legal recognition.

The platform has an important influence and prestige in the building sector.

16. FIDES - ES-471

Convincing and involving Social partners Making start up finance more accessible

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? We are trying to make easier the access to financiation to entrepreneurs who have any problem by guarantees exemption, just taking into account the viability of the project.

What works? We have created a Financial Fund to regulate the access to the financiation without extra- guarantees. Now, most of the entrepreneurs find easily a loan according to their needs. It has removed a very consolidated barrier in the start up process.

What doesn't work? It works very well, but it has been necessary getting a Financial Entity interested on that, and defining all the process from giving information about financial instruments, viability analysis, apply of grants, etc

Is what works transferable? Yes, it is perfectly transferable to any other territory, and even to any other precess, for instance the investment on ITC, recruitment of persons under of risk of discrimination.

Why is it innovative? It is innovative because until now, the more problems had the entrepreneur, the more guarantees asked the financial entities. This practice also gives more value to any help given to entrepreneurs because if they don't find financiation, the have to give up their project.


Accreditation Territorial approaches Networking Other: Rural people

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The difficulty to qualify and adapt the technology of productive sectors in rural areas, where the prevailing employment sector is the primary one. There are many microenterprises and selfenterprises can cause technological and enterprise capacity disruption in mountainous areas inside Catalonia.

What works? We'll work to create the tools needed to support productive sectors that can provide training or sectorial information to the public objective in each sector (agricultural professional, stockbreeders, , small industry, and touristic services), taking into account the respective administrations in rural and mountainous areas in order to disseminate and transfer the results among these public-objectives.

98 España What doesn't work? Provided that it's a project into the axe 3 dedicated to adaptation, it depends on the active professionals from the rural and mountainous zones where the project is being developed. This is an important limitation (in some mountainous regions, area of the Catalan Pyrenees) to access to profiles of high interest as women and young people (although the project focuses specially in these profiles in the plain areas of Lleida).

Is what works transferable? We consider that the main transferable contribution is the process of development and, specially, the implantation of the tools of the project (approximately 30), because it involves the technical team of development-administration near to user-representatives of the collective to transfer the results-objective public, because of that, it's a process that requires a high efforts of bottom-up implantation and involvement of social agents of rural areas

Why is it innovative? It is innovative as long as the process of development (sometimes) and dissemination (quite always) of each tool means the participation of the territory (and it brings the technology near to the users) and of the sector (what makes the new technologies credible to the rural collectives, which aren't used to changes and innovation -related to contents and processes-)


Horizontal desegregation Creating an entrepreneurial culture Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? It is calculated that in the Spanish territory they exist between 600,000 and 700,000 participating woman on family businesses that are “invisible business woman” which have not professional, administrative or legal existence.

These woman have special difficulties in order to improve her qualification and professionalization and as well, they do not have the protection of benefits like these existing for woman, workers or entrepreneurs, working for her own or as employees.

What works? Set up of a methodology of identification, characterization, empowering and monitory for the professional recognition of “invisible business woman”.

In parallel, it is been elaborating a document with law proposals that permit visualize and regulate legal and social rights of these woman on her quality of entrepreneurs and owners of a business.

What doesn't work? To identify and characterize the collectivity giving her statistical invisibility.

Difficulty to arrive to the real mind and sentiments (visible and invisible ones) of these woman.

Deficient training and professional empowering (and entrepreneurial ) of this collective.

Absence of legal framework and difficulties to harmonise actual laws and taxes with the proposals.

99 España Is what works transferable? It is provided the project’s transferability giving that is a goal to elaborate a proposal in order to be discussed, including in the Spanish Parliament.

Why is it innovative? For the first time, they are going to be put on the table integral, legal and accurate proposals to improve social protection and visualization of these woman.

These proposals take into account a wide range of possibilities for his technical, juridical, political, trade union and social acceptance.

It is pretended to enlarge and improve the proposals that, up to the moment, have been discussed and approved in the EU Institutions and in some countries of the environment.


Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The Project attempts to cover the following problems from an integral perspective:

Low participation of women in rural environment: ƒ Almost “transparent” role of the woman in society; ƒ High inactivity rate; ƒ Sparse distribution of domestic chores. Few possibilities of employment in rural areas: ƒ High unemployment; ƒ Lack of motivation; ƒ Wariness self-employment; Few possibilities of reconciliation between the job and family life: ƒ Sparse distribution of family chores and responsibilities; ƒ Large dependency of elders and children on women in labour age group; ƒ Lack of reconciliation services and resources. Abandonment of women in the rural environment: ƒ High masculinity rate; ƒ Regeneration problems.

What works? Attempts to transform support services to territorial endogen potential reconciliation, developing the following activities: ƒ Creation of 2 multi-functional/inter-generational centres. ƒ Start up of creative conciliation support services (flexible job bulletin board, etc.). ƒ Training of women so that they can assume business/cooperative management and leadership in support services for dependent people and girls and boys. Up until now the following promising products have been developed: ƒ Curricular Plan for the Course on Personal Care Qualifications;

100 España ƒ Curricular Plan for the Course on Management of Retirement Centres with a multi- functional and inter-generational perspective; ƒ Network of Employment Orientation Services integrating gender perspective and reconciliation methodologies and services solutions.

What doesn't work? The following difficulties have been detected during the carrying out of the Project: ƒ To make flexible and to decentralise reconciliation support services, taking the territorial characteristics into account and the spatial distribution of the existent services all along the rural area. ƒ To assure the implantation of the new services with the use of autochthonous human resources (mobilising, recruitment, training, global sensitising, etc.) ƒ Shortage for the demand of reconciliation support services due to the cultural resistances and awareness on the part of women in rural environments . ƒ Wariness on the part of the beneficiaries (women is the reconciliation only active agent on the territory). ƒ Shortage of women interested in work within the sector of caring and other innovative reconciliation services.

Is what works transferable? There are two main activities categories probably transferable:

Operational strategy model: Bottom-up development linked with tree structural actions; (1) change of mentality and values global activities specially orientated to all local actors, (2) endogenous women resources strengthened trough empowerment, training and mobilisation (3) local actors articulation and dialog.

Methodologies and others products: training courses, management system of multifunctional centres, methodologies of implementations of flexible and innovative reconciliation services.

Why is it innovative? Up until now it is important to point out two innovative aspects:

ƒ From the identification-of-needs point of view, the Project considers that the desertification of the rural environment is worsened by the feminine exodus to urban centres, and because of this equal opportunity is directly linked with rural development in a integrative way. In addition, it also visibly shows and projects the strength the opinion and needs country women have.

ƒ From the methodology-of-encouragement point of view, the Águeda Programme for Rural Women covers the needs of this group of women in a geographic area where this activity has never been carried out, such as the rural environment in the South of León, having a special bearing on citizen mobilization and the local players taking their social-cultural context into account through the holding of small awareness forums. It’s a bottom-top development methodology integrating gender perspective all along the process.

101 España FRANCE

1. PERISCOP - FR-NAT-2001-10394

Validation of learning ITC Literacy Accreditation Tailoring business services to real needs Transnational co-operation

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The issue is two-fold: ƒ To set up a professional integration path for disadvantaged target groups within the framework of a concerted accompaniment process, and to promote this approach throughout its implementation to highlight the added value it provides for the employability of people and therefore their improved professional integration. ƒ To contribute to the building of pathways that aim at improving employability with the help of innovative methodology based on the analysis of experience (to be materialized in software by the name of EPICEA) These are the two overall aspects of the two projects, which will merge and feed each other by sharing project methodology, basic underlying principles and main targets.

What works? An excellent DP (Paris Dauphine, ORENOK and AFPA), whose members provide each other with mutual support through a steering committee (the same members plus ANVIE) that meets every month.

This is strengthened by an enlarged steering committee that includes the regional representatives and meets every two months.

A partnership with the Belgian project Etoile (mutual meeting invitations), preparation of a common seminar in April 2004 and development of joint experimentation of EPICEA.

The project has planned promotional seminars, the first two having been held already (January 17 and October 7, 2003).

Field cooperation with various partners in the three regions (with minor variations depending on the history of the local basin), but that allow for the integration of the ETT, ETTI, ANPE and AFPA into the local steering committees as foreseen.

Development of common, federating principles based on accompaniment through concerted action.

EPICEA experimentation (methodology and experimental coherence).

The sharing among the partners of an overall approach to the project.

The establishment of a specific evaluation procedure (foreseen as an activity in itself) led by Paris Dauphine.

What doesn't work? The partnership with the Italians (LASA project) and the Portuguese, which, although it has gone forward (two meetings have taken place) is not greatly structured. Nevertheless, there is a desire for exchanges and seminars are planned for 2004. Partners have been exchanging technical information by e-mail.

102 France The systematic collection of data to allow for traceability (information manages to get from the local level to the national level, but lacks a systematic approach and takes too much time and energy).

The financing takes too long, which causes problems, notably for small structures, which are obliged to take out loans to progress in the work.

Is what works transferable? The question if premature, but can be raised. ƒ The EPICEA methodology (an approach to mobility founded on the analysis of experience) ƒ The development of the necessary conditions for a concerted approach to professional insertion accompaniment (concerted among the partners ETT, ETTI, AFPA, ANPE) ƒ The development of "landmark processes" characterizing the entry of the target groups, their accompaniment, the accreditation of prior experience and the concerted overall approach (in progress)

Why is it innovative? ƒ EPICEA, with a methodology and basic concepts that underlie a change of paradigm regarding the perception of professional mobility. ƒ Promotion of practices by way of regular staff meetings and workshops open to firms. ƒ The actual strengthening and change of positioning (and perspective) of the field partners in the implementation of concerted management, which is central to the project, among the temporary work sector, the AFPA and the ANPA, as well as, to a lesser degree, the user firms.

2. PRAETIC - FR-2001-NAT-10692

ITC Literacy Diversity management Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Family support – Care and service provision Territorial approaches

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The problem of access to employment for people in situations of exclusion. To favour the professional insertion of these people through improved access to information, to ICT, to training and to accompaniment towards employment.

What works? The partnerships among the different members of the PDD (associations, enterprises, training providers). Each member has understood the issues the project focuses on, the role the member has to play, the stakes linked to each partnership, and takes into consideration the development of the project.

A continuous, participative evaluation approach was defined and implemented nearly from the beginning of the project.

What doesn't work? Users do not participate in certain activities.

The development of software is slowed down by a lack of financing.

Is what works transferable? The mix of partners from firms and the social sector.

103 France The two-fold professional and social accompaniment to access employment (prior to employment).

The design of software (from specifications through to use) by computer scientists and users (professionals in the social sector and final users) that target professionals but also in part direct use by final users.

This software will not be completed until the end of 2004.

Why is it innovative? A plan to establish an e-learning platform to favour the professional insertion of people in precarious situations.

3. AUTOMATIC - FR - 2001-NAT-10813

Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning ITC Literacy Planning HR & Age management practice Convincing and involving Social partners Horizontal desegregation Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The automobile service sector is facing difficulties recruiting enough workers. Major challenges include keeping employees currently in the network in the sector, and attracting new categories of workers. The AUTOMATIC project was designed to provide some possible responses to these issues.

In this context, the goal of the AUTOMATIC project is to update the skills and basic knowledge of the staff employed in automobile workshops when they need it. The idea is to allow them to following training courses in maintenance using more complex technology (multiplexing, analysis tools). The ultimate goal of the project is to increase the overall level of know-how among mechanics and body workers in order to allow them to work on all the different levels of complexity in a vehicle. In addition, the economic context of the sector (very small firms spread out geographically) needs to be taken into consideration.

In this respect, the idea is to develop training that includes both class-type learning and distance learning, which requires using a distance-learning platform. Each unit includes an initial distance-learning section that serves as a prerequisite for the subsequent class training. The distance learning units include what are known as “formative” assessment (carried out during the training and not blocking) as well as “summative” assessment (at the end of the distance learning, designed to determine what was learned). Needs are determined jointly with the employee’s supervisor and the tutor.

As a result, the project also foresees tutor accompaniment and trainer accompaniment, the goal being to allow them to learn and implement the training measure. Each of these parts of the project includes a distance learning unit.

However, the products that result from the AUTOMATIC project will be delivered on CD- ROM or DVD, and will be designed to be adapted to e-learning platforms (which means they will respect at least 3 of the criteria stipulated in the AICC standard, the reference standard for accounting used by e-learning platforms). The project does not plan to provide the distance-learning platform.

Parallel to this measure, which is geared towards mechanics and body workers, the project also addresses the issue of women in the sector (as already mentioned, one of the goals of the project is to attract new categories of workers), in order to define the possibilities of setting up specific training for women to be customer service receptionists, and to gather

104 France data concerning training provided for women in the automobile sector, and more specifically in automobile sales, based on the experiences of the Institut Féminin de la Vente Automobile (Women’s Institute for Automobile Sales).

What works? 1. The AUTOMATIC project aims at creating a training tool that can be used by the entire automobile service sector. In order to do so, AUTOMATIC offers training units based on ICT. The idea behind this approach is to reflect on ways to bring the training closer to the company, as part of the training will take place on site. The EQUAL programme is particularly attentive to innovation that helps to prevent marginalisation of wage earners who face technological changes in their sector of activity.

The various partners in the project consider this challenge in a very positive manner since the project allows them to develop further the practices that belong to their own structure and in this way to work more closely with other structures. The challenges faced are different depending on the different structures.

2. AUTOMATIC has allowed us to identify two different yet complementary teaching and organisational needs.

First, the training courses will be designed to be given specifically in very small firms. The DP partners insisted on how important this is in this particular sector. As one of the members said, when a firm has 4 employees and one employee is off on training, that means 25% of the staff is absent. This has a direct impact on productivity. Thus, the importance of setting up distance training and teaching approaches that allow employees to learn while staying in the firm, at least for part of the time of the training.

In addition, the project is developing training units for a specific target group – older workers who need to update their knowledge. In this respect, the AUTOMATIC project differentiates two target groups: firms and staff, and thus responding to EQUAL programme objectives concerning access to training for employees of very small firms and for employees in danger of exclusion from the labour market and marginalisation.

3. This project will have encouraged the member DPs to push their questioning and reflection about new technology in automobile training further, both with regards to using the new technologies themselves and to the consequences resulting from the rise of this technology in the automobile.

This in-depth look at the design of the distance-learning units brings into question usual training design techniques in order to find a truly innovative approach and units for the sector, even for other sectors, as there is only limited feedback in this area, or it is difficult to get.

Through the specific nature of the work and the organisation that ensues, the project also questions company training structures and organisations involved in the project about their own way of operating and their internal organisation, thus contributing to improve their quality.

Thus, AUTOMATIC will have contributed, at least for one of the operators, to revising how it perceived distance learning, which led it to redo its own distance-learning products and the training of its distance-learning designers.

What doesn't work? The different partners involved in the DP (representatives of the branch and of manufacturers essentially, but also of the IUFM (Teacher Training Higher Education Institute), the CESI (Centre for Higher Industrial Studies) and the GNFA (National Group for Automobile Training)) possess different cultures, strategies and practices in the area of training. It is therefore necessary to determine what is interesting and what is constraining about each of them, in that they are all elements to be taken into consideration in the

105 France definition, development, experimentation and, of course, distribution of the targeted training product. It is nevertheless necessary to underline that one of the objectives of the EQUAL programme aims at forming consortiums in order to develop multilateral manners for organisations that normally work bilaterally. In this regard, we meet this objective.

1. The project is running late in its implementation and is encountering financial difficulties to carry out the development of the distance learning units.

Although AUTOMATIC’s technological elements were clearly defined when the project was thought out, the elements linked to the teaching method designed of the training units had not been so clearly identified. The financial elements linked to ICT are subject to the precise definition of the teaching products. Yet the teaching-method options were chosen at the time of project development, which had an effect on establishing the budget, which ended up being too small at the time of production. In addition, the questioning of usual practices in order to deepen the project’s approach and content also contributed to the delay in the schedule.

So, the partnership wondered whether, in the framework of this European programme, it should privilege innovation rather than the foreseen schedule of activities. The AUTOMATIC DP decided in favour of innovation, which means spending more time in trying to find coherent adapted responses in order to develop a solid framework.

Without denying the disturbing effect this late schedule has on the DP’s operations, the partners consider that it can be explained by the innovative nature of the project and the experimentation it intends to lead : the training’s teaching methodology (the design of distance-learning units), as well as the organisational aspects (meeting different organisation and the questioning each on of them goes through about its own working methods), cannot be defined ahead of time in terms of content and calendar. As the partners undertook to question the teaching approaches of the units, the process necessarily took more time than foreseen.

Nevertheless, practically speaking, this delay has affected the scheduling of the unit production, and afterwards, will have consequences on the distribution. It seems the partnership would like to stick to the number of units foreseen. In addition, the impact on the commitment in action 3 is clear. This situation will have effects that remain to be evaluated, in terms of project scheduling (continuing Action 2 beyond the scheduled time) and budget.

To sum up, it proves necessary to allow for sufficient time to implement experimentation and to come to conclusions, in order to generalise the use of e-learning or to capitalise and to exchange on a European level about the experiments that have been carried out with training platforms on the internet.

2. With regards to the financial conception and scheduling of the project, several points have been raised by the partners: the evaluation of working days is different depending on whether it is done by the project initiators or by the training practitioners. More precisely, the project leaders recognize that they could tend to underestimate the time needed to make the project acceptable to all, both partners and financers.

While recognising that this is most certainly inevitable, it still causes problems for all of the project partners. This observation is made nearly systematically by project assessors in European programs, whether the projects be ADAPT and Emploi, or now EQUAL, or LEONARDO da VINCI.

3. With regards to the use of the training and its distribution, the partners wonder about copyright and the distribution of the project, as well as the role of each partner, particularly since there is no clear information from the Commission.

Meetings on the subject, although they allowed for going from experimentation within the two company brands involved in the project, as well as the generalisation of the training units produced for the entire automobile branch, raised other questions.

106 France It seems that the questions concerning copyright and intellectual property for the products financed within the framework of innovative projects in European programmes, have been raised for several years and the operators have not noted any clear progress on this issue.

If the European Commission seeks to mobilise sector representatives (social partners, firms, training organisations, etc.) in its programmes, it seems urgent that these questions be clarified in order to facilitate the mainstreaming work and the distribution of the products produced by the work of the partners.

4. Finally, privileging an approach based solidly on working in partnership and on innovation necessarily raises a certain number of questions, and notably : ƒ Budget: innovation has hidden as well as explicit costs. Systematically in projects of this kind financed by European funding, the most innovative projects in terms of results involve further funds beyond the “official” co-financing, notably in terms of human resources. ƒ Organisation: What is the optimal length for an innovative project? Although it may be true that EQUAL learned from previous programmes and lengthened the total time that financing is possible, the agreement timeframes and the availability of the funding are not going in the same direction.

Is what works transferable? At this stage in the project’s advancement, we cannot capitalise in an overall way. We can only define the possible transfers that could take place when the project is completed.

However, we have identified a few transfers that have already occurred within the framework of AUTOMATIC. ƒ The ANFA transferred solutions with regards to how to carry out projects within the framework of European programs (methodology, copyright (partially applicable solutions), budget, financing, etc.) ƒ Based on a skills description used by the GNFA, a generic skills description for maintenance and bodywork was developed within the framework of AUTOMATIC, adapted to real working realities through the involvement of brand names. ƒ Based on a skills description used by the CESI, a skills description for tutors was adapted to automobile occupations and to real working realities through the involvement of brand names. ƒ CITROËN started using the tutorial description developed by CESI. ƒ PEUGEOT took the CESI representative in order to improve their distance-learning. ƒ A major transnational transfer occurred with regards to tutor training within the European automobile network. Some automobile subsidiaries, notably PEUGEOT do Portugal undertook to examine the tutorial as a whole in a country where there are not institutional measures of this type. ƒ A transfer of experience by PEUGEOT regarding: ƒ An e-learning platform. PEUGEOT presented to all the partners the details of a training platform it had developed and adapted to the realities of automobile services. As this platform, also developed by some of its international subsidiaries, having been operational for a year now, the transfer of experience provided quite an added value. ƒ Design and implementation of distance learning (costs, implementation time frame, specifications, etc.). ƒ Distance-learning design tools. ƒ Feedback on how French and international networks reacted to this type of product.

Why is it innovative? The first innovative aspect of the AUTOMATIC program is the implementation of a unit- based measure (with several points of entry) integrating both distance-learning and class learning.

The second aspect will be how the project makes a whole measure available to an entire sector, based on generic training that can be reused by all those involved (manufacturers,

107 France independent operators, training centres, etc.) and this internationally. All through the use of a distance-learning platform.

With regards to the integration of women, it should contribution to defining opportunities for creating “women’s” training programmes in a sector reputed to be very masculine.

Generally speaking, another innovative aspect of AUTOMATIC resides in the networking of such different partners, some of whom are even competitors, and the overall good functioning of the partnership. Thus, if some of the answers are difficult to come to at mid- project, others are beginning to come clear as the project goes forward:

1. With regards to the DP

It is clear that every participant in the project will have a different response regarding the project’s progress.

The teaching operators find the unfolding of the project justified for the reasons mentioned above.

The brand names are worried about the implementation of the experimentation and the mobilisation of their networks.

In addition, with the new automobile distribution regulations, which led manufacturers to review their training programmes, they have already promoted AUTOMATIC products within their national and international networks, notably so that their subsidiaries do not develop similar measures at the same time in response to these regulations. The lateness of the AUTOMATIC project does not favour the implementation of a global strategy.

For the ANFA, despite the delays in implementation, the project seems satisfying in two ways: ƒ on one hand, due to the multilateral partnership experiment (within a European programme), ƒ on the other, due to the development of a unit-based measure allowing training to get closer to the firms. 2. With regards to TCP

AUTOMATIC is linked to 3 transnational development partnerships in order to exchange about three main themes, developed by our DP: ƒ The training of trainers and of tutors It appears that today we cannot speak about exchanges, but rather about transfers, notably from the CESI to other DPs.

The Belgian partners shared their experience regarding tutors and practices in very small firms. This allows for progress regarding tutors in Portugal.

Regarding training of trainers, the writing up of a common grid for analysing multimedia tools remains difficult. ƒ The use of information and communication technologies At this stage of the work, exchanges have been numerous, but few transfers can be envisioned. It is interesting to communicate the specific realities of each country and possible points of transfer, in the training units aimed at increasing the target group’s awareness about ICT. ƒ The transfer of experience regarding insertion of women into the automobile industry. In this area, the AUTOMATIC DP transferred its experience and its training of women in car sales.

108 France As for the DNOC DP, it carried out a specific study concerning the automobile network and women who work in it in the Abruzze region. The Italian partners also developed a questionnaire to identify women who could joint the labour market. This questionnaire was adapted to the occupation of automobile sales in order to measure the interest women have in this kind of position.


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning ITC Literacy Intergeneration learning Horizontal desegregation Partnership creation and management Empowerment

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? To better understand the representations young people have of the labour market in the building industry, as well as practices in firms in order to help managers to improve how companies welcome, integrate and keep young people.

What works? The founding issue has been established ( the real need for firms to integrate and to keep qualified staff). ƒ Activity F1 (studies) has supplied a very detailed overview of the situation, which makes it easier to undertake the other activities). ƒ The DP functions well (4 members = good size, good cooperation and complementarity) ƒ Transnational partners working on the same issue with many similarities in the national project overview. ƒ Development of administrative and financial tools that facilitate the work.

What doesn't work? Difficulty setting up a self-assessment system for national and transnational activities

Is what works transferable? ƒ Study overview report; ƒ A detailed tool for firms with regards to their practices in receiving, integrating and keeping the target groups, which that allows them to develop a plan of action; ƒ Reference of 45 activities to improve the integration of young people; ƒ Toolbox, that includes good practices sheets, chartes, a reception booklet, etc.

Why is it innovative? The innovation of this projet lies in an approach that: ƒ directly addresses the firm managering directors (questionnaire sent to 2500 company managers, validation of the tools), as well as all supervisory staff and the young people themselves, ƒ deals with the issue of integration of young people and women from the angle of real human resources management practices, ƒ associates young men and women 16 to 25 years old in the project (interviews of a sampling of young people through: secondary education pupils, apprentices, young employees), ƒ depends on the variety of expertise found in the steering committee and the leading committee (FFB, ONISEP, CNCE GEIQ, CCCA BTP, groupe OPCA GFC AREF, …) as well as the active participation of 2 company managers. Rem.: FFB > The French Building Industry Federation; ONISEP > national information office on occupation and qualification; CNCE GEIQ > national coordinating comity for groups of small firms, specialized in insertion and qualification; CCCA BTP > central coordination comity for apprenticeship

109 France in building and public work; OPCA > accredited training fund collecting agency for the building industry

5. PICASSO - FR-2001-IDF-10409

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project consists of an ICT procedure to identify and formulate competencies in a work situation that is aimed at target groups who experience unstable employment, who are unable to have direct access to the diplomas that exist in their respective areas (activity leadership, domestic help, sewing, organic gardening). It should allow for bridges leading to sustainable employment and obtaining recognized qualitifications.

This measure is designed like a research activity: it is based on the daily working realities and involves all the various actors; they advance together and progressively build up knowledge about the skills; the flexibility of the measure should allow for new elements, or those not foreseen at first, to be integrated in order to adapt the process.

Our activity aims more specifically at people without diplomas or recognized qualifications, who, in addition, find themselves kept out of qualifying training and stable employment. Often, these people are able to occupy subsidised, short-term jobs, and to therefore develop not only professional experience by also learn the skills needed at the various postions.

It is clear that everywhere there is a lack of analysis and procedures that allow for the skills accumulated through these experiences to be certified, and for these people to be accompanied towards a certification or an improvement of the skills acquired in the workplace.

The ICT process of identifying and formulating skills used, completed by specific local activities, aims at reducing the risks of exclusion and improving the employability of disadvantaged groups.

What works? The experimental process, designed like a research activity, allows for progress while progressively reinjecting the answers to the questions back into the process; in other words, the results lead to new questions and issues, which then become the object of new experiments producing new effects…it's a dynamic process that confirms the hypotheses.

The reactiveness of the participants is a very positive element: the bodies set up by our DP, which at first were perceived by the partners as a little too complicated, are today bearing fruit. The steering committees, the evaluation commission and the follow-up group allow for quick reactions when it is necessary to readjust things, to intervene for better communication, to implement new ideas.

The continual process of monitoring and evaluating the measure has allowed us to quickly measure results and pinpoint obstacles. Two bodies work constantly and in a complementary fashion: an evaluation commission that includes the outside cabinet of the OPSIS, and a member of each DP; a monitoring group with a field worker from each partner and the expert Mr. Alain Moal (University of Paris V). ƒ At the beginning of 2003, the evaluation commission noted certain minor operational problems that were corrected. Mid-2003, after interviewing the beneficiaries, it relayed the satisfaction of the latter along with their hopes and questions, so they could be quickly taken into consideration. ƒ The monitoring group is set up like a training activity: it allows tutors, those accompanying the beneficiaries, to pinpoint problems and to have the distance necessary by way of group reflection and theoretical and methodological contributions by Alain Moal. It acts as a proactive monitoring system in addition to allowing skills transfer.

110 France The active participation of the beneficiaries (empowerment) is happening! Even if it took time to implement, it is occurring today. A few examples: ƒ A group of beneficiaries went to London for a week of training and theme visits based on "antidiscriminatory actions in activity leadership" (June 2003). ƒ On 12 November 2003, another group will participate in the European Assembly for Women's Rights (withing the European Social Forum), thus responding to the Equal programme transversal goals of gender mainstreaming and empowerment. ƒ Ten or so beneficiaries, all from economic insertion associations, will participate in an exchange trip to Liège with Belgian beneficiaries; they will also participate in a transnational seminar on 27 and 28 November 2003. In the mean time, they will prepare their trip and the study themes through an Internet forum, which will be the object of writing and reading work. ƒ Finally, all beneficiaries will participate in a meeting day, 2 December 2003, that will combine friendly encounters with a reflection on the work. The dynamics created by the partnership: certain DP partners, who did not know each other prior to the PICASSO Equal project, have since set up active working relations, notably the economic insertion associations and firms. This has stemmed from the group work and monitoring group exchanges.

What doesn't work? The points raised here are more difficulties we are in the process of resolving than actual dysfunctional elements. Some examples:

The relaying of financial information for 2002 was too long and difficult.

The representation of beneficiaries in the steering committee took some time to establish. This is due to the fact that the groups of beneficiaries were spread throughout the year, and there were logistic constraints (availability of the participants already very busy with the transversal activities). It is now in place.

A lack of lisibility regarding the roles of the different partners.

Is what works transferable? The process of identification and formulation of competencies in a work situation, at the heart of the project, will be the object of a skills transfer which will be experimented at the end of 2003. One of the local partners will train its supervisors in this approach, in order to integrate the process in the insertion path of its beneficiaries. On the other hand, the measure in itself is designed for skills transfer: the beneficiary having followed the procedure should be able to then use this method in a different professional situation in order to identify and formulate competencies, to write up a CF, and to then present and support if before a potential employer.

The work carried out, the methodology and the theory developed in the follow-up group are directly reintegrated into the daily practice of the tutors and their thoughts on the insertion issue. It is as a training-activity that the follow-up group was designed, in order to provide the participants with methodological and theoretical tools.

Why is it innovative? The transversal activities, designed like a research activity which takes the results to be new subjects of research for the next step and that empowers the beneficiary in his or her own development: the process of identification is based on his or her own language and not on institutional language, and then on a quest for finding the right term to correspond to the task.

The constant monitoring, designed like a training activity, has created a link among the partners, thanks to the group work of the field participants. The monitoring group has a three-fold role:

111 France ƒ regulation, ƒ theoretical and methodological contributions for tutors, ƒ transfer and capitalisation. The dynamics created: the EQUAL P.I.C.A.S.SO. project has created dymanics within the teams leading local projects, and individually has remotivated certain beneficiaries to pursue their personal projects.


Validation of learning ITC Literacy Diversity management Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The Pronet project aims to address three main interconnected issues in the Eastern Paris Region area relating to the development of lower-qualified public's ITC skills: ƒ this public lack ITC skills and self- and social recognition of their potential ƒ professionals involved in this public's training and guidance need to improve their use of NEC (New Education Technologies) and ITC communication tools. ƒ a better empowerment of vocational training courses and guidance actions is needed as well as a better coordination among all partners contributing to them. New ITC communication tools can enable them. Therefore the Pronet project aims to give local authorities new means to reduce the ITC gap among high- and low-skilled groups.

What works? ƒ Beneficiaries' involvement : lower-skilled public do participate actively through expressing their needs, identifying their skills, experimenting new ITC tools, and exploring personal use of ITC. ƒ ITC collaborative innovation: Professionals from DP members addressing various public (disabled people, unemployed young adults, immigrants, unemployed elderly women...) cooperate to put together and experiment new ITC tools and training practices; they experiment a collaborative ITC tool for this purpose. ƒ New ITC follow-up tool: Professionals from various structures, roles (training, guidance...) create and experiment together a new professional on-line ITC tool for trainee's follow-up and vocational guidance ƒ Transnational common approach: DP from 3 countries (France, Spain, UK) develop an common approach for enquiring about unemployed people's motivation issues and proposing practical improvements.

What doesn't work? ƒ Sticking to the original agenda is impossible, because a cooperative process involving managers, professionals from various institutions and low-skilled public is lenghthy. Practical innovation needs maturation time. Implementing quickly new ITC practices without a strong support, as planned initially, is too slow and creates gaps among partners until compensatory measures are taken. ƒ A strong involvement from some partners is made more difficult when there are impredictible delays for public funds payments.

Is what works transferable? ƒ The on-line ITC tool developed for trainee's follow-up and vocational guidance can be adapted to all training systems involving several partners for job-seekers' and trainees'

112 France support. To use ITC tools to improve recognition of beneficiaries' skills and specific needs seems to make empowerment easier from lower-skilled public of ITC. Implementing such an approach may be useful in many training and vocational guidance systems. ƒ Exchanges of ITC tools and practices among DP members of various kinds can be also organised in other partnerships in the professional integration sector. Professionals' training and exchange about ITC practice are also useful for other professionals. ƒ The implementation of a collaborative ITC tool in our partnership is a promising experience, which can help other partnerships among institutions from the social and pedagogical fields. ƒ The results of the projects are shared through the ITC collaborative tool, to prepare a future Internet website on ITC and lower-skilled public's professional integration.

Why is it innovative? The innovation input of the project seem to be the ITC use extension first for : ƒ making communication and networking easier, for lower-skilled beneficiaries and also for professionals ƒ underlining lower-skilled public's actual potential and improving their social and self- recognition. This way of experimenting the utility of ITC tools is aimed to make empowerment of ITC much easier for beneficiaries and also for professionals.

7. LATITUDE -PLAN DE LUTTE CONTRE LES DISCRIMINATIONS RACIALES (PLAN OF ACTION AGAINST RACIAL DSCRIMINATION - FR- 2001-NAT-10039 Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Adecco is the top temporary work agency in France and, by the nature of its activity, is continually confronted to the problem of racial discrimination in employment. In June 2000, a study carried out by an external organization confirmed the existence of these discriminatory practices. In response to this analysis, Adecco progressively deployed throughout its network of agencies measures to fight against these practices. Founded in 2001, this project includes training of the permanent workers, as well as awareness-raising among the temporary workers and the final customers.

What works? A programme with multiple targets

The firm's plan of action targets three distinct groups: Adecco's permanent staff, the temporary workers and the customer firms. The internal study showed how Adecco's permanent staff is placed in extremely embarrassing and guilt-causing situations. This was demonstrated by their explicit request for support in adopting the "right attitude" when facing a customer with discriminatory requests. The firm also seeks to reaffirm to its temporary employees its determination to propose job opportunities whose choice is based on competence. And finally, with regards to firms that use Adecco services or prospects, the firm made the civic choice, adopting a socially responsible attitude in reminding both

113 France their permanent staff and the customer firms about the legal risks involved in discrimination.

Creating a reference in the struggle against discrimination

This is the first time in France that this kind of project is initiated by a private firm in association with the state. A framework agreement was signed in March 2002. The plan of action implemented by Adecco and its partners is an audacious project.

To respond to the ambition of the project, an action platform was created. Participating in support groups, knowing how to argue against a discriminatory request… these are examples of activities that are proposed to Adecco staff to help them face conflictual situations in their everyday activities. In the same line, the project plans to create a support platform for temporary workers, to set up a local mediation system… Media exposure and different communication tools are proposed: a good practice guide, an internet site, self- assessment units, telephone testing, activity and change-accompaniment tools, …

A tangible commitment

Various operations have already been carried out: awareness-raising activities among the staff at the headquarters, creation of training units (units designed by the FASILD) at Adia and Adecco, organisation of a series of debate breakfasts to which Adecco's customers are invited, creation of a series of conferences, design of a legal guide, production of posters, development of press relations (including and interview with the RFI radio station)…all different examples that demonstrate the vitality of this project.

The dynamic of this project also lies in the desire to see these kinds of activity multiply. Adecco and all of its partners will accomplish their goal if they manage to also increase the awareness of the entire profession about the problem of discrimination, and therefore to have professional representations and practices evolve in a sustainable manner. To establish it as a duty to resist discrimination, to propose innovative solutions that can be reproduced in other firms in the sector that are able to facilitate the dialogue with potential and real victims, or to favour the development of new relations between the economic and the institutional world in order to give rise to new ways of working between these two participants…these are among the results the project leaders expect on a national level.

The partners: the impetus behind the project

It is not possible to deal with this subject without mentioning the driving role played by the different partners within the firm. Among them, the IMS, which seeks to have its member firms integrate the fight against discrimination and the management of cultural diversity into their human resource policies; the FASILD and the DPM, for whom it is a question of accompanying the commitment of firms in the struggle against discrimination in a partnership based on experimentation and accompaniment.

Other partners have been called on in order for this project to have repercussions throughout the sector, such as the FAFTT (Training Insurance Fund for Temporary Work) and the FASTT (Social Action Fund for Temporary Work), the FPETT and the SETT (Union of Temporary Work Firms), and the MEDEF.

In addition, depending on the context and opportunities, the CODAC and city-policy deciders will be involved in certain activities.

Is what works transferable? The Latitude project, or how to capitalise on the Adecco project

Participating in harmonising European practices is also part of the Adecco project. This aspiration has been materialised in a partnership with the Portuguese project "Migrations and Development". Through the organisation of seminars, site twinnings, inter-firm exchanges, "Latitude" allows for the measuring of the different activities carried out by one

114 France country or the other, to evaluate the effects produced by each national activity, to determine the most efficient responses and to reflect on how to transfer these experiments.

Why is it innovative? This is the first time in France that a private firm initiated a project of this kind on racial discrimination in association with the State.

In addition, the partners come from many different horizons (public service and private enterprise): IMS, FASILD and DPM, FAFTT (Training Insurance Fund for Temporary Work), FASTT (Social Action Fund for Temporary Work), FPETT, SETT (Union of Temporary Work Firms) and the MEDEF.

In addition, depending on the context and opportunities, the CODAC and city-policy deciders will be involved in certain activities.

8. ESPERE- FR-NAT-2001-10456

Diversity management Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Public service employment workers (from the ANPE national employment agency, the AFPA vocational training network, the DR and DDTEFP regional and local employment and training authorities, and local mission information centres) feel very isolated and helpless when facing discriminatory practices in the workplace, in job offers, and in training programmes. In addition, the forms of discrimination can be very insidious, complex and cumulative (racial discrimination, but also sexism, discrimination linked to lifestyle, social origins or place of residence). Discrimination can be direct or indirect (a set of practices appear to be neutral but end up excluding or diminishing the opportunities available to a category of people) or even systematic and involving several actors who play a role in access to employment and training.

Faced with these complex situations, the employment agents need to be armed with tools and methods in order to react; they need to be able to express their experiences and to discuss the issues with their colleagues and their superiors. Also, it is essential that the entire management and operational line be made aware of the issues and involved in order for the agent not to find himself/herself facing the problem alone.

From a more general perspective, in order to make the public employment services more efficient and proactive in the fight against discrimination, it is necessary to integrate this preoccupation into the very core of its mission statement, its tasks and the positions held by each of the service’s employees. It is also necessary to develop and organise inter- institutional cooperation among the different components of the public employment services in order to modify practices and to change preconceptions.

Therefore, each institution has to confront the issue and think about responses. Training and accompaniment methods for the agents have to be developed and tested. And it is necessary to prepare the corresponding training offer.

What works? The ultimate goal of the project is to increase awareness and to train employees in the different institutions and services that make up the public employment services.

115 France Objectives: ƒ To integrate the prevention of direct and indirect discrimination into the mission statement. ƒ To increase the competencies of the agents on all levels of the hierarchy. ƒ To develop and implement an adapted initial and continuing training programme. ƒ To develop and organise inter-institutional cooperation among the different organisations making up the public employment services. ƒ To work on the same issues with European partners. The objectives are divided up into the following focus points:

Design and implementation of a resource platform for public employment services, presenting the training programme that already exists on this subject in each institution and capitalising on local initiatives that have already occurred or are in progress. This platform, which takes the form of a web site, will allow for the monitoring of the project (forum, exchanges with those involved in local experimentation) and could be a building block in the development of training approaches on this subject. ƒ The experimental design and implementation of training actions and accompaniment measures in a variety of local employment services. The mobilisation of each institution will be built around targeted plans of action, for which adapted training plans will be developed. ƒ Awareness raising and training of management in each of the institutions involved in this project, at local levels involved in the experiments, but also centrally, so that the work of improving the professional skills of the employment services is reaffirmed and made legitimate. ƒ Parallel monitoring and evaluation of these operations, in order to make sure they correspond to defined objectives, their pertinence and their adaptation to the needs of the agents, and to propose means of extending this kind of action to all the public employment services. Training of trainers on the theme of the fight against discrimination, for the trainings inside each of the institutions. ƒ In the framework of a partnership with Portugal and Denmark, pooling knowledge and practices that exist in each country will lead to the production of information about the professional integration of foreign populations and about the discrimination they can experience. Tools will be developed for professionals who work on economics and access to employment. Exchanges will be organises among agents working on this activity within local employment services and among actors involved locally in the Portuguese project.

Why is it innovative? The commitment of the public employment services and all the institutions concerned by this issue gives this project a particularly innovation nature. The idea is to provide the means, through this joint mobilisation, to understand the complexity of discrimination as a whole and in shared terms.

The approach is participative (and in this way it will be educational for all those involved) and evolving. The idea is to break down the separations between individual practices by working together to define a methodology to provide overall training, which will be sustainable and can be mainstreamed.

In addition, the project will not only address public employment services in contact with potential victims of discrimination; it will address the entire management right up to the top, in order to raise the levels of everyone to better confront discriminatory practices, but also because the involvement of management is important to create a positive dynamic.

116 France 9. LUCIDITE - LUTTE CONTRE L’IGNORANCE ET LES DISCRIMINATIONS AU TRAVAIL ET DANS L’ENTREPRISE (STRUGGLE AGAINST IGNORANCE AND DISCRIMINATION IN THE WORKPLACE)-:FR- 2001-RAL- 11139 Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Context:

Antidiscrimination activities undertaken by trade unions most often remain ignored or are difficult to evaluate.

Generally speaking, there are a great variety of people involved in this issue, who often act in a diffused manner, and there is a large amount of confusion surrounding the activities being carried out.

The trade unions are also victims of such compartmentalisation that they tend to work only on internal dynamics. However, over the past years, the Rhone Alpes CFDT and CGT have offered training, debate, thematic meetings and awareness raising for their activists.

It seems that, beyond the skills and sensibilities that exist in the field, today the means exist to change scales, to structure and motivate the work that been done and recognized, through a large-scale programme with other French and foreign partners.

Today, strengthened by prior experience, the Rhône-Alpes CFDT and CGT intend to propose a new measure. For that, they hope to mobilise their networks of partners in order open the way for a regional EQUAL program that can cover the different operations and orientations they wish to follow, the whole taking into consideration the need to find financial solutions that do not depend entirely on the public sector.

In this framework, the following questions have been raised: in the context of diversified employment, can one determine ethnic, racial or gender criteria leading to specific situations or treatment in the workplace? If so, are these situations and treatment discriminatory, to the detriment of the people who meet these criteria? If so, what means can be directly mobilised by the immediate actors in the work situation (management, staff, staff representatives, victims) in order to right these discriminations?

There are nevertheless, three types of difficulties: ƒ Discrimination results from unclear and implicit factors that form a system and make it seem a result of an overall context rather than the consequence of a single, clearly defined cause. ƒ Frequently, the illicit motivations behind discrimination (origin, race, gender) are hidden and in reality combine with choices that are accepted; in work for example: qualification, experience, cultural experience. ƒ Most often, discrimination only reveals its full scope over time. It can be seen in career paths as well as in punctual events. Goals: The project seeks to raise awareness as much as possible among wage earners and union activists about the negative effects of racial and gender discrimination in employment, to have wage earners and activists participate in this research activity, to associate management when firms are involved, and to affirm the role of public integration, employment and gender mainstreaming representatives in guaranteeing the prevention of discrimination.

117 France What works? The activities:

Four work situations were chosen: Situation 1: a large-scale distribution group, Casino; situation 2: a public service (Préfecture) ; situation 3: seasonal activities in tourism and agriculture; situation 4 : SME/SME in the plastics industry.

Situation 1: Discrimination in a group context where the work is highly organised.

This context provides the opportunity to work on two important areas: ƒ The internal career path, with a view on developing anti-discriminatory HR procedures not only in recruitment but also in career development; ƒ sales relations: often raised as an explanation for refusal to hire persons of colour (notably North Africans and black Africans) could be the object of a specific study with the final goal of offering ways to get around the discriminatory factors in order to develop a positive sales approach. Situation 2: Discrimination in an organisational context that is strongly regulated by public service norms.

Like in the previous situation, this one allows us to approach varied career paths in a highly organised context. Yet it also allows us to attack an important and specific issue: the issue in public services referred to as "counter relations". This refers to identifying the skills that, although they are not detailed in the job description, are used in a pragmatic way in order to respond to the requests of end users from ethnic, cultural or social backgrounds that are the most often discriminated against.

Situation 3: Discrimination in a work context with little regulation.

This situation allows for the analysis of certain discriminatory factors linked to gender (feminisation of certain seasonal jobs) or the "ethnicity" of some sectors, due to the low legal status of the jobs, notably in the split on the labour market between stable and unstable jobs.

Situation 4: Discrimination in a fragmented work context

Access to employment, to training, to integration in the work place will be the focus of the analysis and the propositions, notably by the ANPE, the FASILD and the trade unions. Our concern is to evaluate the potentially discriminatory effects of the "cultural obstacle", beginning with the very concrete obstacle of language.

The target groups: ƒ wage earners, trade unions and employment intermediaries (public services and temporary work agencies) of a large-scale distribution group (Casino Loire et Drôme) ƒ in the tourism and agriculture sectors ƒ public service employees

Why is it innovative? ƒ This project has researchers, trade unions and firms working together around the issue of anti-discrimination and on turning research into action. ƒ In addition, this research activity aims at a very large public because it addresses not only wage earners but also trade unions and employment intermediaries in large-scale distribution, tourism and agricultural wage earners, and public service employees.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Validation of learning Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management

118 France Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Context/issue: The City of Paris can be characterised by a high concentration of communities of people from China that live primarily among themselves and are very little integrated into the traditional labour market.

The Chinese population in the Ile de France region arrived massively in the mid-1980s, through clandestine migration and family reunions; today it is estimated at around 100,000 people. In Paris, following the increase of migratory flows, several neighbourhoods with high concentrations of Chinese from Zhejiang grew: 3rd district, 11th district, Belleville.

This population can be characterised by the following traits: ƒ They feel poorly or not at all integrated because they live mostly among the Chinese and do not have the means to integrate ƒ They have little or no knowledge of French and for the most part are without qualifications ƒ They work in particular difficult conditions, particularly the women, and those conditions are not in accordance with host country legislation (clandestine workshops, undeclared work, greatly intensified working rhythms) ƒ They contributed to the transformation of certain Paris neighbourhoods into single- activity zones that have provoked reactions of rejection and racism from host-country communities. ƒ They are little known by the administration, with the exception of those administrations that handle children’s issues such as Child Social Welfare and the Paris school district. ƒ They continue to arrive in large numbers (the largest number being asylum seekers) and they are very mobile throughout Europe. ƒ Young people passed the age of compulsory education, for lack of choice, generally integrate into the Chinese economic network based on family and village bonds, and they go to work in sweatshops, leatherwork or food service. ƒ They are hardly present in general public integration and training measures. ƒ Young people from 16 to 18 years of age, whose situation is not legal, face a legal vacuum: they cannot be expulsed (minors), but nor can they access training measures (are older the compulsory education age). The development partnership involves:

Local partners: ƒ The city of Paris, Mission Intégration, project leader ƒ The Pierre Ducerf Association (3rd district), which provides assistance and reception services for the Chinese community ƒ The ASLC association (10th district), which provides assistance and reception services for the Chinese community ƒ The BATIK International Association, coordination and monitoring of the community programme ƒ The Paris Centre Mission Locale, which covers the main geographic areas in Paris where the Chinese community lives ƒ The Patin CIFAP Vocational Training Centre, the largest interprofessional training centre in the Ile de France region (guild chamber) European Partners: ƒ The metropolitan area of Tuscany (Italy) ƒ The Munster (Germany) guild chamber

119 France What works? Goals:

The project aims at favouring a better integration of the different components of Paris’s Chinese community, a better integration in the host society, and in particular on the labour market. The concrete actions set up should allow: ƒ Institutions responsible for the reception of foreigners to better understand this community and to better respond to their specific needs. ƒ The Chinese community to open up to the host society, in particular by allowing it to diversify its professional orientations and in doing so to meet the labour and skills needs of certain professional sectors. The primary target is young people and women (two target groups that find themselves in particularly precarious situations, and through them, the project indirectly benefits the entire Chinese community).

The activities are monitored by a steering committee and a committee of experts presided over by the City of Paris and gathering representatives of the Chinese community, the project partners and experts in the fields of integration and professional integration.


Research Action

The research action allows for a better understanding of this community with such minimal visibility, while pinpointing the exclusion mechanism in place both inside the community and outside of it. This study targets primarily young people and women and their situations and needs in terms of training and professional integration.

A comparison has been made with the situation of Chinese communities in other European cities.


The activities set up under the “Mediation” pole have since January 2003 allowed for the Parisian Chinese community and the host society to learn about each other as well as build of labour market and training links and exchanges. ƒ Development of a mutualised reception platform (PFAM) that gathers in one place representatives from different structures specialised in career guidance, along with bilingual people (French, Chinese) and offers individualised accompaniment. ƒ Creation of a column called "Occupations to discover" in the ASLC paper GONG, distributed to 20000 people in the Chinese community on the Ile de France. This column covers occupational descriptions and stories about Chinese entrepreneurs who have become involved in atypical professional sectors; it is designed to inform and raise awareness among the Chinese, and particularly the young, about occupations that are new for them. ƒ Establishment of a training course for mediators (mediation and Chinese culture), to begin in autumn 2003. This training course is divided into two parts corresponding to two distinct target groups and aims at favouring the development, structuring and professionalism of a network of resource people specialised in questions of Chinese culture. Training courses

The project is setting up training programmes targeting young people from 16 to 25, as well as Chinese women; the goal is to favour a diversification of professional orientations among the Chinese through training leading to qualifications and diplomas. The programmes will be chosen based on demands formulated by the young people and in such a way as to respond to the needs of professional sectors in need of workers and skilled workers.

120 France For young people, the organisation of dual-system vocational training courses.

For women, the development of a "Small Children" pole that will allow for: ƒ Encouraging the orientation of women towards training structures (vocational diploma in childcare and childcare assistant) through the ASLC ƒ Establishing specific training to allow Chinese women to access qualifying training programmes ƒ Developing a team of Chinese childcare assistants in coordination with the Franco- Chinese nursery (training and accompaniment) The training programs will also provide the opportunity for exchanges between French and Chinese firms (SMEs).

Is what works transferable? Similar observations can be made about the situation of Chinese in other European cities, in particular in Tuscany. In Prato Province, the Chinese — 95% of whom are from Wenzhou (Zhejiang Province) and arrived in the 1990s — today represent nearly 9% of the population and also tend to live among their own. Some of them speak a little bit of French, which confirms the existence of major exchanges between the French and the Italian regions.

The work carried out with the Italian and German DPs has allowed for improving the quality of the activities developed in France by encouraging: ƒ a better understanding of the Chinese community that is also very present in the metropolitan area of Tuscany. ƒ a confrontation and enrichment of know-how regarding integration aids for people outside the community, in particular concerning mediation The following activities have been developed: ƒ participation and organisation of transnational meetings ƒ Leadership of a transnational workshop focusing on migrants ƒ Study and exchange trips for beneficiaries, experts and operators.

Why is it innovative? This project is nnovative because it targets the Chinese population, which is discreet and little known by the French, and people often think that they are not subject to racial discrimination. Yet, these people often live in a closed community, not seeking to integrate, with little mastery of the French language; for the most part, they have no qualifications, work in particularly uncomfortable conditions, and past the compulsory schooling age often have no other choice than to integrate the Chinese economic network based on family/village bonds, going to work in sweatshops, leather work or food service.

In addition, this project attacks an important legal problem that has not been dealt with by any other project: the legal vacuum faced by young people between the ages of 16 and 18 who do not have a legal status (as minors, they cannot be expulsed, but as they are older than the compulsory school age, they do not have access to training measures).


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin

121 France What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Context:

In Alsace, discriminatory practices only affect certain categories of individuals, those of non-European origin and more specifically Turks and North Africans, but also people who look like these populations (notably in skin colour) or whose origins are considered to be "foreign".

These approaches show that in fact, discriminatory practices stem from an extremely complex process and "discriminatory system", where all those involved (employers, intermediaries, job seekers) engender discrimination, directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously.


Taking into consideration the complexity of discriminatory processes, it seemed appropriate to develop a means to monitor, observe and support the different actors.

The project revolves around three main themes, with activities led by each DP member:

Access to employment: ƒ Employment integration accompaniment for young women (AFIJ), ƒ Development of sponsoring and mediation activities (CEPI and CRAPT-CARRLI), ƒ Development of a specific tutoring approach to favour access to dual-system training (OPCAREG Alsace), ƒ Having cultural diversity be taken into consideration in the school – firm relationship (GIP FCIP), ƒ Access to employment in the large-scale distribution sector (Bas-Rhin CCI). Sustaining employment: ƒ Development of a privileged form of accompaniment by team leaders and colleagues for people coming from integration structures (URSIEA), ƒ Accompaniment of cultural diversity in firms by awareness raising activities and an intercultural management project (MEDEF Alsace), ƒ Prevention of problem situations with apprentices by way of a toll-free number, the development of a vade mecum, and the raising of awareness among in-company trainers (CMA), ƒ Raising awareness among firm activists concerning discrimination problems (CFDT Alsace). Promotion in employment: ƒ Diversification of occupations and activities to encourage putting an end to "ethnicity of occupations" (CLAPEST), ƒ Raising the level of qualification of employees (OPCAREG Alsace, CRAPT-CARRLI).


Three work groups were set up: the first on the theme of intercultural tutoring or mentoring, the second to provide answers to situations of xenophobia and racism in the workplace, and the third to raise awareness and train employment mediators.

In that which concerns tutoring, the planned activities are as follows: ƒ Inventorying tutor training courses and pinpointing specific content linked to cultural diversity, ƒ Looking for firms to carry out a study-action, ƒ Organising tutor training. ƒ To respond to situations of xenophobia and racism in the workplace, the DP plans:

122 France ƒ To meet the firms and to pinpoint their preoccupations and/or their know-how in matters of integration of immigrant populations, ƒ To carry out study-actions in firms based on an identified problem situation, ƒ To spread and communicate about innovative practices. Finally, in order to raise awareness and to train employment mediators, the DP plans: ƒ To build up a network of "resource" people and interesting experiences linked to questions of discrimination, ƒ Beginning as soon as the 2003 training programme for the different actors, to propose training/awareness raising to all professional integration professionals, ƒ To set up work sessions and groups to exchange good practices related to these issues. TARGET GROUPS: the activities led by the different DP members involve a very large range of people: ƒ Wage-earners in firms (private industrial firms, crafts firms, non-profit associations and integration firms), ƒ Management in firms (private industrial firms, crafts firms, non-profit associations and integration firms), ƒ Employment intermediaries (example: Local mission (information provision centres for young people) counsellors, the employment agency (ANPE), etc. ƒ National Education staff, ƒ Trade union activists ƒ Young immigrant women graduates ƒ Immigrant populations. RESULTS:

As the subject of racial discrimination in employment in Alsace is a difficult and sensitive issue, the DP only expects visible results for April 2005. However, considering the contacts made in Alsatian firms, we can hope for the first tangible results with regards to in-firm training and expertise by the end of 2003.

On a national level, the project contributes to: ƒ Have an effect on the whole of Alsace concerning the obstacles linked to representations and those linked to professional practices. ƒ Have an effect on these obstacles at different levels: ƒ Access to employment (recruitment), ƒ Sustaining employment (skills development)

Why is it innovative? This project develops several partnerships with social and economic actors in the region: observatories, resource centres, associations for the promotion of immigrants, but also local economic structures (Union Régionale des Structures d’Insertion par l’Economique d’Alsace – the Regional Union of Economic Integration Structures, AFIJ, Chambre de Métiers d’Alsace – the Alsatian Guild Chamber, the Bas-Rhin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the MEDEF Alsace employers union) and social partners (CFDT Alsace).


Tailoring business services to real needs Racial or ethnic origin Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Cultural diversity as a lever for integration

Today, it is clear that young immigrants and those from immigrant backgrounds face social and professional insertion difficulties; the multitude of accompaniment and

123 France antidiscrimination measures existing in our employment basin provide enough proof. It is necessary, and even urgent to encourage, to motivate and to accompany these young people—who in the majority are French-North African— towards new paths.

Based on the observation that this target group is hardly represented among the carriers of new-activity projects, the project proposes to allow these young people to use their culture as a means of recognition, when quite often their bi-culturalness is experienced as an obstacle and leads to a loss of points of reference. Creators of enterprises stemming from their community offer a positive image: they are examples to be followed.

Goals beyond accompanying project carriers

This project is part of a large-scale reflection on multi-culturalness, on European- Mediterranean exchanges and the perspective of European Union/North Africa free exchange zone in 2010.

For its implementation, there are six operational objectives: ƒ To favour and encourage entrepreneurship among young people of immigrant background ƒ To encourage the initiative of these young people in economic activities that highlight their belonging to a double culture, ƒ To remobilize this target group of young people (18 to 30 years old) with immigrant backgrounds, who, despite a situation of economic growth, has not found its place in the labour market, ƒ To favour the development of micro-activities in the area of solidarity economics and international solidarity, ƒ To promote socially and professionally a category of young people by giving them all the skills needed to succeed at the creation of their own employment and, above all, making it last ƒ To mutualise the skills, in order to, in the long term, create a Euro-Mediterranean business cooperative in the area of international solidarity and solidarity economics

What works? Cultural diversity as a lever for integration

Today, it is clear that young immigrants and those from immigrant backgrounds face social and professional insertion difficulties; the multitude of accompaniment and antidiscrimination measures existing in our employment basin provide enough proof. It is necessary, and even urgent to encourage, to motivate and to accompany these young people—who in the majority are French-North African— towards new paths.

Based on the observation that this target group is hardly represented among the carriers of new-activity projects, the project proposes to allow these young people to use their culture as a means of recognition, when quite often their bi-culturalness is experienced as an obstacle and leads to a loss of points of reference. Creators of enterprises stemming from their community offer a positive image: they are examples to be followed.

Goals beyond accompanying project carriers

This project is part of a large-scale reflection on multi-culturalness, on European- Mediterranean exchanges and the perspective of European Union/North Africa free exchange zone in 2010.

For its implementation, there are six operational objectives:

1. To favour and encourage entrepreneurship among young people of immigrant background

2. To encourage the initiative of these young people in economic activities that highlight their belonging to a double culture,

124 France 3. To remobilize this target group of young people (18 to 30 years old) with immigrant backgrounds, who, despite a situation of economic growth, has not found its place in the labour market,

4. To favour the development of micro-activities in the area of solidarity economics and international solidarity,

5. To promote socially and professionally a category of young people by giving them all the skills needed to succeed at the creation of their own employment and, above all, making it last

6. To mutualise the skills, in order to, in the long term, create a Euro-Mediterranean business cooperative in the area of international solidarity and solidarity economics


Tailoring business services to real needs Territorial approaches

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The ANPE (national employment agency) is mobilising to increase the chances of reinsertion for long-term unemployed people, who are generally disadvantaged due to their very precarious economic and social situation. Our objective: to allow this target group to create their own employment.

Working for the long-term unemployed

Since 1997, the struggle against unemployment has been undeniably successful: jobs were created, the unemployment rate among the active population fell to 8.7%, specific activities were begun to counter unemployment among young people and among the elderly. Yet, what should be done for long-term unemployed people, a disadvantaged population often exposed to the risk of exclusion and concentrated in certain areas?

An integral part of the ANPE's mission is to find levers to mobilise and accompany these people to employment. During a period of relative growth, the ANPE feels it has to respond to a two-fold challenge. On one hand, from a curative perspective, it needs to increase its efforts among the most disadvantaged target groups. On the other hand, from a preventive perspective, it needs to implement actions that can reinforce the potential of certain groups. The ANPE has surrounded itself with partners, which provide the expertise necessary to carry out the CREACTIVE project. These include ADIE (Association for the right to Economic Initiative), the SEMA (Society for the Encouragement of Art-related Occupations) and the IHT (Institute of Man and Technology).

The crafts sector at the heart of the project

France can be characterized by a diversified economic, social and professional landscape, with a certain concentration of activity in a few major areas. In order to reactivate local areas and the development of employment basins, it is necessary to revitalise or rediscover occupations and know-how that have been forgotten or delocalised. Crafts represent 35% of all firms, and account for 53% of all business creation. In addition, in the next 5 to 10 years, nearly 50% of the current firm directors in this sector will be retiring. All these reasons are pushing the ANPE to target crafts occupations.

What works? Four experimental measures

This project revolves around four experimental measures.

125 France The first measure aims at business creation through a solidarity credit. Confided to the ADIE, this measure will allow very disadvantaged people to access a solidarity loan in order to create their own activity. Their integration through business creation will have specific accompaniment in order to ensure the viability of the firm.

The second measure is named SEMAVILLE. The SEMA, which is responsible for it, works with inhabitants of run-down areas to increase their awareness of the possibilities of beautification through art-related crafts. The goal is to revitalise local areas and to boost business creation in art-related occupations.

The "Social license/taxi" gives job seekers access to a driving license through a remedial course aiming to develop their sense of direction, driving safety and social solidarity, by transforming the hours of accompanied driving into a social taxi for people who lack mobility. The driving license is a necessary tool for becoming autonomous, and can trigger a business creation project.

Finally, the "Transition/accompaniement/VPL" is confided to the IHT-A. This two-way "research-training-action" aims to study socio-professional transitions and VPL procedures used by beneficiaries.

An overall, local approach to public employment services (PES)

For the first time, the ANPE, a central actor in the French public employment services (PES), is getting involved in a national experimental program with an overall approach to the insertion of the most disadvantaged groups.

In addition, CREACTIVE's local approach mobilises local actors and beneficiaries in public spaces (local employment agencies, unemployment insurance – ASSEDIC, Local Mission youth information centres, guild chambers, city halls, General Council, upper secondary schools, associations, etc.) as well as in the neighbourhoods where ADIE will act, where the SEMA will carry out its integration activities, and where the social driving school will be held.

14. ENTREPRENEUR'S (VIRTUAL) OFFICE FOR A REAL BUSINESS – 2001-PCD-11138 Tailoring business services to real needs Territorial approaches

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The Entrepreneur's Virtual Office offers business creators in the Aisne department a clear and full view of managing a business. This strategic point of view takes form in a personalised platform and daily economic panel. This Virtual Office also provides the Aisne department with the opportunity to develop start-up activities in a region that has suffered several economic setbacks.

Looking for entrepreneurs

The Aisne Department faces a high rate of unemployment. More than elsewhere, entrepreneurship is necessary here as an appropriate path to local economic and social development. This path should be followed, even if the Aisne is also very behind in this area. In 2000 the number of start-ups in the Aisne was 24.8 for 10000 inhabitants, compared to a national average of 46.5 for 10000.

Favouring start-ups is all the more urgent because they traditionally benefit targets groups that face professional integration difficulties. These people are numerous to choose this solution in order to create their own employment (and often that of others as well). As a reminder, today more than 60% of those who create start-ups are job seekers.

Nevertheless, beyond creating a business, one has to be able to sustain it. For this, the accompaniment the business creators have during the first years plays a big role. The

126 France statistics show this clearly: the rate of failure of new firms in the first three years passes from 50% to 25% when they benefit from the help of accompaniment specialists.

What works? A technological tool at the service of start-ups

Based on this observation, the local authorities (department, region and inter-municipality) asked the Aisne Development Agency (ADA) to work on raising the awareness of start-ups and accompanying them. At the heart of the project, is the development of a technological tool: the "Entrepreneur's Virtual Office".

The Virtual Office allows business creators to simplify their management and accounting procedures, which allows the entrepreneur to concentrate on production and the commercialisation of his or her activity.

In addition, the Virtual Office includes a certain number of follow-up tools that allow the ADA and its partners to monitor the newly created firms. And lastly, this Office offers the opportunity to encourage a "start-up community" by way of various technological community-oriented tools (forum, data bases, advertisements, mailing lists, etc…)

Thanks to integrated applications available on a private and personalised web server space, the business creator can be relieved of tasks that are not related to production and commercialisation. As said, the Entrepreneur's Virtual Office simplifies and automates a large number of procedures and produces a daily dashboard that is automatically updated, and from which the firm can be monitored in a stimulating and regular manner.

At the same time, we are leading specific awareness-raising activities aimed at the target groups and focussing on business creation, as well as group activities favouring the development of start-ups. The goal is to integrate this technological tool into the range of services offered to potential business creators by the project partners. The target groups for these awareness-raising activities are: job seekers (particularly older ones), women facing professional integration difficulties (as well as the wives of entrepreneurs, spouse- partners, etc.), disabled workers and workers made redundant due to reclassification measures.

In the long run, the goal is to involve at least 50 business creators in this project by making the tool available to them. The awareness raising activities should touch 1000 potential business creators.


Tailoring business services to real needs Territorial approaches Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? As in all the overseas départements, the labour market in Guadeloupe is structurally unfavourable. The country faces very high unemployment due to a combination of a large rise in demography and a tight economy. Today, unemployment has reached 28.8%, and it particularly affects young people and women. Thus 48% of job seekers are less than 25 years old, and 32% of women are touched by unemployment versus 21% of men. To approach this two-fold issue, the association ALLO Guadeloupe Services has chosen to promote the development of tourism though an innovative project: VAINCRE.

Promoting tourism as a means for insertion and entrepreneurship among young people and women.

127 France The VAINCRE project covers 11 municipalities with a total population of 94,000 inhabitants, or 17.6% of the total population of Guadeloupe. In the area in question, there is a particularly high rate of unemployment, notably of women: nearly 40% versus 25% for men. The situation of young people younger than 25 is also worrisome, and they represent 40% of the population. Added to this problem of unemployment is a qualification deficit. The population has a low level of general training.

An economic, social and cultural marginalisation of the inhabitants has occurred, despite the real economic potential of this geographic zone. The natural environment and the cultural and architectural wealth of the country offer numerous opportunities for the development of tourist activities.

The VAINCRE project aims at promoting tourist activities, in the broad sense of the term, as a way to encourage insertion and entrepreneurship among women and young people in priority, but not exclusively.

To meet this employment challenge, VAINCRE encourages women and young people younger than 26 to take their lives in their own hands and to get involved in the measure.

What works? Founded on a local partnership of twelve or so organisations and institutions, aided through regional financing, private funding and ESF, VAINCRE implements two complementary strategies:

1 - Increasing the human potential with regards to tourism activities ƒ The final goal of the project is to improve the economic, social and cultural situation of young people and women, notably. The various activities proposed in this perspective are: ƒ Detection and validation of projects involving tourism activities (excluding accommodation). ƒ Identification and evaluation of needs in training and professionalism (linked to these projects). ƒ Development of training and professionalism programmes. ƒ Implementation of training and professionalism programs based on building up tourism activities and leading to their establishment. 2 - Mobilising the area's potential in tourism activities: ƒ The objective is to allow the area in question to rediscover an economic dynamic through the development of activities such as: ƒ Writing of a monograph covering the area and its opportunities for entrepreneurship linked to tourism activities ƒ Establishment of a contest for original, innovative ideas regarding tourism activity entrepreneurship ƒ Detection of entrepreneurship projects ƒ Advising and accompaniment methodology for project holders. ƒ Mutualism of services linked to business creation ƒ Networking of service providers in tourism. The expected results are an increased rate of business creation and a better use of the area's tourism potential. As a promising example, the 2002 idea contest had over 150 contestants, all potential entrepreneurs, presenting 30 or so innovative projects. Production Cooperatives (SCOP), Economic Interest Groups (GIE) and Employer Groups: combining means.

VAINCRE seeks to facilitate business creation by calling upon projects run by associations. These associations act as actual nurseries. They allow an activity to be tested in full in an associative framework before it then is externalised on the competitive market. In the interval, the undertaking allows for an increase in the training level of people involved and a potential for employment in the zone.

128 France The collective accompaniment of the "business creation projects" of these associations aims at developing joint communication and commercialisation activities. These activities will later allow the structures to group together in order to favour their sustainability and to increase job creation.

In order to encourage these groups, Production Cooperative (SCOP), Economic Interest Groups (GIE) and Employers Groups are promoted. The associative "business creation projects" are thus encouraged to create a basis for mutualism that, at the end of three years, could allow financial aid from banks. This aid is essential to finance the need for operational funds, or to provide grants for unemployed people to create businesses, in whatever area.

The sustainability of the measure beyond 36 months will be covered by a "club" of entrepreneurs, grouping together the people and structures who received the initial aid. In the long run, this club will ensure the role play by VAINCRE, to which will be added on-line services.


Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Standards for support services for the social enterprise Partnership creation and management Empowerment

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project works with situations of economic and social exclusion experienced by certain people covered by the agricultural social welfare system, in particular those with precarious wage-earning positions. For nearly ten years, the Mutualité Social Agricole has been committed to an insertion-by-economic-activity strategy that uses insertion structures (intermediary associations, temporary work insertion firms) in order to integrate (or to reintegrate) people excluded from the labour market into a progressive relationship with the world of work. The project itself seeks to go beyond the categorical approach and to give itself the goal of optimising synergies between the economic and the social approach to treating exclusion, in order to respond to situations in which exclusion has multiple causes.

In effect, the project will explore areas that privilege an overall, sustainable insertion: ƒ physical mobility (means of transport) and cultural mobility (representations of other places) ƒ housing and living environment (physical living space, by also the "experiences" space) ƒ healthcare (combining preventive and curative, favouring a network of professionals) ƒ personal development (working on one's self-image, managing stress, integrating a team) ƒ access to cultural and leisure activities (participative development of "first departure" trips, participation in recreational times, organisation of time that can now be considered of as free time thanks to the existence of a work contract), ƒ development of collective services allowing, for example, to reconcile personal and family constraints (childcare, etc.), these different areas being considered part of professional insertion.

Why is it innovative? The project offers two types of solutions:

ƒ Acting in partnership with economic insertion structures and employment partners (social partners, public employment services, employers, public authorities, etc.) in order to better structure wage-earning employment and to make it more sustainable in

129 France the agricultural sector (for example, to favour the creation of groupings of employers for insertion and qualification, developing employment of groups excluded by farming, setting up platform-type employment systems, etc.)

ƒ Acting in favour of sustainable social insertion, by favouring the development of services in the collective interest the really take into consideration the social needs of excluded groups, notably in basing it on the expression of the concerned groups themselves of their needs and in associating the to the development of these services (support groups, participative surveys, etc.).


Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? To respond to the local needs for services and to the problem of local employment

Studies of local areas in the Franche Comté region showed how important the development of local services is. In fact, today these services are necessary to the dynamics of rural areas and the creation of employment.

Thanks to an anticipated partnership

Behind this project is a group of organisations that, for several years in the Franche Comté, has been involved in training, local development, agricultural and rural employment, as well as entrepreneurship. In view of the Equal programme application, in spring 2000 they initiated a regional accompaniment platform for employment and entrepreneurship in the service area.

Accompanying both entrepreneurs and local organisations

The ELAN measure is primarily based on an experiment carried out in four local areas in the Franche Comté.

Entrepreneurs in the service area, both individuals and groups, often lack appropriate accompaniment, yet setting up this kind of business requires complex partnerships, combining both voluntary skills and wage-earning skills and joint financing.

Why is it innovative? The project's innovation resides in large part in the work methods used:

ƒ linking the ELAN measure with the establishment of "Pays" (local area delimitation) (notably with the establishment of strong local partnerships)

ƒ accompaniment of men and women (entrepreneurs, job seekers, very small enterprises) as well as of local organisation involved in service creation (local authorities, local associations, associations of service professionals, etc.)

ƒ implementation of an open and individualised accompaniment measure that takes different forms depending on the peoples and their projects

130 France ƒ apprenticeship in the practice of solidarity economics: creation of new places of expression of "day to day" needs, favouring the breaking of barriers between professions, municipalities, public and private sector, wage-earning and independent status.


IImproving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Standards for support services for the social enterprise Territorial approaches Disability Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Over the past few years, things have been changing in Cayenne's neighbourhoods. A social economy structure is being established (homework help, advice for fulfilling administrative obligations, multiplication of cultural and sporting activities to occupy children, informal exchanges of services among inhabitants). However, these services remain unevenly represented and developed in neighbourhoods, and good practices are not systematically spread.

Discrimination also exists among the target groups: o young women, for example, are still too few to dare or to be able to develop their ideas, held back by their male colleagues, by childcare, by transport that is not practical and expensive. Intergenerational help, even inter-community help exists, but the examples are few.

ƒ In certain neighbourhoods, the business world (its vocabulary, its requirements) is little known, and even inaccessible. Even if there has been progress, this remains even more true for young people and the disabled.

ƒ In the neighbourhoods SEGA has targeted, forming the project's territory, the social dynamic is not sufficient, despite the density of the population:

ƒ certain areas need real encouragement to allow for the development of and access to local services

ƒ others develop functional services; in this case, the goal is to improve their legibility and to respond to the growing demands of the population to improve their role.

To meet these goals, the project proposes setting up an inter-neighbourhood integrated employment/local services centre: this centre aims to support a development policy for public and private employment aimed at users (individuals, associations, VSE) in neighbourhoods in South Cayenne.

The employment/service centre includes:

ƒ a public-interest employment and local services platform: a tool for the development and structuring of the service and employment market.

ƒ Its goal is to:

ƒ give rise to and mobilise the request for services, by means of promotional activities, awareness raising and the development of a viable market.

131 France ƒ to support start ups and job creation and to allow for the promotion and organisation of service occupations through the provision of information and guidance. It analyses the needs with regards to accompaniment, training, access to employment and business creation

ƒ to set up a laboratory of initiatives: a tool for research and development. It will be composed of an ideas and experimentation laboratory to develop services and jobs in neighbourhoods, and of an observatory focussing on local services and job and business creation.

ƒ to set up a measure for information provision, communication and dissemination: the service/job centre will have an itinerant information bus present in the neighbourhoods, providing information for the inhabitants concerning integration-related themes.

At the same time, a survey of currently existing services and unsatisfied needs will be carried out; it will serve as a basis for the observatory on local services and job and business creation.

How is it innovative? This project highlights the initiatives that already exist in disadvantaged neighbourhood, by professionalizing them and making them viable. It takes services and initiatives that already exist, and unsatisfied needs as a starting point for the development of activities by inhabitants.

19. ICARE-: FR-NAT-2001-10663

Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Partnership creation and management Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? In the Val de Marne, women are particularly touched by unemployment, notably those with disabilities in addition to their integration difficulties. Among the disabled, a great majority encounter many difficulties integrating due to their reduced mobility, which keeps them from accessing employment, training, public services, and more generally, keeps them from participating in society. Regular local transport is, for the most part, inaccessible to people with reduced mobility. Private transport services for the disabled people are few in number and often expensive. Lastly, the Val de Marne local authorities, in partnership with the RATP and the GIHP (Group for the Integration of Physically Disabled People) created a service reserved for disabled people, the SERVAL. However, as this service is considered as the only means of public transport accessible to disabled people, whatever their disability, it is saturated.

For these reasons, the project aims to:

ƒ Create a strong local partnership with the different local actors involved in this issue

ƒ Establish a public interest structure aimed at fighting against the isolation and discrimination faced by people with mobility problems. This structure will create a synergy among all the local actors through setting up transport services for disabled people in precarious employment or those without employment so that they can find themselves on the labour market.

ƒ This public interest structure should optimise what exists, rationalising the different public and private services: setting up joint circuits, mutualising vehicles and human resources for accompaniment…with the goal of offering more professional, better service.

132 France ƒ Make the costs accessible, by involving local partnerships, mutualising financial means in order to multiply the effects so a larger number of people can benefit from the services. It also means rationalising by evaluating the needs and moving towards a more adapted service. In addition, it means being creative and inventing other, less expensive forms of accompaniment to fight against exclusion.

Why is it innovative? The structure to be set up will take the form of an associative platform of adapted transport services and specific accompaniment. It is based on the idea of a "one counter for all services".

Its first objective will be to structure the existing service offer in such a way as to make the users aware of them, but most of all, this platform will be responsible for doing everything it can to mutualise the means already offered by municipalities, associations and regular transport networks et to optimise their usage. Today, some of these services are saturated, others remain unknown.

Taking into consideration the set costs of these adapted transport systems, it is important to optimise the use of the different equipped vehicles, to broaden the service hours as wide as possible so they can be used by the largest possible number of users.

The same applies to accompaniment staff resources. Better management of their working time will reduce waiting times and periods of inactivity.

The project will work towards professionalizing these services by providing technical and organisational responses in order to offer customers quality services.

ƒ service integration software

ƒ on-vehicle software to take into consideration schedule changes, lateness, route modifications, consequences of the mutualisation of means, etc.

To accomplish this project, one of the objectives is to develop employment in this area, to imagine new occupations, to design training specifications and to ensure this training. There is a serious need for trained personnel: drivers/accompaniers, accompaniers, scheduling agents, duty officers, etc.

20. SOQLES - FR-NAT-2001-10727

Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Employment for asylum seekers Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Numerous rural, urban and peripheral areas face a two-fold problem: maintaining or developing employment, while making the best use of their resources. In weakened areas, what is at stake is both to find ways to facilitate concerted human resource strategies among SMEs and to work towards sustainable development. In areas where the actors are too small to be able to undertake action, an approach of joining together to undertake public interest services could provide viable answers and a real added value on a local level.

133 France The project is experimenting with SOQLEs, which are sustainable partnership measures among all the social and economic actors in rural areas aimed at helping to maintain or develop employment, in a perspective of sustainable development and solidarity. The partners work together to implement public-interest services mainly for firms (particularly for small firms). The public-interest services that develop are more or less formalised. They could result from more working together in a local area or could lead to the creation of structures (associations, groups, cooperatives or firms).

To accompany and promote local development strategy, our project aims to coordinate the activities of the local partners in order to: ƒ create or develop new activities by mobilising local resources ƒ to respond to unsatisfied individual needs (access to services, employment, living conditions, reconciliation, etc.) and local needs (environment, maintenance, local marketing, etc.) ƒ to facilitate the development of small businesses, often through collective activities. The experimentation of these SOQLEs in done in six complementary directions:

L’expérimentation de ces SOQLE se fait selon six axes complémentaires. ƒ Development of partnership platforms for public-interest services ƒ Development of joint activities between firms and local authorities ƒ Cooperation among firms ƒ Highlighting firms with some local connection ƒ Development of new modes of cooperative management ƒ Adapting work organisation and human resource management in very small firms to local changes

Why is it innovative? Developing the skills necessary for the SOQLES

In order to accomplish this project, it is necessary to strengthen the mediation and partnership skills of the people who accompany the SOQLEs. The project works on professionalizing these "multi-specialists" to allow them to play the role of interface and to associate private and public partners in local measures.

This also requires improving the qualifications of the people who work in these areas and these SOQLEs, and developing professionalism and qualification recognition in the public- interest services

Fighting Discrimination

This project works on a discrimination that is linked to the difficulties inherent in these weakened local areas (isolation, loss of human resources, low population density, crises in certain specialised employment basins, etc.). Compared to other areas, the social and economic actors in these areas have less favourable conditions to work in.

21. AFPA - ITFFB - FR-NAT-2001-10381

Older worker Intergeneration learning Planning HR & Age management practice Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project concern "Ages and employment in construction and public works". The point of departure for this project, submitted by AFPA, (National Association for Adult Vocational Training) FFB (French Building Federation) and IT-FFB (the Federation’s Technical Institute) is the finding that beyond the age of 50 and/or having more than 20 years’ seniority in employment, building workers are at special risk of marginalisation and/or exclusion from the labour market. The causes of these risks are connected with the

134 France arduous nature of the physical work, safety, changes in work organisation and difficulties in relations between generations; in consequence, current mentoring arrangements are not always very effective.

There are three particular reasons for this project: the large numbers of older workers in the building industry (20% of the labour force); the lack of appropriate training (training in recent years has focused on young people); the improved economic health of the industry, an opportunity to be seized. In the course of Action 1, the partners validated three guidelines which formed the basis for the Action 2 project: extending the target group to mid-career employees (around the age of 45) to anticipate in so far as possible their future working life; the need to develop a strategy and tools to raise awareness and provide for information exchange on these matters, particularly for company executives; implementation of diverse approaches and a range of measures to combat age discrimination more successfully and the importance of taking into account local aspects of problems connected with the age of the labour force.

What works? The programme of measures comprises several stages: ƒ - a prior investigation/diagnosis including: a national survey by means of a questionnaire sent to a group of companies, regional surveys by means of interviews, specific thematic investigations diagnoses in businesses ƒ - pilot schemes in six regions (Champagne-Ardenne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Limousin, Midi-Pyrénées, Poitou-Charentes, Rhône-Alpes) including setting up individual pathways for interested employees and certain job seekers: mid-career retraining, access to mentoring, taking over or setting up businesses. ƒ - awareness-raising and capitalisation measures : awareness-raising and consultation among all the players concerned will be carried out in and by the regions volunteering. ƒ Common tools will be produced: ƒ - a tool for diagnosing the risk of occupational disease ƒ - an ergonomically-oriented diagnosis tool for jobs and a handbook on age management in small and medium-sized businesses.

Why is it innovative? This project illustrate the prevention of exclusion of older workers by changing the work organisation and by anticipating in age. Indeed, main challenge for the coming years is to change practices in human resource management which tend to exclude older people from the employment market by, for example: ƒ · introducing investigative/diagnostic methods to improve awareness of needs and expectations of employees and management alike, ƒ · experimenting with new career pathways, encouraging in particular a “second career” and new practices in the links between generations (mentoring, the "worker and mate" system, interactive learning, and so on), ƒ · taking into consideration the specific challenges facing women (access to qualifications and occupational mobility, improved reconciliation of family and working life, and so on) and working conditions and risks for less-qualified staff.

22. ATOUT'ÂGE - FR-NPC-2001-10505

Older worker Intergeneration learning Planning HR & Age management practice Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? In carrying out the “Atout’âge” project, the Lille employment area committee is underpinned by a wide regional partnership which endeavours to find solutions to the various problems encountered, including age management, in the SMEs/SMIs in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. Its aim is to try out practical solutions in SMEs/SMIs to keep older workers in employment.

135 France What works? In practical terms, the “Atout’âge” project is introducing a comprehensive, progressive approach grouped under three headings. ƒ Raising awareness among executives in SMEs/SMIs and their staff. These activities, including a diagnosis of the area and a communications strategy, aim to help the parties concerned to become aware of the challenges raised by ageing, the related circumstances occurring and the importance of anticipating their consequences. To put across the key messages more clearly, the DP is using an outside communications consultant who will have the necessary expertise in this field. ƒ Backup for companies and employees in taking stock of an ageing workforce. The almost complete lack of awareness in the SMEs/SMIs of the region about the importance of anticipating the effects of ageing has prompted the project partners to propose in addition to the companies concerned a progressive, didactic approach (preliminary diagnosis and personalised backup for age management). To improve the efficiency of these measures, three types of players will be involved, taking three different, but complementary, approaches: SME/SMI management, trade union representation, prevention and health care (regional health insurance fund and occupational health care). ƒ Seeking innovative, appropriate solutions. In conjunction with the personalised backup, the firms have the option of taking part in collective measures to tackle the common problems encountered. The results of these operations will be analysed and exploited and thus help to define conditions for keeping the over-45s in employment and provide material for the communication strategy.

Why is it innovative? This project illustrate the territorial approach to age management: to retain companies and skilled employees in the regions, all the parties concerned must cooperate in finding new approaches by: ƒ setting up local networks (public services, undertakings, social partners, non-profit associations, etc.) to decide jointly upon the main problems and the related work plan (differences between rural, urban and coastal areas) ƒ encouraging worker employability, vocational training (ICT) and mobility for older employees (including trainers and unemployed people) ƒ transferring qualifications and experience between generations and between firms.

23. ATOUTAGE - FR-2001-PCH-10839

Older worker Planning HR & Age management practice Convincing and involving Social partners Partnership creation and management Networking Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? It has already been widely demonstrated that our European societies organize life and relationships around age categories. This tendency has had serious effects on young people’s entry into working life and the exclusion of older workers from it. In France, the employment rate among the 50-59 age-group has increased greatly, as a result of demographic changes and a profound transformation of women’s employment behaviour. However, the level of activity among older workers in France still remains low by comparison with other countries in Europe. This can be explained by labour and training markets which do not favour the over-50s, and by the prevalence of various forms of early retirement schemes. From 2006 onwards, a sudden adverse impact on the labour market is to be expected, as workers from the baby boom generation reach retirement age. From now on, we need employment policies that better anticipate companies’ needs where skills are concerned.


136 France ƒ to act on the respective images older workers and companies have of each other, to provide the opportunity to show that these employees can contribute to relieving labour market tensions by directly occupying jobs. We may also envision new processes in which the so-called “older” component of the workforce can see its professional potential formalized, recognized and validated, and put to use for the youngest employees (mentoring, guidance), ƒ to work on occupational transitions by transforming and diversifying the conditions of acquisition of vocational qualifications. To better understand the “different stages of working life”, to offer individuals all necessary resources for the management of their career paths (identification of potential, career support, developing tools for the identification and transfer of skills), ƒ to act on the quality of work: a job with guarantees, with possibilities for advancement, tolerable working conditions, opportunities, organized and life-enhancing end-of-career arrangements (methodologies, tools, advice, measures for intervening in Collective Agreements and their detailed application at the local level), ƒ to re-shape wage policies, taking better account of employment costs, in order to devise new ways of remunerating activity (new relationships between directly productive activities and activities of knowledge-transmission, training and mentoring), ƒ to promote Human Resources management systems that encourage people to stay in work and develop their careers: the analysis and highlighting of the potential of older workers, the establishment of inter-company training situations in which these employees have a chance to enhance their potential and pass on their skills… ƒ to develop approaches which make for a better linkage between the various phases of life, so that everyone has, over their life-time, the opportunity to produce, learn and pass on their knowledge (not reducing working life to mere “production”, but enriching it with the two other essential components that are learning and knowledge- transmission).

What works? The regional and transnational partnerships are particularly efficient.

In the regional context, this DP brings together territorial partners, sectoral partners, partners for professionalizing the actors in employment and training, and cross-theme partners

Territorial partners : ANPE, IRIS CBE. The ANPE (National Employment Agency) Poitou- Charentes will co-ordinate two experimental projects conducted by the Local Employment Agencies of Poitiers and Thouars. IRIS (Regional Initiative for Insertion and Solidarity) brings together and supports those actors working to help people with particular difficulties into employmentIRIS has chosen to carry out an initiative for inventorying and communicating existing practices and co-ordinating territorial experiments involving SIAEs (Structures for Insertion by Economic Activity) from the region. The Bressuire CBE (the Committee of the Labour Market Area of the Bressuirais) is concerned for the future dynamism of the area and will conduct an initiative aimed at transferring the skills of workers in their latter years of work to ensure company sustainability.

Sectoral Partners: AFOCAP, FRSEA, CREDES, ARACT, CEPC. AFOCAP is the Charentais Farmers’ Training Association preoccupied with the ageing of the active agricultural population, is proposing a programme of experimental training around three issues: handing on the agricultural enterprise, preparing for an active retirement and women’s place in the rural world. FRSEA is the Regional Federation of the Unions of Small Farmers. This body, an offshoot of the federations of the various departments in the region, aims to keep small farms in business in order to maintain the rural fabric. The activities of the FRSEA are aimed at supporting agriculturalists aged over fifty. The CREDES (Regional Centre for Economic and Social Studies and Documentation) brings together the Works Councils of the Poitou-Charentes region. The ageing of the working population is an increasing preoccupation among the elected representatives, and an issue that is not much - or only poorly - addressed within companies. The CREDES will carry out a study on the perception and treatment of the ageing phenomenon by the elected members of Works Councils and those in comparable positions within companies. ARACT (The Regional Association for the Improvement of Working Conditions, Poitou-Charentes).

137 France In order to cope with demographic trends, it seems likely that an increasingly large number of companies will have to think out and introduce forms of work organization which take greater account of the diversity of workers - in particular the (physical, cognitive, sociological etc.) characteristics of “older workers”, but also of the young. A study will, therefore, be carried out in order to act on work organization and the adjustment of work situations so as to prevent age discrimination. The CEPC (Poitou-Charentes Savings Bank) has detected a prospective shortage of managerial staff in the coming years. Between a third and a half of banking sector staff will retire between now and 2010. How are we to maintain the level of performance of the older workers currently in post and encourage them to transfer their skills before they retire? Given this context, an action plan for optimising the management of older workers’ employment will be implemented. This initiative, piloted in the Poitou-Charentes region, has been set up with a view to its extension to the other regional Savings Banks in France.

Partners for professionalizing the actors in employment and training : The Quality of Training GIP (Public Interest Group) was created in 1994 by the public authorities and the OPCAs (Vocational Training Funding Bodies). In this battle against age discrimination the involvement of actors from employment and training is crucial. Few tools have as yet been developed for carrying out effective work with the over-50s, either with regard to advice, guidance or training. Substantial planning work will therefore be undertaken.

Cross-theme partners: The CRIDF (Regional Information Centre on Women’s Rights), created in 1981, promotes equal opportunities for women and provides support to the network of Women’s Rights Information Centres, which have a mainly female clientele. The CRIDF is particularly concerned to sensitize the other partners in the project to the need to integrate the “women’s dimension” into their thinking and practice. AGEFIPH (the Association of the Management of Funds for the Integration of Disabled People into Working Life) There is no reason for the category of disablement to prevail over those of citizen, jobseeker or employee; it is merely incidental to these other categories. An initiative to sensitize, inform and train will therefore be carried out among all the members of the DP. It will be the aim of a second initiative to work on the vocational requalification of disabled people in the over-50 age group.

The European Partners are : Soziale Innovation GmbH Teilprojekt Koordination (SI) with the DPs : Bezirksregierung Münster, Dez. 107.6, ESF-erfahrene Stelle, Bildungswerk Witten / Hattingen GmbH Führungskräfte als Promotoren (BWH), Bochumer Verein Verkehrstechnik GmbH and Deutscher Giessereiverband, Information+Image (DGV), GfAH, Teilprojekt Interkulturelles Personalmanagement (Gesellschaft für Arbeitsschutz und Humanisierungsforschung mbH), Industriegewerkschaft Metall Vorstand Zweigbüro (IG Metall), Landesinstitut Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund, one University Research Organization (Teilprojekt Evaluierung sfs), the Employers’ Organization and Trade Union. This German DP is currently faced with a diminishing source of labour in the iron-and- steel works and foundries. Four broad common problem areas were defined concerning transnational cooperation. These will be the issues : motivating the over-50s to learn and train; interregional co-operation; adapting the environment (the workplace) to the over-50s; mobilizing the social partners.

What doesn't work? The context is not favourable. As we work primarily with social partners, it is necessary to increase awareness about the issues in a context where early retirement has been the norm and where the aging of the general population is affecting aging in the workplace. In addition, the dominant culture remains: school, work, retirement.

After a promising start, transnational exchanges are now confronted with issues of product financing by the German part. We clearly defined "work couples" and the projects to be carried by the two parts, but we are having trouble getting those in the field together.

As far as the overall leadership goes, although quite enriching and bringing with it the development of public/private relations, it needs to be strengthened.

138 France Is what works transferable? ƒ transmission of the knowledge of older workers: training of trainers, accompaniment ƒ training, CD-ROM, HR training, interview techniques and employee proposals in the banking sector. ƒ improvement of working conditions by assignment to different positions ƒ specific activities by management, accompaniment in business creation. Taking into consideration of age by grouping together the over-50s and working on solidarity. ƒ awareness raising and training of staff representative (notably the works council)

Why is it innovative? This project provides a fine illustration of a local approach to age management. In order to keep firms and qualified workers in the regions, all those involved are working together in order to find new approaches through the development of local networks — public services, firms, social partners, non-profit organisation, etc. — which allows for the joint definition of the major challenges to be faced and the corresponding plan of action (differences between rural, urban and coastal areas).

24. METIERS D’ART, METIERS RARES, METIERS D’AVENIR - FR-BRG-2001- 10667 IITC Literacy Intergeneration learning Creating an entrepreneurial culture Sustaining traditional know-how

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project, "Occupations in Art, Rare Occupations, Occupations of the Future", stemmed from several observations: ƒ The weakening of professionals in art-related occupations due to the economic changes that favour large distribution systems: they need the means to demonstrate the value of their goods and their know-how. ƒ Insufficient use of computers that deepens the technological gap with other sectors. ƒ Uncertain transmission of know-how resulting from a lack of interest among the young for these occupations, on one hand, and on the other, artists hesitating to train new professionals who could become competitors in narrow markets. The partners in this project are in Burgundy: The SME Chamber, a Local Mission youth information centre, the Ateliers d'Or (a book binding school-workshop), the CNIFOP (pottery-ceramics training centre), an employers organization and a craftsman in restoration of heritage.

What works? The main way the project works is to use new information and communication technologies in order to approach three areas: ƒ 1°: Commercial innovation ƒ Have craft workers become aware of the benefits of using computers, and particularly of using Internet in there business: offering site hosting for Burgundy craftspeople to have a virtual storefront and a communication area; to favour the transmission of good practices through sponsorship… ƒ 2°: Innovation for creation and quality production: ƒ To diffuse new practices for each occupation; to help create and integrate these practices and ICT among training providers; to develop trainee and trainer exchange programs throughout Europe … ƒ 3°: Modernisation of the information and guidance network: ƒ To promote art-related occupations via the Internet site; to increase awareness and to train information and guidance providers, to introduce training organisations … ƒ

139 France ƒ In addition, the project aims at a "real" professionalism, based on serious, complete and validated training courses, and on an organised sharing of experiences among a network of long-term exchanges. ƒ Why is it innovative? This project illustrates well the interest of sustaining traditional know-how. The scope covers a number of areas, which the project approaches in a systematic manner: ƒ adaptation of workers in these sectors; ƒ employability, in the broad sense that covers professional mobility, transferability systems for skills and knowledge (organised by employment services, firms, …) ; ƒ life-long learning, combining the employability goal with better guidance for the young, and a better link between initial education and continuing training; ƒ the fight against discrimination and for insertion, notably of the young, in occupations where the renewal of generations has often been broken; ƒ the development of entrepreneurship by mobilising on a local level through highlighting know-how.

25. FAME - FR-CEN-2001-10454

Intergeneration learning Horizontal desegregation Creating an entrepreneurial culture Sustaining traditional know-how

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The needs the FAME project addresses can be divided into three main types: ƒ increasing the perceived value of traditional Occupations (in the noble sense) and know-how (in a region — the Loire Valley — classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO) ; ƒ responding to the under-representation of women in certain occupations and accompanying their integration into these occupations; ƒ qualifying workers in these sectors. ƒ To respond to these needs, two target groups have been identified: ƒ firms (both managers and employees); ƒ young people in training (apprentices, young people in dual programs…)

What works? A first step carried out on a local level consisted of a study of representations in firms of employing women in technical sectors. This study was carried out at the same time as a study on traditional know-how needs.

These studies provided an opportunity to implement a communication strategy aimed at firms and young people concerning the integration of women in technical occupations and improving the perceived image of traditional occupations.

This strategy will be completed by: ƒ awareness raising activities aimed at young women to encourage their access to dual training schemes in technical occupations; ƒ training development activities aiming to development "professional behaviour" through the respect for ancient occupations (tacit skills). In September 2003, an innovative training course began to be developed in heritage construction. At the same time began accompaniment of young women in firms and in apprentice training centres. This will be accompanied by the establishment of indicators.

Why is it innovative? This project illustrates well the interest of sustaining traditional know-how. The scope covers a number of areas, which the project approaches in a systematic manner: ƒ adaptation of workers in these sectors;

140 France ƒ employability, in the broad sense that covers professional mobility, transferability systems for skills and knowledge (organised by employment services, firms, …) ; ƒ life-long learning, combining the employability goal with better guidance for the young, and a better link between initial education and continuing training; ƒ the fight against discrimination and for insertion, notably of the young, in occupations where the renewal of generations has often been broken; ƒ the development of entrepreneurship by mobilising on a local level through highlighting know-how.

26. UNIVERSITE EUROPEENNE DES SENTEURS ET SAVEURS - FR-NAT- 2001-10810 ITC Literacy Creating an entrepreneurial culture Disability Sustaining traditional know-how

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? European University of Scents and Savours Firms in the scents and savours sector have experienced major growth. The occupations found in these firms depend on skills and know-how that has not been formalised, that is acquired empirically and is difficult to transfer. On one hand, this weakness slows down both production and commercialisation. On the other, the mastery of traditional gestures and know-how is a real strategic asset that could be improved by the qualification of employees.

A few large firms started working on this challenge, which proved to have several facets: ƒ first, a local dimension—which is even more important in certain areas– and combines with a "terroir" approach that consists of encouraging production using exclusively natural products and/or those from traditional processes; ƒ an approach in terms of subsidiaries, because gravitating around the big firms are numerous small and very small firms (including farms) that produce the medicinal and aromatic plants as well as craftwork linked to scents and savours; ƒ a civic dimension with a commitment to contribute to the social and professional integration of the blind.

What works? The Equal project led by the FAF accompanies the establishment of a European-wide university dedicated to training the scents and savours sector. It depends on a partnership grouping together professional and training organisations (the National Interprofessional Office for Perfume, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants; the Association for Adult Vocational Training, the Suze-la-Rousse Wine University), a local development association (l'Association du Pays de Haute Provence), firms (l'Occitane, Bains & Arômes…) and the FAF, which, notably, supports the project through its expertise in the social and professional integration of the blind.

More precisely, the partners of the project are setting up the following activities: ƒ the development of a reference description of the occupations based on scents and savours, based on current practices in firms, but also on ancestral "know-how"; ƒ the development of a training reference for occupations founded on savours, scents and traditional know-how, formalised with firm managers, in order to make this training available to current wage-earners as well as job seekers, and including units adapted to the visually impaired (these training courses also include commercial training): ƒ the creation of an observatory of scent and savour occupations and their medical usage, in order to survey, organise and disseminate a heritage of know-how; ƒ networking of firms and institutions that could mobilise and consolidate the use of scents and savours.

141 France Why is it innovative? The European University for Scents and Savours project will allow for traditional, ancestral know-how to be surveyed, highlighted and favoured economically, with the following major goals: ƒ saving and/or creating jobs; ƒ prevention of discrimination; ƒ as well as offering new social and professional integration solutions to the most disadvantaged. ƒ In addition, the partnership monitors the application of the principle of equal opportunities among a disadvantaged public that wants social and professional integration, but is often kept from it due to a social, physical or sensorial disability. ƒ In this area, the activity favours: ƒ the integration into the labour market of disabled people, notably the visually impaired; ƒ the consideration of the disability in the development of all processes and training tools; ƒ diversification of professional insertion means that rely on the observed development of certain professional aptitudes due to disability. An example of this final point: a training course was set up in 2002 for blind or visually impaired physical therapists that focused on the integration of aroma therapy into their practice.

27. OPCAREG°: FR-AUV-2001-10974

Older worker Intergeneration learning Age Passing on traditional skills

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? OPCAREG (Regional Approved Joint Collective Body) Auvergne (Project: occupational conversion for older workers and transfer of skills)

An project organised by regional chambers of commerce, industry and trades and a project promoted by OPCAREG Auvergne were combined to form this project. It covers themes E and F and concerns both retraining for older workers and the transfer and safeguarding of traditional knowhow. The Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry and OPCAREG Auvergne are developing cross-industry measures. The Regional Chamber of Trades is concerned more particularly with building industry trades, the food industry and trades connected with the exploitation of heritage sites.

The population of the Auvergne region is relatively elderly. Certain firms unique in France operate there, with employees performing longstanding occupations which in some cases are disappearing, for example, the working of lauze (thick, irregular stone used for roofing). Young people often do not find such occupations attractive.

What works? The project is made up of three stages. ƒ Diagnosis The aim is to modernise and make such sectors attractive so that they become an economic vector for the area. Given the shape of the regional age pyramid, it would be preferable to keep workers in employment until the age of 65. Moreover, it is the older workers who possess the traditional skills. But they are often reluctant to transfer them: because it is “time lost”, because they think, rightly or wrongly, that they do not know how to do so, because they are afraid to do so for reasons of competition, and so on. The diagnosis was carried out on the basis of 238 local businesses, above all very small enterprises. It covered both keeping older workers active and transfer of knowledge, while finding out firms’ requirements and also the wishes of employees.

142 France ƒ Training technique and adaptation of skills The aim of this stage will be to develop training systems adapted to the situation of the enterprises. Both trainers and trainees will be involved. In addition, with the support of a major engineering college, IFMA , it will combine advanced technology and heritage skills by breathing fresh life into certain traditional trades and occupations. ƒ Setting up and testing

Why is it innovative? This project illustrate the link between passing on traditional skills, the age management and the intergenerational learning.

This topic involves many areas that are intrinsically linked; the projects usually tackle them systematically: ƒ adaptation of workers employed in these sectors; ƒ employability, understood as improving occupational mobility, systems concerning transferability and portability of skills and know-how (organised by the employment services, companies, etc.); ƒ lifelong learning, combining the goal of employability, improved guidance for the younger employees and better links between initial training and continuing training; ƒ combating discrimination, and integration of younger employees, in particular in trades where renewal from generation to generation has often broken down; ƒ development of entrepreneurship and mobilising local areas towards exploitation of such know-how, etc.



Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning Accreditation Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The "Equilibre" project was implemented in order to experiment solutions to different problems faced by employees (of which a large majority are female and low-qualified) in the hotel and catering industry. These difficulties include: the amplitude of working hours (early in the morning and late in the evening), access to the workplace and public transport (the hotels are often on the peripheries of large towns) and access to training (particularly for part-time workers). This situation means that employee turnover is high, and employers have difficulty recruiting and retaining staff.

With the aim of improving working conditions, « Equilibre » plans to identify the expectations of employees, and to investigate solutions in terms of integration, training and career development, working times, childcare or care for other dependants, transport, etc.

What works? 5 pilot sites in different parts of France (Strasbourg, NIce - Antibes Sophia-Antipolis, Nantes, Lille and Paris) were chosen to participate in the project due to specific and different characteristics identified in employment in the hospitality sector. For example, the area of Nice has a very high seasonal demand for labour in the tourism industry, while the Parisian region is an interesting case of an area with all-year round demand for personnel in the industry but lacking in available workforce, with an highly intercultural mix, high cost of living and difficult transportation problems.

143 France In the first phase of the project, a research project was carried out by experts in order to identify the factors of motivation for a career in the hotel and catering industry, and the obstacles caused by problems in reconciling different life times.

As a result, different activities are being carried out on the pilot sites: ƒ To demonstrate that career development is a real possibility in the hotel and restaurant sector, particularly through training, Ibis’s training programmes are being revisited and improved and the DP is working on the validation of acquired experience in the hotel and restaurant industry. ƒ A new system for planning working schedules, integrating all matters involved in working and private schedules, is being experimented to optimise work and life organisation. ƒ New services for employees are being tested to help manage work-life balance (finding babysitting services, domestic services etc.). In the transnational activities, the study visits organised for managers in the hotel and catering industry to visit good practises in equal opportunities between women and men in Sweden have had a very important impact on attitude change to the issue.

Is what works transferable? It is too early to tell, but finding sustainable and transferable solutions is one of the main aims of the project.

Why is it innovative? This project is particularly innovative because it addresses an industry in which the majority of employees are female, low-qualified and often of different cultural origins. Solutions for work-life balance in enterprises often only concern highly qualified executives.

It is also innovative in the high level of commitment by the different partners and the quality of the transnational co-operation carried out between the partners.

A particularly innovative method was also used by the different DP members to strengthen their partnership at the beginning of the project. Using training tools already used by the Accor Hotel Group, they spent 2 days in team training and confidence-building in a training “submarine”. This has formed the basis for strong co-operation throughout the project.


Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project is based on 3 measures:

Intra-enterprise action: the aim is to assess the performance through the work organization and the life times reconciliation

Factor of efficiency and of motivations for the employees

Sub-activities: work about mobilisation of the staff and the communication of the project in the company ƒ Implementation of a diag on the organization of the time taking into account the activities of the firm and of the employees ƒ vocational training for the managers and for a project group in the company

144 France ƒ Inter-enterprises action : the aim is to collect the employees' needs as to the support services to make the articulation of their life times easier Sub-activities : setting up of a project group including managers of different companies of the relating area in charge of the leading of the territorial applications of the negotiations with the public authorities ƒ analysis of the employees' needs by each project manager of each company (all project managers of same area obviously work together) ƒ analysis of the support services which already exist on the area and of the organization of the working time of their own employees mobilisation and preparation of work seekers to work in the support services companies ƒ Territorial action : the aim is to generate solutions to increase the attractivity of the area in benefit of the companies and their employees Sub-activities: territorial diag of especially the organization of the territory times – analysis of the transports mainstreams and of local housing, of ways concerning children care, shopping…

I.e.Construction of actions plans in each territory from realized work in the here above measures.

What works? For the employees: ƒ improvement of their life quality at work ƒ easier accessibility to vocational training ƒ empowerment to have choices as to the use of their life times ƒ accessibility to reach responsibility jobs For the firms: ƒ improvement of the output ƒ improvement of the working conditions for the employees ƒ improvement of RH departments ƒ development of the attractivity Environmental results: to built territory facilities will all concerned actors and to have a more attractive area

Extract from the “living document” ETG – reconciliation:


AGEFOS PME is very aware that the success of those policies depends to a significant degree from services supplied within the territorial environment of the enterprises. Therefore it developed an approach to strengthen the relationship between employers and local communities.

The DP is emphasising that an individual company aiming to attract and retain qualified staff has not only to consider internal working conditions and pay, but also the services available to its workers with care responsibilities. As a first step the DP is collecting and analysing information on employees’ needs related to family support services such as transport, childcare and homemaking. The results are presented to local authorities, in order to guide their reflection and decision-making on these matters. At the same time, a “territorial dialogue” is initiated involving all relevant players with the aim of drawing up an action plan for improving the articulation of work and life times in the area. This includes the provision of training for employees, but also for potential carers and domestic workers.


The training takes place in a location that is 40 km away from the homes of the participants who mostly have no means of transport. The DP is soliciting the services of a local social economy enterprise to provide transport facilities at a nominal fee to unemployed people and employees of local companies.

145 France Both collective transport services and systems for more individual transport such as car sharing or the use of bicycles are being explored. During a first stage of implementation the social economy enterprise will receive national and European funding. After the test run it will have to find private funds. The DP is helping to develop a financing model to make the service sustainable. It is collecting data to identify the transport needs of employed and unemployed people in the area of St Bonnet-le-Château. The findings are an important source of information for the social economy enterprise when drawing up a business plan. If the plan is realistic and financially viable, AGEFOS PME (the lead partner of the DP) will propose to private firms to contribute to the financing of those transport services for their employees.-

This example shows that an integrated territorial approach is crucial. The strategy of leading a permanent “territorial dialogue” ensures the links between social and economic policies and practices. So, for instance, firms become aware of social needs not only of their own staff, but also in the territory where they operate. Cooperation of local authorities, employment offices, Family Allocation Funds , firms and insertion companies, women’s information and resource centres and NGOs is being created and enhanced to the benefit of all.

In the sub-urban area of Pays du Grésivaudan the territorial dialogue initiated by the same DP unveiled difficulties of working parents to find day-mothers for babies and toddlers. There are enough candidates for those jobs, but – like the prince and the princess in the fairy tale – they cannot come together with potential employers.

The Isère river separates two neighbourhoods with two very different populations. Families living on the left side of the river are quite affluent; usually the women have jobs and career ambitions and are in need of flexible childcare services. Inhabitants of the right side of the river are often disadvantaged and most of the women are unemployed. Some of them are keen to become day-mothers, but there is no public transport to the other side. Thanks to the territorial dialogue the local authorities have developed a mobility programme allowing the two groups to meet and work together: Every day a special minibus picks up the day- mothers and drives them to their employers and back home.


This DP organises training for domestic staff in the rural area of St Bonnet-le-Château. The scheme proposes three different programmes to choose from: ƒ How to read and write French: 4 hours a week during one year; ƒ How to improve house-keeping skills: 1 day a week during 4 weeks; ƒ Getting a certificate as “living assistant” (assistante de vie): 1 day a week during 10 weeks Living assistants can perform four kinds of tasks at a customer’s home: house keeping; buying food and preparing meals; elderly care and childcare. The certificate can be earned either after the successful completion of the training or through the official validation of informally acquired skills. Under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, the certification process is carried out by AFPA, the National Organisation for Vocational Training of Adults.

Why is it innovative? Very interesting territorial project working on a very global approach to work-life balance in a large French region (Rhône-Alpes, south-east France)·

Interesting partnership, involving many business and territorial actors, led by a vocational training fund collecting organisation, managed by the social partners.

Also includes work on new territorial strategies concerning public services in the region· Innovative strategies concerning both public services and enterprises.

146 France 30. DEVELOPING FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS FOR WOMEN’S WORK IN THE FINISTERE : TOWARDS A BETTER WORK/LIFE BALANCE - FR- BRE-2001-10871 Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? - Defining and pinpointing favourable conditions for female employment (salaried or entrepreneurship) which are necessary for its improvement - Implementing these conditions in particular concerning work/life balance in two sectors : in creating businesses and in agribusiness industries - Modelling and dissemination in all sectors

What works? For the beneficiaries :- enhanced access to information and advice jobs and how to create a company-increased training periods for women : upskilling during parental leave or during periods of unemployment- improved working conditions- creation of new services making easier to combine working life and private life (childcare, transportation,…)

For the partners : - Improved dialogue and cooperation between services, territorial authorities, companies, training organisations, social partners and associations - Creating and sharing information tools for training courses, jobs and female entrepreneurship - Developing partners’s ability to take account of characteristics and requirements of female activity and adapt appropriate tools and arrangements - Collaboration and facilitation in partnership of new personal and family making it easier to achieve a work/life balance

Why is it innovative? · Very interesting territorial project, in a rural area (Finistère in Brittany), working on new ways to better reconcile times in women’s lives in order to increase their chances of entering the labour market and developing interesting careers. · They aim to take into account all the “peripheral” obstacles which women face to entering the labour market (childcare, mobility, access to public services…) · It implements a very innovative approach in order to resolve the difficulties faced by women in this area by aiming to bring together all the territorial political, economic and social actors in order to create new strategies. ·The project concentrates on the agro-industry, business creation by women and local development (organisation of local public services…) · Interesting and innovative local partnership led by the departmental council involving women’s rights organisations, but also agricultural representative bodies and training organisations.


Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Networking Disability Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? A recent report of the European Parliament (march 2001) stipulates that it is important to take the needs of families with a disabled member into consideration. Parents often lack of

147 France the appropriate assistance to conciliate familial, personal and professional life as soon as the handicap is detected and all along the life. To help families to regain a normal life by conciliating all these aspects, this project propose to promote new professional methods and practices of adapted support for disabled persons, from childhood to adulthood. It includes in this notion individual support in familial, social, schools and professional environment, but collective assistance too as often as possible. It defends right to education and training for all disabled persons, as a real right which can be exercised.

It is particularly attentive to the reality of the mothers who, more than fathers are underprivileged because of the charge of the disabled child in a social and professional environment which don't take this situation into account. It helps mothers to find again a social and professional role. An important aim of this project is to make the employers, trade unions and political authorities sensitive to the difficulties and constraints of these families and able to propose new approaches and adaptations in laws and time organisations. An other one is to provide information and training for the families who are not prepared to welcome a disabled person at home and to validate acquired competences by the side of serious handicap ( autism, deaf blindness, epilepsy, motor disability, deafness, mental handicap, Down syndrome, physical handicap)

What works? ƒ Creation of a national and international research institute to take a census of difficulties, needs and expectations of families and to inform national and local authorities ƒ Carrying out of several inquiries with the support of the University of Strasbourg and communicate the results in an international conference in November 2003 ƒ Adaptation of softwares to validate competences of mothers and other members of families ƒ Valorisation and dissemination of innovative experiences and make use of new methodologies and practices to give support to disabled person to lead them to the job market. Extracts of the living document ETG4 – “reconciliation”, and “transversal issues 2003” : ƒ Personal development as empowerment strategy The first step was to study and analyse the very specific needs of both parents and children. 3000 families were solicited to participate in the enquiry and 700 questionnaires assessed. Ten exemplary life stories and 35 personal interviews allow to deepen the evaluation of the data collected.

As a basic rule, the DP’s activities mostly involve more than one of the three groups. The families, for instance, are participating in the same training programmes as the professionals. Families and people with disabilities are sharing the benefits of transnational exchange and jointly take part in several international seminars, which are designed as highlights of the DP’s development.

All tools and publications produced by the DP will be subject to “quality checks “performed by a group, which truly represents the beneficiaries. ƒ Accreditation of prior learning Parents’ associations, which are partners in the DP, and training centres are contributing to the validation process, which – in France - follows legal regulations. The DP is building on the “Start” software programme for skills assessment and validation, developed earlier in the framework of a Leonardo project. This programme is being adapted to the special needs of the target group and will progressively link applicable already validated competencies to those acquired through the mediation training and other continuing education. Additional credits were agreed with relevant universities. The approach is particularly relevant for mothers who in many cases have given up their career and dedicated their live to the up-bringing of a disabled child. The DP’s APL scheme is helping them to find or return to a professional activity - as mediator, building “bridges” between the needs of people with disabilities, their families and mainstream educational institutions and enterprises. ƒ Innovative approaches to disability care

148 France The role of the new mediators is not only to accompany and facilitate the itinerary of children, youths and young adults within those different areas, but also to help avoid discontinuities and disruptive decisions which would hamper the creation of a safe and affirmative environment which is decisive for this target group to develop its full potential. The training provides future mediators with a solid base of knowledge about the situation of disabled people and their specific incapacities, plus in-depth information about the regular education and training provision and the employment perspectives in their territory. In addition, they acquire relevant social skills to communicate properly with the disabled people and their families, but also with other professionals. The project is elaborating a “syllabus” assembling the necessary competencies related to both education/training and employment. These are being validated and gradually further developed to result into a curriculum fostering permanent and sustainable inclusion. Activities carried out by the partnership are thus addressing different crucial issues: ƒ Accommodating the needs of families seeking to integrate their children into regular schools Several partners in different locations are experimenting with a modular programme for “school assistants” . The idea is to create a new professional profile with special qualifications enabling the integration of children with disabilities. The results will be presented to the Ministry of Education with recommendations for a recognised national training provision and degree. ƒ IEM is developing a training programme for upper secondary school staff, which is designed to help those schools build special pedagogical units focusing on the integration of students with disabilities. In parallel, IEM personnel are being initiated to living and working conditions in the schools. ƒ Awareness raising and attitudinal changes Another organisation, Epilepsy Euro Service, is producing a training module to inform and sensitise different categories of professionals. The module is specifically addressing existing misinformation, taboos and prejudices. Supporting families

Other partners are helping parents, in particular to gain some free time and space to breathe. CRESAM, for instance, is offering training for professionals who work with deaf- mutes, and the training is open to families and people with disabilities. CNEFEI is providing modules teaching ICT skills to both parents and professionals. In addition, the organisation is developing training for so-called communication interfaces to increase the autonomy of deaf people. This includes training in sign language for teachers and experts; but also the creation and use of new tools such as computer software. The software allows a deaf person, whenever anybody is speaking, to follow simultaneously on the screen the labial and gesture translation on a synthesis head. As many words are not yet translated or universal in sign language the production of glossaries in specialised domains (accountancy, justice, tourism, geography, citizenship...) is another important task.

Why is it innovative? This project is very innovative considering the fact that it works on helping families with a disabled child (it is the only Equal theme G project in France taking this part of the population into account).

They work with specialized French organisations on a transversal approach to disabilities (autism, deaf blindness, epilepsy, motor disability, deafness, mental handicap, Down syndrome, physical handicap).

It allows us to enlarge the notion of “care” in our reflection.

Their work with families takes several tools into account: training of carers, validation of competences acquired by the families (mostly mothers), letting companies know the difficulties those families must deal with, innovative and effective pedagogic ways to accompany disabled children.

149 France 32. COORDINATION DES TEMPS DE VIE SUR LES TERRITOIRES - FR-NAT- 2001-10433 Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The territorial approach to time policies is centred on three major areas: ƒ Providing conciliation services anchored in territories of various scales: micro territories (an urban or rural district), middle size territories (like cities, “agglomeration” or communities of communes), and larger territories (like “departments” or regions. These support services include all sorts of activities connected with care for children, senior citizens, disabled citizens, etc. They range from the creation of day-care centres to the development of “conciergerie”, services. They can take the form of one stop service centres dedicated to a category of citizens (for instance parents of children before schools begin in September). A major common characteristic of these services is that they are created in partnership with the State, local governments, NGOs and (as often as possible with) private firms. Thus they provide examples of a new type of governance that reorganizes the relationship between the civil society, the economic world and public agencies. ƒ Reorganizing individual and collective mobility. One major problem is the inequality of citizens regarding their accessibility to all kinds of services (educational and cultural activities, sports and leisure) and of course to work. - This is referred to as “the right to mobility”. There are many people for instance who refuse a job because they have no means of transportation to take the job especially if it implies atypical hours.- But in a world, characterized by speed and stress the “right to immobility”, the “right to ‘laziness’ “ must also be taken into consideration. - A third aspect of mobility is linked with a badly needed innovative articulation between public transportation, private car and all forms of car-sharing, “soft” modes of circulation (like cycling or walking). - A fourth aspect is the necessity to articulate time and space in order to develop “friendly” “chains of activities”. ƒ Renewing the relationship between employers, employees and their common territory.? In a period of strong turn-over and of “creeping” absenteeism, employers begin to realize : ƒ that they must respond to the needs of their employees in terms of working times, ƒ that they must provide new services for the new needs of their employees, ƒ that it would be their interest to offer parts of the new services (like day-care centres) not only to their employees but also to the citizens living in the neighbourhood of the firm – in order to develop a “friendly” relationship with the territory. Many reports both in European countries and in the States show that with such services the productivity of private firms' increases and that the modernization of public services is accelerated.

What works? Apart from the improvement of the quality of daily life through a variety of activities suggested in the former paragraph, another major output is to : ƒ provide a methodology for analysing good practices, ƒ mutualize and capitalize knowledge and know-hows, ƒ feed a common “centre of knowledge”, ƒ and disseminate innovative practices and methodologies Extracts of the living document ETG4 – “reconciliation”, and “transversal issues 2003” :


The first starting point is that public policies must be developed on a territorial basis, i.e. in a region, a province, a city, or a district of a city – certainly not at national level. This does

150 France not mean that national governments should be kept out of social policy issues. They must have a role of providing incentives, coordination and regulation. Governments are the only institutions that can reduce inequalities between citizens nationwide and disparities between regions and cities.

The second basic principle is that local public policies must be the result of dialogue, concertation and negotiation between all the different stakeholders. Political institutions, (local) bureaucracies, etc. are no longer the exclusive decision-makers on the “public good”. Classical external “experts” are still required. But new experts with first-hand knowledge and expertise have appeared in the political arena. These are the beneficiaries of local public policies: children, parents, youth, working women and men, elderly people - in short, all citizens. In a period of time when most citizens feel alienated or at least insufficiently connected with their elected officials and express their diffidence in low rates of participation in elections, a dialogue – a local or territorial dialogue – is more necessary than ever.

Part of that process must also be to involve companies in a dialogue reaching beyond collective bargaining. This includes the development of new services enabling the articulation of work and private life which are not only catering for the companies’ staff, but also for the population living in their territorial environment.

Besides promoting “societal dialogue” in the different French locations where it operates, the DP is also organising an international exchange of relevant good practices through its transnational work. Across borders, training sessions are being organised for local actors that want to develop practices of societal dialogue.

- Reaching out to empower key-actors

The DP believes that beneficiaries of services know better than service providers, private or public institutions and decision-makers, what their specific needs are. Therefore beneficiaries must not only be “consulted” but be directly involved in the process of identifying the needs and building the demand (concept of “social construction”). This means that, in order to provide efficient services (both from the point of view of cost and quality) ƒ All the stakeholders on a given territory (city, district, etc.) must be mobilised, i.e. the local policy makers and decision-makers (elected officials, local civil servants, representatives of local firms, members of the civil society, etc.). ƒ that some of them – the operational “core group” - must be trained to “listen” to the needs of the citizens, to “understand” the specificities of the local rhythms, to be able to have a well informed vision of future needs and to be capable to draw up a business plan for the new services. ƒ For each empowerment training the DP identifies a team of 12 to 15 people – all of them concerned with “new services”. Usually the group includes the local elected official in charge of “care”, civil servants, and representatives of firms that develop a sense of social responsibility, trade unions and relevant NGOs. So far three training sessions of two days each were developed and tested. They include three modules: ƒ Building knowledge: how to identify and facilitate the emergence of unexpressed service needs in a territory; ƒ Organising participation: how to mobilise local actors around the issue of new service needs; ƒ Managing the project: how to master a business plan for services, how to evaluate the process.

Why is it innovative? This project is especially innovative considering the way territorial approaches are linked with time issues.

It is the largest French project working in this area, with several sites for experimentation, and brings together a wide variety of key actors and decision-makers in this field. Highly visible at a political level, which already allows very effective mainstreaming.·

151 France This DP deals with time policies in territorial public policies (mainly cities), which is relatively new in France (the “time bureaux” system was created in 2000). ·

Moreover, one big part of the transnational work is based on a network of cities for time re- conciliation.


Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? “Working and being parents in rural areas : a struggle with times and distances”

Help working parents by developing family supports, day nursery and childcare services. Respond to new needs from parents facing new work organisation models; train childcare workers to increase quality in the services

What works? Opening of 11 day nursery and childcare services. 200 people trained and graduated. Better in formations for families. Increased relations between local partners

Day nursery, preschool and playgroups, childcare services : 11 experimental experiences at different territorial level on one place or mobile. Training sessions at regional or national level : child minders, family counselling, welcome and listening, parenting, management for carers… Work sessions with experts about “Territories and networks”, “Childcare workers (careers)”, “Time and conciliation”. Research on families, services and rural areas : national wide survey on conciliation, on management and structural profile of local services, study on mobile services on rural areas

Extract from the “living document” ETG – reconciliation:

This DP, operating at local level in eleven departments and in three regions, embarked on a large study to explore both the current childcare provision used by parents in rural areas and their preferred solutions for the care of children of different age groups. 800 families responded to a questionnaire which addressed the possibilities of reconciling work and family life in a more satisfactory way. The results indicate that in many cases the reality of childcare was quite different from the choices parents would have made, had those been available. For instance, parents would prefer to care themselves for their 0 to 1 year olds, whilst in reality most of them are gainfully employed and use the services of an “assistante maternelle” or “garde d’enfant à domicile ” to care for their infants. The “assistante maternelle” continues to be the preferred choice as the toddlers grow older. But before children will enter the “école maternelle ” at the age of 3 , parents wish them to transfer to a “crèche collective” where they can gradually adapt to spending whole days in a group. But only 9 percent can find places in such a crèche.

The study emphasis that half of the parents in the sample would like to spend more time with their children, especially as long as these are very small, but they cannot afford to give up part of the family income. Parents are also keen to ensure individualised care in calm and peaceful home environments for babies. For toddlers and pre-schoolers it is felt that learning and playing in a group is more crucial. More than 80 percent of the samples prefer

152 France childcare organised in their own neighbourhood rather than close to or at their place of work.

Why is it innovative? Large (national) project, with many different local experimentation sites, working on innovative forms of childcare for parents in rural areas.·

Very interesting survey already carried out and published on the specific difficulties faced by parents in rural and peri-urban areas.·

Well structured project, with outside evaluators, and excellent communication materials already produced.

34. GEPETTO - FR-NAT-2001-10743

Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Reconciling family life and career revolves around three types of issues: ƒ Accompanying individual career paths, and particularly those of women, the idea being to allow all those who want it to work, to be trained and to look for employment. ƒ The positioning and the role of the parents within a family and particularly the role of the father. ƒ Balancing this reconciliation with family services and more specifically with childcare. ƒ This project fits into the last of these categories. What is the state of childcare services for parents who go to work early in the morning, late at night, on weekends or on holidays? This question touches a very concrete aspect of daily life, yet it is also always raising other types of questions that make a vicious circle.

To leave this circle, it is necessary to find a response that is linked to overall circumstances by way of a locally oriented approach, of course, but also by taking into consideration the various partners (childcare centres of various kinds), which brings us back to the professional dimension of the parent and to the professional dimension of the response for the child. In other words, for the parent who works, it means going from being subject to a situation to choosing a situation, having access to quality services whatever the child’s family context.

This project tries to verify that the initial initiative has a real impact on reconciling family life and work, for added quality in daily life, and for the wellbeing of parents and particularly of women. Fighting against inequalities between women and men in employment (accessing employment is one thing, keeping it is another).

Objectives: ƒ to favor empowerment by the participation of different local partners ƒ to include this new solution in every local social/educational/economic environment ƒ to provide a flexible response to employed parents faced with inequalities in employment (hours, travel, level of pay). ƒ to observe and integrate different approaches to work by involving firms in the parental dimension of their employees (taking into account the employee’s context or not doing so) ƒ to support a quality approach in the services provided for families, but also at the level of the kind of employment found within the measure (to not have local services offer unstable employment) ƒ to reaffirm the need for this new kind of approach among professional in the area of childcare

153 France ƒ to develop and to implement tools needed for the project (teaching tools, film, internet site). To be able to draw conclusions from this experiment, it needs to cover as wide a scope as possible, which is why 8 partners have decided to join the project: Vernon(27), Toulouse(31), Roissy (93), Le Mans(72), Villiers sur marne (94), Cannes(06), Lorient (56), Nantes(44). Each one has a different approach to the issue.

What works? An initial experiment: an initiative in Brittany, financed by the CAF 56, has been run for the past two years in Morbihan covering 2 employment basins, using a tool called Bambino- Service-Plus: this kind of childcare is available 24/24, 7 days a week in the homes of parents who work odd hours.

This measure, the only one of its kind in France, was developed within a local association (ADAPAR), and was enlarged to cover 60 municipalities over 2 employment basins, those of Lorient and Vannes: for 3200 hours in 1999 ant 7200 hours in 2000

In 2000: 150 families involved, for 202 children. Now, it can be found in the Child Contracts and the Time Contracts of several cities in Morbihan.

The positive results of these two years led to the following conclusions:

This kind of childcare responds to a real need.

It is complementary to other forms of childcare; it’s a relay. The parents who called on the Bambino Service Plus measure over the two years were in the habit of working with several kinds of childcare services in the same week, and even in the same day.

. It responds to punctual as well as to regular needs (repeated qualified care)

Single parent families are the most representative in the measure.

The need for childcare exists well after the age of 6.

Without substituting for the parent’s role, this kind of childcare is a concrete tool that helps the parental role.

It seems clear that it is through a variety of proposed childcare options that a parent can choose and not be required to choose by default.

As the initial experiment showed promising results, various interested people, mayors, childcare centres and associations throughout France contacted the Scop Initiatives Competences in order to develop the same kind of project.

The measure was presented to the European Commission Portuguese presidency that was held in Evora the 20 and 21 May, and was well received (Greece, Portugal and Luxembourg asked to join in this kind of experiment).

It was also present for the French presidency on 24 November 2000 and was also well received.

The project got a lot of media coverage (France 2, Fr3, Arte, Libération,Entreprises et Carrières, ELLE magazine, Family etc)

The interest this project has received shows that there is a real need in this area on a national level. To experiment with this measure in other places and with other actors will allow the idea to be tested, and to determine a methodology with its guide of good practices, and, above all, to assess its impact and its pertinence in reconciliation.

154 France Why is it innovative? ƒ This (national) project deals with innovative forms of childcare: 24 hour care…

ƒ They work in 8 territories (with a real partnership approach in each of them) with carers and parents to find effective ways to deal with flexible working hours and to take into account the needs of parents, carers and especially children.

ƒ This project is also in a real mainstreaming process because it is based on a first experiment which was successful on a small scale in French Brittany.

35. CIMADE - FR-IDF-2001-10473

Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Employment for asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The situation faced by asylum seekers in France is particularly preoccupying. Their number is increasing (nearly 40,000 asylum seekers during 2000), and there are not enough reception and accommodation structures.

In addition, the quality of their reception is far below European recommendations.

Asylum seekers live in very precarious situations due to a lack of income (1900FF per month for one year, whatever the length of the procedures) and the length of the procedures. This precariousness is increased by the idleness in which they are kept. They are considered to be without rights, even though they have the right to stay in the country. They live in a hostile environment, in a society that does not allow them to communicate with its nationals, a society that keeps them in waiting, without activities to give their current life meaning, without a possibility to project themselves into the future.

This situation generates physical and psychological problems that add to the traumas experienced in their countries of origin. In the long run, it seriously handicaps professional insertion, be it in France or in their country of origin for those who are refused refugee status and who choose to return.

The recommendations of the National Advisory Committee for Human Rights (CNCDH) include access for all asylum seekers to French classes, access to vocational training, and access to work after 6 months of procedures.

What works? In a modest way, this project demonstrates that it is possible to offer a different kind of reception, one that respects human dignity.

This reception and training project addresses 60 asylum seekers.

The basis of the project is as follows:

ƒ to ensure legal support throughout the asylum request procedures (OFPRA and CRR),

ƒ to ensure a social accompaniment, notably through assistance in accessing medical care and accommodation that respects the family unit,

ƒ to offer French courses in order to allow the asylum seekers to avoid the constraints of having to rely only on the family or the community,

155 France ƒ to include in the training both skills assessment and the development of a professional project,

ƒ to allow access to qualifying vocational training with the goal of insertion in France or a return to the country of origin, depending on the person's administrative situation (refusal of refugee status) and the person's wishes.

The project has several steps:

1. Year 2002

Preliminary work focused on: ƒ Bringing coherence to the public accompaniment means ƒ Developing common tools: follow-up guide (definition of indicators) and skills portfolio. ƒ Recruiting the target group: 30 asylum seekers. 2. Year 2003

30 beneficiaries

The project offered: ƒ legal assistant: asylum request application assistance ƒ language training: 720 hours, 18 hours a week. ƒ skills assessment in order to give perspective to the beneficiaries' professional insertion ƒ social accompaniment ƒ individualised guidance, different for those who receive refugee status and those who do not A follow-up and assessment of the activity were carried out throughout the year in order to make adjustments for 2004.

Finally, 30 new people will be recruited in November and December

3. Year 2004

2003's activities will continue, and activities will begin for 30 new beneficiaries (legal assistance, language training, skills assessment, individualised social accompaniment and guidance).

4. Year 2005

2004's activities will continue and the full activity will be assessed.

Work with transnational partners and transnational activities will be carried out throughout the year.

What doesn't work? This project cannot, evidently, respond to all the needs (3,000 asylum seekers in Paris).

Why is it innovative? This project offers integrated, individualised accompaniment of asylum seekers: from legal assistant through to professional insertion by way of social accompaniment and qualifying training.

36. DALIA – FR-2001-MDP-10838

Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management

156 France Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project is piloted by the COFRIMI, a resource centre specialised in intercultural relations and migrations, and sets out to support, train and advise professionals in intercultural situations.

The overall goal of the project is to improve the quality of the reception of asylum seekers.

Operational objectives ƒ To better understand asylum seekers and the different measures that concern them, ƒ To allow for better communication between asylum seekers and those who receive them, ƒ To prevent and/or manage conflicts. Context and issue

France has welcomed asylum seekers for a long time. The situation is constantly changing. Today, the distinction is made between conventional asylum seekers (who depend on the Geneva Convention) and for whom a specific reception measure has been set up (DNA), and territorial asylum seekers who are in a more precarious situation. Whether they seek convention or territorial asylum, asylum seekers do not have the right to work during the entire asylum-request procedure.

It has been several years now that a constant increase in asylum seekers has been recorded, while at the same time, the overall rate of recognition of refugee status is low and constantly reducing, and procedures are long (one and a half years on average). All of these factors have led to a saturation of the reception measures (DNA). As a result, more and more asylum seekers find themselves in emergency welcoming and social re- integration measures and at the hands of the general public services.

The reception teams are confronted to: ƒ communication difficulties linked to language, to cultural differences, to mutual lack of knowledge of cultural norms, values and codes, ƒ difficulties managing the crisis situations, occasional violent behaviour, and psycho- somatic troubles of a population living harsh problems linked to the traumas of exile and waiting. ƒ a lack of team supervision and regulation for the receptionists. ƒ a lack of knowledge of the geopolitical reasons that have led these people into exile, the path they have followed since they left their country of origin, the difficulties of life in exile (the trauma of exile, loss of identity, anxiety concerning the future, loss of points of reference, etc). ƒ no or little knowledge of the asylum request procedures. ƒ a lack of places to go for information and/or of networking. ƒ the change in their original job assignment of receiving the homeless, or of social/professional insertion of disadvantaged groups. In fact, asylum seekers cannot benefit from insertion measures.


Target group

The prefectures, the CADAS (reception centers for asylum seekers), the SSAE (Social assistance for Emigrants), but also numerous general public structures: emergency reception measures, the CHRS (lodging and social re-insertion centres), hospitals, social action services, Maternal and child protection services of the local governments, charities, neighbourhood associations, legal aid associations, day-reception services, etc.

157 France Chosen site

The Midi-Pyrénées Region

Project Activities

1 – Training of reception teams

It revolves around 4 areas:

ƒ getting to know asylum seekers: the psychological and social experience of an asylum seeker, the effect of the trauma of exile on personal and family life, the asylum request procedure,

ƒ an analysis and reflection on professional practices in intercultural situations in terms of representations, fram of reference, one's own cultural models, professional models, as being obstacles to understanding another person who is different from oneself,

ƒ work on an intercultural approach which, though looking outward, discovery and taking into consideration of the frame of reference of the other, and thus the recognition of the other, allows for better communication and opens space for negotiation

ƒ The accompaniment of the receptionists in the analysis and evaluation of their professional practices with the asylum seekers in order to follow up the training or to do it directly. It is a question of working with a team as close as possible to their practices and their establishment's goals.

2 – Making available methods and working and information tools concerning the problem of asylum seekers in France and Europe

COFRIMI and the AMAR centre each have available to them a documentation centre specialised in migration. In order to provide the different social actors with better tools, each structure will enrich their collection of appropriate and up-to-date documents on the question of asylum seekers: legislation in France and in Europe, tools and methods that can help the teams in their manner of intervening.

The two centres will work together to capitalise the work.

Normal partners of the organisation: the Integration Network (a national network currently linking 9 organisations involved in the issue of immigration, including the COFRIMI ), the CCPS and the SSAE , the CLAP Midi-Pyrénées.

Possible partners: the CADAs, emergency reception structures, the CHRS (logding and social reinsertion centres), the DDASS (social services), other national PDs on the theme.



Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Networking Racial or ethnic origin

158 Hungary What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The needs and demands of the region generated the objectives which have been realised during the project. The concrete aims are the following: ƒ developing a harmonised training-employment programme type for promoting the equal chances and labour-market competitiveness of the roma population, working out the training programmes (roma programme organiser - EU roma manager) and preparing its unified regional application methodologically which serve the sustainable employability ƒ delivering 4 harmonised training-employment sample programmes in the South Great Plain region in order to improve the employment in the primary labour-market on the basis of the demands of both profit-oriented and non-profit oriented employees in the food processing industry (Kiskunhalas, Gyomaendrőd, Nagyfa, Szentes). Providing a qualification of National Qualification Register and long life employment for 76 roma students. ƒ delivering 1-1 roma programme organiser (EU roma manager) training in each county of the region with 36 participants altogether (Kecskemét, Békéscsaba, Szeged). Establishing the regional network of roma programme organisers.

What works? ƒ the labour-market employment of the beneficiaries of the 4 harmonised training- employment programmes ƒ the evaluation of the EU roma manger training programmes ƒ establishment of the regional network of the roma programme organisers ƒ working out the final document of the transnational co-operation and revealing further co-operations. Our aim is to establish a European partnership system. ƒ the written material and content part of the methodological handbook (its printing press works are still being prepared) ƒ the accompaniment of the students (it has also started recently) ƒ and the closing conference of the EUROMA-NET project is still being in the preparation phase

What doesn't work? The training cycles and closing exams of the sample programmes and the EU roma manager programme parts have finished.

Is what works transferable? The following features are all transferable: ƒ - the results of the programme development of the vocational sample programmes realised by DACUM/SCID methods (the syllabus and methodology of the food industrial and EU roma manager training programmes ƒ - the basic methodology of the employment and accompaniment plans ƒ - the applied field and methodological background of the innovative elements ƒ - the results of the transnational co-operation: its closing document and the common website

Why is it innovative? It is innovative because it is aimed to address three special layers of the roma target group: ƒ - the unemployed roma people ƒ - roma programme organisers ƒ - roma people under legal punishment The project interprets labour-market (re)integration of the roma population from a new approach: it interprets (re)integration in the system of equal chances, labour-market competitiveness and sustainable employability. The following elements can be considered as innovative ones: ƒ - motivational factory visit and product tasting ƒ - a new approach of the module roma culture and traditions studies

159 Hungary ƒ - a psycho-social accompaniment programme (a training that helps avoiding dropping- out) ƒ - realising a basic test practice ƒ - working-group development training, group discussions helping the maintenance of work ƒ - making a personal development diary ƒ - staff supervision


Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Empowerment Territorial approaches Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The objective of the project is to provide an opportunity for the Roma population of the minor region of Encs to enter or re-enter the labour market, with economic, training and mediatory support from Roma NGOs, local and national educational and training institutions, economic associations. The target group of the project is the adult Roma unemployed population of the minor region of Encs with no basic educational or vocational qualification that can be used in the labour market.

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén (BAZ) county is one of those regions in Hungary in which the proportion of the Roma population (10.8%) by far exceeds the national average. Nearly 20- 25% of the country’s Roma population lives here. With the closure of heavy industrial companies, the majority of the workplaces were terminated in the early 1990s, and new ones were created only in very small numbers. BAZ county had to face a negative economic growth during the economic transformation of the era after the change of the political regime. This process had an impact of various degrees in the different minor territories of the county, and the situation is worst in the industrial minor territories within this county of generally bad indicators.

The narrower target region of the project, the minor region of Encs has a typical settlement structure of small villages, and 36 of the 55 settlements of the region have less than 500 residents. The region is a mixed territory, being characterised by lands suitable for cultivation, whereas the majority of the population used to work in the industrial sector before the economic transformation. The majority of the agricultural co-operatives were also closed, and lands were transferred to private ownership, terminating workplaces in co- operatives. The population of the minor region of Encs is slightly over 36 thousand, the number of active residents is 8558, that is, 23% of the population has official employment. (The same indicator is around 39% at national level.) The unemployment rate is 33.8 in the minor region of Encs, and 80% of the registered unemployed are permanently unemployed. 10.3% of the registered unemployed have not accomplished grades 1-8, and 35.9% hold this as their highest educational achievement. The minor region is one of those with the greatest fallbacks in educational achievements, the average educational accomplishment of the population is 7.8 years, which is below the basic educational level. The number of those excluded from the labour market is estimated around 20 thousand, these people have no links with employment organisations and are not listed in their registration. As new entrants to the labour market can also obtain employment in very small numbers, the local Roma communities can be characterised by serious motivational deficit.

Subsistence for most of the local Roma is secured by social benefits and support, and casual or black labour. As the number of job opportunities is extremely low in the minor region (the number of registered economic organisations operating in the region is only around 1000), residents can only find employment in remote locations within the county or the country. However, the transfer costs of these – mostly illegal – jobs is usually high, which is a further obstacle in their access to income. The secondary labour market is

160 Hungary mostly only accessible to those who hold a general school certificate (of the accomplishment of grades 1-8), and the rest comprise the group of 20 thousand mentioned above, with no access to any labour market programmes, support or opportunities.

What works? The project is focusing on three major activities: ƒ the organisation of training courses, working experience and an economic unit adapted to the explored local training and employment needs ƒ the enhancement of the potentials of Roma organisations in community and organisational development, project implementation, and economic interest protection ƒ strengthening the role of Roma organisations in the labour market – in the widest sense, – the establishment of the formal framework of the exchange of information among the actors of the local labour market, including the development and operation of a Roma labour market counselling network; the establishment of a Roma employment round table The three activities are closely related to each other, as they do not only address specific, locally articulated needs, but also provide a basis for the continuity of the programmes by the acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary for the implementation of labour market programmes, and the development of the related (formal and informal) organisational structure. The fact that the various elements of the project are built on each other in a complex way is also very important in enhancing the motivation of the organisations as well as the members of the target group of the project.

As a result of the Roma NGOs' empowerment the trainings are organized and mainly managed by them, strengthening their local recognized and legitimate status.

What doesn't work? As a part of the program a Roma labour market roundtable has been established, focusing on the common work of the local entrepreneurs, Roma communities and labour market actors. The involved entrepreneurs participated in the meetings but they could offer real help - jobs only in a very limited number. Its main reason is the economic problems of the micro-region, the number of legal jobs are highly limited. During the program jobs were available with supported wage, the training participants could re-enter to the primer labour market with a less result as estimated.

Is what works transferable? The methodology of the program, its complexity, and the empowerment of the involved disadvantaged communities is transferable. The project can not only be repeated, but even sustained permanently if our local partners will be ready to adopt it.

Apart from the intentions, the project only relies on three conditions being provided. These are: ƒ the joint action of the Roma population wishing to improve their lives on one hand, and the non-governmental sector on the other, ƒ helpful partners and authorities, ƒ the available resources.

Why is it innovative? The innovative element of the program are the folllowing: ƒ the empowerment of the Roma communities ƒ the Roma labour market roundtable ƒ the participation of the target group in the entire process of the project, the use of community resources.

161 Hungary



Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Work / Life balance Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability Age Gender Other: Travellers

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Equality of access to training, employment and service provision through working with and supporting employers and service providers. The capacity of SMEs to engage in an equallity process is particularly challenging.

Inter-agency co-operation to support the progression and access to training and employment for long-term unemployed people. Building an equality focus in this area is important.

Supporting the capacity of disadvantaged groups to identify and find ways to get their own issues addressed.

What works? Employing someone to engage employers directly and to work from where employers are at. Building up this engagement to make employers proactive.

Making employers aware of what is there in terms of support and looking at how to fill the gaps that exist.

We are beginning to look at the development of an Equality Standards Mark which could be a means of getting commitment from employers including service providers to an agreed standards of equality practice.

Making training and employment service providers aware of the need to work together to achieve their common goals and of the need to develop an equality focus in this work.

Developing the capacity of disadvantaged target groups to engage with EQUAL and with service providers etc.

Carrying our research to identify the specific issues

Having a focus on mainstreaming from the beginning of the programme at local and national level.

162 Ireland Support from the TSS at national level has had a positive impact on the progress of the DP.

A widening of the understanding of participant to include employers, service providers etc as a target for programme activities.

Building a local partnership to look at the issues enhances the understanding and capacity of individual partners to engage an equality and diversity agenda. This is something that has to be built on throughout the life of the programme

Focused Transnational partnerships.

What doesn't work? It is too early to state what does not work at this stage. However, in a constrained economy where partners budgets are being reduced, accessing matching funding is an issue which limits the drawdown of allocations and therefore has an impact on the implementation of specific actions.

Complex Transnational Partnerships while they have potential need a lot of time to develop.

Is what works transferable? It is difficult to measure transferability at this early stage but much of what is being piloted has a high potential for working in other areas at national and EU level. Some of it is already being tried in other areas but the approach has to be adapted to a local situation e.g. working directly with employers.

Developing an integrated approach to the work of training and employment service providers is transferable but will have to be adapted to fit the local structure.

The Equality Standards Mark has a high potential for being transferable. We are researching it on an international level for application on a national level. Our Welsh partners (DEEP) are also looking at developing a Welsh Equality Standards Mark so that it is can have a wider impact and be comparable.

Why is it innovative? The activities are innovative at different levels locally regionally or nationally.

Few employers in Westmeath have an understanding of equality and diversity. Employing someone to engage with employers gives a focus to this work and helps to develop new ways of engaging with them. In time it is hoped to develop an employers forum so that employers themselves are proactive in relation to equality issues.

There is no equality standards mark which encompasses the broad area of equality at a national level and possibly none at an EU level. This will help bring a focus for employers in all sectors in relation to their equality practices and procedures and help improve access for disadvantaged groups to employment and services.

Training and Employment support agencies are developing a structured way of working together and developing a targeted equality focus in their work.

Organisations not previously engaging with the area of equality are involved with the EQUAL Partnership in Westmeath.

Research is being carried to give an understanding of issues not previously addressed in an informed way.

163 Ireland There is a structured approach to looking at how best to mainstream innovative actions and lessons and to inform policy.

The transnational element brings broader thinking to actions and policy areas.


ITC Literacy Accreditation Older worker Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project aim is to assist long-term unemployed men and women experiencing multiple risk factors to compete effectively and successfully in the local labour market. In addressing these issues the project seeks to develop an efficient and effective model of labour market re-integration that will both inform future policy and have the potential to become a mainstream programme, thus enabling access to the labour market for those that at present are most removed through social exclusion. Particular emphasis is being placed on interagency co-operation, multi agency/community referral points, flexible staged training interventions targeted at remotivating and empowering the client group. Resources are also being focused on the development of a supportive employer network that is willing to provide inclusion opportunities for the target group.

What works? .Multi-agency approach ƒ case conferencing clients ƒ referral " best fit" for client, not the system. High support re-integration process delivered by a multi disciplinary team.

Proactive employment prospecting

Advocacy and continued mentoring support postplacement, ensuring sustainable employment for the client.

What doesn't work? In Equal North East our strategy of interventions is successfully producing 65/70% progression/placement, quantifiable evidence that our actions are effective tools/models of best practice for re-integration of the client group in the active labour market.

Is what works transferable? The three key elements to the success of our interventions are: ƒ Multi- agency approach ƒ High support process ƒ Multi disciplinary team By combining and coordinating the above key elements, a highly innovative method of reintegration measures has the potential to be mainstreamed both vertically and horizontally.

164 Ireland Why is it innovative? In our current labour market service provision no one agency in isolation has the brief to deal with the multitude of social exclusion and disadvantage experienced by this target group. The target group is not currently interfacing with agencies because of perceived and real barriers to inclusion. By adopting a multi agency proactive approach we have demonstrated a model of best practice that is currently not being used by existing service providers.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Older worker Intergeneration learning Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Employment for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability Age Other: Low income farm families; people parenting alone

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Rural Options aims to tackle structural inequality issues by influencing policy through practice; increasing access to the labour market; increasing employability and combating inequality and exclusion in relation to a labour market which should be open to all.

Key problems being addressed include: ƒ The marginalisation of specific groups of individuals from the mainstream workforce. ƒ The gaps in existing training and service provision. ƒ The structural barriers to the employment of specific groups of individuals. ƒ The recruitment practices which discourage the employment of specific groups of individuals. ƒ The social barriers to the employment of specific groups of individuals. ƒ The impact of rurality and the increased risk of social exclusion.

What works? ƒ Development of participation records and individualised client progression plans, the result of these intensive one-to-one consultations enabling ongoing goal assessment for new and existing clients. Taking the time to get to know the client including all external influences is the key success factor within this programme. There are no time limits on the consultations provided, there is a continuity of service, clients engage with the same Facilitator throughout the programme and the service is adapted according to the client requirements. Total hours consultation provided: 802.25; Total number of clients: 64.

ƒ Provision of training to facilitate achievement of client goals and enhance prospects of mainstream employment. Support access to client training and education – total hours training provided: 2065

ƒ Raising awareness amongst employers is key to the success of the programme, to this end Rural Options engages with employers to enhance this learning and to increase access to opportunities for all clients. One training course has been delivered to date,

165 Ireland 29 employers participated over 10 modules. Using this as the baseline further courses will be rolled out throughout the programme area.

ƒ Facilitate employment opportunities & work placements through CV guidance & distribution, interview preparation, reference provider etc. Total number of clients who have secured fulltime employment: 8; Total number of clients engaged in part-time work experience: 8.

ƒ Informing and working with regional decision makers and service providers to develop policy solutions to identified obstacles to employment. To this end Rural Options convened its inaugural Mainstreaming Forum, 9th June 2003, the role of which was to develop and ensure the adoption of policy relating to all forms of exclusion in the labour market. The key objectives realised included the identification of practical obstacles to employability, working with decision makers to develop policy solutions to these obstacles and the development of practicable suggestions to increase employability for those individuals who are experiencing inequality in relation to the workforce.

ƒ Implementation of the programme via a partnership. Cannot operate as a stand alone project as it relies on the support of already existing structures. Integrated rural development requires small sub-regional integrated structures to deliver this framework and this is the strength of Rural Options.

ƒ Development of national and transnational websites – www.ruraloptions.org and www.worlinks.org. The transnational site is a very innovative tool enabling intra project communication between the 5 partners, public dissemination and is linked with each of the partners’ national sites. All progress reports, evaluation material, policy proposals etc. will be featured on the national website incorporating links to relevant information sites and a link to the transnational website.

What doesn't work? At this stage of the initiative it is difficult to identify elements that work or don't work as the model itself is still in process. However the target groups identified at the project's inception may perhaps have been inaccurate. Case studies and challenges to date seem to point more towards gender inequality and income retainment rather than labour market challenges.

Is what works transferable? Yes, although financially such intensive client interaction may be restrictive on a long-term basis.

Why is it innovative? The Rural Options emphasis on intensive one-to-one consultations is an innovative method of promoting personal development and encouraging empowerment. The aim is to increase employability through the implementation of this methodology which both addresses the immediate concerns and difficulties experienced by individual clients and addresses structural barriers to employment.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning ITC Literacy Accreditation Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Family support – Care and service provision

166 Ireland What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The Equal Ireland DP focuses on formulating ways to capture the attention and imagination of people who have missed out on earlier life chances in training and education and methods of encouraging these individuals to make fresh attempts. The Equal Ireland DP also examines and implements ways of sustaining project participants in their efforts and empowering them for the future. Furthermore, the DP is investigating how to provide flexible accredited courses which meet individual, educational and commercial objectives.

What works? The Equal Ireland DP has found that having a Development Partnership, such as that of EQUAL Ireland, which involves the Social Partners, a Network of the seven third level institutions of the Border, Midlands and Western region, the Ireland National Training Authority, various Government Agencies and most importantly the active support of the Local Communities in which we are working, is an extremely good basis on which to work. This Development Partnership approach combines interest, determination, skills and resources to deliver on the objectives outlined in 1 above coupled with the potential and resolve of the participants to succeed.

Empowerment is achieved through the establishment of a Participants' Forum (200+ Participants) which elects 8 Representatives who in turn elect two Project Directors with relevant training being provided so as to ensure their capacity to contribute and manage.

What doesn't work? A lack of emphasis on project and course promotion can also prove to be negative. Furthermore, despite the necessity of encouraging and reassuring project participants in terms of their ability of succeeding in the project, our experience has shown us that it is to the participants' detriment to, in any way, understate the level of participant commitment required. Finally, the overly bureaucratic approach of the Commission can become a negative factor in the day to day running of a very busy project.

Is what works transferable? Yes! The work and the approach are substantially transferable as they have been developed in conjunction with our Transnational Partnership Agreements covering France, Greece, Germany, Italy and Spain, all of whom are of the opinion that the Ireland experience and learning has real and practical application for their circumstances.

Why is it innovative? The work is innovative because of the composition of the Ireland Development Partnership. The combination of the Social Partners and educational institutions, all with the common goal of supporting adult returners to education and, in particular, those from disadvantaged backgrounds is an innovative working partnership. The method of delivery of the Access to Third Level programme is also innovative in that delivery is at local and community level, thereby providing access to educational opportunities at a level accessible to those living in areas where there is no third level access. In addition, the Access to Third Level programme is innovative in that it allows both the unemployed (who may keep their benefits) and the employed to access further education. Traditionally access programmes have indirectly excluded those in employment as attendance at programmes has been required during the working week. This Access programme is both available in local areas and is delivered by open distance learning methods at weekends. Finally, this programme is innovative in that substantial learner supports have been put in place in order to ensure that the learner is at the centre of the learning process. The programme is very much learner centred and learner driven, in that, to the best of our ability, and dependent upon the available resources, what the learner needs to be supported in order to succeed, the learner gets. As previously noted, this programme is also innovative in that it supports employees in accessing further educational opportunities. One of the modules designed for the Access programme is an IT course which will support

167 Ireland the development of literacy in ICT among our participants. The JR-APEL (Job-Rotation and Accreditation of Prior Experience and Learning) aspect of the Project, and, in particular, the APEL aspect will address the validation of informal and non-formal learning in the workplace.

5. TRED - IE14

Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning Accreditation Older worker Planning HR & Age management practice Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Tailoring business services to real needs Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability Religion and belief Sexual orientation Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Inequality and diversity in the workplace.

What works? Assisting employers by devising and consulting on a series of processes and tools to enable organisations to audit their own current work practices and adopt best management procedures. In addition the TRED project seeks to highlight that companies that take note of equality and diversity will experience significant benefits.

What doesn't work? Ignorance in industry of how to handle equality and diversity issues in the workplace.

Is what works transferable? Yes, because the project focuses on the following three groups: ƒ Trainers, Facilitators of learning and HR Practitioners through the development and delivery of an accredited equality facilitators programme. ƒ Company Managers and Employees through the development an implementation of tools and interventions to address inequality in the workplace. ƒ Voluntary and Community Sector Leaders by providing additional supports.

Why is it innovative? The TRED project is providing organisations with the means to train their trainers in equality and diversity and develop tools to audit and change current work practices and improve the climate for equality. This is an accredited Foundation Diploma by the National University of Ireland, Galway. This is an Open Learning package and is the first of its kind available in Ireland.


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning Accreditation Diversity management

168 Ireland Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Equal at Work involves 48 partner organisations from the public, private and community & voluntary sectors, thus making it the largest DP in the European Union. Developed through the Dublin Employment Pact (DEP) it aims to pilot and apply innovative Human Resource approaches across the three sectors of the Dublin labour market so as to make employment and in-work progression accessible and inclusive. It focuses on the barriers to inclusion presented by current recruitment, progression and retention practices in the labour market. The Project supports the employment of people from disadvantaged groups while strengthening career paths for those in employment, with consequent benefits both for the people themselves and the organisations in which they are employed.

The aim of Equal at Work is to change HR policies and practices in organisations across all economic sectors in Dublin. These include:· ƒ Defining open recruitment practices incl. coaching and mentoring at entry-level in local authorities and in other public sector organisations; ƒ Evaluating and changing job qualification requirements to open employment on the basis of competency rather than formal qualifications; ƒ · Devising and implementing induction training programmes and delineated opportunities for career progression in public sector organisations;· ƒ Developing a bridge for FIT Graduates (non-traditional third level entrants) to support their progression to third level education;· ƒ Implementing a model of Job Rotation as a labour market and upskilling tool for Irish private sector companies to meet training needs or undergoing change (first private sector pilot in Ireland);· ƒ Defining open HR practices in the community and voluntary sector;· ƒ Description of more equitable remuneration for people working in the community and voluntary sector;· ƒ -Through delivery of Equality and Diversity training, a greater commitment to equality and diversity in companies and organisations in all sectors as well as state policy.

What works? - Public Sector: Three key actions are being undertaken by the public sector partners. A review of recruitment processes for Clerical Officer and General Operative grades is taking place with support of state agency, Local Appointments Commission. This review is particularly focusing on removing the leaving certificate qualification from the current recruitment criteria - in so doing, recruitment for these positions will be competency based. The Sector is also developing targeted training to help people working in organisations on state schemes to move into full-time employment (involves bringing state scheme supervisors together with employers to identify what positions are coming on stream and both identifying and rolling out relevant training to participants so that they can apply for these positions). To support people working at lower grades to progress within their organisations, the Sector is developing coaching and mentoring programmes and an awareness campaign surrounding lifelong learning opportunities on offer. As each of these actions is being tested and modified within local authorities in the Dublin Region, the Local Government Management Services Board (LGMSB) has committed to mainstream these actions throughout the local authorities in Ireland. The Health Authorities are also paying close attention to the outcomes with a view to mainstreaming the HR policies emerging.

- Private Sector: The two key actions of the private sector site are: (a) the development of a tailored third-level course for Fastrack to Information Technology

169 Ireland (previously funded under EMPLOYMENT Integra) graduates (working with Dublin City University) to create a bridge for into third level education in order to assist with their progression at work, and (b) piloting of a JobRotation model with two private sector companies (the first rotation has been completed and has resulted in seven out of eight participants being offered full-time employment with the company in question).

- Community/Voluntary Sector: This Sector is identifying good HR practices in the sector and based on this research, it is developing a Code of HR Practice for the sector and developing a training module in conjunction with the National College of Ireland (NCI). This training module will be specifically aimed at workers in the C&V Sector. This Sector is also undertaking a review of the interactions between sector organisations and the state funding agencies in order to identify good practice and highlight the discrepancy between pay and conditions for similar posts in both sectors.

- Equality and Diversity: A working group comprised of members of the Equal at Work Development Partnership, equality auditors and national agencies, is developing training modules for employers to deliver to employees (incl. senior and middle management) around the comprehensive equality and employment legislation in Ireland and the benefits of having a diverse workplace. a number of Development Partnership members are undergoing equality audits at present in the hope that feedback emerging from this process will encourage other agencies to undertake such a review.

What doesn't work? - Working is isolation does not work. Equal at Work has found that it is necessary to have representatives from all key organisations (social partners, government departments, hr managers, employer organisations, etc.) sitting at the table in order to bring about real and transferable change.

- Jobrotation will only work as a labour market intervention if it is fully supported by the management of the organisation is which it is being rolled out and by the employees of that organisation. Employers must not be under any illusion that, through this programme, they are attaining the services of 'yellow-pack' workers. Equally important, existing employees must be properly informed of the aims of this programme to ensure that they do not feel their jobs are under threat.

Is what works transferable? All of what works is capable of being transferred to other organisations provided the correct procedures are put in place and the actions have the support of the organisations in question. It is essential, however, that it is recognised that the different actions being undertaken have different audiences and will require different strategies around dissemination and mainstreaming.

For what works to be transferable, it is important that bodies with a role to play in the mainstreaming of the action are on board from the outset. Through this early involvement, they will have seen at first hand the benefits and pitfalls of such actions to organisations and will be in a position to make all this information available to the organisations that they represent.

Why is it innovative? The main innovation of this initiative is that 48 organisations representing employers, trade unions, training organisations, social partners, voluntary organisations, local development partnerships, government departments and ngos have been brought together at the one table to investigate hr practices and look at ways of opening up recruitment and progression in the workplace.

All EQUAL projects are undertaken by a Development Partnership rather than by an individual organisation. Through such a large Partnership, a wide range of expertise is

170 Ireland brought to the table in undertaking the pilot actions, and many potential routes to disseminate models of good practice emerging from the project are in place from the outset.

Through the twenty-member Equality & Diversity Working Group and major organisations of employers, local authorities and trade unions, a strategy and mechanism for mainstreaming has been integrated in the project from the start.

Many of the actions being tested as part of this initiative are not new as such, but they are new in terms of the way they are being implemented and the type of large-scale organisations they are being tested in.


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning ITC Literacy Accreditation Older worker Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Employment for asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The structural and attitudinal barriers to self employment for women with a particular focus on lone parents, rural women, refugee women, disabled women and traveller women

In the context of the foregoing the DP is undertaking actions that are aimed at: ƒ improving the social and institutional climate for entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups ƒ changing institutional policies and practices by working directly and in partnership with mainstream business support agencies and banks to open up their services for underrepresented groups ƒ enhancing personal competencies and confidence by providing tailored training, development and mentoring to potential entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups .

What works? While the programme is not yet completed, emerging trends would suggest that:

Fostering enterprise among underrepresented groups - particularly groups experiencing inequality in access due to social and economic disadvantage - requires developing linkages between diverse policy areas but particularly including social policy, welfare policy and enterprise policy.

A positive approach to fostering enterprise among underrepresented groups would benefit from developing a road map of the “non-standard” enterprise route often followed by

171 Ireland entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups and building appropriate supports to enterprise based on this.

Securing access to mainstream business networks for entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups (at local level and national levels) will yield positive benefits in terms of a greater understanding of the dynamics of business formation among underrepresented groups in mainstream business networks and support from these networks for entrepreneurs for underrepresented groups.

What doesn't work? While women from underrepresented groups share many of the barriers and difficulties which adversely impact on potential entrepreneurs in general - lack of access to finance, difficulties in administrative procedures in establishing business - women from underrepresented group experience a range of additional barriers.

ƒ adverse social / public attitudes to businesses started by underrepresented groups;

ƒ the distance of and lack of accessibility to mainstream institutional supports for entrepreneurship; and constraining individual factors deriving from the circumstances, resources and competencies of entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups.

ƒ adverse social attitudes toward the purchase of services and goods from members of the traveller community and minority ethnic groups is a factor constraining the markets of business established by persons from these groups. The adverse impact of this extends into the process of business start-up and is manifested in difficulties in undertaking market research.

ƒ mainstream business support agencies operate with mainstream models of entrepreneurship. These include public agencies and private institutions, particularly banks. The culture, policy and practices of these institutions are out of touch with the needs of entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups. This gives rise to particular issues in obtaining access to capital.

ƒ the circumstances, resources and competencies of potential entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups are often such that making the actual transition to formal business establishment is very difficult. In addition to issues such as lack of confidence, a range of practical difficulties arise including living in rented accommodation from which it is not possible to run a business, lack of assets against which to secure loans, and fear of loss of welfare entitlements.

ƒ many of the characteristics of entrepreneurs (e.g., readiness to take risks, desire for independence) also apply to entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups. However, and particularly for entrepreneurs attempting to overcome social disadvantage and poverty, the motivation to work for oneself more often arises from a primary need to secure sufficient incomes than from a clearly defined objective to actually establish a business. In practice the transition into enterprise often begins on the margins of formality and, without adequate assistance, can remain at an informal level with income from ones own work supplementing other sources of income either from low paid employment or welfare payments. For many of these entrepreneurs it is too risky to come out of the informal economy. Given this, it is important to recognise and be supportive of the different dynamics of enterprise formation among disadvantaged women particularly, in the Irish context, refugees and members of the traveller community.

Consequently, any intervention or support programme which doesn't address these factors will not work. Our project operates from the principle that each participant on the programme is provided with a holistic accredited " start your own business" training programme that encompasses all the issues outlined above. In addition, individual mentoring support is provided pre and post start-up. The project is also in the process of formalising a local women in business network.

172 Ireland Why is it innovative? The project is innovative because for the first time all of the relevant agencies in Longford have come together to address the needs of women entrepreneurs who suffer from multiple disadvantage.

8. CASE - IE17

Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Tailoring business services to real needs Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Creating self employment opportunities for unemployed and socially excluded groups.

Using local resources and skills to create employment.

Providing support around all areas of business development. training, niche markets, research, ICT skills ,mentor support and capital.

What works? Support around childcare is essential as individuals with childcare responsibilities will not fully commit to any project without this being in place.2 Planned Training interventions to match the level and aptitude of the individual.3 Building and nurturing the self confidence 4.Providing mentor support on a group and individual basis.

Identifying sources of capital on a local level for categories of people not usually facilitated by the commercial banks.

What doesn't work? From the outset of any project it is essential to have everyone buy into the programme. They must feel they have a sense ownership and are directly involved. "Top down' does not work

Over ambition and unrealistic expectations, it is important to build confidence around business developments but it is important to acknowledge that many businesses and small enterprises fail after year 1.

Is what works transferable? Yes By the end of this year we will be in a better position to cite clear examples of what is transferable. Building the self esteem and self belief of the individual is critical and the provision of good training is essential. A support network or problem solving clinic where an individual or group of mentors can answer questions is very important. In our project we find the need to provide constant re assurance to individuals embarking on self employment. The welfare supports can create an over dependency and confirm a fear towards change.

Why is it innovative? The DP as a partnership of various support organisations has the expertise and influence to activate the local economy.

Linking this with the training provided to the participants should allow for small enterprise creation. Channelling and supporting local people with skills training to become self employed.

173 Ireland The DP has two members nominated by the participants to attend all meetings and make contributions to policy decisions. This interactive communication has been very successful and has benefited the participants and the DP members.

The transnational visits have been extremely beneficial on a number of levels e.g. communication training cultural exchange and socialisation.


Older worker Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Empowerment Transnational co-operation Disability Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ -Work-Life Balance for Parents/Carers in Management and Non-Management ƒ -Flexible Working for Older Workers and People with Mental Health Difficulties ƒ -Recruitment of non-Stereotypical Childcare Workers ƒ -Addressing attitudes towards and stigmatisation of the above groups in employment

What works? ƒ Diversity of DP members - two community and voluntary sector organisations (Age Action Ireland and Aware), FÁS (The National Training and Employment Authority), IBEC (Irish Business and Employers Confederation), ICTU (Irish Congress of Trade Unions) and the Centre for Gender and Women's Studies, Trinity College Dublin. This diverse partnership has worked well together, drawing on the strengths of the individual members.

ƒ Partnership with employers - with a diverse range of existing policies and practices from which we can develop models of best practice, e.g. incorporating new ideas from companies which in part have emerged through meetings with employers and interviews with employees.

ƒ Collaboration with employees in companies and in advisory committees - providing access to a wide range of individual experiences and occupational needs, and facilitating the empowerment of the target groups in our project. For example bilateral meetings with employers groups and the advisory groups such as meetings on mental health which addressed issues of stigmatisation, disclosure and ways that employers can be more helpful when employees have mental health problems. This is one aspect of greater empowerment of employees and employers.

ƒ Transnational partnership - meetings, conferences and seminars hosted by ourselves and our partners. This has contributed to an exchange of best practice e.g. bilateral meetings with members of the DP's of our transnational partners and with other Equal projects such as research between Dublin and the Balearic Islands regarding work-life balance.

What doesn't work? ƒ Some issues are proving difficult to address:-

ƒ Some employers have difficulty in incorporating flexible working practices into formal policies in the area of mental health. They tend to deal with the issue on an ad hoc basis. Reasons for this vary from the individual attitudes of HR officer/manager/union representatives, to the reluctance of the individuals concerned to be identified as having mental health issues due to fear of stigmatisation.

174 Ireland ƒ With regard to older workers, companies where pensions are calculated based on the salary of their last year of work find it difficult to encourage workers to take on flexible working before retirement.

ƒ In some companies, the uneven availability of flexible working practices is evident. Questions which arise from these practices are being addressed in the research, to examine the viability of flexible working across all aspects of employment.

Is what works transferable? Both the model of partnership in this project and the outputs of this project can be seen as transferable, as follows:

-Model of interaction:

ƒ Partnerships design between different groups i.e. employers groups, members of the DP, advisory committees - incorporating the views of a diverse group to make better informed decisions about company policy and practices.

ƒ The partnership between employers groups and advocacy groups is a best practice measure of empowerment and awareness raising.

-Outputs of research:

ƒ Guidelines for employment of older workers and guidelines for employment of people with mental health needs which will be disseminated by our employers organisation.

ƒ Publicising best practice, through our DP and transnational partnership.

ƒ Findings of nationwide research (survey) and collaborative research

ƒ Dissemination of findings through reports, seminars and conferences with employers and employees

- Nonstereotypical childcare workers - pilot can be seen as model for integrating nonstereotypical childcare workers into employment in this sector

Why is it innovative? ƒ Bringing together employers groups and advocacy groups that may not necessarily have met in such a collaborative way before.

ƒ The direct interaction of the advisory committees with the working party of employers, is leading to greater employer awareness and understanding on both sides, with the anticipation that this will also lead to increased development of innovative flexible working practices for these target groups and hence greater work life balance and improved quality of life.

ƒ Prompting research and innovation within companies through meeting with individual employers and through the above collaborations, thus increasing awareness within companies regarding the needs of the specific target groups.

ƒ Multi-level intervention in companies through dealing with employers, managers, HR personnel, advocacy groups, unions and employees.

ƒ Older workers and people with mental health needs - ongoing innovation through the interaction of representatives of these groups with employers.

ƒ Nonstereotypical childcare workers pilot - attracting men and older workers into a female-dominated area, thus challenging stereotyped views regarding childcare, men and women i.e. that childcare is naturally gendered in terms of being women's work.

175 Ireland This can be seen as contributing to horizontal desegregation and attitude change regarding childcare.

ƒ Flexible working for male and female working parents and carers is innovative as it seeks to address vertical desegregation, i.e. retaining women in employment (management in particular) through flexible working, while flexible working for men can be seen as part of facilitating greater participation in family life.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The WLBN aims to promote adaptability of workers and firms to change. The participating organisations are currently undergoing a significant period of change and in order to meet the business, employees' and clients' needs, the project aims to address the work life balance agenda in these organisations by developing a tool to diagnose the issues within the organisations, develop training programmes to equip the relevant personnel with the skills and knowledge to facilitate the process of implementating effective work life balance programmes and will engage in pilot initiatives in their respective organisations with a view of developing best practice.

The main problems which must be tackled by the project include:

ƒ Historically these organisation's hierarchical structures are predominately male and hence the mindset and culture of the organisations does not lend itself to flexibility in terms of adopting a standardised approach to work life balance. While flexibility exists, it tends to be on an informal, ad hoc basis and hence challenges how it impacts on the equality agenda.

ƒ Work life balance is generally perceived as a female issue. WLBN aims to address this through training, raising awareness and piloting to provide equality of access to information and initiatives.

What works? The Partnership approach adopted in this project is proving to have a substantial impact in managing the change process in terms of promoting equality and addressing work life balance issues. The partnership in the work life balance working groups was established by targeting management, union and staff representatives from the organisations to participate equally which would be representative of all the stakeholders in the workplace. The pursuit of empowerment and gender equality has enabled the groups to have ownership of the process by a) identifying the needs from an organisational, management and worker perspective i.e. what are the problems, gaps, deficiencies, etc. and how do these relate to the organisation? b) identification of possible solutions / actions e.g., change of structure, preparation of policies, training, appointment of equality officer, etc. and agreement of priority solutions in terms of importance and feasibility c) Implementation of priority solutions / actions – i.e., outline of priority actions – what, when, where, by whom and monitoring of progress (also how, when and who, etc.) – This includes a clear identification of indicators of progress, and these should be referenced to the needs identified – e.g., awareness of initiatives, take-up of initiatives, expressions of interest in initiatives, job satisfaction, absenteeism, turnover, etc. – these are likely to be similar but different for each group and d) Review (measurement) of solutions / actions – i.e., have the needs (problems, gaps, deficiencies, etc.) been addressed?

176 Ireland What doesn't work? The timeframe is limiting. WLBN are attempting to embark on substantial change programmes which is exploring a number or areas such as policies and work practices, culture, communications, management styles, business case, monitoring and assessment styles, human competencies, etc. The traditional structure of these organisation poses a challenge in terms of effecting and measuring change.

Is what works transferable? Yes! because the process adopted in each of the organisations is comparative in terms of the structures which have been established in both public and private organisations which represent all the stakeholders i.e. management, union and staff in the organisations. Also the problem solving cycle or action planning was been approached in a similar way and measurement tools will be identified and adopted across the organisations to allow for comparative analysis. Hence this model may be transferred to other organisational types because of the process and measurement techniques used.

Why is it innovative? WLBN have taken an innovative approach in a number of ways as follows:

ƒ Partnership: WLBN have set up work life balance working groups in the six participating organisations (both public and private organisations) as outlined above. A partnership approach has also been adopted at the level of the Management Steering Group.

ƒ The work life balance agenda is being tackled as an equality issue. Many people within these organisations were very unfamiliar with the term work life balance however following project activity awareness has been raised and an interest generated in accessing information on more work life balance options.

ƒ WLBN have carried out a literature review and developed a diagnostic tool - a model for change which sits on the review carried out. The diagnostic tool includes a number of checklists which challenge individuals within the organisations on the areas such as policies and work practices, culture, management styles, communications, business case, monitoring and assessment styles, human competencies, etc. and based on the scoring grid, recommended actions to take are outlined in detail, to move the organisations along the development continuum from stage A1/H1 (Formative Stage) to stage A1/H1 (Mature WLB organisation).

ƒ Pilot initiatives will take place in some of these organisations and using metrics to validate the impact that work life balance measures has on levels of staff attitudes, absentee rates, staff turnover, etc. The continuum of change from the formative to the fully mature stage indicating the criteria / variables which the organisations need to undergo change and development will inform what the pilot initiatives will be.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Religion and belief

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Through the SONAS project, the DP is trying to address the needs of asylum seekers and to contribute to a better quality of life for those most in need, no matter the outcome of their asylum application.

177 Ireland This is being achieved through: ƒ Providing information through outreach methods in a face to face supportive way ƒ Providing information to asylum seekers so that they are empowered and more informed in the choices they make ƒ Provide relevant information to different stages of the asylum seeking process ƒ Providing information concerning the asylum seeking process, state and community based supports and services, social activities and to respond to local information in relation to the host community. ƒ Developing local networks to identify local issues and to respond to local needs in a co-ordinated way. ƒ Initiating local projects and encouraging the participation of asylum seekers as a means of empowerment and capacity building. ƒ Developing an accredited training programme which can be seen as promising practice for those working with cultural minority groups ƒ Informing national policy by assessing needs identified through outreach work, and formulating recommendations through discussions within our policy committee. ƒ The project was initiated as a result of identifying the need for a more supportive and sustainable approach towards the provision of information to asylum seekers, taking into account cultural differences, a variety of needs depending on different stages of the asylum seeking process and a variety of groups to be targeted ranging from the most vulnerable to those who are confident and need less support. (NB Targeted groups may change as legislation changes for example, parents of Irish Born Children). ƒ Through our transnational project (ASPIRE) we are trying to identify best practice in relation to orientation and capacity building (which includes the giving of information), education and training, and health. This involves the comparison of disseminating information to asylum seekers through a variety of ways. ƒ Huge problems of isolation and mental stress as a result - lack of opportunities for access to education/training which would update skills and lead to a better quality of life for individuals no matter the outcome of the determination process.

What works? ƒ The provision of easily understood, appropriate information to asylum seekers.

ƒ An outreach worker located within a geographic area who becomes a point of contact where a trusting relationship can be built with asylum seekers, service providers and the host community.

This in turn has lead to:

ƒ a more co-ordinated approach developing the needs of the asylum seeking community

ƒ More knowledgeable and well informed asylum seeking community (This is regarded as particularly important as proper information is essential. Often the first point of information for asylum seekers is before they leave their country of origin. This is often misleading and inaccurate information).

ƒ More knowledgeable service providers

ƒ Support groups within the asylum seeking community being developed

ƒ Initiatives developed where asylum seekers play a large role for example,

ƒ What has truly benefited the project is the fact that each outreach worker is located in an organisation (outside the state system) which focuses on development through a variety of ways. Resources, structures and supports within each organisation complement the work of SONAS. DP members represent the host organisations where outreach workers are located.

178 Ireland ƒ Training for those working with asylum seekers delivered in modules over a period of time (promising practice in this regard is being developed as part of an output of SONAS).

ƒ Each member of the DP taking an active role in developing and overseeing the project. Each DP member also has a specific responsibility for example: training, communication and dissemination, transnational work, human resources, finances etc.

ƒ Active participation and commitment by partners at transnational level where definite outcomes can be identified.

ƒ Well planned and co-ordinated approach to providing services

Opportunities for active participation of asylum seeking community in initiatives, which goes some way to addressing isolation, which is a major factor which needs to be addressed.

Outreach workers placed in different locations around the country as instances have resulted in a sustained approach to supporting individuals as they transferred from one location to another.

What doesn't work? ƒ Uncoordinated, formal and centralised approach to giving information ƒ Uncoordinated approach to providing services ƒ Lack of community based support for asylum seeking community and service providers (often under resourced) who are often not in touch at community level.

Is what works transferable? Yes it is transferable. Resources need to be in place to ensure outreach workers can be located within communities and that structures are in place so that the learnings from SONAS can be acknowledged and developed .

Why is it innovative? It is innovative because there is no other co-ordinated approach on this level toward the provision of information to asylum seekers which also allows for community development and support for state and community based service providers.



Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This DP (Municipal Authority of Bolzano, Social Services Agency, a training body, a representative of Bolzano's Provincial Union of Cooperatives, and members from the third sector) aims to take steps to remedy to poor degree of coordination of structures providing support for people in a state of severe exclusion, with a view to their (re-)insertion in the labour market. Discriminatory factors affecting the problem include: a poor knowledge of

179 Italia the services available in the area; behaviour that is not conducive to job insertion; stereotypes and prejudice, scarsity of skilled manpower, housing shortages, local services not tailored to the needs of the disadvantaged, high reliance on social assistance, etc.

What works? The strengths of this action are the involvement of actors with a key role in the issues addressed and public actors able to implement innovative solutions; the implementation of the principle of empowerment; the emphasis on networking and the acquisition of skills that can be used to make these operational procedures effective.

One factor contributing to the service-integration process is the conviction within the DP that the true actors in the network are not the institutional reference contacts who meet at working tables, but the operators in the bodies involved. This consideration generated a need to ensure that operators in the structures working under agreements with public bodies share experiences and common work methods, through training initiatives using team-building methods and work experience. For the first time, bodies that were used to operating independently and to different ends (public bodies, actors from the third sector, associations, and social cooperatives) have found themselves, with Equal, united in the pursuit of common objectives.

What doesn't work? One critical point is the gap between the public services and private associations, in terms of language and work practices.

Is what works transferable? The objective of any transfer will be the network as a constant factor in the operation of the social services that will be active in the Centre for Employment Enhancement that the DP intends to set up. The mainstreaming process for this work method (networking of existing services) will be initiated with the creation of the Centre. One concrete result of the initiative, in terms of transfer, is the implementation in the municipal social plan for 2003 of a number of ideas that have emerged from the project-design stage of GOAL: a greater focus on the project target group (the so-called grey area); the networking of local operators in order to achieve common objectives, the experimentation of innovative approaches.

Why is it innovative? With respect to the reference context, which is characterised by full employment and the presence of non-integrated services, the initiative is innovative in that it addresses new types of target - those experiencing non-certified forms of disadvantage - and experiments an integrated model for the social and occupational rehabilitation of persons experiencing serious social exclusion, by creating a network of all the public and private structures and bodies providing assistance. To this end, the partners intend to share common instruments for the detection of disadvantage and contact models for target group. In view of the particular type of beneficiary addressed by the project, the approach to disadvantage is innovative since its aim is employment rehabilitation. The creation of a permanent observatory for social and occupational disadvantage in the area is a useful instrument to monitor the partners' knowledge of disadvantaged people and make it possible to address the responses provided by the services to the needs that have emerged. Another innovative element is the planned mechanism to make work more attractive in order to overcome the barriers to employment that marginalised persons often encounter. To this end, on the employment-demand side the DP intends to act on employers' sense of social responsibility; and on the supply side, to counter the lack of mobility of those receiving the Reddito Minimo di Inserimento (Minimum Insertion Income), which often acts as a deterrent to job-seeking.


Planning HR & Age management practice Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project tackles the difficulty of recruiting manpower in agriculture and industrial farming where work is undeclared and precarious. The integration problems of non-EU immigrants in the labour market can be ascribed to a set of factors ranging from a lack of adequate skills to poor knowledge of existing services; insufficient services to match demand and supply of workers who are difficult to place; difficulty of the existing network of services in meeting the sector's needs; and problems of residence.

What works? The strengths of the project are its global approach to the problem of occupational integration, which must be combined with social integration, and hence the attention paid to the needs of the immigrant workforce and of the production sector with a view to shared local development.

The research carried out by the DP has been used to identify the expertise required, the sectors and companies where labour demand is greatest, the problems of assistance, logistics and integration. On the basis of this information the project activities were planned and the global management of the social and occupational integration was programmed through a set of actions: planning of work organisation methods; language, civic and cultural, and vocational training; guidance; network of housing services, personal care services and administrative and bureaucratic services. The experimental phase will include measures to improve work organisation in the transformation co-operatives; thus agricultural enterprises will no longer recruit manpower by their own means since this will be done by the co-operatives, relying on the relationship of trust they have established with their members and thereby reducing the seasonal nature of this type of work. Regarding the first type of services, proposals to build new housing or guest accommodation on the farm premises or to help the immigrants find rented accommodation with guarantees provided by the farms are currently being examined. Regarding personal care services, there is a plan to link local operators via the Internet to exchange information of the sphere of action of each. In addition, a guide to bureaucratic difficulties in 8 languages is envisaged. The operators participating in the network - the agents responsible for immigrants, farm personnel, operators and trainers - have received training in sectoral legislation, intercultural issues and specific problems and available services.

What doesn't work? Problems were encountered in carrying out the activities due to the mobility of the immigrants, who move around the area according to the availability of work. Success in organising the services mentioned above and conducting the training activities therefore depends on being able to 'tie' these people to the local area. Another problem is the difficulty of work organisation in the agricultural sector and the lack of entrepreneurial culture among farmers, which has made it difficult to handle relations with them despite the mediation of sector organisations.

Is what works transferable? Mainstreaming plays a central role as the project aims specifically to create an integrated local system based on the results of the experiment. Achieving this process will be easier if a co-ordinated method of work is adopted together with the empowerment of all the key local actors. The stakeholders who should incorporate the innovations are already part of the DP (public bodies, social partners, employers' associations and enterprises); however, it would be advisable to extend participation to trade organisations in other sectors, foundations, savings banks and so on.

181 Italia The effectiveness of the project can be measured in terms of local dissemination since the Provincial Authorities of Ravenna and Rimini, which do not belong to the DP, have shown interest in the problems tackled as they are similar to their own. They are interested in introducing the model of transformation co-operatives that organise work for the farms, and intend to support this process with their Departments for Agriculture. The two Provincial Authorities have taken part in specific meetings on the topic and participated actively in the Project Committees. The regional Department for Agriculture has also expressed interest in disseminating the model locally. From a horizontal mainstreaming approach, operators in the tourism and building industries have asked to extend the research conducted in the industrial farming sector to their own sectors.

Why is it innovative? The innovative element of the project objective is the proposed strategy of experimenting an integrated local system for the management and development of the immigrant labour force that is targeted to the requirements of the local labour market (development of a specific model for manpower recruitment) as well as to the needs of immigrant workers (coherent training supply, solution to housing problems, supply of specific services). The main elements are therefore the empowerment of all the local social and economic actors and the dissemination of a culture of programming, as well as a user-approach designed to achieve occupational and social integration (integration and reception) and raise awareness among policy-makers and entrepreneurs regarding the problems of manpower recruitment by adopting a systemic approach.


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Older worker Convincing and involving Social partners Empowerment Territorial approaches Networking Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Objective problems (non-specialised actions by the employment services, lack of re- employment culture in enterprises, social discrimination) and subjective problems (loss of self-esteem, lack of motivation) which prevent the return to work of unemployed persons aged 45-plus in the Province of Trieste - mainly women with low educational levels.

What works? As regards the DP, the "targeted" make-up of the partnership: a mix of public and private actors; and the match between the principle of empowerment and organisational efficiency - thanks to specific governance bodies and instruments - of the partnership itself, which has a centralised structure balanced by a functional division of tasks and activities.

As regards the fields of action, the following initiatives are worthy of note: ƒ Effective information and awareness-raising measures - through seminars and meetings - for local-development actors, and especially for employers' and union organisations, which are already involved in studies on legislative and fiscal provisions available to enterprises for the re-employment of the over-45s. ƒ The creation of a network of multi-service desks for the older unemployed. These are located in strategic areas, such as trade-union offices, Local Health Agencies and Provincial Employment Agencies. One desk is specifically devoted to enterprises, which can send in the data relating to their labour needs and their willingness to employ over-45s. The desk will also act as an consultancy centre where employers can obtain information on the legislative framework for incentives, including fiscal and contributory incentives, for those recruiting older unemployed persons.

182 Italia Is what works transferable? Although the current state of progress of the activities makes it difficult to evaluate how transferable the successful actions actually are, the pre-conditions of spendability seem to exist: an action in a circumscribed territorial context; a preliminary, wide-ranging local animation action; the involvement of the trade unions and, crucially, of employers; and finally the adoption of a multi-dimensional approach to the final beneficiaries.

Why is it innovative? The innovative nature of this initiative lies in the adoption of a multi-dimensional approach to unemployment in older age groups, and in the target group it addresses: adult workers at risk of exclusion from productive employment.

The DP is characterised by its strong local roots and its ability, on the one hand, to use social networks (Municipality, Local Health Agency, trade-unions, etc) already existing locally, and on the other to activate inter-institutional networks that include profiles and bodies operating on both the supply and the demand sides. A greater awareness is developing on the usefulness of the over-45s in employment-and therefore economic- terms, as witnessed by the recent involvement of a number of temporary employment agencies.

The strong local dimension of the initiative, one of its key features, is also enhanced by the fact that it operates in the light of complementarity with other ESF co-funded initiatives in the area under reference.

Finally, further innovative features are the DP's specific focus on a gender-based approach in the context of actions at the national level (information and awareness-raising actions and a "desk" for women aged 45-plus) and transnational level (mapping of best practices for the re-insertion of the unemployed) with a view to mainstreaming.

4. STRATEGIE PER L'OCCUPAZIONE NELLE AREE DI MONTAGNA- LOM- 014 Convincing and involving Social partners Creating an entrepreneurial culture Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Partnership creation and management Empowerment Territorial approaches Networking Other: Weaker Categories

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The aim of this action is to address the problem of the unfavourable conditions for labour- market access in mountain areas, which are subject to depopulation and the abandonment of traditional farming practices. The job-insertion problem is especially worrying for weaker categories (women, the disabled, and young people).

What works? Taking local potentialities and strengths as its starting point, the project is experimenting employment development initiatives to retain people in the area. These are flanked by other types of action linked to personal services.

The project is being taken forward through the launch of 5 pilot projects drawing on local strengths (wine making, bee-keeping, berry-fruits, medicinal herbs and sustainable tourism). It also envisages the activation of a "resource centre for the vulnerable mountain economy" which is intended to be the reference and support point for the development of new enterprises (helping the youth economy to find resources to consolidate any initiatives undertaken, engage in marketing and commercialisation in support of the initiatives, and

183 Italia liaise with local authorities, which could support the pilot-project initiatives by commissioning work).

These objectives are based on a wide-ranging and well-organised partnership, which has great potential for triggering an autonomous-development process in the field of action and giving rise to further initiatives. The partnership includes 19 partners who are the key actors in the economic and social development of the area of Valtellina and Valchiavenna (Local Health Agency, Municipal and Provincial Authorities of Sondrio, the main trade- union and employers' organisations, the 5 mountain communities, the cooperative movement). This variegated network of partners is flanked by the network of social cooperatives, consortiums and associations linked to each of the mountain communities and which have entered into agreements under the project for the management of the pilot initiatives.

Is what works transferable? The strong involvement at the local level of the different actors with responsibility for the activities and the establishment of positive relationships for the development of the Equal network seem to provide a sound basis for the implementation of an incisive mainstreaming action with respect to local-development policies.

More specifically, the top-down approach seems to be transferable with regard to the definition of system actions and linkage with provincial employment-promotion policies, while the bottom-up approach seems transferable with regard to the identification within the mountain communities of pilot projects and the creation of ad hoc cooperatives to manage the activities.

As regards mainstreaming, the Pilot Committee is already considering with the partners the potential repercussions of the experiment, by drawing up a vademecum on the opportunities for supporting the economies of these areas.

With respect to the complementarities of funding and initiatives, the same group of partners is working on a project as part of the Interreg Initiative. This involves the network of services for the mountain economy.

Why is it innovative? The initiative is strongly innovative with respect to: ƒ The new collaborative procedures adopted by the various actors working in local development in the light of sustainable development, and the linkage created between the cooperative movement and public bodies; ƒ The creation of the Service Centre, which will provide support for entrepreneurship as an opportunity for the creation of new jobs and as a means of protecting the environment; ƒ The project concept itself of triggering the autonomous development of the territory by seeking to transform "abandoned" sectors into strong points to create employment and reinforce the sense of territorial belonging/ownership; ƒ The logo, which calls to mind Equal and farming symbols, and should become a brand for products made in the Sondrio district.


Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Empowerment Territorial approaches

Other: Offenders and ex-offenders

184 Italia What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This action addresses the problem of the social and occupational integration of offenders and ex-offenders in all areas of Piedmont. Exclusion arises from a number of discriminatory factors, including low skills, the distrust of potential employers, and the lack of structures and operators to provide support for these persons in entering the labour market.

What works? The project takes effective action with respect to three specific objectives: a) reducing the fragmented nature of initiatives for the job insertion of this category of beneficiary; 2) succeeding in placing 120 offenders by diversifying the enterprises willing to take on disadvantaged people; and c) reducing the incidence of obstacles related to logistics or housing issues in the job insertion of these persons.

With respect to the first objective, the DP set up a networked system in which it is flanked by a "derived" partnership at the local level, which envisages the participation of the 13 GOLs (Local Operational Groups, whose members include a wide variety of organisations such as local authorities, employment services, and prison social services) in each Piedmont municipality where prisons are located. Taking a bottom-up approach, these acted as promoters of the project; while at the implementation stage they proposed micro- projects within the overall project framework (evidence of the effective participation of the latter is the fact that the EQUAL budget was distributed on the basis of GOLs).

With respect to the employment-integration and housing-support objectives of the initiative, 85 tailor-made projects are being implemented that envisage placements in social enterprises, with "job-grants", and help with housing (in collaboration with Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro). 30 placements have been achieved, with 60 more expected this year. Although these numbers are modest compared with those normally achieved by the promoting body, they are distinguished in qualitative terms by the customised nature of the action. This takes the form, for example, of the distribution of vouchers to meet the most varied needs of beneficiaries, and of help with housing problems.

What doesn't work? Initially, the project saw fairly severe conflict between the referent contact and the Regional Prisons Administration service in relation to the tutoring activity. This was perceived as interference in the training of prison-administration operators. As a result of the mediation of Piedmont regional authority, the "principle of responsibility" was approved. Relations between the two partners are now much better.

Is what works transferable?

Job insertion based on the "enterprise d'insertion" method is transferable, as demonstrated by the fact that the project has borrowed from the French experience.

Why is it innovative? The actions implemented show a considerable degree of innovation with respect to the challenge of the job insertion of offenders and ex-offenders. Particularly innovative is the concept of job placement understood and designed as a wider pathway for the re-definition of an overall life project. An additional area of experimentation is the adaptation of the "entreprise d'insertion", borrowed from France, to the local context and more particularly to the cooperative system, social and otherwise. This instrument has the merit of enabling a progressive shift of the centre of gravity of job insertion from social enterprises to enterprises in general (an objective pursued through "insertion sections"). Finally, the project adopts a series of new instruments for the empowerment of beneficiaries, including the 'Preludio Etico all’Agire Responsabile' (PEAR, or Ethical Introduction to Responsible Action) and the 'Contratto Etico Allargato' (CEA, or Extended Ethical Contract).


Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Territorial approaches Racial or ethnic origin Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The action tackles the problem of discrimination experienced by disadvantaged categories (disabled persons with disability of between 35 and 45%, persons assisted by social services and in receipt of economic assistance, traumatised persons and immigrants) in entering the labour market in the Province of Novara. The main obstacles giving rise to exclusion are the cognitive and performance-related difficulties experienced by these persons, and particularly in the weak linkages and low degree of specialisation in socio- economic integration services in the Novara district.

What works? The project activities are not yet at a very advanced stage, so it is not possible at this time to speak of effective actions. However, the conditions seem to be in place to achieve the declared objective of creating a system of services that can reconcile the needs of enterprises with those of weak categories in the labour market (through the creation of seven 'Centres of Excellence' in the Employment Centres and a system of social quality certification for enterprises and in the services).

The following "success factors" underlying the experiment are worthy of note: ƒ The empowerment of various bodies dealing with employment integration for disadvantaged users in the Novara district (in particular, the involvement of enterprises and services from the outset and the adoption of a multi-actor approach); ƒ the creation of an inter-project working table to guarantee the integration of all the employment policy initiatives under way in the Novara area, with responsibility for: a) the mapping of the actions envisaged for each project; b) the supervision and monitoring of activities to avoid duplication; c) the drawing up of suggested guidelines for the initiatives; d) the co-ordination and integration of the actions inspired by rationalisation (the concurrent awareness-raising actions at the technical and policy levels functions well). With participants who include the Regional Authority, Novara Provincial Authority, the Councillor's Department for Social and Employment Policies, and the Chairman of the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Discussion Forum enables an on-going dialogue by the institutional actors, the services who have to experiment the model and the case manager (the idea of creating a platform that recognises and formalises the 'Centres of Excellence' and the case manager role therefore works well). ƒ The sharing from the outset of the proposed model and the observation (following an extensive research-action) that the case management model in actual fact already exists and will not appear to be entirely "top-down" (therefore socialisation and contextualisation of the proposed model).

What doesn't work? The DP feels it has not promoted the project strongly enough with the business community, and as a result has not achieved the envisaged participation by it. However, it is confident that the quality system experiment will attract the interest of these partners (the Industrial Associations are drawing up their own ethical code).

Is what works transferable? Both the networking procedures adopted by the local actors and promoted by theRegional Authority and the case manager role, which has been borrowed from a different context (the social assistance sector), seem to be transferable.

186 Italia Why is it innovative? The project is extremely innovative in three respects. Firstly, the creation of 'Centres of Excellence' in the Employment Centres and employment desks in which case management practices will be experimented. These services are designed to draw up tailor-made job insertion plans for disadvantaged categories, starting from the central role of the user and the need to move on from over-reliance on assistance. In this networking perspective a strong link is established between employment, assistance and training policies.

Secondly, the case manger role is entirely innovative, since such figures have only operated in the social-assistance sector until now. Once their training is completed, the case managers will be responsible for co-ordinating the overall management of the beneficiary by the different development actors and for promoting self-empowerment processes (autonomous decision-making, activation of personal resources, etc).

Finally, the experimentation of a Social Quality Certification system by enterprises in the territory to provide them with added value is highly innovative, particularly the activation of a process for the recognition of the "Ethical Brand" to incentivise the adoption of company policies inspired by social corporate responsibility.

For further information: http://www.provincia.novara.it/sonar_root/ita/materiali.htm


Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Territorial approaches

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This intervention tackles the problem of the fragmented nature of actions at the local level and the poor degree of linkage between public employment policies and local development, which to a large degree explains the exclusion of young people from the world of work in the province of Turin.

What works? The approach that works well in this project is that of a wide public-private partnership (48 members). By acting as a catalyst on the necessary expertise and critical mass for the experimentation of an integrated model for the prevention of the exclusion of young people that responds to the expectations of enterprises and users, the project manages to overcome the limitations of the normal modus operandi of the actors whose remit covers social-occupational integration in the Province of Turin, where four Territorial Pacts are operating.

Particularly effective, in terms of impact on current procedures, is the decision to entrust the coordination of four macro-phases of the action to local bodies. This aim here is to ensure a unified approach in the 4 areas; retain the interest of the Bodies involved in mainstreaming processes; and strengthen the ability of the bodies involved to manage complex partnership networks. This active co-ordination role, which is not delegated to co- operatives, training agencies or other specialised bodies, is setting in motion significant managerial- and organisational- learning processes.

What doesn't work? The partnership is not having a significant impact in involving young people in job insertion projects, since these projects follow criteria established by adults. The young people in the target groups have shown little motivation to embark on the guidance and training pathways proposed by the services which, relying excessively on diagnostic instruments, increase the sense of distance from the world of work.

187 Italia Is what works transferable? The transferability of the network model to innovate the delivery of services along multi- dimensional lines, which is still at the implementation stage (this will be checked during the evaluation by the Department of Public Policies of the University of Piemonte Orientale), seems as things stand at present to depend on the following pre-conditions: ƒ A common and shared set of problems and issues deriving from fundamental similarities in social and economic contexts (in this case 4 Territorial Pacts) ƒ An understanding of the similarities and differences in administrative and local contexts (via a mapping exercise) ƒ The active involvement of all possible stakeholders ƒ Transparency in terms of roles and responsibilities of the partners ƒ Support from local government and key community leaders (the local government, the Provincia, is a DP member) ƒ A growing mutual commitment to share and learn know-how and experience (ability to work across divisional boundaries and thus to break down fiefdoms).

Why is it innovative? The experiment proposes an innovative approach that encompasses prevention and rehabilitation and places users at the centre of the system of guidance services. The network model will be that of "ownership" by the user, from the points of view of both the young people involved and employers.

In terms of process, the growth of the network culture in the territory is significant. This takes the form of fruitful exchanges of know-how between operators, including those external to the DP, and the increasing adoption of co-ordinated working procedures (for example, cooperation on calls for proposals under Measure B.1. of the R.O.P).

Another innovative element is the multi-disciplinary approach adopted to solve the complex problem of the social and occupational integration of disadvantaged categories, which highlights the need for the sharing of experiences and the central role of operators with wide-ranging and varied expertise.

For further information: www.equalspring.it


Convincing and involving Social partners Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Problems regarding the extent of the underground economy in the fashion industry in Apulia, on both the demand side (uncompetitive local SMEs, weakness in the initial and final stages of the production chain), and on the supply side (low-skilled, underpaid workers).

What works?

The following actions are effective in addressing these fields: ƒ Extensive animation activities implemented throughout the territory through seminars and meetings for the awareness raising of local actors - including trade-unions organisations, some members of the 'Provincial Committees for the Underground Economy', Municipal Authorities, enterprises, a bank and the Territorial Pact for Bari metropolitan district - who took part as "external" actors in the DP by forming themselves into territorial networks.

188 Italia ƒ The creation of an integrated information system which in addition to responding to the functional requirements of the Partnership, also provides a valuable reference point external to Equal on issues related to the underground economy. The DP's Internet site contains a section dedicated to the theme - principal policy lines, provisions currently in force and thematic analyses. The website also provides access to a database through which persons (workers and entrepreneurs) and enterprises can also find information on the work of the DP and a "FAQ" area on regularisation issues but may be selected to take part in vocational training activities and Focus Groups. ƒ The creation of an ethical, process and product "brand" for fashion production in Apulia, which provides guarantees regarding the quality and ethical nature of all stages of production and has been presented to the Apulia Regional Authority. The "brand" has also been disseminated and shared with local institutions and enterprises, and a study is currently under way to define the procedures for its validation and use, with a view to quality certification. ƒ The signing of a protocol of agreement with the 'Regional regularisation commission', which is involved in the focus group for the identification of needs and is interested in opening-up consultany desks in the Region.

What doesn't work? The DP, whose decision-making base is in Rome, is structured along two lines of participation: that of the partners in the ATI and that of the networks that include the various local actors operating in Apulia. This organisational arrangement means that effective co-ordination was not always achieved between the central and local levels and the partners in Apulia felt the need for greater co-ordination of the actions undertaken at the local level.

Is what works transferable? The transferability of the action model - the overall efficacy of which we will be able to evaluate only at the end of the life-cycle of the DP - seems to be subject to the following minimum criteria:

Action in an area characterised by similar problems and industrial fabric; the involvement from the outset of all the stakeholders involved, especially institutional actors, the social partners and the 'Provincial Committees for the Underground Economy'; significant investment in information and sensitisation measures and a strategy to ensure the visibility of the actions adopted.

Why is it innovative? The DP is innovative because of the approach followed, in which the entire project management process is inspired by mainstreaming principles and the targeted involvement of stakeholders identified on the basis of their institutional role and the degree to which they are representative of the area in question.

Innovative features with respect to processes - and the objectives and context of the project - are also to be found in the adoption of a new approach to regularisation, which is addressed in a pro-active manner that integrates and at the same time supersedes the provisions of the current legislation governing this issue and experiments new forms of integration of individuals, enterprises and the territory. In this respect, the identification and dissemination of the ethical quality, process and product brand for SMEs in the fashion industry in Apulia is not just a significant objective in mainstreaming terms but also an instrument for the construction and development of a new network culture at the local level.

With respect to the context, the DP's strong local roots are worthy of note. These encompass the convergence of the actors involved towards a shared economic, social and "territorial" objective, and are supported by complementarity with the objective of the priority strand 'Action 3' - Human Resources of the ROP "Supporting entrepreneurship, especially in new job sources, and the regularisation of undeclared employment", and by synergies with other development and negotiated programming initiatives that are interested in the North Bari 'PIT'.


Diversity management Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Empowerment Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The aim of the project is to address discrimination problems faced by migrants in accessing public and private services.

What works? The project proposes to develop a model for the delivery of linguistic-cultural mediation services (divided into a basic course and specialisation) and to define standards and parameters for this model.

To do so, it uses a partnership composed of actors with recognised expertise in mediation and bodies interested in implementing the experiments. The partnership provides an opportunity for inter-institutional exchanges between the actors involved to ensure that the actions put in place correspond to the general objectives of the project.

The successful elements of the project are: ƒ The experimentation of the linguistic-cultural mediation service as a strategic function for the job insertion of immigrants and as a resource for all bodies that have contacts with immigrant users (health/social services, reception centres, educational institutions, public-relations offices, etc). Of particular interest is the involvement of prisons and the CSSAs to experiment the mediation system within prison structures. ƒ The recruitment of mediators through the databases held in the different areas and sectors involved, as a result of the wide network of partners; ƒ Initiatives to raise awareness of operators in services for immigrants to inter-cultural principles and to inform employers of the function and role of the mediators; ƒ The system of agreements with a variety of actors (public-relations offices, special immigration office, local health authorities, police headquarters, emergency services for immigrant children, etc) for the insertion of the mediators (through study and practical training periods).

What doesn't work? The security requirements and tight restrictions imposed by the prison system, the difficulty of gaining access to prisons and the lengthy procedures involved all required the active collaboration of the Ministry of Justice and prison directors and other actors operating in prisons. Another problem encountered working in prisons was the initial distrust of prison staff with respect to a new type of operator in addition to the large number of actors (volunteers, associations, religious bodies) already operating in prisons.

Is what works transferable?

The network of partners has a key role in identifying a transferable model of linguistic- cultural mediation and ensuring the sustainability of the services created.

Why is it innovative? The initiative is innovative with respect to the aims of promoting access by immigrants to public and private services through: ƒ A new service, linguistic-cultural mediation, that can be applied in various contexts; ƒ The profile of mediator, which has not yet been recognised at the institutional level, although in practice such profiles are increasingly being used. The intention of the

190 Italia project is to develop a service model that can be reproduced in different contexts and which sets standards for the delivery and functioning of the service. Finally, with respect to the context it is obvious that although the project operates within Measure 1.2 and addresses the integration of immigrants, in actual fact it also touches more widely on systems other than immigration (education, prison systems).


Diversity management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The presence of racism, xenophobia and discrimination against immigrants in Italy, partly encouraged by media information designed to spread alarm, and in some cases fuel racism.

What works? Information activities and conferences in over 50 Italian Provinces are envisaged to raise awareness among local authorities and communities on migration dynamics as well as advocate migration management and migrants’ integration in a positive and multicultural perspective.

The Foreign Communities’ National Archive is meant to preserve the identity of migrant communities and support their self-representation capacities. The Archive gathers documents and organizes information representing the emerging cultural plurality. It will represent a reference point for researchers, institutions, associations, academicians wishing to gain a better knowledge of foreign communities, their cultures and backgrounds, as well as countries of origin. But it also will be a physical place where foreign communities can gather, present/share their products or ask for support in promoting their activities and cultures.

Courses and training periods for immigrant and Italian media operators who will be part of the editorial team of the 'Migra' Information Agency. The Agency will develop and disseminate relevant and correct information on specific issues/data related to immigration, as well as awareness-raising material to encourage the adoption of media strategies aimed at positively representing the new cultural plurality.

What doesn't work? It is difficult to actively involve small-sizes associations of immigrants in decision-making and management processes, in the spirit of active participation advocated by Equal.

Is what works transferable? Active involvement of beneficiaries (immigrants and their communities) in the main project activities. Some have been involved in the project design phase, creating models for strategies and lines of action. The project is supporting and giving visibility to the special events and specific initiatives of foreign communities to help them achieve self- representation and promote better knowledge of their realities in the host community.

The 'Migra' Immigrant Information Agency is a reference information agency for national and local institutions, as well as for national and local media and immigrant journalists.

The Foreign Communities Archive: link to regional associations' archives, creation of regional networks, promotion and support of immigrant communities' activities by local bodies and municipalities on a regular basis.

191 Italia Intercultural training modules for service providers/social workers to be adopted at municipal/regional levels.

The ‘blueprint’ for diversity in the media to be adopted by all EUMS participating in the project and promoted by them for adoption by all the others.

Why is it innovative? The innovative main initiatives of the project, envisaged are ƒ The creation of an Immigrant Information Agency (Migra) with a core staff of journalists based in Rome to manage the on-line service and a network of local stringers consisting of selected/trained immigrant journalists. The media have an important impact on individual and social attitudes and mostly fail to promote a multi-ethnic perspective, which is a main pre-requisite of integration. ƒ The creation of a Foreign Communities National Archive, with a core staff of qualified migrants based in Rome to support networking of migrant communities and their outreach capacities in terms of awareness-raising, mediation, mentoring and advocacy.


ITC Literacy Tailoring business services to real needs Territorial approaches Networking Disability

Other: Creation of new occupational profiles

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP has identified organisational inefficiencies within the system for the job insertion of disadvantaged people. In order to resolve this problem, the project envisages the development of "facilitators" who can provide responses to these inefficiencies in the various fields of action (cooperation, information, environment areas).

What works? ƒ Local presidium: Institute which brings together in each territory all the key actors in active policies for disadvantaged categories. It has programming, consultancy and monitoring functions with respect to the bodies set up to govern these policies in the area concerned (presidiums have already been set up in 4 areas); ƒ A system of electronic cooperation, which helps partners and the various actors involved to cooperate and exchange information and project ideas (already set up); ƒ A training pathway for local operators to enhance whichever skills are weakest in their territory in the local system in respect of the job insertion of weaker categories (currently being set up); ƒ A training pathway for employers and disadvantaged persons, based on "outdoor" training methods, to experiment the opportunity of generating changes in the conduct of the two groups: for employers, regarding their prejudices vis-à-vis disadvantaged people; and for the disadvantaged groups, regarding the recovery of confidence and an awareness of their own abilities. ƒ An IT tool for surveying and illustrating the skills of the disadvantaged people, for use in dynamic analyses of the territory; for gaining further knowledge of the characteristics of the disadvantaged; and as a tool to enhance actors' know-how (at pre-test stage).

What doesn't work? There have been difficulties in achieving a timely start to the project, mainly caused by some public bodies, with resulting difficulties in getting the project fully up and running. Many of the activities have a considerable political dimension and this, rather than facilitate

192 Italia matters, has lengthened decision-making times enormously (as in the case of the creation and formalisation of a local presidium and the definition of its role within the Province).

Is what works transferable? The local presidium, the training pathway and the IT instrument are transferable, whether to similar or to different contexts. The 4 local presidiums are the principal means of implementing horizontal mainstreaming (as they draw together the experiments of the local actors involved and harness them as resources in order to devise a new model for the functioning of the local partnerships) and vertical mainstreaming (in the light of the task of changing territorial approaches to problems and conducts that are hardly cohesive and are characterised by low commitment and sense of responsibility).

Why is it innovative? The innovation (in terms of processes) lies in the methodology, which is designed to encourage local cooperation and coordination by the actors involved. One instrument in this method is the "cooperation system", an instrument providing support for territorial partnerships, which is then transformed into an operational working instrument of the national partnership, in order to share the work of each partner at an immediate and on- going level; facilitate coordination in carrying out the actions and increase the perception of individual involvement and sense of responsibility. The cooperation system enables the national DP and local presidiums to manage the cooperative work, encourage the joint production of documents, and have access to a virtual office to manage notes, communication, files, etc.

This participatory organisational model is then used at the local level, where each provincial Authority governs a process involving local partnership (the Local Presidium (PL)), the sharing of the activities and objectives of the project (which are fairly complex, in view of the large number of actors). The innovative contribution of the project, in terms of aims, lies in the different approach with respect to the skills of the disadvantaged people, the objective being to experiment an approach focusing on the individual skills identified, rather than on formal requirements. The instrument currently being drawn up is the "Skill Map", which is made up of closed and open fields for the collection of data on disadvantaged people (their "biography", their experience and their perception of their state of disadvantage). The operators will be trained in skill-analysis methods and in the IT instrument and its use. "System managers" will be introduced, initially two for each PL. They will gather information on the disadvantaged people directly. Once the data are processed they will be entered in a database for distribution to the partners and to the local networks (and possibly also to employment centres). The innovative feature of the project with respect to the context is the focus on training as an instrument to influence and modify certain rigidities or obstacles in the structured socio-economic system. This happens at two levels: ƒ Training of the operators of the administrations involved, through targeted, tailor-made actions based on the problems and weaknesses at the local level, in order to remove system rigidities; ƒ Training for the beneficiaries, through outdoor-training experiments, an innovative training method in its use as a means of combating social labelling, which is a source of prejudice and distrust and is the basis of many obstacles to interpersonal relations; in which respect it also interferes with the relationship between labour-market supply and demand. This innovative method, which is still hardly used in these contexts, is based on a relational approach which develops outside the traditional familiar social contexts, and as a result reduces the threshold for the perception of distance which arises from social labelling.

12. NAUTILUS - NUOVE ROTTE PER L'INSERIMENTO LAVORATIVO - VEN-030 Diversity management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches

193 Italia Networking Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Difficulty entering the world of work experienced by disabled people because of the lack of co-ordination between the various bodies responsible for their social and occupational integration.

What works? Regarding the DP, the composition of the Partnership is highly appropriate as it includes all the public bodies involved in the inclusion of weak categories (schools, social co- operatives, Provincial Employment Centres, Municipal Social Services and Social and services for employment integration of all the LHAs in the province), enhancing their functions and local structures.

The DP also benefits from experience of some of the partners (IRECOOP) acquired through the 'Adapt' and 'Employment' Initiatives.

Regarding the fields covered, the following actions are worth mentioning: ƒ Effective information and awareness-raising measures - involving seminars and meetings - among all the local stakeholders working with the Local Health Agencies and the support teachers, especially in the Vocational Schools which have the largest numbers of disabled students. ƒ Research activity on the provincial supply of employment services for disadvantaged people, on integrated and personalised pathways of access to such services, on the identification of the related system of standards and definition of tools and methods to improve their effectiveness. Regarding the last aspect, a tool is currently being developed to classify the various forms of disability on the basis of the WHO ICF system, which describes the impairments and residual capabilities of disabled people. The proposal was developed in response to a need for tools and languages that all operators in the social inclusion systems could share and it offers a model of diagnosis that combines social and health problems with relational difficulties and with the question of residual abilities and potential for all types of disability. In its definitive form it should be networked and adopted by the guidance centres currently being set up at the provincial welfare offices. ƒ Effective co-operation at transnational level, particularly with the French partner, a national body that trains support teachers. As part of the TCA the French are carrying out a specific action on work mentoring for disabled people and best practices will be exchanged in this area.

What doesn't work? The large number of partners, the fact that many are public bodies, and the lack of experience in the administrative management of European programmes have caused difficulties while setting up the partnership.

The main problem encountered while carrying out the activities can be directly attributed to the area of difficulty that gave rise to NAUTILUS, in other words, the segmentation of the social and occupational integration system in the local area concerned. This segmentation is found in services, methodologies and professional styles, and has often made dialogue difficult between different institutions and the various operators involved in the DP.

Is what works transferable? Although the state of progress of the activities makes it difficult to evaluate the transferability of successful actions to date, the prerequisites for transferability appear to be: an active and participated role for the local bodies, the limitation of action to a circumscribed geographical area, and widespread preliminary animation at local level.

194 Italia The inclusion of the Provincial and Municipal Authorities in the DP - being respectively responsible for the Employment Centres (Legislative Decree 469/97 and Regional Law 31/98) and for social and caring services - is a good pre-condition for the transfer and "export" of best practices, both to institutions and to operators and the local area. The Municipal Authorities, in particular, could use these best practices to provide an increasingly satisfactory response to the health needs of the citizenry.

Why is it innovative? The innovative aspects of the project can mostly be ascribed to its processes and its geographical context: what is experimented is an unprecedented model for diagnosing the various forms of disability that not only offers local operators in the social and employment sector a common language and methodology but has also enabled the creation of an updated database of each user category that will be shared on-line in the future guidance centres.

At the local level, a network of services covering the whole area of the province is to be built around the poles of the four Local Heath Agencies, providing a system of guidance centres that will, for the first time ever, tackle the social and occupational dimension of integration dimension of social integration for weak categories.

The contribution of NAUTILUS to the permanent integration of employment policies and social policies should be viewed in this perspective since the action will offer the opportunity to experiment a model for services (the guidance centres) and social enterprises (the transition enterprises in which some of the disabled people will be inserted), which appear more and more to be the appropriate seat for a multidimensional approach to the problem of entry and retention in the labour market.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Partnership creation and management Empowerment Territorial approaches Networking Disability

Other: mentally ill, offenders and ex-offenders, drug-addicts and former drug-addicts

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The local pool of reference, the province of Matera and surroundings, contains various categories of weak subjects, victims of legal, racial and occupational discrimination. The factors of discrimination can be attributed to the institutional, cultural and social context and to the personal and motivational dimension. The DP aims to launch actions designed to improve the bargaining power of disadvantaged people in the labour market and in productive organisations by encouraging the creation of new enterprises working in the social sector. It also plans to increase the vocational skills of the targets and their basic, technical/professional and transversal skills.

What works? The DP is well structured and includes important bodies and organisations from the viewpoint of the problem considered and the area chosen. An interesting role is played by the Public Employment Services, among other in the light of the legislative framework, notably Legislative Decrees 469/97 and 181/00. The disabled people involved in the project all have various capacities but most of them are mentally handicapped; this could prove to be an interesting field of work and study.

195 Italia Is what works transferable? The analysis of the beneficiaries' needs is interesting from the point of view of its use by the local Public Employment Services. The DP has successfully towards set in motion processes of exchange and transfer of best practices to other geographical contexts, different targets, training, guidance and employment systems. The bottom-up approach adopted by the DP should make it possible to tailor actions to the needs of the beneficiaries, particularly through the use of methodologies geared to the different types of target.

Why is it innovative? On the process level, and in view of the heterogeneous nature of the participants and the composition of the DP, an ad hoc process was adopted, the objective of which was to integrate the different types of beneficiaries and actors in the DP. This was achieved by developing and experimenting a gender approach leading to the production of a model of motivational and technical involvement that respected the problems and experiences of the individual organisations forming part of the DP.

On the level of objectives, the action relating to social workers led to discussions, exchanges of experience and the experimentation of new, shared methodological approaches. In addition a careful diagnosis was made of the motives, residual abilities and potential of the victims of discrimination, including in the light of the skills acquired. This approach led to a preliminary identification of qualifications that can be anchored to local characteristics while respecting the differences that characterise the beneficiaries of the project.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Creating an entrepreneurial culture Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Empowerment Territorial approaches Networking

Other: disadvantaged

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The problem addressed by the DP is the social exclusion of inhabitants in areas of environmental and social decay who are discriminated by their own place of residence, the main cause having been "identified" as high crime rates, youth unease, and drug addiction. The aim of the DP is to prevent and combat youth unease and unemployment by setting up urban reclamation site-schools to create new expertise and social co-operatives in the environmental sector.

What works? The choice of this field of action, combined with innovative measures that use a multidimensional approach can produce significant results that are also worth considering for effective horizontal and vertical mainstreaming. The DP consists of a variety of stakeholders with extensive experience in the field of community initiatives, within both private organisations and public bodies.

196 Italia What doesn't work? The mainstreaming strategy adopted by the DP is crucial to ensure an on-going action in the areas identified and to prevent the activities becoming an isolated and unsustainable experiment.

Is what works transferable? The project proposes innovative actions that could be adopted: by the system of labour market supply and demand (observatories, employment agencies, employment services) to survey the characteristics of a sample of the population in different areas but with similar problems; by the school and 'public study and work guidance' systems, to use the proposed methods and instruments for involving victims of exclusion and early school- leavers; by the business-service system (employers, trade unions, institutions, private actors, etc.) to use the proposed services and methods of disbursement of support for the social economy.

Why is it innovative? On the process level, the multidimensional approach used to tackle the problems of discrimination associated with residence in areas of environmental and social decay operates simultaneously on the environmental and the personal dimensions. The DP also adopts innovative methods and instruments to raise awareness and involve the victims of unease, to recruit users, to guide beneficiaries and environmental services. The DP hopes to break the vicious circle of environmental decay - distance and disinterest of people - social marginalisation - abandonment to environmental decay - on the basis of the assumption that the recovery of "lost" individual identity progresses with the same rate of the restoration of the quality of the environment in which that identity lives and grows.


Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Territorial approaches Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The south and coastal areas of the province of Caserta have a very low rate of schooling, widespread delinquency, organised crime and very low per capita income. In this situation, the presence of a large number of immigrants, who suffer discrimination and are anyway "weak" subjects, creates a pool for various forms of undeclared employment and victims for organised and unorganised crime. The aim of the DP is to provide the local immigrant population with a mentoring system consisting of a set of actions, tools and relationships designed to build/restore their cultural, social and occupational identity (supply of targeted services; qualification of intermediate operators in the social and cultural integration process; support of economic agents capable of mediating between workers and enterprises; creation of networks).

What works? The DP has set up a guidance service, the 'Single Desk for Foreign Citizens', designed to offer support to immigrants, partly in response to changes in the reference legislation on immigration (Law 189/02) regarding access to regularisation procedures. The DP has also managed to involve various actors operating in the local area and affected by immigration, stipulating protocols of agreement with public bodies and co-operation agreements with third sector bodies, which will considerably boost the expected results of the project.

Finally, the DP has joined the 'Provincial Committee on Immigration' (a body forming part of the Prefecture) as a source of synergy for the dissemination of results and drafting of new policies.

197 Italia The DP has also launched basic training activities (teaching of Italian) for immigrants, which was not envisaged in the original work programme, as well as other activities stemming from the protocols of agreement.

Is what works transferable? The lack of structures and therefore of personal care services means that the activities of the DP are of great importance. Moreover, the enormous interest expressed by local public institutions and existing private bodies has led to the stipulation of protocols of agreement. This points to the need to build and organise new personal care services for the foreign target identified by the DP, as well as for the rest of the resident population.

Why is it innovative? On the process level, the tools employed have certain innovative features, especially the Desk and its method of operation, as well as the approaches to the problem. In particular, an enormous number of local actors affected by the problem of immigration has been involved.

The training activity also offers three innovative profiles at regional and national level: Intercultural Mediator, Social Enterprise Trainer and International Co-operation Expert.

Finally, regarding the reference context the DP has undertaken extensive action on two fronts: one concerns the stipulation of a Protocol of Agreement with a further 15 organisations to network surveys and information for disseminating a culture of lawfulness, integration of Italian and foreign citizens and regularisation of undeclared employment; the other is the creation of a co-operative of foreigners, Cooperativa Kapsa, offering labour and services to farm businesses and thus creating an effective means of solving the problems present through: ƒ linear programming of business needs; ƒ streamlining of administrative formalities and bureaucracy associated with even temporary employment; ƒ certification of work performed by Foreign Citizens, which is necessary to renew their residence permits; d) creation of an intermediation agency in the relationship between employer and foreign worker.


Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Partnership creation and management Empowerment

Other: multitarget approach

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP emphasises the need, for the whole non-profit sector, to counter a low-cost approach to contracts and try to create a system of quality-based accreditation for social enterprises that will provide the public with a basis for common programming around a continuous relationship in terms of training, assessment and networking.

What works? The DP has a strong cohesion and a high level of involvement of the partners; the types of partner point to good opportunities for dissemination and mainstreaming, both horizontal and vertical. In some of the actions the project has reached an advanced stage of progress. There are interesting aspects relating to research, training actions and counselling actions.

198 Italia Is what works transferable? The main element for transferability is, first and foremost, the research, which takes two directions. The first focuses on the social economy's need for skills, the second aims to identify, study and map the social organisations in the provinces of Bologna and Ravenna that are active in the field of social assistance. The next important element is the second level specialistic training action designed to provide skills for personnel with previous experience in social entrepreneurship and designing with a view to creating the professional profile of Social Negotiation Agent, who will act as counsellor for public and private organisations. Third, there are the counselling system actions, including monitoring, tutoring and mentoring, that take the form of a local service agency.

Why is it innovative? In process terms, the DP adopts innovative application methods involving building the agency on three different levels (local, regional and macro-regional) of design, local modelling and innovative tools of social counselling. Second, there is the multidimensional and multi-target approach that addresses, for example, illegal immigrants, drug addicts and offenders. Interest also extends to the sphere of pre-work, for instance job grants and the introduction of all-round counselling for so-called normal subjects, which tackles the issue of unease rather than of deviance, particularly for people overcoming the last condition. As far as the project's aims are concerned, these include the creation of new professional profiles such as that of the social negotiation agents. From the context point of view, the DP is interested in such phenomena as urban poverty, prostitution, trafficking of human beings, homelessness and so on.

17. NEXUS - FRI-003

Convincing and involving Social partners Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The problem identified by the DP is the lack of culture and methodology in the design, implementation and joint evaluation of the local social integration system, which impedes the development of widespread social entrepreneurship.

Using the data collected the project therefore intends to strengthen the social economy by adapting it to the new policy and programming guidelines adopted in Italy and currently being incorporated at local level. The DP seeks, on the one hand, to strengthen the entrepreneurial culture of actors operating in the field of personal care services and job insertion of disadvantaged people and, on the other, to safeguard the specific characteristics of such services with respect to the more general production of goods and services by the for-profit sector. Consequently, the project aims to increase links within the network of organisations that spurs the creation of a system of rights exercisable by the citizenry by experimenting new forms of integrated public/private services for the design and evaluation of services and the integration of the disadvantaged. Finally, the project also envisages training actions addressing various members of the partnership to create common and shared languages and promote social marketing.

What works? The 'NEXUS' Project guarantees the empowerment of all actors in the third sector by setting up working groups incorporating institutions responsible for programming the development of local health and social policies (Municipalities, Health Agencies, etc.) as well as other local actors (Social Partners, enterprises, associations, working partners, etc.).

In particular, the 'COSM' consortium, a partner in the DP, has set up a scientific committee consisting of representatives of the basic Social Services in the Municipalities of Udine and Tolmezzo, the SIL (Sindacato Italiano Lavoratori - Italian Workers' Union), the Ser.T (Drug

199 Italia and Alcohol Dependency Service) and the Department of Mental Health of Health Agencies No. 3 and No. 4, the Prison Authorities and the social co-operatives. Its task is to create an IT system to monitor employment integration that is shared by public and private entities. To this end the DP has conducted a study of cases of successful employment integration by bodies and social co-operatives in the Friuli area, notably around Udine and Carnia. The preliminary results were presented at a conference held to present the 'Nexus' Project. Subsequently, the IT employment integration monitoring system was set up and is already operating on an experimental basis.

The action stems from a reflection on the absence of documentation and tools to evaluate existing methods of employment integration. The adoption of such tools and methods of evaluation not just for the financial management of enterprises but specifically to collect and process qualitative and process data has become necessary in recent years for quality certification procedures and is viewed less and less as a redundant and useless investment.

What doesn't work? The size and heterogeneous feature of the partnership as well as the diverse initiatives carried out or envisaged by the project and entrusted to a variety of actors might prompt the individual partners to concentrate on their own segment rather than on the DP's overall strategy.

Is what works transferable? The methodology adopted by the DP to create a tool for monitoring and evaluating methods of employment integration seems to have all the potential to ensure continuity of the experiments and transfer of the innovations to the reference systems, according to the general strategy of Equal.

Why is it innovative? The innovative contribution of the project, which involves the implementation of an 'ad hoc' tool for monitoring and evaluating methods of employment integration, lies mainly in the method of action adopted by the DP, designed to create strong links between the third sector, public bodies and the local reference communities (especially the associations representing them). The strategy in fact consists in setting up "work tables", which will be both local and thematic. Around the tables will sit representatives of enterprises, workers, public bodies, trade associations and beneficiaries.


Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? In the 'Fondi Plain' problems are the lack of skills among operators, inadequate services for weak categories and unfulfilled demand for appropriate skills and services in the farm produce and tourism sectors. Moreover, the area counts a large number of non-profit enterprises, which are prevented from expanding by cultural factors.

200 Italia The DP promotes the creation of new enterprises and supports existing ones in the sectors of agro-food processing, territorial enhancement, fiscal and legal counselling, and research and marketing. Consequently entrepreneurship is promoted and sustained by means of guidance and training pathways and the creation of networks and adoption of targeted actions, within an integrated and multidimensional approach. The project strategy is based on integrating the solidarity dimension of the social economy with the managerial dimension typical of for-profit enterprises.

What works? The activities of the DP are based on the needs directly identified in the area (bottom-up approach) and involve an integrated multidimensional approach: involvement and awareness-raising of local actors, building of a multidimensional service information and guidance system and alternating training supported by a network of integrated services.

The DP has set up the 'Integrated Service Centre' for social entrepreneurship entitled Equal Opportunities at the premises of the Fondi Municipality. The service facilitates the integration of the services, the acquisition and transfer of best practices experimented in the project, the stability of the local network and the stability of the non-profit sector. The constant and continuous contacts between members of the DP, and especially with the representatives of the municipal authorities, have proved an effective means of involving institutional and political actors in identifying and understanding local needs, building the database, creating an organic network, developing the Desk and designing the training pathway.

The 'Integrated Service Centre' therefore supports social enterprises and strengthens the network; the model for training in social management enhances the social output and provides the trainees with the ability to use IT tools; the involvement of representatives of for-profit enterprises in the training courses becomes an effective method for learning management criteria for the administration of the social enterprises; and, finally, the involvement of institutional actors in experimenting the alternating training pathways fosters the real development of social entrepreneurship and lays the foundations for its sustainability.

In addition the DP has launched an awareness-raising process regarding the value of the social output. The Banca Popolare di Fondi, for example, is drawing up new forms of subsidised credit. The DP is also promoting the practice of fund raising and intends to prepare a guide to the social output containing the quality criteria for deciding public contracts; it will also prepare a handbook on the transparency rules applying to relations within social enterprises.

What doesn't work? The main weaknesses of the project are the lack of a shared language among the partners (different types of partners) and the management of a problematic area. To overcome the first problem the DP has encouraged dialogue with the partners, while in the second case it has included in the partnership organisations that are firmly entrenched in the area, such as 'M.O.F. S.p.A.' (the Fondi fruit and vegetable market, which co-ordinates 300 enterprises).

Is what works transferable? The DP experiments a model in which the managerial dimension of the non-profit sector and entrepreneurial responsibility go hand in hand, reinforcing each other, towards sustainable local development by combining dynamic and competitive economic growth with an increase in qualified employment, with greater social cohesion and the real needs of the population, while respecting the fundamental rights of the citizenry, particularly the weakest members, and with guarantees of environmental and health protection. This model therefore fulfils the need to adapt the entrepreneurial world to the present social, cultural and economic context.

201 Italia Why is it innovative? The innovative nature of the DP project is the attention paid to the use of New Information Technologies (the DP has set up a website among other things) and the development of methods and tools to foster stable integration of social and employment policies.

The project this involves experimentation and integration of services, the empowerment of actors in drafting policies, promotion of social dialogue, co-ordination and collaboration among all the public and private actors, identification of new professional profiles and new services in the job sources of tourism, information and the agro-food sector.

The experiment strengthens and qualifies the training action and lays the foundations for networking in the public sector, in business and in the third sector. It also facilitates the joint definition of programming guidelines and management of sustainable local development.

A system addressing local needs that fosters the use of services and improves their quality fosters social integration and local development. Therefore, the network, which is the result of co-ordination among all the social and institutional actors, those involved in training and employment, non-profit and for-profit enterprises, has the direct effect of developing systems linked to the labour market and represents a profoundly innovative method of identifying new services and job sources.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Weak categories are unable to enjoy their fundamental rights of citizenship for many reasons, including the difficulty of integrating local bodies and social enterprises to guarantee a system of community welfare.

The DP experiments initiatives to support social enterprises in their dual entrepreneurial and social role and creates innovative methods and instruments for controlling and measuring performances and good practices in local negotiated programming.

What works? The project is divided into four macro-actions: System Actions (implementation and activation of a network among the partners, local mapping of resources and social needs, consultancy and training services for social enterprises, experimentation of negotiated local programming instruments, development of instruments for the management of quality systems in personal services); Local Actions (enhancement and rationalisation of local social, professional and economic resources, reciprocal recognition of the role the various actors and social partners play within a broader and more organic policy to combat social exclusion; Transnational Actions (training in transnationality, observatory of best municipal- welfare practices, exchange visits between homogeneous groups at various levels of the DPs, transnational thematic working groups); Mainstreaming and Communication Actions (dissemination of results, experiments and best practices at various levels to influence local and supra-local policies, adoption of innovative communication tools, capitalisation

202 Italia and dissemination of know-how). The OPERATIONAL MACRO AREAS therefore include: support services for social enterprises (training and consultancy for the development of social-management skills and social quality); best practices and local programming (recording of resources and needs, best negotiated-programming practices and experimentation of new instruments for local development); management of know-how and technologies (creation of a proprietary system of knowledge management and development of ITC-tool management skills); Transnationality (exchange of experience and best practices, development and experimentation of common instruments, creation of a European welfare observatory).

The territories involved in the project are working hard and the local workshops for negotiated and participated programming involving social and institutional actors on issues of local relevance are becoming a reference point for social policies, with the local plans..., as with the programmed initiatives for Agenda 21, etc. Many co-operation agreements have been signed locally and several co-ordination groups have begun work. The DP has established contacts, links and overlapping with other Equal projects (sectoral and geographical). The DP is also participating actively in the permanent forum of DPs in the region of Lombardy (Equal Forum) as co-ordinator of two thematic fields. A number of different awareness-raising meetings have been held (attracting large public audiences) and the information material produced has been both varied and substantial (from leaflets on the courses to the document presenting the project, from flyers to boticeboards). The project website also ensures that every member of the partnership participates actively in a constant exchange of information and communication and acts as a virtual meeting place for further thematic studies.

What doesn't work? The main problems concern the relationship with public authorities (bureaucratic, managerial, communications and political difficulties). Constant discussions and continuous dialogue have contributed to overcome these obstacles while the differences between the partners that were originally the source of some misunderstanding now represent one of the DP's strengths.

Is what works transferable? Through extensive exchanges, the DP intends to disseminate business experiments, models of action and best practices (instruments and methods) at local level. Any action involving so many different partners, representing all the local actors, is bound to affect the system in terms of implementing/amending legislation, local as well as national. For example, the project promotes experimental workshops for negotiated and participated programming among social and institutional actors on issues of local relevance and has set up the observatory on Welfare - Local and Transnational Development Policies.

Why is it innovative? The main innovation of the project relates to the processes and the context. The DP identifies models of action, innovative practices to approach the issue of social solidarity, design methods, criteria and instruments to bring public and private sectors together, and data and analyses to interpret market dynamics. Moreover, the project promotes a pathway, linked to concrete objectives of local development, designed to bring closer and integrate existing responsibilities and experiments. Another innovative aspect is the emphasis on the use of new information technologies. In terms of objectives, the innovation relates to the set of services created and developed in the local area.

The strength of the project lies in the interaction of different perspectives, different cultures of solidarity, services, enterprises in general and social entrepreneurship in particular. Considering the large number and heterogonous nature of the partners (91 partners), the DP developed a well highly defined and structured organisation designed to foster the empowerment of all its members. The key words in the project are Network and System. This entails promoting social dialogue, co-ordination and collaboration among all the public and private actors, development of methods and instruments to foster the stable

203 Italia integration of social and employment policies, and development of actions to support local development by increasing the quality of social enterprises.


Accreditation Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Tailoring business services to real needs Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Standards for support services for the social enterprise Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP has found that the co-operative movement in the Province of Biella is the least developed in Piedmont and that social co-operation is less firmly established there than in the rest of the region.

The action has identified the two main obstacles to the development of the local social economy: ƒ Over-dependence on public bodies and their assistance. – This prevents social co- operation developing an autonomous, accredited and recognised identity. At the same time, this weakness means that public social assistance systems are correspondingly slow to develop in the same direction as the more advanced European societies and at the same pace. Self-reference, centralisation and excessive bureaucracy persist and are often accompanied by discretionary and tutoring approaches to social co- operation, which is usually relegated to the role of simply implementing policies and directives into effect. ƒ Difficult relationship with the labour market.- Given this largely subaltern situation, the concept and the value - economic as well as cultural and social - of "territory" and "territoriality" become irrelevant. As a result, outsourcing is in the hand of companies that are extraneous to the context in which they need to operate. The result is that the inevitable lack of know-how is regularly and seemingly compensated by the simple technique of social animation, with poor results in terms of profitability among other. The general objective of the project is to increase the ability of the Third Social sector to create inclusion, i.e. good quality jobs, in order to achieve efficiency indicators at least approaching the levels of the other provinces of Piedmont. The specific objectives are to strengthen the of the Third Sector and the economic power of social co-operatives in the Biella area.

What works? There is no doubt that in this situation the project itself offers an important opportunity not only to increase the economic strength of the social co-operatives but also to develop the local Third Sector's ability to create social inclusion, i.e. good quality jobs, and so achieve efficiency indicators approaching those of the other provinces of Piedmont.

The activities designed to strengthen the participation of social co-operatives in the Biella area (the first specific objective of the project) are divided into two main phases: the first is dedicated to dissemination/awareness-raising activities that precede, accompany and follow the second major phase, which aims to introduce a provincial framework agreement on the issue of quality.

The activities involved in improving the economic strength of the social co-operatives in the Biella area (the second specific objective) are divided into three phases aimed at broadening transfers, planning them on a long-term basis and diversifying outsourcing of services. The first phase is devoted to innovating the outsourcing processes from the Public Administration to the Third Sector and involves the collection and analysis of national and regional best practices and the design of a new local system of tenders with planned schedules and contents. The second phase supports investments in each of the

204 Italia co-operatives to stimulate innovation and implement existing competences and services. Finally, the third phase activities all focus on building permanent networks of clients and promoters.

What doesn't work? There is difficulty co-ordinating the DP because it is numerous and heterogeneous, and initially it struggled to find a common language. The methodological structure, which might appear unwieldy because of the large number of bodies involved, in fact helped to tackle and solve the problem. The many opportunities to meet and communicate generated by the activities of the committees encouraged the growth of reciprocal knowledge and the development of a common intent.

Is what works transferable? The project, which tackles the problem of over-dependence by the social economy on Public Bodies, carries out actions to implement quality in social enterprises in terms of jobs and services offered. The DP carries out analyses and studies and prepares databases as the basis for the drafting of two protocols of agreement, which are in turn supported by two handbooks dealing respectively with the formal establishment of a set of quality certification criteria and with the definition of new social marketing strategies.

In addition, concerning the Third Sector's difficult relationship with the labour market, the DP carries out actions to improve the sustainability of enterprises and networks created within the social economy by setting up a Service Centre. The purpose of the centre is to service local social co-operatives by networking measures, services, technologies and skills in the reference area. Finally, the DP carries out information and awareness-raising activities to foster the integration of public operators and workers in social co-operatives; develop knowledge of the characteristics and potential of social enterprises among decision-makers and officials of public bodies and among the citizenry with a view to increasing public and private demand: and build a network of opinion leaders capable of supporting the protocols and agreements envisaged by the project and of stimulating public and private demand.

Why is it innovative? One innovative element is the desire to create a single network of local social co-operation. In fact, apart from a few sporadic experiments, the Biella area has no previous experience of a common project with a single objective.

Another innovative aspect is the DP's intention to launch a process of quality certification and accreditation with the participation of local bodies and, in representation of the citizenry, the social partners and voluntary organisations. The objective is to create a quality label of co-operative, organisation and product quality that is validated by all the co- operatives in the Biella area that have signed a document containing the indicators used.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin

205 Italia Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The province of Foggia has a large number of enterprises operating in the social and health sector and instead almost no enterprises operating in sectors, such as the environment, culture, leisure, all of which are promising market niches. The reasons for the weakness of the social economy are the fact that social enterprises are not bankable, the lack of project-developing skills, the inability to capture the differences in demand, and the poor qualifications of enterprise management.

The aim of the DP is to create a model of support for the social economy that will contribute to increase the number of social co-operatives, especially iin unexplored sectors, and to strengthen existing ones. The objective is thus to create a network of the social economy, to disseminate business culture, to differentiate, organise and improve the quality of supply and to facilitate access to the capital market.

What works? The project is divided into five fields of action: raising awareness and building participation bodies (creating an awareness campaign addressing the local communities in the province, organising conferences for sector operators, creating the social network); creating the social-enterprise incubator (vocational training of incubator operators, mapping of entrepreneurial opportunities, creation of new enterprises and tutorship activities, creation of network supply); access to credit (financial system, system of guarantee and disbursement of financial services); practical communities (studies and research activities - identification of key profiles for the development of the sector, study of procedures in services and offices dealing with business activities, design of a website for the virtual communities, creation and strengthening of the virtual communities); transnationality (creation of the transnational partnership, creation of an international glossary of the social economy, transnational awareness-raising, development of a comparative model of credit support, development of a comparative model of social incubator, identification of professional profiles for the social economy).

The DP has undertaken specific awareness-raising activities among the citizenry by organising a public conference to present the project, among social co-operatives through targeted meetings, among local stakeholders (bodies, trade unions, etc.), and among young unemployed workers through actions within the training projects and the job insertion module, as an illustration and presentation of the services. Future operators of the enterprise incubator were trained during a 400-hour course covering all the fields of action of the incubator, notably access to credit and creation of business plans. At the same time, activities began for the construction of the incubator. The awareness-raising among social co-operatives led to the creation of the organising Committee for the Guarantee and Loan Consortium. The DP then carried out a local study of credit and non- profit sector, a research study to "identify key profiles for the development of local social co-operation", and a study on "procedures in services and offices in charge of business activities". Finally, the four study groups envisaged in the transnational project were set up.

What doesn't work? The main problems of the DP were encountered during the launch of the activities and when defining the roles and tasks of members of the partnership. However, these were overcome by the awareness and co-ordination efforts of the Provincial Administration and co-ordination group.

Is what works transferable? The project develops a new programming model for the local system and combines representative and participatory democracy, thus moving from a system of co-ordination to a model of local governance. The DP hopes there will be fall-out in terms of joint participation in decision-making, socialisation of objectives and sharing of methods. This would have repercussions on the employability measures of local authorities, on the

206 Italia commercial policies of the banking system (for instance, the system for awarding public administration contracts, change from lowest tender system to competitive contracts) and on the various sectors of production (tourism).

Why is it innovative? The innovation of the project is the creation of a model that belonged to the for-profit sector (venture group combined with business incubator) in which the business incubator becomes a public incubator for the third sector and the venture group becomes a venture social group.

Moreover, as pointed out earlier, the project will create a new programming model for the local system.

The DP is also noteworthy for its strategies to enhance the specific local resources in the cultural field, in environmental protection and in tourism, and hence the development of new job sources relating to the protection and promotion of eco-compatible tourism, among other by creating new professional profiles and new services, and on the other hand for the creation of local networks to promote social and inter-institutional dialogue. Briefly, the key words that characterise the project are new technologies, quality and social participation.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Partnership creation and management Empowerment Territorial approaches Networking Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The problem addressed is the exclusion of people who have experienced physical or mental disability, drug addiction or other incapacitating factors with respect to the labour market, and are therefore excluded from subordinate employment, self-employment or entrepreneurial activities as well as from active participation in social life.

The DP experiments new forms of social enterprise (a network of hotel franchises) designed to provide a credible solution to the problem of qualified job prospects for the disabled and to develop best practices for type B social co-operatives.

What works? The strong point of the action, which has been carried out by a mixed, numerous and broadly experienced partnership, is its innovative factor. The idea, based on a number of examples of successful business projects, is to create a network of franchise hotels designed to promote work and business experience as well as a new culture of entrepreneurship and reception by enhancing type B social co-operatives as defined in Law 381 / 1991.

The activities are divided into four macro phases: ƒ START. This covers the research and promotion of the project, including all the launch activities such as officially setting up the working groups, the DP management bodies, and so on; ƒ ACTION DESIGN. This phase includes developing an entrepreneurial and reception culture, designing the consortium and the franchising model, as well as designing 10 local initiatives.

207 Italia ƒ IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIONS. This covers the creation and development of the franchising consortium and the implementation of 10 local initiatives. ƒ DISSEMINATION OF RESULTS AND TRANSFER OF THE MODEL TO THE REFERENCE SYSTEM. The aim is to disseminate the results of the project so as to amplify them at national and transnational level via mainstreaming and to disseminate the project, its products-services and the potential for expanding the franchising network. The research activity carried out by the DP has made definite progress, especially that part which is distinctively essential in order to launch the business initiatives. The DP has therefore put considerable effort into the research activity and into identifying suitable hotels, in terms not only of purchase price but also of accessibility and location (NB: the DP believes it is essential that the hotels should not be seasonal but suitable for clients throughout the year). The other aspect that received priority was the accessibility of the hotels.

Finally, in addition to a newsletter distributed within the partnership and mailed to some 1500 addresses, and which anyone interested can receive on request, an interesting website is devoted to the project (www.viadeimatti.coop).

What doesn't work? Since the start of the design period the hotel industry has become the focus of stock exchange investments and consequently the price of property has soared. The DP has therefore adapted the ongoing activity to enable it to cover the debt incurred for the initial investment. One solution to the problem lies in the relative increase that has taken place in the cost of hotel rooms. Consequently, in every region involved in the action the partnership is examining the possibility of recovering the initial loan taken out to purchase the hotels by raising the charge for the hotel rooms.

Another aspect that the DP is keeping under constant control, from the viewpoint of the initial investment, is the additional cost involved in making the hotel accessible. Consequently, part of the research specifically dedicated to the behaviour of the hotel market has been replaced by research on hotel accessibility. The DP also intends to use this analysis of hotel accessibility for disabled visitors to prepare a handbook for operators, notably architects designing buildings for use as hotels.

Is what works transferable? With the opening of 10 hotels belonging to a co-ordinated franchising consortium the social entrepreneurs taking part in the project intend to reaffirm that people defined by law as "disadvantaged" have the right and possibility to obtain dignified work, career advancement, self-realisation and professional and economic fulfilment. The DP therefore intends to experiment the franchising as a method of reproducing a social-inclusion model at transnational level as well.

Why is it innovative? The choice of hotel franchising in the social enterprise sector is itself highly innovative. It makes "replication" easier and does not require the entrepreneur to carry on the activity alone, as traditionally happens. Moreover, it gives even people without specific know-how the chance to become entrepreneurs as they can acquire the knowledge through the transfer of best practices from one site of experimentation to another.

Another point is that the project uses hotel franchising to address specifically the development of employment for disabled people by creating new professional profiles in the field of corporate management (entrepreneurs and managers) and in fields traditionally occupied by the normally able (waiters and receptionists).

Finally, the project plans to strengthen the service sector in terms of skills and expertise such as hotel management that is does not traditionally possess.


Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP proposes to develop the social economy in the renewable-energy sector as an answer to the problem of the exclusion of disadvantaged people from the labour market and to ensure that the social economy provides qualified supply to the market.

The aim of the DP is to transfer practices that have been experimented to date in branches traditionally occupied by the social economy to the emerging sector of renewable-energy sources. In addition, the project will identify a set of tools and methodologies to foster the social and occupational integration of disadvantaged people. The strategy consists in implementing integrated actions designed to promote renewable-energy sources in the public and private markets and among households.

What works? The project is divided into 4 macro phases: ƒ MACROPHASE 1 – Awareness-raising activity (local bodies, social enterprises), selection of individual stakeholders (local bodies, social enterprises), creation of a permanent co-ordinating agency for local bodies and creation of a national observatory. ƒ MACROPHASE 2 – Initial training, specific training for local bodies, specific training for social enterprises, evaluation. ƒ MACROPHASE 3 – Local information campaign on the use of renewable energy, with events, publications and websites. ƒ MACROPHASE 4 - Tutoring of local bodies, tutoring during business start-up, creation of a network of social enterprises in the renewable-energy sector, study and creation of ad hoc financial instruments, commercial applications and development of outputs, technologies and methods of application. The DP has held awareness-raising events addressing local bodies and social enterprises (conferences and local dissemination campaigns), signed agreements and strengthened the network. Moreover, the DP has launched the interactive website, produced CD-ROMs, created a database of social enterprises in the country and, finally, developed a network of Municipalities for their sustainability. The training pathways involve seminars and workshops and include not only information on renewable-energy sources and their applications but also, and above all, operational elements relating to the actions carried out (distance-learning instruments are also employed).

What doesn't work? The obstacles encountered while carrying out the activities have been mostly administrative and financial (accounting, handbook still linked to earlier Community initiatives).

Is what works transferable? The DP intends to transfer the best practices experimented in the “Comune polarizzato” and “Parco Solare del Cilento” Projects, relating to local institutional bodies and to the processes of setting up environmental enterprises, and the practices experimented by the

209 Italia 'Job Tutoring System', relating to job-insertion pathways for disadvantaged people. In addition the DP plans to transpose the technological methods applying to the various phases of environmental impact, energy audit, design, implementation, management, maintenance and marketing of alternative energy systems. One of the systems that the project intends to work on is that relating to the role of local bodies in the development of the alternative-energy sector. The model experimented for networking the social economy will therefore be transferred to the reference systems and at programming level. After the dissemination activities, the DP was contacted by a large number of Municipal Authorities (359) requesting to join the experiment. The participation of Local Bodies in the project was considerable and exceeded all expectations. Several memoranda of understanding were signed with Municipal Authorities that are particularly interested in the transfer of the operational methods of implementing the project.

Why is it innovative? The main innovation of the project concerns the strategic sector chosen for the creation of business activities, renewable-energy sources. This involved developing integrated and participated strategies with institutional, entrepreneurial, social and technological stakeholders.

Other innovative aspects relate to the network of co-operation among key public and private stakeholders, the territorial development pacts, the memoranda of understanding, the local programming tables, the training pathways for specific vocational qualifications (eco-energy manager) in market sectors connected with new job sources and, last, the use of new technologies (instruments and outputs of the Information Society).

Briefly, therefore, the strengths of the DP's project lie, on the one hand, in the development of methods and instruments to foster stable integration of social and employment policies and, on the other, in the work to design support actions for local development and in the collaboration and co-ordination of all the stakeholders in the area.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Family support – Care and service provision Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Partnership creation and management Empowerment Territorial approaches Networking Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP finds that small non-profit businesses, social enterprises and firms composed of vulnerable categories, tend to be confined to a marginal position, are often fragile and under-capitalised, and are subjected to discrimination in their attempts to enter and remain in the labour market. It emerges that the national social economy reveals a series of weak factors contributing to the economic and business difficulties it experiences: lack of ability to design new networked services with the aim of responding to market needs, and therefore a lack of skills and opportunities to open up to competition with the "for-profit" world; low capacity to take a pro-active role in providing services to families and significant and comprehensive responses to weaker categories.

The aim of the DP is to change and supplement this chain of marginal social enterprises by reinforcing its entrepreneurial culture and strengths and improving the work conditions of the people involved.

210 Italia What works? The strength of this action is undoubtedly its innovative nature. Together with the other partners, the referent organisation, the Solaris Consortium, which can draw on wide experience in the context of EU initiatives (Adapt, Employment and Horizon), has accepted an interesting challenge: that of transferring a successful model (facility management) which until now has been applied in the multinational markets and been addressed solely to government or business groups, to the context of Italian social enterprises and small public and small public and private property owners. The DP is testing the creation of a network of enterprises for the integrated management of property and housing services, designed for the social sector. It offers services that include ordinary maintenance, the removal of architectural barriers, bed and breakfast, property censuses, contract management, the adaptation of installations in line with legal requirements, the improvement of the eco-system, energy saving, reduction of water consumption and electromagnetic fields, and recycling.

The DP, the promotion and dissemination activities of which are supported by an external partnership, has organised a number of seminars, which were followed up by information activities regarding the results of the proceedings, including a comprehensive press review. The market analysis and model developed through the project are to be published by Franco Angeli.

What doesn't work? In organising the research activity, the DP encountered difficulties at the outset as a result of the lack of resources in comparison with the complexity of the activities. The critical phase was overcome by reducing the number of questionnaires and interviewees and by stepping up the timing and resources devoted to the activities.

The strongly innovative nature of some themes of the project gave rise to another problem, which can be defined as cultural. Initially, the language applied to new methods, services, and occupations was not easily understood by those working in the sector and by the new actors involved. The partnership overcame these difficulties by undertaking an extensive information and dissemination campaign.

Is what works transferable? The initiative promotes an advanced outsourcing model (facility management) and the transfer of this model to Italian social enterprises and small-scale owners of public and private real estate.

Facility management refers to the management of activities that are not directly involved in the core business of the enterprise but does not imply merely external provision in relation to the quantity of resources involved.

The innovative nature and effectiveness of this model lie in the opportunity for enterprises to purchase from third parties integrated packages of services that include the operational service, professional and coordination services, and the supervision of supplier activities.

Facility management necessarily includes reporting activities, which means that the customer and/or the final beneficiary of the outsourcing initiatives can keep track of the results without having to take on the burden of responsibility for the processes.

In this respect, facility management provides a response to a property market that nowadays requires revenue and conservation guarantees, through comprehensive management services addressed both to owners and users.

Finally, it should be noted that the 'Home' Project has two social macro-targets: 'Type A' and 'Type B' social enterprises, i.e. personal services and the job insertion of disadvantaged people.

211 Italia Why is it innovative? The objective of the DP is to create now professional profiles (eg facility manager and local marketer) to provide a number of services linked to homes and households, by setting up a network of social and marginal enterprises with a variety of geographical areas of operation. Alongside the traditional services, the partnership intends to create and develop a series of new services for public and private customers, in the field of the management of real estate, spaces and home automation for the purpose of improving the quality of life.

In the presence of organisational and economic rules more strictly related to the "for-profit" world, the DP aims through its innovative action in a specific economic sector (real estate, with social ramifications) to foster the business and organisational abilities of the third sector.


Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Family support – Care and service provision Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Partnership creation and management Empowerment Territorial approaches Racial or ethnic origin Disability Age

Other: prisoners and ex prisoners

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP has found that the social economy in Sardinia represents a point of social, cultural and occupational reference that is of concrete and practical value but is also a congenitally weak point due to structural factors and exogenous cultural deformities.

The structural factors include: an almost entirely unexpressed business propensity (as well as uneducated and unencouraged); an excessively limited output pool that is not adequately diversified; and still insufficient attention to quality as a guarantee of customer/user rights. The cultural factors include: the absence of framework legislation on social enterprises; difficulty of access to credit; training supply not targeted to the real need of the local labour market and not focused on the real conditions of trainees variously belonging to social enterprises (functional aspects of physical and mental handicaps, family status and dependent children, language limitations of immigrants, etc.).

The main aim of the DP is to support the social economy by making the two objectives of social and economic/employment growth reciprocally functional on the basis of three factors: territoriality, protection of the rights of disadvantaged categories, entrepreneurship. Taking these three elements into account, the DP plans to conduct a campaign to create and strengthen the social enterprise, with special focus on the territory chosen and certain specific sectors of activity that appear more suitable for the implantation of entrepreneurial initiatives of this kind. The objective is thus to experiment different initiatives and forms of social entrepreneurship without ruling out the possibility of introducing significant procedures and methods (best practices and substantially innovative elements) while at the same time encouraging and leading a broad and deep debate on a framework law for social enterprises that is broadly necessary in order to obtain a clear definition of the reference panorama.

What works? The partnership has conducted research alongside the network development and promotion activities. In addition, the launch of actions to strengthen and adapt

212 Italia administrative practices has prompted the DP to create an instrument for an administrative/organisational check-up of the social enterprises.

What doesn't work? The numerous and heterogeneous partnership initially encountered difficulties in the linkage and co-ordination of the partners. This was overcome through extensive awareness-raising and conciliation efforts on the part of the contact organisation, which undertook to transmit in every way the importance of a spirit of collaboration. This was greatly facilitated by the organisational structure that the DP had set up beforehand (see the national development partnership).

Moreover, the partners encountered difficulties in managing resources according to Community rules and complying with the requirements of the Management Authority. In some cases, there were specific problems of public accounting. As a result, some organisations belonging to the partnership preferred to forgo managing the budget allocated for the activities and put the sums at the disposal of the Co-ordinating Committee. In any case, these partners guaranteed their institutional commitment to carry out the activities concerned.

Is what works transferable? The project experiments a set of actions to test technical and specialist practices with a view to strengthening the social economy as a whole and supporting its operational units. To this end, internal social-marketing activities are carried out (optimisation of procedures and operational approaches) and external ones (market analyses, comparison with the for- profit sector, strengthening of the commercial function), addressing co-operatives and consortiums, non-profit associations and voluntary organisations and spontaneous and informal groups hoping to form a more organised entity (a series of operations and services geared to start-up, follow-up and networking are envisaged). Practices relating to the multi-stakeholder approach are experimented and opportunities are exploited for the tailor-made job insertion of disadvantaged people. A support structure, the 'Centre for Studies and Documentation' on the Social Economy, provides support and technical advice for the action. This body is assisted by the 'Operational Pact on Labour and Social Integration' (POLIS), a synergetic and osmotic network with the task of creating and implementing a network among neighbouring and/or heterogeneous but complementary units with a view to ensuring a stable interaction and exchange among the various stakeholders involved (public, private, for-profit and non-profit).

Special care is reserved for information and dissemination activities concerning the actual and potential results. The composition of the DP can contributed much in this respect, given the presence of organisations engaged in non-profit activities, local bodies able to adopt the best practices and organisations belonging to the public sector, such as the 'Centre of Justice for Minors'.

Why is it innovative? In terms of innovation, the important elements are the system of support for social- enterprise creation that respects favourable and flexible work conditions based on the physical, mental and social situation of the individual. Special attention is given to the relational dimension, to personal growth, to skill enhancement, to responsibility-taking, to self-determination, to internal democracy and to shared decision-making. The DP undoubtedly seeks a new approach to individual situations, be these related to human resources or a specific social organisation.

The co-ordination and collaboration of various stakeholders, such as those joined in the present partnership, gives rise to a new common will: to introduce changes in the local social economy that can in turn produce benefits that will improve the working life of individuals.

213 Italia In addition, the DP intends to create a new professional profile, the case manager, who can facilitate links between the various members of the local network and foster the job insertion of disadvantaged people.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The discrimination problem identified by the DP concerns the situation of immigrant women in the local labour market. In fact, they often work illegally in the home assistance sector.

The aim of the DP is to promote training for immigrant women in co-operative entrepreneurship and self-employment in the home assistance sector, particularly the care of the elderly, in the province of Trento. The DP aims to requalify home assistance by creating official jobs and improving the quality of the services offered while at the same time promoting regular and qualified integration for foreign women in the Trento labour market. In fact, there is a growing demand for home assistance by families in Trento, mainly because of the ageing of the population, and a large number of immigrant women are employed unofficially (they have no work position and consequently no legal protection or health and national insurance entitlement). Therefore, the aim of the project is to reorganise the home assistance sector, not only in terms of official jobs but also by producing services that are competitive on the market as to quality and innovation. The objective of the DP is to intervene in the market by networking activities relating to the employment integration of immigrant women and the matching of labour supply and demand, with particular emphasis on the creation of social enterprises.

What works? With the creation of eight desks the DP has begun to provide information and guidance regarding the objectives of the project and the procedures for regularising work contracts that is directed not only at the target group but also at the families already using or planning to employ non-EU women for household and care duties; it has also launched actions to create and develop networks/partnerships between training/education bodies, associations and local bodies to tackle the discrimination problem (local co-ordination groups). In addition the DP has created two databases of information on the non-EU population working in the care services sector and on the demand for care services by households; it has begun teaching activities in the form of vocational training courses in care services for the women and courses for operators (social tutor).

What doesn't work? The problems encountered by the partnership are of a general nature, mostly relating to bureaucracy and affecting daily life (delays). The DP chose the Co-operation Agreement formula to simplify procedures and avoid unending formalities. The contact organisation and body responsible for financial accounting, the Federation often put up the money for outlays in advance. This avoided delays in carrying out the activities. Moreover, the issue addressed by the DP requires patient and delicate handling since the target is often subject to criminal pressure.

214 Italia Is what works transferable? The project aims to produce an impact on public social services and the system of employment services, and influence provincial immigration planning: recognition and support of integration and employment promotion for immigrants in the home assistance sector; public support for households consisting in the activation of fiscal and other incentives so as to encourage the regularisation of care services.

The project's ambition is to produce effects at national level through mediation, mentoring and promotion activities in the care services sector in accordance with the provisions of Law 328.

There are also interesting synergetic reactions with the co-ordination groups set up to examine the new professional profiles and accreditation.

Why is it innovative? The innovative nature of the project lies in the fact that it combines an emerging social need (the growing demand for workers to perform home assistance tasks) with the discrimination present in the local labour market (immigrant women often working on the border of society) through networking that involves all the actors (public and private) present in the area. The integration of the target group goes beyond employment integration and aims to achieve effective "social emancipation" for the immigrant women. The DP intends to experiment innovative practices relating to the integration of employment policies, social policies, promotion of the social economy and direct participation. Other innovative elements are the approach used to recruit the women, which involves the use of mediators belonging to the reference target, and the identification of a new professional profile (home assistant).


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Gender mainstreaming Creating an entrepreneurial culture Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Empowerment Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP has found that the for-profit economy in the Verona area appears florid but bears the signs of social imbalances. It believes that there is a growing rift between the wealthy classes and the new poor, leading to an increase in the number of marginalised people with difficulty integrating in the labour market. It sees that vast "suburbs" have grown up where traditional cultures no longer remain and the social fabric lacks cohesion and believes that a radical change is taking place in labour demand, attracting a vast number of foreign workers to the lower echelons of the labour market.

What works? The project is extremely consistent with the philosophy of the Equal Initiative, both in terms of the problems identified and the light networking structure adopted, which is designed to obtain the greatest consensus inside and outside the DP. So far the DP has launched 4 new social enterprises (of the 6 envisaged), two of which have been set up by young first- job-seekers who will provide care services for children designed to create an educational culture of integration for children with difficulties and their families. Another social enterprise has been set up by foreigners and Italians who want to form a group of cultural mediators to integrate different cultures and achieve social cohesion in the local area. The last co-operative, a Bed & Breakfast, aims to contribute to family finances while reviving

215 Italia the resources of a natural environment in danger of become unpopulated. The DP has also launched several training actions to raise awareness among personnel in the social economy about the vocational aspects of their work. A 'Civic Network' has been launched in the municipality of San Martino B.A. among associations working with problems involving children.

Is what works transferable?

The actions to develop social marketing practices, the results of the search for specific quality criteria for social enterprises in the care sector, the criteria for planning new business branches, the method of creating fund-raising training and counselling pathways, the methodology of the mentoring activities for social enterprises and joint business plans, and the experience in setting up social enterprises for personal care and creating jobs are all transferable aspects.

Why is it innovative? The DP Macramè proposes an innovative networking model among the partners based on a light and flexible structure that works on the basis of search-action, i.e. re-formulating the next pathway according to the needs and guidelines emerging from the previous one. Moreover, it gives considerable importance to listening, dialogue and reciprocal knowledge. This "weak" networking model seems to ensure its resilience since the links it creates are interpersonal not bureaucratic. Another basic approach of the project stems from the recognition and enhancement of individual diversities, starting with those between men and women, generations, cultures, abilities, etc. The DP also experiments an innovative approach to know-how. The DP Macramé seeks to emphasise the importance of enhancing practical know-how, i.e. relational skills, context knowledge, skills acquired through experience, which are the only ones that make technical know-how usable and spendable. The aims of the project include an innovative aspect, which is the attempt to develop greater self-awareness and belief in one's own work among people working in the Third Sector. Moreover, the project invests, through training courses, in the new professional profiles of expert in communication and social marketing, fund-raising expert, and business management expert.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Validation of learning Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Problems connected with the risk of labour-market exclusion, especially in relation to the spread of ITCs, to be tackled through a focused effort to make the knowledge related to these more transparent.

What works? The effectiveness of this project lies in: ƒ Far-reaching research activity conducted according to rigorous scientific criteria, with the aim of identifying the characteristics and needs of the area involved (Provices of Bologna, Ferrara and Ravenna) to define local standards and skills. At the end of this action, a model is developed to enhance skill transparency and an evaluation system "tailored" to the different local targets is built up; ƒ Its ability to mobilise the actors involved in an institutional capacity in the issues covered by the actions, in order to achieve the objectives through a network approach; ƒ A focus on ensuring a coordinated approach by the social partners in drawing up and validating the model - tailored to meet local needs, but compatible with national models

216 Italia - for the transparency of skills, especially those linked to ICTs, in order to obtain recognition for these skills in terms of training credits and de facto certification in the context of the local labour market. Work is on-going on a number of memoranda of understanding to be signed with institutions, enterprises, training bodies and trade unions with a view to conducting experiments involving disadvantaged categories, women, atypical workers, and persons at risk of expulsion from the labour market; ƒ A particular focus on dissemination activity; ƒ In support of this, a series of 'Quaderni' (bulletins) are being drawn up in which to examine the research findings more closely. These 'Quaderni', which are also expected to be published on the project website, will deal with the issues of: employability and access to learning; transparency and equity, training credits and equity in access to learning; ITCs; employability and equity.

What doesn't work? The timing of the activities has slipped with respect to the envisaged timetable, mainly as a result of the difficulties encountered in involving the institutional actors considered to be key stakeholders in the short time available.

Is what works transferable? The research method, which was developed under the supervision of one of Italy's foremost experts in employment policy, is certainly transferable. The skill "transparency" model for de facto certification is also transferable to similar industrial/economic contexts with similar labour-force characteristics, especially as regards the close focus on coordinated action to be taken forward from the outset with the local stakeholders.

Why is it innovative? The most innovative aspect of the project is the construction of a model for the transparency of skills which - although not leading to nationally recognised skill certification, as traditionally understood - can be agreed by the actors present in the local labour market, who recognise the value of the skills acquired by the worker, through a de facto certification process applicable to the context under consideration. The intention is to disseminate the adoption of this innovative practice as an instrument to combat the exclusion of the most vulnerable workers from the labour market.

Other innovative elements are the tendency to involve the different actors in the system from the very outset of the project, both in order to define the problem areas more clearly and to establish strong and stable roots for the approaches being experimented. More specifically, the definition of memoranda of understanding for the validation and transfer of the methods and instruments developed is proving to be an effective action in terms of mainstreaming.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning Work / Life balance Territorial approaches

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The aim of this project is to address, in the Province of Ferrara, the problem of the adaptability of business organisations and target groups of women and workers aged 45- plus to the technical and organisational innovations required by the market, which demand flexibility on the part of workers.

217 Italia What works? In view the central role of social cohesion, the action is intended to support adaptability in local SMEs by implementating actions inspired by a coordinated socio-economic approach. A dialogue has been established with the local business community to help them gain an understanding of the way in which the effectiveness of technical-practical training initiatives is strongly linked to motivational and social factors, and so to the personal "history" of workers, to which adaptability problems are often linked.

The DP promotes strategic resource planning in enterprises and, in this context and with transferability in mind, constructs a model for training initiatives within the enterprises to facilitate adaptation to change. A number of interviews were held within enterprises, with both employers and workers. Through the first type of interview, company check-ups were carried out in order to establish the characteristics of the enterprises and collect information that might be used in defining training, vocational and advisory needs. In the case of the two worker target groups, motivational interviews were held to define their psycho-aptitudinal, emotive and cultural profiles, obtain the history of their successes and failures and draw up a picture of their expectations and objectives. With these elements, it was possible to evaluate the potential of workers and of their life projects and construct tailor-made training pathways.

Alongside these actions, the aim are to implement a coordinated action to identify criteria for the certification of experimental training projects. This does not refer to a formal certification that can be "spent" at the national level, but to a skill validation project. A working table has been set up with the trade unions to examine the factors involved in joint action with employers.

Is what works transferable? The particular method used to identify training needs, as applied in a two-pronged approach to both employers and workers in the light of social cohesion, can be transferred to other contexts, with due expect to the specific features of the area and economic sectors involved. The coordinated approach followed by the social partners to develop a skill validation system also contains transferable elements.

The DP's declared intention also includes the goal of developing experimental training initiatives (still at the start-up stage) that could be reproduced outwith the Equal project, and would thus be transferable.

Why is it innovative? One innovative element is the approach adopted to draw up and implement projects to address change. These involve organisational and management aspects, performance evaluation criteria, the identification of crucial factors in the implementation of strategic choices concerning the quality of workers' personal and working life. This approach gives a central role to social and individual factors - especially with regard to motivation - and to their impact on the quality of working life and to social dialogue, which actively involves trade unions and enterprises.

Other innovative elements can be found in the coordinated approach being followed to agree on a validation method of workers' skills for application at the local level. To this end the DP is setting up a closely-knit network of exchanges with trade unions, Employment Centres (actively involved in the project for the construction of experimental training pathways for women), employers' organisations, the University and Emilia-Romagna Regional Authority.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning

218 Italia What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Problems linked to the obsolescence of workers' skills as a result of the advent of new technologies and the inability of the training system to adapt to the development of new occupations in ITs.

What works? With respect to the objectives set by the DP, the strenghts of the initiative are: ƒ Its strong local roots, as witnessed by the partners' ability to create a system of networks and relationships, both with members of the partnership and with external actors, that are able to make a decisive and very real contribution to the design and management of local development, especially with respect to the training needs of the local economy, and the classification and satisfaction of these needs. ƒ The planning of a sound strategy for the dissemination and promotion of the initiative within the territory through the involvement of the social partners and trade associations, and hence an ability to reach both workers and employers; ƒ A management approach and research method that are well structured and functional with respect to the initiative, in the light of local-development goals.

Is what works transferable? The initiative appears to be strongly rooted in the territory, which is considered to be the most suitable level for the transfer and experimentation of innovative actions. The method used for the programming of the development of a territory through coordinated action and the involvement of all actors and project abilities can be transferred to other contexts. The skills-balance instrument, which enables workers to gain an awareness of their attitudes, abilities, and knowledge, including those gained outside institutional training pathways and which workers themselves do not always recognise, and the support provided in this respect, can also be applied in other fields with similar characteristics. Finally, the method used for the analysis of training needs, which is applied to both workers and enterprise, would also be suitable for transfer.

Why is it innovative? The DP is innovative primarily with respect to the organisational approach adopted. This made it possible to break with the sectoral approach previously followed by the partners and to promote an approach based on territorial networks, with a view to improving the local training system. Also worthy of note is the DP's intention to draw up local pacts to foster vocational training by promoting the concept of lifelong learning as a starting point for the homogeneous and continuing development of the local economy. In terms of processes, the methods and instruments used to analyse the territory and skills are innovative in nature. The skill balance adopted to identify any skill gaps to be filled through training initiatives was particularly innovative with respect to other instruments used in skill gap analysis since it enables workers to gain an awareness of their own attitudes, ability and knowledge, including those gained outside institutional training pathways and which workers themselves do not always recognise.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning Planning HR & Age management practice Partnership creation and management Territorial approaches

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project is being implemented in an economically advanced area which is, however, subject to abrupt changes which require an effort on the part of enterprises and workers to adapt to changing circumstances.

219 Italia What works? The most significant elements of the project are:

The creation of a network of very diverse actors, 12 in all, with a strong degree of integration between public and private operators who are able to implement strategies for the development of human resources to keep pace with economic development and anticipate change;

The involvement of the social partners and bodies operating in local development, including by seeking out the most innovative prospects (more specifically, the 'Fondazione Parco Tecnologico Padano');

A focus on the territory's development potential, which takes the form of identifying the driving sectors and their skill requirements and the development of a local training pact involving local actors;

The development of ad hoc instruments with respect to the local labour market, and more specifically a "dynamic register" of new skill needs;

The creation of a centre of excellence for the development of human resources.

It is also worth noting that the content of this transnational project is consistent with and contributes to the enhancement and enrichment of the national project.

Is what works transferable? Transferable features are the instruments and methods used to create relationships between local economic development and the need to up-date and enhance the skills available in the driving sectors (the creation of a varied but strongly integrated network; the development of a "dynamic register"; the development of a local training pact).

Why is it innovative? The innovative element of the project is the aim of combining training actions and local development and bringing the two more into line, by mobilising those actors who operate in both fields and encouraging cooperation by actors who traditionally deal with lifelong learning in the area - training bodies - and other structures operating in the field of innovation and scientific research, such as the universities.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project addresses the problems connected with the lack of instruments for the social protection of disadvantaged workers by the 'RSU's and the poor dissemination of social skills throughout the country.

What works? The work carried out by the project has two significant aspects: the composition of the DP and the way it is governed, and the realisation of the project.

The DP, which is characterised by the presence of trade-union associations and third- sector associations, consortiums and development agencies, has developed specific instruments (vademecum) to facilitate the management of the administrative aspects,

220 Italia including by partners with no previous experience in management projects co-funded by the ESF. The DP also has strong abilities for the management of an initiative that extends over six Italian regions: Tuscany, the Marches, Lombardy, Sicily, Apulia and Piedmont.

Substantially, the DP acts on highly significant issues involved in the reform of welfare systems. More specifically, it aims to trigger a multiplier effect, starting with an updating training initiative for Unitary Trade-Union Representations (RSUs). The aim of these training initiatives is to transfer to the RSUs the skills and abilities that are needed to carry out their social contract role for the prevention of workplace disadvantage. The aim of these actions is to promote the enterprise and workplaces in general as places for reflection and inspiration with respect to the decision-making processes involved int he programming of the social services provided to workers, in particular those living in conditions of particular disadvantage. The training pathway lasts 100 hours, of which 30 devoted to project work.

In addition to preventive research, training and refresher courses for the RSUs, the DP promotes awareness-raising actions addressed to a wider audience that includes various actors operating in the territory concerned, with a view to enhancing their social skills. These actions consist of 40 hours per region of technical and study seminars for senior trade-union officials, human-resource managers in businesses, political actors with responsibility for social policies, and reference contacts in the third sector.

The project has various operational levels (from the multi-regional to the regional and sub- regional levels, to the enterprise level) at each of which the aim is to mobilise the key levels in order to promote a service-integration approach. The project also envisages the definition of a model of Regional Observatories providing consultancy, up-dating and support services for the RSU network; these would have the aim of encouraging an on- going exchange of resources and instruments with the services of the territory concerned and of enhancing the social dimension of the workplace, negotiations and training.

Is what works transferable? The project is addressed to a specific body, the RSU, which can be assimilated with the more general function of process facilitator, ie an actor that is able to convey from the enterprise to the territory, and vice-versa, the problems and where applicable solutions that might contribute to balanced socio-economic development.

Why is it innovative? The innovative elements of the action are: the objective of fostering dialogue between enterprises and society, starting from the workplace, through the RSUs; and the promotion of the role of the trade unions in interpreting the local needs and in contributing to social programming processes. The DP starts from a consideration of the central role of social issues, not just in cases of clear disadvantage but also in so-called "normal" contexts such as the work environment.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project focuses on the FISHING sector, which has been affected by a severe crisis and downsizing policies that often hit the weakest categories of workers (older and/or low- skilled workers). The project is being implemented in six Italian Regions.

What works? The FARO DP has developed instruments to enhance the skills of fishermen, workers who in this period are particularly at risk of exclusion as a result of downsizing policies. The

221 Italia project is designed to up-date the skills of workers, who are often poorly educated and low- skilled, with a view to fostering reconversion. The project is based on integrated actions, of which training is just one part. The following actions are also envisaged:

Support for operators in Employment Centres in maritime districts to enable them to support enterprises in developing human resources;

Actions to draw up and promote strategies for collaboration by enterprises, trade associations, local-development actors and workers, in order to mobilise all actors and create a network;

The experimentation of models to validate previous work experience;

Awareness-raising initiatives of political decision-makers from the local to the EU levels.

Is what works transferable? The transferable elements are: ƒ The creation of a network of actors involved in the fishing sector, on which the project is focused, and local-development actors; ƒ The model for the validation of previous work experience with the creation of an electronic skill portfolio.

Why is it innovative? The innovative element is the system approach inspiring the action with a view to developing a global approach to promote the adaptability of workers in the fishing industry.


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning Empowerment Transnational co-operation Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This DP tackles the problem of skill obsolescence and the consequent need to up-date the knowledge and skills of port workers - in commercial ports, in the shipping/nautical sector, and in ship-building (including, in this last instance, pleasure craft).

What works? The ports system is currently undergoing considerable changes that are affecting the commercial sector, ship-building, and pleasure craft. To manage this complex situation with a view to improving the organisation and competitiveness of the ports system while responding to the demand for "intermodal" systems, the project concerned is focusing on the re-training of workers to enable their transformation as resources that can be "read" by all elements of the system. To achieve this purpose the intention is to study training pathways that enable workers to acquire the necessary operational flexibility to adapt and transfer their experience throughout the dynamic system that characterises the ports sector.

Work is being taken forward under the technical guidance of the 'Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari S. Anna di Pisa' to develop a system for the certification of skills that is agreed upon by all actors in the project (which includes the Port Authorities of Livorno and Naples and a holding of the Port Authority of Genoa, Finporto di Genova SpA), by the social partners and by the transnational partners. Starting with an overall analysis of the situation, the needs of workers were defined - with respect to both distinctive and horizontal skills - in order to build up training pathways that envisage the validation/certification of skills in a coordinated stakeholder relationship. The project aims to build up a variety of new occupations and new training pathways that reflect the changes in port operations and the

222 Italia problems of integration with the overall transport system and satellite industries. For the skills under consideration, the aim is to devise a substantial certificate that includes workers' previous "history" (which forms their sense of being), the training pathway (which forms their knowledge) and their vocational pathway within the enterprise (which forms their know-how).

A considerable emphasis is laid on the systemic management of the project, which is based on the close involvement of the partners (trade unions, employers' associations, the university, etc), organised into working groups, with precise responsibilities in implementing specific aspects of the project and a strong emphasis on the value of their specific fields of expertise.

The transnational partnership with two DPs, one Greek and the other Finnish, and both committed to solving the problems of workers (especially of SMEs sub-contracted by large companies) in the ship-building and repair sector, is working well. The objective of the cooperation is to develop and maintain professional standards and performance levels; improve the competitiveness of the ship-building and repair sector through the re-training of workers; ensure that older workers can retain their jobs by providing them with adequate skill and health levels up to pensionable age and giving them the opportunity to transfer to younger generations the knowledge they have built up over their long working life.

What doesn't work? The initial difficulty encountered by some partners in understanding how the different fields of activity in ports (commercial ports, ship-building, pleasure sailing) could be set within a coherent strategy for the development of the port and its territory has been overcome by a series of focused seminars and no particular difficulties have been experienced in managing the initiative.

Is what works transferable? The model for this initiative can be transferred to contexts with similar problems. The strong process of change affecting the ports system involves all European ports to a similar degree: as the trans-national cooperation is demonstrating, the initiative being tested by this Italian sectoral project can be transferred to the more general European context, taking care to ensure the active participation of all actors in the system.

Why is it innovative? One innovative aspect of the activity of this DP is its capacity to create a network linking the different types of experience gained, to the benefit of the construction of a competitive ports system that is able to prevent the expulsion of a large number of workers from the labour market. Another innovative feature is the attempt to introduce a certification method for skills and professionalisation for the recognition of vocational qualifications that is also designed to facilitate mobility both at the national level and in the other Member States.

The experimentation of specific training pathways for the construction of new professional profiles defined on the basis of a careful analysis of the needs expressed by the different situations to be found in ports, without neglecting the enhancement and valorisation of workers' existing skills, is another innovative feature.

A further innovative aspect is the intention of using the Observatory of Skills set up previously, not just as a "store" of skills, whether existing or requested, in the ports sector, but - by virtue of its monitoring function - also as an instrument for the planning of training actions.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Validation of learning

223 Italia Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Creating an entrepreneurial culture Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project involves the fishing sector in Mazaro del Vallo and acts on two fronts: the first is the re-training of immigrant workers in the sector; and the second is the promotion of job insertion, including through support for self-employment for unemployed/non-employed women immigrants.

What works? This DP is composed for the most part of operators with very strong local roots who are able to identify the needs of the local labour market. Employers' and trade-union organisations, who are members of the DP, act as a good "antenna" to detect the adaptation needs of fishing cooperatives and workers, immigrant and otherwise, to enable them to deal with the changes affecting the sector. The DP focuses on increased integration between the actors concerned in social and employment policies. The DP is implementing a carefully designed initiative involving communication, information and awareness-raising, both wide-ranging (the job insertion of immigrants) and more targeted to final beneficiaries (immigrant workers and vessel-owners) to convince them to participate.

To foster the active participation and guidance of immigrants, "Desks" have been set up with specially trained operators who are able to communicate in Arabic, French and Italian.

Training courses for about 150 immigrants are conducted, partly in "classrooms", partly on board the vessels, mainly for safety-related issues.

The DP has succeeded in developing a good vertical and horizontal mainstreaming programme. At the local level, in addition to the members of the DP, the project is being followed closely and supported by other local actors working to ensure the sustainability of the project. The DP has already initiated vertical-mainstreaming actions at both the local level (Municipal Authorities, Port Authorities, the Sicilian Regional Authority) and the national level (Ministry of Transport, Italian Shipping Register).

What doesn't work? One of the difficulties experienced by the DP is the fact of having to reconcile working times in the fishing industry with those of the training system. In a frank dialogue with the vessel-owners, who expressed an interest in the initiative, to which they attribute great importance, the DP has succeeded in combining these needs. In many cases, the time factor is one of the obstacles hindering the dissemination of lifelong learning; an examination of the solutions that have been experimented to avoid or limit such problems could therefore provide further material for study.

Is what works transferable? The instruments and methods adopted can be considered transferable to similar contexts to that of the project, which is distinguished by the predominance of one economic sector that is characterised by a poorly educated workforce with a large immigrant component, seasonal "production" peaks and the strong social influence of family ties.

Why is it innovative? The innovative element of the project lies in the actions to involve workers at a high risk of occupational and social exclusion and unemployed and non-employed women who, in the specific context in which the project is being implemented, are most at risk of social exclusion. The training initiatives for immigrants employed on fishing boats at Mazaro del

224 Italia Vallo provide a channel through which their employment integration can in turn promote their social inclusion. The members of the DP intend through their mainstreaming action to encourage political decision-makers to act in a spirit inspired by the full integration of social and employment policies.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning ITC Literacy Older worker Creating an entrepreneurial culture Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Other: Low-skilled or unskilled workers (Fishermen)

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project focuses on the FISHING sector and deals with the issues involved in the ageing of fishing workers in Palermo maritime district, the obsolescence of their skills, the dearth of alternative sources of income and the technological backwardness of the sector.

What works? The strength of this project lies in the strong local roots of the DP members. This element translates into a strong complementarity between the project and other initiatives in the same territory. The approaches to the territory and the proposed solutions to its problems that have been drawn up as part of the Equal Project have already paved the way for the development of further initiatives proposed by members of the DP in collaboration with other external actors.

The participation in the DP of the Municipal Authorities of Santa Flavia, Termini Imerese and Trappeto, which have a strong interest in promoting the fishing sector, provides a further channel for identifying the needs of the territory, and has good potential in terms of mainstreaming.

A second strength is the highly practical approach, which is considered as the key to the involvement of workers, for whom training is not a familiar experience. The action of the DP is particularly significant in the light of its capacity to combine a pragmatic approach to problem issues and a strong capacity for direct contact with the final beneficiaries in order to ensure that they take an active part, by mobilising a series of actors with expertise in education and training policies (Instituto Nautico di Palermo and Istituto Zooprofilattico - University of Palermo) as applied to the fishing sector.

What doesn't work? The delay by Sicily's regional government in signing the agreements and delivering the resources led to delays in implementation.

Is what works transferable? In spite of the fact that the project is being implemented in a context with highly specific social and economic characteristics, some elements can be considered as transferable. More specifically, these are: ƒ The approach adopted to encourage the empowerment of the beneficiaries, who are particularly vulnerable as a result of the crisis in the sector in which they work and the fact that they have never had any significant contact with any form of re-training or skill up-dating.

225 Italia ƒ The procedures for facilitating the adaptability of these workers, including through training in the use of ICTs as an instrument that can be applied to increase and extend the activities already carried out (introduction of ICTs on boats to improve safety, the promotion of fishing-tourism activities to provide alternative sources of income to traditional fishing).

Why is it innovative? The most significant innovative feature is process-related. The DP, which took the form of an STA, brings together 11 organisations, with different skills, pertaining both to public and private sector. Considerable space was devoted to fishing cooperatives to encourage the direct involvement of beneficiaries in the initiatives and to provide a bottom-up approach. The active involvement of beneficiaries was ensured by their direct participation in discussion groups to ensure that the actions were as closely tailored as possible to the needs and requirements of participants.

37. MASTER- TOS-017

Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Accreditation Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project takes place in the Tuscan provinces of Arezzo and Siena, where much artistic and architectural heritage is concentrated. The current approach to the management of public works contracts is taking a downward turn, tending to put the cost of the work before its quality. Moreover, this is accompanied by a lack of turnover in the labour force at national level, together with a large immigration of unskilled labour. The use of undeclared work, which enterprises resort to becouse of the excessively high cost of social security, is rife; there is practically no culture of vocational training; enterprises are uninterested in investing in training for their workers and almost no suitable incentives exist. All this has not only resulted in poor quality professional work but also made it extremely difficult to create pathways for professional growth that will enable workers to satisfy the demands of the market.

The past five years have seen a substantial increase in investment in the building sector, however, at the very time it has become necessary to take action to prevent "the squandering of the land"; this has made it more economical in terms of infrastructural services to rennovate old buildings instead of constructing new ones.

In this contest the objective of the DP is to combat discrimination and inequality in the building industry through continuing training. The idea is to re-create a medium-high professional profile in the field of restoration work designed to recuperate disappearing skills typical of the area in question; these skills relate to finishing, such as mural decoration, stonework and restoration.

What works? The project is to set up three successive vocational-training courses entitled "Master. European training course in the restoration of architectural surfaces: stonework and mural finishes", each lasting 760 hours and covering a period of 36 months. The total number of places is 15 (for employed and "formally unemployed" workers, the latter term being used by the DP to indicate undeclared work).

As a first step, a survey was conducted among enterprises, sector experts and a sample of beneficiaries selected by the enterprises, using meetings and questionnaires. The purpose was to identify real needs (including those of the labour market) and specific skills in order to build the directory of skills and design the training. Ten weeks are dedicated to study periods in Italy organized along the lines of a site-school: six are spent in Arezzo studying

226 Italia decoration, three at Rapolano Terme (near Siena) on stonework and one with a partner enterprise on plasterwork. Each course includes two transnational study periods so as to practice earlier experience acquired during other Community initiatives and European programmes. One such period takes place in Paris, France, and includes ten days studying the restoration of stonework with "Les Companions du Devoir" and nine days on mural finishes at the "Institut du Batiment et Travaux Pubblics". The other period is spent in Barcelona, Spain, and includes five days dedicated to the restoration of stonework and a further six to the restoration of architectural surfaces, all at the "Istitut Gaudì". A technical glossary has been drawn up in preparation for the transnational modules and is to become part of the students' capital. The close synergy between national and transnational activities is undoubtedly one of the strong points of this project.

The first course is now coming to an end and the second is beginning. The DP has used a broad range of methods to publicise the courses, including local television channels and radio stations: the number of applications was extremely large.

The DP successfully applied to the Tuscany Regional Authorities for recognition of the new professional profile of "Master in Building Finishes".

From the viewpoint of combating discrimination, the DP places great emphasis on the study period conducted in the Arezzo prison, which only houses prisoners serving very short sentences. The DP is working with the prison authorities to involve the inmates in an experiment that could prove to be a real occasion for guidance regarding the opportunities for training, and hence for work and re-integration, after they have served their sentences.

All the partners play a very active role in carrying out and promoting the project, the final objective of which is to create a permanent structure for continuing training of the professional profile in question. A particularly important aspect in terms of vertical mainstreaming is the DP's activity in the area of employment policies. To reverse a deeply entrenched tendency on the part of Italian enterprises to be unwilling to invest in training for their employees the DP has already established contact with the Ministry of Welfare, which it hopes will consider the possibility of introducing in Italy a law to regulate continuing training similar to that in force in France. The French law requires enterprises to invest every year, for each employee, 1.8% of their earnings in training. Since the start of the activities attention has been focused on a horizontal mainstreaming action that employers' associations have been carrying out among their members to promote the initiative and encourage active involvement in ensuring its success. The DP believes that the organisation of site-schools at Rapolano Terme and Arezzo (it was possible to observe the activities of the first during the day devoted to field visits) with trainees from each course to allow them to display their know-how is one of the best mainstreaming actions possible in the area. In fact, the first positive feedback has already been received: the ecclesiastical authorities of Arezzo have asked the municipal authorities to entrust the restoration of a number of churches to the trainees as part of the future activities of the site-schools.

Is what works transferable?

This model can be transferred to a context in which the territorial vocation can be rediscovered and used as the basis for actions aiming at the vocational re-training of workers experiencing discrimination or at risk of exclusion.

Why is it innovative? The distinctive feature of this project is its ability to revive and sustain territorial vocations, using them as part of a training action designed not only to safeguard the heritage and give impetus to local growth but also to provide a means of combating discrimination in the labour market and providing opportunities for social redemption. The major challenge of this project is to lay the foundations for a new culture of continuing training in the sector concerned; to spread an understanding that by investing in the improvement of professionalism and particularly in the development of a new profile, enterprises not only absolve a duty towards the personal and professional growth of their human resources,

227 Italia they also gain an opportunity to carve out a specific market niche and become absolutely competitive in an overcrowded market.

An innovative aspect of the initiative is the creation of the new professional profile of Master in Building Finishes, which has a European dimension and has been recognised by the Tuscan Regional Authorities. The new professionale profile will also employ new techniques that change traditional know-how while respecting the culture behind it. A particularly interesting element is the rediscovery of the dynamics of workshop training between master and pupil: it is a relationship that involves the trainees personally and reverse the usual direction of training. The master becomes a firm point of reference for the worker-pupil and a "disburser" of lifelong training. The initiative is also innovative in its intention to build a directory of skills in co-operation with enterprises and trade-unions organisations in the sector.


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The GLOCAL DP deals with the management of migration, which for some years now has involved the Veneto area to a significant degree, with a growing presence of immigrant workers in enterprisse operating in the Region.

More generally, the project considers the flow of skills "imported" and "exported" into and from enterprises in the Region that are affected by globalisation processes. The aim here is to identify innovative approaches to enhance the skills acquired by immigrants in their countries of origin and the experience built up by workers and entrepreneurs from the Veneto through economic relationships with foreign partners (from Eastern Europe to the Far East). In this, the DP takes the characteristics and needs of the reference context into due consideration.

What works? The most significant aspects of the project regard: ƒ The composition of the partnership, which includes public and private actors who from the outset have espoused the objectives of the project and collaborated closely to identify the best common working procedures: the DP is based on the involvement of the social partners and institutional actors with a view to encouraging a real exchange of views and experience by the actors operating in the area (including those external to the DP). ƒ The governance procedures of the DP, supported by management and monitoring instruments. More specifically, the DP provided its members with two software packages: Rendprog, for management and reporting, and Cardinis for the management of complex projects following a project-management approach. These instruments, along with the website, which acts not as a "window" to the project but as an instrument for dissemination and information; the internal monitoring system; the mainstreaming-action plan, which all the partners agreed with; all contributed to the transparency of the actions with respect not just to the members of the DP but also externally, to the benefit of the mainstreaming potential of the project. ƒ The experimentation of integrated forms of action (research/training/action) which respond to the needs of both workers and employers in an approach inspired by the promotion of local development through a process of on-going, closely coordinated

228 Italia action by actors operating in the territory. The project is highly variegated, and envisages: research activity (1. globalisation of skill flows; 2. ethnic components and sectors of activity; 3. governance of districts and integration processes); the definition of models and methods that focus closely on the needs of SMEs; the creation of a Skill Centre; the experimentation of instruments developed through workshops organised by enterprises; the promotion of an inter-cultural approach; on-the-job training; management training.

Is what works transferable? The aspect with the greatest potential for transferability regards the approach, instruments and methods adopted for the involvement of enterprises, particularly SMEs, in training initiatives and wider-ranging local development actions.

The DP's participation in the work of Sub-Group 2 (Combating discrimination by supporting enterprises and workers in the development of LLL) of the Life Long Learning Working Group in ETG 3 (Brussels, 8 October 2003) and the other participants' interest in these aspects confirm their high potential in terms of transferability to other European countries.

Why is it innovative? The innovative aspects of the project include: ƒ The procedures for the organisation and governance of the DP, which are designed to create an operational network to tackle the issues identified and ensure that actions are fully transparent; ƒ The approach proposed to convince entrepreneurs, especially the owners of SMEs, of the advantages of a wider use of LLL (Life Long Learning); ƒ The solutions identified to introduce a Diversity Management approach in SMEs; ƒ The focus on the fact that the innovative nature of the approaches is always consistent and tailored to the actual needs of the territory, identified by the various members of the DP and through frequent and extensive contacts with other public- and private- sector actors operating locally.


Horizontal desegregation Gender mainstreaming Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The general objective of the project is to improve the presence and participation of women in the social, economic and cultural system.

What works? ƒ SVIPO is testing a model for experimenting the "OPTIMA" O.P. certification system (which is the outcome of a NOW project, recognised by the EU and by Spain) among enterprises in the Basilicata region. This action is envisaged in the TCA. ƒ Website - WIC. The project has created a network of 12 Women's Information Centres (WICs) that not only provide services to support them in a given training and/or work decision but also represent a sort of "workshop" where women, on one side, and institutions, enterprises and social partners, on the other, can meet, talk and discuss with a view to drawing up shared strategies for local growth in an equal opportunity perspective. Moreover, the www.equaldiapason.org website can be used by the WICs as back- and front-office. The first function is activated by the DP, which offers counselling through its own experts, who can update information and advice resulting from meetings at the Centres in a reserved area of the website shared by users (internally, among members of the DP, and externally, by anyone accessing the site).

229 Italia The second function is activated through the on-line forum and by sending e-mail queries to the experts, who answer on-line. ƒ Observatory model, via the website, to analyse gender policies.

What doesn't work? The over-large partnership causes some difficulties in co-ordinating the activities. In particular, the public bodies and the trade unions cannot act as rapidly as the project activities require.

Is what works transferable? ƒ The Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council of Basilicata, who has already taken part in a transnational meeting with the Spanish partners, has said she is willing to promote this action at the political level (Vertical Mainstreaming). ƒ The experimentation of the WICs and analysis of gender policies are models that can be transferred to other work contexts and other local or regional situations to identify problems of job desegregation and consequently "normalise" as much as possible the feminisation of the labour market in sectors and/or professions that are still male- dominated.

Why is it innovative? ƒ The experimentation of the certification is innovative because of its uniqueness. The purpose of the Action is to test the validity of this certification on small Italian enterprises and make it compulsory in Italian legislation, starting in the Region of Basilicata. ƒ The aim of the WICs is to use the involvement of target groups to gather information on the gender problems affecting them. By setting up an on-line Forum handling issues relating to the labour market it is hoped to build the VISPO indicators and at the same time refute them. ƒ Another innovative aspect relates to the two professional profiles of Mentor and Mediator, another action in the Diapason Transnational Co-operation Agreement. The Spanish DP AVIGUEM hopes to create, within its own project, the profile of "Equal Opportunity Agent" (Mediator) and will publish a guide on the subject. The activities of the SVIPO project include mentoring actions within enterprises designed to prevent and avoid various forms of gender segregation and discrimination in the workplace. Meetings will be organised inside the enterprises with employee(s) and entrepreneur(s) to provide information about the legislation in favour of OPs and parental leave.


Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Mainstreaming Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The problem of reconciliation affects everyone, but at the same time it is the issue that has received less attention than others in social research as a result of its tacit, hidden nature. The results of the survey conducted during the first stage of the Equal project indicate that the problem of reconciliation is not perceived equally as a need by employers and workers, but is tackled separately by following the traditional sociological approaches focusing on category-related differences. However, both employers and workers, in addition to being social actors who interact within a production process that has its own rules (employers seek profit, while workers a wage or job quality), also interact within families, which have different rules from those of the workplace (the family exists in and of itself and does not have a purpose, to echo Durkheim). The families of entrepreneurs therefore, like those of workers, have reconciliation needs. It could be said that these are "attenuated" by entrepreneurs' greater spending power, which lightens the burden of care duties, but these needs still "co-exist" with those of the rest of the active population.

230 Italia What works? Experimentation: The second stage of the Equal project concentrates on the experimentation of two components: new forms or models for work organisation; and new arrangements or models for care services. In October 2003, the first experiment was initiated, for which two outcomes are expected: a) The 'Social Partners' Agreement on Reconciliation; and b) The presentation of the results obtained by the experiment conducted on working hours and organisation in a sample of 20 enterprises. a) Social Partners Agreement: The partnership agreed that the issue of hours is the driver for the more general reconciliation issue, which makes the Social Partners Agreement particularly significant. A first Memorandum of Understanding on Reconciliation, drawn up following the structure of Communication 218/2000, opens the way to in-company experiments, the results of which will provide the basis for the Agreement on Working Time. The Action Plan is divided into the following stages: signing of Memorandum of Understanding (November 2003); experiments in the 20 enterprises that have declared an interest (expected duration: 6-8 months starting from December 2003); report on results obtained; transfer of results concerning possible new flexible working patterns (work-life balance) to the Platform for the contract-renewal negotiations (Autumn 2005); case-management approach. First action: classification and positioning of the 20 enterprises; for the first contract with the 20 enterprises, a working hypothesis has been drawn up for the experiment, taking as its starting point the survey conducted. Research findings suggest that there are different perceptions of reconciliation, on principle of "different meanings to different people". In the design of the successive fact-finding initiative (which includes the identification of the criteria or areas of reconciliation, the respective tasks and responsibilities), the following criteria were identified: financial support for families; daily interaction by family members; childcare; care of the elderly; housework and household organisation; family relations.

The tasks refer to practical activities connected with the criteria (shopping, taking the children to school or grandma to the doctor), while the responsibilities are mainly connected to the decisions that family members must take, the consequent monitoring action and the interpretation of their respective roles. The underlying hypothesis is the following: meaning of reconciliation differs from one person to the next; fact-finding initiative to analyse the different meanings; translation into an "data-sheet" that can be used by the 20 enterprises involved, with a distinction between employers and workers. Second action: identifying the advantages to enterprises, ie how to "convince" enterprises to accept the position of the representatives of the partnership. In this respect a list of advantages to enterprises was drawn up, in terms of: reduction in absenteeism (non- attendance at work), reduction in turnover, corporate trust, productivity, personal satisfaction, etc. Third action: preparatory interview. The interview outline includes: general information (number of children, whether living with parents, disabled members of household, any particular care problems, etc); information on satisfaction and family- friendly environment (satisfaction re: income, work, personal time; family tensions, etc); information on perception of reconciliation (areas or criteria, tasks and responsibilities); information on sacrifices (as effect of work on the family or of family on work: in the international literature, men sacrifice their families and women their jobs); information on services (expectations for improvement); information on prospects for improvement (flexibility, part-time, services, control of entry and exit times, access to corporate services, new leave arrangements, etc).

What doesn't work? In many cases, bi-lingualism is an obstacle and slows down the processes of designing and implementing the activity.

Is what works transferable? Potentially, yes. The adoption of the experimentation results in a collective labour contract is in itself a vehicle for applicability to wider contexts.

231 Italia Why is it innovative? The expected innovation is context-related as the action creates a network of public actors and local companies in order to define new ways of creating and managing reconciliation- oriented services. The innovation is also process-oriented for it works on new ways of determining a new allocation of work and opportunities in the socio-economic context in question. The involvement of a DP strongly committed to gender issues is also an added value.

The project is rooted in a long and consolidated experience in the Municipality of Bolzano on "city times" and social services. The innovative aspects, however, are of a different nature. With respect to reconciliation, they are based on "new" investigative strategies involving different subject areas (economic, legal, social, psychological) with respect to a problem "not perceived as such by males". The research tools (questionnaires) are experimental in themselves. The 'Gender Competency' Project compares traditional designs (created by Censis) with innovative ones drawn up by the ILO which can include CATI surveys backed up by CADI, NGT techniques with classic SPSS statistical processing enriched by an alternative analysis procedure based on Realistic Evaluation (first the hypothesis is formulated, then the result is tested, the hypothesis is re-formulated and finally the survey is carried out).

In general, the gender issue is addressed by partnerships from a "feminist" standpoint, in whichever cultural or political background is applicable. The 'Gender Competency' Project envisages a new form of partnership building that includes the gender dimension in traditional social partnerships, led by that of the social partners. The commercial sector lends itself to this involvement for a number of reasons: the structural configuration (size and numbers) favours experimentation and at the same time, total cover in terms of sectoral applicability; the nature of the activity and working organisation (hours) facilitates reconciliation measures. The innovation in the aims of the project is the combining of demand and supply. By observing public and private experience at the international level, we see that the problem of reconciliation is addressed either from the supply side (services) or the demand side (working hours). In experiments conducted and based on reconciliation-related laws (Norway even has a Reconciliation Ministry), it emerges that in practice, in families' daily lives, and reconciliation is not achieved. The problem therefore becomes that of understanding the reasons for this failure even in the presence of legal provisions and incentives. Many researchers see the problem as lying in the male and female identify, which prevents men and women from playing different social roles from those learned in their family or social context. The new objective therefore is to combine services with times. Hence the need to launch, within the commercial sector and through social dialogue that reflects the local history, a wider proposal that is also addressed to other social partners in the territory and other institutional actors in order to gradually understand which possible and feasible steps might be taken towards to reconciliation. The tripartite nature of the ILO suggests the idea of multiple local actors around the work-family balance. Integrating work and family requires an effort by all the local actors, who share an interest in sustainable development and the resulting responsibilities. The presence in the partnership of key local actors (Unione Commercio, Ente Bilaterale del Commercio, Comune, Provincia, Sindacati, AFI-IPL, Chiron) provides great potential to conceive and introduce new solutions for the work-like balance, and make a decisive contribution to sustainable local development.


Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Gender

232 Italia What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Women's access to and retention in the labour market are limited by the lack of adaptive measures in terms of work organisation, services and behaviours that encourage the sharing of work and life times as well as tasks and responsibilities between men and women.

What works? The definition of a set of indicators regarding flexible work in the light of equal opportunities and the sharing of work and personal tasks and responsibilities by men and women.

Is what works transferable? At the local level, the project envisaged the direct involvement of the Provincial Authorities of Naples, the local development programming body whose remit includes drawing up local development priorities and strategies, in which context it is able to support initiatives and projects focusing on work-life reconciliation and which remove obstacles to equal opportunities at the regional level. The 'Equi.libra' Project can transfer the experience gained either to the realisation of ROP measures designed to enhance human resources and services, or into legislative terms.

Why is it innovative? Even at the research stage, the project already involved over 40 enterprises which now approach the problems and questions posed by the 'Equi-libra' Project with greater interest, in terms of the experimentation of organisational and service models in support of reconciliation and the sharing of women's work and life times. The use of methods such as the GOPP as an shared analysis instruments interested and motivated the stakeholders, who have shown how the project brings together a strong need to rationalise personal experiences in the reconciliation sphere. During the semi-structured interviews, corporate managers often said they were willing to take part in the experimental stage. The extension of the concept of reconciliation to the concept of sharing sets in train a participatory process that involves not just women, but also men's domestic responsibilities, and links innovation in business policies and organisational systems with behaviours and organisational models found in families. The project will make it possible to draw up a series of factors that will contribute to the development of "a set of indicators in women- work relations in order to analyse, from a gender point of view, their employment participation and non-participation, with particular reference to atypical work, economic sectors and under-employment", as envisaged by the NAP.

Furthermore, it is interesting to underline that the aim of the DP is to place an observatory within the Naples Provincial government body and to run experiments involving "conciliation agents" in sectors that are strategic both to the labour-market feminisation process and to the local economy: training, credit, IT and major retail distribution for private services and the tertiary sector; and education, health and local and regional government for the public sector. As regards the industrial sector, where greater difficulties are envisaged in conducting the experiments, the project is focusing on one of the following sectors: engineering, agro-food, textiles and clothing.


Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Mainstreaming Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP aims to adopt an integrated strategy in order to promote new pathways of access and innovation in the field of work-life reconciliation.

233 Italia What works? Setting up a number of work-life reconciliation desks (as a physical location and as a website) that provide meeting points for information, training and counselling on reconciliation subjects, such as quality of life for men and women.

Training of a new professional profile, the "reconciliation expert".

Is what works transferable? ƒ The creation of reconciliation points providing a full set of reconciliation services open to the public and mainstreamed into enterprises and local authorities. ƒ The development of a new reconciliation culture. ƒ In a mainstreaming perspective, the DP intends to create a network of trained reconciliation experts, in order to establish a discussion group at the political level.

Why is it innovative? The innovation is absolute, as there in no similar facility in the city of Rome or in towns in the Province, where reconciliation concepts are unfamiliar. The features of this kind of innovation can be considered as: ƒ Covering a need for reconciliation culture and information that is not met by traditional employment-information services, through a thematic reconciliation point, as a step in mainstreaming reconciliation strategy; ƒ Creating a new professional profile that can act as a reference point for reconciliation matters in the organisation, as a member of a network created by the DP; his/her skills include legal issues, welfare matters, guidance, equal opportunities, etc.; ƒ Innovating the processes of work organisation and the role of the trade unions; ƒ Experimenting a broad conception of reconciliation services; ƒ Developing a system of quality indicators to be applied in some organisations and promoting a "family friendly" award for public and private bodies that follows reconciliation practices.


Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Creating an entrepreneurial culture Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The main objective of the DP is to improve women’s employment rate and conditions in terms of work/life reconciliation by setting up a network of cities/municipalities designed to: create a climate conducive to developing and enhancing female employment and disseminating an equal opportunities culture and gender mainstreaming; reduce the risk of segregation and exclusion from the labour market; promote family and person-friendly actions by experimenting innovative measures capable of enhancing local resources and achieving a balance in the allocation of family-related tasks between the two genders. The “network of cities” and the resource centres and local Equal Opportunities centres will make it possible to: enhance the local resources and socio-economic factors associated with each specific territory; and launch family/person-friendly actions within public services and public and private organisations.

What works? The network strategy. This is based on the creation/strengthening of local centres for Equal Opportunities, mainstreamed in each public authority. The centres are all networked, but their functions are related to local needs. In Pavia, the DP has created a Local Centre

234 Italia for Equal Opportunities with the following roles: networking by institutional actors and other key actors operating at the local level on equal opportunities; networking with other resource centres covered by the action; experimenting innovative Family-Friendly services to promote work-family reconciliation; monitoring and assessing the services set up; experimenting innovative Family-Friendly services in a Local Health Agency for disadvantaged groups; experimenting innovative reconciliation services in companies which work long hours and hire a high number of women; delivering training measures in the field of equal opportunities (on the regulatory framework, best practice, networks, etc.) and reconciliation services for a variety of employed women (trade unionists, businesswomen, teachers, etc.). In the case of Lodi, the DP has set up a Local Centre for Equal Opportunities in a branch office of the municipal authority, to deal with reconciliation- related issues and promote a culture of burden-sharing in households; set up a family- friendly desk within the Local Health Agency; experiment innovative information and matching services on reconciliation needs; and deliver training packages to operators and staff on equal opportunities and related issues. In Cremona, the DP has set up 3 Local Resource Centres (in Cremona, Crema and Casalmaggiore), whose tasks include: experimenting innovative reconciliation services; experimenting information services on legislative incentives in a number of companies; in-company kindergarten services and support for women returnees (after maternity leave). In Mantua, the DP has set up a Local Centre for Equal Opportunities, targeting female final beneficiaries. The services provided include cultural mediation for foreign women (information, guidance, technical advice, etc.) and measures designed to promote equitable burden sharing in households. It is currently testing a family-friendly desk within a large company in Mantua.

What doesn't work? Some mechanisms concerning decision-making processes: it can be difficult for a partnership composed of 20 members to obtain general agreement in a short timescale, and an equal commitment for each phase of the project.

Is what works transferable? Yes, because the experience can be reproduced by all public and private bodies. The strategy is based on the networking of local authorities sharing the same "mission" with respect to their own local priorities. It is a "flexible" model, based on empowerment and joint project design and is implemented using a variety of tools. In order to guarantee support and long-term sustainability for the DP, a protocol was signed in February 2003 by the Municipal Authority, a number of employers' associations and trade unions, and the local Commission for Equal Opportunities, to set up a working group to support the Equal Con-Tempo Project.

Why is it innovative? A number of entirely innovative features are envisaged with respect to the provision of new family-friendly services which are not currently available. The innovation is relative with respect to those actions designed to upgrade existing services or deliver training actions to modify the prevailing entrepreneurial culture. Moreover, it is a "case study" of how local authorities can be inserted in networks and address common family-friendly policies in order to build a better society in terms of quality of life for men and women.


Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Tailoring business services to real needs Territorial approaches Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The problem in this case is the combination of active and passive discrimination encountered by women in attempting to enter, remain and grow in the labour market. The project was based in the Turin Municipality. The aim of the DP was to support the

235 Italia presence of women in the world of work by experimenting innovative personal services and responding to the real needs of users, and through new models of work organisation.

What works? The starting point for the DP is to identify women's needs in terms of services and existing models of work organisation. The project includes diverse activities: a survey of the state of the art and the compilation of available surveys of neighbourhood service needs; and surveys of work-organisation models and practices within enterprises. These two activities involve the production of background sheets outlining experiments and studies on: needs that emerged for neighbourhood services; time management by individuals and families; relationship between work organisation in enterprises and the organisation of personal time.

A first draft of the findings is available for the survey on the demand for services for working women in the metropolitan district and the survey on the position of enterprises with respect to the issues of work-life reconciliation and equal opportunities. These are based on an analysis of individual company situations, conducted through qualitative interviews (grids were drawn up for submission to corporate managers and in particular to human-resource managers and to women). The choice of enterprises to include was based in part on the contribution made by representatives of the business community. The panel of enterprises includes 7 cooperatives, 4 medium-sized enterprises, 5 craft firms and 3 large companies.

Along with this study, the project also envisaged the collection of information from enterprises providing in-house nurseries, such as 'Martini e Rossi', in order to gain an understanding of the mechanisms and funding involved in reconciliation structures. The DP would be interested in investigating the reconciliation needs of women on shift work in hyper-markets, who have to rely on "standard" reconciliation services. The design and experimentation of alternative services is the next step. The activities linked to these objectives are: the mapping of the services requested at the local level; the identification of services and related feasibility studies; the creation of the professional profiles needed to introduce the services; the involvement of enterprises in the analysis of new organisational formats. The experiments should keep pace with the testing of training pathways for the professional profiles involved in delivering the services and of innovative forms of work organisation.

What doesn't work? The project was affected by delays at the start-up stage in terms of partnership management and difficulties in creating contacts with the business community. These problems led to the development of a language that more closely matched that of the business world. The initial difficulties also led to the production of a communication vademecum, which contains a section on reporting and provides the basic guidelines for each partner.

Is what works transferable? Potentially, yes, since it can draw on a very variegated DP made up of 22 partners that include local actors operating in social programming and service design. The transferability of the model depends on the degree of innovation actually involved in the services currently being designed.

Why is it innovative? The project has a number of innovative aspects, starting with the approach that gave rise to the title "From Woman to Woman": the activation of synergies between different forms of disadvantage; the difficulties encountered by working women in reconciling working and personal life, which combine with the needs of other women, who might be employed in the service sector. The innovative features are also relative to the context, since the aim of the DP is to provide a response to reconciliation needs that are not covered by the existing

236 Italia local structures or by the enhancement or improvement of existing ones, in the light of the diversification of supply.


Gender mainstreaming Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Gender

Other: Social exclusion

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Severe decline in the district of Enziteto in terms of living conditions and residential environment, with related socio-cultural, relational and employment problems. The DP's objective is to overcome socio-cultural and employment discrimination against women through a system for rehabilitation and actions at the local level to help women recover their socio-cultural role and provide instruments for them to enter the labour market. The Enziteto district was created in 1983 as an avant-garde area between the city and the airport and as such has won an international architectural award. However, Enziteto never managed to become "liveable". The big covered market was never opened and was soon reduced to an area for the recycling and storage of stolen cars. The well-designed secondary school with its own theatre was abandoned and stripped of all its furnishings. The premises initially designed as shops and services have been taken over by unauthorised users. There is no supermarket, hospital casualty department, or other essential services. There is only one bus connection with Bari. Drug dealing is common, as are recycling of stolen goods, violence and shootings. In view of its objectives the DP identified three lines of action: a) recovery of social spaces in Enziteto. The Municipal Authority had created a number of meeting and community places which were never put to use and are now in a state of utter neglect. Some are unusable since the basic facilities do not work. Others have been taken over by unauthorised users, who live in them. Many of the fittings have been stolen or destroyed. One aim of the project is to restore at least some of these premises, which can then be used as meeting places, for socio-cultural events, and if possible also as workplaces. To do so, the project opted to encourage action by women since they are considered to have a greater need to recover their identity and establish roots in the territory. Women will therefore be engaged in the recovery of these spaces and will then benefit from the opportunities they provide. b) the reconstruction of a socio-cultural identity. After the recovery of the premises, initiatives are envisaged involving guidance, self-empowerment and skill balance for a significant number of women in the district to enable them to recover their desire, interest and willingness to create a new mode of existence in Enziteto. During this part of the project, actions will be adopted to enable the women to equip themselves with the technical- vocational means to manage the spaces recovered and to enter employment, both by learning how to seek work and by training to achieve optimum levels in basic and transversal skills to facilitate a new, diverse approach to the labour market.

What works? The approach to disadvantage based on a strategy for the progressive integration with the target starting with meetings, publicising initiatives, the collection of life "histories", films on the perception of daily life, and personal autonomy, including externally to the Enziteto context. This strategy envisages a permanent guidance "gateway", the evaluation of gender-issue expertise and job clubs. The aim is to create a system of guidance and training initiatives for women in Enziteto who have passed through the reception "gateway" to enable a significant number of residents to draw up tailor-made projects and develop skills and instruments to help them enter employment. The progressive expansion of the activities demonstrates the growing need by users. The following initiatives have been implemented: meetings with women (one per week); distribution of guidance sheets; creation of the “Io Donna… la Mia Opportunità… il Mio Quartiere” ("Me, a woman - my opportunity - my district") pathway; job-club project. Job clubs are IT-equipped structures

237 Italia for self-placement, for use by those with the appropriate pro-active ability. The job clubs take the form of a room equipped with Internet, a phone, a photocopier and newspapers, in which women carry out their job-search under the supervision of a tutor who accompanies them to the PES, helps them draw up a CV, etc. Guidance/training initiatives are always flanked by basic information on legal, medical etc. issues, for which the DP calls in the appropriate professionals as required. These actions are accompanied by "getting out" of the local environment through work experience in enterprises; training courses; and training for teleworking in secretarial services and corporate-communication sectors. The next stage envisages training in the running of cooperatives; a stay abroad for trainees, with the other partner organisations; the creation of two cooperatives. Since the district is in a state of severe decline, the operators involved are persons who have chosen to stay there together with the women who wish to "escape" from these conditions of disadvantage. Some women have problems that cannot be addressed solely through the programmes of the project. The DP has therefore set up support and mutual assistance networks in collaboration with local public and private formal and informal agencies. Transversal initiatives had to be undertaken, such as "Io donna" and "Lumaca Sprint". 1) “Io Donna… la Mia Opportunità… il Mio Quartiere”. During the meetings a number of "games" were organised through which participants were able to get to know each other, exchange experiences, and tell their stories and recount their fears. One feature that emerged for all the women was the importance of belonging to a group, expressed through thoughts, poetry, and drawings which reflect their difficult living conditions and the prospects opened up by the project. 2) LUMACA SPRINT is the definition thought up by the group itself, and indicates the need to build up a tailor-made project that respects the time requirements of each member. Hence, "slowing down" to enable those who are lagging behind to catch up and at the same time increase their personal growth potential by exchanging experiences and resources with other members of the group. LUMACA NEWS is the "newspaper" produced by and for the women. This stage in the project was significant because when the women were asked to talk about their district each expressed their own regrets, fears, and pain, speaking of themselves and their own experiences. The women of Enziteto have asked for a theatrical course to be set up for them to recount the story of the project; this is in the pipeline.

What doesn't work? The local public actors do not seem to realise the scope of the project and the Bari Municipal Authorities in particular are not carrying out their task in terms of freeing up the abandoned premises to enable the women of Enziteto to adapt them as social spaces and premises for the fledgling cooperatives.

Is what works transferable? Leaving aside the specific features of the Enziteto context, the actions addressing the socio-cultural rehabilitation of individuals and integration can be applied to different areas experiencing social decline.

Why is it innovative? The added value of this project lies not just in its territorial impact, but also in all those "unreportable" elements such as the development of the network of disadvantaged people, the introduction of mechanisms for the enhancement of self-esteem, the development of thoughts, ideas and planning capacity for a future which before the project the women themselves described as "black". The innovative element thus far has been the realisation of a meeting place within a disadvantaged environment. This has enabled the women to mobilise their resources and to perceive the opportunity of real change through the project.


Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming

238 Italia Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Gender discrimination, in terms of job access and retention and career progress, as observed in the construction sector in general and in the working environment of building sites, in particular.

What works?

The promotion of the CAP 'Centro di Azioni di Parità delle Costruzioni' (Centre for Equality Actions in the Construction Sector), the role of which is not just to act as a permanent Observatory with respect to the discrimination problems that can be observed in the sector, but also to promote opportunities for reflection in the light of mainstreaming at the local and transnational levels.

Is what works transferable? Social-mediation activity through the promotion of actions to counter gender discrimination, where the main problems concern the involvement of structures and persons in following a concrete and realistic gender-based approach. The CAP model could also be adopted in other economic sectors in order to observe the causes of discrimination in the context/sector and to seek solutions to the problems that have emerged.

Why is it innovative? The project is innovative in terms of processes since, with the creation of the "gateways" and the Centre for Equality Actions (CAP), various regional bodies will be placed in a network situation and will in turn be delivering differentiated consultancy services. In terms of context, the innovative feature lies in the destructured and strictly male sector concerned, the building site as a place of "work denied" but with potential for the development of human resources operating also in other production units, such as technical offices, professional practices, central or local government offices, construction firms and housing cooperatives.


Empowerment Transnational co-operation Racial or ethnic origin Gender

Other: Sexual trade

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The presence of prostitution and trafficking and the difficulty of designing and implementing social- and occupational-integration processes for women who have escaped from prostitution. With these considerations in mind, the DP intends to improve and develop models for action to address the "trafficking" in order to provide these women with real options for autonomy through appropriate social- and occupational-integration measures. The 'Strada' Project complements the 'Sally' Project, approved pursuant to Art. 18 of Legislative Decree 286/1998, which envisages the granting of a special residence permit (for social-protection reasons) to enable non-EU women to escape from the violence inflicted by criminal organisations and to take part in an assistance and social-integration programme. The necessary conditions are the existence of: situations of violence or grave exploitation; real danger of harm as a result of attempts to escape from the power of criminal organisations or of declarations made in criminal proceedings. These conditions must be verified during police investigations or proceedings for certain crimes (Art. 380 of Criminal Code and Law 75/1958) or in the context of assistance provided by the social services.

239 Italia What works? The value of this project lies in the model proposed, which is composed of: investigations on prostitution (on the streets and "underground"); the creation of support structures; assistance actions and the reception and tutoring of beneficiaries towards autonomy; vocational guidance, on-the-job practical training and job placement. More specifically, the project includes: 1) a drop-in centre for: guidance on how to leave prostitution and enter the job-insertion programmes provided by the 'Strada' Project; health information; measures to help and educate women in accessing health services; legal advice and assistance; psychological support provided on an individual and group basis; meeting place for socialisation activities; events for target groups (thematic meetings on health, rights, nutrition, access to services, etc); observation and monitoring; the creation of a database and IT system to record and process data on users of the drop-in and assistance services. The professional profiles working in the drop-in centres are: one guidance operator, one cultural mediator, three "front-desk" operators, one sociologist, and one legal advisor, all of them members of the DP. The drop-in centre is the second stage in the pathway after the initial contact "on the streets". The structure takes account from the outset of the needs of the target group and its location in the city-centre makes it more "anonymous" and less easily labelled than if it were in an outlying district. 2) The objective of the reception stage is to initiate a programme of social, cultural and vocational guidance for the target group. The programme lasts for 6 months, for a total of 288 hours, and envisages a series of initiatives such as: literacy and basic-education courses; city- familiarisation project; motivational workshops. The expected results are intended to provide new knowledge and operational ability; encourage greater autonomy; an awareness of the value of legality; and an understanding of how to interact with the institutions. The beneficiaries are given an hourly allowance while funding for food and accommodation is handled directly by one of the partners, in the case of beneficiaries lodging in one of the structures of the association; or by distributing food vouchers and refunding expenses for the others. This stage of the project also envisages the experimentation of alternative models of action, such as reception with families, which will be set up by working on the local community and creating a network of families willing to take in beneficiaries. The project also envisages non-residential local assistance initiatives in the presence of significant, positive relational networks for women who have escaped from prostitution. Other initiatives are the creation of residential structures in which the women can run their lives independently during the transition from initial residential reception to full working and residential autonomy, with the presence (at a distance) of operators to provide support if necessary. 3) Tutoring for job insertion. This stage envisages individual and group guidance; support for direct placement; the involvement of key local actors. In-company training initiatives provide the women with an opportunity to measures themselves against a "normal" work environment with the aim of acquiring the necessary skills and behaviours to enter the world of work. This stage is naturally addressed not to girls contacted on the streets but to those who have already completed the previous stages. Another objective of stage 3) is to develop a database with the names of enterprises willing to consider employing women from this target group. Job placement is conducted through agreements with enterprises who undertake to "provide the beneficiaries with an in-house tutor" and "once the satisfactory outcome of the practical training initiative has been verified with the Provincial Authorities of Pisa, to evaluate the opportunity of employing the beneficiary". The enterprises involved in the job-placement initiative do not incur any social-insurance costs; in exchange for this support the enterprise invests in a potential future employee. In identifying enterprises and raising awareness of them to the initiative, a key role is played by trade associations such as the CNA, Legacoop, etc. The placements last 3-5 months, with the possibility of extending to 6 months on a part-time basis. The placement team is composed of: one intermediation tutor who tutors the beneficiary and agrees her hours and holidays, etc; one guidance operator, who has already worked with the woman and is able to evaluate her suitability for work experience and whether she has assimilated sufficient "normality" in her mode of dress, behaviour, etc; one in-house tutor, the company employee who will tutor the woman in a non-intrusive fashion and take note of any problems in her relations with other employees. The job insertion takes place in small enterprises, where it is easier to establish a friendly environment and take action in terms of inter-personal relations. Social integration is ensured by the fact that the women receive their pay, provided by the project, on the days and following the same procedures as their "colleagues" in the enterprise.

240 Italia Is what works transferable? Yes, since it is a general model for action that addresses a problem which has no specific local connotations and affects the female condition tout court.

Why is it innovative? Because it completes the national legislative framework by providing a model for public and private action and presents approaches that are not repressive or “curative” but promotional and designed to ensure the effective autonomy of the women involved. It also devotes sufficient attention in the design and delivery of the services to the type of women involved and to their origins and nationality. To this end, the double transnational partnership has set up a working group on the framework decision on trafficking approved on 18 July 2002 by the Council of the European Union and on the related Council Directive, no. 43/2002, with respect to which the DP intends to develop a common lobbying strategy.


Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The general objective is “to oppose segregation mechanisms in Prato in relation to the labour market, family life and life-long learning; the testing and promotion of innovative policies; the collective management of work and family life”. The DP aims to: favour work/life reconciliation through an equal distribution of family duties. In particular, it seeks to promote the presence of men in family duties in order to improve women opportunities to enter the labour market; to remove the barriers which obstruct women’s career advancement; and to allow women to complete lifelong learning programmes. All these objectives will be achieved thanks to a set of tools and services planned at the local level. The core of the strategy is the setting-up of a “laboratorio del tempo” (time lab) as a physical place to develop ideas, projects and initiatives in terms of equal opportunities, reconciliation and new time policies

What works? The project is composed of various elements. These include:1) a skill bank – experimentation of a new model of skill bank in the Municipality of Prato (gender-based database for HR management). It can be considered as a pilot project to address the new gender-related public policies in terms of human resources and career paths; 2) the creation of a new professional profile, the "time manager", in the Macrolotto area, working in the field of time-policies and time-tools. This is an industrial district in which each enterprise develops one part of the whole product. There are no neighbourhood services for people working there, whose time is completelly devoted to the industrial process; 3) the 'Laboratorio del Tempo' is a friendly space for citizens in which they can find professional profiles who take care of their needs. As a physical space, it offers different kinds of services (an Internet point, an information point, a counselling space, a research corner, entertainment areas for small children, spaces for training and expositions, a “dramaturgic area”), and guidance, information and counselling on work-life reconciliation issues. Examples of the activities are: gender-oriented training, classroom or distance learning, especially in the field of new technologies; practical training on “home-making” tools; and courses in order to overcome the fears that commonly affect women's relationships with technology; the “male home-maker” – training in the equal sharing of care responsibilities for the male citizens of Prato, in an appropriate language supported by a communication campaign.

241 Italia Is what works transferable?

Yes. The 'Laboratorio' is a model that can be applied in different contexts

Why is it innovative? The innovation of this project is related to the local dimension, according to which the 'Laboratorio' will become a “key facility” for ordinary life. The innovation can also be found in the strategic role that this facility has taken in the field of equal opportunities and reconciliation issues. As a permanent observatory on these issues, it can carry out initiatives, projects and surveys that involve all the key issues for men and women, from discrimination in the predominant sector (i.e textiles) to the setting-up of new reconciliation services and so on.


Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Empowerment Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP objectives include: reducing women’s occupational segregation in the territory concerned• activating local communities on Equal Ops issues; designing innovative actions for enterprises and persons to facilitate the social and occupational integration of potentially discriminated women. In short, the DP is creating a territorial approach based on equal-opportunity policies. The overall project strategy is based on the following elements: creation of a permanent territorial system for Gender Equality in the labour market; setting up of a network of Women's Resource Centres: the Provincial Resource Centre and local territorial centres; supporting the system of women-led Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.,

The model for the creation of resources centres works well. These are territorial reference points for gender issues, which complement rather than replace the public employment services. The centres deliver new information, counselling and guidance services for women in the world of work. The model envisages a second-level centre, with coordination functions and a local network, which meets the needs of the territory. These resource centres are networked with thematic offices or desks, run mainly by the trade unions. The common matrix for all the resource centres regards: information on 'equal opportunities' legislation; European and national funding and calls for proposals; information (and assistance) with other services in the territory; guidance for training; guidance/assistance with job-seeking; business start-up support; cultural activities and awareness-raising initiatives; creation of networks with other actors, institutional and otherwise. The women's resource centre in the province of Venice deals with: training, coordination of the network of resource centres and thematic "desks" and support for the design and implementation of their activities; the construction of a local network for equal opportunities; communication and awareness-raising initiatives at the local level.

In physical terms, the centre already existed but is now being revamped and provided with these new responsibilities. The local women's resource centres provide training courses, active support for entrepreneurship and job-seeking, individual psychological counselling, and awareness-raising initiatives. Other initiatives are conferences and seminars on gender differences, mindsets and stereotypes; the promotion of an 'equal opportunities' culture in company organisations; awareness-raising in secondary schools in order to reach the younger target group, etc. The thematic "desks" deal with raising the awareness (conferences and handbooks) on women's entrepreneurship, transnational partnerships between enterprises run by Italian and European women; assistance with the creation of women's cooperatives; mapping and encouragement of new childcare services; a telephone "compass" for the Net; cross-category mainstreaming of equal opportunities in

242 Italia all women's coordination groups; enhancement of knowledge and information on laws and services for children existing in the territory (UIL).

Is what works transferable? The model is transferable, to the extent that Italy has experimented it and continues to do so, in collaboration with Sweden, its transnational partner. The TCA includes a well- established Swedish resource centre that is jointly run by the public and private sectors and is an actor in the coordination process at the local and national levels. A national federation of resource centres has existed for some time in Sweden. The other transnational partner, Austria, is also working to set up an intermediate-level resource centre. in this light, the partnership in which the DP is involved has set up a platform for gender-equality actions (www.http://www.gender-platform.net).

Why is it innovative? The DP is made up of 19 partners that include local authorities, trade unions, local health authorities, structures with sound experience in equal opportunities, and private organisations. The innovative aspect of the project lies in its context, since it provides for the networking of existing structures and an injection of greater vitality through enhanced skill complementarity. The project creates new services that previously did not exist; it is process-related since alongside the structures it also creates a network linking public and private local actors on the basis of the provision of a series of planned services that complement the employment services. In this respect the non-duplication of supply is one of the strengths of the project design.


Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Territorial approaches Racial or ethnic origin Religion and belief

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This action addresses the problem of the integration of asylum seekers in Italy from two points of view: that of secondary reception and accommodation and that of social and occupational integration. Housing on the one hand, and training and employment on the other, are the key factors in the failure thus far of this target group to achieve integration.

The problem naturally links to other factors of inequality, both subjective (lack of familiarity with the destination country and poor knowledge in civil society of the status of the asylum seeker) and objective, foremost of which is the lack of a systematic law on the right of asylum in Italy (the only EU country in which this is the case).

What works? The model of local coordination seems to be working well: all the Municipalities Authorities have set up local tables and more than three-quarters of them have drawn up integration policies for: ƒ Asylum seekers and refugees present in the territory, through housing and job- insertion pathways, some of them innovative; ƒ Reception centres in the territory, which facilitate pathways for insertion and the dialogue between the centres and the local community; ƒ Coordination between associations and asylum-policy actors in Italy through a system of dialogue, planning and national coordination; ƒ The integration of national policy on asylum and immigration with social policies and local administrations; ƒ Integration by local services and their coordination at the central level, encouraging mobility and the vertical exchange of skills, knowledge and solutions by the different territories;

243 Italia ƒ The public services: encouraging the sharing of responsibility with the third sector and other elements of civil society such as the business community or the managers of housing resources in towns and cities; In this respect, the project is a "case for study" with respect to the role of Equal as a means of capacity building.

What doesn't work? The weakest aspects of the project are transversal and concern project-related communication activities: a) external; b) internal; c) institutional and d) transnational: a) Delay in external communication and awareness-raising activities. National press conference and launch of local projects not still implemented. Website not yet activated, weakness of the overall communication strategy and failure to capitalise on the partner network in terms of far-reaching communication impact. b) Low degree of horizontal transmission of project-design experience by Municipal Authorities (failure to disseminate information, share FAQs, draw up standardised circulars, etc) c) Poor institutional communication with institutional reference contacts of the project (Ministry of Labour) d) In spite of the overall effectiveness of the transnational activities, a degree of difficulty is encountered in linking transnational activities to the project activities, especially in terms of timing and schedule.

Is what works transferable? Notwithstanding the long and complex start-up and internal organisation stages, the degree of transferability of the model is already clear: various administrations external to the DP have asked to draw on the "integrated model" inspired by the principle of a welfare community.

The ultimate objective of mainstreaming is to transfer the models for social and occupational reception and integration and to other territories and possibly to other types of user (immigrants in primis).

Why is it innovative? With respect to processes, the innovation lies in the model of participatory project design and local coordination through the adoption of common guidelines: this practice is entirely new with respect to the administrative approaches commonly adopted in local authorities.

Another innovative feature is the way in which asylum seekers are perceived and treated. They are considered as persons eligible for a variety of new innovative services (the database makes it possible to build up a skill balance and therefore to draw up applicants' CVs in a systematic fashion).

Overall, the innovation lies in the local involvement processes set in motion at various levels - national and local - the final objective of which is to fully implement the results of the PNA (National Asylum Programme) and create new models of social-accommodation and social and occupational integration that can be transferred to different contexts and user categories.


Family support – Care and service provision Partnership creation and management Gender


What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Le projet a deux visées principales: ƒ La création de structures flexibles de garde de la petite enfance, permettant à des personnes de faire garder leurs enfants et d'accéder ainsi au marché du travail. ƒ L'emploi dans ces structures de garde de personnes rentrantes, non qualifiées, en leur proposant des formations et par conséquent une chance d'intégrer le marché du travail et de développer leurs capacités.

What works? Huit partenaires se sont regroupés pour développer FOGAflex: ƒ les partenaires publics nationaux : l’Administration de l’Emploi (ADEM), l’Institut d’Études Éducatives et Sociales (IEES) dépendant du Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, le Ministère de la Famille et le Service de la Formation Professionnelle du Ministère de l’Education Nationale et ƒ des associations sans but lucratif : AFP-Services asbl, la Confédération Caritas Luxembourg asbl, le Forum pour l’Emploi asbl et ProActif asbl. Les résultats obtenus dans la conception du projet sont : ƒ la constitution d’un réseau efficace de partenaires publics et privés – tant au niveau du partenariat de développement que des groupes de travail d’experts – de tous bords et de tous horizons créant ainsi une richesse pour le projet lui-même, ƒ la constitution d’un mode d’organisation – partenariat de développement, groupes de travail d’experts, bureau de coordination, chargée du réseau sur le terrain - qui s’est avéré être efficace tout au long de l’année, ƒ la sensibilisation des partenaires et des personnes impliquées de près ou de loin dans le projet aux problématiques de ce dernier. ƒ une fréquence importante de rencontre sans entraîner de problèmes logistiques. ƒ un véritable « forum de discussion » entre les membres du secteur socio-éducatif luxembourgeois. FOGAflex constitue une occasion de se retrouver autour d’une table pour échanger, ces échanges se sont déroulés tant sur un plan horizontal que vertical : il y a eu discussions autant au sein même des ministères et des organisations partenaires du projet qu’entre les ministères et ces organisations. ƒ la formation dessinée à la fin de l’année 2002 qui est une nouvelle formation inédite pour des personnes rentrantes travaillant dans les crèches FOGAflex mais aussi pour des assistantes maternelles dont c’est la première initiative de formation qualifiante de ce type (modularité, VAE, Lifelong Learning). ƒ l'augmentation de la qualité de la garde d’enfants en offrant une formation aux assistantes maternelles et en mettant en relation les différentes offres du secteur. ƒ l’idée d’un véritable réseau de garde: il s’agit de mettre en réseau non uniquement les crèches mais toutes formes de garde d’enfants, créant ainsi un réseau capable de répondre à toute demande exprimée par les parents.

Why is it innovative? FOGAflex a créé un véritable modèle de partenariat public–privé.

245 Luxembourg NEDERLAND

1. VRIJBAAN - EQA/0026

Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Gender mainstreaming Empowerment Transnational co-operation Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Professionals play a main role in the reintegration process of people with a work disability. The role of the person with the work disability is generally a passive one. There is a move to make this group of people more responsible for their own reintegration process. But this presupposes that they are able to make considered choices. This project aims to reinforce their ability to take charge.

What works? The research phase of the project is now completed. These activities have resulted in a new and more comprehensive understanding of the role of people with a work disability in the reintegration process. This new perspective forms the basis for the development of instruments, training modules and recommendations, including policy recommendations.

What doesn't work? It is still too early in the project period to indicate what doesn't work.

Is what works transferable? One of the aims of the project is to arrive at a final report containing conclusions and recommendation for further implementation in the wider work integration scene: application in respect of multiple target groups. In addition, applicability of the concepts and instruments developed will also be tested in relation to the target group 'women with the least prospects of entering the jobs market', in cooperation with an Austrian EQUAL project. Finally, the applicability of the instruments will be tested for a wider target group with the Finnish transnational partner and for the same target group (people with disabilities) with the Belgian and Czech partner.

Why is it innovative? The reintegration policy (in the Netherlands) is generally supply-led. This project conducts innovative comprehensive research and develops new instruments and training modules. The research will provide a more comprehensive picture of the personal and environmental factors which prevent people with a work disability to operate independently in the jobs market. The so-called 'empowerment test' and the training modules will help render the reintegration policy more demand-oriented: the empowerment profile of individuals with a work disability can be determined and their ability to take responsibility for themselves enhanced. Efficiency and effectiveness of the reintegration plans will increase.


Diversity management Gender mainstreaming Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Empowerment Sexual orientation

246 Nederland What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project is aimed at the position of teachers and non-teaching staff. There are currently convincing signs that the social climate in schools is less tolerant in relation to homosexuality than was perhaps supposed. The victims comprise pupils as well as teachers. Lesbian, bisexual and homosexual teachers find it difficult to identify with their sexual preference in their work environment. Discrimination plays an important role in this.

What works? The research phase of the project is now completed. It has resulted in a scientific report and a folder aimed at the general public which discusses experiences at work and the health of homosexual and bisexual men and women in education. The research results, which attracted much attention from the press, were presented to the Minister for Education, Culture and Science on 25 September of this year. In addition to the insights gained, we have generated awareness about the position of lesbigay teachers, including the need for a new policy, amongst the parties involved.

What doesn't work? It is still too early in the project to identify what has not worked. It has proved difficult in practice to find respondents and/or participants in the project. The schools inspectorate plans to conduct a schools survey on the issue of homosexuality and bisexuality and safety in the near future, which may increase the willingness to participate.

Is what works transferable? One of the objectives of the project is to adapt existing protocols, which offer a guideline for the creation of a safe working environment in education, in such a way that they also offer better possibilities for improving the situation of lesbigay teachers. Insights gained from the study will allow for an improvement in these protocols, which will be suitable for use in schools in the Netherlands at a later stage. A folder for the general public suitable for use in Europe will be developed by the transnational partnership.

Why is it innovative? The safety of homosexual, bisexual and lesbian teachers is a problem which frequently goes unacknowledged to the extent that hardly any research is conducted in Europe. It is clear, however, that the situation of homosexual and lesbian teachers in many countries leaves much to be desired. In the Netherlands, the state is responsible for ensuring that teaching is done effectively, and also for providing the basic conditions for a good working atmosphere in education. The initiators of the project suspect that lesbigay teachers suffer from higher stress levels, that they are more often absent on sick leave or are unable to work for longer periods, and that they are not adequately protected by the school management. COC aims to increase knowledge about these problems in consultation with e.g. the schools inspectorate, and to provide a practical interpretation of government policy in this area.


Validation of learning Gender mainstreaming Making start up finance more accessible Empowerment Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project goal is in short to improve services to starters with a disadvantaged position. Research in the region Arnhem Nijmegen has shown that it is very difficult for women, ethnic minorities and long-term unemployed people to start up their own company due to

247 Nederland among other things lack of skills and start up finance and discrimination. By creating opportunities for this group of people and give them the chance to start up their own company they will participate in the society what will improve their self- esteem and social life.

What works? To achieve the goals of the project 12 smaller projects were set up. The projects are presented as a coherent program and the target groups and advisers are very positive about this. The project comes down to three main activities: services for target groups, studies and training of advisors. The project offers intensive individual or collective coaching and advise. The recruitment of participants turns out very well, there are even waiting-lists.

All important parties of the project have participated in the round-table conference. This conference has effected good cooperation between all parties.

Is what works transferable? Yes, if the project turns out to be successful, the project can be transferred to other regions/provinces. It will form the basis of a new provincial policy in reference to creating opportunities to start up companies.

From the beginning of the project the organizations involved are informed about the progress and results of the project.

Why is it innovative? It is a process orientated innovation. It is a new combination of activities (the expert on innovation rated this project high). The project has stated the innovative element of the project on each activity.


Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Standards for support services for the social enterprise Mainstreaming Networking Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? In spite of the economic growth an analysis has shown that the number of long unemployed is still increasing relatively. For a large group of people looking for employment it is difficult to find their way to the labour market. These people have several problems and often a combination of problems such as psychological social problems, lack of education and/or work experience and lack of command of the language. The regular labour market is not able to create employment for these people sufficiently and the re- integration market also offers hardly any solutions. The Tertiary sector is not developed enough professionally. The aim of the project is to enlarge the social economy, develop new methods and disseminate on regular employers and decision-makers.

What works? The project consists of several subprojects. In Haarlem a existing circular course shop has been transformed into a social firm where long unemployed and people with a handicap can work for wages. 10 particpants work for wages in this shop and this is as intended. Subproject 3 is the establishment of Garage "De Koppeling". It concerned a new sort of work and had a large attraction. Participants applied spontaneously and there even was a waiting-list. This garage was a succes but unfortunately due to a fire the garage is not working any more at the moment. The new method Direct Acces To work works very well.

248 Nederland Participants at the training are approached as employee. This method has clearly improved the flow of participants.

What doesn't work? It is too early in this phase of the project to give a statement about what does not work. However the cooperation between the municipalities and the UWV does not work well as foresee in the application.

Is what works transferable? Yes, it is transferable. The aim of the project is to promote the development of transferable methods of dealing with people of the target group in a direct work relation. It is also the aim to develop a method which allows the promoting of recycling -activity or employment in the tertiary sector within other municipalities. Transferring knowledge and experience in the regular part of the job market will lead to enlargement of the opportunity to allow people of the target group to obtain regular work.

Why is it innovative? The project includes the direct influx to work of people with a great distance to the job market. Primarily this takes place in the tertiary sector. Included is dissemination of the results and insights of the handling of work situation, while having handicaps or obstruction. This dissimination is aimed at the primary job market, as it is this job market that is insufficiently used to operate in a new manner as is now being tested in the tertiary sector, be it on a modest scale. Involving regular employers and the dissemination of the results directly to this sector is new.


Convincing and involving Social partners Partnership creation and management Mainstreaming Networking

Other: modified schooling programmes for prisoners and ex-prisoners to gain an initial qualification aangepaste scholingsprogramma's voor (ex) gedetineerden voor het behalen van de startkwalificatie

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The development partnership was created to ameliorate the difficulties offenders face regarding education and training (and the associated opportunities to gain a qualification), social integration and access to the job market. The OP aims to link the areas of education, social integration and the job market into an integral system, in order to remove obstacles in the participants' career paths.

What works? Eight qualifying learning trajectories have been developed. The Regional Training Centres (ROCs) now provide training in the Penitential Institutions on the basis of these eight learning trajectories. More than 600 offenders currently participate in the project. The provision of the training by the Regional Training Centres in the Penitentiary Institutions is going well. Some offenders have now been released and the challenge for ROC is to ensure that opportunities are available for participants to continue their training until qualified. This has been reasonably successful so far.

What doesn't work? Empowerment of the target group was supposed to be realised through a client council. But the Penitentiary Institutions do not want prisoners to form an association. It is therefore likely that this part of the project will not be realised. Fortunately, the development partnership includes an interest group which allows for the empowerment of the target

249 Nederland group to be realised within the project in a different way. The "Delinquency and Society" interest group is run by ex-prisoners and aims to remove prejudices amongst employers, and to support ex-prisoners in finding work.

Is what works transferable? Yes, it is transferable. We are doing everything we can in the project during the project period to create consortiums, so that other Regional Training Centres (ROCs) and Penitentiary Institutions (PIs) will join the project. The Ministry of Justice also participates in the development partnership, with the aim of bringing the prison system more into line in relation to training and guidance opportunities for prisoners.

Eight learning trajectories have been developed which are transferable to other ROCs in the Netherlands and can also be delivered in other institutions (PIs). Training courses are also available for ROC teachers to help them deal with the target group. Any PIs and ROC who do not participate in the development partnership are informed in good time of the methods used in the project, as well as of the results, including intermediate results. Concrete products such as learning trajectories and student tracking systems will be disseminated proactively amongst those involved. For instance, we are trying to generate enthusiasm for the objectives of the project amongst PIs and ROCs throughout the Netherlands, and to make these organisations come up with ideas as to how they themselves could contribute to the realisation of the mainstreaming of the project's objectives.

Why is it innovative? The project is innovative in that it offers offenders a comprehensive bespoke trajectory starting with training and ending with a job which starts during their time in prison and continues after their release, using IT and educational television amongst other things.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Validation of learning Accreditation Older worker Intergeneration learning Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Empowerment Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Employers, organisations for education and employment services are focussing on professional experience and formal qualifications. Therefore, competencies acquired by candidates through non formal and informal learning (such as their working life or hobbies) are not considerated. The method and system of EVC (RPL - recognition of prior learning) can be a tremendous impulse to put the candidate in the centre of the process and to use his or her competencies as a really individual starting point. The National Knowledge centre EVC however is focussing on methods and systems developed within branches and sectors of the labour market. Therefore a realistic possibility to use EVC for guidance to work is still absent. Neither is clear how individual competencies can be researched when the candidate cannot point out a certain professional direction. Also, a harsh focus exists on disadvantages and shortcomings of individuals. People are classified in "distance to the labour market" (in time), percentages of disabilities are calculated etcetera. Therefore, the overall system does not emphasise the competencies or the physical possibilities of the individual.

250 Nederland What works? In virtually every sector there is the possibility to have at least a subset of competencies analysed, recognised and formally validated, mostly by use of a portfolio, an administrative check and if felt necessary an assessment. The awareness of organisations that former professions and formal qualification do not give a very accurate overview of the possibilities of an individual is growing rapidly. Also organisations start to realise that, by the use of a system focussing on the competencies of an individual, there is no reason anymore to differ between traditional target groups like refugees, women returnees, immigrants, partially disabled etcetera. After all, the actual capabilities of the individual should be the leading factor in designing a path towards employment and lifelong learning, not the fact that someone was born in a foreign country or did raise children. Furthermore the department of Social Affairs and Employability, the national centre for Employment and the communities agreed that the way unemployed are classified will be changed in the next few months. A system for classifying people according to their possibilities has been worked out and will be tested in the end of 2003.

What doesn't work? ƒ Most of "what doesn't work" for the target groups can be deduced form the answer of the first question. An individual approach still does not work because of the lack of a general method for EVC where a connection to a branch or sector is not required. In addition, the traditional way of working with unemployed in general is strongly focused on the several problems people encounter, instead of their possibilities. Dutch legislation is also describing the facts putting or keeping people out of a job or otherwise active life instead of a focus on their competencies, although that is changing rapidly.

ƒ Within the DP the timeline does not seem to work. Because of the strong focus on their daily work and the strong existing tradition with focus on peoples distance to the labour market, even more time than anticipated is necessary to get the possibilities of the individual in the centre of the approach. That is a crucial factor to develop methods and working processes where the guidelines are build on the individual competencies.

Is what works transferable? Transferability is mainly an issue of context. Transfer of "what works" on a European level is possible where thoughts, guidelines and crucial factors of procedures are concerned. The way solutions are implemented will of course not be transferable because of the different context of the Member States, both legal, cultural and organisational.

The partnership consists of most crucial central or national organisations concerned with employment, particularly the employment office, the communities, social partners and bodies representing target groups like the refugee council. On a national level, the project is focussing on solutions were implementation is mainly done on the run. Methodologies emerging form the partnership Empowerment centre EVC always use real life for practising and development. The Empowerment centre EVC focuses on solutions were from the very beginning the transferability is guaranteed within the organisations concerned with integration of unemployed (or specific target groups within the unemployed). Also, for any proposed solutions the possibilities and consequences of implementation are quickly scanned, without being harsh on new ideas.

Why is it innovative? ƒ In the social sphere, the project contributes to a reduction in discrimination and inequality for non-traditional target groups entering and functioning on the labour market.

ƒ In an economic sense the central project speeds up the employability of these people on the labour market via the accelerated development of RPL facilities and thus enhances their contribution towards durable economic growth in the Netherlands

251 Nederland ƒ In a methodological sense this project (mainstreaming) results in added value for the further development of the in itself already innovative RPL systematics. The primary target group of the Knowledge Centre EVC – branches and sectors – can profit greatly from the development of RPL facilities for the target groups of the central project.

ƒ The international development and exchange of knowledge is defined in an innovative way on the basis of each other's stronger and weaker points in RPL and compared to the target groups. The aim is the creation of a European Knowledge Centre in the field of RPL.

ƒ ICT is deployed to organise the transnational co-operation and exchange of knowledge mainly in a virtual way. This creates favourable conditions for among other things the introduction of e-(self)assessment, e-learning, e-mediation, e-portfolio etc.

ƒ An impulse is given to (a) increase the accessibility of RPL for the individual by developing instruments. Empowerment of organisations and individuals would be the obvious thing, (b) enhance flexible education (= supply the individual with customised training), including its financing and enhancement of the formulation of the demand and cross-sector co-operation from the labour market (= indirect empowerment of organisations on/around the labour market)

ƒ Via the EQUAL target groups approach the aim is also to generate learning effects that have a general, social importance for broadening lifelong learning and employability.

ƒ A final added value is in the field of internationalisation via the development of transnational co-operation where the set-up of the central project is that the RPL knowledge development and exchange with other countries contributes towards the more efficient and more accessible set-up of RPL facilities for non-traditional target groups. This as well enhances the employability of these target groups within branches/sectors of the Dutch labour market and thus the project contributes towards the realisation of the mission of EQUAL and the Knowledge Centre EVC.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Validation of learning Empowerment Mainstreaming Networking Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? It is not usual for people with a learning disability to continue their education or training after exchanging school for a sheltered workshop or day centre. Targeted provision of learning opportunities is the exception, rather than the rule. There are plenty of opportunities for systematic development for many people in the Netherlands. People with a learning disability, on the other hand, consistently lag behind in development. They should also have an opportunity for personal development and to discover, or rediscover, their own power and responsibility for themselves.

The project includes the following objectives in order to realise lifelong learning for the target group of people with a learning disability:

ƒ Development of a "lifelong learning" model for the target group of people with learning difficulties.

ƒ Increasing and enhancing the opportunities for this group to learn at Regional Training Centres;

ƒ Development of a model for national indication;

252 Nederland ƒ Development of a model to fund these learning opportunities.

What works? Three Regional Training Centres have signed up. The main task assigned to these institutions is to provide vocational education. The three Regional Training Centres have developed learning materials and programmes for this project which are aimed at the target group of people with a learning disability. Exploration by the Regional Training Centres of the demand for learning amongst participants with learning difficulties is going well. The ROCs have interviewed participants in their home and mapped the learning requirements of the participants. This will allow participating ROCs to tailor the provision to the demand. The training activities have now commenced. Some of the participants recently embarked on a social skills courses. They are very enthusiastic about the learning opportunities offered to them. The following courses have also been developed for the target group: finance, writing, reading and maths, working with computers.

Is what works transferable? The project is carried out in three areas in the Netherlands (Eastern Gelderland, Rotterdam and Friesland). The three participating care agencies in the three areas each provide 25 participants in the project. It is expected that the materials and activities developed and tested will be eminently transferable to other areas. The following conditions must be met for the innovative approach to be transferable:

ƒ learning must be part of the person with learning difficulties' care plan;

ƒ care agencies and education (ROCs) must cooperate closely;

ƒ indication and budget systems must be implemented on a national scale.

The project will produce various products which contribute to transferability, including a manual and guide, course material aimed at the target group, folders and promotional materials, a model 'lifelong learning' and indication and budget systems.

Why is it innovative? ƒ The process, approach, method and teaching aids are innovative. The project is aimed at the development of learning materials and programmes. The participants (people with a learning disability) are deemed to be fully-fledged members of society. The sole- responsibility of the care agency is abandoned. Participants are offered real choices and participants themselves are in charge, enabled by the resources made available on the basis of rights and responsibilities.

ƒ The objective is innovative. There are currently no opportunities, or only limited opportunities, for lifelong learning open to the target group of people with a learning disability.

ƒ The context (politics and institutional framework) is innovative. New is the acknowledgement of learning needs in relation to overall life aspects for this target group and anchoring this through legislation. The work should result in the promotion of lifelong learning for people with a learning disability.


Validation of learning Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Empowerment Mainstreaming Networking Gender

253 Nederland What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project is aimed at women returning to work. Many women who want to return to work give up because they find it difficult to combine paid work with looking after children. They need guidance and acknowledgement of their uncertainties when they re-enter the jobs market. The project tries to achieve this by providing appropriate assistance aimed at a long-term placement in the jobs market, starting from the home situation of the returnees.

What works? Flextraject has developed a method to help returnees re-enter the jobs market. The method comprises a number of activities aimed at controlling the home situation and at gaining access to the job market. In addition, practical assistance is offered such as e.g. the realisation of child care. There are now 67 participants and it is expected that the participants will obtain a regular job after taking part in the project over a period of six or twelve months.

Research has been conducted into the group of people not entitled to unemployment benefit (NUG). This research has proved an eye opener for the municipality of Deventer (OP partner), e.g. in relation to communication with the target group, the structure of current child care provision and conflicting legislation issued by the council. The research also deals with the way in which this group must be addressed, and recruitment and access. The group of people not entitled to benefits incorporates a specific group within the project whose members require individual guidance and assistance on a process basis. This group is receiving intensive assistance. The research also shows that employers are more willing to invest if the employee is valued highly.

What doesn't work? The application adoption point is not functioning well, due to the current economic climate. Personnel departments have other priorities.

Is what works transferable? The project strives to render the methods suitable for people on invalidity benefit. The integral, wide-ranging approach is also evident from the diversity of the cooperation. An inventory conducted amongst companies has shown that companies consider the problems important. We will consult the UWV (agency administering employee insurance) once the pilots have been completed, in order to arrive at a joint approach. Good practice will be actively disseminated amongst companies, resulting in increased pressure on municipal policy departments in particular.

Why is it innovative? The project is innovative because of the cooperation between local authority, businesses, pressure groups and reintegration agencies in order to jointly create suitable jobs, whilst bearing in mind the care tasks on the part of participants. Corporate responsibility is very important because they are actively involved in the reintegration of working mothers and because they indicate they are willing to create the conditions which allow for care responsibilities.


Validation of learning Gender mainstreaming Creating an entrepreneurial culture Empowerment Territorial approaches Gender

254 Nederland What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Amongst women, interest in technical training is proportionally low. It would be a good thing for the job market if technically talented women would train for technical careers. The project is aimed at the double barrier which is to be overcome. On the one hand it is important to raise awareness amongst women regarding the possibility of a technical job as a serious career choice, one which allows them to value their own aptitude and interest. On the other hand, a change in the mindset amongst the population, including the working population, which affirms the role pattern and still considers technical jobs as jobs fit for men only, is required.

What works? Gradually, from the start until the present stage, the project has taught us much about recruitment strategy. We have found out what works and what does not, in trying to attract women to technical training. The learning process has ultimately resulted in a large group of enthusiastic women who have applied for the technical training offered. We should add that the starting assumptions in relation to the nature of the participants and the vision relating to empowerment required modification during the course of the project. For instance, many of the participants are highly-skilled women. And maintaining enthusiasm amongst participants is closely dependent on them having a say in the training offered. This allows for matching supply and demand, and for the needs of the participants to be taken into consideration, resulting in an exceptionally low drop-out rate.

The aspect of empowerment and the activities planned in this respect also required some modification. The empowering intentions under the project proved to have an undesirable and unforeseen effect on participants. The women proved to have been considerably empowered, against all expectations, and did not want to be 'lectured' in this respect. The project required a large measure of flexibility in this respect also, in order to match the provision to the participants' requirements. This ultimately resulted in an advice exercise on the part of the participants aimed at the instructors. This development is an important learning experience for mainstreaming this project and must be included in the transferability of the results.

What doesn't work? See under 2. This section also describes what has not worked in the recruitment and empowerment of participants. It is essential that these learning points are explicitly taken into consideration, in the interest of efficient transferability.

Is what works transferable? Recruitment, intake, assessment, training implementation, instruments developed and Internet application have been documented and described. All experiences will also be recorded for the purpose of transferability and horizontal mainstreaming at other ROCs.

Why is it innovative? This is a radical new development from scratch. Innovation takes place mainly in the target group in combination with the sector. Innovation under the project may be considered to be targeted innovation. Little has as yet been developed in the area of the target group of women in technical self-employed jobs.


Validation of learning Convincing and involving Social partners Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Employment for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation

255 Nederland Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Development of a methodology for integrated courses for asylum seekers in order to equip them with sufficient competencies so that they can provide for their own subsistence.

What works? The DP is putting a lot of effort into the development of the integrated methodology. Academic professionals are assisting the teachers and cooperating closely in testing and describing the methodology.

What doesn't work? The DP envisaged developing a model for repatriation guidance, but this has turned out to be a difficult process due to the fact that repatriation is still a rather 'taboo' topic for most asylum seekers. The DP is working on an alternative repatriation model now.

Is what works transferable? Yes, the educational packages are described in handbooks that are available to others. The final evaluation and methodology report will also be made available to others. The DP hopes to be able to apply this methodology in the future to the integration courses of other target groups (immigrants, refugees and even those of Dutch origin with insufficient qualifications).

Why is it innovative? The widely oriented partnership involving municipalities, provincial authorities, social partners, various reception centers has formed a foundation, which can be very effective for the continuation and mainstreaming of the good practices in the future. Academic assistance is sought in order to improve the transferability of the methodology that is being developed.


Validation of learning ITC Literacy Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Employment for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Networking Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Development of education and training plus practical application through work experience, independent of language competence, for a diverse group of asylum seekers. These instruments are necessary in order to increase their ability to manage on their own.

What works? The use of Project cycle management principles, dividing the project into sub-goals, makes the project transparent for all involved. a short job orientation introductory programme has been put into place as well as an assessment procedure and a digital portfolio for which there is great demand from, amongst others, employers. All the courses focus also on a possible return to the country of origin. Through a databank work experience placements are matched to candidates.

256 Nederland What doesn't work? The large transnational partnership is rather too ambitious and there are large differences between the participating projects.

Is what works transferable? Yes, the portfolio is already available on floppy disc and will become web-based. A digital handbook of the whole project has also been produced.

Why is it innovative? The focus on development of innovative instruments, focus on a possible return to the home country and professional project management.

12. EQUAL AMA - EQI/0005

Validation of learning Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Networking Racial or ethnic origin Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Development of a methodology to equip asylum seekers who are still minors with the necessary skills and qualifications to enable them to enter the labour market. Furthermore, a network of organisations working with this target group needs to be built up. What works?

An assessment and tailor made courses have been developed. Most promising and innovative is the development of a digital portfolio in association with a specialised language training institute which should be available by June 2004.

What doesn't work? There are still some minor points to sort out in the local network that has been formed, it seems to be particularly important to have enthusiastic co-ordinators in each organisation (which could prove a potential continuity problem if they leave the organisation).

Is what works transferable? Yes, everything has been well documented and the digital portfolio will be available on CD- rom.

Why is it innovative? Several projects have tried to develop digital portfolio's for asylum seekers but have given up due to language problems, need for assistance in filling the portfolio etc. In this case they foresee a result which can be implemented.

257 Nederland ÖSTERREICH


- AT 1A-01/71

Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The activities undertaken by the partnership “Extended Labour Market – Integration Through Work” (ida.Equal) are aimed at (re-)integrating socially disadvantaged long-term unemployed people into the labour market (homeless people, people who draw social benefits, addicts, members of ethnic minorities etc.). This target group has hardly access to the regular labour market and to standard integration measures offered by the Austrian Labour Market Service. Although some of them have participated in such qualification and occupation measures, they have not been able to complete them and dropped out.

Our goal is to assist this group of unemployed people on their path (back) to the regular labour market by offering suitable initiatives. These offers are tailor-made to people’s individual capacities and needs and take their social situation into account. Furthermore, our project has social- and labour market-policy aspects, as we aim to point out problems at the interfaces between the various social security systems such as unemployment insurance and social allowances. We have drafted concepts for labour market-policy tools that are to improve the chance of the target group to (re-)integrate into the labour market.

What works? The co-operation between partnership members has great advantages: ida.Equal comprises 15 modules (occupation, guidance and counselling, networking, science) and is carried out by nine different organisations in five regions of Austria. 16 strategic partners are co-operating with the DP.

Accumulating know-how for a common project enhances partners’ competence

All partners have many years of experience in working with socially disadvantaged people. By co-operating with others existing know-how is accumulated. As a consequence, the implementation of a common project enhances the partners’ competence and has, by working together continually on different levels, led to the formation of a network. This network may act as a lobby for the target group that has hitherto been disadvantaged by labour-market policy measures.

Hourly work and target group-specific guidance as a first step towards (re-)integration ida.Equal offers participants a variety of possibilities to perform hourly work. Thus, jobless people have the opportunity to gain experience in various fields such as gardening, recycling, dispatch, floral work, working in the woods, ironing, cleaning as well as in doing creative work. We have noticed that participants (re-)develop and (re-)activate their capacities and soft skills when fulfilling a given assignment – something they had lost during their long-term unemployment. Such regained capacities may include organising work, acquiring new skills, improving their cooperative behaviour, being punctual, persistent and responsible, coping with frustrating experiences etc. Participants have also

258 Österreich shown great interest in taking part in the qualification and guidance programmes offered by the partnership. Many of them have told us that the possibility of working daily motivates them to start looking for a job again. Showing appreciation for their work boosts their self- confidence and makes them realize that they are able to perform well in spite of their long- term unemployment. Participants, especially those suffering from psychological problems (e.g. depression) have reported that their state of health has improved since taking part in the project.

Adopting cross-sectoral approaches renders additional benefits

The Development Partnership has been integrating the cross-sectoral approaches of gender mainstreaming, information and communication technology and health into their modules. An example for “what works” is the field of health and health care. Participants often suffer from severe health problems such as psychological vulnerability, overweight and addictions. As a consequence, we have developed tailor-made initiatives to promote health care by emphasising the importance of nutrition, physical exercise and regular health checks. These activities will be intensified over the next six months. Experience has shown that it is vital to involve participants in the process of planning and implementing measures from the beginning.

What doesn't work? It is not always possible to implement innovative ideas within existing structures

We have come to the conclusion that it is not always feasible to integrate innovative ideas into the existing structural framework of the Austrian social welfare system and the Austrian Labour Market Service. As these organisations have been set up to pursue certain goals they operate within fixed structures. Hence, it is difficult to put ideas into practice which do not correspond to this given framework. However, this problem has partly been resolved, as we have managed to negotiate project-specific solutions.

It is difficult to find innovative fields of work ida.Equal has been striving to find innovative fields of work for project participants. However, we have realised that the above mentioned, very traditional spheres of work have proved to be most suitable for the target group. It is difficult to find fields of work that reflect the labour market situation, while at the same time taking the special situation of participants into consideration.

Not all participants will succeed in (re-)integrating into the first or second labour market

We have to accept that some participants will not manage – despite taking part in supportive measures – to (re-)integrate into the regular labour market, as their general performance is limited to a high degree. There are no job offers (part time work on which they could live on) at present that correspond to their capacities.

Is what works transferable? Experience has shown that many measures implemented by ida.Equal would also work if put into practice in different fields. Here are a few examples:

The principle of the partnership could also be transferred to future social- and labour market policy projects.

The possibility of hourly work together with target group-oriented qualification measures could be utilized as a labour market policy tool.

Measures to foster motivation and empowerment, to take on responsibility and develop soft skills could find wider acceptance as a new form of qualification.

259 Österreich The approaches adopted by ida.Equal in the area of health care can be transferred to other fields of social work that aims at fulfilling some basic needs of socially disadvantaged target groups (street work, working with the homeless and asylum-seekers, counselling for addicts etc.).

Why is it innovative? The initiatives undertaken by ida.Equal are aimed at assisting a target group for which hardly any suitable (re-)integration measures have been devised so far. This holds particularly true for people who draw social benefits and those unemployed people who have never worked before. ida.Equal offers both, social integration initiatives (day structuring, guidance etc.) combined with labour market integration measures (occupation, qualification). In order to make our projects successful Ida Equal brings together relevant actors form various backgrounds and fields of competence.

The Development Partnership also devises programmes for certain sub-target groups such as Roma, drug addicts and homeless people. In order to be able to address the specific needs of a particular sub target group it is necessary to further differentiate our initiatives. ida.Equal adopts new measures to foster health care among a specific sub target group.

The Development Partnership launches activities to promote gender mainstreaming in areas that have hardly seen similar activities before (working with marginalized groups).


Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Disability Other: drug addicts

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Drug addicts have particular disadvantages on the labour market. The reasons can be found in the circumstances accompanying drug addiction such as poor schooling, long- term unemployment, poor health, and low self-esteem. Prejudices that drug addicts are unreliable, criminal people who do not want to work are widespread and many clients do not find a job even if they are qualified. Various drug support institutions, a private company and interest groups have formed the regional Development Partnership drug- addicts@work within the framework of the Community Initiative Equal, carried out in Austria on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour. This initiative aims to remove the interaction between prejudice and low self-esteem, and to show new ways to emerge from the isolation of unemployment. Clients are provided with access to the initiative via the job assistance programme, a module of “Wiener Berufsbörse” (WBB), a Viennese institution for the integration of (former) drug addicts into the labour market. Further important elements of this initiative are employment possibilities in a salesroom, a workshop, and a telemarketing centre, where clients produce, offer, and advertise products and goods. Support is provided in a network of high-level measures in the fields of production, innovation, qualification, and counselling. On the one hand the possibility to produce and sell goods provides a high degree of motivation and an ego boost (“We create something sensible”). On the other hand it shows potential employers that these people also deserve a chance as employees. Clients prove their performance and show their work potential which removes the basis for any kind of prejudice. Improved co-ordination and

260 Österreich information in the entire network of drug support institutions creates new possibilities such as an increasing number of labour-market-oriented rehabilitation programmes for clients. The aims of the City of to reintegrate drug addicts into the labour market and to fight their continued marginalisation on the labour market, as outlined in the 1999 Drug Concept, correspond to the intentions and principles of the Equal Programme.

What works? Synergies additional effects; contribution of know-how of many addiction treatment organisations, regular exchange of experience of involved institutions during meetings and beyond; influential partners within DP; common support of DP’s aims, common performance with interesting products and approaches, common public relations measures, steering groups, close co-operation, useful share of tasks due to basic structure of DP; the DP encourages the development of networking skills; innovation and learning from each other is one of the main aims of the partnership; more public attention and credibility due to size of DP and co-operation of many different normally not co-operating organisations;

Development of common guiding principles: common argumentations; avoiding simultaneousness of actions; necessity of reconsidering one’s own points of view; considerable know-how und influence through continuous discussion and dynamics of core of partnership and the whole partnership with strategic partners

What doesn't work? Very bureaucratic; disagreement concerning co-ordination and common policies; the present bad labour market situation makes it even more difficult to find jobs for target group persons; sometimes too high expectations concerning clients working for employment modules; too much concentration on own organisation; loss of overall view due to multitude of activities of the different modules; lack of documentation of positive results caused by too much complexity, uncovered expenses due to Equal-regulations; red tape, formalities, additional regulations;

Is what works transferable? Yes, however not regarding regional particularities. The acquired know-how concerning reintegration of a particularly difficult target group can also be applied to other similarly difficult groups. Experience concerning the cooperation of different organisations can be useful when forming new partnerships.

Why is it innovative? Explanation: On the target group level:- promoting members of the target group who want to return to the labour market after having been out of work for a longer period- improving existing measures to facilitate the reintegration into the labour market- developing new vocational fields such as creating innovative and creative products, sales, green area maintenance, marketing and all related fields- Training on the job- Further support if clients find permanent jobs- Support and help for graduates in all training fields- Transparency: our clients are in the public when they work in the salesroom, Gabarage, and telephone marketing employment Modules

On the level of the care network:- stronger market orientation of existing offers on the labour market- stronger inclusion of employers in the process of reintegration- acquiring orders for the production in the sector

Process-oriented innovation linked, continuous care of target group; process-oriented development of offers by feedback from the target group, the Development Partnerships, and the drug abuse support groups; continuous further development and reflection of attendants; process-oriented evaluation and discussion of results

Context-oriented innovation on the level of the organisations:- creating a joint communication platform; developing joint strategies; on the communication level between

261 Österreich politics, the public, and the support network:- improving lobbying for the target group; guaranteeing access to results for the interested public:- co-operation in various bodies and distributing the results. In particular business organisations are provided with information and there is an exchange with employers.

3. AQUA MODEL- AT-1A-16/109

Validation of learning ITC Literacy Convincing and involving Social partners Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The main objective is the opening and stabilising of the labour market for disadvantaged youngsters. The network between vocational schools and firms/companies should be strengthened.

What works? The networking between the moduls of the DP. The survey study, the ICT qualifications, the qualification of trainers, the elaboration of learning contents, the potential analyses and the developing of special job-profiles. In general the networking of all partners of the vocational education system is strenghened

What doesn't work? Some participants of the courses leave the course before ending.

Is what works transferable? Based on the very specified Austrian vocational education system every part of what works is transferable.

Why is it innovative? Networking: We get together the actors of the vocational education system; teachers and instructors of companies.


ITC Literacy Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Living and working together' is a regional partnership consisting of 9 partner organisations all of which are seeking an immediate and effective way to fight racism and xenophobia both in general life and on the labour market and which possess a high level of relevant experience, competence, know-how and human resources and also have contact to the

262 Österreich 'native' and 'foreign' population of the whole province. Additionally, the majority of those organisations which play an important role in labour market policy are actively involved in the partnership, either directly or indirectly. This even includes the chamber of agriculture in the regional management of mühlviertel. Two particular problem areas, specific to the province, were selected within the scope of equal theme 2. These are manifest and latent forms of racism and xenophobia towards 'classical' immigrants in the whole of upper austria and manifest and latent forms of racism and xenophobia towards 'new immigrants' in connection with the eu enlargement in the areas close to, and on both sides of, the existing border between mühlviertel and south bohemia. The main idea behind the whole strategy of the project is to investigate these forms in detail and to make them visible, and consequently to develop efficient counteractive strategies and measures which can be implemented permanently. Additionally, a model for a regional, democratic body representing the interests of foreign workers and which is in keeping with the existing social partner organisations is to be developed and established. This should have the long term and permanent effect that the emotional, structural and legal hurdles which exist for non-austrian workers on the labour market are reduced considerably. A further aim is thereby to create a positive attitude to the imminent eu enlargement.priority target groups:a) austrian and non-austrian workers who are or have been involved in racist or xenophobic conflicts.b) austrian and non-austrian workers who, because of their function or their particular interest, are involved in conflict solving or the representation of interests. Module 1: preparatory studies. 1a) the present and future situation of the 'classical migrant workers' in upper austria. 1b) the present and future situation of the 'new migrant workers' in connection with the eu enlargement, particularly in the areas close to the border between mühlviertel and south bohemia. Module 2: strategies to counteract racism and xenophobia towards classical migrant workers in upper austria. Module 3: strategies to counteract racism and xenophobia towards the 'new migrant workers' in connection with the eu enlargement, especially in the areas close to the border between mühlviertel and south bohemia.

Module 4: Model for the representation of the interests of foreign workers both within enterprises and on a wider basis.

What works? Up to now the whole project works really very good. The DP "Living and working together" is in deed a real partnership between strategic and operative partners. The strategic partners are always up to date and involved in several decissions and important actions and take part in discussions. The operative partners support each other informal. We have installed two panels (project-advisor and project-convention which includes all partners as well as GeM and ICT; working groups which includes operative partners and GeM and ICT). These panels work excellent!

The obligating Thematic Network is for our DP a great chance to come in closer contact with other DPs and to learn from each other and to gather experiences. Thus we are glad, that we got this chance. Because of the positive effect of Thematic Networks our DP decided to establish a second- regional (upper Austria) Network, which contains three DPs. The aim of this DP is to make sure that the intentions and the results of the DPs can be established for longer duration in the region and to ease the ambitions of Mainstreaming.

One essential reason for the positive run of our DP is the fact, that all partners of our DP have already been involved in the process of the development and design of our application. The operative partners developed their own concept of the modul and the strategic partners had the opportunity to discuss the contents and represent their point of view. Thus it was clear, that all partners accept the contents and that all partners stay behind the main idea ofbthe project.

From the beginning of our partnership it was clarified which role each of our partner has, what their rights and obligations as well as the borders between the several roles are. Within their activities of course they have an corresponding range of action and decision. For each of our modules there is only one partner responsible. No partner has to share the

263 Österreich responsibility with an other or has to share the financial resources and so on so that there is no fear of needless conflicts and problems.

What doesn't work? The only thing, where difficulties are expected is the acqusition of participants for some activities and workshops especially in Modul 3 (region Mühlviertel). Thus we think about certain methods and measures inward the DP (all partners together) to make sure, that we can achieve our aims intended.

Is what works transferable? In our opinion several things mentioned in point 3 are transferable into other DPs and countries. The main point to make sure that an EQUAL-DP runs well is to make sure, that the partnership works well. Thus it is necessary to involve all partners from the beginning of the project design and involve them in all essential decissions. Further the management (General coordinator) has to be accepted and well experienced because an EQUAL DP has to be organized more or less like an enterprise.

Why is it innovative? In the past there happened no/hardly measures and activities to fight racism and xenophopia on the labour market, like our DP does. We invole the target groups during the the whole process to make sure that our products and acitivities work well come up to their needs an interests.

Our DP also decided to install an evaluation system and a quality assurance system to make sure, that the whole processes and acitivities within the DP work well and to obtain high quality and success. These aspects are main conditions to achieve lasting effects and Mainstreaming.

Depart most of the other DPs our DP involves all partners (strategic, operativ and financial) as well as the GeM- and ICT-commissary in the panels and they also have the right to vote.


Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Empowerment Mainstreaming Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project’s target group are staff members of small and middle sized social organisations. The module D „System Development and Qualification“ also aims at unemployed women, because an education course in the field IT which targets mainly on women is developed. New approaches in the training of system developers are tested – learning by developing concrete products.The working situation of staff members in small and middle social organisations is very specific.The employees of small and middle sized organisations are characterized by a very strong commitment and a high degree of self- determination. They are well qualified for their jobs’ task – usually social work and welfare support – by means of education and self-initiative, but often face a lack of technical and organisational opportunities to put their ideas into practice. The organisations‘conceptional and regional diversity and their varied specific approaches bring about inconsistency interfering with the focussing and linking-up of social concerns. The realization of concepts and ideas and the participation in political decision making are therefore seriously impeded. Last but not least jobs in small and medium social organisations are constantly

264 Österreich endangered of being cut down due to a precarious financial situation in this field and long- term plannings are therefore impossible. The social MARKET is exposed to a very keen competition and constant economizing. At the moment small and medium organisations (0- 50 staff members) still feature a certain advantage because of their staff members’ commitment and initiative – often at the cost of their utter self–exploitation. But within three to five years social organisations of this size will be under even more economic pressure and will face severe financial difficulties. The projects‘high potential of flexibility, their close relationship to clients, years of experience and extensive expertise on regional and substantial details are in severe danger of being lost. Within the tenure of a project a structure is being elaborated, consisting of four modules – a) empowerment, b) seminar guide, c) quality compass, d) system development and qualification - containing tangible service in the field social management. The offer is not only tailor-made for small and medium sized organisations, but will be constructed with them in the course of the duration of a project. During his process the staff members and their specific job situation are in the centre of attention.

The Modules: a) Empowerment

This module’s content is support and networking. Feasible tools are developed, accessible for all via internet. Sociopolitical issues as well as support through infrastructure, a general survey of calls for tenders, and support and guidance in finding synergies will be prioritized. To this end tools for a development of a corporate identity are developed – a first step towards quality assurance. In this field of the project there will be a close cooperation with the development partnership of L & R Social Research, dealing with the basic conditions of the 3rd Sector. b) Seminar Guide

The seminar guide matches supply and demand in the jungle of further education courses, identifies market gaps, negotiates with providers of education courses about an adjustment of programmes and also compiles jointly organised education schemes according to the participants‘ specific needs. To this end a dynamic internet tool, which enables the direct communication between supply and demand, is developed. c) Quality Compass

The Qualtiy Compass helps small and middle sized social organisations to analyze their work and to inform also non-experts on it in an understandable way. As far as possible the Compass should also support the enlargement of the offered services. It can be seen as a first step and bridge to the development of a suitable quality management system within these organisations. Partners in this process are especially the Federal Ministry for Social Security and Generations and the Public Employment Service Austria. d) System development and qualification

In this module the entire software for the project is developed, based upon TCgi, following the principle of „open source“. The development is combined with an education course for system developers (focus on women) who are trained on actual projects, which on the one hand will benefit the project, on the other hand their products will be available for small and middle organisations free of charge and licence.TCgi is an expandable software, allowing easily applicable internet solutions and breaking new ground in data base programming and utilisation. The software has already been successfully employed in the free market, which guarantees the effective applicability of the system development training.

What works? We have good experiences with participation of relevant actors, especially the target group. Also the networking with relevant actors, included or not included in the EQUAL-

265 Österreich Program works very good. To develop a broad support structure, useable via internet, means, that we have to include a very hugh and in-homogeneous target group.

Developing tools and instruments of support via internet means new models of explanation and technologic skills. The know-how transfer in this area in the DP works quiet good.

What doesn't work? The structure of the programme is very complex. The main idea of equality between all partners is in some cases a theoretic approach. We lost a lot of time in built a structure of organisation oin the DP. Maybe it will be better to focus this issue in EQUAL II. We need clear and transparency roles and models in the DP at the starting point.

Is what works transferable? The networking and the participation of the target group is transferable. Even the main issue of the DP is transferable. One focus could be to discuss the possibility to develop a sustainable support structure, with free and easy access and with a strong empowerment character in all member states.

Why is it innovative? The main innovative topic is the target group. We are working for small and middle sized organisationen. The red line in our concept is: Small and middle sized organisations need a new form of support and management skills. They are very important actors in the field of innovative projects and measures, but they face a gap on resources, know-how and long term concepts. The way of professionalism in the 3.sectors entails problems for the small and middle sized organisations, because there are no resources for implementation of management systems etc. On the other hand these organisations have a special role.


Older worker Planning HR & Age management practice Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Empowerment Networking Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Discrimination-free sample collective contract for Health and Social Care Services in Austria"

The social and health service sector is a growing labour market with difficult and inconsistent working- and legal conditions in Austria and all over Europe. The vast majority of employees is female. Due to low tariffs and often exhausting work under insecure and precarious conditions as well growing problems of financial support by public authorities, this field of work is not attractive enough to recruit and keep enough qualified personnel for a growing demand. The enlargement of the European Union entails new challenges for this domain.

266 Österreich What works? Drawing a comparison between legal frameworks and working conditions of social- and health care in Austria, selected other EU-countries & accession countries (Germany and the Czech Republic) and regulations on EU-level by conducting surveys to pinpoint the status quo and predictable trends. Interviews with labour market experts and representatives of employers and employees on the subjects of present legal- and working conditions and requirements for changes and/or further regulations. Those are a base for the development of the “model collective contract” starting in September 2003.

Since Sept 03: Working out a non-discriminating exemplar collective contract for the whole sector of Health and Social Care Services all over Austria in working groups consisting of representatives of employers and employees and experts for labour law, social sciences and gender issues.

The product pays attention to gender issues: gender-adequate, non-discriminating job evaluation, fair tariff-systems (equal-pay!) and working conditions are a crucial point in a sector with more than 80% female employees.

We also think of older workers and immigrants and try to find solutions which help to integrate and keep them in our concerned labour market.

Concerned employers and employees on this field are given the possibility of feedback and suggestions (interviews, online-forum, and newsletter – using umbrella organisations, unions, syndicates and networks as multiplying structures)

By participating in a European Thematic Group on "job quality, professionalisation and skills" and by searching contacts with deciders and consulters on EU level we try to help initialising a process of European policy-making for our sector which might positively motivate and affect national structures and politics.

Our model collective contract shall achieve a maximum of compatibility with existing regulations in the European Union and help to balance the need to protect the standards of the domestic labour market with the fundamental principles of freedom in EU regulations, thus ensuring/establishing common quality standards and avoiding unfair competition

What doesn't work? The surveys conducted took quite some more time than expected, especially the interviews, as well field work as data analysis and interpretation. Our respondents (NGO in the 3rd segment) suffered from an overkill of inquiries, esp. by EQUAL projects - so, the response was about 30%, even after follow-up calls which is not bad for this kind of survey with a long complex questionnaire but below our expectations.

The existing data about organisations in the social and health care sector in Austria are rather fragmentary and even contradictory which made an analysis of the status quo still more complicated than expected. Most data are not broken down according to gender and our project is not designed for filling up all "white spots" in the map.

We faced difficulties in recruiting the working group of employers´ and employees´ representatives which shall work out this model collective contract. On one hand, all actors on this field are unsatisfied with current structures and interested in a new, integrative “visionary” organization model, on the other hand, “traditional” discordance and particular interests among the over 5.000 Austrian organisations providing health and social care and inconsistent regulations and funds among the 9 federal countries as well as shrinking resources and budgets create a “pragmatic” climate of struggling-on alone and prevent serious cooperation towards a “bottom-up” solution. But at the end we succeeded to get together a compact productive and motivated group who makes good progress - but the 10 sessions planned are far too little time. We will need more sessions, possibly twice as much.

267 Österreich Concerning Action 3 we did less than expected in 2003. Due to the delay of our research results und due to the - comprehensible - wish of the employers and social partners working out the model collective contract not to publish preliminary results before the end of the process, we lack of content for dissemination. Our project is well-known in the Austrian 3rd sector and we are very well supported by the labour union who ist very active in our DP. Also, networking in our national thematic group works very well and currently we work on a common campaign about social economy in Austria which shall start in 2004. At the end of 2003 our research results will be ready for dissemination and discussion with the concerned public (mainstreaming). 2004 action 3 will be a central field of activity where much work is still to be done.

We would still need more support and relevant contacts on transnational level. Also, a bit more allying commitment from the Austrian NGOs in the health- and social care sector – esp. the big ones - would be fine in order to establish a real “nationwide model”

Is what works transferable? Our sample collective contract shall serve as a model for future bargaining as well in Austria as in other EU- and acceding countries. We provide a commented collective contract and a documentation of the process of working it out; both can be transferred and adapted for other segments and other countries. We try to create a discrimination-free role model for the trilateral relation between employers, employees and trade unions negotiating working conditions and wages for this segment of the labour market.

Such a document can also serve as a starting line document for future negotiations and legislation, both in Austria and in the European Union.

As it shall be "non discriminating", it can as well be used as a model for working out collective contracts or operating agreements for companies/organisations which pay attention to gender mainstreaming and equal pay ans so helps to close the gender gap. We try to make the product or parts of it mandatory for the social partners in Austria. They are involved in the development process.

We try to transfer the product as a best practice/fantasy model into other EU-and acceding countries.

We try to involve and motivate political deciders on European level to take our model as a starting point for developing EU-wide guidelines/standards/suggestions which might positively influence our local Austrian labour market policies as well as those of other EU countries

Why is it innovative? At the moment, neither in Austria nor in other EU-countries or acceding countries, any collective contracts covering the whole segment of health and care (including services for the handicapped and children's´ and youth care) in the 3rd system exist.

Consistent mandatory regulations for (minimum) standards of working conditions and in this segment don't exist up to now but would help to empower the concerned organisations and employees and strengthen their position, also in bargaining with fund providers. Our model shall pay attention to public procurement law and suggest criteria for choosing the "best" bidding aside from the cheapest price. Also clients´ needs are considered - establishing standards for better working conditions also helps to provide better service quality adequate to clients´ needs.

Also the process of working out our model is new compared with regular collective bargaining: the negotiations are accompanied by a professional mediator, who helps to find new ways of discourse and solution of conflicts of interest. She also takes care that interests of third parties (clients, their relatives, political deciders and fund providers) are considered.

268 Österreich The model collective treaty contains "visionary" (but still practicable) solutions for working conditions in the 3rd system which shall solve problems in mid-/long terms, which means it thinks of the next 5 years. We also develop transitional provisions for a step-by-step implementation and - where necessary - suggestions for changing legal frameworks. This makes it different from regual collective bargaining which primarily pays attention to the highest possible immediate advantage of each party and which has to stay within the frame of given monetary and political limits.

Our model pays attention to labour mobility and compatibility with regulations and working conditions in other present and future EU countries, especially our neighbour countries.

At the moment, there is no model of a collective agreement or operating agreement - especially for the needs of the health and care sector - in Austria which stringently considers equal opportunities and conditions for both genders and equal pay. "Discrimination-free" also means without discriminating regulations regarding age, origin, race, handicap, religion , sexual orientation. We think especially of older workers and try to find solutions which help to integrate and keep them in our concerned labour market.

7. EP REPANET – AT- 3-08/135

Older worker Convincing and involving Social partners Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? RepaNet is aiming at fostering the development of new jobs and services in the repair and reuse sector of the social economy. Together with 5 partners (social enterprises) new businesses in the field of repair - bicycles, washing machines, computers, TV-sets, etc. are established.

The main target groups are older long-term unemployed men (often experienced in some specific field of repair), women (to promote their role in a male dominated sector) and the youth (to create broader apprenticeship: as 'mechatroniker')

These social firms are integrated in the regional environment and co-operate with the responsible public partners. New regional networks are build to promote repair services and to tailor business service to the real needs of the customers. The network includes partners of the first (public), second (private) and the third (social) sector.

The exchange of experience between these new businesses is guaranteed by a national network o 'social economy and environmental services' that deals with the promotion and strengthening of social economy in that field.

What works? New businesses and job opportunities in the repair sector with jointly accepted repair standards have been established

Regional networking for cooperation opportunities in the repair sector was started: The Viennese network works already and plays a leading role;

269 Österreich At the regional level RepaNet works on a new partnership model that finances and promotes activities in the social economy and sustainable/environmental services - Public Social Private - PSP Partnership

Public relation work presenting good practices in the field of sustainable services and social economy have been started (nationally and within the transnational cooperation SENECA).

What doesn't work? At the moment the partners in RepaNet would have more potential to offer job opportunities in the repair/reuse sector, but the financing by the employment service was reduces during the last years.

Is what works transferable? The development process (organisation, techniques, acquisition, qualification, marketing) to build-up environmental services in the field of repair, reuse and partially dismantling

Establishment of platforms for the exchange of experiences and regional development activities in the field of sustainable services

Why is it innovative? Establishment of better jobs for disadvantaged persons on the labour market (higher qualification for long term unemployed people, sustainable jobs and working places, higher consciousness of the target group in the environmental field ('we do a good job for the society), broader apprenticeship for youngsters: more diversity in education and repair activities, more fun!)

Strengtheing and promotion of social economy by implementing environmental services (development of new jobs and services in the repair and reuse sector of social economy)

Establishment of new partnerships between the public, private and the social economy (networking, creation of new repair networks).

Reduce the gender gap in a 'male dominated' sector!


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Older worker Making start up finance more accessible Empowerment Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches Networking Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Reaching the target group (people having no or almost no access to education / further training or consultation so far - for a variety of reasons).

Convincing the target group that lifelong learning represents new opportunities.

Networking all relevant institutions for further training and social partners (also considering regional aspects).

What works? The regional networks are working on their special aspects.

270 Österreich The Internetplatform is established (support to the regional networks, the training and qualification programme for educational consultants, the regional and central consultation; information for the target group, the partners etc.).

The training and qualification programme for educational consultants started by the 19th of September. The programme aims for the following goals: 1) Harmonising existing differences in the professional levels of education and job consultants, 2) Ensuring an independent and integral consultation for educationally disadvantaged groups within society, 3) Distributing relevant results of the pilot course to Tyrolean educational institutions, companies and other relevant participants within the labour market.

The regional and central consultation facilities (independent, integral and free of charge consultation) are established (start of the central consultation: 29th of October, of the regional/mobile consultation: 6th of November).

What doesn't work? Until now no subprojects failed.

Is what works transferable? The regional consultation (going to the target group, to small villages) is transferable to other regions, countries.

Regional networks can be establishes in any region, country.

Considering different legal conditions the training and qualification programme for educational consultants is transferable.

The development of a common database of further education programs (overview of the offer in the region, country) is transferable.

Why is it innovative? Regional consultation: going to the target group, to small villages, representing an overview of the offer in the further education field, consultants from diverse institutions (broad experience). Giving the target group the chance to orient themselves, to select the appropriate further education and finally giving them informations about financial support, advice for application.

Regional networks: bringing together all relevant local partners (institutions for further training, social partners, politics,…) on a regularly bases, working on solutions for concrete, local requirements or problems.

Database with almost all (number is increasing) programs /courses for further training / education.

Training and qualification programme for educational consultants: one of the aims is to ensure an independent and integral consultation for educationally disadvantaged groups within society (like poorly qualified people, those reentering the labour market, immigrants, older employees), broad information about the further training offers, financial support, labour market.

9. GESIR DP - AT-5A- 11/35

Convincing and involving Social partners Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Gender mainstreaming Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture

271 Österreich Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project-region Lower Austria has a long-standing tradition, rich institutional framework and comprehensive experiences in sustainable regional development. Gender-specific inequalities, however, have hardly been taken into consideration in regional development programmes so far. Comprising the relevant institutions the GesiR DP’s vision is to come from “merely” sustainable to sustainable, gender-sensitive development.

GesiR wants to analyse these inequalities and develop approaches to overcome them on the level of regional development programmes (module 1), regional development institutions (module 2, 3) and regional development projects (module 4, 5).

What works? First experiences and results are visible at module 4, which deals with the compatibility of family and work. On the one hand there are workshops to the topic of ‘family and work’ with companies, representatives of communities and the regional population. On the other hand a ‘gendersensible qualification network’ will be developed and installed in collaboration with the ‘Arbeitsmarktservice NÖ’ and regional enterprises. The process of discussion between the different actors is a satisfying starting point of sensitisation and change of traditional female and male behaviour and expectations.

A first direct result of module 2, which is engaged in the implementation of a gendersensible organisational development, is an individually model of labour time for an employee re-entering the labour-market after her child break.

At Modul 5 a study of quantitative and qualitative parameters of child-care institutions points out mainly the necessity of flexible opening hours. In the surrounding region of Amstetten are, according to young entrepreneurs, enough child-care possibilities. The great shortages are the opening hours, which aren’t adjusted to the working times of young entrepreneurs. More flexible and co-ordinates services are in great demand. Strategic recommendations will be given as a result of the study.

The pilot-project, which supports young women at the formation of their own business, brings synergies between the participants forward and has a significant network character.

What doesn't work? A challenge at the different single projects is to find and address the specific target groups. It is relatively difficult to respond for example to persons, especially women who are at their child-break and are thinking about entrepreneurship.

It is a very long and slow process to activate provincial governments, -organisations and municipal representatives at different levels for the necessity of sensitization of differing supplies and gender mainstreaming in the wide field of regional planning and policies.

Is what works transferable? The experiences with regard to compatibility of family and work, also in combination with young entrepreneurship, and general sensitization for gender mainstreaming will be transferred to Regional Development Concepts and regional policies. These various national appendages and experiences are possible to transfer broader.

272 Österreich Why is it innovative? Innovative is the network and collaboration of different strategic partners, social partners, municipalities, regional institutions and various associations. The aim of GesiR is the development of a gender-sensitive regional planning and regional policy with the involvement of all relevant regional players. The development of strategies and tools to reduce inequalities of women and men at all levels, the land of Lower Austria, relevant constitutions of Lower Austria and relevant organisations of the regions. GesiR will anchor Gender Mainstreaming in regional policies and regional development by strengthening decision-making processes and encourage responsibility for social and economic life.

10. F&MPOWER – AT-5-13/06

Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Tailoring business services to real needs Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Other: Innovation by sensitisation

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? F&Mpower sets measures for the improvement of compatibility of profession and private life - approaching on three levels: a) Not only long term unemployment keeps people away for the labour market, also parental leaves can have the negative effects in terms of loosing contact with the world of work and making adequate re-integration very difficult if not impossible. Modul 1 (Constanze) b) In order to increase the woman activity rate in Vorarlberg, an intensive involvement of the labour market is necessary, for that the attitude of the enterprises must be effected. To promote female employees specific activities and tools are developed in order to create structures that enable the compatibility with job and family. (Modul 2 Mentoring in Practice and Modul 3 UND ) c) To creating a positive option climate for the theme reconciliation of professional and private life, F&Mpower raise awareness for the existing female labour market potential in the region Vorarlberg.

What works? the country-wide networking and the close co-operation with the social partners (Chamber of commerce and Industrial Industry as well as ÖBG)

The first training course of Constanze (Modul 1) finished at the end of September 2003 - 50% (8 from 16) participants went directly into the labour market - found a working or apprenticeship place or created a enterprise.

Over 100 visitors came to the start up event of the travelling exhibition "family and profession in balance" in one the regions of Vorarlberg.

What doesn't work? Because of the economic situation the readiness of the enterprises for concrete activities to the topic reconciliation is little.

The matching of mentees and mentors (Modul 2 Mentoring in Practise) is difficult:

There are cases where the employer doesn't want to keep the employees and others where the pragnant women already know that they won't return to the working place.

273 Österreich An other hassle is the time factor: Enterprises who are positive towards the model of personnel development instruments have no female employee in "maternal leave" at the moment.

Is what works transferable? Yes - F&Mpower has already enquires for the travelling exhibition of other Austrian regions as well as from a board.

The DP also negotiates with the labour market service to transfer the "Constanze" training courses into their annual program.

Why is it innovative? For Vorarlberg it is the first time that different organisations (all Partners) are jointly engaged in the topic reconciliation of professional and private life. They co-operate closely and content wise, using all kinds of approaches and strategies to support enterprises as well as people living in the region.

11. JUST GEM - AT-5-18/14

Gender mainstreaming What are the problems/needs the DP is trying Horizontal desegregation Tailoring business services to real needs Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Gender Mainstreaming is a European strategy to reach equal opportunities, however, the politically relevant organisations are only implementing it to a certain degree due to a lack of know-how and expertise.

We expect that our project is resulting in a new direction and a change of policies which leads to a change in politics and programmes and therefore in a sustainable change of the labour market towards more equal opportunities.

The general Strategy is to:

Anchoring equality and the strategy of Gender Mainstreaming in labour market policy activities of relevant institutions

Gender Mainstreaming should be anchored in structures of public organisations realizing regional projects with a focus on labour market policy

Labour market policy - targets: ƒ Elimination of gender discrimination on the labour market ƒ Anchoring Gender Mainstreaming in labour market policy activities of relevant institutions in order to realize equality activities in each labour field; ƒ fortification decision making competence and responsibility for all participating organisations; ƒ supporting the strategical capacity, political capacity, realization capacity of participating regional organisations and actors ƒ realisation of concrete pilot projects as integrative process in all regions; transfer of results into national labour market strategies.

What works? ƒ Placing the topic of gender mainstreaming at the highest level of decision makers by the way of short face-to-face input meetings ƒ building up the necessary competence at the level of decision makers who then gave the order for the implementation of gender mainstreaming in their organisations

274 Österreich ƒ representing the equal project as an instrument which supports the decision makers in their necessary efforts but not as a "missionary aid" or a "caritative tool" ƒ to get the idea into the organisations that they have to build up competence in their own organisations and that they have to put their own ressources into this implementation process. 31 organisations such as regional development agencies, social partners, municipalities, the government of Styria, labour market institutions have given their project application for their implementation projects and which wanted to get support from the Equal project on the basis of their projects. Now 12 really excellent project have been chosen which have a really high level of sustainability. What also was a focus was a good balance between regional conditions and necessities and the national "frame conditions" in Styria.

What doesn't work? it is a great challenge to handle such a big development partnership; it would have been easier if not so many partners had been part of the ep from the very beginning

Is what works transferable? The principal concept and understanding of Gender Mainstreaming is transferable and the thereby resulting implementation concept. What is also transferable are the experiences which will be made during the implementation process of the different projects and this can also be of interest for other projects all over Europe which deal with the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming.

Why is it innovative? Objectives’ innovation is regarded in systematizing resources, know-how, thematical approaches and initiatives as Styrian wide process the GM (gender mainstreaming) implementation in labour market policy relevant public organisations. Strategical, political and methodical know-how are combined in original ways while initiating and coaching processes for equality policy. Context-oriented innovations are as showing a sustainable impact, the parallel developments of political institutional structures and systems connected with labour market political relevant actors and implementation of pilot projects in relevant public organisations. Processual innovation: in DP’s modules existing instruments and methods will be qualitatively examined an tested in its applicability to national labour market programmes of relevant organisations. In the sense of a ‘concept in progress’ opportunities for intervening processes are given by double loops into as well as from relevant organisations. Connecting theoretical GM discourse with practical experience and its conceptual integration renews conceptual grounds, instruments’ developments and improving of methods available. Decision making and planning actors will quickly combine them with possible transfer of implementable developments (mainstreaming) and examine its practicability.

12. ARTWORKS - ARTISTIC SERVICES IN THE THIRD SECTOR- AT-3- 01/100 Creating an entrepreneurial culture Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Partnership creation and management Empowerment Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? From September 2002 to February 2005 ARTWORKS launches specific measures to improve basic conditions on the labour market and the precarious work and employment situation of artists in Austria. The focus is on developing new areas of work for artists and their services in the Third Sector (the social economy). Examples for these artistic services could be actors who are developing a theatre play with handicapped people, dancers who

275 Österreich are working with the clients of an institution for age people or in the health sector, visual artists realising projects in hospitals or immigration camps etc.

The main objectives of ARTWORKS are: ƒ Sustainable networking of organisations and players involved in “Culture & Employment” in order to initiate new forms of cooperation, to improve communication and to create interfaces ƒ Analyse and present new areas of work for artists and their artistic services in the field of social economics and actively promote this market sector ƒ Give artists the skills they need to qualify for work in these new areas ƒ Increase public awareness of artistic work as service of social and economic relevance ƒ Strengthen the Third Sector by introducing new models of co-operation ƒ Implement long-term support and advice structures for artists who want to establish businesses.

What works? In the context of ARTWORKS the following points are working very well: ƒ cooperation and networking among the partner organisations involved in the development partnership ƒ the whole project management (coordination, development of the contents, public relations, timetables, budget management, contacts to the Ministries and EQUAL structures etc.) ƒ feedback from the target groups: although the main topic of ARTWORKS is really difficult to communicate to a broader public and although especially the artists are very doubtful about the idea of "arts as service" and "cultural entrepreneurship", the interest and the participation of our events, public discussions, training offers, guidelines etc. is very high (average of 180 people by each public presentation, more than 3.000 copies of the "guideline for cultural entrepreneurship", 107 applications for 25 training places etc).

What doesn't work? - transnational cooperation: the main difficulty among the transnational partners is the language problem, because although in the contracts English was defined as working language, the partners from Italy, Spain and Portugal are not able to speak and understand English fluently, so everything has to be translated simultaneous in the working meetings. Another problem is that the focus of the involved DPs is quite different, so it is not so easy to define common interests and the responsibility to stick to time deadlines is also not as high as it could be.

Is what works transferable? The idea of artists offers their skills and know-how to other parts of society (social, health, educational sector etc.) is a very transferable idea and discussion, because on the European level this approach of "arts and social work/community work" is even more discussed and implemented than in Austria. In Great Britain, the Netherlands, Finland etc. there are a lot of experienced practice models, trainings at art universities etc. with which ARTWORKS is also in contact and try to bring in our experience on the European level. The most innovative approach in ARTWORKS which is very interesting also for other European partners is that with ARTWORKS it is the first time in this discussion that the field "art and social work/community work" is discussed under the point of view of working conditions for artists, labour market aspects, financing structures and new working areas for artists. The 4 studies "Artistic Services in the Third Sector" which are produced by ARTWORKS are -as far as we know - the first studies which analysed the cooperation potential between artists and Non-profit organisations from these both sides. We will produce also an English summary of these studies to bring the results in the European discussion. Also the general discussion of "Culture & Employment" and "Cultural Entrepreneurship" is a very discussed topic on the European level, so the ARTWORKS training model of a "Start-up business training for Women artists" could be a transferable model.

276 Österreich Why is it innovative? The approach of ARTWORKS to connect artists and the Third sector to initiate new forms of cooperation is an innovative model because as far as now these kind of cooperation are more discussed in the art context and art theory, but not in the context of employment, working conditions etc. In Austria don't exist till now consulting structures etc. for artists who want to start a business, so the ARTWORKS cooperation with the Austrian Chamber of Commerce to develop a "Guideline for Cultural Entrepreneurship" and the training models "Start-up business for Women artists" and "Cooperations between artists and Non- profit organisations" are innovative models. Also as mentioned under point 4, the 4 studies to "Artistic services in the Third sector" have asked for the first time 250 NPOs and 500 artists about their experiences, ideas etc. in this field.

13. EPIMA- AT-6-01/20

Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Empowerment Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? There is a lack of educational and training as well as preparatory measures in order to facilitate the access to the Austrian labour market. No conducive general condictions for the target group in order to develop appropriate job-related perspectives for the future.

The lack of language skills significantly hampers the integration into Austrian society (asylum seekers are not entitled to participate in language courses). The target group disposes of no information regarding job possibilities and possibilities of access to the labour market

The long waiting periods regarding the outcome of the asylum procedure is not effectively used - negatic psychological effects are the consequence; problem of inactivity.

The willingness to learn and the potential capacities of target group lie idle.

Asylum seekers have a negative image in the public; Labour market access is a highly restricted, more or less impossible since beginning of November 2003.

What works? Development of training units, they are adapted to the needs of the heterogeneous target group in terms of content and methods (focus on individual approaches regarding the special needs among the target group.) Very good results in gaining language skills amongst the participants.

Dealing with contents and methods within DP. Different methods are used and tested in the modules. Question of synergies and learning impact - feedback from participants is highly positive to date

Promote coping strategies and self-esteem through groups of "self-help" ; accompanying social and psychological support measures; theatre based methods/didactics; implementation of empowerment-workshops. Positive impact on psychological conditions of participants including psychosomatic symptoms.

Commitment and promotion of trainer's competences through exchange of information and experience

Positive experience with internships in enterprises

Sensitization and public relation work based on the products of IT- and new-media trainings (produced by target group within the programme)

277 Österreich First results regarding "bridge function" of EPIMA: The placement in schooling education through intensive contacts with schools is possible. Also because of language abilities of asylum seekers gained within EPIMA.

What doesn't work? Internal exchange through a website forum for trainers - exchange works mainly through personal meetings.

Actually, it is more or less impossible to develop concrete prospects for labour market integration due to the legal framework of Austrian Federal Alien Employment Act. Expectations of participants regarding access to Austrian labour market will not be met.

Is what works transferable? Regarding DP products (at the national as well as the transnational level): development of a portfolio as documentation tool for qualifications and skills also in cooperation with transnational partners. The tool will e multi-lingual targeted for international use (in case of a return to the home country of move to another country):

Language modules and other training units are transferable to alimited extent, since they are adapted to local conditions, different objectives in different regions as well as to the national legal framework.

Experiences regarding the process of comparing and evaluation training contents and methods are transferable

New media-based and creative training elements developed and tested within in the DP (at the same time being and empowerment product of the target group).

Social and pedagogical/psycological/in part accompanying therapeutical support measures

Why is it innovative? The main focus of the DP on job-related/educational and training oriented activities regarding young asylum seekers is innovative and new in Ausria, that will mean outside the "normal" school context for asylum seekers under the age of 15.

Holistic approach: The combination of training contents and "public relation activities regarding the DP "through: theatre projects, presentation with video and websites, photo- exhibition, texts and organisation of events; linkage of programme objectives and skills and competences of the participants - focus on empowerment strategies.

Internships provide direct contacts with enterprises, promote the development of fondamental "working attitudes" that are required in our society and help reduce negative projudics on the part of the employers

Main Focus on public and sensitisation activities for the target group. This corresponds also to the main objectives of the national thematic network aimed at promoting the (hidden) potential of the target group.


ITC Literacy Work / Life balance Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming

278 Österreich Networking


What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Apart from different other problems which burden prisoners, a majority of them has no completed education which can be used on the labour market. This is one of the central reasons why their labour market position is weak and why most of them are not able to find employment neither before nor after imprisonment. According to a research prisoners with some qualification have better chances to find employment after release and in addition to that the labour market status of convicts and ex-convicts respectively is the one social feature which determines the probability of recidivism most. Based on these outcomes it can be concluded that qualification measures and measures to promote the integration of offenders into the labour market are apt to improve their labour market position and to thereby add an essential contribution to reintegration and to the prevention of crime. The existing measures for vocational training and further education inside the prison system are less and less capable of fulfilling the continuingly rising requirements of the labour market and the growing demand for professional qualifications. In the context of the offered trainings the increasing use of informational technologies in more and more professional fields is hardly taken into account. Additionally because of the existing structures and conditions inside the prison system training and further education is restricted to a relatively small portion of the prison population. Therefore it seems necessary to develop concepts for a new structure of the fields of work and of training inside prison. E-learning can be viewed as a first step in this direction.

What works? Telfi is based on a holistic integrated concept. All parts of the project are vital to the achievement of the aims of the project and are seen as contributions to the realisation of the overall strategy – improvement of the chances of prisoners on the labour market. Central to Telfi are the training measures which take advantage of the method of e- learning. Prisoners in the prisons participating in the project are offered training measures which are carefully selected, evaluated and developed by a team of experts in the run of the project. So far courses have been offered on "IT-basics" and on "German as a foreign language". All courses were successfully carried out and almost all participants reached the certificates aimed at. More courses are planned and developed on additional foreign languages, on stock keeping, on theoretical knowledge with respect to the work with metal and wood and on basic competencies. Additionally e-learning mediates knowledge on the use of informational technology as an important competency necessary in a growing number of professional fields but also in private life (cultural technique). The courses are carried out in small groups of six people as a rule. Most of the course time participants studie on their own and in the group with the learning software. At least once a week they are instructed and supported by a trainer joining them at the prison. Essential to the success of the training measures is the right ratio of presence of the trainer and of self studying. Too little assistance by a trainer easily leads to frustration and diminishing motivation, it however is also important that the participants and the group develops independency and skills to solve problems and tasks on their own. Additionally to the units with a trainer participants are regularly assisted by prison staff who have been trained as e-learning tutors. It is fundamental to the success of developments and of innovations inside prisons to adequately involve prison staff.

Training measures just by themselves however often do not improve the chances and the perspectives of prisoners. Therefore Telfi offers a comprehensive concept for the promotion/assistance of participants. Based on an assessment procedure developed in the beginning of the project participants for the courses are selected - the right participants for the rigth courses. The assessment also is the bases for an individual plan of promotion which is oriented towards the aim of the transfer to the labour market and to follow up measures respectively. In the run of the courses accompanying psychological assistance especially considering problems relevant for the labour market integration and the cohesion of the group of participants are offered. Adequate preparation of participants for the integration into the labour market is secured by an early start out point for the planning, by the involvement of after care services and by the creation of networks with the labour

279 Österreich market administration and other relevant players in the field. Already during courses work participants are met by coworkers of the after care services who prepare participants for the transfer to freedom and to the labour market and who also have to secure that assistance continues after release.

The development, realisation and integration of an appropriate infrastructure for e-learning in prisons within the Telfi-project builds a bases for the mainstreaming of e-learning inside prisons. Especially the installation and development of a “prison education server”, including the development of a platform (in cooperation with the transnational partners) is an important step towards a wider use of e-learning inside Austrian prisons.

Telfi is based on the competency and on the cooperation of 18 national partners and of two transnational partner projects. Neither the prison system itself nor one of the other partners would be able to carry out a project as complex as Telfi. Each partner and his coworkers - IT-professionals, prison staff, social workers, trainers, psychologists, etc. - ad important and valueable pieces to the project. It is still to early for extensive conclusions on the project Telfi. The run of the project and the experiences so far however indicate that the concept of Telfi is a valuable development which has the capacity to add to an improvement of the preparation of prisoners for freedom and the labour market respectively.

What doesn't work? Experiences confirm that training measures alone, without accompanying measures and assistance, are very much likely, to not improve the perspectives of prisoners. E-Learning, because of´its' flexibility, gives the chance to broaden training offers for more prisoners. It however is empirically proven that e-learning without assistance of a trainer in regular intervals will hardly be successful. Then e-learning is hardly more than a measure to just keep prisoners busy.

Is what works transferable? All elements of the Telfi-project seem to be transferable to other prison systems in other countries. Because of the good experiences with e-learning with a population with education deficits it seems likely that these experiences can also be used with other problem groups.

Why is it innovative? Apart from first courses offering the ECDL e-learning has not been used inside prison. Telfi will give information on the question which additional training contents can, in which way, be successfully taught via E-learning inside prison. Additionally sofar there was no comprehensive concept for the promotion of prisoners including accompanying measures - like psychological assistance of course participants, specific assessment, plans of promotion, etc. - used in Austrian prisons. Telfi is the first practical project inside the Austrian prison system working with prisoners which includes concepts and activities aiming at the prison staff. The development and the realisation of the structures for e- learning inside Austrian prisons, especially the development of the "prison education server" only has started with the Telfi-project. With Telfi for the first time a partnership of several different institutions cooperates with the prison system with the aim to foster improvements and developments inside prison. Furthermore never before as many activities have been directed toward networking !

280 Österreich PORTUGAL


Validation of learning ITC Literacy Accreditation Intergeneration learning Planning HR & Age management practice Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Work / Life balance Empowerment Mainstreaming Networking Disability Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The problems/needs that the ISTMO Project DP seeks to address are reflected in the project's objectives: ƒ To encourage generational renewal in fishing and related communities; ƒ To promote and emphasise the value of occupations in the fishing industry, raising awareness among young people about employment prospects in the fisheries; ƒ To contribute to the improvement of working conditions in the fisheries, raising the sector's awareness of the need to modernise its management methods; ƒ To raise the standard of workforce skills and promote recognition of their skills; ƒ Promote socio-vocational integration of young people in the fisheries, using an integrated training/employment pathways approach; ƒ Promote fine-tuning between vocational guidance/training and the industry's requirements, taking account of the technological and organisational restructuring taking place, and involving the different players responsible for these areas.

What works? Several factors in the solutions proposed by the DP have already met with success. The mobilisation and receptiveness of economic and political players within the industry in relation to the project has been decisive: awareness of and consensus about the needs and objectives of socio-vocational integration in the sector is increasing. Capitalising on this dynamic, we have embarked on various actions designed to address the various needs mentioned: ƒ a Local Plan for Vocational Marketing for the fisheries was drawn up; ƒ the Peniche Fisheries Socio-Economic Forum is in operation; ƒ Contact Missions are still being conducted with other areas in the sector, together with Reflection Sessions, supported by an Informal Monitoring Committee; ƒ The Project's web site is accessible and information about related events and initiatives are being continuously updated; ƒ the Centre for Skills Recognition, Validation and Certification is in the process of being installed.

What doesn't work? The time factor - the duration of the project's implementation is possibly the biggest obstacle in the way of the DP's key objective - changing attitudes. In spite of considerable active involvement in the partnership, the fact that the members taking part in the project work are also leaders of the respective organisations places considerable restrictions on their availability for planned activities and tasks.

281 Portugal Is what works transferable? Among the Project's products, the following are transferible ƒ Local Plan for Vocational Marketing; ƒ Peniche Fisheries Socio-Economic Forum; ƒ Centre for Skills Recognition, Validation and Certification, which prioritises strategies for the fishing industry; ƒ Continuing training packages for the sector's workforce; ƒ Computer programme for managing integrated training/employment pathways

Why is it innovative? The innovation in the solutions proposed by the DP stem mainly from an integrated and dynamic approach to the double-edged problem that needs to be resolved - the shortage of human resources in local enterprises, and the vocational integration difficulties of young people. Furthermore, the project is innovative because it: ƒ promotes partnership and networking, i.e., the creation of a platform for collaboration between boat owners and fisheries workers' trade unions; ƒ mobilises the agencies responsible for fisheries into action; ƒ energises vocational marketing strategies applied to the fishing industry.


Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership creation and management Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The Project's aim is to promote and stimulate the entrepreneurial skills development among secondary education students attending technical courses, who are, in the main, poor school achievers, in order to enhance their employability. Additionally, the purpose is to provide them with vocational guidance and counselling so they are better informed about their options, both on the labour market and with regard to self-employment, and short practice periods in local enterprises, with a view to facilitating their integration into working life.

What works? In terms of developing the target groups entrepreneurial capacities and enhancing their employability, what worked was the work undertaken over the course of academic year 2002/2003, which was based on a didactic programme and specific activities, including visits to firms (ENE Enterprises), the organisation by the students of an Exhibition of Ideas (ENE Expo), and the creation of business plans by the students (in groups of 2 to 5), which were then entered in a Competition (ENE Ideas Competition). Supporting documentation: ENE Student's Manual (didactic programme), ENE Teacher's Manual (teaching aid); Guide to Creating a Business Plan.

With regard to enhancing the target group's employability, what worked best were the short practice periods the students spent in local firms and organisations. - Supporting documentation: Trainee's Guide to Integration.

What doesn't work? The Vocational Guidance & Counselling service (ENE Guidance) did not work very well because it was limited to just one School and was not publicised enough. It was decided, therefore, to redefine that activity, and adopt instead a mobile unit that would be able go round to all the Algarve's schools with technical courses. The mobile unit would be run by a psychologist and equipped with relevant literature, etc.. (The redefinition of the ENE Guidance service was contemplated in the Alteration Request submitted by our DP.)

282 Portugal Is what works transferable? Yes. The work undertaken is perfectly transferible to other Secondary Schools and also to Vocational Colleges, because it is based on tangible products such as the ENE Studen'ts Manual and ENE Teacher's Manual, the Guide to Creating a Business Plan and the Trainee's Guide to Integration. Furthermore, reporting on good practices, such as the students' ENE Expo, the visits to local firms and the Ideas Competition, also enables transferability to other organisations and territories.

Why is it innovative? The project is innovative because:

ƒ there is no similar initiative being undertaken in the Algarve's Secondary School Technical Courses;

ƒ there is no discipline similar to ENE in the national curriculum for Secondary Education;

ƒ it enables these particular students (who do not, generally, go into Higher Education, and whose employment prospects are poor) to develop entrepreneurial skills and also provides them with useful information about regional services and infrastructures that support enterprise creation;

ƒ it seeks to facilitate the integration of these students through short, paid practice periods in local firms/organisations;

ƒ it works like pre-emptive action, as it prevents these students from becoming, in the near futaure, a disadvantaged group;

ƒ it is based on the technique of presenting young people with two alternatives that are within their reach in the short-term - either working (with an enterprising, pro-active attitude) in a firm/organisation, or becoming self-employed.

3. EMPREGO APOIADO - PT-2001-070

Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Work / Life balance Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Discrimination in social and professional life, and lack of access to equal opportunities. Little involvement of socially disadvantaged people in the processes and organisations working to promote educational, vocational and social inclusion. Resistence and insufficient involvement of the business community in the integration of socially disadvantaged people. Little or no partnership between the different organisations, agents and target groups. Unemployment and social exclusion. Lack of skills and qualifications, and lack of correspondence between the training/education systems (contents and processes) and the real needs of people and the labour market.

283 Portugal What works? Involvement of target group representatives at every stage (planning, implementation and evaluation) and on all the DP structures. Creation and facilitation of the Forum for Diversity (composed of representatives from the different target groups, which functions as organiser and promoter of participation of target groups in the project and in the local communities where the territorial interventions of the project are conducted). Creation and facilitation of local Forums for Diversity. Training of representatives in leadership and citizenship. Awareness-raising initiatives among the business community about supported employment, promoted by industrial associations. Training in sheltered employment for enterprise tutors, with the involvement of the target groups. Training of supported employment technicians. Computerised database job-matching tool, for linking enterprises and applicants, run by industrial association. Consolidation of enterprise networking for inclusion; Partnership between public and private sector organisations, education, training, employment bodies, local authorities, organisations representing disadvantaged people, enterprises, and industrial associations, to form social cooperation networks (SCNs) - communities of practice and of sharing; The SCNs enable integrated pathways to employment to be identified and implemented, and promote the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of tailored plans for inclusion that are based on the individual's own interests and possibilities, in a self-determination process. Integrated pathways to employment presuppose the recognition, validation and certification of skills acquired over the years, the definition by the individual concerned of their own socio- vocational integration plan, the development of tailored support plans in a perspective of empowerment, personalised monitoring, continuous development of transversal (social, personal and management) skills. Learning at the workplace. Elaborating profiles for enterprise tutors (key elements in enterprise vocational training) and sheltered employment technicians. Tools for recognition, validation and certification of vocational skills. Implementation of the Portuguese Association for Supported Employment.

What doesn't work? There is still a need for more receptivity on the part of public authorities towards the uptake of supported employment principles and methodologies, although progress is gradually being made. Reluctance stems from the legislative framework governing the authorities, which does not generally facilitate flexibility in decision-making or action.

Is what works transferable? Yes. Transfer is possible for most of the processes and products identified above, as long as communities of practice (formalised intercooperation networks) that systematise sharing and cooperation in specific areas are set up for the transfer process.

Why is it innovative? Innovation is to be found in the application of supported employment principles and methodologies to the generality of disadvantaged people; active involvement of the business community and industrial associations in the vocational integration process; genuine participation of disadvantaged people themselves in every process, especially through the Forum for Diversity; online communication system between members of the DP, which enables all members to introduce and retrieve information, and makes access democratic and almost instantaneous.

4. TRILHOS - PT-2001-176

Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Validation of learning Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Tailoring business services to real needs Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Partnership creation and management

284 Portugal Empowerment Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Institutional dependency, passiveness, low self-esteem (individual and collective) of the groups with social and vocational integration problems, and persisting tendencies towards self-depreciation, in spite of efforts to correct the situation. ƒ Uncoordinated, makeshift and slow institutional responses, which do not consider people as individuals, and problems developing strategies that match the complexity of the situations involved. Need for appropriate civic responses and for active social support networks. ƒ Inappropriateness of training provision for the real needs of the market (enterprises), namely in the training developed for vulnerable target groups. ƒ Territories where there is resistance to flexible strategies designed to facilitate target group guidance/training/integration.

What works? Forms of energising and building online partnership at all levels: Steering Committee, Technical team and Territories.

The functioning of the DP - it adopted an inter-institutional system - underpinning autonomy and empowerment (technicians and institutions), integration of territorial action and inter-peer learning/communities of practice.

Implementation of a (re)skilling/energising mechanism for the territory, "animating" and coordinating people (women, men and young people) and organisations (institutions, associations), and integrating the gender perspective

Development of an inter-institutional articulation mechanism geared to integrated guidance, training and integration planning (development of integrated solutions, considered by the partner institutions and other integration practitioners to be best suited to the target group).

Online design of a vocational training course, based on the enterprises' needs diagnosis, as a response to concrete needs.

Design of a continuing training and self-learning (online learning) mechanism for technicians and trainers.

Design and implementation of a participative skills appraisal system.

Design and set up of a space, and network for active citizenship, as a means to articulate and boost continuity and transferability of initiatives, managed in partnership (functioning in partnership).

What doesn't work? ƒ . Different degrees of participation and involvement among the project partners, namely among the enterprise partners. ƒ . Insufficient capitalisation on the value added of transnational cooperation. Difficulty in managing the different perspectives on how Transnational Partnership should be managed. ƒ . Difficulty promoting closer articulation between the project's different teams (working groups). ƒ . Extending the mutual aid and reflection networks to practitioners in the territories (not directly involved in the project). ƒ .Breakdown in the relationship with an enterprise (tourism) over the set up of a vocational training programme that would address the sector's skills needs - caused by the delay in enterprise investment approval. Reinvestment in other areas.

285 Portugal There are no guarantees at the design stage that training initiative certification will be possible. ƒ . Delay in the implementation of the project assessment (of impacts) mechanism

Is what works transferable? Yes, because the strategies defined for the development of the project activities are based on research-action dynamics using participatory methods.

The transversal learnings that are capitalised at partnership level (with territorial basis) make the actions coherent and the latter gain considerable transferability potential in an integrated and territorial perspective.

The transferability potential of the trial initiatives and the products/practices being developed is, therefore, substantial.

Why is it innovative? It is a network that works on the basis of partnership, and focuses its efforts on: strong territorial anchorage; heavy commitment to empowerment of the local people, practitioners and institutions; learning processes and the design of partnership/empowerment/learning strategies; involvement of public and private sector institutions, enterprises (private and social economy), social intervention agencies, cultural, associative, and educational organisations; an approach to integrated guidance, training and integration planning from a territorial upgrading perspective; partnership commitment to the creation of an Active Citizenship Centre, responsible (at territorial level) for ensuring the continuity of the project's dynamics.

5. SEMEAR PARA (A)COLHER - PT-2001-262

Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Territorial approaches Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This project aims to tackle problems arising from unsuccessful integration of immigrant and ethnic minority individuals and families, and to take preemptive action. The target groups are considered to have special integration needs, particularly in connection with skills recognition, poor qualifications and equal opportunities. There is also lack of information about the services and agencies working in this area. It is necessary, therefore, to organise activities that improve the information system, awareness-raising and monitoring of these groups, by creating tools and structures that support these activities, in order to improve their integration.

What works? Products developed by the DP in the sphere of the Project include: ƒ a Guide designed for the Project's target group. This is a resource that supports the motivation, (re)socialisation, mediation, social and vocational integration and monitoring of disadvantaged groups. The beneficiaries are immigrants and ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural minorities, as well as practitioners working in the area of training-integration support. The product is intended to address the difficulties facing immigrants in accessing basic information on their rights and obligations, particularly those with language difficulties. ƒ a 360-hour training programme for socio-cultural mediators. The training programme is intended to serve as a support resource for the motivation, (re)socialisation, meidation, social and vocational integration of the target groups. Designed to benefit immigrants and minority groups (ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural), this product's value-added consists of the training/qualification for a specific activity, improved employability and, more likelihood of successful integration as a result of the training process they go through and the contacts made available to the immigrants

286 Portugal concerned. This product aims, therefore, at addressing the difficulties of interlocution with immigrants and mínorities (ethnic and cultural) and of working with these groups by, in this case, training agents who will ensure the necessary mediation process between society/host institution and the immigrant population. ƒ two Information and Resource Centres (IRCs), to be set up in Braga and Portimão, using the IRC/IOM Centre in Amadora as a reference guide. The processes/methodologies of these centres, which provide multisectoral services, are tailored to suit the needs of the Project's target group. They are supported by the direct involvement of sectors/relevant authorities. The IRCs are launched on the basis of a minimum services package, which may be gradually extended according to the future needs of the target group.

Is what works transferable? The Guide, which is to be produced in 3 languages (Portuguese, English and Russian) and is easily copiable, could be used by all organisations working directly with this target group.

The socio-cultural mediators training Programme could be used by all organisations, as long as the necessary training skills are in place.

The methodologies, processes and activities on which the Information and Resources Centres are based could be transferred and used, wholly or partly, by other teams and/or organisations.

Why is it innovative? Information and Resources Centres:

ƒ providing integrated information/advice to the target group, i.e. a response that offers a combination of different services in the same space; this sort of response is non- existent at present in Braga and Portimão. The IRC users will be immigrants, of any origin and ethnic/cultural minority. The IRCs' intervention areas: multisectoral, with special focus on issues relating to legalisation, industrial relations, employment, education/training, housing, social security and health. The intervention modalities are based on information, personalised guidance and technical support.

Building Associativism:

ƒ encouraging the target group's active involvement by promoting associative movements in three ways: providing technical support for setting up new immigrant associations; technical support for the development/consolidation of already existing associations, and technical support with raising awareness about the associations, and spreading information on, e.g. which associations are available and the benefits to be gained from joining them.


Validation of learning Convincing and involving Social partners Empowerment Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP is trying to address the problem of young people who have not completed compulsory education, are unable to access vocational training schools, and who enter the labour market with no skills whatsoever, and supply the demand for unskilled labour in areas such as construction and hotel work.

287 Portugal What works? ƒ Partnership (because of previous practice, the size of the region (Azores) and consequent proximity); ƒ The coordination of different teams working for the same target group; ƒ The methodology of the Escola Moderna movement in the schooling aspect, and the respective cooperation councils (Young people, Technicians, Integrators and Teachers)

What doesn't work? ƒ The work with care/reception institutions that was eventually abandoned, partly because of events at national level, and the launch of a new approach to the whole Region; ƒ The administrative burden and financial constraints placed on the project caused by the large size of the partnership

Is what works transferable? ƒ The Personal and Social Skills Programme (already being operated by the transnational partners) ƒ the intervention work with the beneficiaries' families; ƒ The vocational integrator figure profile, and all the tools developed to support his/her intervention

Why is it innovative? ƒ The structural and longitudinal type of intervention with multi-problem families ƒ The involvement of the community and local business fabric; ƒ The approach to the target group centred on street entertainment in the community ƒ Creation of an alternative space for basic skills training, which is closely associated with the local community.


ITC Literacy Creating an entrepreneurial culture Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The JEMA Project targets young unemployed women and craftspeople, so the problems and needs of these two groups are quite different. The ADRIMAG (Integrated Rural Development Association) area of intervention is a predominantly rural and hard-to-access region. The resident population has a generally low-level of educational achievement, and unemployment among women is higher than among men. There is a need to spread an entrepreneurial culture among the unemployed women in order to encourage the creation of employment and enterprises - innovative and traditional -, which will help to raise the population's living standards and improve the region's economic and social development.

Young unemployed women - specific objectives ƒ Equip young unemployed women with skills needed to create their own employment. ƒ Provide technical and institutional support in the preparation of investment projects. ƒ Monitor and provide technical assistance to the set up of new businesses. With regard to craftwork itself, there is a variety of products and plenty of marketing potential in the ADRIMAG area. However, given that the craftspeople are mostly unqualified in terms of formal schooling, and have no IT, management or product promotion skills, these needs have to be addressed so that the potential of quality products can be fully realised.

Craftspeople - specific objectives

288 Portugal ƒ Elaboration of a regional Craftwork Guide, in digital and paper formats. ƒ Contribute to the creation of an online craftwork promotion and sales portal. ƒ Develop management, marketing and IT skills in a group of craftspeople in the ADRIMAG catchment area.

What works? The vocational training courses: ƒ “Entrepreneurship and Setting up New Businesses” – 660 hours ƒ “E-craft – management and marketing of craftwork on the Internet” – 620 hours The courses are formatted and their programme content, organisation and methodologies can be easily transferred and adapted to other regions.

The exchanges of experience among the trainees and technicians facilitate learning of new realities, initiatives and difficulties encountered in the implementation and elaboration of projects, which can all be easily be transferred and adjusted to suit the national reality.

The skills appraisal sessions provide a better understanding of the people working in the project development and enhances the teamwork.

What doesn't work? Some difficulty encountered in promoting empowerment among the partners. This should be overcome by holding skills appraisal sessions with an outdoor component that will help to consolidate group cohesion and the skills associated with the principles of EQUAL and the JEMA project, which are being disseminated among all the partners.

In terms of the transnational cooperation, there are some communication problems, due to the fact that the partnership is composed of 6 organisations, with 4 different languages.

The methodology used to stimulate entrepreneurial spirit among the unemployed women. Although the course is receptive towards the target group, and the programme content is the most appropriate (initial and interim course assessments were conducted during the skills appraisal sessions, and confirmed the suitability of content for the group), and although the course does promote entrepreneurship and risk-taking among the women, it is likely that not as many new enterprises as had been anticipated will, in the end, be set up. This is because the barriers to setting up businesses are not only associated with the disadvantaged groups themselves and the administrative difficulties involved with starting up an enterprise, but also closely linked to financial support for starting and running a new firm.

Is what works transferable? There is a lot of interest among the other partnerships, with whom we have had some contact, in the skills appraisal sessions with an outdoor component and the respective methodology being used.

The courses are formatted and their programme contents, organisation and methodologies can be easily transferred and adapted in other regions.

Why is it innovative? This project is innovative in the region because it will enable the creation and maintenance of a portal for online marketing of craft products, and will help to increase collaboration and partnership among groups of craftspeople in ADRIMAG's intervention area. Furthermore, it will enable new enterprises to be set up and stimulate an entrepreneurial and risk-taking spirit among the women living in disadvantaged areas in which there are serious obstacles in the way of developing and creating employment.

289 Portugal 8. LABORATÓRIO DE IDEIAS - PT-2001-184

Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Diversity management Tailoring business services to real needs Making start up finance more accessible Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Empowerment Disability Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Target group's poor entrepreneurial capacities ƒ High unemployment, especially among women ƒ Lack of information that inhibits the creation of self-employment ƒ Poor educational background of the target group (over half of the trainees selected has completed no more than lower secondary school (year 9) ƒ Target group's mobility difficulties ƒ Lack of care services in the local boroughs that have been identified as being priorities

What works? ƒ The direct contact with the target group ƒ Simplification of the learning methods and providing specific information relating to their needs and potential ƒ Capitalising on the skills of the target group and equipping them with entrepreneurial skills ƒ The guarantee that support/guidance will be provided during the entire enterprise creation process ƒ The broad and multidisciplinary partnership (the involvement of the local development Associations and local Councils is essential to ensure the success of the initiative, and gives an added boost to the target group's confidence in their choice of pathway. ƒ A new Fund that will support the new enterprises that are found to be viable in the market where they are set up. ƒ The involvement of not only the partner entities but also the range of external entities that work with the target group - good promotion and dissemination of the initiatives that we are to develop. ƒ In terms of transnational work: * being able to hold virtual meetings that allow for the issues to be discussed and dealt with in real time.

* Holding distance courses - enables the exchange of know-how among the partners.

What doesn't work? ƒ Poor target group motivation towards creating self-employment, so, even if they are only given useful comments about their investment project, when we do not give them guidance on a daily basis they are unable to interpret them or apply them to their situation. ƒ A broad partnership without specific skills and responsibilities being directly allocated ƒ Selection of trainees and awareness-raising sessions with no precise definition of the next steps and respective timetable

Is what works transferable? What could be transferable and disseminated are the good practices, in terms of : ƒ national partnership management ƒ set of activities and procedures geared to the target group and of which we are sure that they will lead to the success of the initiatives we proposed, included: * selection and recruitment

290 Portugal * training and consolidating individual competencies

* adaptation of concepts and methods to the individual competencies

* self-employment monitoring process . from the business idea to the investment plan and its implementation ƒ Concept of micro-enterprise support Fund management ƒ Good practices resulting from the evaluation process ƒ Transnational good practices guide - Benchmarking ƒ Methodologies used for the characterisation and monitoring of the socio-economic reality of disadvantaged rural areas.

Why is it innovative? The concept inherent in the Good Practices guides, which are relevant because they give other entities working in diverse programmes and initiatives the chance of integrating and developing them, and to capitalise on the synergies by applying the concepts addressed. Good practices lead to optimised processes and positive results. Furthermore, there is the management and guidance of the partnerships aspect that is, in our view, vital for the success of any initiative, whether it be of a social, cultural or economic nature. It is essential to have an exact notion of the needs of each project (needs diagnosis) and to subsequently form a partnership that will be able to address the different features of that initiative.


Creating an entrepreneurial culture Empowerment Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP and EMPREENDER project seek to address the following problems/needs: ƒ high unemployment, especially among women ( 78% unemployment among women) and young people; ƒ under-utilisation of the female population's potential and the territories' endogenous potential; ƒ resident population's low-skilled and high age structure, and need to secure specialised support services, which monitor the effects of these factors; ƒ lack of opportunities for young people; ƒ poor local dynamics and absence of multiservice support; ƒ lack of initiative.

What works? The DP created an Interactive Local Development Network, consisting of DP member organisations, partners where the project is being conducted, and a newly created multidisciplinary team (8 young college/university graduates), which undertakes "animation" initiatives in 4 Local Development Poles. The Network is the Project's public face: it has established close working relationships within the territory and its people, and functions like a bridge - from inside to inside, from inside to outside and from the outside to inside, thus helping to minimise problems and address needs. The process has entailed a range of functions in several of the territory's sectors, which are making a substantial impact by boosting local dynamism that will generate much needed entrepreneurial spirit initiative - leading to job creation and improvements to the quality of life in disadvantaged rural zones.

291 Portugal What doesn't work? The local development process, and creating the dynamics and conditions that facilitate local initiative and entrepreneurship are difficult tasks, which are not made easier by the fact that players have their own tightly delimited areas and interests and conflicting/unhelpful relationships with each other, and this calls for a systematic and slow process of changing attitudes. In view of this, we have maintained complete impartiality in the management of these conflicts and processes and have tried to set an example through our work and the way in which we do things. We are trying to recuperate the volunteer spirit that has been lost. People are afraid of change, have low self-esteem and see their future as being slightly or no different to their present. They prefer to cling to a routine lifestyle, which springs no surprises, than to embark on any new venture that could help improve their way of life. These are all hurdles that we are to turn around and transform into positive factors. We also have to cope with an external and internal economic situation that is unfavourable to entrepreneurship, and with the aftermath of the recent devastating forest fires that impoverished, both economically and socially, our region, and further exacerbated all the negative factors mentioned above. We are convinced by this entire scenario that the territorial "animation" work in which we are engaged is even more vital and urgent now than ever before.

Is what works transferable? Territorial "animation", undertaken by a network of specialised technicians with diverse basic training forming a multidisciplinary, synergical team, could be transferred to other rural areas. Territorial "animation" is a kind of multisectoral intervention, and is applicable to any domain and community, even though the departure point differs from area to area. When interventions combine with the creative dynamic generated in disadvantaged territories, "animation" becomes a vital local development tool, full of potential, requiring time to be fully exploited and capitalised on in order to bring about the desired changes. The Transnational Partnership has proposed a Methodological Guide, describing the "animation" practices that DPs in each country use to solve the same type of problems. The Guide will be available to all interested parties.

Why is it innovative? The project's innovation is to be found mainly in the quality of the work processes and methods being implemented, in the identification, training and accreditation of new skills and the subsequent creation of jobs with unique characteristics. These new skills/jobs are making an impact on the target populations, and helping to boost local self-esteem, generate dynamism and needs, and, in time, will give rise to the much needed entrepreneurism in disadvantaged rural areas, and thus raise living standards, and help to halt rural exodus.


Planning HR & Age management practice Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Low levels of productivity, profitability and competitiveness in the mould industry, in relation to foreign competitors;

Insufficient analysis and discussion of industry-related problems;

The level of investment in technology acquisition (training and organisational innovation), which is less than investment in equipment;

Highly individualised activities (a lot of task work), instead of a comprehensive approach/vision (teamwork).

292 Portugal What works? The partnership's involvement in pursuing the Ch@tmoul project's objectives;

The observatory that monitors and gauges the progress of project activities, which comprises 24 firms participating in Action 1 and others interested in organisational innovation, and technical educational establishments based in the region;

The Ch@tmould web site, as a means of communication between the different players, serving as a meeting point (thematic chat rooms) for those interested in sharing problems, ideas and solutions; The Forums/Suggestions area that provides an opportunity for interaction between the target group and Ch@atmould technical team;

Behavioural training and specific technical training, tailored to suit individual needs;

Integration in the project of three Social Science technicians - graduates with poor employability prospects (Sociology and Psychology);

Initial IT training to equip the target group with the skills needed for taking part in the Ch@tmould site activities;

Initial IT training for young prisoners (18 to 23 years of age), which is one of the Project's social activities;

What doesn't work? Different "speeds" within the partnership for developing and implementing activities, and abilities for quick reaction to unforeseen problems.

Keeping up interest in Ch@tmould, given that the impacts of the change process are not immediately quantifiable and visible.

Some difficulty in fully harnessing the know-how and expertise of retired workers: mobilising them for ongoing activities has been a big challenge as "fear" inhibits them from passing on their expertise in traditional techniques, when they are confronted with the "frightening" world of telecommunications and new technologies.

Is what works transferable? Yes: the glossary to be developed in the sphere of the transnational partnership;

Human resources management methodologies and multidisciplinary Teams for the mould industry;

The experience that results from sharing problems and knowledge through Chat (papers);

Why is it innovative? The creation and use of a virtual space for sharing knowledge and suggestions on topics and problems affecting the mould industry;

Promotion of the integration of social science technicians in the sector;

Harnessing the know-how of retired workers;

Creation of multidisciplinary teams (drivers of change management);

Facilitator training; modular and behavioural training (team management and cooperation), and IT training for groups with little motivation/interest in the area;

Design and upkeep of the Ch@tmould website (virtual meeting point for the mould industry).


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Validation of learning Accreditation Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Gender mainstreaming Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? European Transport Policy has reached a crossroads: reduce the negative externalities of Road Transport activity, without incurring loss of competitiveness and restricting citizens' mobility.

The main objective of the Codessus project is to address the growing need among Road Haulage enterprises to upgrade their environmental performance, by defining management policies, programmes and systems within a paradigm of sustainable development. A further aim is to increase the role of women in this male-dominated sector (about 93% of the workforce are men) by developing their skills in specific areas.

The project's main aims are twofold: ƒ to qualify organisations by enhancing their quality and social image, underpinning their development and competitiveness on the basis of sustainable frameworks, and ƒ to qualify people, by creating a new occupational profile - Environmental Guardian - , mainly targeting women workers, which will play a key role in developing corporate citizenship and, we believe, will become an important differentiation factor Road Haulage sector enterprises in the medium term. The training of Eco-Friendly Drivers is also a crucial feature of the project, and could lead to greater civic participation on their part - proactive and not just reactive, if training could be on-the-job and results- focused.

What works? Success factors: ƒ Active participation of all the DP members, which can be seen in their attendance of the development forum and Working Groups; ƒ Collaboration of public sector authorities, namely the Instituto do Ambiente e Direcção Geral dos Transportes Terrestres: contracts were signed with these two entities, with a view to ongoing improvement of hauliers' environmental performance;

What doesn't work? The main difficulties are: ƒ the administrative and bureaucratic aspects - a result of the large number of partners; ƒ the absence of active methodology referentials for results-orientated on-the-job instruction; ƒ Deficient social capital levels evidenced by reactive and self-defensive civic participation, illiteracy, unequal treatment of women and men and paternalistic view of the State.

294 Portugal Is what works transferable? Once the project is finished, products that support the dissemination of new practices will be available. These will be usable by other firms not only in Road Haulage, but also in Public Passenger Transport.

The transferibility of Codessus has already been acknowledged officially, insofar as specific reference is made to the project in Strategic Guideline 6 of the Plan for Implementation of National Strategy for Sustainable Development (PIENDS).

The following are finalised or developing products that can be disseminated: ƒ New Occupational Profiles (Environmental Guardian and Eco-Friendly Driver) and corresponding training course manuals; ƒ Methodological Guide for continuing on-the-job training for drivers; ƒ Best Environmental Practices Guide for the Transport Sector; ƒ Video on the application of Project tools and Web Page for disseminating results and information exchange;

Why is it innovative? The main innovative features are: ƒ Creation of new areas of value by developing environmental skills that will improve socialization factors in the competitive context; ƒ Prevention of unemployment by anticipating changes; ƒ Promotion of corporate citizenship and raising the quality of employment, maintaining profitability and reinforcing competitiveness; ƒ Development of proposals for recognition and certification of environmental skills; ƒ Design of specific methodologies for continuing on-the-job training; ƒ Training human resources, preferably women, to enliven processes and teams to better tackles the challenges of modernisation; ƒ Using the spirit of environmental education to promote business cooperation through civic participation networks that share resources, values, norms and knowledge. In this case, the transfer of experiences within the Codessus Network and their replication outside will also be up to the scientific community, which will also be responsible for monitoring and validating the models, objectives and results, through ongoing case study work.

12. F@DO - FORMAÇÃO ABERTA E A DISTÂNCIA ORIENTADA - PT-2001- 211 Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning ITC Literacy Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Disability Other: less qualified

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ To try to raise vocational skills standards among the unemployed and/or those whose jobs are at risk, by developing and applying a new individual learner-focused training methodology (addressing learning, financial, family difficulties, etc), in order to combat progressive exclusion caused by lack of the right skills and lack of access to sources of knowledge and learning (new knowledge economy) ƒ To transform “info-exclusion” into “info-inclusion”, using IT-based, just enough, appealing, flexible distance learning models, that are tailored to suit unemployed and low-skilled target groups; ƒ To capacitate training providers and local learning centres in all aspects of distance learning provision, in a concerted process of mutual help and optimisation of resources in order to improve the population's quality of life and skills levels ƒ To increase the spread and use of ICT among disadvantaged groups, through lifelong and lifewide learning

295 Portugal What works? Practically everything!

1. Level and standard of project implementation and progress in relation to targets set for the projects

2. The extent of stakeholder receptiveness and engagement: ƒ the enterprises - new opportunities to access distance learning and to fine-tune/update some workforce skills; ƒ Trainers and training providers – acquisition of Open and Distance Learning skills; access to innovative methodology ƒ unemployed/low-skilled target groups – acquisition of skills that facilitate access and inclusion in the Information Society and labour market; ƒ DP – the improvement and broadening of new distance learning skills directed at a new target group, and enhancement of team working; ƒ Local Networks (organisations and mediators) – proactive integration in a new training and socio-vocational integration method ƒ other institutions that have become aware of the project and have been invited to take part, with a view to facilitating dissemination in the future (e.g.: General-Directorate of Vocational Training, Municipal Council of Arruda Vinhos, Bento Jesus Caraça Association), 3. Partnership (continuous management and assessment)

What doesn't work? Nothing in particular. Perhaps, initially, some difficulty getting all the partners to release HR for the necessary amount of time (especially public agencies, which tend to regard R&D projects as non-priority). This setback has now been overcome.

Is what works transferable? New open and distance learning methodology that is flexible and adjusted to suit the target group's specific needs, and individual learner-focused

E-learning course for e-learning trainers

E-learning course for disadvantaged and/or low-skilled trainees (contents, training kit, self- assessment exercises, and formative and sumative evaluation)

Database - trainee profile model and personalised data collection methodology (characterisation of personal interests, expectations, professional and educational background, skills levels and learning progress, events)

Platform model of communication and management

Why is it innovative? New open and distant learning methodology that is flexible, adjusted to suit the specific needs of the target group, and is individual learner-focused; system that facilitates access to educational, technological, cultural and professional progression, enhances citizenship skills, and opens the doors to the information society for the info-excluded;

E-learning course for professionals working with e-learning for disadvantaged target groups

E-learning course for disadvantaged and/or low-skilled trainees (contents, training kit, self- assessment exercises, and formative and sumative evaluation)

Partnership management methodology (procedures, evaluation and improvement plans)

296 Portugal Methodology for design and implementation of training that strongly focuses individual learners' and enterprises' needs, and local players' capacities and potential


Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Diversity management Empowerment

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ The need to incorporate and interiorise new skills in the organisations, skills that are at present provided by external players. This skills development process will be the departure point for a strategy of human, cultural and social upgrading.

ƒ Sub-contraction at product design level. Dependency on agents outside the organisations who do not understand the limitations imposed by the processes. This results in additional costs being incurred by having to develop and optimise the design process.

ƒ Low-skilled ceramic modellers (level I, II, and occasionally III)

ƒ Reactive behaviour of enterprises producing utility ceramic products, and the need to respond to the serious threats that the market is posing.

ƒ Organisation of the Design area currently dependent on the modelling function.

ƒ Urgent need to promote cooperation within the design area.

ƒ There is currently no access in the creative/design process to new design tools, as they do not have the specialised software, or the skills or training that would enable them to exploit the vast potential of virtual 2D/3D modelling and rapid prototyping.

What works? One of the project's focal points is put in place the conditions that will enable new work (design) teams to be set up in the enterprises. The teams are multidisciplinary: members complement each other's skills, and strengthen the organisation as a whole.

In this respect, the integration of trainee Designers in the enterprises has been a key factor - not just in terms of the design process but also in terms of organisation - in bringing about the conditions required for the necessary changes and formation of the design teams. Integrating Designers in the organisations has been so successful that, at the present stage of the process, most enterprises are now worried that the Designers may not stay on once the project ends, and are aware of the danger this could pose in terms of continuity of the practices.

Furthermore, by incorporating these Designers, who are trained to work with new methodologies and tools, they have come to realise the benefits that organisations stand to gain, and have begun to bring their processes into line with this new type of management, based on a more pro-active client oriented approach. This kind of change is now a reality in most of the partner enterprises.

Cooperation between the partner enterprises has worked very well and plays key role in the project's development, as it was through the enterprises that training needs were identified and the action plan devised. Cooperation has also been a major contributor to empowerment, which has resulted in the different players/beneficiaries actively engaging in their own change process through training, and this has had a very positive impact on the sustainability of the desired change process.

297 Portugal What doesn't work? One element of the project that has not been entirely successful is transnational partnership. The reasons for this are twofold: one one hand, the spheres of the projects are quite different, and on the other hand, the fact that the beneficiary enterprises themselves are partners in the DP (a strong point) reflects on the transnational cooperation as a weak point, because enterprises and people with a very pragmatic approaches are involved, and they only participate actively when they believe that they are sure to gain added value, otherwise they prefer merely to be provided with information about events.

Is what works transferable? One of the most important products will be a methodology that enables a group of professionals, with considerable added value in the area of new ceramic product design, to be trained and to acquire new specific skills.

The practical experience of this methodology's effectiveness in changing internal and external functioning in the project partners, as it goes without saying that changes to one area involves changes to all the others.

The project's training plans and manuals could be used to disseminate the methodology. The training plans are fairly comprehensive, as they were designed for different target groups and address different dimensions. Aspects that could be addressed are development of vocational skills (e.g. 2D/3D modelling) and people (responsibility-sharing, developing autonomy boosting outlooks, empowerment, etc.).

Motivating for teamwork and putting into practice a teamwork system in order to enhance enterprise performance, on the principle that pulling together will achieve better/quicker results, are also good practices that are transferable.

Through its products and practices, the project is intended to drive skills development, interdisiplinarity of functions, individual and functional upgrading, sharing of values and norms, cooperation and teamwork. It seeks to encourage other similar projects that provide workers with opportunities for personal and professional development.

Another good practice is the development of innovative initiatives in partnership, and the competitive advantages to which forming such partnerships can, directly or indirectly, lead.

Why is it innovative? Training in and enrichment of the ceramics industry's design functions have been neglected and need support and rejuvenation, as they are areas that are presently are dominated by professionals with skills that, in today's competitive context, are outdated. The project is innovative because it drives skills development/updating and gives that category of professionals an opportunity to upgrade their position on the labour market. The domain of 2D/3D software is a technological vector that enhances existing skills, enriching and capacitating ceramics design professionals to achieve faster and more competitive design production.

The promotion of the creative abilities and skills of young Portuguese professionals and their placement/utilisation in the design area, reversing the customary recourse to external designers.

It is hoped that this process will be a catalysing factor for the adoption of a new management strategy based on cooperation between different functions, with new and reinforced skills, which will help to underpin the enterprises' competitive performance and make their client relationships more pro-active.

A further element of added value is the fact that these people's links with new skills will be reinforced and the exchange of experiences with other countries and regions will give rise to additional learning based on the good practices applied there, emphasising the human resources dimension as a determining factor in competitive performance. In this context,

298 Portugal the partners will be elements of sharing know-how and culture, i.e., personal skills, organisational values and knowledge.


Gender mainstreaming Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The problems that the DP is trying to address are associated with the undervaluation and underestimation of women's work and contribution to the economy, which is reflected by several forms of gender segregation in employment:

ƒ discrimination in access to employment and promotion

ƒ differences in pay for women and men doing the same or equal jobs;

ƒ undervaluation of traditionally female employment areas and occupations, as well as skills they have acquired in vocational and social contexts;

ƒ resistance to recruitment of women in sectors and occupations where they are still under-represented;

ƒ insufficient incorporation of content referring to equal opportunities and maternity/paternity rights in collective bargaining.

ƒ absence of gender equality policy and culture in industry that would eliminate the discriminatory practices still prevalent in the world of work.

What works? The Project aims to build proposals for positive actions that will ensure gender equality in the workplace, which requires a diagnosis of the situation in all enterprises involved. The methodology developed by the project for this diagnosis has proven to be suitable. The equality awareness-raising and training initiatives for trade unionists have been very successful.

The DP has been functioning with the regular and active contribution of most of its members. The input of the different partners has been a determining factor for the running of the project, as they have experiences and skills in equal opportunities.

What doesn't work? The difficulties encountered are mainly associated with the current political situation, economic recession, the absence in Portugal's business tradition of an open and participative culture, and the reluctance on the part of some enterprise leaders and/or their workforces to regard equal opportunities issue as an employment priority.

The insufficient involvement in, and lack of commitment to the promotion of equal opportunities on the part of public sector authorities does not help gender equality mainstreaming to really take root in enterprise management practices and policies.

Is what works transferable? The training programmes and pedagogical tools for gender equality, designed for secondary and technical-vocational educational levels and for trade unionist training.

The methodology for diagnosing the gender equality situation in enterprises; the documentation designed to support direct negotiations with enterprises on positive action protocols.

299 Portugal Why is it innovative? The DP regards the following Project products and practices as innovative: ƒ Definition of the gender equality trainer profile, designed along the lines of the general trainer profile and with the benefit of the DP member organisations' training experiences; ƒ The thematic booklets on gender equality that are used as pedagogical aids in awareness-raising initiatives. The booklets' design takes into account the fact that they are destined for different end users (technicians and agents directly or indirectly involved in equality issues, working people, trade union activists, etc.); ƒ the Training programmes on gender equality, designed for Human Resources technicians, teachers, trainers and trade union activists; ƒ the Guide/Manual for negotiating positive actions: the purpose of the manuel is to provide business leaders, human resources specialists, trade unionists and other social agents with a useful tool that: ƒ helps them to understand the meaning and consequences of applying the gender equality principle; ƒ enables them to analyse, detect and expose gender discrimination where it exists; ƒ facilitates the design of initiatives for introducing positive actions. In addition to the products referred to above, another clear example of innovative practice are the new methods used in collective bargaining at workplace level on the issue of gender equality, and the stimulus given to the emergence of a new culture in enterprises and services in which women's role in employment is more highly valued.

15. CONVIDAS - PT-2001-164

Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Accessibility. Problems: insufficient availability of family support services (especially creches, and homes for the elderly); existing services do not always meet the needs of working people, particularly those who do shiftwork. Objective: to promote the implementation and/or reorganisation of services; identify innovative forms of organisation and more integrated functioning.

ƒ Quality. Problem: low or inappropriate skills of the professionals providing family support services; continuing training courses rarely attended. Objective: raise the quality of existing care service provision; promote skills development through training.

ƒ Flexibility. Problem: in view of the shortage of available family support services, service providers do not invest in innovative solutions or in ways of better responding to users' needs. Objective: to develop more flexible and integrated ways of operating care services, which address families' real requirements; to promote ways in which services and users can gain a better understanding of each other and come closer together.

ƒ Cooperation. Problem: many of the problems associated with reconciling work and family life are caused by insufficient cooperation and articulation between public and private sector organisations. Objective: to promote better cooperation between local authorities, enterprises, care service providers, etc., in order to improve accessibility, flexibility and quality of available services.

ƒ Changing attitudes. Problem: work/family reconciliation problems are often regarded as a “necessary evil”. Although the problem has a major impact on citizens' quality of life, it is not among the social agents' top priorities. The less the issue is highlighted, the less call there is for action and for change.

300 Portugal Specific objective: to promote the empowerment of working people; raise the awareness of/train local players on the important role of reconciliation; raise families' awareness of the need to share family responsibilities equally.

What works? ƒ Providing local players with information on funding and procedures for setting up family support structures (2 services at the planning stage);

ƒ Formation of a network of family support volunteers, as an innovative and flexible solution that mobilises the active participation of many individuals in helping to resolve problems (67 volunteers currently providing support);

ƒ The ludic-pedagogic games relating to the reconciliation issue, designed for use in schools. The game is, in itself, a worthwhile tool, but it also serves to motivate schools to consider the issue in their educational role. As a result of distributing the games, some schools selected Work/Family Reconciliation as the theme of their annual educational project.

ƒ The Permanent Platform for Reconciliation, a forum for 32 representatives of organisations whose work directly impacts on the issue, and which functions as an extended partnership of the Project itself, validating its action plans and analysing the results achieved on a six-monthly basis (2 meetings already held)

ƒ The complementarity between the organisations within the DP, and the democratic way in which it functions.

What doesn't work? ƒ The task of raising the awareness of employers and workers is made additionally difficult in view of the present crisis affecting the region's Textile industry, which has left many firms struggling, led to the closure of others, and made unemployment rise dramatically

ƒ The inflexibility and bureaucracy of some authorities.

Is what works transferable? Yes. Available now: the organisational schema for the Family Support Volunteers Network; the ludic-pedagogic Games to be used in schools; the organisational model of the Permanent Platform.

Available in the short term: training reference sources and pedagogic support material for trainers (not yet finalised); the script for a play about reconciliation for adults (to be produced by schools during the current school year); model for the set up of multiservice structures that provide support to working people: Information and Workers' Support Centre.

Why is it innovative? The Project's innovative features are: the creation of spaces for cooperation/interaction among organisations, such as the Permanent Platform that also functions as an extended partnership of ConVidas; the Family Support Volunteers Network; the ludo-pedagogic games; the Information & Workers' Support Centre.


Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Gender

301 Portugal What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ To tackle gender-related inequality and segregation on the labour market, promoting gender mainstreaming in initial and continuing training provision for trainers, since pedagogic strategies are not always sensitive to the issue and can actually perpetuate the stereotyping of women's and men's roles in society. ƒ To contribute to gender mainstreaming in employment policy definition and implementation, namely through training, under the National Action Plan for Employment. ƒ To define the vocational skills of trainers and agents in equal opportunities for men and women, training reference frameworks and technical-pedagogical resources, with a view to raising awareness and training strategic groups, and helping to change attitudes in order to promote gender equality.

What works? ƒ The definition of needs diagnosis methodologies in trainers'/agents' skills in equality issues. ƒ The elaboration of training reference frameworks and definition of integrated pedagogic strategies for equal opportunities promotion ƒ The construction of a technical-pedagogical resources dossier that includes a methodologies guide and a self-evaluation mechanism for trainers. ƒ The incorporation in the DP of public sector authorities responsible for defining and implementing employment and training policies, which aids and reinforces mainstreaming the results of the Project. ƒ The diversity of the DP's membership, encompassing public and private sector bodies and combining different organisational cultures and practices in training and equality areas, which enriches the Project with a multifaceted perspective. ƒ The opportunity to use the Project's results in equal opportunities training, in training financed by measure 4.-4. "Promotion of equality between men and women" under the Community Support Framework OP for Employment and Training. ƒ The Project's external evaluation process has led to useful reflection and fine-tuning of strategies to achieve the agreed objectives.

What doesn't work? ƒ The difficulties inherent to building a Project working model that incorporates the Development Partnership concept, as it delayed progress and led to some initial loss of effectiveness. ƒ The need for the public sector bodies in the DP to apply state management standards, caused financial management difficulties and, consequently, delays to finance flows to the other partners.

Is what works transferable? ƒ The methodologies, reference frameworks and technical-pedagogical resources elaborated by the Project will constitute a best practices package intended to generalise the gender perspective in vocational training, and which may be adopted by training providers, regardless of the area or level of training they offer. ƒ The practice of setting up and operating the DP, reflected in a "logbook", can serve as a source of reference for other projects and contexts.

Why is it innovative? ƒ Transversal integration of equal opportunities for women and men in the training of trainers and other strategic groups, namely in terms of language used, pedagogical strategies and technical-pedagogical resources. ƒ The involvement of the end users in the development and validation of the Project's products.


Convincing and involving Social partners Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Gender

302 Portugal What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The project "Homework: intervention measures and strategies" seeks to find responses and possible solutions to: difficulties that women homeworkers face in accessing vocational training and retraining; homeworkers' poor educational qualifications; women homeworkers' social isolation and difficulties in accessing information; the difficulty women workers face in accessing information about homework's legal framework; the inexistence in mainland Portugal of women homeworker support groups; the general lack of awareness (social and institutional) of the critical factors relating to homework; the difficulties homeworkers have in investing in alternative occupations; the non-application of current legislation on homework; lack of reference to homework activity; non-integration of Social Responsibility principles in homework activity by firms and other players; non- recognition and non-dignification of homework, homeworkers, and firms using it.

What works? Implementation of 3 pilot training schemes designed to underpin homeworking skills (training course in "Madeira Embroidery" and "Shoe-Sewing" training course), to retrain homeworkers, an example of which is the "Amas" training course, and to improve working conditions of homeworkers. The Skills Assessment mechanism in training interventions with the homeworkers. In addition to fulfilling one of the EQUAL CI requirements, it is intended to: help women homeworkers to fully exploit their life experiences that will facilitate the structuring and consolidation of skills; support the identification of viable life plans; encourage the compilation and management of skills portfolios; create mechanisms that facilitate homeworkers' contacts with institutions that can assist them to carry out their life plans - Vocational Training Centres, Skills Recognition, Validation and Certification Centres. Monitoring and training the players intervening in the Project's different schemes: this constitutes an opportunity for bringing together the different professionals who are working in isolation and find it hard to reconcile their activity with the necessary reflection, which is so vital to the process of making practices really appropriate for the people, the problems and the contexts concerned. This system is organised around 2 modalities: Collective Workshops that reinforce the feeling of Project cohesion and the sharing of the know-how and experiences relevant to the action's development, and Local Work Meetings that focus on monitoring each individual team, and try to resolve local problems and needs. The dissemination among enterprises of the concept of social responsibility and Codes of Good Conduct in connection with homework, carried out during the "Work Meetings with Enterprises". The reflection on the national homework situation, involving women homeworkers, enterprises and their associations, and technicians, and with emphasis on finding alternative solutions. Even though this action is transversal to the whole project, it was particularly focused at the International Seminar on Homework. The monitoring of individual and collective projects by the Pilot Entrepreneurial Initiative Support System, which provides support to interventions by institutions close to the homeworkers, fostering processes that encourage enterprising activity, such as the setting up of a family creche and formation of advertising and sales networks for products that incorporate "Madeira Embroidery".

What doesn't work? We cannot look at the project simplistically and say what works and what does not work. Experience of the project has shown us that some intervention strategies, thought of at the project's design stage, are not practicable because the intervention context has changed (especially the economic context, given the drop, in some regions, in the supply of work in homes and in enterprises), because some situations were unforeseen, because the involvement of key players was optimistically expected. The main obstacles the project came up against initially were difficulties in involving the women entrepreneurs in the "Work Meetings with Enterprises" activities. These were later overcome by approaches mediated by the regional and sectoral associations that represent the entrepreneurs. This work, in addition to bring about the mobilisation of the women entrepreneurs, is important insofar as it has enabled the beneficiaries to participate actively in the reflections on the meaning of homework in specific activity sectors and in the elaboration of Codes of Good Conduct. Another aspect that needed alterations was the Pilot Entrepreneurial Support System, which was originally designed to support homeworkers wishing to set up their own

303 Portugal micro-enterprises. Experience showed that the implementation methodology envisaged for developing that activitiy turned out to be difficult to apply, because of the target group's low self-esteem, scant financial resources and often very isolated situations. All these factors condition the spirit of initiative, the fundamental basis for the development of the Support System, so, in the circumstances, it was decided to set up and undertake activities supporting individual and collective projects that are structured in the context of the Project's partner institutions and that are close to the homeworkers.

Is what works transferable? On the basis of the progress made, we consider that all the activities referred to in point 2 are potentially transferable, in terms of both their structure and organisation (the pilot training schemes; the Skills Assessment mechanism) and their methodologies (methodology for mobilising the women entrepreneurs, methodology for elaborating the Code of Good Conduct, methodology implemented in the Pilot Entrepreneurial Initiative Support System).

Why is it innovative? The project's innovation is to be found, basically, in the subject matter (homework) and the target public (homeworkers and women entrepreneurs that resort to this type of work), as well as the make-up of the DP that, given its membership (1 public body, 2 local development association, 1 university, 1 consulting firm and 1 trade union) is in itself an innovation. With regard to the project's activities and interventions, the DP considers the Skills Assessment Mechanism used in the interventions with the homeworkers, and the work methodology with the enterprises for the elaboration of a Code of Good Conduct to be the most relevant in terms of innovation.


Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Employment for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Absence of an integrated reception and integration system for asylum seekers and refugees; ƒ Poor articulation between the agencies involved in reception and integration of refugees; ƒ Absence of, or inadequate support programmes for this target population, namely programmes promoting direct support and mediation/interaction with the host society; ƒ Lack of information about the asylum issue (lack of technical and specialised information, and incomplete information provided to asylum seekers and refugees); ƒ Their difficulties communicating in Portuguese, and problems adaptating to the host society (difficulties in making contact with institutions, and with people in general); ƒ Lack of occupation while they are not allowed to engage in paid employment.

What works? Products: ƒ Guide to Reception and Integration of Asylum Seekers (for technicians); ƒ Pool of Interpreters; ƒ Information and Awareness-raising package (which will contain models of information and awareness-raising sessions for technicians; models of information and awareness-raising sessions for the general public; informative and awareness

304 Portugal literature for distribution in public and private sector institutions, public information services, etc.). Successful practices: ƒ The experience and entire process surrounding the organisation/elaboration of the Guide and, especially, the extension of the partnership and involvement of different organisations in the creation of an integrated reception and integration system for asylum seekers and refugees, based on integrated, participative planning and networking ƒ The process of setting up and facilitating the work of the (informal) Consultative Groups of asylum seekers and refugees; ƒ New forms of providing information to the user and new partnership dynamics at local and centralised levels (with the Integrated Information Unit of the Bobadela Reception Centre).

What doesn't work? ƒ The task of extending the partnership to include the agencies directly involved in asylum work, in order to design the future reception and integration system for asylum seekers and refugees has not been achieved as quickly as had been hoped for, in spite of the fact that every effort was made to speed up the process. Furthermore, we noticed a lack of responsibility-sharing throughout the project on the part of the partners, namely the state agencies involved. However, given the continuity of the process, we believe that solid foundations have been laid for the future implementation of the reception and integration system for asylum seekers and refugees in Portugal. ƒ In spite of the fact that setting up and facilitating the (informal) Consultative Group of asylum seekers and refugees appeared, from the outset of the project, to be the most original, correct and innovative process, the DP recently had to re-examine the work methodologies used. The purpose of the DP's brainstorming on the matter was to improve the quality of the work undertaken with this Group.

Is what works transferable? Yes, both the products and good practices mentioned under point 2 above could eventually be transferred to/adapted by other projects. However, we believe that, more important than adopting the innovative models or methodologies that have been tried and tested by others, the essence of this "transfer" lies in each individual's ability to adapt the good practice of a particular case and apply them in different contexts/settings, to suit different target groups.

Why is it innovative? Because, in terms of the target groups and activities and services geared to them, implementation of the Integrated Information Unit ensures improved guidance/follow up and provision of fuller information to asylum seekers.

In terms of work processes, it was possible to devise new forms of teamwork, which developed skills with a direct bearing on the partnership's objectives.

The future creation of a self-sustainable system for the reception of asylum seekers will also enable articulated work to develop further, which will optimise synergies and facilitate the task of improving responses for the reception and future harmonious integration of the asylum seekers.

305 Portugal SUOMI


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Validation of learning ITC Literacy Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Tailoring business services to real needs Disability

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? There are an estimated 80,000 to 150,000 people in Finland who are, for various reasons, difficult to employ. Prolonged unemployment and health problems make it hard to enter or return to working life. In the public debate on the anticipated labour shortages, it is easy to make the assumption that unemployed jobseekers are not in fact potential employees.

The project offers a new-style occupational coaching and training services for businesses and workplace communities, and for people who face difficulties or have special needs in returning to working life. It is important for the economy as a whole to give everyone in the regional labour reserve opportunities to work; people must be allowed to show their potential, their desire to learn and their motivation to find employment. ‘Fair Play’ encourages this in cooperation with businesses in the region.

The project supports the human dimension in business, offering services that generate clear benefits. Developing a demand-driven cooperation model is one of the most ambitious challenges faced by the project. Emphasizing positive feedback, the project awards ‘Fair Play’ certificates to businesses that offer training positions and subsequently hire an employee specially groomed for them.

The project is based on respect for the participants’ own responsible actions. All participants are committed to and motivated for long-term coaching. An employer does not expect an employee to be perfect when he enters the firm; instead, a desire and attitude to learn new things are valued. Once the project is over, South Ostrobothnia will have leading expertise in employment support and an established network of businesses guaranteeing everyone in the region a chance to work for a living.

The goal is to develop new recruitment practices and employment strategies for the open labour market in cooperation with businesses; create a new kind of service system supporting the employment of special-needs groups and offering occupational rehabilitation, in cooperation with the five participating regional centres of expertise

The project aims at making the labour market open to all by developing alternative recruitment practices through training and supervised on-the-job occupational coaching

The project is emphatically based on demand which means that the work must be strongly targeted at enterprises. The intention is to create a true dialogue with enterprises in conjunction with employment and to have them gain positive media publicity (there are experiences of this from the past programming period). The enterprises will be linked to the transnational cooperation through which they will be able to create business contacts abroad. In work placement attention will also be paid to preparing the whole working community when a new employee is hired.

The project is a provincial development project during which five regional resource centres will be developed. During the project, the services created by the resource centres will be targeted to the participants who have mental difficulties in integrating in the working life and who need personal guidance in the workplace.

306 Suomi The general provincial goal is to develop local labour market, to create new jobs and to support people at risk of exclusion in finding employment in the open labour market. The common development theme is to support the ethical and human dimension in order to create a labour market open to all. The enterprises which will be involved in the development work will be getting a positive reputation through the media in showing human dimension in their operations. In order to reach the ambitious goal the project will target the development work intensely to creating cooperation with enterprises. The aim is to develop cooperation with enterprises, anticipation and services which are offered to enterprises.with enterprises

What works? The real cooperation with the project, the employers and the trainees/employees. The tailor made plans for the beneficiaries are mde closely together with the employer and trainee/employee in order to ensure the mutual interests and common goals. This way the commitment of the employer is real. They all participate in assessment process of the training period together as well.

What doesn't work? The cooperation with the different actors e.g. different administative sector is still quite difficult.

Is what works transferable? The concept of the project is transferable as it is.

Why is it innovative? The real empowerment of the target group. The beneficiaries of the project set their own goals and objectives in the project. Also the close and target-oriented work with the employers is an innovative element of the project.


Validation of learning Accreditation Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Multiculturalism is already a part of Finnish society, and it should be regarded as an enriching factor and a resource also in working life. In ETMO project Finns – both employees and employers – and immigrants try, through a joint learning process, to learn from each other, to see things from the point of view of other cultures and to dispel prejudice caused by lack of knowledge at both sides. All will benefit from increased tolerance and pulling together, also economically. The project will increase equality in working communities, generate a network of people to deal with issues related to multicultural working culture, and to teach us how to make good use of multiculturalism in developing Finnish working life.

The project has significant effects in combatting racism and xenophobia in the labour market. As regards its actions, the project is an innovative pilot project in Finland and it will provide sustainable results. The project is also compatible with the strategies of the labour administration and with the government's policy (against racism and discrimination). The

307 Suomi partners are significant and relevant actors. Introduction of employed immigrants as participants in the project is an innovative idea.

The central aim is to improve immigrants' employability and ethnic equality in workplaces in cooperation with immigrants, project actors and partners; and to create positive attitudes towards immigrants. The immediate results will be seen in the 16 working communities participating in the project: the aim is to promote multi-culturality as a resource in these workplaces. The goal to get the working communities to implement feasible models and good practices concerning well-functioning work culture. The models will also promote immigrants' employability. The project will create a network of working culture intermediaries that will promote - during the project and after it - the integration of immigrants to working life. The permanent effects will include working communities with more ethnic equality, a trade union movement which takes into account the needs of immigrants; and sustainable cooperation between project actors and partners in order to improve the employability of immigrants. The project actions include e.g. the creation of working culture intermediary groups. The members represent various groups of the workforce, including employees, employers and immigrants. The groups define their mode of action and aim to provide new models and practices for multi-cultural working communities. There will also be work culture clubs which will provide support, advice, material and guidance for the target group.

The actual activity of the intermediary groups, learning process, is launched with initial seminars by analysing the results of the survey concerning the target group. After this the group will lay a foundation for launching the project at the workplace and consider collectively the process of advancing the process.

The objective of the group is to examine, consider and develop modes of action and practices, through a joint learning process, in order to promote achievement of the Project objectives and, in the process, to gain competence in bringing working cultures closer together. The aim is that the process will, as a result, produce proposals for modes, methods, materials, cooperation, training and activities—in a word, good practices, to improve employability of immigrants and bring about a joint concept of Finnish working culture and its effect in a multicultural working community.

The activities of the working culture clubs will begin in the autumn 2003. The clubs will offer all sorts of information, advice and materials on working life, maybe training, guidance to training, friends. They are also a place for various discussing groups introducing to working life, and a venue for occupational clubs.

The clubs are also a place to meet representatives of the employer and the employees, experts on working life and multiculturalism, as well as members of the working culture group. Working culture clubs also aim at promoting cooperation of Finnish and immigrant social networks.

The activities of the working culture clubs will be guided by four regional co-ordinators, of which two are immigrants. Club activities will be supported by programmes, which are produced by local radio stations and directed to immigrants.

What works? The whole concept works quite well. It has been quite easy to recruite the employers to the project since the social partners are involved in the project.

Is what works transferable? The working concept and method as itself is transferable to other working communities, of course it requires some resources to run the activities.

308 Suomi Why is it innovative? The innovation behind the project is that both employers' and employees' organisations are working closely together. The working culture groups consist of workers from all levels. Also the coordinators have immigrant background in order to be able to work as intermediaters in the working community.

3. LÄHIÖN SOSIAALISET YRITTÄJÄT (LOCAL SOCIAL ENTERPRISES) - FI-25 ITC Literacy Improving the Capacities of integration Making start up finance more accessible Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprise

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The aim of the project is to employ people with a vulnerable labour market position in the project’s target areas. In three different cities and five different suburbs local tenant’s associations have launched pilot enterprises aiming at two intertwined goals. First to employ local people in vulnerable labour market positions (disabled and long-term unemployed) and secondly to strengthen local service infrastructure and cohesion and provide new services to the areas. The project will promote the emergence of social entrepreneurship and it will also provide possibilitites for creating social entrepreneurship through local agreements.

The development partnership is organised in three projects. All these three projects are service oriented and operate in the local area. The business ideas are based on local knowledge: on the demand and supply structure in the neighbourhood. The Maunula- project (in Helsinki) offers services to homes, especially to the elderly that make up the majority of the local inhabitants. The services include cleaning, cooking, assistance (in for example taking the person to the health center), and recycling guidance.

The Halinen and Kohmo -project (in Turku) offers computer services (repairing and recycling ) and software training. The Liipola and Mukkula -project(in Lahti) offers care services in an old people’s home, after-school activities to children and forest maintenance services in co-operation with municipal authorities. Two of the projects (Helsinki and Turku) include a housing advisor model, an experiment in reducing rent debts and evictions tried out in collaboration with municipal housing companies, social services and other local actors.

A law on Finnish social enterprises will become effective in the year 2004 and the emerging enterprises have tried to mould their structures to fit the requirements. The law will call for a 30 % quota on disadvantaged employees of the whole amount of staff, the figure will include both long-term unemployed and disabled employees.

The project aims at creating a Finnish model for social entrepreneurship. Start-up companies will be launched by local partnerships, aiming either to employ disadvantaged persons or to provide services for such people. The project focuses both on the processes that these companies and their employees go through, seeking best practices and innovative processes as well as on their marketability to the larger audience including finnish policy-makers.The experiences from this project should lead to innovative policies that will aid to promote new employment procedures and paths .

Local Social Enterprises –project is administered (including research) by the University of Helsinki, Palmenia Centre for Education and Research and it has two transnational partners: Modelli evolutivi per l’impresa sociale in La Spezia, Italy and Wohnen und Arbeiten in Vienna, Austria.

309 Suomi One aim of the project in whole is to identify best practices for building up and maintaining a successful local social enterprise. From the experiences so far a few elements have proven vital: ƒ Long-term knowledge of local demands and structures ƒ A working local network (all relevant local actors, partners with significant influence) ƒ Personnel skills -especially of the manager – in both business and special needs of the disadvantaged employees ƒ Integrated or easily reachable support mechanisms for the disabled employees ƒ 5.Inclusion and empowerment of all employees (rehabilitative work environment)

What works? ƒ long-term knowledge of local demands and structures (works well in twosubprojects and is seen as very important) ƒ a working local network (works well in two subprojects and is seen as very important) ƒ flexibility to supply service especially in comparison to municipal service (works well in two subprojects) ƒ identifying service gaps due to the change in municipal service supply (works well in two subprojects) ƒ responsibility in offering the the service (great responsibility towards the customers) and developing the quality of the service and know-how (knowledge of the weakpoints and the will to work on them) (works well in two subprojects)

What doesn't work? ƒ integrated of easily reachable support mechanisms for the disadvantaged employees (this is seen as very important part of the success, but it does not work yet. There are plans for it and it will be hopefully adapted before the end of the project) ƒ personnel skills - especially the managers - in both managerial and business areas (is vital, but does not work in all the subprojects. There are lesions provided at the moment on this area. Perhaps there will be more need for new lesions as well) ƒ inclusion of the employees and empowerment of the employees (this works somehow in two subprojects, but there is still need to improve it)

Is what works transferable? - Yes. We see that it can work well also in other similar situations.

Why is it innovative? Subprojects offer services that are traditionally seen as municipal services. They are flexible and very customerorientated. They work locally. Their motto is to bring the service to the customer not the customer to the service. Local actors act locally and that brings great envolment with it.

4. - FI-16

Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning Older worker Planning HR & Age management practice Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Networking Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? • The central aim of the DP is to improve the possibilities of SMEs to develop their own operations in a comprehensive way. In order to maintain their competitiveness SMEs need to adapt in a flexible way to the demands of the new economy and to the anticipation of the future. This requires that the enterprise sees it as a priority to utilise the net in business actions (e.g. drafting of offers in electric form), to improve the technology skills of personnel with obsolete skills and to improve the wellbeing of personnel.

310 Suomi • The DP aims also to create and use an evaluation model of national and transnational effectiveness. Through evaluation it will be possible to monitor the effectiveness of the 4T model in the development of enterprises and in the improvement of personnel's well-being.

What works? Cooperation between development partnerships both in the national and in transnational project environments has been fruitful and flexible. We have been able to offer SMEs training programmes and development actions corresponding to their real needs, thanks to, for instance, pre-interviews in participating enterprises. Direct personal contacts between the subproject managers and SMEs have proven out succesful.

SMEs are interested in participating in long, company-oriented, less bureaucratic development projects concerning the whole personnel.

What doesn't work? In some cases SMEs time for training is limited and therefore it has been difficult for them to attend training and develoment activities.

Is what works transferable? The cooperation model between DPs.

Why is it innovative? • Comprehensive, enterprise-oriented approach, development of enterprises and personnel together, wide cooperation net work, development of new tools and models for SMEs, for instance for anticipation of the future.



Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The main objective is to combat the gender segregation in working life through developing new methods for learning in working life. This objective is divided into the following three perspectives, all connected to research and development: ƒ societal: influence target group through enhancing the consciousness of gender equality in the power structure of the county, help those responsible for human resource and educational policies to integrate a gender perspective ƒ draw attention to and develop factors for gender equal workplaces, organisation and to find new forms to combat the unequal illness rate, relating it among other things to the segregated labour market

311 Sverige ƒ make visible the informal and formal skills of women and encourage the participation of women and men in untraditional labour market sectorsThrough a conscious and systematic gender equality work, new methods could be developed and examined, in order to implement the mainstreaming policy in the county.

What works? All three perspectives are important for the overall goal of combating gender segregation in the labour market. The DP, involving the actual members and the associated ones, has accomplished a broad composition of several important actors in the county. Though the local and regional governments have a high representation in the DP, the existence of the trade unions, the largest private company of the county and three NGOs, help to broaden the field of work.The DP focuses on the process to find new forms of cooperation in the field of gender equality in the county. There is a lot to learn from each other and the DP aims at a bottom-up process, where specific working groups throughout the county works with specific subjects such as preventive measures against high illness rates, work organisation, skill development, and employment rate.Every working group is processing experience and knowledge through organising projects in the realm of the DP. Therefore the DP has “stations” of different projects in the county working trans-sectoral and some times cooperates with some local and regional projects. The result of this bottom-up approach will be to put the county of Gävleborg in the top ten equal counties of Sweden.

The DP is involved with two transnational partnerships. The first partnership works with how to integrate the gender perspective into pedagogy with focus on technology. The second works with how to integrate gender equality into work organisation and work places. The partnerships have together applied for new project from Interreg, Leonardo and 5th Framework program for gender equality. The first has been admitted.

What doesn't work? The process in the beginning met som difficulties because every partner did not fully understand the partnership idea. We believe that process-oriented method in the DP has evolved and that now after mor than 1,5 year, the DP has started to come with different forms of ideas for projects. The different working groups are managing much better now that they did before!

Is what works transferable? Yes. The work and the effort of every project and its working group is brought to the DP and processed in order to develop a method, a module, called JGL (jämställdhet, göra, lära: gender equality, to do, to learn). The module is supposed to be basic and relevant for different target groups such as politicians or human resource managers. This module can be seen as a basic concept or pedagogical instrument for gender equality. Thus, the module will be composed of “focus”-modules, which are the experience and results of every specific project mentioned above.

Why is it innovative? This DP is innovative in the sense that the bottom-up approach is highly implemented in the process of building up the DP and in developing the module, JGL. The DP has tried to balance the high representation of public sector actors with the associated members, who comes from NGOs, private companies and trade unions. All the municipalities in the county are also represented in the DP. This establishes strong networks between the actors. There are representatives from the DP and the associated members in every working group. The DP is focused on process and since its beginning the participation of its members and the associated ones has strengthened. One of the associated member, the largets private company of the county and Sweden, has shown interest to be member of the DP.The process is the essence of the DP and important for the gender equality in two ways: first of all, gender equality is freed from being an obligation, a law from above, in the contraty, it becomes the common contribution of the main actors of the community, through the work of the working groups.Second of all, the experience from the transnational cooperation both in the realm of Equal and outside, shows the interest for the issue of

312 Sverige gender equality and its field. It is a contribution to see what Equal and in a longer run, gender equality, can gain from the experiences made and the ones the DP is about to make in the transnational field. The specific featrues of different transnational projects and the experiences made through these, will be further basis for the gender equality in the regional level. The DP can therefore be seen as a “contact station”, gathering results from the ongoing projects in regional and transnational level.The DP has been chosen because of the focus on process and initiative taking and working with different actors in the realm of gender equality, the overall aim of the national priority to comabt segregation and the regional focus, to improve the situation for women and men in the county becoming a competitive and gender equal county.


Work / Life balance Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Territorial approaches Other: Rural work life

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The outermost purpose of our programme for rural renewal is creative procedures and work-forms in local development projects leading to a more open, equal, varied, extensive and diversified work-life giving people in rural areas new opprtunities to live, study and earn a living. New forms of work and entrepreneurship are needed together with a diversification of trade and industry as well as increased personal opportunities.

What works? The local knowledge capital of ideas, experiences and commitment of persons, local development groups as well as local organisations have proved to being a working way for achieving the objectives. The Rural Renewal project is a mutual learning process based on a bottom-up approach. Processes for indentifying obstacles leading to exclusion are developed and methods for eliminating them are tested. An Experience council within the project proves to be an efficcient way for methodological development.

What doesn't work? Large-scale, urbanised and centralised labour market, regional, and industry policies including their rule based systems and implementation practices, don’t work in rural areas.

Is what works transferable? Yes, the basic methodology is transferrable but it needs to be adjusted to cultural and structural differences.

Why is it innovative? The holistic approach to individual based local growth in rural areas is what keeps the project progressive.


Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Mainstreaming Networking Gender

313 Sverige What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP wants to strengthen the measures taken in the private business sector Sweden tom promote women in leading positions, for example the board of directors. These are the following sub-objectives of the project: ƒ Generate new knowledage and relevant analysis in order to identify why Sweden is different from other countries in promoting women to leading positions. ƒ Disseminate research results in working and reference group (35 companies and public authorities) and involve them in action programmes and change strategies. ƒ Influence politicians and other decision makers through the research result change the system with taxes and incitaments. ƒ Disseminate in the transnational netwrok about how Swedish companies works with the promotion of women and to take into account the experience from other countries.

What works? The DP works in three steps. The first which started with Action 1 was the analysis step. Several research groups are assigned to gather knowledge regarding the situation of women in Sweden in leading positions. This first step led to the establishment of a Objective 3 project, which is currently working together with the DP. In the second step the researchers compare the situation of Sweden to other countries in order to see why the situation for Swedish women is different. The questions issued here are among others how companies work with skill development for higher positions, what kind attitudes exist about women in higher positions, what sort of European codex is built up about skill development in Europe and what is the responsibility of the national policies for the low rate of women in leading position (taxes, leaves etc). These results are processed in cooperation with a researcher and a reference group, constituted by 35 participating company leaders from Sweden, which will lead to a action programme/plan for the every participant. The action programme should be implementet by the participating organisations in a specific period of time. The DP:s activity period in Actcion 2 is from July 2002 until June 2004. Action 3 is vital for the further mainstreaming of the experiences made in these organisations. In the DP two major universities of Sweden, University of Commerce and Gothenburg university are taking part and three major private companies Electrolux, Telia (the former national telecom company) and SEB (Scandinaviska enskilda banken). During the later six month of 2002 two research reports were published and three open seminars were arranged with more that 250 participants. Three debate articles were also published. The result can be seen during this year when several companies promised to go through the nomination procedure to director board.

What doesn't work? The DP is working according to the plans.

Is what works transferable? The intented output is as described the individual action programmes for every organisation and the actual implementation of it and the further dissemination. The programmes are developed in the pariticpation of the reference groups and of the experiences made in the research work. What is even more indispensable for understanding the situation of women in male-dominated area is that the focus of the DP is both horizontal and vertical. It is horizontal because the number of women in business sector is lower than the public sector. It is vertical, because of the lower number of women in the higher positions. The results are already being shown and the essence of the project is mainstreaming results from research in a popular context so that every one can clearly see the obstacles in the process.

Why is it innovative? The DP has links to more than 60 different organisations which will be active in the process of the action programme and their implementation. The existence of a larger network, the possibility to gather and process the information and knowledge given through this “consulting” is therefore an important source for gender mainstreaming. The DP believes

314 Sverige firmly that the participation of VIPs is the actual basis for a successful work with mainstreaming. If the director generals of the companies engage in the mainstreaming work. The companies represented in the reference groups have more than 500 000 employees. The DP aims at showing the companies successful way of working with gender equality and especially hopes to work further with a new form of vocational training for women in order to reach the “top”. The DP is process oriented. The focus is on the interaction between researcher and scholar on one side and the company leaders on the other. The process is in a way an growing understanding of the importance of gender equality. The innovative side of the DP is the fact that the initiative in establish the DP came from the companies themselves, which is rather unusual. This DP works clearly with vertical segregation which is the theme for next year and probably the results and the effects will be more visible than. However, it is worth being nominated because of the Objective 3 project which also coordinated by SNS. The Objective 3 has the horizontal criteria of gender equality but focuses more on analysis and skill development. The synergy effects and the outcome of Objective 3 is also a reason for the nomination of the DP.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning ITC Literacy Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Horizontal desegregation Gender mainstreaming Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Employment for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The overall aim with the project/DP Diversity Faces is to contribute actively to make the province of Östergötland to a leading region of diversity in Europe. One part of our definition of a Diversity region is a region where leading actors from both the market and public sector, clearly expresses and act in order to have a working life without a discrimination and inequality and which is characterized of diversity. According to that it’s necessary to impact and change/strengthen structures and attitudes as obstacles/promoting development of diversity.

The DP includes twelve important organizations in the province of Östergötland as cover important functions in the society. They are the Bosnia – Hercegona association, the federation of private enterprises, the social insurance office, The county council, The county administration, The county labour board, The Östgöta Coop Centre (social economy and enterprises), The swedish trade union confederation, The municipalities of Linköping, Norrköping and Motala and The university of Linköping.

What works? ƒ A very important task and mission for the project/DP is to create The Diversity Arena of the province of Östergötland. This arena is based on two platforms the Experience dialogue and the Experimental Workshop. Results and products from this arena is e.g. exchange of experiences, pilot projects, research and development, synergetic effects,

315 Sverige financial support, models and best practice and production and use of knowledge and ideas. ƒ The cooperation between the partners of the DP works very good. One important task in this cooperation is to create networks and working groups inside and between DP partners in order to work with strategial topics e.g to participate in process to create Östergötlands development plan and create a common education in the area of diversity and lifelong learning. ƒ Establish pilot projects at the action level creates new experiences and knowledge who is important at the the policy level. ƒ The DP use the participation in the transnational partnership as a platform for creating networks at local and region level.

What doesn't work? Potential problems; ƒ Lack of time, the people in the organizations/companies which are involved in the development process have a very high ambition but it can be difficult to get enough time for participation from the “every day” work. ƒ The political weight, support and culture for some topics related to diversity and lifelong learning in the DP organizations can be different. That can means problems in the cooperation between the DP – organizations. ƒ Relations between the action and the policy level. One method is to use a network strategy between the DP partners both at vertical and horizontal levels.

Is what works transferable? ƒ The way we are working with a broad DP with different kind of organizations who is representing different kind of interest. ƒ The loop between the action level (e.g. pilot projects, networking, exchange of experiences) and the policy level (decision making, financial and political support) and vice versa promoting a development that can impact structures and attitudes concerning diversity and lifelong learning.

Why is it innovative? The different kind of perspectives, which are represented in the DP both at the action level and the policy level, creates a dynamic approach to problems and needs.

The loop between the action level (e.g. pilot projects, networking, exchange of experiences) and the policy level (decision making, financial and political support) and vice versa promoting a development that can impact structures and attitudes concerning diversity and lifelong learning.


Horizontal desegregation Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Empowerment Racial or ethnic origin Disability Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Baronbackarna is a housing area in Örebro with a large immigrant population and a high level of unemployment and a high level of people who are long termed unemployed. 80 % of the are depending on supplemantary benefit. People cannot enter, or are excluded from the labour market and they feel that they are not part of the community.

The hypothese is that there is a structurell discrimination i society. Therere is not a lack of work, there is a lack of employers paying salaries.

316 Sverige What works? "EmBa" aims to find ways back to the labour market for those disadvantaged groups by building on the people themselves, those who have the experince of being unemployed and excluded carry often the solution of the problem if they are given the opportunities and are listened to.

The keen and sound knowledge of the people themselves has been taking as a starting point in this DP.

Ttoday ther is a vital cooperative directly built on the participants ideas and abilities. 65 perons are involved in the cooperative.15 of them who have been unemployed 8 - 10 years earn now their livings.There ia a reastaurant and a firm for cleaning and caretaking .

What doesn't work? It´s hard to persuade the authorities and and traditional actors to change the way of working with the target group and adopt an empowerment perspective.

Is what works transferable? The method and the empowerment perspective, the treatment and the attitude to the target group is possible to transfer to all housing areas of this kind

Why is it innovative? That the whole ideas build on the excluded persons themselves. Those who always have been the objects to labour market measures are now the subjects, the actors.


Older worker Intergeneration learning Planning HR & Age management practice Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Work / Life balance Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking Disability Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ To meet the public sector needs by integrated approches of social economy and private sector partnership. ƒ To develop organisational models for 55 year and older people to re-enter the jobmarket. ƒ To create models how to identify and re-use underutilized public and non-profit resources.

What works? Most of what has been defined in the original project description as goals and concrete applications are in the process of being realized as planned. One of the goals is to develop and use the existing project as a platform for further gathering of resources within those activity areas that indicate sufficient growth potential as new or expanded projects.

317 Sverige What doesn't work? The only area where we experience less than projected result so far, is the involvment from the private industri

Is what works transferable? At a European level we foresee that our work with models for the 55+ workforce to some degree can be transferred. Another nisch within our work is the special focus on retired armed force officers and in particular air force personel. This is one of the areas we identify to hold potential for a future development projects at a European level, expecially with our new member states entering. We already have established contacts with the Italian airforce, beside the Swedish.

Why is it innovative? 1. Using a business approach to the social innovation process, with all its implication when dealing with highrisk development work, change managment and creation of new organisational models.

2. Our social approach to the aviation sector are new wheres our focus is how aviation can be used rather than its own need. What the market value is of certain identified assets within the aviation sector that the public sector is willing to pay for, in order to motivate aviation to engage and benefit from the process.


Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Sexual orientation

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? “Homosexuals and bisexuals in the care system” works with consiousness raising about homo- and bisexuality in the work places, and with attitude changing . DP's main area is municipal care, i.e. child and elderly care from a care-giver perspective.

Experience show, that homosexuals and bisexuals often are made invisible. They are questioned and forced to become an outsider at their work places. The colleagues are often unaware of this. To conceal ones sexual orientation on the job brings on a life-long stress situation, which influences both the private life and the working life. It is therefore important both for the individuals and for the parties of the labour-market that everyone who feels the need to, are able to be open about their homosexuality or bisexuality at work.

Many different factors matter, and they are all important in how new educational tools will work. For example: how selective information to some employees affect the whole work place – will that kind of information lead to any change in the attitudes towards homosexuals and bisexuals? Do homosexuals and bisexuals feel different about their situation than heterosexuals, and why? Which additional factors (gender, age, ethnicity, functional disability etc.) influence that feeling?

To understand which structures and systems that affect attitudes and the base of discrimination towards homosexuals and bisexuals the DP has undertaken research about the issue. The DP works together with the public authorities, research faculties and other organisations to accomplish research and attitude surveys. All parties in the labour-market have a common obligation to work against discrimination in the labour-market, and to work for the possibility of the open dialogue. Through our project we will take the first step towards making the invisible group of homosexuals and bisexuals visible.

318 Sverige What works? The main important results untill now has been achieved in the research and dissemination field. The DP has through University of Karlstad initiatited a research, which has been published. It is about the attitudes towards homo- och bisexuals in working life. The research showed major differences between how heterosexuals and homosexuals view their working environment and what heterosexuals think about the conditions of the homo- and bisexuals in working life.

Another important research published is the study of National institue for Working life, co- financed by the project, which also shows major attitude differences between homo-/bi- and hetersexuals. Among other variables, this study shows that 3 percent of female and 7 percent of male heterosexuals believes that homo- and bisexuals are morally harassed. Homo- and bisexual themselves believed that moral harassment was more current, 19 percent among females and 21 among males. This shows clearly that heterosexuals are not totally aware of the homosexual's working conditions. There is also a difference depending on the work place, where 70 among the female and 48 among the male homo- and bisexuals recognise that moral harassement is taking place in the police and defense area. Approximately 20 percent of both female and male heterosexual believed that it occurs.

The DP has also undertaken a major inquiry, which was sent to all municipalities and union of municpal workers and others and the answers are being processed. The DP is highly active in contributing to the research about attitudes towards homo- och bisexuals.

What doesn't work? The DP has succesfully followed its plans.

Is what works transferable? Attitudes and working climate at work places in the care sector is not only a matter for the employer or the employee, but also for the client, the children and their parents, the elderly people and their families. It is also in a wider perspective a question about if the clients are homo- and bisexuals and how they as such are treated in the child daycare or the home for elderly people. The employers in the municipal care sector are processed through the major results and dissemination process. The focus is on how they actually treat their homo- och bisexual co-worker. The homo- and bisexual workers' experience is also important and is integrated in the research.

The results from the DP are in a long term to make visible the working conditions for homo- and bisexuals. The gender perspective in this issue is visible too, the child and elderly care sector is highly female dominated. The attitudes between women and men towards female and male homo- and bisexuals have some differences. The moral harassment towards a female homo- and bisexual is different from the harassment towards a male one.

The DP is one the total four European DPs, which altogether have established a transnational partnership. It has also research connected to it too.

The working places should be open to workers who are homo- and bisexuals and become role models for other in the society. Another important objective is the cooperation between the partners in the DP, to create a permanent cooperation even after the dissolvment of the DP. The DP has started and continued to disseminate its work through out the municipalities and is currently working with the three focus projects in three municpalities.

Why is it innovative? Through the cooperation between workers' union, NGPs, employers and research a complete overview and perspective is achieved in understanding the situation of homo- and bisexuals in the care sector, The innovative approach is that this form of cooperation has never existed before. Every organisatoin has done its work isolated from another. It is the first time that the social partners are particpating in such a project. Research and other

319 Sverige measures have been taken without regards to the "reality" in the working life. The organisations have completely different backgrounds, experience and areas of expertise, as well as different ways of reaching the municipal elderly care and child care systems. Co-operating over organisational boundaries in this way has not been done in Sweden before.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Validation of learning Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Financial sustainability of social enterprises Other: Drug addicts; criminals

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The EFF Project - for, by and with the most vulnerable groups in society

Drug addicts, the homeless, prostitutes, criminals and other marginalised people find it hard to get a job. The truth is that these people hardly ever make it back to the regular labour market.

“In the project "Empowerment for the Future" (EFF), four organisations with widely differing core operations are trying to find and develop ways of enabling marginalised people to get back to work and a decent life,” says Alec Carlberg, Chairman of the Basta work co- operative.

The EFF project offers the most vulnerable people in society an opportunity to break out of their situation and rejoin the community. The following associations and companies are co- operating in meeting the EFF project’s goals for empowerment through entrepreneurship and social enterprise: one social enterprise (the Basta work co-operative), one NGO (FUNK), one university (The School of Social Work in Lund) and one insurance company (Folksam). These organisations’ operations and specialisations complement each other to the benefit of all participants.

What works? “The road leading away from a marginalised existence goes via social economy and self- employment,” says Kristina Blixt, Project Co-ordinator. “The EFF project combines methodological development in the field of social enterprise with the chances that each individual has of improving his or her situation. There is also a dialogue through which knowledge and experience about social enterprise are exchanged with other organisations and authorities.”

One of the EFF project’s most important tasks is to follow up empowerment issues within ECCO. The Transnational Partnership ECCO will launch a pan-European consulting company within and for the social economy. ECCO have initiated a European university course in social economics, European Certificate in Community Enterprise, designed for people working in the third sector.

A school for vocational training and entrepreneurship for especially vulnerable people has been established. It is run in co-operation between the Basta work co-operative and Folksam (insurance company).

An advanced computer division has been created., it supports the personal development of especially vulnerable people and simplify the dissemination and awareness of the conditions and possibilities offered by social enterprise. Particular importance is given to the production of professional marketing strategies.

320 Sverige Another co-operative self-managed company based on the same principles as Basta is beeing created in west Sweden. In this respect, there is close co-operation between FUNK, the Basta work co-operative and the School of Social Work in Lund.

Is what works transferable? The creation of FUNK in west Sweden is a full scale demonstration of the possibility to transfer the Basta idea elsewhere.

The school module for training and entrepreneurship for especialy vulnerable people has already drawn attention from the school authorities in Sweden and the prospect of transferance of the idea looks promising.

The European university course in social economics, European Certificate in Community Enterprise, designed for people working in the third sector looks very promising and is shown interest in all participating Member States.

Why is it innovative? All three activities above, the creation of FUNK, the school module for traning, and the European university course for beneficiaries in the third sector are examples of new innovative grips.

“What is unique and innovative about the EFF project,” says Kristina Blixt, “is the co- operation between large and small organisations that are all contributing their knowledge and experience. The co-operation provides a wider base for the dissemination of knowledge, both vertically and horizontally.”


Validation of learning Age

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? One existing problem on the labour market is often referred to as the gap between demanded and available compentence: the competence /skills demanded by the labour market is not met by the education system and thereby not by the available competence of the labour force. We would also like to expand this and say that the gap is partly between demanded and visualised competence. with this we mean that many individuals has the competence needed for many available jobs, but it is not recognised because it is accieved outside the formal education systems. In Sweden today, the only evidence of competence that is completely transferable across Sweden and nationally accepted is evidence from the formal education system. (Compulsory school, Upper secondary school and University).

It is also identified that the challenges we face today, and in the future, the formal education system will not be able to meet. One of the largets challenges is the increasing pace of change on the labour market, which leads to a quicker change in the demands for competence. The existing education system must be complemented, but also: the existing education and training providers who meet a need on the labour market must be recognised. They may be recognised locally, and by specific companies, but the accieved competences are not accredited and not transferable to other fields, companies or regions, such structure does not exist in Sweden today.

The validation that exists today is, and will continue to be important, and must be refined, but it is the form of APL: Accreditation of Prior Learning, i.e. the accreditation takes place after the learning and not in connection to the learning in any way. It is though 'tempo- reducing' since it does not look at the learning until after (and perhaps long after) it is accieved. It is also time and resource demanding, and cannot be the only way to recognise skills, a kind of pre-accreditation of non-formal learning is needed.

321 Sverige What works? On the level of working results these are core results: ƒ - The OCN-model of accreditation of learning outside the formal education system is being accepted. A formal agreement of co-operation is made between the NOCN and Access and the first OCN outside the UK will be the Skellefteå OCN. ƒ - There is a working co-operation between a non formal learning organisation (Urkraft) and a university (University of Halmstad) which leads to that the first university course held in a nonformal learning environment is organised by the Access DP. It is important to note that the pedagogic and methodology of the non formal learning organisation is unchanged, the organisation adapts only the quality assurance system of the university. This is in fact a key prerequisit of the Access project: the specific methodology and pedagogic existing within organisations in the non formal training sector must not be compromised. ƒ - The same co-operation with the upper secondary school will close the gap between the formal and non formal learning environments on that level of learning as well. On the level of project process results working, the Awareness rising is working! Key players within key organisation (universities, local government, upper secondary school) is realising the importance of this and that this contributes to the fullfillment of the Lissabon Strategy, i.e that it brings economic growth. The co-operation within the Development Partnership is also working. They all see the benefits and it is a real cooperation with both giving and taking. The members are not guarding their territories.

What doesn't work? It will not work to try to compromise the quality assurance systems of the university and the upper secondary school, to lower the standards for accreditation of learning. Such behaviour would bring an A and B team in learning, where it matters where the university credits are accieved. This is exactly the reason why we do not aim for any compromises. Instead, the OCN system of accrediting non formal learning was attractive to us in part just because of the quality assurance system embedded.

What does not work either is to focus on what individuals has not learned. Focus must be upon what they actually learn, and to accredit this.

Is what works transferable? Yes! The approach has been to find and build a model and structure which is flexible and transferable, not only to non formal education providers but also to companies, to the un- and non formal education taking place at the workplace.

The OCN model started locally and was transfered from region to region in the UK, so can also be done in Sweden. The co-operation between Urkraft and the University of Halmstad can also be transferred to other organisations. The structure for real co-operation, such as we have accieved within the DP, is also transferrable to other regions.

It is also transferable in that it meets needs existing everywhere in Sweden and all over Europe.

Why is it innovative? A formalised system for accrediting learning achieved outside the formal education system, does not exist in Sweden today.

The existing work on "validation" taking place in Sweden today is all focused on Accreditation of Prior Learning, we aim to validate the learning process beforehand to accieve instant accreditation of the individual learning, outside the formal school system.

It is innovative in that it focuses on the individual learning, and not on the reaching the criterias set for the specific learning curriculum.

322 Sverige The cooperation between the nonformal and formal education system is more indepth than ever before.

This kind of "bottom-up" perspective in changing a national system is rare in Sweden.

It brings a new dimension to the education system, as it brings the formal and the non formal education systems closer to eachother, and the non formal education system and the labour market closer. This project builds better bridges between them.


Validation of learning Family support – Care and service provision Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Standards for support services for the social enterprise Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? There is a clear and growing need among older immigrants for care that takes cultural and language interests into account. By providing new education and training opportunities for immigrant women who are now outside the labour market, SLUP can give them the chance to find work and support themselves. Immigrant associations are being encouraged to start social companies. Considerable interest in, and enthusiasm about, participating in development work has been evident in the Partnership's contacts with immigrant associations and other stakeholders.

"New needs in, for example, the eldercare sector require new solutions, while positive values such as empowerment, equality and diversity can be supported," says Elsmari Fjällström, who is in charge of the project.

Nationally, the Development Partnership has a total of 15 members. These include municipalities, trade unions, state-owned and private companies and organisations. Several of the partners also have their own large networks, including the Council for Local Development in the County of Stockholm which has many immigrant associations and other associations that may be affected by the project among its members. Overall, therefore, there is a very broad network of contacts and interests that provides good opportunities for disseminating the results and experience of the project.

A central, innovative idea is that the players in the social economy of the region, together with other public bodies, should gather together in a broad and strong partnership and that a living forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience on social enterprise should be created.

Transnational co-operation involves Italy, Greece, the Netherlands and Finland. The first two countries are of particular interest as far as Sweden is concerned. It can be assumed that considerable added value will be provided by the concrete comparison of working methods and the exchange of knowledge.

Development Partnership Co-ordinator: Elsmari Fjällström Tel: +46 (0)8 - 7854423, and projectsekretari Birgitta Israelsson tel: +46 (0)8- 58166025

Other Partnership Members:

323 Sverige The Workers' Educational Association (ABF), Stockholm; Inspirera – idé och resurscentrum (NGO); Swedish Integration Board; Swedish Municipal Workers' Union; KFO, the Co-operative Employers' Association; Kooperativt IdéCentrum, KIC (a co- operative development agency); Lernia AB, County Administrative Board, Stockholm; Council for Local Development in the County of Stockholm; Social ekonomi i Roslagen, SER (a co-operative development agency); Stockholm Sports Federation; City of Stockholm; MiddleUniversity College of Östersund; Municipality of Vallentuna; Municipality of Värmdö.

What works? The project is building up completely new forms of systemised support services using unconventional forms of work. The documentation and generalisation of the methods used is in turn important for their dissemination and impact.

The Partnership entails a major joint effort to make use of the unique resources of the social economy to remove obstacles that lead to discrimination and exclusion on the labour market. The partnership represents a very broad and complementary range of knowledge and experience.

Work in an experimental workshop in the field of eldercare will lead to the generalisation of methods and the formation of support services that can contribute to a positive trend towards greater diversity in working life. The project works in line with an overall action plan that focuses on four levels: the individual level, the organisational level, the structural level and the methodological level. In this way, structural impacts and long-term, sustainable change will be achieved.

The experimental workshop involves working with immigrant women and encouraging them to take training courses in the field of care. Immigrant associations will also be given the opportunity to receive training so that they can start and run eldercare operations in co- operatives or under the auspices of the association concerned. The care training courses provided will be of a good quality and have the same status as other similar courses.

A support services operation is developed that will cover everything from financial matters to the development of an information and communication platform. The support services will be responsible for providing accessible networks, tools and resources that give entrepreneurs in the social economy the confidence to start and run companies with quality assured services and products.

When developing the support services, special consideration is being paid to aspects relating to entrepreneurship and leadership among women.

Social accounting is an important tool, and this will be developed as a method during the project period. This method also enables the evaluation of qualitative targets and dimensions relating to empowerment and equal opportunities.

What doesn't work? The education for Immigrant associations receiving training so that they can start and run eldercare operations in co-operatives or under the auspices of the association concerned has started later than what was planned.

The reason for the delay is an extended public procurement procedure, a longer than expected recruitment process, some difficulties to reach out with information and insecurity around financing and the prerequisites after the end of the project period.

The delay of the Greek participation in the project has harmed the process, firstly because this has created other delays and uncertainty. The number of partners is somewhat high which causes minor co-ordination problems. All contries do not participate as fully as others which sometimes create a certain inbalance. Generally, however, the work functions well.

324 Sverige

Is what works transferable? The support services operation that is developed and that will cover everything from financial matters to the development of an information and communication platform has a clear potential of transferability. The support services will be responsible for providing accessible networks, tools and resources that give entrepreneurs in the social economy the confidence to start and run companies with quality assured services and products.

Comparision is made within the TCA of various social accounting models. The objective is to gain good and transferable experience withing the project in using this important tool as a method. This method also enables the evaluation of qualitative targets and dimensions relating to empowerment and equal opportunities

Why is it innovative? The clear and unique user perspective is a general feature of this project.

The equal opportunities aspect permeates all parts of the project. Questions relating to family relationships and childcare is discussed, as well as questions relating to obstacles to participation in associations and social development in general.

A support services operation is developed that will cover everything from financial matters to the development of an information and communication platform. The support services will be responsible for providing accessible networks, tools and resources that give entrepreneurs in the social economy the confidence to start and run companies with quality assured services and products.

When developing the support services, special consideration is being paid to aspects relating to entrepreneurship and leadership among women.

Social accounting is an important tool, and this is being developed as a method during the project period. This method also enables the evaluation of qualitative targets and dimensions relating to empowerment and equal opportunities.

The Swedish tradition of popular education, for example in the form of study circles, has attracted interest on the part of various collaborators. The project is also innovative in terms of its ambition to support and initiate processes that focus on the efficiency of social enterprise as well as on market forces, but in a context where this enterprise takes place within a wider circle of players.

11. WORDPOWER – 111 SE-46

Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Diversity management Family support – Care and service provision Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Empowerment Transnational co-operation Territorial approaches Networking Racial or ethnic origin

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The city district in Helsingborg fulfils the typical criteria for segregated areas, common in many European countries: high illness and unemployment rates and low educational levels. The DP main focus in this area is the women of another ethnic origin, who although having lived in Sweden for many years, lack the connection to the labour market and the society in general. The DP takes into account two levels 1) individual, where the interaction between the women, their husbands or close relatives and the children constitutes a vital

325 Sverige part 2) structural, the lack of labour market policy measures directed towards this group of women. The DP sees the exclusion of these women in the sense that they do not interact in the society through NGOs, organisations or taking skill development courses. Their only contact is either the social services or the day care. The strongest obstacle besides the language is the cultural and the social context in which they live. The DP believes that empowerment in this context is not only to have the possibility to influence but also to feel and to recognise having that possibility and power to do so. The DP provides therefore an alternative way of empowering this group. The measures taken are a stronger cooperation between the social services, employment agencies and the women and their families. One of the partners is a project in the city district, which aims at involving the population in the sustainable development of the district.

DP activities can be understood in the background of its internal structure. The “think tank”, is the responsible for the process, i.e. auto-evaluations and decision making about changes in the DP. Also, in the “think tank” experiences are exchanged with the Learning Development Centre in Egypt. Three working groups are linked to the “think tank”. The working groups are responsible for establishing actions plans for general and specific strategies on Attitudinal changes, Empowerment and Language training. Continuously the action plans are evaluated in the “think tank”, which decide on changes in these strategies. In Action 1 the target group established a NGO, Bilahodod, to be a member of DP and to be one of three members of the “think tank”, the other two being the city district project and the county administrative board of Skåne (Scania).

In language ateliers the partipiciping women will learn or improve the Swedish language through real life encounters, that is experiences from the work/trainee places or study visits and their reflections from the “think tank”.The parents (primarily mothers) will be motivated by learning about what the children are doing in school and how the school system functions. Through observing their own children’s learning capabilities and way of learning, the mothers will be able to know how their own learning process can take form.

What works? The development of models for more efficient language training in Swedish as second language proceeds and the results are so far encouraging. Of 26 students have 5 students got jobs, 8 students have decided to go on with further studies and 3 are looking for jobs in cooperation with the local employment service. The others will continue within the project. The combination of Vocational Adapted Swedish and practice for a longer time (5 month/year totally) is successful. The project will increase the efforts to better link the language training and the practice together. We got inspiration from our Danish Transnational Partner, PAV, which work with a distance learning model in Danish as second language. The mentor has established a good cooperation with the employers and the women's instructors at the working places.

The transnational cooperation with PAV in Denmark and Cornwall Inclusive Learning Partnership is running well. We see big opportunities to implement experiences from PAVs distance learning model in our project samt Cornwal'ls instruments for career-planning and mentoring.

What doesn't work? The DP has through its internal construction built a basis for empowerment. Bilahodod is the first step towards empowerment, by having Bilahodod in the “think tank” of the DP.Included in the DP’s work and ideology is the interaction between the individual, family, social perspective, thus: how can an excluded group with remarkably traditional structure of family, living in segregated areas, be included in the processof skill development, interacting with the society and becoming independent? Furthermore, it seems that the possibilities to make changes possible are not always European. The Carpe Vitam-project in Egypt and its results and development gives a further insight in the problems of exclusion not by the society but by the culture-specific features of an ethnic group. This feature with the previous transnational experience is a basis for further processing of experiences.

326 Sverige Bilahodod does not work in a way we have expected. The reasons are multiple. The first board of Bilahodod was in charge autumn 2002. During autumn, they got a special education in "board democracy" - how to arrange meetings, take and change decisions, voting etc. A new board was elected the spring 2003. Unfortunately, the former board could not support the new board properly. The members of the first board were on practice. The lack of knowledge of democratic values and principles causes problem; there was no motivation to carry out activities decided by the former board.

Another problem is the men of the women participants in the project. In Sweden, the "popular movement" start to work after 17.00. However, the men are used to have ground service - dinner served etc and they have no tradition on taking care of their children; That is the woman's role. The men's attitudes/values is an major obstacle for the women to get integrated in the Swedish Society by own means. The puropose with Bilahodod is, amongst others, that it shall work as a platform for the women in creating a network with other associations.

Is what works transferable? The DP has been nominated because the question of excluded minorities, specifically women of another ethnic origin, is a high national priority. The case is not specifically Swedish, in the contrary, it is also European. Hence the experiences made could be transferable to similar situations all over Europe.The intended result and experience given through its work ensure insight in the work of how to loosen barriers but also on how to confront obstacles in the process.

Why is it innovative? One innovative aspect is the empowerment structure of the DP, where success and backslashes can be a source of knowledge. Other aspects are the inclusion of other projects in the DP and its idea based on integration through organising and the family perspective. The later two aspects are vital: can organising be one step towards empowerment and furthermore, how can the private area (family) be a part of this?


Gender mainstreaming Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Networking Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Decreasing the gender segregation in the labour market is a process of not only increasing the number of women or men in a special sector, but also a process of creating organisations which have a good working environment for women and men. The DP Gender equality developers is about increasing the knowledge about gender equality on the individual, collective and organisational level. When it comes to gender, people tend to have an image or expectation of women or men rather than facts about them. There are no quick solutions in the gender equality work because we are complex and so are the organisations. It is central to find individual-based and flexible solutions. Partners of the DP take therefore part of the knowledge about methods and tools in order to initiate and implement local gender equality projects in their organisations. Hiring experts who will talk generally about gender equality without any knowledge about the organisation in question, its social codes and conducts etc is not always effective. The participants of the DP are well-acquainted with their organisations and thus their work may have more sustainable effect. Around thirty participants from the DP, ie County police of Uppsala, Armed forces, Municipal Fire Rescue in Uppsala, Montesorri school, Academic hospital of Uppsala, Swedish Rescue Services Agency, Munipal Fire Rescue in Svedala and Crime victims service, have taken part in the activities of the DP.

327 Sverige What works? The methods used have been the following three packages: ƒ Deepened process-oriented education about gender equality for staff: this education was divided into four rounds, two weeks each, in a conference centre far from the workplaces. In between the rounds the participants had home work to do. The first three rounds were about the three above mentioned levels. The fourth brought up the actual tool and method part of how to carry on the acquired knowledge in order to start gender equality projects in the organisations. In the content of the education was modern academic research with external speakers. The focus was on how to make the research useful in a practical way. The result from this education was "illumination". Many things that the participants took for granted, views of how women and men are, was actually biased or socially constructed. The education illuminated the fact that gender matters! The participants have fulfilled their education and are starting different local projects in their organisaitons as a result from round 4. It is important to pinpoint that these local projects are in the realm of the DP but their content and their implementation are dependent on the participants and their organisations. The DP is also working with independent projects, as decided in the time for Action 2 application. Some examples of the former, which are proposed to be carried out are: more friendlier polices uniforms for both women and men, survey on illness rates in the police, education for new parent in the hospital, gender perspective for support persons when working with crime victims, how to discuss and work with gender equality in class rooms etc.

ƒ - education for head of organisations for three days: this education was dependent on the former. How to proceed with the initiating process if there is no support for the gender equality work in the organisation? Well, that is where the head of the organisations come into the picture. The projects in every organisation are carried out, so no results can be shown right now. What is clear is that the responsible heads of organisations have shown interest and support. ƒ - open seminars, which were held parallelly with the educations, and were open to all staff in the participating organisations of the DP. These were held during the first semester of 2003 and had more than 100 particpants.

Is what works transferable? The idea itself which I (Nardin) would call "informal mainstreaming", the hidden process of introducing aspects about gender equality and how it can get better. The method of involving both those who change and those who should be changed is an interesting perspective. The education taking place far from the natural work place, where people are more or less anonymous is effective when it comes to an illlumination process, where people interact in different situations in which what they thought was a fact was actually a myth or prejudice. It lends itself extremely well to a packaged service offering.

Why is it innovative? It is innovative because of its implementation force. What we call formal mainstreaming, beautiful written words etc has not been very effective. Beautiful words stand against the reality, seuxal harrasment in the male-dominated fields such as the army and the police, the the so-called gender neutral strategies that never seem to let women in etc. It is about a personal and individual change: who am I and then how do I interact with the society and what kind of messages and attitudes do I transmit.

The DP has worked with all levels of mainstreaming; the DP has involved important actors in the organisations. The traditional education model of teacher-student has not been used. The focus has been on small groups (max 12 stucdents) and process. What is most important is that the experts are people from the organisation itself, Lisa from the police or Calle from the army, who through their newly acquirred gender glasses can initiate changes in the organisation, a bottom-up one! Interesting also, is the initiative taken by very different organisations, such as the male-dominated armed forces and police, the female dominated hospital and the small organisations of two or four hired people such as

328 Sverige the school and the service for victims! This diversity has been enriching for the DP, especially when it comes to the mainstreaming process.

13. WORK, GENDER AND FAMILY TCA 983 (INCLUDING ES ES423, FR NAT-2001-10609, SE-59) Gender mainstreaming Transnational co-operation Gender

What are the problems/needs the TP is trying to address? The TP has come to the conclusion that the participating DPs relate somehow differently to the issue of gender equality. The Swedish DP (SE) represents a large public body such as the armed forces, the French one (FR), private companies and the Spanish one (ES), a trade union with local and small enterprises in the food sector. While SE tries to decrease the gender segregation, the ES tries to find solutions for childcare in the local and small food industries. The FR stands somewhere in between. Therefore, the exchanging of experiences and results, are of a complementing nature. In their transnational meeting in Sweden, every country presented its own country study from a gender perspective which was very informative and giving. During this year (2003) the shadowing part of the transnational work has been carried out, see below.

The common objectives of the TP are to develop an innovative approach concerning gender equality and conciliation with a focus on following items: ƒ work organisations in companies and administrations, ƒ concentrate on values and attitudes toward gender equality and conciliation, ƒ proposing methodologies for training and awareness about gender equality and conciliation, ƒ promoting women at work, ƒ promoting women in management, ƒ implementing sustainable and concerted solutions.

What works? Besides the transnational seminars where good practices and reports have been exchanged, the TP has worked on shadowing. The exchange between the concerned DPs has been about how the conciousness of gender equality and work is carried out in the organisations. Questions posed have been: In what way is there an inequality? What actions are taken?`What underlying values are there? What are the differences and the resemblences between the countries and the organisations? Those who are able to carry out these actions, ordinary staff and the responsables on a higher level, have been sent to the countries, among others one director of the Academic hosptial in Swedish DP visited and observed the fish factory in Spain. Every "shadower" or "anonymous observer" has departed from a question form which s/he answered while observing issues in the organisations, and by now almost every organisation has had shadowers and sent shadowers. The observers looked at body languages, how women and men talked, the situations in which they acted etc.

In the shadowing process, from which reports have been written and will be compiled and processed in the transnational meeting of November 2003, both the observer and the observee have made quite important experiences. Something which was taken for granted in Sweden, was gender-biased for the observer and vice versa. However, I cannot present further details on the process because the managing authority has not yet taken part of the reports. However, the gender glasses, or, the questions put from a gender perspective, helped the observers to also learn about their own attitudes and organisations.

Is what works transferable? Yes indeed. Shadowing can be carried out nationally between regions, organisations, sector and as we have seen on an international level.

329 Sverige Why is it innovative? In this case, the innovation is that shadowing has been integrated on an international level with focus on gender equality in different organisations. The observers have seen how every country has dealt witht gender equality issues. In this case, the actual method of bringing up the issue and the questions posed in the form are of major interest, beause it becomes a non-formal training, through observing you learn about yourself and how you can make your organisation better from a gender equality perspective.



Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning ITC Literacy Partnership creation and management Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP seeks to improve methods of access to basic and new skills for employees. The key target groups are older workers, part-time workers, ethnic minorities, women, those with disabilities, those with low basic skills and those in need of upskilling. These groups are most likely to lose there jobs or find it difficult to find new jobs. The DP recognises the importance of intergrating literacy and numeracy provision into SME's human resources strategy.

What works? The DP has been succesful in generating interest and input from SMEs. The DP has identified that, when dealing with SMEs, the success or failure of an initiative will often be judged solely on the impact it has on the companies profitability. Therefore the DP must persuade companies that implementing training programmes and an effective equal opportunities policy will help to increase a companies profits over time. They have been very succesful in achieving this.

The lead partner has developed an interactive management tool for monitoring their partners and keeping them informed. This can be accessed by all partners at any time via a secure area located on the DP's website. This project management information system has evolved to become the DP's main tool for monitoring purposes.

What doesn't work? Slow progress has been made in establishing networks. The DP is now looking at working with individual companies with potential networks to follow as an alternative route to establishing networks in the first instance.

Is what works transferable? The DP is well advanced in developing an Equal Opportunities CD toolkit which has excellent mainstreaming potential. The DP estimates that between 60 to 80 companies will be reached through its Equal funded activity. The results from this will prove the capacity of the CD to reach a wider audience.

330 UK - Great Britain Why is it innovative? The DP believes that the principal innovations of the project are: ƒ new networks being created; ƒ the application of those networks across different sectors; and ƒ support mechanisms for beneficiaries. ƒ the innovative interactive CD Rom will help SMEs to implement equal opportunities policies. The DP director has participated in an externally facilitated workshop on innovation with a view to benchmarking the innovation of the whole partnership.


Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Empowerment

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The ACE National DP, led by Carers UK, is made up of a diverse partnership that includes local authorities, colleges, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), employers, unions (UNISON)(GMB), government departments, Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) and both local and national voluntary-sector organisations.

The partnership's overall objective is to raise awareness of carers as a discrete group with distinct needs for labour market participation and to work with relevant agencies to test the mechanisms that will enable carers to overcome the multiple barriers to employment that they face. The partnership aims to work with local delivery partnerships to build a stronger evidence base for the development of support for carers to promote their inclusion in the labour market, and to use the lessons learned at local level to influence national service and policy development through a wide reaching national policy partnership.

The partnership is needed because there are 1.5 million carers of working age who are economically inactive. Many want to work, and the economy needs them to work. Those that cannot work can face poverty and social exclusion.

The likelihood that caring will affect a person during their working life is significant and likely to rise with an ageing population. The peak age for caring is 45 to 54, where 25% of people have caring responsibilities. Women have a 50% chance of having significant caring responsibilities during their working life (up to age 60). Nearly six out of ten carers have given up work to care The proportion of workless households rises sharply for carers aged 50 or more .

The EQUAL CIP states that “the UK will have to rely on mid and late career workers to meet emerging skill demands” and notes the need to “test ways of improving dependant care and the reconciliation of home and work responsibilities”. Working carers can contribute towards the Government's aims for a high skilled, high employment and productive economy.

Carers may face significant barriers to work stemming from their individual characteristics, the way that support systems are organised, or the jobs market and employer attitudes and practice. Many will face multple barriers, compounding their distance from the labour market. The True Cost of Caring found that 87% of carers surveyed wanted to work, including many older carers. However, 82% felt that finding work again would be impossible or very difficult. The lack of good quality, flexible and affordable alternative care is the most frequently cited reason why carers cannot work . The interim findings from the carers survey carried out across the partnership in Action 1 bear this out. Lack of flexible employment is also a key barrier and as the labour market tightens, a key message for employers is that “an absence of work-life balance practices may make it difficult for…carers…to enter employment or retain a job” .

331 UK - Great Britain This partnership will help to bridge the gap between carers who want to work, and employers who need them to work.

What works? The project is developing a pre-vocational e-learning programme for carers, that provides carers with an opportunity to identify existing skills and develop new skills in an informal and supported environment at their own pace of learning. The programme is modular based and designed to help carers build confidence, self-esteem, employability skills and provide accreditation that will enable them to take up mainstream options. The development of the pre-vocational training programme is innovative not only in its direct involvement of its target group in piloting, but in its e-learning delivery.

The partnership continues to work with individual carers in all local project areas, delivering training and individual advice and guidance. Their approach encompasses the emotional as well as practical elements of returning to learn and work, enabling carers to address an often hidden barrier to taking up new opportunities. All local projects offer alternative care and transport costs to enable carers to attend guidance and training sessions.

Local projects continue to support carer representation on Carers Strategy and Welfare to Work groups, and support carers to take part in consultations, in order to ensure their involvement in the planning and delivery of local services.

Local partnerships are working with local authorities to ensure that carers assessments include questions about work, and that eligilibility of services is assessed appropriately. Some are also working pro-actively with health and social care agencies to negotiate better/more flexible care packages for beneficiairies.

Is what works transferable? The project continues to promote carers as a discrete group with identifiable support needs, for example within the Welfare to Work programme and within the Government’s Work-Life Balance campaign, both at local and national level, through an integrated partnership approach.

Carers UK has been asked to continue as Chair of the Learning and Development Sub- Group of the Stakeholder Forum of Jobcentre Plus, and now also sits on its Access Subgroup. The DP is working with Jobcentre Plus to explore opportunities to embed carer- awareness in the services Jobcentre Plus provides.

The DP has delivered training to a number of local authorities interested in developing partnership work on carers and employment to support them in promoting the project to potential local partners and to raise awareness of carers issues in the services they deliver.

The Department for Trade and Industry, which is represented on the Employers for Carers group, is to make carers the focus of its work-life balance campaign for the next year.

ACE National has also been involved, through City and Guilds and Carers UK, with a Department of Health consultation on involving carers in the delivery of social work training, using ACE local project areas to run focus groups and promoting the model of carer-awareness training developed by a local partner, which involves using carer trainers. The DoH has subsequently commissioned a second report to make recommendations to universities on using carer trainers and carer placements in the new social work degree. City and Guilds and Carers UK hope to produce a "good practice" guide which will disseminate its recommendations.

The DP is also working with the Equal Opportunities Commission to develop a policy campaign, aiming to challenge the assumption that caring is primarily a women’s responsibility, to place a higher value on caring and domestic work and change workplace practices so that carers can balance work and other parts of their lives successfully.

332 UK - Great Britain The ACE National employers group has established a discrete entity, Employers for Carers, to identify and promote to employers and policy makers the business benefits of supporting carers in the workplace, and to influence employment policy and practice to create a culture which will support carers in and into work.The group includes BT, Business in the Community, Carers UK, CBI, Centrica, the Department for Constitutional Affairs, the Department for Trade and Industry, HSBC, Jobcentre Plus, Listawood Ltd, the Metropolitan Police, Nestor Healthcare, the NHS, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Tunstall Group. The group is planning a year of highly focussed activities and events to promote information and guidance to other employers and to carers.

Overall the ACE National DP has made good progress in designing and developing a framework of activities that support and empower carers. The DP benefits from a diverse and committed partnership, a strong workplan and positive avenues for mainstreaming.

Why is it innovative? Work on carers and employment has to date focused on single barriers facing carers, for example, access to pre-vocational and work related training ; or the development of a corporate strategy to develop and promote flexible carers policies to support recruitment . However, a report published in 1995 found that carers needed a variety of support, rather than any single approach . The research report commissioned by the partnership in Action 1 - 'Redressing the Balance - Inclusion, Competitiveness and Choice' - confirms the need for this approach. This is the first time that this variety of support will be provided to carers and employers though an integrated partnership of the most relevant agencies.

The partnership is innovative both in its approach, and its activity. It is: ƒ goal oriented, in seeking to ensure that Welfare to Work policies genuinely include carers. ƒ context oriented, in that carers have not previously been identified as a priority either in Welfare to Work or in developing employers’ provisions for work-life balance. The partnership is in itself innovative, in that it crosses sectors and boundaries to ensure the work has the widest possible impact. ƒ process oriented, in that the mechanisms being developed within the partnership - the carer-specific pre-vocational training, carer-awareness training for Personal Advisers in Jobcentre Plus, mentoring schemes - are tailored to carers needs and will be designed, delivered and evaluated with carer involvement. In order to monitor innovation throughout the project, the partnership will build in policy and practice monitoring set against aims and objectives built into each area of integrated carer support. This will be structured so that it identifies and evaluates specific areas of change, using both quantitative and qualitative indicators, to determine what worked for whom, what did not and why.

What ESF funding will add to this work is fundamental to its success – the opportunity for this broad and innovative partnership to be managed to achieve an integrated approach to the multiple barriers facing carers, and to maintain a clear policy focus for maximum long- term impact, both nationally and transnationally. Without ESF funding, it would be impossible to bring together these partners in testing innovative services and developing policies.

3. ATLAS - UK-GB-5

Diversity management Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers Employment for asylum seekers Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers Partnership creation and management Empowerment Networking Racial or ethnic origin

333 UK - Great Britain What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP is aiming to address the needs of asylum seekers who have been "dispersed" to Scotland by piloting a range of new services/materials addressing basic orientation, needs audit, accreditation of prior learning and employment skills. This includes the development of a citizenship model and piloting of a call centre, website and radio service for asylum seekers. In addition, the DP is also building the capacity of organisations supporting asylum seekers by training trainers in order to provide support to asylum seekers. Overall, the DP is aiming to provide a regional model for supporting and integrating asylum seekers in Scotland (where their application for asylum is sucessful).

What works? The DP is piloting innovative services/materials for asylum seekers which will enable them to be supported from day 1 arrival until a decision on their status is made and beyond. These materials have the potential to create an effective system for asylum support on a regional basis, which involves intergration within the community rather than using acommodation centres.

The DP has a particularly good mix of public and voluntary sector partners who are able to work together effectively to build a regional model for supporting asylum seekers. The lead partner has also been able to support and empower smaller voluntary sector partners through additional training, particularly on financial and monitoring aspects. This has enabled voluntary sector partners to contribute on a more equal footing, overcoming the barriers of time and expertise needed for being involved in ESF funding. The DP is therefore an excellent example of utilising a partnership approach, supported by a lead applicant who is able to offer expertise to smaller partners where required.

The DP is also adopting a unique empowerment approach for beneficiaries. Beneficiaries are represented on the DP steering group and are also fully involved in testing the materials produced. In addition, the DP is developing a work shadowing scheme for asylum seekers. Involvement in the website and radio service for asylum seekers also demonstrates an empowerment approach.

The DP has also developed a particularly effective monitoring system, using the services of an external sub-contractor. This approach has enabled the DP to collect the data required at the right times.

Is what works transferable? The partnership model being used is transferable for other DPs and projects of this type, as is the monitoring system being used. In addition the regional model of services for asylum seekers is potentially transferable, as are the materials being produced for asylum seekers.

Why is it innovative? The range of services and the partnership model being used are both innovative, particularly when applied to this target group. The empowerment approach of the DP for both beneficiaries and partners can also be viewed as innovative. Finally, many of the services and approaches to working with asylum seekers, such as the work shadowing, website and radio service, can be seen as innovative.


What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The main focus of the DP is on those people in the workforce who are currently least engaged in workplace learning, including where poor basic skills present an immediate

334 UK - Great Britain barrier to engagement and where other factors compound this disadvantage. These factors include employment patterns, direct or indirect discrimination plus work/family issues.

What works? The DP has been effective in further developing the role of the Union Learning Rep (ULR), establishing clear core training strategies, identifying progression routes for the target groups, and addressing equality and diversity issues.

The DP has developed good communication systems and all partners are able to contribute and benefit from their membership of the overall DP. All partners benefit from the added value for their organisations in participating in the partnership. This includes the opportunity to share expertise in basic skills, and in working with employers.

The DP is developing activity in five sectors: print, local /private contractors, retail, hospitality and transport. All of the sector pilot co-ordinators are from the national or regional TUC Learning Services team, this has facilitated the sharing of ideas and experience.

The print sector pilot project is progressing well. The pilot has increased the number of ULRs in the region (Yorkshire and Humberside). Activity now covers the whole of the region and as awareness of the activity has increased, local companies and union members have themselves been approaching the pilot co-ordinator as they are keen to get involved.

What doesn't work? The progress of the 5 pilot projects varies from sector to sector. There are barriers that may be distinct to a particular sector that are not an issue in other sectors. Therefore, what works in one sector may not work in another.

Potential learners face barriers resulting from the requirement to travel and shift work, which impact on their ability to access learning. A major issue identified is that learners are not given time off by employers, and particularly paid time off, to undertake learning. This has slowed down the progress of the print sector pilot project. However the issues that emerge from the pilot projects are helping the DP to identify barriers at workplace level and tailor services to help individuals overcome these barriers.

Is what works transferable? The DP has significant potential to mainstream its outcomes succesfully. The DP is building on the key priorities of TUC Learning Services and has very good links with policy makers. The audience for the outcomes of the DP include other Trade Unions, Sector Skills Councils, employers and the ULRs themselves.

The DP clearly builds on a number of strategic priorities in the TUC and partner organisations, and links with external policies including the National Skills for Life strategy, and the competitiveness and widening participation agendas.

Why is it innovative? The DP is developing and testing process level innovation through building the PPE model (extending Participation, and building Progression and Effectiveness into workplace learning). The process level innovation will be supported by new networks, products and systems.

The pilot sectors were chosen as there are no existing initiatives operating in these sectors and they provide access to a range of Equal priority groups. This activity is innovative at a sector level, and is capable of transferance more widely across sectors.

335 UK - Great Britain An innovative aspect of one pilot based in the retail sector is the use of 'peripatetic' or 'roving' ULRs, where ULR will assist union members based in small businesses who do not currently have access to ULR support but where identified learning needs exist.


Family support – Care and service provision Work / Life balance Creating an entrepreneurial culture Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Management skills and professionalisation in social economy Empowerment Transnational co-operation

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The EQUIPE DP is a national partnership with members from across the childcare/playwork sectors. We are trying to strengthen the sector's ability to provide a comprehensive, high quality service that meets the needs of the community and improves the quality of the sectors jobs, introducing social enterprise ideas and solutions to do this. Lack of accessible, affordable high quality childcare and an adequate supply of well qualified staff are serious problems for parents and carers trying to get into work or training. EQUIPE aims to meet these needs whilst adding value to the communities in which the services are based.

What works? Family Support and Work/Life balance: Single Parents Action Network is developing a home sitter service to meet the needs of lone parents - by whom the organisation is run. (See also Gatsby below in Empowerment.

Creating an entrepreneurial culture. The overall aim of the DP is to create an entrepreneurial culture in the sector - doing this by promoting examples of good practice and networking partners with each other and with already existing support agencies for the social economy.

Partnership between the public sector and the social economy (procurement) Partners Suffolk Social Care Services are aiming to exploit the potential in the target sector to contract with the department, which is huge. Already over 30 providers have expressed an interest. Once an accreditation scheme has been finalised it will be possible to work towards accreditation, this would result in these providers being placed on a list of approved providers. It has been established the Childcare support Advisors will undertake the accreditation process.A training schedule is in place and will be enhanced by a workshop programme and further seminars. Providers are being signposted by local Business &Training Mentors, Childcare Support Advisors and other agencies with whom we work in partnership.Suffolk Social Care Services report that as the work of EQUIPE progresses we learn more of the barriers that exist that prevent positive and lasting placement. This is ongoing and has been helped by the operational review of the Sponsorship and Additional Support service, the work of Collective Opportunities. The work of the project continues to work towards the enhancement of Family support Services utilising the target sector

Management skills and professionalism in the social economy: Partner Kids Clubs Network reports the initial and pending pilot training (Beneficiaries and Agents of Change) has/continues to have a huge impact on all aspects of the management delivery tools they are developing for voluntary management groups. By consulting widely the resources have incorporated ideas and challenges faced by the stakeholders and it has enabled them to establish a pitch that is appropriate for the target group. In particular the ongoing dialogue between beneficiaries and the Equipe project has influenced all stages of content design and continues to do so. A key aspect of the activity has been in creating social enterprise solutions for many challenges posed. Partners SkillsActive (the Sector Skills Council) and the University of Gloucestershire are developing a range of new infrastructure-building

336 UK - Great Britain training packages to increase the competence and professionalism of the workforce - delivering these in a range of innovative ways including on-line learning.

Empowerment Partner Gatsby Childrens Communication Project is exploring work/life balance and the micro-economics of child rearing at local level within their network, which they believe has the potential to provide far greater flexibility than traditional forms of employment. An IT Enterprise proposal gives all participants the opportunity to contribute to the work at a time and place convenient for them, Partner Gloucestershire Resource Centre ran an Asian Awareness Training event, which provided an opportunity for a local trainer and four facilitators from the ethnic communities to be involved. The event aimed to give participants a better understanding of Muslim, Hindu and Sikh cultures to inform the activities they would provide for children in their care. Partner KCN has based all training on the premise “the answers are in the room” and all events have proved this without exception. This has created an empowering environment and in particular with reference to transferable skills, honed for parenting but so valuable in the childcare workforce. Much of the training has been delivered to beneficiaries who have not accessed this type of support previously due to cost, transport and childcare issues. Equipe has opened this up for them and enabled participation.

Mainstreaming Partner SPAN has been innovative in finding ways of reaching out to inform the local community. They report that they held an open day for childminders to find out more about the project in July, unfortunately this was cancelled as there was not enough response from the target group. Responding to this,a casual coffee morning and ‘open week’ was held during September and this proved to be more successful. During the week we were able to visit people who were unable to come to us, or people could drop by and see us at a time convenient to them. From this coffee morning and ‘open week’ we were able to recruit our first beneficiary and provide applications to become a Home based Child carer to three others. During half term we are linking up with the local Job Centre (an employee of the Centre is on our steering group) to promote a Fun Day. This will help promote the service and hopefully show how accessible we are.

Transnational co-operation. Building on relationships forged in an earlier project, EQUIPE supported joint delivery of Equal Opportunities training between French and English playworkers, who shared experiences and differing viewpoints on this key issue. This is part of work towards mutual recognition of qualifications for the sector.

What doesn't work? Too soon to say - although timing and location of events/training has been problematic sometimes. We are responding to beneficiary evaluations to try other ideas to make for greater accessability.

Is what works transferable? Definitely - many other service sectors could, for instance, benefit from our procurement work.

Why is it innovative? The sector has not previously seen itself as entrepreneurial or enterprising. Providing role models and introducing the idea of 'more than profit' rather than 'not for profit' is a new concept for most.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Horizontal desegregation Vertical desegregation Gender mainstreaming Empowerment Transnational co-operation

337 UK - Great Britain Mainstreaming Racial or ethnic origin Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? JIVE is a national partnership which aims to provide inspiration and support for girls and women to pursue careers in the target sectors of engineering, construction and technology by delivering an integrated approach to tackling the barriers preventing them from pursuing careers in these sectors which have been identified as: ƒ *gender stereotyping in careers advice and recruitment; ƒ *an unsupportive environment in education and training institutions; ƒ *the organisational culture and attitudes of companies; and ƒ *the lack of peer-group support. JIVE will build on the expertise of Let’s TWIST (Train Women In Science and Technology), who have developed a holistic approach to tackling gender segregation in these sectors.

JIVE will operate in some of the most segregated sectors in the labour market - Engineering Construction, the Built Environment and Construction and Technology, including technical ICT - which are also experiencing skill shortages. The project thus tackles gender segregation which is not only unjust in that it perpetuates the gender pay gap, but which also inhibits labour market efficiency.

JIVE will operate through four regional (London, the South-East, Wales and Yorkshire and the Humber) and one sectoral (engineering construction) hub. It will benefit women and girls seeking to enter, or already working in, non-traditional sectors.

A key focus will be on a cohort of 15 women entering the engineering construction industry through the ECITB’s NASEC (AMA) programme. The project will audit the recruitment process, the training environment and the employers who offer placements for these women and involve them in mentoring as both mentees and mentors.

JIVE Partners are Bradford College as lead partner, Sheffield Hallam University, the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Open University, Engineering Construction Industry Training Board, Property Services NTO, the Women’s Training Network, Oxford Women’s Training Scheme, Women’s Education in Building, and Cardiff Women’s Workshop in Wales.

What works? JIVE is innovative in combining organisations with experience of providing training and empowerment to women and employer-led bodies in heavily segregated industrial sectors. JIVE is bringing together equalities experts - the Women's Training Network and the Equal Opportunities Commission in a unique collaboration with sectoral skills councils and further, higher and community education organisation.

JIVE is developing and promoting best EQUALITY practice to provide inspiration and support for women and girls interested or already pursuing careers in engineering, construction and technology.

The DP works directly with the women and girls by offering role model mentoring and support and has also devised practical solutions for learning providers and careers professionals, including one day training events to enable them to deliver change in their practice or organisation.

They have a national infrastructure with work taking place in England and Wales.

JIVE are also looking at further work in this area which is crucial for overcoming the gender pay gap.

338 UK - Great Britain What doesn't work? Overall this is a successful DP and faces many challenges when working with traditionally male organisations. It is anticipated that the DP has gathered much good practice in dealing with such organisations.

Is what works transferable? Yes, the DP is committed to mainstreaming and disseminating good practice and new models. The DP is also well placed regionally and nationally and has strong links with appropriate audiences. The DP has also been involved in ETG 4 activity where key messages have been ,

Key aspects to transfer include; new methodologies, new materials, success factors of the regional hubs infrastructure.

Why is it innovative? The DP is innovative in a number of ways. The scale and ambition of the work is in itself an innovation within the Engineering Construction and Technology (ECT) field. All previous initiatives have been more modest, and have tended to concentrate on direct delivery of training to beneficiaries or awareness raising through poster campaigns and work in schools.The national infrastructure is new for a project on women and girls into ECT. The training of trainers and work with agents of change is also an innovation in relation to desegregation. The mentoring materials, which are being developed as sector specific, are new. All the learning providers materials are also new for the ECT learning providers. For example: ƒ The creation of an innovative Regional Hub infrastructure in three RDA regions and Wales provides a framework for delivery, coordination and dissemination to cascade a model of good practice in breaking down gender segregation. ƒ Enhancement of existing, and development of new, training materials (videos/written and distance learning material/delivery methods) for new target audiences (employers/regional trainers) will add value to the training and will be developed by working groups in consultation with focus groups of experts. ƒ Staff development training to overcome barriers to gender segregation. A replicable model of good practice will be developed.



Diversity management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Other: advice, training, employment for refugees. Support for employers to recruit refugees

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This is an innovative partnership that addresses barriers to employment for refugees by providing an integrated package of support including advice and guidance services, customised work experience programmes, job search and business startup courses, skills assessment opportunities, and mentoring support. The DP aims to educate, challenge misconceptions and raise awareness amongst employers regarding the need and potential of refugees through specialised workshops and programmes oriented toward providing work experience to refugees. The DP aims to increase jobs, self-employment opportunities, vocational training, job search skills, business startup skills, UK work experience, and knowledge of the UK labour market for refugees.

339 UK - Great Britain What works? The DP has specifically targetted key sectors such as health and teaching and is working directly with these organisations and refugees to identify the barriers to employment and to introduce positive solutions.

The lead organisation and partner organisations have much experience of working with refugees and refugees are actively involved in designing, planning and evaluating activities.

LEADER is also responding to the UK Government's dispersal policy by strategically planning to develop its activities outside of London.

What doesn't work? The DP has a strong voluntary sector focus and would benefit from greater support and inputs from larger organisations that will form the key policy audiences for its work. That said, the DP has developed a partnership that involves organisations that are well placed to promote the lessons learned. It acknowledges that partnerships take time to build and is considering extending its Action 2 work programme into 2005

Is what works transferable? Outcomes have the potential to be mainstreamed locally, regionally and nationally. These include for individuals, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), work based training materials and a skills assessment tool. Handbooks / CD-ROMs have been developed to support regional community organisations in providing job search as well as childcare training, mentoring and models for raising awareness with employers, for sector based work experience and integration. Events have also taken place that include awareness raising for employers and a conference to review teaching of English to refugees and asylum seekers.

Why is it innovative? LEADER is an innovative partnership, developing new ways for agencies located in London to work together and to test ways of extending activities beyond London. Specifically, work with the Refugee Women's Association is focusing on developing culturally sensitive childcare training and other activities for women. The Refugee Council and RETAS activities focus on extending sector focused work-based training and work experience into new areas (geographic / regional and sectoral). Practical outcomes include new ESOL materials geared to the needs of refugees seeking work, plus complementary refugee support initiatives, to underpin joined up / strategic thinking and high level dialogue with employers and their HR departments.

The National Refugee Integration Forum, set up by the Home Office in 1999, will serve as a useful ‘test bed’ for the DP for innovative ideas prior to wider mainstreaming and impact on national policy.



What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The potential of certain adult learners with disabilities often goes unrealised; this leads to obstacles to the labour market and the loss to the economy and society of the contribution these individuals could make. Although ICT technology would seem to offer the prospect of tools to help the disabled achieve their potential, and does to many with tools such as text reader and voice synthesisers, certain ICT technologies and digital media-based learning materials remain inaccessible. The physically disabled have difficulties with computer keyboards. Learning materials which teach pre-entry skills, which certain disabled people

340 UK - Great Britain will come to later in life, are often designed for children and therefore inappropriate, products such as VLE are not designed with the needs of certain disabled groups in mind.

What works? The Portland Partnership works with a range of disabled learners (pre entry and entry level) to develop ways in which they can access and use Information Learning Technology (ILT) meaningfully. Through extensive user consultation the DP has begun to produce a package of ILT. This covers a Virtual Learning Environment including email and message boards allowing autonomous and independent communication; adaptive technology which aims to improve access to interactive technology to those with physical disability; pre-entry learning materials aimed at adults and some assessment packages that enable the DP to determine the needs of individuals and develop appropriate solutions. All these products are still in development. So far work has been completed on an accessible login procedure and a wireless switch. Samples of the pre-entry learning material have been produced and are undergoing testing. Beneficiaries have responded positively to what has been developed so far.

What doesn't work? The Portland Partnership's original application addressed a series of very specific issues, it is still the case that all of the original strands of the project are working in prototype form - after all, the project's application was written by practitioners frustrated at the lack of appropriate materials. The project continues to target these areas.

Obstacles to the DP's work have presented themselves more in the form of small stumbling blocks relating to partners' existing financial systems and costing methodologies.

Is what works transferable? All member states have a disabled minority and all face the challenge of how best to allow these individuals to fulfil their potential in learning and employability. Portland work with transnational partners in Greece, Italy and Germany who all work with the disabled in other EU member states. These partners have been involved in research for the DP’s products. Their contributions have fed into the specifications for the adaptive technology that the Portland Partnership are developing. The products that are developed are customisable, allowing progress to be achieved regardless of individual learning difficulties. It is possible that lessons learnt in the project could be important to developing ICT material for people with a range of disabilities in both education and other environments.

Why is it innovative? Customised solutions for the needs of disabled people. Although adaptive technologies have existed for a number of years the delivery of a customised solution is something innovative.

Offering training for disabled people in a virtual learning environment. This is an approach that is rarely used with disabled people in the UK.

Holistic approach – although these have been some products that address the specific ICT needs of disabled people, in the past these have been undertaken separately producing fragmented impact. The DP is innovative because its approach is holistic.


Accreditation Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Empowerment Disability

341 UK - Great Britain What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? ƒ Remove identified barriers to employment that are faced by this People living with HIV and AIDS. ƒ Highlight the challenges faced by, and address the exclusion of people living with HIV within the work place. ƒ Re-motivate and increase confidence of long-term unemployed persons with HIV, who possess a higher than average educational background (NVQ level 3 or above) than other socially excluded groups. ƒ Both the employer actions and the campaigning activities will address the strategic objective of "combat[ing] discrimination faced by PLWH "and promote equality in the workplace". The DP acknowledges that without such mechanisms to challenge discrimination, no amount of training and support will provide people living with HIV with real and meaningful employment. ƒ Support clients that reside in deprived ward areas of London. ƒ Complement the activities of both the London Development Agency strategies for London, the regional development plan, the Employment Service and Learning and Skills Council criteria on socially excluded and long term unemployed support.

What works? The DP had a slow start to their Action 2 activities, however, has made significant development over the last 9 months. ƒ Pilot beneficiary projects. Although this activity has been the most challenging, in terms of negotiation with employers to provide training, line management support and match funding, the DP has been successful and has obtained three traineeships with ‘Roosters’- a PR company. ƒ Employer focused training. Developing training resources in conjunction with organisations. To date Positive Futures worked with the BBC’s in-house Disability Employment Advisor to develop a training course for BBC recruitment staff covering significant issues of advertising, recruitment and initial employment process, Coca- Cola to develop training courses for staff to act as HIV counsellors and the Refugee Council, an organisation where people living with HIV are represented within their staff and client base. ƒ Lobbying and campaigning. This area of work has made real progress in their to work to extend the Disability Discrimination Act to include people living with HIV from the point of Diagnosis.

What doesn't work? Initial progress for the DP was slow, however, the DP is on track and successfully achieving their objectives.

Is what works transferable? Yes, the DP plans to undertake the following activities as part of their Mainstreaming Partnership: ƒ Joint working with the TUC to inform workplace representative programme; ƒ Cross-DP working with Job Centre +; ƒ Production of a set of training modules for employers; ƒ Web-based training tool for employers; ƒ Seminars and workshops to employers and key organisations; ƒ Production of a report for NGOs and other organisations facilitating a return to work for People living with HIV. ƒ Report addressing specific issues for GB DPs undertaking transnational working; and ƒ Mainstreaming of their beneficiaries’ database to partner agencies.

Why is it innovative? Positive Futures Equal project have identified activities that are unique and therefore innovative in a number of ways. The choice of target group highlights two distinct and unique foci.

342 UK - Great Britain ƒ Despite the level of stigma and social exclusion faced by people living with HIV (PLWH), few mainstream organisations and social exclusion projects provide any support which address the particular needs of this group. A cycle of distrust, and a reluctance to take up opportunities further isolates PLWH from support. As established HIV health and social care organisations, the Equal partnership will address a gap in provision, address the emerging needs of PLWH in an environment already utilised by them. ƒ The DP emphasis is on addressing the issues of various discriminated groups through the use of a single factor – HIV status. This will provide a holistic insight into the complexity of multiple discrimination, and what are the life priorities/barriers for a range of disadvantaged groups (identified earlier). In addition, reports indicate that chronic illness groups are difficult to target and support. The DP has both the target groups and expertise to address this. ƒ An interesting factor relating to this DP is that it continues to be run and managed solely by voluntary sector and patient group organisations. If the development and success of activities can be demonstrated the Positive Futures partnership will provide a model of best practice and of voluntary sector value. Equal states that community groups should be “given the means to participate in project implementation and decision making” - in this respect the innovation of Equal will be played out through the work of this DP. ƒ Welfare to Work represents a new dimension for the HIV sector. Equal funding has provided the Positive Futures Partnership with the opportunity to explore these issue both at a national policy level and its implementation at local level. It has also enhanced the capacity of the sector and placed HIV on the National and European employment and discrimination agendas. ƒ With regard to project activities, the DP will demonstrate innovation in all three ways identified in the Initial Guidance.

ƒ The beneficiary projects will build on the recommendations of previous programmes, and add value to the existing support provided through Positive Futures. For example, new training, developed in conjunction with employers, will be more vocationally specific and enhance the skills and employability of those already participating in other programmes. ƒ The re-accreditation scheme will support the transition into work, while the education grants scheme will assist people gaining vocational qualifications. ƒ The supported employment programme will support the needs of both employer and client, introduce the concept of on-going mentoring support, and provide additional vocational training. All these activities will build upon existing approaches for a new client group, in a goal- orientated context. ƒ The employer actions (including the development of training programmes and tools) will involve the new combination and improvement of existing approaches (both from HIV sector and other minority groups in a process-orientated context. The development of new training packages on the issues HIV discrimination in the workplace for employers will build upon existing mechanisms, with the inclusion of on- going support, advice and information to maintain awareness and practical implementation. This will prove to be added value to Positive Futures in that funding will be available for the expansion and professionalisation of employer support. ƒ Certain context–orientated activity will be involved in the provision of training and networking with other mainstream agencies, policy developers, and employers. Campaigns around the issues of discrimination in the work place and HIV, awareness of the social exclusion of PLWH, research and policy recommendations on mainstream support mechanisms will be undertaken to ensure the maximum impact of the issues.


Tailoring business services to real needs Creating an entrepreneurial culture Empowerment

343 UK - Great Britain What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? This is a local initiative in a London Borough which is listed as the 11th most deprived in the UK. The cultural diversity of the area is reflected in the fact that over a hundred languages are spoken and over 25%of the population are from BME backgrounds . However only 10% of enterprises have a non-white owner. Whilst many BME enterprises and entrepreneurs face the some barriers as all small businesses in deprived area. However, they also experience a series of specific problems including language barriers, lack of knowledge and expertise, lack of understanding from the larger players such as banks, and business support agencies, lack of skilled staff and above all lack of trust of mainstream organisations. Reflex have found that whilst the lack of trust and acceptable sources of start up capital and other barriers discourage BMEs from using mainstream services ,there is also a preference for informal channels such as family, friends and their own community organisations for business support. This has led the partners of Reflex to find practical solutions to this situation. Over more than twenty years, the London Borough of Islington has developed a strong and diverse voluntary sector made up of over 1000 NGOs. Many initiatives have been supported by ESF. Most of these organisations provide advice, guidance, welfare support and training to precisely the target groups that REFLEX is reaching. The results of this research confirm that there no known examples of models combining the skills and expertise of the community sector with those from business support agencies in the public and private sector, working in new partnerships with the intention to tackle the specific barriers faced by disadvantaged groups in enterprise creation. It is well known that, on average, only around 20% of SMEs use public business support services and that ethnic minorities and other groups are under-represented in this share. The model being proposed by the project could, therefore, provide lessons about how to communicate with and engage ethnic minority business people.

There are SME are an important part of a productive and innovative economy and it is vital that business creation is open to all if EU economies are to meet their full potential. black and ethnic minorities business form a vital part of this picture in addition to adding to the prosperity of the UK they can provided innovative products and services and stimulate regeneration in disadvantaged communities. It is important that the whole range of black and ethnic minorities entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs get the business support they need for their businesses to grow and prosper. Although there is extensive business support services in the UK this is not reaching certain black and ethnic minority groups and it is vital that these business get the support they need including access to finance.

What works? The direct employment by community organisations of trainee business advisors have enabled steps to be made in the provision of bridges to the mainstream. REFLEX has provided both a capacity building programme for ten community organisations and training for community based business advisors. The training in business support skills has encouraged business advisors to come together from a diverse range of communities to share and mutually develop skills and experiences. The community business advisors are now embarking on the process of having their skills SFEDI accredited. Research is currently underway with in the partnership to investigate the question of the effectiveness of the advice actually given to businesses by the community business advisors.

The Reflex partnership has developed a modle for providing buiness support which adresses this problem. Central to the modle is providing business support through community organisations. These organsations are often at the heart of black and ethinc minority communities offer a " trust" advice service on a range of issues. They also have a very good understanding of these communities giving them a unique perspective on thier business support needs. The Dp aims to build capacity in these community organisations by training staff in the community organisations as business advisors. Some of these organsations are already offer informal business advice but it is not formalised or connected to mainstreaming support providers. The DP will also look at developing ethnic minority business network to as a way of offering support to these groups.

10 business advisors have been employed to data in a range of community organisations this followed a needs assesment which looked at the current capacity for providing

344 UK - Great Britain business support. Through this work the DP will also develop and test culturely sensative tools to help build capacity in black and ethnic minority communities.

What doesn't work? Originally the DP had planned to try to develop both existing black and ethnic minority business network and create new networks. Through the work of the DP it has become apparent that in this context it was more effective to work with existing networks. The DP originally intended to develop a communciation strategy with in the partnership based on ICT. This form of communication was not effective. Partners preferred oral communications. Whilst further development work needs to be done on increasing the capacity of community based organisations to use ICT, additional work also needs to done on identifying how community organisations see the benefits of ICT.

Is what works transferable? Lesson learned and insight into the barrier faced by specific communities could be taken forward to mainstream business support as could the tools that are being developed. More generally the model of providing business support through community organisations could be transfer to a number of other context both in other part of the UK and Europe. However the model does assume a range of established black and ethnic minority communities' organisations this may not be the case throughout Europe or the UK. The model is transferable to all areas where there are formal or informal organisations at a community level. It offers the potential for two way communications and adaption between entrepreneurial activities amongst groups currently excluded in the labour market and mainstream business support agencies. It presents structure which enable ongoing opportunities in areas which have high levels of social exclusion to include the development of entrepreneurship in strategies.

Why is it innovative? The DP is developing a new model for buiness support, both in terms of building capacity in these community organisations to delivery support and in acknowledging and formalising support that is already being offered by community organisations.

The measures being undertaken by the DP are innovative because they are including business support in the mainstream activities of community organisations.

They provide a model which is effective in increasing the number of business advisors from excluded communities.

The creation of an association of community based business advisors will enable community organisations to come together for joint purchasing arrangements. And therefor provide a model for sustainability. Starting Outlook



Making start up finance more accessible Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures Standards for support services for the social enterprise Financial sustainability of social enterprises

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The purpose of SSEER is to build a regional infrastructure for the social economy in the East of England. Regional research conducted by one of the SSEER partners, The Guild, identified that access to finance in the social economy is patchy - particularly for women, minority ethnic groups, and people with disabilities - and there is a lack of business support to enable social economy organisations (SEOs) to develop and compete. The aim of SSEER is to support SEOs as a key presence in sustainable local communities, focusing on social, economic and environmental needs.

345 UK - Great Britain The DP aims to : ƒ contribute to and develop diversity in the social economy ƒ create new financial models both in and for the sector ƒ ensure business support for SEOs is mainstreamed ƒ create new trading mechanisms ƒ raise the awareness and profile of the social economy in the region.

What works? The DP is making good progress across a range of areas. It has developed a strong regional network of key stakeholders within the social economy in the region which could link with national networks and national representative organisations for the social economy.

The DP is developing a regional social economy loan fund which aims to provide an innovative approach to providing access to finance for the Social Economy (SE) in the East of England. This promising model aims to create a self-sustaining revolving loan fund which will be able to invest in the region several times over, repay investors' capital, and pay interest at or near the rate of inflation. The capital will be retained within the regional economy, circulating and re-circulating.

The DP's training programme for business advisers is innovative within the region because it is specifically aimed at generalist business advisers and will improve their knowledge and ability to advise the SE sector. Business advisers to be trained will include those from mainstream Business Links, banks and solicitors.

What doesn't work? The DP was originally intending to build the capacity of a mainstream building society to enable it to develop a loan scheme to provide access to finance to social enterprises. They are no longer developing this activity because they were not able to attract social enterprises and potential social entrepreneurs effectively. The DP has instead commissioned research to identify the finance available to social enterprises in the region and impact on financially excluded groups.

The DP is trying to adapt mainstream business support services in order to make them more appropriate to the needs of social enterprises. The DP has asked Social Enterprise Organisations (SEOs) to attend mainstream business support seminars and training sessions and has asked for them to help adapt these sessions to make them more appropriate to their needs. However the DP has experienced some difficulty in persuading SEOs to attend these particular events because the benefit to them of attending is not always obvious and the staff within SEOs are often extremely pressurised, with little free time to attend such events. The DP is investigating how they can improve take-up

Is what works transferable? The development of a regional infrastructure for the social economy is transferable to other regions. The lessons learnt from establishing a regional infrastructure and network for the social economy was highlighted in the Thematic Mainstreaming Strategy for theme D as a key mainstreaming outcome from Equal which could be transferred to other regions in the UK. In some regions, the infrastructure for the social economy is minimal, and these regions could benefit significantly from the lessons from the SSEER DP and other Equal Theme D DPs.

Why is it innovative? The development of a regional infrastructure is innovative within the region. The network represents a completely new network for the social economy in the region.

The Guild has developed the 'Nearbuyou' website, a unique website aimed at the SE sector in the Eastern region. It offers a search facility for locating services provided by social enterprises in different areas. The Guild hope to encourage private and public sector

346 UK - Great Britain organisations to advertise their tenders on the site, and to develop a trading portal for social enterprises. The website is innovative nationally as it is the first trading portal for social enterprises. It is clearly different to other social enteprise websites, which are mainly information sites.

At a sub-DP level, the innovation is mainly the testing of existing financial models in new locations or with new groups



Validation of learning ITC Literacy Accreditation Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Territorial approaches Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The DP is trying to develop new learning models and qualifications using digital technologies and popular culture for marginalised young people aged 16-25. These are socially disadvantaged (for a variety of reasons) young people that don't fit within mainstream education provision and whom have had a negative experience of education and training in the past. These people are not yet ready for vocational training or further education, let alone employment, and it is the aim of the Digital Step DP to develop new learning opportunities that attract and re-engage these people into the learning process and make them more employable.

What works? Our activities focus upon popular culture and new technologies (e.g. music, animation, film/tv, Internet etc.) and have been successful in engaging and empowering the target group.

What doesn't work? Existing mainstream training provision - traditional approaches to learning and traditional forms of accreditation in the context of the target group.

Is what works transferable? Our ongoing mainstreaming strategy is to transfer the results of our project into mainstream provision at local, national and transnational levels. To date our content and methodologies have been transferred into existing government provision at both local and national level and our transnational partners in Germany and Sweden have agreed to pilot some of our models in their territories.

Why is it innovative? ƒ Level of empowerment ƒ New learning content ƒ New learning methodologies ƒ New learning frameworks

347 UK - Northern Ireland ƒ Partnership approach at local and transnational level that is effective and adds value to the project.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Validation of learning Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? To improve accessibility for marginalised groups, by providing delivery within their own communities. By facilitating directly through community organisations it will address the issues and help remove barriers for the socially and economically inactive who are disadvanatged for many reasons.

To involve the target groups (eg. Status 0, Long-term unemployed, Women returners, Hidden unemployed etc) in the design, implementation and evaluation of the project, thereby promoting empowerment among the target group.

To use innnovative methods of introducing marginlised sections of society to training, education and the world of work.

What works? The project is delivered by 7 community hubs located in designated disavantaged areas, and by involving the target groups through the design, implementation and evaluation of the programmes this give a sense of ownership and empowerment. The delivery of the programme must address the needs of the individual thus promoting learning in a relax, flexible environment through non-traditional teaching methods.

A large Development Partnership such as ACCORD with 18 members needs a strong lead organisation with leadership , financial and management skills to make it work effectively. Partnerships must have a strong committment to actively work together and by communicating and meeting regularly is provides an opportunity for support, sharing information and addressing problems and helping overcome difficulties.

The method of evaluation used by the ACCORD partnership (ABCD Model), it captures the soft outcomes and distance travelled, it is formative. Once the model is taught it is updated regularly by personnel who are working with participants on the projects.

What doesn't work? Traditional methods of recuritment do not work, eg. advertisement in local press, advertisment on radio.

Traditional teaching methods do not work. Tutors need to have experience and empathy with the target group, if teaching is delivered by traditional academic tutors this caused difficulties within the target group.

Is what works transferable? Yes

The partnership model of ACCORD, it brings together a working partnership with Statutory, Public, Private, Community and Voluntary Associations with a strong representation from disadvantage communties, provides a mechinism for delivery to target those most marginlised within society.

348 UK - Northern Ireland Delivery of programmes within marginlised communties by local community organisations provides an opportunity to address specific needs, helps remove barriers and gives a sense of ownership and empowerment to those most disadvantaged.

The model of evaluation is transferable, it can be easily taught and can be adapted for all projects.

Why is it innovative? The working partnership of ACCORD is innovative, it is community lead. It addresses the specific needs of disadvantaged communites and provides an opportunity for individuals within those communities to acquire new skills and improving their accessibly to employment.

The delivery of training is through not-traditional teaching methods, it addresses the needs of the individual, it is not accredition lead.

The model of evaluation has been adapted for the ACCORD project, it is user friendly and captures the learning from the beginning. No information is lost, everything is recorded.


Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking


What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Enhancing levels of employability amongst prisoners and ex-prisoners.

What works? Holistic, integrated individual needs based plans and implementation. Working with a range of service providers in prison towards a common plan framed within the context of resettlement. Making appropriate connections for individuals in the community and providing follow-up and support.

What doesn't work? Single approach fits all without the co-operation of appropriate partners.

Is what works transferable? Yes.

Why is it innovative? For many years in Northern Ireland, as a result of the conflict here, the focus in prisons was one of security. This programme has provided an opportunity to change that focus and address the needs of prisoners in a way which has relevance to their future prospects in terms of employment and associated reduction of risk of re-offending. Within prison, providing a mechanism to develop individual plans, which have relevance post release and which require the co-operation of a range of providers within the prison and in the community, which did not exist prior to the PPS programme.

349 UK - Northern Ireland 4. DIVERSITY MATTERS - UKNI-6

Diversity management Convincing and involving Social partners Partnership creation and management Empowerment Mainstreaming Racial or ethnic origin Disability Religion and belief Sexual orientation Age Gender Other: Types of discrimination: different political opinion and carers. Also exploring the issue of multiple identity and disadvantage

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The aim of Diversity Matters is to promote co-operation and a partnership approach to diversity issues in the workplace. We believe there is a need for:

Equality: The first pilot training programme explores the meaning of diversity for the individual, for specifc groups and for organisations. The training examines the issues related to multiple identity and disadvantage and the legislation in place to challenge inequality in society and in the workplace

More informed decision making: Diversity Matters has also establishes a library of reference materials relating to diversity in Northern Ireland, accessible information on the different social groups used to inform decision makers and contributes to our transnational partnership work packages on imigration strategies and the recognition of qualifications and skills.

Greater understanding of diversity: All of the activities listed above fulfil the need for individuals, special interest groups and organisations to explore diversity in Northern Ireland and its relationship to disadvantage / poverty.

Increased participation: To supports people to develop an understanding of the experience of others which enables the appreciation of difference and encourages them to become more active in the decisions made by employers and government.

What works? Diversity Matters has taken the time and effort to build a partnership in which everyone has a clear contribution to make and also has a vested interest in the outcomes. The partnership makes regular decisions through different working groups that partners chose to participate in depending on their expertise and / or knowledge.

Diversity Matters have also established 'Reference Point' Organisations which play the role of contact and information point for specific social groups not represented on the partnership board. These organisations do not attend partnership meetings but contribute to the training design and content of the information materials bringing their own experience and expertise to work of the project.

Diversity Matters asked the different social groups themselves, in specific focus groups, what they would want in a diversity programme. Through this user led approach we designed a programme that people were interested in participating in.

The information materials produced were those asked for by the individuals and representatives involved in these focus groups and so we provide requested and consequently highly useful information. Other materials produced are the result of an effective and experienced partnership anticipating the up and coming issues in equality in Northern Ireland and so attracting the interest of the wider community, voluntary, government and business sectors.

350 UK - Northern Ireland What doesn't work? Too much general information will attacted a wide range of individuals and organisations interested in many different aspects of diversity. It is impossible then to fulfil all expectations and this leaves people misinformed and less likely to particpate in similar activities in the future. Information relating to diversity needs to be simple and precise.

Is what works transferable? The work is transferable provided there are some essential ingredients:

There are the relevant organisations willing and able to take the time and make the effort to form an effective partnership based on common values, mutual interest and respect.

There needs to be a community and voluntary sector that is representative of many different interest groups that recognises the opportunities from being involved in a diversity programme

The government structure recognises the importance of diversity and of becoming invovled in partnership programmes

A commitment to and an understaning of user led activities.

Why is it innovative? Diversity Matters is innovative in Northern Ireland in several ways:

Building an understanding of diversity and multiple identity issues is relatively new in Northern Ireland within the community and voluntary sector.

Linking the different social groups understanding and experience of diversity to the management of diversity in the workplace provides a realistic project that can be useful to community and voluntary organisations, businesses and government.

Diversity Matters is relating issues of diversity to relatively new local legislation and government initatives as well as to future European legislation. This provides a new context for this kind of work in Northern Ireland. It is a challenge for individuals that are disdvantaged in accessing work or remaining the workplace, those organisations which represent them and employers themselves to use this new climate to everyones advantage.



Convincing and involving Social partners Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies Family support – Care and service provision Partnership creation and management Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Age Gender Other: Duration of unemployment, geographical location

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? Evidence has shown that the longer a person is unemployed, the more difficult it is to return to work. In addition, while unemployment in Northern Ireland is falling, it remains persistently high in North and West Belfast. The DP is trying to address the needs of long- term unemployed people in North and West Belfast who have been receiving Jobseekers' Allowance for at least one year or people who are on Jobseekers' Allowance and have

351 UK - Northern Ireland been on New Deal within the last year. The DP aims to address the barriers faced by long- term unemployed people by creating individually tailored, holistic development pathways incorporating a range of support measures to help the individual in obtaining their goals. The DP is acting in an innovative manner by drawing in the entire household of the person who is long-term unemployed and by using a system of mentoring through Project Support Workers. In addition to supporting unemployed people, the DP is working to understand barriers to employment and influence policy and practice to address these obstacles.

What works? The DP has found that a partnership approach with existing community networks works efficiently. It is crucial to work in partnership with existing community organisations in order to effectively target long-term unemployed people and to create a network of contacts who can assist and complement the DP's service by providing support and services. Due to the unique nature of the DP's geographical area, local ground level contacts have been essential to establish trust and confidence in the work of the DP. This has been particularly important when addressing the research aspect of the DP as it has provided a steady supply of people willing to confide their experiences of unemployment and the barriers that they face. In addition to regular informal networking between the community and Project Support Workers, the DP has established a Community Representative Sub-group to provide a formal mechanism for the local community to interact with the DP. The local community also receives regular updates on the DP's progress in the form of newsletters.

The DP has a management partnership of 11 organisations, drawn from public, private, community, voluntary and education sectors. This gives the DP access to a wealth of knowledge and experience and also facilitates participants' access to a wide range of services.

What doesn't work? The DP has found that conventional marketing techniques do not work with this client group. The DP has had limited success in attracting potential participants to the DP by using techniques such as posters in local facilities (doctors' surgeries, supermarkets, community centres etc), giving out leaflets, attending job fairs and other community events, giving presentations to local groups and media exposure such as radio interviews, newspaper articles etc. The long-term unemployed group that the DP is trying to attract has not responded to these methods of promotion and the DP has had to review its marketing strategy accordingly by developing a more innovative approach to this group. This development was not wholly unexpected as long-term unemployed people have traditionally been one of the most excluded groups in society and one of the most difficult to access.

Due to the legislative framework applied to the social security benefits system, the DP is unable to offer financial incentives to the target group and can have limited involvement with individuals who are engaged in the informal economy.

Is what works transferable? The DP's method of approaching and recruiting long-term unemployed people can be transferred easily as it relies on building up a reliable database of community contacts by developing and maintaining relationships with these individuals. A two-way process is created, through which the DP provides services to link in with community groups' existing provision in return for access to potential participants known to community groups. This method works effectively as potential participants usually feel more secure about contacting the DP or participating in research with the DP if they already have a trusting relationship established with the community group. This method of working in partnership can be applied to any DP and speeds up the process of gaining trust which is so crucial to the work we are doing with long-term unemployed people. This can be extended to other organisations which have access to the target group.

352 UK - Northern Ireland Why is it innovative? The DP aims to address the barriers faced by long-term unemployed people in a holistic way by involving the individual's household. This involvement should help address the multiple barriers to employment which may face an individual and are not recognised or addressed by other employment programmes. Barriers can include personal development and self-esteem issues, job and education related barriers, physical and mental health conditions and family circumstances which reduce an individual's ability to engage in activities outside of the home. The interaction with the household should help produce a comprehensive action plan as part of the participant's development pathway which fully incorporates all barriers and issues around employment and plans a way forward for that participant and any other members of the household who wish to become involved. The involvement of the household in the programme is unique to the DP.

The work of the DP is also innovative in that the programme is fully flexible and can be tailored, in particular, to the unique geographical nature of the DP and the diverse problems of working in particular areas in Belfast. The DP can respond to particular geographical issues by working closely with individuals to accommodate their needs in an area where they feel comfortable working. Due to the breadth of experience within the DP partnership, it is possible to be fully flexible and draw down a wide range of assistance.

Alongside the delivery of support to unemployed people and their households, the project is underpinned by a strong research element. For the project to have maximum impact, the DP is keen to understand barriers to employment and effective interventions and to ensure that this learning impacts on policy and service provision for unemployed people in the future.

The partnership of the DP is also extremely innovative and forward thinking. The partnership is working in a very honest manner and has increased the level of communication between partner organisations immensely as contacts have been made and developed during the lifetime of the DP. The partnership works across personal, professional and organisational boundaries to the benefit of the target group. The transnational element of the programme has reinforced this further, providing partners with the opportunity to work on shared tasks.


Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning Accreditation Gender mainstreaming Empowerment Transnational co-operation Mainstreaming Networking Racial or ethnic origin Disability Sexual orientation Age Gender

What are the problems/needs the DP is trying to address? The Young Women Making it Work DP is attempting to ensure that marginalized young women have access onto a pathway of training, further education and employment.

The specific target group is young women aged 16-25 years who have found securing employment or achieving their full employment potential impossible. That is young mothers, young minority ethnic women, young women travellers, young lesbians, status "0" young women and young women with disabilities.

The DP activity is consulting with young women to ensure their voice is heard and issues taken account of in the development of holistic tailor made programmes.

353 UK - Northern Ireland What works? The extensive consultations with each grouping of vulnerable young women, using youth work methods to engage these young women in expressing their views and assessing their own needs. ƒ A holistic approach to training, underpinned by a feminist theory. ƒ Engaging local communities and organisations in partnerships. ƒ Building relationships with young women in recruitment state. ƒ Testing different materials with groups and recording feedback.

What doesn't work? Proscriptive programmes designed centrally and delivered.

Is what works transferable? Yes.

Models of practice are being evaluated by the target groups and DP members. Other organisations can then use materials and methods within their own organisations.

The Out & About young lesbians model of good practice is being strategically disseminated throughout the youth sector in Northern Ireland to develop regionally, funded through YouthNet.

Moving On (young mothers programme) can now be delivered by any community organisations who have undertaken training offered by DP and demonstrates quality assurance mechanisms. This has now happed in Armagh and Dungannon.

Why is it innovative? There are no other specific opportunities for young mothers (16-25) from these determined groupings tailor made to suit their needs.

Young women from the target group are actively contributing to the DP, using YouthAction's youth work practice of empowering young people.


Innovation by issue

Accreditation, 24, 45, 62, 67, 69, 98, 102, 143, 164, 166, 168, 171, 204, 226, 250, 281, 294, 307, 341, 347, 353

Advice Education and Training for asylum seekers, 24, 27, 37, 58, 60, 155, 165, 171, 177, 190, 250, 255, 256, 257, 277, 304, 315, 333

Capacity building for those working with asylum seekers, 27, 37, 58, 68, 84, 156, 162, 165, 177, 243, 250, 255, 256, 257, 304, 315, 333

Convincing and involving Social partners, 11, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 28, 30, 36, 37, 41, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 60, 65, 69, 70, 71, 73, 88, 94, 98, 104, 113, 117, 121, 136, 143, 162, 165, 166, 168, 169, 171, 173, 174, 176, 181, 182, 183, 188, 195, 196, 199, 200, 202, 204, 205, 207, 209, 210, 212, 214, 215, 216, 224, 228, 230, 232, 233, 248, 249, 250, 253, 255, 258, 262, 266, 269, 271, 281, 283, 284, 287, 294, 300, 302, 307, 315, 317, 318, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351

Creating an entrepreneurial culture, 8, 14, 15, 22, 35, 36, 48, 52, 54, 57, 61, 65, 69, 71, 73, 79, 87, 89, 93, 99, 130, 131, 133, 139, 140, 141, 171, 173, 183, 188, 195, 196, 200, 202, 205, 207, 209, 210, 212, 215, 224, 225, 234, 254, 260, 271, 275, 282, 288, 291, 309, 320, 336, 343

Diversity management, 7, 9, 13, 15, 24, 25, 30, 33, 37, 39, 41, 44, 51, 57, 60, 69, 70, 74, 88, 103, 112, 113, 115, 117, 121, 162, 168, 171, 174, 176, 190, 191, 193, 195, 196, 202, 205, 207, 210, 214, 215, 228, 246, 250, 262, 283, 284, 290, 297, 307, 315, 317, 318, 325, 333, 339, 347, 350

Employment for asylum seekers, 37, 58, 84, 133, 155, 165, 171, 255, 256, 304, 315, 333

Family support – Care and service provision, 17, 33, 41, 44, 58, 88, 89, 100, 103, 143, 147, 150, 152, 153, 166, 171, 173, 210, 212, 214, 215, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 241, 245, 253, 271, 300, 323, 325, 331, 336, 351

Financial sustainability of social enterprises, 24, 29, 49, 56, 65, 73, 79, 88, 130, 133, 196, 200, 205, 215, 260, 264, 269, 290, 316, 317, 320, 345

Gender mainstreaming, 10, 15, 17, 18, 24, 27, 28, 33, 37, 39, 41, 44, 48, 50, 52, 56, 57, 58, 60, 65, 67, 69, 70, 78, 79, 82, 86, 88, 93, 94, 100, 143, 144, 147, 152, 153, 169, 171, 176, 215, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, 237, 238, 242, 246, 247, 254, 258, 262, 266, 269, 271, 274, 284, 294, 299, 301, 302, 311, 313, 315, 325, 327, 329, 337, 353

Horizontal desegregation, 11, 12, 24, 28, 33, 37, 39, 41, 44, 57, 68, 69, 71, 82, 92, 96, 97, 99, 104, 109, 140, 147, 165, 174, 229, 238, 241, 266, 271, 273, 274, 278, 311, 313, 315, 316, 320, 323, 337

Improving the Capacities of integration Services and Agencies, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 36, 50, 51, 57, 60, 65, 68, 70, 71, 74, 77, 78, 87, 88, 103, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 121, 129, 131, 162, 164, 165, 166, 169, 171, 179, 181, 184, 186, 187, 190, 195, 196, 200, 202, 204, 205, 207, 209, 210, 212, 220, 224, 242, 246, 248, 250, 260, 262, 281, 283, 284, 286, 300, 304, 306, 333, 337, 341, 348, 349, 351

Intergeneration learning, 11, 18, 23, 30, 36, 109, 134, 135, 139, 140, 142, 165, 250, 281, 317

355 Thematic Index : Type of innovation developed by the DPs ITC Literacy, 39, 41, 45, 48, 62, 70, 71, 83, 88, 91, 93, 102, 103, 104, 109, 112, 141, 164, 166, 171, 192, 225, 256, 262, 278, 281, 288, 295, 306, 309, 315, 330, 334, 347

Making start up finance more accessible, 10, 14, 35, 36, 48, 52, 61, 65, 73, 79, 87, 98, 130, 131, 171, 173, 200, 205, 247, 270, 271, 290, 309, 345

Management skills and professionalisation in social economy, 20, 24, 29, 31, 37, 48, 56, 57, 65, 73, 79, 130, 132, 133, 160, 183, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, 202, 205, 207, 209, 210, 214, 215, 246, 260, 264, 266, 269, 275, 290, 309, 317, 320, 323, 336

Older worker, 11, 23, 28, 30, 36, 50, 54, 69, 134, 135, 136, 142, 164, 165, 168, 171, 174, 182, 225, 250, 266, 269, 270, 310, 317

Partnership between the public sector and the social economy and public procurement procedures, 14, 24, 48, 50, 52, 56, 58, 60, 65, 73, 88, 115, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 160, 197, 199, 200, 202, 204, 205, 209, 212, 214, 253, 264, 269, 283, 284, 290, 294, 309, 313, 315, 316, 320, 323, 336, 345

Planning HR & Age management practice, 11, 30, 31, 36, 48, 54, 69, 104, 134, 135, 136, 168, 181, 219, 266, 281, 292, 310, 317

Putting the learner at the centre of life long learning, 13, 33, 41, 45, 47, 49, 62, 70, 83, 88, 91, 118, 165, 166, 168, 177, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 225, 226, 250, 252, 270, 283, 284, 294, 295, 306, 315, 320, 325, 337, 348, 353

Standards for support services for the social enterprise, 20, 24, 29, 49, 52, 57, 58, 60, 65, 73, 88, 89, 129, 130, 131, 133, 183, 198, 200, 202, 204, 205, 207, 209, 210, 215, 248, 260, 264, 290, 309, 316, 317, 323, 345

Supporting SMEs and employees in developing lifelong learning, 11, 30, 36, 39, 41, 45, 48, 50, 54, 56, 57, 62, 70, 91, 104, 109, 133, 143, 162, 165, 166, 168, 171, 182, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 225, 226, 228, 290, 294, 297, 310, 315, 330

Tailoring business services to real needs, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 48, 50, 57, 65, 69, 71, 73, 79, 100, 102, 123, 125, 126, 127, 133, 168, 171, 173, 192, 195, 202, 204, 207, 210, 212, 230, 235, 260, 269, 273, 274, 284, 290, 306, 343

Validation of learning, 16, 18, 24, 30, 33, 41, 48, 56, 57, 58, 62, 67, 69, 70, 102, 104, 112, 118, 143, 166, 168, 171, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223, 225, 247, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 262, 281, 284, 287, 294, 306, 307, 320, 321, 323, 347, 348

Vertical desegregation, 24, 33, 37, 41, 44, 57, 60, 69, 71, 78, 93, 147, 165, 174, 238, 266, 278, 311, 313, 320, 323, 325, 337

Work / Life balance, 15, 17, 28, 39, 41, 44, 53, 67, 73, 83, 84, 86, 89, 94, 100, 143, 144, 147, 150, 152, 153, 162, 168, 169, 171, 174, 176, 216, 217, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 241, 242, 253, 258, 266, 271, 273, 278, 281, 283, 284, 294, 300, 313, 317, 331, 334, 336

Innovation by process

Empowerment, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 44, 48, 49, 50, 52, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 65, 69, 70, 71, 79, 88, 100, 109, 112, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 129, 155, 160, 162, 164, 165, 168, 169, 171, 174, 176, 177, 182, 183, 184, 190, 191, 193, 195, 196, 198, 200, 202, 205, 207, 209, 210, 212, 215, 222, 225, 228, 237, 239, 242, 246, 247, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 264, 266, 269, 270, 272, 275, 277, 278, 281, 283, 285, 287, 290, 291, 292, 294, 295, 297, 304, 307, 311, 315, 316, 317, 318, 323, 325, 331, 333, 336, 337, 339, 341, 343, 347, 349, 350, 351, 353

Mainstreaming, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 45, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 77, 79, 86, 93, 94, 100, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 155, 157, 162, 164, 165, 168, 169, 171, 176, 177, 188, 200, 202, 205,

356 Thematic Index : Type of innovation developed by the DPs 209, 214, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233, 237, 239, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 260, 262, 264, 269, 272, 273, 274, 278, 281, 283, 285, 294, 295, 307, 311, 313, 315, 317, 318, 323, 338, 339, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 353

Networking, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 44, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77, 79, 84, 86, 91, 94, 98, 100, 104, 112, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 130, 133, 136, 144, 147, 152, 155, 157, 158, 162, 164, 165, 168, 169, 171, 176, 177, 182, 183, 188, 192, 194, 195, 196, 199, 200, 202, 204, 205, 207, 209, 210, 214, 215, 216, 222, 228, 229, 234, 242, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 264, 266, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 279, 281, 283, 285, 287, 291, 292, 294, 295, 304, 307, 310, 311, 313, 315, 317, 318, 325, 327, 330, 333, 339, 347, 348, 349, 351, 353

Partnership creation and management, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 57, 60, 62, 65, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 91, 104, 109, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 121, 129, 130, 132, 136, 143, 144, 147, 150, 152, 155, 156, 158, 162, 164, 165, 169, 171, 173, 176, 183, 188, 195, 196, 198, 200, 202, 205, 207, 209, 210, 212, 219, 220, 228, 245, 249, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 269, 275, 278, 282, 283, 284, 292, 294, 295, 301, 302, 304, 307, 310, 311, 315, 317, 318, 323, 327, 330, 333, 341, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351

Territorial approaches, 11, 13, 14, 16, 23, 24, 33, 36, 37, 38, 48, 50, 52, 53, 58, 60, 61, 65, 71, 78, 83, 84, 86, 94, 98, 100, 103, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 133, 147, 150, 152, 160, 165, 169, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 202, 204, 205, 207, 209, 210, 212, 214, 216, 217, 219, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 232, 234, 235, 237, 239, 241, 242, 243, 254, 262, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 285, 286, 288, 291, 304, 311, 313, 315, 317, 325, 347

Transnational co-operation, 10, 11, 15, 18, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 41, 44, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 65, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 79, 88, 91, 102, 104, 112, 113, 119, 143, 147, 150, 155, 158, 162, 164, 165, 168, 169, 171, 174, 176, 177, 191, 193, 222, 226, 229, 234, 239, 241, 242, 246, 255, 256, 258, 260, 262, 269, 270, 272, 278, 283, 288, 291, 292, 294, 295, 304, 310, 311, 315, 317, 318, 325, 327, 329, 336, 337, 339, 347, 348, 349, 351, 353

Innovation by type of discrimination

Age, 9, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 30, 36, 45, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 61, 70, 71, 123, 127, 131, 134, 135, 136, 142, 162, 165, 168, 171, 174, 182, 212, 257, 266, 269, 270, 281, 282, 283, 285, 288, 290, 310, 316, 317, 321, 350, 351, 353

Disability, 7, 9, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28, 35, 49, 52, 67, 70, 71, 73, 79, 88, 112, 131, 132, 141, 147, 162, 165, 168, 171, 174, 186, 188, 192, 194, 195, 206, 207, 210, 212, 246, 248, 252, 260, 262, 281, 283, 290, 295, 306, 315, 316, 317, 340, 341, 350, 353

Gender, 9, 10, 15, 17, 21, 24, 27, 28, 33, 35, 39, 41, 44, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 65, 67, 70, 71, 78, 79, 82, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100, 113, 119, 127, 131, 143, 144, 147, 152, 153, 160, 162, 168, 171, 174, 176, 214, 215, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, 245, 246, 247, 253, 254, 256, 258, 262, 266, 269, 270, 271, 272, 283, 284, 285, 288, 290, 294, 299, 300, 301, 302, 311, 313, 315, 316, 323, 325, 327, 329, 337, 338, 350, 351, 353

Racial or ethnic origin, 9, 18, 24, 25, 27, 38, 41, 50, 52, 56, 57, 58, 60, 74, 85, 88, 112, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 123, 155, 157, 158, 160, 162, 165, 168, 171, 177, 186, 190, 191, 197, 205, 212, 214, 224, 228, 239, 243, 247, 256, 257, 258, 262, 277, 283, 286, 304, 307, 315, 316, 323, 325, 333, 338, 339, 350, 353

Religion and belief, 24, 168, 177, 243, 350

Sexual orientation, 24, 168, 246, 318, 350, 353

357 Thematic Index : Type of innovation developed by the DPs