E-255 VOL. 1 Beijing-ZhuhaiNational Arterial Highway (Project IV) Linxiang-Changsha Freeway Public Disclosure Authorized in Hunian EnvironmentAssessment Summary Public Disclosure Authorized SANDFIL COM Public Disclosure Authorized HunanProvincial Communications Department Changsha,China -January,1999 Public Disclosure Authorized Lmdang-CbanhaFQewaw EA Summary Contents A ProjectB ackg .............................................rund 3 B. ProjectBrief introduction ............................................ 5 C. PresentEnvironmental Assessment ............................................. 5 D. ExpectedEnvironmental Impact & MitigationMeasures .... .....8............8 E. AltemativesAnalysis ............................................ 26 F. EnvironmentEconomic Benefit Analysis .......................................... 26 G.Environment Monitoring ............................................................... 27 H. EnvironmentManagement Organization & PersonnelTraining ............. 28 1. PublicParticipation ............................................ 28 J. Resettiement............................................ 29 K. BriefSummary .......... 29 AttachedTables .......... 30 AttachedFigures 2 mo-casi1 FgewmwEA Summary _ Beijing -Zhuhai NationalArterial Highway(ProjectIV) Linxiang- ChangshaFreeway in HunanTerritory EnvironmentAssessment Summary A. Project Background 1. The researchwork on Unxiang- ChangshaFreeway in' Hunanterritory of Beijing- ZhuhaiNational Arterial Highway (Project IV) beganin September 1992.The compilingwork of the feasibilitystudy reporton the projectwas finished by Hunan ProvincialDesign Institute of Communicationsand Surveyin May, 1994.In 1995 the projectwas listed as Nationalhighway projectIV financedby the World Bank loan. In July 1997 the carried out nationaleconomy assessment and financial assessment of the project,and completedthe revisedfeasibility report of the projecton the basisof the new resultof investmentestimate and traffic volumeprediction. In May 1998,the Hunan Provincial Design Institute of Communications finished the FeasibilityStudy Report of Linxiang- ChangshaFreeway in HunanTerritory of Beiing - Zhuhal NationalArterial Highway(_rgject l accordingto HPCD arrangementsand proposalamendments. In August,1998,we completedthe Two-phasePreliminary Design for Linxiang-ChangshaFreeway in Hunan territon!of the Beiing-Zhuhai NationalArterial Highway 2. Hunan ProvincialCommunications Department entrusted the environment impactassessment of the projectto the HighwayResearch Institute of Ministry of CommunicationMOC in September1993. The institutehas the Class 1 Certificateof EnvironmentAssessment issued by National Environment Protction Agencyof China. The environmentassessment outline of the projectwas given an official written reply by NationalEnvironment Protection Agency with Document No[1994]190: ConstructionEnvironment Monitoring in August, 1994.The environmentprotection office of the CommunicationsDepartment organized experts to examinethe environmentimpact assessmentof the project in February, 1997. In Dec. 1997, the National EnvironmentalProtection Agency(NEPA)approved the environmentimpact assessment report in NEPA document(1997)No. 845. 3.The Environmentimpact Assessment(EIA) and EnvironmentAction Plan(EAP) of the projectwere submittedto environmentexperts of the World Bank for examinationin November,1997. Based on the opinionsput forwardby the experts, the assessmentunit and Hunan Provincial Communications Departmentrevised the submitteddocuments and then submittedthe revised EIA, EAPand EA Summaryas well as the subprojectHongshi - Hengyang RoadEIA, EAP to the WorldBank in January,1998 for reviewing. 3 1WU4mdFromw wEA Summv , . In May 1998, the WorldBank pre-assessed this projectin Changsha,Hunan, and accordingto World Bank expertview and latest project progress,the HPCDhave submitted the EIA and EAPof the main road of this project,the EIAand EAPof Yueyangand Pingjianglinking roads of this project,the EIA, EAP of the subprojectHongshi - HengyangRoad as well as the EA Summary of this projectto WorldBank for reviewing,in August1998. In December.1998, the environmentassessment unit, based on the World Bankenvironmental expert's opinions, submitted again the EIA and EAP of the main road of this project,the EIA and EAP of Yueyangand Pingjiang linkingroads of this project,as well as the EASummary of this projectto the World Bank for reviewing.In Jan. 1999, reviewedthe revised edition of environmentalreports. The projectteam, based on the reviewingopinions of the World Bank environmentalexpert, revisedthe above environmental reportsand submitted to theWorld Bank. 4. The concemeddepartments in Hunanand even in Chinawere involvedin the examinationof the EnvironmentImpact Assessment, including environment protectiondepartment, research institute and colleges.The opinionsand suggestionsof influencedunits, non-govemmentorganizations along the freewayand especiallypeople influenced by land acquisition,dismantling and resettlementwere widely collected. 5. The compflingand examiningof Environment impact Reportabide by the policiesand principlesof ChinaEngineering Project Environment Assessment as well as regulationsin OD4.01 FnviramentAssssment of the WorldBank. Thefollowing are the mainlaws and regulations applicable to the Environment Assessmentof item IV of NationalFreeway (Hunan Section). Its environment standardis shownin appendixTable-1 and Table-2 and Table-3. (a) ErnvironmentProtection Law of People's Republicof China: (b) Air PollutionPrecaution Law of People'sRepublic ofChina; (c) EnvironmentNoise Precaution Law of People'sRepublic of China; (d) WaterPollution Precaution Law of People'sRepublic of China; Le) Cultural Relics PreservationLaw of People's Republic of China; ffi Water Conservation law of People's Republic of China: (g) Land Management law of People's Republic ofChina; kW Document No.(86)003 NEPA Environment Protection Management for Capital Construction Proiect: 4 linxiona.C h FmecwwEA Smmay (i No.(90) 17 Decree of MOC Regulationsof EnvironmentalProtection ManagementMethods for TransportationCapital Project; L Document(1993) No.324 Notice about StrengtheningEIA Managementfor the ProjectsFinanced by Intemational FinancialOrganizations 6. AssessmentScope, Standard and lime (a) The assessmentscope of air, noise,ecological environment and common body of water in the projectis the area of 200mto both sidesof the center line of the proposedfreeway. The researchscope of socialeconomy and life qualityis the areathrough which the proposedfreeway passes. (b) AssessmentStandard (I ) The environmentair assessmentImplements Class II Standardof GB 3095-96Environment Air QualityStandard; (II) Noise:In culture,education and sanitation area, Class I Standard(daytime 55dB(A),night 45 dB(A)in GB3096-93Urban Environmental Noise Standard is implemented.Other sensitive points, such as residentialarea, Class IV Standard(daytime 7OdB(A), might 55dB(A) in GB3096-93is implemented; (M) As to waterquality, Class II Standardin SurfaceWater Environment Quality StandardGB3838-88 and GB11607-89Fishing Water QualityStandard are implemented; (c) The assessmentyear is predictedto be Year2002, 2012 and 2022 according to featureof the projectand construction cycle. B. Project Brief Introduction 7. The proposed Tucheng - Changsha freeway,182.788kmlong, is constructedin termsof the freewaystandard in plainarea and light hilly area. The designedspeed is 120km/hthe subgrade28m wide and the pavement2 x 11.75mwide. Cement concrete is recommendedfor the pavement.Along the freeway,there will be sevenextreme-big bridges, totaling 2455.68m; 11 interchangesconstructed. The linking route is 12.330kmlong, totaling 3 linkingroads. Of which,Pingjing linking road is a class II roadwith a length of 15.536km. C. Present EnvironmentalCondition Assessment 8. Topographyand Relief The proposedTucheng - ChangshaFreeway and Pingjianglinking road is in the northeastof Hunan Province,on the east riversideof Xiang River, DongtingLake and HuanggaiLake, and to the west of MountMubu. The routeis in the mediumand low mountain- lighthilly relief.The terrainis high in the east and low in the west.The stratificationand stageof hilly areaare obvious.The top of the hill is perfectlyround. The hill-sideis in convexshape 5 linxiang.Cbag FreewawEASummwy wih normalslope of 10-30.Theriver valleyis open andwide and the basin undulatesgente. In the areathrough which the routspasses, the maximum elevationis 163.5mwh-e the minimumelevation is 30.34.In the sectionthe basicseismic degree is VI. 9. Meteorologyand Hydrology The projectarea is subtropicalmonsoon humid climate. In springit variesa lot, suddenlysunny and suddenlyovercast; in summer it is hot and usually occurshigh temperature; in autumnit is pleasantlycool; in winterit is dry and cold. The averageyearly temperatureis 16.2C-17.7 C with maximum temperature36'C-40'C andminimum temperature -1.2C-10.5SC. In a year the hottestperiod is July - Augustand the coldestperiod is December- Februaryof next year.The yearlyrainfall is 1407-1935mm,mainly in April - August.The frost periodis 218-289days long. The surfaceriver systemalong the proposedTucheng - ChangshaFreeway borderson ChangjiangRiver, East DongtingLake and Xiang River System from the Northto the Southwith manyrivers and largewater volume.The route passes by Xindian River,Chang'an River, LongwanRiver, Xinqiang River,Luo River,Mi Riverand LaodaoRiver. Each river has abundantrainfall which concentratesin April - August. The river is obviouslyinfluenced
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