E-255 VOL. 1

Beijing-ZhuhaiNational Arterial Highway (Project IV) Linxiang- Freeway Public Disclosure Authorized in Hunian

EnvironmentAssessment Summary Public Disclosure Authorized

SANDFIL COM Public Disclosure Authorized

HunanProvincial Communications Department Changsha, -January,1999 Public Disclosure Authorized Lmdang-CbanhaFQewaw EA Summary


A ProjectB ackg ...... rund 3 B. ProjectBrief introduction ...... 5 C. PresentEnvironmental Assessment ...... 5 D. ExpectedEnvironmental Impact & MitigationMeasures ...... 8...... 8 E. AltemativesAnalysis ...... 26 F. EnvironmentEconomic Benefit Analysis ...... 26 G.Environment Monitoring ...... 27 H. EnvironmentManagement Organization & PersonnelTraining ...... 28 1. PublicParticipation ...... 28 J. Resettiement...... 29 K. BriefSummary ...... 29 AttachedTables ...... 30 AttachedFigures

2 mo-casi1 FgewmwEA Summary _

Beijing - NationalArterial Highway(ProjectIV) Linxiang- ChangshaFreeway in HunanTerritory EnvironmentAssessment Summary

A. Project Background 1. The researchwork on Unxiang- ChangshaFreeway in' Hunanterritory of Beijing- ZhuhaiNational Arterial Highway (Project IV) beganin September 1992.The compilingwork of the feasibilitystudy reporton the projectwas finished by ProvincialDesign Institute of Communicationsand Surveyin May, 1994.In 1995 the projectwas listed as Nationalhighway projectIV financedby the World Bank loan. In July 1997 the carried out nationaleconomy assessment and financial assessment of the project,and completedthe revisedfeasibility report of the projecton the basisof the new resultof investmentestimate and traffic volumeprediction. In May 1998,the Hunan Provincial Design Institute of Communications finished the FeasibilityStudy Report of Linxiang- ChangshaFreeway in HunanTerritory of Beiing - Zhuhal NationalArterial Highway (_rgject l accordingto HPCD arrangementsand proposalamendments. In August,1998,we completedthe Two-phasePreliminary Design for Linxiang-ChangshaFreeway in Hunan territon!of the Beiing-Zhuhai NationalArterial Highway

2. Hunan ProvincialCommunications Department entrusted the environment impactassessment of the projectto the HighwayResearch Institute of Ministry of CommunicationMOC in September1993. The institutehas the Class 1 Certificateof EnvironmentAssessment issued by National Environment Protction Agencyof China. The environmentassessment outline of the projectwas given an official written reply by NationalEnvironment Protection Agency with Document No[1994]190: ConstructionEnvironment Monitoring in August, 1994.The environmentprotection office of the CommunicationsDepartment organized experts to examinethe environmentimpact assessmentof the project in February, 1997. In Dec. 1997, the National EnvironmentalProtection Agency(NEPA)approved the environmentimpact assessment report in NEPA document(1997)No. 845. 3.The Environmentimpact Assessment(EIA) and EnvironmentAction Plan(EAP) of the projectwere submittedto environmentexperts of the World Bank for examinationin November,1997. Based on the opinionsput forwardby the experts, the assessmentunit and Hunan Provincial Communications Departmentrevised the submitteddocuments and then submittedthe revised EIA, EAPand EA Summaryas well as the subprojectHongshi - RoadEIA, EAP to the WorldBank in January,1998 for reviewing.

3 1WU4mdFromw wEA Summv , .

In May 1998, the WorldBank pre-assessed this projectin Changsha,Hunan, and accordingto World Bank expertview and latest project progress,the HPCDhave submitted the EIA and EAPof the mainroad of this project,the EIAand EAPof Yueyangand Pingjianglinking roads of this project,the EIA, EAP of the subprojectHongshi - HengyangRoad as well as the EA Summary of this projectto WorldBank for reviewing,in August1998. In December.1998, the environmentassessment unit, based on the World Bankenvironmental expert's opinions, submitted again the EIA and EAP of the main road of this project,the EIA and EAP of Yueyangand Pingjiang linkingroads of this project,as well as the EASummary of this projectto the World Bank for reviewing.In Jan. 1999, reviewedthe revised edition of environmentalreports. The projectteam, based on the reviewingopinions of the World Bank environmentalexpert, revisedthe above environmental reportsand submitted to theWorld Bank.

4. The concemeddepartments in Hunanand even in Chinawere involved in the examinationof the EnvironmentImpact Assessment, including environment protectiondepartment, research institute and colleges.The opinionsand suggestionsof influencedunits, non-govemmentorganizations along the freewayand especiallypeople influenced by land acquisition,dismantling and resettlementwere widely collected. 5. The compflingand examiningof Environment impact Reportabide by the policiesand principlesof ChinaEngineering Project Environment Assessment as well as regulationsin OD4.01 FnviramentAssssment of the WorldBank. Thefollowing are the mainlaws and regulations applicable to the Environment Assessmentof item IV of NationalFreeway (Hunan Section). Its environment standardis shownin appendixTable-1 and Table-2 and Table-3. (a) ErnvironmentProtection Law of People's Republicof China: (b) Air PollutionPrecaution Law of People'sRepublic ofChina; (c) EnvironmentNoise Precaution Law of People'sRepublic of China; (d) WaterPollution Precaution Law of People'sRepublic of China; Le) Cultural Relics PreservationLaw of People's Republic of China;

ffi Water Conservation law of People's Republic of China:

(g) Land Management law of People's Republic ofChina; kW Document No.(86)003 NEPA Environment Protection Management for

Capital Construction Proiect:

4 linxiona.C h FmecwwEA Smmay

(i No.(90) 17 Decree of MOC Regulationsof EnvironmentalProtection ManagementMethods for TransportationCapital Project; L Document(1993) No.324 Notice about StrengtheningEIA Managementfor the ProjectsFinanced by Intemational FinancialOrganizations 6. AssessmentScope, Standard and lime (a) The assessmentscope of air, noise,ecological environment and common body of water in the projectis the area of 200mto both sidesof the center line of the proposedfreeway. The researchscope of socialeconomy and life qualityis the areathrough which the proposedfreeway passes. (b) AssessmentStandard (I ) The environmentair assessmentImplements Class II Standardof GB 3095-96Environment Air QualityStandard; (II) Noise:In culture,education and sanitation area, Class I Standard(daytime 55dB(A),night 45 dB(A)in GB3096-93Urban Environmental Noise Standard is implemented.Other sensitive points, such as residentialarea, Class IV Standard(daytime 7OdB(A), might 55dB(A) in GB3096-93is implemented; (M) As to waterquality, Class II Standardin SurfaceWater Environment Quality StandardGB3838-88 and GB11607-89Fishing Water QualityStandard are implemented; (c) The assessmentyear is predictedto be Year2002, 2012 and 2022 according to featureof the projectand construction cycle.

B. Project Brief Introduction 7. The proposed Tucheng - Changsha freeway,182.788kmlong, is constructedin termsof the freewaystandard in plainarea and light hilly area. The designedspeed is 120km/hthe subgrade28m wide and the pavement2 x 11.75mwide. Cement concrete is recommendedfor the pavement.Along the freeway,there will be sevenextreme-big bridges, totaling 2455.68m; 11 interchangesconstructed. The linking route is 12.330kmlong, totaling 3 linkingroads. Of which,Pingjing linking road is a class II roadwith a length of 15.536km.

C. Present EnvironmentalCondition Assessment 8. Topographyand Relief The proposedTucheng - ChangshaFreeway and Pingjianglinking road is in the northeastof Hunan Province,on the east riversideof , DongtingLake and HuanggaiLake, and to the west of MountMubu. The routeis in the mediumand low mountain- lighthilly relief.The terrainis high in the east and low in the west.The stratificationand stageof hilly areaare obvious.The top of the hill is perfectlyround. The hill-sideis in convexshape

5 linxiang.Cbag FreewawEASummwy

wih normalslope of 10-30.Theriver valleyis open andwide and the basin undulatesgente. In the areathrough which the routspasses, the maximum elevationis 163.5mwh-e the minimumelevation is 30.34.In the sectionthe basicseismic degree is VI. 9. Meteorologyand Hydrology The projectarea is subtropicalmonsoon humid climate. In springit variesa lot, suddenlysunny and suddenlyovercast; in summer it is hot and usually occurshigh temperature; in autumnit is pleasantlycool; in winterit is dry and cold. The averageyearly temperatureis 16.2C-17.7 C with maximum temperature36'C-40'C andminimum temperature -1.2C-10.5SC. In a year the hottestperiod is July - Augustand the coldestperiod is December- Februaryof next year.The yearlyrainfall is 1407-1935mm,mainly in April - August.The frost periodis 218-289days long. The surfaceriver systemalong the proposedTucheng - ChangshaFreeway borderson ChangjiangRiver, East DongtingLake and Xiang River System from the Northto the Southwith manyrivers and largewater volume.The route passes by Xindian River,Chang'an River, LongwanRiver, Xinqiang River,,Mi Riverand LaodaoRiver. Each river has abundantrainfall which concentratesin April - August. The river is obviouslyinfluenced by rainfall.

10. Noise:the presentnoise conditionmonitoring of the proposedTucheng - ChangshaFreeway in September,1994 and startedJune 1998. Among the 24 monitoringpoints for acousticenvironment monitoring, many residential areas and schools have very good acousticenvironmental quality. The environmentalnoise doesn't exceed the standardeither in the daytimeor at night.The naturalacoustic environment quality along the routeis alsogood. The environmentalnoises both in the daytimeand at nightare belowclass I noisestandard(daytime 55dB(A), night 45 dB(A).The acousticenvironment alongthe Pingjianglinking road is quitegood.

11.Atmospheric Environment Quality Fourteenpoints along Tucheng - ChangshaFreeway were set up in September,1994 and June 1998for monitoringthe presentair quality(CO, NOx,TSP, SO2). The monitoringresults show that the monitoredvalue of monitoringfactors at eachmonitoring point complies with the requirementof class IIGB 3095-96Environment Air QualityStandard . In particular,the monitoredvalues of SO2,NOx and CO arequite small and their average daily value complieswith the requirementof class I EnvironmentAir Quality Standard, whichindicates the air qualityalong the proposedfreeway is good andthe environmentmargin is large.The atmosphericenvironment along the Pingjiang linking road is quite good.

6 linxiang.aiangaFfeewawEA Summary

12.Water Quality The Resultof monitoringthe waterquality of XinqiangRiver, and which the proposedfreeway overcrosses, shows all monitoringfactors (pH, DO, CODr, BOD5 Pb, petroleum)comply basically with the requirementof dass II standardin GB3838-88 surface water environment quality. 13. Soil It is found by monitoringthe presentsoil conditionat 5 places along the proposedfreeway that the organiccontent in the soil of the field alongthe freewayis a littlebelow the averagelevel in the province.Only in the respect of the organiccontent, the fertilityof soil is at medium-lowlevel. According to the pHdetermination resuit(4.8-5.4)analysis, it is basicallylight acid soil. The monitoredresult of lead in soil is quite differentfrom Pb class 11value 250mg/kg of Soil EnvironmentQuality Standard (pH ,6.5) with a big margin.The assessment of leadcontent in soi is implementedby meansof single facor index.Compared with the soil lead pollutiongrading table, the presentlead contentin the fieldalong the freewayis of non-pollutiongrade.

14. EcologicalEnvironment In the areathrough which the projectpasses, the economyis comparatively developed and human activitiesoccur frequently.The developingand exploitingactivities began early, thus the primitivevegetation was destroyed and graduallybecame second growth and artificialvegetation in which are mainlymason pine forests and tea-oil tree forestsand the lessimportant are Chinafur forests.The maincereal crops include rice, com, bean and potato. And the economicplants include cotton, tea-oil, vegetable and others.Wild animaland plant resources protected by Chinalaw haven't been found within the assessmentscope along the freeway.

15.Water Loss & SoilErosion Among the 5 cities and countiesthrough which the proposedTucheng - Changshafreeway runs, UnxiangCountry is lightwater loss and soil erosion area, and ChangshaCounty are mediumwater loss and soil erosionareas while and County are seriouswater loss and soil erosionareas. So the water loss and soil erosion alongthe proposedfreeway can't be ignored.

16. SocialEconomic Situation In the areathrough which the Tucheng-ChangshaFreeway runs, the industry and agricultureis quitedeveloped and the commerceis prosperous.It is the

7 Linxing.a h FrecwawEA Summary

most economicallyflourishing area In Hunan Provinceand also important economicbelt It is not onlythe main producingarea of rice, cotton and oil crops Bu also the baseof metallurgy,building materials, chemical industry, textileindustry and food industry.According to the statisticsin 1996,the total area of the directlyinfluenced part in ChangshaCity and YueyangCity is 27522km2which occupies13.0% of the totalarea of HunanProvince. The total populationof the two aties is 10.7282million which occupies16.7% of the total populationof HunanProvince. The grossoutput value of industryand agricultureof the two citiesis 97.793billion which occupies 21.7% of that of the wholeprovince. The populationdensity in the investigationarea is 390 personsAcm2 whichis 1.28times the populationdensity 303 persons/km 2 of the whole province.There are abundantmineral resourcesin Changshaand Yueyangwhich are mainlynonferrous metal, kaolin, plaster stone and other non-mineralresources.

17. Tourismand CulturalRelics The tourismresources Aaong the routeare abundantwith manyhistoric sites and scenicspots which are mainlythe tomb of HanDynasty in MaWangdui, QuyuanTemple in Milue,, Yueyang Tower in JunshaMount. andYuelu hill in Changsha.But the abovescenery sites are distantfrom the Freewayby some distance.Six ancient ruins, three large kiln ruins and twenty ancient tomb groups were found along the Tucheng-Changsha Freewayand its connectingroads and Pingjianglinking road.

18. Communicationand Transportation The comprehensivetransportation net in the areawhere the proposedproject lies beganto take shape.Railway transportation and highway transportation extendin all directions.Inland navigation is convenientand civil aviation transportationis well developed.In recent years becausethe economy developedrapidly, the transportationvolume increased,thus the original roads can't meet the demand of economic development and the transportationcondition becomes worse and worse. Expecially there is large problemwith highwaytransportation. The constructionof the projectcan relax the tense situationof highway transport in the area where the project exists and promote the rapid economicdevelopment along the freeway.

D. ExpectedEnvironmental Impact & Precautionand Control Measures 19. Accordingto the environmentalimpact assessment of Tucheng-Changsha Freewayand Pingjianglinking roads as well as the subprojectHongshi- HengyangClass I road, the determinedprotection measures and the compiledEnvironment Action Plan(EAP) of each road, in this sectionthe

8 1ng(UmpangphFreew EASummay

environmentprotecbon measure In different stages of the project implementationwhich should be adoptedin the projectwill be expounded.

DesigningStage 2a. Rationalroute selection. When selectingthe route, the surveyingand designingunits have taken into full accountthe occupationof cultivatedland, the protectionof farmiand,school, residential area and culturalrelics area, floodcontrol and drainage, dismantling and moving quantity, developing plan of town andcity, source of buildingmaterials, quarry site selectionand other environmentimpact factors. While managed to rationalizethe routeselection and decreasethe cost.they tried their bestto observethe principle-near the city but not into the city- and widely collectedopinions of all govemment departmentsalong the feeway. They avoidedconcentrated architectural complexand tried not to interfereand conflictwith the developingplan of town and city. Meanwhile the HPCD organizedexperts to justify the alignmentaltemative several times, and the linkingroads are alignedalso by the aboveprinciple.The present recommended program is selectedfrom five altemativeprograms. The route selectionof Pingjianglinking road also adheresto the aboveprinciples.

21. Interpersonalcommunications. The separationof villagesfrom otherscaused by freewayconstruction brings inconvenience to villagers'communications and farming.When deterrniningthe positionand class of passages,the designingunits rationalize the positionand numberof passagesto adaptto the distributionof villagesand towns alongthe freewaythrough consulting the villager committeesand seekingthe opinionsof local govemments, communicationsbureaus and other concemeddepartments along the freeway.475 underpassesaltogether and 44 pedestrianovercrossings are set up all the freeway.The averageis 3 underpassesper kilometer. Besides,2 extreme-largebridges, 5 largebridges and 47 mediumand small bridgesare builtalong the freewayto meetlocal resident's demands and the demandof vehicletransportation.

22. Floodcontrol. The mainrivers over whichthe freewaycrosses are closeto ChangjiangRiver, East DongtingLake and Xiang River Systemfrom the north to the south.The highwaypasses by XindianRiver, Chang'an River, LongwanRiver, Luoshui River, Miluo River and LaodaoRiver respectively. Of these riversthe streambedis stable,the river channelis obviousand the slope of river is small. On the riversidesmostly are paddy fields. The vegetationin the catchmentbasin is thick.Water and soil arewell conserved. Thereis waterin the rivercourse all year round.The flooddrainage capacity of the main rivercourse was alreadytaken into full accountwhen Tucheng-

9 Lbdang-Cbanpshareemw EA Sumrwy

ChangshaFreeway was being designed. So alongthe freeway,7 extra-large and large bridgesare builtin additionto many mediumand small bridges. The setfingup of bridgesand culverts are builtwith large,medium and small bridgesand culverts of Beijing-Guangzhourailway for referenceas well as complyingwith flood drainage standard to guaranteethat flood can smoothly go throughin rainyseason. 595 culvertsand 18 aqueductsfor the freewayare designedIn accordance with local topographyand flood occuring frequence.First, determinethe dischargeof floodand then designthe size of the sectionaccording to the discharge.Thus, The demandfor drainingflood safely can be basicallymet by settingup the abovesaid large,medium and small bridges,culverts and aqueducts. In designing the linking roads including Pingjiang linking road, flood preventionrequirements have been fully considered.The distibutionquantity anddensity of bridgesand culverts can basically meet safe flood discharging requirements

23. Soil erosion.Along the freewayagriculture is well developed.The field irrigationis fulfilledby meansof irrigationcanal. Overflow culverts are set up in accordancewith the presentcanal arrangement. The constructionof the freewaywill occupyand separate some farming irrigation canals and ponds. All the canalsand pondsoccupied and separatedby subgradeare rebuilt Afterthese measures are implemented,the originalirrigation system can be basicallypreserved and its originalirrigation function will not be influenced. Arbor, shrub,turf andclimber Ivy will be plantedon the slopeand at the land line of the freeway.In the projectSkeleton turf, plasteringwall, masonry pitchingand other measures are takento preventsoil erosion. There is a completeset of surfaceand subgradedrainage system in the project.Temporary drainage system is also built.So whenrunoff occurs, soil erosionwill not be seriousand hydrological system won't be changeda lot.

24. Lessenland occupation.The projectis in plain and light hilly area. Some sectionsof the freewayneed earth fill. Requiredby the project,earth will be borrowedfrom nearbysites. The mainearth borrowsites are generallyfrom wastelandon bothsides of the freeway,but sometimesfarmland with high productionhas to be occupied.Because this is a denselypopulated area with small quantityof farmland,land occupationshould try to be lessened.The proposedTucheng-Changsha Freeway will take 17789.5mu in whichpaddy field is 6917.5mu underthe principle:try to occupyless fertile farmland, use nearbywasteland, making them economical, rational, practical and feasible. Land occupiedby Pingjianglinking road amountto 860.99 mu, of which, 170.61mu paddyfield.

10 linxiang-hn FreewawEA Summay

25. Landacquisition, dismantling and resettlement The principlesthat try to avoid villagesand townswhen selectingroute, minimizedismanUing and moving volumeand occupy less fertilefarmland are stressedin the feasibilitystudy reportand preliminary design. So the total dismantlingand removing volume of the projects Is not large and the Freewaywill remove architecture dismantlingarea of 303551m2 . Pingjianglinking road is goingto dismantle 14025m 2 of buildings.We will establishland acquisitionand dismantling offices hierarchicallyto ensure that land acquisitionand dismantlingis completedbefore the contractorbegins his work. Social scientists are invited and hired as independentsupervision organizaton supervising the implementationof relevantcompensation and resettlementto guaranteethe influencedperson's interests. The detailscan be referredto in ReseKtlement ActionPlan of eachproject. (RAP) 26.Water pollution: There are 3 serviceareas in totalalong the freeway.Sewage disposalequipment will be installedto guaranteethe sewagetreated properly beforebeing discharged.

27. Noisepollution. Based on the predictedresults, adopting acoustic barrier, simplesound barrier, building fencing wall andcourtyard wall, installingwell- sealedwindow, resettlement and noise monitoring in operationphase will be takento decreasenoise pollution.These will be includedin designingand bidding documents.Acoustic environmentprotection measures of the proposedproject are shownin Table-I andTable-2. As the sensitivepoints alongthe Pingjianglinking road is ratherfar awayfrom the freewayas well as lesstraffic, the noiseforecast for Sanhedinic and ShifengSchool will have someexceedance in year2010, therefore, we will enhancenoise monitoring andtake necessarymeasures in accordancewith the degreeof exceedance.

I Lnxianga Froew EA Summuy

Table-1 Acoustic Mitigation Measures In Construction Phase (1999-2002)forthe Proposed Freeway (Schools) No. Name of Mileage Distance Mitigation measures Reduced noise sensitive from ndicator dB(A) Location roadside

1 Longsheng K2+650 80 To build a sound barrier o 13 chool 300m long and 3m high, ______cost 450,000 yuan 2 Tandu K3+200 40 To build a sound barmer 14 School 400m long and 3.5m high, cost 700,000 yuan 3 Dengming K6+500 30 Relocatethe school far away School from the freeway, cos ______600,000 yuan 4 uang- K8+500 100 To build a sound barrier o 13 uang 30Om long and 3m high, chool _ cost 450,000 yuan Shuitian K18+900 50 To build a sound barrier of 14 chool 300m long and 3.5m high, .___coost 525,000 Yuan 6 Tangqiao To build a fencing wall of 4 School K40+100 40 200m long and 2m high cost 40,000 yuan 7 Pingshang To build a sound barrier of 13 Village K42+400 100 250m long and 3m high, Primary st 375,000 yuan School I To build a fencing wall of 3 8 Taolin High 300m long and 2m high School K46+600 80 cost 60,000 yuan Yongfeng- Relocatethe school far away 9 Village K48+500 20 from the freeway, cost School 600,000 Yuan To build a sound barrier o 14 10 Fanshang K49+550 50 300m long and 3.5m high, School cost525,000 yuan o build a sound barrier o 14 11 Longwan K69+100 100 0Dm long and 3.5m high, Primary st 525,000yuan ISchool To build a sound barrier of 14 12 Shuangfen K74+000 70 300m long and 3.5m high at gPrimary both sides, cost 1.05 School million yuan To build a sound barrier o 14 13 Jintang K77+550 70 300m long and 3.5m high, Primary cost 525,000yuan School

12 LInxg,CiaWM Fewaw EASummary

Table-1 Acoustic MitigationMeasures In ConstructionPhase (1999-2002)for the ProposedFreeway (Schools) (contnued) No. Nameof Distancefm Mitgaton Measures educed Sensftive Mileage roadside(m) oise Location ndicator Tobuild a soundbarrier of 11 14 Jinqiao K79+400 150 300mlong and 3m high, chool cost450,000 yuan - Tobuild a soundbarrier o 13 15 Hanping K81+850 120 30m long and 3m high, School ____ 450,000yuan _ o builda soundbarier 11 Baiyang K85+400 150 f 300mlong and 3m 6 Central igh, cost450,000 yuan School Tobuild a soundbarrier o 13 Xinjian K109+500 120 300mlong and 3m high, 17 Primary cost450,000 yuan School Tobuild a soundbarnier of 13 Pingjiang XK117+700 120 OOmlong and 3m high, 18 No.5 High cost900,000 yuan School _ 19 Datiaoli K124+400 40 Alreadyremoved, 300m Primary wayfrom the freeway School _ 20 Lshanxdang K125+900 80 To builda sound barriero 14 Middle 600m long and 3.5m high, School cost 1.05million yuan 21 K133+800 20 Relocate the school fa Xiangjia away from the freeway, School cost 600,000 yuan 22 Qintai K141+950 80 o build a sound barriero 14 Primary 300mlong and 3.5m high, School cost 525,000 yuan 23 YangzichongK172+500 20 The relocated route is 13 Middle 120m away from the School chool,meanwhile, build a ound barrierof 300mlong nd 3m high, cos ______-__I 900,000yuan

13 LIniag-u agsa tewaw EA Swmmary

Table -2 Acoustic Mfflgation Measures in Construction Phase (1999-2002)for the Proposed Freeway (Residences) No. Nameof Mileage Distance Mitigationmeasures Reducednoise sensitive from ndicator dB(A) Location roadside (m) I Xiaocun K25+700 20 To build a sound barriero 10 200m long and 2.5m high, cost250,000 yuan 2 Zhangiadawu K27+700 20 o build a sound barrie 10 00m long and 2.5m high, cost375,000 yuan 3 Xinwuchengjia K29+200 10 a build a sound barrier o 13 00m long and 3m high, ______co_____st300,000 yuan 4 Lanchong K30+900 50 o build a simple sound 6 rrier of 300m long and amhigh, cost 150,00

______yu____an 5 Dawulijia K37+300 10 To build a simple sound 6 barrier of 200m long and 2m high, cost 100,00 yuan 6 awuzhaojia Tobuild a soundbarrier o 9 K37+300 10 300mlong and 2.5m high, cost375,000 yuan 7 udunli To build a simple sound 6 K38+100 10 barrier of 200m long and Pm high, cost 100,00 __uan Songlin To build a simple sound 6 8 barrier of 500m long and K39+500 50 2m high, cost 250,00 yuan Tangqiao To build a sound barrierof 10 9 K40+450 20 0Dmlong and 2.5m high, __ost 250,000yuan _

14 Liw SngshaFmwaw EA Summary

Table-2 Acoustic Mitigaton MeasuresIn ConstructionPhase (1999-2002)for the ProposedFreeway (Residences) (continued) No. Nameof Distance Mifigation Measures Reducednoise Sensitve Mileage fom ndicatordB(A) Location madside(m) angjiabang K41+150 10 Tobuild a soundbarrier o 13 10 30m longand 3.Om high, cost450,000 yuan 11 iangshanping o builda soundbarrier o 13 K43+500 10 60m longand 3.Om high, .cost900,000 yuan Xuetang- Noisemonitonng during 12 fngjia K45+700 50 operatonphase hangwu Noise monitoringdurng 13 ijia K47+000 40 operationphase Shan- To build a simple sound 7 14 hangwu K49+000 40 barrierof 200mlong an 2m high at both sides, cost200,000 yuan Wufangtiao Tobuild a soundbarrier of 10 15 K50+000 20 6DOmlong and2.5m high, ______cost750,000 yuan Chengjia To build a simple sound 6 K53+900 30 barier of 200mlong and 16 2m high, cost 100,00. yuan Hujia-chong To build a simple sound 10 K56+100 Through barier of 300mlong and 17 thevillage .5m high at both sides, ______co______st 750,000 yuan

15 Lixiang-Chb Frenw EA Summy

Table-2 Acoustic MiffgaffonMeasures in Construction Phase (1999-2002)for the ProposedFreeway (Residences) (continued) No. Nameof Distance Mitigation Measures Reduced Sensilive Mileage from noise Locat,on roadside ndicator (m) dB(A) Shitouzui To build a sound bamef 14 K71+500 Through of 250m long and 3.5m 18 the village high at both sides, cost 875,000yuan 19 Xinwu K73+000 30 To build a simplesound 9 barrierof 200mlong and (including 2.5m high at both sides, greenbelt) cost250,000 yuan 20 Yuzitang K83+000 10 Tobuild a simplesound 11 barrierof 300mlong and (including 2.5mhigh, cost greenbelt) 187,500yuan 21 Dengchen K97+000 20 To build a simple sound 11 banierof 250mlong and (including 2.5m high at both sides, greenbelt) cost312,500 yuan 22 inhecun K103+000 20 Tobuild a simplesound 11 barrierof 400m longand (including 2.5mhigh, cost greenbelt) 2 50,000yuan 23 Guang- K121+000 20 Tobuild a simplesound 11 yingzui barrierof 200mlong and (including 2.5mhigh, cost greenbelt) 125,000yuan 24 Jiangjiali K125+000 20 Tobuild a simplesound 11 barrierof 200mlong and (including .5mhigh, cost greenbelt) 125,000yuan

16 * Liang-chagshaFrwww EA Summary

Table-2 Acoustic MitigationMeasures In ConstructionPhase (1999-2002)for the ProposedFreeway (Residences) (continued) No. Nameof Dasacro Mitigation Measures Reducednoise Sensitive Mileage roadsIde(m) ndicatordB(A) Location _ 25 Xiangjia- K128+000 20 To build a simple sound 11 dawu bamerof 250mlong and (including 2.5 high at both sides, greenbelt)

______costs312,500 yuan_ _ _ _ _ 26 Zhang K133+100 20 Tobuild a simplesound 11 jiawan barier of 250mlong an (including .5m high at both sides, greenbelt) cost312,500yuan 27 Hujiazui K176+000 Throughthe o builda soundbarrier o 14 viage 0Dmlong and3.5m hig t both sides, cos 700,000Yuan 28 Zhangjia K178+000 20 To build a simple sound 11 weizi barrierof 150mlong and (including 2.5mhigh at both sides, greenbelt) cost187,500 yuan 29 Shan- K182+820 20 To build a simplesound 11 xinmiao barrierof 300mlong and (including 2.5mhigh, cost187,50 greenbelt)

______u an ______30 Scattered Wholeline 0-20 Builda courtyardwall and 11 residences installwell-sealed window foreach family, cost 1.515

______million yuan 31 Scattered Wholeline 20-50 Buildcourtyard wall for 6 residences eachfamily, cost 1.557 ______million yuan I _ _

28. Air pollutionand dust. The freeway service areas and living facilities should be establishedand installed50m away from the roadsideand the freeway managementoffice 50m away from the interchange.To preventquarry, earth borrowand waste area, waste material disposal, lime-earth and concrete and bitumenmixing station from influencingthe environmentallysensitive points such as residentialarea, their selected site should be far away from residentialarea. 29. Culturalrelics preservation. The highwayconstruction unit pays high attention to the culturalrelics preservationin this projectconstruction and entrusts Hunan ProvinceCultural Relics and ArchaeologyResearch tnstitute with surveyingand unearthingcultural relics. Six ancientruins, three ancient kiln ruins and twenty ancient tomb groups were found as the result of investigationand survey.The abovecultural relics and historicsites will be

17 linxian-ChangshFreewawEA Summary

excavatedbefore construction.The details can be referredto in Cultural RelicsSurveying Report and CulturalRelics Unearthing Plan provided by the HunanCultural Relics Institute. 30. HazardousSubstance Transport To prevent the potentialrisk producedby the hazardoussubstance during transportation, a series of measuresshall be takenduring design phase: (1) Strengthenthe guardfence of the 7 bridgesalong the line to preventthe vehicles from tuming over into the river. The 7 bridges are: Linxiang Chang'anRiver bridge,Unxiang Shanwan bridge, Yueyang longwan river bridge,Xinqiang river grand bridge, Jinhe Luoshui bridge, Wushi Mishui river bridgeand Shuidu river bridge. (2) Completeclosed subgrade drainage system shall be designedfor the whole line.The run-offon the bridgesabove should be led to the drainageditches on bothsides of the subgradeso as to preventbridge run-off entering into the water sourceas well as the hazardousleakage from vehicleinto the water dueto accident.

(3) Wamingsign *Carefuldriving" (yellow) and '60km for hazardousvehicle' (red)wili be set up at 200mand 500m respectivelyfrom both ends of the bridgesfor the purposeof remindingthe hazardousvehicle drivers. (4) Attentionsign (blue) will be set up at 50mof the toll entrancegate, reminding the hazardousvehicle drivers pull asidefor applicationand checking.

Construction Phase 31. Air pollutionimpact. The air pollutionin the freewayconstruction phase is manlydust and bituminoussmoke pollution. Its majorpollution source is the airbome dust producedby lime- earth mixing as well as the constant operationof constructionvehicles and road-buildingmachines. In addition, small quantityof ash will also be producedat concretemixing station and in the processof loadingand unloadingroad-building materials. The following measures should be taken in order to mitigate air pollution on the constructionspot and protect the healthof constructorsand nearby residents: (1) The mixing equipmentshould be well sealed, class II dust removal equipmentshould be addedto the mixingstation. Working personnel must pay attentionto healthcare. There should be no villagesand sensitiveunits within300m to the leewardof the station. (2) Spray water on constructionroad. Especiallyspray water in lime- earth concrete,bitumen mixing station and concretemixing station and on roads leadinginto andout of the stations. (3) Sealingequipment should be adoptedwhen transporting lime and other flying

18 L 1deCahAPeewaw EA SuMMy

materials.The flying materialswhich will not be used for a long time in constructionshould be dealtwith by coveringit earth in casethe materials dissipateand polluteenvironment (4) When filling subgrade,water is correspondinglysprayed according to the requirementof materialcompaction. The contractorshould also spraywater afterthe materialis compactedto ensurethe materialwill not fly intosky. (5) The contractormust strengthen the managementof easily lost goods and materialswhich can't be exposedlypiled. The distancebetween piling yard and villagecan't less than200m. .The surface earth of nearbyearth borrow areasIs requiredto be piledtogether. After the projectsis completedthe earthcan be filledback for reclamationin time. (6)The stonematerials required by the projectare mainlypurchased from outside. All the freewaythere are 13 quarries in which artificial explosion and mechanical operation are adopted. Local govemment has special managementorganization for the setting up and managementof stock ground,and has strict regulationson the locationof quarryand explosion materials.Therefore, the extractionof road-buildingmaterials in the project won'tinfluence the environmenta lot 32. Noise pollution impact In constructionphase the noise is mainly from construction machines and transportationvehicles. If intense noise influencespeople on a-long-termbasis, many diseases will be inducedand noisedeaf will be caused.The noise deaf is concemedwith the timelength of hearingnoise as well as the intensitylevel of noise.In order to protect constructors'health, it is rationallyarranged on the basisof NoiseSanitation Standardfor IndustrialEnterprises that the workingpersonnel operate road- buildingmachines in tum to shortenthe time lengthof hearingloud noiseor do high noise work and low noise work in tum. In the meanwhile,pay attentionto machinemaintenance and correctoperation so that noise of road-buildingmachines can be kept at the minimumlevel. As for the constructorsclose to the noise source, their working time should be appropriatelycut shortin additionto wearingprotection earplug or helmet. Becausehuman body is sensitiveto the noise,construction machines with loud noise should be stopped between 22:00- 6:00 at night on the constructionspot within 150m where there is residential area. The constructionnoise during daytime shall be strictlycontrolled as not to impact the school teachingalong the line. Meanwhile,in case there is large residencequarter along the temporaryroad within 50m, transportationof buildingmaterials shall not be allowedduring night time on this road.

The noise caused by road constructionhas the followingfeatures: abrupt, irregular,uncontinuous and intensive. It is foundthrough investigation that on

19 Linxiagchab Freew EA Summany

the construction spot the noise sometimes exceeds dass IV of noise standard and the noise can be generally mitigated by means of changing constructionmethod. For example, the operationwith intensive noise source can be arranged in the daytime (6:O0-22:00)or the operation time of each machine can be reasonably adjusted. In construction phase, noise from material hauling in constructionstage will be mitigated by contractorsthrough civilized construction and strengthening management. Meanwhile we will publicize the grievance telephone number on construction site. For the environmental complaining issues, the employer should contact the local environmentaldepartment and handle them within 24 hours. To reduce the noise impact on the schools and residents along the line, mobile sound barrier can be installedto preventfrom the constructionnoise impact.

33. Ecological resources protection. Try to avoid selecting farmland as earth borrow area. If it is required by the project, when digging, the surface earth about 30cm deep should be preserved and will be filled back after the constructionis over so as to minimize the influenceon agriculture.Otherwise we are empoweredto fine contractor. The contractor should take measuresto lessen the using time of temporarily occupiedland. Vegetationshould be restoredafter the constructionis over or reclamationshould be ready. Strengthen building worker's education, protect natural resources, prohibit chopping forests and forbid hunting. Constructionvehicles will run on temporary roads in order not to damagefield and forest. 34. Soil erosion and water pollution.It is in the light hilly area in the east of Hunan Province, so the water loss soil erosion is serious. Because of earth borrow and waste in construction phase, the possibility of water loss and soil erosion caused by deep-diggingand high-filling is large. For that the project will give priority to waste land and place with sparse vegetation can be selected as concentrated earth borrow point where earth can be appropriately borrowed.The constructionunit will be responsiblefor planting trees and building dams. Drainage ditch and dam will be built at earth waste point. In some sections, the waste earth can be employed to establish environment facilities belt along the both sides of-the freeway. For earth fill sections, their soil slopes will be tamped or plasterwall, retainingwall, cut off trench, covering turf, planting climber and other soil and water conservation measures can be taken. For earth extracting sections, the construction management of using the digged earth for filling will be well fulfilled. The

20 LUxing-CxangfpFreewaw EA Sumunyr

upper and lower slopes can be protected by means of building stone toe of slope and retaining wall. It is estimated that the water loss and soil erosion caused by the freeway construction can be minimized by taking the above measures.

Grasses and trees will be promptly plantedon the slope of the freeway. If the present irrigation system, drainage system and artificial pond are damaged, suitable measure will be promptly taken to rebuild them. The contractor will often clean the drainage system and be concemedwith its smoothness:Ume and other road-buildingmaterals are required to be piled together and then surroundedwith bricks or earth. The piling ground is required to be far away from the body of water in case the runoff directly influencethe body of water. While building the drainage system, temporary canals and pipes will be built for irrigation and drainage.The sewage produced by the constructioncan be discharged into rivers and irrigationcanals only after sedimentation.

35. Communications and transportation. In order to estimate the influence of material-transportingvehicles on communicationsin construction phase,the traffic volume on the main roads of the influenced area is estimated. The main roads can't already meet the demand of traffic capacity. In construction phase the management of these roads will be strengthened and some measures such as building construction detour and avoid peak-hour transporting can be taken to ensure safety in communication and smoothnessin transportation.The capacity of most county and village roads can meet the demand of increasingtraffic volume. National Highway 107 is the main arterial highway in the east of Hunan Province.It goes throughfrom the north to the south and connects many other arterial highways within the provinces as well as county and village roads. Its communications and transportationare very busy.

The phenomenonthat the capacity is not enough will occur in most freeway sections in constructionphase. The main building materialsof the projectsuch as cement, steel and timber are transported from supply cities: Yueyang, Changsha and mainly through National Highway 107. Sand and stone materials are extracted along the freeway or purchasedfrom outside. Most sand and stone materials are carried to the construction site directly through east-west county and village roads instead of the main highways.The lime the project needs will be carried from the lime ground onto the freeway through the present roads and then to the construction site through the construction detour built at the roadside of the freeway. Thus the main

21 li-n4 sha Fnewaw EA Summny

highwaysand roads won't be influencoed.Because it is unavoidablethat during the constructionthe constructionvehicles will interferethe communication conditionsof presenthighways along the route and evencause traffic jam, TuchangExpressway Company andcontractors will cooperatewith the local police and communicationsmanagement department to strengthen communicationmanagement and vehicle management to avoidtraffic jam and to maintainthe normal operatingconditions of the presenthighways. In addition,Tuchang Expressway Company and contractorswill cooperatewith local public security and traffic departments, in particular, special considerationwill be given to the traffic managementof Xiangsha DevelopmentZone sectionof the NationalHighway 107 for the purposeof maintainingft normaloperation.

The constructiondetour built by the contractor,in principle,is builtwithin the land acquisitionscope of oneside of the freeway.If the detouris beyondthe scope,application must be submittedaccording to its constructiondemand and the detourcan be built accordingto the plan after it is approved.The owner (employer)is responsiblefor goingthrough the proceduresof land acquisitionand supervising engineers supervise and implement it.

CommunicationsManagement Plan of the Project: (D The constructiontemporary road should be installedat the intersectionwhere the freewaymeets other highways so as to ensurethe smoothnessof roads. The temporaryroad is usuallyat oneside of the originalroad. After the grade separationis put into use, the subgradeof the freewaywill be built at the place. (9) NationalHighway 107 is busy,so the crucialpoint is to smooththe trafficon the highwayand its managementneeds to be more strengthenedin construction phase. We will limit, for instance, avoiding peak-hour transportationto mitigatethe tensetraffic situation. Meanwhile, the contractor is required to make the transportationplan well. The corresponding measureswill be takenat the otherbusy sections. ® Preparethe materialsbefore hand. For example,sand and stone materials can be stored at the time of comparativelylight traffic.According to the statistics,the free time of eachyear is January- Februaryand September - October.It is advantageousto store sand and stone materialsat the free time. (i) The traffic managementdepartment (traffic police) will perform good cooperation,smooth traffic jam in time andhandle traffic accidents to ensure smoothtraffic.

22 Lixiang-ChanpghaFreeww EA Summary

) The contractoris requiredto take measuresto seal andfill cracksof vehicles whichcontain easily flying substances to preventspilling and dropping.

36. Culturalrelics preservaton.If the cultural relics not surveyedare found duringthe construction,the constructionshould be stoppedat once,protect andmaintain the spot andinform the culturalrelics management department for a solution. 37. Constructioncamp-site management Septic tank is installedat construction campsite.Edible water shall also be provided. The dustbinis installedin a fixed place.Contractor will dear awaygarbage on timeto preventdiseases from spreading. 38. Execute"threeactions at the sametime". The sewagedisposal facilities in the servicearea and the acousticbarriers will be organizedand implemented by the contractorof eachbidding section.

OperationPhase 39.Traffic Noise control (1) Strengthenthe managementof police,traffic, road transportationand road maintenance.Vehicles whose noise and tall gas exceedthe standardare forbiddenon the freeway. (2) In order to protect the residentsalong the freewayfrom noise pollution, accordingto Hunan ProvincialManagement Provisions on High-Class Highways,the newlybuilt schoolsand hospitalsshould be 100maway from the edgeof shouldersand no buildingswithin 50m from the roadside.Similar recommendationsfor the linkingroads. (3) Manyvariable factors shall be taken into account,such as the estimated trafficvolume may changeand some road sections of roadalignment in the executiondesign may alsochange, the noisemonitoring in operationphase mustbe strengthened,and the implementationplan andtime of the above said environmentprotection measure must be adjustedon the basisof the monitoringresult.

40. TailGas PollutionControl Predictionreveals that the CO pollutionalong the proposedhighway is slight up to the long-termoperation stage, the CO valueat 10mfrom the roadside can meetnational class 11 atmospheric standard. The peakand daily average valueof NOxat 10mfrom the roadsidein earlyoperation stage can alsomeet nationalclass 11atmospheric standard. While in the mediumand long-term operationstage, the NOx is excessiveto various extend. Measuresas plantingor resettlementwill be adoptedin accordancewith the predictedNOx exceedanceto reducethe pollutionon the sensitivelocations, meanwhile, air

23 hIJFw-CaSsaFw EASummwy

monrtoringshall be enhancedduring the operationphase. As informed by the design department, among the above 15 Nox sensitive locations, Datiaoli Primary School has already removed; while Xiangjia School is going to remove. Due to the alignment change, YangzichongMiddle School is now 120m away from the proposed freeway. Therefore, the rest 12 residence quarters with excessive NOx will plant green belt as shown in Table - 3 to mitigate the air pollution,totaling 1.80 million yuan. The conformity distance for CO and NOx of the linkingroads during operation phase is I Omaway from the roadside. In sum, the operation of the proposed freeway will not impact the atmospheric environment considerably on the sensitive locations along the line.

Table - 3 Green Belt Environmental Protection Measures During the Construction Phase No. Sensitive Mileage Distance EnvironmentalProtection measures ocations 1 Shitouzui K71+500 Through Plant 250m long and 1Omwide green belt on boh the village sides, costing 200,000 2 Xinwu K73+000 30 Plant 200m long and 1Om wide green belt o both sides, costing 160,000 yuan . 3 Yuzitang K83+300 10 Plant 300m long and 10m wide green belt, costing 120,000yuan 4 Dengchen K97+000 20 Plant 250m long and 1Om wide green belt on boh 9 sides, costing 200,000 yuan 5 Jinhecun K103+000 20 Plant400m long and 1Omwide green belt on bo sides,costing 160,000 yuan Guang- K121+000 20 Plant 200m long and 1Omwide green belt on boh yingzui sides, costing 80,000 yuan 7 Jiangjiali K125+000 20 Plant 200m long and 1Omwide green belt on boE sides, costing 80,000 yuan 8 Xiangjia- K128+000 20 Plant 250m long and 1Omwide green belt on boh dawu sides, costing 200,000 yuan. 9 Zhang K133+100 20 Plant 250m long and 1Omwide green belt on boh jiawan sides, costing 200,000 yuan . 10 Hujiazui K176+000 Through Plant 200m long and 1Omwide green belt on bo the village sides, costing 160,000 yuan. 11 Zhangjia K178+000 20 Plant 150m long and 1Omwide green belt on bo weizi sides, costing 120,000 yuan. 12 Shan- K182+820 20 Plant 300m long and 1Om wide green belt on boh xinmiao fides, costing 120,000 yuan.

24 LbXiaCahA Frew EASummay

41. DrainageSystem Maintenance Becausethe drainagesystem may be blockedby the depositof dust and sand which are brushedoff the road, subgradeand slope by rain, the drainagesystem will be cleanedup at regularintervals, especially the side ditchalong the wholefreeway to ensuresmoothness of the drainagesystem. Specialattention should be paidto possiblewater accumulation 6n passages in casethe normalcommunications between villagers along the freewaybe influenced.

The drainageopening and side ditch are paved with plasteringstone to preventerosion and avoid small waterfall effecL Strengthen the management of vehiclescontaining easily scattered and lostgoods and materials. 42. Passengersare forbiddenthrowing drink package,cans andother garbage onthe freewayand keep the roadsideclean by propagatingand making laws and regulations. 43. In roadtransportation, bulk cargo such as coal,cement, sand, stone material, andsimply packed fertilizer and pesticide are easy to dropand spill when not strictlycared or protected.Tinned materials may also be leakedout to pollute the roadand roadside environment. So the entranceexamination for vehicles going onto the freewayshould be reinforcedand the problemsshould be solvedby meansof relevantlaws and regulations.

44. DangerousArticles Transportation Management and Emergency Measure. As far as the transportationmanagement of hazardoussubstances for this projectis concemed,the highwaymanagement department should regulate vehicle carrying hazardoussubstances by "Application System".Vehicles transportinghazardous substances, before entering into the highway,should first applyfor a form from the HPECDCand acceptrandom check by the security and traffic managementdepartments as well as present the declarationform at the entrance.The declarationform contains:transport license number, cargo type, grade and identificationof the hazardous substance,name of consignorand consignee, loading/unloading place, cargo characteristics,etc. At the entrance,the highwaymanagement staff will confirmwhether the vehicle'sthree licenses are completeor not,whether the vehicle holds the specificroute form issued by communicationsbureau. Vehiclescan be permittedto run onlyafter the inspectionprove satisfactory. GenerallyVehicles carrying hazardous substances will run in a timewhen the trafficis not busy(such as at night).In badweather, they shouldbe prohibited to run. Meanwhile,at the entranceof the toll station,a speciallane shall be designatedfor hazardoussubstance vehicles, random check shall also be

25 LIFnotngCangsaFreeww EA Summaiy

appliedto othervehicles for the purposeof effectivemanagement over the hazardoussubstance vehicles.

The freewaydeveloping company will establisha small-sizedfire brigade(2 fire vehiclesand 12fire fighters)and 5 emergencycars will be equippedto deal with emergency.Besides, support from local police, fire fighting departmentand environmentprotection department can be expected in emergency.

E. AlternativesAnalysis 45. In the selectionof alignmentaltematives, the surveyingand designingunit havepaid careful attention to rationalizealignment and to minimizecost, at the sametime havealso given full considerationto environmentalimpact factors such as expropriationof arable land, protection of farmlands,schools, residencesand cultural relics, flood control, resettlementvolume, urban expansion,availability of buildingmaterials and selectionof quarrysite. The philosophyof 'Near city but not crosscity is followedto its maximumextent- and opinions are solicited from local govemmentsalong the highway. Meanwhile,several expertise conferences have been convenedto justifythe alignment,so are its linkingroads including Pingjiang linking road. The current recommendedprogram is selectedamong 5 altemativesand reducesthe impacton the landoccupation, air pollutionas well as the noiseimpact on the schoolsand residentialareas to its minimumlevel. Meanwhile it also avoids the unfavorablegeological conditions and cultural relics. Pingjiang linking road alsoadheres to the aboveprinciples.

F. EnvironmentEconomic Benefit Analysis 46. NationalEconomic Analysis Accordingto the feasibilitystudy of this project,the conclusionsof the nationaleconomic assessment and sensibility analysis are: evenunder the mostunfavorable situation, the ratioof economicbenefit to cost(EBCR=.1.90) is above 1. Economicintemal rate of return (EIRR=20.17)is larger than social discount rate, therefore,the project is strong against risks with outstandingeconomic benefits.

47. FinancialAssessment Accordingto the feasibilitystudy of this project,the conclusionsof the financialassessment and sensibilityanalysis are: even under the most unfavorablesituation, the ratioof financialbenefit to cost(FBCR=2.52) is > 1.

26 Linxiang-ChangshaFreeww EA Summauy

And the financial interior income FIRR=11.35%>2.586The capacity of this projectto resist risk is quite strong.

48. Estimatefor EnvironmentalProtection Investment To ensure a coordinated development of highway construction and environmental protction, the budget for the main- line freeway environmentalprotection is 101.4192 million yuan, accountingfor 2% of the total investment The environmentalprotection cost for Pingjiang linking road amountsto 552,272 yuan.

G. Environment Monitoring 49. The environmentmonitoring plan is made for the project in order to mitigate pollution and to test if the environmentalimpact estimate is correct. Thus the environment protection measures can be promptly adjusted and those environmentalproblems never found can be found early. According to the monitoring plan, the local environment protection department is responsible for the atmospheric environment monitoring in construction phase and operation phase in the form of contract, the environment supervising engineers of the project supervision station are responsible for the noise environmentmonitoring of Tucheng-ChangshaFreeway and its linking roads in constructionphase; while the environment protectionsection of Tucheng- ChangshaFreeway Company is responsiblefor finalizing the montoring plan in operation phase of Tucheng-ChangshaFreeway and its linking roads. The Tucheng-ChangshaCompany is responsiblefor organizing monitoring stations to conductthe atmosphericquality monitoringduring constructionfor the main road and its linking roads.

50. Atmospheric quality. The atmospheric monitoring occurs mainly in the construction and operation phase. The main monitoring item in construction phase is TSP,and the monitoringfrequence is once every week and two days each time. The monitoring points mainly includes the relatively large residences and schools near the lime/earth mixing sites and the unpaved road. There are 6 monitoring points in operation phase,the monKoringitems include: CO, Nox, at the frequency of once a year and 5 days each time.

51. Noise. In construction phase, the noise monitoring points are set up at construction site, waste pit, hauling road, quarry within 150m where there are residencesor acousticsensitive locations.The monitoring sequence is once a every week and one day for each time, once in both daytime and night time respectively.Random monitoring can be adopted accordingto the situation. In operation phase, the monitoring frequence is four times each year, one day each time and twice at that day (daytime and night). Based on the noise

27 LiudnangbngshaFrewaw EA Summary

excess,there are 48 monitoringpoints in operationphase of the proposed freewayand 2 monitoringpoints along Pinjiang linking road during the middle andforward operation period 2012-2022. 52. WaterQuality. Monitoring will be carriedout on the waterquality of Xinqiang River and ShuiduRiver in constructionphase. The monitoringitem include: CODcr,SS, BOD5, petroleumand Pb. The frequencyis threetime a year,one dayeach time.

H. EnvironmentManagement Organization and PersonnelTraining 53. The environmentprotection office of Hunan ProvincialCommunications departmentis responsiblefor the environmentmanagement of communication project in Hunan Province.Hunan ProvincialFreeway Development and ConstructionCompany has establishedenvironment and resettlementoffice. Tucheng-ChangshaFreeway Company has establishedthe environment protecton section and 3 specialistsare providedto take charge of the environmentprotection management. The constructionand supervisingunits are expectedto hire 4 environmentprotection supervising engineers who are responsiblefor the environmentprotection supervision in constructionphase. Tucheng-ChangshaFreeway company is responsiblefor the environment protectionin operationperiod. The environmentmonitoring is assumedby local environmentprotecton department,the supervisingengineers and Tucheng-ChangshaFreeway Company respectively.Hunan Provincial EnvironmentProtection Bureau is responsiblefor daily supervision,local environmentprotection bureaus supervision the environmentwork within the areaunder their jurisdiction and they all havethe dutyof supervisingthe EAP executionand supervingaccording to the lawsand regulations.

54. Thereenvironment training plan of the projectinvolves two kindsof personnel training: () environmentmanagement personnel training; )environment supervisionpersonnel training. The-environment training fee totals400,000 yuan.The trainingfor environmentsupervision personnel will be provided2 months before the start of the project construction;while training for environment managementpersonnel will be provided in organization strengthening.

1. Public participation 55. In order to fuffil well the constructionof the project,the assessmentunit togetherwith the projectunit and designingunit held several discussion meetingsin Oct., 1993,November, 1995, August, 1997,June, 1998 and Decemberof the sameyear. They invitedthe relevantunits and delegates of the districtsand cities along the freewayto the meetings,asked them for their opinions on the project and put forward opinions and suggestionson

28 Limxang-CangshaFreewaw EA Summary

alignmentprogram, interchange establishment and major environmental problems.(Thedetails refer to the environmentimpact report). Meanwhile, socialsurvey was conducted along the freeway.The surveytakes the form of bothhome interview and group public interview through which, wide opinions are solicitedfrom the influencedgroup, non-govemment organization and residentswho areto moveor whoseland are takenand those impacted by traffic noise. Basedon the public opinions,we workedout the mitigation measuresand the land acquisition,dismantling and resettlement plan. The detailscan be referredto in EIA and RAP.Meanwhile, making the public alongthe way aware of the environmentalprotecton measures to be adopted. The public are satisfiedwith the environmentalprotection measures to be adopted.

J. Resettlement 56. As the resultof the samplinginvestigation among the affectedvillages and peoplealong the freeway,it is found the most peopleask for economic compensationand resettlement at the localplace. 57. Accordingto the public requirementand relevantChinese govemment policies,the principleof solvingproblem on the spot and adjustingland is carried out The villagecommittee will divideand allocatefoundation land andthe influencedvillagers build houses by themselves.Land compensation allowanceand resettlementsubsidy can be used to developagriculture, industry,sideline and servicetrades. We think that villagers' life and productioncan be well solvedas long as the policiesare stickento and compensationallowance are promptlydistributed to the influencedpeople.

K. Summary 58. All adverseinfluences can be mitigatedor got rid of and largeenvironmental problemwon't occurafter the environmentprotection measures in EAPare executed. 59. Under the cooperationof cultural relics preservationdepartments, the culturalrelics surveywas conductedand the culturalrelics excavationplan was made.Besides, the regulationsof the nationalcultural relics law will be observedand executed during the construction.So the projectwon't damage the cufturalrelics and the influenceis verysmall. 60. The risk of dangerousarticles transportation for this projectis not large. 61. The principleof solvingthe problemon the spot will be appliedto land acquisKion,dismantling and resettlement.Thus therewill be no large rural populationshifted to city andtown. 62. No influence on wild plant and animal resources and beneficial to developmentand exploitation of the tourismresources along the freeway. 63. The investmentfor environmentprotection of the Freewayis 101.A192million

29 lnxiangCbaflZshaFremw EA Summary

yuan which occupies 2.0% of the total projectinvestment. The environmental protection cost for Pingjiang linking road amounts to 552,272 yuan. The environmentalbenefit from the project exploitationactivities is more than the environmentloss. The adverse influence brought by the project exploitation activities can be absorbed by the environmentand the present environment along NationalHighway 107 will be improved. 64. In order to fuffil all environment protection work, Hunan Provincial CommunicationsDepartment has establishedspecial environment protection organization which will be gradually perfected and manage to fulfil the environmentprotection of the project. 65. The environment management plan, environment supervision plan, environmentmonitoring plan and environmentaction plan have been made.

Attached Table I Environmental Noise Standard In Urban Area (GB3096-93) Kind Daytime Night Application area 0 50 40 Specialresidential area 1 55 45 Residential area, cultural and educational institutions area 2 60 50 Complex area of residence, commerce and

______industry 3 65 55 Industryconcentrating area 4 70 55 Both sides of the arterial road

Attached Table-2 GB3095-96 Environment Air Quality Standard Pollutant Concentration Limit Unit Name Sampling time (mg/m3) Class I ClassII Class m SO2 Annual average 0.02 0.06 0.10 Monthly average 0.05 0.15 0.25 _ 1-houraverage 0.15 0.50 0.70 TSP Annual average 0.08 0.20 0.30 _ Monthlyaverage 0.12 0.30 0.50 PM10 Annualaverage 0.04 0.10 0.15 Monthly average 0.05 0.15 0.25 Nox Annual average 0.05 0.05 0.10 Monthly average 0.05 0.10 0.15 I-hour average 0.15 0.15 0.30 Mgi NO2 Annual average 0.04 0.04 0.08 Monthly average 0.08 0.08 0.12 (standard 1- hour average 0.12 0.12 0.24 condton) CO Daily average 4.00 4.00 6.00 1-hour average 10.00 10.00 20.00 Pb Quarter average 1.50 .1 g/ m3 Annual average 1.00 (standard Benzo- Dailyaverage 0.01 condition) pyrene

30 LUniang4ChangshaFreewaw EA Summary

AttachedTable- 3 AssessementStandard for WaterEnvironment Standard G533838-88 GB11607-89 SurfaceWater Quality FishingWater Quality Paramete StandardClass I Standard pH 6.5-8.5 Freshwater 6.5-8.5 Totslead < 0.05 0.05 PetroleumS 0.05 0.05 BOD__ 3 5

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