1:30 P.M. Local Government Orientation for Students


1. Approval of Minutes – Regular Meeting of March 25, 2015

2. Consideration – Resolution Honoring the Turner Ashby High School Girls’ Varsity Basketball Team for winning the Group 3A State Championship – Chairman Michael A. Breeden

3. Report – Department of Transportation – Residency Administrator Donald F. Komara

4. Staff Reports: a. County Administrator – Joseph S. Paxton b. County Attorney – Thomas H. Miller, Jr. c. Deputy County Administrator – Stephen G. King d. Assistant County Administrator – George K. Anas, II e. Director of Finance – James L. Allmendinger f. Director of Human Resources – Jennifer J. Mongold g. Director of Public Works – Barry E. Hertzler h. Director of Community Development – Casey B. Armstrong i. Director of Technology – Terri M. Perry j. Fire & Rescue Chief – Jeremy C. Holloway k. Director of Parks & Recreation – Katharine S. McQuain l. Director of Court Services – Ann Marie Freeman

5. Committee Reports: Airport, Automobile, Buildings and Grounds, Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission, Chamber of Commerce, Community Criminal Justice Board, Finance, Harrisonburg-Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization, Harrisonburg-Rockingham Regional Sewer Authority, Massanutten Regional Library, Public Works, Shenandoah Valley Partnership, Social Services, Technology, VACo Liaison, Chairman, Other


Recess for Dinner

*** 6:45 P.M. 6. Public Hearing – Special-Use Permits

SUP15-034 Dennis Stoneburner, 8223 Simmers Valley Road, Harrisonburg 22802 for a small contractor's business (agricultural contractor - includes storage of equipment on property, use of shop, and operating business from property) on property located on the west side of Simmers Valley Road (Route 619) approximately 1 mile west of Lacey Spring Road (Route 806), Election District #2, zoned A-1. Tax Map #65-(2)-3A2.

SUP15-035 Dennis Stoneburner, 8223 Simmers Valley Road, Harrisonburg 22802 for a small contractor's business (construction contractor) on property located on the west side of Simmers Valley Road (Route 619) approximately 1 mile south of Lacey Spring Road (Route 806), Election District #2, zoned A-1. Tax Map #65-(2)-3A2.

7:00 P.M. 7. Public Hearing - FY 2015-2016 Proposed Budget and Tax Rates

8. Unfinished Business

*** ADJOURN *** March 25, 2015 (1)

March 25, 2015

The Regular Meeting of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors was held on Wednesday, March 25, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. at the Rockingham County Administration Center, Harrisonburg, Virginia. The following members were present:

PABLO CUEVAS, Election District #1 FREDERICK E. EBERLY, Election District #2 RICKY L. CHANDLER, Election District #3 WILLIAM B. KYGER, JR., Election District #4 MICHAEL A. BREEDEN, Election District #5

Also present:

JOSEPH S. PAXTON, County Administrator THOMAS H. MILLER, JR., County Attorney STEPHEN G. KING, Deputy County Administrator GEORGE K. ANAS, II, Assistant County Administrator JAMES L. ALLMENDINGER, Director of Finance CASEY B. ARMSTRONG, Director of Community Development BARRY E. HERTZLER, Director of Public Works RHONDA H. COOPER, Director of Planning JAMES B. MAY, Planner TAMELA S. GRAY, Deputy Clerk



Chairman Breeden called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

Supervisor Cuevas gave the Invocation and Finance Director Allmendinger led the Pledge of Allegiance.

oooooOooooo March 25, 2015 (2)


On motion by Supervisor Chandler , seconded by Supervisor Eberly , and carried by a vote of 5 to 0, voting recorded as follows: BREEDEN - AYE; CHANDLER - A YE ; CUEVAS - AYE; EBERLY – AYE ; KYGER - AYE ; the Board approved the minutes of the regular meeting of March 11, 2015.



Students from East Rockingham High School introduced themselves to the Board.



On behalf of the Board and the citizens of Rockingham County, Administrator Paxton thanked retiree Thomasina “Tommi” Whetzel for her 36 years of service (19 with the Rockingham County Schools and the last 17 with the County and Schools) in the payroll department.

Administrator Paxton noted many school employees are indebted to Mrs. Whetzel for performing an exceptional job over the last 36 years to make sure they received a pay check once a month. He never received a complaint that Mrs. Whetzel had made an error, because she put in extra hours to complete the payroll correctly.

Chairman Breeden, Administrator Paxton and Mr. Allmendinger presented a clock to Mrs. Whetzel in recognition of her retirement with 36 years of service.

Mrs. Whetzel expressed her appreciation to County staff and the Board. She indicated it has been a privilege to work for Rockingham County.



Messrs. Komara and Mason were not at the Board meeting as they were attending the National Work Zone Awareness Week Vigil at the VDOT Workers’ Memorial.

Administrator Paxton reminded Board members of the following upcoming meetings: March 25, 2015 (3)

 The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (HRMPO) citizen’s information meeting regarding the Interstate 81 Exits 245 and 247 Interchange Alternatives Analysis Study on March 26, 2015 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the Rockingham County Administration Center, Fire & Rescue Room.

 Public hearing regarding the Friedens Church Road (Route 682) bridge and railroad track project on April 7, 2015 from 4 – 6 p.m. at Turner Ashby High School.

He also announced a public hearing regarding Smithland Road (Route 720) bridge over Interstate 81 will be held on May 7, 2015 from 4 – 6 p.m. at the VDOT headquarters.

Mr. King reported that work is beginning on the turn lane onto Stone Spring Road (Route 276) from Spotswood Trail (Route 33). The low area off Boyers Road (Route 704) will be filled in when the ground dries.

In response to a comment from Supervisor Chandler, Mr. King said the concrete floors to hold the traffic signals have been installed on Spotswood Trail (Route 33), and the cross arms will be added after the concrete has set.



Administrator Paxton did not have a written report but reviewed several items that required the Board’s consideration.

Administrator Paxton announced the first Board meeting in July (July 8, 2015) is the day after the National Association of Counties (NACo) Conference. Some Board members may attend the conference and will be traveling home on July 8. Staff recommends cancelling the July 8, 2015 meeting.

On motion by Supervisor Eberly , seconded by Supervisor Chandler, and carried by a vote of 5 to 0, voting recorded as follows: BREEDEN - AYE; CHANDLER - AYE; CUEVAS - AYE; EBERLY – AYE ; KYGER - AYE ; the Board cancelled the July 8, 2015 Board meeting.

The July 22, 2015 Board meeting will be held as scheduled.


Administrator Paxton announced staff had a discussion with representatives from the Plains Area Daycare Center regarding their outstanding balance with the County. The County has received sufficient payments to offset the capital portion of the loan, but $32,762.74 remains outstanding. The daycare center offered to assume all the future capital maintenance in exchange for the County forgiving the balance on the loan. The March 25, 2015 (4)

daycare center has over $70,000 worth of improvements to make on the building. They will not be able to make the improvements and continue to pay the County.

Administrator Paxton noted Plains Area Daycare Center is the only significant daycare center in northern Rockingham County.

On behalf of the Finance Committee, o n motion by Supervisor Cuevas , seconded by Supervisor Kyger, and carried by a vote of 5 to 0, voting recorded as follows: BREEDEN - AYE; CHANDLER - AYE; CUEVAS - AYE; EBERLY – AYE ; KYGER - AYE; the Board waived the outstanding balance due from the Plains Area Daycare Center since the daycare center will assume future capital maintenance of the facility.


Administrator Paxton said staff has been working with the Community Services Board (CSB) and Sheriff’s Department to locate a grant opportunity to provide additional mental health services at the jail. The CSB is working with the Sheriff, and County and City staff on a proposal to provide a mobile crisis team in the field. The grant proposes to fund a team composed of a mental health professional and a law enforcement professional to work in the field during high impact times (Thursday through Sunday nights) and some during the week, assisting officers and diagnosing mental health issues in the field. Another intent of the program is to allow law enforcement officers to transfer custody for acute cases to the team, who will shepherd the individual through the process, whether it is to the jail, the hospital or elsewhere. If awarded, the grant will provide $250,000 over a three-year period. The County’s match would be $25,000 or less than $10,000 a year.

Administrator Paxton noted that he learned about mobile crisis teams during a National Association of Counties (NACo) session he attended with Supervisors Kyger and Cuevas three years ago. Staff has been working toward the development of such a team and would like permission to submit a grant application.

On motion by Supervisor Kyger, seconded by Supervisor Chandler, and carried by a vote of 5 to 0, voting recorded as follows: BREEDEN - AYE; CHANDLER - AYE; CUEVAS - AYE; EBERLY – AYE; KYGER - AYE; the Board supported the application for a grant that would provide funding to develop a mobile crisis team.


Administrator Paxton updated the Board on the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Elkton Emergency Squad, Inc. regarding how the East Rockingham Emergency Response Station will operate. He asked the Board to authorize the County Administrator and County Attorney to sign the MOA when it is received. March 25, 2015 (5)

Mr. Miller noted a Commercial Real Estate Contract of Sale will also require signatures. He indicated the Board was provided with a draft of these documents previously.

Administrator Paxton explained to Ryan Cornell, Staff Writer, from the Daily News Record, that the County initiated this transaction because they did not think the facility was fully utilized and it is ideally located for use as a response center for the eastern side of the County. He stated the Elkton Emergency Squad, Inc. is self-supporting and paying their own way; the County is not bailing them out. The response center is being created at the County’s request to provide services on the eastern side of the County. He emphasized the County is not taking over a burden that the Elkton Emergency Squad is not able to handle.

Supervisor Kyger indicated the response center will also provide services for the Port Republic and Grottoes area.

Administrator Paxton noted the East Rockingham Emergency Response Station will respond to the area adjacent to the city line to have a response center closer to the Lakewood, Preston Lake and Barrington subdivisions.

Chairman Breeden noted the Elkton Emergency Squad will house units in the building and the Elkton Emergency Squad partnership will continue.

Administrator Paxton indicated this permits consolidation of a 24-hour team in a central location halfway between Elkton and Grottoes that can respond to calls in both directions.

Supervisor Cuevas made a motion, seconded by Supervisor Kyger, to authorize the County Administrator and County Attorney to sign the Memorandum of Agreement and Commercial Real Estate Contract of Sale with the Elkton Emergency Squad, Inc.

Chairman Breeden thanked Supervisor Cuevas and staff for meeting with him and the Elkton Emergency Squad personnel. He stated the Elkton Emergency Squad came to the table to provide services that are in the best interest of the citizens on the eastern side of the County.

Carried by a vote of 5 to 0, voting recorded as follows: BREEDEN - AYE; CHANDLER - AYE; CUEVAS - AYE; EBERLY – AYE; KYGER - AYE; the Board authorized the County Administrator and County Attorney to sign the Memorandum of Agreement and Commercial Real Estate Contract of Sale with the Elkton Emergency Squad, Inc.


Administrator Paxton reported there have been questions from citizens regarding how they can provide public input to the Board of Supervisors since the Board does not March 25, 2015 (6)

have a public comment period. He noted the Board approved Board of Supervisors Public Hearings Rules of Procedure on May 22, 1996. The Rules of Procedure established specific guidelines to encourage people to speak and ensure the Board and public were respectful of the speakers. There is a question regarding how the process works for items on the agenda that are not for a public hearing. The Board’s process over the years has been informal, and staff requests making the procedure more formal so there is a policy adopted by the Board. Currently, citizens who want to speak regarding an item that is not part of a public hearing are encouraged to contact the Chairman prior to the meeting and indicate they would like to speak regarding a particular topic. Once the item is placed on the agenda, the Chairman can introduce the person and allow them three minutes to speak. The Board members can ask questions about the topic after the presentation.

People also asked how they could be included on the agenda. Citizens need to contact the County Administrator and ask to be placed on the agenda a week before the upcoming meeting. They need to provide a written explanation of what they wish to discuss, indicate any action they would like the Board to take and the timeframe when that action is needed. This gives staff an opportunity to provide information the Board may need in order to consider the matter. It also allows dialogue between community members and the Board of Supervisors.

Administrator Paxton explained that just as a citizen cannot walk into a General Assembly meeting and speak, the Board has a procedure for the orderly conduct of a Board meeting.

Administrator Paxton said staff recommends the Board consider these protocols.

Supervisor Cuevas stated the Rules of Procedure have been in place a long time, and he does not want to give the impression that the Board did not have procedures in place previously and is now developing procedures because the public is asking questions. There should be clarification of an existing protocol the Board has followed since May of 1996. He suggested the Chairman obtain consent from the Board to reaffirm the Rules of Procedure that were adopted by the Board prior to his first election to the Board of Supervisors. He stated there is no reason to change the Rules of Procedure.

Mr. Miller explained the Board controls its agenda and the Chairman controls the meeting. When a citizen asks to be placed on the agenda, they may not be placed on it. If an individual wishes to speak regarding an agenda item that is not part of a public hearing, it does not necessarily mean they will be granted permission to do so.

Supervisor Cuevas clarified that individuals who want to speak on behalf of a formal organization are given additional time to speak. Administrator Paxton stated the procedures indicate an individual or person speaking on behalf of a group shall be limited to three minutes, but additional time may be granted at the Chairman’s discretion. March 25, 2015 (7)

(Note: Board of Supervisors Public Hearing Rules of Procedure are included with the agenda whenever a public hearing is scheduled on the agenda.)

By unanimous consent, the Board reaffirmed the Rules of Procedure that are currently in place which follow: Rockingham County Board of Supervisors Protocol for Addressing Board of Supervisors Meeting

Public Hearings

1. The order of presentation shall be as follows, unless varied by the Chairman. All persons speaking are asked to print their name on the form provided at the speaker’s lectern to ensure a proper recording for the public record.

a. Staff report, if applicable. b. Applicant's presentation (if the matter is a land use – special use or rezoning request, for example). c. Comments, statements or presentations from members of the public. If a land use matter, those who are in support of the request before the Board will speak first; those who have questions or concerns will speak next; those who are opposed will close the public comment period. The applicant is given an additional five minutes to answer questions or rebut the issues raised. d. Questions from members of the Board.

2. In a hearing for a land use matter, the initial presentation by the applicant shall be limited to 10 minutes. Additional time is granted at the discretion of the Chairman.

3. For all other hearings and, after the applicant in the case of land use matters, each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes, whether speaking on behalf of a group or as an individual. Additional time is granted at the discretion of the Chairman.

4. When a large group is anticipated, a speakers' sign-up sheet is located outside the hearing room. Speakers arriving after the commencement of the hearing are recognized at the discretion of the Chairman.

5. Repetitive testimony is discouraged. Persons addressing the Board are encouraged to note that they support an earlier position.

6. All comments shall be directed to the members of the Board of Supervisors. Debate amongst persons attending the meeting is prohibited.

7. Public remarks shall be confined to the matter under discussion and shall be relevant. The Chairman shall have the authority to end a presentation that violates these rules. March 25, 2015 (8)

8. Following discussion of all matters considered in a public hearing, the Board Members will consider one of three actions regarding each matter: - Approval (with conditions, as applicable); - Denial; or - Table for further review.

9. Once the public comment period has been closed, no further public input will be permitted unless clarification is requested by a Board Member. The response shall address only those questions raised by the Member.

Non-public hearing agenda items before the Board

Persons desiring to address the Board regarding an item that is not scheduled for a public hearing must be recognized by the Chair to speak. Persons are encouraged to speak to the Chairman prior to the meeting to request permission to address the Board on a specific agenda item.

Each person recognized to speak shall be limited to 3 minutes, whether speaking on behalf of a group or as an individual. Additional time is granted at the discretion of the Chairman.

All comments shall be directed to the members of the Board of Supervisors. Debate amongst persons attending the meeting is prohibited.

Public remarks shall be confined to the matter under discussion and shall be relevant. The Chairman shall have the authority to end a presentation that violates these rules.

Once the comment has been given, no further input from the public will be permitted unless clarification is requested by a Board Member. The response shall address only those questions raised by the Member.

To have an item placed on the agenda

Persons requesting to address the Board on a matter prior to the preparation of the agenda shall contact the County Administrator no later than 12:00 noon, the Wednesday prior to the regularly-scheduled meeting, to ask that the matter be placed on the agenda.

The request shall be in writing and shall provide sufficient detail regarding the matter to be discussed, any subsequent action to be requested of the Board, and the timetable requested or necessary for the action.

oooooOooooo March 25, 2015 (9)


The Board received and reviewed Mr. King’s staff report dated March 19, 2015.

Mr. King brought to Supervisor Kyger’s attention that he met with Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) representatives to obtain an estimate on the cost to provide lighting along the multi-use path from the Aspen Heights development to Boyers Road. He hopes to receive an estimate this month.


Mr. King reported that Ande Banks from the City is preparing an application for the MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge grant on behalf of the City and County. If awarded the grant, there is a potential to receive up to $150,000 to study the demographics and data of the jail population in an attempt to find ways to reduce the incarceration rate. The study will address areas the public and staff have requested be investigated. There is no financial obligation on behalf of the County or City. If the Board supports the City preparing the grant application on behalf of the County, a letter of support needs to be prepared for the Chairman’s signature.

Administrator Paxton noted the grant application has been endorsed by the City, the Sheriff and the Commonwealth’s Attorney.

On motion by Supervisor Chandler, seconded by Supervisor Kyger, and carried by a vote of 5 to 0, voting recorded as follows: BREEDEN - AYE; CHANDLER - AYE; CUEVAS - AYE; EBERLY – AYE; KYGER - AYE; the Board authorized the Chairman to sign a letter supporting the City’s application for the MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge grant on behalf of the County.


Mr. King referenced an article in the Daily News Record in which a citizen indicated jails are profitable and make money from incarcerating people who do not need to be incarcerated. As one of the staff members involved with the Community-Based Corrections Plan study, Mr. King said the jail does not generate money; it costs money. The decision to expand the jail or go into a partnership with Middle River Regional Jail will not have a positive financial impact. He said other discussions regarding the jail project are subject to interpretation but reiterated the inference that the jail makes money is factually incorrect.

In response to a question from Supervisor Cuevas, Mr. King indicated the DaPro software is used by Emergency Communications Center dispatch, the incident-based reporting module of this software is used by the Sheriff’s Department and Harrisonburg Police to book inmates into the jail and track inmate population and data. There is a proposal to replace the reporting system in the City’s capital improvement plan. Mr. King March 25, 2015 (10)

said DaPro is complicated software with a lot of moving parts.

Supervisor Cuevas asked staff to contact the appropriate person at James Madison University (JMU) to explain how the software package works and how the County would like all groups with their own police department or jurisdiction to participate. He asked that a cordial invitation be extended for JMU to participate since they oversee 22 thousand students.

Mr. King indicated ICHRIS is another component that is used by law enforcement to find out if an individual has a violation elsewhere.

Supervisor Cuevas thinks JMU should be interested in participating and asked Mr. King to let him know if JMU does not wish to participate.



The Board received and reviewed Mr. Anas’ staff report dated March 17, 2015.

He briefly reviewed a report from Chmura Economics & Analytics regarding Virginia Economic Trends for the first quarter of 2015, which indicates all jobs that were lost since the October 2006 recession, have been recovered and Harrisonburg is considered to be out of the “recovery” phase. He said this is encouraging and can be attributed to steps taken by the City and County to “weather the storm”.



Administrator Paxton reminded the Board and media of the Annual Budget Work Session on March 30, 2015 at 6:30 a.m. in the Administration/Board Conference Room. He will provide a media briefing in the afternoon.



The Board received and reviewed Mr. Hertzler’s staff report dated March 25, 2015.

He announced a check for $29,715 was received from Blue Source, the carbon credit broker for landfill gas.

Supervisor Kyger noted in-kind services are needed to disassemble the playground equipment at Pleasant Valley Elementary School and make way for new equipment. March 25, 2015 (11)



The Board received and reviewed Mr. Armstrong’s staff report dated March 25, 2015.

He reported that the Shenandoah Valley Soil and Water Conservation District hosted a water quality update meeting on March 12, 2015. Water Resource Planner James Shiflet presented an overview of the draft 2014 report on water quality in the County. He visited the 14 valley regional offices to obtain data and compile statistics to prepare a map that provides an overview of the health of streams, the number of streams on the impaired list and the number being removed from the list. Mr. Armstrong said it is good to know how County streams compare with other counties in respect to the Chesapeake Bay and the total maximum daily load (TMDL).



The Board heard committee reports from Board members and staff.


Supervisor Chandler said the MPO met to discuss the Interstate 81 interchanges


Supervisor Eberly reported the Library Board of Directors met at the Luray library and had a productive meeting.


Supervisor Cuevas read the following:

The Public Works Committee met today to discuss several items:

 Refund of water fees overpaid by Sentara RMH due to a mismatched meter assembly supplied by the meter company. The County worked with Sentara RMH to determine that the overpayment was $155,251 over a six-year period.

 Authorize the design of a relocated entrance and container site for the next phase of the landfill expansion. The design includes a new entrance road, moving the March 25, 2015 (12)

existing scales, wheel wash, and the container site used by residents to reduce traffic to the disposal area. The new entrance will access the landfill from Greendale Road at the railroad tracks near Cassco Ice. The Committee recommends awarding the design contract to SCS Engineers in an amount not to exceed $118,640.

 The Committee has reviewed the bids for the new roll-off truck used to pick up waste from the container sites and recommends awarding the contract to Highway Motors for an International Truck in the amount of $149,718.

On behalf of the Public Works Committee, on motion by Supervisor Cuevas, seconded by Supervisor Eberly and carried by a vote of 5 to 0, voting recorded as follows: BREEDEN – AYE; CHANDLER – AYE; CUEVAS – AYE; EBERLY – AYE; KYGER – AYE; the Board:

1. Authorized a $155,251 refund to Sentara RMH for the overpayment of water and sewer fees; 2. Awarded a design contract for the landfill entrance relocation to SCS Engineers in an amount not to exceed $118,640; 3. Approved the purchase of an International roll-off truck in the amount of $149,718 from Highway Motors.

The following bids were received for the roll-off truck:

BIDS Vendor Truck Brand Manual Automatic Highway Motors International Cavalier Equip. $138,595.00 $149,717.65 Highway Motors International Mid Atlantic 140,027.00 150,738.00 Mid Atlantic Waste Freightliner 141,315.00 153,175.00 Mid Atlantic Waste Kenworth 142,950.00 155,940.00 Mid Atlantic Waste Mack 146,165.00 No Bid Tom’s Truck Sales Freightliner 145,048.00 152,737.00 Tom’s Truck Sales Kenworth 147,257.00 161,207.00 Tom’s Truck Sales Mack 151,119.96 No Bid Truck & Equipment *Mack 142,271.00 147,000.00 Truck & Equipment Mack 147,002.62 151,731.62

*Extra cylinders are not included in this bid price; the other Truck & Equipment bid and all other bids include extra cylinders. March 25, 2015 (13)


Mr. Anas reported staff initiated a meeting with the Shenandoah Valley Partnership, Chamber of Commerce and City to discuss the 2015 business appreciation event. Three venues are under consideration.


Supervisor Breeden reminded the Board of the open house for the new Family Services Building on March 26, 2015 from 3:30 – 6:00 p.m. Social Services staff will provide tours and conduct an orientation session for people interested in becoming foster families for local children.



Administrator Paxton reminded the Board that the unveiling and dedication of restored portraits of Judges appointed in the 1800s will be held in the Circuit Court, Courtroom A, on March 27, 2015 at 4 p.m.



On motion by Supervisor Chandler, seconded by Supervisor Kyger and carried by a vote of 5 to 0, voting recorded as follows: BREEDEN - AYE; CHANDLER - AYE; CUEVAS - AYE; EBERLY - AYE; KYGER - AYE; the Board recessed the meeting from 6:47 p.m. to 7:07 p.m., for a closed meeting pursuant to 2.2-3711.A, (5), Discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business’ or industry’s interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the community and (7), Consultation with legal counsel and staff members pertaining to actual or probable litigation where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the County; and consultation with legal counsel regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel. March 25, 2015 (14)



WHEREAS, the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors has convened a Closed Meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and

WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this Board of Supervisors that such Closed Meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the Closed Meeting to which this certification resolution applies; and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the Closed Meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors.




At 7:07 p.m., Chairman Breeden opened the public hearing and Administrator Paxton introduced Kyle Laux from Davenport & Company and Daniel Lauro from BotkinRose PLC.

Mr. Laux noted his colleague, Joe Mason, addressed the Board on March 11, 2015 to provide information on refinancing the SRI loan and there have been no changes; the numbers remain the same. Refinancing the fixed rate loan over 10 years will reduce the interest rate 100 basis points (one percent) to save $1,598,579.

Mr. Lauro indicated the financing structure is the same as it was in 2007. A deed of trust is required on the County property to secure the financing. Since this is a 501(c)(3) transaction with SRI involved, the Economic Development Authority (EDA) will serve as a conduit borrower. The EDA will meet on March 26, 2015 to consider formal approval of the financing documents. March 25, 2015 (15)

He further explained the County will lease the SRI property to the EDA, and they will lease it back to the County. Under the financing lease, the County will pay the EDA rent revenues equal to the payments on the bonds. The payment is a current expense subject to annual appropriations on the County’s books. Assignment of the rents will be made to the County and the County will continue to make payments to the bank so there is no money flowing through the EDA.

As part of the Resolution, there will continue to be a moral obligation and support agreement. The transaction is bank qualified so $8 million of the County’s $10 million bank qualified limit for calendar year 2015 will be utilized. A smaller project can still be funneled through the EDA.

Mr. Lauro noted the term of the bonds will be shortened to match the expiration of the SRI lease.

In response to a question from Supervisor Eberly, Mr. Laux indicated the County’s AAA bond rating favorably affected the interest rate. Supervisor Cuevas confirmed the rating makes it more appealing to move the bonds and provides comfort to the bank.

No one spoke in favor or opposition to refunding the Bonds for the SRI project.


At 7:13 p.m., Chairman Breeden closed the public hearing and reconvened the regular meeting.

On behalf of the Finance Committee, Supervisor Cuevas made a motion, seconded by Supervisor Eberly, to authorize the Chairman and County Administrator to sign the resolution, and to authorize the Chair or Vice Chair, County Administrator, County Attorney, Finance Director and any other officers and agents of the County that may be necessary, to execute any and all documents required to complete the bond refunding transaction.

Carried by a vote of 5 to 0, voting recorded as follows: BREEDEN – AYE; CHANDLER – AYE; CUEVAS – AYE; EBERLY – AYE; KYGER – AYE; the Board authorized the Chairman and County Administrator to sign the following resolution and authorized the Chair or Vice Chair, County Administrator, County Attorney, Finance Director and any other officers and agents of the County that may be necessary, to execute any and all documents required to complete the bond refunding transaction. March 25, 2015 (16)

Board of Supervisors of Rockingham County March 25, 2015 Regular Public Meeting 2015 SRI Refunding Project


WHEREAS, on November 15, 2007, the Industrial Development Authority of Rockingham County, Virginia (now known as the Economic Development Authority of Rockingham County, Virginia, the “Authority”), acting at the request of the County of Rockingham, Virginia (the “County”), issued its aggregate $17,500,000 Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, namely, the $10,500,000 Tax-Exempt R-1 Bond (the “2007 R-1 Bond”) and the $7,000,000 Taxable R-2 Bond (the “2007 R-2 Bond” and together with the 2007 R-1 Bond, the “2007 Bonds”) to SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp. (formerly SunTrust Leasing Corporation, the “Prior Bondholder”).

WHEREAS, proceeds of the 2007 Bonds were used by the County together with other lawfully available funds to pay the costs to construct and equip a research facility for the benefit of and use by SRI International (“SRI”), a not-for-profit public benefit research institution (formerly known as Stanford Research Institute) created under the laws of and headquartered in the State of California, all as required under that certain Memorandum of Agreement, dated as of December 14, 2006 (the “MOA”), by and among the County, SRI, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia), the City of Harrisonburg, Virginia (the “City”), and James Madison University (a state-supported institution of higher education located in the City).

WHEREAS, pursuant to the MOA, among other things, the County agreed to construct long-term facilities for use by SRI to be located in the County at its Innovation Village @ Rockingham (formerly known as the Rockingham Center for Research and Technology), on State Route 11 North of the City of Harrisonburg, on a parcel consisting of approximately 25 Acres (the “Project Land”), and such facilities include a minimum of 40,000 square feet and are designed to permit expansion to 100,000 square feet, for office and laboratory space, including general lab, Biosafety Level 3 (BSL 3) space, and Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) space (the “Project”).

WHEREAS, the County has sub-leased the Project Land and the Project to SRI for its research and educational purposes, among others, pursuant to the provisions of that unrecorded Lease, With Option to Purchase, dated as of November 15, 2007 (as amended from time to time, the “SRI Lease”), all as set forth therein.

WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution duly approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County (the “Board”) on September 14, 2011, the County requested the assistance of the Authority to modify certain provisions of the 2007 Bonds, and on October 19, 2011, the Authority, with the consent of the Prior Bondholder, issued an Allonge to be attached to and made a part of the 2007 R-1 Bond (the “2007 R-1 Bond, as amended”) and an Allonge to be attached to and made a part of the 2007 R-2 Bond (the “2007 R-2 Bond, as March 25, 2015 (17)

amended,” and together with the 2007 R-1 Bond, as amended, the “2007 Bonds, as amended”) in order to reduce the respective fixed rates of interest thereon.

WHEREAS, Union Bank & Trust (the “Bondholder”), by letter dated March 6, 2015 (“Bank Term Sheet”), has offered to purchase the Aggregate $13,457,080 Economic Development Authority of Rockingham County, Virginia Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015 (collectively, the “2015 Refunding Bonds”), namely, the $8,052,170 Tax-Exempt R-1 Refunding Bond (“Bank-Qualified”) (referenced herein as the “2015 R -1 Refunding Bond”) and the $5,404,910 Taxable R-2 Refunding Bond (referenced herein as the “2015 R-2 Refunding Bond”) in order for the Authority and the County to reduce the stated interest rates, respectively, on the 2007 Bonds, as amended, and further, to shorten the maturities thereof, thereby providing substantial overall savings benefit for the County.

WHEREAS, to accomplish the restructuring, refinancing, and current refunding of the outstanding amount of the 2007 Bonds, as amended (the “2015 SRI Refinancing Project”), and satisfy the requirements of the Bondholder, the County has held a duly noticed public hearing immediately prior hereto in connection with the mortgage, assignment and lease of such Project Land and the Project pursuant to the terms of that certain Deed of Trust in favor of Bondholder, to be dated on or around the closing date of the 2015 Refunding Bonds(the “Deed of Trust”), an Assignment (defined below), and the SRI Lease (defined below).

WHEREAS, in addition, the County desires to enter into certain lease revenue arrangements with the Authority in order to accomplish the 2015 SRI Refinancing Project, and, accordingly, shall enter into, execute and deliver the following core documents, among other certificates, agreements and instruments as may be advised by counsel:

(i) A Bond Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”), dated as of March 15, 2015, among the Authority, the Bondholder, and the County;

(ii) A Lease of the Project Land from the County to the Authority, dated as of March 15, 2015 (the “Lease”);

(iii) A Financing Lease between the Authority and County, dated as of March 15, 2015 (the “Financing Lease”), under which the Authority shall lease the Project Land and the Project back to the County, and the County, among other things, shall agree to pay rental to the Authority, subject to sufficient annual appropriations by the Board from time to time therefor, in order to pay the 2015 Refunding Bonds and the obligations in connection therewith;

(iv) An Assignment of Rents and Leases from the Authority and the County in favor of the Bondholder, dated as of March 15, 2015 (the “Assignment”); March 25, 2015 (18)

(v) An unrecorded Subordination and Attornment Agreement, dated as of March 15, 2015, between the County and SRI in order for the parties to acknowledge that the SRI Lease shall be subordinate to the Deed of Trust and the Assignment (the “Subordination Agreement”); and

(vi) A Certificate as to Nonarbitrage of the Authority and the County, with the Tax Certificate of SRI attached thereto, to be dated as of the closing date of the Bonds.

For convenience, all such documents, including the Deed of Trust and the SRI Lease, and any and all such other certificates, agreements and instruments in connection with the 2015 Refunding Bonds as may be reasonably required by the Bondholder or advised by counsel are collectively referenced, the “Basic Documents”.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Rockingham, Virginia, as follows:

1. Authority’s Issuance of the 2015 Refunding Bonds. The Board hereby affirms its desire to undertake the 2015 SRI Refinancing Project pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Basic Documents as described above, and confirms its request for refinancing assistance of the Authority, by the issuance of the 2015 Refunding Bonds to be paid from revenues derived from Rental Payments (as described in the Financing Lease) to be made by the County from time to time, under the terms and conditions all as set forth herein and in the Basic Documents. To such end, the Board hereby approves the final semi -annual interest installments and annual principal installments that shall be due and payable under the 2015 Refunding Bonds (such amounts representing the correlating rental payments that shall be payable by the County in connection therewith), as set forth on the Schedules attached hereto.

2. Authorization of Basic Documents. The Basic Documents including all transactions contemplated thereby are hereby approved and confirmed in substantially the forms described at this meeting and filed with the County Administrator, with all such changes, insertions or omissions (including, without limitation, changes of the dates thereof) as may be advised by counsel and finally approved by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator, any one or more of whom may act, whose approval shall be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery of the Basic Documents.

The Chairman or the Vice Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator or the County Finance Director, any one or more of whom may act, are each authorized to execute an deliver on behalf of the County the Basic Documents and, if required, the Clerk or any Deputy Clerk of the Board is authorized and directed to affix or March 25, 2015 (19)

to cause to be affixed the seal of the County thereto and to attest such seal. All such officers or their designees are authorized to execute and deliver on behalf of the County all such further instruments, documents or certificates, and to do and perform such things and acts, as they shall deem necessary or appropriate to carry out the transactions authorized by this Resolution or otherwise contemplated by the Basic Documents, including the SRI Lease.

All of the foregoing, previously done or performed by such officers or agents of the County, and all actions previously taken in furtherance of the intent set forth in this Resolution, are in all respects approved, ratified and confirmed, in their entirety. Further, the execution and delivery of and performance by the County of its obligations under the Basic Documents and otherwise in furtherance of the purposes of the 2015 SRI Refinancing Project are approved and authorized in all respects.

3. Nature of the County’s Payment Obligations in connection with 2015 Refunding bonds; Moral Obligation Pledge of County Therefor.

Nothing in this Resolution, the 2015 Refunding Bonds or the Basic Documents shall constitute a general obligation debt of the County or the Authority within the meaning of the Virginia Constitution or Virginia statutory law. Further, it is to be expressly understood the Authority shall not be obligated to make any payments under the 2015 Refunding Bonds or the Basic Documents except from payments made by or on behalf of the County under the Financing Lease; provided, however, the payment obligations of the County, as set forth therein and otherwise in the Basic Documents, shall not include any binding commitment beyond the current fiscal year of the County, as provided by law. Furthermore, the County’s obligations to pay the cost and expense of performing its obligations under the 2015 Refunding Bonds, the Basic Documents, including the SRI Lease, including without limitation its obligation to pay all Rental Payments (as described in the Financing Lease) and any other payments under the Basic Documents, under all circumstances, are subject to and dependent upon appropriations being made from time to time by the Board for such purposes.

To this end, the Board hereby directs the County Administrator or other appropriate officer to include in the budget for each fiscal year of the County during the term of the Financing Lease a request that the Board appropriate each fiscal year, while the 2015 Refunding Bonds shall remain outstanding, the amount of such Rental Payments and any other payments due from the County under the Financing Lease or other Basic Documents during such ensuing fiscal year.

Accordingly, no later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 2015, the County Administrator shall notify the Board of the amount reasonably expected to be needed to pay Rental Payments (as defined in the Financing Lease), as when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1. The County Administrator shall include such aggregate amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following March 25, 2015 (20)

fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated in connection with the 2015 Refunding Bonds and the Basic Documents. The County Administrator shall deliver to the Bondholder within ten (10) days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but no later than June 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated an amount equal to the Rental Payments and any other payments as may be due under the Financing Lease or any other Basic Documents.

It is to be understood that, if at any time during the term of the 2015 Refunding Bonds a deficiency in such Rental Payments shall arise, the County Administrator shall notify the Board of the amount of such insufficiency and shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment(s). The Board shall consider such request at its next regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Bondholder as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make sure appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the report by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.

The Board affirms its prior determinations that the Project and the SRI Lease, and the transactions contemplated thereby and by the 2015 SRI Refinancing Project, shall substantially increase the health, welfare and prosperity of the inhabitants of the County and the Commonwealth of Virginia, and, accordingly, hereby undertakes a non -binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time as described herein, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise. Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Bondholder or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit for the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.

4. Financial Reporting. The County shall provide to the Bank a copy of the County’s comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) during each year of the term of the 2015 Refunding Bonds.

5. Further Actions. The Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board, either of whom may act, the County Administrator, the County Finance Director, and such officers, employees, and agents of the County as may be necessary or convenient, any one or more of whom may act, shall coordinate with the Authority and SRI in order for the County to take all such further actions as may be required by law or otherwise necessary or convenient in order to carry out the intent and purposes of this Resolution, all as contemplated herein and in the Basic Documents, including the SRI Lease, in order for the March 25, 2015 (21)

County to accomplish the 2015 SRI Refinancing Project.

6. Post-Issuance Compliance Policy; “Bank-Qualified” Matters. With respect to the 2015 R-1 Refunding Bond, to be issued as a “qualified 501(c)(3) bond” of the Authority, the Board acknowledges receipt by the County of a copy of the Post- Issuance Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt Obligations approved by the Authority on September 27, 2011 (as may be amended and supplemented from time to time, the “Policy ”), and hereby agrees to the terms thereof. The County Administrator (and any of his designees from time to time) shall coordinate with the Authority, legal counsel, and any others as may be necessary or convenient, and from time to time, in order for the County to continue to satisfy its ongoing post-issuance compliance responsibilities as a “conduit borrower” of the Authority, all as contemplated under the Policy or otherwise required by law.

Further, in accordance with the Bank Term Sheet, the County acknowledges that the Authority shall designate the 2015 R-1 Refunding Bond as a qualified tax-exempt, "bank-qualified" obligation under the provisions of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and, further, the County hereby affirms its reasonable expectations to comply and to cause its subordinate entities, including the Authority, among others, to comply with the various $10 million limitations as set forth in the Code during Calendar Year 2015.

7. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.

(Note: A copy of the Schedule to R-1 Refunding Bond referenced in the Resolution is attached to and made a part of these minutes.)



A Student from Spotswood High School introduced himself to the Board.



At 7:16 p.m., Chairman Breeden opened the public hearing and Mr. May reviewed the following proposed ordinance amendment: March 25, 2015 (22)

AFP15-005 Sheldon L. and Wilda S. Wenger, 6799 Sangersville Road, Bridgewater, VA 22812, to add a 4.710-acre portion of parcel 121- (A)- L41A and a 1.726-acre portion of parcel 121-(A)- L38F, located approximately 900 feet south of Sangersville Road (Route 727) and approximately 1700 feet west of Spring Creek Road (Route727), to the Spring Creek Agricultural and Forestal District (AFD). These portions will be transfered to parcel 121-(A)- L41 if added to the AFD. These properties are located in Election District 4 and identified as Agricultural Reserve in the Comprehensive Plan.

Mr. May said the applicants wish to add 6.436 acres to their property via an adjacent land transfer to parcel 121-(A)- L41, which is part of the Spring Creek Agricultural and Forestal District. The Planning Commission recommended approval based on the Agricultural Forestal District Committee recommendation for approval.

No one spoke in favor or opposition to the ordinance amendment.


At 7:18 p.m., Chairman Breeden closed the public hearing and reconvened the regular meeting.

On motion by Supervisor Kyger, seconded by Supervisor Chandler, and carried by a vote of 5 to 0, voting recorded as follows: BREEDEN – AYE; CHANDLER – AYE; CUEVAS – AYE; EBERLY – AYE; KYGER – AYE; the Board approved the following ordinance amendment:



That Section 17-510.02. Description of the Spring Creek Agricultural and Forestal District be and hereby is repealed and re-enacted as follows:

17-510.02. Description.

The Spring Creek Agricultural and Forestal District shall consist of the following land: seventy-eight (78) parcels spanning three thousand twenty-seven (3,027) acres, more or less, generally located south of Ottobine, west of the Town of Bridgewater, east of Windy Cove Road (Route 755), and north of the Augusta County line, which includes the parcels, March 25, 2015 (23)

shown on the county real estate maps, as of the effective date of this district, numbered as:

104-(A)- L88, 104-(A)- L121, 104-(A)- L126, 104-(A)- L129, 105-(A)- L88, 105-(A)- L91A, 105-(A)- L103, 105-(A)- L111, 105-(A)- L111B, 105-(A)- L113, 105-(A)- L181B, 105-(A)- L189C, 105-(A)- L189D, 120-(1)- L1, 120-(1)- L1B, 120-(1)- L2, 120-(1)- L3, 120-(1)- L3A, 120-(1)- L4, 120-(A)- L59, 120-(A)- L65, 120-(A)- L69, 121-(1)- L1, 121-(1)- L2, 121-(A)- L1, 121-(A)- L1A, 121-(A)- L2, 121-(A)- L4, 121-(A)- L5, 121-(A)- L9, 121-(A)- L15, 121-(A)- L24, 121-(A)- L24A, 121-(A)- L24B, 121-(A)- L32, 121-(A)- L36, 121-(A)- L36A, 121-(A)- L38H, 121-(A)- L39A, 121-(A)- L39A1, 121-(A)- L40, 121-(A)- L41, 121-(A)- L42, 121-(A)- L43A, 121-(A)- L45, 121-(A)- L50A, 121-(A)- L52, 121-(A)- L54B, 121-(A)- L61A, 121-(A)- L66A, 121-(A)- L70, 121-(A)- L71, 121-(A)- L73, 121-(A)- L74, 121-(A)- L75, 121-(A)- L75B, 121-(A)- L76A, 121-(A)- L77, 121-(A)- L84, 121-(A)- L84A, 121-(A)- L84D, 121-(A)- L85, 121-(A)- L85A, 121-(A)- L96, 121A-(1)- L12, 122-(A)- L3, 122-(A)- L4, 122-(A)- L11A, 122-(A)- L20A, 122-(A)- L21, 122-(A)- L25A, 122-(A)- L26, 122-(A)- L26A, 122-(A)- L27, 122-(A)- L29, 135-(A)- L1, 135-(A)- L2, and 135-(A)- L20.

This ordinance shall be effective from the 25th day of March, 2015.



Chairman Breeden declared the meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.

______, Chairman RESOLUTION

WHEREAS, the Turner Ashby High School Girls’ Varsity Basketball Team brought great honor and esteem to Rockingham County and the Metro area by winning the AAA State Championship on March 11, 2015, which was held at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia; and

WHEREAS, the Turner Ashby Knights earned a berth in the Virginia High School League (VHSL) State Tournament by defeating Broadway High School (59-53) in the AAA West Region Tournament; and

WHEREAS, the Turner Ashby Knights, under the tutelage of Head Coach Rob Lovell, defeated Broadway High School in overtime (64-60) in the championship game to end the season as state champions, compiling an outstanding 27-3 record; and

WHEREAS, Coach Lovell, after winning his third state title and earning his 400th win as Turner Ashby’s Head Coach, was named Coach of the Year by the Valley District, Conference 29, West Region, VHSL and the Virginia High School Coaches Association (VHSCA) for the AAA classification; and

WHEREAS, junior guard Kierstin Roadcap was selected Valley District Player of the Year, and was named to the First Team West Region, First Team Conference 29, Second Team VHSL and First Team VHSCA; sophomore guard Hope Simmons was named to the All-Valley District First Team, First Team Conference 29, Second Team West Region and Second Team VHSCA; and senior guard/forward Alannah Miller was named to the Second Team All- Valley District; and

WHEREAS, the Turner Ashby High School Girls’ Varsity Basketball Team comprised of Ocean Burriss, Madison Evick, Vanessa Gery, Alannah Miller, Sarah Phillips, Kaleigh Roadcap, Kierstin Roadcap, Sydney Sheffer, Hope Simmons, Madison Swinehart, Savannah Witt, Sarah Wood, head coach Rob Lovell, assistant coach Tracy Harding and Junior Varsity Coach Cam Carte and assisted by manager Taylor Matthews, athletic trainer Heather Fincham and student trainer Abe Shahswar are to be congratulated for their dedication and hard work in accomplishing these accolades.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors, on behalf of its citizens, hereby recognizes the Turner Ashby High School Girls’ Varsity Basketball Team, its coaches, managers and trainers for the exemplary skill they have displayed on the court in their accomplishments, and calls upon the citizens of this community to join the Board in congratulating this outstanding group of young citizens; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors joins with these players, their coaches, managers and trainers in thanking the families of team members for their time and strong support, which helped to make these accomplishments possible.

Given under our hand this eighth day of April in the year two thousand fifteen, A.D. Public Works Staff Report April 8, 2015

1. Personnel vacancies

Utilities: no vacancies Landfill: no vacancies Refuse & Recycle: no vacancies Public Works Admin: Construction inspector-also assists with Miss Utility locating Facilities Maintenance: no vacancies

2. Utilities Operation The utility crews have seen an increase in the demand for residential meter sets. Staff has been busy with increased plan review as well. Utility crews will be installing a master meter at the Fairgrounds. Currently, there are several meters scattered over the property which makes reading and maintaining difficult. A single master meter will simplify this process.

The alternative “Rockingham” address for the 22801 and 22802 zip codes has been changed in the County water bills. Residents are receiving a bill with their address as Rockingham, VA.

3. Landfill Operations The Rockingham County Cleanup Days will be April 17th and 18th at the County Landfill. The Landfill will accept cleanup refuse from county residents at no charge.

4. Recycling Staff has started on the Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) 5-Year Update. The update is due on November 8, 2015. The County submits a SWMP that includes the seven towns and Harrisonburg. The purpose of the plan is to establish minimum solid waste management standards and planning requirements for the region. Information is collected from all the localities involved, reviewed by a SWMP committee, and then submitted to the VDEQ for acceptance.

The first 2015 Household Hazardous Waste Collection day will be April 18th at 8am-12noon. The location will be the City of Harrisonburg Recycling Facility, 2055 Beery Road.

Rockingham County is hosting a Goodwill Give Back Day on April 18th from 9am-1pm at the Rockingham County Administration Center parking lot.

5. Facilities Maintenance The Courthouse Step Repair project continues to see improvement. The suspended porch slab has been poured, the tread foundation poured and the treads are beginning to be set on the foundation. The rehabilitation of the brick pavers will be the next step.

Flooring has been a common theme in Facilities lately. The snow, rain and salt this winter has taken its toll on the county floors. March has seen several tile floors striped and waxed, and the installation of new flooring in the Health Department. Page #2

6. Three Springs Water Treatment Plant Filter Replacement Project SCADA progress meeting #2 took place on 3/17/15. The new control panel for the plant is being constructed. The control screen layout for the SCADA system is being designed and will be demonstrated at the April progress meeting. The Technology Department deserves a big thank you for their quick build and delivery of the two computer towers for the SCADA project. These are being loaded and readied for installation.

7. Rt.33 16” Waterline Below is a schedule for the Rt.33 water line project. The plans are being completed and letters will be sent out for easement acquisition. There are 5 easements needed in this project.

1. Advertise For Bids 4/28 2. Open Bids 5/28 3. Board of Supervisors Consideration 6/10 4. Award Contract 6/22 5. Begin Construction 7/13 6. Complete Construction 12/31

8. Pleasant Valley 16” Waterline The plans are being completed and easement letters have been sent out. The project schedule is being developed and will be included in the 4/8/15 staff report. A possible 5/28/15 bid date is being discussed.

Staff has contacted the Virginia Resources Authority concerning a loan for the two water lines. There is a spring February 6th, summer May 1st, and fall August 7th application period. Staff will submit the required information for the summer May 1st period. The funds will be available August 12th.

9. Albert Long Park A&J Excavating has started the earthwork phase at the site due to dry weather. The project completion date is May 1, 2015. This will include turn lanes on Rt.33, the park entrance, the entrance road, and grading on the commercial site.

Respectfully Submitted Barry E. Hertzler Director Public Works April 8, 2015 STAFF REPORT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT



a. Authorized Positions, Staffing Levels and Highlights ...... 2


a. None ...... 3


a. Rockingham Bicycle Advisory Committee ...... 3 b. MPO & Non-MPO Bicycle And Pedestrian Plans ...... 3 c. MPO South Regional Corridor Study...... 3


a. North Valley Pike Corridor Strategic Plan ...... 3




a. Agricultural & Forestal District Additions- None ...... 4 b. Special Use Permits- Two ...... 4 c. Rezonings- None ...... 4 d. Ordinance Amendments- None ...... 4



a. Special Use Permits- One ...... 5 b. Rezonings- One ...... 6 c. Plans- One ...... 6 d. Amendments- None...... 6


Community Development Department Report Page 1 of 6 PERSONNEL


Filled Positions- 21.0 Vacant Positions- 9.0 Permit Specialist II Department Director (Casey Armstrong) Permit Specialist I Deputy Building Official ADMINISTRATIVE Building and Plumbing Inspector Administrative Assistant (Amanda Wittig) Inspector Plumbing Inspector PERMIT INTAKE & PROCESSING GIS Coordinator Addressing Technician Permit Specialist II (Leslie Dodrill)

Permit Specialist I (Kelley Ann Weatherholtz) Permit Specialist I- Part-time (Helen White)

BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Building Official (Joe Shifflett) Building Plan Reviewer (Jay Carter) Electrical Inspector (J.N. Riddel) Electrical Inspector (Terry Derrer) Inspector (Ricky Davis) Building Inspector (James E. Campbell)

LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Development Plan Manager (Peter Kesecker)

PLANNING: SHORT- AND LONG-RANGE Director of Planning (Rhonda Cooper) Senior Planner (James May)


Zoning Administrator (Diana Stultz) Jay Carter, Building Plan Reviewer, joined the Deputy Zoning Administrator (Diane Lepkowski) Community Development Department this week. Zoning Technician (Kelly Getz) Jay grew up in Williamsburg, VA and previously GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS worked as the Plans Reviewer/Senior Inspector for GIS Specialist (Mark Rathke) York County, VA.

GIS Technician (Kendrick Smith) Jay attended James Madison University and is happy to come back to Rockingham County to live ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES and work, as it feels somewhat familiar. Environmental Manager (Lisa Perry) Erosion Control (Brian Nixon) In his spare time, Jay enjoys playing drums and Environmental Inspector- Part-time (Adam Hancock) spending quality time with his family.

Community Development Department Report Page 2 of 6 BOARD ACTION REQUESTED




The next meeting of the RBAC will be May21. On March 19, Kevin McDermott, Transportation Manager for the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC), will present the draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan’s Chapters 4 and 6 to the RBAC for its feedback. Recommended facility improvements and Chapters 1, 2, and 3 were reviewed in February.


CSPDC staff is preparing maps and the draft plan. Following the MPO Subcommittee and Rockingham Bicycle Advisory Committee’s final review of these items, the MPO TAC will forward the plan to the Policy Board, requesting that the Policy Board release it for public comment. The MPO and County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans will be presented at a public meeting. The public meeting will be the citizens’ and stakeholders’ opportunity to review the draft plans and maps within an open house and formal presentation format.


The ad hoc committee is reviewing revisions to the MPO Route 11 South Regional Study. The MPO Policy Board tabled the original Study on June 21, 2012. The study encompasses part of the County; City; and the Towns of Bridgewater, Dayton, and Mt. Crawford; from Port Republic Road (City) to Dinkel Avenue and from Interstate 81 to Route 42.



The Board tabled the North Valley Pike Corridor Strategic Plan (NVP Plan) on December 15, 2010. Staff recommends addressing reworking this Plan as part of the next Comprehensive Plan. The website for the North Valley Pike Corridor Study and the draft plan is


On April 7, the Commission will consider the following:

Comments/ Item Description Recommendations MLK Preston Lake, 10100 Business Parkway, Lanham, MD 20706 to revise the master plan for Preston Lake, located west of Massanetta Springs Rd (Rt. 687) approximately 0.4 mile south of Spotswood Trail (US 33), converting 6 To be considered by REZ15-068 single-family detached units to 6 single-family attached units, altering the PC on 4/7 orientation of several townhome units, and removing a roundabout from an intersection. The Board of Supervisors has determined that these changes do not affect use or density, and do not require a public hearing.

Community Development Department Report Page 3 of 6 Amendment to Section 17-702.03.E to remove the requirement that parking To be heard by PC on OA15-058 shall be located a minimum of 10' from property lines. 4/7 Amendment to Chapter 17, Article 2 to include the definition of storage To be heard by PC on OA15-059 container and to remove the definition of portable storage unit. 4/7 Amendment to Table 17-606 Land Use and Zoning Table, Storage Uses, to To be heard by PC on OA15-060 add storage container as an accessory use with supplemental standards (A*) 4/7 and to remove portable storage until from the subject table. Amendment to Section 17-607 to add supplemental standards for storage To be heard by PC on OA17-061 containers and to remove portable storage unit and standards from this 4/7 section. Amendment to Table 17-806.01 to require zero setback in the business (B-1 To be heard by PC on & B-2) and industrial (I-1 & I-2) zoned districts if adjoining other business or 4/7 OA15-062 industrial districts and to reduce the setback in business districts from 30' to 15' if adjoining agricultural or residential zoned districts. Amendment to Table 806.01 to reduce setbacks from private roads in the B- To be heard by PC on OA15-063 1 and B-2 zoning districts from 35/60' to read that at a minimum, setbacks 4/7 shall be located off sidewalks and easements.




April 8, 2015 Board of Supervisors 6:45 p.m.

Agricultural & Forestal District Addition None

Special Use Permits SUP15-034 Dennis Stoneburner, 8223 Simmers Valley Road, Harrisonburg 22802 for a small contractor's business (agricultural contractor - includes storage of equipment on property, use of shop, and operating business from property) on property located on the west side of Simmers Valley Road (Route 619) approximately 1 mile west of Lacey Spring Road (Route 806), Election District #2, zoned A-1. Tax Map #65-(2)-3A2.

SUP15-035 Dennis Stoneburner, 8223 Simmers Valley Road, Harrisonburg 22802 for a small contractor's business (construction contractor) on property located on the west side of Simmers Valley Road (Route 619) approximately 1 mile south of Lacey Spring Road (Route 806), Election District #2, zoned A-1. Tax Map #65-(2)- 3A2.

Rezonings None

Ordinance Amendments None

Community Development Department Report Page 4 of 6 PRIORITY PROJECTS UNDERWAY BY STAFF

Projects Lead Person Status Target Date Board tabled on 12/15/10. Plan North Valley Pike Corridor Strategic Rhonda elements to be addressed during 2016 Plan Comprehensive Plan update.

Rockingham Bicycle Advisory Rhonda Next meeting is 5/21/15. Ongoing Committee (RBAC)

Ongoing Review/Tasks Lead Person Status 19 deeds in process as of 3/30/15; 7 pending review, 12 Deed Review Diane awaiting revisions 50 active complaints, 17 cases pending legal action as of Violations Kelly 3/31/15 Site Plans & Subdivisions Pete 11 site plans and 6 subdivisions under review as of 3/30/15 Subdivision Ordinance Variances Diana 0 requests under review, as of 3/30/15 Zoning Ordinance Variances Diana 0 request under review, as of 3/30/15 Zoning Appeals Diana 0 requests under review, as of 3/30/15 Home Occupation Permits Diana 0 permit requests under review, as of 3/30/15 Home Business Permits Diana 1 permit request under review, as of 3/30/15 Special Use Permits Diana 3 permit requests under review, as of 3/30/15 Rezonings Rhonda 3 rezoning requests under review, as of 4/1/15 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Rhonda 0 requests under review, as of 4/1/15 Permits and Fees Processed Joe 568 total Transactions for month of March 2015 1172 inspections conducted during March 2015 Building Inspections Joe (averaged 53.27 inspections per/day) Building Plans Joe 21 plans under review, as of 03/31/15 Environmental (E&S/Stormwater) Plan 25 plans under review as of 3/30/2015, 12 awaiting permit Lisa/Brian Review issuance

Environmental Inspections Lisa/Brian 223 inspections conducted in the month of March.


SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION(S) Date Election Year Tabled File Applicant Request Tabled District Residence involving non-family 2009 Feb. 11 SUP09-07 Dove, Charles William 2 division

Community Development Department Report Page 5 of 6 REZONING REQUEST(S) and PLAN(S) Date Election Year Tabled File Applicant Request Tabled District To rezone 1 acre from A2 (General Agricultural) to M1 2010 Nov. 17 REZ10-97 Wayne Good 3 (General Industrial) for a trucking business. Endorsement of Corridor Strategic Plan for North Valley North Valley Pike 2010 Dec. 15 NA Pike area from Gravels Road to 2 Corridor Strategic Plan Vine Street and I-81 to Kratzer Road.

ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS Date Year Tabled File Applicant Request Tabled None

Community Development Department Report Page 6 of 6 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Development Activity Report - March 2015

Permits Issued Fees Collected Mar-15 Mar-14 One Year Jan-Mar Jan-Mar Mar-15 Mar-14 One Year Jan-Mar Jan-Mar Change 2015 2014 Change 2015 2014 Building Commercial/Industrial 10 12 -16.7 % 24 33 $ 17,940.63 $ 9,314.02 92.6 % $ 41,434.97 $ 32,938.06 Manufactured 5 3 66.7 % 11 3 $ 583.85 $ 306.00 90.8 % $ 1,226.86 $ 306.00 Single Family 36 14 157.1 % 64 67 $ 33,446.71 $ 11,811.53 183.2 % $ 61,791.25 $ 62,285.15

Subtotal 51 29 99 103 $ 51,971.19 $ 21,431.55 $ 104,453.08 $ 95,529.21 Plumbing 1 1 0.0 % 2 2 $ 103.79 $ 103.79 0.0 % $ 155.63 $ 207.58

Subtotal 1 1 2 2 $ 103.79 $ 103.79 $ 155.63 $ 207.58 Electrical 25 19 31.6 % 73 63 $ 1,661.78 $ 877.28 89.4 % $ 4,785.72 $ 3,790.44

Subtotal 25 19 73 63 $ 1,661.78 $ 877.28 $ 4,785.72 $ 3,790.44 Mechanical 4 4 0.0 % 14 20 $ 229.50 $ 153.00 50.0 % $ 688.50 $ 994.50

Subtotal 4 4 14 20 $ 229.50 $ 153.00 $ 688.50 $ 994.50 Other 31 36 -13.9 % 117 101 $ 16,947.74 $ 6,579.42 157.6 % $ 67,534.98 $ 24,305.52

Subtotal 31 36 117 101 $ 16,947.74 $ 6,579.42 $ 67,534.98 $ 24,305.52 Land Use Related Erosion and Sediment Permits 3 2 50.0 % 15 5 $ 12,400.00 $ 1,900.00 552.6 % $ 51,942.00 $ 11,150.00

Subtotal 3 2 15 5 $ 12,400.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 51,942.00 $ 11,150.00

Total 115 91 320 294 $ 83,314.00 $ 31,045.04 $ 229,559.91 $ 135,977.25 TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT April 2015


Total Number of Help Desk Tickets for March: 246

PROJECTS Projected Project Associated Departments Start Date End Date Update Data Center Upgrade Technology 8/1/2014 7/31/2015 Staff continues to - Phase 3 migrate files. Community Development file structure issues have been overcome and their files have now been migrated. Munis Financials County & Schools Finance and 2/28/2013 7/31/2015 Postponed upgrade Implementation and Technology due to payroll upgrade to 10.5 personnel change and multiple concerns with upgrade at this point in time. Munis Human County & Schools Finance, Payroll 4/1/2014 7/1/2015 Rights and Resources & Payroll and Human Resources coordination of Implementation responsibilities still being determined. ESS for time entry Page 1 of 4 TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT April 2015

for the County will begin testing soon.

Credit Card Community Development, 5/27/14 6/30/2015 Contacting Sturgis Payments for Technology, Harris to add to current CityView system.

Evaluation and Technology 6/4/2014 6/30/2016 Preparing to continuation of replace Ecopy ImageNow machines. Document Imaging project Munis Budgeting for All Departments 01/01/2015 07/01/2015 Departmental FY 2016 original budget entry is complete. Budget process is ongoing. Custom Reports for Technology 7/20/2014 Ongoing Staff attended Tyler Munis Report Services training online, and has begun developing custom reports. Purchasing Crystal Server and developer to use for reporting for Munis and other systems Test in-house Technology 9/22/2014 6/30/2015 A test environment software for has been set up in migration to new order for Sr. environment Programmer Analysts to test conversion of Visual Dataflex programs to new environment. Each program and report will need to be edited. Changes to Technology/Commissioner of 12/19/14 7/1/2015 Changes to allow Addresses in Revenue/ Public Works and prefer Databases for Rockingham, VA for Rockingham, VA County addresses in 22801 and 22802 in Utilities, Personal Property, Treasurer and Real Estate



SharePoint project Technology/Economic 11/5/2014 ON HOLD Development

Develop expanded Technology 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 In development Internet Access and Mobile Device Use policy ICMA Insights Technology/Administration 11/19/2014 7/1/2015 Subscription purchased, initial se tup begun. Will meet with Finance next week. GIS Technology/GIS/Community 1/1/2015 6/30/2015 Meeting with Upgrade/Transition Development/ECC/City involved staff and Timmons on 4/13 Dual Authentication Technology/VITA 2/20/2015 5/31/2015 Requirement for for DSS wireless dual authentication for DSS wireless needs to be met. Working with DSS Security to come up with a solution Clerk of Court Technology/Supreme 11/01/2014 07/01/2015 Working out the computers Court/Clerk of Court details with Supreme Court. Device received, staff will configure by end of month. CrimeView Data Technology/DaPro/Court 2/23/2015 6/30/2015 Worked with Dapro upload and analysis Services/Omega on data download. Staff working with Omega to determine how best to handle the data for upload into CrimeView. Determining possibility of getting data via Crystal Reports. Lumos Voicemail Technology/all department 3/16/2015 ??? All voicemail boxes upgrade will be affected, no date or status from Lumos as of now.


LNC/WPLNC Project Technology/Public Works 3/16/2015 5/31/2015 iPad ordered for 1st phase first phase of using device SCADA Water Technology/Public Works 1/1/2015 5/31/2015 Monitors have not Treatment Plant yet arrived, but software upgrade system itself is in place with loaner monitors. Anticipate arrival within next week. Facility Scheduling Technology/All Departments 3/25/2015 5/31/2015 Need information using CivicPlus with Conference Rooms from departments available for use for rooms and access Social Services Office Technology/Social Services 3/25/2015 4/30/2015 All DSS computers 2013 Installation must have Office 2013 installed by end of month, provided by State. Social Services Technology/Social Services 3/25/2015 4/30/2015 Must install Laptop Encryption encryption Mandate by State software on all laptops provided by State Thomas Brothers Technology/Thomas Brothers 12/1/2014 5/31/2015 Working with Check Import Thomas Brothers to process for Munis use same process as other localities on Munis Replace 6 laptops Technology 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Laptop specs being that were not reviewed replaced earlier this fiscal year.

Respectfully submitted,

Terri M. Perry Director of Technology

Page 4 of 4 Fire and Rescue STAFF REPORT Agenda Item # April 2015

1. Personnel A. There is currently 1 employee on light duty due an injury and another employee out on FMLA.

2. Prevention Division Activities: Capt. Joe Mullens, Lt. Todd Spitzer, Lt. Karen Will and Wes Shifflett A. Plan Review 1. Alternative Fire Suppression System - 1 2. Building - 0 3. Commercial Cooking Suppression - 0 4. Emergency Evacuation - 0 5. Fire Alarm - 4 6. Fire Detection/Alarm - 0 7. Fire Protection - 0 8. Fire Pump - 0 9. Flammable/Combustible Liquid Spray Booth - 1 10. Hazardous Materials - 0 11. Mechanical - 0 12. Private Fire Service Mains & Private Water Tank System - 0 13. Rezoning - 1 14. Site Plan - 11 15. Special Entertainment - 0 16. Special Use - 0 17. Standpipe - 0 18. Plan Review That Has Exceeding Fourteen Day Reaction Time a. All plan reviews are within noted reaction time 19. Plan Review Fees Generated - $ 1,078.48

B. Consultation 1. Building - 3 2. Certificate of Occupancy - 1 3. Explosives/Fireworks - 0 4. Fire Protection - 2 5. Open Burning - 1 6. Permit - 0 7. Site - 2 8. Special Use/Rezoning - 3 9. Code Research - 1 10. Emergency Planning/Evacuation - 1

C. Inspections 1. Acceptance Testing - 8 2. Assisted Living - 0 3. Certificate of Occupancy - 8 4. Daycare/Preschool - 1

Page 1 of 5 Fire and Rescue STAFF REPORT Agenda Item # April 2015

5. Dry Hydrant - 0 6. Explosives - 1 7. Fire Code - 1 8. Fire Detection/Alarm - 0 9. Fire Protection - 0 10. Fireworks - 0 11. Hazardous Materials - 0 12. Land Division/Private Lane - 2 13. Nursing - 0 14. Open Burning - 0 15. Private School - 0 16. Public School - 0 17. Re-Inspection - 11 18. Safe School Audit - 1 19. Tent - 0 20. Inspection Not Completed/Had to be Rescheduled a. N/A 21. Inspection Fees Generated -$ 0

D. Operational Permits Issued 1. Open Burning - 333 2. Fireworks a. Sales - 0 b. Display - 0 3. Explosives a. Storage - 0 b. Use - 0 4. Bon Fire - 0 5. Permit Fees Generated - $110.00

E. Incident Responses and Disposition 1. Structure Fires a. Accidental - 4 b. Incendiary - 0 c. Undetermined - 0 d. Under Investigation - 1 2. Vehicle Fires a. Accidental - 1 b. Incendiary - 0 c. Undetermined - 0 d. Under Investigation – 0

Page 2 of 5 Fire and Rescue STAFF REPORT Agenda Item # April 2015

3. Brush/Grass Fires a. Accidental - 3 b. Incendiary - 1 c. Undetermined - 0 d. Under Investigation - 0 4. Open Burning a. Authorized - 1 b. Unauthorized i.Notice of Violation - 3 ii.Summons - 1 5. Bomb Threats - 0 6. Fireworks Violations - 0 7. Fire Lane a. Tickets Issued - 9 b. Warnings Issued - 0 7. Explosives - 1 8. Follow-up Investigation - 4 a. Total Number of Hours - 34

F. Public Education 1. Prevention Programs a. Smoke Detectors Installed - 4 b. Smoke Detectors Checked - 0 c. Fire Extinguisher Presentations - 0 i. Number of Participants - 0 ii. Number of Contact Hours - 0 d. School Program Presentations - 36 i. Number of Participants - 160 e. Other Program Presentations - 6 i. Number of Participants - 56 f. Presentation of Education Materials Events - 0 i. Number of Participants - 0 ii. Number of Contact Hours – 0 g. Programs that were unable to be Scheduled/Attended

G. Training 1. Fire Inspector Related Training a. Number of Participants - 0 b. Number of Contact Hours – 0

Page 3 of 5 Fire and Rescue STAFF REPORT Agenda Item # April 2015

2. Fire Investigator Related Training a. Number of Participants - 11 b. Number of Contact Hours - 33 3. Public Education Related Training a. Number of Participants - 0 b. Number of Contact Hours - 0

H. Fire and Life Safety Division Comments/Notes a. Received over 100 fire extinguishers from JMU for use during public education events. b. Rockingham County Fire & Rescue, along with 8 other career/volunteer departments, responded to a significant structure fire at 522 South Main Street in Broadway in the early morning hours of March 29th. The total value of the burned structure was $750,000 and the Fire Marshal’s Office is currently working with the insurance agency to determine the cause.

3. Training Division: Battalion Captain Joe Morris, Lt. Steve Powell, Lt. Bryan Smith, and Lt. Jolene Powell A. Continued Education Training Provided 1. Singers Glen Fire Department EMS CE’s 2. Fire training for the month was search and rescue scenarios a. Number of Participants - 35 3. Hazmat training for the month was hazmat referencing a. Number of Participants - 35 4. EMS Training for the month was STEMI a. Number of Participants - 33

B. Meetings and Training 1. Attended a Stroke Team meeting at RMH 2. MTC students just finished the EMT portion of class a. Number of first year participants - 21 b. Number of second year participants - 13

C. Certification Training Provided 1. Fire Academy (FFI, FFII, and Hazmat Ops) a. Number of Students – 22

Page 4 of 5 Fire and Rescue STAFF REPORT Agenda Item # April 2015

D. Other Activities 1. Worked on preparations for the Regional Fire School 2. Worked on equipping the brush truck 3. Worked on specifications for the County Engine Standard 4. Met with Elkton Emergency Squad. The meeting was successful.

Respectfully submitted by,

Chief Jeremy C. Holloway

Page 5 of 5 STAFF REPORT Agenda Item# April, 2015

1. PERSONNEL A. Parks & Recreation: All full-time positions are filled at this time.


A. Recreation:

1. The Parks and Recreation Commission met Thursday, March 26.

2. The After school has 495 enrolled.

3. Special Events for March included a vendor show at Plains District Community Center.

4. Kids Fishing Day will be on April 11, 9am to 2pm. To date staff has raised just over $16,000 in donations. Please join us at Silver Lake.

5. Trips continue to be successful with many filling up quickly. Upcoming trips include:  Natural Bridge  Food Tour of Fredericksburg VA  Frontier Culture Museum, German Cooking  Washington, DC Zoo & Smithsonian  The Melting Pot  Sweetwater Tavern & Winery at Bulls Run View our program guild for more upcoming trips and programs.

6. Successful Recreation Programs for the month of March with registration numbers are:

 Bergton Community Center, 9  Singers Glen Community Center, 35  PDCC paying rentals, 42  PDCC non-paying rentals, 59  Easter Basket Weaving, 5  Ipad Tutorial, 6  Antique Shopping mini bus, 7  Genealogy Surfing the net at 3am, 2  Advanced Guitar, 3  Ukulele Lessons, 4  Jazz, Ballet, & Modern, 3  Youth TA, 60 1  Creative Movement, 3  Hip Hop Dance, 7  Sock Knitting, 1  Learning to Skate, 7  Concealed Handgun, 6  Essential Oils for Spring, 2  Photo Sharing, 6  Women’s Self Defense, 6  Parenting without Spanking, 2  Wizards vs Rockets mini bus, 13  Hollywood Casino Charter bus, 35  Spring Break Camp, weekly 65, daily 23

7. The month of March staff has been busy with finalizing summer programs to include many new camps and mini bus trips for the summer. Field work begins, to include marking fields for youth soccer. Summer Day Camp will be at six (6) locations: JWES, MVES, LSES, JCMES, CRES, MES. Staff is busy hiring for summer day camp and finalizing summer field trips. The Department will be working with two (2) JMU interns starting in mid-May.

Respectfully submitted, Kathy McQuain Director of Parks & Recreation ksm-staff report April 2015

2 Court Services Unit STAFF REPORT April 8, 2015

1. Personnel A. All positions filled Director Administrative Assistant Senior Pretrial Officer Pretrial Officer (two full-time) Probation Officer (three full-time/one part-time) Litter Control Supervisor (part-time) CIT Coordinator

2. Litter Control Program A. Bags Collected for March 2015 – 324 Roads/areas cleaned: Landfill, Elkton Little League, Ridgedale Road, Broadway Container Site, County Administration Center, Courthouse, Spaders Church, Grassy Creek, Osceola, Removed snow from Fire Hydrants - Madison Village and Magnolia Ridge

3. Community Corrections A. Probation 1) Caseload for March 2015 Misdemeanor caseload – 454 Felony caseload – 9

B. Pretrial 1) Caseload for March 2015 Misdemeanor caseload – 53 Felony caseload – 162

4. CIT – Crisis Intervention Team A. The CIT Taskforce continues to meet on a monthly basis. The next 40 hour training is scheduled for April 6-10, 2015. There were trainings held for dispatchers at HRECC on March 24 and 31, 2015.

5. RE-Entry Council A. The re-entry council meets on a quarterly basis. The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2015 @ 4:00pm in the Community Room. The sub-committees meet once a month to discuss ways to integrate offenders back into our community.

COUNTY OF ROCKINGHAM, VIRGINIA PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1, 2015, AND PROPOSED TAX RATES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2015 The proposed budget synopsis is prepared and published for public information and fi scal planning purposes only. The inclusion in this budget of any item or items does not constitute an obligation or commitment on the part of the Board of Supervisors of this County to appropriate any funds for that item or purpose. The budget consists of the estimates and requests of the offi cers and department heads submitted to the County Administrator, and the Board of Supervisors’ proposed level of funding of those requests. The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing to receive public comment on these recommendations on April 8, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at Turner Ashby High School. This public hearing is being held pursuant to section 15.2-2506, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. All citizens of the County are invited and encouraged to attend and provide the Board with written or oral comments and to ask questions concerning the County’s proposed FY2015-16 budget, within reasonable time limits that are established by the Board of Supervisors. A copy of the proposed budget may be inspected by the public in the Department of Finance, County Administration Center, 20 East Gay Street, Harrisonburg, and in each of the County’s branch libraries. REVENUES BUDGETED AMENDMENTS AMENDED PROPOSED FY 2014-15 FY 2014-15 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 GENERAL FUND General Property Taxes $ 70,157,000 $ - $ 70,157,000 $ 75,539,000 Other Local Taxes 9,906,300 - 9,906,300 10,216,300 Other Local Revenue 10,627,975 58,466 10,686,441 10,896,223 State Revenue 16,259,303 466,805 16,726,108 17,434,269 Federal Revenue 709,497 92,792 802,289 1,061,859 Insurance Recoveries - 26,175 26,175 - Transfers from Other Funds - 1,077,180 1,077,180 - Balance Carried Forward 3,849,342 1,754,388 5,603,730 3,310,664 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 111,509,417 $ 3,475,806 $ 114,985,223 $ 118,458,315

Capital Projects Fund $ 11,670,000 $ 3,160,837 $ 14,830,837 $ 10,063,000 School Capital Projects Fund 756,000 - 756,000 669,000 School Fund 121,042,203 517,000 121,559,203 129,770,834 School Cafeteria Fund 5,405,361 - 5,405,361 5,368,279 School Textbook Fund 662,000 - 662,000 662,000 Massanutten Technical Center 5,123,344 (22,122) 5,101,222 5,190,731 Asset Forfeiture Fund 400,000 10,000 410,000 130,000 H’burg-Rockingham Soc Services District 16,145,560 96,831 16,242,391 16,861,442 H’burg-Rockingham Comp Services Act 9,590,000 - 9,590,000 9,622,556 Central Stores Fund 45,000 - 45,000 45,000 Self-Funded Health Insurance Plan Fund 22,860,000 - 22,860,000 23,720,000 Water & Sewer Utilities Fund 8,578,000 1,825,086 10,403,086 11,728,200 Lilly Subdivision Sanitary District 60,000 - 60,000 56,754 Smith Creek Water & Wastewater Auth 412,000 - 412,000 411,266 Countryside Sanitary District 19,000 - 19,000 18,910 Penn Laird Sewer Authority 29,900 - 29,900 29,037 Solid Waste Fund 5,448,000 847,000 6,295,000 7,082,072 Laird L Conrad Law Library Fund 80,200 (29,615) 50,585 50,585 Human Resources Rental Fund 233,672 - 233,672 232,774 Emergency Medical Services Transp Fund 1,383,000 - 1,383,000 1,312,926 TOTAL REVENUES $ 321,452,657 $ 9,880,823 $ 331,333,480 $ 341,483,681 EXPENDITURES BUDGETED AMENDMENTS AMENDED PROPOSED FY 2014-15 FY 2014-15 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 GENERAL FUND General Government Administration $ 5,736,044 $ 6,000 $ 5,742,044 $ 5,864,238 Judicial Administration 3,387,122 319,632 3,706,754 3,773,671 Public Safety 22,853,825 1,760,986 24,614,811 25,878,961 Public Works 2,309,368 - 2,309,368 2,271,519 Human Services 1,735,875 - 1,735,875 1,970,359 Parks, Recreation & Cultural 2,242,182 52,781 2,294,963 2,342,181 Community Development 2,448,291 3,765 2,452,056 2,797,648 Contributions 440,609 - 440,609 498,444 Contingency 500,000 (49,358) 450,642 500,000 Other Expenses 376,800 - 376,800 195,000 Transfers to Other Funds 58,027,561 1,382,000 59,409,561 60,884,775 Debt Service – County 1,994,187 - 1,994,187 2,284,843 Debt Service – Schools 9,457,553 - 9,457,553 9,196,676 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 111,509,417 $ 3,475,806 $ 114,985,223 $ 118,458,315

Capital Projects Fund $ 11,670,000 $ 3,160,837 $ 14,830,837 $ 10,063,000 School Capital Projects Fund 756,000 - 756,000 669,000 School Fund 121,042,203 517,000 121,559,203 129,770,834 School Cafeteria Fund 5,405,361 - 5,405,361 5,368,279 School Textbook Fund 662,000 - 662,000 662,000 Massanutten Technical Center Fund 5,123,344 (22,122) 5,101,222 5,190,731 Asset Forfeiture Fund 400,000 10,000 410,000 130,000 H’burg-Rockingham Soc Services District 16,145,560 96,831 16,242,391 16,861,442 H’burg-Rockingham Comp Services Act 9,590,000 - 9,590,000 9,622,556 Central Stores Fund 45,000 - 45,000 45,000 Self-Funded Health Insurance Plan Fund 22,860,000 - 22,860,000 23,720,000 Water & Sewer Utilities Fund 8,578,000 1,825,086 10,403,086 11,728,200 Lilly Subdivision Sanitary District 60,000 - 60,000 56,754 Smith Creek Water & Wastewater Auth 412,000 - 412,000 411,266 Countryside Sanitary District 19,000 - 19,000 18,910 Penn Laird Sewer Authority 29,900 - 29,900 29,037 Solid Waste Fund 5,448,000 847,000 6,295,000 7,082,072 Laird L Conrad Law Library Fund 80,200 (29,615) 50,585 50,585 Human Resources Rental Fund 233,672 - 233,672 232,774 Emergency Medical Services Transp Fund 1,383,000 - 1,383,000 1,312,926 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 321,452,657 $ 9,880,823 $ 331,333,480 $ 341,483,681 PROPOSED TAX RATES Actual Proposed Proposed Classifi cation of Tax 2014 1st half 2015 2nd half 2015 Real Estate $0.64 $0.66 $0.68 Manufactured Home 0.64 0.66 0.68 Countryside Sanitary District 0.29 0.29 0.29 Actual Proposed 2014 2015 Personal Property 2.85 2.90 Recreational Vehicles 2.85 2.90 Machinery & Tools 2.55 2.55 Merchants Capital 0.87 0.87 Farm Machinery 0.44 0.44 All property tax levies are per one hundred dollars of assessed value at fair market rate, except merchants capital which is based on 67% of fair market value. Property tax levies are eff ective January 1. The Board of Supervisors will meet on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at the Rockingham County Administration Center to consider adoption of the budget for fi scal year 2015-16 and to establish property tax rates for the calendar year 2015. By the order of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Rockingham, Virginia 4/1